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GPRS communication protocol


1, GPRS data from tracker to server

Descriptions about GPRS packets from the tracker are as follows:

Tracker to server Explanation

!1,IMEI; tracker only send one time !1,IMEI; once it establish a connection
with server. After connect successfully, it will only send GPRS data
pack without IMEI number. But it will send !1,IMEI again if
disconnect and later connect again to the server.
!D,date,time,lat,long,speed,direction,event Real time data, start with !D, Please see the detailed explanation of
code,altitude,bat,sta1,sta2,0; real time data on page 2.
!3,OK; confirm the command set successfully
!3,error; confirm the command set failure
!4,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9; read all functions settings
!7,firmware version,CSQ; read tracker firmware version and GSM signal strength
!5,CSQ,GPS location availability; !5 means heartbeat, heartbeat is fixed to send every 200 seconds.
CSQ means GSM signal strength
GPS location availability means the location is the last known or the
current position.
for example: !5,28,A; means GSM signal strength is 28 and GPS
location is the current position.
1.1 Real time data description:
!<Data identifier>, <Date>, <Time>, <latitude>, <longitude>, <Speed>, <Direction>,<Event code>, <Altitude>,
<Battery>,<Satellite in use>,<Number of Satellites>, <N/A>;
(Example: !D,3/7/13,6:35:30,22.645952,114.040436,0.0,225.8,1f0001,12.11,98,0,0,0; )

Parameter Description Example

! Indicates the GPRS data packet header from the server to the !
tracker. The header type is ASCII.
D Has one byte. The type is the ASCII D
Date dd indicates date. 3/7/2015
mm indicates month.
yy indicates year.
Time HH indicates hour. 6:35:30
MM indicates minute.
SS indicates second.
latitude Unit: degree 22.756325
(-)yy.dddddd Decimal -23.256438
When a minus (-) exists, the tracker is in the southern
When no minus (-) exists, the tracker is in the northern
yy indicates the degree.
dddddd indicates the decimal part.
Longitudes Unit: degree 114.752146
(-)xxx.dddddd Decimal -114.821453
When a minus (-) exists, the tracker is in the western hemisphere.
When no minus (-) exists, the tracker is in the eastern
xxx indicates the degree.
dddddd indicates the decimal part.
Speed Unit: km/h 60
Direction Indicates the direction. The unit is degree. When the value is 0, 90
the direction is north. The value ranges from 0 to 359.
Event code Decimal 1f0001
For details, see section 1.2 "Event Code."
Altitude Unit: meter 12.11
Battery Indicates the percentage of the remaining battery 90
Satellite in use Indicates the number of GPS satellites it fixed 8
Numbers of Indicates the number of available GPS satellites. 10
satellites Decimal
Reserved Not in use 0
; the end ;
1.2 Event code

flag (4byte): This 6 letters should be converted from HEX to BIN. And there will be 24 digits which contains only 1
and 0. The order of these digits should be from right to left and start with "0" bit (23/22/21……3/2/1/0)

Event flag (Bit) Event

00 means no GPS signal, no GSM locating;
1 to 0 01 means GPS signal fixed, no GSM locating;
10 means GSM locating fixed, no GPS signal;
00 means GPS chip works.
3 to 2
01 means GPS chip failed.
4 N/A
5 N/A
1 means SOS alarm
0 means No SOS alarm
1 means over-speed alarm
0 means No over-speed alarm
1 means fall down alarm
0 means No fall down alarm
1 means GEO fence 1 alarm
0 means No GEO fence 1 alarm
1 means GEO fence 2 alarm
0 means No GEO fence 2 alarm
1 means GEO fence 3 alarm
0 means No GEO fence 3 alarm
1 means low battery alarm
0 means No battery alarm
1 means motion alarm
0 means No motion alarm
1 means movement alarm
0 means No movement alarm
Value range is from 0-31
20 to 16 it means GSM signal strength, 0 means no GSM signal, 31 means has very
strong GSM signal
21 1 means device turned on
1 means device is charging
0 means device is not charging
2, GPRS Command List (from server to tracker)

