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For my friend—


and the Future You.

“You have to take risks.

We will only understand the

miracle of life fully when we
allow the unexpected to happen.”

-Paulo Coehlo
[1] The First Secret

[2] What is a Stargate?

[3] The Gate of the Gods

[4] The Second Secret

[5] Meet Your New Best Friend

[6] What This Can Do For You

[7] The Third Secret

First Secret
Are you ready for this?

Things can improve much more quickly

than you imagine! You don’t have to settle
for the slow path.

Stargates hold tremendous promise. Stargates open you up to
seeing your Future Reality, making it easy to figure out exactly
where you want to go in life and showing you the quickest path to
get there. In short, using a Stargate helps you get from Point A to
Point B faster than anyone you know.

For me, the calling of the Stargate came from deep within my
bones. I needed to make the journey and open myself up to the
unexpected. I crossed fiery bridges to reach the most remote
regions of Peru. There, I saw things never before imagined. The
Secrets of the Stargate changed the course of my life—and in this
book, I want to give you the opportunity to access the same ancient

When I embarked on my journey to Peru, my financial future

was bleak. I had taken on nearly a million dollars in debt to
develop products and services to help people around the world
unlock their potential. Despite the success in product creation, my
company was barely making $50,000 a year in revenue… and much
of that income came from me selling my time, hour-by-hour, doing
private consulting!

The investor funds were gone. And no matter how good the
products were, I didn’t have the network or audience to really scale
my business. I felt alone. I worked constantly, but not enough
money was coming in.
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The Stargate turned it all around. Within nine months of
visiting the Stargate and discovering its Secrets, I doubled my
business’s revenue to over $100,000. And I did that selling a digital
product that didn’t devour my time!

This freed me up for the next stage, because things didn’t stop
there – following the guidance I received through the Stargate, I
launched a new product to an audience of hundreds of thousands
of people. Within 18 months of my trip to the Stargate, my
company had generated over $700,000 in revenue.

It took work. But the Secrets I learned at the Stargate showed

me what work I needed to be doing. In this book, I will tell you
more about what I saw at the Stargate in Peru. But I don’t want to
talk a lot about myself. Why?

I am writing this book for you. You have phenomenal potential.

If there’s one thing I have learned in life, it is that YOU matter, and
I want you to be able to get the guidance you need to have a
breakthrough, too.

So now, years after my trip to the Peruvian Stargate, I have

finally put together this book along with video training… all to
help YOU achieve your dreams and 10x your performance in life,
just like I did!

Watch the free training to find out more.
The First Secret: Attaining massive success is possible.

You can actually live your dreams, and you don’t have to work
so hard that it kills you! I worked myself to the bone, toiling late
into the night, for little to no gain. That sort of mindset is OLD-
school thinking, rooted in a thousand years of genetic memory. In
the 21st century, that approach to success is as outdated as using
two rocks to start a fire. Instead, I’m going to show you how to get
the lighter fluid and matches.

Now, I know this may sound familiar. There are hundreds, if

not thousands, of books promising to show you a ʹmagic trickʹ for
turning your dreams into reality. But this is different. This is far
more than mindset. The Secrets of the Stargate utilize a scientific
fact discovered by Einstein and developed further by confidential
experiments run by the U.S. Government through Stanford
Research Institute.
I was dubious at first, but the more I did my research and tied
it all together, I came to realize one thing: The ancient people who
built the Stargate had stumbled onto one of the most powerful, life-
changing abilities known to mankind.

Are you ready?

Because I’m about to reveal exactly what a Stargate is and what

I saw there. This knowledge will change your life.

Watch the free training to find out more.
What is
a Stargate?

Life is a series of doors. The trick is

knowing which one leads to the
destination you desire.

Let’s start with a little backstory . . .

Stargates have appeared in many forms throughout human

history. There are ancient Stargates, utilized by once-great
civilizations. There are Stargates depicted in pop culture and
science fiction. And then there is the scientific meaning of a
Stargate. You will find that the different types of Stargates share
one thing in common: They’re all about helping people get from
Point A to Point B more quickly and easily.

