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The Report of the

Diocesan Nominating Committee

to the

107th Annual Diocesan Council

to be held

February 17 - 19, 2011

San Marcos, Texas

Nominees for Council 2011

Executive Board The Rev. Kevin Dellaria: St. Andrew’s,

Two clergy and four laypersons are to be elected for three- 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Served congregations
year terms. Retiring incumbents, Mr. Robert Browning, spanning three different dioceses (North-
Mrs. Kelley Kimble, Mr. Curt Mowen, Mr. Garry Schnelz- west Texas, Texas, and West Texas);
er, and the Rev. Paul Frey are ineligible. committed to the unity and strengthening
of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican
Description of duties: The Executive Board is required to Communion; rector of a parish active in mission to Central
meet two times a year, but usually meets more often. The America
board functions in a way similar to a parish vestry, includ- Local Church Activities: Rector of St. Andrew’s, coordi-
ing preparing the diocesan budget and submitting it to nator of Financial Peace University
council for approval. The Executive Board appoints several Diocesan Activities: Chair: Diocesan Nominating Com-
committees, including the Finance Department and the mittee for Council, 2011; Diocesan Insurance Committee;
Nominating Committee. The Executive Board approves Anglican Covenant discussion group for Clergy Day 2010;
the designations regarding the World Mission funding Honduras missions
opportunities (line 1b). Members of the Executive Board Nominated by: Nominating Committee
serve as liaisons to the various departments and commis-
sions of the diocese. A knowledge of (and experience in) The Rev. Scott Penrod: Trinity, Pharr
ministries representing the breadth of the diocese is an asset Qualifications: I have served as a leader
to persons who serve on the Executive Board. At the same of a variety of Diocese of WTX ministries
time, a willingness to engage diocesan ministry and learn of for 20+ years.
the breadth of the diocese is the most basic requirement for Local Church Activities: Rector of Trin-
service on the Executive Board. ity, Rio Grande Valley Good Samaritan
Community Services Advisory Board, Pharr Community
Clergy Outreach Project Executive Board
Diocesan Activities: Past: Youth Commission Chairman,
The Rev. Bill Allport: St. Helena’s, Spiritual Director for Happening, Evangelism Depart-
Boerne ment, Compensation Committee, Lay Rector for Cursillo.
Qualifications: New perspective, deep Current: Member of Mustang Island Program Committee,
ties to Diocese of WTX, passion for teach- Member of Advisory Board Rio Grande Valley Good Sa-
ings of Christ, innovative and creative maritan Community Services
thinker, theologian Nominated by: Kim Dozier
Local Church Activities: Rector of St.
Helena’s The Rev. Charles Sharrow: St. Paul’s,
Diocesan Activities: Formerly on Bish- Brownsville
op’s Advisory Committee in Diocese of Hawaii; Executive 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Cross-cultural ministry
Board, Diocese of Hawaii experience for more than twenty years. I
in Spanish and English. I also believe I
The Rev. Philip Cunningham: have the gift of spiritual discernment for
St. Margaret’s, San Antonio making decisions as well as a life based
Qualifications: Well rounded with a on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a life of
diverse background and strong faith who prayer and the practice of spiritual disciplines.
would give an excellent perspective Local Church Activities: I am currently the Vicar of St.
Local Church Activities: Vicar of St. Paul’s Episcopal Mission in Brownsville. I preach in Span-
Margaret’s ish every Sunday and function as the primary teacher and
Nominated by: Mike Gibson spiritual director of my congregation.
Diocesan Activities: Diocesan Evangelism Committee,
Continuing Ed Committee, TMI Trustee, SOMA mission-
ary to Argentina 1999, SOMA missionary to India October
2009, chaplain at Camp Capers, Mustang Island Family
Camp chaplain, Happening Spiritual Director, Cursillo Asst. Local Church Activities: Lay Eucharist Minister, Senior
Spiritual Director, Honduras medical mission chaplain Warden on Vestry, council delegate, Strategic Planning
Nominated by: Joy Herrera chair, EFM graduate, Hospitality Committee, co-coordina-
tor and design team chair of LifeStreams (Rite II service),
The Rev. Patrick Soule: St. Andrew’s, music leader, Christian Ed chair
Corpus Christi Diocesan Activities: Diocesan refugee coordinator;
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Passion for being in- founder of CARMN (Central American Refugee Ministry
volved in the life of the wider church Network), a national church project; co-founder Episcopal
Local Church Activities: Vicar of St. Youth for Social Action; team member for Cursillo, Hap-
Andrew’s pening, and Vocare
Diocesan Activities: Asst. Spiritual Direc- Nominated by: The Rev. Sandy Casey-Martus and Alan
tor, Cursillo #248; Spiritual Director, Cursillo #255 Johnson, Senior Warden
Nominated by: Bishop’s Committee
Kimerly Dozier: Trinity, Pharr
Lay 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Kim has served as Jr. War-
den, served on the United Way Board of
Susan Alwais: St. George, San Antonio Tarrant County, and worked for 25 years
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Administration, leader- in accounting and payroll.
ship, discernment Local Church Activities: Council del-
Local Church Activities: Currently serv- egate, Christian Ed Director, Daughters
LQJDVWUHDVXUHU WKLUG\HDU YHVWU\ ¿UVW of the King, LEM, worship leader, and
year), Daughters of the King Vice Presi- catechist
dent, choir, past council delegate Nominated by: The Rev. Scott Penrod
Diocesan Activities: Cursillo team #252
Nominated by: Vestry Betty Jo Elder: Trinity, Victoria
Local Church Activities: I have been an
Dustin Barrows: St. Stephen’s, San involved member of Trinity Church since
Antonio 1978. After becoming a member of Trinity,
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Has a strong desire I have taught Bibles study, Sunday school,
for ministry in the diocese. Has a good and served on the Christian Ed committee.
understanding of diocesan ministries I have served on our Vestry for two terms
through experience. Has a deep committed and one year as Senior Warden. I am also
relationship with Jesus Christ as our Lord a member of the Altar Guild, Community of Hope, and
and Savior. Has a willingness to serve the Vice President of the Daughters of the King. I serve on the
diocese and the people in it. Sunday morning breakfast committee, the Saint Michael’s
Local Church Activities: Vestry, Jr. Warden; lay reader; meal guild, and I deliver meals for the senior citizens of
council delegate/alternate; stewardship chairperson; Victoria. I am an usher and serve on the front door gift
acolyte; and Eucharistic Minister ministry.
Diocesan Activities: Diocesan Information and Technol- Diocesan Activities: In the past I have served on the Dioc-
ogy Committee, Diocesan Ecological Stewardship Com- esan Executive Board for two terms. Delegate to Triennial,
mittee, Happening adult resource, Camp Capers summer deputy to General Convention
staff, Bishop’s Youth Action council, and diocesan council Nominated by: The Rev. Kevin Dellaria
Nominated by: The Rev. Omar Pitman Carrie Guerra: St. John’s, McAllen
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV She is a bright woman –
Gary Chatham: All Saints, who has a heart for God – loves the church
Corpus Christi and is delighted in the exercise of her
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Over 40 years involve- ministries.
ment in mission and ministry in the Local Church Activities: Christian Edu-
Diocese of WTX, major event planning cation, Lay Eucharistic Minister, council
and execution, deep faith and commitment delegate, church school chapel leader, chil-
to inclusivity and hospitality, extensive dren’s church coordinator, local and other mission activities
experience in church operations at parish, diocesan, and Diocesan Activities: Trainer for Safeguarding God’s Chil-
national levels dren, Happening board member, teacher at Camp Capers,
other diocesan youth events William Cash Keith: St. Philip’s, Uvalde
Nominated by: Nominating Committee 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Cash is the Systems Ad-
ministrator for Uvalde ISD. His business
Rodney J. Hart: St. Mark’s, Corpus and technical experience are well suited
Christi for the business of the church. Cash is
