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Newsletter December 2010

The 12th Ray of Deity and the Respective Energies

Color: Opal

Rebirthing, Right Breathing in relation of Rebirthing, Recognition of the First Impulse,

Active State of Ease, Venus Wisdom, Dream Work, Atlantis Wisdom, Work with
Reincarnation, Perception, Insights, Authentic Self, Gnosis, Revelation of Secret
Knowledge, Feminine Aspect of Divinity, Self-Guidance, Cycles of Understanding,
Universal Understanding, Universal Evolution, Universal Consciousness, Portal to the

We reached the end of the year and the theme is rebirth on all levels. The 12th Ray of
deity is very powerful as we begin to understand what great opportunities we have been
given to decide to change our lives in any moment, at any time, no matter how old we
are, what kind of education and graduation we have; it just needs an “aha effect” that
shows us that there is more to our lives as just what we are taught in school for our
professional carrier. With the wisdom of the 12 ray we reach a level of mastering our
human ego. We learned how to work with ourselves and we are beginning to merge with
our true eternal self. The opal ray is multi-colored - it contains all colors of all rays and
that means that we need to integrate all energies of all the rays in order to become whole
again. 12 is the completion of a year’s cycle and the Christian World is celebrating Birth
of Christ, year after year, as he was the Master of love, the one who showed us the way
how to become one with the highest God Self and to master the human mind - growing
into God in action on Earth. He begun a new cycle of evolution and his teachings of love
and self mastering were giving to us to bring us back on the way to understand who and
what we really are.

Cycles of Evolution contain many aspects and many different further cycles. Examples:
2010 we finish a huge solar cycle of 25.000 years - simultaneously we finish the cycle or
Era of Pisces and enter definitely into the Era of Aquarius. The last decade the two
energies of Pisces and Aquarius were interpenetrating each other so both frequencies
are available for all life to adapt, to let go and to integrate the new energies with all the
new teachings relevant for the new cycle of evolution. Every day of 24 hours is a small
cycle, every month and every year with all the seasons that are bringing yearly
renovation or rebirth. We can watch this in nature, as every life form is adapted to the
present situation integrating the knowledge and the wisdom to live the best of what is
possible with the given facts. Animals adapt to their region or change it every season.
We as humans learned also to adapt to the region with all the special natural effects. The
disrespect and abuse of mankind manipulating natural sources we interfere with the
natural cycles and set a matrix of destruction and we all have to live and to experience
the consequences. Planetary shifts are the effort and need to restore what we brought
out of balance.

Often the question is why people are not moving away from so called dangerous zones as
there is the Andreas Belt, close to a Volcano that erupt every two or three years in
permanent periods? We are living and adapt to the outer circumstances, but when huge
cycles and spirals of evolution are ending and a new one is beginning there are more
changes and rebirthing processes on so many levels that life as known before is shifting
into total new frequencies and that causes multiple changes within the planet, on the
planet, around our planet and so all life is automatically involved into the entire process
and individually affected. The process cleans and clears the human mis-created worlds
in all sections and old pattern are coming down to give space for the new creation.

We all together are entering a new spiral of evolution and we have free choice if we wish
to learn how to handle the new energies and teachings or if we just close down holding
on to the old pattern and habits that are losing their values in the next era of time. In
that case we will not be able to enter because our own inner vibration has not adapted to
the new cycle of evolution. To help mankind to lift the energy pattern and to adapt, all
awakened people are beginning to share their own experiences and to teach others how
to jump into the process and how to learn to heal the Self and to become a conscious
living person that expands to new horizons.

The Master Teacher of the Era of Pisces was Jesus - he came to bring the teachings of
love and light that had been forgotten for long time. When the Holy Books are
mentioning “people are living in darkness” that means they are living an unconscious
life of who they are. They are living in separation with the whole of creation and feel
isolated. In isolation negativity resides expressed by wars, abuses and all horror or
terror actions. The Question is: did we learn the lesson of love and light during 2000
years? More Masters have been sent to wake up mankind to come back to the deeper
sense of life and back to union and universal understanding and always people are
turning the teachings into a new religion instead to just learn from the essence of the
teachings. Religions are closing them into a structure and system of separation and
isolation from others. Everybody for the own teachings and feeling the value to want to
have “right” judging others as wrong.

