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Why is the State vulnerable? puts further pressure on the population Is it happening only in Bengal?

q The coastal stretch of West Bengal, bor-
dering Bangladesh and located on the
of the island, who are dependent on
economic activities centred on the coas-
Coastal erosion has been noticed in
nine States and two Union Territories.
eastern end of the Indian peninsula, is tline. This stress leads to migration from The NCCR report said 34% of India’s
one of the largest deltaic regions of the these coastal areas and islands. Re- coastline underwent varying degrees of

In Bengal, world. The coastline has numerous riv-

ers and the largest single block of tidal
searchers call the people moving out of
the Sunderbans “climate change refu-
erosion during the period under consid-
eration, and 28% of the shoreline
halophytic mangroves. The 534 sq km gees.” The erosion of coastal areas, cou- showed accretion and 38% of the coun-
erosion leads coastline of West Bengal, regularly hit
by tides, tropical cyclones and storm
pled with climate change, is a major
cause of migration from the Sunder-
try’s coastline remained stable. A State-
wise analysis of the coastal erosion sug-

to land loss surges, has suffered 63% erosion. Bet-

ween 1990 and 2016, West Bengal lost
99 sq km land due to coastal erosion.
struction and other developmental ac-
tivities also lead to coastal erosion, say
bans, which is one of the most back-
ward regions of the State. Reports say
that of the 1,000 inhabitants of the Sun-
gests that more than 40% erosion was
observed in four States and Union
The land gain in the State, due to accre- experts. derbans, 190 eat just one meal a day and The report states that the west coast
tion has been only 16 sq km. Sagar, the 510 are malnourished. The extent of mi- has relatively been stable with erosion
biggest island of the Sunderbans archi- What will be the impact? gration can be gauged by a recent publi- in minor pockets like Kerala. In the
What is the problem? pelago, which is home to almost 2 lakh West Bengal is a land-starved State with cation of the School of Oceanographic west, 48% of the coastline is stable,
It’s a land-starved State, and between people, is facing severe erosion on its the fourth highest population in the Studies, Jadavapur University, which whereas only 28% of the eastern coast
1990 and 2016, West Bengal lost more to western and south eastern parts. Is- country. It is also the second most den- said 75% of the people living on the is- has been deemed stable. When it comes
erosion. A report by the National Centre lands like Ghoramara and Mousuni are sely populated State. According to the land are dependent on remittances to accretion, States such as Odisha (51%)
for Coastal Research (NCCR), under the also facing erosion. The same trend has 2011 census, 1,029 people live in each from outside. According to NCCR re- and Andhra Pradesh (42%) recorded the
Ministry of Earth Sciences, released re- been observed at Jambudweep Island square kilometre of West Bengal. The searchers, the report on the national maximum gain owing to coastline
cently said West Bengal recorded the and Henry Island in the Sunderbans. Sunderbans, which comprises most of survey of coastline will provide inputs changes. Goa and Maharashtra have the
maximum erosion of 63%, followed by Other than the natural process, like the coastline in the State, has about for framing policies to address the stress most stable coastlines in the country.
Puducherry 57%, Kerala 45%, and Tamil storms and sea level rise, anthropogen- 1,000 people living per sq km. The loss of the people residing in coastal areas,
Nadu 41%. ic issues like aquaculture, port con- of more than 80 sq km of coastal land especially in the Sunderbans. SHIV SAHAY SINGH

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