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Professional engineer, currently serving St. Philip’s as Senior
EDQNLQJDQG¿QDQFHEDFNJURXQGLQGHSHQ- Warden, and his deeply spiritual life will
dent businessman for 25+ years, Board be a huge asset to the Executive Board.
of Managers, Nueces County Hospital Local Church Activities: Vestry, Senior Warden, Junior
District Warden; council delegate; LEM; lay reader
Local Church Activities: Current Senior Nominated by: The Rev. Michael K. Marsh
Warden, past Junior Warden, lay reader,
LEM, search committee for rector, numerous terms on the Zoila Martinez: Grace Episcopal,
Vestry, council delegate San Antonio
Nominated by: The Rev. John Hardie 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Loves to be actively
involved in church activities, prayerful
Mike Horridge: St. Thomas, lifestyle
San Antonio Local Church Activities: Served on
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Mike brings a strong Vestry three times (member of Grace,
commitment to the Episcopal Church and Weslaco for 24 years), lay reader – bilingual, taught Sunday
to the mission and ministry of the Dio- school for over 20 years, council delegate and alternate, ac-
cese of WTX. His activities at St. Thomas tive with youth group, acolytes and altar guild
and DWTX include both leadership and Diocesan Activities: Participant in council and youth
service ministries. activities
Local Church Activities: St. Thomas Vestry, two terms Nominated by: Joy Herrera
as Senior Warden; chair of Greeter Ministry; member of
choir; co-chair for Faith Alive programs; chair for steward- David “Barry” McBurnett: Church of
ship; co-chair of capital funds drive; Vestry representative the Good Shepherd, Corpus Christi
to St. Thomas School; council delegate 15 years; member 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Last line of hymn 474,
of rector and music director search committees; chair of “Love so amazing, so divine, demands my
Lay Compensation-Policy/Procedures Committee; chair of soul, my life, my all.”
Long-Term Visioning Task Force; co-chair of adult retreat Local Church Activities: Vestry, Junior
programs; member of men’s Bible study program; volun- Warden; participate in music program;
teer for Habitat for Humanity help with senior high youth ministry;
Diocesan Activities: Elected member of the Board of served on last rector search committee;
Directors of Morningside Ministries for six years, past Cliff Maus work days; Mission 911 workday
member of Executive Board, appointed Executive Board Diocesan Activities: Active in Cursillo – served on many
representative to Finance Committee and the Camps and teams with music and different roles, council delegate, Cur-
Conference ministries, chair of Mission and Ministry Task sillo reunion group, helped with music at Diocesan Council
Force, stewardship consultant, member of Clergy-Lay 2010.
Compensation Committee, original and current member of Nominated by: Vestry
nance and stewardship committees, member of the diocesan David A. Phipps: St. Mark’s,
Faith Alive Committee and participant in numerous Faith San Antonio
Alive programs in the last 22 years, and founder and co- 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV David is an excellent
chair of The Bishop’s Golf Classic fundraiser for children’s leader who provides wisdom and a deep
scholarships to camp and youth activities faith in Christ.
Nominated by: Vestry of St. Thomas, San Antonio Local Church Activities: Vestry 2008-
2010, Senior Warden 2010, Outreach
Committee, lay reader, council delegate,
Lay Eucharistic Minister, parish choir
member for 12 years
Diocesan Activities: Council delegate 2009, 2010
Nominated by: The Rev. Michael Chalk
John Upper: St. Andrew’s, Seguin usually monthly contact needed with the Trustees, and a
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV John shows leader- substantial amount of the Trustees business historically
VLJQL¿FDQWPDQDJHPHQWH[SHULHQFH+H quarterly meetings. Today, most business is done electroni-
is actively involved in church matters cally, via email.
and would be a great representative to the
diocese. Clergy
Local Church Activities: Senior War-
den (2010), Vestry, fellowship chairman, Paul A. Frey: Christ Church, Laredo
usher, council delegate 4XDOL¿FDWLRQVA love for the Episcopal
Nominated by: The Rev. Kevin Dellaria Church with its many graces, strengths,
David Wallace: Christ Church, process is part of the way we shape our
San Antonio life together, and a desire to do so charita-
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV David is a past treasurer bly.
and Vestry person at Christ Church. He Local Church Activities: Paul Frey has
KDVWKH¿QDQFLDOH[SHULHQFHDQGWKHOHDG- been rector of Christ Church, Laredo, since October 2004.
ership qualities. Prior to that he was the rector of Church of the Redeemer
Local Church Activities: Vestry, treasurer in Eagle Pass, TX, from August 1998 to 2004. Currently
(past), Lay Eucharistic Minister, usher in Laredo, Paul is active with many parish activities, the
Diocesan Activities: None, but at this Daybreak Rotary Club, Greater Laredo Disaster Relief
time David has a keen interest in Christ Church and rela- Committee, Casa Misericordia Battered Women’s Shelter,
Nominated by: Martha Moore Diocesan Activities: In the Diocese of WTX he’s served
as a member of the Executive Board several times, the
Dave Weekley: St. Peter’s, Kerrville Evangelism Committee, and TMI-The Episcopal School of
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Leader in business, par- Texas Board of Trustees. He is a former dean of the West-
ish, and community; founder of Christian ern Convocation. Paul has served as dean or chaplain at
Men’s Job Corps (president for six years); Camp Capers numerous times and as chaplain at Mustang
liaison for Salvation Army on recovery Island once.
efforts; lived and worked in eight foreign Nominated by: Nominating Committee
countries during career; elected to Com-
munity Foundation Board; board member Randy Melton: Church of the Messiah,
and treasurer of Partners in Ministry Gonzales
Local Church Activities: Vestry, lector, LEM, PLEV, Local Church Activities: Rector of
chancel choir, outreach coordinator to B.T. Wilson 6th Church of the Messiah
Grade School (KISD) Diocesan Activities: Bishop’s missioner
Nominated by: The Rev. Stockton Williams for mission and program in Diocese of
Dallas 1995-99, Real Estate Advisory
Committee – Dallas 1995-99, Camp Capers Good Sam
Trustees of the Episcopal Church Corporation session 2010, Camp Crucis – Dallas 1983-90 (conference
director, recruitment committee, steering committee, board
One clergy person and one lay person to be elected for a of managers), Deanery Youth Spiritual Director 1984-88,
three-year term. Retiring incumbents, the Rev. Don Lee is summer youth camp committee – Dallas 1997-99, Episco-
not eligible, and Mr. Rob Schneider is eligible. pal Recreation Center Board 1998, COM – Dallas 1994-97,
Board of Examining Chaplains 2009-present, Northeastern
Description of duties: The Episcopal Church Corporation Convocation Dean 2010-present, Diocesan Recovery Re-
holds title to the permanent funds and other property be- treat Spiritual Director 2009 and 2010, Cursillo 1987, 89,
longing to the diocese. It has authority to receive bequests 95, 98, 2006, 2011; Dallas Episcopal Clergy Association
and donations, and to sell or mortgage property to which it Steering Committee 1993-95, Christian Formation Com-
holds title. As such, Trustees should have an understand- mission consultant 1997-98.
The Trustees work with the Bishop on designating certain
restricted funds as they are needed in ministry. There is
Timothy J. Vellom: St. Matthew’s, Mark E. Williams: St. Andrew’s, Seguin
Universal City 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Bank board member for
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV pastoral, listener, ability to 25 years, treasurer of St. Andrew’s, CEO
build consensus of manufacturing company (prior to retire-
Local Church Activities: Rector of St. ment), real estate investor
Matthew’s Local Church Activities: Choir member;
Diocesan Activities: Executive Board, past Vestry member and Senior Warden
Standing Committee, Dean of Central in both St. Andrew’s and a parish in
Convocation, Cursillo and Happening Monterrey, Mexico; chair of search committee; lay reader;
Spiritual Director, Camp Capers Dean, Bishop’s Sabbatical treasurer; Junior Warden in parish in Mexico; delegate to
Committee, Evangelism Department Diocesan Council in both Mexico and the Diocese of WTX
Nominated by: Nominating Committee Nominated by: The Rev. Kevin Dellaria

