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Data Extracts Definitions

Android Extracts*

Standard Fields

Field Name in Definition Data Date Max Field

Extract Type Available** Size
test_id A unique ID for every speedtest performed number 8/1/2009 11
based on the platform.
android_device_id Each individual device is assigned a unique number 8/1/2009 11
ID, which is tied to all the tests taken on the
android_fingerprin The device model and OS version of the text 8/1/2009 100
t user's device. Not standardized across all
manufacturers. Rather than Android
fingerprint, rely on the device and hardware
fields for accurate information about the
device hardware.
test_date Date and time of the test in the time zone datetime 8/1/2009 19
you choose or in UTC (the default); Prior to
2/13/2018, the default was Pacific (GMT -8).
client_ip_address This is the IP address from which the request text 8/1/2009 15
to Ookla's reporting API was generated. The
last octet of the user's external IP address is
masked for addresses that are not on your
network. Full IP addresses are available for
your customers. Devices behind networks
with carrier grade NAT may appear to share
the same IP address.
download_kbps The result of the download portion of the number 8/1/2009 11
test, measured in kilobits per second.
upload_kbps The result of the upload portion of the test, number 8/1/2009 11
measured in kilobits per second.
latency The result of the latency portion of the test, number 8/1/2009 6
measured in milliseconds.

server_name The name of the server used for the test. This text 8/1/2009 255
is typically the city where the server is
server_country The country where the server used for the text 8/1/2009 255
test is located.
server_country_ The two letter country code (ISO 3166-1 text 8/1/2009 2
code alpha-2) of where the test server is located.
server_latitude The latitude of the server used for the test. number 8/1/2009 10
server_longitude The longitude of the server used for the test. number 8/1/2009 10
server_sponsor_ The name of the test server sponsor. text 8/1/2009 255
name Combining server name and server sponsor
will create a unique name for each server.
client_country The country where the device is located. text 8/1/2009 255
client_country_ The two letter country code (ISO 3166-1 text 8/1/2009 2
code alpha-2) of where the device was located.
client_region_ The region within a country where the test text 8/1/2009 255
name was conducted. How each country is divided
into regions varies country to country, but
this is typically the top level region as
described in ISO-3166-2. If this field is labeled
unknown and the field location type equals 2,
we were unable to confidently assign a
region to the record and the location is only
accurate to the country level.
client_region_code The ISO-3166-2 region code of where the test text 8/1/2009 3
was conducted.
client_city The city where the test was conducted. If this text 8/1/2009 255
field is labeled unknown and the location
type field equals 2, we were unable to
confidently assign a city to the record and is
only accurate to the region level.
client_latitude The latitude of the device conducting the number 8/1/2009 10
test. If location type equals 2, this value is
client_longitude The longitude of the device conducting the number 8/1/2009 10
test. If location type equals 2, this value is

client_latitude_star The latitude of the device conducting the test number 5/27/2019 10
t at the beginning of the test. If starting
location type equals 2, this value is
client_longitude_st The longitude of the device conducting the number 5/27/2019 10
art test at the beginning of the test. If location
type equals 2, this value is approximate.
miles_between Distance (in miles) between user at end of number 8/1/2009 9
test and location of server.
isp_name The name of the device's ISP, derived from text 8/1/2009 255
the IP address in the client_ip_address field.
is_isp Indicates whether or not a user's connection number 8/1/2009 1
is an ISP.

1 = true, 0 = false.

0 generally indicates government, university,

or corporate connections.
network_operator The name of the operator, as displayed by text 3/1/2011 255
_name the device. Custom versions of Android,
including carrier specific versions, may
modify this string, and carriers have used
different spellings and brandings on their
network names.
mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC) is a three digit number 11/1/2015 3
code specific to the country where the
network operator is located. A list of code
and countries can be found here.
mnc Mobile Network Code. A three digit identifier number 11/1/2015 3
specific to a network operator within a given
country. When combined with the Mobile
Country Code, each mobile network can be
uniquely identified. A fairly comprehensive
list of Mobile Network Codes can be found
here, but each country regulates their MNCs
individually, so codes may appear or change
without any notice.
pre_connection_ A number representing the device's number 10/1/2013 4
type connection type as detected before the test

begins. Please see the connection type table
for an explanation of each type.