Command Command description GPRS flag

123456M,time interval Track by time interval in PS1 mode f1

123456S0 Disconnect GPRS connection f1
123456A1,phone number Setting first emergency contact number (can be mobile number or f2
landline number or 911 etc.)
123456A0 Remove first emergency contact number f2
123456B1,phone number Setting second emergency contact number (can be mobile number f3
or landline number or 911 etc.)
123456B0 Remove second emergency contact number f3
123456C1,phone number Setting third emergency contact number (can be mobile number f4
or landline number or 911 etc.)
123456C0 Remove third emergency contact number f4
123456L+/-time zone Setting the SMS time zone f5
123456J1,driving speed Setting the over speed alarm function f6
123456J0 Turning off over speed alarm f6
123456R1,distance Setting the movement alarm f7
123456R0 Turning off the movement alarm f7
123456W1,S/M/H Setting motion alarm f8
123456W0 Turning off motion alarm f8
123456AGPS1 Turning on AGPS f9.0
123456AGPS0 Turning off AGPS f9.0
123456P1 Turning on voice monitor f9.1
123456P0 Turning off the voice monitor f9.1
123456GSM1 Setting track by GSM base station(GSM tower or called LBS) f9.2
123456GSM0 Turning off track by GSM base station f9.2
123456LED1 Turning off LED indicator f9.3
123456LED0 Turning on LED indicator f9.3
123456F1 Turning on fall detection f9.4
123456F0 Turning off fall detection f9.4
123456SP1 Turning on smart power saving working mode f9.5
123456SP0 Turning on living tracking mode f9.5
123456T Reboot device, settings will remain f9.6
123456LOC Real-time location query
123456G Reading all the function settings
123456Z1,IP/domain name, Setting the DNS server IP address or domain name and port
123456DS1 Turning on deep sleep working mode
123456DS0 Turning off deep sleep working mode
123456S0 disable GPRS connection
123456V Reading the tracker firmware version, GSM signal strength
 A comma (,) is used to separate data characters. The character type is the American Standard Code for
Information Interchange (ASCII).
 Do not use special characters such as < and > in a command.
 All multi-byte data complies with the following sequence: High bytes are prior to low bytes. The size of a GPRS
data packet is about 100 bytes.

3, Command Details:

Tracking by time interval

GPRS Setting 123456M,time interval
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description To set data uploading time interval in 123456SP1 or 123456SP0 mode (123456SP1 means
smart power saving mode-default working mode).
time interval is from 001~999
the maximum time interval is 999*10 seconds=9990 seconds
1, time interval must be 3 digitals.
2, the unit is 10 seconds
the data uploading interval is 3 minutes by default when moving. When not moving,
uploading interval will change to 10 minutes automatically.
Example 123456M,080
After the above command set successfully, the tracker will send the following GPRS data
pack to the platform every 800 seconds.

Disconnect GPRS connection

GPRS Setting 123456S0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description 123456S0 can only disconnect the GPRS connection when device in 123456PS1 or
123456PS0 or 123456DS1 working mode.
can’t be used for working mode 4 and mode 5.

Setting first emergency contact number

GPRS Setting 123456A1,phone number
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description Phone number: a phone number can be mobile number or landline number or 911 etc.
Wen alarm is generated, the tracker will send text message to phone numbers.
When the SOS button is pressed, the tracker will dial phone numbers A,B,C in sequence
and will stop dialing when a phone number answered the call.
Example 123456A1,+86123456789
Remove first emergency contact number
GPRS Setting 123456A0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after send above command, the contact number A will be removed and become empty.

Setting second emergency contact number

GPRS Setting 123456B1,phone number
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description Phone number: a phone number can be mobile number or landline number or 911 etc.
Wen alarm is generated, the tracker will send text message to phone numbers.
When the SOS button is pressed, the tracker will dial phone numbers A,B,C in sequence
and will stop dialing when a phone number answered the call.
Example 123456B1,+86123456789

Remove second emergency contact number

GPRS Setting 123456B0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after send above command, the contact number b will be removed and become empty.

Setting third emergency contact number

GPRS Setting 123456C1,phone number
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description Phone number: a phone number can be mobile number or landline number or 911 etc.
Wen alarm is generated, the tracker will send text message to phone numbers.
When the SOS button is pressed, the tracker will dial phone numbers A,B,C in sequence
and will stop dialing when a phone number answered the call.
Example 123456C1,+86123456789

Remove third emergency contact number

GPRS Setting 123456C0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after send above command, the contact number be will be removed and become empty.
Setting the SMS time zone
GPRS Setting 123456L+/-time zone
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description The default time zone of the tracker is GMT 0, to change to your local SMS report time
zone, you should run this command.
time zone is from -12 to +12
must be two digitals.
Example 123456L+08 after this command set successfully, the tracker SMS time zone is changed
to UTC+08
123456L-05 after this command set successfully, the tracker SMS time zone is changed
to UTC-05

Setting the over speed alarm function

GPRS Setting 123456J1,driving speed
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description Value range: 001~250
Must be 3 digitals
the unit is km/h
when the driving speed reach the preset value, a over speed alarm will be generated.
Example 123456J1,090
After this command set successfully, if tracker driving speed reaches 90km/h, it will send
a GPRS data pack about over speed alarm to the server.

