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Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta

The Malta Government Gazette
It-Tnejn, 10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 Pubblikata b’Awtorità
Monday, 10th August, 2020 Published by Authority


Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern.............................................................................................. 6841 - 6851

Government Notices.......................................................................................................... 6841 - 6851

Avviżi tal-Qorti................................................................................................................. 6852

Court Notices.................................................................................................................... 6852
L-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 6841


Nru. 921 No. 921



Għotja ta’ Rifużjoni fuq id-Depożitu Mħallas Refund Grant on the Deposit Paid
għall-Posponiment ta’ Tiġijiet/Ċerimonji for Postponement of Weddings/Civil
ta’ Unjonijiet Ċivili Union Ceremonies

BĦALA parti mill-Pjan ta’ Rkupru Ekonomiku tal-Gvern AS part of the Government Economic Recovery Plan in
sabiex jittaffew id-diffikultajiet bla preċedent li xi koppji order to alleviate the unprecedented difficulties which some
kellhom jiffaċċjaw, minħabba l-imxija tal-COVID-19, il- couples were faced with due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the
Ministru għall-Finanzi u s-Servizzi Finanzjarji nieda l-iskema Minister for Finance and Financial Services has made the
li ġejja, fejn il-koppji li kellhom jipposponu t-tieġ tagħhom following scheme, whereby couples who had to postpone
minħabba l-interruzzjonijiet ikkawżati minn COVID-19 their wedding due to the disruptions caused by COVID-19
jingħataw rimborż għad-depożiti mitlufa tagħhom. will get reimbursed for their forfeited deposits.

1. Tifsir 1. Interpretation

F’din l-iskema, sakemm ir-rabta tal-kliem ma teħtieġx In this scheme, unless the context otherwise requires:
xorta oħra:

‘applikanti eliġibbli’ tfisser: ‘eligible applicants’ means:

a) koppja li żżewġu jew daħlu f’unjoni ċivili mhux aktar a) a couple who got married or entered a civil union not
tard mill-31 ta’ Diċembru, 2021, skont id-dispożizzjonijiet later than 31st December, 2021, in terms of the relative
relattivi tal-Kodiċi Ċivili (Kap. 16); provisions of the Civil Code (Cap. 16);

b) u li ċ-ċerimonja taż-żwieġ/unjoni ċivili tagħhom kellha b) whose wedding/ civil union ceremony was originally
oriġinarjament issir bejn it-8 ta’ Marzu, 2020, u t-30 ta’ due to be held between 8th March, 2020, and 30th September,
Settembru, 2020, u kellha tiġi posposta minħabba l-imxija tal- 2020, and had to be postponed due to COVID-19 outbreak,
COVID-19, kif ippruvat mid-dokumentazzjoni sottomessa; as proven by the submitted documentation;

c) minħabba l-posponiment taċ-ċerimonja taż-żwieġ/ c) due to postponement of their wedding/civil union

unjoni ċivili tagħhom tilfu d-depożitu li ħallsu fuq oġġetti ceremony they had to forfeit the deposit paid on goods and
u servizzi relatati mat-tieġ/ċerimonja tal-unjoni ċivili services relating to their wedding/civil union ceremony as
tagħhom, kif ippruvat mid-dokumentazzjoni. proven by the documentation.

‘applikazzjoni’ tfisser l-applikazzjoni li ssir għall-għotja ‘application’ means an application made for a grant under
taħt din l-iskema; this scheme;

‘data effettiva’ tfisser it-8 ta’ Marzu, 2020; ‘effective date’ means 8th March, 2020;

‘Malta’ tfisser il-Gżejjer Maltin; ‘Malta’ means the islands of Malta;

‘Stat Membru’ tfisser Stat Membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea; ‘Member State’ means a Member State of the European

‘Unjoni Ewropea’ għandha l-istess tifsira mogħtija lilha ‘European Union’ has the same meaning as is assigned
fl-artikolu 2 tal-Att dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea (Kap. 460), u to it by article 2 of the European Union Act (Cap. 460), and
tinkludi n-Norveġja, l-Iżlanda u Liechtenstein; includes Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein;

“depożitu mitluf” tfisser depożitu mħallas lil fornituri ‘forfeited deposit’ means deposit paid to supplier/ service
ta’ oġġetti u servizzi għall-provvista ta’ oġġetti u servizzi provider for the supply of goods and services relating
6842 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,458 

relatati ma’ ċerimonja taż-żwieġ/unjoni ċivili, liema depożitu to a marriage/civil union ceremony, which deposit was
ġie miżmum mill-fornitur, wara l-posponiment taż-żwieġ/ charged by the supplier/ service provider, subsequent to the
ċerimonja tal-unjoni ċivili minħabba restrizzjonijiet relatati postponement of the marriage/civil union ceremony due to
mal-imxija tal-COVID-19. COVID-19 restrictions.

