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Group Assignment 1: Organizational behavior, Job satisfaction

BY Group Member Names ID Number






INSTRUCTOR: Abera Legesse

August 2020


The role of individual workers difference in a condition of different work environment have been
a long debate in organizational behavior theories and different researchers in the stream. Neo
classical organizational theories state that motivation of employee did come from the work
environment they are engaged in, where the work atmosphere have the ability to determine the
job satisfaction of individuals .Disposition researchers have argued that job satisfaction is to a
great extent a product of personality, as individuals vary in their responses to the same situation.
Others have taken an opposing view, suggesting that personality is often confounded with
situations, the latter of which is the real driving force behind job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction is the total feeling likeness or dislikes that an individual has about his or her job.
It is an effective or emotional response towards the various facets of one’s job. It is an individual
total attitude and perception towards one’s job. Job satisfaction is an aftereffect of workers'
impression of how well their activity gives those things which are seen as significant (Obiekwe
Onyebuchi (PhD))

Some people love their jobs, some people tolerate their jobs, and some people cannot stand their
jobs. Job satisfaction describes the degree to which individuals enjoy their job. It was described
by Edwin Locke (1976) as the state of feeling resulting from appraising one’s job experiences.
While job satisfaction results from both how we think about our work (our cognition) and how
we feel about our work (our affect) (Saari & Judge, 2004), it is described in terms of affect. Job
satisfaction is impacted by the work itself, our personality, and the culture we come from and
live in (Saari & Judge, 2004).

Job satisfaction can also be considered as a measure of workers' contentedness with their job,
whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or
supervision (Spector, P.E. (1997)).

Job satisfaction refers to a person’s feeling of satisfaction on the job which act as a motivation to
work. It is not the self-satisfaction, happiness or self-contentment but the satisfaction on the job.
Satisfaction does mean the simple feeling state accompanying the attainment by an impulse of its
objective. Research workers differently described the factors contributing the job satisfaction and
the job dissatisfaction. It is difficult to state an inclusive and conclusive definition of job
satisfaction here, due to a range of conceptualizations of the construct in the literature. Some
theorists view it as the broad positive emotional reactions and attitudes an individual has towards
their job, brought about by a comparison between actual and desired or anticipated outcomes
(Locke, 1978; Oshagbemi, 1999). Others have viewed it as a two-dimensional construct
consisting of a ‘satisfaction–lack of satisfaction’ dimension and a ‘dissatisfaction–lack of
dissatisfaction’ dimension (Winefield, Tiggemann, & Goldney, 1988); or as ‘intrinsic
satisfaction’ and

Job satisfaction reflects the extent to which people find gratification or fulfillment in their work.
Job satisfaction shows that personal factors such as an individual needs and aspirations
determine his/her attitude, along with group and organizational factors such as relationships with
co-workers and supervisors and working conditions, work policies, and compensation. A
satisfied employee tends to be absent less often, to make positive contributions, and to stay with
the organization. The effect of job satisfaction goes beyond organizational setting. Satisfied
employees are more likely to be satisfied citizens. These people will hold a more positive attitude
towards life in general and make for a society of more psychologically healthy.

Job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal or one’s
job or job experience” - E.A.Locke
“Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like job
intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job intensely, you
experience job-dissatisfaction” - Andrew.J.DuBrins
“Job satisfaction will be defined as the amount of overall positive effect or feelings that
individuals have towards their jobs” - Fieldman and Arnold
Job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal or one’s
job or job experience” - E.A.Locke
“Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like job
intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job intensely, you
experience job-dissatisfaction” - Andrew.J.DuBrins
“Job satisfaction will be defined as the amount of overall positive effect or feelings that
individuals have towards their jobs” - Fieldman and Arnold
Job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal or one’s
job or job experience” - E.A.Locke “

Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like job
intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job intensely, you
will experience job-dissatisfaction” - Andrew.J.DuBrins “

Job satisfaction will be defined as the amount of overall positive effect or feelings that
individuals have towards their jobs” - Fieldman and Arnold

Why we need to measure job satisfaction

As an organization and as an employee we need to see and follow employee job satisfaction as
one of the key mission/ Goal of all organization leaders in irrespective of what their individual
KPI are. In modern companies employee satisfaction rated in yearly basis using Climate surveys
within the organization and using international rating methods where it should have to be put as a
main measure for the correct performance of the organizational structure and the leadership team
in the company. A satisfied employee is not just a retained employee but an ambassador for the
brand, happy employees are more loyal to the company and its objectives, they go the extra mile
to achieve goals and take pride in their jobs, their teams and their achievements.

