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by bso vd st" vot i tga clas iid hey tan she wie Designing piping for gravity flow Gas entrained in liquid flowing by means of gravity from a vessel can reduce the outlet pipe’ capacity and cause flow to surge cyclically. These problems can be avoided by carefully designing for either full-liquid or two-phase flow. 1 Entrainment curtails liquid gravity (low from vessels by raising the pressure drop (above that for single-phase flow) through the outlet piping, and reducing the static head available for overcoming the pressure drop. A simi lar problem can arise when a liquid is near its boiling point, oF contains dissolved gas, especially if the absolute pressure at any point in the piping falls below atmos: pheric pressure, as occurs in a syphion. Consider the case of liquid flowing from the botwom of anabsorption column through a pipe that has been sized for full liquid flow (Fig. U ‘When the liquid level in the column is low enough, the liquid entrains gas (Fig. 1a). The resulting increase in pressure drop and reduction of head restrict the flow- fate, and the liquid level rises (Fig. 1b). Eventually, t level rises high enough to stop entrainment (Fig. 10) However, gas still in the outlet pipe causes the level to continue to rise until the gas is all swept out (Fig. Ie) Novy, the outlet pipe is running full flow (as was asstimied inthe design), but the static heacl, becoming higher than was assumed, creates excessive Now, which causes the Jevel to fall until entrainment oceurs is repeated (Fig. le). Such oscillauons can be severe, depending on system eometry. In one ets¢, the peak flow from a tank ex: ceeded the capacity ofthe vacuum breaker sulliciently 1 collapse it General expression for liquid flowrate In this article, liquid Mlowrates are generally expresset ovterms of a dimensionless superficial volumetric flux, IRowhieh is defined by JB = AQy Im a tio, Q, is the volumetric Nowrate: dis the pipe 1D. val gis te gravitational aeceleraion Eq, (1) sstmilar to tie Froude number. It is used in preference to the Froude number, because the latter's «efinition saves depending om circumstances. Al equations in this article Designing for gravity flow Three approaches to the design of gravity drainage esems are possible PD. Hills, Imperial Chemical indusries PLC 1. For full flow, with the outlet piping size based on single-phase criteria. 2. Forself-venting, with the liquid velocity in the outlet pipe kept fow enough to allow gas to flow counter- ‘currently to the liquid. 3, For gas entrainment, but with the system designed to accommodate it In general, the first »pproach can be expected to result | in the smallest pipe diameter and should be given prefer~ | ence. However, in many instances, it is not possible (0 } ensure full pipe flow-—in which case, the alternatives may have to be adopted Designing for flooded flow To avoid gas entrainment in the full-pipe-flow design, the fiquid level in the vessel must always be high enough tw keep the pipe inlet flooded. ‘To achieve this, some form of control will he necessary, such as via a contiol valve (Fig. 2) oF 3 vertical loop in the piping (Fig, 2). If the latter is sed, a syphon break will be necessary (shown in Fig. 2b), and the piping downstream of the Syphon break cannot be assumed 10 run Hoodted because | gat is likely w Joe entrained at the syphon break. OF Course. citer afrangement will increase the system pres: sure diop snd reduce somewhat the benelits of the Hoowted-fNow design. Single-phase criteria can be applied to designing sec: tions of outlet piping in whieh flow ean be expected to be Hooded. If piping that is certain to be flooded is pre ceded by a self-venting section, the self-venting section’ {ninimurn fength should be 0.5 m, to provide lor gas is: engagement, hefore the piping is reduced for single phase flow (ig. 20) The criteria for Hooded outlets are Eq, (2) for outlets From the base of vessels. and Eq. (3) for outlets from the side of vessels IES L.6(hldsh> 0.892Q,)%ed* Here, fis the liquid depth in the vessel away from the region of the outlet JES (WAN > OBL) gd! 8 Here. his the liquid height above away from the region of the outlet. he top of the outlet ut Designing unflooded (self-venting) piping cei eariping-coming ot rombesile O18 1 piping should be sized such that: ‘ae, 203:d > 4QU0.3z8\7P 5 got (4) Jt uQuoszige -phis ensures thatthe ne wil run es than al 19 This ensute even he vessel ray from ale entrance rp Bd above te base of the fine, The PS) Beles a overfow line can be found From Curve | 8 Fig. 5 r F a. Gasisentrained in outlet sain flow, Liguid flit de How out, and level es, bb. Higher tiguid level reduces aaranment but low outs i eteted Level continues to «Liga level snow high enous Sopprovent tether entrainment However, some bubbles est) (tapped in cute, restricting tow Waza continues tore. Gas inlet flow begnnieg tobe choked. Nan aaa ing NE 3 piping only partially full it must Read wo overcome friction 1:40 is recommended ‘To avoid having the liquid ca quate free area must be left pass backward. For pipet P apts should wot be more ‘oc inclined to provide the stati Tosses. A minirour srying gas forward, ade- ithe pipe to allow g28 1 to 200 min dia., Hiquitt ‘Mean half the pipe diameter See te pipes, deparsup ro nree fours fof the diam | eter may be possible. Gas a. Liquid level now stops a ot fee Alt gs bas i piping, and 8 SYR Parte Singirpiass flow In orang is heed by bight eae ows outlet flow rn Seen sept ror ce Enurinment stares agin. Liguid iow is att gh, helped by svBhor. Betap gan presure in inst PIPE ierolesed ‘turning t2 Hest 058 Tre surge Sve jurging by inereasing pin Fig. ly i ie ‘Syphon break 1. Hydraulic loop eneuresminimam ave, Designs ensure flooded flow in outlet piping Fig. 2 When flow in a partially filled pipe is uniform ( constant depth), the energy lost through friction is ba anced by the