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1. What did God promise Noah?

(Gen 9:9-17)
God promised Noah that He would never destroy the earth with a flood again. God placed the
rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise and His covenant with all the flesh that is upon the

2. What did God promise Abraham?

God promised Abraham that He will make Abraham the father of great nations and will be
blessed for descendants would inherit the land of Canaan. He will make Abraham's name
become great and Abraham will be a blessing. He will bless those people who will bless
Abraham and whoever will curse Abraham will be curse by Him. The people will be blessed
only through Abraham.

3. What did God promise David? (2 Sam 7; Ps 132; Is 55:3-5)

God promises David that the Messiah would come from the lineage of David and the tribe of
Judah and would establish a kingdom that would endure forever. 

4. What did God promise Israel through Moses? (Ex 19: 5-6)
This covenant is based on God's promises to Abraha, “I will establish my covenant between me
and you, and your offspring after you throughout their generations, for an everlasting covenant,
to be God to you and to your offspring after you”. When Israel was suffering under the
Egyptians, it was God’s covenant with Abraham that established the covenant at Sinai. God calls
Moses, and with a mighty hand, God liberates his people from bondage. They cross the Red Sea
on dry ground. They receive food from the sky and water from the rock. And in three months
they arrive at Mount Sinai. God's covenant with Israel is summarized in the following:
1. that Israel will be God's special possession,
2. Israel will be a kingdom of priests to God,
3. Israel will be a holy nation,
4. God will fight for Israel and overcome all her enemies, and
5. God will treat Israel with grace and mercy and forgive her sins.

5. What famous details of the covenant do you find here? (Ex 20:1-17)
This covenant is based on God's promises to Abraha, “I will establish my covenant between me
and you, and your offspring after you throughout their generations, for an everlasting covenant,
to be God to you and to your offspring after you”. When Israel was suffering under the
Egyptians, it was God’s covenant with Abraham that established the covenant at Sinai. God calls
Moses, and with a mighty hand, God liberates his people from bondage. They cross the Red Sea
on dry ground. They receive food from the sky and water from the rock. And in three months
they arrive at Mount Sinai. God's covenant with Israel is summarized in the following:
1. that Israel will be God's special possession,
2. Israel will be a kingdom of priests to God,
3. Israel will be a holy nation,
4. God will fight for Israel and overcome all her enemies, and
5. God will treat Israel with grace and mercy and forgive her sins.

6. What do you notice about the terms and rewards of the covenant? (Deut 15:5-11)
Based on the agreement from the bible Deuteronomy chapter 15, vesrse 5-15, here shows the
generosity. It shows the love of God to the poor, and he who has given the favor to the need. He
meant to free the slaves from debt for He remind the Israelites that they too were slaves in the
land of Egypt, and the LORD, our God, redeemed them.

7. What happens when the Israelites obey and disobey? (Deut 28:15-65) Which of the
consequences do you personally think is the worst? Why?
He who obeys the Lord shall live and be blessed and He who disobeys and disregard the Lord's
command shell be punished and be cursed. The people will experience something beyond what
they expect, suffering from the verge of death, and will experience their most painful reality, the
smell of death, illness, and betrayal. Personally, the consequence which I thought to be the worst
consequence God can give for disobedience is stated in Deuteronomy 28:59 “ the LORD will send
fearful plagues on you and your descendants, harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and lingering
illnesses.” It is because I can’t stand to witness the world experiencing a prolonged suffering. I once
thought that if the time of my death will come, I want it to happen immediately, I don’t want to
experience a prolonged suffering and slowly die because of illness. I also don’t want to see other living
things to suffer and see the pain in their faces. I don’t want to see my love ones being killed by the
disasters and severe illnesses.

8. What happens if the Israelites ask forgiveness for their failings? (Deut 30:1-3)
If the Israelites will repent with all their hearts and souls, God will restore their fortunes and will
have mercy on them. God will also gather them from being scattered.

9. What is the greatest requirement for living in a covenant relationship with God? (Deut
The greatest requirement for living in a covenant relationship with God is loving Him with all
our hearts, with all our souls, and with all our might.

10. What is God’s message to the Israelites through the covenant? (Deut 30:15-20)    

The message of God states that if they obey the commandments of the LORD, lovie our God, walking in
his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his rules, then they shall live and
multiply, and the LORD will bless them in the land that they are entering to take possession of it.   But if
their hearts turn away and drawn away to worship other gods and serve them, they shall surely perish.
This message allows the Israelites to understand how important obedience to the Lord.

“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death,  blessing
and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, 20 loving the LORD your God,
obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the
land that the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.”

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