‘oġġetti u servizzi relatati mal-posponiment ta’ tiġijiet/ ‘goods and services relating to the postponement of
ċerimonji ta’ unjoni ċivili’ tfisser dawk l-oġġetti u servizzi weddings/civil union ceremonies’ means the goods and
msemmija fl-Ewwel Skeda li tinsab ma’ din l-iskema; services specified in the First Schedule to this scheme;

‘persuna residenti f’Malta’ tfisser persuna fiżika li jkollha ‘person residing in Malta’ means a natural person who
dokument ta’ identifikazzjoni legalment maħruġ skont l-Att either holds a legally valid identification document issued
dwar il-Karta tal-Identità u Dokumenti oħra tal-Identità in terms of the Identity Card and other Documents Act
(Kap. 258) jew li jkollha permess ta’ residenza jew dokument (Cap. 258) or who has a residence permit or equivalent
ekwivalenti maħruġ minn awtorità nazzjonali kompetenti; documentation issued by the national competent authority;

‘riċevuta fiskali’ tfisser irċevuta kif imfissra fit-Tlettax-il ‘fiscal receipt’ means a receipt as defined in the
Skeda tal-Att dwar it-Taxxa fuq il-Valur Miżjud (Kap. 406), Thirteenth Schedule to the Value Added Tax Act (Cap. 406),
kif sussegwentament emendat, u tinkludi kull regolament as subsequently amended, and also includes any regulation
magħmul taħt l-istess Att; made under the same Act;

‘ċerimonja taż-żwieġ/unjoni ċivili’ tfisser ċerimonja fejn ‘marriage/civil union ceremony’ means a ceremony where
żewġ persuni huma magħquda fiż-żwieġ/f’unjoni ċivili skont two people are united in marriage/a civil union in terms of
id-dispożizzjonijiet relattivi tal-Kodiċi Ċivili (Kap 16). the relative provisions of the Civil Code (Cap. 16).

2. Applikabilità 2. Area of applicability

a) Din l-iskema tapplika għan-nefqa mġarrba mill- a) This scheme applies to expenditure incurred by eligible
applikanti eliġibbli fuq id-depożitu mitluf imħallas għall- applicants due to forfeited deposit paid for the supply of
provvista ta’ oġġetti u servizzi relatati maċ-ċerimonja taż- goods and services relating to their marriage/civil union
żwieġ/unjoni ċivili tagħhom, li kellha tiġi posposta minħabba ceremony, which had to be postponed due to COVID-19
restrizzjonijiet relatati mal-imxija tal-COVID-19. restrictions.

b) Iċ-ċerimonja posposta taż-żwieġ/unjoni ċivili b) The postponed marriage/civil union ceremony was
sussegwentement saret mhux aktar tard mill-31 ta’ subsequently held not later than 31st December, 2021,
Diċembru, 2021, liema funzjoni ssir f’Malta u fejn, fid-data which function is performed in Malta and where, on the date
taż-żwieġ/unjoni ċivili, mill-inqas wieħed mill-applikanti of marriage/civil union, at least one of the applicants is a
huwa persuna residenti f’Malta. person residing in Malta.

3. Infiq li għandu jiġi rapportat 3. Expenditure to be reported

In-nefqa li għandha tiġi rappurtata hija fir-rigward tad- The expenditure to be reported is in respect to the deposit
depożitu mħallas u mitluf minħabba posponiment taż-żwieġ/ paid and forfeited due to wedding/civil union postponement
unjoni ċivili għall-provvista ta’ oġġetti u servizzi indikati fl- for the supply of goods and services indicated in the First
Ewwel Skeda li tinsab ma’ din l-iskema. Schedule to this scheme.

4. Kif wieħed japplika u dokumenti li għandhom jiġu 4. Manner of application and supporting documents

Applikazzjonijiet taħt din l-iskema għandhom isiru biss Applications under this scheme shall be made only via
permezz ta’ portal/s elettroniku/ċi uffiċjali li jistgħu jiġu the official electronic portal/s which may be indicated from
indikati għal dan l-iskop minn żmien għal żmien. time to time for this purpose.

Għal dan il-għan, l-applikant għandu jipprovdi d-dettalji For this purpose, the applicant shall furnish the details
tal-irċevuta tad-depożitu mħallas u d-dettalji tal-irċevuta of the receipt of the deposit paid and details of the final
fiskali finali tal-oġġetti u s-servizz provdut għaċ-ċerimonja fiscal receipt of goods and service provided, for the actual
tat-tieġ/unjoni ċivili sussegwentement miżmuma, u kull wedding/civil union ceremony subsequently held and any
L-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 6843

dokumentazzjoni oħra meħtieġa hekk kif meħtieġ fuq il- further documentation required to be submitted as required
portal indikat. on the indicated portal.

Iżda d-dokumentazzjoni elenkata hawn taħt għandha Provided that the below listed documentation are kept by
tinżamm mill-applikant għal perjodu ta’ mhux inqas minn the applicant for a period of not less than two years from the
sentejn mid-data tal-applikazzjoni u ppreżentata lill-Uffiċċju date of application and produced upon request to the Office
tal-Kummissarju tat-Taxxi meta mitluba għal skop ta’ verifika: of the Commissioner for Revenue for verification purposes:

(a) kopja tal-fatturi oriġinali u l-irċevuta tad-depożitu a) copy of the original invoices and the receipt of the
mħallas; deposit paid;

(b) kopja tal-irċevuta fiskali finali ta’ oġġetti u servizz b) copy of final fiscal receipt of goods and service provided,
provduti, għaċ-ċerimonja tat-tieġ/unjoni ċivili sussegwentement for the actual wedding/civil union ceremony subsequently
miżmuma; held;

(c) fejn applikabbli, kopja tal-kuntratti oriġinali flimkien c) where applicable, a copy of the original contracts and
ma’ emendi; subsequent amendments;

(d) dikjarazzjoni tal-bejjiegħ/fornitur tas-servizz li żamm d) declaration of the vendor/service provider that he kept
id-depożitu oriġinali. original deposit.