The truth is that the new era teachings of love and light are hidden in all religions and
once we open our heart to the essence of life we will find high values in every religion
and just learn how to integrate the beauty and the wisdom of all for Self Development.
Each Era has Masters incarnating with the powers of the new cycle of evolution. That
means Jesus came manifesting and teaching the frequencies of the Era of Aquarius as
anchor for the new cycle. The teachings of Pisces are forgiveness, transformation of the
cross through love, forgiveness, finding back to oneness, recognizing all humans as
brothers and sisters, transform the Ego Self and reach a state of spiritual awareness.
Pisces was the Era to build up a base of union and of deeper understanding in respect
for all life.

It was also a cycle to bring back the Divine Feminine Aspect of the Divine God Self.
Without the feminine aspect humanity is losing the loving, caring and sharing energies,
the ability to follow the intuition and to believe in the power of voice of the heart and the
result is brutality and insensibility resulting in cruelty and criminality. Therefore Mary
Magdalene was the Key beside Jesus and what has been done to her image is a crime by
itself. She was also a descendant from a royal birth line equal as Jesus was and both
together had the mission to bring the balance between male and female powers back into
harmony again. As the Jewish religion does not allow mixing both sexes in the temples,
Mary Magdalene had a hard position amongst all the male disciples. They did not like
her, they were jealous because she was the closest to Jesus and that was the simple fact
that she has been defamed and villainized from the male disciples after Jesus
crucifixion; so her part of the mission became difficult and her gospel teachings were
banned and the mission of bringing balance into life between man and woman as equal
partners failed. The female aspect of Divinity still kept apart and the process of union
and healing the pattern of separation could not happen in an early state of the cycle.

The Holy Family left Israel and the “Maries” went to France and you can find Temples
in Honor of Mary Magdalene all over France and also in Glastonburry England where
Joseph of Arimathea went to teach in the region today known as the ancient Avalon.
During the entire Era of Pisces the truth about Mary Magdalene has been kept away
from the common population and all the persecutions from church in the middle age
and later as well as burning witches etc. was due to the fact that evidence of truth about
her mission and relation with Jesus came up and had to disappear. In consequence of
the twisted teachings the Era of Pisces was beaten up by religious wars, political wars in
accordance with religions based on interests instead of spiritual values, love and light the
Master had come to reveal to us showing us the way back to who we are and instead to
teach mankind the essence and spirit of all life in harmony, the teachings were violated,
falsified, disregarded and ignored for personal powers, profit and advantages.

Nevertheless the cycle of Pisces is ending and since 30 years ago through the opening
channel of 11:11 - the harmonic convergence held in Egypt, we can find the beginning of
an accelerated process of bringing balance back into harmony between the divine female
and male powers. All what men should have learned during the last 2000 years is
purring into the realms of physical truth to allow the shift into the Era of Aquarius, the
Golden Era of Peace, of love and of light. Light is equal as Consciousness and when the
light goes on darkness has to leave. That is the global and universal rebirthing process.
Madness has no space in the new era and all what is hidden darkness has to come to the
light and that is what we are living now - that is called the Apocalyptic Angels - as we
are experiencing the shift of one cycle into the next the cleaning and clearing process is
active with full powers. The Children born since then are coming with a higher
frequency and have a huge mission of helping to transform the planet. There are Indigo
Children (blue Aura) they were born in the 80s - difficult to understand for families
without spiritual education. Then the Chrystal children joined from the 5th dimension to
bring the new energies into manifestation - Being Love and Light and when they are
held in separation or environments without heart based families they get sick as they do
not match with the lower frequencies. They are all genius persons and when they can
enfold freely with assistance they create miracles of all kind. They are helping us to
understand universal guidelines and it depends on us to find out how to handle them.

The free will gives us the opportunity to integrate into the process and to adapt us to the
new frequencies through Self-Education, that means we become conscious of what we
create in our lives, we become conscious of how we create disease in our lives, of how we
create natural disasters and criminality, of how we create self destructive pattern and
how we can bring that back into balance again, just with the interest to want to know
more and seeking eternal truth instead human truth, to seek eternal values instead just
earthly values, to seek universal understanding instead only human material
understanding, to take interest on the inner hidden values of every person instead just
looking at the material values of others.

