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Year XII • No. 44 (3) 2019 • DOI: 10.26416/ORL.44.3.2019



Transcranian endoscopic
approach in a frontal
page 7

 rontal sinus osteoma –

case report
page 12

Particular CT scan
aspects in ethmoid
page 40
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Journal for continuing medical education

“What you do today can improve

all your tomorrows”
Ralph Marston
Dear colleagues,
We have a very intense and exciting Implantation, to find new ideas for fu-
scientific autumn, with important ENT ture clinical and research activity, to Assoc. Professor
conferences. After the successful congress discuss with MASTERS in cochlear im- Mădălina Georgescu
of the Romanian Society of Rhinology plantation about our difficult cases and Editor-in-chief
and the first congress of the Romanian challenges.
Society of Audiology and Communication New topics are now the subject for
Pathology, the European Symposium on discussion – congenital single-sided
Pediatric Cochlear Implantation (ESPCI) (SSD) deafness in newborns or small
will follow, on 16-19 October, 2019. children, or acquired SSD in adults, most
It is a great honour for the Romanian beneficial early audiological diagnostic
medical world – especially for the ENT protocols, novelty in programming, te-
community – to host a conference of such lemedicine, challenging rehabilitation,
magnitude and high scientific level. long-term processes and, of course, ves-
The Romanian ENT journal tibular system awareness. All these will
joined ESPCI, and we have chosen for be addressed by outstanding lectors in
this issue original articles with another instructional courses, round tables or
topic than otology, audiology or cochlear hands-on labs.
implant: the nose and its functions. The future of people with hearing
We hope you will find interesting and loss is in our hands, and we should get
useful these clinical cases, and keep our the best form literature and scientific
journal after the ESPCI conference. meetings.
We welcome you all in the Romanian
scientific community at the 14th Euro-
pean Symposium on Pediatric Cochlear
Reclamă ORL 44(3)0101
content Year XII • No. 44 (3) September 2019

Assoc. Professor Mădălina GEORGESCU
Dr. Loredana MITRAN
7 Transcranian endoscopic approach in a frontal polyposis EDITORIAL BOARD
Professor Silviu ALBU, Professor Traian ATAMAN
Bogdan Mocanu, Silviu Oprescu Professor Sorin BASCHIR, Professor Gheorghe COMŞA

12 Frontal sinus osteoma – case report

Professor Stan COTULBEA, Professor Dumitru CRISTEA
Professor Emil MĂRGINEANU, Professor Dan MÂRŢU
Professor Gheorghe MUHLFAY, Professor Cristian STAN,
C. Drăgulescu, M. Chiţac, A. Weisman, M. Condrat, X. Dolghii, E. Onisâi, Assoc. Professor Sebastian COZMA
M. Vasilca Assoc. Professor Luminiţa RĂDULESCU
Assoc. Professor Corneliu ROMANIŢAN

16 Carcinoma of the nasal vestibule – comments on a clinical case Assoc. Professor Carmen STAN
SL Adriana NEAGOȘ, SL Raluca Ioana TELEANU
Mihail Tuşaliu, Lavinia-Georgiana Ilinca, Iulia Tiţă SL Daniel Mihai TELEANU, Ass. Professor Mihai TUȘALIU
Dr. Victor Gabriel CLĂTICI, Dr. Irina GHEORGHIU
Dr. Elena CRISTESCU, Dr. Alexandru PASCU, Dr. Daniela SAFTA

Dr. Arthur WEISMAN, Dr. Cristiana OPREA
24 Follow-up in advanced basal-cell carcinoma ACADEMICIANS
Professor Ion ABABII, Professor Constantin DUMITRACHE
Sorin Ibric-Cioranu, Vlad Petrescu-Seceleanu Professor Mircea IFRIM, Professor Constantin POPA

28 Study on the prevalence, diagnosis, therapeutic management

Professor Victor VOICU
and complications of supernumerary teeth Professor Patrice TRAN BA HUY (France)
Professor Jeff MULDER (The Netherlands)
Andreea Dona Iordan-Dumitru, Agnes Katherine Lackner, Andrei Kozma, Dr. Bernard ARS (Belgium)
Horia Lăzărescu, Doriana Agop Forna, Vasilica Toma PEER REVIEW
Professor Romeo CĂLĂRAŞU
36 The use of endodontic posts in odontal restorations of non-vital teeth Professor Elena IONIŢĂ, Professor Mărioara POENARU
Professor Valerie LUND (France)
Irina-Maria Gheorghiu, Paula Perlea, Claudiu-Gabriel Ciolan, Loredana Mitran, Assoc. Professor Mădălina GEORGESCU
SL Vlad Andrei BUDU
Mihai Mitran, Alexandru-Andrei Iliescu Ass. Professor Payam BEHZADI (Iran)
Dr. Loredana MITRAN, Dr. Daniela VRÎNCEANU
Dr. Ciprian ENĂCHESCU (France)
40 Particular CT scan aspects in ethmoid anatomy Dr. Mircea ROMANIŢAN
Alexandra Gheorghe, Silviu Crăc, Alexandru Panfiloiu, Vlad Budu Ioana BACALU



46 Primul Congres Naţional al tinerei Societăţi Române de Audiologie Radu LEONTE

și Patologie a Comunicării/The First National Congress of the young

Romanian Society of Audiology and Communication Pathology
Sebastian Cozma

George PAVEL
Lavinia SIMION
Alina ROȘU
Green Gate Office Building, 22 Tudor Vladimirescu Blvd.,
11th Floor, District 5, 050883, Bucharest, Romania
48 GUIDELINES FOR ARTICLE SUBMISSION Phone: (031) 425.40.40, Fax: (031) 425.40.41
Reclamă ORL 44(3)2002

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publicate se face numai cu acordul scris al Editurii.

ISSN 2067-6530
e-ISSN 2502-0374
ISSN-L 2067-6530

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timpul sarcinii decât dacă este absolut necesar. Alăptarea Nu sunt disponibile date privind excreția betahistinei în laptele matern. Nu există studii efectuate la animale privind excreția
betahistinei în lapte. Importanța administrării medicamentului la mamă trebuie pusă în balanță cu beneficiul alăptării și riscul potențial pentru făt. Efecte asupra capacității de a
conduce vehicule și de a folosi utilaje În studiile clinice special concepute pentru a investiga capacitatea de a conduce vehicule și de a folosi utilaje, s-a constatat că betahistina nu
are nicio influență sau are influență neglijabilă asupra capacității de a conduce vehicule și de a folosi utilaje. Reacții adverse Reacțiile adverse raportate în studiile clinice controlate,
la pacienți cărora li s-a administrat betahistina comparativ cu placebo, au fost ordonate în funcție de frecvență: Tulburări gastro-intestinale Frecvente: greață și dispepsie. Tulburări ale
sistemului nervos Frecvente:cefalee. Supradozaj Tratamentul supradozajului include măsuri generale și de susținere a funcțiilor vitale. DEȚINĂTORUL AUTORIZAȚIEI DE PUNERE PE
PIAȚĂ Mylan Healthcare B.V., Krijgsman 20, 1186 DM Amstelveen, Olanda NUMĂRUL(ELE) AUTORIZAȚIEI DE PUNERE PE PIAȚĂ 2717/2010/01-02-03-04 DATA PRIMEI AUTORIZĂRI
SAU A REÎNNOIRII AUTORIZAȚIEI Reînnoirea autorizației –august 2010 DATA REVIZUIRII TEXTULUI Mai 2018. Medicament eliberat pe bază de prescripție medicală – P6L. Pentru
informații complete consultați Rezumatul Caracteristicilor Produsului, disponibil la cerere.

Referințe: 1. Zatonski et al, J Med Diagn Meth 2014; 2:150; 2. Colleti V. Acta Otolaryngol 2000; Suppl 544:27-33;
3. Lacour M. Journal of Vestibular Research 23 (2013):139–15; 4. Redon C et al. J Clin Pharmacol 2011; 51(4):538–548;
Adresa: Floreasca Business Park, Calea Floreasca 169 A,
Corp B, Parter, cod poștal 014459, Sector 1, București;
Telefon: 0372 579 000; Fax: 0371 600 326; E-mail:

Transcranian endoscopic
approach in a frontal polyposis
Abstract Rezumat Bogdan Mocanu,
Silviu Oprescu
We present the case of a 62-year-old patient with a large Prezentăm cazul unui pacient, în vârstă de 62 de ani, cu o Brain Institute –
bilateral frontal sinus tumor, with severe headache and formațiune tumorală voluminoasă de sinus frontal bilateral, Monza Hospital,
a partial destruction of the left lamina papyracea and of cu sindrom cefalalgic sever și distrucţia parcelară a laminei Bucharest, Romania
the posterior wall of the right frontal sinus. The endoscopic papiracee stângi și a peretelui posterior al sinusului frontal
approach was performed through a small bone window drept. Abordul endoscopic s-a efectuat printr-o fereastră
by the midline of the glabella, with the restoration of the intersprâncenoasă de mici dimensiuni, cu refacerea suportului
bone support at the end of the surgery using a titanium osos la finalul intervenției utilizând o plasă din titan. Deși
mesh. Although the surgical staff has a lot of experience in echipa chirurgicală are o experiență îndelungată în abordul
doing the endoscopic transnasal approach, there are some transnazal endoscopic, există cazuri în care parcursul trans­
cases where the transnasal route cannot safely solve certain nazal nu poate rezolva în deplină siguranță anumite pato­
pathologies. This is the reason why the authors wish to lo­gii. Autorii doresc să sublinieze necesitatea utilizării unui
illustrate the need of using an approach that will ensure a abord care să asigure managementul corespunzător al unor
proper management of any kind of complications that can eventuale complicații intraoperatorii specifice acestor tumori
occur during surgery, specific to these tumors (bleeding, (sângerări, fistulă de lichid cefalorahidian), iar în cazul de față
cerebrospinal fluid leak). In this case, the transcranial abordul endoscopic transcranian a reprezentat cea mai bună
endoscopic approach was the best solution. soluție.
Keywords: frontal sinus, tumor, external endoscopic Cuvinte-cheie: sinus frontal, tumoră, abord endoscopic
approach extern

Submission date:
28.07.2019 Polipoză de sinus frontal operată prin abord endoscopic transcranian
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Mocanu B, Oprescu S. Transcranian endoscopic approach in a frontal polyposis. 2019;44(3):7-10.

A 62-year-old patient, S.I., came to our hospital The apparent origin located at the posterior wall
with an intensive headache syndrome, treatment- of the bilateral frontal sinus, the partial exposure
resistant, which had been known for several years of the dura mater and the destruction of the lamina
and had worsened in the last 2-3 weeks. Three years papyracea with the penetration of the tumor into the
ago (May 2016), in another ENT service, the patient left orbit led to the decision of an external endoscopic
underwent a curative surgery for bilateral fronto- approach. We considered that a possible cerebrospi-
ethmoido-sphenoidal rhinosinusitis. According to nal fluid (CSF) leak at the posterior wall of the right
the medical discharge presented by the patient, the frontal sinus, as well as an important intraoperative
frontal sinus approach used was of the Draf I kind, bleeding couldn’t be managed properly by a transna-
without exploring the frontal sinus cavity. sal approach.
The CT/MRI scans on admission revealed the We underwent the surgery using general anesthe-
existence of a tumor-like formation, with intense sia with OT intubation. Although the tumor was large
gadolinium (hypercaptant), that had ballooned both (horizontal diameter: 82 mm, antero-posterior: 18
frontal sinuses, and destroyed the intersinusal wall. mm, vertical: 43 mm), we decided that the approach
The prolonged evolution led to a lysis of a wall should be performed by the midline of the glabella,
caused by a decubitus injury. This explained the in- through a bone window that would allow the access
timate tumoral contact with the dura mater through of a telescope with a 4 mm diameter plus two other
an 8-mm bone breach in the posterior wall of the tools (suction tube + endoscopic forceps or a 2-mm
right frontal sinus. microdebrider). Skin incision: 20 mm, bone fenes-
Also, the tumor protruded through the left orbit tration with 13 mm horizontal diameter and 10 mm
by an erosion of the left lamina papyracea, with the vertical diameter.
appearance of a discrete inferior and external exo­ A hard tumor was shown upon palpation, with a
phthalmia in the left eye. The MRI revealed that the macroscopic aspect of an inverted papilloma, well-
dura mater was integral and the orbital periosteum vascularized, that occupied both frontal sinuses and
was apparently free (Figure 1). dived through the nasofrontal ducts in the anterior

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


Figure 1. Up: CT and MRI T2 FSE axial preoperative. Down: partial destruction of the left eye lamina papyracea, bone breach
to anterior cerebral fossa

ethmoidal cells. The apparent origin of the tumor was abaltion using “piece-meal” method. There was a par-
located at the junction between the posterior wall of tial exposure of the dura mater and the left orbital
the left frontal sinus and the intersinusal septum, in periosteum, but there was no signs of penetration
the upper floor of the sinus cavity. at their level.
Although the approach was carried out through a A Draf II transnasal endoscopic approach was
small hole, using the 300, 700 and 900 angled optics performed for the restoration of ventilation in both
and the angled tools (Heuwieser forceps of 700 and frontal sinuses. Radiofrequency hemostasis – fulfu-
900, angled suction tube and a monopolar malleable ration 10 W. Efficient hemostasis; did not require
suction cautery), we achieved a full-macroscopic nasal package. The integrity of the bone support was

8 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

Figure 2. Intraoperative macroscopic aspect – 700 optics. Restoration of bone support using titanium mesh

Figure 3. Up: postoperative CT aspect – axial, sagital. Down: lenghts of bone brace – 13 mm/10 mm

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


restored using a titanium mesh fixed with biocom- we consider that the surgical team has a strong expe-
patible screws (Figure 2). Intradermal skin suture rience in transnasal endoscopic surgery.
(Vicryl 5.0). The peculiarity of the case was the small bone-
A CT scan using a contrast substance was per- window through which the tumor was resected, the
formed at the end of the surgery (Figure 3). It con- advantage we had being given by the usage of optics
firmed the complete macroscopic resection of the and angular tools that made the resection complete
tumor and a wide ventilation of both frontal sinuses. and safe for the patient.
Although, macroscopically, the appearance sug- CSF leaks, the frontal sinus osteomas that exceed
gested an inverted papilloma, the IHC examination the diameter of the nasofrontal duct and large solid
of the resected piece described tissue fragments cov- tumors can be safely managed for the patient through
ered by a respiratory type epithelium, with edema- a minimally invasive transcranial endoscopic ap-
like stroma with abundant chronic inflammatory proach that is lesion-centered. n
infiltrate adding eosinophils and normal-looking
glandular structures. IHC revealed the diagnosis of Note: This article does not contain any references, since
a glandular subtype of sinus inflammatory polyp. it describes a strictly personal experience of the authors.
We presented this case to point out that there are
many situations when the pathology of the frontal si- Conflict of interests: The authors declare no
nuses still requires an external approach, even when conflict of interests.

Reclamă ORL 44(3)0103

10 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

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Frontal sinus osteoma –

case report
C. Drăgulescu, Abstract Rezumat
M. Chițac,
A. Weisman, Osteomas are benign tumors of the paranasal sinuses, Osteomul reprezintă o tumoră benignă a sinusurilor para­
and are mostly located in the frontal sinus. The evolution na­zale, afectând cu predilecție sinusul frontal. Are o evoluție
M. Condrat, of the osteomas is slow and silent. The osteomas are often lentă și silențioasă, fiind descoperit adesea accidental prin
X. Dolghii, discovered incidentally on a craniofacial CT scan. Due to examenul CT efectuat pentru diagnosticul altor patologii
E. Onisâi, the slow growing nature of this tumour, the therapeutic rinosinuzale. Atitudinea terapeutică uzuală este „watch and
M. Vasilca approach is usually “watch and wait”. When symptoms wait”, dar în momentul în care osteomul devine simp­to­
“Prof. Dr. Dorin Hociotă”
occur, the surgical approach is required. This can be ma­­tic, tratamentul de elecție este chirurgical, prin tehnici
Institute of Phono-Audiology external, endoscopic or combined. The authors report the en­­do­­sco­­pice clasice sau prin abord mixt. Lucrarea prezintă
and Functional ENT Surgery, case of a 55-year-old female patient who was admitted to ca­zul unei paciente în vârstă de 55 de ani care se internează
Bucharest, Romania
the hospital with a history of progressive frontal headache în spi­tal pentru cefalee frontală cronică progresivă debutată
for 12 months. The clinical ENT examination and the în urmă cu aproximativ un an. Examinările clinice și para­
paralinical exams (nasal endoscopy, computed tomography cli­ni­ce (examinare endoscopică, examen computer-tomo­
– head, paranasal sinuses) were suggestive for a left gra­fic cranio-cerebral) ridică suspiciunea unui osteom de
frontal sinus osteoma. The surgical management of the si­nus fron­­tal stâng. Conduita terapeutică de elecție este cea
osteoma was a combined approach, including the external chi­­rur­­gi­ca­lă, prin abord mixt, extern (de tip Ogston-Luc) și
Ogston-Luc technique and the endoscopic approach. The en­­do­­scopic. Evoluția postoperatorie a fost favorabilă, fără
postoperative period was uneventful, with no complications, com­pli­ca­ţii, tubul de drenaj fiind înlăturat la 14 zile de la
and the drain tube was removed 14 days after surgery. operaţie.
Keywords: osteoma, frontal sinus, combined surgical Cuvinte-cheie: osteom, sinus frontal, abord chirurgical
approach mixt

Submission date:
14.08.2019 Osteomul frontal – caz clinic
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Drăgulescu C, Chițac M, Weisman A, Condrat M, Dolghii X, Onisâi E, Vasilca M. Frontal sinus osteoma – case report.
31.08.2019 2019;44(3):12-15.

