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Instructions Priority

1. Only fill out the boxes with the black squares. Column F
will be automatically updated depending on what you put
in Column E. Priority
2. Choose a number between 0 and 5 for each attribute in
Column D with 5 meaning extremely important and 0
meaning not important all all. Be honest with your choices. Priority
If you put a 5 for each attribute you will not get good Crowd Control
results. For every 5 or 4 you put down you should have a 0-
3 as well.
3. Choose a number between 0 and 5 in Column E for
where you fall on the spectrum for each attribute. Column
F will be update automatically to chose the reciprocal Priority
number. You can't choose to be exactly in the middle of
the spectrum, you have to be slightly to one side or the
4. Your top 3 classes will be shown in Column I.
5. You can see the scores for all classes in Column L.
6. Look at the Champion Classes tab to see what champions
are in your ideal classes.
7. Also, don't forget to look at specialists that are similar to
your top ranked classes.
DPS Burst
5 This calculator is view only. Please download it if you want to make
changes. If you don't want to download it please check out one of
the other versions of this calculator that are editable.
Mitigation Sustain

Soft Hard

Engage Reposition

Defensive Offensive

You Ideal Classes Are:

1st Marksmen
Battle Mages
3rd Burst Mages
Weighted Damage Toughness Crowd Control Mobility Utility
Assassins 0 5 15 10 2 15
Skirmishers 0 2 9 13 4 15
Divers 0 9 6 7 1 15
Juggernauts 0 4 4 14 16 15
Vanguards 0 10 0 4 3 9
Wardens 0 10 1 4 7 4
Catchers 0 8 10 4 7 6
Enchanters 0 15 15 7 15 2
Artillery Mages 0 3 14 9 15 15
Burst Mages 0 4 14 7 10 13
Battle Mages 0 1 10 9 16 16
Marksmen 0 0 16 14 13 13
Champion Subclass Champion Subclass Champion Subclass
Akali Assassin Camille Diver Alistar Vanguard
Evelynn Assassin Diana Diver Amumu Vanguard
Fizz Assassin Hecarim Diver Gragas Vanguard
Kassadin Assassin Jarvan IV Diver Leona Vanguard
Katarina Assassin Lee Sin Diver Malphite Vanguard
Kha'Zix Assassin Nocturne Diver Maokai Vanguard
Shaco Assassin Pantheon Diver Nautilus Vanguard
Talon Assassin Rek'Sai Diver Ornn Vanguard
Zed Assassin Renekton Diver Rammus Vanguard
Rengar Diver Sejuani Vanguard
Champion Subclass Vi Diver Sion Vanguard
Ekko Skirmisher Warwick Diver Zac Vanguard
Fiora Skirmisher Wukong Diver
Irelia Skirmisher Xin Zhao Diver Champion Subclass
Jax Skirmisher Braum Warden
Kled Skirmisher Champion Subclass Galio Warden
Master Yi Skirmisher Aatrox Juggernaut Nunu Warden
Riven Skirmisher Darius Juggernaut Poppy Warden
Tryndamere Skirmisher Dr. Mundo Juggernaut Shen Warden
Yasuo Skirmisher Garen Juggernaut Tahm Kench Warden
Illaoi Juggernaut Taric Warden
Mordekaiser Juggernaut
Nasus Juggernaut
Olaf Juggernaut
Shyvana Juggernaut
Skarner Juggernaut
Trundle Juggernaut
Udyr Juggernaut
Urgot Juggernaut
Volibear Juggernaut
Yorick Juggernaut
Champion Subclass Champion Subclass Champion Subclass
Bard Catchers Vel'Koz Artillery Mage Ashe Marksman
Blitzcrank Catchers Xerath Artillery Mage Caitlyn Marksman
Ivern Catchers Ziggs Artillery Mage Corki Marksman
Morgana Catchers Draven Marksman
Neeko Catchers Champion Subclass Ezreal Marksman
Pyke Catchers Ahri Burst Mage Jhin Marksman
Rakan Catchers Annie Burst Mage Jinx Marksman
Thresh Catchers Brand Burst Mage Kai'Sa Marksman
Zyra Catchers Leblanc Burst Mage Kalista Marksman
Lux Burst Mage Kindred Marksman
Champion Subclass Orianna Burst Mage Kog'Maw Marksman
Janna Enchanter Syndra Burst Mage Lucian Marksman
Karma Enchanter Twisted Fate Burst Mage Miss Fortune Marksman
Lulu Enchanter Veigar Burst Mage Sivir Marksman
Nami Enchanter Zoe Burst Mage Tristana Marksman
Sona Enchanter Twitch Marksman
Soraka Enchanter Champion Subclass Varus Marksman
Anivia Battle Mage Vayne Marksman
Aurelion Sol Battle Mage Xayah Marksman
Cassiopeia Battle Mage
Karthus Battle Mage Champion Subclass
Malzahar Battle Mage Azir Specialist
Rumble Battle Mage Cho'Gath Specialist
Ryze Battle Mage Elise Specialist
Swain Battle Mage Fiddlesticks Specialist
Taliyah Battle Mage Gangplank Specialist
Viktor Battle Mage Gnar Specialist
Vladimir Battle Mage Graves Specialist
Heimerdinger Specialist
Jayce Specialist
Kayle Specialist
Kayn Specialist
Kennen Specialist
Lissandra Specialist
Nidalee Specialist
Quinn Specialist
Singed Specialist
Teemo Specialist
Zilean Specialist
Most Similar To
Battle Mage, Marksman
Juggernaut, Warden
Diver, Catcher, Assassin
Battle Mage
Skirmisher, Battle Mage
Marksman, Vanguard
Marksman, Skirmisher
Battle Mage
Skirmisher, Artillery Mage
Enchanter, Marksman
Assassin, Diver
Marksman, Battle Mage
Battle Mage, Burst Mage
Assassin, Artillery Mage
Marksman, Skirmisher
Juggernaut, Warden
Marksman, Battle Mage
Catcher, Enchanter, Battle Mage

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