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4.1 Describe the reults obtained in all the laboratory task

We have prove differen algorithms for the detection of images in a video.For doing it, first
we have selected one frame of the video, and use it like a background, the algorithm
compares this background with the everyframe in the video and takes the diference
d between
them.Those are frames for the 'nagranie1.avi' and 'nagranie2.avi' videos.

As we can see, this is a binariced image, it is viewed the black background, and the detected
figure in withe

4.2 In what situations a staticic background model (task 3.2) can be applicated practically?
I don't understand the question very well. This can be used when we want to detect some
figure moving in the screen, an the camera is static, allways showing the same place.
4.3 How does the background model tested in task 3.3 behaves for high and low learning rate?
Changing the values of the µ ,we can see that is we put it in a high level, like “1”, nothing is
detected,(also when we put the threshold level in 0.9),and if we put it in a low level, like
”0.05” it detects also smal figures, watching the value of µ =0.5 the car is well detected, and
the people is detected but not to much. We can also see that if we change the value of the
threshold, the image is viewed like a ghost, and we can see also that efect in the dectection,
like a stele.

Video 1 µ =0.05, threshold=0.05

Video 1 µ =1

Video 1

Video 2 µ =0.5 Video 2 µ =0.05

4.4 What are the advantages of using the background model described by equation 1?
The advantages are that we can play with the values of µ and threshold.

4.5 How both of the background modelling methods would act (the static image and avaraged
image) in case of a parked vehicle.
If the background changes, we will use the avereage method, if the image is static, we will use
the static method.Parked vehicle seems that the image will change, so avarage method.

4.6What differences can be observed in task 3.5?

That the result is very different if in the image apears small figures, like
like people, or big
figures like cars, the detection for the big figures is better.

4.7 Present and comment the results for various parameters set in task 3.7. What happens if
i a
high value for learning parameter is set?

Video 3 (“normal parameters) Video 3 learning=0.5

We can see that changing the learning parameter to a high level, it apears the gosht efect again. And
the detection is not very good.

Video 3 ro=0.5
Here we can see the big stele that apears in the detection when we put “ro” in a high level.

Video 4 learning 0.5

Video 4 ro 0.5

4.8 Describe the problems occuring during object detection. (On the basis of the observations
done during laboratory)
One problem appears when we put the µ value to 1 in the static method, we did not detect
nothing, also when we put the threshold value to 0.9.

4.9 Name the applications in which the tested algorithms could be used. (besides surveillance
We can use this algorithms for example to look lost people in a big areas, the only problem
will be that the person will be small in a big background, but we can change the parametres
for our task.
Another use, could be the detection of asteroids in the sky, also the increase or decrease of
liquid in a tank.
We can also use it in medecine, comparing pictures of parts of the body, and see if there has
been any change.

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