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Subject: Physical Education 1 1 st Grading: 1st and 2nd Week

Body Awareness (Body Management and movement skills) Module 1

I. Learning Objectives/ Competencies:

 The learner identifies and describe parts of the body
 The learner will perform by using loco motor movements
 The learner balances on one, two, three, four, five body parts.
 The learner will know how to transfer weight of body parts

II. Pre Activity:

Present a picture to the class and identify the body parts starting from the head down to feet together.

Discuss the division of the body in the context of

Physical Education: head, trunk, upper extremities, and lower

Subject: Physical Education 1 1 st Grading: 1st and 2nd Week
Body Awareness (Body Management and movement skills) Module 1

Ask the students to stand and teach them to analyze the different parts of
the body from top to bottom.
Discuss the uses of different parts of the body.
Subject: Physical Education 1 1 st Grading: 1st and 2nd Week
Body Awareness (Body Management and movement skills) Module 1

IV. Activity #1: Challenge the pupils to do the following by pair or by small

Identify and describe your head, shoulders, neck, back, chest, waist,
hips, arms, elbows, hips, hands, fingers, legs, knees, ankles, feet and

Perform using loco motor movements

Balances on one, two, three, four, five body parts.

Transfer weight of body parts.
Subject: Physical Education 1 1 st Grading: 1st and 2nd Week
Body Awareness (Body Management and movement skills) Module 1

Activity #2: Label me!

Post a big picture of a boy/girl

Label the name of body parts needed.

Activity #.3: “My toes, my knees” Sing together and after that, Group your
pupils into 6 and perform the song and dance.
Subject: Physical Education 1 1 st Grading: 1st and 2nd Week
Body Awareness (Body Management and movement skills) Module 1

Activity #4: Body Balance

Directions: Try the following balancing skills.

V. Evaluation/Knowledge check:

Directions: Connect the part of the body to the movements it can do.
Multiple connections are allowed.
Arm Twist

Leg Bend/Flex
Subject: Physical Education 1 1 st Grading: 1st and 2nd Week
Body Awareness (Body Management and movement skills) Module 1

Head Swing/Sway

Shoulder Shake

Trunk Raise

Hand Rotate

Feet Stretch/Extend

B. Name the main body part or parts used to do each movement or activity.
Write your answer on the line.

Example: feet and legs * Walking to school

___________________1. Kneeling to pray.

___________________2. Drawing your favorite cartoon character.
___________________3. Dancing to your favorite tune.
___________________4. Waving to a classmate.
___________________5. Running in the playground.
___________________6. Smelling a flower.
___________________7. Reading Bible story.
___________________8. Talking to your seatmate.
___________________9. Smelling my favorite foods.
___________________10. Picking the beautiful flower in the garden.


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