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Putting Phonemic Script into Word

1. IPA Typewriter

The easiest way to put phonemic script into a Word doc is to use the IPA Typewriter. You simply use the on
screen phonemic script keyboard and then cut and paste the script into Word.


We suggest you add this site to your bookmarks for easy retrieval during the course.

2. Adding Phonemic Symbols directly from Word

You can also input phonemic characters directly from Word if you have one of the following fonts installed
(most modern computers have them):

Lucida Sans Unicode

Arial Unicode MS
Doulos SIL Unicide

To check if you have them (and to add phonemic script in Word) follow the following steps:

Insert Symbol  Font (use the drop down menu to locate and select one of the fonts above)  Scroll down
the characters until you find the phonemic ones.

If you don’t have them, you can download them from here:

Doulos SIL (for Windows and Mac) -


Lucida Sans Unicode -

3. Problems

For issues in downloading or viewing fonts for both PC and Mac users please visit:

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