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HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to knowJehovah God and his purposes aa expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-wilL
President W.E. VaN AMSU~H,Secregary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be t~ucht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." - 1sarah 54:I3. of public instruction in the ScriptureL
THE SCRIPTURESCLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible aa authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, partif.s, sects
THATJEHOVAH is the only true Godand is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is nowthe Lord Jesus Christ m glory, clothed with all power dulge mcontroversy, and its columnsare not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah;
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNI~V STATmS, $1,00; all other ¢ountri~, $1.50, Amerlcaa corceney;
of Adam’swrong act all men are born sinners and without the GRIAT tanees
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branch omce~ Remlttance~
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suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive office, but by l~ter~atto~ai Poatal bloney Order only.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature
and above every creature’s name and clothed him wtth all power British 34 Craven Terrace. London, W. 2. En~laod
and authority; A~trola~o~ __ 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld. N. S. W.. Australia
THATGOD’SCAPITALORGANIZATION ssa Theocracy called Bowth Alricas Boston House. Cape Town. South Africa
Zion, andthat Christ Jesusis the Chief Officer thereof andts the ladt~ 16T Love Lane. Bombay 27. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society In every cue.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his wttnesses whose duty and
privilege tt is to testify to the supremacyof Jehovah, declare his Translations of this Journal appear In several languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdombefore all who will hear;
THATTHE OLDWORLD ended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord Infirmity. povertyor adversity are unableto paythe subscriptionprice
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of made may haveThe it alchtowerfree uponwritten application to the pubhshele.
once each year. statln~ the reason for so requesting It. Weare
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to glad to thus na asd the needy,butthe writtenappllcaraon onceeach year
the establishment of the "new earth" of the NewWorld; m required by the postal regulatlo
THATTHERELIEFand blessings of the peoples of earth can Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a newor a renewalsub-
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which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewatblank (carrying notice of exl,lratlon) wail be sent wltb the
destruction of Satan’s organization and the complete establish- Journalone monthbefore the subscriptaonexpires.
ment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the Kingdom Printed in the United States of America
the people of good-will that survlve Armageddonshall carry Bmreredaa second-class matter al the poet O~ceat BrookIFn,N.Y..
out the divine mandate to "fill the earth" w~th a righteous race. ~nder the &Ctol Ma~ch3, 1879.


The testimony periods of 1945 open up wRhthe "Theocratic Because oftheuncertainties ofinternational communications by
Servants" Testimony Period, during the entire month of February. mailduetotheglob/d war,we heregiveadvance notlce thatthe
Thzswillbe alsothesecondmonth of the specmicampalgn to proper timeforcelebrating the1945Memorial willbeafter 6 p.m.,
obtain moresubscrtptlons fortheTheocratic magazine TheWalch- NewYorkEastern Standard Time,on Wednesday, March28,1945.
tower. Theattractive campaign offer walltherefore contmue tobe 1945 YEARBOOK OF JEHOVAH’SWITNESSES
extended byallTheocratic servants, namely, a year’s subscraptlon
forthinmagazine, together watha premium of a boundbookand The 1945 Yearbookof Jehovah’~ ~itnesses sets out the officials
a booklet, allontheeontrzbut~on oftheregular subscriptionrate, of the corporations which Jehovah’s witnesses use as their legal
which IS $1.00. Wherepossible, "The KingdomIs a~ Hand"should servants, and features a detailed but most interesting report
be the premium book offered. During thin TeshmonyPeriod the on the work they have accomplished this past year m the Umted
new booklet One World, One Governmen~Is being released, and States and 49 other eountraes of the earth. Besides this report
thin should be the premmmbooklet. This madwmtermonth should by the WaTcr~ax)wza Soctrry president, there LS also hm comment
not be let retard the Watchtower eampmgnbecause of cold and on the yeartext for 1945, followed by daily texts and comments
storm, but countermeasures should be arranged to keep on pressing for dsaly spiritual stimulation tkrougbout the year. The 1945
thlsimportant educationaleffort. Weareanxious tohelpallwho Yearbook is nowoff the press, and wall be mailed, postpaid, on
wanttoservethegreat Theocratbya partm thLsgospel-preaching a contribution of 50e a copy, this being due to the limited edition.
work,andwe urgethosewathout contact wathlocalserwce groups Companies will combine their orders and send in through the
towritem fornecessary references. Oneimportant itemnotto be local sompanyservant, together with remittance.
overlooked is to fillin report shpsonthemonth’s work. ~ON~ WORLD, ONE GOVERNMENT"
The title of this new booklet presents a theme of universal
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES interest. The relation of how Almighty GOd, according to bm
Week of February 4: "Commmsionof the Anointed," Word,will work it out will delight every honest, yearning heart.
¶ 1-22 inclusive, The Watchtower January 1, 1945. Because of the anticipated demand for this booklet, its first
Weekof February 11: "Carrying Out the Anointing," printing is five million copies. General distribution thereof will
¶ 1-23 inclusive, The Watchtower January 1, 1945. be duly announced. Personal copies are now available at 5e each.
VoL LX¥I JA~ua_~Y1, 1945 No. 1


"’The spirit of the Lord Jehovah is upon me; because Jehovah hath anointed me to preach good tidings
unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and
the opening of the prison to them that are bound."--Isa. 6I:1, Am.Stan. Ver.
EHOVAH causes his active force to rest upon
J his anointed ones. He has a most important work
for them to do, and without the active force or
flourish in the earth, where religion has long held
dominance. Religion has ever striven to over,rheim
and crush out the pure worship, the worship of the
spirit of the Lord Jehovah the anointed ones could Lord Jehovah, the true and living God. Nowthe
never accomplish it. There is therefore no credit to Government has been set up in the heavens which
go to them for getting the work done with the desired will permit only the worship of the Lord God Jeho-
results. All the glory and the thanksgiving are due vah to hold sway in earth as well as in heaven. Those
to the One who puts his spirit upon his anointed who forsake religion and who take up the pure
servants. It is with this same spirit that they are worship in spirit and in truth the Governmentwill
anointed by Jehovah, rather than with some specially let live. Never again will the confederated forces of
compounded oil like that with which the priests, kings religion, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and pagan,
and prophets of Israel were anointed of old. be permitted to make Jehovah’s worship seem to all
’ The divine act of anointing is the Lord Jehovah’s but disappear from the earth. Their coming all-out
commissioning of his servants to speak and do the attempt in that direction will be their final one, their
things he commandsand authorizes in his service. last. The good produced by the performance of the
The spirit with which he anoints them is the active divine commission by God’s anointed will not be
force by which he enables and empowers them to produced in vain and perish from the earth. In
carry out their commission from him. The terms confirmation of these truths we turn now to a study
thereof are plainly stated; and regardless of what of the commissionof the anointed and of the results
the postwar rearrangement brings forth among the to follow from its performance as set out in the
nations, the terms of this commission stand un- prophecy of Isaiah, chapter sixty-one.
changeable. These terms were fixed by Jehovah God, ’ In this chapter there is an abrupt change of
whosays: "I am the LORD, I change not." (Mal. 3: 6) speaker from that of the preceding chapter of
Those terms will stand and will be fulfilled without Isaiah’s prophecy, chapter sixty. Throughout that
change until the great day of divine vengeance chapter Jehovah by his spirit upon his prophet is
against all unrighteousness arrives and quickly spealdng to his holy universal organization, which
brings the international postwar period to an end. is pictured as his faithful "woman" Zion. In his
Till then it is a time of special mercy and favor words of address to her Godtakes note of the dark-
from God, during which time those who want to ness of evil-doing which envelops the earth, and the
escape the righteous vengeance of God may benefit gross darkness of religion and death-dealing igno-
themselves lastingly by listening to His anointed rance which blankets the peoples. He sees there is
servants. His very sending of his anointed is an need to do something for the sake of honest-hearted,
act of divine mercy and grace. righteously disposed persons engulfed in such dark-
Very plainly the sending of the anointed or com- ness. Therefore the Lord Jehovah cries out the
missioned ones is because the worship of Jehovah commandto his universal organization Zion: "Arise,
God has been broken down in the earth. Further- shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the
more, the sending of them is because the time is LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness
at hand to restore that worship and to cause it to shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people :
but the LoRDshall arise upon thee, and his glory
1 Why are s not the credit add thanksEtvlng due to the anointed for
the work done shall be seen upon thee."--Isa. 60: 1, 2.
2. What Is the anointing, and how will the terms thereof b~e fulfilled?
3 Why have the anointed ones been sent? and with what durability 4. Iu Inlah chapter sixty, who Im the mptaker and why 11 a rottelng
to the good produced? commitIn¢] ~Vevm~
’ A part of God’s universal organization Zion has to all mankind. But we are not left to rely upon
been upon the earth, namely, his small band of con- the interpretation of men concerning whomit is
secrated servants whomhe has anointed to be his commanded: "Be not ye called Rabbi: for one is
witnesses. These and their visible organization for your teacher, and all ye are brethren." (Matt. 23: 8,
God’s service have suffered in the midst of the A.S.V.) Wehave the inspired record regarding the
general gloom and darkness; and such suffering has actual fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophetic words; and
been at the hands of the enemies of Jehovah and his thus the true speaker upon whomthey are fulfilled
Government. Thereby all of Zion, whomthe anointed is unmistakably identified for us. That one is Jesus
ones on earth represent, ]~as suffered, and Zion’s Christ. Concerning this fact, it is recorded, at
activity in the earth has been cut downand her free Luke 4: 14-22 (The Emphatic Diaglott translation)
worship of God has been almost wiped out. Only a ’"And Jesus returned in the power of the spirit
remnant of her members on earth were found to into Galilee; and a report concerning him went out
remain faithful under the terrific assaults by the through the whole adjacent country. And he taught
forces of darkness during the World War period of in their synagogues, being applauded by all. And
A.D. 1914-1918. he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up ;
° From and after 1919 Jehovah God commanded and according to his custom on the sabbath-day, he
the faithful remnant of Zion to arise from their entered the synagogue, and stood up to read. And
downtrodden condition and to catch up the light of the book of Isaiah the prophet was given to him;
God’s favor and of revelation upon his Word, the and having unrolled the book, he found the place
Bible, and to get active in reflecting such light upon where it was written, ’The spirit of the Lord is on
those yet in darkness. The Lord Jehovah assures me, because he has anointed me to proclaim glad
the remnant of his universal organization Zion that tidings to the poor; he has sent me to publish a
sure results will follow upon such activity by them. release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the
He comforts Zion and her remnant with the promise blind; to dispense freedom to the oppressed; to
that he will build up her visible earthly organization proclaim an era of acceptance with the Lord.’ And
and beautify it, and that God’s continuing favor having rolled up the book, he returned it to the
upon it will never let it be overturned again. The attendant, and sat down. And the eyes of all who
organization will become populous with lovers of were in the synagoguewere attentively fixed on him.
light and truth: "The little one shall becomea thou- Andhe began to say to them, ’To-day, this scripture,
sand, and the small one a strong nation: I, Jehovah, whichis nowin your ears, is fulfilled.’ Andall bore
will hasten it in its time." (Isa. 60: 22, A. S. V.) That testimony to him, and wondered at those words of
time has been since A.D. 1919. grace proceeding from his mouth."
’ No one could rightly take up the words from
Isaiah’s prophecy and quote and apply them to
T But who is to bring that consoling information himself in their fullness of meaningbut Jesus Christ.
to the afflicted remnant and to rouse them up to About six months before his public application of
action? Almost as if in response to Jehovah’s thrill- the words to himself he had been anointed with the
ing words of Isaiah chapter sixty, a new voice is spirit of the Lord Jehovah. A man, the prophet
heard to say: "The spirit of the Lord Jehovah is John the Baptist, bears witness to the fact of Jesus’
upon me; because Jehovah hath anointed me to anointing. "And John bare record, saying, I saw the
preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it
to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty abode upon him. And I knew [recognized] him not:
to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same
that are bound." (Isa. 61: 1, A.S.V.) Isaiah, who said unto me, Upon whomthou shaIt see the spirit
wrote these words, was merely writing or speaking descending, and remaining on him, the same is he
for someone else, and that someone must take up which baptizeth with the holy [spirit]. And I saw,
these words and must say and apply them to make and bare record that this is the Son of God." (John
the prophecy come true. In fact, Isaiah was a pro- 1:32-34) Another man, a disciple first of John and
phetic figure or type of such one. The Jewish people then of Jesus, namely, the apostle Peter, testifies
are inclined to follow the lead of their rabbis. They to the same fact, saying: "That word, I say, ye
make Isaiah’s words here apply to their Jewish know, . . . after the baptism which John preached;
nation, as if they were the ones as a nation anointed how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the holy
by Jehovah God to bring the comforting good news [spirit] and with power: whowent about doing good,
5. Howhim Zion suffered amid such darkness?
6. What command do4~ Jehovah give the remnant of Zion, and wlth 8. What were the circumstances under which the Ident~eatlon of the
what assurance does he comfort her? el~akec wag declared?
7. What does the bringer of the comforting information say? &rid whom 9. What testimony do we have that backs up Jesus in applying the
do we identify him to be, and how? prophet’s words to hlmse|f7
and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for be anointed of his God and must be enlightened as
God was with him."--Acts 10: 37, 38; Luke 3: 21-23. to his mission and must be sent. The evidence that
~° By reason of this, Jesus there became Christ, Godgave of nowsending Jesus forth was his anoint-
for "Christ" means "Anointed One". He became ing of Jesus. Because of anointing or commissioning
"Messiah the Prince", for the Hebrew word "Mes- Jesus, Godsent his spirit upon Jesus and this spirit
siah" likewise means "Anointed One", and Jesus was enlightened Jesus and filled him with might to do
anointed to be the Chief One or Prince in the "king- the will of God his Father.
dom of heaven". (Dan. 9: 25) Although he was in the 1SHear now the statement of Jesus’ primary
flesh, Jesus as a sinless and perfect man was a mem- mission in coming to earth and becoming a man, as
ber of God’s universal organization Zion. But now, voiced by his ownlips: "The spirit of the Lord is
on this occasion of his baptism, God’s organization upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the
or "woman" Zion brought Jesus forth as "Messiah gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the
the Prince" or as Jesus the Anointed, Jesus Christ. brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives,
And at that time God’s words came from heaven, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty
"This is mybeloved Son, in whomI am well pleased," them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year
and thus let it be knownthat God had now begotten of the Lord." (Luke 4: 18, 19) Those words plainly
him as a spiritual son and thus had called him to the state that Jehovah God anointed and sent his Son
kingdom of heaven. Jesus was therefore a "new Christ Jesus to preach, that is to say, to be a wit-
creature". The perfect flesh body was merely the ness for Jehovah by making open proclamation of
physical means by which he did God’s will until it the good news. Jesus agreed that his was a preach-
cametime for him to lay downhis life in the flesh to ing mission, when he said to those who wanted to
vindicate God’s name and as a redemptive sacrifice. tie him down as a preacher to one place: "I must
" Christ Jesus spoke nothing but the truth to the preach the kingdomof Godto other cities also; for
Nazarenes in the synagogue that sabbath day when therefore am I sent." (Luke 4 : 42, 43) The good news
he said: "To-day, this scripture, which is now in which he preached made him a witness of Jehovah,
your ears, is fulfilled." Thus he gave testimonial for the good news was of the kingdom of God and
evidence and infallible interpretation as to how hence pertained to the universal sovereignty of Jeho-
Isaiah’s prophecy (61: 1-3) applies. Tile prophet vah God. Testimony to this effect, at Luke 8: 1,
Isaiah in saying and penning the words pictured reads: "And it came to pass afterward, that he went
Christ Jesus. Isaiah’s name means "Salvation of throughout every city and village, preaching and
Jehovah". Jesus’ name means "Jehovah is Salva- shewing the glad tidings of the kingdomof God; and
tion", and it is therefore practically identical in the twelve [apostles] were with him."
meaning with Isaiah’s name; which fact is quite " Confessing that he came to be a witness of Jeho-
appropriate. Andthat Isaiah typified Christ Jesus is vah, Jesus said to Pontius Pilate at the close of his
stated under inspiration, at It°brews 2:9-14. human life: "As you say, I am a king. It was for
this that I Wasborn and for this that I cameto the
TERblS world, to give testimony for truth. Everyone whois
"The written terms of the commission which on the side of truth listens to my voice." (John
Jesus took into his mouth at Nazareth show the real 18: 37, Goodspeed) At his coming then, Jesus did
reason or primary mission for which the only not cometo reign as a king in the flesh on earth,
begotten Son of God came to this earth. At the age either at Jerusalem or at Romeor Vatican City, but
of thirty, at which age the Jewish priests of Israel came to preach and bear witness to the truth of the
came out from under probation and entered fully kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven. He came to
upon their priestly duties, Jesus directly devoted prove that he could not be swerved from the truth
himself as of independent age to his special mission. and over to religion, and that all that Satan the
That is to say, Jesus consecrated himself or set him- Devil and his demonsmight do to Jesus in the flesh
self to do the special win of God. Jehovah God his could not makehim break his whole-souled allegiance
Father sanctified or made holy such consecration of and obedience to the universal sovereignty of Jeho-
Jesus by pouring out his spirit upon Jesus as evi- vah God. He came to vindicate God’s word and name
dence of the divine acceptance of hun. Hence, before and to prove Satan a liar and false god, by holding
Jesus was able to proceed on his mission he had to fast his integrity faultless toward the "kingdomof
10 How did Jesus become ~nrist and MeBsiah? and how was he brought
God. This meant that Christ Jesus must be true and
forth as such? faithful to God’s anointing upon him.
11. Whywas It quite appropriate that Jesus should apply Isaiah’s pro-
phetic words to himself? 13. Whomdoe~ the prophecy show am sending the Azolnted One, and
on what general mission
12 What did the written terms of the anointlns indicate concecnlnjg
Jesus on earth? and hence what procedure must be followed with 14. Finally what testimony did Jesus himself give as to his mission to
respect to him to fulfill the prophecy? earth? and why was he obliged to be faithful to his anointing?
is At Luke 4:18, 19 the words of the commission "Jesus likewise testified to having the spirit of
are from a Greek translation of Isaiah 61 : 1, 2; and God as a backing of his ordination. By this spirit
it is possible that, if these are the exact words that or active force Jesus added weight to his preaching
Jesus read out of the roll of the book, then he read by performing many cures among the common
the Greek Septuagint (LXX) version of the Hebrew people. The religious Pharisees tried to misrepre-
Scriptures. The Hebreworiginal reads" "The spirit sent him and his works, accusing him of being in
of My Lord [Jehovah] is upon me, because [Jeho- league with the Devil and acting by co-operation of
vah] hath anointed me to tell good tidings to the the Devil or "Beel-zebub". They said: "This fellow
oppressed, hath sent me to bind up the broken- doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince
hearted," etc. (Isa. 61:1-3, Rotherharn) In taking of the devils." Jesus reduced their argument to an
up these inspired words, Jesus made no claim to absurdity and then put them on the horns of a
being the second person in a so-called "triune god". dilemma, saying: "If Satan east out Satan, he is
No; but he acknowledged that Jehovah God was his divided against himself; howshall then his kingdom
Lord and Master and that, as such, Jehovah God stand? And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by
sent him forth and gave him instructions on what to whomdo your children east them out? therefore
say and do. Hence Jesus owned up to the universal they shall be your judges. But if I east out devils
domination or sovereignty of his God and Father by the spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is
Jehovah. He confessed that he is subject to God’s comeunto you [has overtaken you]."--Matt.12 : 24-28.
will. Jesus madeno pretense to being equal in power ,s Unquestionably, Christ Jesus did his miracles
and glory and co-eternity with Jehovah God. by the spirit of Jehovah God upon him, and hence
,s By the same words Jesus also declared that his God’s kingdom had suddenly overtaken those reli-
ordination came not from any man or group of men. gionists, because the One anointed to be Jehovah’s
It came not from John the Baptist, who immersed King in that Government had come upon them
J~sus in water, but from the only One who can unrecognized and unacknowledged. Then, in furtiier
ordain or appoint gospel-preachers, namely, Jeho- proof that Jehovah’s spirit was upon him, he added
vah. Having the Highest Authority behind his this warning: "The blasphemy against the holy
mission, and thus having the only valid ordination, [spirit] shall not be forgiven unto men. And whoso-
Christ Jesus went ahead with carrying out his com- ever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall
mission irrespective of whether the religionists liked be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the
it or not. He told the religionists who it was that holy [spirit], it shall not be forgiven him, neither
ordained him to preach, when he said: "I am come in this world, neither in the world to come."--Matt.
in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: . . . 12: 31, 32.
I do nothing of myself ; but as myFather hath taught "The effect that the spirit of the Lord Jehovah
me, I speak these things. Andhe that sent me is with would have upon Jesus was foretold. Jesus, by
me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do natural descent from King David, and especially by
always those things that please him .... I proceeded becoming heir to the covenant for the Kingdom, was
forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, foretold and spoken of both as "David" and also as
but he sent me." (John 5:43; 8:28,29.42) The the "Son of David". The name "David" well befits
religious clergy did not put any stock in Jesus’ him, for it means "Beloved" and he is the beloved
ordination as a preacher and minister of Jehovah Son of God in whomGod is well pleased. Hence, as
God, but challenged his right and authority to serve David’s father was named Jesse, meaning "Living",
as such. "And when he was come into the temple, so Jesus’ Father in heaven was foreshadowed by
the chief priests and the elders of the people came Jesse and is spoken of in Isaiah’s prophecy as
unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what "Jesse". In this sense it is written of Christ Jesus
authority doest thou these things? and who gave as the Offshoot or Royal Son of Jehovah: "And
thee this authority?" And when they refused to there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of
recognize John’s baptizing work as from God, Jesus Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:
said to them: "Neither tell I you by what authority and the spirit of the LORD [Jehovah] shall rest upon
I do these things." (Matt. 21: 23-27) It was not him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the
his own authority, but on Jehovah God’s authority; spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge
but the religious clergymen would not have believed and of the fear of the LORD; and shall make him of
it even if Jesus had explained outright to them his quick understanding [or, shall refresh him] in the
ordination from the Most High God. fear of the LORD:and he shall not judge after the
17. Howdid Jesus show and state the spirit of God backed his ordination ?
15. In taking up the words of IsAiah 61:1-3, what did Sesus disclaim 18. How had God’s kln~dom suddenly overtaken the rellgionlsts? and
and, to the contrary, what dld he confess? why were they committing unforgivable sin?
16. What did Christ Jesus show and state regarding his ordination? and 19. What effect did Isaiah chapter 11 foretell of t2~ec~lrit’s resting
what facts show how the religlonlsts stood with respect to his ordination? upon Jesus? and hew did the spirit produce such
sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing "In the book of Isaiah it was very fittingly
of his ears: but with righteousness shall he judge arranged that the prophecy of the anointing should
the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of follow Jehovah’s call to his organization Zion to
the earth." (Isa. 11: 1-4; Young’s) That is to say, "arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory
the spirit of Jehovah God resting upon his anointed of the LORD is risen upon thee". (Isa. 60: 1-22) When
Servant both imparted to him and enlarged in him Jesus came, the darkness of religion and of wicked-
these said things, namely, wisdom, understanding, ness was covering the earth. Even the Israelites
counsel, might, knowledge, and the worshipful fear were groping about in the darkness of the "Jews’
of God. These things would be, not of Christ Jesus religion", which made void and transgressed the
himself, but of Jehovah God and by His spirit or word and commandments of Jehovah God. Also the
active force operating upon Christ Jesus. "times of the Gentiles" had then run only six hundred
"Doubtless, for a prophetic type of Christ Jesus of their 2,520 years, and the Israelite nation was
as Builder of the temple of Godit was said to Moses lying in the darkness of despair under the hard
respecting the craftsman Bezaleel: "See, I have yoke of the RomanEmpire. But Jesus said to them:
called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me
Hur, of the tribe of Judah: and I have filled him shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light
with the spirit of God, in wisdom,and in understand- of life." (John 8: 12) He was the Chief One of Jeho-
ing, and in knowledge, and in all manner of work- vah’s universal organization; and when he arose to
manship, to devise cunning works, to work in gold, his work of enlightening others concerning Godand
and in silver, and in brass, and in cutting of stones, his kingdom, Zion arose and shone with him. Hence,
to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all when Jesus had been anointed and thereafter went
manner of workmanship." (Ex. 31: 1-5) As a result, into Galilee, the territory of the tribes of Zebulun
the tabernacle of God was built by Bezaleel and his and of Naphtali, there preaching and saying,
helpers in exact harmony with the pattern shown "Repent; for the kingdomof heaven is at hand," then
to Moses in the Mount of God. Upon a grander the prophetic call to "arise and shine" underwentful-
scale, Christ Jesus with the Lord Jehovah’s spirit fiUment. As it is written: "And leaving Nazareth,
abiding upon him accomplishes his commission from he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the
God and builds up the spiritual temple in which God sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim:
dwells by his spirit.--Eph. 2: 20-22; 1 Cor. 3: 16, 17. that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias
"~ Jesus, in whomthe prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-3 the prophet, saying, The land of Zabulon, and the
finds its first and chief fulfillment, carried out his land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond
commission to preach good tidings unto the meek. Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles ; the people which sat
Tilese good tidings took the particular form of being in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat
good news about God’s kingdom. The news was good in the region and shadow of death light is sprung
especially in that the Kingdomwas at hand. inas- up." (Matt. 4: 13-17) It was amidst this preaching
much as the One whom Jehovah anointed to the tour that Jesus testified in the synagogue at Naza-
kingship was present among Jehovah’s consecrated reth that the prophecy of Isaiah concerning the
nation of Israel. Anointed Preacher was fulfilled in him, Christ Jesus.
20 How was Bezaleel, in this respect, a type of Christ Jesus? 22 In what way did the prophecy of the anointing fittingly follow
21. What klnd of good tidings were they that J~sus preached, to Isaiah chapter slxYy? and what inspired record concerning Jesus ebows
fulfill Imalah 61 : 1 ? the fulfillment of the prophecies in that order?


ESUS went preaching, because he was sent. of religion and desiring freedom to serve Godaright.
J Jehovah, whose anointing was upon Jesus, was
the Onethat sent him. Sent him whither ? To Jeru-
Aa Jesus testified: "I ran not sent but unto the lost
sheep of the house of Israel."~Matt. 15: 24.
salem, or to some other city to take up permanent ’ Hence he did not confine himself to preaching
residence there and preside over an enrolled con- in the temple at Jerusalem, or in any one of the
gregation of people as their resident preacher and many synagogues in Palestine. But everywhere
minister T No! Jehovah God did not assign Jesus to throughout the land, and to all he met, he preached
any local congregation, but anointed and commis- the Kingdomtidings. Besides in the temple and all
sioned him to preach to all the nation of Israel. available synagogues, Jesus preached in the private
The entire nation was his congregation, and particu- homes of the people. At a well he preached to a
larly the meekones or those feeling the oppressions Samaritan womanand confessed to her that he is
2. What does the record show as to whether Jesus was a resident
1, Whydid Jesus go preaching? and tO whomspecifically? preacher? and how did he thus fulfill Psalm 22.22?
the Christ or Anointed One. He accommodated him- such as the religious clergy generally displayed.
self to the mountainside and the seaside to address Such hearts Jesus healed by proclaiming to them the
his message to the large throngs of the common curative message of God’s kingdom and of true
people. In season and out of season, day and night, redemption from sin. He preached deliverance to
he preached the Word of God. He built no audi- the meek or oppressed ones, which was a lasting
toriums or buildings provided with a platform and deliverance from the captivity of sin and its author
pulpit in which to sermonize; nor did he take up Satan and his wicked organization.
any money collection or carry on any money drive Makingsome literally blind ones to see was only
in order to erect such religious buildings. The meek, incidental to Jesus’ giving spiritual sight to those
anywhere in all the nation, were his congregation, that had been blinded by religion’s traditions and
to whomhe was anointed to preach. He went to the commandmentsof clergymen. Jesus set the bruised
people as he was sent, and did not advertise and and downtrodden at liberty by fearlessly proclaim-
wait for them to cometo him at any fixed location¯ ing the truth and exposing religion’s falsehoods and
In this way the prophecy of Psalm 22:22 was ful- practitioners. As he said: "If ye continue in myword,
filled; as it is written, at Hebrews2: 11, 12, which then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall "know
reads: "That is why he is not ashamed to call them the truth, and the truth shall make you free ....
brothers, and say, ’I will tell your name[God’s name Whosoevercommitteth sin is the servant of sin. And
Jehovah] to my brothers, in the midst of the congre- the servant abideth not in the house [of God] for
gation I will sing your praise.’" (Goodspeed) Jesus ever: but the Son abideth ever. If the Son therefore
was no resident preacher, but was always on the shall makeyou free, ye shall be free indeed." (John
move. Said he in commenton his ownactivities : "The 8: 31, 32, 34-36) Jesus also preached the "acceptable
poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed year of the Lord", or ’year of Jehovah’s favor’. Such
is he, whosoevershall not be offended in me." (Matt. year of acceptance and favor was not only due to
11: 5, 6) The imitation of Jesus’ method offended preaching the message, "The kingdom of heaven is
the religionists then and now. at hand," but also due to his confining his preaching
How, though, did Jesus fulfill the other parts activities to the typical organization of the Jews.
of his commission as he recited them at Nazareth? This gave them the first opportunities respecting the
True, he healed great multitudes of sick, crippled Kingdombefore such opportunities should be thrown
and infirm persons; but that is not the way he bound open to the outside nations, the Gentiles.--Matt. l0: 5.
up the brokenhearted permanently. He did not ° According to Luke 4: 16-19, in the commission
deliver the Jews from captivity or oppressive domi- which Jesus read at Nazareth as then undergoing
nation under the Romanconquerors. He did not free fulfillment he read nothing as to proclaiming the
anyone from the Romanjails, not even John the day of God’s vengeance. This is not to say he did
Baptist from the dungeon of Herod’s prison. Never- not fulfill the part of the commission set out at
theless, he informed John the Baptist in prison that Isaiah 61: 2, namely, "to proclaim . . . the day of
the divine commission at Isaiah 61:1-3 was being vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn."
fulfilled¯ Howso? Because the things to which the Even before Jesus, John the Baptist warned of a
prophecy refers are larger in scope than such mere typical day of .vengeance upon the Jewish nation,
temporary, physical things.--Matt. 11: 1-6. saying to the religious clergy: "0 generation of
’The broken hearts which he healed had been vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath
broken by the seeming failure of the divine promises to come?. . . Andnow also the ax is laid unto the
concerning the Kingdom, which the Jews had root of the trees:.., he shall baptize . .. with fire:
expected to be set up by the Messiah with their ¯ . . he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable
nation¯ Now, to the contrary, there they were under fire." (Matt. 3:7-12) Most certainly Jesus preached
the hateful Gentile yoke of Rome, and under great a typical day of God’s vengeance when he announced
reproach. The hearts had also been broken by the the coming destruction of Jerusalem and wept over
abominations and injustices committed in the name the city as he did so. (Luke 19:41-44) Referring
of the Jews’ religion, which abominations blas- Jerusalem’s approaching destruction as a type of
phemed God’s name, made void his commandments, the destruction of the religious organization of
and shackled the people. Those hearts had also been "Christendom" at this end of the world, Jesus said:
broken by the consciousness of sin and the need of "For these be the days of vengeance, that all things
true atonement toward God, rather than swelled up which are written maybe fulfilled." (Luke 21: 22-24)
and fattened with the pride of self-righteousness Upon that rehgious generation, said Jesus, would
3. Why dla Jesus not fulfill the other parts of his commiulon in a
merely literal meaning of Isaiah’s prophecy~ ~oHow dlci he give recovery of sight to the blind, and dispense freedom
the oppre~ed, and proclaim an era of acceptance with the Lord?
4. ttow, then, did he bind up the brokenhearted and preach deliverance 6. Does the record at Luke 4" 16-19 mean to say Jesus did not proclaim
to the mee~? the day of God’s vengeance? and what do the facts show?
J~u~ i, 1945 NieWATCttTOWER. 9

"come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, On that day comes the beginning of the fulfillment
from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of of Joel’s ancient prophecy, namely: "And ye shall
Zacharias son of Barachias, whomye slew between know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I
the temple and the altar"; and then he declared am Jehovah you/" God, and there is none else; and
Jerusalem’s temple house left desolate to her, aban- my people shall never be put to shame. And it shall
doned by Jehovah God to its fate.--Matt. 23: 34-38. cometo pass afterward, that I will pour out myspirit
’ For the comfort of his faithful followers he said: upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters
"Shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams,
and night unto him, though he bear long with them? your young menshall see visions : and also upon the
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Never- servants and upon the handmaids in those days will
theless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find I pour out my spirit"; after which comes a predic-
faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:7,8) "Blessed are tion concerning the day of Jehovah’s vengeance.
they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." (Matt. --Joel 2: 27-32, Am. Start. Ver.
5: 4) Jesus fulfilled his commission to comfort in lo Whenthe apostles and their fellow disciples had
Israel the sincere mourners. received the outpoured holy spirit that day of Pente-
* All the facts are, therefore, that Christ Jesus on cost, the apostle Peter spoke by the power thereof
earth was faithful fo his anointing by carrying out and quoted and applied the prophecy of Joel as then
his divine commissionclear to the time of his death going into fulfillment. (Acts 2: 14-21) Of course, the
on the tree. It was for that very reason that he was holy spirit of Jehovah was not then poured, nor has
nailed to the tree, proving that all the religious it since been poured, upon all creatures of human
persecution which led up to this crime had failed to flesh. Prior to Pentecost the spirit was poured out
break his integrity or make him prove disobedient only upon the consecrated Jesus; but now from and
to the terms of his commission. His proving faithful after Pentecost the same spirit was poured out upon
and true as Jehovah’s Servant and witness down to all creatures in the flesh who were consecrated to
the shameful death vindicated Jehovah God as Jehovah God as His servants and handmaids. Those
rightfully holding the universal domination and as persons in the flesh who were not in covenant rela-
being worthy of the submission of all creatures high tionship with God through Christ and not devoted
and low throughout the universe. It proved Satan to his service did not come under the outpouring
the Devil a liar in his charging of selfishness to all of the spirit. It was through Christ Jesus that the
members of Jehovah’s universal organization. It spirit was thus outpoured. He having been glorified
demonstrated that the kingdom of heaven will ever with his heavenly Father and having received "the
be loyal to the Lord Jehovah. As a reward for such promise of the holy spirit", he then at the due time
faithfulness, the Almighty God resurrected Jesus poured it out upon his ready and waiting disciples
from the dead and exalted him to His ownright hand. on earth. Thus they became a spirit-baptized body
under him their anointed Head.~Acts 2: 32, 33.
n Such outpouring of the spirit or active force of
°The prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-3 concerning the
anointed Preacher did not have its complete ful- Jehovah upon the faithful followers of Christ Jesus
fillment in Jesus’ brief ministry in the flesh. During indicated certain things: First of all, that their
those three and a half years of earthly activity Christ consecration to Godhad been accepted and that they
Jesus associated disciples with himself; and these had been justified or made right with Him through
shared with him in preaching the same message as the redemptive merit of Jesus’ sacrifice and that they
he did. Particularly the twelve apostles did so, only had therefore been begotten of God to become his
one of whomturned traitor. While these apostles spiritual children. In other words, they became new
and other disciples were sent forth by Jesus under creatures, spiritual Israelites; and their relationship
instructions to preach the Kingdom,it was not then with Jehovah Godwas no longer due to their having
true that they were anointed with Jehovah’s spirit: been born as Israelites or Jews according to the
"for the holy [spirit] was not yet given; because that flesh and been circumcised. (2 Cor. 5: 17) Later, the
Jesus was not yet glorified." (John 7 : 39) Hencenone spirit was poured forth upon the Gentiles, or non-
of them could at that time appIy to themselves Jews, that consecrated themselves to God through
Isaiah’s prophecy of the anointing. But along comes Christ. (Acts 10) They too became new creatures
the day of the feast of Pentecost, ten days after in Christ.
Jesus’ ascension to heaven and his glorification there. "The spirit’s being outpoured upon all such
7. How din he fulfill h~ commission to comfort mourner~? 10. In what eenee waa the spirit then poured out upon "all" flesh.
8. What did Jesus’ keeping faithful to his anointing prove and and how ?
demonstrate ? 11 What certain thlnp rtmpeetlng the dllciples did the outpouring of
9 Why during Jesus’ ministry were his dlsctple~ unable to Include the spirit indicate to have taken place as prellmlnariee~
themselves under the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy? and when were 12. What did such outpouring of the °ptrlt further indicate aa to an
they able to do so? organic umon with Christ Juus?
N. Y.

meant, therefore, that they had been baptized into in the days of the Kingdom’s establishment and of
the ’‘body of Christ". As regards this the apostle Satan’s end, those of the body of Christ that are
Paul writes: "For just as the body is one and yet yet on earth are the final membersor "feet" mem-
has many parts, and all the parts 6f the body, many bers thereof. With all fitness these consecrated,
as they are, form one body, so it is with Christ. For spirit-begotten ones maytoday take up the prophet’s
we have all--Jews or Greeks, slaves or free men-- words and openly declare everywhere their anoint-
been baptized in one spirit to form one body, and ing to preach as from Jehovah God, the Most High,
we have all been saturated with one spirit. Nowyou The Theocrat.
are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it." "Be it observed that the first fulfillment of Joel’s
(1 Cor. 12:12, 13, 27, Goodspeed) Such spirit- prophecy regarding the spirit’s outpouring came
baptized ’‘body of Christ" is the church of God; in the last days of Israel’s typical relationship with
Jesus is the Head and the church is his body; and God. According to Peter’s quotation of the prophecy,
the spirit flows down from him to them.--Eph. a larger and final fulfillment of the same prophecy
1 : 22, 23; Col. 1 : 18. would come in the last days of "Christendom",
,s Doesthis mean, then, that all those of the "body namely, at this end of Satan’s religionized world. As
of Christ" are anointed from Jehovah God? Yes; explained in the August 1, 1944, issue of The Watch-
although not directly as was Jesus, but through tower, such final coming true of Joel’s prophecy
Jesus Christ. Testifying to this anointing, the began in a marked way in the year 1919 upon the
apostle Paul writes to the true church: "But it is remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses, and became espe-
God who guarantees us and you to Christ; he has cially marked in 1922. Hencein a realistic way this
anointed us and put his seal upon us and given us remnant of justified, spirit-begotten ones, including
his spirit in our hearts, as earnest-money [or as the new ones that have been added to the remnant
a pledge]." (2 Cor. 1: 21, 22, Goodspeed)After warn- since the above dates, can take up and voice Isaiah’s
ing against false anointed ones or opposers of God’s prophecy concerning the anointing from Jehovah.
anointed ones, the apostle John assures the faithful And, indeed, they do so as a unit, as the "faithful
ones of the church, saying: "Ye have an anointing and wise servant" class under Christ Jesus their
from the Holy One, and ye know all things. And Head.
as for you, the anointing which ye received of him
abideth in you, and ye need not that any one teach "When Jesus quoted and applied the words of
you; but as his anointing teacheth you concerning Isaiah 61: 1,2, it astounded the religionists at
all things, and is true, and is no lie, and even as it Nazareth and quickly led to their attempt to throw
taught you, ye abide in him."--I John 2: 20, 27, him over the precipice and stone him. Just so the
Am. Stan. Ver. confident quotation of Isaiah’s same words by the
1, Are we to conclude from these Scriptural facts, remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses as stating their
then, that the members of Christ’s body or church ordination from God astounds and unsettles the
are authorized to use and apply to themselves the religionists. It has challenged the ordination of the
same words as Jesus did, namely, "The spirit of religious clergy, whofanatically contend for their
the Lord Jehovah is upon me; because Jehovah hath ordination which they receive through their rehgious
anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek"? institutions. But Jehovah’s witnesses show that the
Yes; although it is more as a church body under ordination which such religious clergy pretend to
Christ their Head that they thus speak. The prophet have is not valid or of any worth with God, because
Isaiah, in using the personal pronoun "me" under Jehovah God’s prophecy by Isaiah did not foretell
inspiration, was not picturing or foreshadowing each any religious organization or sect as the instrument
individual Christian member, but was foreshadow- authorized by God to ordain true ministers of God
ing primarily Christ Jesus and then secondarily all and preachers of His good news or gospel of the
the church under Christ as a unit or one body. It is, Kingdom. The ordination of the members of the
of course, proper for each individual memberunder body of Christ is not of men or by men, but is of
Christ to apply the wordsof Isaiah 61 : 1-3 to himself Ood and by Jesus Christ. The King Christ Jesus
as indicating the source of his ordination; but that in the heavens still says, "The spirit of the Lord
does not meanthat such prophecy is wholly fulfilled Jehovah is upon me; because Jehovah hath anointed
in that one individual so quoting it. Not all the me to preach good tidings unto the meek." Christ
members of the body of Christ, the church, have Jesus, therefore, in these last days is seeing to it
been on earth at one time. Hence, now that we are that the duties and obligations which are imposed
1§ Why can the remnant at pre~nt take up Isaiah’s prophetic words
13 Does this mean they are anointed from Jehovah God? and what in n realistic way? ann now?
testimony is written uPOn the subject? 16. (a) Howhas this application of the prophecy challenged the ordination
14. How, then, about the application of the prophec~ of Isaiah concerning of religious clergy.* ibl How does Christ Jesus still attend to the
anointing to themselves, theluding the "feet" ¯members of the Christ fulfillment of the terms of the anointing?

by the anointing are carried out through the rem- :’ So it was that, when persecution caused the
nant of the membersof his body yet on the earth. followers of Christ to be "all scattered abroad
Hence, under him their Head, the remnant of Jeho- throughout the regions of Judma and Samaria,
vah’s witnesses say: "The spirit of the Lord Jehovah except the apostles", then "they that were scattered
is upon me; because Jehovah hath anointed me to abroad went every where preaching the word.
preach." Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and
"Jehovah’s witnesses declare their ordination to preached Christ unto them". (Acts 8: 1,4, 5) The
preach as gospel-ministers to be only from Jehovah genuineness of persons’ being God’s ministers and
God and through Christ Jesus. Any ordination aside preachers is not dependent upon nor to be deter-
from this, such as ordination of clergymen by a mined by preaching behind a pulpit or in front of
religious sectarian organization, is a farce and a an altar in a building or before a regular group of
misleading snare. "I sent not these prophets, yet they people who pay them thus to serve weekly at such
ran: I spake not unto them, yet they prophesied." pulpit or altar. It is the anointing of God’s spirit
(Jer. 23:16-21, Am.Stan. Ver.) Hence God is not that determines the actuality of their being minis-
bound to put his spirit upon such religious ordained ters. And in the case of such ones as are truly
ones. Only upon the faithful ones whomJehovah ordained or commissioned to preach, every threshold
God has anointed or commissioned to preach does or doorway becomes their preaching post (no so-
His spirit rest. Hence only to such does Jehovah called "pulpit" is necessary) ; and all those of hearing
God by Christ Jesus commit the authentic, reliable ears within the house become a congregation for
good news or gospel of the Kingdom. them. Such was the ease when the apostle Paul
ta The anointing with the spirit is unto the work "taught . . . publickly, and from house to house,
of preaching. It is unto the ministry or service of testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks,
Jehovah God. Since the anointing comes not only repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord
upon Jesus the Messiah-Prince but also upon the Jesus Christ".~Acts 20: 20, 21.
membersof his body, the church, it anoints all the ’° Nor are such preachers tied down to those in
membersof Christ’s body to preach and to perform any one house as a congregation, but they are in-
the ministry of God. This anointing is not merely structed to go "from house to house". Neither are
upon certain ones of the body, such as the apostles they limited to those with hearing ears in any one
or those whoare appointed as overseers (epis~:opos) community, but the example set for them by the
or as ministerial assistants (didkonos) within the Chief Anointed Preacher, Christ Jesus, and by his
church. The anointing is upon all the body members; apostles, is to go "throughout every city and village,
and therefore it makes the entire body and all its preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the ldng-
members together a preaching body, a ministerial domof God". (Luke 8: l.; 13: 22; Matt. 9: 35; Mark
body. Each and all of them together can say, "The 6: 6) Everjnvhere that they give testimony, whether
spirit of the Lord Jehovah is upon me; because to but one listener or to several or to a multitude,
Jehovah hath anointed me to preach"; and for such they are fulfilling their anointing or commissionand
reason they all together makeup a ministerial asso- are preaching in their ministerial capacity. On every
ciation. Theirs is a society of ministers; for which occasion, and not according to any scheduled time
cause every one of Jehovah’s witnesses is a minister on a religious organization’s weekly program, they
of the gospel of the Kingdom.Jehovah has anointed are authorized to preach: "Preach the message; be
each one of them with his spirit and has thus com- at it in season and out of season," is the apostle’s
missioned each one to preach as a witness to Jehovah exhortation to his faithful colaborer.~2 Tim. 4: 2,
and his Theocratic Government. This fact, there- Goodspeed.
fore, does not allow for them to be divided or distin- ’~ Always, therefore, they must be on the alert
guished from one another, some few as being a to preach, by every means of conveying information
"clergy" and the rest, the majority, as being the concerning the Kingdom, whether by word of mouth
"laity" to whomthe "clergy" ones are ordained to or by printed Bible explanations or by running off
preach. To the contrary, there is no so-called "clergy" recorded Bible lectures. They are not limited to just
among them, nor is any of them authorized to act one station to preach. If, like Jesus, any of them is
as "lording it over the clergy"; but all of them are assigned to a bounded territory, then anywhere
God’s heritage (Greek: kl~ros).--I Pet. 5: 3, Douay within that assigned territory where he can reach
others there a station or place is provided to preach,
Version. 19. (a)How was the foregoing demonstrated in the early church under
persecution? (b) What does, and what does not, determine the actualness
17 To what ordination do Jehovah’s witnesses adhere? and what does of persons’ being God’s mlnistere and preachers?
such ordination bind Jehovah to do toward them, 20. Where and when or how often are they authorized to fulfill their
18 in) Unto what is the anointing with the spirit, and by how many* anointing to preach?
(b) "~Vhy, then, may Jehovah’s witnesses not he divided up as "clergy" 21. How about if they are lumigned a bounded terr|tory? and how do
and "l~uty"? they find the "lost sheep’7
N. Y.
no matter what the size of the audience. Only thus the church (I Tim. 2: I1, 12), yet the anointing
can the "lost sheep" be found; for just who such upon them also. Hence the responsibilities and
"lost sheep" are and where their location is cannot assigned duties of the anointing rest upon them
be fixed by any directions given in advance. Jesus equally with the men. That means they as well as
instructed his disciples to hunt for such, saying to the men are anointed to preach the glad tidings to
them: "Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of those to whomJehovah sends them by Christ Jesus.
Israeh"--Matt. 10: 6. Hence they must bear testimony upon every proper
" Everyone, therefore, that is brought into the occasion to those to whomthey are sent as Jehovah’s
body of Christ by reason of the anointing is brought witnesses. Therefore, let everyone of the body of
into the organization to be a preacher, a minister Christ realize that nowhis calling in life is to be
of God. None are brought into the body to merely a gospel-preacher or minister. All else is secondary.
form a congregation of hearers to listen while an ’~ Likewise with all those who are now brought
appointed few members do some weekly preaching into a good-will association with the anointed body
for an hour or so. But all brought into Christ’s body, of Christ. They are brought into such relationship,
whether male or female, are brought in to be not to form a permanent congregauon to hear
preachers, ministers. "There is neither male nor preaching and be ministered to by the anointed ones,
female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." (Gal. but to join with them in the ministry of the Word
3: 28) This is the sense of Joel’s prophecy(2 : 28, 29), and in the delivery of the testimony to others. Hence
that "your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, they do not form a laity class toward the anointed,
¯ . . also upon the servants and upon the handmaids nor do the anointed class form a clergy body toward
in those days will I pour out my spirit". Whereas these "other sheep" of good-will; but all together
womenare not suffered to preach and teach within are "one flock" under "one shepherd", namely,
Christ Jesus.--John 10: 16, Am. Stan. Vet.
22 lot V:ha! t~ the objective of orle’s being brought into the body
of Chri.t by anointing’, and what
~ bearing has sex ilpon the matter? 23 Why alao are othel6 brought into a good-will re}attonqhtp with
Ib) What.then,|a the i|te~calllug OI such Chriat’s body? and what lo their relat|oaship wl~h the anointed?


T AKING your Bible, and turning to Peter’s first

epistle, chapter one, verses three to five, you read:
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
the truth heareth my voice.’ (John 18:37) As Jesus was
faithful and true as a witness to the name of his Father,
wh~ begot him, so likewise his faithful followers must be
Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath witnesses to the name of their Begetter and Father, Jehovah
begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection God. Because Jesus told the truth, he was greatly reproached
of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incor- and persecuted; and because his followers teI1 the truth,
ruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved they must expect to be reproached and persecuted, as the
in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God Scriptures declare at Psalm 69 : 9 and Romans15 : 3. Those
through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the persons thus taken out from among the nations as a ’people
last time." for Jehovah’s name’ are separated from the world; and to
Are you one thus begotten of God by his truth and them Christ Jesus says: "If the world hate you, ye know
spirit and hence begotten to a heavenly inheritance of that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the
incorruptible and undefiled riches? Every person thus world [this old world], the world would love his own: but
begotten by the will of God to be his spiritual offspring because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out
is a new creature or new creation, now, while yet this old of the world [to become new creatures], therefore the world
world remains. "So that if any one is in Christ there is hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The
a new creation! The old things have passed away, to! they servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted
have become new! The all things, moreover, are of God, me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my
who hath reconciled us unto himself through Christ, and saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will
hath given unto us the reconciling ministry." (2 Cor. they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know
5: 17, 18, Rotherham’s translation) Before such a "new not him that sent me."---John 15: 18-21.
creation" or new creature begotten of God all prospects The reproaches and persecution that come upon the
are new, because his hope now is to share in the heavenly faithful followers of Christ Jesus are due to the fact that
riches with Christ Jesus, provided he continues faithful they bear testimony to the truth ; and this affords them an
unto death. From that time unto death he must prove his opportunity to prove their faithfulness and to maintain
faithfulness to God under the severe test. their integrity toward God. Complete devotion to Jehovah
At the time of the descent of God’s spirit immediately and Christ Jesus, and faithfulness to the end, are required
after baptism in the Jordan river, the "man Christ Jesus" of all who start to follow as new creatures in the footsteps
became a new creation. Concerning his purpose in coming of Jesus. To such Jesus says: "Be thou faithful unto death,
to earth he said: ’To this end came I into the world, that and I will give thee the crown of life." (Roy. 2: 10, A.S.iz.)
I should be a witness to the truth. Every one that is of That does not mean a partial faithfulness or a faithfulness
JAnUArY1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 13

for a specific time, but means to be faithful all the time The anointed new creatures must be obedient to the
to God and to Christ. Regarding this it is written: "It is commandments of Jehovah, which commandments are
a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall spoken by Christ Jesus. Any who fail or refuse to obey
also live with him: if we suffer, we shall also reign with Christ Jesus, of whomthe prophet Moses was a prophetic
him: if wedeny him, he also will denyus."--2 Tim.2 : 11, 12. type, are certain to be destroyed. (See Acts 3: 22, 23.) The
Paul, whospecifically used the expression "newcreation", end of the world has come, and as due to be fulfilled at
was a faithful servant and follower of Christ Jesus; and this particular time Jesus gave specific commandment for
when he had reached the end of his service as an apostle his true followers now on earth, to wit: "This gospel of
he wrote these words to fellow new creatures: "For I am the kingdomshall be preached in ali the world for a wit-
now ready to be offered, and the time of mydeparture is ness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matt.
at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my 24: 14) This commandmentmust be obeyed, and for this
course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up reason the followers go forth as witnesses to the name of
for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the right- God and to his King Christ Jesus. Because of their faith-
eous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, fulness in obedience to the commandments of the Lord they
but unto all them also that love his appearing." (2 Tim. are hated by all who are against God and his established
4: 6-8) Paul’s course is the one a new creature following kingdom.--Matt. 10 : 22.
Christ Jesus must pursue. In obedience to Jehovah God they must go from house
From the day of Pentecost, whenChrist’s followers were to house delivering the testimony of the Kingdom. (Luke
first begotten by the spirit as new creatures, downto the 10:5) Paul and the other apostles did that very thing.
second comingof Christ Jesus, the calling and selection of (Acts 20: 20) Jehovah has bestowed upon these faithful
the membersof the royal household of God has progressed. ones His name, calling them, to wit, "Jehovah’s witnesses";
Within that time those whodied in faith and in faithful- and they must perform the duties enjoined upon them to
ness have been dead and must await the return of the Lord testify to his name.(Isa. 43: 10-12) It is certain that they
Jesus and the resurrection. Nowthe coming of the Lord will be opposed by all those’ who are not for God, and
is an accomplished fact, and those faithful ones, such as they must "obey Godrather than men". (Acts 5 : 29) They
ttw apostle Paul, have been resurrected and have become will obey the laws of the nations as long as those laws are
a part of God’s heavenly orgamzation or royal house. Those not contrary to God’s law; and this was what Jesus meant
who have been permitted to remain on the earth until now, when he said: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things
and whoare faithful to God and Christ in the performance which be C~esar’s, and unto Godthe things which be God’s."
of their consecration to God,constitute the earthly or visible (Luke 20: 25) In performing their covenant with God
part of God’s organization. These, continuing faithful to these faithful ones necessarily suffer reproach and perse-
death, will be instantly changed by a resurrection out of cution; but such they must endure to the end.uMatt.
death to life as spirit creatures; as the apostle Paul writes: 10:22; 24:13.
"Behold, I shew you a mystery; Weshall not all sleep [in Do those faithful new creatures have a promise of
death], but we shall all be changed [to spirit life], in receiving riches? Yes; those faithful to the end are certain
a moment,in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: to be sharers in great riches and share with Christ Jesus
for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead [in Christ] shall in his heavenly glory and power. Christ Jesus is the hmr
be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this of all the riches of God’s boundless universe. (Hob. 1:2)
corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must The faithful ones, who become members of God’s royal
put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have house, share with Christ Jesus in his glory and boundless
put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on riches; as it is written to the new creatures: "The spirit
immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the
is written, Death is swallowed up in ~ictory."ul Cor. children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God,
15 : 51-54. and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer w~th
While on the earth the new creatures must, to receive him, that we maybe also glorified together. For I reckon
God’s approval, be witnesses to the name and kingdom of that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to
Jehovah. In no other way can they be faithful and perform be comparedwith the glory which shall be revealed in us."
their commission from Him. Their commission as those --Rom.8 : 16-18.
anointed by the Lord God Jehovah is written at Isaiah During the period of the past 1900 years Jehovah has
61: 1-3: "The spirit of the Lord GoDis upon me; because been calling, instructing and selecting those who makeup
the LortD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the his royal house, of which Christ Jesus is the Head and
meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to Lord. Faithfulness is required of all whoare thus brought
proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the into God’s royal family. Millions of persons have been led
prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable to believe that they are Christians and accordingly claim
year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to be followers of Christ, almost all of whomhave never
to comfort all that mourn; to appoint unto them that mourn even learned what is required of a follower of Christ. The
in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of Scriptures definitely show that the number of the royal
joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of house is limited to 144,000. Chriat Jesus is the Lord of
heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, lords and King of kings; and they that are with him are
the planting of the LORD,that he might be glorified." This called, chosen and faithful. (Rev. 17:14; 7:4-8) To these
commissionis a treasure of unmeasurable richness. the riches of God are given, not as aa inducement to

faithfulness, but as his loving appreciative provision for Does a human have to be changed and go to heaven in
those who prove their faithfulness and maintain their order to store up riches in heaven? No; a person may do
integrity even to death. Jehovah does not hire anyone to so even though he does not eventually go to heaven. All
serve him. He does not induce anyone to serve him by riches of treasures proceed from heaven, and riches from
reason of a reward. No creature could bring any profit to such treasure-house result to those whoreceive a knowledge
Jehovah God, regardless of what he might do. (Luke 17 : 10) of God’s purposes as stated in his Word, and who then
Those who enter consecration to do the will of God and are diligent in their endeavors to do God’s will. Jehovah
whomGod invites into the covenant for the Kingdom,and is the source of riches, and Christ Jesus is the dispenser
whojoyfully prove their faithfulness unto death, are per- thereof. Menwho devote themselves to acquiring material
mitted to share the heavenly riches with Christ Jesus. Love riches on earth and who ignore the Lord’s instruction are
is their motive. acquiring that which perishes and disappears. Those who
It is written that qove is the principal thing’; and love devote themselves to knowand to do God’s will are laying
for Godmeans that the creature is unselfishly and entirely up riches that endure for ever. The riches that obedient
devoted to God, regardless of what suffering his faithful- men will receive on earth under the Kingdomcome from
ness may bring upon him. Having agreed to do God’s will, heaven. Jehovah Godis the Giver of every good and perfect
he must do it. Complete faithfulness induced by love or gift, and he is in the heaven of heavens.--Jas. 1:17.
unselfishness brin~ to such lovers God’s riches; and con- In the end the treasures which men have been storing
cerning this the faithful follower of Christ Jesus wrote: up in these last days will avail them nothing. Selfishness
"0 the depth of the riches both of the wisdomand knowl- has moved men to build up great material wealth; and
edge of God!" (Rom. 11 : 33) The riches of Jehovah are this they have done at the cost of muchsuffering to others.
boundless that no creature can understand them fully, but Therefore their treasure is of no lasting value to them.
into those unfathomable riches God admits those who are Concerning such it is written: "Your riches are corrupted,
faithful followers of Christ Jesus unto death. and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver
The 144,000 members of the royal house are the only is cankered; and the rust of them shall be witness against
ones taken from among men who find their everlasting you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped
abiding place in the invisible realm of Jehovah God. To treasure together for the last days."--Jas. 5:1-3.
such it was written : "Beloved, noware we the sons of God, These words of James show that riches acquired by
and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know injustice and oppression are not availing or helpful in the
that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we last days which end up in the battle of ArmageddonOn
shall see him as he is."--I John 3:2. the other hand, thousands of persons of good-will act upon
Does that mean that none aside from the 144,000 will their desire to knowand do that which is pleasing to the
ever be the possessors of riches which are bestowed by Almighty GOd, and they diligently search his Word m
Jehovah? No; such is not the teaching of God’s Word. The order to gain a knowledge of Jehovah and Christ and to
144,000 new creatures constitute the royal house, which learn the right way. Thus they find how they may lay up
body shares with Christ Jesus in his kingdom.Those whoare treasures in heaven that will be available to them and
nowthe earthly companionsof the remnant of new creatures bring everlasting joy and comfort to them on earth.
are invited and are acting upon the invitation to share in As shownby the Scriptures and the facts, the selection
the riches of truth and riches of service together with the of the 144,000 is now about completed. Only a remnant
remnant. Wheninstructing his disciples, Jesus said: "Do yet remains on earth, and a great flock of people of good-
not store up your riches on earth, where moths and rust will are associating themselves with the remnant of new
destroy them, and where thieves break in and steal them, creatures as companmns. They desire to find in God’s
but store up your riches m heaven, where moths and rust Wordthe way that leads them into the riches that will
cannot destroy them, and where thieves cannot break in never perish. Those who have set their hearts to do His
and steal them. For wherever your treasure is, your heart will find such treasures of riches of truth and service.
will be also." (Matt. 6: 19-21, Goodspeed) These words These riches descend from God and are his blessing upon
apply to those newcreatures called to be followers of Christ faithful man; and with such God adds no sorrow, but, to
Jesus, to be sure; but they also apply to all who would the contrary, adds lasting peace and happiness and light.
live and do the will of God. --Prov. 10 : 22.


ROPER.prayer calls into play the holy spirit of
p Jehovah God. HIS ears are ever open to the suppli-
cating cry of his faithful servants, and his active
destruction of membersof that same sect located in another
nation. Individuals lift up their voices in selfish prayer.
Millions repeat the Lord’s Prayer, and then set themselves
force movesirresistibly in behalf of such humblepetitioners. in a course favoring a man-created "new world order" of
(Ps. 34:15; Prov. 15:29) In these days, however, the nations wherein no place is given to God’s kingdom. Their
privilege of prayer is very much abused. For example, heart is not in the words "Thy kingdom come", which they
hypocr,tical clergymen "for a pretence make long prayer" so religiously utter. Thusabusing prayer, the selfish peti-
in affected tones of piety, purely for the effect it has upon tioners have no answer from God. (Matt. 23: 14; 6: 10;
humanlisteners. Religious sects are divided by nationalistic Prov. 28: 9; Jas. 4: 3, 4) This shakes any confidence they
aims, the membersof a sect in one land praying for the might have had in prayer, they being blind to their sins.

Notwithstanding, Jehovah hears the proper petitions of her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had
his humble worshipers and his spirit acts victoriously in been drunken. And Eli said unto her, Howlong wilt thou
their behalf. The case of Hannah proves it. Her name be drunken ? put away thy wine from thee. And Hannah
means "grace; prayer". answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a
The Holy Writ records two instances of prayer on the sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong
part of this woman:once when she was aflticted and "in drink, but I poured out my soul before Jehovah .... So
bitterness of soul", and once when she voiced an exultant the womanwent her way, and did eat; and her countenance
prayer of thanksgiving for divine goodness and victory. was no more sad."--I Sam. 1: 10-18, Am. 8tan. Ver.
The second was in gratitude for the answer given to the Hannah’s prayer was not selfish. Her weeping had not
first. It all cameabout in this wise: been in self-pity, or woundedpride, or the result of petty
Hannah was a Jewess, and lived at the close of the jealousies amongwomen.The current of grief in her bosom
period of the judges. Her home was in Ramathaim-zophim, was along a loftier plane. She desired a child that would
of Mount Ephraim. Here she dwelt with Elkanah, her be for the honor and vindication of God’s name. She wanted
husband. But Elkanah, as was so often the case in those one to devote to God’s service at Shiloh, and not for a
times, had two wives, the other one being named "Penin- selfish answer to the catty, backbiting Peninnah. This
nah". Peninnah had children; Hannah was childless. It burning desire drove her to close and earnest prayer to
was this circumstance, coupled with the mean disposition God. Th~ ferventness with which she presented her petition
of Peninnah, that gave rise to Hannah’s"bitterness of soul". caused high priest Eli to hastily conclude she was intoxi-
ml Sam. 1: 1, 2. cated. It was not just the depth and earnestness of her
"And [Elkanah] went up out of his city from year to prayer, wherein she ’poured out her soul before Jehovah’,
year to worship and to sacrifice unto Jehovah of hosts in but the scope and object of her prayer and its harmonywith
Shiloh .... And when the day came that Elkanah sacri- God’s purposes that testified to Hannah’sunselfishness and
ficed, he gave to Peninnahhis wife, and to all her sons and devoutness. And she had supreme confidence in Jehovah’s
her daughters, portions: but unto Hannahhe gave a double hearing and answering the petition; for thereafter she did
portion; for he loved Hannah, but Jehovah had shut up eat, and she wept no more.
her womb.And her rival provoked her sore, to make her According to her faith it was unto her. She journeyed
fret, because Jehovah had shut up her womb. And as he southward with her husband to their house in Ramah.And
dxd so year by year, when she went up to the house of then: "Jehovah rememberedher." (1 Sam. 1:19, Am. Stan.
Jehovah, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and fret.) She bore a son. And she rememberedJehovah, the
did not eat. And Elkanah her husband said unto her, one who had heard and answered her prayer; and she
Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and called the babe "Samuel", meaning "heard of God". There-
why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than after for a time Hannahdid not make the trips to Shiloh,
ten sons?"--i Sam. 1:3-8, Am. Start. Vet. but said to Elkanah: "I will not go up until the child be
This excerpt from the record shows that Hannah was weaned, and then I will bring him, that he may appear
a worshiper of Jehovah God. During this particular time before the LORD,and there abide for ever." Nowthat she
of Israel’s history manyhad fallen away to heathen reli- had her reproach of barrenness removed and thereby put
gions, yet Elkanah’s household is disclosed journeying to silence the taunting Peninnah, she did not forget her
regularly to Shiloh to participate in the feasts ordained vow. She felt as David years later expressed himself: "I
by Jehovah. Womenwere not bound by God’s law to will pay thee myvows, which mytips have uttered, and my
attend, but zealous female worshipers often did so. Hannah mouthhath spoken, whenI was in trouble."--Ps. 66 : 13, 14;
was amongtheir number. It seems from the record that it Deut. 23 : 23; Num.30 : I-8.
was on these festal occasions that she was particularly In the course of time the child was weaned; but he was
exposed to the mean and ungenerous taunts of Peninnah. not retained in the household at Ramahas an ever-present
The latter was jealous of Hannah because of the love answer to the contentious Peninnah. That was not the
Elkanah had for her despite her barrenness, and this motive of Hannahin requesting him. In faithfulness to her
reproachful status was seized upon to cause a breach in vowshe took the young lad to Shiloh and presented him to
the domestic tranquillity. But though the taunts of Han- Eli for tabernacle service. She rehearsed to the high priest
nah’s rival caused such sorrow and weeping, which even her vow, and added: "Therefore also I have returned him,
Elkanah’s comforting words were powerless to dispel, the whom1: have obtained by petition, to the LoaD; as long
devout Jewess would not avoid the reproaches by staying as he liveth he whomI have obtained by petition shall
home and away from Jehovah’s worship at Shiloh be returned to the LORD."(1 Sam. 1:28, margin) In the
Instead, she had recourse to prayer: "She was in bitter- body of the text it sounds as though Hannah were lend-
ness of soul, and prayed unto Jehovah, and wept sore. And ing the child to Jehovah, but the marginal reading gives
she vowed a vow, and said, 0 Jehovah of hosts, if thou the true sense of the matter. It was not a temporary loan
wilt indeed look on the affliction of thy handmaid, and on Hannah’s part, with any time limitations or" strings
rememberme, and not forget thy handmaid, but wilt give attached. ~snnah had nothing to loan the Lord. Any offer-
unto thy handmaid a man-child, then I will give him unto ings made to him must be unqualified. Actually, Jehovah
Jehovah all the days of his life, and there shall no razor had loaned the babe to Hannah, and now in fulfillment of
come upon his head. Andit came to pass, as she continued her vowshe was returning the Lord’s loan to him for full-
praying before Jehovah, that Eli marked her mouth. Now time service, to be henceforth wholly devoted.
Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved,but Nowwith Hannah’s fulflnment of her part of the vow,
she lifts her voice in song-like prayer. Howdifferent from to his King, and exalt the horn of his Anointed One."
her first recorded petition ! Nooutpourings of a bitter soul This prayer discloses much. The fact that it was uttered
this time! Rather the inward joy wells up and bubbles over at the time the child took up God’s service at Shiloh and
in an exulting and ecstatic praise-song of thanksgiving. not at his birth shows Hannah’s crowning joy was not
Since the Ro~herhamtranslation more nearly catches the because of silencing Peninnah but was due to the vow’s
vigorous beauty and force of the original Hebrewof this fulfillment and a man child for Jehovah’s honor. Her
lyric poetry, that version is quoted (1 Sam. 2: 1-10): expressed joy shows she credited Jehovah with the victory,
"Then prayed Hannah and said, My heart hath leaped exalted him as supreme, condemnedarrogance, and cited
for joy in Jehovah, my horn is exalted in Jehovah, my Jehovahas the help of the needy. She recognized Theocratic
mouth is opened wide o’er my foes, because I rejoice in order, that Jehovah was the one who set up one and put
thy salvation. There is none holy like Jehovah, nay! there down another. Jehovah was declared as over the earth,
is none except thee, nor is there a rock like our God. Do protecting faithful servants, destroying the lawless, and
not multiply words so loftily, loftily, nor let arrogance that no man would prevail by his own strength. More
proceed from your mouth; for a God of knowledge is than all this, Hannahfilled the role of prophetess in her
Jehovah, and for himself are great doings made firm. The song-prayer. There the Messiahto comewas first designated
bow of the mighty is dismayed, while the fainting are under that name, as the Anointed One. Hannah was moved
girded with strength; the sated have for bread taken hire, by the spirit of Jehovah.
but the famishedhave left off their toil, so that the barren Thereafter Hannah visited her son at the time of the
hath given birth unto seven, while she that hath many yearly feasts, and from year to year brought him a little
sons languisheth: Jehovahdoth kill, and makealive; taketh robe to wear. The vow had been faithfully kept. Jehovah
down to hades, and bringeth up: Jehovah maketh poor, had rewarded her bounteously. But he further blessed
and enricheth; layeth low, yea exalteth; raiseth from the Hannah, superabundantly. How sot "Jehovah visited
dust the poor, from the dunghill uplifteth the needy, to give Hannah, and she conceived, and bear three sons and two
them a dwelling with nobles, and a throne of glory to daughters." (1 Sam. 2:18-21, Am. Stan. Ver.) Victory
make them inherit. For to Jehovah belong the pillars of through prayer! Certainly Hannah could vouch for that.
the earth, and he setteth thereon the habitable world. The She prayed; her prayer was from her heart, in harmony
feet of his loving ones he doth guard, but the lawless in with Jehovah’s will, to the honor of his name; and her
darkness shall be silent, for by strength shall no manpre- actions were consistent with her spoken words. Jehovah
vail. As for Jehovah, they shall be shattered who contend heard, and his spirit force acted in answer. Likewise, today,
with him, over him in the heavens will he thunder, Jehovah the great Godof Prayer responds to the cries of his servants,
will judge the ends of the earth, that he maygive strength and victory for them follows.

AMONG AFRICANKRAALS and invites us to come again. At 4 a.m. we came to the
"Onedayin JuneI havebeensentoutby theSociety’sestablished back-call book study. Whenthey saw us coming,
Branchofficeto visitthevarious companies of African they shout one to another and in a few minutes they fill
friends, especially Zulu-andSwazi-speaking companies.the house. Then we start our study with the Question-and-
One day I cameto servea Zulu-speaking company,and Answerbooklet. The attendants were all illiterate, but
the attendance accepted me andsaid:’We aregladand appreciated the methods of how we studied. One asked me-
stillgladfortheLord’sblessing whichhe gaveto us ’Howmuch does it cost to join your church?’ I said to
through the"wiseservant" (thatis,abofakazi.b~ba-Yehova him: ’It is free of charge; no penny is required. Rather
[Jehovah’s witnesses] ),and,secondly, theLordnowsends it cost your sleep. Youwill cast your sleep in the street,
to us thepersonal instruction through theservant to the by waking up early . . .’ He said: ’It won’t worry me
brethren. Thisis really theblessing theLordhasprovidedto wake up early. I will join henceforth, by going with
forus whodon’treadEnglish language. We arebenefitedyou whither you go.’ Wetook him, and work the whole
andencouraged to participate daily.’ Thenextmorning I morning. At 9 a.m. we go back to the KingdomHall for
proceeded toservetheSwazi-speaking company, andat this our reading the text in the Yearbook. Weall appreciated
company I have12attendance thefirstnight, andarrange-the arrangement and experiences we met during our house-
mentshavebeenplanned forthenextmorning to partici-to-house work. The above experience is done in Swaziland
patein fieldservice. Funny,at 2:30a.m.thefollowingas there the people are all scattered at the daybreak,
morningI hearda knockat the door.Someonesaid: nobodyto be found at home. At 7 a.m. they have all gone
’Mzalwane, Mzalwane, vuka [Brother! brother! Wakeup] !’ either to the beer-drinking or into the fields for ingathering
I rush to see the clock and it is 2- 30 a.m. I respond: ,’No, the corn and maize. The publishers in this small land are
brother, it is still night.’ Thecall continues : ’No ! Wakeup, working very hard, as the most people are the illiterates.
we are very late; otherwise we shall find nobody in the No education is given to the women,as it is given to the
homes.’ Then I obey the call, and at 2:55 a.m. I was with
the caller and went to the back-call bookstudy at 3 .. 15 a.m. men. Very few men to be found at home in this land;
’%Vemake a first knock, and the door was opened for they are all gone into the towns and the cities, seeking
six of us. Then we conduct our book study for forty-five employment."mMc. P. Nguluh, African servant to the
minutes, and the owner of the house appreciated the study brethren.
thatI amJehovah:’
- F.~tkhl ~ : 15.


