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How To Front-Run China's

$3.4 Trillion Master Plan

They need to convert a mountain

of rapidly depreciating cash...

Here's how to get your hands

on the one asset they need... 
At a 97% discount

Dear Reader,

China has a problem we'd all like to have: too much cash.

In all, more than $3.4 trillion of it.

This mountain of currency comes in the form of euros, yen, pounds sterling, and — most
of all — American dollars.

In fact, more than half of the Chinese foreign reserves are in U.S. dollars — close to $2
trillion at this point.

It's enough money to buy 1,000 B2 Stealth bombers, 140 nuclear-powered aircraft
carriers, or all the real estate in Manhattan two and a half times over.

Now, while you might think this is a nice problem to have, to the Chinese, it's not so nice.

You see, China's cash holdings, like I mentioned, are broken up into several major world
More than 60% is invested in the good ol' greenback.

Problem is that the greenback, like the yen and the euro, is a constantly depreciating

In fact, when compared to the dollar of 100 years ago, today's money buys you barely
4% of what it did back when Henry Ford was turning out Model Ts...

Which means the Chinese are sitting on a mountain of money that's constantly eroding.

At today's dollar inflation rate, Chinese reserves are shedding $40 billion in purchasing
power per year.
That's $110 million per day... $4.5 million per hour... $76,000 per minute.

In the time it took you to read the last two sentences, China's stash of greenbacks
became $12,000 less valuable.

And that's not even counting the other $1.4 trillion in foreign currency, which drops in
value at comparable rates as the European and Japanese economies tackle their own
debt crises.

Losses like these are not sustainable even for a stagnant economy. For a burgeoning
economy trying to support a rapidly developing national infrastructure, losses like these
are catastrophic.

The Chinese, however, aren't the sort to just sit by and hope for the best.

Even as you're reading this, they're making moves that will ensure their own economic
stability in the decades to come... and if it's something that has to come at the price of
the dollar's unquestioned dominance in global economics, so be it.

In a few minutes, I'm going to explain China's master plan to shelter itself from the
instability of a dollar-based global economy.

More importantly, I'm going to tell you about the commodity it's hoarding to make this

... And let you in on how private citizens just like you and me can use the resulting boom
market to personally profit.

But first, I want to show to you why the Chinese are doing what they're doing and
introduce you to the shadowy man — perhaps the most powerful economic official alive
today — who's pulling all the strings.

The Greenback's Retiring...

And You're Coming to the Party
(Whether You Like it or Not)
68 years ago, as the world was emerging from the destruction of the Second World War
to regroup and rebuild, one nation emerged a superpower.

And with its rise, the U.S. gave the world the almighty dollar, which has been used as the
world's default reserve currency ever since.

Whenever anything is evaluated today, whether it's a tract of land in Zambia or a

shipyard in Japan, the universal measuring stick of its value is always dollars and cents.

For about four decades after the end of the war, this all worked very well for the U.S.

America was the world's biggest creditor, produced most of the world's goods, sold
most of the world's goods, and spent most of the world's money.

It was only natural for the dollar to reign.

But eventually, sometime in the late 1980s, that balance shifted.

America went from a nation of producers to a nation of borrowers... on a personal as

well as national level.

For most people drowning in debt, the first step to recovery is to limit spending.

However, the situation is a bit different when you're the world's biggest economy and the
owner of the world's reserve currency.

To pay off its debts, the U.S. usually just prints more money...

Millions upon millions of fresh new greenbacks — because that's what the world runs

As a nation, it's this privilege alone that allows us to maintain the cushy lifestyle, the
public spending, the wars, and, most of all, the trillions in federal stimulus without
cutting into our wealth too much.

The dollar is, after all, too big and too stable to ever falter, right?

Well, not exactly.

As we print more to cover our borrowing, the dollar's value — which is conjured out of
thin air during additional late-night sessions over at the national mint — starts to
approach zero.

Which is exactly what's been happening.

Now, you might look at the above chart and claim that the rate of decrease is itself
decreasing. Heck, it's almost flat-lined at this point, so that's a good thing, right?

Again, not exactly... You see, the closer the value comes to zero, the smaller the
fractional increments appear on a chart.

Going from 10% of the dollar's original 1900 buying power to 5% doesn't look that
significant on a chart tracking the last 110 years of devaluation, but rest assured it's still
a 50% hit to your wallet as the price of everything from bread to gas to iron ore doubles.