Connection type as detected before the test

0 = Unknown,1 = Cell, 2 = Wi-Fi, 3 = GPRS, 4 =
EDGE, 5 = UMTS, 6 = CDMA, 7 = EVDO0, 8 =
EVDOA, 9 = OnexRTT, 10 = HSDPA, 11 =
HSPA, 12 = IDEN, 13 = EHRPD, 14 = EVDOB,
15 = LTE, 16 = HSUPA, 17 = HSPAP, 18 = GSM,
19 = TDSCDMA, 20 = IWLAN, 21 = LTE-CA, 24
= 5G NR

"Standard" extracts recipients receive

everything but wifi data (#2). "Advanced"
extracts recipients receive all fields.
post_connection_ A number representing the device's number 8/1/2009 4
type connection type as detected at the end of
the test. Please see the connection type table
for an explanation of each type.

Connection type as detected at the end of

the test:
0 = Unknown,1 = Cell, 2 = Wi-Fi, 3 = GPRS, 4 =
EDGE, 5 = UMTS, 6 = CDMA, 7 = EVDO0, 8 =
EVDOA, 9 = OnexRTT, 10 = HSDPA, 11 =
HSPA, 12 = IDEN, 13 = EHRPD, 14 = EVDOB,
15 = LTE, 16 = HSUPA, 17 = HSPAP, 18 = GSM,
19 = TDSCDMA, 20 = IWLAN, 21 = LTE-CA, 24
= 5G NR

"Standard" extracts recipients receive

everything but wifi data (#2). "Advanced"
extracts recipients receive all fields.
brand The consumer facing brand of the device. text 3/1/2011 255
device The codename assigned to the device by the text 3/1/2011 255
hardware The device hardware name, as reported by text 3/1/2011 255
the Android kernel.
build_id The Android build ID reflects the version of text 3/1/2011 255
Android installed on the device. The build ID

typically follows a standard convention of
AAA##A, but some device manufacturers
chose to implement their own convention.
More information about Android build IDs
can be found at
manufacturer The device manufacturer. text 3/1/2011 255
model User device's model. text 3/1/2011 255
product The internal product code of the device. This text 3/1/2011 255
is typically the same as the device codename,
but occasionally differs.
cdma_cell_id User's CDMA cell ID; also the number 3/1/2011 10
gsm_cell_id User's GSM cell ID; also the cid. number 3/1/2011 11
location_type The method used to determine the device's number 7/1/2011 3
location at the end of the test. Whenever
possible, the mobile
application uses the device's location services
to determine an accurate latitude and
longitude of the device. However, in an effort
to maintain a quick and easy user experience,
if the device's location services are either
unavailable or unable to return an accurate
location within a few seconds, we fall back to
using third party Geo-IP location services.

1 = GPS / device location services,

2 = Geo-IP.
location_type_start The method used to determine the device's number 5/27/2019 3
location at the start of the test. Whenever
possible, the mobile
application uses the device's location services
to determine an accurate latitude and
longitude of the device. However, in an effort
to maintain a quick and easy user experience,
if the device's location services are either
unavailable or unable to return an accurate
location within a few seconds, we fall back to
using third party Geo-IP location services.