JANUARY 15, 1945

FinalDesolatloa ...................................... 20
T.he AnointedIs RaisedUp.................... 22
R~-CONSTrUC’rIO.’¢ WOrSti~ P~O~R~SS ...... 23
Repairing and Upbuildmg.................... 25
"Men of Good-Will"--"Other Sheep" .... 26
JoyfulPortion......................................... 27
W-~ T~¢. M~cwrz M~ST Y~r
B~Fi~Fn.~v ........................................ 28
"Tilr~cR~ric SERVANTS
TESTIMONY PERIOD................... 18
"W~TCHTOm" STUDIES ......................... 18
No’tic~ ....................................... 18
1945 Y~.~oo~: o~ Jz~ow~’s wrr~ss~s 18
............................................. 18
117 Adams Street
- - Brooklyn
I, N.Y., U.S.A. T
HIS journal Is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to knowJehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
N. H. ]~xrOae, Pre~dent W.E. VA~"AMBffI~H,Secretary designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of geod-wiLl.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be f.auf~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
~reat shall be the peace of thy chddren." - 3. lsa:ah 54:z of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURESCLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, pattie.s, sects
THATJEHOVAH is the only true Godand is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Makerof heavenand earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic,but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is nowthe Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah; dulge in controversy, and its columnsare not open to personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully ~SAILT SUBSCRIPTIONPRICll
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNITEDSTAT~, $I.00; all other countries, $150, American currency;
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the OREAT BRITAIN, ADeTIL4LAOiA, ANn SOUTHAFRICA. 611. Americas remit-
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branch offices. Remittances
other than those mentioned may be made to thi Brooklyn
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive omco, but by Iseernallo~l Postal bloney Order only.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature FOREIGNOFFICES
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power 34 Craven Terrace. London, W. 2. Eneieod
and authority; A~tralol~an __ T Beresford Road. Strathfleld. hl. S. W.. Austraila
THATGOD’SCAPITALORGANIZATION Is a Theocracy called Breath A/rlcan Boston Hou~ Cape Town South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the I~dlm~ 167 Love Lane, Bombay 27, L~dla
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Plcaso address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his w~tnesses whose duty and
privilege ~t is to testify to the supremacyof Jehovah, declare his Translations of this Journal appear In several languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed m the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdombefore all who will hear;
THATTHE OLD WORLD ended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity poverty or adversity are unable to pay the sub*cription price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of may have The Watchtower free upon written application to the publmhers.
made once each )ear. stating the reason for so requiting R. We are
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to ad to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each year
the establishment of the "new earth" of the NewWorld; ~ required by the postal regulationm.
THATTHERELIEFand blessings of the peoples of earth can Notice to i~ubsov~bers: Acknowi~gment of a Dew or a renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, erriptlou will be sent only when requested. Change of sddre~q, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label wlthla one month.
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be Bent with the
destruction of Satan’s orgamzatmnand the complete establish- Journal one month before the subscription expires
ment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the Kingdom
Printed in the United States of America
the people of good-will that survwe Armageddonshall carry B~Sered aa #econd-clae# matter at the Post ol~ce aS Brooklyn.N.Y..
out the divine mandate to "fill the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act O] MaJch $, 1879.


The testLmony permds of 1945 open up with the "Theocratio Becauseof the uncertainties of international communicationsby
Servants" TestimonyPeriod, during the entire monthof February. mail due to the global war, we here give advance notice that the
This will be also the second month of the special campmg’nto proper tmae for celebrating the 1945Memorialwill be after 6 p.m.,
obtain more subscriptions for the Theocratic magazine The Welch- ?’/Jew York Eastern Standard T~rne, on Wednesday,March28,1945.
tower. The attractive campaignoffer wdl therefore continue to be
extended by al] Theoerattc servants, namely, a year’s subscription 1545 YEARBOOK OF JEHOVAH’SWITNESSES
for thLs magazine, together with a premiumof a bound book and The 1945 Yearbookof Jehovah’s w~tnesses sets out the ofl~emls
a booklet, all on the eontnbutmnof the regular subsemptionrate, of the corporatmns which Jehovah’s witnesses use as their legal
whmhis $1.00. Whereposmble, "The KingdomIs at Hand"should servants, and features a detailed but most interesting report
be the premmmbook offeled. During this TeshmonyPermd the on the work they have aceomplished this past veer in the United
new booklet One World, One Government is being released, and States and 49 other countries of the earth. Besides this report
this should be the premmmbooklet. This midwinter monthshould by the WX~CH~OW~ Soc~z’r¢ president, there L~ also his comment
not be let retard the Watchtower campmgnbecause of cold and on the yeartext for 1945, followed by daily texts and comments
storm, but countermeasures should be arranged to keep on pressing for daily spiritual stimulation throughout the year. The 1945
this important educatmual effort. Weare anxious to help all who Yearbook is now off the press, and will be mailed, postpaid, on
want to serve the great Theocrat by a part in this gospel-preaching a contributmnof 50e a copy, this being due to the limited edition.
work, and we urge those without contact with local service groups Companies will combine their orders and send in through the
to write in for necessary references. Oneimportant item not to be local companyservant, together with remittance.
overlooked is to fill in report slips on the month’s work.
"~VATCHTOWER" STUDIES The 1945 Calendar sets out to good effect the yeartext: "Go
Week of February 18: "Raising Up the Reconstructors," ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations." (Matthew
1-21 inclusive, The Watchtower January 15, 1945. 28:19, Am. Stan. Vet.) Intermingled with the words of this
Weekof February 25: "Reconstruction Work in Progress," text is an artistic panorama of howthis work of discipling is
~l 1-22 inclusive, The Watchtower January 15, 1945. (Continued on page 32)
eWE£H?OW1 <R
VOL. LXArl JA~uha~Y15, 1945 No. 2


"And they shall build up the ancient ruins, desolate places of former times shall they raise up, and they
shall renew ruined cities, the desolate places of many generations."mIsa. 61: 4, Leeser.
EHOVAHundoes the work of the enemy by a eerns itself is of the greatest interest to "men of
J great reconstructive work. After letting the
enemies enjoy their heyday of malicious activity
good-will", irrespective of what their nationality.
In the prophetic sense, Zion here stands as a symbol
against his people, he puts a reconstructive spirit of God’s universal organization, throughout which
upon his ravaged people and a reconstructive organization He exercises universal sovereignty as
message in their mouths and wipes out the effects the Most High and Almighty God. Zion is therefore
of the enemy action. the organization of the true worship of Jehovah God
In this year 1945, as the end of the global war in spirit and in truth.
seems to draw near and man}" lands have been "For many centuries the natural Jews were
wrested from the power of the Nazi-Fascist-Vatican adherents to a typical Zion, namely, the city of
totalitarian tyrants, the engineers and architects Jerusalem. Hence when Jesus Christ rode the ass
and city-planners among the United Nations are into that city to offer himself to the Jews as their
concerning themselves with the pressing problem King of the line of David, the prophecy was ful-
of rebuilding the devastated cities along the most filled in a miniature way which says: "Tell ye the
in, proved lines. Howevermuchit be for the relief daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto
and comfort of homeless and dislocated people, all thee, meek and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the
this is no part of the fulfilhnent of Jehovah God’s foal of an ass." (Matt. 21: 1-5; Isa. 62: 11; Zech.
prophecy of great reconstructive work at this end 9: 9) Due to religion, the Jews did not discern the
of the world. His prophecy tells of something of fulfillment of the prophecy and did not recognize
higher importance and value than the material their King. They rejected him, and in due time their
rehabilitation of the people, something which will typical Zion at Jerusalem was destroyed and they
not be ruined in the terrible day of God’s vengeance were dispersed among all the Gentile nations of
in which the nations’ postwar epoch will end. What, the earth. In this condition they have been taken
then, is the great reconstructive work which his advantage of by religionists who fraudulently claim
prophecyforetells ? It is the restoration and upbuild- to be "Christian", and have been wickedly persecuted
ing of the things which religion and her demonized and oppressed.
servants have wasted and tried to destroy utterly ° Christ Jesus came forth from the ranks of Jeho-
from this earth, namely, the truth and the worship vah’s universal organization Zion, which is above.
of the only true and living Godand also the active This means that it was God’s organization Zion
organization of His people on earth. Such work which, as a mother, brought forth Jesus Christ as
results in the vindication of Jehovah’s nameand the the King; and he was her faithful representative on
eternal good of humankind. In that regard it is earth. Since his ascension to heaven, his faithful
prophetically written: ’%Vhenthe LORD[Jehovah] followers have been the true representatives on earth
shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory. of the universal organization Zion. (Rev. 14:1;
He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not 12: 17) This fact is so because they are spiritual,
despise their prayer. This shall be written for the being begotten by the spirit of Jehovah God as his
generation to come: and the people which shall be children and as children of Zion, which is above.
created shall praise the LORD[Jehovah]."--Ps. The typical Zion on earth amongthe Jews was long
102: 16-18. ago broken up and destroyed and will never exist
’ The Zion about which Jehovah’s prophecy con- again or have God’s recognition again. The day of
~ How does Jehovah undo the enemy’s destructive work against his ~
people 4. What was typical Zion? and what was its final fate.
2. If net material rehabilitation of peoples, what Is the re~onsU-uetive 5. (a)How dld Zlon which is above come to have representa~ves on
work which his prophecy foretells? this earth? (b)What direction, therefore. Amto appUostlon does this
3. What does "’Zion" here spoken cf symbolize or meanl give to many prophec/es addressed to Zion?
N. Y.

types and shadows is over; the day of realities has his humanreligious agents would try to do after
been here since Christ’s day. Because the members their death. (Acts 20:29,30) After the demise
of Christ’s body of footstep followers are the true of the apostles, religion saw its opportunity. It
representatives of Jehovah’s universal organization, redoubled its efforts to desolate the Theocratic
being her children by Jehovah God, therefore many organization and to uproot the organization’s wor-
prophecies which are directed to Zion are really ship of Jehovah from the earth.
addressed to such body members under Christ. ’ Not only did religion continue its program of
s What affects one part of Jehovah’s organization persecution against the Theocratic organization, but
affects the entire organization. Whatis done or said the powers of demonismused craft and deceit. They
to the visible part on earth of His organization is worked their way in among the organization and
as done or said to the entire organization which is caused confusion by slyly introducing religious
above. Cl~rist Jesus is the capital part of Zion and teachings and trying to blend and merge these with
is now in heaven, far above angels, and hence beyond Bible doctrines. They brought in the traditions of
the power of injury by men or devils. And yet he men, which perverted the Bible doctrines and which
stated the rule that what is done to his body of contradicted the Bible truths and made God’s com-
faithful followers on earth is in effect done to him. mandments of no effect. They enticed the members
(Matt. 10:40-42; 25 : 40, 45 ; Acts 9 : 4, 5) In accord of the organization with opportunities of favorable
with that rule, what the forces of religion do against positions and respect in the world and freedom from
Christ’s followers who practice the true worship of persecution at the hand of the religious-political
God, they do against Zion, which is God’s universal combination. They eventually developed a "form of
organization. godliness" which they unscripturally called "the
’During all the centuries of the Christian era Christian religion", on friendly relations with this
religion has been a violent offender against Zion. world of politics, commerceand demonism. By all
It was religionists that procured Jesus’ death, but such means the agents of Satan’s organization Baby-
Jehovah brought their dastardly work to nought by lon brought ruin to the Theocratic organization;
reviving Jesus and exalting him to be the capital and those who stood for such an organization and
part over his universal organization Zion. Jehovah for pure Bible truth were scattered and were put
God has promised to exalt those whomhe adopts under great restraints. They were persecuted by
as his spiritual children and who faithfully follow those who practiced the misnamed "Christian reli-
Jesus’ steps. He will associate them with Christ gion".
,o The religious darkness was so widespread and
Jesus in his exalted position and will thus form them
all into a capital organization over His universal permeating, and its deception rested so blindingly
organization of Zion. For such reason, and also upon the earth, that even those whotried to hold fast
because such children of Zion follow Christ Jesus the truth became confused in considerable measure
in the proper worship of Jehovah, religion is opposed as to what the Bible taught. They became contam-
to them, and the powers of religion fight against inated to a considerable extent with so-called "Chris-
them continuously. tian religion". The visible part of God’sorganization
’ While the apostles of Jesus Christ were on earth, Zion was thus reduced to desolation. Its members
the visible organization of his true followers was were driven out+ from their rightful place on eartll
carried on in a Theocratic manner, and the pure of Theocratic worship and service to Jehovah God,
worship of the Most High Godwas observed in spirit and their local organization-groups were overturned
and in truth. Due to the missionary efforts of the and broken up. This condition, which was like that
apostles and their faithful associates in obedience of a land covered with ruins and lying desolate with
to Christ’s command,such worship of Jehovah God cities devastated and abandoned, continued over
through Christ Jesus was spread throughout the many generations.
earth. It flourished wherever genuine followers of FINAL DESOLATION
the Son of God were raised up and organized. Reli- ’~In the decade of the 1870’s a movement was
gion, which is demonism, bitterly resented and started to undo the havoc which religion had wrought
resisted this. As long as the apostles were present, among Christians who had truly dedicated them-
they were as a visible pillar of strength to the Theo- selves to God in full consecration through Christ.
cratic organization and its worship and service of It was like the work of reconstruction which the
Jehovah. But they warned of what the Devil and prophet Elijah sought to carry on in the nation of
6. Why does ~hat rellk, lon’s forces do to Christ’s followers on earth
invoh-e Jehovah’~ entire organization? 9. In course of time how did the agents of Satan’s organlzatlon brJnl~
7. ~How did religion offend against Zion in regard to Jesus? and why ruin upon the Theocratic organization?
is religion opposed to all of Zion’s children on earth 10.
TM How wal the visible part of Zion reduced to desolation ~ snd
for how tong
S. During. the apostles’ presence, hov was Zion’s visible organization 11. In the l~70’s what re<~onstrurt-Ive movement set In, and by whom~
carried on? and at their death wtlat did relic, ion redouble its efforLs to do?
Israel which had been overrun by the religion of They subjected the consecrated servants of Jehovah
Baal, s~nbolic of Satan the Devil. It was like the God to all manner of shame, reproach and name-
reconstructive work of John the Baptist, who came calling. They fought tooth and nail against the work,
"in the spirit and power of Elijah" and who en- and enlisted politicians and other public servants
deavored to turn the Jewish nation from religion’s to their side as a resistance bloc against the advanc-
traditions and hypocrisies so as to prepare them to ing work of Jehovah God by his witnesses. They
receive their King. In prophecy it had been foretold lusted for the blood of these sincere followers of
as a ’preparing of the way before Jehovah’. (Luke Christ’s steps, and not only brought them and their
1: 13-17, Am.Stan. Ver.; Mal. 3:1; 4: 5) In those organized activities into popular contempt and mis-
seventies a small group of Christians, realizing understanding but also lay in wait to wreck their
the uncleanness and worldliness of religion, sepa- visible organization and destroy it beyond repair.
rated themselves from all religious systems. They z, The consecrated people of Jehovah Godhad for
embarked upon a nonsectarian study of the Bible and years been declaring that Satan’s world, that is, his
the spreading of its truths unmixed with religion. lease of uninterrupted rule, would end in 1914. With
’~ In order to reach and feed other hearts that that very. year the opportunity of the religionists
were grieving over the hypocrisies and devastating against them came; for then the World War broke
effects of so-called "Christian religion", the magazine out. This conflict developed into a total warfare, in
Zion’s Watch Tower began to be published in which entire nation rose up against entire nation and
July, 1879. As a further aid to the reconstructive the people were regimented as never theretofore.
work for truth and righteousness, the legal corpora- Taking advantage of the pressures of the war times,
tion Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was char- the religionists schemedto drive Jehovah’s servants
tered in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., in 1884, and a sister who were announcing the kingdom of God into a
corporation was formed in NewYork state in 1909; corner and trap them. Jehovah’s faithful ones were
while still later a related corporation knownas "In- trying to abide in their separateness from this world
ternational Bible Students Association" was formed and its affairs and were trying to keep on in God’s
in England, in 1914. All three of these corporations service. But the religionists raised false charges
were for an identical work. All endeavored to serve against them, as they did against Jesus and his
Jehovah God’s purpose to educate humankind con- apostles in the first century, in order to frame them
cerning His ldngdom. By use of these three corpo- in a serious light before the world governments.
rations and by the consecrated Christians in all the Thus they raised up violence against them through-
earth who co-operated with them, the brightening out the land and brought the political authorities
truths of God’s long-obscured Word were scattered against these nonpolitical inoffensive servants of
to manyparts of the globe. Thereby his true worship God. Religious action, which is the visible expression
began to be revived; and good progress according of demon action, swirled about these Bible-guided
to what Bible light was then shining was made Christians. There followed mobbings, arrests, im-
toward properly reorganizing those who were truly prisonments: banning and destruction of Bible litera-
consecrated to God through Christ and toward ture, mvasmn of Christian meeting-places and
setting them to work in His service. homes, public misrepresentations and vicious false
"At this, Satan and his demons sprang into charges. All this rose to its peak in an assault on
action. They united all the religious organizations the headquarters organization and the imprisonment
of "Christendom" in a conspiracy to oppose and of prominent officials and outstanding members
persecute those engaged in this nonsectarian Bible- thereof. This culmination of matters came in 1918,
education work. Certainly those religious sects and spring.
cults were not serving the great Theocrat, Jehovah ’~ Then Zion, God’s organization, as represented
God, in their trying to hinder and suppress this work by these children on earth, was apparently desolated.
of teaching the people the truths of his Wordand Her fields of freedom of worship of the only true
trying to help them into the way of devotion and and living Godand of following closely in her King’s
worship to him. (Rom. 6: 16) In their destructive footsteps were invaded and trampled upon by the
efforts the conspiring religionists misrepresented maliciously gleeful enemies of the Kingdom. The
the work of these witnesses of Jehovah who were vigorous and bold activity of her children in serving
using the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and as proclaimers of His kingdom was brought prac-
related corporations in this constructive work with tically to a standstill, and the organization to do
the Bible teachings. The religionists went further. that work was crippled. Those who were Zion’s
12 What publication was then issued, what corporations were then 14. How did the rellKionists’ opportunity come with 19147 and how
formed, and what progressed thereafter? did their efforts s&’ainst Jehovah’s witnesses progresl to their culmination
13 To what course of action did Satan and his demona then lead in 1918 ?
the rellglonists as respects such witnesses of Jehovah? 15. Howwas Zion then apparently deselated, and filled with mourners?
children and hence her representatives on earth representatives of Zion in their desolate, broken-
grieved over the devastated condition, as a parent hearted, mournful condition. Centuries prior to that
would grieve over death of a firstborn son. They he as a manhad applied to himself the prophecy of
mourned as they saw the interests of Zion trodden Isaiah 61:1-3 about the commission of Jehovah’s
in the dust, her children forcibly taken captive and Anointed One. In a limited way he had then fulfilled
restrained from Christian activity, and virtually all the terms of this commission. But now in 1918 Zion’s
of them in a prison state due to the paralyzing greatest need existed, and it was eminently the due
power of fear, fear of humanauthorities rather than time for him to fulfill the assigned duties of his
fear of the Higher Powers, Jehovah God and Christ anointing or commissionin a complete and final way.
Jesus. Zion, as concerned her representatives on Now that the Kingdom had been born, it was the
earth, was filled with mourners. What prophesying time that Zion should arise and shine amid the dark-
or public preaching they then did was as in sack- ness of religion and wickedness that covered all the
cloth and ashes. (Rev. 11:3; Zech. 12: 10-14) Their earth and its woe-stricken peoples. It behooved the
expectations of an early glorification to heavenly anointed King, therefore, to raise up his consecrated
scenes and activities had not been realized. Instead, brethren, Zion’s children on earth, from the dust.
earthly desolateness overwhelmed them, and an He must start them off on a reconstruction work,
uncertain future blackly faced them. They were the greatest in Christian history. To this end he must
filled with the spirit of heaviness. Their strength send them God’s message of reconstruction. In
failed them. They drooped and were not able to stand fulfillment of his commission as Jehovah’s Chief
up valiantly in the exercise of their rights and Anointed One he must preach good tidings to the
responsibilities toward God, like stout trees, deep- poor and oppressed servants of Jehovah God. His
rooted and strong-stemmed, planted by God’s hand duty it was to bind up their broken hearts, to preach
of power. How the enemies then gloried against liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison
Jehovah God and his people!--Rev. 11:7-10. to those whomSatan’s organization held bound. He
must proclaim the time of Jehovah’s mercy and favor
THE ANOINTED IS RAISED UP and also the fast-approaching day of divine venge-
" In the midst of Zion’s desolation and dejected ance. He must comfort all the mourners of Zion, and
condition as humanly viewed, Jehovah raised up his appoint to them beauty like a crown, and the divine
Anointed One with the message of reconstruction. joy like refreshing oil, and praises like a garment,
It was no time for Zion’s representatives on earth and strength as of strong oak trees to glorify and
to lie prone in the dust, in fearful inaction under magnify Jehovah God as his witnesses. All this he
the heel of the Devil’s organization Babylon. The has done since 1918. But how?
time for action was come. As foretold in the Scrip- "The circumstances then were like those that
tures (Isa. 66: 7, 8; Rev. 12: 1-5), God’s "woman" obtained for a time nineteen centuries previous.
organization Zion gave birth to the Kingdomin 1914. Then the Jewish religionists set out to destroy Jeho-
That is, Almighty God brought forth from his vah’s temple by causing the death of Christ Jesus,
organization Zion his anointed King, Christ Jesus, the Foundation Stone and Chief Corner Stone of
and authorized him to exercise power as Jehovah’s Jehovah’s spiritual temple. They also scattered the
royal Representative in The Theocratic Government. disciples of Christ Jesus, who were in line to be
Jehovah God thereby set in motion the capital part "living stones" in the same spiritual temple under
of His organization Zion. Thus the kingdom of Christ the Head. But Jehovah God raised the
Jehovah Godcame, and the authority of his Christ. temple’s Headstone from the dead on the third day;
Sending forth the rod of Christ’s power out of Zion, and thereafter Christ Jesus reassembled his faithful
Jehovah God commandedhim to rule in the midst disciples and proceeded to build them up. After
of Zion’s enemies until all are made his footstool ascending to heaven he received power from Jehovah
and destroyed. But before the judgment of the enemy Godto dispense the promised holy spirit. At God’s
nations on earth should begin, the judgment must appointed date, the day of Pentecost A.D. 33, the
begin at the house of God. Hence Jehovah sent his glorified Jesus began to pour out this spirit upon
King-Judge to the temple in 1918 to begin judging all his consecrated followers in the flesh on earth.
those servants of God who were being prepared as The effect of their receiving such spirit or active
"living stones" for the temple of God. force from Godby Christ Jesus was to animate them.
It energized them to give a far-reaching testimony
~’ Ontaking up his judicial position at the temple to Jehovah and his King, Christ Jesus, and to go
in 1918, the King Christ Jesus found the visible forth preaching the Kingdomgospel to make disci-
16. Why was it then the time for Jehovah to raise up hiJ A~ointed 18. How were the etreumstaneez Iimllar n~neteen centurtes prevlous~
One with a reconstruction meseage? and why did He do so? and how and with what effect did Jesu~ then perform the ,It~tSes of
17 Wily in 1918 was it eminently the due time for Jesus to fulfill the &nointed ?
the assigned duties of the anointing? and what must he therefore do?
J~u~mY 15, 1945 : eWATCHTOWEP,., 23
plesamongall the nations.And the holy angelsof meek or poor and oppressedremnantof Jehovah’s
God co-operated with the disciplesof ChristJesus witnesses,by revealingto them in God’sWord the
in that expandingwitnesswork. gloriousnews concerningthe long-promisedKing-
’" Coming down to A.D. 1919: The development dom now set up in power. Their hearts had been
of matterswas similar. A remnantof Zion’schildren,brokenby beholdingthe enemydepredations against
Jehovah’s witnesses, had continued in heart-devotionGod’s people and their work, and had also been
to the Lord God and his kingdomdespitethe great brokenby sorrowand repentanceat realizingtheir
testsof faithand obedienceduringthe war years own failure to show courage and to keep up the
of 1914-1918.They were yearningto be free and activeserviceof God in the face of enemyantago-
returnto their aforetimeactivityin his witness nism and persecution.Such broken hearts Christ
work. These went to make up the remnant that Jesus bound up. Hearing their prayers to be
the King ChristJesus at the templeapprovedand cleansed fromsuchiniquity of lip,he intercededfor
chose to use under himselfin the reconstruction them with Jehovah God. He then purged away such
work of Zion thatwas then due to begin.To fit and iniquityby sendingthe spirituponthemand filling
qualifythem for thiswork it was necessaryfor him themtherebywith fieryzealto movetheirlipsand
to revivethem. He rousedthem to actionand made all theirpowersas bold and fearlesswitnessesof
them of good courageby pouringout the spiritupon JehovahGod.~Isa.6: 1-9.
the devotedremnantof Jehovah’switnessesin the ’~ Through the illuminatedWord of God Christ
flesh.In suchmannerthe finalfulfillment beganof Jesusproclaimed liberty, freedom,to allthechildren
Joel’sprophecy(2: 28-32).Thatprophecyforetold of Zion,yes,the openingof the enemyprisonwhich
the outpouring of Jehovah’sspirituponall conse- held them captiveand which bound them till now
cratedfleshin the lastdaysjustpreceding the great away from the worshipand serviceof Jehovahand
and terribleday of His vengeanceagainstSatan’s his kingdom.He broke the power of the enemy to
organization. (Acts2: 16-21,32, 33, 38) But,marl{ hold them captive and in a prisonlikestate of
you, such outpouringof God’s spiritor invisible restraint, and did so by the liberatingpowerof the
activeforceto accomplish his willthrough his faith- truth.He made plain to them that fear of man had
ful remnanton earth was not done apart from the led themintoa snare,but thatGod by ChristJesus
written Word of God. Through that Word Jehovah had calledtheminto freedomto servehim, and they
God by his AnointedKing, Christ Jesus,began to must fear and obey Him ratherthan men, even men
unfold to the understandingof the remnant his in officialworldlypositions. In harmonywiththis
furtherpurposeconcerningthem on earth.It was truth,JehovahGod broughtforththe officialsand
to have a fearlesswitnessto his name and kingdom selwantsof the Bible Societyfrom their literal
throughout all lands,the greatestwitnessand edu- prison. He conferredfreedom upon them to push
cationalwork ever accomplishedon earth by his aheadwiththeirbrethrenin the witnesswork,com-
servants.At this,the remnantbeganto stir. pletelyclearedof allthe falsechargesby whichthe
,o Thus ChristJesus,Jehovah’sChief Anointed religionists had broughtabouttheirpenalservitude.
Servantat the temple,preachedgoodtidingsto the Remarkablereconstruction work was due to follow,
19 la) What was tbe like ~tate of tile remnant in 1918, and ~why was and historyshows that it has done so.
the final fulfillment of Joel 2.’:.8, 29 then necessary to begin th) In
connection with what factor was thiq outpouring’ done, and how thus* 21. {a) How did lie proclaim- liberty ILod opening of the prtson to the
20. How did Chriqt Jesus ~hen fulfill the anointing to preach good restrained ones? tb) In harmony with this, what liberation did God
tldzngs and to bind up the brokenhearted? bring about, and what work was due to foliow~


OTABLY from and after 1919 Jehovah’s
N AnointedOne, Christ Jesus, at the temple
proclaimedthe acceptableyear of the Lord
Christ Jesus caused it to be seen from the pages of
his Father’s Word that a "war in heaven" had fol-
lowed upon the Kingdom’s establishment in heaven.
God. How? By disclosingthrough the unfolding By the fight Satan and his demon hosts had been
Word of God and by the spiritof revelationthat banished from heaven and confined to this earth,
now was God’sfavoredtimeto carryon the grandest pending their destruction at Armageddon. Between
and most extensivewitnesswork ever allowedto this war in heaven and the yet future battle of
Christians. Tiffsmust be done beforeGod’s"year" Armageddon was God’s time of favor for the glad
of favorends in the "day of vengeanceof our God" tidings of the Kingdomto he preached unto the sal-
at the battleof Armageddon.In that connection vation of the believing ones. By such interruption
1 qa~ How did Jehovah’s Anointed 0he proclaim the acceptable year of battle action, God had ’shortened the days of
of the Lord from and after 19197 (b)What therefore must the elect tribulation for his etect’s sake in order that some
remnant do?
flesh might be saved’ at Armageddonwhen God exe- being continuously watered by the reviving streams
cutes his vengeance against all of Satan’s organiza- of his truth. The persistent efforts of enemies to
tion visible and invisible. The elect remnant must cut them down must fail, but those planted by Je-
take this "testimony of Jesus Christ" and must give hovah God must continue to grow and wax strong
loud and fearless warning of this inescapable day in the earth and thus glorify him.
of our God’s vengeance. They must be diligent to The remnant of spirit-begotten children of Zion
see that the witness work for the Kingdomis ac- that came through the trials and testings of the
complished before the vengeful day begins. war years of 1914--1918 were led to appreciate more
: With such revealments of truth and purpose, and than ever their own anointing with God’s spirit by
by the outpoured spirit upon them, Jehovah’s Christ Jesus, and that they had to be faithful to
anointed King conducted forth the faithful remnant what it required of them. They realized that they
of his followers out into the liberty of the service of must carry out the terms of their anointing or com-
God. By this he comforted those mourning children mission. As they had been comforted and delivered
of Zion. He banished mourning from their midst. and helped back into God’s service of praise, they
He beautified their beads with the garland of the must perform a like ministry in behalf of others.
understanding and appreciation of God’s Word as They must reach other mourners of Zion, held cap-
its glorious Kingdomprophecies now come true. No tive, bound, and imprisoned within the power of the
more their heads drooped in disappointment at not Devil’s organization Babylon. The terms of their
being early taken to heaven, away from earthly commission from God laid this service upon them.
scenes of woe. They brushed off the ashes of sor- So the remnant, being "feet" members of the body
row and of low-lying subservience to the oppressive of Christ, took up the words of Isaiah 61 : 1-3, which
wishes of the enemy. They lifted up their heads with Jesus had used, and they repeated them as applying
courage, knowingthat deliverance of all God’s faith- to themselves too. They published to menthis ordi-
ful servants is at hand. nation from Jehovah God by his spirit to be his
’ Christ Jesus, their reigning King, refreshed them ministers and preachers of the Kingdom gospel.
with the oil of joy, showingthem it is a privilege to Hence they set themselves in motion to fulfill the
serve Godon earth as well as in heaven and that "the terms of their high commission from God. deter-
joy of Jehovah is your strength". They must serve mined to brook no interference from humanrulers.
as his witnesses joyfully. The joy of Jehovah is the s In so doing, the remnant enjoyed the privileges
vindication of his name by the King and Kingdom; under Christ Jesus of assisting manyothers into the
and by proving themselves to be true and faithful ranks of the remnant. Whywas this so ! Because, as
witnesses on earth they have a part in this joyful a result of the hard experiences and fiery trials of
vindication of Jehovah’s name and universal domi- 1914-1918, and also the judgment tests which began
nation, Hence Christ Jesus removed from the rem- at the King’s coming to the temple in 1918, man.v
nant the spirit or mental disposition of heaviness. of those who had been among Zion’s children as
He disclosed to them their new privileges on earth spirit-begotten children of God turned unfaithful
to praise Jehovah’s name and kingdom with an en- and’forsook the side of his kingdom. The King-
lightened understanding and hence "with a new Judge at the temple cast them off as unworthy of
song’’. They must fairly be clothed with his praise the Kingdomand of its present service. They proved
as a garment, thereby to identify them as those who to be an "evil servant" class, refusing to respond to
praise God and his Christ rather than men. the reconstruction work of Christ Jesus at the
’ By taking this course, which the Anointed King temple. This therefore left the ranks of the rem-
appointed to them, the remnant of Zion’s seed have nant cut down, and hence left many places in the
become robust, firm, uncompromising servants of heavenly kingdomopen for others to be called ther,.-
the Lord engaged in doing the only right thing, to. As it was written, in warning: "Behold, I eomo
God’s service, rather than worldly works of self- quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man
righteousness and so-called "character-building". take thy crown." (Rev. 3: 11) The full membership
Thus they have grown up like mighty oaks of right- in the Kingdom must be made up as foreordained.
eousness, planted by God for his righteous purpose So now, by the activity of the faithful ones in dis-
and never to be uprooted as hypocritical, fraudulent charging their commission or anointing, Jehovah
and religious. They continue to flourish in their in- God brought into the ranks of his remnant others
tegrity toward Him and his universal domination, to take the places of the unfaithful that had let go
2. How did the Anointed King then comfort the mourners of Zion and their worthiness of the royal crown.
appomt to them "beauty for ashes"~
3. lh,w did Christ Jesus appoint to them "the oll of :Joy" for mourning 5. What did that original remnant then come to appreciate as tn
and "the fmrment of praise" for the spirit of heavtness~ obligations, and what did they then proceed to do~
4. How did they become as "trees of righteousnes#’
~ that ffehovah 6. What effect did this have
~ upon the ranks of the remnsut, and ~bv
might be glorifl¢~l was there reason for this to be qo
’ The facts show that these additions to the rem- By the permission of Jehovah God the religious ene-
nant of Zion’s royal children continued in a note- mies of Jehovah’s typical Theocracy and of its
worthy way down till 1931; and the Scriptures had typical Zion uprooted and destroyed the worship of
very plainly pictured these long ago by the faith- Jehovah from that land of Judah and Jerusalem.
ful Bibte characters Ruth and Esther, both young The majority of those who survived Jerusalem’s
women.The older and original members of the rem- downfall were carried captive to Babylon. During
nant had survived 1918, and it was by the use of the seventy years that followed, Jerusalem and its
the truths from Christ Jesus at the temple that they temple to Jehovah lay desolate without inhabitant.
were able to comfort and aid these younger ones Then by God’s providence Babylon was overthrown
into the free and joyful service of Jehovah God and and Cyrus the conqueror came to the throne. He
his kingdom. Kingdomplaces being still available, opened the way for the bound and captive wor-
such ones of the Ruth and Esther class were bap- shipers of Jehovah to return to their homeland and
tized into the body of Christ and were brought under rebuild the sacred city and its temple. A remnant of
the anointing. Being anointed or commissioned by the Jews left the land of their captivity and im-
Jehovah through Christ Jesus, they came under the prisonment. They courageously used their freedom
terms of the anointing. And to perform their duties to return to the land of Judah and resume Jehovah’s
and responsibilities, they received of the spirit or worship there and to reorganize themselves as his
active £orce of God. There is but one spirit upon all delivered and restored people. They were recon-
the membersof the remnant, and it binds them all structors in the land of Judah. The name "Judah"
together in one and activates them to God’s service means"praise", that is, of Jehovah.
in unbreakable unity. In 1931, by God’s revelation lo Markthat the reconstruction of the organization
through his King at the temple, their position of of Jehovah’s people and the revival of his worship
being Jehovah’s anointed witnesses dawned upon in Judah were done back there by the faithful rem-
them. Therefore they joyfully accepted and adopted nant by the decree of King Cyrus the Persian.
the Scriptural designation "Jehovah’s witnesses". Greater reconstruction work, on an earth-wide scale,
This was in order to really declare their position from and after 1919, is done by the remnant of
before all the world and to distinguish them from Jehovah’s witnesses under a Greater than Cyrus,
those in "Christendom" who practiced religion and namely, Christ Jesus, the Conqueror of Satan’s
whoyet pretended to be Christians.--Isa. 43: 10, 12. organization Babylon. Few persons appreciate that
the assault by Satan and his demons and all his
religious hordes against Jehovah’s witnesses in
s Jehovah’s prophecy through Isaiah tells what America and elsewhere during 1914-1918 was meant
would surely come as a consequence of carrying to wipe out Jehovah’s worship from the face of the
out the terms of the anointing, particularly as Christ earth and to put his worshipers and witnesses for
Jesus carried them out at the temple from 1918 and ever under the power of the enemies of God’s organi-
onward. The prophecy predicts a notable work of zation Zion. While Zion’s children lay in forced cap-
reconstruction, in these words : "Andthey shall build tivity and were bound with fear under the Baby-
the old wastes, they shall raise up the former deso- lonish religionists and their political allies the wor-
lations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the ship of Jehovah languished in the earth. The anti-
desolations of many generations." (Isa. 61:4) The typical land of Judah or of praise to Jehovah lay
world has been witness to the fulfillment of this desolate, and its "cities" or organized companiesof
prophecy. his people for the public testimony to Jehovah’s
Those here spoken of are the faithful anointed kingdom were as if ruined.
remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses from and after U Then Jehovah’s Greater Cyrus, Christ Jesus,
1919, the ones toward whomJehovah’s Chief Anoint- smashed the power of the enemy’s grip upon his
ed One, Jesus Christ, carried out the terms of the remnant. By the power of the truth which makes
anointing after his coming to the temple for judg- free, and by the moving power of the spirit from
ment. The reconstruction work for which he is re- God, he announced good tidings to the remnant and
sponsible was foreshadowed by the reconstruction bade them go free. And all the faithful remnant, in
work in the land of Judah after the seventy-year fulfillment of their anointing, passed the word along
desolation of that land and its capital city Jerusalem. to one another. So, beginning in 1919, back they
7 la) By whom had the Bible pictured these new additions to the went to the "land of Judah", their God-givenposition
original remnant? and how did the~, all become bound together In
unity ~ {b) In 1931 what Scriptural des,gnation did they accept, and why? 1O In what direct|on or to what chief end must the reconstruction
8. What did Isaiah’s prophecy foretell as a consequence to the carrying work proceed, and why?
out of the anmnting, and Ln what descriptive language? 11. (a)How did the remnant get back to the antltyplcal "land of
9. Who were referred to by the prophecy? and how was thin work Judah", and how did the reconstruction work progress? (b) Wbo~e
of theirs long ago foreshadowed in typical Judah? doings really is this, and for how durable results?
N. Y.

on this earth of boldly and fearlessly worshiping ,e That such was to be the result to follow from
Jehovah as God and actively showing forth his the remnant’s faithfulness and from Jehovah’s bless-
praises by publishing his name and his kingdom. ing and spirit, the prophecy next declares, in these
As God by his King revealed the Kingdomtruths to words: "And strangers shall stand and feed your
them, the work of clearing out everything pertaining flocks, and the sons of the alien shall be your plow-
to religion and which had wrought havoc among men and your vinedressers. But ye shall be named
them went zealously forward. The worship of Jeho- the Priests of the Load [Jehovah]: men shall call
vah which had been sullied with religion’s traditions you the Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the riches
and deceptions was purified more and more from of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast
all such. The organizations, like "cities", for actively yourselves." (Isa. 61: 5,6) The getting of these
condlmting the Kingdom witness work were rebuilt "strangers" and "sons of the alien" into such service
according to Jehovah’s Theocratic rule, and the is not by force of carnal weapons of warfare, but
preaching of "this gospel of the kingdom"in all the is due to their being convinced of the true worship
inhabited earth for a witness was renewed and broad- of Jehovah God. Such "strangers" and "sons of the
ened out. This marvelous reconstruction work for alien" picture the Lord’s "other sheep". They are
the restoration of Jehovah’s free worship and serv- the men of good-wilt of today whodevote themselves
ice was Jehovah’s doings by his King, Christ Jesus. to Jehovah’s worship and who thereafter follow
It served notice that Jehovah has a faithful people after the Good Shepherd. They are the only ones
on the earth. Never again shall his worship fall be- amongthe nations who, on beholding the renmant’s
fore Zion’s enemies and be ahnost extirpated by work, see and acknowledge that the remnant are
them from this earth. The reconstruction work by practicing the worship of the only true and living
Jehovah’s servants is for the permanence of His God and that they are the genuine ambassadors on
worship on the earth.--Ezek. 36: 21-38. earth of his Theocratic Govermnent. They see too
that the anointed remnant have the only true ordi-
"MEN OF GOOD-WILL"--"OTHER SHEEP" nation from the Most High God and are in line for
~’ The reconstruction work is not simply for the his "royal priesthood" in the heavens with Christ
benefit of the remnant unto their gaining life eternal Jesus. They examine the Scriptures and note that
in the heavens. Jehovah’s worship is to be carried the remnant are doing the foretold appointed work
on also by humancreatures counted worthy to live of God; and therefore they call the remnant the
forever upon the earth after the remnant will have "ministers of our God", that is to say, the servants
been glorified in the Kingdom. Thus Jehovah’s wor- of Jehovah.~l Pet. 2: 9.
ship will continue on unbroken on this earth. There- ~’ In such Scriptural appreciation of the actual
fore, by God’s favor before the day of his vengeance facts those "strangers" of good-will align themselves
breaks upon the nations, the reconstruction work with the remnant and join them in the true worship
regarding his worship and service is being done for of Almighty God. In behalf of such strangers the
a witness to all the nations and for the benefit of all message "Millions NowLiving Will Never Die" be-
persons of good-will amongthem. It is by this work gan to be proclaimed in America in February, 1918;
that the King Christ Jesus at the temple judges but its proclamation was quickly interfered with by
such nations and separates out from them his "other the Devil and his dupes. Toward the end of 1919
sheep", leaving the rebellious "goats" to a fate of this message, showing that persons of good-will on
destruction with their national governments at the earth will survive the battle of Armageddon, was
battle of Armageddon. All nations are in bondage republished, and multitudes of them in many na-
and captivity to Satan’s organization Babylon. Vast tions were caused to hear and read this message and
multitudes amongthese mournbecause of religion’s related Kingdomtruths. Particularly from 1931 on-
devastating results and long for good news about a ward this good-will class of "other sheep" manifested
righteous Government, which only God’s capital themselves and proved their worship of Jehovah
organization can supply. According to their com- Godby active service of him. As foretold in Isaiah’s
mission it is the remuanfs duty to preach the good prophecy, they consecrated themselves to God
news of the Kingdomto such oppressed ones, to com- through Christ and offered to assist the remnant in
fort their hearts, to convey to them the freedom- the reconstructive work of witnessing for the King-
giving truth, and to aid them into the loving and dom. This action was in harmony with the King’s
fearless service of Jehovah God and to build them gracious invitation that all thirsty ones whoheard
up therein. 12. {a)In what d~crlptJve
speech did Izmlah’e prophecy foretell
{b) Who are such "str~gere",
and why do they call the
anointed remnant by such names?
12. {a)To whose benefit ts the reconstruction work being conducted? II. (a)What message affecting such strangers began to be published
(b) What effect does such vislble reconstruction work have regarding in 1918, and since when particularly have they proved their worship
the worldly nations? of Jehovah~ lb)Why and how have they to~ become reconstructors?
JA~u~Y 15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. ’27

the call to come to the water of life and who came struction work; but these refuse to halt their work
should themselves say to others, "Come." (Rev. in craven fear. On the~, go with their edifying educa-
22:17) Thus these too have a commission from tion-work in the face of total war and persecution
Jehovah’s Chief Anointed One, Christ Jesus, to take and opposition all over the globe. (Rev. 12: 13-16)
part in preaching the Kingdom gospel to all the Their work continues to prosper and to makestrides
nations as an invitation to the waters of life. This forward. Whytheir prosperity? and why the ene-
educational work is reconstructive work concerning mies’ failure? Jehovah’s prophecy explains the rea-
Jehovah’s worship in all the earth, and thus they too son why, saying to the restored remnant these words :
are reconstructors alongside the anointed remnant. "For your shame ye shall have double; and for con-
,5 The remnant being few, this increasing multi- fusion [particularly during 1914-1918] they shall
tude of consecrated persons of good-will, "stran- rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land [of
gers," so to speak, volunteer to take positions of Jehovah’s Theocratic worship and service] they
service under the Theocratic organization. All this shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be
is pictured hy the strangers’ standing and feeding unto them. For I the LORDlove judgment, I hate
the flocks of the remnant and serving as their plow- robbery for burnt offering [and hence religion] ; and
men and vinedressers, all of which means hard work I will direct their work in truth, and I will makean
but is beneficial and constructive. They serve in con- everlasting covenant with them. Andtheir seed shall
nection with Jehovah’s Theocratic organization of be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring
his remnant over whomChrist Jesus is Head. They amongthe people: all that see them shall acknowl-
recognize, therefore, that their appointment to serv- edge them, that they are the seed which the LORD
ice comes through Christ Jesus, and is not by or [Jehovah] hath blessed."~Isa. 61 : 7-9.
from men. As authority for them to serve in connec- ,r The restored faithful remnant can testify that
tion with the Kingdom gospel they refer to their their present privileges make up more than double
Anointed King. They refer to his authority as ex- for all the shame, contempt and confusion which
pressed in his words, "The spirit of the Lord is upon they were obliged to suffer down till 1919. They
me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gos- endeavor to show full appreciation of the glorious
pel to the poor." They rely on his authority to send treasure of divine service which has been conferred
forth others to preach, even those whomhe calls upon them. Their joy, now begun, is beyond the
his "other sheep". (Luke 4: 18) Their riches of devo- enemy’s power to beat down. It is because their joy
tion, praise and service they render to Godin united is in the vindication of Jehovah’s nameand of his
support of the anointed remnant. In such glorifying universal sovereignty, and they know the Kingdom
of Godby these "other sheep" they rejoice, because will bring this vindication at Armageddon. They
these "sheep" are as a letter of recommendationin may have a personal part in that vindication by
flesh and blood proving that the remnant are min- being faithful witnesses and holding fast their in-
isters of Jehovah God and that he recognizes their tegrity toward him. It greatly comforts them to
work and gives fruitage to it. The remnant do not know their organization is Theocratic, ruled from
boast in themselves, but in what God has wrought the Supreme One Jehovah God down, and that he
through them as regards his "other sheep". They has judged them faithful and cleansed them from
delight to see these "sheep" giving the glory and religion and nowhe, and not man, directs their work
honor to Jehovah God and his King Christ Jesus. truly. They will not rob Godby failing to give him
Such "other sheep" do not try to take the places of the glory that is due or by failing to render accept-
the anointed remnant within the Theocratic organi- able sacrifices of praise by the calves of their lips.
zation, but are glad to serve Godtogether with them, "They appreciate that Jehovah has inaugurated
passing the spiritual food on to others and doing the new covenant toward them by his King at the
what they can in helping to produce it or make it temple, the purpose of which covenant is to "take
available to other hungered ones. out of the nations a people for his name". Because
of keeping covenant and seeking to fulfill their
JOYFUL PORTION anointing to publish his name, they become known
1~ The Devil, the god of this world, has belched amongall the Gentile nations. Their endeavor is to
out of his dragon organization a terrible flood of walk worthy of the gospel and to show themselves
Nazi-Fascist-religious totalitarian hordes upon the faithful ministers of God. For that reason the per-
earth to overwhelm Zion’s remnant and their recon- sons of good-will whosee them in their true position
15 (al How do they feed flocks, dress vlnee and plow, and upon what acknowledge the anointed remnant to be the lone
authorLty? {hi How do the remnant eat the riches of the Gentilea and
boast themselves in their glory, as foretold 17. Howhave the remnant received the promised double, and everlasting
16 (el How has the Devil tried to overxxhelm the recon~truction work. Joy, true dtrectior of their work, and safeguard against robbery?
and with what suece.,m? (b) In what language did Isaiah’s prophecy 18. How have they come to be known among the Gentile nations, and
explain the reason why? to be acknowledged to be the seed Jehovah has bleseed?
N. Y.

people on earth whom the Lord God is blessing with the Devil. But Jehovah God has openly come
through his King Christ Jesus. Hence they desire to out in vindication of the remnant under Christ Jesus
be "one flock" with the faithful remnant under the as his "faithful servant" class. By building them up
"one shepherd".--John 10: 16, Am. Stan. Ver. in the Theocratic organization; by committing unto
~’ Despite the global warfare and its outcome, the them the Kingdom truth; and by bestowing upon
witness to Jehovah’s praise and righteousness is them the royal privilege of serving as his witnesses
not yet over nor at its climax. Therefore Isaiah’s doing the right work, he has covered them with the
prophecy describes the Lord’s Anointed as crying "robe of righteousness". This identifies them as his
out: ’¢I will greatly rejoice in the LORD [Jehovah], righteous and approved servant-organization under
my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath Christ Jesus. Whyshould they not be joyful and re-
clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath joice, with the joy of a bridegroom and his bride on
covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a the wedding day? By continuing faithful under the
bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and "robe of righteousness", the remnant, which is now
as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels. For as espoused as a chaste virgin to Christ Jesus, will
the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden prove worthy at death of being glorified ~th him as
causeth the things that are sown in it to spring a blessed part of his heavenly "bride".
forth; so the Lord GODwill cause righteousness and "Because Jehovah has delivered his remnant
praise to spring forth before all’ the nations." (Isa. from Babylon and has conferred upon them the
61:10, 11) It is no individual on earth who speaks righteous service of announcing that ’the kingdom
these words in the prophetic fulfillment. It is the is at hand’, their work of witnessing must go on.
remnant as a unit under their Anointed Head Christ As long as they are in the flesh, it must go on
throughout this day of Jehovah’s favor. And it will
Jesus. He is the Bridegroom, and they are a part of
his "bride". go on, by his decree, spreading to all nations. As it
,o They greatly rejoice because God has delivered spreads the "other sheep" of good-will have an in-
creasing part in the Kingdom’s announcement and
them from the enemy’s power and has thus vindi- the reconstruction work of Jehovah’s worship. Just
cated them as his chosen and approved "faithful as surely as God makes what he sows in the earth
and wise servant". He has covered the remnant with spring forth in glorious verdure and beautiful flow-
’sah, ation’s garments’ by saving and rescuing them er, just so the same invincible God Almighty will,
from Babylon’s power and thereafter continually before Armageddon, cause his righteousness, his
preserving them in his joyous service. They are a vindication and his praise to spring forth before all
companyidentified by his salvation, and they declare nations. They are forced to see it, because of the
that "salvation belongeth unto Jehovah".--Ps. 3:8, reconstruction work done among them by his King
A.S.V. and his faithful remnant and his "other sheep". And
’~ The religious clergy repeatedly besmirch the ap- his glorious victory at Armageddon will climax
pearance of the remnant and try to identify them their righteous witness work, and will establish his
19. {a) What words next ot the prophet show the witness work to
righteousness and his praise for ever universally,
fulfillment throughout earth and heaven.
be not .~etover nor at Its climax?(b) Who in the prophecys
actuallyspeak such words
20 How has Jehovah clothed them with the "’garments of salvation"? 22 Why must and witl this reconstructivework go on, and how wlll
21 How has he covered them with the ’robe of righteousness"?and
w,th ~
what mannerof Joy do they reJolce and praiseto springforthbeforeall nations~


4;{;’1~ /~ANDATE" means "an authoritatzve command, he created it not in vain, he formedit to be inhabited: I
order, or injunction", whichmakesone responsi- amthe LORD; andthere is noneelse."--Isa. 45: 12, 18.
171 ble to do or performthe things set out in the If Goddoes not fill the earth with humancreatures that
mandate. Here the mandating power is Jehovah God He there abide forever, then the creation of the earth and of
purposedto fill the earth with a righteous people. That is manis in vain; and it is certain that JehovahGoddoes
madecertain by his revealed Word.Before the time of man nothing in vain. HISmandatesmust be and shall be fully
Godmadethe heaven and the earth’. (Gen. 1:1) Thou- performedin his due time. His nameJehovahclearly stands
sands of years later he created manto inhabit the earth. for his purposetowardhis creation. Hesays :"q~Iy counsel
Says the Almighty God: "I have made the earth, and shall stand, and I will do all mypleasure... I havespoken
created [perfect] manupon it: I, even myhands, have
it, I will also bringit to pass; I havepurposed
it, I will also
stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I com- do it." (Isa. 46: I0, 11) Hegives assurancethat he will do
manded."Theearth he created for a definite purpose. "For
thus saith the Lo~that created the heavens; Godhimself what he says and will fulfill his announcedpurpose. His
that formedthe earth and madeit; he hath established it, creatures that love and serve him take Godat his word
J~UARY 15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 29
and are fully persuaded that he will perform completely Jesus; it would not be by manacting in obedience to God’s
every promise.--Isa. 55 : 11. commandment. A taking into account all features and
Having such full assurance, consider nowJehovah’s man- issues of the matter makes it certain that Jehovah’s man-
date given to his perfect creature man Adamand his per- date must be and will yet be carried out in righteousness.
fect helpmate Eve, to wit: "Be fruitful, and multiply, and The inspired Scriptures reveal how.
replenish [fill] the earth, and subdue it: and have do- By means of prophetic dramas or pictures Jehovah has
minionover the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, been pleased to make knownto those devoted to IIim his
and over every li~dng thing that moveth upon the earth." means of carrying out his purpose in regard to manythings.
(Gen. 1 : 28) WhenGod announced that purpose and gave Maywe not expect to find in his Worda picture that will
Adamand Eve that commandor mandate, they were right- enable us to arrive at an answer to the foregoing questmn?
eous, because sin had not then entered the world. God’s To demonstrate the divine rule or mandate given to Adam
evident purpose was and is that such mandateshall be fully at the beginning of his life in Eden would require the
performed and carried out under a righteous and invisible same mandate to be carried out by righteous creatures on
overlord and performed therefore in righteousness. Fur- the earth acting under the supervision of a righteous in-
thermore, the mandate to "be fruitful and multiply" was visible overlord. The overlord is not the one that carries
and is to be to life of the creatures brought into the earth. out the divine mandate, but it is the righteous creatures
Jehovah God appointed the heavenly cherub Lucifer to under him that do so. Othemvise stated, Satan, the wicked
be the invisible overlord of the perfect Adam,forasmuch overlord or "god of this world", must first be destroyed,
as Lucifer was then righteous. In proof of such righteous- together with his entire organization, and then the control
ness God’s later words testify, when saying to Lucifer: of the earth be entirely removed from all opponents of
"’Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have Jehovah, and it must be under the control of the righteous
set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; overlord in order that humancreatures might carry out
thou hast walked up and downin the midst of the stones the divine mandate. These indisputable facts stand out,
of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that and must be given full force and effect in determining the
thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee." question here under consideration.
--Ezek. 28.14, 15. The great flood of Noah’s day and the attending acts and
Lucifer rebelled against Jehovah, became unrighteous, circumstancesthereof furnish at least a partial illu.~tration
and led Adamand Eve into unrighteousness. All this took or picture of what must be done in connection with carry-
place before Adamand Eve had made any effort to carry ing out the divine mandate. Preceding the time of the
out the mandate concerning the bearing of human fruit. deluge the inhabiters of the earth were corrupt and the
As the result of that rebellion God’s mandateto manldndto earth was filled with ~fiolence. The result was that the
"multiply and fill the earth" was never demonstrated under flood was used to clear out such from the earth.
righteous conditions. Hence, not being carried out in right- The materialized Nephilim from Satan’s invisible organi-
eousness, it has not been carried out at all according to zation of demons were removed from the earth. The dis-
God’s will and command.Today the earth is filled with an obedient angels that had materialized, that is, "the sons
unrighteous people, almost allofwhomare willfully wicked of God," that had formed unions with human womenand
and acting under the overlordship of an unrighteous in- produced the Gibborim or "men of renown", were im-
visible creature, Satan the Devil, and continuing to blas- prisoned by Satan. (1 Pet. 3: 19, 20) The offspring of such
pheme God’s holy name. The few exceptions are those who improper union of angels and womenwere destroyed, and
have believed on Jehovah God and Christ Jesus and who only Noahand his family, consisting, in all, of eight per-
have made a covenant to do God’s will and who have sons, were permitted to remain alive. By reason of his
received the favor and protection of God. Aside from such faith and obedience Noahwas counted as righteous in God’s
consecrated ones "the earth is filled with violence", even sight. He was a preacher or proclaimer of righteousness,
with wickedness arid gross darkness, as in Noah’s day. and continued to bear testimony to the name of Jehovah
(Gen. 6: 13) The question obtrudes Itself, Itas God’s pur- God. (2 Pet. 2:5; Heb. 11:7) Evldently the members
pose failed? No; his purpose fails never. Noah’s family were also counted righteous by reason of
Will God’s mandateto "multiply and fill the earth" ever their faith and full co-operation with Noah. Whereasthe
be performed fully and demonstrated under right and Devil and his demons were not then destroyed or fully
righteous conditions on earth and by humankind? Will God restrained, manifestly they were thereafter prevented from
prove that this mandateis administrable in righteousness? materializing amonghumancreatures.
and is it ins purpose to prove and demonstrate it to both So far as the earth was concerned, at the end of the
human creatures and the holy angels? The mere act of deluge there remained on the earth only Noah and his
bringing back to life the dead ones whoreceive the merit family, all of whomwere counted righteous in the sight of
of Christ’s sacrifice wouldnot demonstrate or fulfill that Jehovah by reason of faith and obedience toward Him.
mandate from Jehovah God. Since Adam’s offspring were Immediately following the flood and the exodus of Noah
conceived in sin and almost all of them died in sin, even if and his family from the ark the mandate of God was re-
all such were raised from the dead and placed on earth issued, this time to righteous Noah; as it is written: "So
again, that would not meanthe carrying out of the divine Godblessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, Be fruit-
mandate. Whynot? For the reason that it would be ac- ful and multiply and fill the earth." (Gen. 9: 1, Rother-
complished by the power of God through his King Christ ham) Mark here particularly that the divine mandate,
"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth," was never the part performed by human creatures. "The earth is
given to the wicked, but was first given to Adambefore Jehovah’sl and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that
he sinned, and was restated or repeated to Noah and his dwell therein." (Ps. 24:1, Am. Start. Vet.) Therefore
immediate family, who were counted righteous. Wicked Christ Jesus has supervision over all things as the official
men could not carry out that divine command,and there- representative of his Father, Jehovah. Lucifer was the
fore it was not given to or for such. Aboutthis there cannot overlord of the earth until he rebelled against Jehovah and
be the slightest doubt. It therefore follows that up to the lost everything pertaining to righteousness. Christ Jesus
present time that divine mandatehas not been carried out. is now the King, whose dominion will be from sea to sea
Scripturally viewed, God caused a record of the flood and from the river to the ends of the earth, including do-
and of the things connected therewith to be made as a minion over those who will live on the earth forever.
picture foretelling greater things to follow. Hence those (Ps. 72:8) He will minister life to them by the authority
things were typical. Noah’s name means "rest" or "com- given to him by God. The reign of Christ Jesus is and ever
fort"; and thus he foreshadowed the beloved Son of God, will be righteous. (Isa. 32: 1) The divine mandate given
Christ Jesus, who is the comfort and rest of Jehovah. first to perfect Adamand restated to Noah must and will
Always he is in haIlnony with Jehovah. In harmony with be carried out in righteousness during Christ’s 1000-year
this it is written that, upon leaving the ark at the drying reign.
off of the flood, Noahbuilded an altar to Jehovah Godand Armageddonwill clear the earth of unrighteousness, and
upon it he offered clean sacrifices. (Gen. 8: 20) "Andthe thereafter those who live must be on the side of Godand
LOaDsmelled a sweet savour [or, according to the Hebrew, Christ his King. The Scriptures show that those who sur-
smelled a savour of rest]; and the LORD said in his heart, vive Armageddonon earth will be those who "seek right.
I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s eousness, seek meekness", namely, the remnant of Christ’s
sake." (Gen. 8: 20, 21) This is further a corroborative evi- anointed body-members and also their companions, the
dence that by Jehovah Noah was there counted righteous "other sheep", or Jonadabs. Together with the resurrected
and that the acts of Noah and his family were pleasing to faithful prophets and servants of Jehovah of old, whokept
the Lord God. It was at this time that, as Genesis 9:1 their integrity toward Him before the first coming of
reads, "Godblessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Christ, the "other sheep", or Jonadabs, will live forever on
Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish [fill] the earth." the earth. The entire number will be but a small number
The dcstructive work of the flood pictured the coming compared with the mass of humanity now on earth. But
Armageddonbattle and the great destruction it will bring there is no need to be appalled by the great world-wldc
about the earth as well as upon the earth; and the part destruction of Armageddon. The day of Jehovah’s wrath
played by Noahin offering clean animals in sacrifice after will conclude with the victorious fight of Christ against
coming out of the ark foreshadowed Ct~rist Jesus and his Satan, and then there will be found on earth a far greater
reign of blessedness after Armageddon.The mandate then number of persons than those who survived the deluge of
given was accordingly typical also. Noah’s day. But the fact that, as compared with the rem-
The sons of Noah were born after he was 500 years old. nant, a "great multitude" of "other sheep" do keep integ-
(Gcn. 5: 32; 6: 9, 10) The three sons of Noahforeshadowed rity toward God and are carried alive through Armageddon
a class of persous that are counted righteous in the sight conclusively disproves and nullifies Satan’s wicked chal-
of God. They are the "other .~eep" of the Lord, to wit, the lenge of being able to wreck everyone’s integrity, and it
Jonadabs, who will form the "great multitude" after Arma- will be a vindication of Jehovah’s name and word. God’s
geddon. (Rev. 7: 9-15; John 10: 16; 2 Ki. 10: 15) Christ power is unlimited, and there is nothing that can hinder
Jesus, the antitype of Noah, is "the everlasting Father" him in carrying out his mandateto "fill the earth". When
whoministers life to the obedient ones of the humanrace, stripped of wickedness, the earth will be in a condition for
and he does so as the active representative of Jehovah. the execution of that divine mandate in harmonywith the
Noah’s sons were born a short time before the flood. Like- will of Almighty God.
wise the Greater Noah, Christ Jesus, a short time prior to Onlyeight persons survived the flood, and, of those, only
Armageddon,brings forth the "other sheep", or the Jona- six persons, namely, Noah’s three sons and their wives,
dabs, that form the "great multitude". Noah’s sons were took part in fulfilling the divine mandate. Now,after cen-
boru near the end of the "world that then was"; and now turies, brief indeed so far as Godis concerned, the earth
the Jonadabs appear in this end of this "evil world" and is filled with creatures the most of whomhave turned to
these are to be given everlasting life after proving their violence directly or indirectly. If a "great multitude" of
integrity, that is, after the battle of Armageddon.As a Jonadabs survive Armageddonand are wholly devoted to
long time elapsed from the time that Noah was born until Jehovah and his King, Christ Jesus, what may these do
these three sons were born, so a long time has elapsed since under the righteous direction of Christ Jesus toward ’filling
the birth of the "Son of man", Jesus, until the birth or the earth’ within a few short warless centuries ? The sons
bringing forth of the Jonadabs, whogain everlasting life and daughters-in-law of Noahpictured the Jonadabs, these
after Armageddon.And now they are here! survivors of Armageddon who will receive life everlasting
Into the hands of Christ Jesus Jehovah has committed on earth from Jehovahas a gracious gift ministered to them
the execution of HIS purpose. (Matt. 28: 18) This must in. by Christ Jesus, the Greater than Noah. Seeing that God’s
elude the execution of the divine mandate to "fill the mandate was and is given only to righteous men and that
earth", that is to say, to have complete supervision over the survivors of Armageddonare the ones whohave obeyed
God in seeking righteousness and meekness, is it not both righteous persons, and this before the general resurrection
reasonable and Scriptural that Jehovah will use that right- of humankindin the graves.
eous "great multitude" under the righteous overlord to Let the Jonadabs now take heed, be diligent in seeking
carry out and perform His mandate to ’be fruitful and righteousness and meekness, be faithful and energetic in
multiply and fill the earth’? Yes; and that would mean doing God’s will and thus showing their appreciation of
that the members of such "great multitude" will marry Jehovah’s loving-kindness. Let them do this in order that
and produce children and "fill the earth" with a righteous they may be found worthy to have a part in carrying out
population, and this during the 1000-year reign of Christ the divine mandate to be reissued after the battle of
Jesus. The "great multitude" of Armageddonsurvivors, Armageddon,and thus have a part in the vindicating of
therefore, cant out God’s mandate to fill the earth with God’s holy name and faithful word.


AITHin God is based on His Word. It is founded on
F knowledge, and proved by works. Without it none
can please God. (Rein. 10:17; Heb. 11:1,6; Jas.
words uttered in her heart not being audible. Eli quickly
spoke: "Howlong wilt thou be drunken ? put away thy wine
from thee." Seeing his mistake, he dismissed Hannahwith,
2:17-26) The religious preachers and priests of "Christen- "Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy peti-
dom" pose as having faith and knowledge and works, but tion."--i Sam. 1: 9-18.
the glaring facts belie their claim. The lip-service they Eli was quick to falsely accuse Hannah of being a
render, the "form of godliness" they display, the works "daughter of Belial", and reprimand unjustly; but he was
they perform to be seen of men. none of these mockerieswill in no position to do so with force. And why not? Wasn’t
deliver in the day of God’s wrath. Not only do they overpass he the high priest authorized to rebuke ? Yes, but his own
the deeds of the wicked and grant indulgences and absolu- doorstep needed sweeping. Verse 12 of chapter 2 reads:
tions for self-gain, but they also sink to the lowest depths "Nowthe sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not
of sin and faithlessness. WhenSatan’s viperous brood is the LoRv." The five verses following showthat these sons
exterminated at Armageddon these proud and haughty serving as priests were not content with the portion God’s
blasphemers will be numberedwith them, and all those who law assigned to them. They were to have the breast and
cast their lot with these pious pretenders will descend into right shoulder, but a custom had been innovated at Shiloh
death. Religious "Christendom" and her clergy base them- whereby the priest’s servant came and took all the addi-
selves upon tradition and self-judged works of "righteous- tional part of the sacrifice he could hook with a three-
ness", and not on God’s %Vord. She has no faith. pronged fork. (Lev. 7: 31-34) The priests served themselves
At one time conditions in Israel typed modern"Christen- ahead of the Lord. They were to offer the fat on the altar
dom". The disasters visited upon that typical nation vivid- to Jehovah, but they let this service wait while they satis-
ly portray "Christendom’s" future, and it is not the glow- fied their own bellies with that which was not rightfully
ing pmture politicians and other world leaders dangle be- theirs. Someof the worshipers protested: "Let them at
fore this twentieth-century civilization. Lookfor a moment least makeincense at once with the fat, then take thou as
back through the centuries, and see what lies ahead. (1 Cot. much as thy soul craveth." Harsh and arrogant came the
10:11) Look back to the twelfth century before Christ. answer: "At once shalt thou give it; or else I will take it
It is near the close of the period of judges. For somethree by force." (Vs. 16, Roth.) Eli’s sons were not satisfied with
hundred years the tabernacle of Jehovah’s worship had God’s provisions; they did not believe "godliness with con-
operated at Shiloh, Eleazar being the first high priest to tentment is great gain". (1 Tim. 6: 6) They had no faith.
serve there. In these closing years of the period of judges, And high priest Eli apparently gave no rebuke on this
however, Eli held that high office. He was a descendant score; rather he shared their sin. (1 Sam.2: 29) The result
of Aaron, not through the elder Eleazar, but was of the was, "men abhorred the offering of the LOaD"--Verse 17.
sons of Ithamar, the younger. (Lev. 10: 12; 1 Chron. 24: 3; On one scandalous count Eli did mildly rebuke his sons.
2 Sam. 8:17; 1 Sam. 22:9; 14:3) Howthe high priest- Their base conduct had becomecommontalk in Israel, and
hood was transferred to the younger branch of Aaron’s Eli "used to hear all that his sons did unto all Israel, and
householdis not stated, nor does it appear to be important. how they even lay with the womenwho did service at the
The Important prophetic things are recorded. opening of the tent of meeting. So he said to them, Where-
The name"Eli" means "Jah is high; ascent; high-placed". fore should ye do such things as these? for I keep hearing
As high priest representing the Most High Jehovah, Eli of your wicked doings, from all these people. Nay my
certainly was high-placed. He also acted as a judge in sons! for it is no good report that I do hear: leading into
Israel, intervening between the judgeships of Samsonand transgression the people of Jehovah. If one mansin against
Samuel. HIS term of service was forty years, the majority another God will interpose, but if against Jehovah a man
of authorities believe. (1 Sam. 4: 18) The first glimpse sin, who will intercede for him ? But they hearkened not
Eli that the divine record gives shows him seated by the unto the voice of their father". (1 Sam. 2:22-25, Roth.)
doorpost of the tabernacle, on what seemed to be a throne Those womenwere there to serve Jehovah, and not the lusts
of judgment. (1 Sam. 1 : 9, Roth., margin) But he is shown of degenerate priests. (Ex. 38:8 ; Judg. 11: 34-40) Modern
passing judgment hastily on a God-fearing woman.Hannah days are not without priestly parallels. Eli’s sons were
fervently prayed to the Lord, her lips moving, but the hardened in their sinful course. They had committed sins

meriting death under God’s law. Not only did Eli spurn this upon his head. The Oriental city recognizes both as signs
law, but he did not even oust the vile ones from office. of calamity and wailing. Goodnews was not expected, but
Jehovah’s judgments had by this time mounted high when the disaster that overwhelmed Israel was put into
against Eli. The time came for them to be declared. God words the city’s inhabitants let out a cry of shock and
sent a prophet to the aged Eli with a message heavy with dismay. Eli heard the wailing cries. He had not seen the
foreboding. "Wherefore kick ye at mysacrifice . . . and Benjamite nor seen the gathering crowds: he was ninety-
honourest thy sons above me, to make yourselves fat?" eight years old and his eyes no longer focused, being set.
asked Jehovah. A modern translation puts it thus: "Why Hearing the tumult, he asks the cause. In terse phrase the
do you look with an envious eye upon my saerifiee l" Benjamite recounts the fourfold message of woe: "Israel
(Smith-Goodspeed)He, as well as his sons, coveted saeri- is fled before the Philistines, and there hath been also a
fieial portions not allotted to him, to fatten self. Thence great slaughter amongthe people, and thy two sons also,
the man of God expressed the divine judgment. The power Hoplmi and Phinehas, are dead, and the ark of God is
and influence and authority of Eli’s house was to be de- taken."~l Sam. 4 : 10-17.
stroyed, as shownby the words, "I will cut off thine arm, Israel had fled, thirty thousand had been slain, his sons
and the arm of thy father’s house." There would not be had been killed, and the ark had been captured. Each woe
an old manin his house; they should die in the flower of coming on top of the preceding one mounts higher to the
their age. Calamity and affliction would come upon the disastrous climax. The heavy message struck Eli with
tabernacle. Andas a sign to Eli of the sureness of execu- stunning force and brought his life to a climactic end:
tion of these judgments, his two depraved sons would die "And it came to pass, when he made mention of the ark
on the same day. But Jehovah’s service through the priest- of God, that he fell from off the seat backward by the
hood would be made sure by the raising up of a faithful side of the gate, and his neck brake, and he died : for he was
high priest. Eli heard, but no purging measures were an old man, and heavy. And he had judged Israel forty
taken. Even his sons, Hophni and Phinehas, continued in years."~l Sam. 4:18.
office.--1 Sam.2: 27-36. In times past the presence of the ark of Godhad brought
Another judgment-messagereached Eli’s ears, this time victory. (Josh. 6:4) Whynot this time? It had been taken
through young Samuel. To the latter Jehovah said: "Be- from its proper place in the tabernacle in Shiloh. Further-
hold, I ~ill do a thing in Israel, at which both the ears more, from the high priest and priests to the pcople, they
of every one that heareth it shall tingle. In that day I will had departed from the Lord. Hence he was not with them.
perform against Eli all things which I have spoken con- They did not fulfill their covenant obligations. The ark
cerning his house: whenI begin, I will also makean end. of the covenant had cometo be little more than a religious
For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever charmin their sight, and it was in this superstitious view-
for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made point that they brough it forth. They had no faith and no
themselves vile, and he frowned not upon them. And godly works, and they had no disposition to repent. Jeho-
therefore I have sworn unto the house of Eli, that the vah had departed from them, and did not feel bound to
imquity of Eli’s house shall not be purgedwith sacrifice nor help them because of any outward display or pretense of
offering for ever." (1 Sam. 3.11-14, margin) On hearing faith, and which was to them nothing more than a reli-
it Eli apathetically responded, "It is Jehovah: let him do gious ceremony.
what seemeth him good." No remorse shown, no corrective Modern"Christendom" finds herself in a similar posi-
measures taken. tion. Her "form of godliness" and religious ritual will
The long-threatened judgment of Godat last broke like bring her no salvation from God’s judgments against her
a storm on him and his family. Israel went out to battle Eli’s house pictured the "man of sin" class of faithless
against the Philistines and was smitten, losing about four "Christendom", including the "evil servant". Arrogant re-
thousand men. On returning to camp they wondered about ligionists today demandmore than their share. They honor
the defeat, and determined to fetch the ark of the covenant men and not God Their religmus house or system is
from the tabernacle in Shiloh and take it into battle with doomed.Shiloh’s disaster was prophetic of "Christendom’s"
them. The sons of Eli accompaniedit thither, and whenthe lasting end. (Jer. 7: 14) Just as surely as Eli’s house was
ark of the covenant entered the Israelite encampmentthe toppled from high priesthood, so will "Christendom’s"
earth rang with the shouts raiscd But there is no record clergy be ousted. (1 Ki. 2: 27; 1 Chron. 6: 1"-8, 50-53) And
of any fasting, or praying, or repenting of the ungodli- no "universal ransom" doctrine will save her! (1 Sam.
nesses into which they had fallen.--1 Sam. 4:1-9. 3: 14) The Godless conduct of self-exalted clergy has
Anxiously Eli awaited the outcome. He sat upon his turned many from God and caused them to abhor his
seat by the wayside, watching. On the same day that the service. (1 Sam. 2: 17) People of good-will toward God,
battle was fought and finished, the news comes to Shiloh. seeing religion’s hypocrisy, are turning to the study of
A man of Benjamin and from the Israelite army comes God’s Word. There they gain true knowledge, and on this
fleeing wildly into the city. His clothes are rent; earth is firm foundation their faith rises.
(Conttmted from page 18) Testimony Penodsof Jehovah’switnessesfor 1945as well as the
predominantservice theme for the alternatm~ months.The
being carried on in manyparts of the globe. Beneaththe above CalendarLSmailed, postpaid, on a eontnbutmn of 25e each, or
is a servmecalendarfor all those interestect in obeyingthe above five on a contributionof $1.00 whensent to oneaddress. Com-
command,and it speemlly calls attention to the bimonthly panieswill orderthroughthetr servant.

