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ELSEVIER Desalination 162 (2004) 279-286

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Membrane filtration of Mozzarella whey

Attila Rektor*, Gyula Vatai
Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Food Science, Szent Istvan University,
H-1118 Menesi Street 44, Budapest, Hungary
Tel. +36 (1) 372-6232; Fax +36 (1) 372-6323; email:

Received 17 July 2003; accepted 15 August 2003

Whey is a by-product of cheese production which is used mainly as animal feed or released into the wastewater
treatment process, although it is rich in valuable components. Recent developments in membrane filtration have
provided exciting new opportunities for large-scale protein and lactose fractionation. The aim of this research was to
develop a complex membrane filtration technology for whey processing. The microfiltration and ultrafiltration
processes were carried out with pilot-scale equipment. For these filtration procedures three modules-- hollow-fibre,
ceramic and spiral wound-- were used. The permeates from micro- and ultrafittmtion (MF and UF), and the original
whey sample were filtered on nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) equipment. After the measurements new
methods for using whey were proposed. With this complex method cheese production can be redesigned to a more
environmentally friendly and efficient process. All membrane filtration methods were used to find the potential
applications of membrane systems for whey recycling and utilization.

Keywords: Whey; Microfiltration; Sterilization; Ultrafiltration; Nanofiltration; Reverse osmosis

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n permeate compared to the microbiological con-

dition of the whey [4,5]. The process also resulted
Whey processing represents one of the first
in defatting of the whey and can be considered as
fields of application of membrane processes in
a gentle sterilization method [6,7].
the dairy industry [1,2]. Microfiltration (MF) has
The dairy industry has been one of the
been used to reduce the total number of lactic
pioneers in the development of ultrafiltration
acid bacteria [3] and other microorganisms in the
(UF) equipment and techniques based on the
experience gained from its application in the
*Corresponding author. dairy field. UF has two possible applications in

Presented at the PERMEA 2003, Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrad Countries (Czech Republic,
Hungary, Poland and SIovakia), September 7-11, 2003, Tatranskd Matliare, Slovakia.
0011-9164/04/$- See front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
PII: s0011-9164(04)00052-9
280 A. Rektor, G. Vatai / Desalination 162 (2004) 279-286

the cheese industry: to fractionate the proteins Table 1

from whey and to make cheese from ultrafiltered Ingredients of the mozzarellawhey
milk [8-10]. Whey protein concentrates, which
are obtained by whey UF, are available in a great Component %
variety concerning the protein content and Water content -94
functional properties. Another aspect which must TS content: 5.87
not be neglected is the utilization of the by- Fat 0.79
product resulting from the permeate of UF. In Protein 0.72
this case new technologies have also been Lactose 3.90
developed [nanofiltration (NF), reverse osmosis Salts 0.46
(RO)] for lactose, which can be used in the
sweets industry or for fermentation procedures
[11-13]. university directly from the dairy (Sapori
The most prevalent and economical process d'Italia). The MF and UF processes were carried
for demineralization of evaporated (EV) whey is out on pilot-scale equipment built by Hidrofilt.
electrodialysis (ED) [14]. NF is an alternative for For the filtration procedure three modules - -
the concentration and demineralization of whey hollow-fibre (MF), ceramic multi-tube (MF) and
by EV+ED [15]. NF can be used for concentra- spiral wound (UF) - - module were used
tion of the permeate which penetrates the mem- (Table 2).
brane during UF of milk or whey and which The procedure was as follows: 40 L of whey
consists mainly of lactose in the same concen- sample was fed into the tank of the pilot plant.
tration as in the water phase of the original fluid. The circulation pump was started, and the
UF permeate has a biological oxygen demand of temperature was adjusted. Then the appropriate
30,000-45,000 mg O2/L; therefore, it cannot be pressure value and the recirculation flow rate
directly disposed as waste water into sewage [ 16]. were fixed. During the process, the permeate flux
One of the important problems in the dairy was measured with a rotameter.
industry is the high COD value (60,000 mg/L) of The microbial measurements took place in a
the milk whey. RO can be used to concentrate the sterile laboratory. MRS and YEPD media were
milk whey [17,18]. used, and a dilution rate of 100-109 from the
In this research complex membrane filtration permeate was made. From the diluted samples
methods (MF, UF, NF and RO) were developed 0.1 ml dispelled on the sterile medium. Colony
for whey processing [19,20]. The whey is rich in forming units were counted after 48 h of incuba-
valuable components, but unfortunately it is tion at 37°C.
mainly used as a feedstock, or is just fed into the NF was carried out on YPROLAB 2 type
canal. This can be avoided by using a complex laboratory equipment (Millipore). The original
method, and cheese production can be redesigned whey and the permeates of the MF and UF were
as a more environmentally friendly and wasteless concentrated by this equipment. During this
process. process a spiral-wound module was used. Table 3
shows the characteristics of the module.
The RO concentration of the whey and the
2. Materials and methods
permeates was carried out on DDS Minilab 20
laboratory equipment. One plate-and-frame
The examined material was mozzarella whey HR-30 membrane module was used for the
(Table 1) transported to the laboratory of the experiments (Table 4), and the operation
A. Rektor, G. Vatai / Desalination I62 (2004) 279-286 281

