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Topic: Informative Essay on Human Resource Management

Learning is crucial to our existence as the information gained nourishes our minds, and

it’s also a vital tool for every career and organization. Knowledge helps a person acquire the

necessary skills for a personal and professional job and helps us understand things better in life.

Learning the Human resource management course allows one to develop diverse writing skills

apart from many informative reports, and articles are known to exist in the field. The HR

department is vital in today's business organization world, as Leon (3-7) asserts. A learner in the

area gets equipped with writing skills that aid in cutting away slowness, developing writing skills

required in the recruitment of latest talents, solving the challenges that may arise in workplaces,

payment of wages, pension, and salaries.

The HR field interrelates with all other departments in an organization; therefore, there is

a lot of writing of reports and informative articles needed. An HR employee must possess

communication skills, be it verbal or written, as this plays a significant role in the success of any

organization (Vardarlıer, 235). While in this profession, one is required to write articles on the

description of jobs, Emails, newsletters of companies, internal letters, which should be bright and

neutral at all times. Writing of the above documents requires one to evaluate the format and

structure of a sentence in the written texts, thus ensure easy readability and understanding by the

target recipient to minimize risks of errors, misunderstanding, or miscommunication. The writing


of the documents also requires one to incorporate details. One has to put themselves in the

reader's position and evaluate the questions they would raise. The above is essential as it helps

everyone stay informed and know legible, and this saves time that would have been spent trying

to answer some questions from many people who would come to the office to find out.

The HR field writing also requires one to maintain confidentiality since the employees

have access to confidential files in business. The aspect is essential when sending a private email

containing private information such as bank details or complaints against other employees. There

is a need to hide emails addressee from other recipients making sure that the data is sent to the

intended recipients (Madera, 27). While in the HR position, one has to remain professional at all

times since once sensitive information is leaked to an undisclosed source, it could cost one the

job. While in the HR department, I have also learned that one must be organized at all times. It's

the most crucial aspect of an HR employee but the difficult one to maintain. For instance, when

one puts a new job advertisement, online emails may start pouring in, and one is required to

check each one of them. The above may result in one forgetting other jobs until the last minutes,

which may inconveniences. It’s therefore crucial for HR employee to plan their daily tasks to

ensure that they don't forget essential tasks even though changes may exist in their

responsibilities (Nguyen, 231-251). The employees need to set aside a couple of hours to check

emails, hours for office duties, and hours for other tasks they may be required to undertake.

To sum, the field has helped me learn about different communication and management

skills essential in communicating with different employees .i have also learned how to evaluate

and interpret employee communication and how to utilize emotional intelligence. Verbal and

non-verbal skills, as well as active listening, have also been part of learning; thus, it is a required

course for learners interested in HRM as a career.


Works Cited:

Nguyen, TL Huong. "Building human resources management capacity for university research:

The case at four leading Vietnamese universities." Higher Education 71.2 (2016): 231-


Leon, Adele. Writing centers across the curriculum: Reimagining writing centers through

Writing across the Curriculum and Human Resource Management. Diss. The University

of Alabama at Birmingham, 2016.

Vardarlıer, Pelin. "Strategic approach to human resources management during crisis." Procedia-

Social and Behavioral Sciences 235.2 (2016).

Madera, Juan M., et al. "Strategic human resources management research in hospitality and

tourism." International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (2017).


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