A dissatisfied employee expresses her negative perceptions more in external forums than internal
ones, for fear of repercussion.Most of the time the effect begins with creating negative attitude
on the peers and making informal grouping in the organization, the main problem arise when an
existing employee speaks ill of the company, it reduces the prospects of the listener to join the
company and the reputation of the organization is impacted and this can go worse on the
products if the issue is raised as part of discussion on social medias. Hence it is also important
that HR identify such employees and work towards alleviating their problems and converting
negative impressions to positive ones.

Obiekwe Onyebuchi (PhD), Obibhunun, Lucky (PhD) and Omah, Okechukwu (PhD) on their
study of impact of employee job satisfaction on organizational performance viewed that job
satisfaction is very essential as it has many positive organizational outcomes, as well as vital
positive outcomes to individual employees. It identifies that when an employee is dissatisfied, he
directly or indirectly spread his dissatisfaction to the rest of the staff. This can cause a heavy
decrease in the morale of the entire staff and can bring about a heavy decrease in productivity. In
fact, a dissatisfied and unmotivated employee is a serious threat to the wellbeing of any
organization. It is showed on the paper that job satisfaction increases an employee commitment
to an organization. An employee who is satisfied will want to remain in the job to give his best to
his employing organization, whereas an unsatisfied employee will always be on the look-out for
another job, and will leave the organization at any slight chance or opportunity.

1. Employee satisfaction is an essential piece of overall business success

Companies that motivate and engage their employees stand a better chance of outperforming
their competitors.

2. Employee satisfaction helps retain employees

Employee retention is facing a crisis, according to the 2019 Employee Engagement Report from
TINY pulse. Over 40% of employees are likely to leave their company for a 10% pay raise.
That’s up from 23% a few years ago.

3. Employee satisfaction leads to employee engagement

Job satisfaction plays an essential role in motivating the employees to deliver their level best and
also leads to a positive ambience at the workplace. Encourage employees to talk to each other,
discuss among themselves and work as a single unit not for themselves but for the organization.

Majority of organizations view job satisfaction as dependent on 2 things – salary and

‘recreational activities’. While employees do make an impression based on these parameters,
they cannot form the basis of employee engagement. Recently, a study published by Harvard
observed that employee engagement programs only serve as a shot in the arm and satisfaction
levels dip soon after. What matters is how HR understands the needs of its employees and what it
does to bring a match between employee needs and company goals


The purpose of this study is to analyze job satisfaction, its definition and application on modern
organizational behavior, to create awareness on the job satisfaction means and how current
organizations approach it.

Job satisfaction is a measure of workers interest with their job, whether or not they like the job or
individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision/ Spector, P.E. (1997.
Job satisfaction can be measured in cognitive (evaluative), affective (or emotional), and behavioral
Siegal and Lance (1987) stated that ‘job satisfaction is an emotional response defining the degree
to which people like their job.’ components

Job satisfaction relates to the total relationship between an individual and the employer for which
he is paid. Satisfaction means the simple feeling of attainment of any goal or objective. Job
dissatisfaction brings an absence of motivation at work.


According to the impact analysis by Obiekwe Onyebuchi (PhD), Obibhunun, Lucky (PhD) and
Omah, Okechukwu (PhD) the total feeling likeness or dislikes that an individual has about his or
her job is an effective or emotional response towards the various facets of one’s job. They
provide attractive overview which states that Job satisfaction is an aftereffect of workers'
impression of how well their activity gives those things which are seen as significant and put job
satisfaction as an individual total attitude and perception towards one’s job. Job satisfaction is
likewise characterized as the reintegration of effect created by person's view of satisfaction of his
needs in connection to his work and the errands encompassing it (Saiyaden, 1993). Organ and
Hammer (1991) called attention to that job satisfaction speaks of complex array of insight,
feeling and inclinations. It is the degree to which an employee cherished his work and job

Paul E. Spector (1997) summarizes the findings concerning how people feel towards work,
including: cultural and gender differences in job satisfaction and personal and organizational
causes; and potential consequences of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. He provides with a
pithy overview of the application, assessment, causes and consequences of job satisfaction. A
Yanhan Zhu1 (2012) on the review of Job Satisfaction have showed paradox of job satisfaction
and job performance where he did summarized and analyze the history of researches on the
correlation of the job satisfaction and the job performance.

Christen, Iyer and Soberman (2006) provide a model of job satisfaction presented as the
following elements.

