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Jordan Perkins

Professor Rebecca Morean


12 July 2020

Natural Therapies Versus Antidepressant Medications?

There is a wide variety of treatments a person can undergo to get the help they

need for therapy. Psychiatrists, medical treatment, anti-depressants, natural/holistic

treatments; whichever is the most comfortable and affordable for patients. When doing

research for treatment, a patient must be aware of the risk’s antidepressants could

cause a person. “A tragic suicide,” by Angela Bischoff is about the suicide of her friend

as a result of being prescribed antidepressants. Once this horrible incident occurred,

she wanted to do her own research to know the factors that had led to him taking his

own life. She had found that the prescribing physician had not listened to him and his

needs, as he grew agitated after being prescribed Remeron. The physician kept upping

his dosage, thinking this would help and that he needed to keep taking the medication in

order for it to work. As a result, he ended up growing more anxious and agitated, he

drove his car over a bridge, committing suicide.

Bischoff found that patients struggle to continue an antidepressant in the

beginning of a trial; most people tend to give up on treatment, due to harsh effects from

the medication. She expresses how some drugs can be helpful to some of the patients,

but not all antidepressant medications can be dependable. The pharmaceutical

companies do not take these precautions aware to the public, instead, doctors are

asked to “manage” the side effects and to keep continuing the medication. The patients
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end up being ignored about their needs and side effects, which could lead to drastic

consequences. People can obtain depression from genetics, life factors, substance

abuse, and medical conditions. From the time you are a child to your adolescent stage

in life, these are the most critical years. During that time period, it is essential to treat

and to take notice of symptoms a child can acquire during childhood. Any life factors,

environment situations can seriously affect a child growing up.

Anxiety is linked to depression by having feelings of worry, nervousness, and

fearfulness. Having these symptoms can also be due to your childhood encounters with

possible trauma, bullying, or abuse. Natural therapies offer a healthier way of living by

using alternative medicine, but also avoids the risk of healthcare doctors pushing

antidepressant medications on patients that could lead to possible suicide.

            There are millions of people in the world today, who suffer from depression and

anxiety; about 322 million people worldwide (WHO). In 2015, last recorded in the World

Health Organization, over thousands of people had died from suicide, bringing it to be

one of the leading causes of death in 2015 (WHO). Dating back to the 1950s and ’60s,

anxiety was more commonly known as a mental condition than depression, which was

not even considered a mental illness. “Stress tradition,” was a standard term used for

people that struggle from “psychic, somatic, and interpersonal problems” (Horwitz).

People related to depression either are dying or death. Before the 1970s, people

believed that due to “stress,” from people struggling with family and work issues that

was a form of anxiety (Horwitz). Physicians considered patients with a mental illness as

insane/crazy other than a common mental disorder. During this time period anxiety was

more popular and read about than depression; no antidepressants to treat depression
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unless those symptoms seemed to be serious. As time went on through the ’60s to the

early ’70s, depression finally started to take notice to researchers and clinicians. As

conditions of insanity, sadness, and overly emotional patients were being treated, other

conditions weren’t. Researchers stressed for more of these conditions to be diagnosed

and for specific diseases to be treated. Many tests were performed here in the U.S., as

well as, in other countries for antidepressants. A huge turn around happened from the

70’s to the present, as depression is now the central point of selling antidepressants.

With antidepressants soaring, the alternative medicines have been ignored. With factual

evidence showing that antidepressants are equally as effective as natural therapies are,

they have gone more unnoticed to the selling of drug products.

Natural therapies offer a healthier way of living by using alternative medicines.

Natural and holistic treatments are another approach to treating depression and anxiety.

There are Anthroposophic therapy and Aromatherapy massage, known to be useful for

treating depression and anxiety. Natural remedies can help with the neurotransmitters

that allow your body to function correctly and help with your depression by improving

your moods. Anthroposophic therapy, known as “spiritual science,” can help reconfigure

the mind, body, and emotional awareness of a patient. This type of therapy has no

known risks but an improvement in the mind and body. The treatment includes art

therapy, eurythmy, and rhythmical massage, including counseling and doctor’s visits.