Turning off over speed alarm

GPRS Setting 123456J0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, over speed alarm function is disabled.
default is 123456J0

Setting the movement alarm

GPRS Setting 123456R1,distance
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description Value range: 01~99
Must be 2 digitals
the unit is 0.1km/h
when the distance reach the preset value, a movement alarm will be generated.
Example 123456R1,50
After this command set successfully, if tracker moves beyond 5km/h, it will send a GPRS
data pack about movement alarm to the server.
Turning off movement alarm
GPRS Setting 123456R0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, movement alarm function is disabled.
default is 123456R0

Setting motion alarm

GPRS Setting 123W1,xxS/M/H
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description Value range: 01~99
Must be 2 digitals
S means Seconds, M means minutes, H means Hours
when the device reach the preset value, a motion alarm will be generated.
Example 123456W1,50S
After this command set successfully, if tracker detect motion every 50 seconds, it will send
a GPRS data pack about motion alarm to the server.

Turning off motion alarm

GPRS Setting 123456W0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, motion alarm function is disabled.
default is 123456W0

Turning on AGPS
GPRS Setting 123456AGPS1
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, AGPS function is enabled.

Turning off AGPS

GPRS Setting 123456AGPS0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, AGPS function is disabled.
default is 123456AGPS0

Turning on voice monitor function (Listen in)

GPRS Setting 123456P1
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, voice monitor function is enabled.
Turning off voice monitor function (Listen in)
GPRS Setting 123456P0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, voice monitor function is enabled.
default is 12345P0

Turning on cell locate function (Track by GSM base station, also called LBS)
GPRS Setting 123456GSM1
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, device will search the location via GSM tower when
GPS satellite is not able to available.(we do not suggest to use this function)

Turning off cell locate function

GPRS Setting 123456GSM0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, cell location function is disabled.
default is 123456GSM0

Turning on LED indicators

GPRS Setting 123456LED0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, LED are on to indicates the status of GSM and GPS
Default is 123456LED0

Turning off LED indicators

GPRS Setting 123456LED1
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, LEDs are off.

Turning on fall alarm function

GPRS Setting 123456F1
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, fall detection is enabled.
Turning off fall alarm function
GPRS Setting 123456F0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, fall detection is disabled.
Default is 123456F0

Turning on smart power saving mode function

GPRS Setting 123456SP1
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, smart power saving mode is enabled.
in this working mode, GPS chip is off when there is no movement or no phone
usage/alarm/SMS. Battery life is not wasted when the device isn't moving.
GSM/GPRS chip is always working to receives calls, SMS and transmits location.
The GPS chip is activated by motion, incoming calls and SMS.
Default is 123456SP1

Turning on live tracking mode

GPRS Setting 123456SP0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, living tracking mode is enabled.
in the working mode, GSM/GPRS and GPS chips are always working.

Real-time location query

GPRS Setting 123456LOC
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, device will reply the current location if available, if
no up to date location with 2 minutes, it will reply the last known location, for example:

Device reboot
GPRS Setting 123456T
GPRS Reply No Reply
Description after this command set successfully, device will reboot, function settings are still remain
after reboot.
Reading all the function settings
GPRS Setting 123456G
GPRS Reply !4,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9;
Description after this command set successfully, device will reply all the functions status and setting
Example !4,180,15899795842,18620310172,008675528073450,8.0,90,0,0S,49;
Please refer to the page 4, GPRS flag.
49 is a Decimal number, must convert it to Binary and you will get 110001
1 indicates function on while 0 indicates function off.

Setting the DNS server IP address or domain name and port

GPRS Setting 123456Z1,IP/domain name,port
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Example 123456Z1,,5050

Turning on deep sleep working mode

GPRS Setting 123456DS1
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, both GSM/GPRS and GPS chip are going to sleep,
device can be activated by motion.

Turning off deep sleep working mode

GPRS Setting 123456DS0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, deep sleeping mode is disabled.

Disconnect GPRS connection

GPRS Setting 123456S0
GPRS Reply !3,ok;
Description after this command set successfully, GPRS connection is disabled.

Reading the tracker firmware version, GSM signal strength

GPRS Setting 123456V
GPRS Reply !7,firmware version,CSQ
Description read the tracker firmware version and GSM signal strength
CSQ Value range: 00~31
Example !7,07S.8601.1605,31

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