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One of the Tagalogs custom from Plasencia’s account is religious

belief, we all know that Filipinos or those from the indigenous tribe
worship many other gods and goddesses to continue practicing their
old traditions. Where in they worship supernatural spirits such as
Diwata and other more. But the one who is well known it the aspect is
the supreme god “Bathala” the creator of the universe whom
described himself as maycapal (the all-powerful) there are also god for
war who is named Mandarangan, god of harvest Lalahon and many
more. I think that they should improve the Philippine Mythology
because I wouldn’t recognize it this assignment weren’t to be given to
us. I think that the Spanish era really made a big difference because
I’m sure that kids now a days doesn’t even know who those gods and
goddesses, I’ve mentioned nor even the other supernatural creatures.
Maybe not just kids some don’t even know because of the practices
what we have now are really strict specially for Christianity. So,
comparing the gods and goddesses and for some the trees, animals,
and sculptures. I think that these are removed from our culture or just
brain washed by the Spaniards whom say that their goal is spreading
Christianity to us which we totally bought by the way. Well after being
colonized by the Spaniards for 333 years? There came the American’s
that gave us Religious freedom which we can see from now that we
have different Christian churches and different religion but all comes
down to one point. So, for now what the general Filipino believes in is
the supreme being that created the heaven, earth and hell Whom we
called God the Father He also Has other name for other religion, but
there are a lot of Christianity and different teachings as well. But I
understood the teachings so after learning about the past religions
that the Filipinos or for today the ethnic tribe’s worship I feel sorry for
them worshipping animals, trees or even water falls. But for all I know
as long as believing in Him and living the life you are supposed to and
not doing wrong things, we might all end up being in the same place I
believed called Heaven, as long as you believed in Him you will have
eternal life. Well this is what I believe in and what I understand from
what I hear from the teachings.

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