This is just one of the natural regimens that can provide positive results to stabilizing a

mental illness. Aromatherapy medicines are natural oils, that are known to fluctuate

your mood based upon the scent of the oils. By “entering the bloodstream through either

inhalation or topical application” can provide positive results in mood (Freedenburg).

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Oils can be beneficial to some people with mental illness but not all; there are no

negative results from using essential oils. There are various types of scented oils that

can be used for different symptoms of depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, the nervous

system, stress, and headaches.

            Dietary changes/supplements and exercise can be another way of helping

depression and anxiety naturally. Attacking/changing a person’s diet can make your

body/mood feel better and have a positive outlook on life. Certain diets, skipping meals,

and eating too many sweets/fatty foods, can worsen the depression and imbalance the

body. Drinking too much caffeine, too much sugar, deficient in taking vitamins, food

allergies, and an imbalance of amino acids, all can have effects on the memory,

learning, and depression. Intake of Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, b vitamins, and

vitamin D, can help regulate your moods to improving your depression (Freedenburg).

Exercise, if it’s running down the street, walking, or yoga, any kind of exercise can

increase the energy in the body and depression. Treating patients, from young to the

elderly, has claimed: that being active could help avoid depression symptoms from

occurring in the beginning stages. Stating that working out is just as “effective as

antidepressant medicines.”

            Natural medicines, phototherapy, and energy psychology is a more scientific

approach to natural therapies. Natural medicine contains herbs that can help with

anxiety, sleeplessness, inability to concentrate, and depression. Hypericum perforatum,

a bushy plant, was practiced back in ancient times, has helped treat “moderate

depression” (Freedenburg). Studies showed through numerous trials in different

countries, that there were improvements in people's depression. It is recommended to

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not mix this plant with other medications a patient may be taking; can have a reverse

effect as a result of mixing drugs together. A Ginko tree has an extract that is withdrawn

from the leaves and used rather than the nut, which could be potentially poisonous. The

tree treats people who have problems with circulatory disorders and enhancing memory

(Freedenburg). Also, can be beneficial for patients with depression and does not need

to be mixed with other medications because the results are helpful. S-adenosyl

methionine is a nutritional supplement, that can help restore the nerves in the brain and

will restore the cells that have been destroyed. 5-Hydroxytryptophan, a natural amino

acid, is extracted from seeds, that can help treat the conditions of depression,

suppressing appetite, and lack of sleep (Freedenburg). Siberian ginseng

(Eleutherococcus senticosus), a plant that has been used over the centuries, by helping

reduce depression. The plant has numerous uses by having different chemicals that

increase a person’s lifespan, energy, nutrients, and the brain. Phototherapy is a light

that helps improve symptoms of illnesses. By integrating this type of therapy and

physical exercise could allow a person to reduce their depression symptoms. The only

issue that arose in treatments with patients was insomnia, but there had been fast

producing results from phototherapy. Energy psychology is a type of therapy that goes

back to the ancient times of “healing and spiritual” occurrences that are still not well

known in society. “Electrical signals” that respond with the brain and creates activity

within the nerves, signaling different parts of the brain. This form of treatment is still in

the early works of development but has positive outcomes thus far.

            Another factor to consider, looking into natural therapies are the costs and why

most insurance companies won’t cover this type of therapy. According to the California
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Naturopathic Doctors Association, most insurance companies will not cover for natural

therapy. The CNDA insinuates that insurance companies need to be reminded that

under the ACA, patients should be covered by natural treatments that are performed by

doctors. They point out that if patients are receiving the same treatments from a

naturopathic doctor as they would with a conventual doctor, most times the insurance

companies will not cover for this reason. The CNDA does suggest using a healthcare

plan, just in case something traumatic happens, but you can “submit superbills and lab

bills” to count towards the person’s deductible. To find out information on the

reimbursement requirements from an insurance company, the patient would call to

confirm these requirements. If the insurance company does not offer coverage for

naturopathic doctors, then there are documents to fill out for the insurance companies to

use towards a benefits package the following year. Finding ways to have therapies

covered is possible, there just needs to be required documents filled out in order for a

patient to be covered by the bills. Most herbs, oils, and supplements are accessible in

health food stores, which are very affordable for a patient.