 Job related factors,

 Role perceptions,
 Job performance and
 Firm performance

Sophie Rowan (2008) reveals how to create a happier work life, without changing career. She
provides practical and realistic guidance on how one can achieve optimal job satisfaction and
overcome the obstacles that make so many of us unhappy at work. Fried, Shirom, Gilboa, and
Cooper (2008) on their meta-analysis and structural equation modeling have challenged the
mediating effects of Job Satisfaction and propensity to leave on role stress–Job performance
relationship where the authors examined the mediating effects of job satisfaction and propensity
to leave and their effect on the relationships between role ambiguity, role conflict, and job
performance. Robert M. Hochheiser (1998) reassessed the meaning of the workplace and
proposed a simple formula for success- Forget the idea that hard work alone leads to success and
instead focus on building good relationships. He asserts that the best way to win at work is to
understand what is needed to support the egos of bosses, peers, and subordinates. Accurate
assessment of those needs can then be indirectly associated with one's own personal goals and
exploited to make substantive workplace gains. Methods of determining needs are given for a
variety of situations, and strategies are offered to help make some of the worst work situations at
least marginally better through networking and personal development.

Wen chih tseng (2020) on his study of student affair professional job satisfaction he
recommended creating a positive job environment increases a link between staffs career goal and
the profession of student affairs ,he did also show clear methodologies to improve student affair
development program which aimed at enhancing job satisfaction

Baah and Amoako (2011) described that the motivational factors (the nature of work, the sense
of achievement from their work, the recognition, the responsibility that is granted to them, and
opportunities for personal growth and advancement) helps employees to find their worth with
respect to value given to them by organization. Further, this can increase motivational level of
employees which will ultimately raise internal happiness of employees and that the internal
happiness will cause satisfaction. Hygeine factor can only cause external happiness but they are
not powerful enough to convert dissatisfaction into satisfaction but still its presence is too much
important. According to them the Herzberg Two Factor Theory, both Hygiene and Motivation
factors are linked with each other, as Hygiene factors move employee from Job dissatisfaction to
No Job dissatisfaction, whereas motivation factors moves employees from no job dissatisfaction
to job satisfaction (Herzberg et al., 1959).

C. J. Cranny, Patricia Cain Smith, Eugène F. Stone (1992) reveals perceiving future opportunity
can actually be more motivating than actually receiving a raise, getting promoted, or being given
additional responsibilities. Jane Boucher (2004) offers practical advice for improving both your
attitude about your job and the job itself. She shows workers how to cope with keeping their jobs
in this difficult economy. Chris Stride, Toby D. Wall, Nick Catley (2008) presented widely used
measurement scales of Job Satisfaction, Mental Health, Job-related Well-being and
Organizational Commitment, along with benchmarking data for comparison. The benchmarking
data is based on a sample of almost 60,000 respondents from 115 different organizations across a
wide spectrum of industries and occupations. Information is given by occupational group, and is
further broken down by age and gender. Joanna Penn (2008) teaches how to improve your
position in your current employment, gaining more from your job, discovering more about
yourself and what it is you would be happy doing, stress management and people management .
Evren Esen (2007) examined in terms of industry and staff size as well as employee age and
gender more than 20 indicators of job satisfaction including career-advancement opportunities,
benefits, the flexibility to balance life and work, and compensation. Elwood Chapman (1993)
helps to determine employee level of satisfaction and then assists in making positive changes to
increase both satisfaction level and quality of work. Patricia Buhler, Jason Scott (2009) present
an academic argument for building an employee centered culture. They also examined a real-
world case study of a company that has experienced the economic benefits of this practice,
making it abundantly clear that modern businesses can't afford not to make employee satisfaction
a top priority

Daniel Heller and Michael K. Mount 202 on their Five-Factor Model of Personality and Job
Satisfaction meta-analysis have clearly put the relationships of the Big Five Traits With Job
Satisfaction and have clearly put the analysis linking traits from the 5-factor model of personality
to overall job satisfaction which are mentioned as neuroticism, they provide the effect of
1: Neuroticism
This is one of the five personality of individuals where this peoples have essentially negative
nature and experience more negative life events than other individuals (Magnus,Diener, Fujita, &
Pavot, 1993) in part, because they select themselves into situations that foster negative affect
(Emmons,Diener, 2:Extraversion
3: Openness to Experience
Openness to Experience is related to scientific and artistic creativity (Feist,1998), divergent
thinking, low religiosity, and political liberalism (see McCrae, 1996, for a review).
4: Agreeableness
McCrae and Costa (1991) argued that Agreeableness should be related to happiness because
agreeable individuals have greater motivation to achieve interpersonal intimacy, which should
lead to greater levels of well-being
5: Conscientiousness
Organ and Lingl (1995) argued that Conscientiousness should be related to job satisfaction
because it represents a general work involvement tendency and thus leads to a greater likelihood
of obtaining satisfying work rewards, both formal (e.g., pay, promotions) and informal (e.g.,
recognition, respect, feelings of personal accomplishment).
Factors which affect job satisfaction