potentialenergy change due to the inci: tion of the pipe. In such a case. the mean velocity. Vr, is | related to the inclination and the depth of lowing liquid by Eq. 6) (11 Vi = (32m logi{e14.8m) + (0.220/igam)"I} (5) Here, m is the hydraulic mean depth (flow area/wetted perimeter); is the inclination of the pipe from the hori- | zontal; € is the pipe roughness; and» isthe kinematic viscosity. Fig. $ gives the volumetric capacity for established flow in half-full and three-quarters-all rough and sinooth pipes. The curves were ealeulated via Eq (6) for pipes of slope 1:40 and a fluid having a kinematic viscosity of 10"? ms (e.g water at 20°C), The absolute roughness used for the rough pipes was 0.25 mim (moderately rusty mild steel). The results are not very sensitive to liquid viscosity. The capacity of a rough pipe is increased by about 1% for a woeally inviscid Fgh, and is only rehuced by about 10% fora liquid having a kinematic viscosity of 10°? mis, Thus, the Fig. 3 water curves can be sally used for most liquids Untond «: Salfventing section precedes laced piping 250300 30 10) 160200 350 d0a aS Pipe dia, mm Gapocities for established flows in unflooded pipelines Fig. 3 13 The initial velocity in an outlet ine designed to run half full is less than the equilibrium velocity in a pipe having slope of 1:40. As the liquid accelerates down the pipe, the liquid depth diminishes with distance co that of the depth corresponding to the established flow at a given flowrate. To maintain a constant relative depth, a (apered pipe would be necessary. As this is impractical reducing the pipe diameter stepwise is recommended. Tapered reducers should be installed to avoid suelden disturbances in the flow. For long lengths of pipes, the following design ap- proach is suggested: I. Size the outlet line on the side of a vessel for Jf = 0.3 (Curve 1 of Fig. 3). If the resulting pipe size is not standard, choose the standard size higher than the calew lated size. Continue the size so chosen for at least ten pipe diameters 2. Determine the pipe diameter corresponding to half-full established flow for the required flowrate (using Curve 2A or 2B of Fig. 3). Again, select the nearest standard pipe size higher than the caleulated size, 3. Reduce the pipe diameter from the outlet size o the established-flow size, using an eccentric reducer that will not change the slope of the bottom of the pipe. Prefera- bly, the reducer’s minimum length should be twice that ‘of the upstream pipe diauncter. If the foregoing procedure is followed for pipes of 1:40 slope, the liquid depth after the reducer will not exceed 75% of the pipe diameter. For long, large-diameter (>200 mon) inclined pipes. it may be worth considering a second reduction down to the size corresponding to an estabished-flow relative depth of 75%. This reduction can be made after 50 pipe diameters (see Curve 3A or 3B of Fig. 3). For short pipe runs. the additional cost of tapered re- ducers—especially if of a gentle angle, as recommended (which may not be standard), oF of lined pipe—may ex- ceed the savings in going to smaller-ciameter piping. In such cases, the entire length of the pipe should be of the large size. Self-venting flow in vertical pipes Liquid flowing vertically down does so as an annular Gm. In such cases, low superficial velocities are necessary to avoid gas being sucked down with the figuid. Simp son’s suggestion of basing pipe outlet diameters on a i iting Froude number of 0.3 is recommended (2) Jn<03 6 Eq. (6) being the same as Eq. (4), pipe diameters can be determined from Curve | in Fig. 3 This approach should be adopted when gas entrain- ment is to be avoided, as when a vertical pipe extends into a vessel to below the lqaid surface, oF when the downstream piping must be designed far flooded Hoss Smaller pipe than’ that dictated by Ey, (6) can be ex pened to cause surging. Self-venting flow in complex systems Liute information i available on unflovcled flow in systems that include bends, especially for low changes from vertical to nearly horizontal. and vie versa. Lit ited evidence suggests that even if the pipe diamever is in SINT ERT TET hse fare eting How (sn 2 prior etn de tray sll cur de to the effects ofthe bends. The de: only tenet. Tena in the horizontal (or nearly horizontal) plane wal not necessarily case problems ifthe 1:40 slope i Cente with the bend and the bend is gente (preerae bin the radius equaling five diameters) ta the vertical plane, the numer of ends should be limited as much as possible, Gent sloping piping preferable to werical runs, The radius of bends should Beat teat ve ameter, Bens from, or to vertical sections shoul be sized as for vertical piping. taclined piping Following a verti seen ca ein or bala estaba ow vi the Eriera Yor ear-riznal piping nthe previous discus Sion on designing, anfloocd (eventing) piping Changes in dlaeter should be mice by means of asm metre tapes reducers whos lengths areal 0 ie the larger clameter and which até installed 0 that the boon of the reducer fis 3 slope equal to that of the pring a ener ene If entrainment is acceptable There are many occasions when itis not necess prevent entrainment, Sometimes, moderate surging will hot present a problem. ln such eases, piping can be sized for smaller diameters at considerable savings. Sometimes, surging caused by ges entrainment can be reduced by providing a means Tor the gas 10 evape ata point downstream in the outlet pipe, such as vin some type of gasiquidl separator. If chisis practical. the piping can he of smaller diameter. However, because it not possible w predict the extent of entrainment—and, hence, calculate the pressure drop with certainty—any such approach should be adopted cautiously Acknowledgment The author wishes to thank Lmperial Chemical Indus- tries for its permission to publish this article . J (ale Fa References

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