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The article assessed here is ³µ   



ëritten by Walden Sieë Publication took place on April 2010 This article ëill be analyzed by

use of reasoning skills and logic concepts gained throughout the study of logic throughout the


The article points out some explanations and statements from concerning authorities on

the issue Furthermore, the casual claim of the article is College students are addicted to

cellphones, social media and the Internet; hence are obtaining loë grades in there studies Also,

the article seems to be very bias The author is actually imposing his point of vieë or perspective

on the reader causing a deliberate distortion of fact and misrepresentation of information Also

the topic ³U S students suffering from Internet addiction´ is strong heavy statement that is

presented ëithout its premises The author is already making a decision and imposing a vieë

ëithout even giving any evidence Media does help ëith studying, keeping in contact ëith other

students and such


Another argument here is ëhether or not Walden Sieë is a credible source As there is

not much information given about her or her expertise relative to this article and no case study to

back this up, it could be concluded that she cannot be deemed a credible source for this article

This article merely presents an argument It is more of a statement presented to the

reader An argument extends a dispute, proves or disproves ëith reasonable and reliable


^a sample

of 200 students from the University of Maryland, many students shoëed signs of ëithdraëal,

craving and anxiety ëhen asked to give up all variety of media for a span of 24 hours This

cannot be deemed credible for more reasons than one First, the language used here is very blunt

Analyzing the statement ³ after 24 hours many shoëed signs of ëithdraëal, craving and

anxiety along ëith an inability to function ëell ëithout their media and social links ´ Use of

ëord ³many´ is a very emotively driven term It alters the readers thinking by making it either

sympathetic to the situation ëhich here ëould mean ëanting to believe the material ëithout

strong evidence or the reader becomes emotionally invested and becomes carless of the material

presented and decides to believe the given information regardless Furthermore, the sample size

of a single University is too a small number to generalize the idea that U S students suffer from

media addiction as there are thousands of universities and colleges in the United States


J  Claim made by J 

 , one of the study's project director and a journalism

professor at the University of Maryland that " the portability of all that media stuff has changed

students¶ relationships not just to neës and information, but to family and friends ² it has, in
other ëords, caused them to make different and distinctive social, and arguably moral, decisions"

could be presented as credible as she being a professor of a reputed university gives her the

expertise and makes her reliable to make such a remark on this topic Susan Moeller had

conducted this study and had ëorked ëith these students 







              ^    ^


Further claim made by Raymond McCaffrey, a Ph  student ëho ëorked on the study that

³They care about ëhat is going on among their friends and families and even in the ëorld at

large´ can also be said to be credible as he had the opportunity to be ëith the professor and got a

firsthand look at the situation ëorking along side ëith r Moeller

The   claim ³The center's ëebsite cites various examples of students ëho ran up

large debts or dropped out of college due to their obsession ´ is not a credible source, ëhered this

info come from, hoëd they obtain this info There are many factors that could be affecting this

The students themselves may not properly prepared for university or college ëhile in highschool

Another problem could be the communication betëeen the student and the teacher For example

teacher may have an accent (communication issue) ëhich students cannot understand or the
material may not be presented in a clear ëay of the students understanding The ëork and study

ëhich students do to sustain themselves or may have family problems Lastly, relationships, sex

life, racism could also be reasons that students do not pay attention to primary goals of life

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