The two-factor theory, Frederick Herzberg (1959) , a behavioral scientist (also known as
Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory and dual-factor theory) states that there are certain factors
in the workplace that cause job satisfaction while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction,
all of which act independently of each other
- Motivators: satisfaction and no satisfaction and Achievement ,Recognition Work itself,
Responsibility, Advancement ,Growth
- Hygiene factors as: dissatisfaction and no dissatisfaction Achievement : Company
policies ,Supervision ,Interpersonal relations ,Work conditions Salary ,Statues Job
The theory implies that the managers must stress upon guaranteeing the adequacy of the hygiene
factors to avoid employee dissatisfaction. Also, the managers must make sure that the work is
stimulating and rewarding so that the employees are motivated to work and perform harder and
better. This theory emphasize upon job-enrichment so as to motivate the employees. The job
must utilize the employee’s skills and competencies to the maximum. Focusing on the
motivational factors can improve work-quality
Other factors which affect Job satisfaction
- The nature of work, Salary, Advancement
- opportunities,
- Management,
- Work groups and Work conditions.
- Manager’s concern for people
- Job design (scope,depth,interest,perceived value)
- Compensation (external and internal consistency)
- Working conditions
- Social relationships
- Perceived long-range opportunities
- Perceived opportunities elsewhere
- Levels of aspiration and need achievement
Measures of Job Satisfaction

Obiekwe Onyebuchi (PhD), Obibhunun, Lucky (PhD) and Omah, Okechukwu (PhD) have showed
that there are many criteria for assessing job satisfaction. These criteria are aimed at helping
managers/management establish an employee’s job satisfaction level, and also to initiate strategies
to solve or eradicate poor or low level of employee’s satisfaction problem, thereby increasing the
employee’s job productivity. According to Robbins (2001:67), the 2 technique of measurement of
job satisfaction are: single global rate and a summation of job sides. Nirav B Dave 2016 have put
tools which are used to measure the summation of jobs ;( Job Diagnostic Survey, Job Satisfaction
Index, Job Satisfaction Survey, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, Job Satisfaction Relative to
Expectations, Global Job Satisfaction.) As a key indicator for measurement. Spector (1997)
indicated summation as a system which distinguishes key parts during a vocation and requests the
worker's emotions regarding every traditional parts.

Single Global Rating: Single global rating is nothing more than a response to one question.
Example: all things considered, how satisfied are you with your job? Here respondents circle a
number between 1 and 5 that corresponds to answer from “highly satisfied” to “highly

Summation Job facets: It is more sophisticated, it identifies key elements in a job and asks the
employee’s feelings about each. Typically elements here are the nature of the work; supervision,
preset pay, promotion opportunities and relation with coworkers. Respondents rate them on a
standardized scale, and researchers add the ratings to create an overall job satisfaction score. This
method is achieves a more accurate evaluation of job satisfaction.

Personal Interview: When the situation gets too complicated to handle by above mentioned
methods then employees are interviewed personally to find out the core reason of the job

Some of the most commonly used techniques used for measuring job satisfaction are:

- Minnesota satisfaction questonaire and

- Job description index
The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) is designed to measure an employee's
satisfaction with his or her job. Three forms are available: two long forms (1977 version and 1967
version) and a short form. The MSQ provides more specific information on the aspects of a job
that an individual finds rewarding than do more general measures of job satisfaction. The MSQ is
also useful in exploring client vocational needs, in counseling follow-up studies, and in generating
information about the reinforces in jobs.

The Job Description Index is one of the most widely used techniques for measuring job
satisfaction. It is a simple and easily applicable method. The measurement of strength and
weakness within each factor are a sign as in which field improvement and changes are necessary.
This questionnaire allows acquisition of information on all major aspects of work and takes sex
differences into consideration. This questionnaire was first introduced in 1969 and it measures five
major job satisfaction aspects with a total of over 70 potential job descriptions.

The factors considered by the job description idex are:

- The nature of work,

- Compensation and benefits,
- Attitudes toward supervisors,
- Relations with co-workers and
- Opportunities for promotion.

Descriptors on each of the five factors will be evaluated by the employee with three potential

- 1= description is relevant,
- 2 =description is not relevant and
- 3 = employee does not have an opinion.