F’każ fejn d-dokumenti ma jiġux preżentati meta mitluba Failure to produce any such documents upon request, the
l-applikant ikun obbligat li jirrifondi l-ammont li jkun applicant will be obliged to refund the amount paid under the
ingħata taħt l-iskema u f’każ ta’ applikazzjoni frawdolenti scheme and in the case of a fraudulent application criminal
tittieħed azzjoni kriminali kontrih skont il-Kodiċi Kriminali action in terms of the Criminal Code (Cap 9) will be taken
(Kap 9). against him.

Ikunu jikkwalifikaw biss għall-għotja msemmija fis- Only those applications that are found to conform to the
sezzjoni 5 ta’ din l-iskema dawk l-applikazzjonijiet li jkunu provisions of this Scheme shall be eligible for payment of
jikkonformaw mad-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ din l-iskema. the grant referred to in section 5 of this scheme.

Applikazzjonijiet taħt din l-iskema, inklużi d-dettalji Applications under this scheme, including the details of
tad-dokumenti meħtieġa, għandhom isiru sa mhux aktar documents required, should be submitted by not later than
tard minn sitt xhur (180 ġurnata) mid-data taż-żwieġ/taċ- six months (180 days) from the date of the marriage/civil
ċerimonja tal-unjoni ċivili. Applikazzjonijiet milqugħa union ceremony. Applications received ‘late’, that is after the
‘tard’, jiġifieri wara dawn is-sitt xhur, jiġu kkunsidrati bħala six-month period, shall be deemed to be invalid applications.
applikazzjonijiet invalidi.

5. Għotja li titħallas taħt din l-iskema 5. Grant payable under the Scheme

Applikanti li huma eliġibbli jistgħu japplikaw għal Eligible applicants may apply for a once-only grant of a
għotja ta’ darba biss ta’ massimu ta’ €2,000 fuq ir-rifużjoni maximum of €2,000 reimbursing forfeited deposit paid due
ta’ depożitu mħallas u mitluf, minħabba l-posponiment ta’ to postponement of wedding/civil union ceremony due to the
żwieġ/ċerimonja tal-unjoni ċivili minħabba l-imxija tal- COVID-19 outbreak.

6. Ħlas tal-għotja 6. Payment of grant

L-għotja tiġi kkreditata fil-kont tal-bank kif indikat mill- The grant will be credited to the bank account indicated
applikant fl-applikazzjoni. by the applicant in the application.

7.Validità tal-applikazzjoni 7.Validity of application

Applikazzjoni ma tkunx meqjusa valida jekk: An application shall not be deemed to be valid unless:

(a) ma tkunx sħiħa u dettaljata f’kull aspett materjali tagħha; (a) it is full and complete in all material aspects;
6844 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,458 

(b) ma jkollhiex mehmuż magħha d-dokumentazzjoni (b) it is accompanied by all the relevant documentation or
jew dettalji kollha rilevanti; details as required;

(c) ma tkunx ipprovduta lill-Uffiċċju tal-Kummissarju (c) is furnished to the Office of the Commissioner for
tat-Taxxi fi żmien sitt xhur mid-data tat-tieġ/taċ-ċerimonja Revenue by not later than six months from the date of the
tal-unjoni ċivili kif stipulat f’Sezzjoni 4 ta’ din l-iskema. wedding/civil union ceremony as is stipulated in Section 4
of this scheme.

8. Tul tal-iskema 8. Duration of the scheme

Din l-iskema tibqa’ fis-seħħ għal tul definit li jibda mid- This scheme shall remain in force for a definite duration
data effettiva u jintemm ladarba l-allokazzjoni ta’ €2 miljun that will commence from the effective date and end once
tkun eżawrita, sakemm din l-iskema ma tkunx immodifikata/ the allocation of €2 million is exhausted, unless this scheme
mitmuma permezz ta’ Avviż fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern. is not modified/terminated by means of a Notice in the
Government Gazette.

9. Emendi għall-iskema 9. Amendments to the scheme

Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi u s-Servizzi Finanzjarji iżomm The Minister for Finance and Financial Services reserves
id-dritt li jagħmel kull tibdil f’din l-iskema bil-pubblikazzjoni the right to make any amendments to this scheme by the
ta’ dan it-tibdil fil-Gazetta tal-Gvern. publication of the said amendments in the Government

10. Dispożizzjonijet Tranżitorji 10. Transitory Provisions

Applikazzjonijiet taħt din l-iskema għall-infiq fuq Applications made under this scheme relating to the
provvisti ta’ oġġetti u servizzi li jsiru minn applikanti expenditure incurred by eligible applicants, on the deposit
eliġibbli fuq oġġetti u servizzi relatati mat-tieġ/ċerimonja of supply of goods and services relating to their wedding/
ta’ unjoni ċivili liema funzjoni ssir f’Malta bejn id-data civil union ceremony, which original function was due
effettiva u d-data tal-pubblikazzjoni ta’ din in-Notifikazzjoni, to be performed between the effective date and the date
għandhom jitqiesu bħala applikazzjonijiet validi taħt din of publication of this Notice, shall be deemed to be valid
l-iskema. applications under this scheme.


Kategoriji ta’ servizzi u oġġetti relatati ma’ tiġijiet/ Categories of supplies of goods and services connected
ċerimonji ta’ unjoni ċivili. with weddings/civil union ceremonies.

