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Cockroaches flourished during the Carboniferous

Period its length range from about half an inch to inches in some

tropical species. Cockroaches are classified in order Blatteria (or

Orthoptera) family Blattidae.

Cockroaches are hated by everyone because of the foul

smelling oil it gives off. But worse than that, cockroaches are


mostly in dirty places like garbage and so on which means they

carry large amounts of dirt all over them.

Some of them lay 30 to 40 eggs at a time. They are


active when the sun goes down. Also, the cockroach’s feelers pick

up sounds that makes it difficult for us to capture them, not to

mention that they can run very fast.

Background of the Study

The researcher chose to conduct a study about the

extracts of ground up brain of cockroaches as a replacement

for antibacterial treatment because he wants to know what

kinds of diseases it can prevent. This also will be a challenging

experiment-which the researcher will enjoy- since this insect

extracts a foul-smelling oil.

Cockroaches may be pests or just nasty bugs in our

environment. They may just be small creatures that we stepon

in order to get rid of but what we do not know that they may be

beneficial to our own health.

Often depicted in as vile, dirty, and even garbage,

cockroaches are frequently referred to in art, literature, folk

tales, theater, and film. There were many movies wherein

political officials are compared to cockroaches like in

Creepshaw. If you would recall the film Men in Black, a giant

alien cockroach was shown as a predator who eats a farmer

then uses his skin to disguise itself as a human being. The

researcher also aims to use this as an opportunity to change

our point of views towards cockroaches.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to know if the extracts of ground up

brains of cockroaches are acceptable replacements for an

antibacterial treatment. It is ironic that cockroaches can be an

antibacterial when the insect itself is full of germs. Cockroaches


known to be pests but this study aims to know if it can be a

beneficial insect. The ones who will benefit are those that are

suffering from diseases like malaria. With some extracts from


ground up brains, they may be able to benefit them by fighting

those bacteria that make these people suffer.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to test the effectiveness of the brain of

cockroaches as an antibacterial. The researcher wants to answer

the following questions:

Main Problem:

-Effectiveness of the brain of a cockroach as an antibacterial



1.) Is it safe to use?

2.) Can it be applied to all ages?

3.) Will the gender of the cockroach affect the experiment?


The statement below shows what the researcher thinks about the

brain of a cockroach as an antibacterial.

1.) The brain of a cockroach cannot be an effective


for antibacterial treatment.

2.) The extracts from ground up brains of cockroaches are


safe to use as a replacement for antibacterial treatment.

Scope and Limitations

This study aims to see the effectiveness of the extracts of

ground up brains of cockroaches as a replacement for


treatment. The researcher will conduct her experiment on a lab


since it is always used by professionals in conducting experiments

meant for human. The experiment will last for about 2 weeks to


sure since the amount of extracts of ground up brains will be

limited because of the difficulty to catch a cockroach. The

researcher will be using three laboratory rats for the experiment.

The first lab rat will be the dependent variable of the experiment.

The second will have half the total amount of the extracts of a

ground up brain of an inch sized cockroach and the last will be

having the total amount.

Definition of Terms

1.) Cockroaches - any of a large group of swift running , chiefly

nocturnal insects having long feelers, and flat oval bodies,


species of which are household pests.

2.) Carboniferous - of, pertaining to, containing, or yielding


or coal.
3.) Antibacterial - able to fight bacteria

4.) Feelers - an organ of touch of antenna

5.) Order - a taxonomic category ranking below the class and

above the family

6.) Family - a taxonomic group higher than the genus

7.) Egg - a reproductive body containing the germ and food yolk


the cockroach

8.) Tropical – of or pertaining to or characteristics of tropics

9.) Conduct – to manage or conduct

10.) Blatteria – an order in the taxonomic category

11.) Orthoptera – or Blatteria

12.) Blattidae – a kind of family in the taxonomic category

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