A little about the ancient Stargates:

Across the globe, many ancient civilizations created massive

structures known as ʹStargatesʹ. These structures were built on ley
lines, in places of energetic power. The prevailing theory is that
religious mystics identified these potential Stargates, then powerful
rulers spent decades building structures to access the wormholes –
wormholes that they believed allowed them to communicate with
their gods. After the Stargate was built, religious leaders performed
rituals and gained powerful knowledge that helped their
civilization thrive, despite the primitive technology of the times
and constant threats from nature and mankind.

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The most commonly known Stargates are the Gate of the Gods
(Puerta de Hayu Marca) and the Gate of the Sun in South America,
as well as Silathoranam in India. Other possible Stargates include
Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and the Sedona Vortexes.

Later in this book, you’ll learn far more about ancient Stargates,
especially the Gate of the Gods! And more importantly, you will
learn how you can utilize a technique that gives you access to the
powerful phenomenon of ʹwormholesʹ that these ancient
civilizations sought to master.

• TIP: You can keep reading this book, or you can click here now to
watch the exciting video to learn exactly how the Secrets of the
Stargate can work for YOU.

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Gate of

the Gods

When you see it, it will change

everything. Doors will open. Your future
will be brighter than ever before.

My own journey to Peru culminated in a spiritually charged
experience at The Gate of the Gods, a portal carved into a large,
natural rock face. This amazing Stargate is located in the Hayu
Marca mountain region of southern Peru at about 13,130 feet in

The journey there had been harrowing. The Pan-American

highway had been shut down due to a sudden riot. The bridges
were literally on fire.

Our car could go no further. We walked until we found

someone with a dirt bike to take us through the rough backcountry.
As we neared the rock outcropping that secreted the Gate of the
Gods, he refused to go further, and we headed out on foot.

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A dark thunderhead loomed on the horizon—and shortly
behind that, nightfall. My guide feared the arrival of the ʹspirits of
the gateʹ, ancient beings of great power from another dimension.

As I approached the Hayu Marca, I offered the ancient ritual

gift of dried coca leaves. I set them on the ground and felt a strange
ʹPOPʹ… something akin to what I had felt during my first, and
most intense, near-death experience. Warm light radiated in the
air… I thought I must be imagining things.

From a distance, my guide watched. He snapped this photo

with my camera. He had seen something shimmer in the air – he
took the photo – put down the camera and ran away. He believed
the spirits were coming.

I approached the portal and was guided to sit in the ancient

doorway with my back leaned against the stone. Seconds later, I
was in a deep trance.

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I came in contact with a powerful energy. I cannot describe,
fully, through written words, what occurred at that moment. It
changed my life forever. It gave me messages about my own life
purpose. I discovered the powerful secret of ʹepigeneticsʹ, which
has since shaped my life’s work.

When I returned from the trance, I had forgotten all about the
chaos of the world around me. For a moment, I had been
suspended in a timeless reality – gaining wisdom, insight, and a
vision that would profoundly alter both my life and the lives of
thousands of my students.

The Peruvian Stargate resides in a mysterious landscape long

revered by natives.

Legend holds that this Stargate is a ʹgateway to the land of the

gods.ʹ Although the area surrounding Hayu Marca is known as the
City of the Gods, few other man-made structures exist. The terrain
is packed with stone formations that resemble buildings, people,
and animals.

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It was said that ancient heroes would journey to the Hayu

Marca after their final adventure to pass through the portal. These

heroes would then return through the Stargate to check on the

people of the surrounding land. It’s believed that these heroes were

messengers from another time – and another space – traveling

through a wormhole accessed through the Hayu Marca.

The few visitors who manage the arduous trek to the remote

region of southern Peru experience sensations of great energy

passing through their bodies. Some have had strange visions like

stars and even heard ʹextraordinary music.ʹ

In the time of the Conquistadors, an Incan priest

named Amaru Meru of the Temple of Seven Rays fled from the

Spaniards. He took a sacred golden disk and traveled to

the Hayu Marca. He showed the shaman guardians of the Gate his

key, and together they performed a ritual. According to the legend,

a blue light emanated from a tunnel inside the stone

gate. Amaru Meru handed the golden disk to a shaman and passed

through the portal, never to be seen again.