Klawsola 3 Clause 3

1. Hairdresser – Beautician – Make-up artist 1. Hairdresser – Beautician – Make-up artist.

2. Ilbiesi tal-għarusa/partner inklużi tal-bridesmaids/ 2. Bridal/Partner wear including bridesmaids/pageboys.


3. Kiri ta’ ħwejjeġ: tal-għarus/partner, xhieda, bestman, 3. Hire of suits: bridegroom/partner, witnesses, best man,
ushers, eċċ. ushers, etc.

4. Karozza tal-għarusa/partner u karozzi oħra tal-kiri bix- 4. Bridal/Partner car and other chauffeur hired cars.

5. Fjuri u rranġar ta’ fjuri. 5. Flowers and floral arrangements.

6. Servizzi awdjoviżivi: video-audio recordings - 6. Audio visual services: video - audio recordings -
fotografija. photography.
L-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 6845

7. Servizzi ta’ kant/kor/mużiċisti fiċ-ċerimonja taż-żwieġ/ 7. Services of singer/choir/musicians at wedding /civil

fiċ-ċerimonja tal-unjoni ċivili. union ceremony.

8. Servizzi ta’ kantanti/mużiċisti/bands/disco fit-tieġ/fiċ- 8. Services of singers/musicians/bands disco at wedding/

ċerimonja tal-unjoni ċivili. civil union reception.

9. Kiri tal-post fejn isir it-tieġ/ċerimonja tal-unjoni ċivili. 9. Hire of wedding/civil union reception venue.

10. Catering, xorb u servizzi ta’ waiters inkonnessjoni 10. Catering, beverages and waiter services at wedding/
mat-tieġ/maċ-ċerimonja tal-unjoni ċivili. civil union reception.

11. Servizzi ta’ event organiser. 11. Services of an event organiser.

12. Spejjeż oħra – souvenirs, inviti, eċċ. 12. Other expenses – souvenirs, invites, etc.

L-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 10th August, 2020

Nru. 922 No. 922



L-Ordni dwar il-Perjodu ta’ Kwarantina, 2020 Period of Quarantine Order, 2020

IS-SUPRETENDENT tas-Saħħa Pubblika tgħarraf li skont THE Superintendent of Public Health notifies that in
l-artikolu 2 (1) tal-Ordni dwar il-Perjodu ta’ Kwarantina, accordance with article 2 (1) of the Period of Quarantine
2020, il-kwarantina tal-persuni li jivvjaġġaw minn Laurence Order, 2020, the quarantine of the persons travelling from
G Hanscom Field Airport, Boston, l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika Laurence G Hanscom Field Airport, Boston, United States
b’konnessjoni minn Shannon, l-Irlanda fit-2 ta’ Awwissu, of America with connecting flight from Shannon, Ireland
2020, bil-wasla f’Malta skedata għan-12.30hrs u li jitilqu minn on the 2nd August, 2020, with scheduled arrival in Malta at
Malta għal Bratislava, is-Slovakkja fl-4 ta’ Awwissu, 2020, bit- 12.30hrs and departing from Malta to Bratislava, Slovakia on
tluq skedat minn Malta fl-10.00hrs u l-persuni li jivvjaġġaw the 4th August, 2020, with scheduled departure from Malta
minn Bratislava, is-Slovakkja fl-4 ta’ Awwissu, 2020, bil- at 10.00hrs and persons travelling from Bratislava, Slovakia
wasla skedata f’Malta fid-20.50hrs bit-tluq skedat minn on the 4th August, 2020, with scheduled arrival in Malta at
Malta għal Boston fl-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika b’konnessjon 20.50hrs and departing from Malta to Boston United States
minn Shannon, l-Irlanda fis-7 ta’ Awwissu, 2020, bit-tluq of America with connecting flight from Shannon, Ireland on
minn Malta skedat għad-9.00hrs għandhom ikunu suġġetti the 7th August, 2020, with scheduled departure from Malta
għal dawk il-kundizzjonijiet ta’ kwarantina kif komunikati at 9.00hrs shall be subject to those conditions of quarantine
lilhom mis-Supretendent. as communicated to them by the Superintendent.

L-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 10th August, 2020

Nru. 923 No. 923



L-Ordni dwar il-Perjodu ta’ Kwarantina, 2020 Period of Quarantine Order, 2020

IS-SUPRETENDENT tas-Saħħa Pubblika tgħarraf li skont THE Superintendent of Public Health notifies that in
l-artikolu 2 (1) tal-Ordni dwar il-Perjodu ta’ Kwarantina, 2020, accordance with article 2 (1) of the Period of Quarantine
il-kwarantina tal-persuni li jivvjaġġaw minn Los Angeles Order, 2020, the quarantine of the persons travelling
International Airport, l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika b’konnessjoni from Los Angeles International Airport, United States of
mill-ajruport ta’ Heathrow, ir-Renju Unit bil-wasla f’Malta America with connecting flight from Heathrow Airport,
skedata fid-9 ta’ Awwissu, 2020, għat-15.05hrs u li jitilqu United Kingdom with scheduled arrival in Malta on the 9th
minn Malta għal Los Angeles International Airport, l-Istati August, 2020, at 15.05hrs and departing from Malta to Los
6846 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,458 

Uniti tal-Amerika b’konnessjoni mill-ajruport ta’ Heathrow, Angeles International Airport, United States of America with
ir-Renju Unit fis-16 ta’ Settembru, 2020, bit-tluq skedat connecting flight from Heathrow Airport, United Kingdom
minn Malta fis-7.15hrs għandhom ikunu suġġetti għal dawk on the 16th September, 2020, with scheduled departure
il-kundizzjonijiet ta’ kwarantina kif komunikati lilhom mis- from Malta at 7.15hrs shall be subject to those conditions of
Supretendent. quarantine as communicated to them by the Superintendent.