Case report inside the sinus. The tumor was white and had a hard-
We present the case of a female patient, 55 years bone consistency, emerging from the anterior wall of
old, who was admitted to the hospital with complaints the left frontal sinus. Tumor excision was then per-
of frontal headache and minor left nasal obstruction formed and the specimen was sent for histopathologi-
for one year. The clinical and endoscopic ENT exami- cal examination. Under endoscopic control, a passive
nations (pain of the frontal left sinus pressure point, drainage tube was mounted in the nasofrontal canal.
clear nasal fossae), as well as paraclinical examina- The tube was then attached to the vestibulum nasi
tions (native computed tomography of the paranasal with a suture thread. The left frontal sinus cavity was
sinuses – Figure 1) showed an extensive, hyperdense, filled with hemostatic sponge, then we restored the
round-ovalar, sessile tumor of the left frontal sinus, tissue alignment and did the wound dressing.
of approximately 20/12 mm, with attachment on its The histopathologic examination confirmed the
anterior wall, expanding through the frontal sinus diagnosis of left frontal sinus osteoma.
cavity. The postoperative evolution was favorable. The
The clinical and paraclinical examinations revealed patient received i.v. broad-spectrum antibiotics,
a voluminous left frontal sinus osteoma. After ac- NSAIDs, analgesic treatment, gastric protection and
curate preoperative preparations, surgery was per- nasal decongestants. Daily dressing change was per-
formed (Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5) using a combined sur- formed, as well as aspiration through and around the
gical approach: external (Ogston-Luc technique) and drainage tube.
endoscopic. We made an arcuate over-brow incision The postoperative ENT reevaluation was per-
in the medial half of the eyebrow arch, followed by formed after 14 days (Figure 6), at one month, at three
tegument, muscle and periosteum surgical dissection. months, and at six months. The patient’s post-surgical
We performed the trephination of the anterior wall of evolution was uneventful, without any immediate or
the left frontal sinus, uncovering the tumoral growth long-term complications.

12 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

Figure 1. Head CT – paranasal sinuses slices

Osteoma is the most common tumor of paranasal
sinuses, often with a slow and silent evolution. The
most frequently involved site is frontal sinus, followed
by ethmoid and maxilar sinuses. The sphenoid sinus
is rarely involved(1,2). Males are slightly more often
affected by this disease than females (M:F ratio =
In general, the dimension of osteomas may vary
between 2 and 30 mm. Osteomas bigger than 30 mm
or the ones weighing more than 110 g are considered
to be giant(4).
The etiology of osteomas is still unknown. Sev-
eral hypotheses have been taken into consideration:
traumatic or infectious triggers, calcium metabolism
disorders, or embryonic malformations(5).
Frontal sinus osteoma grading system(6) Figure 2. Intraoperative aspect
Grade I. The base of attachment is posterior-in-
ferior along the frontal recess. The tumor is medial
to a virtual sagittal plane through the lamina papy-
racea. The anterior-posterior diameter of the lesion
is <75% of the anterior-posterior dimension of the
frontal recess.
Grade II. The base of attachment is posterior-in-
ferior along the frontal recess. The tumor is medial
to a virtual sagittal plane through the lamina papy-
racea. The anterior-posterior diameter of the lesion
is >75% of the anterior-posterior dimension of the
frontal recess.
Grade III. The base of attachment is anterior or
superiorly located within the frontal sinus and/or
the tumor extends lateral to a virtual sagittal plane
through the lamina papyracea.
Grade IV. Tumor fills the entire frontal sinus (the
current case).
Osteomas are white, hard, well circumscribed,
round or oval, sesile (rarely pediculated), bosselated
tumors. Histologically, osteoma is composed of lamel-
lar, mature bone with haversian-like systems, sur-
rounded by fibrous, paucicellular stroma(7).
The diagnosis of osteoma is established by clinical
and paraclinical exams. The patients may complain of
persistent frontal pain unresponsive to analgesic or Figure 3. Intraoperative aspect

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


Figure 4. Frontal recess Figure 5. Drainage tube through the frontal recess

antiinflammatory medication, hemifacial pain, rhino- silent evolution, then usually the “watch and wait”
reea and nasal obstruction. If the growth of osteoma approach is preferred(11). If chronic sinusitis (unre-
is also intraorbital, proptosis and/or diplopia may oc- sponsive to treatment), persistent headaches (when
cur. Computed tomography of the head and paranasal all other causes have been excluded) or mucocele oc-
sinuses is the gold standard for the diagnosis of oste­ cur, the therapeutic approach is surgical. It can be
oma and is also necessary for its management. MRI is external, endoscopic or combined: external for the
useful when intracranial extensions are suspected(8). removal of the tumor, and endoscopic to provide the
The differential diagnosis (9) of frontal sinus os- appropriate drainage from the frontal sinus. The ap-
teoma includes: acute suppurative frontal sinusitis proach depends mostly on the site and dimension
or exacerbated chronic frontal sinusitis, other rhinosi- of the osteoma. Sometimes, there are cases of small
nusal benign tumors (mucocele, adenoma, papilloma, frontal recess osteomas which can be approached only
myxoma, glyoma, inverted papilloma, antrochoanal by endoscopic approach. The definitive diagnosis of
polyp, dermoid cyst), malignant tumors of frontal osteomas can be established only after the histological
sinus (osteosarcoma, meningoencephalocele, Gardner examination of the tumor. If osteoma is big, extend-
syndrome, orbital/retroorbital tumors). ing through the sinus wall to the intracranial space,
Being mostly asymptomatic, frontal sinus osteomas a multidisciplinary surgical approach will be manda-
grow and extend slowly, being able to cause various tory: otorhinolaryngologist and neurosurgeon.
neurological and/or ophtalmological complications(10): The postoperative complications which may occur
CSF fistula, meningitis, epidural abcess, subdural are: subcutaneous emphysema, persistent suppura-
empyema, cerebral abcess, cranial nerves paralysis, tive sinusitis, fistulization, frontal osteomyelitis,
orbital celullitis, orbitar abcess, optic neuritis. supraorbitar nerve branches damage, supraorbitar
The management of the frontal sinus osteoma de- neuralgia, ecchymosis, palpebral edema, dyplopia,
pends on the severity of the symptoms and the ex- epiphora, frontal recess stenosis, recurrence of frontal
tension of the tumor. If the osteoma is discovered sinusitis, and tumoral recurrence.
incidentally, being small sized and with a slow and
Although osteomas of paransal sinuses are benign
tumors, with a slow and silent growth, they need to be
diagnosed in time and followed-up for the establishment
of the proper therapeutic approach, depending on the
symptoms and/or the complications that may appear.
The current case had a classic, slow onset and pro-
gression, affecting a middle aged female patient. The
symtoms have occured gradually: progressive headache
started 12 months before the admission to the hospital.
The presumptive diagnosis was established after clinical
and paraclinical examinations (transnasal endoscopy,
native computed tomography of the head and paranasal
sinuses). The definitive diagnosis was established by the
Figure 6. ENT reevaluation at 14 days after surgery histological examination of the tumor.

14 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

Considering the size of the tumor (4 th grade, tak- Due to the early diagnosis of the osteoma, no com-
ing into consideration the classification of osteo- plications have been noticed, the evolution being fa-
mas mentioned above), the decision regarding the vorable. ENT postoperative reevaluations performed
therapeutic approach was taken and the combined after one month, three months, six months and 12
approach surgery was performed: external and en- months did not reveal any tumoral recurrence. n
doscopic, which allowed the ablation of the tumor,
as well as proper postoperative drainage of frontal Conflict of interests: The authors declare no
sinus. conflict of interests.

1. Celenk F, Baysal E, Karata ZA, Durucu C, Mumbuc S, Kanlikam M. Paranasal sinus 19(2), 191–197.

osteomas. J Craniofac Surg. 2012; 23:e433–7. 7. Nielse GP, Rosenberg AE. Update on Bone Forming Tumors of the Head and
2. Georgalas C, Goudakos J, Fokkens WJ. Osteoma of the skull base and sinuses. Neck. Head Neck Pathol. 2007 Sep; 1(1): 87–93.
Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2011; 44:875– 90. 8. Castelnuovo P, Valentini V, Giovannetti F, Bignami M, Cassoni A, Iannetti G.
3. Savastano M, et al. Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery. American Journal of Osteomas of the Maxillofacial District. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2008; 19(6),
Otolaryngology. 2007; 28: 427–429. 1446–1452.
4. Izci Y. Management of the large cranial osteoma: experience with 13 adult 9. Bacalbașa A. Cazuri rare în otorinolaringologie, Ed. Medic Art, Bucureşti, 2006.
patients. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2005 Nov; 147(11):1151-5; discussion 1155. 10. Turan Ş, Kaya E, Pınarbaşlı MÖ, Çaklı H. The Analysis of Patients Operated for
5. Cokkeser Y, Bayarogullari H, Kahraman SS. Our experience with the surgical Frontal Sinus Osteomas. Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Dec; 53(4): 144–149.
management of paranasal sinuses osteomas. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2013; 11. Turri-Zanoni M, Dallan I, Terranova P, Battaglia P, Karligkiotis A, Bignami M,
270:123–8. Castelnuovo P. Frontoethmoidal and intraorbital osteomas: exploring the
6. Chiu AG, Schipor I, Cohen NA, Kennedy DW, Palmer JN. Surgical Decisions in the limits of the endoscopic approach. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2012 May;
Management of Frontal Sinus Osteomas. American Journal of Rhinology. 2005; 138(5):498-504.

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


Carcinoma of the nasal

vestibule – comments
on a clinical case
Mihail Tuşaliu1,2, Abstract Rezumat
Ilinca1, With an incidence of less than 1% of all head and neck Întâlnit la mai puțin de 1% din totalitatea neoplasmelor
neoplasia, basal cell carcinoma located in the nasal capului și gâtului, carcinomul cu localizare la nivelul ves­ti­bu­
Iulia Tiţă1 vestibule is a rare pathology in daily ENT practice, lului nazal este o patologie rară în practica ORL, cu un ta­blou
1. “Prof. Dr. Dorin Hociotă” characterized by a nonspecific symptomatology. Surgery clinic nespecific. Mijloacele terapeutice cel mai frecvent uti­li­
Institute of Phonoaudiology
and ENT Functional Surgery, and radiotherapy are currently the most commonly used za­te sunt chirurgia și radioterapia, însă nu există un con­sens în
Bucharest means to address it, however there is no generally agreed ceea ce privește tratamentul de elecție. Provocarea în această
2. “Carol Davila” University gold standard. The challenge that is posed then lies in patologie este reprezentată de reușita unei rezecții tumorale
of Medicine and Pharmacy, performing a full surgical resection of the tumor mass complete cu limite de siguranță și cu obținerea în același
while, at the same time, obtaining an aesthetically and timp a unui rezultat estetic și funcțional convenabil. Autorii
functionally suitable outcome. The authors of this paper prezintă particularitățile clinice și managementul terapeutic
give an account of the clinical and therapeutic management în cazul unui pacient în vârstă de 52 de ani cu carcinom
particularities involved in the case of a 52-year-old patient bazocelular de vestibul nazal drept.
with basal-cell carcinoma in the right nasal vestibule. Cuvinte-cheie: carcinom vestibul nazal, tratament
Keywords: nasal vestibular carcinoma, surgical treatment chirurgical

Submission date:
10.08.2019 Carcinomul de vestibul nazal – comentarii pe baza unui caz clinic
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Tuşaliu M, Ilinca LG, Tiţă I. Carcinoma of the nasal vestibule – comments on a clinical case. 2019;44(3):16-19.

Introduction From a clinical standpoint, the main symptoms of

Malignant tumors of the nose and paranasal si- most tumors occurring in the nasal cavity, sinuses and
nuses account for 3% of the head and neck neoplasia. the nasal vestibule are unilateral obstruction, unilateral
They occur more commonly in men, with a male-to- recurrent nosebleeds or, in the case of nasal vestibule
female ratio of 3:2, irrespective of location or histo- tumors, an asymmetrically shaped nasal pyramid and
logical types involved(1). Among these pathologies, less localized swelling. About 6% of all cases also exhibit
than 1% are nasal vestibule malignant tumors(2). Due metastatic adenopathy. These, when present, consti-
to the anatomical features of the nasal vestibule, it tute a negatively impacting factor on the overall patient
could be argued that nasal vestibule tumors constitute prognosis(3).
a particular kind of pathology. Cone-shaped, with a A CT scan allows for a full assessment of the entire
maximum diameter of 1.5-2 cm, the nasal vestibule tumor mass, as well as evaluating the extent to which
space lies between the nose wings, laterally, and the it may affect neighbouring structures. This, in turn,
nasal septum, medially, being separated from the can be followed by an MRI scan in order to highlight
nasal cavity by limen nasi. Limen nasi serves as the the degree the tumor has spread to the nearby soft
junction between skin and the mucosa. It is lined with tissues.
skin and contains sebaceous glands, sweat glands and The available treatment options include surgical re-
hair follicles. section, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Surgery is of-
Among nasal vestibule tumors, well differentiated ten followed by undesirable aesthetic outcomes, which
squamous cell carcinoma and moderately differentiated is why some authors recommend radiotherapy as a first
squamous cell carcinoma are the most frequently occur- course of action, with surgery only considered upon the
ring histological types, with other commonly observed failure of the former(1). At the same time, studies find
types being basal cell carcinoma and melanoma(2,3). Nasal similar results achieved through surgery, which has the
vestibule neoplasia could be likened to skin neoplasia, added benefit of providing greater local control. Follow-
progressing differently and having a better outlook than up reconstructive procedures could mitigate some of the
those of the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses(2). potential downsides(3,4).