1 = GPS / device location services,
2 = Geo-IP.
gmaps_formatted_ Full location name including city, county, text 3/31/2016 100
address region, and country, if available.
Unabbreviated location name; typically the text 3/31/2016 100
gmaps_name city where the test is taken.
Locality where test is taken. This is typically text 3/31/2016 100
gmaps_type an incorporated city or town political entity.
gmaps_country Country where test is taken. text 3/31/2016 100
gmaps_country_ Country code where test is taken. text 3/31/2016 100
Region name where test is taken. This is the text 3/31/2016 100
first-order civil entity in a country level.
Depending on the country, these are states,
gmaps_region provinces, or territories, etc.
Region name where test is taken. This is the text 3/31/2016 100
second-order civil entity in a country level.
Depending on the country, these are
county-level names. Not all countries display
gmaps_subregion this information.
Region name where test is taken. This is the text 3/31/2016 250
third-order civil entity in a country level.
Depending on the country, these are the
gmaps_subsubregi level under counties. Not all countries display
on this information.
Postal code for the test location. The postal text 3/31/2016 100
gmaps_postal_ code is that same as what is used to address
code mail within the country.
client_ipv6_addres Speedtest user's IPV6 address. We mask IP text 5/1/2018 255
s addresses for end users privacy, but show
enough to allow clients to see which provider
is offering the user's internet service.

Please refer to "test_method_a" to see with

IP address the test was taken over.

Advanced Fields
Field Name in Definition Data Date Max Field
Extract Type Available** Size
phone_type_a The type of phone used. number 8/1/2012 3

0 = None, 1 = GSM, 2 = CDMA,

3 = SIP
device_software_ The software version found on the device. text 8/1/2012 2
sim_network_ Similar to the network_operator_name field, text 8/1/2012 255
operator_name_a this is the network operator name
associated with the sim card installed in the
device, rather than the current network the
device is registered on. Some devices may
report "null" if the network associated with
the sim is the same as the current registered
sim_network_ Similar to the network_operator field, this is text 8/1/2012 10
operator_code_a the network operator associated with the
sim card installed in the device, rather than
the current network the device is registered
on. Some devices may report null if the
network associated with the sim is the same
as the current registered network.
app_version_a User's Speedtest app version on Android. text 4/1/2011 11
start_cell_id_a The starting ID of either the GSM or CDMA number 9/1/2011 10
ID. It is useful to compare this to
cdma_cell_id or gsm_cell_id to determine if
the cell id changed during testing.
wifi_bssid_a The media access control address (MAC) text 9/1/2011 50
address of the wifi Chipset running on the
wireless access point to which the device is
wifi_secure_a A flag indicating whether or not security is number 9/1/2011 3
enabled on the wifi network.

0 = No and 1 = Yes.
wifi_rssi_a Wifi RSSI signal strength. number 8/1/2012 11

alt_sim_network_ Mobile carrier name from alternate SIM card text 10/1/2013 255
operator_name_a when using a dual SIM device.
alt_sim_network_ The mobile country code (MCC) and mobile text 10/1/2013 10
operator_code_a network code (MNC) from alternate SIM
card when using a dual SIM device.
test_method_a The communication protocol used by the number 8/1/2014 3
test. Whenever possible, the test makes a
direct TCP connection with the testing
server, which allows for greater testing
accuracy, especially at higher speeds. In
instances where the device is unable to
establish a TCP connection with the test
server on the appropriate port, the test falls
back to using basic HTTP file transfers to
determine the device's bandwidth.

1 = HTTP, 2 = TCP, 5 = HTTP-IPV6,

6 = TCP-IPV6
gsm_lac_a GSM Location Area Code from the device. number 4/1/2015 5
alt_sim_operator_ The long carrier name from alternate SIM text 4/1/2015 255
alpha_long_a card when using a dual SIM device.
timezone_name_a Name of user's time zone at location of test. text 4/1/2015 50
timezone_offset_se User's timezone offset relative to GMT, in number 4/1/2015 9
conds_a seconds.
data_connection_ This connection type is recorded upon test number 7/1/2011 5
type_a completion and can be used to match up the
starting connection type for consistency.

0=Mobile, 1=WiFi, 2=Mobile MMS, 3=Mobile

Supl, 4=Mobile Dun, 5=Mobile Hipri,
6=WiMax, 7=Bluetooth, 8=Unknown,
android_api_a Android OS API version of device. number 4/1/2015 3
architecture_a Architecture of the device's CPU: x86, arm, text 4/1/2015 50
signal_cell_type_a This field reflects the network connection number 11/1/2015 3
type associated with the signal and cell
information provided by the device. The
signal cell type may differ from the

connection type in cases where voice
communications occur on a different
network than data transmission.