And it's all because the Fed keeps pumping out those dollars... more now, in fact, than
ever before.

According to a recent Business Insider article:

It's exactly this policy that raises the dollar value of financial assets like gold and silver,
allowing people who are already rich (who don't need to spend all or most of their
income on expendables like gas and food) to become even richer as their hard assets
achieve higher dollar values.
But more to the point, it's this sort of thing that erodes the power of the dollar until, one
day, it's not so strong and stable anymore.

And then the unthinkable happens.

Dick Bove, vice president of equity research at Rafferty Capital Markets, sums it up well:

Generally speaking, it is not believed by the vast majority that the American dollar will
be overthrown, but it will be, and this defrocking may occur in as short a period as five
to 10 years... the United States will lose the right to print money to pay its debt.

After this frightening milestone is reached, things only get worse. According to Michael
Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies:

The No. 1 security issue we have as a nation is the preservation of the U.S. dollar as
the world's reserve currency. It's a thousand times more important than a nuclear
bomb being tested by North Korea. It's a thousand times more important that we keep
the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and yet we are doing everything to abuse
that status.
Unfortunately, this view isn't uncommon in the financial industry. In fact, it's almost
universally accepted, as evidenced by Sam Zell, chairman of Tribune Company and
Equity Group Investments:

My single biggest financial concern is the loss of the dollar as the reserve currency. I
can't imagine anything more disastrous to our country. I think you could see a 25
percent reduction in the standard of living in this country if the U.S. dollar was no
longer the world's reserve currency. That's how valuable it is.

I would like to emphasize one thing: The unthinkable event isn't just going to happen —
it's already showing telltale symptoms...

To most Americans, the first and clearest sign of the dollar's demise is rising food

To investors, however, the most telling symptom is how Wall Street responds to any talk
of ending the 'quantitative easing' that has been pumping phantom dollars into the
system for the last five years.

The chart below shows S&P performance during the height of the post-crisis bull

The line is color-coded, separated into periods of varying Federal Reserve policies
regarding the creation of new debt...

Notice what happens when the policy is to do nothing (marked in gray):

As a recent Business Insider article stated:

You're looking at 10%–15% losses, consistently, every time the flow of stimulus is

It happened in June 2013, when the DOW shed almost 700 points on mere whispers of
"winding down" the flow of money.

It shed another 1,200 points in February 2014 as the Fed underwent a changing of the
guard and "taper talk" continued.

The picture you should be getting in your mind now isn't a pleasant one.

It's an image of a gradually inflating stock market, powered entirely by an unstoppable

stream of fresh, crisp $100 bills, each one slightly less valuable than the one that came
before it.

Some call it inflation... I call it a death spiral.

And when debt grows to the point that mere interest payments become too much to
handle, that death spiral finally hits the ground...
... The U.S. defaults, and the dollar loses its status as the most reliable currency in the

Some believe that moment is right around the corner:

Five to 10 years — that would be an outlier. I would say 2015, 2016, that would be the
time when it becomes a particularly salient issue. When we're spending 30 to 50
percent of our revenue on debt service payments, we enter into a bond market crisis.
The dollar starts to drop along with bond prices. That would set off the whole thing.
— Michael Pento, president of Pento Portfolio Strategies

Now, think back to what I said about the Chinese and their $2 trillion in American dollars
stored away in their national banks.

Do you really think they're just going to sit around and wait for a massive chunk of their
wealth to evaporate because we dropped the ball?

The Chinese have done a spectacular job growing their giant, diversified economy over
the last decade or so.

They're not about to let us ruin it for them.

They will not sit back and let us drag them into another recession just because we have
a debt addiction we can't shake.

And there's a man high up in the party ranks whose entire existence is dedicated to
making certain what's happening here never happens over there.

His name is Gao Hucheng.

Who is Gao Hucheng?

We have our Federal Reserve Chairman... The Chinese have their Minister of Commerce.
A secretive man in control of the world's second-biggest economy and a multi-trillion
dollar foreign reserve war chest.

Like most individuals in Chinese politics, Mr. Hucheng's individual persona is


What we know is that he is Western-educated, multi-lingual, highly feared, and extremely


That much was expected.

What he represents, more to the point, is the most formidable enemy to American
success and the American lifestyle since the reign of the Soviets.