16 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

Figure 1. Tumor mass inside the right nasal vestibule,
extending into the anterior 1/3 of the nasal fossa Figure 2. CT scan of the tumor mass

According to the American Joint Committee on and/or paranasal sinuses, extending to nearby muscle
Cancer (AJCC), nasal vestibule tumors can be classified and bone structures(4).
in four stages: T1 – primary tumors with a maximum
diameter of 2 cm, T2 – tumors larger than 2 cm, but Case report
not exceeding 5 cm at their maximum diameter, T3 – The authors of this paper give an account of a clini-
tumors with a maximum diameter greater than 5 cm, cal case of a 52-year-old patient, with no significant
and T4 – tumors extending to cartilages, bone or nerve personal pathological history, who showed up at our
structures(1). After reviewing this classification, Wang clinic exhibiting a tumor mass located in the right nasal
divided malignant nasal vestibule tumors into three vestibule, accusing chronic obstruction and recurrent
stages, as follows: T1 – lesions limited to the nasal ves- anterior nosebleeds in the right nostril, symptoms he
tibule, relatively superficial, T2 – lesions extended to had experienced for about a year prior.
adjacent structures such as the nasal septum, upper lip, The ENT clinical examination and nasal endoscopy
outer layer of the nasal pyramid and/or the nasolabial that have been performed revealed asymmetrical nos-
fold, without extending to the underlying bone, and T3 – trils (right larger than the left one), swelling on the right
lesions extending up to the hard palate, nasal turbinates side of the nasal pyramid, tensed dorsum nasi and right

Figure 3. Intraoperative aspect

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


to have a hard, fibrous consistency in the lateral half, while

being soft, bleeding, with areas of necrosis in its medial
part. At a macroscopic level, the right nasal bone was estab-
lished to be the upper extent of the tumor, while the right
middle nasal turbinate constituted the posterior boundary.
Biopsy samples were collected from the upper, medial and
lateral tumoral poles, for maximal safety margins. A frag-
ment of the quadrilateral cartilage was used in place of the
triangular cartilage, on the inner, upper side of the nasal
dorsum, and secured by transfixing wire. The excised mass
was sent to the pathological anatomy laboratory, pending
histopathological diagnosis. According to Wang’s classifica-
tion, the mass corresponds to stage T2 (Figure 4).
The histopathological diagnosis, as confirmed by per-
forming immunohistochemical tests, was established to
be moderately differentiated basal cell carcinoma, G2.
Figure 4. Excised tumor mass The biopsy samples collected from the septal cartilage
and mucosa of the upper half of the anterior 1/3 of the
nasal wing caused by the presence of a protruding, sore nasal septum, as well as the samples collected from the
tumor mass, bleeding upon examinations and occupying upper and lateral tumor poles as maximal safety margins
the lateral and upper part of the right nasal vestibule showed a typical histological appearance.
and the anterior part of the right nasal fossa (Figure 1). Following these steps, the patient was referred to a
A CT scan revealed a nodular tumor mass developing specialized oncological committee. The committee then
in the right nasal vestibule, 22/32 mm wide and 19 mm advised performing an MRI scan to provide a better
long, irregular in shape and tissue density, with partial overall post-surgery assessment without causing bud
bone lysis in the right nasal bone and septum and moder- lesions, with increased contrast uptake in the mucosa
ate deformity of the right nasal wing (Figure 2). and the right infraorbital nerve, as these constitute
Considering all available clinical and paraclinical common post-therapeutic inflammatory changes. The
data, surgery was chosen as the preferred course of ac- patient was then discharged without pursuing further
tion, with the aim of performing a resection and a biopsy specialized oncological treatment.
of the tumor mass. With the patient undergoing general Subsequent follow-up post-surgery check-ups did not
anaesthesia and orotracheal intubation, an arched in- find so far macroscopic signs of any potential leftover
cision was made on the lateral wall of the right nasal tumor residue. Aesthetically, the outcome of the inter-
vestibule. The process of detaching the tumor was hin- vention is satisfactory, in spite of the patient developing
dered by the tumor mass extending towards the lateral a small clogging area on the right nasal wing. Function-
pole of the right alar cartilage and the right triangular ally, the outcome could be said to be a suitable one, as
cartilage, coming into contact with the septal mucosa the patient managed to retain functionality of the right
and the underlying cartilage from the anterior 1/3 of nostril respiratory pathways (Figure 5).
the anterior half of the nasal septum (Figure 3).
A one-piece resection was performed, removing the tu- Discussion
moral mass, together with the alar cartilage, triangular Accounting for less than 1% of all head and neck tu-
cartilage, mucosa and septal cartilage. The mass appeared mors, malignant nasal vestibule tumors constitute a

Figure 5. Postsurgical aspect

18 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

rare pathology. Nasal vestibule neoplasia mostly occurs of which did not reveal the presence of any potential
in men, who make up around 55-70% of all cases, with leftover tumor residue. It was subsequently decided not
an average age between 60 to 70 years old(2). Malignant to pursue any specific oncological treatment in this case,
nasal vestibule tumors include the following: squamous while continuing to actively monitor the patient.
epidermal carcinoma, this being the most common his- Aesthetic and functional considerations regarding
tological type, basal cell epidermal carcinoma, undif- nasal vestibular surgery pose an added layer of diffi-
ferentiated carcinoma, glandular carcinoma, sarcomas, culty. Since the tumor mass extended to the alar and
melanomas, and salivary malignancies (cylindroma)(1). triangular cartilages, a one-piece resection of the tumor
As mentioned in the literature, prolonged sun exposure mass and the two cartilages was the preferred course of
and smoking constitute increased nasal vestibular neo- action pursued. In order to address negative aesthetic
plasia risk factors. However, the precise nature of the re- considerations arising as a result of the intervention, an
lation between these factors and nasal vestibular cancer autograft created from a fragment of the quadrilateral
is not fully understood, literature data being insufficient cartilage was used in place of the triangular cartilage on
due to a limited number of reported cases(2). the inner, upper side of the nasal dorsum, being secured
The symptomatology characteristic of the early stages in place by transfixing wire. Aesthetically, the outcome
of these tumors is nonspecific, being broadly defined by of the procedure is suitable, the patient exhibiting only
unilateral nasal obstruction, with the tumors extend- minimal clogging of the right nasal wing. Currently, there
ing to neighbouring structures as they progress, caus- are differences of opinion between practitioners on how
ing nosebleeds and/or facial deformities. Several studies to approach aesthetic considerations. While some authors
cite the presence of metastatic adenopathy at the time of favor specialized oncological treatment, others advocate
diagnosis and the localization of the tumor in the nasal for the greater safety provided by the full tumor resec-
septum as factors with a negative impact over the outlook, tions, with subsequent reconstructive interventions car-
both in terms of patient survival, as well as of potential ried out at a later stage, in a different procedure.
tumor regrowth(3,4). The existing nasal vestibular tumor With the tumor mass being located in the internal na-
classifications, as described in the literature, are not uni- sal valve and extending to the anterior half of the right
versally agreed upon and, so far, their accuracy has not nasal fossa, the alar and triangular cartilage, resection
been definitively proven. Moreover, there’s a diversity proved challenging. The postoperative healing process
of views in regards to dealing with early stage tumors. was tedious, with multiple flanges and granulation tis-
Some authors recommend radiotherapy for likely yield- sue being formed, while adhesions had to be periodically
ing better outcomes, aesthetically, while others advocate removed. However, the careful management of the heal-
pursuing a surgical intervention regardless of the tumor’s ing process resulted in a suitable, functional outcome,
stage to ensure greater safety, whether or not pursued in as the patient regained functionality of the right nostril
conjunction with subsequent radiotherapy(1,4,5). There is, respiratory pathways.
therefore, no standardized course of action for address-
ing these vestibular malignancies and a certain degree of Conclusions
controversy remains, both because of the rarity of these Malignant nasal vestibule tumors constitute a par-
tumors, as well as due to their histological diversity, hard ticular, rare pathology, accounting for less than 1% of
to reach location and extent. all head and neck tumors. The difficulty in reaching the
In the case study detailed in this account, the authors location and the extent of the tumor can pose a challenge
opted for the surgical removal of the tumor mass and for ENT practitioners. One-piece tumor resection, as well
have done so using a mixed endonasal and endoscopic as the resection margins biopsy samples testing negative
approach, allowing for greater surgical control. An ele- are important and decisive factors for the patient’s prog-
ment worthy of consideration is that multiple biopsy nosis, increasing the patient’s chances of medium- and
samples were collected during the intervention from long-term survival. n

Reclamă ORL 44(3)2005

the upper, medial and lateral poles of the tumor mass, in
order to more accurately establish follow-up steps. Work- Conflict of interests: The authors declare no
ing within the anatomical constraints of the narrow conflict of interests.
nasal vestibule space, a one-piece resection was carried
out, successfully removing the entire macroscopic area
encompassed by the tumor mass. All biopsy samples
collected turned out to be negative. In cases such as the 1. Daele JJ, Vander Poorten V, Rombaux P, Hamoir M. Cancer of the nasal vestibule,
nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. B-ENT. 2005; 1(1): 87-96.
one detailed in this paper, successful one-piece resec- 2. Dagan R, Amdur RJ, Dziegielewski PT. Cancer of the nasal vestibule, Feb 2019,
Reclamă ORL 44(3)0604

tions of the tumor mass, together with negative tumor available at
3. Taxy JB. Squamous Carcinoma of the Nasal Vestibule - An Analysis of Five Cases
safety margins biopsy results are decisive factors in the and Literature Review. American Journal of Clinical Pathology. 1997; 107 (6): 698-
patient’s medium- and long-term prognosis. 4. Horsmans JDJ, Godballe C, Jørgensen KE, Bastholt L, Løntoft E. Squamous cell
After the histopathological diagnosis was confirmed carcinoma of the nasal vestibule. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology. 1999; 37:
through immunohistochemical examination, the patient 5. Ledderose GJ, Reu S, Englhard AS, Krause E. Endonasal resection of early
was referred to a specialist oncological committee. After stage squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal vestibule. European Archives of
Otorhinolaryngology. 2014; 271(5): 1051-1055.
surgery, an MRI examination was carried out, the result

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

Noile ghiduri internaţionale
privind rinita alergică se axează
pe nevoile și comportamentul real
al pacientului
Managementul actual al rinitei alergice (RA) nu lua în con­si­de­rare, pe deplin, până
de curând, nevoile pacientului. Pacienții își doresc o ameliorare rapidă și eficientă
a simptomelor, nu doresc să ia medicație pe termen lung, conform recomandărilor
pe care le primesc, având tendința de a utiliza tratamentul doar la nevoie și,
deseori, folosesc 3-4 medicamente, în în­cer­carea de a-și trata eficient simptomele.
Cu toate acestea, mulți pacienți nu au un tratament eficient, iar simptomele lor nu
sunt controlate.

Noile recomandări ale ghidului ARIA(1) și ale ghidului de tra- la severe(7,8) și au încercat deja mai multe medicamente, cu
tament al RA sezoniere (US Practice Parameters)(2) subliniază beneficii variabile, dar cel mai adesea limitate (figura 1).
consistent includerea nevoilor și preferințelor pacientului în Studiile clinice randomizate, controlate, precum și cele
luarea deciziei terapeutice și re­co­mandă combinația azelas- derulate cu pacienți din viața reală(16) au indicat faptul că
tină/fluticazonă cu administrare intranazală ca primă linie Dymista® este mai eficient decât monoterapia cu CSIN sau
de tratament. Dymista® (azelastină/fluticazonă propionat) antihistaminice(4,16) și are potențialul de a opri cercul vicios
spray nazal are un debut rapid al ac­țiu­nii, la numai 5 minute al nerespectării tratamentului, utilizării medicației asociate
de la administrare(3), și este mai eficient decât medicamentele și controlului inadecvat al simptomelor. Costurile totale ale
disponibile în prezent, inclusiv corticosteroizii intranazali(4,5,14). Dymista® ar putea fi mai reduse față de cele ale altor medi-
Dymista® reduce nevoia de a utiliza medicamente asociate pen- camente, având în vedere capacitatea acestuia de a oferi un
tru RA(15) și oferă un control al simptomelor cu 6 zile mai rapid control mai rapid al simptomelor, reducând astfel medicația
față de alte medicamente cu administrare intranazală(6,14,15). asociată(6,15).
De-a lungul anilor, societățile profesionale și autoritățile
Implicațiile pentru practica medicală zilnică de reglementare au susținut cu precădere parametrii de efi-
Majoritatea pacienților care se prezintă la cabinetul medi-
cacitate care nu iau în considerare comportamentul și nevoile
cului manifestă simptome de rinită alergică moderate până
pacienților cu RA. Farmacoterapia RA trebuie să își demon-
streze eficacitatea în decurs de 14 zile pentru simptomele
majore precum strănutul, pruritul, congestia nazală și rino-
reea, în comparație cu placebo și cu medicamentele compa-
ratoare. Pacienții care respectă tratamentul (≥70% zile) sunt
singurii ale căror rezultate pot fi analizate. Autoritățile de
reglementare și societățile profesionale pornesc de la premisa
că pacienții se conformează și își administrează aceste me-
dicamente conform recomandărilor, pentru o perioadă mai
lungă. Cu toate acestea, evidențele din viața reală obținute
cu ajutorul unei aplicații digitale indică faptul că pacienții nu
respectă recomandările sau prescripțiile medicale și folosesc
automedicația intermitent, când nu se simt bine(5,9).
Sunt disponibile o serie de studii și sondaje în rândul
pacienților, iar acestea subliniază faptul că pacienții își doresc
Figura 1. Procentul de pacienți cu RA ușoară (n = 254) sau o ameliorare rapidă și eficientă a simptomelor, schimbân­
moderată/severă (n = 746) cu un punctaj de 2 (moderată) sau
3 (severă) la evaluările simptomelor nazale și oculare în ziua du-și medicația în mod frecvent când acestea nu sunt con-
evaluării trolate(8,10). Prin urmare, ghidurile medicale și criteriile de
eficacitate actuale nu reflectă situația din viața reală și nevoile
Aplicația MASK-air®, o platformă digitală centrată pe bunele
practici de îngrijire a pacienților, integrată(11), ia în considerare
tratamentul rinitei alergice de la automedicație până la reco-
mandările farmacistului și ale medicului, nevoile pacienților și
comportamentul acestora. Instrumentul este o aplicație care
evaluează simptomele RA, cu ajutorul scalei vizuale analogice,
productivitatea muncii și tratamentul pacienților.
Un studiu observațional, care include peste 6000 de pa­
cienți utilizatori ai acestei aplicații, a indicat că puțin pes-
te 11% dintre pacienți sunt aderenți la tratament(9). Mulți
pacienți folosesc 3 sau 4 medicamente contra rinitei alergice,
în încercarea de a-și trata eficient simptomele(5). Se poate trage
Figura 2. Efectul Dymista® asupra simptomelor RA, evaluate
concluzia că ghidurile și studiile actuale nu iau în calcul rea- prin scorul scalei vizuale analogice (VAS) (n=2656)
litatea și nevoile pacienților.
Prof. Bousqet împreună cu alți experți precum prof. Ca-
nonica, fostul președinte al Organizației Mondiale pentru
Alergie (The World Allergy Organization), au actualizat re-
comandările ghidului ARIA și au inclus nevoile și comporta-
mentele reale ale pacienților. Debutul acțiunii și capacitatea
de a oferi controlul simptomelor atât în cadrul studiilor clinice
controlate, cât și în condiții de viață reală sunt parametri
importanți în evaluarea utilității medicamentelor actuale
pentru tratamentul RA.
Corticosteroizii intranazali și combinația în doză fixă aze-
lastină/fluticazonă propionat (Dymista®) sunt mai eficiente
față de medicamentele antihistaminice H1 cu administrare
orală(2,12). Antihistaminicele H1 cu administrare orală asociate
CSIN nu par să ofere beneficii suplimentare față de monote-
rapia cu CSIN(2). Dymista® s-a dovedit în studii clinice contro-
late, randomizate(2,4), precum și în studii în viața reală(5,6,13), a Figura 3. Modificarea scorului TNSS (0-12 h) față de valoarea
fi mai eficace decât CSIN. S-a demonstrat că Dymista® oferă inițială pe parcursul a 4 ore după administrare (FP: propionat
de fluticazonă; LOR: loratadină)
controlul simptomelor în viața reală (VAS <5) în numai 3 zile

de la inițierea terapiei (figura 2)(16).
Dymista® are un debut al acțiunii la numai 5 minute de la Combinația în doză fixă de azelastină/fluticazonă (Dymis-
administrare și oferă pacienților o ameliorare rapidă și efici- ta®) cu administrare intranazală are caracteristicile unui
entă a simptomelor (figura 3)(3). medicament care, la pacienții cu rinită alergică moderată/
Corticosteroizii intranazali au nevoie de zile pentru a-și in- severă, poate opri cercul vicios al controlului inadecvat al
stala beneficiile terapeutice maxime și pot fi luați în considerare simptomelor și al utilizării medicamentelor asociate. Acest
numai pentru pacienții care își administrează regulat medi- fapt a fost luat în considerare, de asemenea, în noile ghiduri
camentul pe o perioadă lungă, situație care este foarte rară(3). internaționale. n

1. Brozek JL et al. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Guidelines - 2016 Revision. Study. Clin Exp Allergy. 2019;49(4):442-60.

J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2017;140(4):950-8. 10. Valovirta E et al. The voice of the patients: allergic rhinitis is not a trivial disease. Curr Opin Allergy
2. Dykewicz MS et al. Treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis: An evidence-based focused 2017 Clin Immunol. 2008;8(1):1-9.
guideline update. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2017;119(6):489-511. 11. Bousquet J et al. Guidance to 2018 good practice: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-
3. Bousquet J et al. Onset of Action of the Fixed Combination Intranasal Azelastine-Fluticasone centred care for rhinitis and asthma. Clin Transl Allergy. 2019;9:16.
Propionate in an Allergen Exposure Chamber. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018;6(5):1726-32. 12. Brozek JL et al. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) guidelines: 2010 revision. J Allergy
4. Hampel FC et al. Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of azelastine and fluticasone in a single Clin Immunol. 2010;126(3):466-76.
nasal spray delivery device. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2010;105(2):168-73.
13. Bousquet J et al. MASK 2017: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis
5. Bousquet J et al. Treatment of allergic rhinitis using mobile technology with real-world data: The
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MASK observational pilot study. Allergy. 2018;73(9):1763-74.
6. Bedard A et al. Mobile technology offers novel insights on control and treatment of allergic 14. Meltzer E et al. Clinically relevant effect of a new intranasal therapy (MP29-02) in allergic rhinitis
rhinitis. The Mask study. J. Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Apr. 2. assessed by responder analysis. Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. 2013; 161:369-77.
7. Bousquet J et al. Severity and impairment of allergic rhinitis in patients consulting in primary care. 15. Harrow B et al. A comparison of health care resource utilization and costs for patients with allergic
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006;117(1):158-62. rhinitis on single-product or free-combination therapy of intranasal steroids and intranasal
8. Price D et al. The hidden burden of adult allergic rhinitis: UK healthcare resource utilisation survey. anthistamines. J Manag Care Spec Pharm, 2016 Dec;22(12):1426-1436.
Clin Transl Allergy. 2015;5:39. 16. Klimek L et al. MP-AzeFlu provides rapid and effective allergic rhinitis control in real life: A pan-
9. Menditto E et al. Adherence to treatment in allergic rhinitis using mobile technology. The MASK European study. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2016: 37(5); 376-386(11).