Table 2
Characteristics of the modules

Modules Manufacturer Maximum Pore size or Module

pressure, bar NMW cut-off area, m 2

Hollow fibre Microdyn 2 0.2 gm 0.75

Ceramic multi-tube Microdyn 8 0.1 gm 0.2
Spiral wound Hoechst 8 100 kDa 1.5

Table 3 Table 5
Nanofiltration module characteristics Concentration of the components/ceramic multi-robe

Module R75A Fat, % Protein, % Lactose, %

Manufacturer Millipore
Max. pressure, bar 35 Whey 0.79 0.72 3.90
NMW cut-off, Da 400 MF-permeate 0.01 0.24 3.14
Area, m 2 0.3
Using the Kjeldal method for protein deter-
Table 4 mination, the results were unexpected concerning
Characteristics of the applied RO membranes the protein content. The membrane retentioned
- 6 7 % of proteins. The microfilter had to let
Type of membrane HR-30 through all the protein because, according to the
Manufacturer Dow scientific literature, the largest casein micelles are
Material Polyamide smaller than the pore size. These results can be
Salt retention, % 99.5 explained as whey contains more small size whey
proteins than larger molecule size casein micelles.
During protein analysis, we examined the
parameters were 30°C and 40 bar, and the quantity of the substances that contain nitrogen,
recirculation flow rate 400 1/h. and between these substances about 30% NPN
can be found. The retention can also be explained
by the gel layer that developed on the membrane
3. Results and discussion The change can be seen in the case of lactose
3.1. Microfiltration as well, but the retention was not as much as in
the case of proteins. During filtration, the loss of
Table 5 shows the difference of composition lactose was only 19.5%.
between the original whey and the MF-permeate.
The retention of fat content was 98.7%, so the
3.2. Microbiological experiments
filtration was successful concerning the separa-
tion of fat. The reason for this large-scale Microbiological experiments were carried out
retention was the small pore size (0.2 gm) & t h e to determine if the MF procedure is efficient
membrane because, according to the scientific (based on a literature survey) for sterilization.
literature, the sizes o f the fat-balls are between Two different media were used: MRS-agar and
0.1 and 20 gin [20]. YEPD.
282 A. Rektor, G. Vatai / DesalinatT"on 162 (2004) 279-286

Fig. 1. Microbiological results.

3. 2.1. Results for MRS agar Table 6

The medium was used to determine the cell Concentration of the components
number of Lactobacillaceae. The initial cell
Fat, % Protein, % Lactose° %
number was determined by 104 and 105 dilution
rates. The dilution rate o f 10 4 gave a more exact Whey 0.79 0.72 3.90
value; therefore, the colony forming unit was UF-permeate 0.00 0.18 2.31
counted at this rate. The result was 1.39x
107 efu/cm3.
Three samples were collected from the pressure and recirculation flow rate. Table 6
permeate: one sample at the beginning o f the shows the difference o f composition between the
filtration procedure; the second in the middle and original whey and the MF-permeate.
the third one at the very end o f MF. The results UF completely retained the fat. The protein
showed that there were no Lactobacillaceae in retention o f the membrane was also high - - 75%
the permeate. The conclusion was that the - - as in case o f the MF membrane; the
membrane retention for LB was 100%. explanation should be similar. The membrane
retained about 40% of the lactose, which was due
3. 2.2. Results for YEPD-agar to the gel polarization layer.
Further microbiological experiments were Summarizing the results o f UF, the separation
carried out on the YEPD medium. This medium of proteins and lactose was not so efficient. I f the
is proper for all microorganisms; all types are whey is microfiltered in the first step, then
able to grow on its surface. The procedure was separation and the sterilization can be carried out
the same: three samples were collected, but no in one step.
colony units appeared. As a result, we can state Before the concentration o f whey, experi-
that the membrane retained all the micro- ments were carried out to determine the influence
organisms. o f the operation parameters on the permeate flux
Based on the microbiological results we can o f water and whey (as can be seen in Fig. 2) as a
state that MF is efficient in whey sterilization. function of transmembrane pressure and recycle
flow rate.
With a pressure increase, permeate flux
3.2. Ultrafi ltration
increased as well. Therefore, it is recommended
The experiments were carried out at constant to determine the maximum values o f the curves
operating conditions conceming the temperature, and carry out the concentration at this pressure
A. Rektor, G. Vatai /Desalination 162 (2004) 279-286 283
ss: ..................................................................................... q

~ 60
_~ 7 0

S 0

........... ~ ......................... e .....................

30 '°"

lS . . . . . . .