What we HAVE and WHO we are has to be brought into balance and harmony. We can
be rich and spiritual, We can be rich and good, we can be all in harmony and create
peace in our lives through the teachings of love and light that have eternal values instead
only focusing on teachings that serve us to get a good income. None of them excludes the
other one. Learning on both simultaneously brings us the light of how to heal, of how to
create prosperity, peace and happiness in our lives and on earth. Learn to reconnect
with the environment, with the animal kingdom, taking responsibility and take actions.
Integrate the new universal values opening our door to enter with the planet into a new
cycle of evolution. It is a honor to be incarnated in these times. We all have chosen to be
here, to learn, to teach and to be part of this universal, global and individual rebirthing
process. We all are undergoing the process but we are no victim of our times, we are
birthing assistants and rebirthing ourselves we help the global process.

Once we open up to our Heart we reconnect to our divine birth rights and we find again
the gifts and eternal values that are sleeping within our heart, our Soul and our Divine
Blueprint. We find the secrets of how to awaken our skills and faculties, not only the
material ones but also our spiritual eternal ones, we will be able to enter “again” in
realms of eternal truth, finding the powers of eternal life and the reason of our own
cycles of reincarnation. We begin to understand what lessons we have to learn in each
cycle and what it is for. We find inner connection to our sub-consciousness, dreams and
to ancient wisdom - we find the source of our being and we create happiness in our lives
just knowing that we are not a victim but an active tool of the global birthing process. As
result of our commitment to ourselves we find our authentic Self and our true identity
and now many questions might rise up in your mind

What does it mean authentic self? How can we find it? - Working on ourselves - How do
we work on ourselves? - Seeking guidance and people that understand the fully process -
applying the gained values and work on and with them. It is the beginning of a new life
Journey learning how to take the right choices that are a total match with our authentic
self - with our blueprint, with our life purpose, with our inner matrix - with our
individual space in the Macro Matrix of this beautiful planet we have been given to take
care of. We have to overcome our Ego based Mind and to transform it into a Heart
Based Mind and that means Self-Education. That are the teachings of love and there are
hands, arms and hearts that are always ready to guide a person into the next step and to
show the ways out of our individual chaos and inner turmoil.

When the Ego Mind says: I do what I want or I will get this or that on any “price”: that
can be totally against our own blueprint, life purpose and life stream, soul substance and
physical health, when our choices are coming strictly from the will power of our ego
mind, we will create ways that makes us run against walls and lead us on self destructive
ways and also disease - the will power of a heart based mind will guide us to harmony,
peace, satisfaction, abundance, happiness, Health and joy of life because we are choosing
the best in relation to our inner needs that then will manifest in the physical realm
through the right actions we take and there is a lot more to it.
What about our life song? Do we all know it? What about our Soul Song? Do many even
know that it exists? Do we know our inner blueprint? What is our life dance? Do we all
know who and what we are? Where are we coming from and where we are going to
when we leave this physical realm? What does it mean “eternal life” - what does it mean
“death will be an illusion and not exist anymore”? (look at the Angel Teachings in the
Angel Gallery of this month) What does it mean to live our life from inside out? What is
a heart based life? Why do WE have to take care of our planet? Who is responsible for
the horrors in our world and how can we stop them?

As more as we awaken and becoming conscious of what “the bleep” is going on as more
we understand what and how we have to do what there has to be done to have a
smoothie shift and to heal the world.

