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Mandatory Mask Requirement Facts!

1. Experts across the globe agree that mask wearing is of little value:

A. (Various authority links)

s/face-masks-dont-work-revealing-review/ (Use entire link text as they removed this
page from the site).
C. (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
proves that even the N95 mask doesn’t stop the covid19 virus, so ANY other masks are

2. Mask wearing clearly damage health:

“So you want us to wear a mask eh?” (CO2 measurements in the mask… off the charts and in the toxic
zone in seconds…). All masks are meant for “single use” and clearly state on the packaging that they
do NOT stop covid19. There are other health risks including respiratory infection, bacterial infections
in the mouth and throat, and criminal attacks from masked individuals.

3. Dr. Fauci, the President’s health advisor, clearly stated masks do not help:

4. Want to understand how the covid virus testing is a scam?

5. Mask wearing is an attack on our rights and freedoms, and is a control measure being implemented
and tested by deep state and Democrat actors. “It’s Just a Mask”

6. Dr. Mercola, and Covid19 facts:

7. Tony Robbins-truth about Covid19...

8. CDC mask Deception

9. Breaking Down - Covid 19

by : Dr Kelly Victory


11. More proof the covid 19 scam is faked and immunity exists with many (or most?) already.


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13. New CDC and WHO Study Proves "No
Evidence" Face Masks Prevent Virus.


15. Reality Check | Why Face Masks Don’t Work,

According To Science


1. If the masks actually work, then someone not wearing one is not an issue, correct? If your mask
works, then stop worrying about mine. If a mask doesn’t protect you from the virus, then why are you
forcing me to wear one? If staying 6 feet apart prevents the virus, why do we wear masks? If masks
work, why do we stay 6 feet apart wearing them? See the manipulation, and failure to critically think
about this?

2. Requiring a mask for a healthy person is unconstitutional and has never been done with any success
in history. They inhibit our rights to choose our own health decisions, especially where such mandatory
mask wearing for healthy people is unscientific, and proven unscientific, and proven unhealthy.

3. Restaurants, bars, stores, etc., are not medical professionals or doctors. Trying to deal with medical
issues is outside the scope of most businesses. In preventing customers from entering an establishment,
you are discriminating against people with health claims, (felony) so for you to be making requirements
that actually counter known medical science, and support unhealthy actions in mask wearing is
practicing medicine without a license. Due to American’s with Disability Act and other laws,
businesses cannot legally ask about someone’s medical condition they are claiming or prevent them
from being there due to any medical conditions.

4. On the package of masks: Meant to be used once and discarded; Do NOT prevent Covic19.
They also harbor bacteria, moisture, pollen, dust, mold and potentially toxic substances. When wearing
masks, you touch your face (and mask) and eyes 10 times more than you would without a mask,
thereby transferring whatever is on the mask to many other things... ALL DAY LONG. The eyes are a
major portal for virus, pollen, dust, bacteria... entry, and are exposed at all times.)

5. So, knowing the masks DO NOT STOP VIRUSES, how is it that we don’t have millions of sick and
dying people across the planet? How it is that this, supposedly “novel” and “dangerous” virus hasn’t
done anything more than the yearly virus season... and actually less, except for democratic cities
shoving people with the active flu into nursing homes, killing 10's of thousands on purpose. How’s that
for “science” at work?

6. Ask yourself this... what happened to the yearly flu the world sees normally? Why has there been no
discussion in the news of this normal event since Covid19 showed up? Did Covid19 scare away all
other viruses? Are they all gone except for Covid19? Doesn’t that raise red flags for anyone who is
actually thinking? Everything today, worldwide, is now Covid19? Is that reasonable?

“If I can pretend your mask works, you can pretend I’m wearing a mask.” Stroppy Me (You Tube)

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Here is a sign many businesses are using:


* Those in our lovely government have “ordered” all healthy persons entering indoor
facilities to wear a mask that does not stop viruses.
* If you have a medical condition or concern that prevents you from wearing a mask, you
are exempt from this order.
*Due to HIPAA, Americans with Disability Act, and other laws, and the 4th Amendment,
we cannot legally ask you about your medical condition.
*Therefore, if we see you without a mask, we will assume you have a medical condition
and will welcome you inside to support our business.”

Use this or a variant for your business. If government tries to interfere, ask them for their license to
practice medicine, and for valid proof that healthy people wearing masks is scientific. Also ask them if
you are required to discard the HIPAA and ADA laws in place when dealing with customers. Video
tape every encounter with government. It will be evidence in future lawsuits.


If the terms “deep state” and “fake news” don’t have meaning to you, then you are not seeing the truth,
are being lied to, and have a shock coming. We have become lazy, and like sheep, are being led about
with lies, and easily herded when we have lost our own focus and understanding of what freedom, the
constitution and our rights are, and that they can’t defend themselves against this attack. Who has done
their due diligence in proving anything you hear about this virus or anything else government or media
tells you? We’ve become irresponsible in our vigilance of our hired servants and others we’ve trusted
for far too long.

Americans have trusted government and media for their entire lives, without any thought about
whether what they were saying or doing was right and true. Now, millions are doing their own research
into claims made by government deep state actors and fake news and finding them to be lying and
fraudulently providing information to control and manipulate Americans, and for criminal and political
purposes. This will be exposed in the near future.

Mask wearing is a means of “control” and a sign of fear, and sign of submission. Masks do not stop a
virus, period. It is promoted to see who will blindly or fearfully follow what they are told (sheeple) and
not question what the virus scam narrative is or the science behind it. We are losing our rights and
freedoms from ignorance and apathy and all without even a whimper...

Governments at any level have no authority to close businesses or to subject businesses to financial
damaging mandates outside proven, scientific health threats. The damage done to thousands of
businesses and millions of jobs is incalculable. Are we going to allow it to continue? I, for one, refuse
to wear a mask, being healthy, and will not patronize businesses that blindly require masks on healthy

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Many Americans get angry when they see others not wearing a useless piece of cloth? Why? Because
they “submit” to wearing a mask so “everyone” should have to do it despite the illogical facts that if
mask-wearing actually works against virus, then they have nothing to worry about, right? Are they
feeling ashamed and feeling “judged” for their wearing the mask? Peer pressure? “I’m protecting
others?” “I care and you don’t if you don’t wear a mask.” The mask “unifies” and is a symbol... “I wear
it because I care.” See the blind control and division they are forcing us into?

I choose NOT to submit to this insanity of mask wearing when it flies in the face of common sense and
science. Masks are purely a pacifier for those afraid of something they do not understand. “Patriotism”
has nothing to do with mask wearing and is only something that merely enslaves us. I understand,
however, that ignorance and irrational fear are mental health issues, so where I might wear a mask, I do
so because I do not wish to abuse the mentally ill among us, or stir up Trump Derangement Syndrome
in the Democrats and Libs who have soaked this fraud up to the gills.


We fight back with the truth, facts and challenge our governments, Federal, state and local. They are
accomplishing all this because we are NOT fighting back or challenging our public servants with the
facts. They are becoming lawless, and tyranny is here unless we do something, as the rightful creators
of government, to stop this nonsense.


There is growing interests across America to begin class action lawsuits against any and all involved
with this proven scam... governments, corporate, media. Make it happen!

Jeff Maehr

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