[ 12 ]
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Archaeologists have observed a small, hand-sized circular
depression on the right-hand side of the entryway and have
theorized that this is where the disk was placed.

When I visited this Stargate, I felt a profound inner shift –

something that stays with me even today. For an instant, I could
see many future possibilities – many outcomes to my life and the
lives of those around me. I received three Secrets that changed the
course of my business and personal life for years to come –
resulting in 15x success financially (not to mention getting in
shape, making new friends, and building an incredible network of
professional support!).

As I left the Stargate, it was obvious that I needed to reconnect

with this inspired state. But there was nothing out there to help me
do it, and I couldn’t keep coming back to Peru! I had the vision to
accelerate my progress from Point A to Point B in certain goals, but
how would I get the next insight necessary to solve the next set of

Luckily, the Stargate held the answer for me. The final secret
has turned out to be the most important. It showed me how to
develop this skill and then turn it into something YOU could use,
which became my life mission.

[ 13 ]

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Once you unlock the power of the Stargate, you will be capable
of exponential improvement in your life. You can take the
shortcut to your desired future, multiply your effectiveness, hit all-
time highs and shatter old records. It is hard to imagine the results
you can achieve when you unlock this power.

By using the Secrets of the Stargate, you can 10x your

performance. For me, that was financial. My business went from
generating $50,000 to $750,000 in gross revenue in less than 24

Let’s say you wanted to make more money. How much money
flows to you right now, every month? Let’s say, for the sake of our
thought experiment, you receive $1,000 per month.

Instead of $1,000…

You could be getting $10,000…

Of course, results vary from person to person. You do have to

take action on the insights you gain.

And here’s the truth (this is what the first secret taught me):

Trying harder is not the answer. There is another path that you just
aren't currently seeing!

Now it’s time for you to learn about the scientific nature of this
ancient power.

Let me introduce you to wormholes…

[ 14 ]
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The time it takes for you to get from Point

A to Point B can be folded in half…

[ 15 ]
The Second Secret: Within your body is a secret code of
hidden potential.

But we inherited the story of our ancestors – the story of

struggle, toil, and war.

For many of us, the tragic story of our ancestors overshadows

the light of human potential we have sitting in our bodies – right
this very second. This second secret was revealed to me in a
mystical experience at the Stargate. Later, it became confirmed by
an emerging discipline of science called epigenetics.

Your ancestors have passed down their trauma to you. The

effects of this inherited trauma are numerous, including limited
perspectives on what's possible for you, compromised health,
psychological problems, poor weight control, and even problems
related to money and financial struggles. What they gave you in
your epigenetics also controls a lot of how you behave in moments
of opportunity and what opportunities you see. I teach far more
about this in the Jumpstart Your Wealth Gene introductory course.

For now, all we need to focus on is this Second Secret.

YOU have incredible potential. Perhaps you have a great idea

for an invention that could change the world for the better. Maybe,
you want to write a book and watch it take off! Or perhaps you’re

[ 16 ]
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like many of the people I talk to, and you just want to make more
money and have enough time to spend with your friends and
family, relaxing in your favorite parts of the world.

The path to get to that life is here. Right now, you are at Point
A. Point B is your goal. Point B could be paying off your credit
cards, buying a house, or something as grand as developing an
application of VR that allows doctors around the world to pilot
robots to help save lives in impoverished countries. What we are
going to focus on in this chapter is exactly how a Stargate can help
you get from Point A to Point B in less time than you can imagine
(for me, it was 10x faster).

Before you learn how a Stargate can help you, let me share a
few case studies:

Liz came to the program because she was burned out at work. She felt
uninspired and passionless. Her energy levels were low, and her
weight was steadily increasing. TV was how she coped. Liz knew she
wanted to feel excited about life again. She knew if she didn't do
something, she'd get sick.

Liz used a Stargate experience to connect with a Future Self that was
on a thrilling adventure in Europe. As she saw the world through the
eyes of that future self, hiking in the Alps, she said she could feel the
excitement down into her bones. She didn't notice anything else that

[ 17 ]
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first day... but after a good night of rest, Liz suddenly had a rekindled
desire to exercise and get fit. She immediately signed up to the gym.
Then, she used the Stargate Solution to maintain contact with that
Future Self, lose a significant amount of weight, and dramatically
improve her fitness. She said, “It was the easiest thing in the world
once I saw how much fun I could be having in the future." She's
planning her trip to the Swiss Alps, right now!