Trustees of TMI - The Episcopal School of Texas
Rusty Biechlin: St. Thomas, San Antonio
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Legal background, serves Two persons, either clergy or lay, and communicants of
as trustee for private trust the Diocese, shall be elected for a three-year term. Retir-
Local Church Activities: Vestry (Senior ing incumbents, the Revs. Milton Black and Paul Frey are
Warden), school board chairman, coun- eligible.
cil delegate multiple times, lay reader,
greeter, men’s groups, praise music band, Description of duties: The Board of Trustees shall be re-
stewardship committee sponsible for communicating the needs of the school to the
Diocesan Activities: None yet, but I have run before. Diocese and to gather resources in support of the school at
Nominated by: Vestry the direction of the Board of Governors. The Trustees meet
3-4 times a year on average, at the campus of TMI.
Granger MacDonald: St. Peter’s,
Kerrville The Rev. John Barrett: Christ Church,
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Extensive experience over San Antonio
many years in real estate banking, ranch 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV+LV¿UVWMREZDVWHDFKLQJ
management, construction supervisor; at TMI (1986-88), the last two years at
management seminars at Wharton School the old campus. He then moved to Dal-
RI)LQDQFHGHYHORSPHQW¿QDQFLQJPDQ- las and taught English at the Episcopal
agement, and ownership of rental apart- School of Dallas for seven years. John
ment projects, both affordable and market rate then went to Trinity Episcopal School for
Local Church Activities: Vestry 1998-2002; 2010-2013; Ministry where his thesis was on “Secularization of Chris-
Senior Warden, 2001-2002 during interim between rectors tian Schools.” Following seminary he was at St. Luke’s
Diocesan Activities: Nominating Committee (past) Episcopal in Dallas for two years for his curacy and then
Nominated by: Vestry and the Rev. Stockton Williams two years at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and School,
Dallas, where he did parish work and was chaplain at the
Rob Schneider: Holy Spirit, Dripping school, teaching and conducting services. His background
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Many years of experience Local Church Activities: Assistant Rector of Christ
LQUHDOHVWDWHPDWWHUVQRQSUR¿WRUJDQL]D- Church, in charge of Adult Education, involved in ministry
tions, church leadership and governance to families including pastoral visits, retreats
Local Church Activities: Vestry/Bishop’s Nominated by: Martha Moore
Committee, lay reader, chalice bearer,
council delegate, Christian Education, EFM Joan Cook Carabin: St. Paul’s,
graduate, Cursillo San Antonio
Diocesan Activities: Current: Constitution and Canons 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Committed church mem-
Committee, Trustee of Church Corp; Past: congregational ber, clergy spouse, community organizer,
development, Small Church Task Force, lay ministry, skilled in vision implementation
LAND graduate Local Church Activities: St. Paul’s: New-
Nominated by: Vestry comers Committee 2010; Christ Church:
Outreach Committee 1996-2004, Habitat Task Force, Lay Charles A. Stephens, II: St. Thomas,
Eucharistic Minister; St. Mark’s: Outreach Committee San Antonio
1992-1995; Grace Church: Lay Eucharistic Minister, Chris- 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Primarily legal experience
tian Education; St. Matthias, St. Timothy: Lay Eucharistic and participation on boards of other chari-
Minister, reader, Christian Education, outreach table organizations; two children gradu-
Diocesan Activities: Department of Christian Social Rela- ated from TMI, one 9th grader at TMI
tions 1983-87, DCSR Coordinator 1994-96; member Pro- Local Church Activities: Member of
vincial Planning Committee for Justice, Peace, and Worship St. Thomas since 1986, elected to Vestry,
1996; chair of Race Relations Committee 1984-87; chair chancellor approximately 15 years, council delegate, Sun-
Small Gifts for Habitat day school, Boy Scout troop #515
Nominated by: The Rev. Doug Earle Nominated by: Vestry and the Rev. Chuck Woehler

