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Director General Health Services

Haryana, Panchkula

1 . All Heads of Departments/Boards/Corporations in the State

2. All Dy. Commissioners in the State
No. 32l3/rDSP/20/ )Q33 -?o
Dated: tulelao
Subject: Advisory for all Government offices of all Departments to prevent spread of
With ref'erence to the subject cited above.
As decided in the review meeting held under the Chailpersonship of Worthy
Chief Secretary Haryana on 16.03.2020, lbllowing steps are be taken by all Departments in their
respective offices at each level to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

. Provide Hand Sanitizers and Hand washing lacility in the plemises of the olfice
and ensu'e use of the same by all employees.

o Ensure regular sanitizatior/disinfection of the olfice, especially of doors, railings.

floor and other contact points.
. Display IEC material (like Do's/Don'ts) as advised by }lealth Department at
prominent places for awareness of employees regarding COVID- 19.
o If any employee is having flu like symptoms, refer him/her to the nearest health
care lacilities.

o All Departments should mobilize their own resources ancl utilize their own {'unds
for procurement of sanitizers, disinfectants etc. and display of IEC material.
You are requested to issue directions to all oflices & stakeholders for immediate
compliance of above said decisions ol the State Governmenl.

Far DirectuL Ccrrcriil HehlLl Selvices
Endst No. 32/3-IDSP/020- eao- 91 ) Dated: l61g) &o
A copy is fbrwarded to all civil Surgeons in the State lbr inlo|mation and u'ith
direction to ensure compliance of above said activities in coordination with Dy. Commissioner.

Deput! DiLectoi SP)

'-sjfrffff'I,:f; ula

Endst No. 32/3-Il)SlY020- \&33-9 6 Dated: l; lg l&D

A copy is lbrwarcled to the lbllowing lbr kind inlbrmation please:

1. PS to Worthy Chiel Secretary, Haryana

2. PS to Worthy Additional Chief Secretary Health, I{aryana'
3. PA to Director General Health Services" Haryana
4. PA to Dilector Health Services. IDSP

For Director

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