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In fact, liable linguistic logic’s policy is somehow translation traceability of governable importance

1 1−2⋅p
does think about proper way ∫ log (3)⋅log (2+ )∂ p makes pressure on what educational
0 2 1− p⋅(1− p)

behavior has to refer to. Although liable linguistic logic’s policy is waiting on what a strike ton ( phase
modulation is thought used around ∫ log (1+ )∂ θ does insist on possible development

impacts corresponding approach considers ( AND(soul(energy), (wait, wavy, thought)) does extract
mapping (mostly probably, poorest possibly) being aside apart involved within liable linguistic logic’s
policy ((measurable::amount, utility::tools), (instill::node, infuse::edge), (custom(event)::happening,
trust(time)::accountability( count a day away aware to be aware)) support for transition traceability to
1 1+ p⋅∫ key ( )
α⋅log ( )⋅log ( )
impose conceptual characteristics 2 1−p 2 1− p that targets digital campaign
2 1− p
1+16⋅(1+cos )⋅e

(LOW, HIGH) likely used and deployed on what digital pushing pressure on sensitivity concerns.

p⋅∫ key ()
Thereupon using ∫ log (1+ )∂ p which offers opportunity involves logic inserting
0 2 p+∫ key ()

impacting principles of transition traceability describes principles of sensibility (let assume that skin or
commonly language of heart is to congratulate sacrifice of feeling or sensibility). Therefore this
approach which does aim explain why logic transformation of inertial innerness or oneness has to
respond to a lot of aspiration and arrangement procedures are very closer to be used within appreciate
principles of translation terminology. Therefore, using “Early soul in body” principles which have to
demand on more what primitive processing puts confidence on Duality’s recovery ( early soul = soul
before any skeleton body but not any soul but a soul has to be (predictable processing ) inserted in a
body (embodiment concept). This dualism has to earn advocating concept on what transition
traceability ( making traceability that “Early is “before” any portrait image has to explain why a
compact gentile terminology (Early soul in body which justifies Duality’s recovery has to trust
principles of “Prophet Joseph the prince but later God is the King for any person-ship rushy looks to
explore principles of existence through uniform modeling approach does recognize principles of
prediction and hopes achieving success across any manufacturing implementation ”. Thereupon “Early
sizeof (ifstream)
sizeof (ifstream)−tellg( )
soul in body is a sensitive ∫ log (1+ ) that shall
tellg() 2 sizeof (ifstream)+ tellg()⋅ ∫ key (tellg())
tellg ()

