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Galeh Razin Interview Format

1.- What were the needs that motivated you to participate in Galeh Razin?

General interest in energetic medicine.

2.- What were the desires that you want satisfy to decide took part in the first level
of Galeh Razin?

I was just curious, I didn’t have any expectations or desired outcomes.

3.- What more can we do to generate an extraordinary solution to meet those


I think the first few lvls could potentially be less expensive. Some feedback I’ve
received from people I’ve referred to the level 1 is that they would like to check it
out but thought the cost was prohibitive.

I think that adding in video regarding specific topics can be recorded, exercises and
demonstrations could be recorded and put up on the Galeh Razin website. This is
really a curriculum for learning, it is a school of sorts. It does start out with some
introductory information (level 1-2) then further levels get into more complex
topics and exercises.

One weekend isn’t enough for people, most of whom don’t have any experience
with this kind of work.

I think there is a huge opportunity to offer the classes in the same format but to
have the website be the centerpoint of the learning. A small monthly subscription
would allow all learners into access of all material on the website.

This way they could have a resource for ongoing learning and be able to be in
touch with other people working through the information.

4.- How Galeh Razin first level helped to you?

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Galeh Razin Interview Format
It has provided a framework and alternative perspective to explore meditation and
energetic concepts from another point of view.

I like the practice methodology, I like the exercises.

5.- What kind of conflicts do you like resolve in your life?

Much of the last few years has been a training of relaxation. A movement beyond
my perceptions and a release of a sense of ‘personal’.

虚 is the Chinese word for this concept. Often translated as emptiness or void.
Cultivation of receptivity, openness, sensitivity, and awareness – this has been the
focus in all of my work for the past several years.

6.- The duration of the course was the right thing, or how long you would be
willing to invest in a course of this nature?

I think the weekend was of sufficient time to introduce the exercises. See answers
to question 3 for more info.

7.- To your point of view, the depth of information is appropriate for anyone?

I’m not sure the info is appropriate for everyone. Even the intro is going to be way
beyond where some people are comfortable, which is wonderful, but will folks stay
focused as their comfort levels decrease exponentially?

I thought the lvl 1 info was right on spot. I’ve also heard some feedback that it was
way over their head and that kept them from really connecting to the information.

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Galeh Razin Interview Format
8.- How you knew about Galeh Razin and what do you think would be the best
means of informing more people?

I heard about it from a post on the Camino du Amor website. Zach had mentioned
the training and linked the details of the lvl 1 outline.

This kind of thing is best done through internal referrals. This way there is a soft
internal vetting that takes place that makes everything a little easier. The down
side of referrals is that it takes more time to ramp up and get going and requires

9.- Any recommendations that will help us to improve?

Lets get the online curriculum going 

10.- Any comments that will help us better?

None not already stated.

11.- You'd be willing to take an online course?

For sure.

1 to 12 enumerates the degree of importance based on your judgment of what you

would expect about the course, 1 being the most important and 12 the least

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Galeh Razin Interview Format
Expected results
Tracking service after having completed a course
1 Price or ability to pay
Performance Guarantee
3 Options, variety of products or services
Test support of other participants that have implemented the course material.
Quality results match expectations
2 More information about the product or service
Report more about additional products or services after each course.
The material will help you resolve conflicts
The material will help you make more money
Start with a low-risk proposition

I don’t really connect to this piece – none of these things really matter to me and I can’t imagine how
any of the training would directly translate into some of these things.

Making the entire curriculum, all the levels, available to see where the curriculum goes would be a great
way to get folks interested and keep them inspired. Also the price and fees for the entire curriculum
should be stated up front so folks can see what they are getting into.

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