Material promoțional destinat profesioniștilor din domeniul sănătății. Acest medicament se eliberează pe bază de prescripție medicală PRF.
Rezumatul caracteristicilor produsului poate fi accesat la, secțiunea „Nomenclatorul medicamentelor de uz uman”.
Pentru raportarea evenimentelor adverse vă rugăm să vă adresați la tel.: 0372 579 004; fax: 0371 600 328; e-mail:
Floreasca Business Park, Calea Floreasca 169A, Corp B, Parter, cod poștal 014459, sector 1, București, Telefon: 0372 579 000; Fax: 0371 600 326
Informații de prescriere. Denumirea comercială a medicamentului: Dymista 137 micrograme/50 micrograme/doză spray nazal suspensie. Compoziția calitativă și
cantitativă: Fiecare gram de suspensie conţine clorhidrat de azelastină 1000 micrograme şi propionat de fluticazonă 365 micrograme. O acţionare (doză de 0,14 g) eliberează
clorhidrat de azelastină 137 micrograme (= 125 micrograme de azelastină) şi propionat de fluticazonă 50 micrograme.Excipient cu efect cunoscut:o acţionare (doză de 0,14 g)
eliberează clorură de benzalconiu 0,014 mg. Forma farmaceutică: Spray nazal suspensie. Suspensie omogenă, albă. Indicaţii terapeutice: Ameliorarea simptomelor de rinită
alergică sezonieră şi perenă moderate până la severe dacă monoterapia cu antihistaminice intranazale sau glucocorticoizi nu este considerată suficientă. Doze şi mod de
administrare. Doze: Utilizarea regulată este esenţială pentru beneficiul terapeutic complet. Contactul cu ochii trebuie să fie evitat. Adulţi şi adolescenţi (în vârstă de 12 ani şi
peste această vârstă): O acţionare (doză) în fiecare fosă nazală de două ori pe zi (dimineaţa şi seara). Copii şi adolescenţi cu vârsta sub 12 ani: Dymista spray nazal nu este
recomandat pentru utilizare la copii cu vârsta sub 12 ani atâta timp cât siguranţa şi eficacitatea nu au fost stabilite la această grupă de vârstă. Vârstnici: Nu este necesară ajustarea
dozei la această categorie de populaţie.Insuficienţă renală şi hepatică: Nu există date privind experienţa clinică la pacienţii cu insuficienţă renală şi hepatică. Durata tratamentului:
Dymista spray nazal este adecvat pentru administrarea de lungă durată. Durata tratamentului trebuie să corespundă cu perioada de expunere alergenică. Mod de administrare:
Dymista Spray Nazal este destinat numai utilizării nazale. Instrucţiuni pentru utilizare: Pregătirea spray-ului; Flaconul trebuie agitat cu blândeţe cu aproximativ 5 secunde
înaintea administrării prin înclinarea acestuia în sus şi în jos, iar ulterior va fi înlăturat capacul protector. Înainte de prima utilizare a Dymista spray nazal, acesta trebuie amorsat
prin apăsare în jos, eliberând pompa, de 6 ori. Dacă Dymista spray nazal nu a fost utilizat timp de mai mult de 7 zile, acesta trebuie reamorsat o singură dată, prin apăsare în jos
eliberând pompa.Utilizarea spray-ului: Flaconul trebuie agitat cu blândeţe cu aproximativ 5 secunde înaintea administrării prin înclinarea acestuia în sus şi în jos, iar ulterior va fi
înlăturat capacul protector. După suflarea nasului suspensia va fi pulverizată o singură dată în fiecare nară ţinând capul înclinat în jos. După utilizarea spray-ului vârful flaconului
va fi şters, iar capacul protector va fi repus. Contraindicaţii: Hipersensibilitate la substanţele active sau la oricare din excipienţi. Atenţionări şi precauţii speciale pentru
utilizare: După punerea pe piaţă au existat raportări referitoare la interacţiuni medicamentoase semnificative din punct de vedere clinic la pacienţii trataţi cu propionat de
fluticazonă şi ritonavir care au determinat efecte corticosteroide sistemice inclusiv sindrom Cushing şi supresia corticosuprarenalei. De aceea, utilizarea concomitentă a propionatului
de fluticazonă şi ritonavir trebuie evitată, cu excepţia cazului în care beneficiul potenţial depăşeşte riscul reacţiilor adverse corticosteroide sistemice. Pot apărea reacţii adverse
sistemice după administrarea corticosteroizilor nazali, în special când aceştia sunt prescrişi în doze mari pentru perioade îndelungate, dar mult mai puţin probabil decât în cazul
administrării orale a corticosteroizilor şi pot varia de la pacient la pacient şi între diferite medicamente care conţin corticosteroizi. Potenţialele reacţii adverse sistemice pot include
sindromul Cushing, caracteristici cushingoide, supresia corticosuprarenalei, retard de creştere la copii şi adolescenţi, glaucom şi mult mai rar un spectru de reacţii psihologice sau
comportamentale incluzând hiperactivitate psihomotorie, tulburări de somn, anxietate, depresie sau agresiune (în special la copii şi adolescenţi). Dymista spray nazal este supus
unui proces metabolic de prim pasaj extensiv, de aceea este probabil ca expunerea sistemică să crească la pacienţii cu boală hepatică severă după administrarea intranazală a
propionatului de fluticazonă. Aceasta poate conduce la o frecvenţă mai mare a reacţiilor adverse sistemice. Se recomandă prudenţă în tratarea acestor pacienţi.Tratamentul cu
corticosteroizi administraţi nazal cu doze mai mari decât cele recomandate, poate conduce la o supresie semificativă clinic a corticosuprarenalei. Dacă există dovezi referitoare la
utilizarea de doze mai mari decât cele recomandate a fi utilizate, ulterior trebuie luată în considerare administrarea suplimentară de corticosteroizi sistemici în timpul perioadelor
de stres sau de intervenţii chirurgicale.În general doza de fluticazonă din formularea pentru administrare intranazală trebuie redusă la cea mai mică doză la care este menţinut un
control eficient al simptomelor de rinită. Retardul de creştere a fost raportat la copiii care au primit corticosteroizi administraţi nazal în doze aprobate. Retardul de creştere poate
fi de asemenea posibil şi la adolescenţi. Dacă creşterea este încetinită terapia trebuie revizuită cu scopul reducerii dozei de corticosteroid administrat nazal, dacă este posibil, la cea
mai mica doză la care este menţinut un control eficient al simptomelor. Tulburările de vedere pot apărea în cazul utilizării sistemice și topice de corticosteroizi. Dacă pacientul
prezintă simptome cum sunt vedere încețoșată sau alte tulburări de vedere, trebuie luată în considerare trimiterea sa la un oftalmolog pentru evaluarea cauzelor posibile care pot
include cataractă, glaucom sau boli rare, precum corioretinopatia centrală seroasă (CRSC), care au fost raportate după utilizarea sistemică și topică de corticosteroizi.Este necesară
o atentă monitorizare la pacienţii cu modificări de vedere sau la pacienţii cu antecedente de presiune intraoculară crescută, glaucom şi/ sau cataractă. Dacă există orice motiv să
credem că funcţia corticosuprarenalei este afectată, o atenţie deosebită trebuie avută în vedere atunci când se efectuează trecerea pacienţilor de pe tratamentul cu corticosteroizi
sistemici pe tratamentul cu Dymista spray nazal.La pacienţii care au tuberculoză, orice tip de infecţie netratată, sau care au suferit recent o intervenţie chirurgicală sau un
traumatism la nivelul nasului sau cavităţii bucale, beneficiul posibil al tratamentului cu Dymista spray nazal trebuie să depăşească riscurile posibile. Infecţiile căilor respiratorii
nazale trebuie tratate cu chimioterapice antibacteriene sau antimicotice, dar nu constituie o contraindicaţie specifică a tratamentului cu Dymista spray nazal.Dymista conţine
clorură de benzalconiu. Acesta poate produce iritaţii ale mucoasei nazale şi bronhospasm. Interacţiuni cu alte medicamente şi alte forme de interacţiune: Propionatul de
fluticazonă: Este de așteptat ca tratamentul concomitent cu inhibitori ai CYP3A, inclusiv cu medicamente care conțin cobicistat, să mărească riscul de reacţii adverse sistemice.
Administrarea concomitentă trebuie evitată, cu excepția cazurilor în care beneficiul obținut depășește riscul crescut de reacţii adverse sistemice induse de corticosteroizi, în acest
caz fiind obligatorie monitorizarea pacienților pentru depistarea reacţiilor adverse sistemice induse de corticosteroizi. Se recomandă o atenţie deosebită la coadministrarea unui
inhibitor potent al citocromului P450 3A4 (ex. ketoconazol), deoarece există un potenţial de expunere sistemică crescută la fluticazonă propionat. Clorhidrat de azelastină: Trebuie
acordată o atenţie deosebită atunci când se administrează clorhidrat de azelastină la pacienţii care primesc în acelaşi timp sedative sau alte medicamente cu acţiune la nivelul
sistemului nervos central, deoarece efectul sedativ poate fi amplificat. Alcoolul poate amplifica de asemenea acest efect. Fertilitatea, sarcina şi alăptarea: Fertilitatea. Sunt
disponibile doar date limitate referitoare la fertilitate. Sarcina. Dymista spray nazal trebuie utilizat în timpul sarcinii doar dacă beneficiile potenţiale justifică riscul potential asupra
fătului. Alăptarea. Dymista spray nazal poate fi utilizat în timpul alăptării, doar dacă beneficiile potențiale justifică riscul potenţial la nou născuţi/copii. Efecte asupra capacităţii
de a conduce vehicule şi de a folosi utillaje: Dymista spray nazal are o influenţă mică asupra capacităţii de a conduce vehicule sau de a folosi utilaje. În cazuri izolate atunci
când se administrează Dymista spray nazal pot apărea fatigabilitate, oboseală, epuizare, ameţeală sau slăbiciune, care pot fi de asemenea determinate de boala în sine. În aceste
cazuri poate fi afectată capacitatea de a conduce sau de a folosi utilaje. Alcoolul poate amplifica acest efect. Reacţii adverse: Foarte frecvente: epistaxis; Frecvente: cefalee,
disgeuzie (gust neplăcut), miros neplăcut; Mai puţin frecvente: discomfort nazal (incluzând iritaţie nazală, înţepături, măncărime), strănut, uscăciune nazală ,tuse, uscăciune în gât,
iritaţie la nivelul gâtului; Rare: uscăciunea gurii; Foarte rare: hipersensibilitate incluzând reacţii anafilactice, angioedem (edem la nivelul feţei sau limbii, eritem cutanat),
bronhospasm, ameţeală, somnolenţă, glaucom, presiune intraoculară crescută, cataractă, perforaţie de sept nazal, eroziuni ale mucoasei, greaţă, eritem cutanat, prurit, urticarie,
fatigabilitate (oboseală, epuizare), slăbiciune; Cu frecventa necunoscută: vedere încețoșată. ulcerații nazale. În cazuri rare a fost observată osteoporoza, dacă glucocorticoizii au fost
administraţi nazal pentru o perioadă de timp îndelungată. Supradozaj: Pentru calea de administrare nazală nu sunt anticipate reacţii de supradozaj. În caz de supradozaj după
ingestia orală accidentală, pe baza rezultatelor studiilor experimentale la animale, pot fi aşteptate tulburări la nivelul sistemului nervos central (incluzând somnolenţă, comă,
tahicardie şi hipotensiune arterială) produse de clorhidratul de azelastină. Tratamentul acestor tulburări trebuie să fie simptomatic. Se recomandă lavajul gastric în funcţie de
cantitatea înghiţită. Nu există un antidot cunoscut. Lista excipienţilor: edeteat disodic, glicerol, celuloză microcristalină, carmeloză sodică, polisorbat 80, clorură de benzalconiu,
alcool feniletilic, apă purificată. Perioada de valabilitate: Flacoane cu 23 g suspensie în flacoane de 25 ml: 2 ani. Perioada de valabilitate în timpul utilizării (după prima
utilizare): 6 luni. Precauţii speciale pentru păstrare: A nu se păstra la frigider sau congela. Natura şi conţinutul ambalajului: Flacon din sticlă brună tip I prevăzut cu pompă
de pulverizare, aplicator nazal din polipropilenă şi capac protector, care conţine 23 g (cel puţin 120 de acţionări). Mărimi de ambalaj:1 flacon cu 23 g suspensie în flacoane de 25
ml (cel puţin 120 de acţionări). Deţinătorul autorizaţiei de punere pe piaţă: MEDA Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Benzstraße 1.D-61352 Bad Homburg, Germania. Numărul
autorizaţiei de punere pe piaţă:11003/2018/01-04. Data primei autorizări sau a reînnoirii autorizaţiei: Autorizare – Aprilie 2013. Data ultimei reînnoiri a autorizaţiei:
Septembrie 2018. Data revizuirii textului: Ianuarie 2019. Acest medicament se eliberează pe bază de prescripție mediacală PRF. Pentru raportarea evenimentelor adverse vă
rugăm să utilizaţi următoarele date de contact: Tel.: 0372.579.004 Fax: 0371.600.328; Email:
Tratament de primă alegere
în rinita alergică*,1,2

l Ameliorează semnificativ simptomele rinitei alergice,

începând de la 5 minute după administrare§,3
l De 2 ori mai eficace decât actualele terapii de primă linie4
l Conține două substanțe active, din clase terapeutice diferite și complementare:
fluticazonă propionat – CSIN și azelastină – AHIN5
l Recomandat de Ghidul ARIA 20166

* Rinita alergică sezonieră și perenă, moderată până la severă. CSIN: corticosteroid intranazal
§ Vs. placebo; studiu de expunere controlată la alergeni. AHIN: antihistaminic intranazal
1. Carr W et al. J Allergy clin immunol 2012;129(5):1282-89.

2. Leung DYM et al. the Editors’ choice – MP29-02: a major advancement in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. J Allergy clin immunol 2012;129(5):1216.
3. Bousquet J et al. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2018.01.031.
4. Meltzer E et al. Int Arch Allergy immunol 2013;161(4):369-77.
5. Dymista – Rezumatul Caracteristicilor Produsului
6. Brozek J et al. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Guidelines – 2016 Revision. JACI 2017; DOI:10.1016/j.jaci.2017.03.050. JACI 2017
Floreasca Business Park, Calea Floreasca 169A, Acest material promoţional este destinat exclusiv profesioniștilor din domeniul sănătăţii.
Corp B, Parter, cod poștal 014459, sector 1, Informaţiile de prescriere a medicamentului sunt atașate în interiorul acestui material.
București; Telefon: 0372 579 000; Fax: 0371 600 326. Pentru informaţii detaliate consultaţi Rezumatul Caracteristicilor Produsului.