Unlike the Soviets, however, Mr. Hucheng has a real chance of accomplishing his

And it won't be done with bombs or missiles.

It will be done with the same weapon America has used since the start of the Cold War
to get its policies passed: buying power.

Right now, Hucheng's central bank is using its buying power to gradually, carefully (so as
not to corner the market and drive up prices) acquire vast stores of the oldest and most
popular financial hedge in the history of mankind.

For the last several years, China has been at it.

Even as gold prices took recent hits, the Chinese have continued their bullish attack on
the global bullion market with no end in sight.

According to Bloomberg:

But here's where it gets really interesting...

Official Chinese gold reserve holdings haven't been updated by the PRC's Ministry of
Commerce since 2008.

Back then, official reports put the figure at 1,057 tonnes.

In the five years since, rate of acquisition has been improving... to say the least.

In March of 2013 alone, even as gold declined 10% below 2011 highs, the Chinese
acquired 223.5 tonnes, bringing the total for the prior 12 months to 1,206 tonnes.
The Chinese remain mum on exactly how much they have, but by any reasonable
interpretation of their policies, it's at least several times their official reserve figures
stated back in 2008.

Even the most conservative estimates are anything but conservative:

In 2009, a State Council advisor in China stated that a group of officials and
economists from Beijing and Shanghai established a 'task force' to discuss measures
to add to the nation’s gold holdings. 'We suggested that China's gold reserves should
reach 6,000 tonnes in the next 3-5 years and perhaps 10,000 tonnes in 8-10 years,' the
advisor noted.

Given that they've been documented bringing in more than 1,200 tonnes in the last 15
months alone, many reputable sources place current Chinese gold reserves at
somewhere around 4,000–6,000 tonnes... putting them solidly in second place behind
the U.S.

But based on all the standard indicators, this is just the beginning.

Remember that China, aside from being the fastest-growing hoarder of gold on the
planet, is also the biggest foreign holder of dollars, with $2 trillion (along with $1.4
trillion in other currencies) in its coffers to add backbone to any financial dealings it
decides to engage in.

The more it has, the more wealth it stands to lose as each currency gradually inflates
away buying power.

Which means it needs to get rid of those greenbacks as fast as possible, converting a
depreciating asset into an appreciating one.

Or, as the Financial Times phrased it:

More gold has to be the answer... a lot more of it.

But how much, exactly?

Well, they'd need 77,000 tonnes of it to fully convert their $3.4 trillion in foreign reserves.

Of course, nobody has all of their foreign reserves in gold... not even the U.S., which
keeps 76% of its reserves in gold.

For the Chinese, whose foreign reserves are 22 times greater than the U.S.'s, just
matching the U.S.'s 76% gold/foreign currency ratio would require 58,000 tonnes — or
about one-third of the total gold ever mined in the history of the world.

This puts China in a bad spot.

They can either sit and watch their cash inflate... or go out and snatch up all the gold
they can find.

Every day the Chinese central banks stay in these dollars, euros, and yen is another day
spent watching their wealth take this sort of trajectory:
While gold maintains this one, along the same timeline:

Which would you choose to own?

The one that lost 30% in 10 years, or the one that gained 400%?

Want an example that will really put things into perspective?

Check out this simple comparison...

Back in 1917, 13 ounces of gold was worth $260... Roughly the price of one Model T —
the car that made Henry Ford rich and his name synonymous with the American
automotive industry.
Today, that same 13-ounce nugget, now worth close to $17,000, would buy you a
respectable Chevy Volt.

$260 in cash, on the other hand, might get you an iPhone... With a 2-year service
contract, of course.

Putting all this together, you can see the Chinese plan to turn the yuan into the world's
premier gold-backed reserve currency isn't some sort of devious plot or conspiracy.

It's more like their only way out...

The American dollar will lose its stability and footing just as the British pound did before
it — only instead of a world war, it will be the post-Great Recession printing campaigns
that did it.

What you need to take away from this is that the Chinese hold more greenbacks and,
very likely, more gold than anybody besides the U.S. itself.

Their natural tendency, as the dollar loses buying power, will be to trade one for the

Dollars for gold... A depreciating asset for an appreciating one... Putting more and more
tonnage of that yellow metal in their own version (or more likely, versions) of Fort Knox.
Right now, despite China's characteristic silence on the topic, the evidence all points to
just this:

As one falls... the other rises.