1 = GSM, 2 = CDMA, 3 = WCDMA,

4 = LTE
pci_a LTE Physical Cell Identity. An integer to number 11/1/2015 5
identify the physical LTE cell the user is
connected to. The value is unique to the
physical cell antennae rather than a specific
cell tower. Valid values are 0 to 503. A value
of 65535 or null indicates that the device
was unable to return a PCI value.
tac_a LTE Tracking Area Code. A 16 bit integer number 11/1/2015 9
used to facilitate handoff of a device
between cells. The Tracking Area Identity
can be determined by prepending the MCC
and MNC to the Tracking Area Code.
base_station_id_a CDMA Base Station ID. Valid values range number 11/1/2015 5
from 0 to 65535, with 65535 representing
station_latitude_a CDMA Base Station Latitude as specified in number 11/1/2015 9
3GPP2 C.S0005-A v6.0.
station_longitude_a CDMA Base Station Longitude as specified in number 11/1/2015 9
3GPP2 C.S0005-A v6.0.
network_id_a CDMA Network Identification Number. This number 11/1/2015 5
Network ID differs from any network
operator identification numbers and is only
unique within each system ID for a given
operator. Valid values range from 0 to
65535, with 65535 representing unknown.
system_id_a CDMA System ID. This ID identifies large number 11/1/2015 5
subsets of an operator's wireless network.
IDs are only unique per operator. Valid
values range from 0 to 65535, with 65535
representing unknown.
cid_a GSM, WCDMA, LTE. An ID for a cell within a number 11/1/2015 10
given network. Valid GSM IDs range from 0
to 65535 while WCDMA and LTE allow
integers up to 2147483647. In all three

connection types, the maximum valid value
represents unknown. In UMTS networks, this
number includes the RNC number. The
inclusion of the RNC number means some
work will likely need to be done to allow this
field to join with your tower data.
lac_a GSM, WCDMA. A 16-bit integer representing number 11/1/2015 5
a cell's location within a given operator's
system. 65535 represents unknown.
psc_a GSM, WCDMA. Primary Scrambling Code. number 11/1/2015 5
Valid values range from 0 to 512 with 65535
representing unknown.
asu_level_a Arbitrary Strength Unit. This value is number 11/1/2015 3
proportional to the device's signal strength,
but the calculation for determining the
actual signal strength varies by connection
type. The valid value range for GSM and
WCDMA is 0 to 31 while CDMA and LTE have
a valid range of 0 to 97, with 99 representing
unknown across all connection types. For
more information on ASU and calculating
true signal strength, please see 3GPP RSRP
document GPP 27.007 (Ver 10.3.0) Sec 8.69.
dbm_a Cell signal strength as dBm. A small number 11/1/2015 11
percentage of devices often report positive
values for this. Please use absolute values
for this field so that those devices are
normalized with the rest.
level_a A simplified signal strength measurement, number 11/1/2015 3
represented as 0 to 4. This is generalized
from each carrier's individual scales.
Roughly, these are how the signal strengths

0 = none, 1 = poor, 2 = moderate, 3 = good,

4 = great
timing_advance_a LTE Timing Advance measured in Ts. number 11/1/2015 11
2147483647 represents unknown.
cdma_dbm_a CDMA Signal strength value in dBm number 11/1/2015 11
cdma_ecio_a CDMA Ec/Io value in dB*10 number 11/1/2015 11