Follow-up in advanced
basal-cell carcinoma
Sorin Abstract Rezumat
Vlad Petrescu- Skin malignancies usually take the form of basal cell Tegumentul poate fi afectat de tumori maligne, cu pre­pon­
car­ci­no­ma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant de­rență carcinomul bazocelular, urmat de cel spi­no­ce­lu­lar
Seceleanu me­la­no­ma. The head and neck malignant tumor pa­tho­ și melanomul malign. Patologia tumorală malig­nă din
ENT Section, Department logy can be addressed by multiple medical specialists: zona capului și a gâtului se află la granița din­tre multiple
of Oro-Maxilo-Facial Surgery,
“Elias” University Emergency maxil­lo­fa­cial surgeons, dermatologists and plastic specialități: chirurgie maxilo-facială, der­ma­to­lo­gie, chirurgie
Hospital, Bucharest sur­geons. Although considered a less aggressive type plastică. Deși considerat o formă mai pu­țin agresivă local,
of malignancy, the basal-cell carcinoma can extend to carcinomul bazocelular poate avea o evoluție locoregională
pro­found regions and require extensive surgery and im­ infiltrativă în părțile profunde, im­pli­când rezecții largi și
mediate reconstructions of the defect area with regional reconstrucție imediată cu lam­bouri locoregionale sau de la
or distant flaps. The treatment does not end with the distanță. De asemenea, diag­nos­ti­ca­rea cu o formă de neoplazie
sur­gi­cal phase, the follow-up being as equally important, tegumentară crește riscul de apa­ri­ție a unei noi neoplazii în
as there is a 50% higher risk for developing a second skin următorii 5-10 ani cu peste 50%, astfel încât tratamentul nu
malig­nan­cy in the next 5-10 years postoperatively. este considerat încheiat oda­tă cu etapa rezectivă chirurgicală.
Keywords: basal-cell carcinoma, surgical extirpation, Cuvinte-cheie: carcinom bazocelular, extirpare extinsă,
relapse, local flap recidivă, lambou local

Submission date:
2.05.2019 Urmărirea pacienţilor cu carcinom bazocelular
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Ibric-Cioranu S, Petrescu-Seceleanu V. Follow-up in advanced basal-cell carcinoma. 2019;44(3):24-27.

Introduction The relapse or lymph metastasis risk is associated

Skin cancer is the most frequent malignancy world- with the characteristics of the tumour: histological
wide. The most encountered histological subtypes are subtype, size, profound invasion, localization, and
basal-cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. also the general condition of the patients (immuno-
Only in 2012, in USA, up to 5 million patients received suppression, severe associated diseases). The tumors
treatment for these two types of cancer(1). Australia associated with a high risk of relapse or metastases
has the highest number of new cases of skin cancer in have poor differentiated morphology, have more than
the world(2), due to climate (extensive sun exposure); 2 cm in size, and are situated in the eye or in perioral
the vast majority of skin malignant tumours are UV region(4).
radiation dependent. The follow-up for these patients should be on an
In the European Union, there is a 2-3% increase annual base; over 90% of relapses occur in the first
in new cases, according to a 10-year retrospective five years postoperatively (5). Usually, when dealing
study (3). with skin cancer, the prognosis is good, except when
From the histological perspective, the most encoun- there is lymph node involvement or distant metasta-
tered is basal-cell carcinoma, followed by squamous sis; then the survival rate drops by 50% for women
cell carcinoma. Most of the basal-cell carcinomas are and by 30% for men(6).
found in the head and neck region (over 80%).
The management of skin malignancies is divided Case presentations
into two major branches: surgery (radical tumor resec- Case I
tion, Mohs surgery, electrodessication), and conserva- An 82-year-old male patient was admitted to our
tive treatment (photodynamic therapy, radiotherapy, department for a frontal region tumor developed ap-
cryotherapy and topical agents). proximately six months ago (Figure 1.1). The patient
Surgical treatment is the first intended treatment had a medical history in our records: 12 years ago he
when dealing with skin cancer, and the excision should received a right orbital exenteration for an advanced
be tailored to ensure proper free margin around the basal-cell carcinoma. The clinical examination revealed
tumor, of at least 6 mm. If the lesion is found to be an ulcerated endophytic tumor in the right paramedian
generated from the squamous layer, the lymph nodes frontal region, of irregular shape, 3/2 cm in diameter,
should also be investigated. with ill-differentiated, firm borders and the bottom of

24 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

Figure 1.1. Frontal basal-cell carcinoma 12 years after Figure 1.2. Upper left: the flap design for recons­truc­
exenteration tion; lower left: flap in place; right: follow-up at 6 months

the ulceration covered with crusts; the tumor was not Discussion
fixed to the underlying bony bed. The biopsy confirmed There are numerous reports in literature that show
a secondary basal-cell carcinoma. A surgical plan was an increase in skin cancer incidence, but an exact
established: wide surgical excision and immediate re- number cannot be determined because of a variety
construction of the defect with advanced horizontal of factors: not all excised specimens are sent for histo-
frontal flap (Figure 1.2). The healing went uneventful, logical examination, many patients are treated in one-
and the histological examination confirmed the basal- day surgery procedures in private centres that do not
cell carcinoma. The importance of the case lies in the usually report all their malignant cases and, last but
development of a second basal-cell carcinoma, on the not least, because skin malignancies are often seen
same side, 12 years after the primary tumor. in elderly patients which may not receive adequate
Case II treatment due to their health condition.
An 81-year-old female patient was sent to our de- Topical agents such as fluorouracil or imiquimod have
partment by her general practitioner for an ulcerated been used for treating skin cancers, but it appears that
left cheek tumor, with a five-year onset (Figure 2.1). there is a good prognosis only in premalignant phases
After the clinical and computed tomography exami- and in small basal-cell carcinomas(7). Even in these
nations (Figure 2.2), the preliminary diagnosis was cases, the reports contain small groups of patients,
basal-cell carcinoma of the left cheek region extend- lacking the statistical relevance of large cohorts.
ing in the orbital and nasal region. The tumor was Cryotherapy has a high relapse rate – over 40%(8) –
ulcerated, exophytic, covered by crusts, with irreg- because the clinician cannot ensure rigorous safety
ular borders and fixed to the underlying maxillary margins.
wall, 35/30 mm in size, with multiple blood vessels It is best suited for a palliative method of treatment
on the tumor’s surface. The ophthalmic examination in patients who are not good candidates for surgical
revealed important eyesight impairment. The patient treatment.
did not have other illnesses. Radiotherapy can enhance the prognosis when
The biopsy confirmed the clinical diagnosis: ba- dealing with relapse or node involvement, when it is
sal-cell carcinoma. A surgical procedure was planned: used after the surgical treatment in the multimodal
wide surgical excision en bloc with left exenteration treatment of skin cancers.
and anterior maxillary wall resection, and immediate For patients who refuse surgical resection due to
reconstruction of the soft tissue defect with fron- cosmetic reasons, radiotherapy can be used as a pri-
tal and advanced cheek flap (Figure 2.3). A second- mary intention treatment, but the patient should be
stage procedure will be carried on after three weeks advised that there is a lower chance of curative inten-
for adjusting the frontal flap pedicle. Healing went tion comparative with surgery. When used alone, in
uneventful (Figure 2.4). The patient refused other advanced stages,­there is a recurrence rate of up to
surgical procedures. 50% during the first five years post-treatment(9).

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


Figure 2.1. Basal-cell carcinoma of the cheek area Figure 2.2. CT scan showing bony and orbit extension
involving the orbit and the nose regions of the tumor

Figure 2.3. Surgical specimen, the defect, and the flap Figure 2.4. Immediate postoperative image and after
design suture removal

For late stages of squamous cell carcinomas with cm in size or 8 mm depth of the primary tumor (10).
lymph node involvement, the most efficient therapy Patients who have developed a skin malignancy pose
is the surgical treatment (resection and neck dissec- a greater risk of acquiring a second tumor in time
tion) followed by radiotherapy. and they are three times more likely to develop a
When dealing with N0 stages, neck management malignant melanoma(11).
must be carefully planned and the cervical nodes Specialists recommend to have check-ups twice a
should be addressed when there is perineural or year and protection against UV.
perivascular infiltration, poorly differentiated his- The various drug therapies have not yet been proved
tological types, immunosuppression, more than 2 to play a major role in fighting relapse or metastasis.

26 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

Conclusions medical specialists exert their profession, but a better
The European population tends to get older and collaboration between professions will ensure a better
as skin cancers are age-dependent, the clinicians will prognosis for these patients. n
have to deal in the future with an increasing number
of patients. The vast majority of skin malignancies are Conflict of interests: The authors declare no con-
found in the head and neck regions, where multiple flict of interests.

1. Rogers HW, Weinstock MA, Feldman SR, Coldiron BM, Incidence Estimate of Non- in Denmark. Cancer Epidemiol. 2010; 34(6):689–95.

melanoma Skin Cancer (Keratinocyte Carcinomas) in the U.S. Population, 2012. 7. Gross K, Kircik L, Kricorian G. 5% 5-Fluorouracil cream for the treatment of small
JAMA Dermatol. 2015 Oct; 151(10):1081-6. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2015.1187 superficial basal cell carcinoma: efficacy, tolerability, cosmetic outcome, and
2. Australian Insistute of Health and Welfare.Health System Expenditures on Cancer patient satisfaction. Dermatol Surg. 2007; 33:433-9; discussion 440.
and Other Neoplasms in Australia, 2000-2001. Canberra: AIHW, 2005; (Cat. no. HWE 8. Hall VL, et al. Treatment of basal-cell carcinoma: comparison of radiotherapy and
29.) Available at: cryotherapy. Clin Radiol. 1986 Jan; 37(1):33-4.
3. Rudolph C, Schnoor M, Eisemann N, Katalinic A. Incidence trends of non- 9. Lee WR, Mendenhall WM, Parsons JT, Million RR. Radical radiotherapy for T4
melanoma skin cancer in Germany from 1998 to 2010. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2015; carcinoma of the skin of the head and neck: a multivariate analysis. Head Neck.
13:788e97. Jul-Aug 1993; 15(4):320-324.
4. Brodland DG, Zitelli JA. Surgical margins for excision of primary cutaneous 10. Palyca P, Koshenkov VP, Mehnert JM. Developments in the treatment of locally
squamous cell carcinoma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1992; 27(2 Pt 1):241-248. advanced and metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: a rising unmet
5. Glogau R. The risk of progression to invasive disease. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2000; need. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2014; e397–e404. doi:10.14694/EdBook_
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6. Steding-Jessen M, Birch-Johansen F, Jensen A, et al. Socioeconomic status and 11. Rees JR, Zens MS, Gui J, Celaya MO, Riddle BL, Karagas MR. Non-melanoma skin
non-melanoma skin cancer: a nationwide cohort study of incidence and survival cancer and subsequent cancer risk. PLoSOne. 2014; 9(6):e99674.

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


Study on the prevalence,

diagnosis, therapeutic
management and complications
of supernumerary teeth
Andreea Dona Abstract Rezumat
Agnes Katherine Aim. This descriptive study reveals clinical and paraclinical Scop. Acest studiu descriptiv relevă aspecte clinice şi paraclinice
aspects related to the presence of supernumerary teeth legate de prezenţa dinţilor supranumerari la copii cu afecţiuni
Lackner2, in children with severe general disorders. Materials and generale grave. Materiale și metodă. Studiul, bazat pe
Andrei Kozma3, method. The study based on clinical, epidemiological analiza clinică, epidemiologică şi pe evaluare radiologică, a
Horia Lăzărescu4, and radiological assessment was performed on a batch of fost efectuat într-un cabinet cu practică privată din București,
Doriana Agop 1651 urban patients from whom a batch of 7 patients with pe un lot de şapte pacienţi cu istoric familial şi general
Forna5, familial and complex history and supernumerary teeth was complex şi cu dinţi supranumerari. Rezultate și discuții.
chosen. Results and discussion. In the study group, the S-a constatat că meziodensul se regăsește la ambele sexe în
Vasilica Toma6 most common morphological form of supernumerary tooth mod relativ egal, neexistând diferențe majore între femei şi
1. MD, PhD, Assist. professor, encountered was the mesiodens with nano crown, in the bărbaţi. În lotul nostru de studiu, cea mai frecventă formă
Faculty of Dental Medicine,
“Titu Maiorescu” University, form of a stake present in four of the seven cases clinically morfologică de dinte supranumerar întâlnită este meziodensul
Bucharest, Romania and radiologically supervised, and the predilection was the cu coroană nanică, în formă de țăruș, prezent în patru din cele
2. MD, Department upper jaw. The results are in line with those in the specialized şapte cazuri supravegheate clinic şi radiologic, iar localizarea
of Pediatric Dentistry, literature. Conclusions. Early treatment can solve the predilectă este premaxilarul. Rezultatele sunt în concordanță
University Dental Clinic,
Medical University of Vienna, shortcomings caused by the presence of supernumerary cu cele din literatura de specialitate. Concluzii. Tratamentul
Austria teeth, if the anomaly is diagnosed early. Any sign of late timpuriu poate rezolva neajunsurile produse de prezența
3. Sen. res. II, PhD, MMD, eruption longer than 8 months compared to the eruption dinților supranumerari, în condiţiile în care anomalia este
MDH, Research Department, of the counterpart should be investigated radiologically. diagnosticată devreme. Orice semn de erupție întârziată mai
National Institute for Mother
Keywords: supernumerary, mesiodens, clinical aspect, mare de opt luni față de erupția omologului trebuie investigat
and Child Health, radiological aspect, treatment radiologic.
Bucharest, Romania Cuvinte-cheie: supranumerar, meziodens, aspect clinic,
4. PhD, MD, CS II, aspect radiologic, tratament
National Institute
for Recovery,
Physical Medicine
and Balneoclimathology,
Bucharest, Romania
Submission date:
20.06.2019 Studiu asupra prevalenţei, diagnosticului, managementului terapeutic
5. MD, PhD, Lecturer,
Acceptance date:
5.08.2019 şi a complicaţiilor dinţilor supranumerari
Faculty of Dental Medicine, Suggested citation for this article: Iordan-Dumitru AD, Lackner AK, Kozma A, Lăzărescu H, Agop Forna D, Toma V. Study on the prevalence, diagnosis, therapeutic
“Grigore T. Popa” University management and complications of supernumerary teeth. 2019;44(3):28-34.
of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Iaşi, Romania
6. MD, conf. univ. dr.,
Department of Surgery,
Pedodontics Discipline,
Faculty of Dental Medicine,
“Grigore T. Popa” University
Introduction Etiology
of Medicine and Pharmacy, Supernumerary teeth are dental units that numeri- P.V. Rao(1) considers that the etiology of supernumer-
Iaşi, Romania
cally exceed the normal dental formula, a phenomenon aries is multifactorial, involving genetic factors and envi-
Corresponding author: also known as hyperdontosis (extra teeth, duplicates, ronmental factors, based on theories that try to explain
Andrei Kozma
E-mail: cones or aberrant teeth), which occurs in solitary or mul- their occurrence (Table 1).
Horia Lăzărescu
E-mail: horialazarescu@ tiple forms, uniquely or bilaterally affecting both jaws. A number of genetic syndromes are associated with The prevalence of supernumerary teeth ranges be- the presence of supernumerary teeth and the gene lo-
Acknowledgement: tween 0.1% and 0.8% in temporary dentition and be- calization is already known(6,14) (Table 2).
All authors contributed
equally to the study.
tween 0.1% and 3.8% in permanent teeth(1-4). Boys are Clinical and paraclinical aspects
two times more affected than girls, and the jaw is 8.2-10 The unilateral persistence of a temporary tooth in
No funding for this study.
times more affected than the mandible(1-4). There is a the premaxillary area, the eruption delay, the impac-
significant association between supernumerary teeth tion or the ectopic eruption of a permanent incisor, the
and invaginated teeth explained by the different em- severe inter-incisive diastema or the rotation of perma-
bryological development of the premaxillary(2). nent incisors or dento-alveolar disharmony with frontal

28 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

Table 1 Etiopathogenic theories
Genetic disorder Etiopathogenic theories
Atavism The result of phylogenetic reversal in extinct primates with three pairs of incisors
It considers that the dental bud is divided into two parts of equal or different dimensions that
The theory of dichotomy
evolve independently
It takes into consideration the independent, conditioned hyperactivity of the dental blade with
The theory of dental blade hyperactivity the supplementation of the lingual extension of an accessory bud or the proliferation of dental
blade epithelial remains strongly supported by specialized literature
Family gender linked heredity

Table 2 Genetic syndromes associated with supernumerary teeth

Syndrome Gene
LMP cleft
Gardner’s syndrome APC (611731)
Cledo-cranial dysplasia RUN X2 (600211)
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome PLOD (1534554)
Incontinentia pigmenti NEMO (301249)
Fabry syndrome GLA (300644)
Ellis van Creveld syndrome EVC (604831)
Noonan syndrome
Trico-rhino-phalangian syndrome
Zimmerman-Laby syndrome

Table 3 Classification of supernumerary teeth

Prevalence Localization Clinical aspect Radiological aspect
Located Conoid structures with reduced volume, with
Conic Conical or triangular crowns,
75% on the upper jaw conical or triangular crowns, fully formed roots,
supernumeraries fully formed roots
inter-incisor isolated (mesiodens) or bilateral (mesiodentes)
Crowns in the form of a screwdriver and additional
Located Radiological appearance
Tuberculed cusps, absent or incomplete roots, palatal
12% on the upper jaw with absent or incompletely
supernumeraries localized, behind the maxillary centrals, often
inter-incisor formed root
in pair, representing the third dentition
Radiological aspect with
Located anterior They are benign hemartomas that contain all well-defined radiopaque
on the maxillary dental tissues with small teeth in volume lesions, surrounded by
Odontomum -6%
and posterior as a single structure or non-irregular body in two a radio-transparent band
on the mandible clinical forms: compound and complex and containing radio opacity
with an aspect of nanic tooth

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


crowding alert the clinician to the possible presence of and orthopantomographies in the study group, with
supernumerary teeth and require a radiological investi- a 96.7% concordance between examiners.
gation to confirm the diagnosis. Their classification may Statistical analysis used the T student test and freque­
be done morphologically and according to localization ncy analysis, which were done using SPSS 13.00
(Table 3)(2,3,11,8). software.
The most useful radiographic investigation is ortho-
pantomography with additional images on periapical The study group
and occlusal radiographs. For the localization of a non- The study was performed on a group of 1651 pa-
erupted supernumerary, parallax method is recommen­ tients, 52% boys and 48% girls, aged between 6 and 15
ded with two separate X-rays from different angles for years old, over a one-year period (2017-2018). For the
the same region or cone beam CT that provides detailed epidemiological study, the number, shape and volume
3D imaging of the zonal structures(2,3). of supernumerary teeth were taken into account: gen-
Accidentally discovered in the radiological examina- der, age and ethnicity, dental history and radiological
tion, the supernumerary tooth may associate complica- balance.
tions including delayed eruption of permanent teeth From the study group, seven cases presented mesi-
in the area of interest, impaction or ectopic eruptions, odens, indicating a prevalence of 0.42%. Gender dis-
severe rotations of adjacent teeth, dento-alveolar crowd- tribution reveals a modest percentage in favor of male
ing or diastema which cannot be closed orthodontically, gender, but the reduced size of the affected group does
root resorption or development of follicular cysts. not allow valid conclusions about the relatively equal
affection of the two sexes.
Materials and method The environment of origin is dominated by the urban
Clinical analysis – two assessors examined the super-
nn area with higher addressability and in the absence of
numerary teeth morphology through visual inspection. dental practices in villages.
Visual examination of orthopantomographies – two
nn The distribution of the study group by age group is
evaluators examined retro-dento-alveolar radiographs heterogeneous: the age of 9 is predominant.

