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15 July 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

PSHE Consultation Before Delivery in 2020-21

I write to inform you about the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) provision which is
part of your child’s all-round education at Isleworth & Syon School. PSHE education is the
curriculum subject that gives young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical
skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives as well as meet their full potential.

PSHE education is taught throughout the school in every year group. All PSHE teaching takes
place in a safe learning environment, underpinned by our school ethos and values. It is monitored
and reviewed regularly by teachers as well as the governing body. Please visit the school’s
website here for more detail about our PSHE curriculum.

The PSHE curriculum is wide-ranging; however, if parents/carers can identify any other topical
areas for PSHE education which could prove valuable for our students - and is not already
covered - then do communicate these views with us by using this form. Where feasible, we will
endeavour to include additional issues into our future curriculum planning.

In order to meet the new statutory, legal government guidance, our PSHE programme will also
focus on Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). RSE lessons will include teaching about:
healthy relationships including friendships and intimate relationships; different types of family;
growing and changing, including puberty; personal hygiene; changing emotional feelings;
becoming more independent; keeping safe and the importance of consent; and developing self-
esteem and confidence. Students will also have opportunities to ask questions that help prepare
them for relationships of all kinds in the modern world. You can review our Relationships and Sex
Education policy here.

Be aware that parents/carers have the right to withdraw their son/ward from the non-
statutory/non-science components of RSE; this will involve Year 9 lessons within the unit entitled
‘Intimate Relationships’. Parents/carers can withdraw their son/ward up to and until three terms
before their son/ward turns 16 years of age. After this point, if your son/ward wishes to receive
sex education on ‘Intimate Relationships’, the school is legally obliged to provide this. Requests
for withdrawing students should be put in writing using this form. These requests will be
addressed to the Headteacher. A copy of any request for RSE withdrawal will be placed within
the educational record of the student. After receipt of the request, the Headteacher or a delegated
representative will discuss the request with parents/carers and take appropriate, agreed action.
Likely actions include the provision of alternative PSHE activities for the student who has been
withdrawn from RSE. These activities are likely to involve independent study.

Continued on next page….

As a school community we are committed to working in partnership with parents/carers. Indeed,
recent national feedback indicates how the overwhelming majority of parents continue to be
highly supportive of both the PSHE and RSE education programmes on offer within schools.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Stay safe.

Yours sincerely,

Ms C Lawler
Curriculum Leader - Humanities
PSHE Coordinator

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