cdma_level_a CDMA signal level 0 to 4 number 11/1/2015 3
evdo_dbm_a EVDO signal strength value in dBm number 11/1/2015 11
evdo_ecio_a EVDO Ec/Io value in dB*10 number 11/1/2015 11
evdo_level_a EVDO signal level 0 to 4 number 11/1/2015 3
evdo_snr_a EVDO signal to noise ratio 0 to 8 number 11/1/2015 3
signal_string_a This is the raw string output from the device text 11/1/2015 255
when all signal strength information is
requested. While most information is
already represented in the other columns,
some devices will report additional
information when the string method is
jitter_a The variance in latency over time which number 8/1/2016 4
determines the stability of the internet
ploss_sent_a The number of packages sent to host server number 8/1/2016 5
from device. To determine packet loss
percentage, take the ploss_recv divided by
ploss_sent. 100% means zero packet loss
since 100% of the packets were sent and
ploss_recv_a The number of packages received by the number 8/1/2016 5
host server from device. To determine
packet loss percentage, take the ploss_recv
divided by ploss_sent. 100% means zero
packet loss since 100% of the packets were
sent and received.
valid_imei_a Deprecated 5/25/2019. Field is now NULL. number 8/1/2009 1
app_store_a App store that app was downloaded from, text 9/1/2014 50
such as the Amazon android app store,
Google Play, Yandex, Samsung app store,
is_rooted_a This indicates that the device allows running number 11/01/2015 1
applications with root level permissions and
may be running software that could cause
the device to report false information.

0 = False, 1 = True

tr_ip_0_a This is the IP address of the first hop of text 11/01/2015 15
traceroute during a test.
tr_latency_a The time taken for the packet to be received number 11/01/2015 5
after the first hop in the traceroute.
tr_ip_1_a This is the IP address of the second hop of text 11/01/2015 15
traceroute during a test.
tr_latency_1_a The time taken for the packet to be received number 11/01/2015 5
after the second hop in the traceroute.
wifi_speed_mbps_a Theoretical maximum protocol speed number 1/1/2016 5
between device and wifi router. This field is
connected to wifi test results only.
wifi_frequency_mhz The frequency the wifi router is connecting number 1/1/2016 5
_a with when test is taken. This field is
connected to wifi test results only.
location_accuracy_a The accuracy of the location data collected number 1/1/2016 5
from the device expressed in meters.
uarfcn_a The UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency number 1/1/2017 8
Channel Number (UARFCN) is a unique
number given to each radio channel within
the frequency bands used by the UMTS
UTRA. The UARFCN can be used to calculate
the carrier frequency.
arfcn_a The Absolute Radio Frequency Channel number 1/1/2017 8
Number (ARFCN) is a unique number given
to each radio channel in GSM. The ARFCN
can be used to calculate the exact frequency
of the radio channel. Within the GSM900
band ARFCN 1 to 124 are used. In the
GSM1800 band ARFCN 512 to 885 are used.
bsic_a The Base Station Identity Code (BSIC) is a number 1/1/2017 3
code used in GSM to uniquely identify a base
station. The code is needed because it is
possible that mobile stations receive the
broadcast channel of more than one base
station on the same frequency.
earfcn_a EARFCN stands for E-UTRA Absolute Radio number 1/1/2017 8
Frequency Channel Number.In LTE, the
carrier frequency in the uplink and downlink
is designated by EARFCN, which ranges

between 0-65535. EARFCN uniquely identify
the LTE band and carrier frequency. EARFCN
is independent of channel bandwidth.
subscription_code_a Given that dual SIM devices are so common, number 7/1/2017 2
we put in place a new approach to identify
which SIM was used for the test with a very
high level of confidence.

The code displayed indicates how the

sim_network_operator_name_a was
identified with high confidence or the
reason it could not be identified with high
confidence. If 1-6 is seen, then that is the
SIM that was used during the test. If 7-10,
then we cannot yet make a determination
with high confidence because there is not
enough information given during the test.

1 = True, Single subscription

2 = True, Single subscription with default
3 = True, Single registered network matching
4 = True, Single registered network matching
5 = True, Single registered network of
subtype matching the active network,
matching SubscriptionManager
6 = True, Single registered network of
subtype matching the active network,

7 = False, No active network available

8 = False, Unknown connection type
9 = False, Connection type is not mobile
10 = False, Phone is not roaming and there is
not enough info to determine subscription
test_carrier_a The carrier sim used for the test. Tied to text 2/1/2018 255

test_mcc_a The mcc code associated with the SIM card number 2/1/2018 3
used for the test. Tied to
test_mnc_a The mnc code associated with the SIM card number 2/1/2018 3
used for the test. Tied to
server_selection_a Whether the server used in the Speedtest text 2/1/2018 4
was selected automatically or manually by
the user

"Auto" indicates that the server was

selected automatically

"User" indicates that the server was selected

manually by the user
rsrp_a Reference Signal Received Power. number 2/1/2018 4

LTE metric displaying the received power of

the reference LTE signal, similar to the old
school "signal strength".