As they do this, the stage will become set for their ultimate goal...

Ending the reign of the dollar by backing the yuan with the world's biggest gold reserve...

... And succeeding the U.S. as the world's leading economic power.

Front-Running a $3.4 Trillion "Supertrend"

What does this mean to you and me?

It basically means that for the next couple decades at least, China will work day and
night to import and produce as much gold as their 1.3 billion sets of hands can.

And in case you think they'll get spooked by down-trending gold prices, think again.

This isn't your typical skittish precious metals investor.

The Chinese know what they're doing.

The culture in Asia is such that they will absorb the physical metal when the price
— Dick Poon, Hong Kong-based general manager at refiner Heraeus

While average gold demand in other major markets remains basically stable, China's
continues to grow.

But there's still a long, long way to go.

In order to achieve even a reasonable gold/foreign exchange ratio (say, 50%), they would
need to be either importing or producing close to 3,000 tonnes per year for the next ten

In 2012 — their banner year for gold acquisition — they only managed to produce/import
about 1,200 tonnes.

So even with acquisition rates hitting new records monthly, they're only getting warmed

According to the World Gold Council:

If gold demand in China continues to accelerate and becomes more comparable with
other major markets, we expect it to double in tonnage terms within the next decade.

To me, that sounds like a serious economic trend in the making.

To me, that sounds like something that, a few years from now, you'll kick yourself for

Go Where Chinese Bankers Cannot

China's problem of too much cash is the private investor's greatest advantage...

You see, with that much money to convert, Chinese investment bankers will rarely, if
ever, get to participate in the one sector of the gold market that has time and time again
beaten gold percentage gains by leaps and bounds.

I'm not talking about gold certificates or ETFs. I'm definitely not talking about physical

I'm talking the early-stage gold plays... The companies that make the big discoveries...

... The companies that excavate, produce, and refine the gold for the first time.

It's the absolute ground floor of the gold market.

Think of it this way...

On the one side, you have the Chinese and their $3.4 trillion war chest, as well as a few
million private investors from around the world, looking for hard assets to hedge against
inflation and other destabilizing economic forces.

And on the other side is you... owning shares in a company that produces the gold itself.

Not sales or resales. Actual production of pure, nontarnishable, yellow gold.

When you invest in mining exploration companies, you are effectively paying for shares
of the properties they own and the unrefined gold within those properties.

You're investing in the future production of that gold — often hundreds of millions or
even billions of dollars' worth — but you're paying for shares in a company often valued
at less than $100 million... Sometimes even less than $50 million or $20 million.

Just imagine... a $20 million company sitting on $2 billion worth of gold.

If you think that sort of math is unique, you'd be wrong. It's actually somewhat common.

Companies with resource values tens or even hundreds of times their stock values are
out there, working day and night to pull that gold out of the ground and make their
owners filthy rich.

It's this kind of investment that was making overnight millionaires decades before the
first dot-com IPO ever saw the light of day.

But because these companies are so small and can only support a couple dozen, maybe
a couple hundred private investors at a time, the big bad Chinese don't get to participate.

Instead, China's monstrous demand for the metal guarantees that all those companies
searching for and digging up the gold will always have a willing buyer for the final
product once it's out of the ground.

Which is why China's problem is your biggest advantage today.

However, you should know that finding the best of these companies isn't always easy.
You really need to know how the business works and, most of all, the people involved.

You need to understand which companies are winners and which are going nowhere.

You need an expert with a recognized name and a proven record.

That's where I come in.

An Industry Where
Everybody Knows My Name
My name is Nick Hodge.

Just about anyone familiar with the investment newsletter industry, either as a reader or
as an insider, knows who I am.

For the last seven years, I've been a regular on the investment lecture circuit and a
routine guest speaker on major media outlets like Yahoo!, Stock News Now, and The
Business News Network.

The reason I'm in demand is that during my career, I've developed one of the most
consistently profitable portfolios in existence anywhere in the industry — with
thousands of premium subscribers who use my recommendations as the very
foundation of their investment activities.

How do I know?

The most obvious way there is.

Every day, I get messages like these in my inbox:


That's a lot of pretty profound praise for a guy who's only 30 years old.

But I'm not here to talk about personal achievements or wealth... I want to talk about
what I consider to be the most important goal of wealth management today.