Daniel L. Clark: St. George, San Antonio The Rev. Keith Turbeville:
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Passionate about the mis- Saint Elizabeth’s, Buda
sion of Jesus Christ, His church, and His 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Keith has served the
people; passionate about equipping youth church over the last ten years in three dio-
in their spiritual, academic, and athletic ceses: the Diocese of Virginia, the Diocese
endeavors; personally invested into TMI: of Texas, and the Diocese of WTX. He has
spouse is faculty and both sons are mem- served congregations as their youth and
bers of the Corps of Cadets; giving – time, adult leader, as well as a chaplain for St. James’ Episcopal
tithes, gifts, offerings; spiritual maturity – 1 Timothy 3:5; School in Leesburg, Virginia. Keith has a passion to see
servant/leader experience: West Point graduate and career youth learn and grow in a Christian environment. Currently
$UP\RI¿FHUFXOPLQDWLQJZLWKVHUYLFHDWQDWLRQDOOHYHOFRP- Keith has two children at TMI. Keith is fully committed to
mands; served abroad in Honduras, Panama, Egypt, Ger- the vision and importance of the unity between the Epis-
many, Iraq; Chapter President, Army Aviation Association, copal Church and the Anglican Church and their future
Alamo Chapter 2007-2010; planning member, Aerospace relationship together.
Committee, Greater SA Chamber of Commerce, 2008-10; Local Church Activities: Vicar of Saint Elizabeth’s, Buda
planning member, Military Affairs Committee, Greater SA Diocesan Activities: Member of Mustang Island Program
Chamber of Commerce, 2008-10; Wounded Warrior Mentor Committee; Dean at Camp Capers, senior high Mid-Winter
Program, Brooke Army Medical Center, 2010 January 2011; senior high summer camp 2010, junior high
Local Church Activities: Vestry 2008-10, Junior War- Mid-Winter January 2010; chaplain at Mustang Island
den 2008; planner/developer of Greeter’s Program, 2009; Family Camp 2009
Steering Committee, Greeter’s Program, 2010; member of Nominated by: The Rev. Kevin Dellaria
Outreach Committee, 2007; baseball coach for 4/5th grade
boys, St. George Episcopal School, 2008-09; supported
mission work of Ashley Robey and Paul and Hillary Kyle Trustees - University of the South
IDPLO\PLVVLRQWULSWR8JDQGDSUD\HU¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUWWR One lay person to be elected to a three-year term. One lay
World Mission Committee (Rev. Alison Barfoot), support SHUVRQWREHHOHFWHGWR¿OODRQH\HDUXQH[SLUHGWHUP2QH
Good Samaritan Community Services, attended Abide in clergy person to be elected for a two-year unexpired term.
Me Conference II, 2010 Retiring incumbent, Mrs. Kathleen Foster is eligible.
Nominated by: Vestry
Description of duties: The Trustees of the University attend
Ann Nettles Fleming: St. Philip’s, the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, promote Church
Uvalde support and student enrollment, and report to the annual
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV As a retired educator, Ann Council the condition and progress of said University.
has a life-long interest in academic excel-
lence. Clergy
Local Church Activities: Daughters of
the King, Women of St. Philip’s The Rev. Stephen Carson: St. Luke’s,
Nominated by: The Rev. Mike Marsh San Antonio
4XDOL¿FDWLRQVCandor, passion, new vi-
sion, ability to work within current struc-
ture, recent Sewanee graduate of School of
Theology, was sacristan there Description of duties: The Standing Committee meets about
Local Church Activities: Asst. Rector of St. Luke’s, SA three times a year and serves as a Council of advice to the
Diocesan Activities: New clergy in Diocese of WTX, Fam- diocesan bishop. Among its responsibilities are granting or
ily Camp at Mustang Island withholding consents to the election of bishops throughout
Nominated by: The Rev. Matthew Wise the Episcopal Church and interviewing seminarians and
recommending to the bishop whether or not they be made
The Rev. Sean Maloney: candidates for ordination. The Standing Committee is com-
St. Bartholomew’s, Corpus Christi posed of 6 persons, 3 clergy and 3 lay. In the event that the
nections with School of Theology (gradu- the Ecclesiastical authority for the diocese. Persons serving
ated in 2008) on the Standing Committee should be familiar with the Con-
Local Church Activities: Rector of St. stitution and Canons, aware of issues in the wider Anglican
Bartholomew’s Communion, and be persons who are willing to undertake a
Diocesan Activities: Reconciliation Com- wide range of leadership needs and discernment.
mission, Camp Capers, MICC, clergy retreats
Nominated by: The Rev. Matthew Wise Clergy

Lay The Rev. Scott Brown: St. Alban’s,

Julie Carson: St. Luke’s, San Antonio 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Scott is a visionary leader
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Willingness to learn, lis- with strong interpersonal skills that can
ten, and participate bring diverse opinions to a consensus.
Local Church Activities: Volunteer at Local Church Activities: Chair, Frontera
Green Door, choir member, substitute at St. Unida; chair, Young Life; Rector of St.
Luke’s Mustard Seeds. Around 2000 I was Alban’s
a volunteer youth leader for Clark Niles for Diocesan Activities: Executive Board,
a couple of years at St. Thomas, S.A. Evangelism Commission, Camp Capers Program Commit-
Diocesan Activities: Clergy spouse tee, dean and chaplain, Christian Education Commission
Nominated by: The Rev. Matthew Wise Nominated by: The Rev. Chris Caddell