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Vor.,, LXVI S~U~]aOr~T~.LY No. 3

l, 1945
~ ..................................... 3,5
W’by Immersefor l~m~ssion of Sms~ 36
ANewMeaning .................................. 37
It ................................... 38
ToD,~TZ.................................... 39
"IntoHisName" ................................. 40
BaptizedwithHolySpirit...................... 41
"OtherSheep" Baptized ........................ 43
WmtWzQuo~~ B~.................... 45
S~WZL, Zz~t, ous ~o~ T-~z,tc~ .......... 46
Ex,t.~n~CsS..................................... 48
Pm~oo .............................. 34
1945 y~,m~o~r o~ J~movz~’s wrr~Tzsszs 34
My_~omu.. .......................................

: -.--,~---~--’.-.-
:~.~ . --"’:~?=": ..,., -.
~. "~:.-.........
117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn I, N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah ~ and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction spoclfically
N. H. K~ORR, President designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-wilL
W. ~’.. Va_~ A~rB~H, 8ecretacy It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
treat shall be the peace of thy children." - 1141~]z y4:~3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlastang, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical eY_~mina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah;
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
YF, bnLY SUBaCnlI’TION Pglt~
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNITgD STATIC, $I.00 ; all other countries, $1.50, American currency ;
GI~T BIITI[], AUITLLLAIIAt £1~V ~OUTH ~ICl, 6S. American remit-
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the tastes should be made by Postal or ~prese Money Order or by Bank
right to life; Draft, British, South African and Austrnluian remlttautnm should
be made direct to the r~pectlve branch omce~ Remittances from
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suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive ofll¢~ but by ln¢~tom~ Postal Money Order only.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
FOaZ~ON Or~c~s
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2. England
and authority; Aaegrnlm~n __ 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld. N. S. W.. Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Hos~th Alrlcan Boston Hour, Cape Town, South Afrtct
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and Is the lsdta~ 16T Love Lane, Bombay 27, India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful PI~ address the Society in every
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Translatlolm of this Journal appear in Nveral languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear; KILL SINCERE STUDENTS OF THE BIBLE who by realon of
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
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Jesus Chrlst has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of made once each year, stating the reuon for so requesting it. We ace
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required by the postal regulatlon~
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*THEOCRATIC SERVANTS" TESTIMONY PERIOD servants, and features a detailed but most interesting report
on the work they have accomplished this past year m the Umted
The testimony periods of 1945 open up w~th the "Theocratic States and 49 other.countries of the earth. Besides this report
Servants" Teshmony Period, during the entLre month of February.
by the W~cR’rowEa SocIg~ premdent, there is also hLs comment
ThLs will be also the second month of the specmt campaign to
obtain more subscriptions for the Theocratic magasme The Watch- on the yeartext for 1945, followed by daily texts and comments
for daily sp~ritua| stunulation throughout the year. The 1945
Cower. The attractive campaign offer will therefore continue to be Yearbook is now off the press, and wall be mailed, postpaid, on
extended by all Theocratic servants, namely, a year’s subscription a contribution of 50c a copy, th~s being due to the hm~ted ed~tmn
for th~s magazine, together w~th a premium of a bound book and Compames w~ combine their orders and send m through the
a booklet, all on the contribution of the regular subscriptmn rate, local company servant, together with remittance.
which is $1.00. Where possible, "The Kingdom Is at Hand" should
be the pren~um book offered. During thus Testimony Period the
new booklet One World, One Governmen$ is being released, and MEMORIAL NOTICE
this should be the premmmbooklet. This midwinter month should Because of the uncertainties of international communications by
not be let retard the WatcMowee campaign because of cold and mad due to the global war, we here g~ve advance notice that the
storm, but countermeasures should be arranged to keep on pressing proper time for celebrating the 1945 Memorial will be after 6 p.m.,
thin Important educational effort. We are anxious to help all who New York Eastern Standard Time, on Wednesday, March 28,1945.
want to serve the great Theocrat by a part m this gospel-preaching
work, and we urge those without contact vnth local service groups
to write in for necessary references. One important item not to be "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
overlooked is to fill in report slips on the month’s work. Week of March 4: "Baptiam--Why~"
1-23 inclusive, The Watchtower February 1, 1945.
Week of March 11: ’qmmersiou to Date,"
The 1945 Yearbook of Jehovah’~ ¢vitneues sets out the ofl~elak
of the corporations which Jehovah’s witnesses u~e as their legs] 1-24 induaive, The Watchtower February i, 1945.
VOL. LX~I FEBRUARY 1, 1945 No. 3

"’Baptism, which corresponds to it, now saves you also (~ot as the mere removing of physical stain,
but as the craving for a conscience right with God)--through the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
kl Pet. 3:21, Goodspeed.
EHOVAHcaused much to be set down in his
J written Word concerning baptism. Hence it must
be important. Bdptisma is the original word for
Scriptures, he was the first manto perform baptism
in water which had recognition in God’s sight. John
did not claim to be the inventor; but, ascribing bap-
it in the Greek language in which the Christian tism to God, he said: "He that sent me to baptize in
Scriptures were written under inspiration by Jesus’ water, he said unto me, Upon whomsoeverthou shalt
apostles and disciples ; and baptizein is the original see the spirit descending, and abiding upon him,
word meaning to perform the act of baptizing. Our the same is he that baptizeth in the holy spirit."
English words, therefore, are very nearly like the (John 1:33, Am.Stan. Ver.) The One upon whom
original words. Bapt{zein means no mere sprinkling John in due time saw God’s spirit descend was Jesus
with a few drops of water applied by the hand, Christ, who came from Nazareth to where John was
neither any pouring of a small vesselful of water baptizing. Towardthe end of Jesus’ earthly minis-
upon a person’s head as he stands in a pool of water try he was approached by the religious leaders of
up to his an]des. As Scripturally proved, bapt{zein, Judaism. They put a question to him, namely, by
or to baptize, means to dip (as in water), to sub- what authority he taught and did his works in Jeru-
merge or immerse completely. In this meaning it is salem and particularly in the temple. Jesus replied:
written, at Mark 1: 8: "I baptized you in [with] ’First, let me ask you a question, and then after you
water; but he shall baptize you in [with] the holy have answered I will tell you by what authority I
spirit." (Am.Stun. Vet.; margin) Or: "I immerse do my works. The baptism performed by John, was
you in water, but he will immerseyou in holy spirit." it of heaven or was it of menT’ The Jewish chief
~The Emphatic Diaglott; Rotherham. priests, elders and scribes were cornered, because
2 Water baptism is performed by man. However, if they confessed the fact that John’s baptism was
it did not originate with man, nor is it performed not of men but of heaven (which means of Him who
by the authority of men. Those immersed in water sits upon the throne of heaven), then they would
according to the Scriptures do not go through any accuse themselves of being unfaithful to Jehovah
rite or ceremonyestablished and authorized by mere God, because of their refusal to be baptized with
men. Baptism is of God, who once baptized a whole John’s baptism. \Vhen, therefore, the Jewish reli-
world with watery destruction, namely, by the flood gious leaders refused to tell Jesus honestly that the
of Noah’s day, which flood is referred to at i Peter baptism was of heaven and hence by Jehovah’s
3: 20, 21: "The patience of God was waiting in the authority., Jesus refused to tell them that the author-
days of Noah, while an ark was being prepared, in ity for his works was also of heaven, of God. They
which a few, that is, eight persons, were carried were too religiously dishonest to be deserving of an
safely through the water. And immersion, a repre- answer by Jesus.--Matt. 21:23-27.
sentation of this, nowsaves us; (not a putting away ’ Jesus recognized the baptism of John as being
of the filth of the flesh, but the seeking of a good from heaven. For that reason he came to John at
conscience towards God,) through the resurrection the Jordan river to have the act performed toward
of Jesus Christ." (Diaglott) Thus God caused bap- himself. So Jesus submitted to immersion at the
tism to even be foreshadowed long ago. hands of John, and said at the time: "For thus it
’ The divine origin of baptism is proved in the hecometh us to fulfil all righteousness." (Matt.
case of John the Baptist. According to the Holy 3: 13-17)That is, Jesus was immersed because it
was right; it was the will of God toward Jesus. This
1 Why must baptism be Important. and what do the original Greek
words from which our English words arc drawn mean~ is not saying, however, that Jesus was baptized with
2. Of what origin is baptism, and where was it foreshadowed?
3. How is baptism’s divine origin proved as concerns John the Baptist? 4. How did Jesus show he recognized the right origin of bap~sm?

what was generally known as "John’s baptism". statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he
This fact we soon shall see. shall live in them: I am the LORD [Jehovah]." (Lev.
s John’s baptism was for a particular purpose and 18: 5) "Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the
applied to a particular people, namely, the sin-laden words of this law to do them." (Deut. 27:26) For
Israelites. This fact is testified to in the sacred such reason the Jews that sinned against the law
Scriptures. The apostle Peter said: "The word which covenant would be under a curse and would continue
Godsent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace under such unless God made provision for their
by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:) that word, sins to be remitted and canceled.
say, ye know, which was published throughout all
Judr~a, and began from Galilee, after the baptism WHY IMMERSE FOR REMISSION OF SINS?
which John preached." (Acts 10: 36,37) Paul the ’ Once a year, on the day of atonement, Jehovah
apostle shows further to whomJohn’s baptism was Godprovided for the typical or pictorial cancellation
directed, sa)ing: "God according to his promise "of the sins of the whole nation by the sacrifice of
raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus: when John had a select bullock for the priestly house and the tribe
first preached before his coming the baptism of of Levi, and by the sacrifice of the Lord’s goat for
repentance to all the people of Israel." (Acts 13: 23, all the other tribes of Israel; after which a scape-
24) "John verily baptized with the baptism of goat, having had the nation’s iniquities confessed
repentance, saying unto the people, that they should over its head by the high priest, was sent off into the
believe on him which should come after him, that wilderness to disappear from the nation’s sight.
is, on Christ Jesus." (Acts 19:4) That the Jews, This was to symbolize how Jehovah by the afore-
not Gentiles, responded to John’s baptism, the disci- said sacrifices dismissed the sins of the nation of
ple Marktestifies: "John did baptize in the wilder- Israel and released them from their obligations and
ness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the disability which resulted to them from such sins
remission of sins. And there went out unto him all against His covenant.--See Leviticus, chapter
the land of Judma, and they of Jerusalem, and were sixteen.
all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing
their sins."--Mark 1: 4, 5. ’Furthermore, there were sacrifices which time
individual Jew could render during the course of
S The testimony of the apostle l~fatthew also the year between one atonement day and the next,
agrees. (Matt. 3: 1-I2) The disciple Luke bears wit- and by which sacrifices sins of ignorance and other
ness to the same effect (Luke 3: 2-8); and he also sins could be canceled in a typical fashion.--Leviti-
informs us that the angel who gave advance notice cus 4.
of John’s birth said concerning John: "Manyof the 1o Such atonement-day procedure and those indi-
children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their
God. And he shall go before hiln in the spirit and vidual atonement sacrifices were continued to the
power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to time of John the Baptist. And yet, here comes John
and calls upon the Jews to repent, "for the Kingdom
the children, and the disobedient to the wisdomof
the just; to make ready a people prepared for the of heaven is at hand," and to bring forth fruits meet
Lord."--Luke 1: 13-17. for repentance. He instructs the Jewish people to be
’ John’s baptism, therefore, was for the remission immersedin water for remission of their sins. "Then
of sins, the sins of the Jewish people. From what went out to him Jerusalem, and all Jud,’ea, and all
standpoint? This: The Jewish nation or Israelites, the region round about Jordan, and were baptized
of whom John was a member through the priest of him in Jordan, confessing their sins." (Matt.
family of Aaron, was in covenant relationship with 3: 1-8) Howis this? Whydid not those Jews perform
Jehovah God. It was a consecrated people belonging sacrifices at the temple in Jerusalem? And was not
to Him, who had redeemed them from the house of the annual atonement day with its sacrifices suffi-
bondage in Egypt and brought them into covenant cient to take care of the sins of the Jews? Why
relationship with himself by the mediator Mosesand should the people come to John and be plunged into
over the sacrifice of the passover lamb. They were the waters of the Jordan for the remission of sins?
his people; they belonged to him their Redeemerand Was not God’s law to this effect, that "without
Deliverer. They were his servants; and at Mount shedding of blood is no remission"? (Hob. 9: 22)
Sinai, through the mediation of the prophet Moses, must, therefore, have been for a particular purpose
Jehovah God inaugurated or dedicated his covenant that John should preach to the Israelites to repent
of the law with his redeemed people. The law of and baptize them in water.
that covenant specified : "Ye shall therefore keep my 8. What annual ucrtflcee raised the queatloo as to why be immersed
for the rcmisslon of sins?
5 For whom was John’s baptlam, as shown by Pecer, Paul, and Mark? 9. What other sacrifices raised the like question?
6. How about the testlmony of Matthew and Luke upon the subject? 10. Why did the people’s coming to John ~eem irregular.* and what
7. For what was John’s baptism, and from what standpoint was thhl so? does this indicate rtmpectlng his baptism ?

,1 It is true. John the Baptist was sent to the nation Greater Moses. Thus they might become followers
of Israel on a special mission, namely, to prepare of their true Leader and Commander,Jesus Christ,
from among them a people for the Lord, for the whomJehovah God raised up to them.--Isa. 55:4.
reception of Christ Jesus, the Prophet greater than ~’ So the repentant Jews were immersed in water
Moses and who was foreshadowed by Moses. Jeho- at John’s hands to symbolize the washing away of
vah’s angel had so stated to John’s father, Zacharias sins in the sight of God and their becoming clean
the priest, at the temple. (Luke 1: 11-17) Andalso, to Him, having now a clean, righteous standing
on the day that the infant John was circumcised and before God and being accepted as worthy to be taken
given a name, his father Zacharias said by inspira- in as followers of his Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
tion of God: "And thou, child, shalt be called the Such was the purpose of John’s baptism; and an
prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the examination of the circumstances and attending
face of the Lord to prepare his ways; to give knowl- facts shows it was l;mited entirely to the Jewish
edge of salvation unto his people by the remission of people.
their sins." (Luke 1: 76, 77) John, therefore, came A NEW MEANING
baptizing the Jews for the remission of their sins. " Six months after John had been carrying on his
His baptism was not for the cancellation of sins in a baptism with the above significance, along comes
general way, such sins as Gentiles or non-Jews could Jesus of Nazareth. Why should he come to John?
and did commit who were outside the commonwealth He did not come to be immersedwith John’s baptism,
of Israel; but John was baptizing for the remission which was for the remission of sins, did he? Evi-
of sins committed against the law covenant which dently not, according to the scripture which foretold
was binding exclusively upon the Jews. That cove-
the heart condition and attitude of Jesus, "the Son
nant was meant as a guide or pedagogue to lead of David," at the time of being immersed at John’s
the Jews to Christ the Messiah. As the apostle Paul hands. The scripture which was written in the roll
has stated it: ’%Vherefore the law was our school- of the Holy Book, at Psalm 40: 7, 8 (Am. Stun. Ver.),
master to bring us unto Christ, that we might be
reads: "Then said I, Lo, I am come; in the roll of
justified by faith." (Gal. 3: 24) Unless the Jews were the bookit is written of me: I delight to do thy will,
in harmony with the law covenant and honestly O my God; yea, thy law is within my heart." At
striving to live up to it, it wouldnot act as a school- Hebrews10:7, 8, Paul applies this prophetic scrip-
master or conductor to lead them to the Greater ture to Jesus at the time of entering in upon his
Moses, Christ Jesus. mission at the age of thirty years. The record of
" Consequently, the Jews needed to get into har- Jesus’ baptism does not portray him as confessing
mony with that covenant and its purpose. They sins at the time of his submersion beneath the waters
needed to acknowledge they were sinners against it of Jordan; but it does say he was praying, and that
and its God. They needed the forgiveness of their he submitted to water immersion for righteousness’
sins against His covenant arrangement. Their hearts sake, it being in harmonywith the will of Jehovah
needed to be brought into line with the typical mean- God.~Luke3 : 21.
ing of the law in order for them to recognize Jesus "Necessarily in this case, then, the baptism in
Christ as being the fulfillment of the law and of its water had a new meaning. Jesus’ being immersed was
typical shadows and accordingly to come to Him for no remission of sins, of which sins he had none
as the Christ, their Leader and Redeemer, who is at all, neither for the public confession or typical
’the end of the law for righteousness to every one cleansing away of sins as by water. Even John was
that believeth". (Rom.10 : 1-4) John’s baptism, there- forced to this conclusion. Having only his kind of
fore, was graciously instituted by God through this baptism in mind, "John dissuaded him, and said, ’I
humanservant. Not that the water in which the bap- need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?’
tism took place could wash away their sins; but the But Jesus answered, "Let it be so this time, for it
baptismal act was a figure or symbol to picture how, is right for us to do everything that Godrequires.’
through exercising faith in Jehovah’s provision and Then John consented." (Matt. 3: 14-16, Goodspeed)
humbling themselves in his sight, confessing they John then realized Jesus had a reason to be baptized
were sinners and asking God to forgive them through which John did not discern or appreciate.
his merciful provision, they might be restored to "Jesus’ baptism in water had not been fore-
proper relationship with God. That way they might shadowed, no, not even by the washing which the
be transferred from Moses, the mediator of the old high priest of Israel and the underpriests performed
law covenant, and be brought into Christ Jesus, the
14 Did J~us come to John to be immersed for remission of sins?
11. On what special mission, then, wu John the Baptist sent, u and what does Psalm 40 indicate as to YJals?
predicted concerning him~ 15. How did John come to realize Jesus had a special reason for
1. ), 13. (a)In what way did the Jews need to get into harmony with belng baptlsed ?
that law covenant? (b) On what effect and symbolism, then. wmmJohn’s 16. Was the baptism of Jesus for~lmdow~zisby the washing of Israel’s
baptism ? high priest? and whom did Aaron and sons t:rpifyT
38 N. Y.

on occasion. At the time that Aaron, Israel’s first new road, on the road of the antitypical fulfillment
high priest, and his sons as underpriests were of the law covenant. That was the newly revealed
installed in office, Moses saw to the execution of will of God, and the Lord Jesus stepped out onto
God’s command, namely: "And thou shalt bring that road as a pioneer. Accordingly, Jesus came to
Aaron and his sons unto the door of the tabernacle do the will of God as it was foreshadowed in the
of the congregation, and wash them with water"; types and shadows of the law covenant; as he
after which washing they were clothed upon with said: "Think not that I am come to destroy the
their official garments. (Ex. 40: 11-16) "And Moses law, or the prophets [including Psalm 40: 7,8]:
brought Aaron and his sons, and washed them with I am not cometo destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I
water .... And Moses brought Aaron’s sons, and say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot
put coats upon them, and girded them with girdles, or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law,
and put bonnets upon them; as the LORDcommanded till all be fulfilled." (Matt. 5: 17, 18) Jesus came
Moses." (Lev. 8: 6-13) Aaron typified Christ Jesus, specifically to do God’s will as the spirit of God
God’s High Priest; and Aaron’s sons typified the should thenceforth reveal it to him. It was for this
footstep followers of Christ Jesus, the membersof reason that he consecrated himself, dedicated himself
Christ’s body. wholly to his Godand Father. Thenceforth he would
"Rather than typify the baptizing of Jesus and be dead, as it were, buried to his ownwill, and his
his followers, the washing of both Aaron and his heart attitude would be, "Not my will, but thine
sons was required of them in order to be bodily clean, be done."
thereby to picture howChrist Jesus’ the sinless One ~’ Whereas by his full consecration to Jehovah
and his body members,his church, are clean in God’s God Jesus was dead and buried as to his own will,
sight as new creatures. Christ Jesus was not defiled nevertheless he would live thereafter. By God’s
by taking the course on earth that provided the spirit he would be raised as a new creature to life,
ransom sacrifice for both his body of footstep fol- even though yet in the flesh, living unto God’s will
lowers and also the other believers of humankind. as the Lord God would reveal it to him. And that
His cleanness, his faultlessness as regards his integ- was the significance of Jesus’ baptism, his being
rity after completing the course of sacrifice, was submerged by John beneath the waters as in burial
foreshadowed by Aaron’s washing on the day of and his being raised up again therefrom by John’s
atonement after offering the blood of the bullock strong arms. That water baptism symbolized that
and of the Lord’s goat in the Most Holy and then the Son of God had died, in figure, and was buried
sending off the scapegoat into the wilderness. Thus to his own personal will, even though his was the
Jesus was clean, sinless, and undefiled when ending righteous will of a perfect, sinless Son of God.
up his personal course of sacrifice, just as he was Thereafter, in harmony with the law of God, he
clean and undefiled whenbeginning his sacrificial was called of God to something special as fore-
course, as pictured by Aaron’s washing at the shadowedin the sacrificial and ceremonial shadows
laver before putting on his sacrificial garments of the law covenant, to live the rest of his days on
before beginning the atonement-day priestly duties. earth in exact accord with the manifested will of God.
(Lev. 16: 4, 23, 24) Since Jesus, as Jehovah’s High JESUS FAVORED IT
Priest, was "holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from
sinners", his baptism in water by John could not ,o Unquestionably, Jesus approved of water bap-
have been pictured by Aaron’s washing at the laver. tism as to others. He had it carried out in his
Andthe baptism of Jesus’ followers in imitation of presence and under his supervision. Weread : "After
his example could likewise not have been pictured these things came Jesus and his disciples into the
by the washing of Aaron’s sons at the same laver. land of Judma; and there he tarried with them, and
--Heb. 7: 26. baptized. And John also was baptizing in ~Enon
"The Bible plainly shows that Jesus came to be near to Salim, because there was much water there:
immersed by John to show forth and to s)nnbolize and they came, and were baptized." John’s disciples
then came to him and said as to Jesus: "He that
hi~ ah.solute consecration to Jehovah God, "to do was with thee beyond Jordan, to whomthou barest
thy Will, 0 my God," as foretold. Jesus, being born
witness, behold, the same baptizeth, and all men
of a Jewish virgin who was under the law covenant,
was already a member of the consecrated nation come to him.’" "Whentherefore the Lord knew how
the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and bap-
dedicated to do Jehovah’s will. But that dedication tized more disciples than John, (though Jesus him-
to do God’s will was according to the law covenant self baptized not, but his disciples,) he left Judaea,
made through Moses. Now Jesus strikes out on a
19 Why was the baptlzinK of Jesus a fitting symbol of what was taking
lace with ~ to him?
17. What. then, did the washing of Aaron and his sons typify, and why?
18 Why did Jesus come for imme/’slon to John? and why did it ~0. Howdid Jests, during John’s lifetime, further show he approved
indicate somethi~ new ahead? of water baptism?
1, 1945 ~ieWATCHTOWEI% 39
and departed again into Galilee." (John 3: 22-26; baptized in water, then they would be in the way
t: i-3) This agrees with the fact that the creature to receive the baptism with the holy spirit. Christ
on earth doing the baptizing does not baptize into his Jesus, having ascended-to heaven and having
own name. Jesus favored water baptism, and all received from the Father the promised holy spirit,
the immediate disciples of Jesus from among the was the One who could baptize with the holy spirit;
Jews underwent water baptism. and hence they must first be baptized in the name
’* Jesus approved not alone of John’s baptism, but of Christ Jesus.~Acts 2: 32, 33.
of the water baptism which followed when John’s =’ Peter’s exhortation to be baptized in Jesus’
baptism had served its purpose respecting the Jews name for the remission of sins is not to be under-
and passed out. Just prior to ascending into heaven, stood as meaning that justification from sin is by
the resurrected Jesus gave to his apostles and other being immersed in water; nor as meaning that bap-
disciples the commission: "Go, disciple all the tism in Jesus’ name pictures the washing away or
nations, immersing them into the nameof the Father, cleansing of sins. It is to be rememberedthat Peter
and of the Son, and of the holy spirit; teaching was here addressing Jews and proselytes and was
them to observe all things [including water baptism] using the first of the ’~keys of the kingdomof heaven"
which I have enjoined upon you."--Matt. 28: 19, 20, to unlock to their understanding the knowledgecon-
Diaglott. cerning their opportunities of entering into the
22 By that commandJesus authorized water bap- kingdom of heaven. (Acts 2:5-10) The "seventy
tism to be performed toward all who became his weeks" of Jehovah’s special favor to the natural
disciples through the teaching activities of those Jews had not then expired, but had yet three and
whomhe sent forth as preachers of the gospel. His a half years to run. (Dan. 9: 24-27) Therefore Peter
faithful followers at once acted upon and in obedi- exhorted the conscience-stricken Jews to confess that
ence to his authoritative command. Thus it came they had sinned against and broken God’s law cove-
that on the day of Pentecost, immediately after the nant toward their nation, and especially in reject-
pouring out of the holy spirit began in fulfillment ing His Messiah, the Christ, and causing him to be
of Joel 2: 28-32, the baptism in water of thousands ldlled. But as Jews they could comeback into God’s
in the name of Jesus Christ took place. "Then they favor during this remaining time of his special
that gladly received his word were baptized: and favor to Israel, only by exercising faith in Jehovah’s
the same day there were added unto them about Messiah and receiving the remission or forgiveness
three thousand souls." This was in response to of their sins on the basis of that faith. The)- could
Peter’s exhortation to the multitude: "Repent, and give a public expression of such faith in the Messiah
be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus by being immersed in water in the name of Jesus
Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive C~hrist. Thus they would symbolize their consecration
the gift of the holy [spirit]. For the promise is unto to Jehovah God through Christ. Their consecration
you, and to your children, and to all that are afar as a nation to God through Moses and the typical
off, even as man), as the Lord our God shall call. passover lamb was no more valid, because the
¯ . . Save yourselves from this untoward [perverse] Greater Moses, Christ Jesus, had come and died
generation." (Acts 2:37-41) The apostle Peter there as the antitypical passover Lamb and they had
stated that if they accepted Jesus Christ as the turned him down. It was needful for them now to
basis for God to forgive them their sins and were makepersonal consecrations.
21 What commissiondid Jesus give~his diaclple~~ ¢oncermngbavtl,~m 23 Why did Peter exhort the Jews to be baptized in Jesus’ name for
22 What did he thereby authorize and on what occasion and with the remission of sins? and with what benefit to them would they
~hat %ords did Peter promptly put this commission into effect? be doingthis?

EREwe are today, more than nineteen cen-
H turies removed from that Pentecostal day of
the-descent of God’s spirit upon his faithful
basis for such Gentiles to be immersed with "John’s
baptism"; they have no sins to confess as committed
against that covenant which was established through
~onsecrated ones. Amongthe readers of this maga- Moses over the typical passover lamb. However,
zine there are few natural Jews. The majority of when Jesus commandedhis followers to ’go, make
readers are Gentiles according to the flesh; and such disciples out of all the nations (the goyim, or
vere never in covenant relationship with the Lord Gentries), baptizing them and teaching them’, it
~od by the law covenant made in Egypt and inaugu- meant that water baptism was not to be limited to
,’ated by Moses at Mount Sinai. Hence there is no natural Jews, but was to be extended to the Gentiles
I. Whyis John’s baptism not flttin~ for Gentiles? and when did water in God’s due time. It turned out exactly so. Water
,aptlsm begin to be applied to them?

baptism began to be applied to the Gentiles when tized with John’s baptism, by Apollos, it appears;
Jehovah God sent the apostle Peter to Caesarea to but they had never heard of any holy spirit. "Then
preach the gospel to the Italian centurion, Cornelius, said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism
and all his household. of repentance, saying unto the people, that they
l Even while Peter was preaching to the Gentiles should beheve on him which should come after him,
assembled at Cornelius’ homethe believing Gentiles that is, on Christ Jesus. Whenthey heard this, they
were baptized with the holy spirit, and they were were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And
heard to "speak with tongues, and magnify God". when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the holy
Did Peter think that such baptism with the holy [spirit] came on them; and they spake with tongues,
spirit was sufficient for those consecrated believing and prophesied. Andall the men were about twelve."
Gentiles? "Then answered Peter, Can any man for- --Acts 19: 1-7.
bid water, that these should not be baptized, which 8 Thus, after they were baptized in water in Jesus’
have received the holy [spirit] as well as we [Jew- name, then Paul laid his hands upon them and they
ish Christians] ? And he commandedthem to be bap- were baptized by Christ Jesus with the holy spirit.
tized in the nameof the Lord." (Acts 10: 44-48) Let This account shows, therefore, that the Gentiles are
it be noted, though, that the commandwas not for treated on a different basis from the Jews of the
them to be baptized for remission of sins against days of John the Baptist; and their consecration is
the law covenant, for that covenant had never what is symbolized by the water baptism. They
applied to the Gentiles. undergo the water baptism to testify symbolically
’ It is evident, therefore, that the baptism of the that they are dedicated to do God’s will, to be dead
Gentile believers was and is different from John’s henceforth to their ownselfish will and its worldli-
baptism. ~rhat, then, did their immersion in water ness, and to be alive in entire devotion to God to
symbolize? Without question it symbolized the same do his will now and forever. Even the natural-born
thing as it did in the case of the Lord Jesus. Peter Jews, since the seventy weeks of Jehovah’s special
declared that Christ Jesus ’left us an example that favor ended at the time of Cornelius’ conversion, are
we should follow his steps’. (1 Pet. 2: 21) And on the same basis with the natural-born Gentiles; as
to following in his footsteps, Jesus said: "If any Peter said: ’God there began to makeno difference
man will come after me, let him den)" himself, and be~veen Jews and Gentiles.’ (Acts 15: 7-9) "For
take up his [stake] daily, and follow me." (Luke there is no difference between the Jew and the
9: 23) That denial of self to follow Christ Jesus and Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all
bear the burden of his reproaches even to the death that call upon him." (Rom. 10: 12) "Even the right-
must certainly mean consecration to God according eousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ
to the likeness of Jesus’ consecration. He began his unto all and upon all them that believe: for there
consecrated course at thirty )’ears of age by being is no difference: for atl have sinned, and comeshort
immersedin water, and true believers and followers of the glory of God." (Rom. 3: 22, 23) Therefore the
of Himfollow him also in respect of his example as baptism in water of a Jew since the end of the
to the matter of water baptism. "seventy weeks" of exclusive Jewish favor must have
’ Take note again that Jesus’ baptism was not for the same meaning now as in the case of baptism of
the remission of sins but was to symbolize his devo- the Gentiles.
tion to God and his absolute consecration to do the "INTO HIS NAME"
will of the Sovereign Most High Godof the universe. It is clear that for anyoneto be baptized in water
Likewise the water baptism of all those who tread nowthere are certain prerequisites, certain advance
in his footsteps represents their consecration to Jeho- steps such one must take. Certainly he must believe
vah Godto do His will nowand ever thereafter, that in Jehovah God, that He is the only true and living
is, evermore. That this is what distinguishes it from God and that he is the Rewarder of them that seek
John’s baptism, there is the occurrence during Paul’s
him and show faith in him. (Heb. 11: 6) And
missionary journey to show. The book of the Acts must come to Jehovah God through Christ Jesus,
of the Apostles, chapter 19, records where certain "the way, and the truth, and the life." (John 14: 6)
Gentiles at Ephesus had been immersed with John’s The very requirements that Jesus stated to his
baptism but had failed to receive the holy spirit and apostles in connection with the baptizing of disciples
its gifts. Paul inquired as to their faith and under- show that the condition prerequisite to being bap-
standing, and was informed that they had been bap- tized in water is that one must have made a conse-
2. Did Peter think that the baptism wltb the holy spirit made water
baptism unnecessary? and what proof have we in answer? 5. If Gentiles are treated on a different basis from that of the
~. If not for remission of sin, what has the baptism of Gentile Jews submitting tn John’s baptism, are Jews ~tlll dealt with on a
believers symbolized? dlffereat buls, and why?
4. How does this agree with the meaning of Jesus’ baptlsm~ and how 6. For one now to be baptized in water, what general requirements
,ioe~ Paul’s treatment of Gentiles at Ephesus further show this dis- must first be met, and how were these requirements indicated in
tlnetion from John’s baptism? J~us’ commandto his disclpies?
1, 1945 -SeWATCHTOWEI% 41

cration of himself wholly and completely to the Most the holy spirit, the active force, proceeds from Jeho-
High God to do his will. Consider again Jesus’ com- vah God and by or through his Son Jesus Christ.
mand: "Go ye therefore and disciple all the nations, Andthat holy spirit is thus exercised for the accom-
immersing them into the name of the Father, and of plishment of Jehovah’s will. Whenwe are baptized
the Son, and of the holy spirit; teaching them to in water into the name of the holy spirit it means
observe all things whatsoever I myself have com- we recognize the power of Godand therefore conse-
manded you."--Matt. 28: 19, 20, Rotherham. crate ourselves to do, to act, and to speak in harmony
’ As fully explained in the leading article on the with the holy spirit or active force of God, and we
above text in the December15, 1944, issue of this will not go contrary to the holy spirit nor blaspheme
magazine, baptism "into the name of the Father" against it. No; but we will order our lives, as far
means that the baptized one must recognize that not as possible, to serve, work and co-operate with God’s
only is Jehovall the Father and Life-giver of all holy spirit. Wepray to be filled with more and more
whoget life but He is the SupremeOne of tile uni- of his holy spirit and to be led by it, rather than
verse; he is The Theocrat and it is not for us to be led by our own selfish will or any other man’s
question but for us to obey his will; we are subject will.--Luke11 : 13 ; Eph. 5 : 18; Gal. 5 : 16, 18 ; 6 : 8.
to him and we must be obedient to him in all trust ~e It becomes very apparent, now, that in view of
and confidence¯ Being baptized into the nameof the the meaningof being baptized into the nameof those
Father must mean that we consecrated ourselves to three, one must be wholly conse.crated to Godbefore
Jeliovah God in recognition that He is the rightful one is immersed in water. Otherwise, water im-
Owner and Exerciser of the universal domination mersion does not mean a thing in the sight of God
and he is the Highest Power and every creature except ignorance or hypocrisy. Unless one was bap-
ought according to the fitness of things to be subject tized in water in symbol of an honest and intelligent
to him and obey him. One can not be baptized validly consecration to God through Christ Jesus he could
unless having and malting a recognition of these never receive the baptism with the holy spirit, which
facts as to Jehovah’s name, which name stands for baptism Jesus began on the day of Pentecost ten
what he is. days after ascending to God’s right hand. Such
s The one to be baptized cannot come to Jehovah baptism with the spirit has been reserved for only
Godon the basis of his ownworthiness or righteous- those followers of Christ Jesus whobecome members
ness. Our ownrighteousness and so-called "character of his body under him their Head. Concerning this
development" are as filthy rags in the sight of God. the apostle Paul writes in his epistle to the conse-
Wemust be baptized, therefore, into the name of crated ones at Corinth whowere membersof Christ’s
the Son of God, namely, Jesus Christ. Baptism "into body, saying: "[For] the manifestation of the spirit
the name of the Son" means tllat we have to recog- is given to every man[in the body] to profit withal.
nize the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah’s ¯.. For as the [human] body is one, and hath many
Great Sern’ant; that he is the One associated with members, and all the members of that one body,
Jehovah in The Theocratic Government; and that being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For
he is the Commander and Leader whom Jehovah by one spirit are we all baptized into one body,
has given for his consecrated people to follow. (Isa. whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond
55: 4) He is likewise our Redeemer and Ransomer, or free; and have been all made to drink into one
and no man can come to the Father except through spirit .... Nowye are the body of Christ, and
him. We must also recognize that he is Jehovah’s membersin particular."--i Cor. 12: 7-27.
Anointed King, clothed with royal authority in the
ldngdomof heaven¯ To be baptized into the name of BAPTIZED WITH HOLY SPIRIT

the Son Jesus Christ means we are baptized in 11 Notably down to A.D. 1931, those consecrated
recognition of these facts, and hence when we made ones who have and who show the proof of being
a consecration to God Jehovah we did it through made membersof the "body of Christ" were baptized
the worthiness of his exalted Son Jesus Christ and in water to symbolize their consecration to God; and
also in his nameand good offices. Godaccepted them to be associated with Christ Jesus
Consecrationto God cannot be carried out in our in the heavenly kingdom. Therefore God justified
own strength. Wemust have the help of the spirit them graciously through faith in the shed blood of
or active force of Almighty God. Hence we are bap- Christ Jesus and accepted them to be sacrificed with
tized "into the nameof the holy spirit"¯ That means his Son in vindication of the name of Jehovah.
we are baptized unto a recognition of the fact that Hence he begot them of his spirit or life force to
L What does being baptized into the name of the Father mean? 10. (a)What. then. does this show must be one’s ~ posit|on toward God
,~ ~A’hy must we be baptized into the name of the Son. and what (b) What other baptism could not follow water baptism unless one
Ioes this mean? had taken this position, and whea did such baptism beg~n~
) Why must we be baptized Into the name of the holy spirit, and I1. Till when. In general, has such baptism been tthne effect~ and what
vhat does this mean? are the steps leading unto being baptized into body of Christ?
42 fffieWATCttTOWER. BRoOKLYn,
N. Y.

becomehis spiritual sons, "heirs of God, and joint- dead." (Col. 2: 10-12) Such baptism into death, under
heirs with Christ." As such spiritual sons God tribulation that straitens one, is evidently what
anointed them with his spirit to be his witnesses and Christ Jesus designated when he said: "But I have
servants in Christ, and thus they were baptized by a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I strait-
his spirit into the body of Christ. That is to say, ened till it be accomplished!" (Luke 12: 50) His
the spirit of Godto do his work is upon the entire baptism in water at John’s hands had already been
bod~ of Christ, immersingit in its entirety, and all accomplished, but not so this baptism into death
the membersof the body are anointed through their under the fiery test of integrity toward God. Jesus
Head Christ Jesus. (1 John 2: 20,27) Such body pointed to this same baptism into death when he
membersmust, if continually faithful to the end, be said to James and John, who were once disciples of
united with their Head in heavenly glory, beyond the the Baptist and who had doubtless been baptized
life in the flesh. in water by him, these words: "Can you drink the
’~ Since Christ Jesus laid downhis earthly life in cup which I drink? or undergo the immersion with
order to vindicate his heavenly Father’s name, and which I am being overwhelmed [immersed] ?" When
since he laid aside all things of this earth and Jeho- they answered "Yes’, Jesus said: "You will drink
vah God begot him to the heavenly life, therefore the cup which I drink, and undergo the immersion
the baptism into the body of Christ means death with with which I am being overwhelmed [baptized]."
him, the human nature being laid down for ever. ~Mark10 : 38, 39, Diaglott.
The apostle explains it to us, at Romans6: 3-11, "In harmony with such baptism into death, the
saying: "Knowye not, that so ninny of us as were apostle Paul said be made it his goal to know
baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his Christ, and "the power of his resurrection, and the
death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism fellowship of his sufferings, being madeconformable
into death: that like as Christ was raised up from unto his death". (Phil. 3: 10) For the like reason,
the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also Paul spoke of those membersof the body of Christ
should walk in newness of life. For if we have been as being "baptized for the dead", that is to say, bap-
planted together in the likeness of his death, weshall tized to be dead ones with Christ Jesus in order that
be also in the likeness of Iris resurrection: lumwing in the resurrection of the dead they might live with
this, that our old manis crucified with him, that the him in the heavenly kingdom.--1 Cor. 15:29:
body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we 2 Tim. 2: 11, 12.
should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed ,s It is to the baptism with the holy spirit that
from sin. Nowif we be dead with Christ, we believe Ephesians 4: 4, 5 refers, saying: "There is one body,
that we shall also live with him : knowingthat Christ and one spirit, even as ye are called in one hope
being raised from the dead dieth no more; death of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism."
hath no more dominion over lfim. For in that lie The baptism is one in that all membersof the body
died, he died unto sin once: but in that lie liveth, of Christ partake of such baptism with the one spirit ;
he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also your- it is commonto them all. This does not mean that
selves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God water baptism is not required and enjoined with
through Jesus Christ our Lord." respect to those who become body membersof Christ
’~ The apostle Paul refers to this same baptism and who are anointed with the spirit. True, the
into the body of Christ through tim holy spirit, say- apostle Paul does say: "Were ye baptized in [into]
ing, at Galatians 3: 27, 28: "For as manyof you as the name of Paul? I thank God that I baptized none
have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. of you, but Crispus and Gaius; lest any should say
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither that I had baptized in [into] mine own name. And
bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for I baptized also the household of Stephanas : besides,
ye are all one in Christ Jesus." Showingthat it is I knownot whether I baptized any other. For Christ
a baptism into the death of Christ, which must sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel."
finish up in actual death in each one’s fleshly body (1 Cor. 1:13-173 But those words to the body mem-
in vindication of God’s name, the apostle writes to bers of Christ at the city of Corinth do not mean
the body members, saying: "And ye are complete that Paul saw that water baptism was wrong or no
in him, which is the head of all principality and longer proper and that he discontinued baptizing in
power: . . . buried with him in baptism, wherein
also ye are risen with lfim through the faith of the water and confined himself exclusively to preaching.
operation of God, who hath raised him from the The facts are against such an arbitrary conclusion.
12 In effect, what does baptism lrto Christ’s body mean~ and how 14 What dld Paux therefore make hls goal? a~d why did he say
does the apostle Paul state it at length in Romans 6:3-117 suchlike are "’baptizea for the dead"?
13 iIow does Paul refer to suc.~ baptism at Gala~ans 3 and Colc~smns 2? 15 Since Paul says there is "one baptism", does that mean water
and how do Jesus’ words to his disciples show the cesttng connected baptism is not required? and do not his words at 1 Corinthians 1" 13-17
lth such baptism ? prove it?
1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWEP,. 43
1, The Acts, chapter 18, tells of Paul’s comingto body and hence into His death. It must picture their
Corinth and of the baptism of the above-named consecration to the Most High God through Christ,
Crispus. After spending more than a year and a to be dead and buried to their ownnatural will and
half at Corinth Paul left; and no direct record says to live in the future unto the doing of God’s will,
he ever got back (Acts 20: 1-3), but he wrote two following after Christ Jesus with the remnant of
epistles to the congregation there. After leaving his ’qittle flock" of body membersand doing the work
Corinth, Paul came, in the course of his journey, to now authorized to be done before Armageddon. The
Ephesus, from which city, certain authorities (Wey- question may well be asked: Such baptism of these
mouth, Diaglott, Horne, Smith, etc.) believe, Paul persons of good-will, who do not become members
wrote his first epistle to the Corinthians. In spite of Christ’s body, is it authorized and supported by
of what Paul said in that epistle, Acts 19:1-7 God’s Word? Very evidently so!
narrates that Paul caused to be rebaptized the twelve 1o At 1 Corinthians 10: 1, 2 it is written : "I would
men at Ephesus who were formerly baptized nomi- not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our
nally with John’s baptism, this time "in the name fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through
of the Lord Jesus". the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the
~’ Still later Paul, when addressing the mob of cloud and in the sea." With the water cloud above
infuriated Jews at Jerusalem, was not ashamed to them and with the waters of the Red sea on either
confess the properness of water baptism but quoted side of them, the Israelites escaping from the Egyp-
Ananias’ words to Paul after his conversion, namely: tian hosts were baptized unto or into Mosesas Jeho-
"And nowwhytarriest thou ? arise, and be baptized, vah’s mediator, the commanderof His people, the
and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the visible earthly representative of God. There is this
Lord." (Acts 22: 16) "And he received sight forth- fact to note in this connection. Whenthose Israelites
with, and arose, and was baptized." (Acts 9: 18) passed dryshod through the Red sea there was a
There exists therefore no proof for the argument "mixed multitude" of non-Israelites of good-will with
of somethat since the baptism of the spirit the bap- them, and these attached themselves to Jehovah’s
tism in water ceased to be of value and was dispensed covenant people to worship and serve him with the
with by the apostles and the early church; but all Israelites. (Ex. 12: 37,38) Their being reported
proof is the other way around. It is also manifest thereafter with the Israelites in the wilderness
that baptism into Christ’s death and into his body (Num. 11:4) shows that this mixed multitude
is not what is s3nnbolized by the water baptism. It good-will also passed through the Red sea and were
being God who determines and wills whether the under the cloud and hence were baptized unto Moses
consecrated one shall be baptized into Christ’s body as visible head of Jehovah’s typical organization on
as a spiritual son, the immersion in water must pic- earth. There, then, in type is to be found an argu-
ture simply the being submerged into the will of ment and basis for the water baptism of the present-
God, the consecration of the person to do God’s will. day "men of good-will", who were foreshadowed by
that "mixed multitude".
"OTHER SHEEP" BAPTIZED ’°A like Scriptural basis arguing for the im-
1, Today, and particularly since 1931. the majority mersing of such good-will persons or "other sheep"
of those who have come to the Lord Jesus Christ of the Lord is found in the circumstance of Noah’s
the Good Shepherd and been baptized in water have day, to which 1 Peter 3:20,21 refers. The eight
come indeed to do God’s will concerning them. But souls that were saved in the ark included the three
the facts that have developed since, and the Scrip- sons of Noah and their wives. Referring to their
tures that have been unfolded since, show that these taking refuge in the ark and being enclosed therein
thousands upon thousands of consecrated ones have with Noah and his wife, for salvation through the
to this day not had any spiritual hope raised in flood, the apostle Peter explains: "And immersion,
their hearts looking toward life in the spirit in a representation of this, nowsaves us; (not a putting
heaven. They are looking forward solely to life on away of the filth of the flesh, but the seeking of a
this earth under the Kingdom, and are eager by good conscience towards God,) through the resur-
God’s grace to survive the battle of Armageddon rection of Jesus Christ." (Diaglott) The seeking of
and, continuing obedient thereafter, never to die off a good conscience toward God or the craving of a
the earth. Plainly, the water immersion they under- conscience right with God is by malting a complete
went could not symbolize being baptized into Christ’s consecration of oneself to God and then seeldng to
16 From where did Panl write 1 Corinthians? and what action at such carry out such consecration. This consecration is
place shows whether 1 Corlnthiav~ 1 ¯ 13-17 means he quit water baptism?
17 How do~ Paul’s address to the mob at Jerusalem give further 19. How do the cireuntatancea of the crossing of the Red sea ~i’h
proof on thlb lssue’~ and ~hy does water baptism not symbolize baptism Moses furnish an argument and baste tot water baptism of such good u ill
into Christ’s death and body7 personJ ?
18 What facts particularly rince 1931 regarding baptized personl of 20. What circumstance in connection with the flood of Noah’s day I~
good.w||l show further the proper meaning of water baptism? there that argueg in the came dlreeUoa?
what is symbolized by water immersion. Hence in secrated to God. The malefactor who died on the
the taking shelter of Noah’s sons and daughters-in- tree with Jesus, asking to be remembered by Him
law inside the ark subject to Noah we have another in his kingdom, died not consecrated. Nor will he
Scriptural illustration which argues for the fitness comeforth from the grave into the earthly Paradise
of water immersion on the part of those who become consecrated. (Luke 23: 39-43) He, and the other
the "other sheep" of the Greater Noah today, unjust ones who come forth in the judgment resur-
Christ Jesus. rection, will have to determine whether to consecrate
~1 Salvation, of course, is not gained solely by to God and obey the King and Redeemer and thereby
water baptism, as some would interpret the spurious gain life by keeping their consecration vows even
verse at Mark 16:16 to mean, but is gained by amid Satan’s loosing at the end of the thousand
carrying out that which is symbolized by the water years.
baptism, namely, one’s entire consecration to God 2, Likewise, the children born after Armageddon
through faith in Christ Jesus. The baptized one must to the "great multitude" of the Lord’s "other sheep"
continue faithful to God in the footsteps of the Son who survive that battle and who thereafter carry
of God to realize eventually eternal life. Thus he out the divine mandateto "be fruitful, and multiply,
must demonstrate by works of integrity the sincerity and replenish the earth" will be obliged to make a
of his faith in God and in his provided Redeemer, personal consecration to God through the King
Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus. They will have to fulfill such conse-
,2 Water baptism, then, being understood to sym- cration, if they desire to attain to eternal life on
bolize the believer’s unreserved consecration of him- earth.--Gen. 1: 28; 9: 1, 7.
self to God, whois there to say that water baptism "No more appropriate symbol of the uncondi-
maynot be practiced after the battle of Armageddon tional consecration of all these ones to God could
under the thousand-year reign of Christ Jesus and there be than that symbol which the Son of God
his body-members?Consecration to God will surely himself performed at his being immersed in the
be in order then for those on earth who desire to waters of Jordan. But whether or not during the
gain everlasting life in the Paradise earth. The 1000-year reign of Christ, baptism in water of those
bringing forth of those in the graves who have done consecrating to God by his King Christ Jesus is
evil and who will come forth in a resurrection of valid and according to the will of Godunto this day,
judgment will not meantheir automatic consecration and until the antitypical flood of the battle of
to God. (John 5: 28, 29) "There shall be a resur- Armageddon.~See T.he Watchtower, October 1,
rection of the dead, both of the just and unjust" 1916, page 294.
(Acts 24: 15) ; and certainly the unjust are not con- 23. How about the children born to the "great muHitude" of Arms
ddon survtvor~ ?
21 Is sah-atlon ga;ned solel.~ o3 water baptism~ and ~hy ~4 (a) Wh) does there appear to be no more appropriate symbol of
22 Seetng that ~ater baptism mean~ ~hat it does. then how about consecration? ~b)Till when, at least, lz such symbol valid and according
such a practice after Armageddon aurmg Christ’s reign? to God’s willy

ItOSE who present themselves for water im- ual sons called with the heavenly calling, thereby
T mersion should have the foregoing facts and taking the place of one who proves unfaithful and
Scriptural understanding in mind as they unworthy of a place in the heavenly kingdom with
approach the one doing the immersing in water. Christ Jesus.
They should go to this meaningful baptism seriously, Before the immersion by the administrator, there
not in a jocular frame of mind. ~,Vhen Jesus went are proper questions to be asked of the candidates
to be baptized of John the Baptist, he was very and to be answered affirmatively. The substance of
prayerful-minded; he wa~ grave and serious, as such questions should be as follows:
shown in the record at Luke 3: 21. Have you recognized yourself as a sinner and
As the candidates give themselves to be immersed needing salvation from Jehovah God? and have you
in ~vv, ter, let them bear in mind that they have acknowledged that this salvation proceeds from Him
previously given themselves in whole and unlimited and through his Ransomer Christ Jesus?
consecration to God through his Son Jesus Christ, On the basis of this faith in God and in his
to be dead and buried to their own natural wills provision for redemption, have you consecrated
and to live thereafter a new life through the doing yourself unreservedly to do the will of God hence-
of the divine will with the help and guidance of His forth as that will is revealed to you through Christ
holy spirit. No one can determine whether any of Jesus and through God’s Word as His holy spirit
those being immersed since 1931 may in time be makes it plain?
begotten by God’s spirit to becomeone of his spirit- Those answering Yes to both of these questions
F~.BR~,~Y 1, 1945 45
are worthy, in the light of the Holy Scriptures, to unto God and according to his will and is also com-
be received and immersed in water. It is pleasing manded by him that such ones be thus baptized.


HYdo Jehovah’s witnesses quote the Bible? The and observing the things that exist, must knowthat there
W answer is, because the Bible is the Wordof God is a great Creator, whomade all things that are visible;
and is the truth. The people living on earth prior and that great Creator is revealed as the Almighty God
to the time of Moses did not use or quote from a Bible. and Framer of all things with wisdom beyond the pene-
Whynot ? Because Moseshimself wrote the first five books tration by man. One whodoes not believe Godcould never
of the Bible at the dictation of Jehovah God. Prior to that understand the truth, but must remain in darkness. It
time God had communicatedwith his faithful men on earth is written, and here we quote from Hebrews 11:6: "But
by and through his angels, spirit creatures. (Gen. 18: 1-33; without faith it is impossible to please him [God]: for
19:1, 15) God spoke to Moses by his angel and gave him he that eometh to God must believe that he is, and that
instruction what he should do when he left his father-in- he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." The
law’s home and went back to Egypt. Just before Moses’ man who says there is no Creator is a fool; and we cite
people, the Israelites, left Egypt, God made a covenant our readers to Psalm 14 : 1 on that. If a manputs himself
with them, and he used Moses as spokesman and mediator in the fool class, that shows he is completely under the
for that purpose. Whenthe Israelites or Hebrewsreached control of the Devil, who is man’s worst enemy.
MountSinai after leaving Egypt, God there confirmed his Goddoes not force manto believe the truth, which truth
covenant with them, giving to them his fundamental law is in HIS Word. He puts the truth before man and permits
written on two tablets of stone. Through Moses he also man to exercise his own desire and to accept it or not.
delivered to them his various statutes. God commanded Godis light, figuratively speaking; and he it is whocovers
Moses what to write, and .Moses wrote as he was com- himself with light. (1 John 1:5; Ps. 104: 2) His light
manded; and thus came into existence the first five books truth is not given to those whoserve the Devil; and that
of the Bible as arranged at present. is shown by the fact that the wicked angels of the Devil
The Bible record shows that Jehovah God created man are restrained in darkness, unable to fathom God’s purpose.
in his own image and likeness and that He made the earth "Light is sown for the righteous." (Ps. 97: I1) The man
for the habitation of man, and that he instructed the first whodelights himself in the law of Godand strives to walk
man what he should do in order to maintain his integrity righteously is a manwhowalks in the light and is blessed.
and proper standing before the Lord God. Satan the Devil --Ps. 1:1, 2.
rebelled against God, and later a horde of wicked angels The Bible was not written for fools, nor is this magazine
with him; which crowd of wicked ones thereafter published for the benefit of fools. The Bible was written
assaulted mankind to turn them away from God and to and given to manfor his aid and guidance, that such man
destroy them thereby. It is only reasonable that Godwould of good-will and good purpose might be fully advised as
give to the obedient men whohad withstood the Devil His to the right way to go and that he might stay on the side
own word, that they might be guided in the right way. of God and refuse to serve the Devil. Hence 2 Timothy
This God did by his angels or messengers, for a time; and 3: 16, 17 reads: "All scripture is given by inspiration of
then in his own due time he caused his faithful servants God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for cor-
to make a written record of his message to mankind, which rection, for instruction in righteousness: that the manof
is called "the Bible". God has preserved it since for the God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good
benefit of those who desire to knowwhat is right. Moses works." This magazineattempts to put the Bible in a simple
was wholly devoted to the Lord God, and God chose him way before the people who want to knowthe truth. It ~s
to write the books of the Bible that first appear. Thereafter not expected that it will be appreciated or used by others.
other faithful servants of the Lord wrote portions of the The Scriptures contain the Word of God, and the same
Bible as God commandedthem and dictated to them. One are true and are the proper guide for the man who wants
of those faithful servants wrote: "The spirit of the LORD to know and to do what is right. "Thy word is a lamp
spake by me, and his word was in my tongue." (2 Sam. unto "myfeet, and a light unto mypath. Thy word is true
23:2) Another, the apostle Peter, gave further testimony from the beginning; and every one of thy righteous judg-
as to the inspiration of the Bible, saying that holy men ments endureth for ever. I rejoice at thy word, as one that
of God, that is, men devoted to God, spoke as they were findeth great spoil. I hate and abhor lying: but thy law
moved by HIS holy spirit. (2 Pet. 1:21) Hence Jesus do I love."--Ps. 119: 105, 160, 162, 163.
Christ freely quoted the Bible. Jesus, the perfect One, testified concerning God’s Word
Somemen say: "I do not believe there is an Almighty as written in the Bible we quote, and he said: "Thy word
God, and hence I do not believe the Bible." Such men is truth." (John 17: 17) Let no man conclude, however,
cannot see and understand the truth and are wholly that the mere owning of the Bible or an occasional read-
ignorant of man’s relationship to the Creator. The Devil ing over its texts is sufficient to enable him to be wise.
has made men mentally blind; and this he has done lest Many persons say: "I have the Bible and know what it
the truth should shine into their minds. (2 Cor. 4: 4) teaches." And yet they are entirely ignorant of what it
sane and reasonable man, by merely looking about him contains, and of the meaning thereof. The Bible is the
N. Y.

greatest storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. A man who a clergyman or chimney sweeper. To trust in the opinion
desires to knowthe truth must study the Bible and thus of manis folly and leads to certain destruction. To quote
study to show himself approved to God. He must not be Psalm 146:3: "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the
ashamedto acknowledgeto all that all good things proceed son of man, in whomthere is no help." But to learn of
from the Almighty God. (2 Tim. 2: 15) In this respect and trust in and follow God’s direction leads to life and
a meek person is at an advantage. A meek person is honest happiness. "Trust in the LORDwith all thine heart; and
in his desire to learn; and if such a manapplies himself lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways
to God’s appointed way he is certain to learn; as it is acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Prov.
written: "The meek will he guide in judgment: and the 3: 5, 6) "And this is life eternal, that they might know
meek will he teach his way. All the paths of the LORD are thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whomthou hast
mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his sent." (John 17:3) If a man desires to know the truth,
testimonies."--Ps. 25:9, 10. he must then prove all things by the Wordof God, which
Many religious clergymen deny the Bible. And why? is true, and must hold fast that which is in harmonywith
Because they are not men of God, but are on the Devil’s the Wordof God. All things else are on the side of man’s
side. All "higher critics", so called, are in this class. Such enemy, Satan the Devil.--1 Thess. 5:21.
men are wise in their ownconceits and desire to shine in The Devil is the prince of darkness, and he puts forth
the eyes of other menand have the honor and praise which his best endeavors to keep the people in ignorance of the
properly belongs to the Almighty God. Thus they show truth and, therefore, to hold them in darkness. Whydo
themselves in the Devil’s company. They possess worldly religious leaders, the clergymen, including the Roman
wisdom; as it is written: "For it is written, I [God] will Catholic "princes of the church", try to keep the people
destroy the wisdomof the wise, and will bring to nothing from studying and understanding the Bible? Why have
the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? they instructed the people of their congregations to refuse
where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? to read anything that explains the Bible? Whydo they
hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? tell the people to destroy books, and magazines, such as
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and this one, that present the Bible view as far as possible?
the weakness of God is stronger than men."--i Cot. The answer is, Because they are the agents and repre-
1: 19, 20, 25. sentatives of the Devil, whether they are aware of that
The opinion of a man is of no value whatsoever if that fact or not. That must be so, because he who is not for
opinion expressed is contrary to the Word of God and the Lord is against him; for which we quote Jesus at
cannot therefore be backed up by proper quotations from Matthew 12: 30. For selfish reasons they desire to keep
the Bible. If you follow the teachings of men you are the people in ignorance, so that the clergy mayhold the
certain to remain in darkness. All men are by nature people in subjection to them, and may receive the honor
imperfect, and men grow in knowledge and wisdom only and plaudits of the people, and, not least of all, may
when they seek to know and to do the will of God. For collect the financial support that comes by reason of the
that reason the man who denies the Bible as the inspired influence they have over the people, whereby they are
Wordof God is a foolish person, whether that man be able to make merchandise of them.


ERFECTIulle emanates from Jehovah God alone. He
p is the great Theocrat. Hence any other form of
governmentfalls far short of the perfection of true
Samuel’s birth was in answer to a fervent prayer of
his mother Hannah, which vowmakingprayer consecrated
him to lifelong service of the Theocrat. He never depilated
Theocratic rule. Monarchies, democracies, dictatorships, therefrom. As soon as he was weaned Hannah took him
none of them compare with Theocracy. Mankind in general from his birthplace in Ramahnorthward to the tabernacle
today have lost sight entirely of such a God-directed at Shiloh, there to leave him with high priest Eh (1 Sam.
government in their confused clamor for various orders 1:11, 19-28) Samuel’s ministry cameat a crucial time, at
of man rule. Even the imposing pile of humanfailures in a time whenworship of Jehovah was at a low ebb in Israel.
government that has accumulated down through the cen- Eli and his sons did not fulfill their priestly duties, and
turies of history does not shock them into sensibility, but the baseness of his sons in particular turned many from
in these "last days" the same generation wades through Jehovah’s service. Burning zeal for Theocracy was wanting.
its second bloody world war in pursuit of the same will-o’- As a result, "the word of Jehovah was rare in those days;
the-wisp that so completely eluded them following World there was no widely spread vision." (1 Sam. 3: 1, Am.Start.
War I. But many are realistic enough to look beyond the Ver, margin) There was no full revelation and widespread
rosy promises of politicians and see the many divisive teaching of Jehovah’s word to the people. But with Samuel’s
forces at work which doom postwar unity even before rise a new force pervaded Israel. Here was one whose zeal
global war’s end, and they wonder. Let such turn their for Theocratic order made him usable to God, and this
hopes and energies from man rule and demon rule to third chapter of First Samuel discloses him receiving an
Jehovah’s Theocracy, and be zealous for it. Let them be "open vision" from the Lord. It was a message of doom
as zealous for it as was the prophet Samuel. against the iniquitous house of Eli. Ever thereafter Jehovah
1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 47

was with Samuel, and throughout the length and breadth with him, and walked abroad with him. Jehovah indicated
of the land of Israel he was recognized as the prophet Saul as Israel’s first king. Hence, "Samueltook a vial of
of Jehovah.--1 Sam. 3 : 2-21, Am. ,.~tan Ver. oil, and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said,
The next incident wherein Samuel figured prominently Is it not because the Load hath anointed thee to be captain
is recorded in the seventh chapter. Manyyears have passed. over his inheritance?" (1 Sam. 10: 1) This was Saul’s first
The ark had been located for twenty years at Kirjath- anointing. Public announcement of Saul’s kingship came
jearim, whither it had been brought after its seven-month shortly thereafter. Samuel called an assembly in Mizpeh.
captivity by the Philistines. Israel lamented after the Lord, With the introductory remarks that they had rejected
and Samuel bid them to put away the heathen gods they Jehovah, the GOd who had saved them from all their
worshiped and turn to Jehovah. Israel obeyed, and Samuel adversities, and demanded a humanking, they were told
called an assembly in Mizpeh. The Philistines, being good to present themselves before the Lord by tribes and thou-
religionists and demon-worshipers, opposed such freedom sands and families and individuals. By lot the tribe of
of worship of Jehovah. With their fanatical religious ire Benjamin was chosen, and the elimination continued till
fully aroused, they moved against the Israelites to do Saul was indicated as king. The people rejoiced and shouted
battle. The Israelites beseeched Samuel, "Cease not to cry over the unhappy event, a rejection of Theocratic rule.
unto the LOaDour God for us, that he will save us." And After a victory by Saul over the Ammonitesan assembly
"Samuel cried unto the LORDfor israel; and the LORD to renew the kingdom was called by Samuel. He made them
heard him". Jehovah thundered forth destruction from witness to the fact that he had defrauded none. Also he
heaven upon the hated Philistine oppressors, and israel said, "Behold, mysons are with you." This seems to intimate
joined in the victory fight and smote the confused and that, unlike Eli, Samueldid not retain his sons in public
terrified enemy hosts.--1 Sam. 7:8-11. service when they proved unfit, but put them back in the
Jehovah heard Samuel. This fits well with Samuel’s name, rank and file of the people. He further told them that if
which means "heard of God; name of God; appointed of they and their king obeyed God, then blessings would
God". in further appropriateness to his name, Samuel follow, but if not, woe unto you! He then demonstrated
honored God’s name and Theocratically recognized his ap- to them the evil of their request for a king: "Is it not
pointment as judge and prophet as being of God. The israel- wheat harvest to day? I will call unto the LORD, and he
ites also recognized this latter fact. Apparently the blow shall send thunder and rain; that ye may perceive and
Jehovah delivered against the Philistines was a crushing see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done
one. It seemedto put them in full rout, and touched off a in the sight of the LORD,in asking you a king. So Samuel
campaignof liberation of Israelite cities. (1 Sam.7: 13, 14) called unto the LoaD; and the LOaDsent thunder and rain
The occasion wasalso a turning point in Israel’s life, in that that day : and all the people greatly feared." (1 Sam.12 : 2,
they had abandoned their worship of demongods. Samuel 14-18) Rain in wheat harvest was rare indeed, nothing short
served zealously and tirelessly to keep them informed on of miraculous.
Theocratic order. It appears that as a servant to his Samuel’s next meeting with Saul was to announce Jeho-
brethren he had mappedout a route to follow in covering vah’s rejection of him as king, only two short years of
the territory of israel. "He went from year to year in his reign having elapsed. The kingdom would not continue
circuit to Beth-el, and Gilgal, and Mizpeh, and judged in the house of Saul. (1 Sam. 13:1, 8-15) The rejection
Israel in all those places. And his return was to Ramah; is strengthened later at the time of another act of dis-
for there was his house; and there he judged israel; and obedience on the part of Saul. On that occasmn Samuel
there he built an altar unto the LoRD."--Vss. 16, 17. himself rectifies the wrong by having King Agag of the
In his old age the most momentous event of Samuel’s Amalekites brought forth. Agagcame mincingly, and said :
life occurred. It was one which grieved him greatly, for "Surely the bitterness of death is past." But Samuel was
it meant a rejection of Theocratic rule on the part of the not one to ’qet bygones be bygones" when it constituted a
people. His sons did not walk in his ways, but took bribes violation of God’s law. He "hewed Agag in pieces before
and perverted justice when he made them judges over the LORD in Gilgal", and left the mangled remains lying
Israel. The people had no confidence in them, and they there as a testimony to the wicked Saul. Samuel never
had no confidence in the Lord to raise up a suitable succes- went to see Saul again, though that one did come to see
sor to the aging Samuel. So the elders of Israel gathered Samuel with intent to injure one who had fled to Samuel
unto Samuel in Ramah and demanded: ’%Iake us a king for protection.--1 Sam. 15: 1-35; 19: 19-24.
to judge us like all the nations." They preferred a monarchy In between these two rejections of Saul Samuel is
to a Theocracy. Samuelwas displeased and distressed, but instructed by the Lord to anoint another in the disobedient
Jehovah pointed out to him: "They have not rejected thee, king’s place. Onthat occasion Samuellearned that Jehovah
but they have rejected me, that i should not reign over does not judge as does man, by the outward appearance,
them." Thereafter Samuel by inspiration foretold the but that the Almighty looks upon the heart. The children
manner of king theirs would be. It was a picture of loss of Jesse pass before Samuel, and lastly the youngest, the
of freedom and regimentation and taxation, and ultimately shepherd lad David, appears: "Arise, anoint him: for
of bitter crying unto the Lord because of the king. Never- this is he," Jehovah commands. "Then Samuel took the
theless, the people were set in the evil purpose. Theywanted horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren :
manrule; they were to have it, with all the sorrows and and the spirit of the LoRDcame upon David." Thus
miseries it entailed.--1 Sam. 8:1-22. Samuelwas privileged to anoint the second king of Israel,
Thereafter Samuel met Saul, conversed with him, dined but the first king of the typical Theocracy; for it was

with the reign of the beloved David that Israel as a king- and probably founded, and certainly headed, a school of
dombecame typical and pictorial of The Theocracy with prophets. (1 Sam. 19:20; Acts 3:20-PA) He died at the
Christ Jesus as King.--1 Sam. 16 : 7, 12, 13. place of his birth, Ramah,and was buried there with great
Samuel, in anointing David, was not seditious against lamentation. (1 Sam.25 : 1 ; 28 : 3) His zeal for the Theoc-
Saul. Saul was seditious against Theocracy, which Samuel racy makes him an exampleto follow and qualifies him for
a position as prince in the "new earth" under Theocratic
alwa~vs supported, regardless of individuals. He was used rule, (Hebrews 11: 32) Wise persons today will not fall
by the Lord to write probably the first twenty-four chapters in with widespread clamor for a "king" or form of man
of 1 Samuel. First and Second Samuel were originally one rule and thus reject God as King over them, as did the
book in Hebrewmanuscripts, and it was probably completed Israelites long ago. To the contrary, they will reject postwar
by Nathan and Gad. (1 Chron. 29:29; 1 Sam. 10:25) mak~hifts and human experiments in government and
Samuelwas the first of the regular succession of prophets, accept Jehovah’s Theocracy.

BACK-CALLING ANDBOOKSTUDIES(ENGLAND) it, seeing she had not been in touch with J. w’s for a
’gust before the Londonconvention I came in contact considerable numberof years. She replied that after hearing
with a lady to whomI lent a book Children. Calling back J. w’s had been to the nearest village, she visited someof
uponher a weeklater, I was asked whether she could not buy the villagers and took any literature the party didn’t want.
the book; to which I replied, Yes. I called again the follow- Wehad a lively discussion, manyquestions being asked,
ing week, but was told that the lady had ’closed the book’ and the lady literally drinking in the truths. To a Church
because she had read in it that the dead are dead and not of England person present she declared: ’In future I shall
alive somewhereelse. I immediately tried to explain, but study myBible instead of attending church.’ She is hoping
was not successful. I promised to call the next week with that her husband and two daughters will become more
the Children Questions booklet, in order to study with her interested; meanwhileshe intends to gain all the knowledge
the page in question and let the Bible give the answer. This she can, so that she too can be one of Jehovah’s witnesses."
was indeed a great success. The lady has nowarranged for
a NewWorldbook study in her home, and has actually been HOW PERSEVERANCE WON(PENNSYLVANIA)
out with the printed cards, inviting her neighbors to the "I am a car-driver of a group, one of whomplaced a
study. Already two of her neighbors are attending, and bound book. Later he made the back-call. The people were
we are looking forward to shortly having a group study very kind, but he could not start a book study. Another
established." of the group tried, but also failed. I realized it was my
"A few weeks ago I met a lady on the house-to-house responsibility to try. I took the phonographand ’Fill the
work who, although well disposed, could not then spare Earth’ lecture and played it for them. I asked howthey
enjoyed it. They said: ’All right.’ I told them I would
time to listen, as it was dinnertime. I suggestedcalling back
at a more opportune time, this being arranged for the fol- comethe next week, for they might have questions by that
lowing Wednesday afternoon. On my return a book study time. I went, taking "The Truth Shall Make You Free"
was commenced,and this was carried on for several weeks, question booklet with me. Yes, I spent an hour with them,
the lady showingvery great interest in the organization. studying the book. I asked: ’Could I spend an hour like
August we immediately invited her to come with us to Lon- this every week with you?’ The lady answered: ’Oh, then
don. She expressed a keen desire to comefor the three days the others will be fussing again !’ ~Vho?the neighbors?’
of convention, although this wouldmean bringing her young ’Yes.’ I comparedNoah’s time with Armageddon,explained
baby only nine months old with her. In the meantime she the Kingdomcondition, and told her our responsibility to
had been witnessing to all her ’in-laws’, with the resfflt get into that kingdom: ’Shall we obey God or men? Shall
that her young brother-in-law also arranged to attend the I come next Tuesday evening and tell you more about this
Assembly. She certainly enjoyed every minute in London at no cost to you?’ "Yes, then we’ll tell you whether you
and inquired about immersion in water. At the Assembly should continue.’ The following week when I got there I
found them sitting around the table each having a Bible,
she shared for the first time in the witness work. This shows
waiting for me. Next week the same thing happened. The
the value of the bookstudy, because all this took place with-
in two and a half monthsof her first contact." third week it snowedso muchthat I was afraid to go. The
Lord spurred me on, and again they were waiting for me.
"WECONTACTEDTHELADY(BRITAIN) The daughter, who had stayed home from work because
at one of our NewWorld studies. This lady, who lives of the weather, took part in the study and even asked
on an isolated farm on the fells, arranged to attend the questions. I had loaned them two books for the study. The
study at her auntie’s whilst in town. She asked many oldest son asked: ’Can I buy this book?’ "You may have
questions and took all the new literature we had with us. them both on a contribution of 50c; then you can study
We arranged to call at her home the following week. during the week.’ He contributed for his, and the lady
After a strenuous ride we arrived at the farm, to find the contributed for the girl’s book. The back-call is nowquite
lady was all prepared and had also invited some of her interesting. This past w.eek a younger son stayed hometo
friends in to join the discussion. Finding she had some attend the study, and also accepted the book to study
fairly recent literature, we asked her howshe had obtained through the week."
, shallknow
thatI amJehov~Y
- Eztkiel ~:15.