Figure 1. Distribution by gender: 52% boys and 48% girls Figure 2. Distribution of the study group by place of origin

Table 4 Distribution of the study group by age

Frequency Percentage Valid percentage Cumulative percentage
6 1 14.3 14.3 14.3
7 1 14.3 14.3 14.3
9 2 28.6 28.6 28.6
11 1 14.3 14.3 14.3
12 1 14.3 14.3 14.3
15 1 14.3 14.3 14.3
Total 7 100

30 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

Results and discussion
Although age is an important factor in assessing
the prevalence of dental abnormalities for the study of
supernumerary teeth, this parameter is considered to
be inaccurate because there is no specific age at which
supernumerary teeth begin to develop; they may occur
in temporary, mixed or permanent dentition in the pre-
maxillary region or in any region of the dental arcade.
Even the absence of supernumerary teeth at a certain age
does not imply, with certainty, that the patient will not
present supernumeraries later; it only indicates that, at
the time of the examination, there are no supernume­
rary dental buds(2,3).
Family history and dental history are critical factors
that influence the prevalence values of supernumeraries
in our study group(7,11,12,13).

Case 1
The first patient was an 11-year-old boy diagnosed
with Trico-oculo-dental syndrome, the first newborn
of a 38-year-old pregnant mother with type 1 diabe-
tes mellitus developed with delayed dis-pregnancy, the Figure 3. Patient case 1. Male, 11 years old. Extraoral
birth being at term, with dystocia, by caesarean section, clinical appearance
the newborn weighing 4100 g, with normal postnatal
development. apex of 21, with an abnormal position, almost parallel
General clinical examination reveals moderately pale to the occlusal plane, with the tip pointing to the crown
skin, excessive adipose tissue on the chest and limbs, of the dental bud of 23 (Figure 5).
dismorphic facies, hypertelorism, epicanthus, thick eye-
brows, flattened nose root, bilateral congenital cataract Case 2
confirmed by olological examination, and mental retar- Another patient was a female aged 15 years old, the
dation with QI 41 (Figure 3). first newborn of a 35-year-old primiparous mother with
At the facial level, there is a small mouth with the a pigmented nevus in the left deltoid region, coming
corners facing downwards, a retrognathic profile. The from an unmonitored pregnancy, the child being born
functional examination revealed functional disorders of on term, with a weight of 2700 g, with a good postnatal
mastication, phonation and physiognomy. evolution. She was hospitalized in the territorial hospi-
The endobucal examination (Figure 4) in mixed den- tal at the age of 8 years old for a respiratory infectious
tition shows, on the upper jaw median line, behind the episode. She presents skin hypopigmentation spots,
upper central incisors, a supernumerary tooth (mesio­ concentration deficiency and psychomotor deficiency,
dentes) in the form of a screwdriver, intervestibular 29 kg weight hypotrophy, papular rash in the face and
rotations of the central incisors, a 3-mm inter-incisive upper limbs with hypochromic areas disposed along the
diastema with divergent dental axes. Blaschko lines.
The radiological examination reveals mixed denti- The dermatological examination of the skin le-
tion, a supernumerary tooth located intraosseous, at the sions associated with the presence of neuropsychiatric

a b c
Figure 4. Patient case 1. Male, 11 years of age. Intraoral clinical appearance: a) frontal; b) maxilary oclusal view; c)
mandibular oclusal view

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


in fibroblasts and leukocytes. The radiological exam

revealed a supernumerary tooth included (Figure 7).

Case 4
In the case of a 7-year-old male patient diagnosed
with palatal cleft operated about 6 years ago and pater-
nal heredity of congenital malformation, the orthopan-
tomograph reveals the mesiodens located between 51
and 61, as well as the presence of a supernumerary tooth
in quadrant 2. Since both 62 and the supernumerary
tooth are located very close to the palatoplasty line, it
was decided to send the patient to a buccal-maxillofacial
surgery service (Figure 8).
Figure 5. Patient case 1. Male, 11 years of age. The treatment of supernumerary teeth depends on
Radiological appearance the type of morphology, position, associated complica-
tions, patient’s age and dental cooperation, the radiologi-
disorders and corroborated with the genetic exami- cally appreciated radial length and the program of root-
nation lead to the diagnosis of Ito hypomelanosis. formation of the adjacent teeth, and it consists in the
Microcrania, mild facial asymmetry, and skin allergy surgical extraction of the supernumerary tooth or, more
areas are highlighted. The patient has definitive denti- rarely, the repositioning in the dentoalveolar arch(3,9,10).
tion, poor hygiene and a supernumerary, nanic tooth,
with ectopic eruption, inter-incisive at the jaw level Case 5
(Figure 6). In a female patient, aged 12 years old, it was decided
The patient was advised to have a radiological check- to extract the mesiodens using local anesthesia. She is
up to see exactly the shape and size of the root, as well the first newborn of a 30-year-old primiparous mother
as its position in relation to the surrounding tissues, and with minor thalassemia from a monitored pregnancy
she was recommended, as treatment, the extraction of with late dis-pregnancy, the child being born on term,
the mesiodens. with a birth weight of 2400 g, with good postnatal pro-
Some cases of supernumerary teeth are asymptoma­ gression. At the age of 1 year and a half, she was admitted
tic and accidentally detected at the radiological exam. to a pediatric hospital in Bucharest for an intercurrent
Dental buds with late onset of mineralization can give superior respiratory infection; pale skin and mucosa,
a false positive diagnosis of supernumerary tooth on and splenomegaly were highlighted.
radiographs(7,9,11). The haemogram showed hypochromic anemia, and
the smear revealed an increased number of reticulocytes
Case 3 and cells in the form of target shooting, suggestive of
This is also the case of a 9.4-year-old male patient thalassemia. Pathological hemoglobin electrophoresis
with marked weight hypotrophy and moderate hepato- was performed, showing a high percentage of fetal hemo-
splenomegaly, facial dismorphism, larger ears, lowered globin and A2 hemoglobin. At the age of one years old,
oral commissures, who was diagnosed with mucopoly- the child returns to the pediatric-hematology depart-
saccharidosis confirmed by alpha-l iduronidase dosing ment for isogroup/isoRh blood substitution-transfusion

Figure 6. Patient case 2. Female, 15 years of age. Figure 7. Patient case 3. Male, 9 years of age.
Intraoral appearance Radiological aspect

32 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

treatment. At the intraoral examination, a supernumer-
ary tooth with a conical and sharpened appearance (Fig-
ure 9a) was observed. The patient was advised to have
a radiological examination in order to assess the shape
and size of the root and its position in relation to sur-
rounding tissues (Figure 9b).
Treated through the surgical extraction of the super-
numerary tooth, partially palatally erupted, with incom-
pletely formed root, the patient was carefully monitored
intrasurgically and taken care of until healing. The place
of extraction was healed in about 15 days and the patient
was able to resume her masticatory function without
pain or discomfort (Figure 10).
In our study group, the most common morphologi- Figure 8. Pacient case 4. Male, 7 years of age.
cal form of supernumerary tooth is the mesiodens with Radiological aspect
nanic crown, in the form of a stake, present in four of
the seven cases clinically and radiologically monitored, The reported prevalence of 0.42% and the equal gen-
as in the studies by Fadi Ata-Al and Daijit S. Gill(2,3). The der distribution should be considered with caution due
number of supernumerary teeth diagnosed in two cases to the relatively small number of patients in the study
is double and the other cases in the study group present group, as in the study by Anthonappa(7,11,13).
a single supernumerary tooth located in the jaw, as in the The late eruption of the maxillary incisors is associ-
studies by Fadi Ata-Al and Daijit S. Gill(2,3,4,6). The pre- ated with Caucasians, in the proportion of 20-60%,
dilect localization of supernumerary teeth in the batch and with the presence of supernumerary teeth(2,3)
is the maxillary inter-incisive area, as in the study by especially from the tuberculed morphological type.
Fadi Ata-Al(2,3,6,8). Three of the seven cases in our study group had de-
The family history and the complex, debilitating and layed eruptions of the adjacent upper fronts. Any sign
hereditary inherited general disorders are essential vari- of eruption that is more than eight months late in
ables to be reported in supernumerary teeth studies(2,3,10). relation to the eruption of the counterpart should be

a b
Figure 9. Patient case 5. Female – intraoral (a) and radiological (b) aspect

a b c
Figure 10. Patient G.D., female. Treatment by surgical extraction; the aspect of the extracted mesiodens and the aspect of
the post-extractional wound

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


investigated radiologically. Patients with a history tooth, the proximity to the permanent teeth and their
of conical or tuberculed supernumeraries at younger stage of root formation, it allows the positive diagnosis,
ages have 24% chances(3) to develop unique or mul- it orients the treatment, and it monitors the occurrence
tiple supernumerary premolars, and this is why it is of new single or multiple supernumeraries.
necessary to have periodic radiological monitoring 7. Early diagnosis and appropriate management
in mixed teeth. can minimize complications caused by supernumer-
ary teeth.
Conclusions 8. The treatment indicated in patients examined is ex-
1. The reported prevalence of 0.42% and the equal traction and it depends on the age of the patient, dental
gender distribution should be considered with caution cooperation, locally induced complications, and the root
due to the relatively small number of patients in the formation program of the adjacent permanent teeth.
study group. In our study group, the most common mor- 9. Interdisciplinary management for cases in the
phological form of supernumerary tooth is the mesi- study group is the solution for a correct diagnosis and
odens with nanic crown, in the form of a stake. for well-guided and periodic treatment.
2. The predilect localization of supernumerary teeth 10. General dentists should be informed about clinical
in the batch is the maxillary inter-incisive area. signs and therapeutic options in the cases of supernu-
3. Supernumerary teeth have erupted ectopically by merary teeth. n
producing dental congestion or preventing the erup-
tion of neighbouring teeth in three of the seven cases Compliance with ethics requirements: The authors
included in the batch. declare that all the procedures and experiments of this study
4. Supernumerary teeth produce functional disor- respect the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration from
ders especially in the physiological sphere and phonation 1975, as revised in 2008, as well as the national law. The
disorders. informed consent was obtained from the patients included
5. Clinical and radiological examinations are essential in the study.
in the diagnosis of supernumerary teeth.
6. The radiological examination identifies the pres- Conflict of interests: The authors declare no con-
ence, the coronary and root shape of the supernumerary flict of interests.

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Reclamă ORL 44(3)0106

34 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

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The use of endodontic posts

in odontal restorations
of non-vital teeth
Irina-Maria Abstract Rezumat
Paula Perlea2, In the clinical situations in which the restoration of massive În situaţiile clinice în care se impune restaurarea distrucţiilor
hard dental tissues loss is required, it is mandatory to co­ro­nare masive, este obligatorie utilizarea mijloacelor
Claudiu-Gabriel use additional retention systems that can ensure the su­pli­men­tare de retenţie ce pot asigura succesul şi menți­
Ciolan3, successful and long-term maintenance of the restoration. ne­rea restaurării pe termen lung. În cazul dinţilor devitali,
Loredana In the case of non-vital teeth, endodontic posts are used ca mijloace suplimentare de retenţie se utilizează pivoturile
Mitran4, as additional retention systems. They can be custom endodontice. Acestea pot fi turnate (metalice) sau pre­fa­
Mihai Mitran5, cast made (metallic) or prefabricated (prefabricated bri­cate (pivoturi metalice prefabricate sau din zirconiu,
metal posts or zirconia, ceramic, carbon or glass ce­ra­mi­că, fibre de carbon ori fibre de sticlă). Utilizarea unui
Alexandru-Andrei fibers posts). The use of a certain type of prefabricated tip de pivot endodontic prefabricat sau a unuia turnat este
Iliescu6 endodontic post is the result of a completely and rezultatul evaluării complete şi riguroase a cazului clinic
1. Lecturer, rigorously evaluation of the present clinical case. respectiv.
Department of Restorative Keywords: non-vital tooth, endodontic post, post-retained Cuvinte-cheie: dinte devital, pivot endodontic, restaurare
Faculty of Dental Medicine, endodontic restoration odontală armată
“Carol Davila” University
of Medicine and Pharmacy,
2. Professor,
Submission date:
18.07.2019 Utilizarea pivoturilor endodontice în restaurările odontale armate pe dinţi
Department of Endodontics,
Faculty of Dental Medicine,
Acceptance date:
9.08.2019 devitali
Suggested citation for this article: Gheorghiu IM, Perlea P, Ciolan CG, Mitran L, Mitran M, Iliescu AA. The use of endodontic posts in odontal restorations of non-vital
“Carol Davila” University
of Medicine and Pharmacy, teeth. 2019;44(3):36-38.
3. Dentist,
Private Dental Practice,
True Stomartists, Bucharest
3. MD, Department
Introduction ensure long-term obturation stability and success. In
of Otorhinolaryngology, The coronal tissue loss involves the lack of a variable the case of non-vital teeth, endodontic posts are used as
“Elias” University Emergency amount of hard dental substance, of different etiology, additional retention systems. Odontal restorations that
Hospital, Bucharest
and which occurs in different degrees, from the shallow use them are called armed restorations or post-retained
5. Lecturer, Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, enamel crack to an important, almost complete coro- endodontic restoration.
Faculty of Medicine,
“Carol Davila” University
nary destruction when only the tooth root is present Special retention systems are used to improve the
of Medicine and Pharmacy, on dental arch. retention of the cavities resulting from the evolution of
The amount of residual hard dental substance plays extensive carious processes. In situations where the loss
6. Associate Professor, an important role in the possibility of restoration of a of a hard dental substance is of traumatic etiology, the
Department of Oral
Rehabilitation, tooth. From this point of view, we must first analyze additional retention systems are, except for prosthetic
Faculty of Dental Medicine, whether the tooth can be restored or needs extraction. methods, the solution of choice for the retention of the
University of Medicine
and Pharmacy of Craiova When choosing the restoration method, we must take coronary restorative dental material. In the case of a
Corresponding author: into account multiple aspects of the clinical case, such as: vital tooth that has a massive loss of dental tissue, spe-
Irina-Maria Gheorghiu
the position of the tooth on the dental arch, the value of cial retention systems help maintain the vitality of the
the occlusal forces, and the patient’s aesthetic expecta- dental pulp, but the use of special retention systems is
tions. Especially for young patients, it is normal to want also currently used in the case of endodontically treated
to limit the loss of hard dental tissue as much as possible teeth(1).
and to preserve the present state, but unfortunately this Compared to the odontal restorations in vital teeth,
is not always possible. non-vital teeth presents specific aspects regarding coro-
nal rehabilitation. Massive tissue damage, as well as the
Endodontic posts sacrifice of hard dental substance to obtain a proper
In clinical situations where restoration of coronary access for endodontic instrumentation may cause dif-
dental tissue loss is on the borderline between direct ficulties in ensuring retention of restorative dental ma-
odontal and prosthetic restorative treatment, and terials(2). Some authors also consider that the fracture
occlusal forces cannot be reduced or eliminated, it is resistance of endodontically treated teeth is significantly
mandatory to use additional retention systems that can lower than in vital teeth. Although it is a widely held