Michael Jackson was one of those Beings from the 5th Dimension. His Earth Song, Earth
Healing song and much more are examples - he was a heart based visionary, concerned
about the earth and all life - he expressed it through the text of his songs and his videos.
When we hear a song that touches our soul, tears are running down our face - those are
tears that are coming from the deepest realm within, where no wall has a chance to
build a block of any kind - it comes from our holy space and a deep longing to live life in
union - those moments we touch base with what we feel and not what we are supposed to
do. Stuck feelings are creating a mess within our life systems, emotionally, spiritually
and physically. When Soul touching tears are running down our face, we are in
connection with our blueprint and our heart is matching totally with what we see that
moment and we also wish to express deep inside - unconsciously - and we do not find a
way to our Ego mind because the Ego does not understand and does not care normally.
But our Heart and our Soul, yes they care about us and our lives and the tears are a tool
to rise up consciousness and help like we would like to help. I call them golden pearls of
joy. When we see that others are on truck we feel the call and the wish to unite with
mind like people we are able to take action and to follow that inner call to change. It
comes from our heart and our own inner voice knocking the door of our closed mind
asking to open up the portal and to follow the heart call. It is the call for love and for
shelter, for safety and for comprehension.

The resume of the years teachings is Love, love and even more and deeper love.
Awakening to the love we came to express and to share. What about your love? Did you
lose love for yourself? If we lost a moment the sense of life because of the many
challenges we are facing on global scale, don’t enter in desperation, depression and
agony. There is always a solution and you have a chance to recognize the deeper sense
and to start your own rebirthing process. All starts with us - recreating our life is a
rebirthing process - work on ourselves to understand our emotions and how to handle
them in a positive and constructive way are a rebirthing process - don’t give up when
you are down, ask yourself why you are down without focusing on guilt of another
person, just focus on yourself and you will find out that you come to a point where you
have taken the wrong choice for yourself and you will see the bigger picture. Our destiny
does not allow us to walk a way that is not in harmony with our inner blueprint. These
ways are ending in destructive pattern ending up in health problems, in fights with
relatives and friends, in financial disasters, but those pattern and events are only tools to
serve us to think and to bring all of us the new pattern, abilities and opportunities of
healing, changing and integration to become more consciousness being. As long as we
fight against change we create new disease and new disasters. We have to let go the old
life, to learn how to forgive and start over. Rebirthing means to bring all our old pattern
of separation we are stick in back into alignment with our Soul Song, blueprint and life
purpose and there is a lot of help out there to reach the goal

Wherever we are in this moment we are standing on the right platform at the right time
for the next step of our personal evolution. The task is to master our human Ego and
walk the way to merge with our higher, eternal, divine, authentic Self.

The 12 Rays and their respective teachings are helping and assisting us in uncountable
ways of Self Mastering. They are Ancient Atlantis Teachings from the time negativity
and separation did not exist yet. They contain all the Golden Keys and open new ways of
understanding and of universal consciousness. Once we have mastered our ego mind we
find portals to the unknown and the guideline directly to the Holy Source of Creation
(God) We are all part of that holy creation, we just have to wake up to it and to take
back what we have given away during the ages of time by free will and own decisions.

Opalescent crystalline energies are the frequencies that accelerate our evolution. The
Era of Aquarius is like the baptism to have found who we are and we start a new life in
the Golden Era of Peace. Let’s do it - all together as one and share the message

Christmas time - many Christians lost sense of the reason of celebration - earthly gifts
are the primordial reason and children only think in that fact to get many and huge
wishes accomplished. What about the gift of Love? What about Being the gift rather
then buy countless gifts to play with? Let’s remember the reason Jesus is born: to bring
Love into the world, to show and to teach how to heal, to indicate the way to find out
who we are (seek and you will find) and what we have to do in the precious time of
entering a higher spiral of evolution. Love is need in this world more then anything else.
Love makes us strong, Love creates miracles, Love brings peace and Love never ends.

2011 we will start a new series and I would like you to write me a little feedback of what
of the teachings touched you personally most, what personal value you could find for
your own Self- Education - Self-Evolution on your way to a deeper understanding. You
also can tell me what themes you would be interested to learn from in the next year’s
series - so I will be able to adapt more to what you and all my subscribers want to know
about and to learn on a deeper level as known.

In deep Love and Gratitude for this year’s journey we had together - we finished one
year cycle of Golden Key Teachings. May your life be blessed with all the wonders of
this precious time -let’s join in union of harmony, peace and universal love and live the
difference for all!

I also wish to thank all of you who found the way to work with me this year growing into
a deep friendship.

Many blessings

Regina E.H. Ariel - free subscription - info and tools - healing requests -

Books - Angel Art & Design

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