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Trujillo has a lot of acccomodations, if you are looking for a fancy one, then you should aim for

the "Pizarro¿s Hotel" which is located in the main plaza, is one of the most famous in the city!

Trujillo has a huge diversity in food, you can find many sweets and salty dishes, take picarones
and ceviche as an example

If you are looking for things to do in the day, why don't you visit chanchan or "Huaca del sol"?

Now, if you want to experience Trujillians night life, there are a lot of discotheques located in
many points of the city

Trujillo is a big city, which means that if you want to get to a different place from the one that
you are now, you must have to choose between taking a taxi or a "Micro" (many trujillians use
the last one)

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