36 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

opinion, there are controversies on this topic, multiple
laboratory studies have shown that fracture resistance
in non-vital and vital teeth is similar.
Additional retention systems used in non-vital teeth
are endodontic posts, which can be custom cast or pre-
fabricated. The current use of prefabricated posts is
associated with the coronary restoration of the dental
structure using the direct method, with modern adhe-
sive materials: composite resins or glass ionomer ce-
ment. Odontal restoration using endodontic posts is Figure 1. Custom cast metallic post in endodontically
indicated in situations when the coronal non-vital tooth treated tooth 26
structure is inadequate for the proper retention of a res-
toration(3). The root part of the endodontic post is fixed
and cemented into the prepared root canal (using curent
precedures with Gates Glidden or Paeso reamers) and the
supragingival portion of the posts ensures retention of
the restorative material.
nn Custom cast posts
The custom cast posts are made in the dental tech-
nique laboratory, following an impression of the root
canal preparation. The custom cast posts cast are still
valuable additional retention systems due to the preci-
sion with which they can be made and due to the resist-
ance to mechanical stresses in the oral cavity. The cast
posts acts like a post-core system. Their use tends to be
restricted because they have a number of disadvantages:
they require an important sacrifice of hard coronal tis-
sue, and they require time and precision to make them
since the dental technique laboratory is involved. Once
cemented, the treatment of possible apical lesions is al-
most impossible, due to their difficult removal(4).
The custom cast posts are made from metals that can
be easily processed, from noble or semi-noble metals,
or from silver or other special alloys (nickel-chromium,
cobalt-chromium, platinum-gold-palladium, stainless
steel), and will be subsequently covered with dental
nn Prefabricated posts
Prefabricated posts are widely used today, being avail-
able in a wide range of materials, shapes and sizes that
can be adapted to different clinical situations. Thus, the
prefabricated posts can be:
✔✔metal – stainless steel, titanium and its alloys,
platinum-gold-palladium, chromium-containing
alloy, surface-gold-plated copper-nickel alloy, co-
balt-molybdenum alloy. Figure 2. Custom cast metallic post for anterior tooth
✔✔non-metallic: ceramics, zirconium oxide, carbon,
quartz, glass fiber.
The prefabricated posts made from ceramic have the
same color as the dental tissues, they are biocompatible,
with a good radioopacity, but at the same time they are
expensive, difficult to be cut and cannot be bent. That’s
why they have a high risk of fracture under the action
of occlusal forces. They are also difficult to be removed
from the endodontic space when fractured. Compared
to the metal posts, the prefabricated carbon fiber ones
have a modulus of elasticity closer to that of the den-
tine, thus reducing the occlusal stress transmitted to Figure 3. Prefabricated fiber glass post in
the root(5). They are not corroded by the oral fluids and endodontically treated tooth 45

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


removed when needed, especially those fixed by screw-

ing, easier than custom cast posts.
Despite the certain advantages of prefabricated posts,
unfortunately the limitations imposed in their use must
be taken into account: they do not always adapt perfectly
to the endodontic preparation such as the cast ones and
their coronal portion is not always sufficient to support
the volume of the required dental reconstruction(8).
The principles that govern the use of endodontic posts
in dental restorations in non-vital teeth are:
✔✔ Minimizing the sacrifice of a hard dental substance,
especially in the cervical region, in order to create
the encircling effect (“ferrule effect”).
✔✔ Use of adhesive techniques for both the coronal
and root tissues, to increase the strength of the
remaining dental structure and to improve the
retention and stability over time of the post-re-
stored tooth.
✔✔ Use of the materials with dentin-like physical pro-
perties, both for core and post.
The final restoration may be done directly in the den-
tal office or it may be a prosthetic restoration. If a direct
odontal coronal restoration is made, usually a prefabri-
cated endodontic post will be chosen. In restorations
using custom cast posts, it must be associated with a

Figure 4. Fiberglass posts When choosing prefabricated endodontic post versus
custom cats post for a reinforced restoration, we must
assess rigorously all specific particularities of the clinical
have a high wear resistance. The transfer of occlusal case: the quantity of remaining hard substance, the in-
stress to dentine can be reduced by introducing a more tensity of occlusal stress and the subsequent prosthetic
elastic material, namely resin cements, which will act role of the respective tooth – these aspects are always
as force breakers(6). taken into account. Also, it is important to be able to
Regardless of the material from which they are made, obtain a proper aesthetic aspect of the restoration, es-
the prefabricated posts have multiple advantages: the pecially in the frontal area. n
odontal restoration is done completely inside the dental
practice, without involving the dental technique labo- Acknowledgements: All the authors have equal contri-
ratory, thus saving time and money. They are easy and butions for this article.
very simple to be inserted into the prepared root canal,
and can be use in almost any clinical case, including Conflict of interests: The authors declare no con-
pluriradicular teeth(7). The prefabricated posts can be flict of interests.

1. Sulaiman AO, Shaba OP, Dosumu OO, Ajayi DM. Coronal tissue loss in Flowable, Fiber-reinforced, and Conventional Resin Composite. Oper Dent. 2016

endodontically treated teeth. Afr J Med Med Sci. 2012 Dec; 41(4):437-44. Sep-Oct; 41(5):E131-E140.
2. Peroz I, Blankenstein F, Naumann M. Restoring endodontically treated teeth 6. Khan SIR, Anupama R, Deepalakshmi M, Kumar KS. Effect of two different types
with post and cores – a review. Ouintessence Int. 2005; 36(9):737-46. of fibers on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated molars restored
3. Lynch CD, Burke FM, Ni Riiordain R, Hannigan A. The influence of coronal with composite resin. The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry. 2013; 15(2):167–171.
restoration type on the survival of endodontically treated teeth. Eur J 7. Eliguzeloglu Dalkılıç E, Kazak M, Hisarbeyli D, Fildisi MA, Donmez N, Deniz Arısu
Prosthodont Restor Dent. 2004 Dec; 12(4):171-6. H. Can Fiber Application Affect the Fracture Strength of Endodontically Treated
4. Guruprasada LC. Restoration of fractured endodontically treated mandibular Teeth Restored with a Low Viscosity Bulk-Fill Composite? Biomed Res Int. 2019
first molar using custom made cast post and core. Med J Armed Forces India. 2015 Jan 22; 2019:3126931.
Jul; 71(Suppl 1): S221–S223. 8. Yasa B, Arslan H, Yasa E, Akcay M, Hatirli H. Effect of novel restorative materials
5. Atalay C, Yazici AR, Horuztepe A, Nagas E, Ertan A, Ozgunaltay G. Fracture and retention slots on fracture resistance of endodontically-treated teeth. Acta
Resistance of Endodontically Treated Teeth Restored With Bulk Fill, Bulk Fill Odontol Scand. 2016; 74(2):96-102.

38 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

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Particular CT scan aspects

in ethmoid anatomy
Alexandra Abstract Rezumat
Silviu Crăc1, Anatomy based on imagistic findings is the key point on Anatomia ilustrată pe descoperirile imagistice reprezintă baza
which the understanding of normal and pathological înțelegerii structurilor normale și patologice rinosinuzale.
Alexandru structures is based. Nowadays, the conventional radiology Ac­tual­mente, radiologia convențională a fost înlocuită de
Panfiloiu1, has been replaced by CT imaging, the new gold standard ima­gis­tica CT, noul standard de aur în patologia sinusurilor
Vlad Budu1,2 for paranasal sinus pathology. Functional endoscopic pa­ra­nazale. Chirurgia endoscopică sinuzală este în prezent
1. “Prof. Dr. Dorin Hociotă” sinus surgery is now the most popular technique used in cel mai frecvent procedeu utilizat, putând fi efectuată doar
Institute of Phonoaudiology sinonasal pathology and it cannot be performed without cu­nos­când reperele anatomice. O bună înțelegere a anatomiei
and Functional ENT Surgery,
Bucharest knowing the anatomic landmarks. A good understanding rino­sinuzale și a variantelor anatomice asigură realizarea
of sinonasal anatomy and of anatomic variants provides unei intervenții chirurgicale cu un grad scăzut de risc al com­
2. “Carol Davila” University
of Medicine and Pharmacy, a better surgical approach. The aim of this article is to pli­cațiilor. Scopul acestui articol este să evidențieze reperele
Bucharest focus on the landmarks found on CT scan in order to avoid ana­to­mice prezente pe imaginile CT. Aceste repere ajută la
the complications of ethmoid sinus surgery. In this article, evi­ta­rea complicațiilor în timpul intervențiilor chirurgicale de
we present the imagistic appearance on CT of ethmoid tip endoscopic asupra etmoidului. În articol se evidențiază
landmarks beginning from anterior ethmoid (agger nasi, as­pec­tul imagistic al reperelor anatomice etmoidale, începând
uncinated process, ethmoidal bulla, middle turbinate) to cu etmoidul anterior (celula agger nasi, procesul uncinat,
posterior ethmoid (ethmoidal cells, superior turbinate). We bula etmoidală, cornetul nazal mijlociu) spre cel posterior
also focused on the areas in which complications may occur (celulele etmodiale, cornetul nazal superior). De asemenea,
(lamina papyracea, anterior and posterior ethmoid artery, se pune accent și pe zonele la nivelul cărora sunt frecvent
cribriform plate). The reduction of complications incidence de­scrise complicații intraoperatorii (lamina papiraceea, ar­
begins with prevention by having a good preoperative te­re­le etmoidale anterioară și posterioară, lama cribriformă).
medical assessment. The surgeon needs to study the CT Re­du­ce­rea incidenței complicațiilor are la bază o bună evaluare
imaging for each patient several times before the procedure. pre­ope­ra­torie a pacientului. Chirurgul are responsabilitatea de
Keywords: CT scan, ethmoid landmarks, endoscopic sinus a studia imaginile CT pentru fiecare pacient, de mai multe ori,
surgery înaintea procedurii chirurgicale.
Cuvinte-cheie: imagini CT, repere etmoidale, chirurgia
endoscopică rinosinuzală

Submission date:
21.08.2019 Aspecte particulare ale anatomiei etmoidale pe imagini CT
Acceptance date: Suggested citation for this article: Gheorghe A, Crăc S, Panfiloiu A, Budu V. Particular CT scan aspects in ethmoid anatomy. 2019;44(3):40-45.

The CT scan represents the imaging investigation
of choice in case of sinonasal pathology, at the same
time the CT images revealing the anatomical variants
of this region.
The clinical picture according to the anatomical vari-
ants, from the level of the ethmoid, is represented by rhi-
nogenic headache, facial pressure, inefficient drainage,
or it can be asymptomatic, being discovered accidentally
after an imagistic investigation.
The ethmoid is a bone with a complex configuration,
which participates in forming the walls of the nasal cavity,
orbit and the floor of anterior cranial fossa. It is located
at the level of the ethmoidal incision of the frontal bone
and articulates with the sphenoid, maxillary, vomer, lac-
rimal, nasal, palatine, and quadrilateral cartilage. From
an anatomic point of view, the ethmoid consists of the
perpendicular blade, the horizontal blade and the two
lateral masses (the ethmoidal labyrinth) – Figure 1. Figure 1. CT aspect of ethmoidal labyrinth

40 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

Figure 2. Agger nasi cell

Figure 4. The ethmoidal infundibulum

Figure 3. Pneumatized uncinated process Figure 5. Ethmoidal bulla

Figure 6. Types of concha bullosa (bulbous, lamellar, extensive)

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


it is an important landmark in the approach of the frontal

sinus recess. On the CT image, it is identified superior by
the insertion of the middle turbinate and anterolateral and
inferior by the frontal sinus recess. A pneumatized agger
nasi cell can block the frontal sinus drainage (Figure 2).
2. Pneumatized uncinate process
The uncinate process (first lamella) is a thin ethmoi-
dal bone lamella, sagittal oriented, from anterior and
superior to posterior and inferior; it forms the anterior
limit of the semilunar hiatus. When the uncinate pro-
Figure 7. Paradoxical middle turbinate cess is hypertrophied and in contact with the mucosa of
the ethmoidal bulla or the middle turbinate, it blocks
the normal sinus drainage through the ethmoidal in-
fundibulum and may cause obstruction of osteomeatal
complex (OMC), resulting in altered ventilation of the
anterior sinuses of the face (Figure 3).
3. The ethmoidal infundibulum
The ethmoidal infundibulum represents the three-
dimensional space where we can find the ostium of the
maxillary sinus (most commonly). When the uncinate
process is inserted on the ethmoidal roof or middle
turbinate, the frontal sinus drains into the ethmoidal
infundibulum. The clinical picture of the obstruction of
the infundibulum is represented by the facial pressure
sensation and the lack of sinus ventilation (Figure 4).
4. Ethmoidal bulla
The ethmoidal bulla is a bony protrusion of the na-
sal lateral wall, known in the Anglo-Saxon literature as
Figure 8. Haller cell “second lamella”. It represents an important landmark
in endoscopic sinus surgery, being the most consistently
The elements of the anterior ethmoid with anatomi- pneumatized anterior ethmoidal cell. The lateral wall of
cal variability must necessarily be followed and most of- the ethmoidal bulla is always represented by lamina pa-
ten found on CT images. The anatomical variants of the pyracea. On the coronal section it is visualized superior
ethmoidal structures can cause changes in the normal by the ethmoidal infundibulum and posteriorly by the
sinus physiology, which impose an appropriate therapeu- hiatus semilunaris (Figure 5). 
tic behavior. We followed on the CT images different ana- The degree of pneumatization may vary: it extends
tomical structures of the anterior and posterior ethmoid. superiorly (ethmoidal roof), posteriorly (lamina basalis) or
1. Agger nasi cell laterally (lamina papyracea). In the case of a large bulla, it
The agger nasi cell represents the anterosuperior cell of will occupy the entire middle meatus, being in contact and
the anterior ethmoid and is part of the uncinate cellular exerting pressure at the root of the middle nasal turbinate
system. When it exists, it represents an ethmoidal pneu- (at the posterior opening of the ethmoidal  bulla  it rea­
matization, located at the level of the lacrimal bone, and ches directly into the posterior ethmoid) and the uncinate

Figure 9. Keros classification (types I, II and III)

42 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

process (anterior) and frontal recess (superior) with the
disruption of drainage of the anterior sinuses of the face.
5. Concha bullosa
Concha bullosa represents the pneumatization of the
middle turbinate, sometimes causing changes to the sinus
physiology by obstructing the middle meatus and implicitly
the drainage pathways of the anterior paranasal sinuses.
The classification by Bolger highlights three types of
pneumatization: bulbous, lamellar, and extensive (Figure 6).
The clinical picture is dominated by persistent frontal
headache, facial pressure, chronic nasal obstruction and
hyposmia, symptomatology that directs patients to have
an imaging investigation.
6. Paradoxical middle turbinate
Typically, the middle turbinate is inserted superior on
the lateral nasal wall or ethmoid roof, having a descending
direction with the concavity located sideways. The para-
doxical middle turbinate is an anatomical entity in which
its concavity is oriented in direction of the nasal septum,
and the convex face blocks the drainage at the level of the
hiatus semilunaris. It is usually found bilateral (Figure 7).
The treatment in this type of anatomical variant is Figure 10. Asimmetry of the cribriform plate
surgical and consists in the resection of the concave part
of the middle turbinate with the positioning of the mid-
dle turbinate in the normal variant, allowing the drain-
age and ventilation of the anterior sinuses.
7. Haller cell
The maxillo-ethmoidal cell – orbito-ethmoidal cell or
Haller cell – develops by pneumatization from the level
of the anterior ethmoid towards the maxillary sinus and
always presents a common wall with the orbit.
It is located in the medial region of the maxillary si-
nus ceiling and the lowest portion of the lamina papyra-
cea, under the ethmoidal bulla, laterally by the uncinate
process. The Haller cell contributes to the narrowing
of the ethmoidal infundibulum and can compromise
the normal physiology of the maxillary sinus (Figure 8).
The diagnosis of Haller cell is established by CT ima­
ging, most of the time being a random breakthrough
following a regular sinonasal imaging investigation.
8. Ethmoidal roof
The ethmoidal bony wall of the skull base consists of Figure 11. Anterior ethmoidal artery
the cribriform plate and the ethmoidal roof and divides
the nasal cavity from the anterior and middle cerebral landmark in endoscopic sinus surgery. This artery can be
fossa. The Keros classification is an objective method in found in the posterior segment of the frontal recess and
measuring the depth of the olfactory fovea. In adults, has a path originating from the medial orbital wall to the
the recess is represented by a variable depression of the nasal septum. On CT scan, a small bulge in the lamina
cribriform plate which represents the thinnest structure papyracea (discontinuous appearance of the lamina) can
of the skull base, being roamed by the olfactory nerves be observed, which pinpoints the position of the anterior
and interconnecting arteries (Figure 9). ethmoidal artery (Figure 11).
CT scan is a standard method of identifying the height Injury inflicted upon this artery produces significant
of the ethmoidal roof. The surgeon must identify possi- bleeding and may cause orbital hematoma as a result
ble asymmetries of the olfactory fovea and assesses pre- of the retraction of the sectioned artery in the orbit,
operatively the risk of intracranial complications with requiring emergency orbital decompression.
the possibility of producing a bony or dural injury, with 10. Posterior ethmoidal artery
the occurrence of a cerebrospinal fluid leak (Figure 10). The anatomy of the ethmoidal arteries is important
9. Anterior ethmoidal artery for surgeons, as their injury can cause intraorbital he­
The anterior ethmoidal artery is a branch of the oph- mor­rhage and blindness due to a retrobulbar hematoma
thalmic artery and represents an important anatomical through optic nerve compression. Most studies to date