Pagie Wilson: Christ Church, The Rev. John Hardie: St. Mark’s,
San Antonio Corpus Christi
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Pagie attended school 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV John has been ordained
there, graduating in 1983, and she now has for 23 years. He possesses a great love for
two daughters there. She loves the school this diocese and is committed to its unity.
and would love to serve in this position. He quickly grasps various sides of issues.
Local Church Activities: She and Craig He encourages and seeks the mind of our
taught the youth class in our Carriage Lord, discerned through careful study of
House for years and then began teaching (small group scripture.
OHDGHU WKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQFODVVIURPXQWLOQRZZLWKWKH Local Church Activities: Rector of St. Mark’s, Corpus Christi
exception of one year. She is active in Altar Guild, church Diocesan Activities: Current: Dean, Southern Convoca-
decorations, VBS, participates in our women’s Hearts and tion; Cursillo Secretariat; Past: served on Standing Com-
Hands organization, and worked on the SAMM’s Christmas mittee, Executive Board, Board of Trustees for TMI,
Gift Project. Departments of Stewardship and Evangelism, Disaster
Diocesan Activities: Pagie has not been involved with the Recovery Task Force
diocese. Nominated by: Vestry
Nominated by: Martha Moore
The Rev. Lisa Mason: St. David’s,
San Antonio
Standing Committee 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Lisa is an enthusiastic,
energetic, compassionate Christian, a com-
One clergy person and one lay person to be elected for a mitted visionary. She’s a team player with
three-year term. Retiring incumbents, the Rev. Ram Lopez good listening skills; a good listener with
and Mrs. Betty Mosty are ineligible. a sense of humor.
Local Church Activities: Interim Rector of St. David’s, Diocesan Activities: Executive Board (Finance Commit-
active in all areas of parish tee), Assistant Chancellor, Trustee of the Church Corp,
Diocesan Activities: Chair of Mustang Island Program deputy to General Convention, Nominating Committee
Committee, Diocesan Development Camps Sub-Com- Nominated by: The Rev. Mike Marsh
mittee, Province VII Synod deputy and alternate in past,
member of Diocesan Christian Education Committee, past Ella Mason: All Saints, Corpus Christi
Executive Board member 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Ella is a born leader-
Nominated by: Vestry listener-wise woman; her resume speaks to
her talents. Coordination at local and state
The Rev. Scott Penrod: Trinity, Pharr levels of training and facilitation are her
4XDOL¿FDWLRQVI have served as a leader areas of expertise.
of a variety of Diocese of WTX ministries Local Church Activities: Bishop’s Com-
for 20+ years. mittee for three churches, delegate to
Local Church Activities: Rector of Trin- diocesan councils (seven times), 15 years on Vestry and in
ity, Rio Grande Valley Good Samaritan renewal projects, EFM, Cursillo. Ella is presently on our
Community Services Advisory Board, Vestry and is instrumental in our LifeStream service.
Pharr Community Outreach Project Executive Board Diocesan Activities: Seven times elected to diocesan coun-
Diocesan Activities: past – Youth Commission chairman, cil, Cursillo
Spiritual Director Happening, Evangelism Department, Nominated by: The Rev. Sandy Casey-Martus
Compensation Committee, Lay Rector for Cursillo; current
– member of Mustang Island Program Committee, member Richard C. Mosty: St. Peter’s, Kerrville
of Advisory Board for Rio Grande Valley Good Samaritan 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV I have over 30 years ex-
Community Services perience in diocesan activities in multiple
Nominated by: Kim Dozier roles and am deeply committed to the
strength of the diocesan family.
Lay Local Church Activities: Former Vestry
Senior Warden, search committees (chair
Elizabeth Evans: St. Paul’s, once), chair of building committees, Cursil-
San Antonio lo, numerous teams and rector, chancellor
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Organization, vision, Diocesan Activities: Former Standing Committee, Execu-
solidly Anglican in thought, polity and tive Board (2), General Convention 2006, 2009; chair of
perspective, has a great interest in the min- Diocesan Task Force on Mission and Ministry 2003-05,
istry of clergy and laity and the diaconate Constitution and Canons, Bishop’s Address, Ecclesiastical
Local Church Activities: Vestry, Lay Trial Court
Eucharistic Minister, chair of Christian Nominated by: Nominating Committee
Formation Committee, webmaster for par-
ish plus numerous other responsibilities and talents Rob Schneider: Holy Spirit, Dripping
Diocesan Activities: Department of Christian Education, Springs
Task Force on Diaconate 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Many years of experience
Nominated by: The Rev. Doug Earle, Rector LQUHDOHVWDWHPDWWHUVQRQSUR¿WRUJDQL]D-
tions, church leadership and governance
Kelley Kimble: St. Philip’s, Uvalde Local Church Activities: Vestry/Bishop’s
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Kelley ends her term on Committee, lay reader, chalice bearer,
the Executive Board this year and truly de- council delegate, Christian Education,
sires to continue her service to the diocese. EFM graduate, Cursillo
With her judicial experience and experi- Diocesan Activities: Current: Constitution and Canons
ence as a trustee for Church Corp and a Committee, Trustee of Church Corp; Past: congregational
General Convention deputy, she will work development, Small Church Task Force, lay ministry,
hard to serve the diocese and the bishops in a new capacity. LAND graduate
Local Church Activities: Kelley has served St. Philip’s Nominated by: Vestry
as a two-term Senior Warden, co-chair of the Stewardship
Committee, Vestry, lay reader, treasurer, Altar Guild, Sun-
day school teacher, and all those other unnamed needs of a
small but very active parish.
Morey McGonigle Weldon: St. Barna- The Rev. David P. Chalk: St. Francis by
bas, Fredericksburg the Lake, Canyon Lake
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV As an active participant 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Age, knowledge of di-
of St. Barnabas parish, Morey takes Christ verse dioceses, familiarity with Diocese of
into the wider community as a lay minis- WTX, theological discernment
WHUWR¿YHQXUVLQJKRPHVDVZHOODVRXU Local Church Activities: Rector of St.
homebound and elderly. Her gifts include Francis by the Lake
servant leadership, pastoral care, and with a BA and MA Diocesan Activities: Missions Commission, numerous short
in religion and a Master of Divinity from the Episcopal term missions, former dean of Western Convocation, Camp
Seminary of the Southwest, she has a depth of knowledge Capers chaplain and dean, Examining Chaplains, Trustee of
and understanding of the church and its liturgy. As past se- Church Corp, Cursillo Assistant Spiritual Director
nior warden, she applied her organizational and leadership Nominated by: Nominating Committee
skills to lead St. Barnabas through transition between rec-
tors. While her children were in school she was elected to The Rev. Kevin Dellaria: St. Andrew’s,
two terms on the board of her independent school district. Seguin
Morey has also served as allocation chair, president and 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Served congregations
chairman of the board for United Way, Capital Area. spanning three different dioceses of the
Local Church Activities: Lay ministry, Lay Eucharistic province (Northwest Texas, Texas and
Minister, Vestry (two terms), past Senior Warden, minister West Texas); Committed to the unity and
to local nursing homes, stewardship chair, Daughters of strengthening of The Episcopal Church
the King, past council delegate, food ministry delivery and and the Anglican Communion; Rector of a
telephone buddy chair, search committee parish active in mission to Central America
Diocesan Activities: Stewardship Committee Local Church Activities: Rector of St. Andrew’s
Nominated by: The Rev. Jeff Hammond Diocesan Activities: Chair Diocesan Nominating Com-
mittee for Council, 2011; Diocesan Insurance Committee;
Anglican Covenant discussion group for Clergy Day, 2010;
Deputies and Alternate Deputies to General Convention Honduras missions
Nominated by: The Rev. Keith Turbeville
Four clergy persons and four lay persons, to be elected as
Deputies, and four clergy persons and four lay persons to The Rev. Bur Dobbins: Trinity, Victoria
be elected as Alternate Deputies. All nominees must be 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV As priests we are called
FRQ¿UPHGFRPPXQLFDQWVLQJRRGVWDQGLQJ5HWLULQJLQFXP- upon to take our “share in the councils of
bents Robert Browning, Drew Cauthorn, Marthe Curry, Su- the Church.” Although this remains a dif-
san Hardaway, Kelley Kimble, Karen Lee, Richard Mosty, ¿FXOWWLPHIRURXU'LRFHVH7KH(SLVFRSDO
John Warren and the Revs. John Badders, Milton Black, Church, and the Anglican Communion,
Nancy Coon, Ripp Hardaway, Don Lee, Ram Lopez, David it is our responsibility as leaders in the
Read are eligible. Church to remain in conversation and
have our voices heard.
Description of duties: As voting representatives of the dio- Local Church Activities: Rector of Trinity, Victoria; Ves-
cese attend General Convention in the summer of 2012. try, Junior Warden, stewardship chairman, council delegate,
and other church activities prior to seminary
Clergy Diocesan Activities: Elected to Executive Board of the
diocese and University of the South trustee, appointed to
The Rev. Bill Allport: St. Helena’s, the Ecclesiastical Trial Court of the diocese
Boerne Nominated by: Vestry
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV New perspective, deep
ties to Diocese of WTX, passion for teach- The Rev. Paul A. Frey:
ings of Christ, innovative and creative Christ Church, Laredo
thinker, theologian 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV A love for The Episcopal
Local Church Activities: Rector of St. Church with its many graces, strengths,
Diocesan Activities: Formerly on Bish- process is part of the way we shape our life
op’s Advisory Committee in Diocese of Hawaii together, and a desire to do so charitably.
Nominated by: The Rev. Matthew Wise Local Church Activities: Paul Frey has
been Rector of Christ Church, Laredo, since October 2004. The Rev. David G. Read: St. Luke’s
Paul is active with many parish activities, the Daybreak Ro- Church and School, San Antonio
tary Club, Greater Laredo Disaster Relief Committee, Casa 4XDOL¿FDWLRQVExperience as a Deputy/
Misericordia Battered Women’s Shelter, the local Habitat Alternate at four previous General Con-
DI¿OLDWHDQGRWKHURUJDQL]DWLRQV ventions, a desire to see our diocese navi-
Diocesan Activities: In the Diocese of WTX he’s served gate through the days ahead with everyone
as a member of the Executive Board of the diocese several on board
times, the Evangelism Committee, and TMI-The Episcopal Local Church Activities: Rector of St. Luke’s, San Antonio
School of Texas Board of Trustees. He is a former Dean Diocesan Activities: Current: Standing Committee; Trustee
of the Western Convocation in the Diocese of West Texas. of Church Corp; Diocesan Development; Diocesan Secre-
Paul has served as dean or chaplain at Camp Capers numer- tary; Camp Capers Chaplain. Previously: Executive Board;
ous times, and as chaplain at Mustang Island once. Convocation Dean; Chair of Camps and Conferences
Nominated by: Nominating Committee Nominated by: The Rev. John Badders

