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Operation management is an important source of competitive advantage in today’s environment

to illustrate our view.

Operation management is an area of management concerned with designing and controlling the
process of production and redesigning business operation in the production of goods or service.
It involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operation are different in terms of meeting
custom requirements. It is primarily concerned with planning organizing and supervising the
process of production, manufacturing or the provision of services.
Using Dell Computer Company as a case study we notice the following competitive advantages
as a result of its practice of operation management.
Quality: The way in which the Dell Company will ensure that the product’s specification are
met. This may include the use of statistical process control, total quality management, six segma
with Dell making sure that products are high quality more than that of a rivalry, and it would
have a competitive advantage in its today’s environment.
Location: important decisions such as how many locations and where to locate them are critical
to Dell company success, this would be a major factor in terms of how quickly the
transformation process can take place and how quickly goods can be shipped to customers. Just
with the fact that Dell operates with just in time production, this would enable quick
transformation to take place and the goods quickly shipped to customers, with this type of
operation management, Dell will have a competitive advantage over its competitors in its today
Supply chain decision: When Dell takes decision in term where suppliers are located and the
level of suppliers collaboration are major considerations that impact cost and delivery speed,
with this, dell will have a competitive advantage over it competitors if it takes good decision of it
supply chain in its today’s environment.
Scheduling: When Dell company schedule production, resources and employees in order to be
effective, efficient and meet commitment to customers as they carryout operation management,
they will have a competitive advantage over its rivalries in its today’s environment
Design of goods and services: Dell’s actual design of their product or service will have the
largest impact on the cart to produce and the quality to achieve, thereby giving them unique
attributes which will help them have competitive advantage in their operation management
unlike their rivalries.
Maintenance: When Dell carries out its operation management while maintaining equipment and
machinery as well as keeping quality high and processes stable, with these taken into
consideration, Dell will have a competitive advantage over it rivalries as their carry out their
operation management in areas of firm or operate multiple types of technology, and also ensures
that they can get new products to market quickly and transition from making one product to
another quickly and also strive to be able to abruptly modify the volume of the output in case the
need or opportunity arises. With all these being practice by Dell in its operation management,
they will have a competitive advantage over their competitors in their today’s environment.
Cost: When Dell realize that its customers prioritize price, Dell will be very interested in having
processes that enable them to keep their cost low. The company will typically pay close attention
to identify and eliminate waste within their operation s. By reducing defects, Dell will reduce
costs. The firm will be closely monitoring and seeking to improve the productivity factors such
as resource utilization and efficiency will be important without the above measures taken into
consideration, Dell will have a competitive advantage over its rivalries.
Delivery: When dell realizes that it customers prioritize speed of product and service delivery,
Dell must be very efficient and quick at providing the produces and services as they carry out the
operation management. That is, with this taken into practice, Dell will have competitive
advantage over its competitors.

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