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Basic accounting.
Every entrepreneur, be it the director of a large company or an entrepreneur who is just
beginning his adventure in the business world, must apply and let the accounting of the
company be part of the day to day of his company. However, it is true that, for obvious
reasons, the level of detail that an SME will reach will not be the same as that of a
multinational. It is important to be very clear and understand perfectly what basic
accounting consists of and what a company contributes. We will tell you.

What is basic accounting?

The definition of basic accounting can be understood as that discipline or science that is
responsible for the study and analysis of both economic and financial transactions that
occur in a company, due to the development of its activity.
This basic or general accounting is intended to record all these movements in the
accounting books that the company owns, but it cannot be done in any way. Companies
must carry them out according to the country's specific accounting regulations; in our case:
the General Accounting Plan.

The basic accounting will bet on adjusting the information to the faithful image of the assets
of the company. That is, to prepare annual accounts that are adjusted as much as possible
to the reality of the company.

The accounting information will be reflected in the financial statements that make up the
Annual Accounts, which are:

Balance of Situation.
Profit and loss account.
Accounting memory.
Statement of changes in equity.
Statement of cash flows.

Likewise, in article 25.1 of the Royal Decree of August 22, 1985, by which the Commercial
Code is published, it is stated as follows: “Every businessman must keep an orderly
accounting, appropriate to the activity of his company that allows monitoring chronological
of all its operations, as well as the periodic preparation of balances and inventories (…) ”.
Therefore, as we mentioned, every businessman, whether he is in charge of an SME or a
large multinational, has the obligation to keep a record of all economic-financial
movements, that is, keep up-to-date the basic accounting of his company.

Conceptos básicos de contabilidad

Para entender en qué consiste eso de la contabilidad básica o general, es importante
tener en consideración algunos de los conceptos básicos de la contabilidad más
1. Balance de Situación: también llamado balance general informe que recoge la
situación económica y financiera de una empresa durante un periodo concreto de
tiempo. Dicho balance de situación, a su vez, informa de la composición del activo,
del pasivo y del patrimonio neto de la empresa.
2. Registro de operaciones. Las operaciones económicas y financieras deben
registrarse en el Libro Diario y el Libro Mayor, desglosando las cuentas en dos
partidas: el debe y el haber.
3. Balance de comprobación de sumas y saldos. Documento que se debe
realizar trimestralmente, aunque también se puede hacer de manera mensual. En este
balance se plasma la suma del debe y del haber de las diferentes cuentas, así como su
saldo correspondiente.
4. Ciclo contable. Éste se refiere al conjunto de operaciones que realiza la
empresa a lo largo del ejercicio económico, que suele durar 1 año (desde el 1 de enero
hasta el 31 de diciembre).
5. Cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias. Esta cuenta registra todos los ingresos
(cuentas del grupo 7) y todos los gastos (cuentas del grupo 6) en los que incurre la
empresa, para poder reflejar finalmente el resultado económico del ejercici

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