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Scope of work

To create a simple online version of a card sort that we use with our clients live in order to use in a
virtual setting and also more broadly to drive Squadify trial and purchase.

Current card-sort (see attached)

 27 cards (plus three header cards), same writing on both sides but with one grey side and
one red
 Lay out the cards grey side up
 Discuss with conditions with the team (or individually) and decide which cards to turn over
to red (these are the conditions that don’t exist in the team)
 Team is then challenged to reduce the factors to 3 – 5 so they can focus their action

Vision for digital version - MVP

 Initially, to work on a desktop/iPad
 ‘Cards’ are set out on screen, grey side up.  Three columns under fixed headers (Clarity,
Climate, Competence)
 Click on the ‘card’ to turn it over to red – or back again
 Link to
 Save to pdf
 (do we have a sign-in?  how do we ensure this does not hit any firewall issues?)

 Can be used individually or shared on a video call and discussed as a team
 In future could work on mobile

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