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


Figure 12. Posterior ethmoidal artery

Figure 13. Pneumatized superior turbinate Figure 14. Onodi cell

focus on the anterior ethmoidal artery, and less on the Some studies even show a causal relationship between the
posterior (or middle) artery. After detaching from the rhinogenic headache and the presence of pneumatized su-
ophthalmic artery, the posterior ethmoidal artery pro- perior turbinate. Pneumatized superior turbinate is often
vides vascular supply to the posterior ethmoidal cells, found bilaterally and can associate, besides headache, anos-
the posterior nasal septum, and an intracranial branch mia or hyposmia, by blocking the olfactory fovea.
that is distributed to the dura mater. 12. Onodi cell
The discovery of the posterior ethmoidal artery can Onodi cell is a sphenoethmoidal air cell where we can
be achieved by following the CT scans where we can find identify the optic nerve projection on its wall. It is very
the posterior ethmoidal artery canal or the place where important to identify any Onodi cell on a CT scan, be-
it leaves the olfactory fossa in route to orbit crossing the fore any endoscopic sinus surgery, because this air cell
lamina papyracea (Figure 12). can surpass laterally and superiorly the sphenoid. Once
11. Pneumatized superior turbinate the position of the Onodi cell is found in the CT scan,
The superior turbinate is a part of the posterior ethmoid it is important during endoscopic sinus surgery not to
that medially borders the superior meatus. Most of the confuse it with the sphenoid sinus, in order to avoid
time, the superior turbinate is inserted on the ethmoidal intracranial complications (Figure 14).
roof. In case of a pneumatized superior turbinate (superior
concha), the sphenoethmoidal recess gets blocked, leading Conclusions
to inefficient sinus drainage (Figure 13). Unsystematic headache, sometimes accompanied by
This anatomical-clinical situation requires endoscopic facial pressure, causes difficulties in diagnosis and treat-
surgery with removal of the pneumatized superior turbinate. ment. The endoscopic nasal exam and the computed

44 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

tomography allow the proper diagnosis and therapeutic References
management to be established.
The anatomical variants of the ethmoidal structures 1. Dunnebier EA, Beek E, Pameijer F. Imaging for Otolaryngologists. Thieme
Publishing Group. 2011.
can cause changes in the drainage and ventilation of the 2. Shah G, Wesolowski J, Choi J. Head and Neck Imaging. Thieme Publishing
paranasal sinuses, and the treatment usually consists in Group. 2016.
3. Moedder U, Cohnen M, Anderson K, et al. Head and Neck (Direct Diagnosis in
surgical procedure. In order to perform an endoscopic Radiology). Thieme. 2007.
sinus surgery, it is necessary to study the sinonasal 4. Bradoo R. Anatomical Principles of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Taylor & Francis
Group. 2005.
anatomy through the CT investigation. n 5. Mancuso A, Hanafee W. Head and Neck Radiology. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins. 2010.
Conflict of interests: The authors declare no con- 6. Hasso A. Diagnostic Imaging of the Head and Neck. Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins. 2012.
flict of interests.

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


Primul Congres Naţional

al tinerei Societăţi Române
de Audiologie și Patologie
a Comunicării
Dragi colegi, Brazilia, Germania, Polonia, Austria, Slovacia și Republica Mol-
În perioada 12-14 septembrie 2019, am avut bucuria dova, care ne-au făcut onoarea de a participa alături de lectorii
să ne întâlnim într-un cadru academic și cultural special, din țara noastră cu conferințe valoroase pe teme de mare interes,
oferit de Palatul Culturii din Iași, cu ocazia Primului Con- contribuind la îmbogățirea experiențelor noastre și la actuali­
gres Național al tinerei Societăți Române de Audiologie și zarea metodelor de lucru pe care le vom aplica în viitor. Am fost
Patologie a Comunicării (SRAPC), dedicat atât membrilor onorați să avem printre invitați personalități cunoscute din do-
săi, cât și tuturor colegilor interesați de domeniul audiologiei, meniul audiologiei, precum prof. dr. Hung Thai Van, președintele
vestibulogiei și patologiei comunicării. în exercițiu al Societății Franceze de Audiologie şi research team
De la fondarea sa – în anul 2014 – și până în prezent, leader la Paris Hearing Institute, prof. dr. Edilene Boechat, Board
SRAPC a desfășurat o activitate susținută, organizând nu- Director la International Society of Audiology (2012-2018), fost
meroase cursuri de specialitate în domeniul audiologiei și preşedinte al Academiei Braziliene de Audiologie (2013-2015) și
vestibulogiei, participând la dezvoltarea asistenței medicale next elected president al International Bureau for Audiophonolo-
pentru pacienții cu surditate, în colaborare cu Ministerul gie (2020), și doamna Monica Jubran Chapchap, fost preşedinte
Sănătății sau fiind partener activ al altor asociații negu- al Brazilian Association of Universal Newborn Hearing Screening
vernamentale cu rol în dezvoltarea asistenței de specialitate (1990-2013), Board Director al IERASG (International Evoked
pentru copiii cu implant cohlear. SRAPC a devenit membră Response Audiometry Study Group).
afiliată a European Federation of Audiology Societies și Acest prim congres a constituit și prima ocazie pentru
membră a International Society of Audiology din anul 2016. recunoașterea activității și profesionalismului unor personalități
Dezvoltarea în ritm alert a audiologiei pe plan global și din România, care au depus eforturi pentru dezvoltarea audiolo-
interesul tot mai mare al specialiștilor pentru performanță giei. Astfel, SRAPC i-a onorat cu diplome de excelență „pentru
profesională motivează organizarea de manifestări științifice contribuții deosebite aduse dezvoltării educației în domeniul au-
care să aibă un puternic accent pe sesiunile practice și cursurile diologiei în România și pentru punerea în practică a celor mai noi
instrucționale. De asemenea, în România s-au deschis noi metode de diagnostic și tratament al surdității și tulburărilor de
oportunități, prin extinderea la scară națională a screeningu- echilibru” pe: prof. dr. Dan Mârțu, conf. dr. Mădălina Georgescu,
lui surdității la nou-născut, nevoia de specialiști în audiologie șef lucrări dr. Violeta Necula, ing. Ion Mareș, șef lucrări dr. Luigi
devenind mai acută ca niciodată. Mărceanu, dr. Alexandru Pascu, aud. Anca Modan, dr. Rodica
În acest sens, de-a lungul celor trei zile ale congresului Mureșan, dr. Alexandra Neagu și șef lucrări dr. Simona Șerban.
nostru, s-au desfășurat numeroase cursuri instrucționale, Mulțumirile noastre se îndreaptă și către sponsorii con-
conferințe, mese rotunde și prelegeri cu aplicații practice pe gresului, care au înțeles nevoia de dezvoltare a audiologiei în
teme de mare actualitate: identificarea precoce a pierderii au- România și care sperăm să ni se alăture și la edițiile viitoare.
zului (screening și diagnostic) la nou-născuți, mijloace moder­ Am încheiat acest congres mai bogați din punct de vedere pro-
ne de diagnostic audiologic și vestibular, soluții de protezare fesional, dar și cu dorința de a repeta această experiență atât de
auditivă convențională, implantul cohlear în abilitarea/rea­bi­ frumoasă în anul care vine. Societatea Română de Audiologie și
li­tarea auditiv-verbală, genetica surdității, proteze implanta- Patologie a Comunicării vă așteaptă la cursurile și congresele pe
bile cu transmisie osoasă, electrofiziologie auditivă, audiolo- care le organizează, încercând să vă ofere informații interesante
gie pediatrică, patologia din spectrul neuropatiei auditive, și valoroase din domeniul audiologiei și vestibulogiei.
surditatea unilaterală, patologia retrocohleară, sindroamele
vertiginoase și tulburările de echilibru, declinul cognitiv și Cu toate urările de bine,
demența în relație cu hipoacuzia, patologia auditivă centrală, Sebastian Cozma
sindromul celei de-a treia ferestre și multe altele. Președinte al Societății Române
În numele comitetului director al SRAPC, aș vrea să le de Audiologie și Patologie a Comunicării,
mulțumesc în primul rând tuturor participanților, care, prin Conferențiar la Disciplina ORL, Universitatea de Medicină
interesul lor pentru audiologie, au conturat un prim eveni- și Farmacie „Grigore T. Popa” Iași,
ment al societății demn de un pionierat promițător. De aseme- Coordonator Compartiment Audiologie și Vestibulogie –
nea, le mulțumim tuturor lectorilor invitați din străinătate, Spitalul Clinic de Recuperare Iași,
personalități și profesioniști din domeniul audiologiei din Franța, Membru al Biroului Internațional de Audio-Fonologie

46 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

The First National Congress
of the young Romanian
Society of Audiology
and Communication Pathology
Dear colleagues, at valuable conferences on topics of great interest, contributing
Between the 12th and 14th of September 2019, we had the to the enrichment of our experiences and updating the working
joy of meeting in a special academic and cultural setting offered methods that we will apply in the future. We were honored to
by the Palace of Culture in Iași, on the occasion of the First have well-known audiology personalities, such as Prof. Dr.
National Congress of the young Romanian Society of Audiology Hung Thai Van, the current president of the French Audiology
and Communication Pathology (SRAPC) dedicated both to its Society and research team leader at the Paris Hearing Insti-
members, as well as to all colleagues interested in the field of tute, Prof. Dr. Edilene Boechat, Board Director of the Inter-
audiology, vestibulology and communication pathology. national Society of Audiology (2012-2018), former President
Since its foundation – in 2014 – until now, SRAPC had a of the Brazilian Academy of Audiology (2013-2015) and next
sustained activity, organizing numerous specialized courses elected President of the International Bureau for Audiophonol-
in the field of audiology and vestibulology, participating in ogy (2020), and Monica Jubran Chapchap, former President
the development of healthcare for patients with deafness in of the Brazilian Association of Universal Newborn Hearing
collaboration with the Ministry of Health or being an active Screening (1990-2013) and Board Director of IERASG (Inter-
partner of other non-governmental associations with a role in national Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group).
developing specialized care for children with cochlear implant. This first congress also constituted the first occasion for
SRAPC has become an affiliated member of the European Fed- the recognition of the activity and professionalism of some
eration of Audiology Societies and member of the International personalities from Romania, who made efforts to develop au-
Society of Audiology since 2016. diology. Thus, SRAPC honored with diplomas of excellence
The rapid development of audiology on a global level and the “for outstanding contributions to the development of audi-
increasing interest of the specialists for professional performance ology education in Romania and the implementation of the
motivated the organization of scientific events that have a strong latest methods of diagnosis and treatment of deafness and
emphasis on practical sessions and instructional courses. Also, balance disorders” the following: Prof. Dr. Dan Mârțu, Conf.
in Romania, new opportunities have been opened by expanding Dr. Mădălina Georgescu, Lecturer Dr. Violeta Necula, eng. Ion
the screening of deafness to newborns on a national scale, the Mareș, Lecturer Dr. Luigi Mărceanu, Dr. Alexandru Pascu,
need for audiology specialists becoming more acute than ever. aud. Anca Modan, Dr. Rodica Mureșan, Dr. Alexandra Neagu,
In this regard, during the three days of our congress, there and Lecturer Dr. Simona Șerban.
were numerous instructional courses, conferences, round ta- Our thanks go also to the sponsors of this congress, who
bles and lectures with practical applications on interesting understood the need for the development of audiology in Ro-
topics such as: the early identification of hearing loss (screen- mania, and we hope to join us in future editions.
ing and diagnosis) in newborns, modern means of audiologi- We concluded this congress enriched professionally, but
cal and vestibular diagnosis, conventional hearing prosthesis also with the desire to repeat this beautiful experience next
solutions, cochlear implant in auditory-verbal rehabilitation, year. The Romanian Society of Audiology and Communication
genetics of deafness, implantable prostheses with bone trans- Pathology is waiting for you at the courses and congresses it
mission, auditory electrophysiology, pediatric audiology, audi- organizes, trying to give you interesting and valuable informa-
tory neuropathy spectrum disorders, retrocochlear pathology, tion in the field of audiology and vestibulology.
dizziness syndromes and balance disorders, cognitive decline
and dementia in relation to hearing loss, central auditory pa- With best wishes,
thology, third window syndrome, and many others. Sebastian Cozma, MD, PhD
On behalf of the SRAPC Steering Committee, I would like, President of Romanian Society of Audiology
first of all, to thank all the participants who, through their and Communication Disorders,
interest in audiology, outlined this first event of the society Associate Professor, ENT Department of “Grigore T. Popa”
worthy of a promising pioneering. We also thank all the in- University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi, Romania,
vited guest lecturers from abroad, personalities and audiology Head of Audiology and Vestibulogy Department –
professionals from France, Brazil, Germany, Poland, Austria, Clinical Rehabilitation Hospital Iaşi,
Slovakia and the Republic of Moldova, who have made us the Member of the International Bureau of Audiophonology
honor of participating, along with lecturers from our country, (BIAP)

Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)

guidelines for article submission

for article

Articles should have between 10000 and 40000 charac- English), full text, references, legend of figures and tabels.
ters with spaces, and should be written with diacritical The author(s) must assume responsibility that their paper
marks in the Romanian language; titles should not be is complete and correct at the moment of submission,
very long. after revision and after the acceptance for publishing.
The title, summary and keywords must be written in
Romanian and in English. Abstract structure
Sending the materials – full responsibility of the original The Abstract must have approximately 10-15 lines, at
character of the materials sent for publication belongs most 150 words length, and will include the objective/
entirely to authors. the purpose of the study (the motivation), the method
Publication or sending to be published – previously. used (clinical trial, experiment, meta-analysis), the main
Articles published previously in other magazines will not results and conclusions – the significance of the results.
be taken into account. The innovative aspects of the study will be underlined.
Articles will be submitted in the following conditions:
n with a statement of the originality of the article, Figures, photos and tables
signed by the corresponding author, that the paper hasn’t Figures must be sent separataley, not within the paper.

Reclamă ORL 44(3)0108

been published previously or sent for publishing to other In the full text, figures are only mentioned, consecutive,
medical journal with Arabic numerals, with a title and a legenda. Photos,
n with the registration of the receiving date of the paper tables and figures must be sent in jpeg. format, at minimum
n with the registration of the acceptance date for pu- 300 dpi. Figures (draws, schemata) will be professionally
blishing. represented. Below each figure, there will be mentioned
its number, the title of the paper, the first author, and the
Guide to editing articles upper part of the figure will be indicated with an arrow
Articles will be sent in Microsoft Word 2000 format, or (if it can’t be distinguished which one is). All illustrations
Reclamă ORL 44(3)2007

using a more recent version, in Times New Roman font, must be numbered using Arabic numerals. Authors must
12, justified. The papers will be subjected to proofreading indicate in the full text where figures should be placed.
(including the references) and they must be scientifically
and linguistically coherent. Articles must include: title Figures legenda
(in Romanian and English), subtitle, the complete name We recommend that the results should be described
of authors and their professional affiliation, abstract (in using international measure units and SI. Only interna-
Romanian and English), keywords (in Romanian and tionally accepted abbreviations will be used. n

48 Year XII • No. 44 (3/2019)


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Attribution License. © Cochlear Limited 2019. D1440186 ISS3 SEP19

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