Range: -40 to -140, where -140 is the worst

and -44 is the highest the device will report
rsrq_a Reference Signal Received Quality number 2/1/2018 5

The received quality of the LTE reference


Range: -19.5 to -3, where -3 is best

rssnr_a Reference Signal Signal-to-Noise Ratio number 2/1/2018 3

Perhaps the most important KPI, but it's

rarely properly reported in Android OS. It's
the ratio between the noise and signal of the
LTE data transmission.

Range is -30 to +30, where +30 is best

cqi_a CQI stands for Channel Quality Indicator. As number 2/1/2018 2
the name implies, it is an indicator carrying

the information on how good/bad the
communication channel quality is.

In LTE, there are 15 different CQI values

randing from 1 to 15 and mapping between
CQI and modulcation scheme.

In HSDPA, the CQI value ranges from 0 to 30.

30 indicates the best channel quality and 0,1
indicates the poorest channel quality.
location_age_a Age that the location was recorded, in number 5/15/2018 11

NULL means that the location age wasn't

client_ipv6_address Speedtest user's IPV6 address. We mask IP text 5/1/2018 64
addresses for end users privacy, but show
enough to allow clients to see which
provider is offering the user's internet

Please refer to "test_method_a" to see with

IP address the test was taken over.
ookla_carrier_name Mobile operator name as determined by text 10/2/2018
_a Ookla based on our research on how the
operator is marketed
ookla_device_name Mobile device name as determined by Ookla text 10/2/2018
_a based on our research on how the device is
download_kb_a The bytes used during a test for the number 10/2/2018
download portion, in kilobytes
upload_kb_a The bytes used during a test for the upload number 10/2/2018
portion, in kilobytes
is_airplane_mode_a Indicates whether the device was in airplane number 2/4/2019
mode when data was reported.

0 = not in airplane mode, 1 = airplane mode

radio_a The version string for the radio firmware. text 5/27/2019 255

download_thread_c The maximum number of download threads number 5/27/2019 3
ount_a used during adaptive testing, maximum of
22 threads
download_test_dur The length, in milliseconds, of the speedtest number 5/27/2019 2
ation_a based on adaptive testing, maximum test
length being 15 seconds
download_stop_rea Indicates whether the speedtest was able to number 5/27/2019 1
son_a complete before the maximum test

0 = Early stop did not occur. Full test

duration or byte limit was hit
1 = Early stop occurred
device_ram_a maximum system memory in megabytes number 8/20/2019 19
available to UE kernel
device_storage_a maximum capacity in megabytes of UE file number 8/20/2019 19
system, excluding any secondary storage
such as SD cards
km_between distance (in kilometers) between user and number 8/20/2019 9
location of server.
altitude_a the altitude if available, in meters above the number 8/20/2019 6
WGS 84 reference ellipsoid. If this location
does not have an altitude, 0 is returned.
tr_hops_a the number of hops taken on the traceroute number 8/20/2019 3
from the client to server.
loc_timezone_name local timezone name derived from reverse text 8/20/2019 50
_a geocoding (location)
loc_timezone_offset device local timezone offset in seconds from number 8/20/2019 9
_seconds_a GMT derived from reverse geocoding
cell_bandwidth_a Cell bandwidth in kHz number 12/1/2019 6
vertical_accuracy_a Estimated vertical (altitude) accuracy of this number 5
location, in meters. 12/2/2019
isp_common_name Common (marketing) name of the ISP text 255
_a 12/3/2019

*last updated 11/1/2019

**data in extracts before the date available will be blank or say “NULL”


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