L-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 10th August, 2020

Nru. 924 No. 924


(KAP. 549) (CAP. 549)

Artiklu 69 tal-Att Dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Ambjent Article 69 of the Environment Protection Act

Ordni ta’ Emerġenza għall-Konservazzjoni tal-Bejta Il-Bajja tal-Mellieħa (Mellieħa Bay) Turtle Nesting
tal-Fekruna fil-Bajja tal-Mellieħa Emergency Conservation Order

L-AWTORITÀ għall-Ambjent u r-Riżorsi qiegħda b’dan THE Environment and Resources Authority is hereby
toħroġ Ordni ta’ Emerġenza għall-Konservazzjoni fuq is-sit issuing an Emergency Conservation Order in respect of the
kif deskritt hawn isfel skont id-dispożizzjoni tal-Artikolu 69 site as described below in accordance with Article 69 of the
tal-Att dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Ambjent, fuq: Environment Protection Act, for the purpose of conservation on:

Il-Bajja tal-Mellieħa Il-Bajja tal-Mellieħa (Mellieħa Bay)

u ż-żona tal-madwar hekk kif indikat fil-mappa tas-sit and its surroundings as per site plan under Schedule I
taħt Skeda I (ara l-mapep tas-sit fuq il-paġni 6850 u 6851), (see site plans on pages 6850 and 6851), hereinafter referred
aktar ’il quddiem imsejħa “żona ta’ emerġenza għall- to as “the emergency conservation area”, due to ecological
konservazzjoni”, minħabba li dan is-sit huwa ta’ importanza and scientific importance of the sites and the need for
ekoloġika u xjentifika u hemm bżonn ta’ konservazzjoni. conservation.

Ir-regolamenti li ġejjin għandhom japplikaw: The following regulations shall apply:

1. Għall-fini tal-Ordni ta’ Emerġenza għall-Konservazzjoni, 1. For the purpose of the Emergency Conservation Order,
il-kliem “Awtorità”; “konservazzjoni”; u “persuna” għandu the terms “Authority”; “conservation”; and “person” shall
jkollhom l-istess tifsira mogħtija lilhom fl-Att. have the same meaning as that defined in the Act.

2. Iż-Żona ta’ Emerġenza għall-Konservazzjoni tista’ 2. The Emergency Conservation Area may be monitored
tkun immonitorjata kontinwament inter alia permezz ta’ site continuously inter alia by means of a temporary site post.
post temporanju.

3. Ebda persuna m’għandha, fiż-Żona ta’ Emerġenza 3. No person shall, within the emergency conservation
għall-Konservazzjoni hekk nominata għal dan l-iskop area designated for such purposes as per site plan under
skont il-mappa tas-sit taħt Skeda I (ara l-mapep tas-sit fuq Schedule I (see site plans on pages 6850 and 6851), unless
il-paġni 6850 u 6851), sakemm mhux bl-awtorizzazzjoni authorised by the Authority strictly for the purpose of
tal-Awtorità u strettament biex titjieb il-konservazzjoni ta’ enhancing the conservation of any turtle nest, eggs, and
kwalunkwe bejta, bajd u fkieren: turtles:

(a) bi kwalunkwe mod, tieħu jew tipprova tieħu, (a) In any way, take or attempt to take, disturb, damage
tiddisturba, tikkawża ħsara jew teqred xi bajd, frieħ jew or destroy any eggs, turtle hatchlings or adult marine turtle,
adulti tal-fkieren tal-baħar, kemm ħajjin jew mejtin; whether alive or dead;

(b) tidħol jew tipprova tidħol, jew b’xi mod tassisti (b) enter or attempt to enter, or in any way assist any other
persuna oħra biex tidħol fiż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità; person to enter the area cordoned-off by the Authority;
L-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 6847

(c) tneħħi kull tip ta’ oġġett jew parti minnu, li qed jintuża (c) remove any portion of, or object making up, the
sabiex tkun magħluqa dik-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità cordoning-off of the area done by the Authority or any
jew kwalunkwe installazzjoni anċillari jew sinjali uffiċjali ancillary installation or any official signage installed by the
installati mill-Awtorità; Authority;

(d) tpoġġi jew tipprova tpoġġi kwalunkwe tip ta’ oġġett (d) introduce or attempt to introduce any object or
jew materjal ieħor fiż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità; material into the area cordoned off by the Authority;

(e) iddendel, twaħħal jew tehmeż jew tipprova ddendel, (e) hang, affix or append or attempt to hang, affix or
twaħħal, jew tehmeż xi oġġett fuq l-apparat u tagħmir użat append any object on the cordoning installed by the Authority
sabiex tiġi magħluqa dik iż-żona madwar il-bejta magħluqa around the nest or in any manner compromise or attempt to
mill-Awtorità jew, b’kull mezz ieħor tikkomprometti jew compromise the integrity of the cordoning;
tipprova tikkomprometti l-integrità tat-tagħmir jew apparat

(f) tpoġġi jew tipprova tpoġġi kwalunkwe oġġett, li fi (f) place or attempt to place any object that, at any time
kwalunkwe ħin bejn tlugħ ix-xemx u nżul ix-xemx, jista’ between sunrise and sunset, may cast a shadow inside the
jitfa’ jew joħloq dell fiż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità; area cordoned-off by the Authority;