The Rev. Ramiro “Ram” Lopez: The Rev. Patrick R. Soule:

St. George, San Antonio St. Andrew’s, Corpus Christi
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Ram has been an alternate 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Passion for being in-
deputy and deputy to General Convention volved in the life of the wider Church
in 2006 and 2009 and brings an under- Local Church Activities: Vicar of St.
standing of the process by which General Andrew’s, Corpus Christi
Convention conducts its business. Was Diocesan Activities: Assistant Spiritual
elected at General Convention 2009 as Director, Cursillo #248; Spiritual Director,
Province VII clergy representative on the Presiding Bish- Cursillo #255
op’s Nominating Committee for current triennium. Nominated by: Bishop’s Committee
Local Church Activities: Rector of St. George
Diocesan Activities: Standing Committee (president, The Rev. Keith Turbeville:
2010); elected twice to Executive Board; deputy to Gen- St. Elizabeth’s, Buda
eral Convention, 2006, 2009; former Trustee, University 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Keith has served the
of the South; has served on various diocesan committees church over the last ten years in three dio-
including Camps and Conferences committees, Recovery ceses; the Diocese of Virginia; the Diocese
Ministries, World Mission, and Diocesan Council Nominat- of Texas; and the Diocese of West Texas.
ing Committee. Has served as dean and chaplain numerous He has served congregations as their youth
times at Camp Capers and as chaplain to Mustang Island and adult leader, as well as a chaplain for
Family Camp St. James Episcopal School in Leesburg, Virginia. Keith
Nominated by: Vestry has a passion to see youth learn and grow in a Christian en-
vironment. Currently Keith has two children at TMI. Keith
The Rev. Scott Penrod: Trinity, Pharr is fully committed to the vision and importance of the unity
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV I have served as a leader between the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church
of a variety of Diocese of WTX ministries and their future relationship together.
for 20+ years. Local Church Activities: Vicar of St. Elizabeth’s, Buda
Local Church Activities: Rector of Trini- Diocesan Activities: Member of Mustang Island Program
ty, Pharr; Rio Grande Valley Good Samar- Committee, Dean at Camp Capers: Senior High mid-winter,
itan Community Services Advisory Board; January 2011, Senior High Summer Camp 2010; Junior
Pharr Community Outreach Project Executive Board High Mid-Winter January 2010; Chaplain: Mustang Island
Diocesan Activities: Past: Youth Commission Chairman; Family Camp, 2009
Spiritual Director Happening: Evangelism Dept.; Compen- Nominated by: The Rev. Kevin Dellaria
sation Committee: Lay rector for Cursillo. Current: Mem-
ber Mustang Island Program Committee; Member Advisory The Rev. Stockton Williams:
Board of Rio Grande Valley Good Samaritan Community St. Peter’s, Kerrville
Services 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Love for Christ and His
Nominated by: Kim Dozier Church: The Episcopal Church and the
Anglican Communion
Local Church Activities: Rector of St.
Peter’s; Chaplain, Hill Country Chapter of
Order of St. Luke’s; Past president of Christian Assistance Drew Cauthorn: St. Mark’s,
Ministries of Kerrville; Past President Kerrville Ministe- San Antonio
rial Alliance; Laity Lodge Retreat Leader for St. Martin’s, 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Legal training
Houston; St. Paul’s, Waco; and others. Spiritual Director Local Church Activities: Senior Warden,
for Cursillos, Happenings, Kairos, and Men’s Emmaus. Vestry, stewardship chair
Mexico mission trips Diocesan Activities: Chancellor, De-
Diocesan Activities: Diocesan Spiritual Director for Hap- velopment Committee, alternate to 2009
pening – 2004 to current; National Happening Board-2006 General Convention, Faith Alive coordinator
to current; Cursillo Secretariat, 2005 – 2009; Dean North- Nominated by: Nominating Committee
ern Convocation – 2003 – 2006; Chaplain at summer camps
and Dean at Mid-Winters at Camp Capers; Nominating Elizabeth Cauthorn: St. Mark’s,
Committee (past); Lay Ministry Committee of Commission San Antonio
on Ministry (past); Evangelism Committee; Committee on 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Theological training
Bishop’s Address, 2009 Local Church Activities: Chair of book-
Nominated by: Vestry store at St. Mark’s
Diocesan Activities: Past alternate to
The Rev. Matthew Wise: Reconciliation, General Convention, committee member to diocesan educa-
San Antonio tion annual event
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Younger generation of Nominated by: Nominating Committee
clergy, passion for Diocese of WTX and
for missional movement, love of National Marthe Curry: Christ Church,
Church and its history San Antonio
Local Church Activities: Assistant Rec- 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Her breadth of knowl-
tor of Reconciliation edge, experience in the diocesan life and
Diocesan Activities: Reconciliation Commission, Musician the Episcopal Church, and her winsome
DWTX conferences, Camp Capers Dean and Chaplain, personality
Liturgy and Music Commission, Executive Board Local Church Activities: Missions Com-
Nominated by: The Rev. Robert Woody mittee for two years, working with women
of Uganda and their artistry efforts, currently leading two
Lay Bible studies
Diocesan Activities: Nominated as deputy for last General
Joan Cook Carabin: St. Paul’s, Convention but had to go to Uganda instead
San Antonio Nominated by: Martha Moore
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Committed church mem-
ber, clergy spouse, community organizer, Steve H. Denney: St. Thomas,
skilled in vision implementation San Antonio
Local Church Activities: St. Paul’s: 4XDOL¿FDWLRQVStrong leader, experienced
Newcomers Committee 2010; Christ in organizational effectiveness, knowl-
Church: Outreach Committee 1996-2004, edgeable of church history/scriptures,
Habitat Task Force, Lay Eucharistic Minister; St. Mark’s: member of Episcopal Church since 1962
Outreach Committee 1992-1995; Grace Church: Lay Local Church Activities: Past Senior
Eucharistic Minister, Christian Education; St. Matthias, Warden, Community of Hope Pastoral
St. Timothy: Lay Eucharistic Minister, reader, Christian Care Administrator, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, member/past
Education, outreach chair Missionary Committee, missionary (short-term) Rus-
Diocesan Activities: Department of Christian Social Rela- sia, graduate of EFM
tions 1983-87, DCSR Coordinator 1994-96; member Pro- Diocesan Activities: Member of Missions Committee
vincial Planning Committee for Justice, Peace, and Worship Nominated by: Vestry and the Rev. Chuck Woehler
1996; chair of Race Relations Committee 1984-87; chair
Small Gifts for Habitat Elizabeth Evans: St. Paul’s,
Nominated by: The Rev. Doug Earle San Antonio
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Organization, vision,
solidly Anglican in thought, polity and
perspective, has a great interest in the min-
istry of clergy and laity and the diaconate
Local Church Activities: Vestry, Lay Eucharistic Ministry, Long-Term Visioning Task Force; co-chair of adult retreat
chair of Christian Formation Committee, webmaster for programs; member of men’s Bible study program and vol-
parish, plus numerous other various responsibilities and unteer for Habitat for Humanity
talents Diocesan Activities: elected member of the Board of
Diocesan Activities: Department of Christian Education, Directors of Morningside Ministries for six years, past
Task Force on Diaconate member of Executive Board, appointed Executive Board
Nominated by: The Rev. Doug Earle representative to Finance Committee and Camps and
Conferences Ministries, chair of Mission and Ministry
Donnelle Gooch: St. Mark’s, Task Force, stewardship consultant, member of Clergy-Lay
San Marcos Compensation Committee, appointed member of Finance
4XDOL¿FDWLRQVHas been an alternate and and Stewardship Committees, member of the diocesan
seated at General Convention from the Faith Alive Committee and participant in numerous Faith
Diocese of Oklahoma and Kansas; has Alive programs in the last 22 years, and founder and cur-
worked with national church with volun- rent co-chair of “The Bishop’s Golf Classic” fundraiser for
teers children’s scholarships to camps and youth activities
Local Church Activities: Past Vestry Nominated by: Vestry
member, past senior warden, delegate to council numer-
ous times, LEM, on many boards at church (mission, adult Kelley Kimble: St. Philip’s, Uvalde
educations, worship) 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV After Kelley’s service as a
Diocesan Activities: Mission trips to Honduras deputy to the General Convention in 2009,
Nominated by: The Rev. Ned Bowersox she was appointed to the Program, Budget,
and Finance Committee for 2012. She will
Carrie Guerra: St. John’s, McAllen only be eligible to serve the diocese in
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV She is a bright woman, this capacity if reelected as a deputy for
who has a heart for God, loves the church General Convention in 2012.
and is delighted in the exercise of her Local Church Activities: Kelley has served St. Philip’s
ministries. as a two-term Senior Warden, co-chair of the Stewardship
Local Church Activities: Christian edu- Committee, Vestry, lay reader, treasurer, Altar Guild, Sun-
cation, Lay Eucharistic Minister, council day school teacher, and all those other unnamed needs of a
delegate, church school chapel leader, small but very active parish.
children’s church coordinator, local and other mission Diocesan Activities: Executive Board (Finance Commit-
activities tee) , Assistant Chancellor, Trustee of the Church Corp,
Diocesan Activities: Trainer for Safeguarding God’s Chil- deputy to General Convention, Nominating Committee
dren, Happening board member, teacher at Camp Capers, Nominated by: The Rev. Mike Marsh
other diocesan youth events
Nominated by: The Rev. Ray Cole Rawley McCoy: St. Francis, Victoria
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV has the desire and capac-
Mike Horridge: St. Thomas, ity to bring a thoughtful, open-minded,
San Antonio measured, and prayerful approach to bear
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Mike has considerable in dealing with the contentious issues
knowledge of the Episcopal Church at the within our church
national, diocesan, and parish levels. Since Local Church Activities: Vestry, Se-
he has served effectively as Senior Warden nior Warden, Junior Warden, Eucharistic
and member of the Executive Board sev- Minister, lector, Finance Committee, Stewardship chair-
eral times, he would provide assistance to our bishops and man, men’s club president, choir member, Trinity Episco-
representation to the Diocese of WTX at the 2012 General pal School board member and president of the board, St.
Convention. Francis Capital Campaign Committee
Local Church Activities: St. Thomas Vestry, two terms Diocesan Activities: Commission on Church Buildings
as Senior Warden; chair of Greeter Ministry; member of (2001-present), Nominating Committee (2010)
choir; co-chair for Faith Alive programs; chair for steward- Nominated by: The Rev. Faith Bledsoe
ship, co-chair of Capital Funds Drive; Vestry representative
to St. Thomas School; council delegate 15 years; member
of rector and music director search committees; chair of
Lay Compensation-Policy/Procedures Committee; chair of
Ronald G. Morrison: St. John’s, search committee; audit committee; Order of St. Luke;
New Braunfels council delegate seven years; election of the bishop council
4XDOL¿FDWLRQVRon has provided out- delegate
standing leadership in guiding a commu- Diocesan Activities: Bishop’s Disaster Response Commit-
nity of people who are working through tee, Camp Capers art director
our issues as a church. Nominated by: The Rev. Kevin Dellaria
Local Church Activities: Bishop’s War-
den, Bishop’s Committee, lay reader, men’s ministry John S. Warren: Church of the Good
Diocesan Activities: Delegate to council, Bishop’s Golf Shepherd, Corpus Christi
Tournament Local Church Activities: Vestry member,
Nominated by: The Rev. Ripp Hardaway Senior Warden, parish chancellor, board
member and chancellor for St. James Epis-
Richard C. Mosty: St. Peter’s, Kerrville copal School, parish Cursillo representa-
4XDOL¿FDWLRQVI have over 30 years ex- tive, member and chairman parish mission
perience in diocesan activities in multiple society, board member and chairman
roles and am deeply committed to the Board of Trustees – Cliff Maus Village Trust, parish en-
strength of the diocesan family. dowment board member, parish 150th community outreach
Local Church Activities: Former Vestry co-chair, council delegate
Senior Warden, search committees (chair Diocesan Activities: Cursillo Secretariat, team member and
once), chair of building committees, Cur- rector, council balloting and vendor committees co-chair,
sillo, numerous teams and rector, chancellor Nominating Committee and Bishop’s Charge Committee,
Diocesan Activities: Former Standing Committee, Execu- Executive Board, Trustee of Church Corporation, alternate
tive Board (2), General Convention 2006, 2009; chair of delegate to General Convention 2006 and 2009
Diocesan Task Force on Mission and Ministry 2003-05, Nominated by: Vestry
Constitution and Canons, Bishop’s Address Ecclesiastical
Trial Court
Nominated by: Nominating Committee Deputies and Alternate Deputies to Province VII Synod

John Upper: St. Andrew’s, Seguin Four clergy persons and four lay persons to be elected as
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV John shows leader- Deputies, and four clergy persons and four lay persons to
ship abilities and determination and has be elected as Alternate Deputies. All nominees must be
actively involved in church matters and bents are: Blaine Bennett, Cathy Chatham, Stacy Dowdy,
would be a great representative for the Gayle Gottlich, Rachel Graves, Lisa Mason, Lou Taylor,
diocese. Jennifer Wickham and the Revs. Adrian Amaya, Earl Ma-
Local Church Activities: Senior War- han, Mary Margaret Mueller, Scott Penrod, Chris Roque,
den (2010), Vestry, fellowship chairman, Chuck Sharrow, and Jonathan Wickham, Dori Zubizarreta.
usher, council delegate All are eligible except the Revs. Adrian Amaya and Dori
Nominated by: The Rev. Kevin Dellaria Zubizarreta.