0 ~ o 2 4 6 8 lo 12 ]4 16 I~
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 T i m e [nfm]
Transmembrane pressure [bar]

Fig. 2. Effect of recycle flow rate on permeate flux in Fig. 3. Permeate flux of whey in a function of time on the
whey microfiltration on a ceramic multi-tube module. hollow-fibre module.
x~UF pc*nn.,3(I bar l~S0"C m4tl"C A30;C I
s0 AMF l~in., 30 bar 60
u MF perm., 25 bar
e Whey 30 bar
so 50


20 , ,_.__._._._ 2O


2 3 4 5 6 7 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 4. Examination of the concentrationof permeatesand Fig. 5. Effect of temperature on concentration of MF

whey samples on R75A membrane permeate on the R75A membrane.

value. As the recirculation flow rate also had a were examined on a RA 75 Millipore NF
great influence on the permeate flux, concen- membrane considering the permeate flux, and the
tration was carried out at the highest flow rate lactose and salt content o f the permeate and
(3000 L/h) and pressure (2 bar). The results o f the retentate.
concentration are shown in Fig. 3. The operating parameters were constant
The permeate flux decreased with time, which during the procedure: the transmembrane pres-
was due to the higher concentration o f the sure was 30 bar, the recirculation flow rate was
retentate. This decline decreased until no change 200 L/h and the operating temperature 40°C.
occurred at 23 L/mZh. At the beginning of the Fig. 4 shows the results where the flux o f
procedure the flux was higher, but by the time a permeates and whey can be seen in a function of
gel layer was formed on the surface of the volume concentration reduction (VCR).
membrane, there was a steady-state flux o f the The measurements at constant operating con-
permeate. ditions show the differences o f the filtration
characteristics in the case o f different samples.
The highest flux was determined in the UF
3. 3. N a n o f i l t r a t i o n
permeate and the lowest in the original whey
The permeates from MF and UF and the sample. The UF permeate contained less protein
original whey sample were filtered on Millipore and lactose and had no fat content. NF showed
NF equipment. The effect o f operating conditions the same gel layer formation on the membrane
284 A. Rektor, G. Vatai / Desalination 162 (2004) 279-286

surface and the flux curves followed the decreas-

ing trend as in the UF procedure.
The concentration of the MF samples was also
carried out at transmembrane pressure of 25 bar.
At the beginning of the concentration, the flux
increased with the pressure, but with time, as the
VCR increased, the flux values decreased and at
a concentration rate of 5-6, the transmembrane
pressure had no more influence on permeate flux. 1 1,5 2 ~-"

Therefore, the higher the VCR is, the lower the VCR
effect on the flux. The determination of this VCR Fig. 6. Whey and permeate fluxes as a function of VCR
value is important due to energy utilization which in reverse osmosis concentration process.
can be decreased and the lifetime of the pumps
increased. There was less change in the permeate flux
The concentration of MF permeates was during the concentration of the NF (MF) sample.
carried out at three different temperatures to The flux was nearly the same at the beginning of
obtain the optimal temperature value for concen- the concentration, even at a VCR of 2. During
tration and to examine the role of temperature this procedure, no polarization gel layer was
during the filtration procedure. The experiment formed as the sample contained no fat or protein
took place at the same transmembrane pressure of and lactose content was low as well. The
30 bar and a recirculation flow rate of 200 L/h. differences with VCR increase in the permeate
The effect of temperature is shown in Fig. 5. The flux can be observed better in the samples from
higher the temperature, the higher the permeate UF and MF. Surprisingly, at the same VCR the
flux. differences in flux of the whey and MF permeate
Transmembrane pressure had the same effect. were lower than in the case of MF and UF
Both parameters resulted in permeate flux, but in permeates.
the case of temperature, as the VCR increased, In conclusion, during the RO process, the fat
the differences in permeate fluxes decreased. As content had a lower influence on the flux decline
a result of the experiment, one can state that than the protein and lactose content. Conse-
higher VCRtemperatures should be decreased to quently, fat globules had a lower influence on
spare energy. membrane fouling than the smaller components.
In summary, we can say that the NF procedure
is to be done at higher temperatures, but this can
be affected by the heat resistance of the samples. 4. Conclusions
Energy consumption has to be taken into con-
sideration when choosing the maximum recom- On the basis of laboratory and pilot plant
mended temperature of the membrane. membrane filtration experiments with mozzarella
whey, three alternative treatment lines can be
proposed. The alternatives differ in the separation
3. 4. Reverse osmosis
efficiency of the valuable whey components and
The effect of the pre-treatment of the samples complexity of the proposed treatment technology.
on the permeate flux was examined during the The alternatives are shown in Fig. 7.
RO concentration process. Fig. 6 shows the whey In all alternatives, the first step is defatting
and permeate fluxes as a function of VCR. and sterilisation of the whey by MF. The
A. Rektor, G. Vatai / Desalination 162 (2004) 279-286 285

Who ~

I. line 2. line 3. line

i,,~ ~ ~',~
~ e~ 'L

('i i i i:;g~ ~:' !

' i

Fig. 7. Alternatives of whey recycling. ~:~-"J

separated fat can be pasteurised by conventional This concentrate can be recycled in the line o f
techniques and used as raw material for butter cheese making so the economical efficiency
production. should be improved. The end filtrate has small
Line 1: NF is used for the concentration o f the COD and BOI values so it can be discharged
microfiltered whey. The produced concentrate is directly to sewers or used for irrigation.
a perfect raw material for ice-cream production.
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