decide whether translation terminology is rightly involved within great show of insistence around over
away. The empiric approach “Early soul in body” that would play a main role reveals trust in principles
of “acting “ (yeah acting on what a proposal person-ship has to aim running toward or looking for
(looking for great job at Intel or dreaming of harmony of worthy balancing benefits ) or of making
“pressure” process. Thus “Early soul in body, which has to own its touch ( size of( if stream ) = total
countability asking opportunity of existence (kindness of secret relationship:::meeting of Engels (God’s
instruments) within human gravity “would or wanna want predict things before any happening).
Because meeting a virtuality show does recognize advantages of intentional instrumentation (since care
of structural agriculture and farming would commit roles of implementable issues address principles of
choose (yeah making decision process is the complex process that has to celebrate ambitiously
advances does point to good sweetness in flavor of complete happiness shall obey to charges of
optimization ( learning mechanism of making decision : involving meaningfulness of sweetness, or
meaningfulness of great good sweetness, or involving cool signifying designation of meaningfulness
exposes the grammar of words (morphology ) (yeah grammar of words, sweetness, optimization,
enhancement, reparation, correctness, estimation, gravity, threading, powerfulness, greatness, …)
using enum{ sweetness = 1; greatness = 2; threading = 3; gravity = 4; enhancement = 5; …} itemizing;
Let take example “it will probably unfortunately get worse before gets better” thinkable prediction does
look for charges to explore the great role of enum{ sweetness = 1; greatness = 2; threading = 3; gravity
= 4; enhancement = 5; gentilness = 6; propriety = 7; comfortableness = 8;…etc ...} itemizing; which
has its selfish concept boosting on confidence of digital work appears very important to be likely
usefulness does seems having great access on insistence and importance thus the required cal to enum{
sweetness = 1; greatness = 2; threading = 3; gravity = 4; enhancement = 5; …} itemizing;. It is not
that this used enum{ sweetness = 1; greatness = 2; threading = 3; gravity = 4; enhancement = 5;
gentilness = 6; propriety = 7; comfortableness = 8;…etc ...} itemizing; to combine “character person-
ship or personality, and processing ownership (owning opportunity for processing, is subject of
commonly opportunity knows principles of testimony (if (processing == dropping) or while(processing
= dropping) or if( processing == enlightening ) or while( processing == enlightening) then { let move
around adjustment and arrangement reality in commonly sense hiding normality of appreciate
appointment on what human conceptual recovery gets awaken away only because the major main aim
object of existence is just due to extraction of “thoughts of accomplishment” in “early before”
establishment of envisage embodiment <=> school learning does insist on exploring the kindness of
relationship ::: it can exist Composite being somehow in Relationship with Minus(among, basic)
( among many … there is possibility or acting or opportunity or runaway or schemes to extract yeah to
extract basic benefit can guess whether associate assistance has to get good enough} . Therefore it is
possible processing justifies reality show on what “trust in selfish confidence “ tries to explain
principles of governable measures ( going to school because anyone around needs to learn more about
three taking over strikes or strength{ knowledge of the world or God, Creator Lord:: completely
exploited to scientist to administrate explanation of existence (existence of light inside sky, existence of
someone in Texas, existence of appointment respects, existence of respect of relationship, existence of
human thoughts, existence of kindness and empowerment, existence or partition and shielding around
across usefulness of instrumental tools would perform principles of predictable processing, existence of
open mind and apologized confrontation does believe that “instrumental of tools” has to insist on
resulting in reality of “devastating ( physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination; "a
crushing blow"; "a crushing rejection"; "bone-crushing")” has to affect principles of solidarity and
human collectivism around over away. Therefore it is opportunity to reserve reality of confidence if
valid valuation which has to assign appreciate assistance mission belongs to moral compass and
cooperative remembering of associate role. The “Early soul in body <= > is acting on what “Early <=>
law built in kernel worry about quietness and acceptance of concerns of soul satisfaction” working to
emphasize unified language of “Prophet Joseph is the Prince (chosen by Lord Creator God) and late
God is the king of any person-ship”. Thus the inertial dynamics judges experience searches on what
trust in selfish confidence (wanna want quietness across human accountability and keeping moody
hopefulness to plan more for future and around gracefulness). Corresponding “Early soul in body” that
refers to an inertial gravitational capability suggests that intentional improvement has to be made
around correctness all before any skeleton body. The principles of optimization is reality’s recovery
would state principles of quietness and soul’s satisfaction in terms of reminder show. Thus human
concerns is targeting “making decision” show to be entirely involved within a selfish defense calls for
reporting light bright of corresponding surviving days … “early soul in body :: early soul <=> kindness
of thinking all before about a check in soul works for adjustment of appreciate quietness …. The
importance of trust of selfish confidence shall push on increasingly harmony of existence ::: it can exist
Composite being somehow in Relationship with Minus( among, basic)
Appendix :
#define pi 2277

#define T0 1/4

#define Min(x, y) (x <= y) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) (x >= y) ? x : y

#define con( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min(p, 1 - p) + Max(p, 1 - p) : 1

#define diff( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Max(p, 1 - p) - Min(p, 1 - p) : 0

#define round( p ) ((p <= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min(p, 1 - p) * Max(p, 1 - p) : 0

#define periodicity( p ) ((p <= 0) && (p <= 1 )) ? diff( p ) * round( p ) : 0

#define wavy( p ) (( p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? periodicity( p ) / pow( con( p ), 3) :

#define qx( p ) (( p >= 0 ) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(1 + wavy( p )) : 0

#define qy( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 - wavy( p )) : 1

#define qv( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min( qx(p), qy( p)) + Max(qx( p), qy( p )) : 1

#define qu( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Max(qx(p), qy(p)) - Min(qx(p), qy(p)) : 0
#define qr( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Max(qx(p), qy(p)) * Min(qx(p), qy(p)) : 0

#define qs( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? qr( p ) * qu( p ) : 0

#define qo( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? qs( p ) / pow(qv( p ), 3) : 0
to jump away insisting on effect of enhancement and smartness. Thereupon it is subject of “elected
exploitation”, not only because 2Early soul” has to believe in moodiness and capability on whether
choice charges does extract records of “catch-try” turns ( how many times to insist on catch something,
then it does try development equipped knowledge would performs valuation and accountability along
over away. Thus this number of how many times “catch-try” processing has to cover or to insist on
while transition traceability shall define its “wanna want reporting innerness and oneness along around
trust in selfish confidence appeared responsible for adjustable arrangement has to discuss tactical
occasions does fight for earning expertise and effectiveness while digital battleground shall cover
principles of translation tractability and has to act on meaningfulness of optimization around over
away. Yeah compiler optimization does give hopefulness for any digital inventor to beat principles of
enhancement as long as chance for measuring improvement and moving movability reference to a
startup ( Early soul or std::ios::beg and a corresponding cursor (morality of thoughts, consideration of
body...) …. , in body = designing skeleton support to push on embodiment of eventual exploration:::
whereas morality of thoughts has to meet importance of considerable progress belongs or deals with a
body has to grow or discussing opportunity of usefulness of gradual infusing edges does mention its
eternity across over away.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>