(g) tħalli xi annimal li huwa proprjetà tagħha jew fil- (g) allow any animal under his ownership or responsibility
kontroll tagħha jidħol jew jipprova jidħol fiż-żona magħluqa to enter or attempt to enter the area cordoned-off by the
mill-Awtorità; Authority;

(h) tnaddaf, jew tneħħi żibel, skart jew kwalunkwe oġġett (h) remove any litter or article whatsoever from the area
ieħor miż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità, sakemm mhux bl- cordoned-off by the Authority unless by hand;

(i) tiddepożita kwalunkwe żibel, sakemm mhux fir- (i) deposit any litter, unless this is deposited in the litter
reċipjenti taż-żibel jew faċilitajiet oħra pprovduti għal dan bins or other litter collection facilities provided for such
il-għan; purpose;

(j) tagħmel storbju jew toħloq vibrazzjonijiet eċċessivi, (j) generate any excessive noise or vibrations, or play
jew iddoqq mużika b’volum għoli; loud music;

(k) ikollha fil-pusses, tarma, taħraq jew tqabbad (k) be in possession of, set up, light up or let off any sort
kwalunkwe tip ta’ materjal pirotekniku, logħob tan-nar jew of pyrotechnic material, fireworks or explosives;
splussiv ieħor;

(l) tinstalla kwalunkwe nases, xbiek jew apparat simili li (l) install any traps, nets or similar devices that in any
jista’ b’xi mod jaqbad jew jagħmel ħsara lill-bajd tal-fkieren, way may catch or harm any turtle egg, turtle hatchling or
il-frieħ jew adulti tal-fkieren; adult turtle;

(m) tkala jew ikollha fil-pussess kwalunkwe xibka tal- (m) deploy or be in possession of any gill net; trammel
parit, xkitt jew kull xorta ta’ xibka tas-sajd. net or fishing net of any sort.

4. Minghajr preġudizzju għal dak provdut taħt xi liġi 4. Without prejudice to any other requirement under any
oħra, ebda persuna m’għandha sat-2 ta’ Ottubru, 2020, u fiż- other legislation, until the 2nd October, 2020, no person
żona fejn japplikaw iktar restrizzjonijiet fi Skeda I: shall within the area subject to further restrictions under
Schedule I:

(a) tikkampja jew tipparteċipa fi kwalunkwe attività ta’ (a) camp or participate in any camping activity;

(b) tipparteċipa fi kwalunkwe attività ta’ catering jew (b) participate in any catering activity or any barbeques;
6848 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,458 

(c) tipparteċipa fi kawlunkwe attività organizzata li (c) participate in any organised activity involving a group
tikkonsisti fi grupp ta’ iżjed minn 10 persuni; of more than 10 persons;

(d) issuq, timmanuvra jew tipparkja kwalunkwe vettura (d) drive, manoeuvre or park any vehicle over the sand;
fuq ir-ramel;

(e) tneħħi kull tip ta’ fdalijiet tal-alka magħmula minn (e) remove any Posidonia oceanica or Cymodocea
Posidonia oceanica jew Cymodocea nodosa minn quddiem nodosa wrack (alka) from the seaward side in front of the
iż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità faċċata tal-baħar għajr bl- area cordoned-off by the Authority unless by hand or with
idejn jew bl-użu ta’ għodda tal-idejn mhux mekkanizati; the use of hand-held unmechanised tools;

(f) tħaddem ġeneraturi li jiġġeneraw l-elettriku permess (f) utilise fuel powered electricity generators;

(g) tagħmel użu jew tkun fil-pussess ta’ kwalunkwe (g) make use or be in possession of any device capable
apparat li jarmi mewġ elettromanjetiku jew kwalunkwe tip of emitting electromagnetic waves or any kind of radiation
ta’ radjazzjoni li tkun manifatturata għal-għan biex jeżamina which is purposely manufactured to scan below the surface
taħt il-wiċċ tal-art jew li jgħaddi minn ġol-oġġetti. of the ground or through objects.

5. Ebda persuna m’għandha, mis-7 ta’ Settembru, 2020, 5. From the 7th September, 2020, until the 2nd October,
sat-2 ta’ Ottubru, 2020, mis-sitta u nofs ta’ filgħaxija (6.30 2020, from half past six in the evening (6.30 p.m.) of any
p.m.) ta’ kull ġurnata sas-sebgħa u nofs ta’ filgħodu (7.30 day until half past seven in the morning (7.30 a.m.) of the
a.m.) tal-ġurnata ta’ wara u fiż-żona fejn japplikaw iktar following day, no person shall within the area subject to
restrizzjonijiet fi Skeda I: further restrictions under Schedule I:

(a) tqiegħed, tħalli jew tinstalla kwalunkwe oġġett, jew (a) place, deposit or install any object, or attempt to place,
tipprova tqiegħed, tħalli jew tinstalla kwalunkwe oġġett li install or deposit any object, that in any way may hinder or
jista’ b’xi mod ifixkel jew ixekkel il-passaġġ jew għandu has the potential to hinder the safe passage of juvenile turtles
l-potenzjal li jfixkel jew ixekkel il-passaġġ tal-frieħ tal- from the area cordoned-off by the Authority to the sea;
fkieren miż-żona magħluqa mill-Awtorità lejn il-baħar;