            Unfortunately, there are the risks of taking antidepressant medication and

coming across a doctor who will push medication on a patient without knowing the

repercussions. The most common antidepressant medications are “serotonin reuptake

inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), a typical

antidepressant, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and monoamine oxidase inhibitors

(MAOIs)” (Smith). Antidepressants are meant to do wonders to depression and can

rebalance the chemicals in the brain, there are other factors to address also. The

biology and physical components of the body, while also maintaining a personal life and
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the environment a person surrounds themselves are factors of depression that need to

be worked on while taking the medication. Medication doesn’t just solve the issue, the

risks could turn out to be deadly by possibly falling back into your depression, terrible

side-effects, and to discontinue the prescription. The issues resulting from taking anti-

depressants are feeling sick, not being able to sleep, feeling anxious, low sex drive,

lightheadedness, gaining weight, and sweating profusely. When coming off the

medication a person can have serious withdrawal symptoms. They put a warning label

on the antidepressant medications warning a person that they may have worse

depression within the first to two months of treatment. A person can obtain suicidal

thoughts if they continue a medication that is not right for them. A patient needs to make

sure to communicate with their doctor of possible risks from taking antidepressant

medication, so they are aware of the risk factors involved. A post from the LA Times

noted in an article that many patients who have symptoms of depression will encounter

a conventional doctor that will not follow protocol because they aren’t aware of the

conditions a patient may have linking to depression. Physicians tend to be impatient

with treatment and believe that to solve the issue is to prescribe an antidepressant

rather than looking at other options. This issue was common in “marketing

pharmaceuticals,” boosting the sales of selling antidepressants to patients. Performed

examinations were not routinely done but rather pushing medications to receive a faster

result was the solution.

            In the study for “complementary and alternative medicines,” Claudia Wang wrote

that they performed CAM and CAL supplements on patients of children, ages of four to

seventeen, differences between girls and boys, and children that have mental illnesses
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and one’s that don’t. CAM is a type of therapy that includes natural and holistic

treatments. CAL supplements are a stress formula that is a substitute for vitamins and

plants (Wang). Depression, as we know, starts from an early age and can progress to

other health issues as we get older. Performing treatment at a young age can help

diminish these health risks, such as chronic conditions, asthma, respiratory allergies,

and sleep difficulties, along with academic performance, and social functioning (Wang).

Their studies show that parents play a key factor in how their children receive treatment

(Wang). Based on their survey, 73.9% of family and friends were the ones that referred

them to CAM treatment and only 18.4% of medical doctors had referred them to the

same treatment. Also, this form of treatment was better financially for people that could

not afford health insurance/medical treatment. Overall, the performed survey results in

effective improvements to children’s mental illness.

            Placebos are a good way to indicate whether or not an antidepressant is

effective in many studies/trials. “In antidepressant trials, generally the placebo will take

the form of a tablet or capsule otherwise identical to the one delivering the drug but

containing only the fillers used to stabilize or add bulk to the drug’s active ingredient”

(Kramer 288). Kramer has done numerous studies/trials to see the effects of

antidepressants versus placebo effects. Through his studies, he has found that

antidepressants are equally as effective as antidepressant medication. He does point

out that every trial has different results depending on the person.

Patients may distort their symptom reports in hopes of pleasing the caregiver.

The term of art for this tendency is demand characteristics. Often, patients

provide what they think doctors demand. The propensity for looking sick early in
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a medical encounter, in hopes of engaging the caregiver, is the hello effect.