Robin R. Walker: St. Andrew’s, Seguin Description of duties: As voting representatives of the dio-
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Mrs. Walker is a dedicated cese attend the meeting of the Synod of the Province of the
servant, willing to serve God and Jesus Southwest (Province VII).
Christ through her church. She has a good
understanding of church business and is- Clergy
sues. During her 15 years in the diocese she
has served as a delegate to seven councils The Rev. Christopher Caddell:
representing three churches and has served St. Alban’s, Harlingen
DVDQRI¿FHURQWKH9HVWU\RIHDFKFKXUFK Local Church Activities: Assistant Rec-
Local Church Activities: Vestry: Christ Church, Laredo; tor of St. Alban’s
Church of the Redeemer, Eagle Pass; St. Andrew’s, Seguin; Nominated by: The Rev. David Chalk
Senior Warden; Vestry clerk; stewardship liaison, steward-
ship chairman; lay reader; Eucharistic minister; Sunday
school teacher; Vacation Bible School leader; Altar Guild;
The Rev. Stephen Carson: St. Luke’s, The Rev. Kevin Dellaria: St. Andrew’s,
San Antonio Seguin
4XDOL¿FDWLRQVWillingness to listen and 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Served congregations
learn, fresh ideas and perspective spanning three different dioceses of the
Local Church Activities: Assistant Rec- province (Northwest Texas, Texas, and
tor of St. Luke’s West Texas), committed to the unity and
Diocesan Activities: Gopher at last Coucil strengthening of The Episcopal Church
Nominated by: The Rev. Matthew Wise and the Anglican Communion, rector of a parish active in
mission to Central America
The Rev. Raymond E. Cole, Jr. St. Local Church Activities: Rector of St. Andrew’s
John’s, McAllen Diocesan Activities: Chair of Diocesan Nominating Com-
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV After serving 16 years in mittee for Council, 2011; Diocesan Insurance Committee;
the Diocese of Pennsylvania and 17 years Anglican Covenant discussion group for Clergy Day, 2010;
in the Diocese of Chicago, Fr. Cole was Honduras missions
called as Rector of Saint George in Castle Nominated by: The Rev. Keith Turbeville
Hills in 1996. Since retiring from active
ministry in 2004, he has served four interim assignments The Rev. James W. (Jim) Friedel: St.
in this diocese – currently at St. John’s Church and School Peter’s, Rockport
in McAllen. He has served in a variety of capacities in all 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Jim has developed rela-
three dioceses including two terms as deputy to General tionships with clergy and lay leadership
Convention and two as alternate. in the province through his work with
Local Church Activities: Interim Rector of St. John’s, congregational development and clergy
McAllen deployment.
Nominated by: Nominating Committee Local Church Activities: Jim’s service as rector of this
parish provides opportunities to exhibit liturgical, educa-
The Rev. Nancy G. Coon: Retired tional, pastoral, administrative, and leadership responsibili-
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Prior experience as Synod ties among the membership and the broader community.
deputy (2 terms) and deputy to General Diocesan Activities: Jim currently serves with the Ex-
Convention (4 terms), experience in the amining Chaplains and the Nominating Committee of
Diocese of WTX as well as networking the diocese. He has served as chaplain for summer youth
in the broader church has been prepara- camps and Cursillo. Jim was a presenter at the regional
tion for working with persons from a stewardship workshops and at Community of Hope training
variety of backgrounds and cultures. Will sessions.
be a spokesperson both for and with the Nominated by: Senior Warden, J.D. Debler
DWTX upon return from Synod.
Local Church Activities: Rector of the Episcopal Church The Rev. Virginia (Gina) Frnka:
of the Holy Spirit; as lay person served as reader, Lay Partners in Ministry, East; Goliad
Eucharistic Minister and home visitor in the pilot pro- Local Church Activities: Lay activities:
teacher/mentor for high school students, intercessory prayer leader, Altar Guild, Eucharistic Visitor, lay
team, audio tape ministry (sermons/lectures) reader, council delegate
Diocesan Activities: Standing Committee, Executive Nominated by: The Revs. Robert Woody
Board, deputy to General Convention (2000, 2003, 2006), and Matthew Wise
Transitional Congregations Committee co-chair, Examining
Chaplain, Discernment Committee, Dean of Northeastern The Rev. Lisa Mason: St. David’s, San
Convocation, chaplain for Women’s Cabinet, Christian Antonio
Formation Committee, Continuing Education Committee, 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV I have served both as a
Task Force for redesign of the Executive Board, Cursillo deputy and an alternate for Province VII
Spiritual Director (6 Cursillos), Happening, Camp Capers Synod in the past. I enjoy engaging in dia-
summer dean and chaplain, Committee on Missions and logue and visioning with the larger church
Parishes, and retreat leader as well as my own diocese.
Nominated by: Nominating Committee Local Church Activities: Interim Rector
of St. David’s, active in all areas of parish
Diocesan Activities: Chair of Mustang Island Program
Committee, Dicoesan Development Camps Sub-Com- The Rev. Keith Turbeville:
mittee, Province VII Synod deputy and alternate in past, St. Elizabeth’s, Buda
member of Diocesan Christian Education Committee, past 4XDOL¿FDWLRQVKeith has served the
Executive Board member church over the last 10 years in three dio-
Nominated by: Vestry ceses: the Diocese of Virginia, the Diocese
of Texas and West Texas. He has served
The Rev. Philip May: Church of the congregations as their youth and adult
Good Shepherd, Corpus Christi leader, as well as chaplain for St. James’ Episcopal School
Local Church Activities: Assistant Rec- in Leesburg, Virginia. Keith has a passion to see youth
tor of Church of the Good Shepherd learn and grow in a Christian environment. Currently Keith
Diocesan Activities: Facilitator of Angli- has two children at TMI. Keith is fully committed to the
can Covenant discussion evenings vision and importance of the unity between the Episcopal
Nominated by: Nominating Committee Church and the Anglican Church and their future relation-
ship together.
The Rev. Jonathan Melton: Local Church Activities: Vicar of St. Elizabeth’s
St. Christopher’s by the Sea, Portland Diocesan Activities: Member of Mustang Island Program
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV As a young clergy person, Committee; Dean at Camp Capers; senior high mid-winter
I value the opportunity to uphold my ordi- January 2011; senior high summer camp 2010; junior high
nation vows to serve in the councils of the mid-winter January 2011; chaplain at Mustang Island Fam-
church. Further, my particular strengths ily Camp 2009
in individualization and appreciating of Nominated by: The Rev. Kevin Dellaria
persons and their unique gifts are put to
natural use in diverse assemblies of the faithful. My heart The Rev. Jonathan Wickham: St.
for Christ and his prayer for the church’s visible Commu- Mark’s, San Antonio
nion grounds these personal strengths. 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Jonathan has participated
Local Church Activities: Rector of St. Christopher’s by in church leadership at a number of levels
the Sea, Portland Rotary and candidate for membership, and is interested in bringing his experience
Family Systems training (2009-present), Southern Convo- to the Province VII Synod gathering. He
cation Anglican Covenant study team (2010) values the important role that our connect-
Diocesan Activities: Session chaplain, Camp Capers 2008; edness plays in the strengthening of the
summer chaplain to camp staff 2009; family camp chaplain church. He brings team building, collaborative leadership,
2010; Vocare #25 co-spiritual director 2008; Vocare #27 and visioning skills to the community.
co-spiritual director (spring 2011); diocesan college retreat Local Church Activities: Lay: council delegate, profes-
chaplain 2009; appointed: member Diocesan Vocare Com- sional youth minster, Lay Eucharistic Minister, lay reader,
mittee 2009, 2010; member Courtesy Resolution Commit- Sunday school teacher, music team member; Ordained:
tee 2009, 2010 (“We wear underwear to make you laugh.”) Assistant Rector of St. Mark’s, San Antonio; Episcopal
Nominated by: Nominating Committee school chaplain, liturgy coordinator, pastoral care, preach-
ing, teaching
The Rev. Richard T. Speer: Diocesan Activities: Deputy for Youth/Young Adult Min-
Grace, Weslaco istry and Director of Camps and Conferences (2004-2006),
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV25 years of ordained Bishop’s Happening Movement Board, Happening spiritual
service director, Camp Capers dean and chaplain, Diocesan Devel-