(b) fil-baħar, tpoġġi jew tqiegħed kwalunkwe oġġett jew (b) at sea, place or deploy any object or installation or
instllazzjoni jew tipprova tpoġġi jew tqiegħed kwalunkwe attempt to place or deploy any object or installation, that
oġġett jew installazzjoni li jista’ raġonevolment b’xi mod in any way may reasonably hinder or has the potential to
ifixkel jew ixekkel il-passaġġ jew li raġonevolment għandu reasonably hinder the safe passage of juvenile turtles towards
l-potenzjal li jfixkel jew ixekkel il-passaġġ tal-frieħ tal- the open sea;
fkieren lejn il-baħar miftuħ;

(c) tqiegħed jew tħalli fil-livell ta’ wiċċ il-baħar ħbula jew (c) place or deposit at immediate sea surface, ropes or
oġġetti oħra li jistgħu effettivament jostakolaw il-passaġġ other items that can effectively block passage of turtles and
tal-fkieren u tal-frieħ fuq wiċċ il-baħar; hatchlings at sea surface;

(d) tħaffer ħofor fir-ramel; (d) dig any holes in the sand;

(e) tagħmel użu minn jew tkun fil-pussess ta’ kull xorta (e) utilise or be in possession of any sort of lighting device
ta’ apparat li jitfa’ dwal għal skopijiet ta’ sajd jew għall-qbid for fishing purposes or the capturing of any fauna:
ta’ fawna:

Iżda jekk il-bajd ifaqqsu binhar, id-dispożizzjonijiet Provided that the above provisions shall also apply during
t’hawn fuq għandhom japplikaw matul il-ġurnata wkoll. daytime in the event of a hatching episode occurring during

6. Minkejja kwalunkwe awtorizzazzjoni jew permess 6. Notwithstanding any authorisations or permits

maħruġ mill-Awtorità jew kwalunkwe awtorizzazzjoni jew already afforded by the Authority or any other permits
L-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 6849

permessi maħruġa taħt liġijiet oħrajn, ma jista’ jsir l-ebda or authorisations issued under any other law, no form
forma ta’ tindif tar-ramel b’mod mekkanizzat jew interventi of mechanised beach cleaning activity or mechanical
mekkaniċi fiż-żona fejn japplikaw iktar restrizzjonijiet fi interventions shall occur within the area subject to further
Skeda I (ara mapep tas-sit fuq il-paġni 6850 u 6851) sakemm restrictions under Schedule I (see site plans on pages 6850
mhux strettament għal-konservazzjoni ta’ xi bejta, il-frieħ and 6851), unless strictly for the purpose of conserving any
jew adulti tal-fkieren u sakemm mhux bil-permess mill- turtle nest, egg, or turtle and unless duly permitted by the
Awtorità. Authority.

7. L-ebda persuna m’għandha fiż-Żona ta’ Emerġenza 7. No person shall within the Emergency Conservation
għall-Konservazzjoni mis-7 ta’ Settembru, 2020, sat-2 ta’ Area or in the vicinity of the Emergency Conservation Area
Ottubru, 2020, mis-sitta u nofs ta’ filgħaxija (6.30 p.m.) ta’ from the 7th September, 2020, until the 2nd October, 2020,
kull ġurnata sas-sebgħa u nofs ta’ filgħodu (7.30 a.m.) tal- from half past six in the evening (6.30 p.m.) of any day until
ġurnata ta’ wara, tiġġenera l-ebda dawl jekk mhux mogħti half past seven in the morning (7.30 a.m.) of the following
b’tali mod li ma jkunx viżibbli b’mod dirett miż-żona day, generate any light unless screened in such a way as
magħluqa mill-Awtorità jew mgħotti b’filtru kkulurit aħmar: not to be directly visible from the area cordoned-off by the
Authority or covered with a red coloured filter:

Iżda din id-dispożizzjoni m’għandhiex tapplika għad- Provided that this provision shall not apply to navigational
dawl tan-navigazzjoni użat mill-bastimenti. lights of seagoing vessels.

8. Din l-Ordni ta’ Emerġenza għall-Konservazzjoni hija 8. This Emergency Conservation Order shall be valid
valida mid-data tal-pubblikazzjoni sat-2 ta’ Ottubru 2020 u from the date of issue up to the 2nd October, 2020, and
hija mingħajr preġudizzju għar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar shall be without prejudice to the Flora, Fauna and Natural
il-Protezzjoni tal-Flora, Fawna u l-Ambjent Naturali (L.S. Habitats Protection Regulations (S.L. 549.44), and the
549.44) u tar-Regolamenti dwar il-Ħarsien tar-Rettili (L.S. Reptile (Protection) Regulations (S.L. 549.02).

9. (1) Il-Protezzjoni mogħtija liż-Żona ta’ Emerġenza 9. (1) The protection allocated to the Emergency
għall-Konservazzjoni għandha jkollha l-istess effett daqs Conservation Area has the same effect as the inclusion of the
dik mogħtija lis-siti li jidħlu taħt il-kappa tan-Network area in the National Ecological Network and Special Areas
Ekoloġiku Nazzjonali u Siti Speċjali ta’ Konservazzjoni of Conservation included under the Flora, Fauna and Natural
inklużi fir-Regolamenti dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Flora, Fawna Habitats Protection Regulations (S.L. 549.44).
u l-Ambjenti Naturali (L.S. 549.44).