And then there's Carmela. She was feeling lonely after her kids left
for college. She divorced years ago. She hoped she would find
someone, but no amount of online dating was working! When
Carmela dialed in her Stargate, she connected instantly with her
Future Self who was dancing, smiling, and having fun with a great
partner. This wormhole connection flipped a switch inside Carmella.
The next week, she started taking Latin dance classes... taking action
on her dreams after 30 years! She feels alive again, and she's having
fun. Now, when she meets her ideal partner, she'll be ready to dance
into the starlight!


Here's one more powerful and practical example of how the

Stargate Solution has made a huge difference in someone's life.

Robert was in his mid-fifties but he didn't have any retirement

savings. He made good money, but he prioritized other things, like

[ 18 ]
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putting his kids through college and taking care of his aging dad, over
a retirement account. Suddenly, he was faced with a bleak reality. He
wanted to retire in his sixties but didn't have the money. Robert used
the wormholing technique in the Stargate Solution to connect with a
Future Self that was able to retire in five years. He was surprised to
find that this future version of himself had created a successful online
business. This guidance caused him to pivot his career path so that he
could make exponentially more income. Robert is doing great and is
now on track to retire! His focus is where it needs to be, and he stays
on track by maintaining a meaningful and authentic connection with
the Future Self that is guiding him there.

These types of radical improvements are possible for you, too!

You don’t have to settle for things as they are now. They can
change. Dramatically. You can have a breakthrough experience...
once you know how to open a wormhole to your desired future
using the Stargate Solution.

Now, without further ado… what did athletes at Stanford do in

order to get from Point A (losing tournaments) to Point B (winning
medals) without training longer hours? How did I multiply my
business revenue by a factor of 15 within two years? And how is
this related to the ancient portals known as Stargates?

[ 19 ]
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The answer to all of these questions is simple.

Let me tell you about the phenomenon known as ʹWormholes.ʹ

The Short Explanation:

Stargates are the openings to wormholes. Wormholes are

bridges that connect different places or points in time.

The Scientific Explanation:

Wormholes were first discovered by Einstein and physicist

Nathan Rosen. Einstein called them “bridges” and demonstrated
that they could connect two different points in space-time, creating
a shortcut that could reduce travel time both in the spatial plane
(space) and temporal plane (time).

To better understand wormholes, and thus Stargates, it’s

important to understand the significance of the term “the space-
time continuum.”

(I promise not to get too sciencey here… )

There are multiple dimensions to our universe. The most

tangible of these dimensions is the 3D world you exist in right now.
Classical physics describes three physical dimensions as the basic
directions in which we can move: up/down, left/right, and
forward/backward. In these spatial dimensions, you experience
your body, the floor beneath you, the food you eat, the distance

[ 20 ]
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between your home and work – these are all in the spatial

Overlapping the spatial dimension is the fourth dimension:

time. At any given moment, your consciousness exists in both
space and time. You are moving through space and time. But time is
not as simple as a line going from Day 1 to Day 2. It is capable of
bending… and through the use of Stargates, you can ʹbendʹ time to
improve your life significantly in 1/10th the time it takes most

Wormholes work by connecting two different points in the

space-time continuum. They allow for quicker travel from one
destination to another. If this sounds far-fetched… just remember –
Einstein proved this!

This picture demonstrates how a wormhole can ʹfoldʹ the fabric

of reality and put two different locations closer together.

Pop culture offers really fun interpretations of the science

[ 21 ]
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behind Stargates. The TV show Stargate SG1, for example, depicts
teams of people traveling through a Stargate in order to explore
other planets.

Stargates, as well as travel through wormholes, have been

depicted in many other science fiction stories as well, such as
Dune, Contact, and even Star Wars!

Clearly, these Hollywood versions are enhanced with special

effects and sci-fi. However, the power of a Stargate utilized
properly is truly awesome!