You see, even from a young age, I knew there was no such thing as a free lunch...

I started a landscaping business by the time

I was 12 years old. I made up my own fliers,
maintained a client list, and billed them with
invoices I made on the computer.

I took to business like a retriever takes to

water. It just came naturally. I was drawn to

But even more than innate leadership and

drive is a looming notion I've had since high school that something was wrong with "the

The notion that nothing was real anymore... That all modern valuations were based on
debt and unsubstantiated speculation, and that neither model would hold up well in the
long-term when it came to building and maintaining a serious portfolio.

I made it my life's mission to become independent of the system, to build my wealth to

the point where things like employment and inflation no longer mattered.

The problem was, few people saw what I was seeing.

Maybe you feel the same way.

I saw zombies — or worse, actuaries — being created. And it seemed like no one even
noticed the meat grinder they were being put through.

Not me. I refused to be pigeonholed. I refused to choose from a template of futures:

doctor, lawyer, teacher, et cetera...

All I knew was I wanted to be successful — and on my

own terms.

Maybe you felt — and still feel — the same way.

You see, I grew up on a farm, which meant cutting

firewood, fixing fences, working on the well for the
barn, tilling, planting, managing livestock, building
wagons, and baling hay. I learned how to fish and hunt from my father. And later, I
learned to be a butcher as I worked through college.

Today, I can catch or shoot dinner, skin it, dress it or fillet it, and cook it. In fact, my
freezer is full of venison, wild fowl, fish, and other game.

When it comes to money, I have no non-mortgage debt. Plus, I manage all my own
finances — including a SIMPLE IRA, traditional IRA, and brokerage accounts totaling
hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Professionally, I've written two best-selling books about investing and have helped
thousands of individuals make a lot of money with my financial research over the past
few years...

I'm talking about gains like:

Organovo Holdings — 102.46% gains... Natcore Technology — 128.81% gains... DNI Metals
— 113.33% gains...
Alternate Energy Holdings — 115.91% gains... JA Solar — 101.97% gains

These are just a handful of the dozens of winning recommendations I've made to others
over the past few years.

Had you invested in any of those plays, you could have easily doubled your money...

So why is all this important?

Well, earlier I mentioned the most important goal of wealth management.

To anybody who hasn't yet achieved it, the best way to phrase that goal is: Total financial
independence from employment income and current/future debt.

Or more succinctly: Freedom from your paycheck.

To spread the knowledge I've amassed on how to immunize yourself from revolving
debt, recession, and unemployment, I created a new investment and lifestyle community
called Like Minded People.

Initially, I offered to Like Minded People subscribers a handful of reports crucial to

anybody striving to live a debt-free existence.

This collection is the cornerstone of any realistic plan to build and protect net worth in a
time when stagnation and wealth-dilution is the only reality many of us remember.

The reports are titled:

"Bucking the System: Your 3 Simple Steps to Get Started"

"My Secret to Real Wealth: The 3 Investments You Must Own Today that have
Nothing to Do With the Stock Market"

"How to Break the Bank: The Best Way to Protect Your Wealth"

And they could easily make or save you tens of thousands of dollars this year alone.
But that wasn't enough...

So I created some potentially controversial (yet incredibly

useful) reports for new members, including:

"On Our Own Together: The Foundation of Like

Minded People" — I reveal why I've created this
community — and the numerous ways you'll benefit as
a new member.

"Freedom from Centralized Power: What You REALLY

Need to Know about Guns and Precious Metals" — In
this report, you'll discover the five simple steps you
can take over the next few weeks to significantly
make yourself (and your family) 10 times more self-
reliant and less dependent on "the system."

"Energy Independence: A Guide to Turning the Table

on the Utility and Gas Companies" — While most
people are burdened with higher fuel and utility bills, a
growing number of people are discovering the
exceptional energy investment opportunities that
allow them to make substantial profits by investing in select energy sectors. In this
report, I'll show you where to get in on these plays over the next several years —
where your gains could easily pay for your gas, heat, and electricity... but possibly
even your mortgage payments, too!

"The Next Level: Capitalizing On Market Shifts" — As you may know, each time the
markets shift, people stand to make a substantial fortune... However, most people
don't recognize when these shifts are going to happen. In this special report, you'll
discover where I see the upcoming shifts occurring... and how to profit from them.