FEBRUARY 15, 1945

Introduction of Rest Day 54
Dlstmguishing Sign 55
Answering the Question ............ 56
Shadow and Substance 58
TESTIMONYPrmlov _~ .50
l~Lrs.~ 8zm~o~vr~LY BY ITS MISSION
i17 Adams Sh-eet

Brooklyn I, N.Y.,U.S.A. T HIS Journal Is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-walL
N. H. KNORR,Preside,t W.E. V*~ A~etrm~, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for ate readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." - lsdtlh 54:z3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It is entirely free and separate from all religion, portia.s, sects
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Loans was the beginnzng of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personahhes.
in heaven and earth, aa the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah;
THATGOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully Tl~dtLl SouaClIl~lOn PIleS
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNtT~ff.D STaTIHI, aII other countries. I1.50, Americancurrency;
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the (]MEATBRITAIN,AUBTn£LAMIa. ~D SOUTHAFalC£, SS. American remit-
tances should I~ made by Postal or Express MoneyOrder or by Bank
right to life; Draft. Brttish. 8outh African and &ustraluian remittances should
be made direct to the rsepeetl~ branch offices. Remittances from
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive office, but by Inter~atlonal Postal MoneyOrder only.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus [i~oltalou OfficEs
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power BHI/aA 84 Craven Terrace. London, W. 2, England
and authority; dusCralazdrm -- T Beruford Road. Strathfleld. N S. W.. Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Bout&d.J’~qean Boston House. Cape Town. South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus I$ the Chief O~cer thereof and Is the IH.dta~ 167 Love Lane. Bombay27, India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful PInes addcese the Society In over,/ case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Translations of this Journal aPixm~ in ~veeal languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear; &LL 81NCERE STUDENTS OF THE BIBLE who by reason of
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, poverty or adcereity are unable to pay the sub,erlptlon price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of mayhave The IVatehtoweTfree npoa written application to the pubhshe~.
made once each year. stating the reason for so requesting It ~,~,e art
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to glad to thus aid the needy, but the written applleaUon once each year
is required by the postal re&~ulationL
the establishment of the "new earth" of the New World;
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can Notlee to Snbso~lbe~,’~: AeknowledgTnentof a newor a renewal sob-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, ~riptlon will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label within one month.
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will b@sent with the
destruction of Satan’s organization and the complete establish- journal ona monthbefore the subscription explrm.
ment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the Kingdom Printed in the United 8taros of AmeriCa
the people of good-will that sur~ve Armageddon shall carry Entered a# s~ond-cl~s mutter at tke ~sl el]Ice at Brooklyn, N.F.o
out the divine mandate to "fill the earth" with a righteous race. ando" the Act o~ MarckS. 1879.


The test~nony periods of 1945 have opened up with the "Thee- The time to celebrate the Memorial this year is after 6 p.m,
cratle Servants" TestLmony Period, during tbts month of February. StandardTime,on Wednesday,March28. At an agreedhour,let
This is also the second month of the special eampmgn to eachcompanyassemble on thatnight,and the anointedonesthere-
obtain more subscrtphons for the Theocratic magazine The Watch- of partakeof the emblems,theireompamonsthe "othersheep"
tower. The attractive campaign offer will therefore continue to be beingpresentas observers. Beforethe Memorlal emblemsare par-
extended by all Theocratic servants, namely, a year’s subscription takenof, let a competent brotherdeliver a briefdmcourse extempo-
for this magazine, together with a pren~um of a bound book and raneouslyor read paragraphsselectedfrom past Watchtower
a booklet, a~l on the contribution of the regular suhscrlptmn rate, artxcles on the Memorialto thoseassembled. Sincethe breaking of
which is $1.00. Where posmble, "The Kmgdora ls at Hand" should breadand drinkingof wine both symbolizethe death in wh:ch
be the premium book offered. During this Testimony Period the Chrmt’sbody-members share,both the breadand the wine should
new booklet One World, One Government m be:ng released, and be servedtogetherat part~Iring, the breadbeingunleavened and
this should be the premmmbooklet. This m~dvrmter month should the winered.Mostcertainly Jesusand his disciples usedred wine
not be let retard the Watchtower campaign because of cold and to correspond withhis bloodpouredout in death,and we should
storm, but countermeasures should be arranged to keep on pressing harmonizewith them.Let all companiesor groupsreporttheir
this impartant educational effort. We are anxious to help all who celebration, showingboththe totalattendance and partakers.
want to serve the great Theocrat by a part in this gospel-preaching USE RENEWALSUBSCRIPTION BLANK
work, and we urge those without contact with local service groups
The blank seat you one month before expiration of your
to write in for nee_m~__ry references. One important item not to be Watchtower subscription should be filled out and returned to the
overlooked is to fill in report slips on the month’s work. BrooMynoffice or to the Branch office in the country where you
~ STUDIES reside. Servants in the eompanies, and individuals, when sending
"WATCHTOWER in renewals for The Watchtower, should always use these blanks.
Week of March 18: ’~he Kingdom Sabbath and Its I~rd," By filling in these renewed blanks you are assured of the eontinua-
¶ 1-21 inclusive, The Watchtower February 15, 1945. tion of your Watchtower from the time of exp:ration, and with-
Week of March 25: "The Kingdom Sabbath and Its Lord," out delay. It will also be a great help ff you man your name um-
¶ 22-43 inclusive, Ths Watchtower February 15, 1945. formly, and note any recent change o~addre~, on the renewal slip.
VoL. LXVI FEBRU~15, 1945 I~’0. 4


"The Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day."--Matt. 12:8.
EHOVAH God, the Creator of this earth, found
J great refreshment on the seventh day of his
creative period. The six preceding days of con-
epochs, his divine Record says: "Thus the heavens
and the earth were finished, and all the host of
them. And on the seventh day God ended his work
tinual creative activity had not wearied or fagged which he had made; and he rested on the seventh
him, so that he needed to halt, rest up and recuperate. day from all his work which he had made. And God
"Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard? The blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because
everlasting God, Jehovah, the Creator of the ends that in it he had rested from all his work which God
of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary; there is created and made." Because rest sometimes carries
no searching of his understanding. He giveth power the thought of laying off and taking it easy for
to the faint; and to him that hath no might he bodily recovery, the modern translation (Smit]~-
increaseth strength."--Isa. 40: 28, 29, Am. Stan. Vet. Goodspeed) of Genesis 2:1-3 reads better in say-
There must, then, be a reasonable explanation ing: "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished.
of Jehovah’s being refreshed, when he states: "In and all their host. On the seventh day God brought
six days the Load made heaven and earth, and on his work to an end on which he had been engaged,
the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed." desisting on the seventh day from all his work in
(Ex. 31 : 17) His resting was because he had brought which he had been engaged. So God blessed the
to pass his creative work as he had purposed, and seventh day, and consecrated it, because on it he
hence he ceased from his creative work as respects had desisted from all his work, in doing which God
the earth. At such height of accomplishment it was had brought about creation." It must be that only
that he surveyed his finished work; and "God saw as regards our earth did Jehovah desist from crea-
every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was tive activity, having finished his work to the extent
very good". (Gen. 1: 31) For such reason, then, Jeho- desired. It is neither reasonable nor Scriptural to
vah Godcould feel refreshed, that is, he could enjoy think he halted operations as respects all the rest
the exhilarating pleasure of having accomplished his of his universe.
will. At that time, he tells us, "the morning stars ¯ The "seventh day" on which God desisted from
sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for his work toward this planet is not to be understood
joy." (Job 38: 4-7) What a joy must have been God’s as a 24-hour day. This seventh day stands related
ownas he saw brought to a finished state his crea- to the preceding six days of creation; and all the
tive work that so delighted his heavenly sons and evidence is to the effect that all of those six days
caused them to sing his praises ! They acknowledged were much longer than 24 hours each; in fact, they
him as the Universal Sovereign, the Master and were great periods of time thousands of years long.
Owner of all He surveyed. Just consider the following physical fact:
"Wily did the Creator divide up the time of crea- During the flood of Noah’s time it took forty days
tive work into six days? And did he consider that and nights of continuous rainfall for the water
tlle number six marked a complete cycle of time or canopy to be dissolved that had been enveloping the
a complete round of conditions and developments? earth and revolving about it. That water canopy was
Or just when did he consider the great time period but the last of the great rings of vaporizable matter
with regard to our earth as completed and come to that the terrific heat of the molten earth had caused
the full? Showing that he did not stop with six to be thrown off and to ascend to the skies and form
stupendous rings. One outside the other, all these
I. What was the Creator’s personal experience on the seventh day of
the treat|ye pemod ? rings encircled the earth at the equator like wheels
2. What is the reasonable explanation of the expression that He "wu
re freshe~l" ?
3. (al How do we know tI~at Jehovah did not consider the six days as 4. Why, evidently. Is the "seventh day" nol a 24-hour day?
being the complete cycle of developmeuts? (b) In what respect did he 5. flow long was the rainfall la Noah’s day? and how had the natural
desl~t from all his work on the seventh day? conditions been built u~" for such a thing?
within wheels. In the course of creation, by the con- Scriptures make it plain that God’s "seventh day"
trolling power of the Creator, these rings fell one is longer than from sunset to sunset, just as the
after another toward the earth and spread out over word day could not mean a 24-hour period when
it like swaddling bands. They were later precipitated Genesis 2:4 says: "These are the generations of the
to earth’s surface in devastating deluges. heavens and of the earth whenthey were created, in
° It was on the second creative day that "Godsaid, the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven."
Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, (Am.Stan. Vet.) According to the Scriptures the
and let it divide the waters from the waters. And "seventh day" is still continuing on the part of the
God made the firmament, and divided the waters Creator, Jehovah God.
which were under the firmament [or expansion] ’Seeing that the day has been marked by the
from the waters which were above the firmament: rebellion of the great sabbath-breaker, the Devil, and
and it was so". (Gen. 1: 6, 7) If it took forty days by the invasion of sin and death among the ranks
for the waters of the last remaining ring aloft above of men and thereby great reproach has been heaped
the firmament to be deluged down upon this globe, upon Jehovah’s holy name, how, then, has God
in what must have been a swift descent, then it must blessed and sanctified this dayf In this way: At the
have taken a much longer time for those vaporizable beginning of the "day" Jehovah blessed it, pronounc-
elements to be raised from the seething earth to ing it good and to his glory and for the benefit of
the skies to form the manyvast rings, rings like those faithful creatures. At its ending in His due time
encircling the planet named "Saturn". Howmany of the "day" will likewise be blessed, for the cursed
such rings were precipitated to the earth as global conditions will then be entirely removed. He sancti-
deluges during the second creative day the Bible fied or consecrated this "day" to his holy purpose.
does not disclose. It does indicate, however, that in that from its very beginning he ordained that it
the second day and the other working days were each should vindicate him as the Creator of that which
of seven thousand years’ duration, because the is good and as the Maintainer and Preserver of
seventh day, on which God desisted or rested and such. And the end of this "seventh da~~’ will yet
was refreshed, is likewise seven thousand years long. prove that his original purpose in creating this earth
Hence, man being created toward the close of the and putting man upon it has not been thwarted but
sixth day, he was put upon this earth toward the has been gloriously realized in proof of his Godship.
end of 42,000 years of earth’s preparations. So the his supremacy and his all-power. By the end of this
grand cycle of seven "days" adds up to 49,000 years. "seventh day" the earth will be a beauteous paradise.
The Bible time-schedule indicates that slightly more ever~vhere like the garden of Eden. It will be filled
than a thousand years of this great cycle remains with righteous humancreatures all in harmonywith
yet to be run. the Creator and acting as his representatives in
having dominion over the birds and fishes and othe~
DAY CONSECRATED living things which creep about upon the earth.
’ The particular Hebrew word used at Genesis Hence this very fact that Jehovah blessed and sanc-
2:1-3 which is translated "rested" is the word tified this "seventh day" proves that the "end of th,
sha-bgth’, from which the word sgb’bath is drawn. world", of which his Word speaks, does not mean
Certain religiomsts insist that there at the verb" and could not mean the destruction of this earthly
beginning of man’s creation God fastened tile globe and the starry heavens above.
sabbath-day law upon his humancreatures ; and they ’ The foregoing facts are not meaningto say that
call Genesis 2:1-3 to their aid as proof. Let such Jehovah God did not in process of time establish by
religionists and all others note that the "day" which law a 24-hour sabbath-day toward certain men on
Godblessed and sanctified or consecrated back there earth. He did enjoin such a sabbath observance;
was not a 24-hour day. It was and is the "seventh but toward whom, and to continue how long? That
day" of equal duration with each of the six preceding which is written at Genesis 2:1-3 cannot be taken
days of creative work. According to the reckoning to mean that God made the perfect Adamand Eve
of the seventh-day sabbath-observing religionists, subject to sabbath-day regulations in Eden. When
thgy claim manwas created after the animals on the God put man in the garden of Eden to work at
sixth 24-hour day of creation. Hadthat been so, then dressing and keeping it and warned him against
the first full day of man’s existence would have had taking the road that would lead to sure death, God
to be a sabbath rest-day for man without having made no mention about breaking any sabbath-day
begun or completed a week’s work. However, the requirement, but did forbid his eating of the tree
of the knowledgeof good and evil. WhenGod blessed
6 (a)’What was crested on the second day, and how long, e~’Idently,
wa.~ the day? (b)How long. then. Is the complete creaUve cycle, and 8. In view of the entrance of reben|on, fin and death, how could it be
how much of this remains yet to be runt that Jehovah ham blessed and eanctlfled the ee~enth day?
T. From what is the word "rested" translated? and what dl~culti~ 9. Why are there no groun~ f~r taking Genesis 2’ I-3 to rn~n that
.r,se from claiming the seventh day to be 24 hours loaf? Ood eubleeted Adamand Eve to Rabbath-,lay re~flatlons?
15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 53

the perfect Adamand Eve and gave them the divine dove; which returned not again unto him any more".
mandate to fill the earth with righteous offspring Then, a full solar year after having been shut up in
and to subdue the earth and have dominion over the the ark, Noah and his family and the animals went
lower living creatures, God included no command forth from the ark of preservation. (Gen. 8:4)
with reference to a sabbath-day observance. The While the foregoing does reveal that God’s faithful
temptation by Satan, and the sin by Adamand Eve, witness Noah divided up the time into periods of
were not in regard to breaking any sabbath-day law. seven days, it does not show that Noahand his fam-
If Jehovah God did not state such a law to them in ily kept a strict sabbath-day rest on the seventh day,
Eden before they sinned, then certainly he did not doing no work thereon. In the everlasting covenant
issue such a law to them after they were driven out which God made immediately afterward and which
of Eden as sinners. And there is no record that He he signalized by the producing of the rainbow, there
did so.--Gen. 2:15-17 ; 1 : 28. is no reference to any sabbath-day observance; and
~°What, then, about the number seven, which the repeating of the divine mandate to Noah and
occurs 61 times in the book of Genesis alone? Just his sons does not include any commandas to sabbath
how much Jehovah God disclosed to Adamin Eden observance. This lack of reference to a sabbath-taw
regarding the earth’s creation is not recorded, and is not to be interpreted to be because they had al-
it does no good to guess. But that the Lord God ready been keeping such downtill then and the law
early brought to man’s notice a special significance needed no repeating; but it was certainly because no
attaching to the numberseven is certain. His decree such sabbath regulation had been put upon mentill
concerning the murderer Cain said: "Therefore who- then. There is no Bible record contrariwise.--Gen.
soever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him 9 : 1-17.
sevenfold." That the significance of seven as denot- " Religionists argue that Abraham was under a
ing completeness was grasped by men is seen in the sabbath-keeping law. In support of this they quote
fact that Cain’s great-grandson Lamech caught up Genesis 26: 4, 5, namely, God’s words to Abraham’s
and applied the number and said: "I have slain a son Isaac, saying: "In thy seed shall all the nations
man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. of the earth be blessed; because that Abraham
If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my command-
sevent3, and sevenfold."--Gen. 4: 15, 23, 24. ments, my statutes, and mylaws." This, however, is
" The number seven became more prominent with no proof that the "commandments"included a com-
events connected with the great flood. God told mandment concerning a seventh-day sabbath-keep-
Noah: "Take to thee by seven seven, the male and ing. God’s commandmentsto his obedient creatures
his female," of clean beasts, but two each of the un- are not the same at all times, but some are com-
clean beasts; "for yet seven days, and I will cause it manded to do certain things and others are not.
to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; Only Abraham was commandedto offer up his be-
and every living substance that I have made will I loved son for a burnt-offering, and Abrahampro-
destroy from off the face of the earth." After Noah ceeded to the limit to obey this commandment.But
and his family and the animals went into the ark none of God’s faithful servants since Abrahamhave
during this seven-day period, "it came to pass after been so commanded. Abraham was commandedto be
seven days [(margin) on the seventh day], that the circumcised first when he was 99 years old; but no
waters of the flood were upon the earth."--Gen. followers of Christ Jesus are under divine com-
7: 1-10, with marginal readings. mandmentto be so circumcised.~Genesis, chapters
12 This divine consideration for seven was not lost 17 and 22.
upon Noah, for in the ark he observed it. Noah’s " The later evidence is against any argument that
ship log showed that the ark grounded on the moun- Abrahamwas under a sabbath-day obligation by ex-
tains of Ararat the seventeenth day of the seventh press commandmentof Jehovah God. Nor is it any
month of the year. After allowing time for the wa- proof to the contrary of this that Abraham’sgrand-
ters to subside Noahsent forth a raven and a dove. son Jacob said to Laban his father-in-law: "I will
On the dove’s return Noahpulled it to him into the work seven years for you in return for Rachel, your
ark. "And he stayed yet other seven days ; and again younger daughter." When the marriage time came
he sent forth the dove out of the ark." After the and Laban substituted his older daughter Leah, and
dove returned with an olive leaf in its beak, Noah Jacob objected, Laban said: "Finish the week’s
"stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the festivities for this one, and then I will give you the
10. How. then, about the number "seven" in the book of Genesis, and
other also, in return for another seven years’ service
the first application of the number to man and by man?
11 How did the number "seven" become more prominent in conneetfou
with me." "Jacob did so; he finished her week’s
with the Flood? 13 From what 8erlptore statement do rellglonlsts argue Abraham was
12. How did Noah show regard for the number "seven"* and yet why under a 8abbath commandment? but why is this argument not vail,l?
are there no groundi for thinking him to De placed under sabbath-day 14. What dealings between Jacob and Laban are u~d to argue to the
law regulationm ? contrary of the above?
54 ~ieWATCHTOWER. B oor -, N. Y.
festivities, and then Laban gave him his daughter (Jet. 31 : 32) While leading these Israelites through
Rachel in marriage; . . . Thus he had to work with the wilderness toward Mount Sinai in Arabia, where
Laban another seven years."mGen. 29:18,27-30, he purposed to inaugurate the law covenant toward
Smith-Goodspeed ; Douay. them, Jehovah miraculously provided food to sus-
,5 The use of the word week, while allowing for the tain them, in the form of "manna". On the sixth day
dividing up of the year into weeks of seven days of its failing he commanded the Israelites to go out
each, does not prove a sabbath observance on the in the morning and gather in twice as much as on
seventh day. By using the word week Laban surely each preceding day. Why?Moses tells us, saying:
did not mean that Jacob was to rest the seventh "This is that which the LOaDhath said, To morrow
year of the week of seven years; neither did Jacob is the rest of the holy sabbath unto the LoaD: bake
take such a year-long rest or sabbath. Nevertheless, that whichye will bake to day, and seethe that ye will
the number seven was understood as marking com- seethe; and that which remaineth over lay up for
pleteness. Doubtless for this reason the Hebrew you to be kept until the morning." It did not spoil
word for "swear" (shii-b~’) really meant "to seven". by next morning, the sabbath morning.
Hence, the well beside which King Abimelech and " "And Mosessaid, Eat that to day; for to day is
Abraham swore over seven ewe lambs was called a sabbath unto the Lomb:to day ye shall not find it
"Beer-sheba", meaning "well of the oath".--Gen. in the field. Six days ye shall gather it; but on the
21 : 28-33; also 26: 32, 33. seventh day, which is the sabbath, in it there "shall
t6 Now, although the seventh day of the week may be none. And it came to pass, that there went out
have been looked upon as specially marked by the some of the people on the seventh day for to gather
Lord with his favor, that does not prove he had en- [indicating no sabbath observance up till then], and
joined a seventh-day commandmentupon Abraham, they found none. And the LoaD said unto Moses,
Isaac and Jacob. Their faithful keeping of the com- Howlong refuse ye to keep my commandments and
mandmentsof Jehovah God did not require sabbath- mylaws? See, for that the LOaDhath given you the
keeping, any more than it required Jacob, who mar- sabbath, therefore he giveth you on the sixth day the
ried two living sisters Leah and Rachel, to keep bread of two days; abide ye every manin his place,
God’s commandmentlater ~ven to Jacob’s great- let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.
grandchildren, namely: "You must not marry a So the people rested on the seventh day." (Ex.
womanin addition to her sister as a rival wife, hav- 16:23-30) Thus by miraculously withholding manna
ing intercourse with her as well as with the other, on the seventh day, Jehovah God enforced this
while she is alive." (Lev. 18: 18, Srnith-Goodspeed) seventh-day sabbath law upon the Israelites. Dow-a
Whenthe sabbath-day law did not apply, it was no in Egypt was no place to institute the sabbath upon
lawbreaking not to keep sabbath. Hence Abraham’s the Jews. Especially not, whenthey were the slaves
righteousness toward God was no more dependent of demon-worshiping Egyptians and when Pharaoh
upon sabbath keeping than it was upon first being as king objected to interference by Mosesand Aaron
circumcised.--Rom. 4 : 3-13. and said: "Wherefore do ye, Moses and Aaron, let
the people from their works? get you unto your
n~TRODUCTION or RESTnAY burdens .... Behold, the people of the land now
"The Hebrew word shah-bath’, meaning "cessa- are many, make them rest [shd-bdH~’] from
tion; rest", first occurs in Scripture at Exodus their burdens." (Ex. 5:4,5) But now, out in the
16: 23, and it marks the time of the introducing of wilderness as a delivered people, the Jews were free
the sabbath law. Observe that this putting in force to begin observing the sabbath law which Jehovah
of a sabbath law was not toward all mankind in gen- God introduced to them through Moses.
eral, but toward a special nation, Jehovah’s chosen ~t While informally given out in the wilderness,
people of Israel. Through Moses as mediator with the sabbath-day law was embodied in the code of
God, the children of Israel had entered into covenant laws which Jehovah God formally gave to the Jews
relationship with Jehovah God over the shed blood through Moses when inaugurating the law covenant
of the passover lamb slain in Egypt. Hence Jeho- at Mount Sinai. It was made the fourth of the Ten
vah God redeemed and delivered them from oppres- Commandments there given, and was stated in these
sion in Egypt and they were a nation subject to his words: ’¢Rememberthe sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Theocratic law. He speaks of the "covenant that I Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but
madewith their fathers in the day that I took them the seventh day is a sabbath unto Jehovah thy God:
by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt". in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son,
15 Why does Laban’s use of the word ’~.e~k" not necessarily 18. Why there, ann not down in Egypt. was 11: fitting to Introduce the
was understood to mean completen~u? sabbath law 1
16. Why wu it no lawbret~tng for Abraham, Immc and Jacob not to 19. (a) In what was that saboath law incorporated, and how was it
keep weekly sabbath? $~ted? (b) What is the significance of the word "Remember"La that
17. Where, how, and to whomwas the weekly sabbath law first ~ven? commandment T
15, 1945 $SeWATCHTOWER. 55

nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid- Commandment, namely, keep the weekly sabbath-
servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is with- day holy by a complete rest thereon. But, as Moses
in thy gates: for in six days Jehovah made heaven further said to God’s chosen people of Israel: "And
and earth, the sea, and all that in themis, and rested he declared unto you his covenant, which he com-
the seventh day: wherefore Jehovah blessed the sab- mandedyou to perform, even the ten commandments ;
bath day, and hallowed it." (Ex. 20: 8-11, Am. Stan. and he wrote them upon two tables of stone. And
Vet.) The command"Remember" did not mean they Jehovah commandedme at that time to teach you
had kept the sabbath day prior thereto, except it be statutes and ordinances, that ye might do them in the
in the wilderness, from the time of giving the manna land whither ye go over to possess it." (Deut. 4: 13, I4,
onward, but "Remember" was a command warning Am.Stan. Vet.) Thus the commandmentconcerning
them lest they forget in the future to hold the day the sabbath was a component part of the covenant
sacred. The day was to be a reminder of Jehovah’s (ten being a numerical symbol of earthly complete-
great rest-day after preparing the earth and putting ness), and it could not be separated from the cove-
man upon it; and now his covenant people must re- nant. It is certain, therefore, that the Gentile or non-
frain from labor upon that day just as Jehovah de- Jewish nations were not under the sabbath obliga-
sisted from his works of creation respecting our tion, even as they were not taken into this law cove-
earth when his great seventh "day" began. nant. They were not held responsible in this regard ;
’° Tile weekly sabbath was to be commemorative for which reason Jehovah said to the Israelites
of even more than that. It was to remind them of alone: "You only have I knownof all the families
how Jehovah had delivered them from the continual of the earth : therefore I will punish you for all your
toil in the furnace of affliction as slaves of the de- iniquities." (Amos3: 1, 2) Commentingon Jehovah’s
monized Egyptians. "And Moses called unto all exclusive favor to this offspring of Jacob, the psalm-
Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the stat- ist said: "He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his
utes and the ordinances which I speak in your ears statutes and his judgments unto Israel. He hath not
this day, that ye maylearn them, and observe to do dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments,
them. Jehovah our God made a covenant with us in they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD
Horeb. Jehovah made not this covenant with our [Jehovah]."~Ps. 147 : 19, 20.
fathers [Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob], but with us, DISTINGUISHING SIGN
even us, whoare all of us here alive this day. Jeho-
vah spake with you face to face in the mount out of "Furthermore, that the non-Jewish nations were
the midst of the fire .... saying, I am Jehovah outside the sabbath arrangement, but that this was
thy God, whobrought thee out of the land of Egypt, a distinguishing feature of Jehovah’s covenant ar-
out of the house of bondage .... Observe the sab- rangement with his nation, he said to the Israelites
bath day, to keep it holy, as Jehovah thy God com- at MountSinai: "Verily ye shall keep my sabbaths:
mandedthee. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all for it is a sign [not a seal] between me and you
thy work; but the seventh day is a sabbath unto throughout your generations; that ye may know
Jehovah thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, that I am Jehovah whosanctifieth you. Ye shall keep
thou, nor tlay son, no~ thy daughter, nor thy man- the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every
servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thine ox, nor one that profaneth it shall surely be put to death;
thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul
is within thy gates; that thy man-sez’vant and thy shall be cut off from among his people. Six days
maid-servant may rest as well as thou. And thou shall work be done; but on the seventh day is a sab-
shatt rememberthat thou wast a servant in the land bath of solemn rest, holy to Jehovah: whosoever
of Egypt, and Jehovah thy God brought thee out doeth any work on the sabbath day, he shall surely
thence by a mighty hand and by an outstretched be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel
arm: therefore Jehovah thy God commandedthee to shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath
keep the sabbath day."--Deut. 5: 1-15, Am. Stan. Ver. throughout their generations, for a perpetual cove-
’~ In the above wordsit is distinctly stated that the nant. It is a sign between me and the children of
forefathers of the Israelites, including most prom- Israel for ever: for in six days Jehovah madeheav-
inently of all Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the en and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and
twelve sons of Jacob, were not under this law cove- was refreshed." (Ex. 31:13-17, Am. Stan. Ver.)
nant. This fact joins in arguing that they were not Through the prophet Ezekiel Jehovah repeats that
under obligation to do what is stated in the Fourth he gave the Israelites his "sabbaths, to be a sign be-
tween me and them" (Ezek. 20:12); and in added
20 As stated by Mo~eS. in Deuteronomy, of what else was the weekly
sabbath to remind the Israelites? support of such sign of favor as to the Jews exclu-
21. {a) V, hat prc-,f does Moses thum give that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
were not under a sabbath law? (b) Why is it certain that the Genttlez 22. How was it poJntod out by God’s prophets that the sabbath dis-
were under no such law? tinguished the Israellte~ alone of all peoples?
N. Y.
sively Nehemiah9: 13, 14 says: "Thou camest down make a pretense at keeping a sabbath, but do so on
also upon mount Sinai, and spakest with them from the first weekday known as "Sunday". The Roman
heaven, and gavest them right judgments, and true Catholic sect claims that it changed the day from the
laws, good statutes and commandments:and madest seventh day (Saturday) to the first day (Sunday)
known unto them thy holy sabbath, and command- and did so with the authority of Christ. The Roman
edst them precepts, statutes, and laws, by the hand Catholic Hierarchy claims that God’s law through
of Moses thy servant." Moses "includes two elements; one essential, that
*’ These divinely inspired declarations, therefore, one day in seven should be dedicated to God; tile
show whenthe law of the sabbath was instituted, and other ceremonial, that the particular day should he
also that its observancewas a sig’n that distinguished chosen. The Jews selected Saturday". Without tak-
and sanctified Israel from all the rest of the nations ing time to discuss the obvious RomanCatholic
of the earth. This shows that Jehovah God did not error, that the Jews were the ones to select Saturday,
hold the Gentile nations accountable to keep the when the Jews had nothing to do with God’s with-
seventh day as a sabbath. They were never under holding manna on Saturday that the Jews might
such obligation, even if descended from righteous rest on that day, we consider the main question,
Noah. The seventh-day sabbath of 24 hours’ duration which is, Are Christians obligated to observe a week-
was only the first of a set of sabbaths, by which ly sabbath-day at all?
Jehovah made the Israelites an outstanding nation.
"There were sabbath days on other than the
seventh day of the week; for example, on the day "In answer, religious contenders for a weekly ob-
next after the passover; on the first day of the servance on the seventh day or Saturday point to
.seventh month; also on the annual day of atonement, the fact that Jesus observed the day, especially in
the tenth day of the seventh month; also on the that he went to the synagogue on that day and
fifteenth and twenty-second days of the seventh preached. (Matt. 12: 1, 9; Mark 1:21; 3:1; 6:2;
month in connection with the feast of tabernacles, Luke 4 : 16, 31; 13 : 10) These religionists harp also
(Lev. 16: 31 ; 23 : 3, 11, 15, 24, 32, 39) Moreover,every on the fact that the apostle Paul is reported as go-
seventh year counting from their time of entry into ing into the synagogue on the sabbath days, "as his
the Promised Land was a sabbatical year. Also manner was," and preaching and reasoning with the
after a series of seven such sabbath years, the fifti- Jews there. (Acts 13 : 14, 44; 16 : 13; 17 : 2; 18: 4)
eth year was likewise a sabbath year, kno~mas the This testimony is brought forward as evidence that
Jubilee. On tile atonement-daysabbath of that fifti- the seventh-day sabbath is binding upon Christians.
eth year, the jubilee trumpet was to be sounded, and But is that the import or intent of such Bible testi-
they were to "proclaim liberty throughout all the mony? In arguing in such manner upon these Scrip-
land unto all the inhabitants thereof" and to "return tural facts, the religionists have overlooked certain
every man unto his possession". During all such determining things, which we must now consider,
sabbath years the land was to rest from being culti- lest it appear that there is contradiction in the
vated and reaped. (Lev. 25: 1-13) The entire system Scriptures.
of sabbaths hung together, and all the other sabbath "WhyChrist Jesus observed the seventh-day sab-
periods had to be observed as faithfully as and at bath is clear from the Scriptures. According to the
the same time with the seventh-day weekly sabbath. flesh he was an Israelite, a Jew, and was charged
--Lev. 26: 2. with being the "King of the Jews". It is written:
’~ There is no question that tile sabbath-keeping "But when the fulness of the time was come, God
was mandatory upon the Jews after the flesh, who sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under
were in the law covenant through Moses. The ques- the law, to redeem them that were under the law."
tion of particular interest at this end of the world (Gal. 4: 4, 5) Hence Jesus was obliged to keep that
is, Are Christians under the law of the seventh-day law, as long as he was in the flesh. He was circum-
sabbath ? Terrible destruction came upon the Jewish cised in the flesh. He kept the passover feast and
nation because of failure to keep Jehovah’s sabbaths other feasts. He said: "Think not that I am cometo
and related laws, which destruction was symbolic destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to
of the final war of Armageddon. Hence this is a destroy, but to fulfil." (Luke 2:21, 41, 42; John
question of instant importance, now whenthe battle 2:23; 7:2,10; Matt. 5:17) Hence Jesus’ keeping
of Armageddon is impending over "Christendom". sabbath and attending synagogue can no more lie
Many religionists, who profess to be Christians, argued in favor of Christians’ being bound to keep
23. What does this fact show aa respects the Gentiles and their obli-
sabbath than Jesus’ being circumcised and observing
g ations
-t What other sabbath days were to be observed, and how was the 26. What evidence as to Jesus and Paul is brought forth by religlon|sts
sabbath system inclusive of more than days? to argue that the weekly sabbath is binding on Christians?
25 What question Is therefore of interest to Christians nowT and why 27, Why was it proper for Jesus to observe such law? but why may
is it of instant lmportance~ Jesus’ observance not be argued as binding Christians thereto?
15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 57

these feasts and the sabbaths in connection there- writes to his fellow Christial~s: "Our sufficiency is
with can be argued as binding Christians to be cir- from God; who also made us sufficient as ministers
cumcised and to celebrate such Jewish feasts. of a newcovenant; not of’the letter, but of the spirit :
=’ By the expression "the law" Jesus meant the for the letter kiUeth, but the spirit giveth life. But
first five books of the Bible written by Moses, which if the ministration of death, written, and engraven
includes the account of the law covenant and its com- on stones, came with glory, so that the children of
mandment concerning the Jewish sabbath-day. And Israel could not look stedfastly upon the face of
by "the prophets" Jesus meant the books of the other Moses for the glory of his face; which glory was
prophets, the earlier and the later’." He meant also passing away: howshall not rather the ministration
the Psalms, which are prophetic. (Luke 24:27,44-46) of the spirit be with glory?"--2 Cor. 3:5-8, Am.
But his saying lie came not to destroy the law or Stun. Vet.
the prophets is not saying that the law covenant and ’~ Mind you, it was the Ten Commandments,in-
its sabbath-day would continue in force and be bind- cluding the fourth one concerning the seventh-day
ing upon his disciples after his death. In fact, his sabbath, that were written in letters engraved on
coming to fulfill such law and the prophets proves two stone tablets ; and the glory in Moses’ face when
that the law covenant and the sabbath obligation are delivering those commandmentswas temporary and
not thus binding upon his footstep followers. duly passed away. The new covenant has the eternal
’° Destroying the law by brealdng God’s law cove- glory of the immortal Christ Jesus and it does not
nant is far different from fulfilling it and thus mov- inciude the Ten Commandmentsin letters cut in
ing it out of the wayand lifting its obligations from stone. Instead of having ten such commandments
his disciples. Certainly the fulfilling of the prophets and other laws to commandand to forbid Christians
or their prophecies made such prophecies a thing of what to do, the new covenant is the ministration of
the past and no longer applying or requiring fulfill- the spirit of God, which active force of God rests
ment. Likewise the fulfilling of the law makes it a upon his consecrated, Christlike ones and movesthem
thing of the past and relieves his followers from its in the doing of the will of Jehovah God.The religion-
requirements. Hence, in order to fulfill the law and ists whoinsist on the seventh-day sabbath and other
the prophets, Jesus by Jewish birth was "made un- practices of the old law covenant are blinded by the
der the law, to redeem them that were under the veil of religion; as Paul goes on to say: "Their
law". For illustration: The law commanded the minds were hardened: for until this very day at the
yearly celebration of the passover over a slain lamb. reading of the old covenant the same veil remaineth,
Christ Jesus did not destroy the passover celebra- it not being revealed to them that it is done awayin
tion, but movedit out of the way by fulfilling it, in Christ. But unto this day, whensoever Mosesis read
that he became the antitypical passover Lamb, "’the [including the Fourth Commandment],a veil lieth
Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the upon their heart. But whensoeverit shall turn to the
world."~l Cor. 5 : 7 ; Jolm 1 : 29, 36. Lord, the veil is taken away."~2 Cor. 3" 14-16,
~° It is manifest, therefore, that Jesus attended Am. Stan. Ver.
synagogue on the sabbath not simply because he was "It is the salne apostle, Paul, who was inspired
a Jew according to the flesh. He did it also in order to tell us what becameof the old law covenant, with
that he might fulfill his anointing, his commissionto its sabbaths. Speaking of the law covenant as a wall
preach the -kingdom of God to the Jews who were of partition between Jews and Gentiles, the apostle,
free on the sabbath day to congregate in the syna- who was a Jew according to the flesh, writes to
gogue. (Luke 4: 16-22) Whenhe died as the anti- Christians from among the Gentiles: "But now in
typical passover Lamb, Jehovah his Father caused Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off [from
a new covenant to be established toward Jesus’ dis- God] are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he
ciples, just as the old law covenant with its sabbath is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath
feature was established over the blood of the typical broken clown the middle wall of partition between
passover lamb down in Egypt. Hence at the memo- us ; having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the
rial supper Jesus said respecting the cup of wine: law of commandmentscontained in ordinances; for
"This cup is the new testament [covenant] in my to makein himself of twain [of believing Jews and
blood, which is shed for you." (Luke 22: 20; 1 Cor. Gentiles] one new man, so making peace."--Eph.
11: 25; Matt. 26:28; Mark 14: 24) For such reason 2: 13-15.
Paul, who was one of Jesus’ foremost apostles, "That is to say, by permitting his perfect flesh
2~. What did Jesus mean by his expret, slons "the law" and "the prophets"~ in which he kept the law covenant to be nailed to the
&~d doe~ his refusal to destroy bind the taw covenant and its sabbath 31. Amto commandments,how does the old covenant and its delivery differ
~on his dls¢lples’~ from that Of the new Coven~kDt? and why clnnot some grasp thisl
2~,. Howdoes fulfilling the law and prophets differ from destroying suehl 32. In wrltln~ to the Ephealans, what did Paul say became of that old
3 ’ Why,~ other than because a Jew. did Jesus attend synagogue on the taw covenant?
sabbath and what change of covenant ~as accomphshed at his death 33. In wriUng the Colo~ians, what did Paul say about the law t°ovenant
as stated both by him and by the apostle Paul~ and about being Judged in regard to itJ features?
N. Y.
cursed tree, Christ Jesus brought about the abolition whomwe gave no such commandment: . . . For it
of the old covenant of commandmentscontained in seemedgood to the holy [spirit], and to us, to lay
ordinances. So it is written to "the saints and faith- upon you no greater burden than these necessary
ful brethren in Christ", at Colossians 2: 12-18: "Ye things; that ye abstain from meats offered to idols,
are risen with him through the faith of the operation and from blood, and from things strangled [hence
of God, whohath raised him from the dead. Andyou, not drained of blood], and from fornication [impure
being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of sex relations] : from whichif ye keep yourselves, ye
your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, hav- shall do well. Fare ye well."~Acts 15 : L29.
ing forgiven you all trespasses; blotting out the *’ Let all those whoattach the highest importance
handwriting of ordinances that was against us, to Christians’ keeping the seventh-day sabbath take
which was contrary to us, and took it out of the note that the above letter of all the apostles and
way, nailing it to his cross; and having spoiled prin- their associates said not one word about keeping
cipalities and powers, he madea shew of them open- either Saturday or Sunday as a sabbath. It reminded
ly, triumphing over them in it. Let no mantherefore them of the everlasting covenant of universal appli-
judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an cation, namely, that made with Noah concerning
holyday, or of the new moon,or of the sabbath days : bloodshedding and bloodeating. It also admonished
which are a shadow of things to come; but tile body against religion or demonism,and insisted upon the
is of Christ. Let no man beguile you of your reward pure worship of God as Jesus had taught. Such let-
in a voluntary humility." ter of instructions was written under guidance of the
a0 In harmonywith the above are also Paul’s words holy spirit of God; and the apostle Paul had the
to the Christians in Galatia. After stating that God privilege of carrying it about and circulating its in-
sent his Son at the due time, "made of a woman, formation. Hence, when Paul entered synagogues on
made under the law, to redeem them that were under the Jewish sabbath, it was not in observance of the
the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons" day as a sabbath but in order to reach with the King-
of God, the apostle says: "But now, after that ye dom message the Jews congregated there. As Paul
have known God, or rather are known of God, how said concerning himself: "Unto the Jews I became
turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that
whereurrto ye desire again to be in bondage? Ye ob- are under the law, as under the law, that I might
serve days, and months, and times, and years. I am gain them that are under the law; . . . And this I
afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour do for the gospel’s sake."--I Cor. 9: 19-23.
in vain."wGal.4 : 4, 5, 9-11.
~5 Christ Jesus having redeemed those believers SHADOW AND SUBSTANCE
s, What, then, shall be done with the apostle Paul’s
who were once under the law covenant through
Moses, it was improper for such believers to try to assertion: "There remaineth therefore a sabbath
put themselves under that law covenant again and rest for the people of God," as recorded at Hebrews
carry on the typical things thereof, including observ- 4:9 (Am. Stan. Fer.)? In the surrounding verses
ing the sabbath days, weekly and otherwise. Such the apostle makes no reference to keeping a 24-hour
conduct would be a holding onto a shadow and valu- seventh-day sabbath. Instead, he quotes Genesis
ing and respecting it more than the substance, the 2: 2: "And God did rest the seventh day from all
reality. For Gentiles, whowere never under the law his works"; wt~ich applied over 4,000 years before
covenant, it would be still more improper for them Christ. He also refers to God’s words at Numbers
to try to put themselves under such old covenant no 14: 28-35, to the effect that the unbelieving, rebellious
more in operation because nailed to Christ’s tree of Jews should die in the wilderness and not enter and
death. For that reason, whenthe question confronted find rest in the Promised Land; which sworn decla-
the apostles and elder brethren at Jerusalem wheth- ration of God was made’over 1,500 years before
er the believing Gentiles were required to be circum- Christ. Then the apostle quotes the psalmist David’s
cised, Peter objected ¢o putting the Gentiles under wordsat Psalm95 : 7-11 : "To day if ye will hear his
the y9ke of the law covenant, and James was of like voice, harden not your heart, as in the provocation,
mind. Then the apostles and elder brethren wrote to and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness:
the Christians abroad, saying: "Forasmuch as we when your fathers tempted me, . . . unto whomI
have heard that certain which went out from us have sware in my wrath that they should not enter into
troubled you with words, subverting your souls, say- my rest"; which psalm of David was written about
ing, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to 1,077 years before Christ. Thus from about 4,000 B.C.
down to 1077 B.C. Jehovah God is still speaking
34 Ov that oecoumt "why did the apOstle e~r~ fear concerning the
Galatlan Christians? 36. What be~rtnl{ do those ir~tructione ha~c on the aabbath question?
35. #~) What die such tonduct of the Galatlans mean, and why was it and why therefore did Paul go Into the synagogues on the sabbath day?
speclally Impro~oex for Gentiles? (b) What InBtru~mnl, therefore, dld 37 What refereneo doeq the osalmlet David make to God’s rest, and
the council at Jerusalem wr~te to Gentile believers Ju. to requirements? how long had it continuee by the time of David’s writing?
15, 1945 ffIieWATCHTOWER. 59

about his rest, which in David’s day was already of 7,000 years; that is, it foreshadowedthe last 1,000
almost 3,000years long. years thereof. That thousand years Jehovah God has
*° Thenthe apostle Paul himself writes, still speak- assigned to the Lord Jesus Christ, to reign then
ing about entering into God’s rest; which makes without disturbance or interference from the Devil’s
God’s resting down to the apostle’s day more than organization in either heaven or earth. Such 1,000-
4,000 years long, inasmuch as Paul wrote Hebrews year reign of Christ Jesus, as foretold at Revelation
more than 40 years after Christ. And the apostle 20: 1-6, begins after the binding of Satan the Devil;
Paul’s words about Christians’ entering into God’s in other words, after the battle of Armageddon,
rest still apply, that is, apply nowand today, A.D. which battle, everything indicates, will begin inside
1945, which is nearly 6,000 years from the time of this generation.~Rev. 16: 14-16.
Genesis 2:2. And now tile kingdom of God is at 8, That will be a glorious sabbath-day for human-
hand, and during the 1,000-year reign of Christ tile ldnd, both for "men of good-will" today living, whom
redeemed hmnankind will be given the privilege of God will favor with preservation through the battle
entering into God’s rest. All of this, therefore, ex- of Armageddon, and also for the billions of dead
tends God’s rest to a length of 7,000 years. Andthis ones in the graves who will hear the voice of the
constitutes the length of tile seventh day on which reigning Son of Godand will comeforth to a resur-
he rests and which he sanctified for vindicating Ills rection of judgment. (John 5: 28, 29, A.S.V.) This
name and his work as Creator. is the sabbath of which Jesus spoke in a prophetic
" From this standpoint Hebrews 3:13-19 and way when he was answering his reliNous critics.
4:1-11 can be understood, particularly the apostle’s "And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for
words: "For we whohave believed do enter into that man, and not manfor the sabbath : therefore the Son
rest; even as tie ]lath said [about 1500 B.C.], ’As I of manis Lord also of the sabbath." (Mark 2: 27, 28)
sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my Christ Jesus was greater than the temple at Jerusa-
rest: although the works were finished from the Iem, in which the priests under the old law covenant
foundation of the world [about 4000 B.C.] .... He seemingly profaned the sabbath day by carrying on
again defineth a certain day, To-day, saying in David their sacrificial duties and yet were blameless.
[about l{)00 B.C.] so long a time afterward (even (Matt. 12: 1-8) Christ Jesus is the Head of the
hath been said before), To-day if ye shall hear t,is spiritual temple of Godmadeup of living stones, his
voice, harden not your hearts. For if Joshua [Moses’ disciples. Hence the Most High God has appointed
successor] had given them rest, ~e would not have Christ Jesus to be Lord of the antitypical sabbath
spoken afterward [in David’s time] of another day. day, the 1,000-year period of the Kingdom.
There remaineth therefore a sabbath rest for the " Because the typical Jewish sabbath was a fore-
people of God. For lie that is entered into his rest shadowing of this Kingdomsabbath, therefore Jesus
[God’s rest] hath himself also rested from his works, performed many works of healing and of delivering
as Goddid from his. Let us therefore give diligence believing persons from the bondage due to the
to enter into that rest, that no manfall after the Devil’s work. He healed the blind, raised up the crip-
same example [given by the unbelieving Jews] of pled, and, whenobjected to by the religionists be-
disobedience." (Am. Start. Vet.) Hence Christians, cause of curing an infirm woman, he said: "Ought
(luring all the days they exercise faith and obedience not this woman,being a daughter of Abraham, whom
through Christ, are keeping sabbath, God’s sabbath Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed
or rest; and they do not esteem one day of a week from this bond on the sabbath day?" (Luke 13: 16)
above another. (Rom. 14:4-6) They must give dili- Thus Christ Jesus foreshadowed what wondrous
gence to hold their faith and to keep faithful in God’s works of deliverance and relief be will perform on
active service as His witnesses, lest they fall away the 1,000-year sabbath-day when he reigns as Lord,
and fail to enjoy complete rest with God during h~s raising even the dead from their graves. God made
:lay, whichis not yet over. or ordained that coming sabbath day for man, for
’° ~’inally, bear in mind that the law covenant with man’s benefit, and not for man’s oppression. Hence
the Jews set forth a "shadowof good things to come, the believing and obedient ones then on earth will
and not the very image Ior reality] of the things". enter into a rest from slaving toil and bondage of
(Iteb. 10: 1) Of what good things to come was the sin, the Devil, and totalitarian rule and religion. And
Jewish weekly sabbath a shadow ~ Being the seventh since God commandedbreakers of the sabbath day
day of a week, the weekly sabbath foreshadowed tile of the old law covenant to be killed, so those refusing
seventh period in man’s history during God’s rest day to keep the Kingdomsabbath by faith and obedience
-~ How long was God’s rest-day by the time of the apostle’s wrltlng?
ad how tm it then figured ou. that it will be T,000 yearB long?
and ceasing from their selfish works of sin and reli-
J How, then. are we to understand Paul’s words at Hebrews 4:1-117 41 For whom will that period be a glorious sabbath-day? snd who will
.~d, therefore, when and how do ChrLstlans keep sabbath? be Its Lord?
, Being the seventh day of the week, ~hat did the ~eekly sabbath 42. How did Jesu~ foreshadow what works he would do on that coming
re.qhadow? sabbath-day ? and how wHi sabbath-breakers then be dealt with?
gion will surely be executed by the Lord of the sab- could keep on resting all during this long sabbath
bath and be destroyed eternally.--Ex. 35:2. day. (Gen. 3: 15) And thus, by his kingdom under
,s Then, at the close of Jehovah’s rest-day or sab- Christ, all his earthly works will show forth Jeho-
bath of 7,000 years, his earthly creation and human- vah’s glorious handiwork and be for an eternal vin-
kind upon it will be perfect, clean, and fully enjoying dication of His name. His glorious purpose in his
His blessing, just as whenhe finished his work at the earthly creation will not have failed, and in this
end of the sixth creative day. Foreknowingthis, he triumph of vindication he will reach the end of his
43 ~¥ha~, then win be tl-e net result st the end of Jehovah’s
rest day, and wh~ will He reach it greatly refreshed?
great 7,000-year sabbath day greatly refreshed.


HOSE who are today the "men of good will" about and to report to Joshua. "And they went, and came into
T whom the angels sang about two thousand years ago
must be persons of faith, which faith is manifested
an harlot’s house, named Rahab, and lodged there." (Josh.
2: 1) God could have acted against Jericho, to be sure, with-
in works and a clear-cut course of action. To foreshadow out first sending the spies. But the people of that city had
such persons and their present-day course the Almighty heard of the Israelites and of the great things God had
God used some outstanding characters of olden time. Take, wrought for them; and now the opportunity was to be
for example, that woman Rahab of Jericho, and the mem- offered for the people of Jericho to display their attitude
bers of her family relationship. These played their parts toward GOdand his covenant-people Israel. Also, Jehovah
in one of God’s prophetic dramas for the special benefit of discerned a woman at Jericho who had faith and hope in
"men of good will" now on earth. this Jehovah, based on what she had heard he had done
The part played by Rahab emphasized the importance for the Israelites. So now the opportunity was given to her
of faith and obedience, and the results to her and her rela- to demonstrate her faith. When others of Jericho were
tions]lip show how faith counts today. The prophetic drama later destroyed, her faith and obedience counted to her
using them as actors was directed by Jehovah God, and this for salvation. The city of Jericho and its surroundings
is proof that sometime in the future the same must have showed that it pictured the present-day nations that com-
complete fulfillment. Now, after more than three thousand pose "Christendom" and that practice religion and that
years from then, the time has come for the fulfillment; and are therefore against Christianity.
as we look for things according to the pattern of Rahab The two men who went there as spies pictured Jehovah’s
and her household we see the fulfillment unfolding before witnesses, who are commissioned to investigate "Christen-
our eyes. Do not get offended, but Rahab conducted a har- dom" and to there declare the name and kingdom of God,
lot’s house. Yet the fact that Jehovah God used her to make and to do this just preceding the battle of the great day
this prophetic picture shows that one of low reputation of God Almighty.
may seek the Lord God and find him, and gain a place of Regardless of what religious leaders have said or may
safety and protection during the world-shattering tribula- say concerning those two spies at going to the house of a
tion of Armageddon, which is near at hand. harlot and lodging there, we may be absolutely sure that
At the time, the prophet Moses was a little over a month Jehovah sent them there to carry out His purposes There
dead, and God had put Joshua in command of the Israel- is no occasion to find fault with those two men. As to Rahab,
ites. The march of the Israelites through the wilderness for it appears that she was used in the picture to show that
forty years was about done, and the time had arrived when persons who are of less reputation than others, that is to
they must enter the land of promise, then known as "Ca- say, those who are of the commonpeople, are in a better
naan". Joshua’s name means "Jehovah will save". He was condition of mind and heart and have a greater desire for
a type of Jesus Christ, whose name means the same, Joshua righteousness than many of the higher-up, self-satisfied and
being the IIebrew and Jesus being the Greek way of pro- sanctimonious persons who practice religion. Jesus did not
nouncing the name. (See Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8, have a good reputation among the religionists of the Jews,
marginal readings.) The time of the beginning of the ful- but "the commonpeople heard him gladly". (Mark 12" 37)
fillment of this prophetic drama involving Joshua as well Many young women have been deceived by high religious
as Rahab is about A.D. 1918, as now fully appears from leaders and forced into a course of conduct that is ex-
the indisputable facts known to true Christians. At that tremely humiliating to them. Some young women have
time Christ Jesus, the Greater Joshua, fulfilled the proph- found themselves in that unfortunate position while having
ecy_ of Malachi 3: I concerning the Lord’s coming to the a great desire for righteousness; and such ones are much
spiritual temple. more susceptible to hearing the message of God’s kingdom
Jehovah God commanded Joshua to lead the host of than the men and women of high reputation among others.
Israel across the Jordan river, to the west of which Rahab’s Today the religionists, and particularly the leaders of the
home-city of Jericho lay. Before beginning the march to Roman Catholic system, the Hierarchy, deliberately at-
the Jordan Joshua sent two trusted men to spy out Jericho, tempt to besmirch the name and reputation of true Chris-
which city pictured the religious organizations that the tians. They do this in utter disregard of the message of the
Lord God has declared it his purpose to destroy at Arma- King Christ Jesus and his kingdom and the warning that
geddon. These two men went to Jericho to get information that message sounds to them concerning Armageddon.

Their action, however, in no wise hinders or reduces the Lord in making this agreement, and the Lord God had re-
force and power of that Kingdom message. Honest and spect for that agreement and saw that it was carried out.
sincere people will give heed to the message of truth ThenRahablet the mendownthe city wall by a scarlet line
when brought to them, regardless of the instrument that or rope; and their agreementwas that, after the Israelites
brings it. should "comeinto the land, thou shalt bind this line of
Rahab’s house was situated on the wall of the city of scarlet thread in the windowwhich thou didst let us down
Jericho, which fact appears to suggest that she was quite by: and thou shalt bring thy father, and thy mother, and
out of touch with the elite class of that city. Whenthe city thy brethren .... homeunto thee. And it shall be, that
should fall, her house would be in a very dangerous posi- whosoevershall go out of the doors of thy house into the
tion and only Almighty God could save her and her house- street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be
hold. Her condition is muchlike that of manypersons of guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house,
good-will (otherwise called "Jonadabs" after a man of his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him."
faith) at the present time. Only God’s provision can save (Josh. 2: 12-20) Howdearly this prophetic picture shows
these at Armageddon.The police officers of Jericho, at the that those who are true "men of good will" must fear God
instance of the big religious leaders, went to the house of and have faith in him, showingit by making a covenant to
Rahab for the purpose of taking into custody the two men do God’s will, and then faithfully obeying God’s com-
or strangers whohad entered there. Likewise today the re- mandments i
ligious leaders induce the official element of the land, the The line of scarlet thread by which the menescaped down
police or "strong-arm squad", to take Jehovah’s witnesses the wall, and which Rahab afterwards hung out of her
into custody, because they go about bringing into the pri- windowaa a signal, represented symbolically the shed blood
vate homes the testimony of God’s kingdom, and do so in of Christ Jesus, in which all persons must trust whoare
obedience to God’s commandments. saved to life eternal. Those whoare of the heavenly King-
Rahab showed her faith in God by hiding the men or domclass must rely upon the precious blood of ChmstJesus
spics and in later aiding them to escapc. IIad those two men as their means of gaining life. Likewise the "men of good
been found in her house, no doubt she would have been put will", or Jonadabs, must have faith and reliance upon the
to death for shielding a spy. But she believed that her sal- shed blood of Christ Jesus. They are represented as wash-
vation depended entirely upon the Almighty Godof Israel, ing their robes clean in it, thereby identifying themselves
and she acted accordingly. She refused to lend herself to as the servants of God; and then they must take their
the enemies of God; and in this she well pictured the peo- place on the side of Godand his kingdomand must faith-
ple of good-will of this time whoshield the Lord’s faithful fully remain there.--Rev. 7:14.
witnesses, and refuse to lend themselves and their power Under the terms of their agreement Rahab was required
to the misinstructed police. Today the Jonadabs or persons to bring the membersof her household into her home. That
of good-will see the righteous course of Jehovah’s witnesses, part of the picture shows that the Jonadabs, or "men of
and they put forth their best endeavors to aid such wit- good will", must be active in taking the message of the
nesses of the Lord, instead of yielding to the demandof Kingdomto others, that such others mayfind the place of
the clergy to do them injury. safety and refuge, namely, in Jehovah’s organization, be-
After the officers had left Rahab’s house and gone in fore the battle of Armageddon.Every memberof Rahab’s
search of the two men, Rahabwent to the roof of her house, household was required to remain in the house during the
where she had hid the men, to confer with them. "And be- siege of Jericho, and anyone whowent into the street dur-
fore they were laid do~’n, she came up unto them upon the ing the invasion or break-in of the Israelites wouldha~ e
roof; and she said unto the men, I knowthat the LORD hath no protection.
given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, This is exactly in harmonywith the requirements put up-
and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of on those whofled to the ancient cities of refuge misrael
you. For we have heard how the LORDdried up the water All such refugees must remain under the protection of the
of the Red sea for you, when ye came out of Egypt; and Lord God and his organization prior to and continuously
what ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites, that were up to and through the final tribulation upon the world at
on the other side Jordan, [kings] Sihon and Og, whomye Armageddon.If Rahab and those of her household obeyed
utterly destroyed. And as soon as we had heard these and were faithful to the requirements put upon her, their
things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any salvation was guaranteed when the city of Jericho fell
more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD This part of the picture marks the way for those who will
your God, he is Godin heaven above, and in earth beneath." survive Armageddon,showing that they must flee to the
--Josh. 2 : 8-11. Lord’s organization and put themselves under it and then
Note this fact: Rahab there acknowledged Jehovah God continually seek righteousness and meeknessand faithfully
as the SupremeOne. She believed that Jericho would fall, participate with the witnesses of Jehovah, giving tcstiraony
and she desired to be spared from that disaster and de. to the name and kingdom of Almighty GOd. The agreement
sired to be saved. Then Rahab and the two spies entered made on oath, and which was faithfully carried out by the
into a solemnagreement. She promised to keep secret their two men toward Rahab and her household, shows that the
mission and their presence, and to co-operate with them in relationship between the remnant of the heavenly King-
their work. For their part, the menpromised, in the name domclass and the Lord’s "other sheep" or Jonadabs must
of God, to protect Rahab and the membersof her household be mutually helpful. Theyat all times must look well to the
when the city fell. Those two men there represented the protection of one another and to safeguarding one another’s
interests as servants of the Lord. They must be real com- had demonstrated her faith in God and her obedience, and
panions and dwell together and work together in peace. the Lord rewarded her. (Jas. 2: 25) The Lord caused her
wPsalm 122. faith and obedience to be honorably mentioned long years
Within a short time after the two spies returned to afterward, to wit, as follows: "Byfaith the walls of Jericho
Joshua’s campacross the Jordan the passing of the Israel- fell down, after they were compassed about seven days.
ites over the river occurred and then the siege of Jericho By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that be-
began. On the seventh day of that siege, and at a given lieved not, when she had received the spies with peace."
signal by the marchingIsraelites, Jericho’s walls fell down --Heb. 11 : 30, 31.
fiat, and the only part of those walls that remained stand- Jericho’s miraculous destruction was a small-scale pic-
ing was where Rahab’s house was located. Joshua, as the ture of the approaching battle of Armageddon;hence the
representative of Jehovah, saw to it that the agreement timeliness of noting howRahab’s faith movedher to action
made by his two men with Rahab was faithfully kept and and" works downtill Jericho’s end. This prophetic drama
performed. He sent those same two men in and had them was made manycenturies ago and the record was preserved
bring out Rahab and all the members of her household for present usefulness. The meaning thereof is now made
alive. (Josh. 6:20-25) Rahab had faithfully kept her part knownfor the purpose of aiding and benefiting those on
of the agreement with the representatives of Joshua and earth who love and serve God and his King Christ Jesus,
the Lord God. She had gathered the membersof her family and particularly nowfor the guidance of all "men of good
into her house, where they remained as commanded. She will", who will inherit "peace on earth" after Armageddon
had kept the scarlet line han~ng out of the window. She to endless eternity.


4;4;~- GAVEthee a king in mine anger, and took him was not withholding His active force. He would grant suc-
cess to King Saul if that one would submit to the spirit’s
I away in mywrath." (Hos. 13: 11) Thus spake Jeho-
vah to Israel some three hundred years" after the guidance.~l Sam. 12:22-24; 9:21; 10:1, 9, 10.
coronation of their first king. His words sum up Saul’s Modestyagain crops out as a trait of Saul at the time
career as king. Anger and righteous indignation were be- of public notice of his kingship. Israel assembles before
coming at the outset, because in demanding a king the Jehovah in Mizpeh. Samuelscores them for their rejecuon
Israelites were rejecting Jehovah’s kingship over them. of the Lord as King. Then lots are cast to select the human
Jehovah made his dmpleasure knownby a strongly worded king. Saul is chosen. The people seek him to acclaim him,
warning of the miseries to come under the first human but he is not to be found. Jehovah discloses his hiding
king, and by miraculous thunderings and downpours dur- place: "He hath hid himself amongthe stuff." The excited
ing wheat harvest. But the self-willed Israelites were de- people run and fetch him thence, and set shy, bashful, back-
termined to ape the Devil-controlled heathen nations round ward Saul in their midst. As he stands awkwardly there,
about. They wanted a visible king to look up to and show head and shoulders above all others, the assemblage makes
off to the surrounding nations. Their eyes of faith were the air ring with the hailing shouts of "Godsave the king"’
too weakto discern and appreciate the great invisible King (Hebrew, "Let the king live.") Had they been of sober
of Eternity holding sway over them Theocratically. They frame of mind, they might have reflected that the very
started off their humankingship on the wrong foot, and name of the new king was a reminder of their sinful re-
forty years later were still out of step with the great Theo- quest, "Saul" meaning "asked for".~l Sam. 10: 17-25.
crat. At that time Jehovah in his wrath took awayIsrael’s As long as Saul stayed humble and meek and obedient,
first human king. Why? Jehovah’s spirit rested upon him. There was that cmsis
Certainly the king’s failure could not be because Jehovah that loomed up shortly in the form of an Ammoniteassault
palmed off on Israel any runt as ruler: "There was a man on Jabesh-gilead. Saul was following the plow when he
of Benjamin, whose name was Kish, . . . and he had a son, heard the tidings. The spirit of God came upon him, and
whose name was Saul, a choice young man, and a goodly: his anger boiled. He rallied the fearful Israelites and, man
and there was not amongthe children of Israel a goodlier early morning surprise attack, broke the siege. ManyAm-
person than he: from his shoulders and upward he was momtes were slain; those remaining were scattered. The
higher than any of the people." (1 Sam. 9" 1, 2) That for Israelites rejoiced, and gloated in their king, and con-
which Israel had clamored was for appearances’ sake; they firmed his kingship by a national assembly in Gilgal.
got the best to be had for this purpose. Even Samuel was (1 Samuel 11) But the heretofore meek farmer-king grew
impressed. (1 Sam. 16 : 7) Saul was anointed first by Sam- weary of humble obedience. Prominence and exaltation
uel in private, and on that occasion the young man made spoiled his spirit, and after two short years of reigning his
modest protestations as to his standing in Israel: "Amnot presumptuousness costs his house the kingdom. Madepan-
I a Benjamite, of the smallest of the tribes of Israel? and icky at the prospects of an overwhelmingPhilistine assault,
myfamily the least of all the families of the tribe of Ben-
and loathe to wait upon the Lord by awaiting the arrival
jamin?" Nevertheless, Jehovah had indicated him as His
choice, and the anointing took place. Thereafter the spirit of Samuelto offer sacrifice, Saul presumedto offer a burnt-
of the Lord came upon Saul. Though the setting up of a offering. His usurpation of the Levites’ duty as sacrificing
humanking was not according to Jehovah’s will, yet He priests draws Samuel’s condemning words upon his head:
15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWEtL 63

"Thou hast done foolishly: . . . now thy kingdomshall not dispatched messengers to lie in wait against the king-
continue."--I Sam. 13: 1-14. elect; but in it all Jehovah’s preserving spirit was w,th
Taken away in wrath! The reasons therefor steadily David. He made David a virtual outlaw in Israel, pursued
mount down through the remaining thirty-eight years of him, hunted him like a wild goat in the Judean wilderness
Saul’s reign. (Acts 13: 21) After one of his foolish decrees and rock?, lands. It was as though the king of Israel went
almost costs the life of his son Jonathan, he commitsa gross out to "seek a flea, as when one doth hunt a partridge m
sin. Samuelinstructs him to wipe out the hated Amalekites, the mountains". His blind, demon-inspired hatred of David
even to destroying their livestock. In the battle that en- even led him to a bloody slaughter of an entire city of
sued Jehovah gave the victory, to His people. But unde- priests of Jehovah, because they had shown favor to the
pendable King Saul rebelled against Theocratic instruc- outlawed anointed of God.--1 Sam. 18 : 10, 11, 17, 21, 25 ;
tions. Leaning on his ownreligious understanding and de- 19:1, 10, 11, 18; 20:33; 22:16-19; 26:20.
siring the approval of the people more than that of God, Certainly cause enough and more for him to be taken
the king spared the best of the livestock and took captive awayin wrath ! But that is not all. Whenthe Israelites un-
the Amalekite king, Agag. Righteously indignant Samuel der Joshua entered Canaan land they made a league with
calls him to account. Saul tries to shift the blame to the the Gibeonites. Those Gibeonites became associated with
people by saying they wanted the animals to sacrifice; but God’s nation as "strangers and sojourners", and worshiped
no such easy exit for the disobedient king! With feeling Jehovah. The Almighty God approved their presence, and
Samuel demanded: "Itath the LOaDas great delight in assigned themservice privileges in connection with the tem-
burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the ple. He fought miraculously for them. (Josh. 9: 15, 19-21,
LORD?Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to 27; 10: 1-11) Saul fought against them. l~Ioved by a zeal
hearken than the fat of rams. For rebeIlion is as the sin not according to God’s righteousness but springing from
of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. demon influence, Israel’s first human king launched a
Because thou hast rejected the word of.the LORD,he hath purge of the Semitic nation against those "strangers and so-
also rejected thee from being king."--I Sam. 15: 1-23. journers" from the Hamitic race. He did not maintain
Thrown on the defenswe, Saul answered: "I feared the their right. Another count against sinning Saul.--2 Sam.
people, and obeyed their voice." Howgreat the snare fear 21: 1-6; Mal. 3:5.
of man did bring for Saul! (1 Sam. 15:24; Prey. 29:25) But the full measure of his wickedness is filled in the
All Saul’s entreaties were to no avail. In rebellion he was final days of his life. The Philistines pitched themselve~in
like the cherub Lucifer, hence was practicing devil-worship, battle array against Israel, campingon the southern slopes
witchcraft. There was a tzme whenhe was little in his own of Little Hermon. Saul gathered Israel’s hosts on Mouut
sight; but that time was past and he was now idolizing Gilboa, to the south. The enemyhordes struck terror in h~s
his ownstubborn will. (1 Sam. 15: 17) Religious sacrifice faithless heart. He inquired of the Lord. No ~nswer. tie
he wouldgive; obedience, no. Thenceforth the king’s down- turned to the demons. Years previous he had ~leansed the
grade plunge into demonismgreatly accelerated. land of spirit mediums. But how he had backslid! Hearing
Following this final rejection of Saul the prophet Samuel of a witch operating on the northern side of Little Hermon,
was sent to anoint the shepherd lad David as king-elect. he disguised himself and at night skirted the Philistine
Fromthat tzme the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, encampmentand paid his famous visit to the witch of En-
and the way was open for the demonsto take complete pos- dor. The seance brought him little comfort. The demon
session of the unprotected king. That such evil spirits or that impersonated Samuel gave no aid, but left the v,~t~m
demonsdid thereafter dominate and drive into spasms of in an unnerved and collapsed state. After his revival and
violent and uncontrollable insamty is proved by Saul’s return, the end hastened. The Philistines swept up the
subsequent acts. He becamea creature of moods, at times slopes of Mount Gilboa and crushed the Israelite forces
silent and morose, sunk in the depths of despair; then, Saul himself wrote finis to the career of Israel’s first kin~
again, his despondency would leave him and Ins spimts by committing suicide, falling upon his own sword.
would revive. (1 Sam. 16: 14, 23) The demonsdrove tnm Thoughthe Philistines first committedgruesomeindlgmties
openly fight against God. In his brooding heart a great against his body, Saul’s remains were finally buried in the
envy and jealousy smoldered against the God-approved sepulcher of his father Kish, in Zelah.--1 Sam. 28:3-25,
David. He could clearly see that God’s spirit had left him, 31 : 1-13; 2 Sam.21 : 14.
and that it nowrested upon David. Also Israel saw zt, and "So Saul died for his transgression which he committed
Saul’s resentment waxedhotter.--1 Sam. 18.5-9. against the LORD,even against the word of the LoaD,which
Suddenly his smoldering hatred burst into flaming fury, he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a
as in a rage he sought to pin the shepherd lad to the wall
familiar spirit, to enquire of it." (1 Chron. 10- 13) Saul
with a javelin. He tried it again. He treed to induce his
son Jonathan to smite David, and, in a fit of madness, en- well pictures the religious clergy of today, the "man of
deavored to run his javelin through his own son, because sin", the "son of perdition", which includes the "evil serv-
of the latter’s Iove for David. He sent David on dangerous ant" class. For the same reasons as was Israel’s first king,
missions against the Philistines, hoping for his death; he these too will be taken away in Jehovah’s wrath.

The upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall re-
main in It. But the w=cked shall be cut off from the land, and the
treacherousshall be rootedout of it.--Proverbs2 : 21, 22, A.S.V.