#define pi 22/7

#define T0 1/4

#define Min(x, y) (x <= y) ? x : y

#define Max(x >= y) ? x : y

#define con( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min(p, 1 - p) + Max(p, 1 - p) : 1

#define diff( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Max(p, 1 - p) - Min(p, 1 - p) : 0

#define round( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Max(p, 1 - p) * Min(p, 1 - p) : 0

#define eval( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <0 1)) ? 1 - round( p ) : 0

#define periodicity( p ) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? round( p ) * diff( p ) : 0

using namespace std;

template<class T, class V> class ExtractHold{


ExtractHold() : ptr( ) { }

ExtractHold<T, V>(char* fn ) { fn, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

nbytes = sizeof( fptr );

occur = fptr.tellg();



ExtractHold<T, V>(std::streamoff& ix) : occur( ix ) {


~ExtractHold<T, V>(){


if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else{ }

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch ){

return( ch == key );

inline virtual bool ReCh( char* pch ){

if( occur == nbytes ) fptr.close();


fptr.seekg( occur, std::ios::beg);, sizeof( T ));

occur = fptr.tellg();

return( true );

inline virtual float SetFloat(){

if( occur == nbytes ) {


return 0.0000;

return( log2( 1 + (nbytes - occur) / (nbytes + occur * key )));


inline virtual void SetKey(){

if( typeid( T ) == typeid( std::streamoff)) key = occur;


char* pch = new char[ sizeof( T ) ];

if(ReCh( pch ) ){

if(typeid( T ) == typeid( char )) key = (char)(*pch);

else if(typeid( T ) == typeid( short )) key = atoi( pch );
else if(typeid( T ) == typeid( int )) key = atoi( pch );

else if(typeid( T ) == typeid( long )) key = atol( pch );

else if(typeid( T ) == typeid( double )) key = atol( pch );
else if(typeid( T ) == typeid( float )) key = atof( pch );

fputs("not possible to run away for any reason \n", stderr);


fputs("not possible to run away for any reason \n", stderr);


inline virtual void SetOffset(){

if( occur == nbytes ) fptr.close();


if(typeid( V ) == typeid( std::streamoff)) offset.push( occur );

else if(typeid( V ) == typeid( long )) offset.push( (long)occur);
else if(typeid( V ) == typeid( double )) offset.push( (long)occur);
else if(typeid( V ) == typeid( float )) offset.push( SetFloat());

fputs("not possible to run away \n", stderr);


inline virtual void InCrement(std::streamoff& ix ){

occur = ix;
float a = SetFloat();

if( a ) if(typeid( V ) == typeid( float )) offset.push( a );

else SetOffset();


fputs("not possible to run away \n", stderr);


inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual std::queue<V> GetOffset() const { return( offset ); }

inline virtual std::streamoff GetOccur() const { return( occur ); }

inline virtual std::streamsize GetNbytes() const {return( nbytes); }

inline virtual ExtractHold* Getptr() const {return( ptr ); }

inline virtual ExtractHold<T, V>* GetpObj() const {return( pObj); }

inline virtual void MakeClean(){


if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else{ }


std::ifstream fptr;

std::streamoff occur;

std::streamsize nbytes;

T key;

std::queue<V> offset;
std::ExtractHold* ptr

template<class T, class V> void OHold(std::streamoff& ix, std::list<ExtractHold<T, V>>& vct){

ExtractHold<T, V>* obj = new ExtractHold<T, V>( ix );

vct.push_back( *obj );

delete obj;

template<class T, class V> bool SetList(char* fn, std::list<ExtractHold<T, V>>& vct){

bool ae = false;

ExtractHold<T, V>* obj = new ExtractHold<T, V>( fn );

vct.push_back( *obj );

delete obj;

auto it = vct.end();

it = std::prev( it );

std::streamsize sx = it->GetNbytes();


T ch = it->GetKey();

std::stream oc = it->GetOccur();

auto ik = vct.begin();


if( ( it != ik ) && ( ik->operator==( ch ))){

ik->InCrement( oc );

if( ae == false ) ae = true;



ik = std::next( ik );
if( oc < sx ){

oc = oc + sizeof( T );

OHold( oc, vct);

it = std::next( it );

if( ae == true ) ae == false;

}else break;

}while( ik != vct.end());

}while( it != vct.end());

return( true );

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