Today, I'm taking it a step further...

What I'm offering to you right now, if you agree to sign up for a 100% risk-free test drive
of Like Minded People, isn't a book or an instructional manual.

It's a single stock — designed specifically to play into China's $3.4 trillion secret gold-
buying campaign and allow you to cash in gains quickly, reliably, and repeatedly.

It's the simplest plan of them all, and it will very rapidly help you to achieve a debt-free
existence by increasing your liquidity.

Because after all, long-term strategies are important, but there is no over-emphasizing
the importance of cold, hard cash.

And this is just the investment play to make it happen for you.

Sign up to Like Minded People by clicking the link at the end of this presentation, and get
immediate access to your exclusive copy of, "The Golden Key: Front-Running China's
$3.4 Trillion Gold Plan."
Inside, you'll quickly get briefed on why this is a one-step strategy to making China's
buying spree work for you.

Because let me assure you, the numbers from this company's main project in central
Idaho are pretty staggering:

There are more than 4 million ounces inferred, boasting enviable precious metal
concentrations on easy-to-mine, low-risk, readily accessible, open pit sites.

They project a total cost per ounce of gold produced at less than $450 — meaning that
even in today's market, that's over $800 of profit for every ounce extracted once
production really takes off.

Now, to put this into perspective... This company's plan is to hit annual production of
390,000 ounces on this property — if it isn't bought out by a major gold producer first.

At today's prices (which this rapidly-unraveling Chinese conspiracy is starting to drive

upwards even as you read this), the company stands to log profits of over $310 million
annually for the life of the mine, which is expected to be about eight years.

For a company whose stock still trades below $2 with a total market capitalization of
less than $160 million, this sort of revenue would make history.

Just think... almost twice the value of the company back in net revenue every year.

If the image I'm painting here seems aggressively optimistic, there's a reason for that.

This company's management team might be its most valuable asset yet.

More than a century of industry experience and billions in collective market

capitalization growth under its belt puts this group into a class of its own.

You see, when gold properties of this caliber are properly managed, annual returns of
500%, 600%, even 1,000% are not unheard of.

Three- and four-figure gains might seem impossible in other sectors, but in precious
metals mining, they are the hallmark of talent and due diligence.

Now, I can't give you too many details on the company that owns this world-class gold
property, but I will say this:

If you had to choose a single, well-managed, perfectly balanced, cash-rich firm (this
company holds more than one-third of its book value in cash reserves, making it one of
the most liquid among its peers) to ride out the Chinese run on the global gold supply,
this is the one.

In fact, it would be a buy even without the Chinese working around the clock to hoard
the world's gold.

Want to know why?

Well, it involves a crucial industrial metal... One whose name few know but is
nevertheless an endangered species today from overuse.
This metal is vital to modern industry because it's used in the production of everything
from ball bearings to firearms ammunition to fire retardants to industrial solder.

However, as seems to be happening more and more often these days, the Chinese are
already the world's biggest producer of this metal, with 90% of the market locked up.

Global supplies are starting to dwindle as the Chinese tighten their grip on exports.

And yet there's only one mine producing this metal in all of North America.

Well, the management team behind my new gold miner is seeing to it that all that
changes... because they plan to hedge their investments by producing this industrial
metal right alongside gold.

It's staring them in the face, it's worth billions, and there are almost no additional
production costs.

Want the bottom line?

You remember that list of past recommendations I listed earlier? All percentage gains
were well into the triple digits.

I think that sort of record gives me the authority to say this one might be the biggest hit

Six months from now, chances are I'll be listing it first in the list of my best winners.

This one is so undervalued right now that its small silver reserves alone account for a
full half of its market capitalization.

Just understand this: A disconnect between net worth and market cap of this
magnitude will not last forever.

By the time this company's book value starts to reflect the value of the resources it
owns, this stock could technically rise as much as 100-fold.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. There's a lot you should know about this company, and
I'm letting you have access to the one place where you can get it all:

Get your free copy of "The Golden Key: Front-Running China's $3.4 Trillion Gold Plan,"
and in the next few minutes, learn every last detail you need to know about this
Once you do, I can almost guarantee you'll agree with everything I've said above.

And that's not all you'll get if you agree to try out my service today.

Not by a long shot.