S UNDAY and Monday, January 21 and 22, friends

and relatives of Gilead students and former graduates
began to arrive at Gilead from many parts of the
reasonable service or their spiritual worship to the living
God, Jehovah. They were counseled not to conform them-
selves to the standards of this dying old world but to set
country, such as Colorado, Virginia and NewEngland. their minds in renovation on matters of the glorious new
Telegrams,special deliveries and airmail letters from others world of righteousness.
who could not personally arrange to attend began to pour At the close of the hour’s discourse further warmcounsel
into Gilead from such widely separated places as New was rendered by Brother Knorr explaining the purpose of
Haven, Conn., Charlotte, N.C., Corpus Christi, Texas, the students’ having cometo Gilead for advanced training
Baltimore, Md., Perth Amboy, N.J., and Juneau and and that now they were prepared to undertake the minis-
Kctchikan, Alaska. For what reason were so manytraveling terial work in foreign lands, where conditions would not
to Gilead in the dead of winter? What was the burden be as favorable as in this land. The college’s president then
of the many special messages that prompted such urgency? proceeded to pass out the diplomas to all those who had
Why, Monday, January 22, 1945, was graduation day for graduated with merit. Student after student passed up
the fourth college class at the WatchtowerBible College to the podium upon the hearing of his name to receive
of Gilead. Another group of ordained ministers was to his diploma and other gifts arranged by the Society for
be congratulated for their meritorious study in the Theo- presentation. Ninety-three diplomas were granted, the
cratic ministry. largest numberever issued by the college to any one class.
Someof the telegrams received read as follows: "Fellow The fourth college class had matriculated August 28,
reconstructors. This graduation day we petition Jehovah’s 1944, with an enrollment of 100 students, one of whomhad
rich favor and blessing upon all. United with you in spirit eome from Mexico city, and two of whomwere colored
and purpose discipling all nations as his active force directs girls, natural sisters, in fact. Later it was necessary for
reconstructing of true worship." "Theocratic love and three students to return to the pioneer field, but 97 remained
greetings to fourth-term graduates." ’%Verejoice to see to complete the 21-week course of advanced ministerial
another class graduate, swelling the ranks of the ones who study. Of the 97 who finished the course 93 reached the
will have the wonderful privilege of going to someforeign standard of merit, thus being eligible for a diploma. The
country with the message that ’the Kingdomis at hand’." student from Mexicocity, in spite of his hand~eapin not
"Greetings to our companionsof Gilead. Our thoughts and knowing much English at the commencement,was able to
prayers are with you on your graduation day." "May complete the eourse and receive a diploma. Whenthis
Jehovah’s active force continue to go with you as you go minister of the gospel obtained his diploma from the hand
forth unitedly with us in diseipling all nations." "Need of the Society’s president he received the largest ovation
for free education great. With you in your endeavor to from all those in attendance.
further ’disciple nations’." Thus is evidenced that the bond After all the diplomas had been issued a memberof the
of love, Theocratic devotion and companionship has grown student body stood up and offered an excellent resolution
up and binds together all those who have been privileged on behalf of the entire class, expressing their appreciation
to pass through the portals of Gilead during the past four and gratitude to Jehovah and to the Society for the wonder-
school terms. ful privilege of having attended the college. Furthermore
Sharply at 9:30 a.m. the graduation exercises were the resolution expressed their determination to press on in
opened by the president of the college, N. H. Knorr, after the glorious work of ’discipling all nations’ in whatever
a song had been sung and a prayer offered to the Great territory the Society would assign them. This resolution
Teacher and Educator, Jehovah God. "The day long looked was unanimously adopted by the student body. A song and
forward to has finally come," were the opening words of prayer then closed the graduatmn exercise, it hawngbeen
the premdent. He then requested his secretary to read a a period of deep and rich spiritual counsel and, on the
series of letters and telegrams that had been addressed to whole, a very movingand touching affair. This was attested
the gathering. Next Brother Knorr introduced each of the to by the manyvisitors who attended.
four college instructors, whogave a final farewell word of Mondayevening another session was held, at which
counsel to the student body of 97 seated in the center of visitors, schoolmates and members of thc farm family
the auditorium. The farm servant of KingdomFarms also attended. Onthis occasion manyof the students volunteered
addressed the assembly, giving his expression of apprecia- expressions of their appreciation, and related experiences
tion in having had such a splendid group in residence for of class and field activities. This was a mostprofitable eve-
the school term who co-operated closely in doing many ning spent to the spiritual encouragementof all in attend-
of the domestic duties about the college and farm. ance. Thereafter the president spoke for half an hour out-
By ten o’clock over three hundred had assembled ready lining the prospects of the work in the immediate future
to hear the principal talk for the graduation exercise in the foreign field. Thus, after a brief prayer, the events
delivered by the president, Brother Knorr. The address was of graduation day, Monday, January 22, 1945, for the
entitled "Your Reasonable Service". It was a stirring fourth clam were brought to a close. It will be a day that
presentation very fitting to the occasion. The address was will live long in the memoriesof those students, as all of
based on Romans12: 1, 2, wherein the students, and indeed them hold their Gilead college days very dear to their
the whole audience, were appealed to to present their hearts. They have our prayers.
- Ezekiel

Vor= LXVI S~’~r~oz~rzz’Lr No. 5

MARCHI, 1945

ZEAL........................................ 76
SUSSCR~P’rmZ¢ BLANK ........
"WATCHTOWER" ........................
......................... 66
117 Adams St.reef
o -
Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
0 FVrt"L’RS
HIS journal Is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah’God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
W.E. VAN AMBURGH, Secretary designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-wilL
N. H. KNORR, Presldent It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
~reat shall be the peace of thy chddren." - Isaiah 54:I..¢. of public instruction in the Scripture~
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parlor.s, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and hm active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah;
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNI’/T.D STaTsa, $1.00; all other countries, $1,50. Aulericen currency;
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the lances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
right to life; Draft. Brltlah. South African and Australaelan remittances should
be made direct to the rtspectlve branch nieces. Remlttance~ from
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive office, but by lntec~m~/o~g/ Postal Money Order only.
prlee for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus FOaEION OrFxegs
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature
and above every creature’s name and clothed hem with all power British 34 Craven Terrace. London. W. 2. EnKland
and authority; &ustrala#ia~ ..... 7 Beresfoed Road. Strathfleld. N. S. W.. Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONIs a Theocracy called South &1titan Boston House Cape Town. South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the Indlan 16T Love Lane, Bombay 27. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Translations of this Journal appear ia several lauguage~
purposes toward mankind as expressed m the Bible, and to bear
the frmts of the Kingdom before all who will hear;
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
may have The Watchtower free upon written applWatlon to the pubhshe,s.
Jesus Chmst has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of made once each year. stating the rea~on for so re~luestlng it ~,~,e are
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to lad to thus aid the needy, but the wrttten application once each )ear
the establishment of the "new earth" of the New World;
~s required by the postal regulations.

THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can ivottce to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, scrlption will be sent only when requested Change of .drlres.~. when
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which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank (carrying notice of expirationl will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s orgamzatlon and the complete establish- Journal one month before the subscription expires.
ment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the Kingdom Printed In the United States of America
the people of good-will that survive Armageddon shall carry Entered ns second-claJs matter at the post o~ce at Brooklvn, iV. Y.,
out the divine mandate to "fill the earth" w~th a mghteous race. under the Act ol Ma~ch ,% 1879.

"UNITED KINGDOM ANNOUNCERS" TESTIMONY PERIOD tmn of your Watchtower from the time of expiration, and with-
The four-month-long TVutchto~ver campaign ends with this out delay. It will also be a great help if you s~gn your name um-
"Umted Kingdom Announcels" Testimony Period during the formly, and note any recent change of address, on the renewal shp.
entire month of April. It should crown with trmmph the objectives "WATCHTOWER ~ STUDIES
of the campaign. By the maintenance of umted aehvlty of all Week of April 1: ’~he King’s Purge Against Rehgmn,"
Kingdom announcers, under Jehovah’s blessing, ~t w~ll do so.
Keep to the fore always, therefore, the campaign offer, to wit, 1-19 reclusive, The Wat~h~o~er March 1, 1945.
Week of April 8: "The King’s Purge Against Rehg~on,"
a year’s ~ubscnptlon for The Watchtower together w~th the free
book "The Kingdom Is at Hand" and the free booklet O,e World, ¶ 20-41 mclus~ve, The Watchtower March 1, 1945.
O~,e Government, at the speeml rate of $1.00. Wewant our regular MEMORIAL CELEBRATION
Watchtower readers to know that a share m thLs campaign is open The hme to celebrate the Memorial thLs year is after 6 p.m.,
to them, and Lf they will wrRe m to us expressing their desire Standard Time, on Wednesday, March 28. At an agreed hour, let
we shall take pleasure in putting them in touch with an organized each company assemble on that mght, and the anointed ones there-
company wath whomto co-operate. Each one should also make out of partake of the emblems, their compamons the "other sheep"
his report of act~wt~es, that such may be included m the being present as observers. Before the Memorial emblems are par-
eorfipiFatl-on of the general results throughout the land for this taken of, let a competent brother dehver a brief d~scourse extempo-
blessed campaign. raneously or read paragraphs selected from past Wa¢ch~ower
articles on the Memorial to those assembled. Since the breaking of
USE RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTION BLANK bread and drivlrlng of wine both symbolize the death in which
The blank sent you one month before expiration of your Christ’s body-members share, both the bread and the wine should
Watchtower subscription should be Called out and returned to the be served together at partakang, the bread being unleavened and
Brooklyn o¢8ce or to the Branch ofl~ce m the country where you the wine red. Must certainly Jesus and his disciples used red wane
reside. Servants in the compames, and individuals, when sending to correspond with his blood poured out in death, and we should
in renewals for The Watchtower, should always use these blanks. harmoraze with them. Let all companies or groups report their
By filling in these renewal blanks you are assured of the eontinua- celebration, showing both the total attendance and partakers.
VOL. LX}"I M~a~c~1, 1945 No. 5


"And if any one thinketh that he worshippeth God [ministers to Ood],and doth not restrain his tongue,
but hzs heart deceiveth him; ]~is worship [ministry] is vain. For the worship [ministry] that is pure and
holy be/ore Godthe Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and the widows in their a~iction, and that one
keep himself u~zspotted from the world."--Jas. 1:26, 27, Murdock; Lamsa; Luther.
~’]’EHOVAHhas strengthened" is the meaning to guide truth-seekers to the correct answer is found
of the name "Hezekiah" or "Hizldjahu". The in this: That the ancient king whose name means
J one king who bore that name was a whole-
hearted worshiper of the true and living God, whose
"’Jehovah has strengthened" became, by his un-
compromisingcourse of action, the foremost witness
name is "Jehovah". The only true God is against of Jehovah of those critical days.
all religion; and the king’s name, Hezekiah, proved WhenHezekiah came to the throne of the little
to be prophetic of him in his ldngly deeds, for Jeho- kingdom of Judah, midway between Egypt and
vah strengthened Hezekiah to clear out religion Assyria, religion was in dominancein all tile earth,
from the kingdom of Judah. In all the Idngdomthere as fully so as in A.D. 1914. Religion was confined
was not a more courageous and aggressive foe not just to Egypt and Assyria, but on Judah’s
against religion, which religion is the curse of any northern border was the neighbor kingdom of
kingdom or government Let all religionists object Israel, composedof brother tribes to Judah, and it
now to this declaration, just as their forefathers had gone over to religion, which is demonism. Con-
did twenty-six centuries ago; but the facts of the sequently that apostate kingdom was near to ruin
reign of Hezekiah, ldng of Judah, prove the truth and Hezeldah was soon due to see it destroyed by
of this. The facts also show the benefit to a people Assyria. On the west border of Judah was the nation
and nation of getting rid of the accursed thing, of the Philistines, never anything but religionists,
religion. worshipers of demongods. Yet there was religious
There is no king on earth today, not even in pressure still closer to home than all such demon-
so-called "Christendom", that has the fearlessness worshiping neighbors, for even the throne of the
and conviction of heart to take the course that kingdom of Judah had gone over to indulging in
Hezekiah did. As a result all of "Christendom" and religion. Yes, Hezekiah’s own father had forsaken
her ninny peoples continue eating the bitter fruits of the worship of Jehovah God and had corrupted the
the practice of religion. Their kings fight against entire kingdomby enforcing religion upon it, religion
Jehovah God and hence do not have His bacldng. of the basest kind. The effects of this were ruinous
But there is one king in the universe whomJehovah to the nation, as the candid facts of Bible history
has strengthened to defy rulers and peoples and to show.
take righteous action against religion. That king of ’ The little independent kingdomof Judah lost the
Jehovah was in fact prefigured by King Hezekiah. strength which comes from the true worship of the
This means that Hezekiah’s antireligious action fore- Most High God. It became the ball to be batted
shadowed like action by Jehovah’s mighty King in around by the religious foes, north, west, and south.
these days. Whoare the people that today enjoy the There was nothing that could save it from being
benefits of such a purge? The investigation reveals swallowed up whole by the great contending worhl-
there is one such people. They are a lone people, com- powers except one thing, and that was, the clean
paratively few in number. Ask the religionists who abandonmentof religion and the return to the pure
they are ; for this outstanding people draw the fire of worship of the Lord God. The choice lay between
all the religionists and their religious gods. A clue religion with destruction and Jehovah’s worship
with national salvation. This fact is of the highest
1 How did Hezekiah’,. name prove to he prophetic of his kingly deeds?
,*~ What klnu in "Christendom o, elsewhere ha~ the coura eous 3. At YIelekiah’a coming to the throne, to what extent was religion
con\’~ctmn to take the actmn hke Hezekiah’s? Ib)What people goeday in dominance tn all ~the earth
eojo~ the benefit of his purge against religion, and how may we determine 4. What w~s the only thing to save the kingdom of Judah~ and why
their tdentity? must ~
indtviduala today consider this important fact and act wisely
importance to notice. The nations of "Christendom" Thus Hezekiah, a successor also of Solomon. sat
are unchangeably committed to their ways, and are upon the throne of Jehovah as tile visible repre-
too far gone to take this truthful fact to heart and sentative on earth of the Most High God. He reigned
amend their course. Their destruction at Arma- by the grace of God, a thing which the religious
geddonis clearly in sight. It is left for individuals kings of "Christendom" claim to do, but without
among such doomed religionized nations to take Scriptural foundation. Hezekiah was anointed ldng
heed to this fact and to take personal action, with by God’s high priest in Israel. He reigned at the
the wisdomof King Hezekiah. Then they will receive city where Jehovah had chosen to put his name by
personal benefit, regardless of what befalls the having his temple located there.
nations. Henceeach individual, feeling responsibility ’ To Hezekiah on his throne this commandmentof
personally for his own destiny, will consider the Jehovah applied: "And it shall be, when [the king]
written record of Hezeldah’s decisive course, mind- sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom,that he shall
ful of this divine statement concerning Hezeldah’s write him a copy of this law in a book out of that
nation: "Nowall these things happened unto them which is before the priests the Levites: and it shall
for ensamples : and they are written for our admoni- be with him, and he shall read therein all the days
tion, upon whomthe ends of the world are come." of his life: that lie maylearn to fear the LoRo[Jeho-
--1 Cor. 10: 11, 6. vah] his God, to keep all the words of this law and
The inspired record of Chronicles was, for con- these statutes, to do them: that his heart be not
venience, divided into two parts, namely, First lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not
Chronicles and Second Chronicles, and was written aside from the commandment,to the right hand, or
in completeness after the independent Theocratic to the left: to the end that he mayprolong his day-
kingdom of the Israelites had been overthrown. in his kingdom,he, and his children, in the midst of
Being written from the standpoint of what the influ- Israel." (Deut. 17: 18-20) Such law of command-
ence and value of Jehovah’s worship was respecting meats which the ldng must study and by which he
the nation, the Chronicles account surveys and gives must himself be governed was the law of God’s
us the proved facts concerning the disastrous effects covenant made with Israel through the prophet
of religion upon a most highly favored nation. Hence Moses. For all these reasons Hezekiah’s kingdo,n
tile record about Hezekiah’s acts in behalf of Jeho- was a typical Theocracy; that is, it was a visibh,
vah’s worship and his acts against demonism or government subject to Jehovah God as the real
religion is found in greatest detail in 2 Chronicles, King, and in such government the visible king on
chapters 29-32. A corresponding record is found at tile throne at Jerusalem must execute the law of
2 Kings, chapters 18-20, but with less detail and less The Theocrat, Jehovah.
emphasis on Hezekiah’s reconstructive work towa,’d THE GREATER HEZEKIAH
Jehovah’s worship. In the days of this faithful king
the outstanding prophets of Jehovah were Hosea, ’ In such relationship to the great Theocratic
Isaiah and Micail, and doubtless these three had a Ruler, Jehovah, King Hezekiah pictured or pre-
great bearing upon the course chosen by the king. figured Jehovah’s anointed King, namely, Christ
The reign of Hezekiah, king of Judah, is therefore Jesus. Hezekiah’s ldngdom was typical, and years
a marked period deserving of our earnest study, after his death it passed away. Christ Jesus’ king-
because it cast shadowsthat are prophetic of history dora is the real Theocratic Government, and its
that is made in our times. duration is as eternal and imperishable as is its
"Hezetdah began to reign when he was five and King, who is immortal, having the "power of an
twenty years old, and he reigned rune and twenty endless life". "Of the increase of his government
years in Jernsalem. And his mother’s name was and peace there shall be no end." (Isa. 9: 6, 7) Hence
Abijah, the daughter of Zechariah. And he did that Hezekiah’s coming to the throne of the typical king-
domin 745 B.C. pictured Christ Jesus’ being installed
which was right in the sight of the LonD, according in the throne of the heavenly Theocratic Govern-
to all that David his father had done." So reads ment by Jehovah A.D. 1914. (See the proof of this
2 Chronicles 29: 1, 2. Hezeldah was a descendant of
King David, the first king out of the tribe of Judah; date ia the book "The Kingdom Is at Hand".) As at
and David, when reigning at Jerusalem, was said Hezekiah’s comingto power the religious rule of his
predecessor Ahaz ended, so in 1914 the lease of
to be ’sitting upon the throne of Jehovah’. His son
Solomon "sat on the throne of Jehovah as king power of the Gentile nations to rule tile earth,
instead of David his father, and prospered; and all particularly through religious "Christendom", ran
Israel obeyed him". (1 Chron. 29: 23, Am. Stan. Ver.) out. Those "times of the Gentiles" Jehovah had
7. What commandment as to law atudv applied to the klng~ and why
5 From what standpoint were the Chronicles written? and why is wu llezekiah’s kingdom a typical Theocracy
Hezekiah’s reign a marked period deserving of our study? 8. What"~did Hezsklah’n coming to the throne in 745 B C. picture,
6. In what special capacity did Hezekiah reign, and why? and why

permitted for 2,520 years, during tlle last fifteen promptly began the "war in heaven" against the
centuries of which the nations of "Christendom" had hosts of religion up there, namely, Satan the Devil
pretended to rule by the grace of God. With the end- and all his demon angels. These he cast clear out
ing of such Gentile times in 1914, the time came for of the heavenly heights and down to the vicinity of
Jehovah to put his real Theocratic Government in this earth. (Rev. 12: 1-12) Therefore it is here
action by Christ Jesus. Jehovah’s time came for him, the earth that religion and everybody and every-
by His kingdom, to clear his name against the thing connected with it must yet be dealt with finally
nations which had blasphemously laid claim to his by Jehovah’s King Christ Jesus. Those Christian
name and which had grossly misrepresented him saints who have been raised from the dead to a
toward their subjects. heavenly union with Christ Jesus since the estab-
s Since Hezekiah foreshadowed Christ Jesus as lishment of Jehovah’s kingdom do not have to con-
King, then the acts of Hezekiah during his reign tend with religion and its forces up there, as the
would set a pattern of what Christians might expect holy angels were obliged to do since Satan rebelled
Christ Jesus to do whenhe is enthroned and receives at the garden of Eden. (Job 1: 6-12; 2: 1-7) But the
authority and the colnmand to rule in the midst of consecrated followers of Christ Jesus yet alive on
his enemies. (Ps. 110: 1, 2; Rev. 12: 10) It is marvel- this earth as Jehovah’s witnesses, these do have to
ous to see the agreement and correspondency of the contend with religion’s hosts. But Christ Jesus, their
facts since 1914 with what facts are recorded con- reigning King, is with them and their companions,
cerning King Itezekiah. This stands as further con- and leads them in the conflict between God’s truth
vincing proof that "’the kingdomof Godi.s nigh at and worship and the opposers thereof, error and
hand" and that his King Christ Jesus reigns in the religion.
Theocratic Government. Therefore we cannot afford TEMPLE REOPENED
to close our eyes to such corresponding facts, for ’~ Today"Christendom" is faced with the necessity
they vindicate Jehovah’s infallible Word and his of a postwar global arrangement. Her nations are
Kingdom purpose. paving great deference to religion and its leading
’° Hezekiah’s course was a sudden, swift about- representatives, particularly those representing the
face from that of his father and predecessor Ahaz. religious-totalitarian Vatican City. After the Dum-
[t wa.~ a course in harmon)" with that of the ’man barton Oaks Conference of 1944, near Washington,
after God’s ownheart’, King David; and hence Heze- D.C., which drew up a suggestion for world organ-
kiah is spoken of rather as the son of David than ization, the United States Department of State
as of King Ahaz. The account concerning Hezekiah, invited the RomanCatholic Hierarchy in America
as briefly given at 2 Kings 18:3-6, says: "And he and other religionists to commentupon the suggested
did that which was right in the eyes of Jehovah, plan. A convocation of RomanCatholic archbishops
according to all that David lds father had done. He and bishops meeting at the nation’s capital have
removed the high places, and brake the pillars, and done so and published their comment and recom-
cut down the Asherah: and he brake in pieces the mendations. We ask, Was this according to the
brazen serpent that Moseshad made; for unto those pleasure of the Greater Hezekiah, Christ Jesus tlle
days the children of Israel did burn incense to it; King? For an answer, it is only necessary to note
and he called it Nehushtan [not Nalm.~h, meaning that when Hezekiah ascended the throne of Judah
’serpent’, but Nehusl+tan,meaning’a piece of brass’]. he threw out religion. He knew religion for wllat
He trusted in Jehovah, the God of Israel: so that it was. Grieved at the reproach it had brought upon
after him was none like him amongall the kings of Jehovah’s name and the deadly damage it had done
Judah, nor among them that were before him. For to His typical Theocratic organization in Israel,
he clave to Jehovah; he departed not from following Hezekiah took steps to purge it out from among
him, but kept his commandments, which Jehovah God’s covenant people. In the very first year of his
commandedMoses."--A~;t. Sia~+. Vet. reign he did that which distinguished his reign and
’"Hezekiah’s speedy action against those entice- which showed his likeness to Christ Jesus, regard-
ments of religion and his enforcement of the com- ing whomit was prophesied : "The zeal of thine house
mandments of Jehovah God remind us of Christ hath eaten me up."--Ps. 69: 9.
Jesus. As soon as he was brought forth in 1914 as ,s Relative to Hezekiah the Bible says: "He in the
the Theocratic King to act for Jehovah, he at once first year of his reign, in the first month,openedthe
moved against the organization of religion. He doors of the house of the LORD[Jehovah], and
9, Of ~hat, then, do Hesel~lah’s acts set a pattern? and how is further repaired them." (2 Chron. 29: 3) This is not saying
proof thus provided that "the kingdom of God Is nigh at hand"?
10 According to the record of 2 Kings, what course did Hezekiah 12. Howdoes "Christendom" in planning for the postwar world differ
adopt from the start of his re|gn? from Hezekiah in his course?
II. Of what does Hezekiah’s prompt action remind us ~ and who must 13 When dnrtnlt his reign did Hezekiah open the doors of the Lord’s
now contend against the presence of religion s ho~ts? house?
70 BP.oOg.LYZ%
N. Y.
that Hezekiah was made ldng in the first month of authority to rule as King in the heavenly Zion,
the year. As ordained by. Jehovah God through namely, three and a half years from the fall of 1914,
Moses, the year of God’s covenant-people began with or in 1918. Just as King Hezekiah began his temple
the month Nisan, which, roughly, corresponds with activities in the spring of the year, in the first
our month of April. (Ex. 12: 1, 2; Deut. 16: 1) The month of God’s appointed year, so was the coming
first occurrence of the month of Nisan after of the Greater Hezekiah, Christ Jesus, to the spirit-
Hezekiah’s becoming king was when he began to do ual temple of God in the spring of 1918. The facts
this notable thing. In fact, a comparison of the time bear this out.
given in Chronicles with that in 2 Kings, chapters ~’ But why was there need for Hezeldah to open
16-18, indicates that King Hezekiah reigned two the doors of the house of Jehovah Godand to repair
years jointly with his father King Ahaz. (See the them? It was because of the damaging effects and
chart on page 174 of "The Kingdom Is at Hand".) intolerant aggressions of religion against the true
Whether this two-year regency of Hezeldah was worship, the prescribed service of the living God,
because King Ahaz was set aside by the interference Jehovah. When Hezeldah became king, there was
of the king of Assyria, the Bible does not say. How- need of a great reconstruction work throughout all
ever that be, the fact is clear that there was a period the realm of the Idngdom, owing to the inroads and
of time between Hezekiah’s becoming ldng and his desolations that religion had madein the land. The
comingto the temple work in the early spring-monfll Theocratic law which should have governed and
of Nisan. Also, his entire reign being twenty-nine controlled the action of the preceding ldng, Ahaz,
years long, it was early in his reign, suddenly, with was disobeyed and Ahaz turned from Jehovah’s
a priority ahead of the economicor military affairs worship and law and commandments and sold him-
of the nation, that he came to Jehovah’s temple at self to religion. He yielded himself to the wicked
Jerusalem. demons under Satan in order to break up Jehovah’s
~’ This significant action of Hezeldah’s reign fore- Theocratic organization from within and to put
shadowed an event that was also later foretold by down His worship therein. Hence Allaz shut the
the prophet Malachi, saying : "Ye have wearied Jeho- doors of the temple at Jerusalem. Listen to the
vah with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we record of the religious zeal of King Ahaz:
wearied him? In that ye say, Every one that doeth ""For he walked in the ways of the ldngs of
evil is good in the sight of Jehovah, and he delight- [apostate] Israel, and madealso molten images for
eth in tllem; or where is the Godof justice? Behold, Baatim. Moreover he burnt incense in the valley of
I send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way the son of Hinnom, and burnt his children in the
before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, will fire, after the abominations of the heathen whomthe
suddenly come to his temple; and the messenger of LoaD[Jehovah] had cast out before the children of
the covenant, whomye desire, behold, he cometh, Israel. He sacrificed also and burnt incense in the
saith Jehovah of hosts. But who can abide the day high places, and on the hills, and under every green
of his coming? and who shall stand when he tree." Whenthe enemies of the kingdom of Judah
appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like tried to crash in this independent nation, the rival
fullers’ soap : and he will sit as a refiner andpurifier." kingdom of Israel from the north, and Syria from
(Mal. 2:17 ; 3: 1-3, Am. Start. Vet.) Nineteen hundred the northeast, the Philistines from the west, and the
years ago whenChrist Jesus came to the temple after Edomites from the southeast, then King Ahaz
his tumultuous ride into Jerusalem and cast out the showedthe effect of religion upon him. He displayed
money-changers and business racketeers from the worldhness; he indulged in spiritual adultery on a
temple, that was only a miniature fulfilhnent of national scale by seeking to buy help from the
Malachi’s prophecy. Christ ,Jesus was not then reign- political world-power, Assyria. He souglLt such
ing as King, as Hezekiah was when Hezeldah came mercenary worldly help at the expense of Jellovah’s
temple; but it only put his country in a position
to the temple and took the situation in hand there. like that of the recent puppet states of Nazi Ger-
Hence the complete and final fulfillment must be
after Christ Jesus becomes acting King for Jeho- many’s dictator. He was hurt more than helped.
vah A.D. 1914. At Jesus’ first coming, his entry into --2 Chron. 28: 1-21.
the temple and clearing out the undesirables was "The record of religion’s ruinous effects upon a
three and a half years after his baptism and his nation says concerning Ahaz: "And in the time of
anointing with the spirit of God. Correspondingly, his distress did he trespass yet more against the
his comingto the work of the great spiritual temple 15 Why was there need for Hezekiah to open the temple doorl and
repair them ?
of God was that much time after his being given 16. %Vhat does 2 ~Chronicles say cuncernlng King Ahaz’ religious zeal
and to what eourZe did |t lead him during the national emergency*
14 In what language did Mamchi foretell the an~ltype of what 17. What does 2 Chronicles say regarding the effect of Ahaa’ religioUS
Hezekiah thua did? and now do we figure out the time of the final praettees~ and hem~ what did Hez~lah see the need of on ascending
fulfillment of blalaehi’s prophee} ~ the throne?
LORD[Jehovah]: this is that king Ahaz. For he congregations were offering up their loved sons to
sacrificed unto the gods of Damascus, which smote the "god of this world" and were immolating them
him: and he said, Because the gods of the kings of upon the fires of the god Mars as well as teaching
Syria help them, therefore will I sacrifice to them, the fiery doctrines of "purgatory" and a red-hot hell.
that they may help me. But they were TEE RUIN Every religionist had his own idea of God and
OF HI~, ANDOF ,,.L ISRAEL And Ahaz gathered thought and worshiped accordingly. Spiritual forni-
together the vessels of the house of God, and cut cation or illicit relationship with this world was
in pieces the vessels of the house of God, and SHUT everywhere practiced. The clergy of all denomina-
uP THEDOORS OF THEHOUSE OF THELORD[Jehovah], tions were flirting with a proposed League of
and he madehim altars in ever), corner of Jerusalem. Nations for the commonsecurity of the different
And in ever), several city of Judah he made high styles of political governments of this world. All
places to burn incense unto other gods, and provoked the nations and religious organizations were against
to anger the LORDGod of his fathers." (2 Chron. Jehovah God and his kingdom and worship, much
28: 22-25) That was the state of the nation when the same as they are against these in this year
Ahaz quit. And that was what Hezekiah had to face of 1945.
on ascending the throne of the typical Theocracy. ’° Backin 1918 the nations scattered and restrained
He at once saw the need of a nation-wide recon- those who, like the priests and Levites belonging to
structive work. It must be done in regard to the the temple at Jerusalem, were trying to lead in the
things which religion or devilism had torn down carrying on of Jehovah’s worship. The ruling powers
among Jehovah God’s covenant people. of "Christendom" shut up the doors of His vimble
’STile young king, doubtless tutored to some organization in the endeavor to shut downand close
extent by the prophets Hosea, Isaiah and Micah, saw out the heavenly Father’s business, the proclama-
that the basis of all true reconstruction work of an tion of the good news of Jehovah’s kingdom by
enduring kind for the people is the restoration and Christ Jesus. The ruling powers carried on as if
cultivation of the worslfip of Jehovah God. Hezekiah making raids on Jehovah’s temple for what treasures
was well familiar with the psalmist’s faithful say- they could seize. They mutilated the appearance of
ing, if he was not himself the composerof the saying: the "temple" class and thrust upon them a lot of
"Blessed is the nation whose God is Jehovah, the unclean rubbish to make it inconvenient for Jeho-
people whomhe lmth chosen for his owninheritance. vah’s servants and to crowd his service out of their
There is no king saved by the multitude of a host: lives. Also the "evil servant" class who professed
. . . Our soul hath waited for Jehovah: he is our God’s worship made alliance with the worldly powers
help and our shield." (Ps. 33: 12,16, 20, Am. Stan. for self-protection and conspired against those w]m
Vet.) Hezekiah appreciated that ’putting the ldng- were seeking to be Jehovah’s servants and trying to
dora’s interests first’ meant the faithful carrying worship him and do his witness work. The inefface-
on of the worship of Jehovah by keeping covenant able records of 1918 show what the conspiracy of
with Him. political rulers, commercialtraffickers and religion-
~ Considering now the modern counterpart of ists, and the "evil servant" class did to ban, pro-
this : WhenChrist Jesus the King cameto the temple scribe, suppress, despoil and destroy those seeking
in 1918, he saw the immediate need of a great recon- to worship the Lord God at his temple. The general
struction work. lie saw it must be done before the effect of this was to put even the sincere worshipers
battle of Armageddon if any flesh on earth, primarily of Jehovah in fear of the ruling authorities. It
his devoted followers, were to be saved. All about caused them to slack their hand and seal their lips
them religion was dominant. A pretense of worship with respect to giving fearless, uncompromising
of the true God was then being practiced on reli- testimony about the Devil’s organization and Jeho-
gion’s "high places". Such high places were contrary vah’s newly established kingdom. At such a condi-
to the commandments of God and competed with tion Jehovah God was displeased, and his anointed
God’s true temple of worship and divided up the King at the temple was under obligation to do some-
people into local groups of worship in a mixed-up thing about it. He acted as did Hezekiah.
sectarfarr manner. The so-called "Christian nations" PURIFICATION AND RECONSTRUCTION
making up "Christendom" were engaged in a 2~ Hezekiah struck at the root cause of trouble of
devastating conflict, World WarI, and the clergy of the entire situation. To do this, his subjects must
all denominations were blessing and praying for be cleansed of the soils and pollutions of religion
the contending sides. Religious parishioners and and its hindrances to their worship of the true God.
18. What did Hezekiah see to be the basis of reconstructive werk add
to be to the Kingdom%best ~interests 20. What did King Ahaz’ depredations against the temple picture? and
what ac~don was therefore ne~e~arT?
19 In the modern counterpart of that, what wa~ seen to be the great 21 How did Hezekiah strike at the root of the trouble, tud take
need, and why? care of the personnel of the temple?
N. Y.

As no king in Israel before him had done, he struck Jehovah, the God of Israel, that his fierce anger
at the "high places" of worship and their un- may turn away from us. Mysons, be not now negli-
Theocratic, divisive effects. Out with them! On the gent; for Jehovah hath chosen you to stand before
other hand, tile priests and Levite servants of the him, to minister unto him, and that ye should be his
Most High God had been scattered from the temple ministers, and burn incense." (2 Chron. 29: 10, 11,
and deprived of employment there, and had been Am.Stan. Ver.) The covenant proposed was not
robbed of support for their service there. HowKing because God’s law covenant with Israel by Moseshad
Hezeldah brought all these covenant servants of the been abolished (such abolition did not come until
Lord God unto him at the temple and united them Christ’s death many centuries later). The covenant
to him in divine service, the record goes on to say, was to be one of faithfulness, expressing renewed
as follows : faithfulness toward God’s covenant with his chosen
""And he brought in the priests and the Levites, people. Hezekiah’s malting of such covenant of
and gathered them together into the east street, and faithfulness toward God’s worship and service was
said unto them. Hear me, ye Levites, sanctify now as if the law covenant had been inaugurated anew
yourselves, and sanctify the house of the Loan God toward Israel. Andthe effect would be to turn the
of your fathers, and carry forth the filthiness out divine wrath away from the nation of Israel.
of the holy place. For our fathers have trespassed, ,~ God’s servants at the temple must take a lead-
and done that which was evil in the eye~ of the Load ing part in this effort toward faithfulness and
our God, and have forsaken him, and have turned integrity to Jehovah God. Hence Hezeldah warned
away their faces from tile habitation of tile Loan, the temple priests and Levites: ’Be not negligent
and turned their backs. Also they have shut up the about the purification and reconstruction work con-
doors of the porch [in front of the Holy of tile cerning Jehovah’s worship and the organization for
temple], and put out the lamps, and have not burned such. Redeemthe time for the setting of all things
incense [inside the Holy upon the golden altar] nor in order for the Theocratic worship and service.
offered burnt offerings in tile holy place unto the God Jehovah’s worship in its purity and its beauty of
of Israel. Wherefore the wrath of the Load was upon holiness must be restored, and aU this for a vindi-
Judah and Jerusalem, and tie hath delivered them cation of His name and for a testimony to his
to trouble, to astomshment,and to hissing, as ve see supremacy and Godship.’ ICnowing that God had
with your eyes. For, lo, our fathers lmve fall’en by chosen them and that they therefore had the divine
the sword, and our sons and our daughters and our ordination, the Levites could go right ahead in God’s
wives are in captivity for this."--2 Chron. 29: 4-9. service with confidence, unconcerned about displeas-
"~ Whowill deny tlezekiah’s words and say that ing Satan and his demons an~ the Baal-priests of
religion is not ruinous? Let the religious nations of religion and the un-Theocratic objectors who wanted
"Christendom", every one of whomis against Jeho- their own convenient and preferred "high places"
vail God and his King Christ Jesus, survey the war- of sacrifice and incense-burning. The temple is the
stricken, strife-torn, oppressed and bereaved condi- legally decreed place for God’s united worship.
tion of this earth today and then answer honestly. " The historic facts from and after 1918 show an
Is it any improvement over the global eonditmns in action parallel to that of Hezeldah toward the temple
1918 and 1919, when they rejected the testimony of servants. The spring of 1919 was marked by the
Jehovah’s witnesses concerning his Righteous Gov- release from unjust imprisonment of those falsely
ernment by Christ Jesus and followed religion’s lead accused servants who were foremost in God’s witness
into the League of Nations and into "’Catholic work and in the legal corporation, the Watch Tower
Action" of the Vatican? Jehovah’s witnesses wait Bible and Tract Society. This was a token that the
for a true-to-fact answer from the nations and their King Christ Jesus was breaking downthe religious-
spiritual advisers, the Vatican and the religious totalitarian bars and throwing open the doors of
clergy. Westill stand by the slogan widely publicized Jehovah’s temple-service. He gathered to himself at
in 1938 and afterwards, that "religion is a snare and the temple a faithful remnant of consecrated ones on
a racket" and is the enemy of Jehovah God and of earth whohad been anointed with God’s spirit as his
his-I~ing Christ Jesus. Weknow Hezeldah’s words commissioned and ordained witnesses. Before these
agree. he set Jehovah’s witness-work. Nowthe doors of
"At the temple King Hezekiah disclosed his pur- temple worship are open to stay l To the faithful
pose to the gathered priests and Levites, saying: remnant whoresponded to the call to temple service
"Now it is in my heart to make a covenant with thenceforth Christ Jesus, "the son of David," said:
22. ~hat lnqlructlona and admonition did he give to the priests and
Leviteq at the temple" 2,5 What part must the temple eervents take in this effort? and why
23. Wh~ cannot the religious nations in their present condition deny $o with confidence?
Hezeklah’~ ~ords against religion? and with what modern slogan do
20. 27. What ainco 1918 corresponds with He~ekiah’a action toward
his word~ agree~
24. What covenant did Hezekiah tell them he propo.~ed to make? and why~ the temple and its Levite servants?
M~c~ 1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER, 73
~’ "These things saith lie that is holy, lie that is and one place at which to worship the true God
true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, Jehovah, and that is by unitedly serving Himat his
and no man shutteth: and shutteth, and no man Theocratic organization under the King Christ
openeth ; I knowthy works : behold, I have set before Jesus. The issues of the Watchtower magazine and
thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou other publications of the Society since 1919, dis-
hast a little strength, and hast kept myword, and tributed world-wide, stand forth beyond overturn-
hast not denied my name. Behold, I will make them ing as witnesses to the foregoing as true facts. All
of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, this bears witness that the remnant of Jehovah’s
and are not, but do lie; behold, I will makethem to consecrated faithful ones have not been negligent
come and worship before thy feet, and to know that down through the years but have been active in
[ have loved thee .... Him that overcometh will carrying out their ordination from Jehovah God.
I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he ~° Turn again back to the ancient record of the
shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the typical activities which foresttadowed the purge
name of my God [Jehovah], and the name of the against religion within God’s visible organization
city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which that has actually taken place. Weread: "Then the
cometh down out of heaven from my God: and Levites arose,.., and they gathered their brethren,
[ will write upon him my new name."--Rev. 3: 7-12. and sanctified themselves, and came, according to
" By means of articles published in The IVatc]~- the commandmentof the ldng, by the words of the
tower attention was called to the fulfilhnent of divine LOlXD, to cleanse the house of the Loire. And the
prophecy. Thereby Christ Jesus the King called priests went into the inner part of the house of the
attention to the open door and bade his faithful LOItD, to cleanse it, and brought out all the unclean-
remnant of true followers on earth to enter into ness that they found in the temple of the LoI~Dinto
Jehovah’s service as his witnesses and publishers the court of the house of the LoixD. Andthe Levites
of his kingdom. There was a gathering of those of took it, to carry it out abroad into the brook Kidron.
the remnantall over the earth into a unity of service, Nowthey began on the first day of the first month
using as their instrument the Watch Tower Bible [Nisan] to sanctify, and on the eighth day of tile
and Tract Society and its related legal corporations. month came they to the porch of the LoltD: so they
In September, 1919, the international convention of sanctified the house of the aoI~Dill eight days; and
Jehovah’s witnesses at Cedar Point, Ohio, which had in the sixteenth day [or two days after the yearly
for its theme the fearless resumption of God’s work passover day] of the first month they made an elM.
as announcers of his kingdom, gave powerful stinm- Then they went in to Hezekiah the king, and said.
tation to the gathering of Jehovah’s consecrated Wehave cleansed all the house of the LORD, and the
remnant of faithful worshipers. The international altar of burnt offering, with all the vessels thereof.
convention three years later at the same place, and the shewbreadtable, with all the vessels thereof.
namely, in 1922, and at which the slogan was sounded Moreover all the vessels, which king Ahaz in his
forth mightily, "Advertise the King and his king- reign did cast away in his transgression, have we
dora," added still further impetus to the gathering prepared and sanctified, and, behold, they are before
of all the anointed remnant into a unit)" of service the altar of the LoaD."--2 Chron. 29: 12-19.
at God’s Theocratic organization under Christ ~’ As in that typical picture of old, so during the
Jesus the King. nineteen centuries down to this year 1945 religion
-~ The King called for a renewal of their faithful- has contaminated everything that has to do with
hess in God’s service, and the remnant did in effect actual Christianity. Religion, which is demonism,
enter into a covenant of faithfulness, to keep integ- has sullied it and cluttered it up with the unclean
rity toward Jehovah God as his faithful and true trash of the paraphernalia, doctrines, traditions,
witnesses. Throughthe stead3’, regular publications clergy system, ritual, and holidays of demonism.
of the WatchTower Society, tile King Christ Jesus (See Cardinal Newman’s book, "An Essay on the
pointed out plainly the commission of the remnant Developmentof Christian Doctrine," chapter 8; also
from Jelmvah God to be his witnesses or ministers Religion, pages 56, 57.) Religion has removed tile
of his gospel, despite the objecting howls of all the proper "vessels" for the Lord’s service and has sub-
religionists. From God’s Word the King made clear stituted and added the forbidden things of demon-
to the remnant that Jehovah Godand his Christ are ism. It has thereby hidden the Bible truth and the
tile "Higher Powers" to whomthey should be sub- correct worship of God from the many congrega-
ject and obedient; and that there is only one way tions of people.
2~ How did the King Christ Jesus proceed with gethering the temple 30 now did the cleansing and refurnlshlng of the temple at Jerusalem
remnant into service unity? proceed to ¯ conclusion?
29 How did the King give instruction and counsel like riesekiah’s to 31, What in the antltype corresponds with the mesa that rel|gton made
the temple remnant? and what proves these have not been negligent? back there with the interior of the temple and its vessels?
N. Y.

" Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s King at the temple, is

people of the city of Jerusalem, the capital of the
also God’s High Priest. His zeal for God’s house typical Theocracy, were present to witness this
could not let the contamination by religion or demon-
renewal of Jehovah’s worship at his temple. The
ism rest upon God’s visible organization, nor let temple had not been cleansed soon enough to cele-
religion longer hinder and confuse the proper wor- brate the reopening of the temple by the annual
ship of the one true and living God. Hencefrom 1919passover observance, which fell on Nisan 14, now
onward the work has gone forward of purifying the several days past. Besides that fact, before even
temple worship of his followers, Jehovah’s wit- the slaying of the passover lamb could be done at
nesses, from all taints and besetting sins of religion.
the temple in preparation for the feast it was in
Only thus has the divine wrath been turned away keeping with holiness that there first be rendered
at the temple the offering for the sins of the rulers
from them. Christ Jesus has led them in the restora-
tion and the burnishing up of the truth and in purify-
and the people as prescribed in God’s law. (Leviti-
ing the visible Theocratic organization from all the
cus 4) By King Hezekiah’s provision, and with the
uncleanness of religion and its bondage. He once co-operation of the temple servants and the rulers,
said: "The truth shall makeyou free" (John S: 32) this was done. So they proceeded to nmke an atone-
and he led his remnant onward into the fullness of ment for all the kingdom of Judah.--2 Chron.
the freedom wherewith Christ Jesus makes us free 29: 22-24.
from religion and its captivity to Satan’s organiza- ’~ Hezekiah believed in putting all temple servants
tion. All during this reconstructive Christian workto work. Determined that the message of God’s
and the restoration of the pure Bible truth and praise should be sung forth, he put the Levites at
worship, the combined forces of religion and their their stations and equipped them to sound out the
political and commercialallies have fought the Bible
gladness of the occasion and to lead in God’spraises.
educational work of Jehovah’s witnesses under "And Hezekiah commandedto offer the burnt offer-
Christ Jesus. Religion’s fight against these has been
ing upon the altar. And when the burnt offering
a fight against God and his King; but it has alwaysbegan, the song of the LORDbegan also with the
been a losing fight, and always will be such. trumpets, and with the instruments ordained by
TEMPLE WORSHIP RESUMES David king of Israel. And all the congregation
worshipped, and the [Levite] singers sang, and the
" God’stemple is a joyous place, a blessed place. trumpeters sounded: and all this continued until the
Duringthereignof KingSolomonthebuilding of burnt offering was finished. And when they had
thetempleat Jerusalem anditsdedication in allits madean end of offering, the king and all that were
glory and beauty and holinesswere eventsof
present with him bowedthemselves, and worshipped.
aboundingjoyand jubilation. JehovahGodhimself Moreover Hezeldah the king and the princes com-
tookpartin itsdedication by awe-inspiring miracu-manded the Levites to sing praise unto the LORD
lousmanifestations of glory-bordered cloudsand with the words of David, and of Asaph the seer.
firefromheaven. (i Kings8; 2 Chronicles 5-7) Andthey sang praises with gladness, and they ])owed
evena granderdegreethecompletion of cleansingtheir heads and worshipped." (2 Chron. 29: 25-30)
thereopened temple andtherestoration andresmnp- At that joyful sound of Jehovah’s praise there at
tionof Jehovalfs unitedworshipthereshouldbe, his reopened.and purified temple the demon gods
and it was, an occasionof superabounding joy, of religion must have trembled with rage.
gladnessandpraise. Appreciating this,thedivinely
guidedHezeldah arranged thattheoccasion should " True to that typical picture, the King Christ
be markedand observed withduedignity, grandeurJesus at the temple interceded for his faithful
andrejoicing. "ThenHezeldah theIdngroseearly, remnant on earth and cleansed them from their
andgathered therulers of thecity[ofJerusalem], iniquity of lip by the spirit of God. (Isa. 6: 1-11)
and went up to the houseof the LORD.And they Their prayers for God’s forgiveness on the basis
broughtsevenbullocks, andsevenrams,andseven of his sacrifice were heard and answered. The King
lambs,andsevenhe goats,for a sinoffering for then equipped them with greatly increased knowl-
thekingdom, andforthesanctuary, andforJudah. edge and understanding of God’s Word, particularly
And he commandedthe prieststhe sons of Aaron with the message of the vindicatmn of Jehovah’s
name by his kingdom under Christ. With this equip-
to offerthemon thealtarof theLOaD[Jehovah]."
--2Chron.29 : 20,21. ment, and with the spirit of God filling them, the
3’ Notonlytherulers butallthecongregation of joyous remnant went forth as Jehovah’s witnesses.
They sounded forth his name and his kingdom by
32. ilow from 1919 onward has such contamination been cleared away,
and under ~hat ~ opposition 35 How did Hezekiah put the temple servants to work mad make the
33 Why ~should the resumption of worship~ at ~he temple be n marked ~
occasion one of praising Jehovah
occa~mn and how did Hezekiah proceed 1o thu~ mark it 36 What is the a.utitYpe of such offe¢ing sacrifice for sin- and such
34. Why could not that occasion be marked by the passover celebration? singing forth of $ehovah’J pralsce?
and what was first necessary?
M~cE 1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 75

word of mouth and by books, booklets, magazines, chosen nation. This fact faithfully pictures that,
tracts, radio, sound-car, and portable phonographs, owing to the Kingdom proclamation by Jehovah’s
and by all means that their ICing at the temple obedient remnant of witnesses from and after 1919,
provided. So doing, they worshiped Jehovah God many persons outside the remnant saw the recon-
at his temple in a true way, and God was well struction work of Jehovah’s worship in progress.
pleased and favored their work. They showed good-will toward Jehovah and his
3, King Hezekiah reminded the people that they organized people by abandoning religion and com-
must render their support to God’s worship at the ing over onto the side of his Theocratic organiza-
temple. Said he: "Nowye have consecrated your- tion, his Kingdom.Christ Jesus, the GoodShepherd,
selves unto the LORD, come near and bring sacrifices brought these as his "other sheep" to the temple,
and thank offerings into the house of the LORD." where there are many opportunities for service as
The congregation of Jerusalem then responded companions and helpers to the temple remnant. In
thankfully and with free and liberal hearts. Hun- good-will they then expressed their consecration to
dreds of burnt offerings they brought forward, and Jehovah God and his ldngdom by joyfully joining
3,600 other consecrated animal victims. The burnings in his service at the temple, "day and night."
of the animal sacrifices were made on the copper ~1 Chron. 9:2; Josh. 9:22-27; John 10:1G;
altar, which was fifteen feet high and thirty feet Rev.7 : 15.
square on top, and which stood in the priests’ court ,o Howgratifying all this has been is visible today
of tile temple. "But the priests were too few, so that among Jehovah’s anointed remnant at the temple,
they could not flay all the burnt offerings : wherefore yes, and among their multitudinous companions of
their brethren the [non-priestly] Levites did help good-will, the Lord’s "other sheep", who will be
them, till the work was ended, and until the other rewarded with endless life on earth under the King-
priests had sanctified themselves: for the Levites dora for their faithful service of Jehovah God at
were more upright in heart to sanctify themselves his temple. This cause for overwhelming gratitude
than the priests. Andalso the burnt offerings were and joy at the revival of the faithful and fearless
in abundance, with the fat of the peace offerings, worship of Jehovah since his King came to the
and the drink offerings for every burnt offering." temple in 1918 is echoed forth in these words of
--2 Chron. 29:31-35. history: "So the service of the house of the LuriD
~8 That agrees with the fact that since 1918 those was set in order. And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all
of God’s consecrated remnant had to purify them- the people [at Jerusalem], that God had prepared
selves from religion’s soils and hindrances. The the people: for the thing was done suddenly."
opportunities for witness work were abundant, and --2 Chron. 29: 35, 36.
the laborers were few. Hence, as the witnessing con- ’~ So suddenly was a like thing done back in 1919;
tinued on, more of those hearing forsook religion so unexpectedly were the tables turned upon Jeho-
and consecrated themselves to God, and these Jeho- vah’s religious enemies, and so seemingly as in the
vah added to his consecrated remnant and laid upon twinlding of an eye was His relieving of his
them service responsibilities as his witnesses. Thus oppressed witnesses and their prohibited worship
all the remnant in all the earth unitedly joined in of him, that it took all "Christendom" by surprise!
offering sacrifice of praise. But it answered the heart prayer of Jehovah’s faith-
" One thing must not be overlooked. The restora- ful remnant on earth. The Lord God had declared
tion of the temple to God’s worship not only provided that he would take out of the worldly nations a
employmentthere for all Levites, priests and non- "people for his name". (Amos9: 12; Acts 15: 14)
priests, but also called for the ser~fices of the serv- Nowthe sudden reopening of the antitypical temple
ants whowere not Levites, the so-called "Nethinim". of Jehovah by his King Christ Jesus in 1919 and
They were not Israelites at all; but they had aban- the gathering of his faithful consecrated remnant
doned demonism and become devoted to Jehovah’s thither demonstrated before all the world that he
service at his temple in Jerusalem, rendering had prepared a people for his name in the earth.
assistance to the Levites, even though in menial The remnant’s prompt response to the revived and
ways. These Nethinim must be understood as render- renewed witness work in 1919 proved that fact. And,
ing their part at this revival of Jehovah’s worship too, while the amazed and chagrined enemies look
at his temple, even though they are unmentioned. on, Jehovah’s revived witnesses have followed after
There is no doubt that they rejoiced with Jehovah’s their King Christ Jesus in the reconstruction work;
37 How did Hezekiah encourage the temple support, and with what
response ?
and the service in connection with Jehovah’s temple
38 To correspond wtth such progreqslve sanctification of the priests
back there, ~hat tacts are there since 19187 40 For what feellng~ and expreosions was this a cause, both In the
39 {a) As to those rendering ~errlc# at the temple in Jerusalem, what type and in the antltyPeY
important fact must not be overlooked? (hi Whomdo such servants 41. How in the anrlrype b, it true that "the thing was done suddenly"?
picture, and ~lnee when end how did they get into service at the temple? and how does the King erpress his rejoicing?
N. Y.

of worship has been set in Theocratic good-order. and witnesses. Tile King Christ Jesus rejoices at the
The sacrifice of His praise burns fiercely in the fires blessed event. He bids his faithful remnant on earth
of zeal for God’s house; and the trumpet announce- to enter into his joy; and he also causes his "other
ments of His ldngdom and the Scriptural songs of sheep" at the temple to gambol with Theocratic joy
his glory rise from the lips of his active servants before him.

HE zealous Elect Servant, or Chosen Servant, of
T Jehovah God is Christ Jesus, his beloved Son, as
foretold at Isaiah 42:1. Jehovah used faithful serv-
Christ Jesus call the people’s attention. Moreover,the name
of Jehu’s father and grandfather arc significant. Jel~osha.
phat, the name of Jehu’s father, means Jeltot.ah.judgcd,
ants of old, designated by him as "prophets", to do work that is, Jehovah-vindicated! And Nimshi, the name of
in His name. Those prophets and their work foreshadowed Jehu’s grandfather, means extricated, it being rclated to
greater work to be done in the future. The prophet Elijah the name Moses referring to Moses’ being drawn out of the
faithfully served Jehovah God, and he was used of Jehovah river Nile. Taken together, the two names Nimshi and
to express His abhorrence concerning the Devil religmn, Jehoshaphat would apply to that which is taken out or
Baalism. Elijah and his work foreshadowed the work done pulled out and used for the vindication of Jehovah’s namo
by faithful menon the earth under the direction of Christ at the end of the world.
Jesus, God’s Elect Servant, for the period of time from It was Jehovah who gave orders for the anointing
about A.D. 1878 to the year 1918. Elijah was taken away of Jehu to be king over the kingdom of Israel. (1 h:i.
in a whirlwind, and Elisha succeeded him in the office of 19 : 15, 16) Therefore the anointing of him was by Jel’ovah.
prophet and servant of God. The work that Ehsha there- Jehu’s superior, King Ahab, was never anointed by Jeho-
after did foreshadowed the work done on the earth by the vah. So far as the record discloses, Jehu was the only man
faithful followers of Christ Jesus and done under the ever anointed by order of Jehovah to be king oxer that
direction of Christ Jesus, God’s Elect Servant, from and ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. God’s original words to the
after the time that he came to the temple of Jehovah in prophet Elijah were: "And Jehu the son of Nlmshi shalt
the year 1918.--Mal. 3:1-3; 4:5, 6. thou anoint to be king over Israel." Later, Ehjah’s suc-
Zealous activity in God’s service brought Elijah and cessor, Elisha, acting under directions from the Lord,
Ehsha in contact with a military captain named Jchu, instructed his "young man" to go and perform the anoint-
and who became king of Israel. King Jehu was a type or ing; saying: "And when thou comest thither, look out
prophetic picture of Jehovah’s Elect Servant Christ Jesus there Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshh and
and sometimes he also foreshadowed Christ’s faithful go in, and make him arise up from among his brethlen.
folloxxers The fulfillment of the prophetic dramainvoh-in,z and carry him to an inner chamber; then take the box of
Jehu must take place after the Lord Jesus came to the oil, and pour it on his head, and say, Thus saith the Lor~D.
temple of Jehovah A.D. 1918. Captain Jehu, in the serwce I have anointed thee king over Israel. Then open the door.
of King Ahab of Israel, came in contact with the prophet and flee, and tarry not." The record is: "And he arose.
Elijah, and lived for more than twenty-eight years of the and went into the house; and he poured the oil on [Jehu’s]
period of the prophet Elisha. This appears to mean that, head, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD Godof Israel,
during the years from 1878 to 1918, generally knownas I have anointed thee king over the people of the LORD,
the "Elijah period", Jehovah began to prepare a people even over Israel."--2 Ki. 9:2, 3, 6.
to be witnesses to his name at the end of the world, and Thus Jehu was duly anointed and commissioned as thc.
that those who proved faithful during that period were executioner for’Jehovah to exterminate BaN, or Devil-
brought over into the subsequent "Elisha permd", which worship, out of Israel. His divinely given commission as
began A.D. 1918; and that these faithful ones were made stated to him by the "young man" was: "And titou shalt
members of Jehovah’s Theocratic organization and hence smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge
were designated as the "faithful and wise servant" class. the blood of myservants the prophets, and the blood of
This would show that Jehovah’s witnesses are embraced all thc servants of the LORD,at the hand of Jezebel. For
within the fulfillment of the drama of Jehu. the whole house of Ahab shall perish: and I will cut off
In support of the above conclusion that Jehu pictured from Ahab him that pmseth against the wall, and him that
Jehovah’s Elect Servant, please note the following. Jehu is shut up and left in Israel: and I will make the house
was horn under Jehovah’s law covenant with the nation of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and
of Israel and was therefore an Israelite, in covenant rela- like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah: and the dogs
tionship with Jehovah. The fact that Jehu was against shall eat [Ahab’s wife] Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel,
Baal-worship is further proof that he was in the favor of and there shall be none to bury her."--2 Ki. 9:7-10.
the Lord God.--2 Ki. 13: 1-6; 14: 23-27. Jehu fulfilled his commission. At 2 Chronicles 22: 7, 8
The name Jehu means Jehovah is He. His name is it says: "Andit cameto pass, that, when Jehu was execut-
emphatic in calling attention to the fact that Jehovah is ing judgment upon the house of Ahab" ; which words prove
He that is the SupremeOne. This is the same fact to which thathewasan executioner. Incarrying outhiscommission
the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses under his great Servant fromtheLord,JehugainedHis"welldone"or approval,
M~¢E 1, 1945 :R eWATCHTOWER.
and for that reason Jehovah made the covenant with Jehu complete destruction thereof. WhenKing Jehu had clone
for the kingdom, to wit, that Jehu’s sons should continue the work, and had done it well, concerning the house of
to reign on Israel’s throne. (2 Ki. 10: 30) This statement Ahab and Jezebel, he was not yet through with his execu-
that his sons should reign for four generations meant a tion work as specified in Jehovah’s commission to him.
four-square or complete succession to the throne. Thus Jehu There was something more for him to do in obedience to
and his house occupied the throne of Israel for a hundred the Lord God.
years; Jehu himself reigned twenty-eight years. Jehu had much zeal for Jehovah; and that is another
Years previously, Elisha’s predecessor, Elijah, had reason whyhe pictured Christ Jesus, the royal Executioner.
slaughtered four hundred and fifty of the priests of Baal Concerning Jesus it was prophesied: "For the zeal of thine
after the fire test on Mount Carmel. Such slaughter work house hath eaten me up, and the reproaches of them that
King Jehu duplicated, only on a far greater scale. (1 Ki. reproached thee are fallen upon me." (Ps. 69:9; John
18:40; 2 Ki. 10:18-25) Thus Elijah made a start at the 2: 17) Such is the zeal peculiar to Jehovah’s royal house.
slaughter work against Baal-worship, and Jehu completed Therefore it is pleasing to Jehovah. Like zeal was mani-
that work. (2 Ki. 10:28) Besides that, another point fested for the Lord of hosts by Elijah. On that point, after
Jehu’s favor is that he was anti-Jezebel. He rode over Jezebel Elijah had slam the prophets of Baal and then went and
m utter contempt after she had been thrown out of the win- hid himself in a cave at Mount Horeb, far from Jezebel’s
dowby her eunuchs, and his horses trampled her to death, threats, he said in response to an inquiry from the Lord
after which the dogs devoured her, in fulfillment of God’s as to whyhe was there: "I have been very jealous for the
prophecy. He had and manifested the spirit serving as an LORD Godof hosts." The word jealous in that verse (1 Ki.
example to Jehovah’s approxed people who have and mani- 19: 10) means the same as having the zeal mentmned
fest the anti-Jezebel spirit described in I~evetation 2 : 20-23. Psalm 69: 9, the two words jealous and zeal having the
Jehu was a vindicator of Jehovah’s word, in this, that tie same word as their root. Jehovah is a jealous or zealous
fulfiIled Jehovah’s word spoken by his prophet Elijah God. "For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a
against Ahab and Jezebel. In this work lie ~lso completed jealous God."~Deut. 4: 24; 5: 9; Ex. 20: 5.
that which Elijah had begun Elijah called downfire from Respecting the establishment of the Righteous Govern-
heaven in the presence of the prophets of Baal and Ahab ment under the Greater Jehu, Christ Jesus the King, it is
at .~[ount Carmel, and his prayer was: "Hear me. O LoaD, written: "The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."
hear me, that this people may knowthat thou art the Lonv (Isa. 9:7) In other scriptures the words "’zeal" and
God." (1 Ki. 18:37) That was a vindication of Jehovah’s "jealous" or "zealous" are applied to Jehovah’s servants,
reputation, but was not sufficient to cause the reformation all such words having the same root. WhenPaul was defend-
of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. Ba~l-wor~hip continued in ing himself before the Jews, he said of himself: "I am
their realm, and the Lord God used Jehu to vindicate his verily a man which am a Jew .... and taught according
word and his name in connection with the destructmn of to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and ~as
Baal-worship.~2Ki. 9 : 25-37 ; 10 : 9-11. zealous toward God, as ye all are this day." (Acts 22-3)
Jehu was a fighting man. IIe was in the king’s charmt He also wrote: "For I am jealous over you with godly
corps and was a captain in the army of Israel. Whenever jealousy." (2 Cor. 11:2) The remnant of Jehovah’s wit-
Jehovah favored the army of Israel that army was victormus nesses today, whoare anointed with God’s spirit to do lus
over the enemy, and hence the army then became and was work, must have this same zeal for Jehovah As it is
the army of the Lord of hosts. That being true, it would written: "Jesus Christ . . . gave himself for us, that he
make Jehu a captain in the army of the Lord of hosts. might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself
(1 Ki 20:1-30;2 Ki. 3:3-25; 6:24-33, 7: 1-16) Jehu was a peculiar people, zealous of good works." (T~tus 2: 13, 14,
known and w~s recognized by reason of his rapid driv- also Phil. 3: 6; Col. 4: 13) As used in the above scriptures
ing, because he drove "furiously", as it were, in madness. the words zealous and-jealous do not mean ill-will or
(2 Ki. 9: 16, 20, margin) The fact that Jchu was associated hatred or envy, but they do mean a strong, unbending
with the war chariot of Israel wouldsuggest that those who determination to carry out the righteous purpose of Jeho-
fulfill the various features of the Jchu picture must have vah God,to fulfill one’s commission.
to do with and are associated with the "chariot of the cheru- Whenproceeding to wipe out Ahab’s house Jehu drove
bims", that is, the war chariot of Jehovah’s mighty organ- furiously, as with madness, and with an unbending and
izatlon including cherubimand other spirit creatures. The unbreakable determination to permit nothing to hinder
prophet Ezekiel had a vision of Jehovah’s "chariot" him in the accomplishment of the purpose for which he
attended by the cherubim, and the Scriptures and facts was commissioned. In the very hour of his anointing, when
show that "chariot" to picture Jehovah’s great organiza- he received his commission,he started out with his mihtary
tmn. (1 Chran.-28: 18; Ezek. 1: 10) There are many other staff to execute that commission. Whenthe messenger of
scriptures which associate chariots with Jehovah in his the enemy kings rode out from the city and approached
time of war against the Devil’s wicked organization. him and inquired why he was thus driving toward the
~Ps. 68:17; Nah. 2:3; Hab. 3:8; Ps. 104: 3. city, he said to them, in effect: ’Get out of myway, and
So it was that the word of Jehovah concerning the house get in the rear; I have no time to waste with you.’ (2 Ki.
of Ahab and Jezebel was fully vindicated by the destruc- 9: 16-20) Likewise when Christ Jesus received the order
tion of that wicked house. In his due time Jehovah God from Jehovah God to go forth and rule in the midst of
will completely vindicate his word and his name concern- his enemies, he. started the "war in heaven" and ousted
ing Satan the Devil and his organization by the full and Satan and his angels from heaven and cast them down to
the earth. Furthermore, the Scriptures show that just as work of Armageddon begins; and the remnant are now
soon as the testimony work concerning God’s kingdom is zealous to do it, fully determined that, by the grace of God,
completed by Jehovah’s witnesses according to His will, nothing shall prevent them from doing it faithfully. Well
then Jesus will move without delay and will permit noth- applicable to them are the words: "I thought on my ways,
ing to hinder him in executing the enemy, that is, all of and turned my feet unto thy testimonies I made haste,
Satan’s wicked organization.--Ps. 110: 1-6; Rev. 11:17-19; and delayed not to keep thy commandments. My zeal hath
12: 7-12; Matt. 24:14, 21, 22; Ps. 45:3, 4. consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy
The anointed remnant now on the earth, being the final
wordsd’--Ps. 119:59, 60, 139.
members of the "body of Christ", must have the same zeal
as that which was mamfested by King Jehu. To see and In doing this work in the name of Jehovah of hosts, the
to appreciate that Jehovah’s Kingdom by Christ Jesus is anointed remnant must ’drive rapidly’, what though many
here should lead the remnant to be diligent in performing may call them "mad perverts" for so doing. But it matters
their witness work until eyeD" vestige of the enemy organ- not what the enemy says; the remnant are doing it with
Lzat;.on falls. (Isa. 6: 9-12) Jehovah God has commanded joy, and they now have many good-will compamons who
that the testimony work must be done before the slaughter show the same zeal for Jehovah.