(2) Il-provvedimenti inklużi fl-Ordni ta’ Emerġenza (2) The provisions included in this Emergency
għall-Konservazzjoni huma: Conservation Order are:

(i) ikkunsidrati bħala miżuri ta’ konservazzjoni li (i) considered as conservation measures addressing
jindirizzaw l-objettivi globali ta’ konservazzjoni bl-għan the overall conservation objective aimed at protecting the
li jipproteġu l-fekruna tal-baħar, Caretta caretta u l-bejta loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta, in its nesting site; and
tagħha; u

(ii) meħtieġa sabiex dawn is-siti protetti jiġu mħarsa skont (ii) required for such protected site in line with the
il-provvedimenti tar-Regolamenti 14 u 19 tar-Regolamenti requirements of Regulations 14 and 19 of the Flora, Fauna
dwar il-Protezzjoni tal-Flora, Fawn u l-Amjenti Naturali and Natural Habitats Protection Regulations (S.L. 549.44).
(L.S. 549.44).

10. Kull persuna li taġixxi bi ksur tad-dispożizzjonijiet 10. Any person who acts in contravention of any provision
tal-Ordni ta’ Emerġenza għall-Konservazzjoni tkun ħatja ta’ of this Emergency Conservation Order shall be punishable in
reat u teħel, meta tinsab ħatja, il-pieni stabbiliti fl-Att dwar accordance with the Environment Protection Act (Cap. 549).
il-Protezzjoni tal-Ambjent (Kap 549).

L-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 10th August, 2020

6850 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,458 
L-10 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 6851
6852 Gazzetta  tal-Gvern  ta’  Malta 20,458 



B’dan l-Avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat By means of an application filed in the Civil Court of
fil-Qorti Ċivili Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Volontarja fis-26 Voluntary Jurisdiction Section on the 26th June, 2020,
ta’ Ġunju, 2020, Rikors Numru 655/2020, minn Bernard Application number 655/2020 by Bernard Blagg et,
Blagg et fejn talbu li tiġi ddikjarata miftuħa favur Bernard whereby they requested that it will be declared open in
Blagg, missier id-decujus, fi kwota ta’ nofs (1/2) indiviż favour of Bernard Blagg, father of the decujus, in the quota
u r-rimanenti nofs (1/2) indiviż favur Michelle Smith, of one half (1/2) undivided share and the remaining one
Catherine Bernardette Glanvill u Elizabeth Ann Mitchell half (1/2) undivided share in favour of Michelle Smith,
ħut id-decujus fi kwoti ndaqs bejniethom is-suċċessjoni ta’ Catherine Bernardette Glanvill and Elizabeth Ann Mitchell
Rachel Sara Blagg, xebba, bint Bernard Blagg u l-mejta sisters of the decujus in equal shares between them the
Elizabeth nee Hayward, imwielda Portsmouth, l-Ingilterra succession of Rachel Sara Blagg, unmarried, daughter of
kienet residenti Surrey, l-Ingilterra u mietet Hammersmith Bernard Blagg and the late Elizabeth nee Hayward, born in
and Fulhan, l-Ingilterra fl-14 ta’ Ottubru, 2018, ta’ 47 sena. Portsmouth, England, resided in Surrey, England and died
in Hammersmith and Fulhan, England on the 14th October,
2018, aged 47.

Għaldaqstant kull min jidhirlu li għandu interess huwa Wherefore any person who believes to have an interest
msejjaħ biex jidher quddiem il-Qorti fuq imsemmija sabiex in the matter is hereby called upon to appear before the said
b’nota jmur kontra dik it-talba fi żmien ħmistax-il ġurnata li Court and to bring forward his objections hereto by a minute
jibda jgħaddi minn dak il-jum li fih jiġi mwaħħal il-bandu u to be filed within fifteen days from the posting of the banns
l-avviżi skont il-liġi. and notices according to law.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Registry of the Civil Court Voluntary Jurisdiction Section

Illum 7 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 Today 7th August, 2020


Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals


B’dan l-Avviż ikun magħruf illi b’rikors ippreżentat fil- By means of an application filed in Civil Court of
Qorti Ċivili Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Volontarja fis-7 ta’ Voluntary Jurisdiction Section on the 7th February, 2020,
Frar, 2020, Rikors Numru 184/2020 minn Godwin Cristina, Application number 184/2020 by Godwin Cristina, Nathalie
Nathalie Muscat u Veronica Cascun, fejn insegwitu tar- Muscat and Veronica Cascun, whereby following the
rikors Carmela Cristina, armla minn Carmelo Cristina, bint application Carmela Cristina, widow of Carmelo Cristina,
Giuseppe Meli u Ermelinda nee Borg, imwielda l-Ħamrun, daughter of Giuseppe Meli and Ermelinda nee Borg, born
fl-20 ta’ April, 1933, u residenti Dar tal-Anzjani, Casa in Ħamrun on the 20th April, 1933, and residing at Home
Francesco, Santa Venera, ta’ 87 sena u li għandha karta tal- for the Elderly, Casa Francesco, Santa Venera, aged 87 and
identità bin-numru 326833M, ġiet interdetta mill-atti kollha holding identity card number 326833M, was interdicted
tal-ħajja ċivili permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fit-18 ta’ Ġunju, from all the acts of civil life by means of a decree given on
2020. the 18th June, 2020.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Ċivili (Sezzjoni ta’ Ġuriżdizzjoni Registry of the Civil Court (Voluntary Jurisdiction
Volontarja) Section)

Illum 7 ta’ Awwissu, 2020 Today 7th August, 2020


Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Court and Tribunals
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta

Mitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta FSC® — Printed at the Government Printing Press on FSC® certified paper

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