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1.1 Background of the study

In Indonesia students are equipped with education about foreign language,

such as English. The advantages as a worldwide language make it an important
learning subject for students. Teaching English provides various main branches
such as writing, reading, speaking and listening.
The language skill to be achieved is divided in to two parts of language
function, namely, oral and written. Listening and speaking are oral language;
reading and writing are written language (Yunita : 2017) . In learning process
these things are described in various subject that the wants to convey by teacher.
Among several english skill, for students writing as the one of difficult english
Writing is the activity of arranging word by word, sentence by sentence
based on them own grammar. Writing is one of the language skills that is used as
indirect communication. It is the activity to express ideas, opinions, thoughts, and
feelings through written form. (Andini et all., 2014). Writing also saved a lot of
creativity, students can put their thoughts in writing, such as opinion, letters and
creative writing.
Teachers are expected to realize their importance roles toward students‟
development in learning, particularly in writing (Yunita : 2017). The students
who learn writing skill need to be able to deal with some writing elements. The
elements are the combination of a number of diverse elements: organization,
grammar, mechanics, and vocabulary (Andini et all., 2014). Students need to be
able to develop ideas, understanding grammatical and the kind of paragraph to
produce the best writing.
From the statement above, the suitable teaching method is needed to
improve students writing ability. In this case, scramble method has been chosen
by several teachers as the one of the teaching method that using help students
writing skill.
According to Huda, Scramble is one method of learning that can improve
students' concentration and speed of thought. This method requires students to
combine the right brain and the left brain. Scramble Method is a method that asks
students to arrange random letter, words or sentence to be a logically sentence.
Through the Scramble Method, the students can be trained to be creative in
arranging random words.
(Afrizal, 2016) Scramble method will give motivation and the students will
be interested in learning process and also this method will makes students to be
active. (Kurniawan, 2016) This method required the students to join the left and
right brains. Scramble method was suitable for increase their ability about present
continuous tense.
Through Scramble method the students could be trained to arrange the
sentence. This method was hoped to be able to motivate the students to composite
sentence. The students would arrange jumbled words, sentence or paragraph to be
a clear meaning sentence. Related to the problem above, the researcher was
interested in doing research with the title “A scramble method in teaching english
for students writing ability”

1.2 Problem of the study

1. How did the teacher applied scramble method in teaching present
continuous tense for students writing ability ?

1.3 Purpose of the study

This study aimed to know how did the teacher applied scramble method
to tough present continuous tense for students writing ability. With their problem

to learn english, how teacher using this method with fun and help them to arrange
the word, sentence or paragraph to produce the best writing.

1.4 Scope of this study

This study focus to get source by another research about scramble method
in teaching writing. Researcher will compare about how the result and method
applied by each other research.

1.5 Significant of the study

After conducting this study, it is hoped significantly relecant to
theoretically and practically aspects, there are some significant such as :
 For students
The students could learn and understand to make the relevant sentences or
 For teacher
To know how scramble method applied by teacher with the condition of
the students ability in writing
 For school
The significant for school from this research is teacher can apply this
method for all the students with them own ability to learn.
 For the researcher
To help the researcher do this research and to be reference to another
researcher in study case students with physically disable

1.6 Related theory

A. Teaching English
Teaching means an effort to create conductive condition for students learning
activities. Thus, the condition is created to help student development optimal
physical or mental knowledge (Kurniawan, 2016). As universal communication
language, the advantages as a worldwide language make english an important
learning subject for students. English as taught as a foreign language at school

