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10 Ways to Have a Better

Are you someone who finds it difficult to strike up a conversation
with someone you just met? People nowadays are not used to
having face-to-face conversations anymore. The world has gone
digital, and people are content with chatting online. However,
meeting and conversing with people face-to-face can help build
rapport and business connections that can help you attain success.
Let these 10 ways to have a better conversation guide you and help
you live your life to the fullest.

In other words, avoid multitasking. Focus on the ongoing
conversation and don’t think about what you will have for
lunch or dinner, or whether you should order take-outs
later. Stay in the current moment that you’re having a
conversation. Otherwise, excuse yourself and take care of your
urgent matter. You may choose to return but make sure to give
your full attention to the ongoing conversation.

2. Avoid pontificating at all costs

A conversation is a two-way street. If you want to speak your
mind and want the others to know the beauty of it without allowing
them to respond, just write a blog or deliver a speech. No one
wants to talk to someone who seems to know it all. You need to
assume that you will learn something in each conversation that you
will have so you can listen attentively. Sometimes, you need to set
aside your own opinion, which might only lead to an argument.

yes or no

It is wise to follow the example of journalists when asking your

questions. Avoid questions that can be answered by yes or no
without the need to explain the reply of the respondent in detail.
You can start with why, where, when, what, who, and how (5 W’s
and 1 H). You will get a detailed response when you do that, and it
will keep the conversation flowing.

4. Let go of the thoughts that come into your mind

You need to go with the flow. While having a conversation, someone

might mention something that leads you to remember certain
important events that happened. You should let go of these
thoughts and not disrupt the ongoing conversation. Focus on the
current conversation. It is fine to interject as long as it can help
reinforce the point of the person who has the floor at the moment.
You also need to make it short.

5. Openly admit that you don’t know something

If you don’t have any knowledge about the topic, admit it openly
that you don’t know. Why lie about it? In fact, it may help keep the
conversation flowing, and you will gain valuable information and
knowledge. It will also show your honesty and interest in the
subject and the conversation itself.

6. Don’t sound like you’re competing with their experiences

The people that you’re having a conversation with may suddenly

talk about losing a family member, and you will suddenly blurt out
that you recently lost one as well. Someone else may talk about
work troubles, and you begin informing them that you don’t get
along with your boss. Different individuals have different
experiences even though the situations could be the same. While
empathy is important, you should not equate your experiences with
that of other people and instead listen and respond to theirs. When
you do compare experiences, it sounds like you are competing with
them by letting them know how much you’ve gone through or how
amazing your life is.

7. Avoid repeating yourself

Anyone has a tendency to repeat what she or he has already said

when conversing with someone or a group of people. You should
avoid doing so because it makes the conversation boring and
uninteresting. The conversation just keeps going in circles without
any progress if you keep repeating yourself.

8. Don’t discuss details if your listeners don’t care to know

A conversation with others, especially those you just met at the

party, should be lively and fun. People are not really interested to
know about the dates, names, years, and other details of the
subject you are discussing with them. They are b. State the details
if your listener will gain a lot of benefits from it. Otherwise, make
the conversation simple and enjoyable.
9. Be a good listener

To establish a good conversation, you need to be a good listener

first. Most people would rather talk than listen which doesn’t create
a great dialogue. When you want to enjoy a fun conversation, you
need to listen to what your group is discussing. Listen well so you
have a deeper understanding of the discussion and your replies
make sense in the context of the conversation.

10. Make it short

When making your statements, keep them brief but meaty. Get to
the point and avoid unnecessary explanations that will only make it
drag on.

You need to learn how to establish a conversation without offending

anybody and wasting your time. You also need to refrain from
turning your conversation into a boring one. Go out and talk to
people and try using the 10 ways to have a better conversation for
your benefit.

Table of Contents

Great Conversation Starters

What is something you can tell me about yourself that will help me
remember you over others?
Some believe that our identity is directly correlated to our career.
What is your thought?

What is the most difficult thing for you about living in this city?

If money wasn’t a necessity, what career would you choose for


How do you separate what joy is from happiness?

What do you find is the best remedy to go to sleep on nights when

you are restless?

What are the main differences between baby boomers and


What was your favorite era of music and what was played then?

What type of movies do you like to watch and what are your
What’s your favorite restaurant and why?

What’s your favorite thing to do with your free time?

Name three words that best describe you.

Funny Conversation Starters

What’s the best Wi-Fi network name you have ever seen?

What candy bar would you be?

If you could hack any computer, whose computer would you pick?

If you could have dinner with anybody, who would you pick for a

Would you prefer to never get stuck in traffic again, or to never get
another cold in your entire life?
If you had to pick a Disney character to represent you, which one
would you pick?

What would you do with your extra time if you didnt need to sleep

What was the best reason why you ever faked being sick?

What is the weirdest gift you have ever gotten in your life?

If you had to work in a circus, what would you be working as?

Who would you prefer to be able to read your thoughts, your

parents or your crush?

If you had to give either caffeine or alcohol for the rest of your life,
which would you pick?

Deep Conversation Topics

What are your fears? Fear is one of the primal emotions of humans
and knowing the answer to this will give you an insight into the

What is your general plan in life? Reflecting on your plan in life is

one of the best deep conversation topics.

What is the lowest point of your life? The lowest point always
defines the person.

What are the things that you regret? Knowing what the person used
to be that they don’t want to be anymore is an effective way to get
to know each other.

If you could tell something to your 10-year-old self, what would it

be? Know what they value now that they didn’t before.

The thing you hate the most? There are many things that can be
revealed by this question.

What do you do over and over again that you hate doing? You’ll
have an insight into their routine.
What will you never give up on? You will know what is important to
their lives.

How would you describe the color of the sky to a blind person?
There are a lot of insightful things that can be said when asked this
hypothetical question.

What is your next big step? Other people are stuck in a routine but
asking them their next big step can help in reflecting.

10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation

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Conversation Starters With a Guy

If you’re looking for ideas about what to text a guy to start a

conversation, look below.

How was your day? This is always one of the best conversation
starters with a guy.
Ask about their dreams. This will reveal their future plans and how
responsible they are.

Hypothetical magic powers. Mind-reading or flight? Fire bending or

water bending? It’s a fun question to ask anyone!

Worst date ever. Not only can both of you laugh at his stories, but
you also know what to avoid if you guys date.

Vacation places he’s been to. You probably have been to the same
places and have a lot of stories to tell

Things he’s passionate about. You will be surprised how talkative a

guy is when his passion is the topic of the discussion.

Best year in his life. Having something positive and nostalgic thing
to discuss is always nice.

Favorite shows or movies? You can bond over your shared taste or
you can have new shows to watch!
Pet peeves? Have an insight into his temperament by asking this
key question.

What are you most afraid of? This is a very personal topic but it
could make you closer.

Conversation Starters With a Girl

If you’re looking for ideas about what to text a girl to start a

conversation, look below.

Tell me about your family.

Tell me something about your best friend.

Tell me about your favourite song or movie

What is your ultimate goal in life?

You have three words to describe yourself, what would they be?
What was your childhood career?

What do you notice first about a guy?

Am I boring?

Favourite celeb

Do you have any pets?

The Dumbest thing you have done.

Your regrets in life?

What was your most embarrassing moment?

How long your longest relationship did last?

What are your hobbies?

What do you like most you about a guy?

Are you a dancer? And would you dance with me?

What is a deal-breaker for you?

Your favourite music.

What would your ideal date be like?

Do you have any fears in life?

What is the one thing you used to do as a child that you wish you
could still do?
What do you hate most about dating?

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