Local Church Activities: Rector of opment Camps Sub-Committee, board member of Christ
Grace, Weslaco Chapel at Texas State, Diocesan Executive Board
Diocesan Activities: I have served four Nominated by: The Rev. Mike Chalk
churches in the Diocese of WTX since
1989. Dean or chaplain, three sessions at Camp Capers; The Rev. Matthew Wise: Reconciliation,
spiritual director or assistant for three Cursillos; dean, two San Antonio
sessions of Coastal Ecology Camp; spiritual director of one 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Younger generation of
Happening; four terms on TMI Board of Trustees; instruc- clergy, passion for Diocese of WTX and
tor of Bishop’s School for Ministry; Clergy Compensation for missional movement, love of National
Committee; Stewardship Committee Church and its history
Nominated by: Nominating Committee Local Church Activities: Assistant Rec-
tor of Reconciliation
Diocesan Activities: Reconciliation Commission, Musician Vestry, three consecutive terms as senior warden, ALPHA,
DWTX conferences, Camp Capers Dean and Chaplain, usher, greeter, Finance Committee, Audit Committee, board
Nominated by: The Rev. Robert Woody school board, treasurer church school board
Diocesan Activities: Abide in Me diocesan conference,
Lay Diocesan Nominating Committee
Nominated by: Nominating Committee
Patricia Brooke: St. David’s, San Antonio
Local Church Activities: Lay reader, spiri- Mary “Tru” Hiatt: St. Philip’s, Uvalde
tual formation, council delegate 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Tru has been a lifelong
Diocesan Activities: Commission for Wom- member of the Diocese of WTX, currently
en’s Ministries, Discernment Committee serving as Junior Warden at St. Philip’s.
Nominated by: The Rev. Nancy Coon She is energetic and devoted to serving the
Diocese of WTX.
Angie de los Santos: St. Andrew’s, Local Church Activities: Junior Warden,
Seguin lay reader, Sunday school teacher, council delegate, vol-
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Angie is a long-time unteer coordinator – Uvalde Food Pantry, prior bishop’s
resident of Province VII and has a lengthy warden at St. Michael’s San Antonio, Under the Bridge
history of working with both the Hispanic ministries
community and the impoverished of many Diocesan Activities: Chair of Diocesan Disaster Relief
ethnic backgrounds in southwest Texas. (Hurricanes Katrina and Rita), trainer – Diocese Disaster
Angie is deeply involved in missions to Relief (Adopt a Family), Cursillo, Honored Women of the
Mexico and Central America and would be an asset in the Diocese of West Texas
relationship between Province VII and its sister churches Nominated by: Kelley Kimble
south of the Rio Grande.
Local Church Activities: Past Vestry member and senior William Cash Keith: St. Philip’s, Uvalde
warden, coordinator of direct-to-client assistance program, 4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Cash is the Systems Ad-
Outreach Committee, annual team leader for medical and ministrator for Uvalde ISD. His business
dental mission to Honduras and technical experience are well suited
Diocesan Activities: Past council delegate, Discernment for the business of the church. Cash is
Committee, Finance Committee, World Missions ad hoc currently serving St. Philip’s as Senior
Committee Warden, and his deeply spiritual life will
Nominated by: The Rev. Kevin Dellaria be a huge asset as a deputy to the synod.
Local Church Activities: Vestry, Senior Warden, Junior
Donnelle Gooch: St. Mark’s, San Marcos Warden; council delegate; LEM; lay reader
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Has been as alternate and Nominated by: The Rev. Michael K. Marsh
seated at General Convention from the Dio-
cese of Oklahoma and Kansas; has worked Melanie McCollum Klotzman:
with national church with volunteers St. Francis, Victoria
Local Church Activities: Past Vestry 4XDOL¿FDWLRQVOrganizational and listen-
member, past senior warden, delegate to ing skills, spiritual discernment, church
council numerous times, LEM, on many boards at church leadership
(mission, adult educations, worship) Local Church Activities: Lay Eucharis-
Diocesan Activities: Mission trips to Honduras tic Minister, lector, Vestry, Stewardship
Nominated by: The Rev. Ned Bowersox Committee, Worship Committee, adult spiritual formation
teacher, EFM graduate
Charles L. Green: St. Barnabas, Diocesan Activities: Nominating Committee, Happening
Fredericksburg Committee, council delegate
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Active and dedicated Nominated by: Rawley McCoy
member of the Christian family in the Dio-
cese of WTX striving to encourage faithful
living in our community
Local Church Activities: During the past
30+ years in the Diocese of TX and WTX:
Zoila Martinez: Grace Episcopal, San Diocesan Activities: Council delegate, recipient of St.
Antonio George medal
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Loves to be actively Nominated by: The Rev. Kevin Dellaira
involved in church activities, prayerful
lifestyle Carla Pineda: St. Mark’s, San Antonio
Local Church Activities: Served on Vestry Local Church Activities: Active member
three times (member of Grace, Weslaco for of St. Mark’s, San Antonio; bookstore
24 years), lay reader – bilingual, taught Sunday school for ministry
over 20 years, council delegate and alternate, active with youth Diocesan Activities: Vice President in
group, acolytes and altar guild charge of Programming for Women’s
Diocesan Activities: Participate in council and youth Commission (2nd term), three-time del-
activities egate to Triennial, served one term on the Executive Board,
Nominated by: Joy Herrera serving on diocesan Communications Committee
Nominated by: The Revs. Mike Chalk and Jonathan
Kirk Mason: St. David’s, San Antonio Wickham
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV A lifelong participant and
member of the Diocese of WTX, Kirk is David Spencer: St. Barnabas,
nominated by the Nominating Commit- Fredericksburg
tee. He brings to this position considerable 4XDOL¿FDWLRQVLifelong Episcopalian,
experience and passion for the mission interested and engaged in the work of the
and ministry of the diocese at the parish diocese, province and National Episcopal
and diocesan level. Church
Local Church Activities: Vestry, Junior Warden; Steward- Local Church Activities: Steering Com-
ship Committee; Sunday school teacher; Building Commit- mittee of the Honduras Water Ministry, volunteer work at
tee; Capital Campaign Committee; usher; youth sponsor; St. Barnabas
council delegate and alternate; Search Committee Diocesan Activities: Steering Committee of the Honduras
Diocesan Activities: Former chair of Annual Giving Divi- Water Ministry, delegate to the diocesan convention in
sion of the Department of Stewardship, Task Force on 2009, 2010
Mission and Ministry Funding, Mustang Island Site and Nominated by: Charles Green
Program Committees, alternate deputy to General Conven-
tion (2003, 2006), alternate deputy to Province VII, Com- Jennifer Wickham: St. Mark’s, San
mission on Church Buildings, Continuing Education chair, Antonio
Executive Board 4XDOL¿FDWLRQVI have served as a deputy
Nominated by: Nominating Committee to Provincial Synod in the past, and I
am very interested in the work of the
Paula A. Nersesian: Trinity, Victoria broader church. I believe that the Episco-
4XDOL¿FDWLRQV Paula is a long-time resi- pal Church needs leaders who are able to
dent of south Texas and has been gifted listen carefully and consider the variety of
with a natural talent for insight and leader- perspectives being presented. Both my professional work
ship across a wide spectrum of issues. and educational training keep me in tune with the issues
Over the years she has been thoroughly facing the EC, and I believe it is important for an educated
involved with parish life while also engag- laity to participate in the conversation.
ing in a variety of community activities. Local Church Activities: Missionary to Haiti, volunteer
Her commitment to the needs of others, both medical and for outreach projects, worship team musician, diocesan
otherwise, has given her a deep understanding of the diver- council delegate
sity of human experience, an understanding she brings to Diocesan Activities: Former deputy to Provincial Synod,
all of her leadership roles. planning committee for National Associate of Episcopal
Local Church Activities: Current or previously: Altar Schools convention
Guild and chair of Christian Formation, board president – Nominated by: The Rev. Mike Chalk and Vestry
Trinity Episcopal School, adult formation instructor, EFM
graduate; currently: Lay Eucharistic Visitor, lay reader,
Community of Hope, president of Daughters of the King,
Godly Play instructor, Sunday morning breakfast, Friends
of Trinity Episcopal School, Vestry member, chair of Stew-
ardship Committee 18

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