{;~; ,~ FRIEND loveth at all times, and a brother is over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be

1-% born for adversity."

striking illustration
(Prov. 17:17) No more
of this principle could be
that Jehovah will work for us; for there is no restraint to
Jehovah to save by many or by few." "I am with thee,"
found among Imperfect humans than the loving friendship responded Jonathan’s companion. A plan of battle was
of Jonathan for David. He was not of that plentiful breed mapped out by Jonathan, and in which was included a
known as fair-weather friends, but he came to the fore at test that would indicate the Lord’s will in the matter.
a time of adversity. His attachment to and support of Jonathan was not out on a foolhardy mission in the hope
David was love or unselfish devotion exemplified, in that of making a war hero of himself, but he was walking in
such a course meant vohmtary relinquishment of any the fear of the Lord. He knew that Jehovah would not
personal claim to the throne of Israel. He even put his work for those who remained at home ldle.~l Sam. 14 : 1-10,
life in jeopardy in the interests of his friend David, and Am. Start. Vet.
thus to some extent comes w,thm the scope of the words And Jehovah did work in behalf of Jonathan. The taunt-
of that greatest Friend of mankind (next to Jehovah), ing cry of the garrisoned Philistines, "Come up to us, and
Christ Jesus: "Greater love hath no man than this. that we will shew you a thing," came as a sign from the Lord
a man lay down his hfe for lus friends." (John 15: 13) that He would grant victory. So, instead of the bragging
And certainly he does not compare with those three false Philistines’ ’showing Jonathan a thing or two’, this son of
friends that sped ~o Job’s side at a time of trml to that Israel’s king waded into the demon-worshipers and felled
integrity-maintaining one. Jonathan was a friend indeed, them right and left, and these fallen ones were finished off
because he was a friend m time of need. by the mopping-up operations of the faithful armor-bearer.
Not only was Jonathan a true lover-friend of David, Twenty men fell under the fury of this sudden thrust.
but he was also a lover of righteousness and a staunci~ (1 Sam. 14: 12-14) But this probe into the enemy’s lines
supporter of Theocracy. In fact, it was the latter traits did not end there; Jehovah’s spirit force was working, and
that made him champion the cause of David Jonathan from this small beginning a full-scale offensive developed
was much older than the shepherd-king The first recorded The Phihstines were thrown into confusmn and fought
event concerning him was eight years before David’s bn’th, among themselves. Saul and h~s forces moved qmckly to
and Jonathan was then a x~ arrior at the head of a thousand the front lines and threw themselves into the fray, and
fighters for Israel. In view of Numbers1 : 3, he must have the Hebrews living within the Philistine commumties joined
been at least twenty years old. His love of r,ghteousness the uprising. Even the men of Israel who had holed up in
and hatred of the m~quitous Philistines drove h,m to an Mount Ephraim rallied and poured forth to fight. The
initial assault against them, wlnch ~as to touch off a series pitched battle soon became a Philistine rout. "So the LORD
of extensive battles. (1 Sam. 13: 1-4) It was following this [Jehovah] saved Israel that day." Jonathan’s lively faith
event that panic-stricken Saul, by a presumptuous disobedi- in Jehovah’s backing moved him to start the battle rolling;
ence [o the Lord, lost the kingdom for his son Jonathan. Jehovah finished it gloriously.~l Sam. 14: 15-23.
--1 Sam. 13:9-14. It was on this occasion that Jonathan’s life was jeop-
In sharp contrast to Israel as a whole, Jonathan was ardized more by his father’s foolishness than by Philistine
armed and equipped for battle. (I Sam. 13: 19-22) Further- swords. In religious fervor emotional Saul made the un-
more, he was unwilling to see it lie idle. His faith and zeal reasonable oath that none of the people were to taste food
for Theocracy moved him to another aggressive stab at Apparently, he was of that school of religmnists who believe
the Philistine trespassers. Jonathan and his armor-bearer godliness is manifested by self-inflicted bodily d,scomfort
slipped quietly away from the company of six hundred or pain. The Scriptural rule is that those who work and
that was with Saul in Gibeah. Typical of Jonathan’s faith fight must eat. Short-sighted Saul did not know that an
were his words to his armor-bearer: "Come, and let us go army marches on its stomach. At any rate, Jonathan, not
M~rtc~ 1, 1945 79
knowing of his fatMr’s oath, tasted of some wild honey. Jonathan sided with the sweet singer of Israel and against
"His eyes brightened" with returning strength. (I Sam. his father. He warned David of the danger, and entreated
14:27, Rotherham, Smith-Ooodspeed) Whenhe heard of Saul not to spill such innocent blood. Saul hearkened to
the oath, he answered: ’q~Iy father hath troubled the land: Jonathan’s pleas at that time, and swore an oath: "As the
see, I pray you, how mine eyes have been enlightened, LORD liveth, he shall not be slain." (1 Sam. 19: 1-6) Saul
because I tasted a little of this honey. Howmuchmore, if was a stickler for oaths and punishmentfor violators, when
haply the people had eaten freely to day of the spoil of others than he were involved. Rememberthe time he was
their enen~ies which they found? for had there not been going to kill Jonathan for breaking an unreasonable, im-
now a much greater slaughter among the Philistines?" petuous oath? Yet just four verses after the above oath
(1 Sam. 14:29, 30) Later, after tot-casting had indicated concerning David’s preservation SauI is found trying to
Jonathan as the oath-breaker, and Saul was going to enforce pin the son of Jesse to the wall with a javelin!
the consequences, the people came to Jonathan’s rescue: Thereafter envious Saul doggedly pursued the little
"Shall Jonathan die, whohath wrought this great salvation giant-killer. But Jonathan stuck closer than a brother.
in Israel? Godforbid: as the Load liveth, there shall not (Prov. 18:24) Though forced into the rote of an outlaw
one hair of his head fall to the ground; for he hath wrought in Israel, David did not lose Jonathan’s friendship. Jona-
with God this day."--1 Sam. 14:44, 45. than was in position to aid David with inside information,
After the passing of sometwenty-five years from the time and this he did. (1 Sam. 20:2) This was not unbecoming
of Jonathan’s first entrance into the divine record, the conduct on Jonathan’s part as a son, or sedition toward
reader sees a new side of Jonathan. It is Jonathan the the king of Israel. Jonathan recognized God’s spirit had
friend now, and not so much Jonathan the warrior. It is departed from Saul and rested upon David, that David was
his staunch friendship for David, as introduced at the God’s choice for king. He showedthis by makinga covenant
beginning of this article, that nowtakes over as the domi- with David that kindness be shown to him and his house
nating note in the life of this Bible character. First, there after David ascended the throne, and later renewed this
was that dramatic delivery from the bullying Goliath, covenant in the woods, saying, "Thou shalt be king over
wrought by Jehovah through the sturdy arm of the shep- Israel, and I shall be ne~ unto thee." (1 Sam. 20: 13-17.
herd lad. Doubtless Jonathan witnessed the calm courage 23: 16-18) No splitting apart of these friends! Saul tried
of that ruddy youth as he faced up to the Philistine giant. it, unsuccessfully. :He appealedto personal selfishness, telt-
He would see the stripling race toward Goliath, see the ing Jonathan he would never gain the throne while David
hand shde into the bag containing the sling-stones, see the lived. The appeal struck no responsive chord in Jonathan’s
fitting of the missile into its pocket and the blurring are unselfish devotion, and in "a rage father tried to slay son.
described by the sling preparator3." to the stone’s release, --1 S~m. 20: 30-33.
and would watch with bated breath as the rock shot from The renewal of the covenant in the woods was Jonathan
its pocket and whizzed toward the hated tyrant. With an and David’s last meeting. Thereafter Jonathan fell in the
indes6mbablc thrill Jonathan would see and hear that battle of Gilboa. (1 Sam. 31: 1, 2) David lamented greatly
deadly accurate stone crush the skull of the giant, and sink the death of his friend, and composed the famous "Son~
into his head as a stone sinks in water. (1 Sam. 17:49, of the Bow"in commemoration. Jonathan was landed as
margzn) The dramatic tenseness of the moment broken, mighty and courageous, one who never turned his back to
Jonathan doubtless shouted w~th the other Israelites, and the enemy. The ode declared : "The bow of Jonathan turned
gazed upon David in respectful awe as the youngster not back." Most touching are the words near the close. "I
dragged Goliath’s cumbersomesword from its sheath and amdistressed for thee, mybrother Jonathan : very pleasant
sliced off the giant’s head.--1 Sam. 17:48-52. hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wondcrfui,
But the actual record of the tender affection rising in passing the love of women." (2 Sam. 1:17-27) David
Jonathan’s bosom is reserved for the next chapter. There buried the bones of Jonathan, and also kept covenant by
he is revealed listening to DavidansweringSaul’s questions, showing kindness to Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth (or
and sees still in the lad’s hand the monstrous head of the Merib-baal), which, incidentally, is the only record of Jona-
vanqmshedgiant. As a result, "the soul of Jonathan was than’s family life. (2 Sam. 4:4; 9: 1-13, 21:7, 12-14) Cer-
knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as tainly Jonathan was a friend and gift from the Lord to
his ownsoul." Here was a case of true love, unselfish love, David in a time of extreme adversity; and that is just what
and that at first sight and meeting It was exemplary of Jonathan’s name means, to wit, "Jah’s gift."
the command,"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." There is muchprophetic significance to all this. David
(Lcv. 19: 18) "Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, pictures primarily Christ Jesus, but also foreshadows the
because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan body-membersof the Christ. Jonathan’s valiant warfare
stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave before David’s appearance pictured the course of faithful
it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to menof old before the Greater David appeared on the earthly
his bow, and to his girdle." Thus Jonathan showed his scene. Jonathan in his association with David foreshadows
recognition of David as superior, one specially chosen and the Lord’s "other sheep" of today, whorecognize Jehovah
used of the Lord.--1 Sam. 18 : 14. and the Greater David as the "Higher Powers", who make
Ever thereafter Jonathan proved his friendship and love a covenant of consecration through Christ Jesus, and who
at all times, even in adversity. Saul becameinsanely jealous stand fast with the feet-members of Christ’s body mTheo-
of David, and sought many ways to slay him. On one cratic service, despite the efforts of religious "Saulg’ to
occasion he tried to induce Jonathan to murder David. separate them. The two are fast friends in Kingdomservice.
E VERYwell-read student of the Scriptures recognizes the
above words as being the apostle Paul’s own description
how he carried on the preaching of the gospel Nineteen
A.D. 1918 and also to forevlslon his coming stupendous "strange
set" against the entire organization of Satan the Devil, as fore-
shadowed by the Assyrian king Sennacherib. The "Watchtower
centurms have passed since those oft-quoted words were uttered expects to carry these speeches in an early issue. Branching off
by Paul to tile elder brethren from Ephesus (Acts 20:20), and from consideration of Hezekiah’s reign, Brother Knorr spoke of
we have entered into a modern world which professes much the work ahead of Jehovah’s devoted people, and especially
wisdom and great advancement in many fields, and yet tile apostle’s emphasized the public meeting cam~paign, all width greatly
method of proclaiming God’s kingdom remains the best. This refreshed and stirred up the brethren, as evidenced by their
year, 1945 has, despite the global war’s continuance, witnessed applause. Song and prayer then closed the assembly.
the beginning of a public meeting campaign by the use of the Brother Knorr and his companion then moved on to the nex’~
public platform throughout the earth and presenting a series of appointment, at Jacksonville, Florida. At the special meeting with
eight Bible lectures on urgent problems of the times. This does the company that night the Kingdom Hall was packed out and
not mean that the "house to house" dispensing of the Kingdom 150 friends were obliged to listen outside by means of loud-speoker.
message has been set aside or even diminished, but rather it The police who were summoned by some of the vexed neighbors
has been intenstlied, the public meeting cempaign being co- refused to interfere with this arrangement. The succeeding mght
ordinated with it. The number of house-to-house publishers is and Brothers Knorr and Franz alternated in serving both the white
ahvays will continue to be many times as numerous as the plat- and the colored company; while Brother Knorr served the colored
form speakers, It Including many thousands of female publishers, group some distance away Brother Franz served the white group,
whom the Scriptures exclude from the public platform. Both and then during the Intermission they switched locations and
activities are part of the great campaign of f,~e education for amlience~ At the white meeting 300 were present; and at the
men of good-will concerning Jehovah’s Theocratic Government. colored meeting, out of an audience of 118 there were 69 persons
of good-will. In between the Monday and Tuesday night meetings
Very early on the cold, wintry Saturday, January 27, the train the time allowed for the brethren to go out with the Jadtson~ Ills
left New York city bound for Richmond, Vlrginm, and beuring friends into the field and a number of IVatchtolcer subscmptlons
the president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, serum-
pained by a director of tile Society. By the time of their arrival were secured, in addition to placing many books and booklets.
tile ser~ ice gathering of the Richmondassembly had already gotten On to Tampa, Florida, next day. The first evening was spent
at the colored brethren’s service meeting, attended, all together,
tinder way at the Mosque Audltormm, and the held workers had
gone forth engaging in house-to-house witnessing and In street by 25. The following evening these Brooklyn brethren addressed a
magazine-work and In |nformatton walking, announcing by packed-out Kingdom Hall of the Tampa white unit, after the
regular weekly service meeting. The attendance was 266. Saturday,
placards on their persons and by distributing handbills the public February 3, came with weather ideally suited for the holding of
feature of the assemt)lv, Brother N. H. Knorr’s address on the
subject "The ’Commander to the Peoples’". In the afternoon tile the Tampa assembly st the Phillps (outdoor sports) Field
the University of Tampa, which field lies Just to the west of the
foruml opening of the assembly took place, after which Joim I-Illlsborough river The sun shone from a cloudless sky and beamed
Booth, the farm servant at Kingdom Farm, New York, addressed upon the audience which occupied the tiers of backless seats on
the audience of more than two thousand on the subject "The the south side of the stadium. The speakers’ platform was erected
Kingdom Sabbath and Its Lord". Three speakers served on the
pl-ogrnn: In the eventu~ sessions, attended by over 2.100. It ~as out on the grassy field facing them. The voices of the speakers
were amplified to the audience by means of a four-tlorn sound-car.
in the nature of a sympn¢lum dealing with the evidences of today
tllat God’s kingdom is at band. as foreshado~xed by opening events This unusual arrangement was due to the fact tllat the Boiler-
of the rt:tllteous reign of Hezekmh king of Jerusalem, more than makers’ Hall, which had already been printed as the address on
the program, was abruptly canceled by the operators under
se~en hundred years before Chmst Brother George, a recent
graduate of the Watchtox~er Bible College of Gilead. spoke first, religtous-polltlcal pressure.
nn the subject "The Kin~’s Purge Against Religion", and was The program for this local gathering was identical with that
of the Richmond assembly, except where circumstances called for
folloued by Brother F. W Franz speaking on the sublect "Puri- different speakers to present a number of features Meeting out
fication and Reconstruction" The third speaker, Brother Knott, In the open air was invigorating, and the zooming of four-en.-ined
con~pleted tim con,~lderatlon of the first year ef Hezekiah’s reign army bombers directly over or skirting past the Field did not
by ins (hscourse on "The King’s Feast of Liberation". Inasmuch as drown out the delivery of the Lord’s message by satisfactory
The Watchtowcr is running tills bevies of articles In its columns, sound amplification. Tile speakers’ voices could be heard even on
we refer our readers to such, that the) too may all entoy the the baseule bridge some distance away. Saturday’s attendance
ble.~smgs of the truths dispensed at the Richmond assembly. was 680. Sunday morning, February 4, four symbolized their
Sunday mormng, January 28. tx~enty-three persons of good-will consecration to God by immersion in the Hillsborough river The
presented themselves and. after a discourse on the matter of field-service activities bore good fruitage; the sum total results for
baptmm, were Immersed la water, as the Lord’s commamled the two days being as follows: 647 publishers; 392 hooks: 1,632
s~mbol of their conuecratton to God The field activities of the booklets; 1.650 hours; 63 subscriptions; 609 Individual magazines;
day were gt~en a good start ~irh n service sesmon at the Audi- 41 back-calls; and a sound attendance of 53 The subject of the
torium. Tile service report for tills day added to that of the public lecture by Brother Knott, at 4 p.m. was again "The
la’evlous da~ disclosed that 025 puhlmhers had placed In tile hands ’Commanderto the Peoples’ ". The tugnout for this was gratlf) rag,
of tile people, besides many thousands of handbills, 1 609 books, namely, 1,156. Thht this represents a goodly proportion of the
2.875 booklets, and 1,725 magazines: they also took 119 subscrip- interested public (including men in uniform) was manifest in that
tions for the Society’s magazines In keeping with the current the cencluding exercises of the day, held after a brief intermission.
Watchtower campai~ma, and made 31 back-calls and ran recorded were attended by 937. There were 139 pioneers registered at this
lectures for 2S0 hsteners ; all the foregomg accomplishments cen- assembly. It was not necessary to use the floodlights of Phtllps
summga total of 2,665 hours on the pnbhshers’ part Amongthose Field at all, for on both days the sessions concluded Just as the
pre-ent were about 150 special publishers and pioneers. sun sank below the horizon in a blaze of glory: and the evening
That afternoon, at three o’clock, at the beautiful Auditorium, star gleamed high in the western sky as the Joyful brethren parted.
witnessed the first delivery of the public lecture "The ’Com- Miami, Florida, was the next stop. Due to size, the company
mamler to the Peoples’ ", by the Society’s president, Brother here is about to be divided into two service units, the present
Knorr. The advertising efforts by the Kingdompublishers resulted Kingdom Hall being too small to accommodate all the associated
in the gathering of an audience of more than 2,800 The delivery ones. A special auditorium was obtained for a local meeting on
of the message was powerful, and the audience was very attentive ; Tuesday evening, February 6. For this 485 put in appearance, to
and-at’th~ close of the lecture hundreds of the public accepted a be served, in order, by Brothers A. H. Macmillan, Franz and Knorr.
free copy of the booklet One World. One Government. After a On every occasion throughout the trip to this point the Society’s
brief intermission tile feast of spiritual things continued, and many president took occasion to give the brethren the love and m’eetlng$
persons of good-will at the public address accepted the inv|tatlon of the Bethel family and to exhort them to increased effort and
to remain for the closing features of the assembly. Jehovah God, constancy In the active service of Jehovah God and His reigning
by his appointed Interpreter, Christ Jesus the Greater Hezekiah, Theocracy. The brethren were also exhorted to move forward with
continued to disclose further Kingdom truths to his delighted full faith In Jehovah’s blessing in the .public meeting campaign
people. An introductory speech was delivered on the subject and to give it full support. The reports from public meetings
"Provoking the Showdown", after which Brother Knorr dealt with that have been held titus far and that have come to the president’s
the subject "Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty Vindicated". This attention are very encouraging. They are Indicative that the divine
theme, too, drew on King Hezekiah’s reign for Its background approval Is upon this method of ’preaching this gospel of the king-
against which to view the experiences of Jehovah’s people since dom’ in conjunction with all the other ways God has provided.
Vor- /.,XVI S~alU0~BLy No. 6

MARCH15, 1945

T~rzKXNO’S FE*STor LIBERATION ............83
Opportunity to ALl...................... 84
.......................................... 85
Publication Under Oppos,tion .......... 87
Rev,vedCelebration .............................. 88
Feast’sExtenmon ...................................... 90
S~NTLAC,O vi CVBA,Cnnq~n~F~os, Hxv~sx 92
F~nExemU~NC~9 ..................................... 95
TasTmO~Y PmuoD..........................
"O~ Worn,v, 0~ Govmun~m~T" ..... 82
~,{EMOB/LL CL’;.~I~TION ................... 82
"WA~’~HTOw ~’~ STUDIES ..................... 82
HIS journalis publishedfor the purposeof enablingthe
117 Adams Sfreet
Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
peopleto know JehovahGod and his purposesas expressed
in the Bible.It publishes Bibleinstruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all peopleof good-will.
N. H. K~ORR, President W. E. VAN A~B~, Secretary It arranges systematic Biblestudyfor ats readersand the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; as~d supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
Crest shall be the peace of thy chtldren."- l, atah 54:r3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible aa authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parti~.s, sects
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Makerof heavenand earthand the Giverof tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to has creatures;that the Logeswas the beginnlngof his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and hisactiveagentin the creation of all otherthings, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does net in-
and is now the LordJesusChristin glory,clothedwithall power dulgsin controversy, andits columns arenotopento persormlit~es.
in heavenand earth,as the ChiefExecutive Officerof Jehovah;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
Ya41i,! SuescailffloN. PllcI
for the earth and placed him upon It; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UN.I~ S’rA~s. $1.00; all other countries. $I.50, American currency;
of Adam’swrong act all men are born sinnersand withoutthe GR~T lances should be made by Postal or Express ,Money Order or by Bank
rightto life; Draft. British. South African and Australasian remittances should
THAT THE LOGES was made human as the man Jesus and be made direct to the respective branch orate& Remittances from
countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Broo~yn
suffereddeath in order to producethe ransomor redemptive office, but by Interactions| Postal Money Order only.
pricefor obedientones of mankind;that GOd raisedup Jesus
1ffoasloN. Oat’ICES
divineand exaltedhim to heaven above every other creature
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power Brit~h 84 Craven Terrace. London. W. 2. Euleland
and authority; A~tralastun __ "/ Bertmford Road, Stratbfleld. N S. W, Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called 8oath AI~ca~ Boston House. Cape Town. South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the Indlalt 167 Love Lane, Bombay 27, India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Translations of this Journal appear Lu several languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed m the Bible, and to bear
the frmts of the Kingdom before all who will hear; ALL SINCERE STUDENTS OF THE BIBLE who by reason of
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, poverty or adversity are unableto pay zhe subscription price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of made may have The Watchtowerfree uponwritten application to the publishers.
once each year, stating the reason for so requesting It. Weare
authority,has oustedSatan from heavenand Is proceedingto glad to thus aid the nt~dy, but tile written application once each year
the establishmentof the "new earth" of the New World; m required by the postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEFand blessingsof the peoplesof earth can Notice to Bubecr4bers: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kmgdom under Christ, scrlption will be sent only whenrequested Changeof address, when
requested, maybe expected to appearon address label within one mou~h.
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent wtth the
destruction of Satan’sorgamzahon and the completeestablish- Journal one monthbefore the subscription expires.
ment of righteousness in the earth,and that underthe Kingdom
Printed in the United States of America
the people of good-willthat survive Armageddonshall carry Shirred as seeoMd-ctaa# matter nt the poet o~ce at Brookiffn, N.Y.,
out the divinemandateto "fillthe earth"witha rlghteous race. undcr the Act o~ March8. 1879.


The four-month-long Watchtower campaign ends ruth this The tune to celebrate the Memorial this year xs after 6 p m,
"United Kingdom Announcers" Testimony Period dunng the Standard Time, on Wednesday, March 28. z~t an agreed hour, let
entire month of April. It should crown with trmmph the objectives each company assemble on that night, and the anomted ones there.
of the campaign. By the mamtenance of united activity of all of partake of the emblems, their companions the "other sheep"
Kingdomannouncers,under Jehovah’sblessing,it will dc so being present as observers. Before the Memormlemblems are par-
Keep to the fore always,therefore, the campalgnoffer,to st, taken of. let a competent brother dehver a brief discourse extempo-
a year’ssubscription for The Watchtower togetherwith the free raneously or read paragraphs selected from past Watchtower
book "The KmgdomIs at Ha~d" and the free bookletOne World, articles on the Memorial to those assembled. Since the breakmg of
One Government, at the specialrateof $1.00.We wantour regular bread and drinkmg of wine both symbolize the death m which
Watchtower readersto know that a sharem thiscampaignis open Christ’s body-members share, both the bread and the wme should
to them,and if theywall writem to us expressmg ~,helrdeslre he served together at partaking, the bread bemg unleavened and
we shalltakepleasure in puttingthemin touchwlthan organized
companywRh whom to co-operate. Each one shouldalso make out the wane red. Most certainly Jesus and hm disciples used red wme
his report of activities,that such may be mcluded m the to correspond with his blood poured out in death, and we should
compilanonof the generalresultsthroughout the land for this harmonize with them. Let all compames or groups report their
blessedcampalgn. celebratzon, ahowmgboth the total attendance and partakers.


The title of this new booklet presents a theme of universal "WATCHTOWER"STUDIES
interest. The relation of how Almighty God, according to his Week of Aprd 15: "The King’s Feast of Liberation,"
Word, will work it out will delight every honest, yearning heart. 1-~1 inclusive,The WatchtowerMarch15, 1945.
Because of the anticipated demand for this booklet, its first
prating is five million copies. General distnbutaon is now under Week of April 22: "The gag’s Feast of Liberatmn,"
way. Personal copies are available at 5c each. ¶ 22-41 inclusave, The Watchtower March 15, 1945.
VOL. LXVI M,u~c~15, 1945 No. 6


"So there was great joy in Jerusalem: for since the time of Solomon the son of David king of Israel
there was no$ the like in Jerusalem."--2 Chron. 30:26.
EHOVAH God repeatedly covers himself with in light of modern-day facts, King Hezekiah was
J glory as a Liberator. He continually draws atten-
tion to the fact that in Him lies the only hope
seen to foreshadow Christ Jesus as he began to
reign A.D. 1914. There is no question that Jehovah
of liberation for those who yearn for freedom of God brought Hezekiah to the throne of the typical
body, mind and heart. Since 1914 he has put his Theocracy over Israel in 745 B.C. By the convincing
Anointed King in power to act in the role of Liber- facts that fulfill Bible prophecy all honest question
ator. By his King an invitation is now extended to is brushed aside that the same God brought Christ
the distressed peoples to break off from their present Jesus to the throne of the real Theocracy, the "king-
bondage and to take the road that leads to a present dom of God, in 1914. (Isa. 14:28, 29) Hezekiah,
share in the great deliverance already begun. The shortly after beginning to reign, went to the dese-
Lord God knows that the worldly-wise religionists crated temple at Jerusalem, flung wide its doors,
will scoff at His way; but He also knows, and his regathered the consecrated Levite servants, and
reigning King knows, that the sincere-hearted lovers cleansed the temple of the trash and defilement of
of life and freedom will gladly hear his gracious religion, and reinstated the free worship of Jehovah
invitation and will set out on His way. The deliver- at Jerusalem. Likewise did the King Christ Jesus,
ance be brings to such ones is now and will yet be but on a larger scale. In 1918, after settling the "war
greater than the liberation which he gave to the in heaven" victoriously by casting Satan and his
Israelites thirty-five centuries ago, whenhe crippled demonhosts downfrom heaven to this earth, Christ
the power of their enslavers and led them forth Jesus came to the temple, "suddenly," as King
from Egypt to freedom’s blessed opportunities. Hezekiah did. He began the cleansing of the temple
One thing very few persons on earth care to class on earth, his remnant of true followers, and
admit: that the basic cause of their bondage to sin, re-established the free and fearless worship of Jeho-
oppression and death is religion; and that from the vah.~Mal. 3 : 1.
fatal day in the garden of Eden till now religion ¯ In the years immediately following, and down
has been their deadly enemy and that it descends to 1922 particularly, the King’s cleansing work and
from man’s mightiest enemy, Satan the Devil. Never- his reorganizing of Jehovah’s servants for the final
theless that stubborn fact was painfully evident in witness to be given to this world affected a small
the days of Israel, when the young man Hezekiah remnant. They were the faithful anointed Christians
succeeded religious King Ahaz to the throne of the that had successfully endured the fiery trials of
kingdomof Judah. That same fact is still more evi- faith and integrity during World War I. However,
dent at this end of the world, in the days of a new by 1922 not all the members of the remnant bad
King greater than Hezeldah, namely, Christ Jesus, been gathered to the King at his temple. Hence,
"the Lord of lords and King of kings." There is an from that year onward the King Christ Jesus issued
effective way of deliverance from the enemyreligion a larger call to the service of Jehovah God at his
and its originator Satan; it is to faithfully and temple. This widening of the gospel call was long
obediently worship Jehovah God, following the ago pictured by what King Hezekiah did after
example and instructions of his reigning King. setting the temple in order and restoring the worship
3 In the last preceding issue of The Watchtower, of Jehovah there. Again when we look for modern
in which chapter 29 of 2 Chronicles was explained events corresponding to those of Hezekiah’s reign,
i. la} In whom lies the hope of liberation, and whom does such one we uncover further proof that "the kingdom of
put in power as liberator? (b) What tnvitattou does he now extend7
and who act upon it?
2. la) Who! do few car* to admit as to the cause of bondage? (b) What heaven is at hand".
is the effective way of detiveranee therefrom?
3. Aa shown in *.he previous Watchtower article, whomdid King Heze- 4. Who was affected by his cleansing work dow~ to 1922? what was
klah foreshadow, and what corr~ponthng facts are there in proof~ therefore then Lssued~ and how was this foreshadowed?
’ Chapter 30 of 2 Chronicles opens with this state- temple priests. The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh,
ment: "And Hezekiah sent to all Israel and Judah, therefore, belonged to the kingdom of Israel. That
and wrote letters also to Ephraim and Manasseh, kingdomwas completely within the clutches of reli-
that they should come to the house of the LORDat gion, which was dragging it down to ruin and to its
Jerusalem, to keep the passover unto the LORDGod destruction, which came in the sixth year of Heze-
of Israel." (2 Chron. 30: 1) The cleansing of the kiah’s reign.
temple by the priests and the Levites had been com- ’ Although the government or rulers of the king-
pleted on Nisan 16 ; too late, therefore, for the yearlydom of Israel, from Jeroboam on, were given over
passover to be celebrated by the people of Israel wholly to religion or demonism, yet, as Hezekiah
and Judah on the divinely prescribed date, Nisan 14. realized, there were doubtless some Israelites that
s King Hezekiah appreciated the importance of a honestly wanted to break with religion and return
passover celebration, and its unifying effect. It was to the worship of Jehovah. Such individuals deserved
the national celebration which memorialized the to be given an opportunity to do so, with benefit of
vindication of Jehovah as the supreme and almighty all aid possible. As for that matter, all Israelites
God by his deliverance of his people of Israel from were under covenant obligations with God to come
bondage in religious The anniversary thereof up to Jerusalem and celebrate the passover. Defying
was past, but Hezeldah’s acquaintance with God’s the likelihood of being accused of interfering in the
law helped him out. He bethought himself of Jeho- affairs of another governmentand its state religion,
vah’s provision for those who were unclean at the Hezekiah chose to please the God of Israel’s cove-
time of the anniversary, which provision said: "If nant by helping all Israelites, regardless of the gov-
any manof you or of your posterity shall be unclean ernment under which they lived, to take advantage
by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar of their privileges and to be faithful to the Most
off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD. High God. Hence Hezekiah wrote and dispatched the
The fourteenth day of the second month at even letters of invitation to all Israelites.
they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread s Likewise in the procedure of the King Christ
and bitter herbs .... Andif a stranger shall sojourn Jesus after he cameto the temple in 1918 and revived
among you, and will keep the passover unto the the open and public worship of Jehovah. Christ
LoaD; according to the ordinance of the passover, Jesus knows that the fitness of worshiping God is
and according to the mannerthereof, so shall he do: not limited to any one nation or race; Jehovah is
ye shall have one ordinance, both for the stranger not a mere national God. He is the true and living
[converted to the worship of Jehovah], and for him God, deserving of worship by all creatures that
that was born in the land." (Num.9: 10-14) This law, desire life. It is not within the right or province of
then, was the basis for Hezekiah’s writing letters any government of "Christendom" or "heathendom"
to all the Israelites to call attention to their privi-to determine what shall be the worship of its sub-
leges and obligations toward Jehovah God and to jects, or to forbid and prevent any of its subjects
invite them to the passover and to the seven-day from worshiping the deity or god of their choice.
feast of unleavened bread which followed the pass- Even Jehovah, who is higher than the highest of
over. Graciously Jehovah God, by his king Hezekiah, man-made governments and authorities, allows to
madeit possible for the Israelites to celebrate the each person the privilege nowof choosing and acting
passover of deliverance. according to his choice. (Josh. 24: 15) The govern-
ments of and by menare not eternal, but are doomed
to destruction; and hence if individuals are to get
’ In Hezeldah’s day the children of Israel were eternal life in the new world of righteousness it
divided between two kingdoms. During the reign of hinges upon their free choice of Jehovah as God.
Hezekiah’s forefather, David, the Israelites had In 1918 and thereafter the governments and ruling
been united under one Theocratic government. But powers of "Christendom" rejected Jehovah and his
in the days of David’s grandson the kingdom was Kingdommessage. They decided in favor of political
divided. Ten of the t~velve tribes revolted and formed government of this earth by men under control of
a northern kingdomunder Jeroboam, calling it "the the "god of this world". The religionists, as allies
kingdomof Israel". David’s own tribe, Judah, kept of the political rulers, acclaimed the proposed
faithful to his successor, whoreigned at Jerusalem. League of Nations as "the political expression of
The tribe of Benjamin also stayed loyal to Judah, the Kingdomof Godon earth", and the totalitarian
and its king, and so did the tribe of Levites and its ruler at the Vatican tried to gain a seat in the League
5. In the first year of ll~eklah’s reign, why wu not the passover
celebrated on Niaan 147 8. What die Hezekiah realize a~ regards the obligation of all Israelites
8. On what basis, then, dld Hezekiah send out letters o5 Invlta~on regarding worship, end what did be couraseonzly determine to do~
to the passover, and because of what appreciation? 9. As to Christ the Kings procedure since 1918. what does be realize
Y. In Hezekiah’s day, how were the tribes of Israel dlvkledas to their u to the people’s privilege of worship~ and why is it now the people’s
nltegiance to rulership? turD to choose?
M~c~ 15, 1945 SeWATCHTOWER. 85

or to dominate it. So the rulers had expressed their of the remnant of Christ’s followers from and
choice as to the issue, Whois supreme, and who is after 1919.
God? Nowmust come the people’s turn. "The congregation of Jerusalem with whom
’°Although the rulers, iri totalitarian-religious Hezekiah consulted nicely pictured that small origi-
fashion, tried to make their choice that for their naI remnant that had faithfully stood up under the
subjects too, yet the people themselves must be left judgment tests of 1918. Nowthey were burning with
free to maketheir ownpersonal choice. In the sight zeal to reopen publicly Jehovah’s worship by a fear-
of the Lord God it fell now to the people’s lot to less world-wide witness to his kingdom until the
decide either to go along with the political rulers in final end of this world should come. This thing was
choosing the "god of this world" or to worship Jeho- bigger than themselves. Instead of sitting downfear-
vah and seek His kingdom. Totalitarian rulers and fully and piningly in their retired meetingplaces
the worshipers of the political state maydeny free- and idly waiting for Christ Jesus to take them home
domof choice as a fundamental right of each indi- to heavenly peace and glory, they sought to "know
vidual, but the King of the NewWorld, Christ Jesus, what was pleasing to their King Christ Jesus and
recognizes this privilege of choice as man’s God- then to do it. Theythrew off the fetters of selfishness.
given right. Hence, like Hezekiah of old, he deter- They took counsel from God’s Word, that his wor-
mined to makethis privilege available to the people ship was for all who would gain everlasting life
by notifying them of the true God and His worship. and that their own personal salvation was not the
As long as nineteen hundred years ago Christ Jesus end of the matter nor the thing of chief importance.
had prophesied and declared that, during this time Others besides themselves must be informed of the
of his reign, "this gospel of the kingdom shall be Kingdom gospel of salvation and must be helped
preached in all the world for a witness unto all to worship God. Hence they joyfully rallied to the
nations." (Matt. 24: 14) This prediction he stood by, Scriptural standard, "This gospel of the kingdom
now that his reign had begun. His purpose in this shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto
was not world-conversion, but was that the people all nations." Their determination in that regard
at large might be given the chance to hear the news cameto full flower in 1922, whenthe King’s presence
of the setting up of God’s kingdom, and that they at the temple was disclosed to them from the Scrip-
might fix their eternal destiny by deciding either for tures and when the rousing cry was raised: "Ad-
or against the Kingdom. Hence Christ Jesus took vertise the King and his kingdom."
action as foreshadowed by that of King Hezekiah. ,a Note again how the action back in Hezekiah’s
time correctly outlines what has cometo pass in this
day of Jehovah. The account reads: "So they estab-
’~ "For the ldng [Hezekiah] had taken counsel, and lished a decree to makeproclamation throughout all
his princes, and all the congregation in Jerusalem, Israel, from Beer-sheba [at the extreme south] even
to keep the passover in the second month. For they to Dan [at the far north], that they should come
could not keep it at that time, because the priests to keep the passover unto the Lo~n Godof Israel at
had not sanctified themselves sufficiently, neither had Jerusalem: for they had not done it of a long time
the people gathered themselves together to Jeru- in such sort as it was written [in God’s law]."
salem [from all the tribes of Israel]. Andthe thing (2 Chron. 30:5) To the very limits of the territory
pleased the king and all the congregation." (2 Chron. where God’s professed people dwelt, the proclama-
30: 2-4) This shows they recognized the ldngdomof tion must be made. All Israelites must be given
Judah was Theocratic and that Jehovah God was opportunity to know that Jehovah’s temple of wor-
their invisible Sovereign, and that they must consult ship was reopened, its ordained priesthood installed,
and obey his Theocratic law. They were pleased to and the feast of liberation to be celebrated, even if
do so. While confessing that they had been careless a month late. The law of His covenant still stood
and lax concerning the law and worship of Jehovah binding upon his people. It must be obeyed as
God, they now took advantage of every provision written, and it was obligatory upon all ~ho pro-
to redeem the time and make a proper comeback, fessed to be the remnant of his covenant people to
that God might be pleased and glorified. They were keep the feast. The right to be notified of the feast
not interested in merely their own personal salva- must not be withheld, but was due to all such.
tion, but were desirous of making knownto others I’ The passover, with its killing of the lamb, pro-
the proper worship of the true Godand the obliga- riding blood over which to ratify a covenant, was
tion to worship Himas such. This was the attitude the beginning of Jehovah’s covenant with the Israel-
I0. Unhke 1olal~arian rulers, what vttLI freedom does the King concede
to the people? and why, therefore, has he caused Ibis ~ospel of the 12. Antltyl~leally, who corresponded with that eongTegaOonof ierQsalem?
K~ngdom to be preached to all ~nations and how did their dete~rninatlon come to flower in ¯1022
11. Why were Hezekiah and the congregation pleased to celebrate the 13. What was It then decreed to do, in Hezekiah’s time, and why?
passoser in the second month, and to Invite their neighbor tribesmen 14. What did the first passover ~egtn with llrael] and was It a ~pe
thereto ? of the "Lord’s supper"~’
86 NieWATCHTOWER. BRooz,.r
, N.Y.
ites. That first passover celebration by them down servetheLom~yourGod,thatthefierceness of his
in Egypt was a type or shadow of good things to wrathmayturnawayfromyou.Forif ye turnagain
come. But it was not a type of the present-day untotheLORD, yourbrethren andyourchildren shall
"Lord’s supper" with its bread and wine. It was a findcompassion before themthatleadthemcaptive,
type of something far larger than that memorial so thattheyshallcomeagainintothisland:forthe
supper of Christians. LORDyourGodis gracious and merciful, and will
1~ The eating of the passover in Egypt served to notturnawayhisfacefromyou,if ye returnunto
show Israel’s obedience to Jehovah as God and as him."
Theocratic Ruler and as Deliverer. The passover ~’Assyria, to thenorth ofPalestine, wastherising
lamb typified Christ Jesus the Lamb of God, whose worldpowerand wasalready challenging thedomi-
blood washes away the sin of those who gain eternal nantposition of Egypt,thefirstworldpower. The
life in God’s new world of righteousness. (John menacingshadowof mightyAssyriawas falling
1:29, 36; 1 Cor. 5: 7) The sprinkling of the lamb’s southwardacrossthe kingdomof Israeland the
blood on the outside of the doors, while it pictured kingdomof Judah.Duringthereignof Hezekiah’s
faith in Christ’s blood by those who took refuge predecessor, KingAhaz,the Idngdomof Judahhad
under it, did not mean deliverance and life to the feltthecompelling forceof Assyria’s demands. Now,
unbelievers outside. Instead, it betokened God’s unless thewrathof Jehovah Godagainst hispeople
vengeance and death upon the Egyptians and those forgoingapostate to religion wasturned aside, he
like them today. The lamb’s flesh was eaten by the mightpermit Satan’s worldpower, Assyria, to over-
household, who were all shod and equipped ready to throwtheirindependence. Thepreservation of the
get out of Egypt that night immediately after the nation’s existence by God’spowercalled fora return
supper. That pictured how those who acknowledge to the worshipof Jehovahaccording to His pre-
Jehovah as Theocratic Ruler and his King Christ scribed wayat thetemple in Jerusalem. IcingHeze-
Jesus as the vindicator of God’s name and as the kiahgave due warning of this, bidding the people
ransom price for God’s worshipers are not of this to flee from the day of God’s vengeance. To heed
world, this modern Egypt and its Pharaoh Satan. this warning would have been a good thing for even
They are of God’s new world and are shortly due to the rival ldng, Hoshea, of the kingdomof Israel, and
enter into that world of freedom and righteousness. his princes. It was a time of crisis in the lives of
For such reasons Wing Hezekiah’s decree bidding all those whoprofessed to serve the true God. And
all the Israelites to comeand celebrate the feast at the people could not afford to be governed by" the
Jerusalem pictured the invitation now to worship course chosen by their political rulers. The matter
Jehovah as God and to obey his reigning ICing and was one for individual action.
to enter into those things typified by the passover. ~’ Hezekiah’s desire was to recover God’s pro-
~s The anointed "king, Hezekiah, carried out his
fessed people from the disastrous outcome of the
commission as Jehovah’s anointed. He was responsi- practice of religion and to turn them into the way
ble for writing the invitation letters and makingthe of life by the worship of the God of Abraham,
proclamation. Did he also personally take the letters Isaac, and Jacob. The people ought to face the facts.
and present them to the people? Listen to the answer They ought to see whither religion was leading them.
from the ’things written aforetime for our admoni- Religion was no protection against the Devil’s politi-
tion’, at 2 Chronicles 30: 6-9: "So the posts ~that is, cal powers. No; but it brought downGod’s righteous
the runners or couriers] went with the letters from wrath upon them. The honor of Jehovah’s name was
the king and his princes throughout all Israel and at stake. The overthrow of His typical Theocracy
Judah, and according to the commandmentof the by the powers of this world would not be to his
king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn again unto
honor, but to his reproach. Hence Hezekiah sent out
the LORDGodof Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, and he
will return to the remnant of you, that are escaped enough couriers to bear the royal message of warn-
out of the hand of the kings of Assyria. And be not ing and of invitation to all the land and people. In
ye like your fathers, and like your brethren, which calling for them to abandon religion and return to
trespassed against the LoRDGod of their fathers, worshiping the true God, Hezeldah showed himself
whotherefore gave them up to desolation, as ye see. to be a faithful witness of Jehovah. The couriers
Nowbe ye not stiffnecked, as your fathers were, but he sent out also proved themselves Jehovah’s wit-
yield yourselves unto the LORD, and enter into his nesses, representing Jehovah’s chief witness on
sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for ever: and earth, His anointed King.
15 ta) What did the passover lamb, sprinkling its blood and sating 17. What did the preservation of the existence of tho kingdom of Judah
its flesh typLfy? {b) What, therefore, did He~e~ah’s Invitation to the
passover picture~ call for, and why?
16 How did Hezekiah then discharge his commission as king? and what 18. What did Hezekiah desire and try to help the people to see? and
was the content of the message? how did he prove himself a faithful witness of Jehovah~
M~cE 15, 1945 ~ieWATCttTOWER, 87
1, To deliver a like message of favor and of warn- not asked of King Hoshea to go in amongthe tribes
ing, the King Christ Jesus did not come forth from under his dominion, such as Ephraim, Manasseh,
the heavenly temple and appear in fleshly form and Zebulun, and Issachar; nor was any concordat treaty
carry the message about to the people on earth. Nor drawn up with Hoshea for them to bring another
did he blast it from the skies by a mighty voice from king’s message into his territory. That was not
heaven that penetrated into every home of the necessary. The Theocratic law of Jehovah applied
people. No; but when he was a man on earth many to all the land, notwithstanding national boundaries ;
centuries ago he showed how things were mainly to and His law was supreme. All the Israelites, even
be done. He set the example by himself going out King Hoshea, were by profession under covenant
into the midst of the people and preaching publicly bonds to be subject to that law and to obey it.
and from house to house. s, ’~W’e have our ownreligion," jeered those who
2o As Jehovah’s leading witness in the universe, laughed Hezekiah’s couriers to scorn and mocked
Christ Jesus in the Kingdomnowfulfills his anoint- them. "Look at our golden calves at Dan and at
ing with God’s spirit to preach good tidings and to Bethel. There’s where we go and worship Jehovah
declare God’s vengeance, by seeing to it that the by idol-images, and we have our own priests too,
message now due is delivered to all nations. As ordained by the state, even by our king." So said
Hezekiah sent out posts or runners, so Christ the some. Others pointed to the high places of worship
King arranges to do. He invites and takes into this over the land or to the temple of Baal at the capital
privilege of bearing testimony the remnant of his city of Samaria. So why go up to Jerusalem? Still
followers, beginning with those of them available others, doubtless the priests of these religious cults
in 1919. Hence the remnant, as children of God’s and sects, maliciously saw something more danger-
organization Zion, are spoken of as "the remnant ous in the activities of Hezekiah’s couriers in their
of her seed, which keep the commandmentsof God, land. To screen over their own hypocrisy and to
and have the testimony of Jesus Christ". (Rev. protect their religious jobs and systems from ex-
12: 17) Being commissioned or commandedby Jeho- posure by the passover feast proclamation, they
vah God through his King Jesus Christ, the remnant accused Hezekiah’s ambassadors of trying to stir
of the anointed witnesses went forth as ordained up rebellion against the state and to overturn it by
ministers and preachers of the gospel. As the an alienation of the people’s loyalty to King Hoshea.
recorded facts show, the King at the temple began How?By asking the subjects of Hoshea to ignore
to send them forth to this final witness in the spring the state religion and to leave their homes and go
of 1919. That was when the persecuted witnesses of up to a foreign capital, Jerusalem, in response to
Jehovah began to rise from their downtroddencondi- a foreign king, and there to engage in a foreign
tion and to renew obedience to their heavenly King worship. It was, so they argued, a scheme to make
and Leader. The King’s sending forth of the royal them give up their national independence and put
couriers or ambassadors of the Kingdom to make themselves under Judah s king, Hezekiah,--a clear
proclamation became even more marked from and case of sedition, a potential menace to the safety
after 1922. of the political state ! All that was done to embarrass
Jehovah’s courier-witnesses and to frighten or shame
PUBLmATm~ UNDEROPPOSmON them off from proceeding with their mission. And
2, Hezeldah’s historic pattern, written aforetime all the while the persecutors were heaping great
for us to makecomparisons today and so be strength- reproach upon Jehovah’s name and his Theocratic
ened, comforted and assured, does not lie in its King.
details. All "Christendom" can bear witness as to ,2 Just howvicious the scornful conduct and mock-
how exactly the modern developments agree with ing became, whether reaching a state of violent man-
the experiences of Hezekiah’s couriers in perform- handling, is not recorded. The couriers got through
ing their mission. It is written: "So the posts the lines and territories of those demonizedreligion-
[couriers] passed from city to city through the ists and got back to the king alive to makereport.
country of Ephraim and Manasseh even unto Zebu- Just how is not to be accounted for except by Jeho-
lun: but they laughed them to scorn, and mocked vah’s protection.
them." Being sent with the king’s letters, the couriers "* The like treatment accorded to Jehovah’s wit-
went to the people, from city to city, delivering the nesses from and after 1919 is so notorious through-
message and fearlessly making the proclamation aa "
out " Christendom" as not to need recital in detail
from the housetops. (Matt. 10: 27) Permission was here. "Christendom," too, has her own religion, in
19. How did the King Christ ~esus not proeeed, but when did he show
howthe delivery of the messagewai to be made? 22. Due to the religious state of affairs, what were the experiences of
the c0uri~s amoni the subjects of the kingdom of Israel?
20. How did the King Christ JesuF proceed to fulfill his anointlnE to 23. To what is the safe retm’n of the couriers to Hes~kiah to be credited?
preach the due message, and begtnnlng when?
24. How has like treatment been accorded to Jehovah’s witne~es from
21. How did Hezekiah’s couriers proceed ~ and whither, and why so? az)d after 1919 in "Christendom"?

hundreds of sects and cults. She is definitely not downto 1931, were added to the remnant as spiritual
subject to Jehovah’s King who sits on the throne in Israelites. They all becameone united band of Jeho-
the NewJerusalem above. She has her own separate vah’s anointed witnesses, having one heart to keep
organization of government and rule and chooses his commandthrough his King Christ Jesus. Hence
"Caesar" instead of Christ as King. She has com- the persecution by the religionists has failed to halt
promised her religion to the support of the political and defeat this "strange work", and Jehovah has
state, no matter of what kind, and is guilty of spirit- gathered his full quota of the remnant. He has thus
ual fornication. Yet she professes to serve and repre- shown his blessing and approval upon their house-
sent God and to be his chosen visible organization to-house and city-to-city method of preaching the
and people. Deeply has she resented the sending out gospel, delivering his message by direct, personal
of Jehovah’s witnesses preaching "this gospel of the touch with the commonpeople at their homes.
lfingdom". She has balked at nothing, no matter how ,T What, however, is the case for the religious
un-Christian, to stop them or to destroy them and opposers? This: the same fate awaits them at the
to silence their King’s gracious invitation. Their coming battle of Armageddonas befell those of the
ordination to preach as God’s ministers has been kingdomof Israel whorefused Hezeldah’s invitation
challenged and set at nought; and thousands of to the passover at Jerusalem. Just three years there-
these consecrated and commissioned ministers are after, or during Hezekiah’s fourth year, the kingdom
restrained from their free and open ministerial of Israel was invaded by the mighty Shalmaneser,
duties behind concentration-camp enclosures and king of Assyria, and the siege of Israel’s capital,
prison walls. They are decried in the newspapers, Samaria, began. The terrible siege dragged on for
over the radio, and in religious pulpits and publica- three years before Samaria fell. Then the religion-
tions. They are laughed to scorn and mocked as ists that had survived the destructive Assyrian
impostors, book- and magazine-peddlers, bigots, sedi- incursion were uprooted from the land and deported
tionists, unpatriotic fanatics, proselyters, Commu- to the enemyland of Assyria. There the3" sank into
nists or the advance column for Communism,door- oblivion. Only those who had heeded Hezekiah’s
bell ringers and disturbers of communitypeace, etc. invitation and resumed their worship of Jehovah at
" The abuse has gone to the extreme of greatest Jerusalem’s temple were sure of any divine mercy,
violence to their persons and to destruction of their protection and deliverance according to Hezekiah’s
property, as by mobs and raids. Various pretexts, warning message. (2 Ki. 18:9-12; 2 Chron. 30:9)
and base twistings of the l.xw, have been seized upon As for the kingdom of Judah under Hezekiah whicil
to arrest and imprison them. And behind all this returned to Jehovah’s worship, it merely looked out
have been religion’s dupes; and behind these, Satan on tile fate of those religious scorners. It continued
and his demons. The survival of Jehovah’s witnesses to stand out against the Assyrian world-power all
to this year 1945 is only by Jehovah’s protection of Hezekiah’s days.
and preservation of his faithful servants.
2o However,the picture is not all dark and painful. REVIVED CELEBRATION

As it is recorded of back there: "Nevertheless divers "Whereas a mournful end overtook the relig~on-
of Asher and Manasseh and of Zebulun humbled ists of Israel, note the joy-awaking blessings that
themselves, and came to Jerusalem. Also in Judah the worshipers of the true God experienced. Note
the hand of God was to give them one heart to do also the warfare against religion that was carried
the commandmentof the king and of the princes, on at the same time. "And there assembled at Jeru-
by the word of the LORD."(2 Chron. 30: 11, 12) In salem much people to keep the feast of unleavened
the issue that was then raised between religion and bread in the second month, a very great congrega-
God’s worship, and between obedience to man in tion. And they arose and took away the altars that
the political state and obedience to the great Theo- were in Jerusalem [at the forbidden high places],
crat and his king, some persons took courage to and all the altars for incense took they away, and
decide for Jehovah and his king. They let no polit- cast them into the brook Kidron. Then they killed
ical considerations split them off from Jehovah’s the passover on the fourteenth day of the second
worship and from accepting his king’s invitation. month: and the priests and the Levites were
So now, too, due to the witness work of God’s origi- ashamed, and sanctified themseh,es, and brought in
nal remnant, many forsook religion and consecrated the burnt offerings into the house of the LORD.And
themselves wholly to Him and engaged in his they stood in their place after their manner, accord-
worship and service. These, particularly from 1922 ing to the law of Moses the man of God: the priests
2’/’. Howdid the ca~e of the religlou~ Israelite opposer~ develoD there-
23 To what Is the survival of Sehovah’s wltnes~m till 1945 to be after, In contrast with that of the kingdom of Judah?
credited?and why so? 28. At the appointed time, who assembled at Jerusalem? what action
26 Both in type and ID ant[type, why were there some favorable reauite? did they take toward religion? and how did the sacrifice of the paMover
,~tnd how did Jehovah gltther the full quota of his remnant? proceed?
M~cE 15, 1945 :EieWATCttTOWER, 89

sprinkled the blood, which they received of the hand from all religion by his truth and the purl ~fying
of the Levites. For there were many in the congre- power of his holy spirit. Also, the King Christ Jesus
gation that were not sanctified: therefore the Levites has advocated before God f~r all those who were
had the charge of the killing of the passovers for indeed at fault through traces of religion but whose
every one that was not clean, to sanctify them unto hearts were right and seeking to worship Jehovah in
the LORD.For a multitude of the people, even many purity. He prayed for such and applied the merit
of Ephraim, and Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun, of his sacrifice for such, and Jehovah God has
had not cleansed themselves, yet did they eat the hearkened and healed his remnant from the un-
passover otherwise than it was written."--2 Chron. clean effects of their former contact and associa-
30 : 13-18. tion with religion. "Bless the LORD, O mysoul, and
"As in that far-removed day, so after Christ’s forget not all his benefits: whoforgiveth all thine
coming to the temple in 1918. Those who answered iniquities ; whohealeth all thy diseases ; whoredeem-
his invitation and who undertook the worship of eth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee
Jehovah God as members of his remnant needed to with lovingkindness and tender mercies."~Ps.
purify themselves from the uncleanness of religion. 103: 2-4.
Pure worship before God and the Father, and pure ’~ After their passover lambs had been sacrificed
faith in the Lamb of God, Christ Jesus, required at the altar in the temple court, the joyful assembly
that they be cleansed from the soils of religion and at Jerusalem took the slain lambs to their residences
its unscriptural forms of worship. This was not in the city and ate the passover. They thereby
the work of a day; nor has it been the work of a memorialized the great liberation from the world
few years. The prophecy of Malachi concerning the power of Egypt, which liberation their God wrought
coming of Jehovah’s royal Messenger to the temple for them in vindication of his own name and by
warned that he would sit as does a refiner and puri- executing judgment upon all the demon gods of
fier of silver. He would purify the "sons of Levi", Egypt and their religious worshipers. Once again
namely, the antitypical priests and Levites, as if God was vindicating himself by his Theocratic ldng,
they were gold and silver, in order that they might Hezeldah, by delivering the Israelites from the
offer to the Lord God an offering in righteousness shackles of religion and renewing his worship at
and acceptable to Him. "Then shall the offering of the temple in his holy city. All the faithful remnant,
Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LOAD,as from the various tribes of the whole covenant people,
in the days of old, and as in former years." (Mal. were brought together and united in His worship, as
3: 1-4) This cleansing has been a difficult and trial- brethren and servants of God. What peace, what
some process. Religion has been a snare and a close- blessedness, what Godlyfellowship there was in this i
besetting sin; and, as in Hezeldah’s day, some have Andnot forgetting our own day: What like goodness
been more prompt to cleanse themselves from reli- from on high there has been for the remnant in
gious tradition and malpractice than others, and to these days when "the ldngdomof heaven is at hand"
he washed with the purifying waters of truth. Never- and when Jehovah’s King at the temple leads the
theless, a remnant has endured the purification gathered faithful remnant in the pure and undefiled
process and has come through clean for Jehovah’s worship! As for the religionists wholaugh in scorn
worship and active service as his witnesses. and mock and persecute, and stay away from the
zo Behold, now, howa God-fearing, righteous king Theocratic organization and its feasting, they con-
really helps the people to a right relationship and tinue to fight in disunity and to groan and suffer
worship toward Almighty God! "But Hezekiah the woes that have come upon all those of or under
prayed for them, saying, The good LonD pardon Satan’s organization since 1914.
every one that prepareth his heart to seek God, the " The passover celebration on the fourteenth day
Load God of his fathers, though he be not cleansed of the month was not all! God’s law (Ex. 12: 18-20;
according to the purification of the sanctuary. And Deut. 16: 1-8) provided that, beginning the next day
the LORDhearkened to Hezeldah, and healed the (Nisan 15), there should be a week-long feast
people." (2 Chron. 30: 18-20) Thus, while he did not unleavened bread. During it they should rejoice in
excuse religion or any slackening toward his Theo- the freedom from bondage to world powers which
cratic law, Jehovah God was merciful to those who God has bestowed upon them and should offer special
sought to worship him in sincere consecration from sacrifices of thanksgiving and of praise to him at His
the heart. Jehovah’s witnesses know he has been temple. Hence it is recorded: "And the children of
forbearing toward them until such time as they have
31. (hi How did the Taraelites then eat thapassover, and how wu
had opportunity and the instruction to be madeclean Jehovah then vindicating himself again? (b)What about the faithful
worshipers in our day, and what abot, t those who stay away from tha
2~. Lzkewise since 1918. why and how has there been a cleansing work? Theocratic feasting ?
30. {a) What Intercession did King Hezekiah make,~.and wi{h what result? 32. in)After the passover, what did those Israelites then celebrate,
(b) How has Christ Jesus done Iikew]~e and with like result and how~ (b} Of what was thls an ~smple u eoncernm our day?
Israel that were present at Jerusalem, kept the feast literal altar, but by offering up to him the sacrifices
of unleavened bread seven days with great glad- of the calves of their lips, lips movedby his spirit
ness: and the Levites and the priests praised the in boldly and lovingly telling forth his Kingdom
LORDday by day, singing with loud instruments unto message. Their progress in the knowledge of Theo-
the LORD.And Hezekiah spake comfortably unto all cratic truth has been due to the I,~ing Christ Jesus.
the Levites that taught the good knowledge of the At the temple he has reflected the light from Jehovah
LORD:and they did eat throughout the feast seven upon the unfolding Bible. Thus he has interpreted
days, offering peace offerings and makingconfession it and made it understandable. And as his remnant
to the LORD GOD of their fathers." (2 Chron.30: 21, 22) have engaged in the world-wide Bible-education
Here was an example of the unspeakable joy and campaign, teaching the people of good-will the
gladness that became the portion of God’s remnant "good knowledge of the Lord", the Greater Hezekiah
who forsook not the assembling of themselves or Christ Jesus has spoken comfortably or encourag-
together, but whogathered together in all lands and ingly to them. He has backed them up by pouring
nations to the united worship of Jehovah God. His the spirit upon them. Hence this modern world has
is a joyful worship and service, far different from seen carried forward the greatest and most irresist-
the somber, sanctimonious, formalistic proceedings ible campaign of education concerning Jehovah’s
of the cults and sects of "Christendom". name and kingdom that has ever marked this
s~ The seven-day feast of unleavened bread pic- "Christian era". And the end is not yet!
tured the continual spiritual feast that God’sfaithful
worshipers enjoy after being madefree through his FEAST’S EXTENSION

"Lambof God", sacrificed for the believers. "For ,s For at least sixteen years, or all during King
even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: there- Ahaz’ religious reign, the nation of Israel had not
fore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither held the annual passover and feast of unleavened
with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with bread. Nowthe revival of the celebration was so
the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." (1 Cor. gladsome and profitable that, after such a long
5:7, 8) As Jehovah’s remnant keep this continual interruption, the prescribed length of the feast
feast, and with a special appreciation of it since 1929, proved to be too short. "And the whole assembly took
they beware of the leaven (doctrine) of the modern- counsel to keep other seven days: and they kept
day Pharisees of "Christendom". (Matt. 16: 6, 12) other seven days, with gladness. For Hezekiah king
In that noteworthy year, 1929, and after seven of Judah did give to the congregation a thousand
plagues of stinging truth had been poured out upon bullocks and seven thousand sheep; and the princes
"Christendom" by Jehovah’s remnant during the gave to the congregation a thousand bullocks and
seven years of 1922-1928, he revealed to them how ten thousand sheep: and a great number of priests
great deliverance he had wrought for them from sanctified themselves. Andall the congregation of
antitypical Egypt, this world. By a clearing up of Judah, with the priests and the Levites, and all the
his long misunderstood Wordhe disclosed to their congregation that came out of Israel, and the
understanding a shaclde-breaking truth : The ’~higher strangers that came out of the land of Israel, and
powers", to whomall Christian souls are by Him that dwelt in Judah, rejoiced. So there was great
commandedto be subject, are Jehovah God and his joy in Jerusalem: for since the time of Solomonthe
King Christ Jesus, and not the religious-political son of David king of Israel there was not the like
powersof "Christendom"or of the rest of this world. in Jerusalem."~2 Chron. 30: 23-26.
At the same time the Lord God awakened them to ,e King Hezekiah and his princes gladly undertook
the fact that Christianity is not a religion, but is the expense of contributing food supplies for the
the truth in doctrine and in practice.~Rom. 13: 1-5; extension of the feast of liberation for another com-
see also page 139 of the book Government, published plete period of seven days. No meat rationing was
in 1928; also The Watchtower as of June 1 and 15, required, nor did they have first to get ration points
1929, under "Higher Powers". from any begrudging authorities. The 19,000 bullocks
"With gladness expressible only through faithful and sheep that the king and princes contributed and
activity, the remnant of Jehovah jubilated before that needed to be killed, flayed, and prepared, some
him, singing his praises by publishing his truth and parts for the altar and some parts for consumption
using every available instrument and means he by the feasting assembly, called for much work by
provided to swell the sound of his message. They the Levites. They were at least as busy as the
pleased God, not by burning animal victims upon a workers in the cafeteria department of a major con-
33. What did that seven-day feast i)ltCture ~ and why could Jehovah’s vention of Jehovah’s witnesses in recent years. For
witnesses keep It wltb special appreciation from and after 19297
34 How has Jehovah’s remnant Jubilated before him and offered up 35, 36 (a) At the end of the seven days, what was then decided upon,
sacrifice 7 and how and to what effect aL~ the King Christ Jemls spoken and how was this well provlde0 for? {b)How has there been a llke
comfortably to them? feast antltYplcglly ?
M~c~ 15, 1945 $SeWATCHTOWER. 91

these witnesses it has been no mere feast of material dance of spiritual food, and he has kept open the
things for the body, but has been a wholesome,satis- door of free worship of the Lord God. Both the
fying feast of fat things in a spiritual way. Andthe remnant and these "strangers", their companions,
King Christ Jesus has extended this feast of King- have rejoiced at this extension of the "feast of fat
dom truths and of Theocratic witness work longer things" at Jehovah’s holy mountain. Their joy knows
than his remnant had at first expected. They are no bounds, and they gratefully and generously pass
glad to have it thus extended, even beyond this along the King’s invitation to others of the "stranger"
year of 1945. class who have not yet put in appearance.
,r But look there! Whoalso are at this feast, and as To whomis all this cause for joy and spiritual
in such multitude? Were they invited and due to be feasting due ? The account of the typical feast under
present? Yes; for the account of the historic prece- the supervision of Hezekiah shows, saying: "Then
dent for this day says : "Andthe strangers that came the priests the Levites arose and blessed the people:
out of the land of Israel, and that dwelt in Judah." and their voice was heard, and their prayer came
(2 Chron. 30:25) Of course, by "strangers" back up to his holy dwelling place, even unto heaven."
there must be understood not just those who were (2 Chron. 30: 27) Yes, the One whose dwelling place
serving as Nethinim at the temple, in drawing water is the heavens of the heavens, the Supreme One, he
and fetching wood and rendering ether menial serv- it is to whomall this spiritual goodness is due,
ices for the Levites whoserved at the altar and in because it is the time for the beginning of the reign
the temple kitchens. There were many more non- of his anointed ICing, the Greater Hezekiah. The
Israelite strangers from over the land. All these were "priests the Levites" were anciently the representa-
consecrated worshipers of Jehovah and enjoying tives of Jehovah, and hence their blessing upon the
benefits under his covenant with the nation of Israel. people at the temple celebration was the same as
They were unitedly with the Israelites keeping his Jehovah’s blessing upon his faithful worshipers. His
one ordinance of the law. They pictured a class blessings today surpass anything of the past. He
outside the remnant of spiritual Israelites today, richly blesses those who now worship him as his
namely, the "men of good will", or "Jonadabs", or witnesses on earth, namely, the remnant and the
the Lord’s "other sheep". During the years from good-will "strangers". Fromhis holy dwelling place
and after 1919, and especiall3" since the message in heaven he also hears their prayers for the peace
"Millions NowLiving Will Never Die" went forth, and prosperity of all his servants, and he blesses
these "other sheep" have heard the King’s call to them accordingly with those desired things.--Ps.
break loose from religion and to turn to Jehovah’s 122: G-9.
Theocratic capital Zion, the Kingdom.Long ago the "° In Hezekiah’s time the right effect was produced
strangers from the territory of Israel as well as upon the worshipers at Jerusalem by this celebration
those within Judah came along with the Israelites at the temple. A great anti-religion campaign was
to the temple at Jerusalem. So the "stranger" class conducted throughout the land before ever the wor-
of today have heard the King’s invitation to the shipers returned and settled down in their homes.
worship of Jehovah Godand to the Theocratic feast As it is written: "Nowwhen all this was finished,
of liberation at his temple and holy organization. all Israel that were present went out to the cities
They have therefore come along with the spiritual of Judah, and brake the images in pieces and cut
Israelites who make up the remnant. The King down the groves, and threw down the high places
Christ Jesus has lovingly welcomedsuch "strangers". and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in
~ A.D. 1935 the King at the temple revealed that Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had utterly
these good-will "strangers" are the ones who, if destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel
faithful to the end, will makeup the "great multi- returned, every manto his possession, into their own
tude". (Rev. 7:9, 10) During the present test cities." (2 Chron. 31 : 1) This united uprising against
their integrity to God, now "are they before the religion or demonism in the God-given land was
throne of God, and serve him day and night in his according to the divine will, and his anointed king
temple". The King, the Good St’iepherd, will lead approved it.
them unto eternal life on the earth in the righteous "Thus, too, in this favored day of Jehovah’s
NewWorld, and then they will enter into the privi- restored worship the joyful celebration of the feast
lege of fulfilling the "divine mandate", as was of freedom does not end with simply feeding upon
revealed by the King in the year 1938. Since then the unfolding truths. The zeal for God’s house of
the King has continued to provide a further abun- worship which has been fed by this feast must be
3"/ ~a) According ~o the record, whe also were present at that typical 39. To whomis all this cause for Joy and spiritual feasting due? and
feast~ Ibl Wi~om did they picture and how have these come to attend what has been the extent of the blessing?
the feast of today? 40 By what action was the right effect shown to have been produced
upon Jehovah’s worshipers by the ancient eelehraLton’
38. IIow did 1935 and 1938 prove marked dates in the feasting? and 41. By what like action has the antitypieal feast of liberation been
what has been the attttude respecting the feast’s extension? followed, and why?

translated into action against the powers of demon- unitedly under their King Christ Jesus. Theyhold
ism. All about Jehovah’s remnant and their com- their standard of truth on high everywhere, putting
panion worshipers are religion’s institutions and to flight the hosts of religion and permittingnothing
hosts which are craftily seeking to take away the of religion inside the Theocratic organization for
liberty of the servants of Jehovah. However, Je- serving God. The King’s blessed feast of liberation
hovah’s witnesses are not asleep to that danger. has led to and is followed by great activity upon
They repeat: "For freedom did Christ set us free: the part of his faithful remnant and the beloved
stand fast therefore, and be not entangled again in "strangers", that Jehovah’s namemaybe glorified
a yoke of bondage." (Gal. 5: 1, Am. 8tan. Vet. ) and vindicated. Andsimultaneously, freedom’sbless-
Conscious that the greatest protection against ings continue to spread farther abroad and are due
the inroads by enslaving religion is to ever push to come to yet untold multitudes of "menof good
the offensive against religion, they move forward will".


E VERYWHERE men of good-will are hailing the welcome

news of the estabhshment of God’s kingdom. This fact is
mamfest in a noteworthy way m the fair island of Cuba,
Some Americansmightview Santiagoas an ill-keptcity,with
poorlypavedstreets, and a time-worn, not-too-clean
even wathm a short distanceof the main squareof town; but

where, during February, the message "One World, One Govern- upon the generalscenethe RomanCatholicI:Imrarchy lookswlth
ment" was introduced by the president of the Watch Tower Bible complacency. Its cathedralthere,builtm 1522 and whlchover-
and Tract Society. This message provided the public feature at looksthe mainsquareor plaza,has an elevatedplatformrunning
a series of three conventions of Jehovah’s witnesses at the above- aboutit, underwhichare commercial shopsand officesof abogados
named cities, which were served by N. H. Knorr, president of (lawyers). All of theserent fromthe cathedral, whlchoccuples
the Society, and three other representatives thereof. Cuba is the wholeblock.WhileCubansin generalthinknoth,ngof thls,
under no ban or official disapproval upon conventions attended yet true Christians see represented in thls arrangement how the
by more than 55 out-of-towners reqmrmg railroad transportation, RomanCatholicreligiousorgan,zatmn rests upon the foundatmn
as is now the case in the United States. Hence whatever Cubans of commeremlexploitationof the peoplewlth the advocacyof
could undertake the expense involved used the railways to come the law framedby the political element.
to these several assemblies of devoted Chrmtlans. At 3 : 15 p.m. the maestro de ceremonia (master of ceremonies,
A series of local meetings in the United States eastern sea- or chairman) formally opened the Convention. The entire program
board had been successfully concluded at Richmond, Va., and thereafter at Santiago (as well as later at Cienfuegos and
Jacksonville, Tampa, and Miami, Fla., when Brother Knott and Havana) followed the program that had been presented in
a companion director of the same Society, prepared to hop off January at Richmond and early m February at Tampa. The
from North America for points farther south, m the Carlbbean speeches as there given have been running m the columns of
area. The hop over to Cuba was negotmted m a Pan-American The Watchtower, and it is unnecessary, therefore, for us to detail
Airways plane, on the morning of Wednesday, February 7. After them in this limited report. All the speeches, except those given
having passed over the Florida keys, the plane ran into a squall by the president, were delivered in Spamsh, and Brother Gonzalez
and flew blind through ram and cloud for some minutes; but acted as interpreter for Brother Knorr.
after about an hour and a half from the time of take-off, the The conventioners came from various parts of Omente Province
plane made a three-point landing at the Cuban aeropuerto nine- by all means of getting to Santiago Thin was the first appearance
teen kilometers outside Havana. All the members of the Society’s of the Society’s president among them; and these dear ones of
Havana Branch office, and all the graduates m Cuba from the the Lord, materially poor as they may be, appreciated greatly tns
Watchtower Bible College of Gilead, were at the airport to extend consideration in coming to them with his compamons Their joy
a most joyful welcome again to their midst. All were m good abounded, and their dehght was repeatedly expressed m the
splmtual conditmn and gave proof of hearty enthusiasm for the applauses during the speeches. They did not mind the noises from
Kingdom’s reconstructive work m Cuba. without, so intent were they on the presentatmns of God’s Word
The convention cwemt did not allow for a long stop in Havana, from the platform. The Gremlo de Estlbadores Hall is on the
but Brother Knorr was able to give attentmn to Kingdom matters ground floor, and Trimty street ts a narrow street; hence the
at the Branch office and Bethel home. Just three da.~s off was the streetcars as they noisily run by can be touched by extending
Reconstructors Theocratic Conventmn of Jehovah’s witnesses at the hand out the hall windows, almost as if the cars were
Santiago de Cuba, more than 500 miles away at the extreme rolling through the right-hand aisle of the hall. Besides that, there
eastern end of this long island. Sendmg ahead Brothers F. W. were the passing buses (guaguas), barking dogs, high-pitched
Franz and Ramon Gonzalez by train, Brother Knorr and the human voices, the drone of an’planes, etc. But the loud-speaker
Branch servant, George Papadem, proceeded to Santiago by the equipment amphfied the speakers’ word sufficiently to dominate
Cuban National Aviation Company plane on the morning of the bedlam of nome. In time the streetcar motormen came to
Saturday, February 10, which day the convention opened. The realize what was going on m the hall. On several oecasmus when
plane amved about on time; and in addition to a number of Brother Knorr was speaking, the motorman stopped the car
Cuban brethren there was present to meet the new arrivals the alongside the open windows, and motorman and all his passengers
Society’s representative from the Lsland of Jamaica, Thomas E. alike listened for several minutes to the Lord’s message and then
Banks. Some distance away, back in Santiago, at the Hall "Gremio drove on, doubtless well repaid for his delay on hm eartime
de Estlbadores" (Stevedores Guild) the conventaon had already schedule. Thereafter, too, the motormen tried to drive by as
started with a service assembly, attended by about 150 brethren. quietly as possible.
M~cH 15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 93