Toward the end of treatment, courteous participants may tell a rater that they are

better when they are not-the goodbye effect. The personalities of staff and

patients (and, again, the intensity of contact) will determine the strength of

demand characteristics. (Kramer 105)

Resulting from his trials, there were people believing that their depression was

improving, when in fact, the pills were basic sugar pills. A high percentage of people

that were examined, had resulted in a placebo effect. A minimal percentage only was

put on actual antidepressants. The ratio was highly unequal, giving Kramer the sense

that antidepressants aren’t as effective as people may think they are.

            Another standpoint, showing antidepressants are beneficial, a study was done

by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), tested thirty-three, depressed patients,

to thirty-one healthy volunteers (Harmer). Using four-mg of norepinephrine reuptake

inhibitor reboxetine and placebo conditions, they are looking for changes in body

reactions, emotions, and the retention of information that is absorbed. The results from

the reboxetine, depressed patients had positive effects on all levels of improvement. In

placebo conditions, the effects were reversed on all levels, showing decreased moods.

A factor that plays a major part in the diagnosis of the medication, is that it takes time to

see long-lasting results for true effects to be seen in the patients.

            Noting that Tooker Gomberg, had received treatment to obtain help with his

depression, ended up taking his life due to a physician who had pushed a medication

that was not helping him but making him agitated and anxious. There are other natural

alternative ways that are low risk and beneficial for a person’s depression and anxiety.
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Natural therapies offer a healthier way of living by using alternative medicine, but also

avoids the risk of healthcare doctors pushing antidepressant medications on patients

that could lead to possible suicide. Everyone deserves a proper treatment plan for their

mental illness and people have a right to know this truth.

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Works Cited

Bischoff, Angela. “Antidepressants Can Result in Suicide.” Suicide, edited by Paul

Connors, Greenhaven Press, 2007. Current Controversies. Gale In Context:

Opposing Viewpoints, https://link-gale-

u=dayt30401&sid=OVIC&xid=0c36e242. Accessed: 28 June 2020.

“Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders: Global Health Estimates.” Geneva:

World Health Organization, 2017,

2017.2-eng.pdf, Accessed: 12 July 2020.

Freedenburg, Rena ND. “Natural Treatments for Depression: Options and

Effectiveness.”, 25 September 2019, p. NA. Gale In Context:

Opposing Viewpoints, https://link-gale-

u=dayt30401&sid=OVIC&xid=12cf086f. Accessed: 28 June 2020.

Harmer, Catherine J. “Effect of Acute Antidepressant Administration on Negative

Affective Bias in Depressed Patients.” Psychiatry Online. Ursula O’Sullivan, Elisa

Favaron, Rachel Massey-Chase, Rachel Ayres, Andrea Reinecke, Guy M.

Goodwin, Phillip J. Cowen, Vol 166, Issue 10, 1178-1184, October 2009,, Accessed: 4 July 2020.

Healy, Melissa. “Antidepressants in Primary Care: Is This Any Way to Treat

Depression?” Los Angeles Times, 4 August 2011,

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treatment-20110804-story.html, Accessed: 12 July 2020.

Horwitz, Allan V. “How an Age of Anxiety Became an Age of Depression.” The Milbank

Quarterly, March 2010,,

Accessed : 5 July 2020.

Kramer, Peter D. Ordinarily Well: The Case for Antidepressants/Peter D. Kramer. New

York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016.

Smith, Melinda. "Antidepressant Medication.” HelpGuide, Lawrence Robinson, Jeanne

Segal, October 2019,,

Accessed: 12 July 2020.

“Using Insurance for Your Naturopathic Doctor Care.” California Naturopathic Doctors

Association,, Accessed: 12 July 2020.

Wang, Claudia. “Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Children with

Mental Health Issues: Results from the National Health Interview Survey.” PMC.

John Preisser, Yunro Chung, and Kaigang Li, 18:241, BMC Complement Altern

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28 June 2020.

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