And what’s even more amazing is that you can learn how to
ʹwormholeʹ using the Stargate Solution, so that you can more
quickly get to where you want to go and start enjoying life now!

A confidential CIA experiment unlocked the power of

wormholes to access non-local reality, enabling ANY of their test
subjects to ʹremote view,ʹ a process where a person sat in one room
and could see what was in another room.
Watch the video about Project Stargate and more here.

[ 22 ]
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Meet Your
New Best

Want someone to show you how to get to

Point B as quickly as possible? Meet your
Future Self.

[ 23 ]
So… what can a wormhole do for you? Could you suddenly
teleport to work – skipping the traffic? Certainly, cutting out a two-
hour commute would improve your overall efficiency in life. But
even removing your daily commute pales in comparison to the
way that you can leap from where you are today to where you
want your life to be once you have unlocked the Stargate Solution.

One of the most useful ways to use a wormhole is to receive

information and visions of the possibilities for your future.

Fact: Your future is not linear – meaning it isn’t set in stone.

Instead, you have many possible outcomes for your future, and
the likelihood of one of those manifesting is based on the actions
you take today. By connecting to your Future Self through a
wormhole, it will become clear, and very easy, for you to take the
actions which will not only help you achieve your ideal future, but
actually shorten the amount of time it takes for it to come to

While humans haven’t quite figured out how to use wormholes

for spatial relocation (teleportation), we have known, for thousands
of years, how to utilize wormholes for the benefit of individuals,
and society at large, using these ancient devices known as

[ 24 ]
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Think about it like this. You are at point A. Point B is where
you want to be a year from now.

A 365 DAYS B

Point B is more than just 365 days later. It includes all of the
hopes, dreams, and aspirations you have for the life you want to be
living in that future point.

Perhaps you want to have an extra $10,000 in your bank

account? Or maybe own a home? Would you like to wake up at
Point B with complete mastery over yourself – meaning you could
be more efficient, more productive, and more capable of learning
valuable skills and following through on your goals?
In order to get from Point A to Point B, you have to wait.
Normally, you will travel there at one second per second. The
seconds build to minutes, which lead to hours… hours roll into
days and days blend into weeks.
In each of those “points in time,” you have the possibility to
take the actions that will get you closer to realizing the success you
crave. Getting that job that pays you well – and is meaningful.
Forming a fulfilling, passionate relationship. Earning extra money
without feeling like you’re working.

[ 25 ]
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Science has shown that you can use wormholes to get from
Point A to Point B more quickly. Meaning that the realization of
your goals can happen much sooner than 365 days from now.

If you have the proper guidance, training, and support, you

can learn how to access these wormholes to benefit from the power
that the ancient cultures of the world wanted to harness.

Normal 365

The good news is that you don’t have to travel all the way to
Peru to make this work for you.
Keep reading!

[ 26 ]
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What This
Can Do for

Would you rather spend 10 days making

$100 dollars, or one day making $1,000?

[ 27 ]
Beyond the fascinating history and mythology of
the Hayu Marca, many of the visions I had there have come
true. Note: Sometimes, I have had to take action to achieve those
goals – but other times, life has magically manifested things…
dropping them right into my lap.

Since then, I’ve used the third Secret of the Stargate to re-enter
the wormhole and reach Point B faster than I could imagine. Think
about your future as a river that splits into many forks. Every
month, you reach another threshold of splitting streams. As the
river runs on, it is necessary for you to use the Stargate
Solution again so you can fold time by taking the fastest possible
path to get to your dream Point B.

Much of this happens through getting in touch with your

Future Self.

The benefit of getting in touch with your Future Self using a

wormhole has been proven by science. It allows you to:

1) Create a clear idea of what you really want in life so you

know what you need to do today

2) Know which opportunities to take so you don’t slip

down the stream of rocks and winding water

3) Increase your daily motivation

[ 28 ]

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4) Exercise more

5) Save more money

6) Become more prosperous as you step into your


7) Attract new possibilities beyond anything you can

imagine in the here and now

And it’s so much better than doing life the old way. The old
way is linear and incremental – a real slog.

With the Stargate Solution, exponential and positive change

can happen in leaps and bounds, because you are working life at
the quantum level.