Most used approaches to measuring job satisfaction of the employees are based on the factors
which affect job satisfaction: There are many factors that influence an individual’s job
satisfaction such as skill variety, task significance, job feedback; role variables i.e. whether there
is any role ambiguity, role conflict which are a part of the job itself. Other factors such as pay,
gender, cultural and ethnic differences, personality characteristics-self-concept, and self-efficacy
etc. are part of extrinsic factors that affect job satisfaction.
Benefits of Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is very essential as it has many positive organizational outcomes, as well as vital
positive outcomes to individual employees.

Increase in organizational Performance (Job Satisfaction and Productivity)

Performance depends on perception, values, and attitudes. Effort is an internal force of a person
which makes him or her to work willingly. When employees are satisfied with their job and their
needs are met, they develop an attachment to work or make an effort to perform better. Increased
effort results in better performances. Richard et al. (2009) defined organizational performance as
an organizations’ actual output or results as measured against its intended outputs (or goals and
objectives). Organizational performance generally covers three explicit areas of firm outcomes
which are: financial performance (profits, return on assets, return on investment, etc.), product
market performance (sales, market share, etc.) and shareholder return (total shareholder return,
economic value added, etc.).

A sophisticated meta-analysis conducted by Tim Judge (2004) and his colleagues on 312
samples shows a much stronger relationship between employee job satisfaction and performance.
Research evidence indicates that satisfaction may not necessarily lead to individual performance
improvement but does lead to departmental and organizational level improvement. The meta-
analysis found that when satisfaction is defined and measured by employee engagement, there is
a significant relationship with performance outcomes of productivity, customer satisfaction, and
even profits

Job Satisfaction improve Employee Turnover

Improvement in job satisfaction will improve the turnover on the organization which will help
the company to retain talents and minimize costs related to employee requirement and training.
High employee turnover is a matter of concern for the management as it disrupts the normal
operations and continuous replacement of employees who leave die organization is costly and
technically undesirable A strong argument can be made as toward one direction Cummings
(1970) distinguished three key perspectives concerning this relationship. . Satisfaction causes
performance, performance causes satisfaction and rewards cause both performance and
satisfaction. Job satisfaction and productivity and that the higher the level of satisfaction, the
greater the effort to increase productivity.

Job satisfaction Improve absenteeism

When people are. Dissatisfied with their jobs, company, and supervisors, they are more prone to
experience accidents. An underlying reason for this is that dissatisfaction lakes one’s attention
away from the task at hand and leads directly to accidents

When satisfaction is high, absenteeism tends to be low; when satisfaction is low, absenteeism
tends to be high. However as with the other relationships with satisfaction, there are moderating
variables such as the degree to which people feel their jobs are important

- Employee Satisfaction Can Lead to Customer Satisfaction

- Job Satisfaction Reduces the Level of Accidents
- It Reduces the Level of Unionization
- Increase bottom line profits
- Reduce recruitment costs

Conclusion and Recommendations

Job satisfactions are one of the key performance indicator for one company where gives a
condition which favor employees to perform at peak levels. Employees who are satisfied are
more likely to be settled at work, show courage to strive for improvement, have collaboration
through trust with other peers, will help employees to show their skills and develop themselves.
Motivated employees are likely to be more committed in helping in achievement of
organizational goal. Many studies have demonstrated an unusually large impact on the job
satisfaction on the motivation of workers, while the level of motivation has an impact on
productivity, and hence also on performance of business organizations. There is a considerable
impact of the employee’s perceptions for the nature of his work and the level of overall job
satisfaction considering factors that lead to job satisfaction among employees (higher pay,
recognition, good work environment, challenging and fulfilling work and relationship with
supervisors and co-worker). Based on the literature review and the conclusion arrived, it is
recommended that managers should give focus on insuring the job satisfaction on their working
area since it determine the overall performance of the company where they should be able to see
the attitude and working environments

Recommendations for improvement and sustaining job satisfaction

- Develop a continuous feedback sections / 360 methods ,face to face feedbacks/

- Make proper one on ones with employees in the departmental level
- Develop a channel where employees can freely give comment, suggestions and report
miss conducts
- Make climate survey analysis and use the feed backs given for improvement
- Strong commitment from leadership teams, (transparency )
- Better People engagement plan / beer gathering , have meal together , vacations /

- and interested in their employees attitudes because attitudes gives warnings of potential
problems and because they influence behavior. Managers should raise employee
satisfaction by focusing on the intrinsic and extrinsic parts of the job, such as making the
work challenging and interesting, and also high and equitable pay in order to keep the
employees motivated and committed to drive organizations vision and goals domain

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