from elementary school up to university school in Indonesia. By good competence
by using english for communication they can compete other jo seekers in global
Teaching English provides various main branches such as writing, reading,
speaking and listening.
1. Teaching Listening
Listening is activity to listen native speaker by earphone based on the
one particular material. Listening help students understanding of the
processing of sentences spoken directly in english. Clearly, it is
impossible to expect a student to produce a sound which does not exist
in his mother tongue or a natural sentence using the stress, rhythms and
intonation of a native speaker of the foreign language without first of
all providing him with a model of the form he is to produce. It is not
possible to produce satisfactorily what one has not heard. The logical
first step, therefore, in attempting to achieve oral fluency or accuracy is
to consider the learner’s ability to listen (Broughton et all., 2003)
2. Teaching Speaking
To increase english ability, students train to speak in english. After
learn about listening, students can produce their own speech. A
discriminating ear does not always produce a fluent tongue. There has
to be training in the productive skill of speech as well. (Broughton et
all., 2003). To help them, speaking also conduct in students daily
activity or create conversation class in school, it will accustom them in
processing word through speaking.
3. Teaching Reading
Reading is the first concept in written language. Without reading,
students wont be able to write. It must be recognized that reading is a
complex skill, that is to say that it involves a whole series of lesser
skills. (Broughton et all., 2003). Students had learn about reading when
they was elementary school, it bought them to various understanding
of diverse science.

4. Teaching Writing
Teachers have to make sure that their students learn something
beneficial that permanently will contribute to their future. Teachers are
expected to realize their importance roles toward students development
in learning, particularly in writing. (Yunita, 2017) In relation to
teacher’s roles in the process of writing, Harmer (2004:41) also
purposed some tasks that the teachers must perform before during, and
after the process of writing. They are 1) demonstrating, 2) motivating
and provoking, 3) supporting, 4) responding and 5) evaluating

In writing, there are some aspects that have to be considered. Brown (2001)
states that the macro-skill of writing:
1. Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse;
2. Appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of written texts
according to form and purpose
3. Convey links and connections between events, and communicate such
relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given
information, generalization, and exemplification
4. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings when writing;
5. Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the written
6. Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as accurately
assessing the audience’s interpretation, using pre-writing devices, writing
with fluency in the first draft, using paraphrases and synonyms, soliciting
peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising and editing.
B. Scramble Method
Scramble is one method of learning that can improve students'
concentration and speed of thought. This method requires students to combine the
right brain and the left brain. In this method, they not only asked to answer the
question, but also to guess quickly answer questions (Huda, 2014). This method
asks students to arrange random letter, words or sentence to be a logically

sentence. Through the Scramble Method, the students can be trained to be
creative in arranging random letters, words or sentences.
Steps for applying scramble method :
To function as it should, scramble method must follow the learning
implementation procedures. Steps to teach with scramble method according to
(Huda, 2014) are :
1. Teacher present the material based on the topic
2. Distribute worksheets according to the example
3. Teacher gives duration to students to work on the problem
4. Students work on problem based on the duration specified by the teacher
5. Teacher check the duration of time while cheking the students work.
Benefit and limitation of scramble method
Each learning method has benefit and limitation as well as the scramble
method, according to (Huda, 2014) this method has several benefit and limitation
as follows :
Benefit of scramble method :
1. Train students to think with fast and right
2. Encourage students to work on problem with random answers
3. Train students discipline
Limitation of scramble method :
1. Students can cheat their friend’s answers
2. Students didn’t train to think with creative
Characteristic of scramble method
As well as another method, Scramble method has its own characteristic
According to (Hanafiah ,2010) the characteristic of scramble method are :
1. Learning process with cooperative
2. Explain the material about
3. Distribute worksheet with jumbled answers
4. Arrange the jumbled letters
When teaching a foreign language a teacher must think about the specific
qualities offered to students of a certain mother tongue. That means that the

methodology of teaching English has to take into account the problems posed by
the English language for the students who will learn it (Tamura, 2006)
The methodology of teaching English stands in relation with several
challenges or problems. To teach grammar, teacher must have an interesting
materials for students. (Inayah, 2006) The creativity of teachers will get a good
result. In order to get a good result, the teachers use a method of teaching
Teaching Present continuous tense at SMPLB Langsa, students with
special needs, especially physically disabled has difficult to arrange sentence
because their lack of interest to studying english and also their limitation to move
and writing. Because of that teacher use scramble method to help students ability
about present continuous tense. Students will arrange the jumbled letters with
cooperative learning based on the sentences of present continuous tense.
Through the Scramble method, the students can be trained to be creative
in arranging random words. This method will help students in to arrange a
sentence because with trained arranging random words they will habitual to make
a sentence and also be able to mastering grammar (Afrizal, 2016)