Due to need for interpretation looks out over a fine park and promenade of the central area of
of the last speech on Saturday’s
program, Brother Knorr’s, the meeting ran well past 10 p.m. Cienfuegos. This hall, the same as in the case of the convention
Imagine the outburst when he released the booklet Rehglon Reaps
hall at Santiago, was donated free to the use of the assembly.
the Whlrlwznd m the Spamsh edition! The brethren rejoiced at
Certainly there are many of the so-called "Catholic population"
the prospect that this booklet would reach them in quantity for
that are democratic-minded and in favor of giving even Jehovah’s
reading and dlstributmn at an early date. Next mormng, Sunday,witnesses the chance to say something. Such liberal ones of the
February 11, some 136 brethren were back at the hall for the Catholic population stand in striking contrast with the H~erarchy
baptismal service; and 17 candidates presented themselves for of Authority, whose religuous edifice dominated the eastern side of
immersion. These were transported to an isolated location on
the above-mentioned park.
Santmgo bay, where they symbolized their consecration to God
Comes Tuesday, February 13, the first day of the convention,
by water baptmm. and the Kingdom publishers were already long out on the streets,
The public address on "One World, One Government", by
offering the Society’s magazines and doing information walking
Brother Knorr, at 3 p.m. that day was favored w~th the largest
with placards and handbills, when the bus bearing the Society’s
turnout yet gathered at a Theocratm assembly in Santiago. Somefour representatives rolled into Cienfuegos toward noon. There
of the pubhc arrived as late as the middle of the speech, and was high interest over the question of how well a convention held
the audience overflowed into the seats that were set out m thefor two days in the middle of the week would be attended. It
interior pat,o adjo,nmg the hall. Total attendance was 456; about
is to be remembered that many of the brethren are situated m
250 of whom were pubhc of good-will. These sincere Catholics the hill country attended by great inconveniences of transportation;
and others showed their attitude toward the oppressive clergy of
moreover sugar-cane harvest was at its height. But as regards
religion by heavily applauding Brother Knorr’s statements expos-
attendance at a midweek convention there was no disappointment.
mg the Hierarchy and its fate. Once, after a funeral passed byThe first day the maximum attendancewas 441 brethren;the
playing "Ave Maria" and then but a few minutes later Brother secondday, 528. Again many came by long journeysafoot over
Knorr showed that this so-called "queen of heaven" would be
hilland dale,a coupleof sisters repeatingtheirfeatof lastyear,
unavadable to save the city of Rome from destruction at Arma-
but this time tramping22 leagues(or 66 milesm Cuba) in two
geddon, the dm of hand-clapping was followed by excited chatter-
days’time.No eonventmners came by thelrown privatecar. All
ing of votees everywhere throughout the Hall, with many gesticula-
together, 26 pioneers attended.
tmns; and Brother K.norr had to walt for it to subside. ~Iany Here,too, it was a delightto meet devotedbrethrenzealous
booklets were gzven away free at close of the speech. for the interests of God’skingdom.They havea problemto meet
Attendance at the evemng sessmns was 255. All unexpectedlythat the brethrenin the Umted Statesand in other democratm
to them, the apex of thrills was reached for these joyful con-
lands do not have to face. In Cuba it is compulsoryfor all
venttoners at a second release. This ttme Brother Knorr was
adult persons,men and women alike, to vote in the natmnal
speaking to them extemporaneously on God’s work in many landselections. Thosewho refuseto voteare punished, e~therwlthfine
and on the survival of Jehovah’s witnesses and the increase mor imprlsonment, only a few judgeswho try the casesof non-
numbers of them m varmus lands despite the Nazi-Fascist-
votersrecognizing any conscientious scruplesand lettingoff such
Vat,can scourge, and then he announced as publLshed m Spamsh non-voters scot-free of all penaltles. As a result,manyof Jeho-
the book "The Truth Shall Make You Free" and held up the vah’sconsecrated peoplehave sufferedfor eonsclence’ sake.Ask
book. The convention closed at 9:50 p.m., but even then the them,and they will tell you that the political governments of
brethren hngered before finally parting The field servme report
the earthlynationsare all a part of this old worldunderthe
for the eonventmn was: 109 pubhshers, placing 17 books, 71
unseencontrol of the "godof thisworld". Theywilltellyouthat,
booklets and 24 magazines, besides distributing 50.000 leaflets and
whereasJehovah’s wltnessesare in thinworldand actingas law-
doing much sidewalk mformatmn walking with 500 placards. It
abidingeitlzensunderhumangovernments, yet they are not of
is hoped that as a result of this convention the field work of
this world;no more thanwas ChristJesus.They both represent
Jehovah’s consecrated ones m this eastern part of Cuba will
and are for the new world,of whichJehovahGod has appointed
greatly increase and expand to God’s glorification and with benefit
ChristJesus to be King.Hence,when theseCubansconsecrated
to the many thousands of meek and teachable persons. themselves to.Godtheycast theirvotefor God’skingdomand for
The Socmty’s Jammcan representative, Brother Banks, was
His King. If they now undertookto share in any responmbdmcs
asmgned a brief period on the program, and related about the for the governments of this worldand to contaminate themselves
fmthfulness under persecutmn of our Jammcan brethren. From
with thisdoomedworld,it wouldalso doom them to destruction
a letter to Brother Knorr from the Kingston company we quote
with such governmentsat the coming battle of Armageddon
these words: "We, the brethren m Jammca, send our sincere
Therefore,whde not interferingw2th or advocatingagainst
greetings to you and our other brethren assembled in Convention
votingby other personsof this world, these Cuban brethren
in the island of Cuba .... Although we are carrying on the
refrainfrom voting,the same as do Jehovah’speoplem other
work under adverse conditions, hawng no books provided by the
countrmswhere votingis not compulsory.Many have therefore
organizatmn, yet we are using His great ’~extbook, the Bible. as
alreadygoneto prisonratherthan pay the finefor not exermsmg
the sharpest weapon to proelmm His message to the people of the vote;and othersare yet facingappearance m courtfor trial
good-wall. We are all umted as one m thLs warfare. The urn fled
on this issue.It was interestingto meet a coupleof Cuban
interests that are manifest in thts glorious work and the joy we
brethrenfrom a companywhere17 membersthereofwent to jall
are denwng from same cannot be expressed in words." on this msue.Duringtheirten-dayimprisonment theywere wmted
by hundreds of the kindly people of Lajas, who showed friendly
CIENFUEGOS interest and sympathy. Jehovah’s witnesses seized the occasion to
as Hispame-American citiesgo, therewas consider- give an excellent testimony to God’s kingdom instead of using the
able contrastbetweenSantmgoand Cienfuegos,the city of the alibi given in court by thousands of non-voters of this world,
next conventionon February13 and 14. Cienfuegos, called"the namely, that they were sick during the Cuban national electron
Pearlof the South",presentsan attractive appearance withits Many children,all of whom deserve comment on their good
generaleleanhness, well-preservedstreetsand trimarchltecture.behavior, werein attendance. These,too,weretakingthezrstand
Neitherwere streetbeggarsso obvious.The placeof convention, with their parents for the Kingdom.It was touchingto meet
the Athemum or Aten~o, on the floor above the Teatt’o Terry, two little maids, twins named Fe and Esperanza(Falth and
Hope),whochoseto exercise therightin public school thatthe railroad station, fromwhichtheSociety’s representativeslefton
UnitedStatesSupreme Courtdeclares to be a const~-tutional and a sleeper forHavana. Twodaycoaches wereattached tothecoche
God-givenright, namely, to refuse to salute anyman-made emblem dorm~to~iowhere these representatives had localidades; and about
or image,in orderto obeyGod’scommandment against religious 200 conventioners bound for the interior climbed aboard and
worshipto creatures or things. Interest in theCubansituatlon occupied almost exclusively these two day coaches. Manyof these
increases withthe announcement in El Mundoandothernews- had to make three transfers of trams before they would reach
papersas of February 9 that"theGovernment is preparing for their destinations next afternoon. Manyother brethren came down
themobilization of 10,000recruits", andthatthedatewillbe to the train platform to see all these brethren off. Joy was over-
agreeduponfor"carrying outthelottery-picking bywhichthere flowing on all sides. The brethren desired earnestly that Brother
mustbe calledintothe rankssome10,000youthsembraced in Knorr return to their midst, next year, if God’s wtll be so. At
thefirstgroupof the SMO[Obhgatory Military Service], that Santo Dommgo the day coaches were cut loose from the sleeper
isto say,thoseof20 to25 yearsofage". section of the train, which proceeded on to Cuba’s capital city.
Theenthusiasm of thebrethren herewasjustas highas that
whichbubbledover at Santiago. The speechesdelivered by HAVANA
nativeCubanbrethren as wellasby theSociety’s visiting repre- Havana looked quite battered from its 162-mile-an-hour gale
sentativeswererecelved withgreatsatisfaction. Particularly was or hurricane of last October 18, especially the branches of its
thisso as to thespeeches dealing wltheventsof thereignof manyfine palms and other trees. It awakenedvisions of the deso-
KangHezeklah whichfindtheirmarvelous counterpart in the lation to come when’religion will reap the whLrlwind’. Beginning
worksof thepresent-day witnesses of Jehovah underourreign- the preceding week, the advertising of the public lecture had
ingKingChristJesus.Thesereachedtheirclimaxin Brother movedforward; and the Society’s Branch oi~ee had been display-
Knorr’sspeechon Jehovah’s destruction of KingSennacherib’s ing a 41-foot banner announcingthis feature as scheduled to take
Assyrianarmyin thevicinity of Jet,salem.It wasa fighting place Sunday, February 18, at 3 p.m., at the Artlstlca Gallega
speech!It waswhattheseapplauding conventloners wanted. And auditorium. Our readers wtll rememberthat this was the hall that
the ~IostHighGod saw what theyneededand providedIt in the Convention used a year previous at Brother K.norr’s first
thishourof greattemptation nowuponthLsworld,withallthe public presentation there; but now an extra adjoining hall was
keen,trlalsome issues whichmustbe metbythesebrethren with procured for the anticipated large attendance. It was well that
an unbreakable devotion to theGod whomthey havechosento it wasso.
serveandrepresent. But to work up to such a large attendance muchactivity was
Due to the fact that the Convention wouldconcludethat necessary, indistributing the100,000 leafletsorhandbills, and
Wednesday nightwith the publicaddresson "One World,One marching aboutwlth1,000placards, andmakingback-calls and
Government",Brother Knoi~ttmmedlately followed up hisspeech notifying all thepersonsof frlendly interest of thecoming
on Jehovah’svictoryoverSennacherib wlthan account of the assembly andits publicfeature. The localKingdompubhshers
progressof Jehovah’s "strange work".Thisaccount was topped manfully metthecallto fieldservice, boththe209pubhshers
offby announcing thenew Spanish publication, "La Irerdad Os of the Havanacompany (which, inerdentally, had only88 pub-
HaraLibres", at thesametimedisplaying thecopythereof. The lishers justa yearprevious) andthespecial andregular plonecrs,
bookletLa Reli9~o~#81epael Tovbelhno hehaddisclosed theeve- together withbrethren of near-bycompanies. These,of course,
ningbefore.Outbursts llkethoseatSantiago followed, ofcourse, wereaugmented in numberwhentheeonventmn finally gotunder
uponthesepresentations. Thebrethren appreciated theexpressions way on Saturday, February17. HenceHavanareceivedqmtea
of Christian lovewhlebBrother Knorrboreto themfromthe thorough going-over wRh a concentrated proclamatlon of the
BrooklynBethelfamilyand fromallthe conventions alonghis Kingdommessage.
tourtillthen;andtheirvotethathe mcludetheirownin with To the wsitmgAmerican brethren it wasnoticeable thatthe
hlsburdenof loveforyetfutureencounters wlththebrethren passing ofa yearsince theirfirstwslthadmadeforbetter organ-
alongthewaywasspecially vociferous! tzatlon ofconvention matters. Efficlencym theLord’s servlce is
ThatmorningCienfuegos bay wltnessed the waterImmersion alwaysgood and is due to Him. The tui~outfor the morning
of35 dearones,youngandold,whothussymbolized thelrconse- service assembly, some250,wasgoodas a startoffto a peak
crationto Jehovah. Thefieldservlce reportforthatand the attendance forthedayof 394.It mustbetakenintoconmderatmn
prevlousdaytotaled up to a pleasing figure, to wit:Over400 thattheattendances forHavana weredrawnonlyfromthenorth-
dlfferentpublishers, puttingm 1,889hoursandplacing 46books, western areaofCubaanddldnotdrawfromthoseareasalready
477booklets, 122magazines, andmaking 32 back-calls andhaving servedby the Santlago and Cienfuego assembhes. The Havana
a solmdattendance of 1,150,. TheLordblessed theLrefforts in assembly wasnota general ornatlonal assembly,aswasthecase
behalfoftheadvertlsmg ofthepublic meeting. in February, 1944;and the companles m its areaare not so
Theveryfirstsentence of Brother Knorr’s public address drew numerous, onlyaboutten.Also,as someof theconventloners
forthapplause fromthefilledAteneoHall.For thenexttwo explained concerning manybrethren thattheyleftbehind at home,
hoursthLsdignified aud~tormm rangw~ththemessagem both themoneyquestlon (illustrated by rubbing therightthumband
Englishand Spanlsh,punctuated by much hand-clapping This first finger together, asiffeeling a corn)wasa preventlve against
publicturnout showedthata publicmeeting can be heldwath theattending by manymore.
successevenon a mldweekmghtTowardthe rearof the hall Inthisseries ofCubanconventlons theeffervescence ofsplrlt
therewas somewhatof an overturnof audience. Manym the seemedto bemounting m a continuouscrescendo untiltheHavana
main-squareparkacrossthestreet, hearing thelecture froma convention, wherethefortlssLmo andgrandfinalewerereached.
distance, cameup to seewhatkindof pubhcpresentation this The Lord God provlded, too, whatwas convement for Havana.
was.Manystayedandhstened forlongeror shorter periods and A groupof sectarmns whomaketheseventh-day sabbath themare
thenleft; andalltogether thereweresome1,100 different personsissueof rehgion havebeenandareyetquiteactive m thinarea,
thatheardallor partof thespeech. At least800heard"One andthishasraised manycontroversial questlons,andthewltnesses
World,OneGovernment" all theway through. Thereafter hun- of Jehovah havealsobeenmistaken forthesesectarmns, andthe
dredsof booklets weredistributed freeto thosewanting further sectarians havetriedtoundermine theLrwork.Hencetheopening
information.PrayerclosedtheConvention at 9:23p.m. dmcourses on "The KingdomSabbathand Its Lord"and "The
A sortof after-conventlon tookplacelaterthatnightat the Distinguishing Sign",beingforcefully dehvered by twoCuban
MAacH 15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER.
brethren, met with a hearty response, betokened by repeated of faith in God’s Word,and which things are certain and eternal!
applause. The evening session ended up quite tumultuously. Thin Fully half of that attendance was made up of the public, but
was when Brother I~orr, ending up the symposmm of four talks they were one with Jehovah’s consecrated people m making the
by different brethren, wove the theme of King Hezekiah’s purge premises resound with their accord and approval at the mere,ye
against religion into his remarks leading up to the disclosure of points of the speech "One World, One Government". Many of
the SpanLsh booklet Religion Reaps the Whirlwind. The eonven- these accepted the invitation to return for the evening session
tioners rejmeed still more when Brother Knorr called attention with which the Convention was to close. The attendance at this
to the current public meeting campa,gn in the United States and closing session was 529.
then announced arrangements for launching this campaign in The theme of the evening’s symposiumwas the vindication of
Cuba; and that, in this behalf, the Course in Theocratic Mimstry God’s name by his King in an everlasting victory over the anti-
wouldbe introduced, the lessons thereof to be published regularly typmai Sennacherib, Satan the Devil. Thin was followed by
m the Spamsh Consolacidn. "observations by the president", as scheduled on the program.
The graduates from the Watchtower Bible College of Gilead Here Brother Knorr’s words proved very consoling to the brethren,
rendered good service in behalf of the assembly. One of their and also stimulating them to greater effort in Jehovah’s witness
number was the Convention servant; another, Convention chair- work, to keep on preaching the Kingdomgospel despite the
man; another, cafeterm servant; and the others mountedthe stage pohtieal-religlous actmn of the enemy. Whenhe annolmced the
and gave accounts of their field experiences. What was most new book m Spanish, "The Truth Shall Make You Free", it
encouraging, denoting an advance over the prev*ous year, was detonated an explosion of joyful noise unto the Lord God Jehovah
that they spoke their expermnees m Spanish extemporaneously that even exceeded hke demonstratmns at the other citrus. Cer-
instead of reading prepared copy. They are really tal~ng hold tainly the appreciation of our brethren from the eastern tip of
of the language, and to practical good. In all, there were 44 Cuba to the western is one; they all rejoice at God’s Wordand
pioneers, special and regular, that registered their presence at the ~ts revealment, and they are grateful for all the choice dishes
Havana gathering. The work accomplished by these zealous pio- He puts upon his table of spiritual food. They are eager for
neers and also by the companypubhshers was very evident from such spiritual provisions, not only for themselves, but that they
the number symbolizing thmr consecration by water m~mermon may pass such on to other thousands of good-will by aa energetic
on Sunday morning The number was 66; and the bus had to take activity in the field as Jehovah’s devoted servants.
them m two loads to the Playa de Encanto for immersion m the Twotelegrams to the Havana convention from the brethren at
waters of the Gulf of Mexmo.Of these ~mmersedthere were seven Santiago bespoke the unity and the hke-mmdednessof the breth-
that had been interested by one WatchtowerCollege graduate, six ren.
by another graduate; and five, by sull another. These results give The field service report for the two days at Havana was as
proof that God has blessed the estabhshment and operation of follows: Publishers, 257, placing 105 books, 584 booklets, 62
the college; and the brethren m Cubagreatly desire to have more magazines, and 4 subscriptions, and making]-8 back-calls, and also
graduates sent dou~ to them. having a sound attendance of 609. This was accomphshedm 1,265
Just howkeenly the lovers of righteousness long for the sure h~urs. Manyexperienced their parhc,patmn in the field work for
and early downfall of this world of organized wmkedness, and the first hmehere.
how intensely they rejome at the coming of God’s Righteous It is thus seen that the total attendance for Cubaat all pubhc
Government and the approach of His new world, was made mum- meetings was about 2,300, the record to date Jehovah’s rich
lest at the public meeting at 3 p.m., Sunday, February 18. The blessing through his King Christ Jesus was upon all three con-
two halls provided therefor were filled to capacity, and more. ventlons in Cubaand is sure to result in the further enlargement
even the seats on the stage m the second hall were all occupied. of his "strange work" by his beloved people there. The three
The attendance was 1,034; and all heard in both halls by the conventions being past, the traveling brethren from Brooklyn
good pubhc-address system in~talled. Howuplifted all were, by headquarters stood poised for the hop-off across the Gulf of
thus looking at the things which are not seen except by the eye Mexico for Mexico city and other points southward.

L-N WESTERN AUSTRALIA (who cannot read) want me to call on them regularly
"The abor]ginals of this district are taking a keen interest have studies, and teach him to read. The father ordered
in The Theocracy. I have been having studies with one large three more books and question booklets, as he now sees the
family for about three months now. The father is very keen necessity for all to have a book or be able to look on,
on education for his children both in reading and in wmt- in order to answer the questmns."--From a special prancer.
ing, and also in the knowledge of the Bible. His eyes are
defechve, but he is a scholar. His policy of teaching Ins "WHILESITTING
children to be guided by the great Textbook of education, in the ladies’ lounge of one of the department stores here
the Bible, is now reflected in his elder children, some of at the noon hour reading The Watchtower, a well-dressed
whom cannot read or write but wish their own children young woman approached me and asked, ’May I see some
to be instructed in righteousness. As a consequence, last of the literature which you are reading ?’ Very much sur-
Sunday there were seventeen in attendance at the study, prised and delighted, I opened my book-bag and brought
not counting the small children; all of the one family tree. forth "The Kingdom Is at Hand" and the latest lecture
All who could manage to read took part, while the others and mentioned our recent convention. She expressed her
listened. One daughter-in-law attended for the first time. appreciation of the work Jehovah’s witnesses are doing,
She can read well. She obtained a Bible and ’The Truth saying she had met a young couple and thmr little boy
Shall Make You Free’, and she and her young husband in the street-work a few nights before, her first personal
96 eWATCHTOWER. BRoom.m,N.Y.
contact with any of us. She ended by contributing $1.00 THEOCRATIC EDUCATION IN CANAL ZONE
for the book. I arranged to call on her at her hotel during "Recently while witnessing on my magazine route in
her stay in the city while her husband, a captain in the Panamacity, I met an Englishman, a university graduate,
air forces, is overseas. The very next night I held a study at the barber’s. He did not want the magazine, as he was
in "The KingdomIs at ltand’, and left three more copies ’fed-up with religion’, and told of his experience in India,
for her to send to her husband and other friends in the also what he read in a book written by a governor of one
armed forces and also she subscribed for The Watchtower. of the provinces there showing the curse religion is to
She attended Watchtower study the next week and is those poor people. Being a man of high education, myfew
hoping her husband won’t think she ’has gone crazy over words on the Kingdomas the only remedy could make but
religion’, when he returns."--From a special pioneer in little impression on him. Finally he consented to accept
Texas. and read the booklet Theocracy. Yesterday, while I was
waiting for a bus, up came the same gentleman, saying: ’I
AFTERTHE FOURTH TIMEAROUND (CUBA) have read that booklet Theocracy, and I enjoyed it im-
"While I was working in Sancti Spiritus I came across mensely, so muchso that I am reading it a second time,
a house which I had visited four times in the past without and one evening I will come up at your meeting.’ I am
any results. But on myfifth round, while I set myphono- so glad for the privilege of participating in this work of
graph on the doorstep, I noticed that a girl was sitting free education."
behind the door and opened it a little. WhenI played the
phonograph, I asked her how she liked the message. She INAUDIBLE PREACHING, ONTARIO, CANADA
said she liked it very much; and, as she was unable to take "As I reached the gate of myback-call, the sun was sink-
any literature, I offered her a booklet free. This gave me ing in the west in a blaze of glory. I pulled the gate shut
the opportunity to arrange for a back-call. WhenI visited after me and began mydescent downthe long curved lane
her the next time I found that the girl was paralytic since to the neatly grouped farm buildings below. A mnn met
she was fourteen years old. Nowshe is eighteen years old. me at the door. We exchanged bows, but no words were
I offered to instruct her in the only way that wouldbring spoken. The man was a deaf-mute. He and his young son
to her consolation, in the Bible. She consented. Four months lived there together, his wife having left him. The little
have passed since, during which we studied together the boy is eight years old, normal in every way, and seems to
book Children, and nowshe is publishing in her home,full enjoy the studies. The study is carried on almost entirely
of joy and hope in the rich truths she has learned. She by pencil and paper, although the younglad sometimesacts
offers literature to all whovisit her." as interpreter. The manis quite young and intelligent. He
has already begun to witness to the other deaf-mutes in the
"’RELIGIONREAPSTHEWHIRLWIND’ vicinity, but reports no interest. This manhas manysheep-
was placed in the hands of a Catholic lady (Phoenix, Ariz.). like qualities and must be fed the same as any other person
She weighed the message carefally and prayerfully (as she of good-will. Like the rest of us, to him the Kingdomis
has since told me). A back-call was made and "The Truth the only hope."
Shall Ma/~e You Free" was placed with my promise to
return. A few days, promise kept, I returned and made AMONG TRANSIENTS (FORTWORTH, TEXAS)
arrangementfor a book study with her. I used three versions "I worked the ~ hotel, which is in my territory.
of the Bible, Catholic Douay, the King James or Author- Everyone was nice and kind, till when I knocked on a
ized Version, and the AmericanStandard Version. I opened lawyer’s door. He told me he did not want the literature,
our meeting with a petitmn to Jehovah God and Christ and for me never to knock on his door again. I told h~m
Jesus as our great Teachers, to open the door of under- I would not. Soon the hotel manager came up to me and
standing to us as we ’rightly divided the Wordof truth’. said: ’Lady, I’m sorry, but you will have to leave.’ The
There were audible sounds: it was mynew friend reciting lawyer had phoned the office and told him to have me
’Hail Mary’ with fervor. Progress! Wehave now covered stop ’bothering the people’. I told him I was not bothering
fifteen pages of "The Truth S)~al! Make You Free" with them, but I had a message for them of Almighty God and,
supporting scriptures, and my friend has taken downall if they did not want it, I went on myway. ’Do you have
the images, unburdenedthe children’s necks of those tradi- a license to sell that stuff in here?’ he said. I said: ’No,
tional crucifixes, and has taken the children out of the I don’t have to have a license to do the Lord’s work, and
Catholic convent and put them in a public school, and is besides I am not selling; I amtaking a little contribution
now allowing her ten-year-old boy to study with us (and for the books if they want to contribute.’ He said: ’WelJ,
he really loves to search for the truth in the Scriptures);
and my new friend, instead of directing her prayers to do you mean you are not going to leave?’ I said: ’I will
Mary, is following me as I pray, directing her prayer to leave when I finish my work.’ He said: ’Well, that’s all
Jehovah, .~lmighty God, in the name of Jesus Christ, His I want to know,’ and lefL I saw no more of him. I ran
King and Vindicator. Also she is the proud possessor of out of literature and had to quit until another day. When
the Watchtower edition of the King James Version Bible I went back the next week I again placed everything I
and is a subscriber for The Watchtower.Instead of attack- had and had to qmt. People in hotels and apartment houses
ing her religious prayer, I waited with patience upon the have the same right to the freedom of receiving people at
Lord to do this by his Holy Scriptures, which I knew He their doors and getting the message of Almighty God as
would accomplish step by step, if the lady was a sheep." the people who live on farms or elsewhere."
APRIL 1, 19411

Peovoxi~o’fiat. SHow~ow~¢ ................. 99
Pa~ties .............................. 100
VX~DIC*~......................................... 102
Flood of Totalitarian Hosts .............. 104
BoastfulReproaches........................... 106
Postwar Efforts and Defeat ......... 107
THE RIGHTKInDo~’ GooD-WI~............ 109
Fn~DEx2t’~m~c~ ................................ 111
"WATcHTOW~" 98
z.a" ............................ 98
117 Adams Street
- Brook]yn
I, N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS ~ournalIs publishedfor the purposeof enablingthe
peopleto know JehovahGod and his purposesas expressed
in the Bible.It publishes Bibleinstruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all peopleof good-will.
N. ~. KNee2, President W.E. VAN A~B~H, 8eeretart
d It arranges systematic Biblestudyfor itsreadersand the Society
"And all thy children shall be tauf~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
~reat shall be the peace of fi~y children." - 1,.,lab 54:-"3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parti£s, sects
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Loges was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and cratical examina-
creation, and hls active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Olfieer of Jehovah;
THATGOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man vaqlfully YZAaLY Suneetxt,fflO.’¢ PaICa
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UN|TSD STaTes, $1 00 ; aU other countries, $1.50, Americancurrency ;
tlncea BRITAIN,
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the A~aTn£LAalA, ANDSOUTH AFRICA, 0S. Order
American remit-
should bQ made by Postal or Express Money or by Bank
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The four-month-long Watchtower campaign ends with this The Watchtower Is a magazmewithoutequalin the earth,and
"Umted Kingdom Announcers" Testunony Period durmg the m conceded thusrankby all thathavebeenfalthful readers thereof
entire month of April. It should crown with triumph the objectives duringits morethan SLxtyyearsof publication. The Watchtower
of the campaign By the maintenance of united acuvlty of all has increased in importancewith the progressof the years,and
Kingdom announcers, under Jehovah’s blessing, it wall do so. neverhas it beenmorevaluable thantoday,at thisworldcrisus,
Keep to the fore always, therefore, the campaagn offer, to wit,
whenthe destroyof each intelligent humancreature us beingde-
a year’s subscription for The Watchtower together wath the free
book "The K~ngdom Is at Hand" and the free booklet One World, cided.The gettingof correctmformatlonand mstructmn,~ust
One Government, at the special rate of $1.00. Wewant our regular suchas is required for thealines,to decldeyourcoursewuselyto
Watchtower readers to know that a share in thin campaign us open a happydestroy,was nevermorevltalthan now,for "wherethere
is no vmion,the peopleperish". Informed personswellacquainted
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we shah take pleasure in putting them In touch with an organized
company with whomto co-operate. Each one should also make out who want to gain life in peace and happiness without end should
his report of activities, that such may be Included m the read and study it together wath the Bible and in company with
other readers. This is not giving any credit to the magazine’s
compilation of the general results throughout the land for this
blessedcampaign. publishers, but is due to the great Author of the Bible w~th its
truths and prophecies, and who now interprets Rs prophecies. He
"WATCHTOWER ~ STUDIES it is that makes possible the material that is pubhshed in the
O0]nrnn-qof this m~gazmeand who givesprommethat it shall
Week of April 29: "Provoking the Showdowny continue to publishthe advancing truthsas long as it continues
1-14 inclusive, The Watchtower April 1, 1945. to existforthe serviceof theinterests of has Theocratic Govern-
Week of May 6: "Jehovah’s Universal Sovermgnty Vindicated," ment.Carefullyand prayerfullyread this Lssue of The Watch-
¶ 1-16 inclusive, The Watchtower Aprd 1, 1945. tower.Then do not delay to mail in your subscription, that
Week of May 13: "Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty Vindicated," you may receiveit regularly, twicea month,twenty-four copies
¶ 17-32 inclusive, The Watchtower April 1, 1945. the year.It is $1.00in the UnitedStates;$1.50elsewhere.
VOL. LXVI APRm1, 1945 No. 7


"’For there be more with us than with him: with him is an arm of l~esh; but with us is the Lord our God
to help ~ts, and to fight our battles."~2 Chron. 32: 7, 8.
EHOVAH has never failed to meet the defiant
J to the privileges of asserting and developing them-
challenge of his archenemy, Satan the Devil. selves, then such creatures would quit the universal
Every time the bluff of the wicked challenger has organization of Jehovah. They would take them-
been called on the issue of ’qVho is Almighty God? selves out from under his questionable universal
and who holds and keeps the sovereignty over the sovereignty.
universe?" Jehovah has come off the winner, and s On such wise Satan challenged the universal
Satan has been put to shame. Satan has been able domination of Jehovah God, and also deceived, lured
to stage a comebackfrom time to time; but that has and persuaded many angelic and humancreatures to
been only because of the willful perversity of some his side of the issue. As respects those who stood
creatures and the easy tendency of imperfect men out for right principle rather than for selfishness,
to quickly forget the issue and what God’s past Satan proposed and boasted that he would force or
triumphs have plainly demonstrated. coerce them to his side. For Almighty God Jehovah
’ The leading issue before all creation is the sover- instantly to wipe out Satan and his dupes would not
eignty of the universe, that is, the rightful rulership have settled the issue before all intelligent creation.
over all parts of the universe and over all creatures The deciding of a controversy that rested on such
inhabiting those populated parts. The one-time mem- fine points of dispute required that time be granted
ber of Jehovah’s household, namely, the beautiful and the challenger and his backers be permitted to
cherub Lucifer, or Heylel, raised the issue. Waxing have full and fair opportunity to prove their charges
ambitious, he challenged the position of his Father and their boasts. That is whythe Omnipotent Jeho-
by rebelling against his authority and dominion. vah did not at once put down the rebellion and pre-
This was shortly after perfect man had appeared on vent the spread of diabolical wickedness. That is
the earth, in the paradise of Eden. Thus Heylel, or why he has permitted Satan the Devil to keep on
Lucifer, transformed himself into Satan, which name living, thus allowing angels and men to choose the
means "Opposer; antagonist". This upstart Satan deity they will serve, Jehovah God or Satan the
knew he could not carry out his scheme single- Devil. This test on the issue needs not to go on for-
handed, but must turn others, both angels and men, ever. Sometime the raging controversy must come
into opposers like himself. Devilishly he claimed that to a showdownand everlasting settlement, for the
Jehovah was not alone in his Godship, but that oth- eternal peace and unit-y of the universe. Andit is
ers could becomegods like Jehovah; they should not Jehovah God, because he is most high and all-
be restrained from doing so, but had a right to powerful and actually sovereign every~’here, it is
develop themselves as such. He further claimed that He, and not the mimicgod Satan the rebellious chal-
Jehovah’s sovereignty over all the universe, includ- lenger, that sets the time limit to the test.
ing the earth, was merely nominal or in name; it was ’ Jehovah God meets the enemy’s challenge with a
a lot of propaganda, but not a fact. Others could counter-challenge. Tlfis he does by putting in the
themselves create a world of their own, off which field willing servants of His whomhe arms with his
Jehovah could be forced to keep his hands. At pres- divine Word. These then call the bluffing enemyand
ent they were merely yielding submission and serv- they dispute the enemy’s claims and expose the fal-
ice to Jehovah under a misunderstanding, a sheer sity of such. During the time that God has per-
misapprehension on their part. But if their eyes mitted the enemy the chance to produce arguments
were opened to their opportunities and they arose
3. (a) What support did Sataa win to hie side ~ and why did not Jehovah
I, How has Jehovah’s calling of Satan’s bluff always resulted? but why at once put down the rebellion* (b) How long must the test on the
has Satan been able to stage a comeback ? Issue go on, and who decides that?
2. What is the leading Issue before all creation ~ and how did Satan come 4 How does Jehovah meet the enemy’s challenge? and what doe~ he do
into existence, and with ~hat rpagomng reM)ecting the issue? when the time runs out?
and proof in support, he has raised up such challeng- 1-4; Matt. 12: 39-41) The facts are that Assyria, of
ers of Satan the Devil and that one’s wicked host. which Nineveh at. last became the capital, was run
Whenthe time runs out, Jehovah will vindicate his by an authoritarian government under the control
courageous defiers of the enemy by settling the of Jehovah’s great challenger, Satan the Devil, and
grand dispute in his own favor and thus vindicat- his demons. Satan was there worshiped under the
ing his own name as Almighty God and Universal form of the idol-image called "Nisroch", which name,
Sovereign. as far as the Jews could make it out, meant "great
HowGodwill do this in sight of the comingpost- eagle". Because of Nimrod’s pioneer activities As-
war world, Jehovah gave examples from time to syria was also called "the land of Nimrod".-Mic.5 : 6.
time in days of old. One of such convincing examples, ’ The kingdom of Judah, over which Hezekiah
with all the features of challenge, counter-challenge, reigned at Jerusalem, lay in between Egypt on the
and showdown,he gave in the midst of the reign of south and Assyria on the north. For such reason the
faithful Hezeldah, king of Jerusalem. God did not two world powers, Egypt and Assyria, became rep-
let this come down to us as an unwritten tradition resentatives of what the Bible calls "the king of the
of men. He caused the facts of the case to be record- south" and "the king of the north". The kingdom of
ed and to be preserved against all efforts of the Judah was only a small ldngdom, ruling just a few
defeated contenders in the controversy to destroy million Israelites, that is, just three tribes out of the
it. In behalf of his willing servants whotake up the twelve tribes of Israel, namely, Judah, Benjamin,
counter-challenge, Jehovah caused three written and Levi, together with a multitude of non-Israelite
records of witness to be provided, one at 2 Chron- "strangers" within their city gates. At King Solo-
icles 32: 1-23; another at 2 Kings 18: 13-37; 19: 1-37; mon’s death the other tribes of Israel had broken
and another at Isaiah 36: 1-22; 37:1-38. Isaiah’s away from allegiance to Jerusalem and had formed
record is almost a word-for-word repeating of that a separate kingdom, the so-called ’2dngdomof Is-
in 2 Kings. And as we are all unpreventably tied in rael", of which the city of Samaria becamethe capi-
with the issue, standing either to win or to lose tal in due time.
personally by the approaching settlement of the is- a This latter kingdom of Israel quickly turned
sue, we here run through a brief consideration of aside from the worship of Jehovah. It gave itself
this threefold record. It is urgently important to do over to religion, starting out with two golden calves
so, because "the kingdomof heaven is at itand". for worship and descending into worse forms of
religion until the religion of the fiery Baal-worship
CONTENDING PARTIES was reached. The kingdomof Israel, therefore, for-
The dramatic event of old takes on a prophetic feited the protection of the Universal Sovereign;
meaningas it finds its counterpart in the affairs of and in the seventh year of Hezekiah’s reign he looked
this hectic epoch that began A.D. 1914. One of the across the border to behold the religious capital
actors on the ancient stage was a world power, with Samaria razed to the ground by the Assyrian con-
roots of great antiquity. In the first book of the Bi- queror, Sargon, and the surviving Israelites dragged
ble, namely, at Genesis 2: 10-14, it is stated that a off into exile in the northern territories of Assyria.
river went out of tile garden of Eden and divided King Hezekiah saw the meaning of this; he took
outside into four branch-rivers, the second one of close to heart the truth there illustrated, namely,
which is ’that which compasseth the whole land of that the abandonment of the worship of Jehovah
Ethiopia’; and the third is "it which goeth toward Godand the adoption of religion are fatal and lead
the east of Assyria"; and "the fourth river is Eu- to ruin and destruction. That is the truth which
phrates", where the citb" and tower of Babel, or Vatican City and the other states of postwar "Chris-
Babylon, were built not long after the Flood. Nimrod tendom" will be forced to learn and to admit at the
the mighty hunter, whoset himself up as the state- coming battle of Armageddon. There the paramount
god for worship, was the first king of Babel, or issue of universal domination will be decided against
Babylon. Forth from his territories he went pros- them by a disaster like that of Israel of old.
perously as an aggressor and built Nineveh on the , The question arose before Hezekiah, WouldJeru-
banks of the Tigris, the above-mentioned "third salem and Judah suffer a fate like Israel’s, and that
river". Nineveh thus lay near what are the present- at the hand of the king of Assyria? Let religion’s
day Mosuloilfields. (Gen. 10: 8-12) This is the Nine- "crusaders" of today take note that the determina-
veh, in Assyria, to which the prophet Jonah preached tion of this crucial question hung upon the point of
to repent because of its great wickedness. (Jonah 7. Where was thb klngctom of Judah located, and how did th~ kingdom
eome about?
5. Itow and why has Jehovah given us a convincing example of the fore- 8. ~a) To what wormhip did the kingdom of Israel give Itself over, and
going in connection with Hezekiah7 and why it it important to consider with what final result? (b) What meaning did Hezekiah see in that, and
It here ? when will "Christendom" learn and admit it?
6 What is the Bible record of the origins of Assyria, its location, and 9. What question therefore arose before Hezekiah? and how did he earlT
Its rehgio~t ? proceed to answer it?
Apron 1, 1945 NieWATCI-tTOWER. 101

worship. Hence, whenHezekiah, in the first year of Watchtower, plainly indicate that Hezekiah was a
his reign, reopened the doors of Jehovah’s temple prophetic figure or type of Jehovah’s King, Christ
and then led the kingdom in a concerted drive Jesus, after his enthronement A.D. 1914. When
against religion to destroy it from the land, did he Christ Jesus came to the great spiritual temple in
decide the question right? The Bible record, as it 1918, Jehovah’s witnesses on earth were lying low
unfolds before us, gives a straight answer, to guide under the oppressions and persecutions of religious
and admonish us as we near the postwar period. forces. Hence he forthwith set in motion the recon-
mSee the two previous issues of The Watchtower. struction work, which continues till this day. In con-
*° In the next monthafter reopening and cleansing sequence of the world-wide witness that has been
God’s temple at Jerusalem, the -kingdom of Judah given publicly and from house to house throughout
celebrated the restoration of His worship by keeping the nations it has become known to them all that
the passover and the feast of unleavened bread at Jehovah’s worship is a real thing in the earth and
the holy city. Then all the celebrators, fired with zeal that Jehovah has a consecrated people on earth who
for the name of Jehovah, went forth and broke up are separate from all religion. The noteworthy prog-
and destroyed all the s?nnbols, idols, groves, altars, ress of the witness work since 1918 is not due to
and canonized high places of religion, regardless of Jehovah’s witnesses. They are comparatively few,
what cult. Then King Hezeldah carried forward his like the kingdom of Judah amid the mighty heathen
reconstructive work by putting the worship of Jeho- nations of old. The progress is due to Jehovah’s
vah on a well-organized basis. He saw to it that the anointed King. His kingdom is at hand, and he has
priests and their servants the Levites were appoint- "wrought that which was good and right and truth be-
ed to their respective courses of service, according fore the LORD his God" and in behalf of his devoted
to the Theocratic law of the Lord God. He made his followers on the earth. He has led them "in the serv-
own material contributions to support them in their ice of the house of God" and in seeking the true God
whole-time work at the temple and in educating the according to His law and commandments, and not
people in the word and the commandmentsof Jeho- according to religion. He has done this with all his
vah. He reminded the people also of their respon- heart. Therefore Jehovah has prospered him ; all tins
sibilities to contribute toward the temple support. with benefit to his faithful remnant and their com-
1, With such a faithful example before them, as panions upon the earth. The interests of God’s cap-
set by the king, the people of the kingdomof Judah ital organization Zion, that is to say, the Kingdom,
brought their tithes to the temple storehouse. For have been built up and advanced among them, and
about five months they kept on piling up their tithe have prospered.
contributions. There was such willing giving by Je- ~’ Such reconstructive efforts and activities in be-
hovah’s worshipers that the priests and the Levites half of the worship of Jehovah God were a decided
and their menial servants, tile Nethinim, had more setback for demonismor religion. As in the days of
than enough. The superabundance must not be wast- Judge Jephthah, who pushed the demon-worshiping
ed or let spoil; so Hezekiah arranged to build more Ammonitesout of the land of Israel, it was a recov-
storechambers at the temple. He then appointed Le- ery of ground for Theocratic worship and service,
vites to act as storekeepers to distribute the supplies ground that had for a long time been lost to the
to the temple workers and their dependents as the forces of religion. (Judges, chapter 11) King lleze-
need came due. Thus the temple workers would not kiah’s anti-religious measures could not do other
be obliged to hunt jobs outside, but could apply them- than stir up bitter antagonism on the part of Satan
selves to their duties with the least concern for the and the demonhosts. For the time being their gmp
material things of life. The inspired commentupon on the kingdom of Judah had been broken. They had
such reconstructive efforts of the king is written in been foiled in their endeavors to prove that"God
these words : "And thus did Hezekiah throughout all could not set up a government over earth that could
Judah, and wrought that which was good and right not be corrupted and turned away from Theocratic
and truth before the Low his God. And in every rule. The kingdomof Judah stood as the sole remain-
work that he began in the service of the house of ing beacon of Theocratic government on earth, and
God, and in the law, and in the commandments, to under King Hezekiah it was gleaming brilliantly in
seek his God, he did it with all his heart, and pros- favor of Jehovah’s side of the burning issue of uni-
pered."~2 Chron. 31 : 20, 21. versal domination. Jehovah was reigning on Mount
"The facts, set out in the previous issues of The Zion, at Jerusalem, as represented by the anointed
10 What action for pore worship was taken by king and people? ind
king who sat on the throne of Jehovah. Satan the
how did Hezekiah carry forward his reconstructive work? Devil and his hosts felt mockedby the reinvigorated
U. Howdid tbe people respond t¢ Hezekiah’s exhortation? what arrange-
merit0 did he then make? and how does the Bible comment on his recon- typical Theocracy and its worship of Jehovah at
structive efforts?
12. When ano how was a like reconstruction work set in motion? and 13. Whowere moved to bitter antagonism by such anti-religious measure~.
to what factors has its progress been due? and why so, In the larger view of such matters?
, .X.Y.
His holy temple, and began maneuvering their world the gameof power polities. Hence the Devil favored
powers so as to destroy Jehovah’s Theocratic or- the new king of Assyria, Sennacherib, in his course
ganization from the earth. of military aggression for global dictatorship. Sen-
1, The evidence is plain that Satan, "the prince of nacherib’s name means "the moonadds (or increas-
the demons," purposed to put King Hezekiah in fear es) brothers", denoting that he was a favorite of the
and to make him compromise with the Devil’s or- demon moon-god. He was, however, a worshiper of
ganization. Or, failing in this, Satan the Devil would the demon god "Nisroch", and hence was a good
then overwhelm and crush Hezekiah’s kingdom. He agent for the demonpowers to use against Jehovah’s
had forced Hezekiah’s predecessor into a compro- worship. With this, the strongest earthly means at
mise and an unclean spiritual adultery with this his disposal, Satan the Devil was provoked to action
world. He had also wiped out the ten-tribe kingdom against Jehovah’s typical Theocracy on the earth.
of Israel immediately north of Judah. All this the The inspired Bible record clearly shows this, and
Devil did by the use of the power and might of As- describes howSatan used his visible earthly tools to
syria. The king of Assyria was yet his best bet in try to put down Jehovah’s counter-challenge. For
14. What lines of action was Satan therefore provoked to tare, and by details see the next article.
the use of what earthly agent?


C HRISTJesus is the Greater Hezekiah; that is, No worship, except religion, which is demonism,
he is the reigning King foreshadowed by Heze- must be permitted on earth. The revival of Jehovah’s
kiah but greater than Hezekiah. King Heze- worship, which is true Christianity, must be stopped
kiah’s aggressive opponent, Sennacherib, pictured and blotted out. But how? By tactics such as Satan
Satan the Devil, whomSennacherib worshiped and used in King Hezekiah’s time.
served in the interest of Satan’s world domination. The record, at 2 Chronicles 32 : 1-8, reads : "After
WhenChrist Jesus the King came to the temple in these things, and this faithfulness [on Hezekiah’s
1918 and judged the "house of God" and produced a part], Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and en-
faithful remnant therefrom and revived Jehovah’s tered into Judah, and encamped against the forti-
worship and service among them, Satan the Devil fied cities, and thought to win them for himself. And
was enraged, even more so than in the days of Heze- when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib was come, and
kiah. The great witne.~s to Jehovah’s nameand king- that he was purposed to fight against Jerusalem, he
dora which the King Christ Jesus set going through took counsel with his princes and his mighty mento
the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses on earth was a stop the waters of the fountains which were without
challenge, because it called attention to Jehovah’s the city; and they helped him. So there was gathered
sovereignty. It advertised The Theocratic Govern- muchpeople together, and they stopped all the foun-
ment, which He had set up with Christ Jesus on the tains, and the brook that flowed through the midst
throne. Satan the Devil had been worsted in the "’war of the land, saying, Whyshould the kings of Assyria
in heaven" and had been cast out therefrom for ever. come, and find much water? And he took courage,
Hence he has had great wrath, because of being re- and built up all the wall that was broken down, and
strained to the earth, and the more so because he raised it up to the towers, and the other wall with-
knows that the showdown battle of Arnmgeddon out, and strengthened Millo in the city of David
must yet be fought and he has but a short time to [the citadel inside Jerusalem], and made weapons
prepare for it. Being unable to accomplish anything and shields in abundance. Andhe set captains of war
further with respect to tile heavens where Jehovah’s over the people, and gathered them together to him
anointed King reigns, Satan is grimly determined to in the broad place at the gate of the city, and spake
hold the earth as his domain. comfortably to them, saying, Be strong and of good
’ At the earth Satan is determined to stamp out all courage, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of
rebellion against his rule, and this he must do by to- Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him;
talitarian-state rule and by an increasing regimenta- for there is a greater with us than with him: with
tion of the people. The fact that there is a Theocratic him is an arm of flesh; but with us is Jehovah our
government, and that it is Jehovah’s government Godto help us, and to fight our battles. Andthe peo-
by Christ and is higher than Satan’s world organiza- ple rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah
tion, must be strictly kept out of the news, and the king of Judah."--Am. Stan. Ver.
people must be kept ignorant of the Kingdomgospel. ’ The aggressive hordes of Assyria under King
1. Whomdo King Hezekiah and King Sennacherib re~pectively ¯picture 3. What. does 2 Chronicles 32:1-8 say as to Sennachcrlb’s move~ and
and why does the latter have great ~rath at pr~ent? Hezekiah’s counter-measures ~
2. What is now Satan’s determination respecting the earth and tt~ peoplet 4. Whomdo the hordes af Auyrla picture, and ~hat are the parts anti
and their worehip? features thereof?
APRm1, 1945 eWATCHTOWER. 103
Sennacherib pictured political powers under Satan, work of providing water supplies for Zion or Jeru-
"the god of this world," and which political powers salem was commented upon even in the apocryphal
makeup and form "the king of the north". "Tile king book of Ecclesiasticus in these words: "Ezechias
of the north" is used in Bible prophecy to picture fortified his city and brought in water into the midst
those political powerswhich use totalitarian rule and thereof: and he digged a rock with iron and made
which exalt the earthly ruling powers above Godand a well for water." (Eeelus. 48:19, Douay) But the
commandman’s absolute obedience to such rulers as inspired Record says of Hezekiah : "This same Iteze-
being supposedly "’the higher powers". Thereby the kiah also stopped [concealed] the upper watercourse
people are regimented into a religious worship of of Gihon, and brought it [by tunnel] straight down
the state and they exist only for the reli~ous- to the west side of the city of David [or Zion]."
political state. The facts well knownshow unmistak- (2 Chron. 32 : 30) Thus Hezekiah provided steadfast
ably that the totalitarian ’~king of the north" com- water supplies for his subjects during any length
bine includes the Xazi-Fascist states, including the of siege by enemies. At the same time he barred the
political state of Vatican City with its pope. The enemies from any access to it, to contaminate it or
religious-political pope is the most totalitarian ruler to seize it for their ownadvantage.
of all on earth. Hence he favors dictatorships and ’ Likewise, Christ Jesus entrusted to the remnant
a,~thoritarian rule of the people by rulers of the of the children of Zion, the "faithful and wise serv-
Roiaan Catholic sect, like Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, ant" class on earth, all his Kingdominterests or
Petain, Ti:o. etc., or by political dictators with whom "goods", and he makes sure that they shall ahvays
he can arlange a concordat. The fact that Shintoist be supplied with the truth and the privilege of
Japan is not even professedly "Christian" does not spreading it to other thirsty ones. At the same time
prevent the pope from having diplomatic representa- he withholds the precious Kingdomtruths and serv-
tives exchanged between the Vatican and the mikado ice from the enemies, particularly the religious
after the outrageous Pearl Harbor attack. Such clergy, and the)’ are unable to stop up the waters
spiritual whoredomand harlotry of religion with from flowing to those who seek Jehovah and his
political totalitarian powers was well foreshadowed capital organization Zion and refreshing them. As
by Nineveh, which Sennacherib madehis capital city. it is written, at Psalm 46: 4, 5: "There is a river,
Concerning Nineveh the prophet Nahum fore- the streams whereof shall makeglad the city of God,
warned, saying: "’Woeto the bloody city! it is all the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.
full of lies and robbery ; the prey departeth not ; . . . Godis in the midst of her; she shall not be moved:
there is none end of their corpses; they stumble Godshall help her, and that right early." Therefore.
upon their corpses: because of the multitude of the let all peoples know that they will never get the
whoredomsof the wellfavoured harlot, the mistress waters of truth at the hands of the RomanCatholic
of witchcrafts, that selleth nation~ through her Hierarchy or any other reli~ous clergy. The water
whoredoms, and familie: through her witchcrafts. of truth is supplied only at Jehovah’s capital organi-
Behold, I am against thee. saith the Lo~D[Jehovah] zation Zion, where His anointed King reigns, invit-
of ho~ts."--Nah. 3: 1-5. ing all thirsty ones to come and be made glad with
°Christ Jesus the King foreknew our day. He his people. In harmon), with this, Christ Jesus th~
foretold that the modern totalitarian religious- King caused factories to be built, ownedand oper-
political powers, like Assyria of old, would seek to ated by Jehovah’s witnesses for the exclusive pur-
overrun the entire globe. The real objective of this pose of providing the Kingdomtruth in printed and
would be to wipe out Jehovah’s witnesses and to cut recorded form, thatthe ~efreshing Kingdom mes-
them off from the waters of truth flowing from the sage might be spread in many languages to all the
throne of the kingdom of God. This would prevent thirsty peoples of the earth.
Jehovah’s King and the ’~bride" from saying, 8 Christ Jesus has also armed and equipped his
"Come!" It would also forestall the "strangers" of faithful remnant and their companions with the
good-will who heard the invitation from likewise whole "armour of God", the spiritual armament of
saying, ’Come: and let him that is athirst say, Come; truth, which none of the enemy can pierce. Ite has
and whosoeverwill, let him take of the water of life built up the visible part of his organization, strength-
freely.’ (Rev. 22: 17) Hence Christ Jesus the King ening it and bringing his followers together in un-
made sure the supply of the water of Kingdomtruth breakable solidarity and unity, and thus making the
for his faithful remnant of spiritual Judeans and organization assanlt-proof against the totalitarian
their companions of good-will. Hezekiah’s ancient enemies. He has trained his followers for the war-
5. How do the words of Nahum 3.1-5 show Nineveh foreshadowed such
~ 7. To correspond with that. what haa the King Christ Jesus done. thereby
de~Ungs between religion and state mak/ng true Psalm 46:4, fl?
6. (a) What is the real objective of the endeavor by totalitarian religious. Howhas Christ Joe~U& llke Hezekiah, equipped, trained, and fortified
political powers to overrun the earth? (b) How were Christ’s measures ~ls followers? and ow on T.nese rest upon the wor~ of the Greatez
to forestall this pictured by Hezekiah s prompt measures? King Hezekiah ?
N. Y.

fare against religion and against encroachments by Lachish, saying, I have offended; return from me:
religion’s political allies; and he comforts and that which thou putfest on me will I bear. Andthe
strengthens them with the promises of God’s Word. Icing of Assyria appointed unto Hezekiah king of
The remnant and their companions are relatively Judah three hundred talents of silver and thirty
few in number, but they are not fearful of the mod- talents of gold. AndHezekiah gave him all the silver
ern Assyrian, Satan the Devil, nor of his totalitar- that was found in the house of the LOIRD, and in the
ian religious-political hordes. Continually they rest treasures of the kin~s house. At that time did Heze-
themselves or lean upon their King’s words, saying: kiah cut off the gold from the doors of the temple
"There [are] more with us than with him: with him of the LORD,and from the pillars which Hezekiah
is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LoRD[Jehovah] king of Judah had overlaid, and gave it to the king
our Godto help us, and to fight our battles." Already, of Assyria." God’s Word does not reproach Heze-
down to this year 1945, Jehovah God has fought kiah for this course of conduct; and it is therefore
many battles for them and has maintained for them not for us to criticize this seeming compromisewith
the ’freedom wherewith Christ has madethem free’. the then dominant part of Satan’s organization. One
They look forward calmly and confidently to the thing is certain: it did not picture a_ny compromise
fast-approaching battle of Armageddon, knowing by Christ Jesus with the antitypieal Sennacherib,
that the same unconquerable God shall fight that Satan the Devil Evidently Jehovah permitted this
battle for them too, because the battle is not theirs, to foreshadow something of modern history; and
but God’s. Note nowhowthe Bible record gives basis into this we nowinquire.
for such confidence. ~ Having safeguarded his rear by neutralizing the
provinces of Babylon and of Media, King Sennach-
erib moved southward as an overflowing flood. The
’ The ancient record helps us to understand what Bible indicates that he by-passed the stronghold of
has taken place in recent years due to the rise of Zion or Jerusalem, for we hear of him and "all his
the Nazi and Fascist totalitarian powers and Cath- power" as encamped before the city of Lachish. The
oli~ Action. The ostensible purpose of such polit- account at Isaiah 10:28-32 dramatically describes
ical and religious-action groups was to de~troy all the approach of Sennacherib toward Jerusalem and
democratic government and to take away from the getting as near to it as the place called Nob, which
people all their liberties, particularly as to publish- was in sight of Jerusalem. But instead of making a
ing the truth and worshiping the only true and liv- frontal assault upon the holy city, Isaiah’s account
ing God. Now remember how, in ancient time, the says, "as yet shall he remain at Nob that day: he
little kingdomof Judah, composedof Jehovah’s wit- shall shake his hand against the mountof the daugh-
nesses, was flanked on the south by Egypt, the king- ter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem." Lachish lay about
domof tile Pharaohs. Egypt was a continual foe to thirty miles to the southwest of Jerusalem. It be-
the rising power of Assyria, and is spoken of in Bi- longed to the kingdom of Judah and was strongly
ble prophecy as "the king of the south". As such, fortified. Sennacherib’s evident strategy was to cut
Egypt pictured the present-day political opponent off "the king of the south", that is, Egypt, from com-
of the totalitarian Nazi-Fascist-religious powers, ing to the help of Jerusalem should King Hezekiah
namely, the liberal democratic powers, who profess give up in Jehovah God and appeal to
to be the championsof the people’s liberties and nat- Egypt for aid. History records that Sennacherib ad-
ural rights. During World War I, as well as during ministered a telling defeat to the Egyptian hosts.
this present global war, Egypt is the political ally of Thus he thought to protect his southern flank. E~’pt,
the democratic powers, notably the British Common- the greatest threat to him, must first be eliminated.
wealth and America. The strategy of the totalitarian ~" Then, by further attacking and trying to neutral-
attackers of the people’s democratic rights and lib- ize the outer "hedgehogs"or strongholds of the king-
erties today was nicely indicated in advance for us dom of Judah, Sennacherib would move in from the
by the maneuvers of the ancient Sennacherib of circumference to the center at Jerusalem. Thus, as
Assyria, "the king of the north." he thought, Jerusalem would be hopelessly trapped
’° Turning to the record, at 2 Kings 18:13-16, we and surrounded and cut off from all outside help,
read: "Nowin the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah a military fig ripe and ready for his plucking. He
did Sennacherib king of Assyria come up against all did not reckon that complete aid and deliverance
the fenced cities of Judah, and took them. AndHeze- could come from above, yes, from a source of help
kiah king of Judah sent to the king of Assyria to higher than the stratosphere in which the latest air-
9. (a) ~Vhat was the purpose of the Nazi and Fascist totalitarian powers planes maneuver.
and Catholic Action? Ib) What country was the eontinug] foe of the
rising power of AuyrJa, where ws= it located relative to Judah, and 1L In moving southward what attention did Sennacherib give to Jerusa.
what did it picture mumto the present<lay political setup? lem~ and why did he encamp at Lachish?
10. In the fourteenth year of his reign, what seeming compromise d/d 12. How did Sennacherib thi~d~ to hopelessly trap Jerusalem. but upon
Hezekiah make with Sennacherib? and what did this certainly not pletarsf w~at fact did he not reckon a4 to her aid?
*’ Sennacherib’s military maneuveragrees with the wrecking democratic institutions and denying their
tactics of the Nazi-Fascist-Vatican crowd of recent benefits to freedom-loving peoples and thus making
years. Let it be rememberedthat ancient EgTpt, or it easy and simple for the totalitarians to crush Je-
"the king of the south", pictured the liberal, pro- hovah’s faithful remnant and their companions.
gressive, democratic world-powers of today, particu- :5 By court actions, and by fearlessly standing in
larly Britain and America, the bulwarks of con- defense of their Christian existence, and by stead-
stitutional law and government. The RomanCath- fastly keeping on in the exercise of their God-given
olic Hierarchy and her totalitarian political part- rights and duties, it has been necessary for these
ners knowthat in the lands of the present-day "king announcers of Jehovah’s Righteous Government to
of the south" the activities of Jehovah’s witnesses carry on a continual fight against the aggressions of
have been most free and the proclamation of the the antitypical Assyrian, Satan, and his flood of
Kingdom message has been greatest. This is true totalitarian religious-political hordes. Owingto the
because such liberal, democratic lands recognize cer- courage of Jehovah’s witnesses, the democratic
tain fundamental God-given rights and privileges "earth" has taken heart to likewise offer resistance
of each individual human creature, and provide in and thus to swallow up and absorb the onrush of the
their constitutions and laws for the protection of totalitarian flood unloosed by Satan the Dragon.
such precious things. Thus the liberal, freedom- This was foretold, by Christ Jesus, at Revelation
loving governments have appeared to be a thing of 12: 13-17. And this diabolical maneuver was what
advantage to the modern Judeans, namely, Jeho- Sennacherib’s by-passing Jerusalem and striking
vah’s witnesses under the reigning King Christ Je- southward against Egypt pictured. This maneuver
sus. However, the advantage has not been all one- was carried out in an attempt to forestall any com-
sided, and the benefit has not been in only one direc- ing of the democratic institutions to the aid of Jeho-
tion. The record which Jetmvah’s witnesses have vah’s witnesses.
madein the courts of the land, particularly in Amer- "During all this war of attrition against Jeho-
ica, during the years 1933 to 1945 shows this. In what vah’s witnesses, waged, as Daniel 7:25 words it, to
way? In that Jehovah’s witnesses have been the "wear out the saints of the most High", they have
greatest champions and fighters on the honle front been under siege and assault. They have suffered
for those civil liberties, rights and immunities which much in their bodies or persons, and have been put
democratic countries hold most dear. And why has to much expense by defending their God-given, con-
this been so* Because of the fight of Jehovah’s wit- stitutionally guaranteed rights in the courts and by
nesses under their King Christ Jesus again.q tilt, repairing the damages done by the enemies. They
modern Assyrian’s aggressions. have been and still are a great offense to the modern-
"The antitypicat Sennacherib, Satan tile Devil, Assyrian power, and only by the foregoing costly,
realizing what democratic freedoms mean, has painful course have they been able to hold him off
movedhis totalitarian forces against the democratic and keep their freedom. This, then, is evidently what
powers, that is, against "the king of the south" as is pictured by Hezekiah’s saying he had offended
foreshadowed by Egypt. This has been done not against the king of Assyria and then offering to pay
merely by military aggressions. By means of Roman costs to hold the enemyoff. Andthis invasion of the
Catholic clergy and Catholic Action groups acting rights and Theocratic territory of these modern
as "fifth columnists" planted inside the democratic Judeans, Jehovah’s witnesses, is evidently what was
countries in strategic places, Satan has even tried to pictured by Jehovah’s letting the land of Judah be
overturn democratic constitutional government from invaded by King Sennacherib’s hosts and the out-
within, using these agents from within to co-operate lying cities of Judah be assaulted and besieged. The
with the totalitarian military aggressors. Satan’s action of the ancient Assyrians was directly against
chief aim in all this has been to get Jehovah’s wit- the border fortresses of Judah first. It was none-
nesses and to wipe out Jehovah’s worship for ever. theless a threat against Jerusalem, the capital of the
Having been cast out of heaven by the Chief One of typical Theocracy, and gave promise of future di-
Zion, namely, Christ Jesus, Satan then persecutes rect action against that royal city. Likewise, the
such other children of Zion, Christ’s faithful body- modernAssyrians of religious-political totalitarian
members who bear witness to Jehovah’s name and rule, in committing their depredations against Je-
kingdom. Hence, like a dragon, Satan and his demon hovah’s witnesses on earth, have really been offend-
organization have disgorged upon the earth a titanic ing against Jehovah’s capital organization Zion, and
flood of modern-Assyrian armies, all bent upon against Zion’s King, Christ Jesus.
13, As respects Jehovah’s witnesses, why have the Nazl-Fasclst-Vatlean 15. How was such totalitarian onrush met. as foretold at Revelation
crowd moved recently against the democratic powers? and why ~ ths 12:13-177 and how does all this match Sennacherlb’s maneuver?
advantage not been all one-sided? 16, (g) What. then, wa~ pictured by Hezekiah’8 offending against Sen
14 Flow has Satan covertly moved his forces against "the king of the nachertb and payin~ cos~? (b) against what ~ere Sennacherib’s move-
south"Y and what has his organization disgorged upon the earth? merits a thrlm~ ane w~at doem this ptcture~
N. Y.
BOASTFUL REPROACHES Nowon whomdost thou trust, that thou hast rebelled
"TheSacredRecordnowmakesit veryplainthat against me? Now, behold, thou trustest upon the
Sennacherib’s military campaign against thetypicalstaff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt; whereon
Theocracy of Judahwas a clevermaneuver by Satan if a marlean, it will go ~nto his hand, and pierce it :
the princeof demonsto bringreproach uponJeho- so is Pharaoh king of Egypt unto all that trust on
vah God.It was to putJehovah’s universal sover- him. But if ye say unto me, Wetrust in Jehovah our
eigntyin doubtbeforeangels,demonsand men. God; is not that he, whose high places and whose
Thereis no recordthatSennacherib, whenencampedaltars Hezekiah hath taken away, and hath said to
beforeLachish, evertookthisJudeanstronghold.Judah and to Jerusalem, Ye shall worship before
As longas it heldout againsthim,thatwas,of this altar in Jerusalem ? Nowtherefore, I pray thee,
course, favorable to Jerusalem. Hence what Satan’s give pledges [make a wager] to my master the ICing
Assyrian king could not accomplish against Jeru- of Assyria, and I will give thee two thousand horses,
salem by force of arms he now purposed to accom- if thou be able on thy part to set riders upon them.
plish by bluff and by belittling and reproaching Je- Howthen canst thou turn away the face of one cap-
hovah God, the real hidden strength of Jerusalem. tain of the least of mymaster’s servants, and put thy
Satan knewthat if he could destroy Hezekiah’s faith trust on Egypt for chariots and for horsemen? Am
in Jehovah and could crack his integrity toward the I now come up without Jehovah against this place
Most Itigh, then Sennacherib could easily take Jeru- to destroy it? Jehovah said unto me, Go up against
salem, to the world-wide reproach of Jehovah God. this land, and destroy it."~2 Ki. 18 : 17-25, Am. Sta~.
What Satan nowinspired his chief representative to Vet.
do next is set out in the Record. ~o As we in our modern setting listen to Rab-
,s "And the king of Assyria sent Tartan and Rab- shakeh’s words, we hear as it were the voices and
~-aris and Rabshakeh from Lachish to king Heze- propaganda of the modernreligious-political totali-
kiah with a great army unto Jerusalem." (Ant. Stun. tarian rulers, betraying unmistakably that they rep-
Ve,’.) Or, as a modernized version translates the resent and speak for their "great king", the "god of
ttebrew record: "Then the king of Assyria sent the this world", Satan the Devil. They are aware of the
commander-in-chief, and the chief of the eunuchs vigorous fight which Jehovah’s witnesses still wage
and the field marshal from Lachish with a large for the preservation of the rights and freedoms
army against King Hezekiah at Jerusalem." (2 Ki. which are cherished by the honest people of genuine
1S: 17, Smith-Goodspeed) The field marshal’s title, democratic spirit. Satan’s mouthpieces warn Jeho-
"Rab-shakeh," literally means "chief cupbearer", vah’s witnesses that they should not trust that these
and there is reason to believe he was a renegade democratic rights and liberties will always be guar-
Jew. Sennacherib, who himself represented Satan anteed and available for them in their witness work ;
the Devil, had these three prominent officials act but that democracy will fail them, just as Egypt,
directly for him against Jerusalem. This fact "the king of the south," failed the Israelites of old.
matches well the other fact, that in Satan’s visible ’~ Jetmvah’s witnesses answer that they are fight-
organization he uses the three elements, (1) selfish ing for God-given rights and freedom, and that they
commercialismwith its military forces, and (2) pol- fear, obey and trust in the great King of Eternity,
itics, and (3) religion, including renegade "Christen- Jehovah. Then they hear the modern Rabshakeh
dora", against Jehovah’s Theocracy and its witnesses say they have no reason to trust in Jehovah Godbe-
on earth. cause, like King Hezekiah of old, they have engaged
’" Taking a position by the conduit of the upper in anti-religious activities, even against the so-called
pool, which is on the highway to the laundrymen’s "Christian religion" and its pope and other clergy-
field, those three commanders of Satan’s hosts men. The "Rab-shakeh" of today shouts out that the
called for King Hezekiah. Rabshakeh acts as spokes- religious clergy and its political-military, allies rep-
man for the three. He speaks, not in Assyrian, but resent the Lord God. The collaboration of the clergy,
in Hel~rew, purposely, that everybody on Jerusa- the RomanCatholic clergy in particular, with the
lem’s walls may hear and understand his boastings Nazi-Fascist-Japanese totalitarian powers gives un-
and reproaches against her God. He shouts: "Say deniable evidence that they believe such powers are
ye ~ow to Hezekiah, Thus saith the great king, the fighting God’s war. Hencethey boast that the action
king of Assyria, What confidence is this wherein they have taken in their lands against Jehovah’s
thou trustest? Thou sayest (but they are but vain witnesses is because God has said: "Go up against
words), There is counsel and strength for the war. this land, and destroy it." Exactly as Dictator Hitler
17 What was the real purposeof Sennacherib’scampalgnagainstJudah?
said before dissolving Jehovah’s witnesses in Ger-
add bow did he scheme to take Jerusalem ? 20. In Rabshakeh’s words what do we today? and what warning Iq
18. Whom did Sennacherib~end directly to Jerusalem,and with what therein gtven to t,s?
fact does his use of such agree? 21. What do Jehovah’s witnesses reply~ and what does the modern
19 In what tongue does Itabshakeb shout out, and what does he lay? Kabshakeh say in anawer, aa backed up by deeds?

manyat the insistence of the RomanCatholic episco- Jehovah thy God hath heard: wherefore lift up thy
pate, "I consider them quacks; I do not tolerate that prayer for the remnant that is left." (2 Ki. 19: 1-6,
the GermanCatholics be besmirched in such a man- Am. Stan. Vet.) In reply they get from Jehovah’s
ner by this American ’Judge’ Rutherford; I dissolve Greater Prophet, Christ Jesus, the strengthening
the ’Earnest Bible Students’ in Germany;their prop- message of God’s Word. It tells them not to fear the
erty I dedicate to the people’s welfare; I will have threats and propaganda of the Devil’s hosts blas-
all their literature confiscated’."--Quoted from The pheming Jehovah God, because in due time Almighty
German Way, May 29, 1938; see Appendix of Face Godwill beat off Satan’s hosts and destroy even Sa-
the Facts. tan himself.
~’ Like the Jews on Jerusalem’s ramparts, so Jeho-
vah’s witnesses of today obey their Greater Heze- POSTWAR EFFORTS AND DEFEAT

kiah, Christ Jesus, and refuse to answer the enemy’s ~’ In his efforts hitherto Satan the Devil has failed
demandfor a compromisewith religion and its part- to shatter the integrity of Jehovah’s witnesses and
ners. They k-now that what the religious-political their organized unity in God’s service. Henceforth
totalitarian forces have done in desolating much of he will play the gameof Sennacherib and will renew
the earth and wrecking democratic institutions and his efforts in postwar times until the final showdown.
liberties has been done by the aid of the demonsun- Therefore let Jehovah’s witnesses not be deceived
der Satan. But it is because such things are not by any seeming retirement of the enemyhosts for a
Theocratic and do not have Jehovah’s protection. No while and a seeming stoppage of their aggressions.
thought of surrender enters their mind as they hear Failing to frighten Hezekiah into surrender, "Rab-
the modern Rabshakeh boast against Jehovah and shakeh returned, and found the king of Assyria
his Greater Hezekiah, saying: "Hear ye the word of warring against Libnah: for he had heard that he
the great king, the king of Assyria. Thus saith the was departed from Lachish." That meant that Sen-
king, Let not Hezekiah deceive you; for he will not nacherib had moved closer to Jerusalem, Libnah
be able to deliver you out of his hand: neither let being nearer than Lachish. Jerusalem’s peril had
Hezekiah make you trust in Jehovah, saying, Jeho- increased. But now "the king of the south", as rep-
vah will surely deliver us, and this city shall not be resented by Egypt’s neighbor, Tirhakah king of
given into the hand of the king of Assyria. Hearken Ethiopia, put in a threatening appearance. Just so,
not to Hezekiait: for thus saith the king of Assyria, too, the democratic ruling powers have risen in their
Make)’our peace with me, and come out to me; and might in this global war and threaten the future of
eat ye every one of his vine, and every one of his totalitarian rule in postwar times.
fig-tree, and drink ye every one the waters of his ~SUnder those circumstances Sennacherih sent
own cistern; until I come and take you away to a messengers to deliver this written message to Zion’s
land like your own land, a land of grain and new "king, Hezekiah, lest he expect any help from "the
wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olive- king of the south", saying: "Let not thy Godin whom
trees and of honey, that ye may live, and not die: thou trustest deceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shall
and hearken not unto Hezekiah, when he persuadeth not be given into the hand of the king of Assyria.
you, saying, Jehovah will deliver us. Hath any of the Behold, thou hast heard what the ldngs of Assyria
gods of the nations ever delivered his land out of have done to all lands, by destroying them utterly:
the hand of the king of Assyria? . . . Whoare they and shalt thou be delivered?" (2 Ki. 19: 8-13, Am.
amongall the gods of the countries, that have de- Stan. Ver.) This sums up well the final challenge of
livered their country out of my hand, that Jehovah Satan the Devil against the universal sovereignty of
should deliver Jerusalem out of my hand?"--2 Ki. Jehovah, and especially Jehovah’s rule by Christ
18: 19-36, A~n. Stan. Vet. Jesus in his capital organization pictured by ancient
"Jehovah’s witnesses are not frightened. But they Jerusalem. Satan the Devil is certain to deliver this
are grieved at all the reproach heaped upon Jeho- challenge by the messages, decrees and arrange-
vah’s nameand cause, just as Hezekiah’s three serv- ments of the after-war "abomination of desolation".
ants and Hezekiah himself were grieved so long ago. (Matt. 24:15) This desolating abomination is the
They turn to Jehovah’s prophetic word, including Devil’s scheme for making unnecessary Jehovah’s
Isaiah’s prophecy, just as Hezekiah turned to the rule of the earth. It is to be set up to provide a man-
prophet Isaiah with this request: "It may be Jeho- made substitute for Jehovah’s kingdom in the form
vah thy God will hear all the words of Rabshakeh, of a revived League of Nations, a postwar associa-
whomthe king of Assyria his master hath sent to tion of nations for peace, security and global rule.
defy the living God, and wilt rebuke the words which 24. (s) By what future strategy should Jehovah’s witnesses not I~e ~le
22. What do Jehovah’s witnesses lefuse to do or even think of? ana reived? (b) Howdid Jerusalem’s peril next increase, and what did King
what do they hear Rabshakeh say at this? Tirhakah’s appearing picture?
23. Why are they grieved? to what do they turn? and what reply do 25 What message did Sennacherib then send to Jerusalem~ and how ~tll
they get? Satan cause a like final message to be delivered in time to come~
Such an organization for international collabora- Jehovah’s witnesses that the battle is not theirs, but
tion, blessed by the religious clergy, will be at war is Jehovah’s, at Armageddon.
with Zion, Jehovah’s capital organization, because sa Sennacherib and his main army were encamped
it presumesto take the ’~noly place" that God’sking- that night before Libnah, about 25 miles southwest
dom must occupy over earth.--Mark 13:14. of Jerusalem. It is reasonable that his messengers,
~s Jehovah’s witnesses need none of Satan’s mes- having received Hezekiah’s defiant message bol-
sengers to remind them that they should not ex- stered up by Isaiah’s prophecy, hastened back with
pect deliverance from "the king of the south" by any their horses and chariots and reached King Sennach-
revival of democratic principles. God’s witnesses erib and delivered him the answer before night-
knowthat the hope of all the peoples lies not in hu- fall. Whether what military forces those messengers
man political systems, but in Jehovah God. Under brought along and showed off encampedbefore Jeru-
the terrific threatening pressure to which the mod- salem that night is not recorded. But whether that
ern Assyrian and his visible hosts will yet subject night or a later night, at any rate the issue was fresh
them they will follow the course of Hezeldah. They in Sennacherib’s mind, and he lmewthat what devel-
will spread the matter before Jehovah at his temple opments immediately followed would be a settle-
and appeal to Him to save them. Why? "That all the ment of the issue as to Jehovah’s capital, Zion.
ldngdoms of the earth may know that thou Jehovah Night fell, with Sennacherib chagrined at the joint
art God atone." (2 Ki. 19:14-19, A~n. StamVer.) answer from King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah.
That means, in order that Jehovah’s universal Sennacherib’s boastfully inscribed monuments do
sovereignty might be vindicated before all creation! not tell what then took place, but the Bible says:
~’ Isalah the prophet came forward with Jehovah’s "Nowthat night the angel of the LORD[Jehovah]
word in answer to Hezekiah’s prayer. He showed went forth and slew in the campof the Agsyrian~ one
that the issue, both then and nowalso today, is be- hundred and eighty-five thousand; and when men
tween Jehovah and Satan. Jehovah’s word through rose early next morning, they were all dead bodies."
Isaiah heaps scorn upon Satan and his organization, Whata "strange act" ! It was Jehovah’s act decisive-
saying: "The virgin daughter of Zion [God’s king- ly answering Satan on the issue of universal domi-
dom by Christ] hath despised thee and laughed thee nation. Thus it was that, when Sennacherib rose or
to scorn [as Jehovah himself does] : the daughter of was awakened early from his sleep at Libnah, he
Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee. Whomhast looked forth upon the desolation that Almighty God
thou defied and blasphemed? . . . even against the Jehovah had wrought upon the hosts of Satan, the
Holy One of Israel." Then showing that in God’s wicked challenger. Admitting defeat, Sennacherib
kingdom alone is safety, Isaiah added: "And the drew his crippled army out of Judah without coming
remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall near to Jerusalem.
again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. as But that was not all his recompensefor his blas-
For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and phemies against the Most High God. Violent death
out of mount Zion they that bhall escape: the zeal awaited Sennacherib, even within his own capital
of Jehovah shall perform this."--2 Ki. 19: 20-31, city, Nineveh. And his own denton god, within the
Am. Slam Ver. demon’s own temple, could not save Sennacherib
"Yes, at the comin~ battle of ArmageddonJeho- from the dire fulfillment of Jehovah’s words. "But
vah God will preserve his heavenly King and king- as he was worshiping in the tempIe of Nisroch his
dom. In token of that fact he will carry. His faithful god, Adrammelech.and Sarezer slew him with the
remnant and their companions of good-will through sword." (2 Ki. 19:35-37, Smith-Goodspeed) Never
the final universal war. In assurance of that, Isaiah again would he or did he trouble Jehovah’s typical
was caused to say to Satan’s hosts these words: Theocracy at Jerusalem.
"Therefore thus saith Jehovah concerning the king "What admonition, comfort and hope for us lie~
of Assyria, He shall not come unto this city, nor in that strange fact of history? This: At the time
shoot an arrow there, neither shall he comebefore it whenSatan’s visible postwar organization will have
with shield, nor cast up a moundagainst it. By the made its loudest boasts and direst threats against
way that he came, by the same shall he return, and Jehovah’s servants on earth of his Theocratic Gov-
he shall not comeunto this city, saith Jehovah. For ernment, then the night of Armageddonwill settle
I ~ill defend this city to save it, for mine ownsake, down upon this world. The issue will have been
and for my servant David’s [my King’s] sake." clearly stated and the two sides sharply drawn for
(2 I~. 19: 32-34, Am. Stan. Ver.) This again reminds
the decision. Then Jehovah’s witnesses, sheltered
26. From whom do we know future help to be in vain? and under the
pre~ure then how will Jehovah’s witnesses take a course like King 29. ;it night what strange act took place, and what did Sennacherib do~
27 With what answer to Hezekiah’s prayer did Isaiah come for’ward? 30 What further recompense for all his blasphemies came upon him?
28. What does that message mean to us today? and what was isaiah 31. What admonition, comfort and hope for the postwar f~ture lies for
~aused to say finally concerning ~ennacherlb’s operations? US tn that strange fact of history?
within his Theocratic organization, will be under invisible organization of demons dissolved in de-
siege and will seem threatened with destruction by struction, and will finally himself be wiped out vio-
the overwhelming hosts of the antitypical Assyrian, lently. No demon power will be able to save him.
Satan the Devil. Yet be not anxious of such a future : "Then, glorious thought! Jehovah’s ldngdom by
Jehovah will fight the battle for his remnant and Christ Jesus will stand intact, shining brilliantly in
their companions. He will perform his "strange act" the victorious role of Vindicator of Jehovah’s name
at Armageddon, as he did thousands of years ago and universal sovereignty. Jehovah, before destroy-
in the land of Judah, ’for his own sake and for the ing all the enemy organization, will have made all
sake of his beloved King.’ Doubtless by that same challengers and opposers of his sovereignty to know
Son of God who served as the angel to slay 185,000 that He is Jehovah; that is His name. But the rem-
of Sennacherib’s hosts and send him reeling back to nant of Zion’s children and all those of good-will who
his own violent death, namely, by his reigning King- will have come out from all the nations and taken
Son, Christ Jesus, will Jehovah God go forth to their stand on the side of Zion, will survive victo-
battle and will wreak destruction upon the wicked riously with Zion. Being spared alive through Arma-
challenger’s world-organization. Like Sennacherib, geddon, they will tmow for ever that Jehovah is God
Satan the Devil will see his visible organization on alone.
earth utterly laid low in death. Next he will see his 32 Whet will then be the position of Jeho, ah’s kingdom and of those
that will have taken their stand for it?


