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Writing Production

Unit 1 – Future Events

Task 2 – Writing Assignment

Presented by:

Cristian Guillermo Cruz Avila

Course Director Course Tutor

Lika Gobronidze Leidy Diana Sanchez García

Author's Note

Administration Student, National University Open and Distance “UNAD”.

Boyacá – Tunja – Colombian


The work next, it has been done in order to achieving compliance the giving the

models of autonomous learning, proposed by the National University Open and Distance

"UNAD", by part of a group of unadistas students; who, through of the acquired knowledge

and the practical experience, and together with the previous orientation of qualified staff

(Course Director - Course Tutor), have achieved materialize and understand the proposed

thematic . Therefore, this document cemented their efforts in creation of grammatical texts,

the use of clauses, the practice pronunciation, the narrative personal of past events and

express of advice, recommendations or demand, in order to the end at avoid disasters future

on the environment.


• Write about technological advancement and its effects on the ecosystem.


• Post in the forum: "Writing Assignment" the production designed.

• Perform interventions, related to the contributions uploaded by the partners or


• Collect and feedback the content of task 2, for developing final task.

Stage 1: Technology and its effects on environment (1st week)

Primavera 1 Mz # 5 Casa N.º 08, Ramiriquí, 153401 | 3132737594 |

Mr. António Guterres
United Nations, S-233
New York, NY 10017

I would like to start an inter-institutional debate with all departments of its

organization, related to the negative and positive effects that would cause the technology in

the future.

On the other hand, despite technology has conceded to world the opportunity at

grow in various aspects, is necessary develop means to protect environment and human life

of their collateral effects; for example: the global warming, the birth at strange diseases,

product of the radiation and experiments outside control, between other problems.

I will be appreciating much his help in this initiative.


Cristian Cruz
Student of Administration
National University Open and Distance “UNAD”

Stage 2: Technology and global warming (2rt week)

I consider that the technological trends are worrying, due to its effects; for example:

the global warming and specifically the environment pollution; consequence of rapid

urbanization, rising levels of consumption and exploitation excessive of soils; last action,

causative of the degradation of lands, natural resources scarcity and much poverty in

vulnerable regions, especially rural area; therefore, the impact of technology remains is

very negative in some aspects, in spite of its contribution to the economic growth of the

developing countries. Likewise, is reasonable think that if these continue trends, will

increasing natural resources scarcity, therefore, is necessary search fast and effective


Stage 3: What can be done? (3rt week)

I recommend that the governments implement corrective actions, in order to counter

these effects, as well as also, management meetings with the organisms of control, to create

regulation of environmental policy; for example: a climate policy that I searched is to take

actions to decrease of issue toxic gases and promotion sustainable development.

Finally, I would like to suggest restructuring all the enterprises protocols, oriented

to the use of radioactive chemicals, because it is necessary to avoid higher affectations for

the future generations, through the search of viable and fast solutions.

Stage 4: Write a letter – Final Consolidation (Stages at Writing Exercises)

Primavera 1 Mz # 5 Casa N.º 08, Ramiriquí, 153401 | 3132737594 |

Mr. António Guterres
United Nations, S-233
New York, NY 10017

I would like to start an inter-institutional debate with your organization, related to

the negative and positive effects that will be causing the technology in the future.

I consider that the technological trends are worrying, due to its effects; for example:

the global warming and specifically the environment pollution; consequence of rapid

urbanization, rising levels of consumption and exploitation excessive of soils; last action,

causative of the degradation of lands, natural resources scarcity and much poverty in

vulnerable regions, especially rural area; therefore, the impact of technology remains is

very negative in some aspects, in spite of its contribution to the economic growth of the

developing countries.

I recommend that the governments implement corrective actions, in order to counter

these effects, as well as also, management meetings with the organisms of control, to create

regulation of environmental policy; for example: a climate policy that I searched is to take

actions to decrease of issue toxic gases and promotion sustainable development.

Finally, I would like to suggest restructuring all the enterprises protocols, oriented

to the use of radioactive chemicals, because it is necessary to avoid higher affectations for

the future generations, through the search of viable and fast solutions.


Cristian Cruz
Student of Administration
National University Open and Distance “UNAD”


Help extracted of internet






Module 1 - Future Continuous

• UNAD, INVIL English (2019). Unit 1-1: Future Continuous. Inglés 4. Taken from:

Module 2 - Future Perfect

• This online content has as objective to show how to talk about the future; echo for

active listening; explore ways to talk about future and expectations. UNAD, INVIL

English (2019). Unit 1-2: Future Perfect. Inglés 4. Taken from: E-Book English IV -

Online Content.

Module 3 - Past Participle

• This online content aims to teach the students how to speculate and hypothesize

about the past; make negative deductions and speculations; describe preferences for

plans; make deductions and speculate about the present. UNAD, INVIL English

(2019). Unit 1-3: Past Participle. Inglés 4. Taken from: E-Book English IV - Online


Module 4 - Passive Voice

• This online content aims to teach the students how to talk about things that are

done; express emphasis on what is done, in the past; read and understand movie

reviews; change the direction of a conversation. UNAD, INVIL English (2019).

Unit 1-4: Passive Voice. Inglés 4. Taken from: E-Book English IV - Online


Virtual Information Object

• Gobronidze L. (2018). OVI-If Clauses. Taken



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