Are you someone who wants to improve your life – make

more money – evolve – and change the world around you?

It took me a long time to discover how to use Stargates. It all

began with my trip to Peru. But what I discovered is that there is a
way for anyone – anywhere – no matter your education or
experience, to wormhole towards the future and manifest their best
possible reality… quickly and easily. You, too, can make use of this
awesome power… and you don’t have to travel to Peru.

[ 29 ]
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Want to know how to turn on your own, personal Stargate?

Do you want to set a goal – like $10,000 (or $100,000) in savings

– and step quickly into that success, rather than struggling, day
after day, to work slowly and painfully towards the goal?

If you are someone with goals, dreams, or a vision for your

future – the Stargate Solution is a vital tool to add to your kit.

And… turning your Stargate on is a skill which is easy to learn

and quick to master.

Keep reading to find out more or jump forward to the video


[ 30 ]
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Access to your personal Stargate


[ 31 ]
After I got home from the journey to the Peruvian Stargate, I
had a charge of passion.

But, eventually, I hit the doldrums. Life slowed down. The day
to day picked up, and I lost my vision. I quickly realized the

I still needed to access the Stargate.

Then, I remembered the Third Secret.

The Third Secret: You can access the power of the Stargate.
Anytime, anywhere.

At this very moment, you are a seed of potential. With the right
nurture and training, you can grow exponentially. Your
performance can multiply 10x. Your personal effectiveness can
increase. You can hit new highs and leap beyond your old

The truth is, you probably aren’t at your full potential. I’m
guessing, like me, you aren’t even close (I still have a long way to

No matter what the measure of your success, you are just

scratching the surface of the amazing life that you can enjoy.

But, maybe you’re ready to change that…

[ 32 ]
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Are you ready to get more out of life?

Realize your dreams faster?

Wake up energized and excited because your path is clearer?

Do you want to 10x your performance? Earn more and save

more? Improve your health? Find that ideal romantic partner?

If so, then I invite you to discover the Stargate Solution.

This digital training combines the three Secrets of the Stargates

with tools supported by research, to deliver tried-and-true training
– a technique to open your own personal Stargate, anytime or

This power has been confirmed by science. High-powered

CEOs, athletes, and even government agents have been known to
ʹwormholeʹ forward to success.

[ 33 ]
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Now that you know about this awesome power, you have a
couple of options:

1) You can ignore the information entirely. Discard what the

ancient legends talk about. Ignore what Einstein proved
and has been utilized by institutions including Stanford
and the U.S. Government. It’s just not for you!

2) Try to figure out how to do this all by yourself. I suggest

journeying to Peru and stepping in front of the Stargate
yourself. But is it worth it? I’ve already spent the years of
research, development, and testing to show you exactly
how to create the Stargate Solution for your own life.

3) Take advantage of the free video that will give you the first
step towards mastering the power of Stargates.

4) Get the Stargate Solution now.

It’s time to stop being stuck at Point A.

Let’s go meet the Future You, together.

[ 34 ]
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Do you want more money? Do you want to improve your inner

motivation and discipline so that everyone around you is stunned
by your accomplishments?

Turning on your Stargate will help you achieve that.

Or would you like to do something so incredible that it shifts

your life, your family, and your community towards the positive?
Then you’ll absolutely need the Stargate Solution to turn your
dream into success.

What are you waiting for? The Stargate Solution is waiting!

[ 35 ]
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About the Author
Dawn Clark is an international best-selling
author, speaker, futurist, and creator of next-
generation tools that help people unlock their
personal and professional potential.

Standing at the heart of science and spirituality, Dawn synthesizes

research from epigenetics, quantum physics, and technology, along
with her own unique insights, some of which have been informed
by profound near-death experiences.

A recognized thought leader, Dawn’s client list includes Fortune

500 executives, entrepreneurs, scientists, artists, psychologists,
teachers, and doctors—including Nobel Prize and Oscar award

[ 36 ]
© Dawn Clark Productions, LLC
and Infinite EnergyLinks, Inc.

This book is copyrighted material. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or recorded

without specific written permission in advance from Dawn Clark
and Infinite EnergyLinks, Inc.

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