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Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister

Private Bag 18888

Parliament Buildings
Wellington 6160

1 August 2020

Dear Prime Minister,

You gave a moving speech in house about the loss of my son Constable Matthew (Matt) Hunt.  You said you
grieved with us and the police family.

The New Zealand police put their lives on the line daily to protect and serve our community, they go into the
role with care, compassion and dedication. Police are unarmed, going about their daily duties not ever
knowing the entirety of what risk could be imposed upon them.

In Victoria, Australia they changed their Corrections Act 2002 to honour their police officer Angela Taylor who
died in the Russell Street bombings. I feel if Australia could honour and appreciate their police in this way then
surely we could do the same in New Zealand.

There is no deterrence within legislation that should an armed offender kill a police officer there needs to be
full accountability. 

I ask of you to stand for the New Zealand Police and the people of New Zealand and immediately review the
Sentencing Act 2002 and Parole Act 2002. Legislation must be amended that should someone kill a police
officer they will be automatically declined parole; they will be held accountable.

There must be a clear message that for anyone who kills a police officer in such a matter as Matthews death,
someone who serves and protects the community and risks their lives daily to do so is without doubt one of
the most serious of serious violent crimes. A clear message must be sent to the New Zealand police that they
are honored, and they are respected.

As you said Matt's death has moved people the length of this country, and to this day it still is.
I have petitioned the Government to amend legislation for parole to be automatically declined for Murder of
Police Officers. In the first two days the petition received over 26,000 signatures.

You mentioned the events that led to my son Matthew’s death “is a debt that we can never repay”. The loss of
my son is not your debt to repay, and it is not a debt that anyone can ever repay, but to show the New Zealand
Police that we stand with them and that a move has been made to ensure there is some sort of deterrence
from this ever occurring again is something my son would be proud to be a part of. 

Upon getting advice and assistance from the Sensible Sentencing Trust about my wishes for this legislation
change it has become clear that if a voluntary organisation is available to assist in such matters then surely the
Government has the ability to do so.

I request of you for the Government to consider, under urgency, an important legislation change to ensure this
message is heard loud and clear, that should a person kill a Police officer they will be automatically declined

Kind Regards
Diane Hunt

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