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Optical Character Recognition Technology

Optical Character Recognition or OCR is an technology that aides in perusing printed content.This
technology has the ability to exchange the printed content to computerized information.The primary
thing that the OCR can not read is scientific equations or expressions. Aside from this, each other
printed articles, be it words or numbers could be perused by the OCR software.

This OCR technologies is accessible in Addmen OMR applications. The OMR software utilizes it to peruse
printed numbers on types and answer sheets. In certain response sheets, the roll numbers are pre-
imprinted on the sheets to maintain a strategic distance from mix-ups made by the pupils in writing
their roll numbers. At the stage when the response sheets are perused by the OMR software, the OCR
software peruses the published roll number to comprehend as to which newspaper has a location with
which understudy. The same is applicable to OMR shapes like affirmation structures, program frames
furthermore certain exceptional OMR shapes.

The occurrence of Optical Character Recognition applications in Addmen OMR software has made the
past much looked for after applications now. The Addmen OMR software with OCR program peruses
data 100% exactly.

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