1.7 Data Source

Data from this research source from any literature studies and various
research that related to scramble method in teaching english to students writing
ability. Qualitative textual data will be needed such as journal, research, article, or

1.8 Research Methodology

1.8.1 Research Design
This research using qualitative research design, qualitatively means
rejecting the idea of a research design as a single document which is an entire
advance blueprint for a piece of research. It also means rejecting the idea of a
priori strategic and design decisions, or that such decisions can and should be
made only at the beginning of the research process (Mason, 2002).

Related to the title and research design, This research use library research
as a kind of research design. According to Zeid (2004) ”Library research is a
research used library sources to get the data”. Data can reach easily without any
limited space and time. Data will be collecting and analysis based on theory of
qualitative research procedure. Researcher will more emphasis on the power of
sources analysis and existing data by relying on theories and concepts.
1.8.2 Research Instrument
This research use document analysis as an instrument. This instrument
required researcher to get the result from collected document based on the type of
data procedure analysis. Document analysis is social research method and is an
important research tools in its own right, and is an valuable part of most schemes
of triangulation, the combination of methodologies in the study of the same
phenomenon (Bowen, 2009)
1.8.3 Data Collection Procedure
The process of data collection is directly related to sampling and its best
viewed as complementary to it (Lopez & Whitehead, 2012). In this research, data
obtained by colleting book, journal, article or related research about scramble
method to improve students writing skill.
1.8.4 Data Analysis Procedure
In qualitative research, data are analyzed following data collection
(Harding & White head, 2012). In this study, after the data is collected its will be
analyze to get conclusion, forms in technique data analysis as follows :
 Descriptive analysis method, is an activity to collect and compile
the data as the first step to researcher do and analysis to all of data
 Content analysis, According to Weber content analysis is
methodology that utilizes a set of procedures for draw a good
conclusion from a documents. This study analysis and compare one
book with another book in some theory
1.9 Time and Place of the Research
Research will be held when researcher has an got any source about related

Afrizal, M. (2016) Improving Students’ Writing Skill By Using Scramble
Sentence Method. Jurnal Pendidikan Almuslim, Vol. IV No.2
Andini, R. M., Nadrun, Budi (2014) The Effect Of Scrambled Sentences
Technique In Improving Writing Skill. e-journal of English Language Teaching
Society |(ELTS)
Bowen, Gleen (2009) Document Analysis as a qualitative research
method. Western Carolina University.
Broughton, G., Brumfit, C., Fravell, L., Hill, P., Pincas, A., (2003)
Teaching English as Foreign Language. London, University of London Institute
of Education : Raudledge
Harding, S. Thomas., & Whitehead, D. (2013) Analysing data in
qualitative research. University of Canterburry and Flinders University
Kurniawan, B.A. (2016) The Effectiveness Of Scramble Method In
Teaching Writing Procedure Text To The Seventh Grade Students At Smp
Muhammadiyah 1 Purworejo In The Academic Year 2015/2016. Purworejo
Muhammadiyah University.
Lopez, V., & Whitehead, D. (2012) Sampling data and data collection in
qualitative research. Australia national University and Flinders University.
Mason, Jennifer (2002) Qualitative Researching, Second edition. London,
Thousand Oaks, New Delhi : Sage Publitions
Yunita, Ria (2017) Improving Students’ Writing Ability In Narrative Text
By Using Scrambled Pictures At Eight Grade Students Of Smp Pgri 2
Karangmalang Sragen In The Academic Year 2015/2016. The State Islamic
Institut Of Surakarta.

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