As a premier member of Like Minded People, your privileges will include:

Complete 24/7 online access to a special forum where you can interact with me
and other members of this community... asking and answering each other's
questions and exchanging ideas on investing, wealth preservation, self-reliance,
privacy protection, and much more...

12 monthly issues of the Like Minded People newsletter emailed to you each
month where you'll discover: Unique investment opportunities that could
consistently grow your wealth, no matter how much or how little you currently
have, and strategies on how to (legally) live outside "the system." Plus, you'll also
be able to access these monthly issues from your computer or even your cell

Investment alerts and updates that you'll receive by email letting you know about
special investments I'm researching. I also address our portfolio and any actions I
recommend you take with our positions. And while we cannot offer personalized
advice during these updates, we also publish answers to questions or comments
we get from our members here.

Now, you may be wondering what it costs to join Like Minded People.

The easy answer to that question is: nothing.

I told you this was a risk-free trial. Here's how it works:

I always offer my readers a trial period — a test drive — during which you can use my
service and check out all it has to offer.

If for any reason you don't like it, you can call in for a full, no-questions-asked refund.

Usually this test drive lasts a month or two.

Today, that changes.

When you try out a membership to Like Minded People today, you can take the next 12
months to make up your mind.

Just let me know that you'd like to give Like Minded People a risk-free look today, and
we'll make sure you receive everything I mentioned in this report.

If you decide the ideas are too "out there" for you... or that you are better off sticking
with mainstream conventions... simply let us know, and I'll make sure you get back the
money you paid.

Believe me, there's no shame in asking for a refund.

The ideas I'll share in the newsletters and the updates, along with the ideas you'll hear
about in the online forum, are certainly not for everyone.

In fact, anybody hesitant to take advantage of time-sensitive, immediately actionable

information should probably stop reading right now.

Some people just have a hard time going out of their "comfort zone." And I understand

However, that's exactly why my strategies work so well — and why they can work to your

You see, if everyone was using these techniques and secrets and everyone felt
comfortable with them, well... they'd become mainstream, and their effectiveness would
basically disappear.

The nice thing is that by accepting this invitation today, you are agreeing only to try out a
membership to see if you like it.

Trying out a membership in this "club" puts all the risk on MY shoulders: Either I live up
to the claims I mentioned today, or you get ALL your money back.

Not some of it... not a pro-rated amount... We will refund every single penny you paid.

It's as simple as that.

And just as I promised you earlier, you'll get to keep the report, "The Golden Key: Front-
Running China's $3.4 Trillion Gold Plan," completely free of charge.

The membership fee for Like Minded People, by the way, is only $199 for one full year.

That's just 54 cents a day.

At that price, I am sure there's no better bargain for access to this kind of financial
research and proven wealth-building strategies.

As I say, it's highly unlikely you'll hear about these ideas anywhere else... and the fact
that you can get all of this information for less than $1,000 is simply amazing. Believe
me, it is worth many, many times that price.

And believe it or not, the deal gets even better...

Because I'm still actively building Like Minded People's readership, you can become a
Charter Member and pay 50% LESS than what we'll ask future subscribers to pay.

Instead of paying the normal price of $199... you'll get a full year's membership,
including everything I mentioned here, for just $99.

That comes to just 27 cents a day, and it could possibly be the best investment you ever

There is, however, a catch in order to qualify for this deal...

You see, this is the first time we've ever set up a membership community like this. And
as a result, we're building out our infrastructure for it slowly. Which means we can only
enroll 5,000 new members this month.

While that may sound like a lot, when you consider this report will be seen by millions of
people, those spots are sure to fill up rather quickly.

So if you click on the link below to enroll and all the spots are full, you'll be placed on a
VIP priority notification list... and you can get started when we open up more spots next

I sincerely hope you take advantage of this unique opportunity to join our growing
community of Like Minded People.

Simply click the link below to get started before this half-off Charter Membership offer

I look forward to welcoming you as a new member.

Click Here.


Nick Hodge
Founder and Publisher, Like Minded People

P.S. The recent completion of a massive test drilling program totaling close to 12,000
total meters drilled is clear evidence that we're nearing the end of the exploratory phase.
Cash reserves are in place, reported gold concentrations are as high as 9 grams/tonne,
and recent stock-buying activity indicates the same thing: we could see a ramp-up into
production as early as summer 2014. Do not miss what could be the last chance to get
in before it all begins.

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