AREyouon my sideor not?’That,in bluntphrase, gest that Jonadab pictures the class to whomJehovah is
was thequestion thatKingJehuput to Jonadab. very generous. Jonadab was the son of Reehab, and his
~ Therewasgoodreasonto askthatquestion. Kin~ descendants came to be knownas Rechabites. The Rechab-
Jehuhad progressed withhis executional workandhad ites were sticklers for observing what they considered to
slain the opposing ldngs of Israel and of Judah and the be right as they were taught. Why?Evidently because
sons of wicked Ahab and others; and when he had finished their forefather Jonadab followed the course of honesty
with forty-two adherents of King Ahaziah, he met up and meekness and did what he believed to be right, and
with Jonadab. By that time Jonadab would have heard he taught his children righteousness. So they followed
what Jehu was doing in Israel, or probably Jehu on this a like course. For example, these Rechabite descendants
occasion first toId him he was destroying Baalism out of of Jonadab received a commandment, not from Jehovah
Israel. Otherwise Jonadab would not have understood Godbut from man, that they must drink no wine for ever,
the question Jehu put to him. To quote the record of the that they should not build houses, but must dwell in tents.
incident: "And when he was departed thence, [Jehu] That meant that they must lead a simple life of self-denial
lighted on Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet Such faithfulness in doing what they had been taught by
him: and he saluted him, and said to him, Is thine heart man because they understood it to be right Jehovah God
right, as my heart is with thy heart? And Jehonadab an- used as an example against which to show up the unfaith-
swered, It is. [And Jehu replied:] If it be, give me thine fulness of the nation of Israel in failing to do what they
hand. And he gave him his hand; and [Jehu] took him were commanded by the Most High God. He had com-
up to him into the chariot." (2 Ki. 10: 15) Manifestly mandedthe Israelites not to eat at the Devil’s table, that
Jehovah God permitted Jonadab or Jehonadab to appear is, not to have anything to do with devil-worship; but the
in this prophetic drama for some good purpose, and that Israelites disregarded this commandmentand turned to
purpose, when known, must be an encouragement and com. Baalism and other forms of religion. Today the so-called
fort to "men of good will" today on earth. "organized religion", in which the RomanCatholic Hier-
To bring present-day meaning into this ancient drama archy and its priests take the lead in "Christendom", dis-
in which Jonadab acted, let this be understood: Jonadab regard entirely the commandments of the Lord and attempt
represented or foreshadowed that class of people now on to eat and drink at His table while at the same time par-
the earth when Christ Jesus, the King greater than Jehu, taking of the Devil’s table by making their organization
is carrying on his work amidst his enemies; and which a part of Satan’s world. Excuse that as they may, yet the
Jonadab class take their stand on the side of righteousness Lord says: ~’Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and
and are the ones whom,if continuing obedient and faithful, the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s
the Lord Jesus Christ will preserve during the time of table, and of the table of devils." (1 Cor. 10: 21) Jehovah
Armageddon, take them through that trouble, and give Godhates a hypocrite.
them everlasting life on earth. These are that "sheep" The RomanCatholic Hierarchy, the official and govern-
class described in the Lord’s parable (Matt. 25: 32-40) ing body that rules the religionists of the world, and the
and that favor God’s anointed people, because they know so-called "Protestant" organizations are now linked up
that the anointed of the Lord are doing His work. In and jointly form what is eaUed "organized religion". What
support of the above conclusion the following is submitted : may here be said about the Hierarchy and the clergy or
The name Jehonadab or Jonadab means Jehovah-largess, ruling body is not applied to individual sincere Catholics
or Jehovah is bounteous. This name would therefore sug- or sincere Protestants. Therearemillions of Catholics
that are supposed to be membersof the Catholic "church", the princes, which was above the chamberof ]~iaaseiah the
but they are not ranked as members; even the :Hierarchy son of Shallum, the keeper of the door: and I set before
designates them as "the Catholic population". No one the sons of the house of the Rechabites pots full of wine,
should be held up to ridicule because he is a Roman and cups, and I said unto them, Drink ye wine. But they
Catholic. Sincere Catholics want to know the truth, and said, Wewill drink no wine: for Jonadab the son of
what is said in these columnsin the way of criticism is for Rechab our father commandedus, saying, Ye shall drink
the purpose of enabling honest people to see how a few no wine, neither ye, nor your sons for ever."
men have misled and defrauded millions of honest persons. Observe that the Rechabites refused to drink wine that
The RomanCatholic Hierarchy, the governing body, to- was offered to them, thus showing their determination to
gether with the clerk- of the other religious sects, claim be faithful to what they had promised a man, their father.
to be the representatives of Godand the ones to whomthe They were determined to keep their word of promise. What
right is delegated to proclaim his Word. They claim to be they further promised, they went on to explain, saying:
Christians; therefore they are at least in an implied cov- "Neither shall ye build house, nor sow seed, nor plant vine-
enant to do the will of God, the Father of Christ. But, to yard, nor have any: but all your days ye shall dwell in
the contrary, they have not obeyed His commandments. tents; that ye may live many days in the land where ye
They have followed their own selfish desires. The Roman be strangers. Thus have we obeyed the voice of Jonadab
Catholic Hierarchy, that religious-political governing body, the son of Rechab our father in all that he hath charged
have misguided and greatly deceived millions of honest us, to drink no wine allour days, we, our wives, our sons,
persons. nor our daughters; nor to build houses for us to dwell in:
Manyof such honest persons have given support to the neither have we vineyard, nor field, nor seed: but we have
Catholic organization, both financially and morally and dwelt in tents, and have obeyed, and done according to all
otherwise, but they have not at all approved the hypocrisy that Jonadab our father commandedus."---Jer. 35:3-10.
practiced m these organizations. Manyother persons of Those Rechabites of the house of Jonadab had not set
sincerity outside of "organized religion" have desired their heart on worldly riches, such as houses and vineyards.
to do right and still have such desire and wish to know Their dwelling in tents s~mabolically says they were so-
and to serve Jehovah God. The time must come when these journers, looking for a better governmentover humankind,
people of honesty will receive an opportunity to hear and this desire being like that which had filled the hearts of
to knowthe truth: and that time has nowcome. The hypo- the faithful men of old, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who
critical class within "organized religion" were foreshad- by faith had looked forward to a heavenly Government, to
owed by the faithless Israelites in the days of Jonadab wit, the righteous Governmentof Jehovah God under Christ
who claimed to be Jehovah’s people and yet who refused Jesus, and which is symbolized in Scripture as a "Holy
to obey God and turned from His worship to Baahsm or City". (See Hebrews 11: 14-16; Revelation 21: 2, 9, 10.)
demonism. The persons of good-x~ilt now on earth were The Jonadab Rechabites went to dwell iztside a city, Jeru.
foreshadowed by those of the house of Jonadab, and hence salem, when the Chaldean armies invaded the country and
are called "Jonadabs". threatened the city, thus illustrating or picturing the people
Jehovah caused his prophet Jeremiah to utter a proph- of good-will of the present time as seeking a place of peace
ecy in whichthe faithless Israelites are strongly contrasted and safety with God’s organization on earth.
with the Jonadabs. Such prophecy foretold that Jehovah For a purpose Jehovah by the prophecy makes a strong
will reject hypocritical "organized religmn", and particu- contrast between the one class and the other, showinghis
larly the leaders of it, and that he will extend his favor displeasure with the covenant-breakers, namely, the Israel-
and blessing to the people of good-will who take their ites, and showing his pleasure in those menof the house
stand on the side of righteousness and who were fore- of Rechab, namely, the Jonadabs that had faithfully kept
shadowed by the house of Jonadab, the Rechabitcs. The their agreement to do what they had promised. Thus Jere-
way the prophecy came about is as follows: "The word miah continues: "Then came the word of the Lord unto
which came unto Jeremmh from the Lord in the days of Jeremiah, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God
Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying, Go of Israel; Goand tell the menof Judah and the inhabitants
unto the house of the Rechabites, and speak unto them, of Jerusalem, Will ye not receive instruction to hearken
and bring them into the house of the LorD, into one of to mywords? saith the LORD.The words of Jonadab the son
the chambers,and give them wine to drink."--Jer. 35 : 1, 2. of Rechab, that he commandedhis sons not to drink wine,
This part of the prophecy foreshadows that God opens are performed ; for unto this day they drink none, but obey
the way for those people of good-will now on the earth to their father’s commandment:notwithstanding I [God]
be brought into his house or temple of worship and to have spoken unto you, rising early and speaking; but ye
receive his blessings. Manypersons of good-will are now [Israelites] hearkened not unto me. I have sent also unto
observed coming unto the Theocratic organization of Je- you all myservants the prophets, rising up early and send-
hovah to prove their good-will, as this prophecy foreshad- ing them, saying, Return ye now every man from his evil
owed. The prophet Jeremiah then continues: "Then I way, and amend your doings, and go not after other gods
took Jaazaniah the son of Jeremiah, the son of Habaziniah, to serve them, and ye shall dwell in the land which I have
and his brethren, and all his sons, and the whole house given to you and to your fathers: but ye have not inclined
of the Rechabites ; and I brought them into the house of the your ear, nor hearkened unto me."--Jer. 35:12-15.
LORD, into the chamber of the sons of Hanan, the son of This prophecy concerning the Israelites exactly describes
Igdaliah, a man of God, which was by the chamber of the course of action taken by the so-called "organized
APmL1, 1945 fflieWATCHTOWER 111

religion" under the leadership of the clergy governing Devil-worshipers out of the land, and Jonadab knew that
factors, a course which is so apparent today amongthese such was a righteous work, and sympathized with it.
organizations on earth. Particularly the ruling element of Likewise at the present time those people on earth of
the RomanCatholic organization, and the clergy of other good-wit1, wholearn of the work that Jehovah’s witnesses
organizaUons, have made great pretenses of serving God, are nowdoing under the Greater Jehu, Christ Jesus, know
but in fact have been engagedin serving the Devil and have that such is a righteous work; and these people are in full
by their course of action deceived millions and led them to sympathy with that work and desire to be identified with
believe that they as governing factors or clergymen are that righteous work.
servants of God. The whole ruling element, to wit, the The chariot in which King Jehu rode pictured or repre-
RomanCatholic Hierarchy and the chief men supporting sented an organization. Since Jehu was riding the chariot
their organization for controlling and ruling the "Catholic while engaged in the work of Jehovah, his chariot pictured
population", have been entirely unfaithful to God. The Jehovah’s organization nowfunctioning with a visible part
honest, sincere ones of the "Catholic population" whotruly on the earth, which ~ible part is His "faithful servant"
incline toward God were foreshadowed by the Jonadabs. class, Jehovah’s remnant, who are His anointed witnesses
Speaking with words which today apply to the people acting under the leadership of Christ Jesus. Jehu grasped
of good-will that take their stand for Him, Jehovah con- hold of Jonadab’s hand and asked him to get up into the
tinues the prophecy: "Because the sons of Jonadab the son chariot. In this, Jehu pictured the Lord Jesus giving aid
of Rechab have performed the commandment of their father, through the remnant to those persons of good-will who
which he commandedthem; but this people [Israelites] desired to unite themselves to his Theocratic organization
hath not hearkened unto me: therefore thus saith the LOaD Note that Jehu did this after Jonadab had sincerely ex-
Godof hosts, the Godof Israel, Behold, I will bring upon pressed himself as being of the same heart or mind as King
Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the Jehu; which means that Jonadab was in full sympathy
evil that I have pronounced against them: because I have with Jehu and his work and that his motive was like that
spoken unto them, but they have not heard; and I have of Jehu, namely, unselfish. Jonadab’s action shinned him on
called unto them, but they have not answered." "And Jere- the side of the true God, Jehovah. ThL~pro~es that those
miah said unto the house of the Rechabites, Thus saith the who would have the blessing of the Lord God must declare
LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Because ye ha~e obeyed themselves on the side of both Himand his kingdom, and
the commandment of Jonadab your father, and kept all his they must take their position with the visible organizatmn
precepts, and done according unto all that he hath com- of Jehovah on earth.
manded you: therefore thus saith the LORDOf hosts" the Jehu, having found Jonadab in fufl heaIt accord and in
God of Israel; Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not want sympathy with him and his work, no doubt told Jonadab
a man to stand before me for ever." Or, according to the what he was about to do. "And he said, Comewith me, and
Bible’s marginal reading of this statement: "There shall see my zeal for Jehovah. So they made him ride in h~s
not a man be cut off from Jonadab the son of Rechab to chariot." (2 Ki. 10: 16, Am.Start. Ver.) Jehu was not boast-
stand before me for ever."---Jer. 35: 16-19. Lug of his zeal, but was notifying Jonadab to observe the
Here is a positive promise from Jehovah to the people proper course of one whoagrees to do the will of God. What
of good-will nowon earth, whotake their stand firmly on Jehu did he did earnestly and enthusiastically, ths words
the side of the Lord Godand continue faithful there, that mean that lie was determined to accomplish the purpose and
they will in due time enter into great riches and stand work which Jehovah God had assigned to him and that he
approved before Him for ever. woulddo so in the Lord’s nameand by his grace. So Jonadab
Reverting back now to the prophetic drama in which went with Jehu and unquestionably supported Jehu m his
Jonadab and Jehu come in contact with each other: The work, keeping his promise of a helping hand, and doing
Scripture record shows conclusively that Jonadab was what he was asked and told to do by the king. By giving
against the Devil religion called Baalism. Accordingto the his hand to Jonadab, King Jehu symbolically said to tam
record, Jehu ’qighted on Jehonadab the son of Rechab ’I will use mypower for you and give you aid, support and
comingto meet him: and he saluted him, and said to lfim, comfort, and will teach you the right way to serve Jehovah
Is thine heart right, as my heart is with thy heart? And Godwith zeal like mine.’ In the same manner the Greater
Jehonadab answered, It is. If it be, give me thine hand. Jehu, Christ Jesus, in the great chariot of Jehovah’s Theo-
And he gave him his hand; and he took him up to him into cratic organization, nowspeaks to the Jonadab class, those
the chariot." (2 Ki. 10: 15) Jonadab knew that Jehu was who now show the right kind of good-will, namely, that
then doing the work commandedby Jehovah to destroy the toward Jehovah God and his kingdom by Chrmt Jesus.

BELOW THEEQUATOR (AUSTRALIA} his mother was having studies with special publishers at
BENDIGO, VICTORIA: "On a train journey from Melbourne Castlemaine. I left him The Coming World Regeneration,
to Bendigo I started to discuss world problems with a and my address. Next week he wrote to say how he had
passenger. After a while he asked me what I was. I enjoyed the booklet, and added that he would leave it to
replied: ’One of those "awful" Jehovah’s witnesses !’ He me to enlighten him further. I sent him more literature,
said he had a lot of time for Jehovah’s witnesses, and that which he said answereda lot of his questions. He then made
a special trip to Bendigo(93 miles) to see me, and after lation No. 658, which contains a brief report on thirty-one
a discussion took another pile of literature, including "The cases tried in the SupremeCourt which involved Jehovah’s
Truth Shall MakeYou Free’. He also took out a subscrip- witnesses, and which report showedthe good that came to
tion for Consolation, and arrangements were made for a the people of the United States because of the fight that
book study in Melbourne." Jehovah’s witnesses had wagedin the highest court of the
SYDNEY, N. S. W. : "A Yugoslav who is doing very well land. The officer then asked to see myregistration card,
with his English now relates this: ’One after another, and how long I had been here and where I had come from.
Catholic people were ending mywitness with "Oh, but we’re I was then told by the judge to continue on in our work, and
Catholics !" I rememberedthe lesson on Theocratic tactful- that meanwhile he would find out whether we could con-
hess in the Ministry Courseand at the next house I replied : tinue or not. The officer then took meback to mypost.
"I was, too, once. Remember the old Catholic proverb, ’You "The next day, on returning from a study I met the
must hear two bells to tell which one chimes best’? Well, same officer. He stopped meand asked if I had been selling.
what about reading one of these books, so that you can I answered that I was just returning from a Bible study
see how the Kingdommessage sounds?" This appealed to and that I was not selling. He said, "Youhad better go and
her, and she took some publications. You may be sure I get a permit or quit selling !’ I told him the sameas I had
will be back to help her learn about the Kingdom.’" the day previous, and that I would not quit. ’I’ll arrest
~tIELBOURNE, VICTORIA: ’~Nhile following through on my you if I catch you selling,’ he answered. ’You have a duty
literature placements, I calledin on a familywho had to perform; so have I,’ I responded. Later this same officer
previously heardsomeof thelecture recordings. Thesmall met my partner in the magazine work and informed him
daughteransweredthe door and exclaimed: ’Oh, our that he would have to obtain a permit to sell books. My
Sunday-school teacher is here!’ TheSunday-school teacherpartner told him practically the same as I did, and the
cameout frombehindher andsaid:’Thesepeopledon’t officer, instead of arresting him, got in his truck and
wantJehovah’s witnesses here!’Withthat,sheslammed drove off.
thedoor.However, thechildpulledthedooropenagain, "The next day mypartner and I paid a visit to the city"
andthefathercalledfromdownthepassage: ’Comein!’ attorney. Weexplained exactly what had happened. He
So f wentin andhada grandtimew:ththem.TheSunday- admitted the United States SupremeCourt had settled the
school teacher leftin a hurry."--Pioneer. issue and that we should not be bothered, but that if we
"WHILE ON PAVEMENT WITNESSING {BRITAIN} were to phone him. Several days later the same officer saw
on Mondayof thisweekI hada grandexperience. A tall me passing by and hollered out, ’Hey, Watchtower!’ I
youngman came up to me and said:’I am not one of turned and waited till he cameover. He said, ’I found out
you,butI do admireyoupeopleforthestandyoutake. you fellows were within your legal rights and that I was
I am a wholesale commercial traveler; and,looking at it wrong. I was simply obeying the judge’s orders. I had a
froma worldly pointof view,Jehovah’s witnesses arethe duty to do and I was going to do it.’ I told him we undel-
brokenlinkin thechainthatthedictators cannotmend stood. With that he left, and so did I, to continue on in
and that’swhy youget so muchopposition. My homeis the service, and praising the Lord for His blessings."
in Exeter andI tellmy wifealways to buybooksof these --A graduate of the Watchtower Bible College of Gilead
Jehovah’s witnesses, asinsodoingI believe wearcsupport- THAWING OUT THE FAMILY (SOUTH AFRICA)
ingouronlywayto freedom.’ I thought it wasgrand.Who "When I arrived at a back-call book study the house
knowsbutthathe is a sheep,"
appeared to be full of visitors, all of whomI subsequently
STREET WITNESSING IN ALASKA learned were daughters, married and single, of the lady
"While standing on the street near the post office, which of the house, who, with their boys and girls, were spending
is a busy place in Ketchikan and ideal for magazine work, the day at the ’old home’ with mother. They were rather
an officer came up to me and asked what I was selling. I resentful about the study, but, being in ’mother’s home’,
told him I was preaching the gospel of God’s kingdomand they would please her by attending. They sat stiffly in a
that I was distributing the magazinesexplaining about that row, their chairs planked against the wall, looking and no
kingdomand that they were left with the people on a five- doubt feeling most uncomfortable, evidently expecting and
cent contribution. I asked him if he had ever read any of fearing the worst, namelym’areligions prayer meeting cure
them, and he said ’Yes’. He then asked me to go with him tea-party affair’. All being seated and provided with
to see the judge and explain the nature of our work. Ch~drenbooks, the study started. After the second question
"At the police station the officer told the judge, ’This those sisters against the wall edged their chairs nearer to
is the young man whois selling those magazines.’ At this the table and then, after a good deal of whispering, they
point I started to explain to the judge the mannerin which excused themselves and left the room, only to return very
we preached. He said there was a city ordinance against hurriedly a few minutes later each with an old ’school
peddling in Ketchikan. I said city ordinances pertaining Bible’, plucked from the limbo of things long forgotten,
to peddling did not apply to Jehovah’s witnesses. I showed in their hands. From that momentthey entered whole-
him newspaper clippings to prove that the Supreme Court heartedly into the study and declared their intention of
upheld our right to carry on this work and that when any being present the following week. They kept their word.
state, city, or municipality tried to apply such anti-peddling All these have now returned to their respective homes,
ordinances against Jehovah’s witnesses they were uncon- except one daughter, who regularly attends the study with
stitutional. I also showedthe judge and the officer Cerise- her two children."
APRIL 15, 1945

A RE~A~T roe ~az KI~QVOM ................ 115
NotAll C~tOff .................................. I17
TheImportantThing....................... 119
ForHiaName’s Sake............................ 120
Snaredand Trapped........................ 121
Salvationfor Non-Jews .................... 122
GOLIATH, ~ DZv~’sCHA]a.PI0~.......... 124
Pso~ M~coTo A.aa~T]aCa .................. 125
4rl~’NrrgD KLtC(;DOI/ A.Iq’lqOUI~C’glcS"
~,SVmO ~-¢PmOD ........................... 114
"W.~’H~Wam" S~olgs ..................... 114
I17 Adams Street

Brooklyn I, N.Y., U.S.A. T
HIS Journal ts published for the purpose of enabling the
people to knowJehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
W.E. V~q AMBUI~H,Seceetary designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-wilL
President It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taueht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to ald in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
event shall be the peace of thy children." - haiah 54:z3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parhf.s, sects
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of ’don for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Loges was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of aLl other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power dulge in controversy, and its columnsare not open to personaLitms.
in heaven and earth, aa the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah;
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UN|TgD STATES, $1.00; ~ other countries, l:r $1 50, Amerlran eurreney l
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the 0alhkT BRITAIN, AuB’rltAL£eIA,
tenets should be made by Pcatai
or Express
AFRICA, 68. American remit-
bloney Order or by Bank
right to life; DrafL British, South &frican and Australasian remittances should
to the r~peetive
THATTHE LOGESwas made human aa the man Jesus and be made direct
countries other than those mentioned
branch offices. Remittances
may be made tO the Brooklyn

suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive orate, but by International Postal Money Order only.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
FoalHoN OrFicgn
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power Brltt.h 34 Craven Terrace. London, W. 2, England
and authority; Auetru[c~la~ : 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
THATGOD’SCAPITALORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Bouth Africas Boston House, Cape Town. South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus Is the Chief Officer thereof and Is the l~ta~t 167 Love Lane, Bombay 27. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every ease.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacyof Jehovah, declare his Translationsof this Journalappetrin several languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdombefore all who will hear;
THATTHE OLDWORLD ended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, povertyor adversity are unableto pay the subscription price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of may have TheWatchtowerfree uponwritten apDlieatlonto the pubhshers.
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~lad to thus aid the needy, but the written appUcauon once each year
the establishment of the "new earth" of the NewWorld; m required by the poetal regnlatlonL
THATTHERELIEFand blessings of the peoples of earth can Notice to 8wbse~bere:Acknowledgment of a newor a renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, eertptlon will be sent only whenrequested. Changeof address, when
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out the divine mandate to "fdl the earth" with a righteous race. u~tder the Act ot March 3, 1879,


The four-month-long Watchtower campaign ends ~th this Do you find enlightenment and joy in reading The Watchtower?
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entLre monthof AprLl. It should crownwith triumph the objectives its companion magazine, gonsolation~ put out by the same pub-
of the campaign. By the mamtenunceof united activity of all lishers. With many thousands Consolatwn serves a vital and
Kingdomannouncers, under Jehovah’s blessing, it will do so. important need in building them up m froth, hope and courage
Keep to the fore always, therefore, the campaign offer, to wit, in these days of spreading infidelity, hopelessness and fear, and
a year’s subscriptmn for The Watchtower together with the free thus brings its readers solid comfort. It does not, of course, take
book "The KingdomIs at Hand"and the free booklet One World, the place of The Watch|ower, which m devoted exclusively to
One Government,at the specml rate of $1.00. Wewant our regular Bible study and iustructmn. Consolatton actually complements
Watchtowerreaders to knowthat a share in this campaignLS open this magamneby publishing true-to-fact, uneensored news con-
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we shall take pleasure in putting them m touch with an organized publications fear and refuse to print but whichthe trusting pubhe
company¢nth whomto co-operate. Each one should also make out should learn so as to be warned of the operations and purposes
his report of activRies, that such may be included m the of deadly enemies, and so be able to free themselves from these
enemies’ power and influence and thus avoid disaster. Consolation
compilation of the genera] results throughout the land for this
blessed campaign. further publishes in its issues several pages of unusual reports
on the strange work end experiences of those throughout the world
who are announcing to men of good-wiU the ideal government
"WATCHTOWER"STUDIES which the great "God of all comfort" m now setting up for the
Week of May 20: "A Remnant for the Kingdom, relief and blessing of all faithful and obedient humankind.Co~o-
¶ 1-20 inclusive, The WatcMotver April 15, 1945. /4t/o,, ia a 3?,-page magazine, published every other Wednesday.A
year’s subscription, of 26 issues, is just $1.00 in the UmtedStates,
Week of May 27: "A Remnant for the Kingdom," or $1.25 abroad. Forward you~" subscription to WATCH~Wr.a,
¶ 21-41inclusive, The Watchto,~er April 15, 1945. 1.17 AdamsSt., Brooklyn 1, ~. Y.
VOT..LXV-I .~a, Rm15, 1945 No. 8


"Israel failed to get what it sought, but those whomGodselected got it. The rest becamecallous."
--Rom. I1 : 7, 8, Goodspeed.
EHOVAH’S witnesses, in this time of gathering
J gloom for the world, are proclaiming the only
comforting message, namely, "The kingdom of
to a few Jews at the Vatican merely serves as a
counterbalance for the present harboring of promi-
nent Nazi and Japanese official personages at the
heaven is at hand." To many students of the Bible same place, Vatican City.--New York Times, Nov. 5,
there seems to be one thing to keep them from ac- 1943 ; Dec. 10, 1944.
cepting this announcement as true. That one thing s Even the Jews in their favored position in Amer-
is the present-day plight of the Jews. According to ica are apprehensive for the future of their race.
the way those students read the Bible they look for And not without good reason, when, for example,
the conversion of the Jews to Christ and for the the legislators of the American Congress suddenly
Jewish nation to come to a degree of excellence on withdraw from their purpose to protest against the
the earth grander than at any time in its past his- restriction of Jewish immigration into Palestine lest
tory. That is to say, they look for a restoration of it cause international friction. Viewedfrom a sane
the nation as a whole to the divine favor, and then standpoint, there is nothing to encourage the Jews
its taldng the leading role amongall the nations of to accept conversion to Christ Jesus at the hands of
the earth. This they look for as a sign betokening professors of "Christian religion", so called. The
the return of Christ or Messiah and the coming of fiercest part of the persecution comes from these
his kingdom. religionists. While the terror of such religious per-
= Actually now, such a prospect is not in sight. secutors does not frighten the Jews into conversion,
The plight of the Jewish people is most deplorable, it does grossly misrepresent the real Christ to the
especially in Europe. The cry has gone up from Jews and hardens them in their blindness to him.
Jews in America, "Help prevent 4,000,000 people Is, then, this deplorable Jewish situation a valid
from becoming ghosts"; meaning the 4,000,000 Jews argument in denial of the fact that "the kingdomof
still alive in Europe; and emergency committees heaven is at hand"? Not at all. A right and factual
have been formed to save them from the destruction understanding of chapter eleven of Paul’s letter to
that has already befallen 2,000,000 Jews since the the Romans, upon which certain religious hopes of
outbreak of this global war. Their destruction rep- the Jews’ national conversion to Christ have been
resents the work of Nazi-Fascists, not infidels or built, does away with such argument. Indeed, it
atheists, mind you, but religionists whoprofess the strengthens the proof that "the kingdom of God is
"Christian religion", and particularly of the Roman nigh at hand". This is the same kingdom that the
Catholic brand. Andthe pontiff of Vatican City re- forefathers of the Jews, namely, Abraham, Isaac
fuses to excommunicate these Nazi-Fascist leaders and Jacob, expected to be established in the due time
for their fiendish crimes against decency and human- of Jehovah God, whomthey worshiped.
ity. For the pope to let a few Jews, find sanctuary ¯ The thing that has deceived the religionists of
within the grounds of Vatican City during the Nazi "Christendom" and raised false hopes in them is the
occupation of Romerepresents little sympathy for view that the great promises of God’s Word must
the Jewish situation, whenright under his nose at be fnlflned upon ’ffsrael after the flesh". They have
Romethe prewar 12,000 Jewish residents of the city failed to appreciate the argument of the apostle
are greatly reduced by Nazi deportations of thou- Paul that "he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly;
sands of Jewish men, womenand children, and that neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the
without protest by the pope. Furnishing sanctuary
& (a) Why is there nething to encourage the Jews to eonveruion, but.
1. What is the comforting message Jehovah s witnesses are prociaiminl~ instead, what la the effect on them? (~) Does their pUgbt prove the
and what one thing seems to keep some from accepting it, and wh~ -" Kingdom is not at hand, and why?
2 Whyis not such a prospect aa theirs in sight and aa n const;ouenee 4. Aa to Israel and God’s premlsea, what view hu given the religionlat~
of whose crimes? ’ -- - false hopes and to what have they been blinded ?

flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and for such responsive Gentiles was for them to hear
circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and the glorious Kingdomnews as proclaimed by those
not in the letter". (Rom. 2: 28, 29) "Christendom’s" whomGod sent. Because the natural Israelites as
religion has blinded it against seeing spiritual Israel, an organization refused to accept the message of
and that the marvelous promises of Almighty God the Kingdomwhich Jehovah sent, it put him in the
are to be fulfilled and are being fulfilled upon the position of stretching oat his inviting hands to a
spiritual Israelites, of whomthere is only a remnant people not only disobeying and disbelieving but also
today. Circumcision of the flesh is still practiced contradicting and gainsaying the message. Hence, if
upon those who are Jews outwardly. Surely, then, Israel after the flesh was unwilling to act upon the
it was not to "Israel after the flesh" that the apostle high privilege leading to the kingdom of heaven,
Paul wrote the following truth, namely : "For neither why should Jehovah God show prejudice or discrim-
circumcision nor the want of it is of any importance, ination according to the flesh and shut out those
but only a new creation. Peace and mercy be on all Gentiles who were willing from taking hold of the
whowill follow this rule, and on the true Israel of exceptional privilege? No reason at all! Therefore
God." (Gal. 6: 15, 16, Goodspeed) That "true Israel the privilege which natural Israel disobediently and
of God"is the "newcreation". It is spiritual Israel, obstinately turned downand did not want, that priv-
which displays the circumcision of the heart and not ilege Jehovah God opened up to obedient and will-
of the flesh. Just why God’s grand promises, which ing Gentiles. He can do what he will with his own
Israel after the flesh thought would be fulfilled upon mercies and grace.
it, were transferred to Israel after the spirit, Paul ’ Today, in answer to the proclamation that "the
explains in his letter to the Romans. kingdom of heaven is at hand", a vast multitude of
s To be of the "true Israel of God"or of spiritual persons from all nations and races are showing good-
Israel a person would not have to be a natural-born will and taking their stand for God’s Idngdom as
Jew. The true Israel of Godwhich inherits the prom- instead of worldly politics. They are not thereby
ises includes many, if not a majority, of non-Jews or called to go to heaven and becomea part of the King-
Gentiles after the flesh. That should not be surpris- dom; neither are they expecting a heavenly destiny.
ing, even to natural Jews. Why, the written oracles They joyfully look ahead to staying on this earth
which were given to them through Moses and the forever and enjoying life in humanperfection under
rest of the prophets foretold such a thing. On this the established kingdom of heaven. They expect to
very point the apostle Paul raises the question con- be its earthly subjects, and are regulating their en-
cerning natural Israel of nineteen centuries ago and tire lives in harmonywith that comforting hope. The
says : "But I ask again, did Israel fail to understand? question nowarises, Are natural Jews of today de-
Why, to begin with, Moses said, ’I [Jehovah] will barred from joining that unnumbered multitude of
makeyou jealous of what is no nation at all, I will persons of good-will, just because of what _the na-
exasperate you at a senseless nation.’ Then Isaiah tional organization of Israel did nineteen centuries
broke out boldly and said, ’I [Jehovah] have been ago? Are indi~dual Jews excluded from this op-
found by men who were not looking for me, I have portunity of taking their stand for the heavenly
shown myself to men who were not asking what my kingdom and living through the battle of Armaged-
will was.’ But of Israel he said, ’All day long I don and entering into life eternal on earth in the
[Jehovah] have held out my hands to a disobedient NewWorld of righteousness?
and obstinate people.’" (Rom. 10 : 19-21, Goodspeed) ’ God’s Wordshnws no exclusion, Individual Jews,
There the apostle Paul was quoting from Moses’ although suffering the consequences of what their
writing at Deuteronomy 32:21 and from Isaiah’s forefathers of the first century did toward the Mes-
prophecyat Isaiah 65 : 1, 2. siah and his message, are not responsible for what
e The "true Israel of God" practices the true such forefathers did. The gracious invitation of the
Christianity, and not so-called "Christian religion". Messianic King and his bride is: ’Come; and who-
It was by bringing non-Jews or Gentiles into the soever will let him come and take of the water of
Israel of God and fulfilling His gracious promises life freely’; and it extends to the suffering perse-
toward such that Jehovah God made the natural cuted Jews of the present as well as to all Gentiles.
Israelites jealous and exasperated them. Great num- (Rev. 22: 17) And our hearts are cheered today
bers of Gentiles that had not professed to be looking see some natural Jews amongthe multitude of good-
for Jehovah or asking after his will cameto seek for will persons that is coming to the pure river of
Him and to ask after Him. All that was necessary the water of life and drinking thereof.
5. Persons of what nationalities maybecome membersof spiritus2 Israel? 7. What are the expectations of the mulUtode respondlnl; to the Kingdom
and how did God foretell this through Moses and Isaiah? meaalre today? and what question therefore arises as to the Jews-,
6 How were God’s worda through Moses and leaJah carried into ful- 8. What does God’s Wordshow in answer? and what fact do we observe
fillment ? to cheer our hearts?
APRm 15, 1945 NicWATCI-ITOWEtL 117
NOT ALL CAST OFF Jehovah Godhad not cast away along with the entire
’ The Lord God through his apostle states the organization, and in proof that God’s ownprophetic
principle which applies to what we are considering. Word showed that there would be a remnant of in-
The apostle Paul asks a question like the above, dividuals saved from the national organization.
but on his part it is about becoming membersin the 1, Elijah was Jehovah’s prophet to the ten-tribe
kingdom of heaven with the Messiah. He says: "I kingdom of Israel, which had broken away from al-
say then, Hath God cast away his people? God for- legiance to Jerusalem. In Elijah’s own day Allah
bid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abra- the king married a demon-worshiper, the wicked
ham, of the tribe of Benjamin." (Rom. 11:1) Had Jezebel, and then turned to Baal-worship, building
God cast away the Jewish nation in its entirety a temple for Baal in the capital city, Samaria. He
because of what it had done as a religious organiza- permitted his queen, Jezebel, to persecute and kill
tion to the Son of God and his Kingdom message, off the prophets of Jehovah, driving those that
then Saul of Tarsus could never have become the escaped her fury underground. According to the
Christian apostle Paul Whynot? Because Saul of warnings of His covenant with all the tribes of nat-
Tarsus was an Israelite after the flesh. He was of ural Israel Jehovah sent a three-and-a-half-year
fleshly descent from the patriarch Abrahamthrough famine upon Ahab’s realm, after which, in the pres-
Abraham’s great grandson Benjamin. Furthermore, ence of King Ahab, the prophet Elijah put the
Paul speaks of himself as "circumcised the eighth priests of Baal to the fire-test on Mount Carmel.
day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, Having exposed the Baal priests as false, Elijah
an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law., a slew them as God’s executioner. QueenJezebel, en-
Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church". raged at this defeat for the cause of religion, threat-
(Phil. 3: 5, 6) So, according to the flesh, Saul ened Elijah’s life, and he fled to the Mountof God,
Tarsus, more than anybody else, would specially be Mount Horeb. It was there that he said the above
excluded from all divine favor, that is, if God had words, which Paul quoted.--1 Kings, chapters 16-19.
repudiated fleshly Israel completely down to the ,s The treatment that the kingdom of Israel had
last Jew. ! Whatis more, Paul was a rabid persecutor given to Jehovah’s cause, killing his prophets and
of the congregation of Christians and sought to digging downhis altars, led Elijah to speak as if
stamp it out. Being such, he would seem all the he alone were faithful to God and all the kingdom
more to be outside the pale of God’s grace and mercy. of Israel had gone apostate. Was he right? Paul
,o But what are the realities in the case? These: refers us to the answer, with these words concerning
Paul now was not only a Christian, but an apostle Elijah: "But what saith the answer of God unto
of Jesus Christ. As such, he was one of file "twelve him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men,
apostles of the Lamb"and one of the twelve foun- whohave not bowedthe knee to the image of Baal."
dations of the NewJerusalem. (Rev. 21: 14; 2 Cor. (Rom. 11:4 ; 1 Ki. 19 : 18) If Jehovah Godhad cast
11:5, 22; 1 Cor. 9:1) Paul’s case according to the off the entire kingdomof Israel wi~out considera-
flesh was an extreme one. He stood therefore as a tion of any individuals, then he would not have re-
living proof to the effect that Jehovah Godh~td not served or retained anyone for himself therefrom,
put awaytotally his chosen people of old, Israel after but the case of the nation as a whole would have
the flesh. prejudiced the case of each and every individual
11 The apostle Paul was only one. There ought to therein. Did it? No I Practically the entire kingdom
be other living flesh-and-blood witnesses to the fact was deserving to be rejected, but the Lord God was
of divine mercy; and he now refers to many more gracious enough to consider individuals within the
such witnesses. He points out from the inspired nation and to reserve for his further mercy a rem-
prophecy that there would be many more live testi- nant out from the nation. Not that they were exactly
monials than himself, in the following argument: 7,000 in number; but that the number seven is sym-
"God has not put away his people whomhe formerly bolic of completeness. Therefore "7,000" stands in
acknowledged. Do you not know what the scripture round numbers for all the faithful Israelites that
says in [the history of] Elijah, how he complains had remained staunch for the worship of Jehovah
to God against Israel?--’O Lord, they killed thy God, contrary to the course of the nation. Hence the
prophets; they dug down thy altars; and I was left prophet Elijah did not stand alone.
alone; and they are seeking my life.’" (Rom. 11: "That circumstance in connection with Elijah and
2, 3, Emphatic Diaglott) Paul refers to the case of the kingdom of Israel was prophetic, or typical.
the prophet Elijah. Why? To adduce proof that 12. What were the circumstances that developed up to Ell|ah’s aa~ug
there were other natural Jews besides himself whom the above-quoted words?
13. (a) From what staodpolnt did Elijah thus speak, and how did¯ God
9, 10, Whatquestion does the apostle Paul himself ask concerning Israel? show him to be wrong? (b) Why wits the figure "seven thousand" used
and why does his own case supply an answer 14. How does Paul show that such circumstance was typical? and on a
11. What referencedoes Paul then make to Elijah. and wlmy? level with whomdoes he thereby place the Jewish nation?
N. Y.

The apostle Paul under inspiration of the spirit of but Israel pursuing a law o; righteousness, attained
God makes this certain to us, saying: "And in like not a law of righteousness. Why? Because they pur-
manner, therefore, at the present time, there is a sued it, not from faith, but as attainable from works
remnant according to an election of favor." (Rom. of law. For they struck against the stone of stum-
11:5, Diaglott) By making such a comparison, the bling; as it is written, ’Behold, I place in Zion, a
apostle Paul put the Jewish nation that was then stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, and yet
practicing what he calls "Judaism" or "the Jews’ no one relying on it shall be disappointed.’" (Rom.
religion" on a level with the ldngdom of Israel. 9 : 27-33, Diaglott) That "rock of offence" was Christ
Israel had forsaken Jehovah’s worship, and had set Jesus.
up the worship of golden calves at Dan and Bethel I, The apostle Paul did not consider that God had
and also the worship of the demon-god Baal at the cast off the whole nation of Israel without excep-
national capital, Samaria; and it had slain Jehovah’s tion. Otherwise, he would not have continued his
prophets and demolished his altars. But, whereas writing with these next words: "Indeed, brethren,
that kingdomof Israel had "killed Jehovah’s witness- the good desire of myheart, and that prayer I offer
es the prophets, in Paul’s time the Jewish nation to Godon their behalf is, for their salvation. For I
rejected the very Son of God as King and had him testify to them, that they possess a zeal for God,
impaled on a tree. but not according to knowledge." (Rom. 10: 1, 2,
" It was about A.D. 55 when the apostle Paul Diaglott) No; Paul did not view all the individual
wrote his letter to the Romans; which was about Jews as cast off together with the organization of
twenty years after he had become an active Chris- the Jews’ religion. Hence, in the various cities whith-
tian. During that time the Jewish nation had kept er he carried his missionary tours, Paul went first
on obstinately resisting the followers of Christ into the Jewish synagogues there and preached to
Jesus and persecuting them even to the death. "Rem- the people of the nation of Israel. Bear in mind, too,
nant" means "that which has been left"; and the rem- that this was after Jehovah God had sent the apostle
nant whomthe apostle mentions as existing in that Peter with the gospel to the Gentiles, and hence after
present time was composed of natural Jews. Like the "seventy weeks" of Jehovah’s exclusive favor to
Paul himself, they had left the corporate body of the Jewish nation had ended. So then, after giving
Israel and "the Jews" religion" and had followed the first attention to the Jews, the apostle Paul felt
schooling of Jehovah’s law and had been led to free to give due attention to the Gentiles. To refer to
Christ Jesus as Messiah. (Gal. 3: 24; 1: 13, 14) That the case at the synagogue in Antioch of Pisidia:
was a Jewish remnant, including all the twelve apos- "Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said,
tles of Christ. Now, as the remnant whomJehovah It was necessary that the word of God should first
reserved for himself in Elijah’s day were witnesses have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from
for Him, just so the apostles and the rest of the you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting
Jewish remnant with them were Jehovah’s witness- life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles. For so hath the
es, but commonlycalled "Christians", being first so Lord commandedus, saying, I have set thee to be
called at Antioch, Syria. (Acts 11: 26) Earlier a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for
his epistle to the Romansthe apostle Paul showed salvation unto. the ends of the earth."--Acts 13:
that the witnesses of Jehovah would he only a few 46, 47 ; 10 : 1-48; Dan.9 : 24-27.
comparatively, and that they would be only a rem- 16 Thus, even after the end of the "seventy weeks"
nant left or reserved by God from among the re-
of national favor from God ended, yet the Jewish
jected nation or organization. Paul writes: remnant continued to be added to. Additions con-
,6,,But Isaiah cries on behalf of Israel, ’If the tinued downto the time Paul wrote his letter to the
number of the sons of Israel should be as the sand Romans,and particularly downto the destruction of
of the sea, the remnant only shall be saved. For he Jerusalem A. D. 70 at the hands of Rome’s imperial
is finishing and cutting short his account in right- legions. Therefore the religionists of "Christendom",
eousness; because the Lord will form a brief work given to conducting pogroms and other wicked anti-
upon the land.’ And, as Isaiah previously said, ’If Semitic persecutions against the natural Jews as
the Lord of Hosts had not left us a seed, we should "Christ killers", should rememberthat the beginning
have become as Sodom, and should have resembled of the Christian congregation was exclusively Jew-
Gomorrah.’ What then shall we say? That those ish, a remnant from the Jewish nation. Because Je-
Gentiles not pursuing righteousness, laid hold on hovah God sent converted Jews, such as Peter and
righteousness, even that righteousness from faith;
17. Showing that not all the nation was cast off, what prayer dld
15. At the time of Paul’s wr/ting, of what was the remnant composed ? Paul express and what wu Ms procedure in preaching?
and what were they called? 18. How long did the Sew~h remnant continue to be added to? and
16. What dld Paul quote from Isaiah to =how the remnant would bQ what facts should persecutor rellglonlsts of "’Christendom" remember
only a few, and why so? for their proper guidance?
APRIL15, 1945 :gtieWATCHTOWER. n9
Paul, to the non-Jews or Gentiles, the peoples of ¯ o They were the natural offspring of the faithful
so-called "Christendom" were made acquainted with fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Because he
Christianity. Prior to that, in times of persecution, could swear by none higher than himself, Jehovah
it was not a case of Jews persecuting Gentiles, but God swore with an oath in his own name to Abra-
a case of Jews persecuting the remnant of Jews ham, saying: "By myself have I sworn, saith Jeho-
which ]lad accepted Christianity. Religionists think vah, because thou hast done this thing, and hast not
it strange that out of a nation which had treated withheld thy son [Isaac], thine only son, that in
God’s favor so ungratefully He should select a rem- blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will
nant and with these begin a new creation, in Christ multiply thy seed as the stars of the heavens, and
Jesus, namely, spiritual Israel or Israel after the as the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy
spirit. It was indeed strange. But the apostle Paul seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; and in
says that this was a "remnant according to the elec- thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
tion of grace". That is, by God’s mercy or favor the because thou hast obeyed my voice." (Gen. 22: 16-
remnant were selected out from the rejected mass. 18, Am. Stan. Vet.) That Abrahamic covenant was
On the day of Pentecost after Christ’s resurrection repeated by God to Isaac and to Jacob and was then
there were just about three thousand added to the transmitted to Jacob’s descendants, the twelve tribes
Jewish renmant ; but more were added on later days. of Israel. The question was, Would they prove
worthy to have the Abrahamic promise fulfilled in
THE IMPORTANT THING them, namely, to be a seed like the stars and sand
1o Something far more important was involved in in multitude and in whomall the other families and
this transaction than just the few thousands of the nations of the earth should be blessed? According
remnant that were selected. What was that? It was to his loving-kindness and out of respect for his own
the vindication of Jehovah’s name and word. Ac- name, God put the twelve tribes of Israel in the
cording to the quotations from the Hebrew Scrip- way of that opportunity.
tures made by the apostle Paul God had given his ~i Delivering the twelve tribes from slavery in
word that there would be a remnant that would be Egypt, Jehovah God brought the nation of Israel to
saved out from natural Israel. Hence such a rem- himself at Mount Sinai, in Arabia. Before inaugu-
nant must be selected by God’s mercy, for the vindi- rating his law covenant toward them there, he said
cation of his word. But besides that, Jehovah God through his mediator Moses: "Nowtherefore, if ye
had put his name upon the nation of Israel. They will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant,
were his nation "which he foreknew", or "whomhe then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above
formerly acknowledged", or "whictl he had marked all people: for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be
out from the first". (Rom. 11:2; Diaglott; Good- unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.
speed) Because he loved them, he gave them this These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the
prior acknowledgmentbefore all the nations of the children of Israel." The Israelites solemnly agreed
earth. He loved them particularly because they were to do this. (Ex. 19:5-8) Then the Lord God gave
descendants of his faithful witnesses, namely, Abra- them the Ten Commandments, the third command-
ham, Isaac and Jacob, with whom Jehovah made ment of which warned them: "Thou shalt not take
the Abrahamic covenant. As the prophet Moses re- the name of Jehovah thy God in vain; for Jehovah
minded the Jewish nation just before entering the will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in
Promised Land: "For thou art an holy people unto vain." (Ex. 20: 7, Am. Start. Vet.) If they lived up to
ttie Loire thy God: the LORDthy God hath chosen their privileges and did not fail in that whereunto
thee to be a special people unto himself, above all Godcalled them, namely, to be unto him a "kingdom
people that are upon the face of the earth. The LoI~D of priests and an holy nation", then they would not
d~(t not set his love upon you, nor choose you, be- be taking his name in vain. But if they proved to
cause ye were more in number than any people; for be covenant-breakers, they would be taldng it in
ye were the fewest of all people: but because the vain.
LonDloved you, and because he would keep the oath " The nation of Israel misinterpreted the purpose
which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the of that law covenant. They thought that by keeping
LORDbrought you out with a mighty hand, and re- it and doing the works which it commandedthey
deemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the could earn the position of being a ’qdngdom of
hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt." (Deut. 7:6-8) 20 What covenant did God make with their forefathers? and what
Therefore they were to have nothing to do with reli- queatlon therefore aroee aa to the descendants of these?
21 Before inaugurating his law covenant with them, what opportunity
gion, but to be holy unto Jehovah God. did God disclose aa before them? and how would they be taking his
name in vain?
19 What ~as the most Important thing lnvol~ed in that transaction 22. How did the Israelites coma to misinterpret the purpose of the
law covenant? and what did they fail to see aa to adding it to the
~Ith the remnant, and for ~hat reasonst Abrahamie covenant?

priests and an holy nation". Then Godwould owe it upon the Jewish commonpeople, but which burdens
to them to make them such a kingdom and nation, they were not willing to consider themselves bound
by virtue of their works. By the works of the law to bear. Thus they madea religion of this system of
covenant they thought to make themselves the real works; and the Devil turned them aside from the
"seed of Abraham"in whomall nations and families worship and keeping of the commandments of God
of the earth were to be blessed. They overlooked the to a religion, "the Jews’ religion."--Matt. 15: 1-9;
fact that their forefather Abrahamhad the covenant 23: 1-5, 33, 38.
of Jehovah made with him, not by the works of a FOR HIS NAME’S SAKE
law covenant, but by reason of his obedient faith in
God. As it is written concerning Abraham: "And he "Satan the Devil, the sly inventor of religion,
believed in Jehovah: and he reckoned it to him for aimed at bringing irremovable reproach upon Jeho-
righteousness." (Gen. 15:6, Am. Stan. Ver.) Those vah’s name by turning the entire nation of Israel
natural descendants of Abrahamfailed to see that completely away from Jehovah God. He would thus
the law covenant was merely added to the Abra- be blocking God’s purpose to produce a "kingdom
hamic covenant for a time, in order to keep them of priests and an holy nation". This would prove
from religion and from the transgressions to which Jehovah God unable to carry out his stated purpose
religion leads. It was added, to continue only until with the natural offspring of Abraham. Satan aimed
the Seed of Abraham, Christ Jesus, should come. at making matters worse by causing the Jewish
Hence it was meant to lead them like a faithful at- religious leaders to be the very ones to lead the
tendant to Christ. Quoting Paul himself upon the commonpeople to reject Christ Jesus the true Seed
subject: "Wherefore then serveth tile law? It was of Abraham,and to cry out and riot for his death at
added because of transgressions, till the seed should the hands of the Gentiles, the Romansoldiers. How-
come to whom the promise was made; and it was ever, Almighty God had foreseen this very strategy
ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator .... of the Devil, and furthermore, he had foretold it.
we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith He also foretold that, despite all the crafty efforts of
which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the the Devil toward the Jewish nation, yet Jehovah
law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, would produce a remnant of faith, obedience and
that we might be justified by faith."--Gal. 3: 19-24. integrity out from the religionized nation. This He
~ Any effort, therefore, to justify themselves by woulddo for his name’ssake. It was within his right
the deeds of the law would be an attempt to establish as Creator to have mercy and grace upon this rem-
their ownrighteousness independent of God’s mercy. nant and to distinguish between these individuals
It would be an effort to produce self-righteousness, and the unfaithful national organization. This rem-
and to make unnecessary the grace or unmerited nant of Abraham’s natural seed Jehovah would use
favor of God. It was an endeavor to make God in- as the nucleus or core around which progressively
debted to them as having worked for and earned he would build up the "kingdom of priests and an
what they were getting, instead of letting everything holy nation" under Christ Jesus the Head. Thus,
be dependent upon God’s mercy. Things would not out of this chosen nation of Abraham’snatural off-
be on the same footing as they were with Abraham, spring, Almighty God would bring forth some, if
namely, that of faith and obedience toward God. only a remnant, who would manifest the unbreak-
All that was a wrong idea. Certainly, by adding the able faith of Abrahamand thereby keep their integ-
rity toward God. Such remnant would therefore
law covenant, God did not purpose to change the
basis upon which the ones taken into the Abrahamic prove to be for a vindication of Jehovah’s name.
covenant should be selected, namely, changing from ’~ Rightly seen, then, it is for Jehovah’s name’s
a basis of faith to a basis of works of self-right- sake that the remnant are saved, and are not re-
eousness. But the great enemy, Satan the Devil, jected with the whole mass. For such reason their
overreached the Jewish leaders. He caused them to election or selection was an act of God’s mercy or
think they must becomethe ’~kingdomof priests and grace, and due to no perfect works on the part of the
an-holy nation" on the basis of their ownrighteous- remnant. Instead of requiring of them perfection of
ness by self-works. Thus he induced them to build works in fulfillment of the law covenant with fleshly
up a detailed system of works based upon the tradi- Israel, Jehovah looked for faith in his Son whom
tions of self-righteous elders. Deceiving themselves he sent into the world. Because of their faith in His
by such, they transgressed the righteous laws of Son, Jehovah God imputed to the remnant His
God and made the commandmentof God of no effect. righteousness : "even the righteousness of Godwhich
Worse, they used this system to bind heavy burdens 24. In that connection, how did Satan plan to bring reproach upon God’s
name? but how did God purpose to outwit Satan and vind~eate his own
23 (a) What did their atteml~t to Justify themselves mean, and why name ?
was that a wrong idea’.* (b) How did Satan turn them aside to "the 25 Due to what kind of act and operation on God’s part axe that Jewish
.Ie~ s’ ~.ellgmn" ? remnant saved ?
APRm15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 121

is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all own works could not make them the seed of Abra-
them that believe." "To declare, I say, at this time ham. Without the true Seed of Abraham, which Seed
his righteousness: that he might be just, and the had to come and to which Seed they must unite
justifier of him which believeth in Jesus."--Rom. themselves, they could never becomethe kingdom of
3 : 22, 26. priests in whomall the nations and families of the
2s The remnant, therefore, are properly called an earth should receive blessings from God.
"election of grace", being selected by God’s favor. "’ Why,then, did Israel after the flesh not get
Andfrom this fact Paul reasons as follows, saying: this sought-for thing? and why did the election of
"But if it is by his mercy, it is not for anything they grace get it? It was because the natural Israelites set
have done. Otherwise, his mercy would not be mercy up man’s standard of works which would bring right-
at all." (Rom. 11:6, Goodspeed)It is therefore not eousness from man’s viewpoint. Thus they set up a
the creature, nor the creature’s salvation, that is of system of works of self-righteousness, and they pro-
leading importance, but the nameof Jehovah, which posed to makethemselves deserving according to the
name must be vindicated against all reproaches by flesh. On the other hand, the ones that Godactually
the adversary, the Devil. Jehovah’s centuries-long selected, the small remnant, did not try to justify
dealing with the nation of Israel has not been in vain, themselves before God. They trusted in God’s mercy,
but his mercy selects out from such nation a rem- and were willing to humble themselves to accept
nant whodisplay the faith of their forefather Abra- everything as a matter of God’s grace or undeserved
ham. What counts is not the being a descendant of kindness. Honest enough to admit that they could
Abrahamby fleshly ties ; but the having of the spirit, not measure up to the perfection of God’s law, and
the disposition of faith, of Abrahamis what counts. seeing that the law condemnedthem as natural sin-
It puts one among the company of the remnant. ners, they willingly exercised faith in God’s arrange-
Upon such ones Jehovah shows his mercy. The ment through the true Seed of Abraham.They grate-
works of self-righteousness do not count in the mat- fully accepted the gift of righteousness from God
ter at all. Everything is of God’s mercy, for his through faith in His Seed. As the apostle Paul him-
name’s sake. self words it: "Israel pursuing a law of righteous-
2, "’Whatthen 7" the apostle asks, and then prompt- hess, attained not a law of righteousness. Wily? Be-
ly answers, saying: "Israel hath not obtained that cause they pursued it, not from faith, but as at-
which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained tainable from works of law. For they struck against
it, and the rest were blinded." Or, stated in a twen- the stone of stumbling; as it is written, ’Behold, I
tieth-century translation: ’%Vhat follows? Israel place in Zion, a stone of stumbling, and a rock of
failed to get what it sought, hut those whomGod offence, and yet no one relying on it shall be disap-
selected got it. The rest became callous." (Rom. 1I: pointed.’ "--Rom.9 : 31-33, Diaglott.
6-8, Goodspeed)What was it that Israel was working so The remnant whoexercised faith and relied on
after ? It is what the Jews according to the flesh are God’s Seed were not disappointed or ashamed, be-
seeldng to this day; and that is, to be the seed of cause they received the imputation of righteousness
Abrahamin which all the families of the earth should through their faith. The rest of the natural Israel-
be blessed. ites stuck to their program of works, and refused
+-~ Israel sought to be that ’‘kingdomof priests". to put forth faith. Hence they stumbled over the
Ttiat meant pride of position on the earth, for it true Seed of Abraham, the Rock. Their stumbling
meant they would be the foremost of all earthly showedthey had been blinded by religion, "the Jews’
natmns and that all such Gentile nations would look reli~on" with its traditions and precepts of men.
to them as the channel of God’s salvation. With the Their minds were hardened in religion, so that they
idea of self-justification in mind, they felt they had could not exercise faith. As a result, they did not
to earn such chief position over the nations. They get in on that ’seed of Abrahamwhich is as the stars
failed to see that no imperfect creatures could justi- and the sand for multitude’, but only the elected rem-
fy themselves in God’s sight. Hence keeping the law nant of faith became a part of the seed, forming the
covenant in order to become a "kingdom of priests nucleus of it, by association with Christ Jesus.
and an holy nation" really meant keeping it only
in order to be guided and preserved by it until the SI~ARED AND TRAPPED
true Seed of Abrahamcame. Then by accepting such "Such national unbelief, which ordinarily might
Seed they might be associated with him in the King- seem to be a great reproach to Jehovah, who had put
dora and be God’s consecrated royal nation. Their
29. What. then, was the contrast between Israel that did not get the
26 In this matter, Is the creatures ~alvatlon of leading lmportanee~ sought-for thing and the election of ~
grace that did get it
md ~hat Is it that counts toward getting into the remnant company? 30. Why were not the remnant dizappotnt0(i? but why did the other1
27 What was it that Israel was seeking, but failed to get? stumble over the rock?
~.~ ltow dxd pride assert itself in their case? and what did they fail 31. How doee Paul then show God’s Word was rtmUy vindicated in ~uth
to see regarding the meaning or purpose of keeping *.he law covenant? national unbelief/
his nameupon the nation, was in reality a vindica- religious eyes could not see that God’s Wordpre-
tion of God’s prophetic Word. This the apostle dicted that the true Seed of Abrahammust demon-
shows, saying: "And the rest were blinded ;--as it strate his integrity unto God under the greatest
has been written, ’God gave to them a spirit of persecution and therefore must suffer shame and
stupor, eyes that they should not see, and ears that reproach. They loved their traditions and human
they should not hear,’--till this very day. AndDavid precepts more than the straight Wordof God. Nat-
says, "Let their table becomea snare, and a trap, and urally, then, they let the Wordof God be smothered
a stumbling-block, and a recompense to them; let over and its true meaning be hid from their sight.
their eyes be darkened so as not to see, and bowdown "To the contrary thereof, the believing Jews at
their back continually." (Rom. 11:7-10, Diaglott) Berea "received the word with all readiness of mind.
The apostle quotes from Isaiah 29 : 10 and Psalm 69 : and searched the scriptures daily, whether those
22, 23, to prove God’s Wordvindicated in what has things were so". (Acts 17: 11) They did not permit
befallen natural Israel. Andthereby, too, the apostle the table of religion to becomea snare to catch them
shows the reason for which "Christendom" in this into disbelief and opposition toward the true Seed
day is rejected from God’s favor and shall find no of Abrahamand his message. They saw that religion
life in Jehovah’s NewWorld of righteousness. was not to their welfare. They did not rest in it and
~’ Goddid not deliberately put Israel to sleep or do works according to its standards. Thus they
pervert their vision or dull their ears. He fulfilled escaped from letting a false peace and self-satisfac-
the prophecies of his Wordconcerning Christ Jesus tion trap them into failing to receive the Messiah
the Seed of Abraham,exactly as the prophecies fore- and to follow in his footsteps. Such meekand hum-
told. But the Israelites who trusted in their flesh ble Jews beca/ne part of the remnant or "election
followed up a religion of self-righteousness through of grace". The rest of the natural Israelites had
works and were so affected by it that they were not their vision darkened against the rays of the light
awake to the fulfillments of God’s Wordin Christ. of truth. They continued to bend over their backs
Religion blinded them so that they could not see the to their heavy religious burdens, in subjection to the
Seed of Abraham in Christ ,Jesus the Son of God. "god of this world", who blinds the mind of them
Their ears were so waxed up that they could not that believe not. These things are not mere matters
listen to him with the hearing of faith. They heard of long-past history, but were written for our cau-
no accents of the message of God in what he said. tioning and learning today. For those whogo in the
The like is true of "Christendom" now, whenthe mes- way of religion God’s Word predicts only a snare
sage that "the kingdom of heaven is at hand" is and a trap and a stumblingblock, and a deserved
going forth. The religionists try to alter God’s Word recompense at the hand of the God who shows mercy
by adding to it, or taking away from it, or inter- and grace toward the remnant.
weaving into it the doctrines of demons. But God
does not alter the fulfillments of his Word and
prophecy just to suit the altered views of the reli- ~ At this juncture the apostle Paul is inspired to
gionists. Hence, by being true to his Word, he dazes let out a great mystery. Andright here it is timely
and confounds the religionists. He opens the eyes to remember that God’s -kingdom by Christ Jesus
and ears only of those whobreak off from religion. is the principal doctrine of God’s Word. The reason
" Because Israel after the flesh was given the whyis that it is this kingdomor Theocratic Govern-
oracles of God, and because they were taken into ment that clears Jehovah’s name of every whit of
tile law covenant with God and were given tile en- reproach. And the particular mystery is concerning
tire body of Hebrew Scriptures from Genesis to the membership of the Kingdom.
Malachi, they had a richly provided table at which ~’ The false step which the majority of natural
to feast. The Gentiles had nothing like it. But the Israel took under the misguidance of Judaism ("the
natural Israelites, in their pride of nation, chose to Jews’ religion") must lead to some action on the
sit down at another table, that of religion which part of Jehovah God; and it did. This action was
Satan the Devil set before them. They placed a not unforeseen or unexpected by Jehovah. No; for
religious meaning upon the Wordof God, and looked the false step of the Israelite majority he foresaw,
at it from a religious viewpoint, that is, through the and he went so far as to foretell it and also what
traditions and precepts of men. Hence, when Christ would happen afterward. What? "That the residue
Jesus presented himself and tore away the religious 34. (a) Why did the remnant escape such a snare and trnp? and why
traditions and precepts, the self-righteous Israelites do the others cOntinue to bend over their backs? (b) To what end
were those things written aforettme on this matter?
resented it. Looking only for glory of nation, their 35 What should we here remember cOncerning God’s kingdom, aod
why ?
32 flow were the Israelites given ¯ spirit of stupor, and blindness and 36. How do we know the false step of Israel was not unforeseen or un-
deafness, as foretold? and how has "Christendom" been likewise a~e~ted? expected by Jehovah? and what question as to benefits therefrom does the
33. How did the "table" of the Israelites become a trap and snare? apostle now uk?
APRm15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWEtL 123

[remnant] of men may seek after the Lord, and all of the world, being not of the commonwealth of
the Gentiles, upon whommy nameis called, saith the Israel, the typical Theocracy. Thus seen, the trans-
Lord, who maketh these things knownfrom of old." gression or false step of Israel resulted in the op-
(Acts 15: 17, 18, Am. Stan. Vet.) It is therefore in portunity for this "so great salvation" to be extend-
point to ask whether anyone was benefited by the ed to these of the world whoexercised faith like that
step of transgression by Israel. The apostle asks of the Jewish remnant. (Heb. 2: 3) This divine ma-
this very question, saying: "I say then, Have they neuver, as God foretold, has provoked many Jews to
stumbled that they should fall ? Godforbid: but rath- jealousy, in resentment that Jehovah’s favor should
er through their fall salvation is come unto the go to the Gentiles directly, and not through their
Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. Nowif the nation as a channel.
fall of them be the riches of the world, and the dimin- ~’ So then, the stumbling and false step and loss
ishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much of natural Israel has been to the enrichment of the
more their fulness?"--Rom. 1I: 11, 12. nations of the world, in this: It has permitted the
~’ The above translation is not clear from the King privilege of becoming joint-heirs with the Seed of
James Version, because of the repeated use of the Abrahamin the heavenly kingdom to be released to
one word "fall". Yet two different Greek words are the believing ones from amongthe Gentile nations
used in the original text of the apostle. The first of the world. That gracious opening into the King-
expression, "they should fall [p~sosin]," refers to dom has continued toward the Gentiles with wide
falling into destruction, ruin, or condemnation. (As latitude especially downto A. D. 1931. But whoever
at Matthew 7:27; Romans 14:4; 1 Corinthians 10: they be, whether Jews or Gentiles originally, that
8, 12 ; Hebrews 4 : 11 ; James5 : 12 ; RevelationI4 : 8 ; are called to make up the royal family with Jesus,
18:2) The second expression, "fall [pardptoma]," the completing of the full number of the Kingdom
has the meaningof "trespass, transgression, offense, heirs, namely, 144,000, will be in vindication of Jeho-
fault or sin", and is so rendered elsewhere in the vah’s name. It will lead to great blessings to those
English Scriptures. (Rom.5: 15-20; Matt. 6: 14; Gal. of the nations and families of the world that show
6: 1; Eph. 2: 1, 5; Jas. 5: 16) Hencemoderntransla- faith and good-will toward God.
tion again serves to simplify the meaning of the ~° Downtill 1931, at least, the failure of Israel af-
text: "I ask then, has their stumbling led to their ter tbe flesh resulted in enriching manyof the Gen-
absolute ruin? By no means. Through their false tiles with the opportunity of the "heavenly calling",
step sah’ation has gone to the heathen, so as to make in order to completely fill up the vacant places in
the Israelites jealous. But if their false step has so the throne with Jesus. In like manner, the complet-
enriched the world, and their defeat has so enriched ing of the membershipof the royal family of heaven
the heathen, how much more good the addition of restdts in the enrichment of the nations of the world.
their full numberwill do !"--Goodspeed. Howso ? In that it meansthat the invitation to "men
~ To the question, Was the stumbling of Israel of good will" of all nations, peoples, kindreds and
after the flesh to the ruin of absolutely the entire tongues is then sent forth to come to the river of
nation? the answer is No. Why no? Because Jeho- the water of life that flows from beneath the throne
vah’s mercy selected out a small renmant from the of the Kingdom.That invitation is to endless life
nation on account of their faith m the Seed of Abra- on earth under the heavenly Theocracy. Therefore,
ham; and these Jehovah graciously selected or elect- what if more natural Jews are brought into the
ed to be associated with Abraham’s Seed, "which is Kingdom membership down to the last beIieving
Christ," in the kingdom of heaven, "the kingdom of and faithful Jew? It simply works toward the com-
pmests." But more than that: Because the majority pleting of the Kingdombody, to be followed imme-
of the nation stumbled and misstepped, salvation diately by the blessing of all the families of the earth.
was extended to the non-Jews, the heathen or Gen- That is what is meant by the question, "Howmuch
tiles. It was a salvation to the heavenly kingdom. more their fulness ?" or, "Howmuch more good the
God’s ldngdom-class under Christ Jesus must be addition of their full number will do?"
madeup in full. Israel after the flesh stumbled over "Nevertheless, some will ask, Whydoes not "their
the Stone in Zion, the King Christ Jesus; and only fulness" mean that the entire nation of natural
a remnant availed themselves of the privilege of Israel will be reinstated? Whywill they not as a
being associates with him in the Kingdom. That Christian nation take the leading place on earth
madeGodfree to extend the salvation to the heaven- 39. Howhas that been for the enrichment of the world* and for what
ly throne on to the Gentiles. These Gentiles were chief thing does the final completing of this matter make~
40. How, then, does the completing of the royal famzly result in further
37. Why is the above translation of Romans 11:11, 12 not clear, and enriching the world? and how doe/, the "fulness" Of the Jewish remnant
how does modern translation simplify it? serve to that same end?
38 (a) Why was Israel’s stumbling not to their ruin absolutely* (b) How 41, (a) What questions, however, will some ask regarding "their ful-
through ~hetr false step did salvation go tO the world, and why were ness"* (b) Meantime. awaiting the answers, what should we do about
they therelore made jealous? the Kingdom message?
12¢ -t eWATCHTO3¢VER. B~oom.Y~, N. Y.

among the nations in the New World? The answer the meantime, onward with the good message, "The
to such questions is reserved for our next issue. In kingdom of heaven is at hand I"


EHOVAH GODor Satan the Devil, Who shall rule?
J That is the question confronting men and nations, de-
spite the claims of world leaders that the issue confines
itself to this earth and relates only to the form of manrule
tures on earth in Saul’s time were descendants of the
Noaehian flood survivors, and none of those delivered ones
were giants. Nevertheless, races of giants developed and
their enormity and evilness caused them to be likened unto
that shall hold dominionover the family of nations. Satan, the materialized wicked angels of pre-flood history. The
the god of "this present evil world", knows the great spies sent out thirty-nine years before Israel’s entry into
issue at stake, and since his ousting from heaven’s heights the Promised Land spotted them in Canaan, and the mere
in 1914 by Jehovah’s enthroned King, Christ Jesus, he report of their presence so terrified the Israelites that they
knowsthat the time for settlement is near at hand. (Rev. balked at entering and taking the land at that time. (Gem
12: 7-12) He moves men and nations of this world under 6: 4; Num.13: 22, 28-33; Am. Start. Vet.) The giants were
his godship according to his fanatical policy of "rule or originally in the territory east of Jordan, but Jehovah had
ruin". By monstrous total states that bully and intimi- driven them out before the Ammonites.Surviving remnants
date, and by other governmental setups that centralize fled west of Jordan, and long found a homethere. However,
power on the plea of expediency and emergency, one way when, later, the Israelites did enter Canaanthe giants were
or another the peoples of earth are regimented and welded almost entirely destroyed. (Josh. 11 : 22; 14 : 12; 15 : 14)
together by this world’s god. The demonsare herding the Yet a few stragglers of these dying giant races remained,
peoples unto Armageddonfor a united stand against Je- and Satan brought one to the fore at the crucial time, as
hovah and His right to rule. (Rev. 16:13-16) Satan’s use mentioned above. These giants were not natives of Canaan
of the total-state monstrosity toward this end was pre- (Gen. 10: 15-19); hence Goliath’s name’s meaning "exile.
figured long ago. sorcerer" was very fitting.
The typical scene of events takes us back in time to The sudden appearance of this monstrosity in the struggle
about the year 1100 B.C. It is during the tumultuous reign for domination seemedto spell victory for the Philistines.
of Israel’s first humanking, Saul. Throughout the forty The Israelites generally reacted as did their ancestors cen-
years of the rule of unstable King Saul a war for domi- turies before at the report of the spies concerning giants.
nation surged back and forth between the Israelites and Note the record: "He stood and cried unto the armies of
the Philistines. The point of time on which we nowrivet Israel, and said unto them, Whyare ye come out to set
attention finds these two opposing forces ranged out in your battle in array? am not I a Philistine, and ye servants
battle array. The Philistine army seems to be the aggressor, to Saul? choose you a manfor you, and let him come down
gathering its forces for battle at Shochoh, and was bivou. to me. If he be able to fight with me, and to kill me, then
acked in the field between Shochoh and Azekah. The army will we be your servants: but if I prevail against him, and
encampmentof the Israelites was pitched in the valley of kill him, then shall ye be our servants, and serve us. And
Elah, not far distant. A major engagementappeared immi. the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day;
nent.--1 Sam. 17:1, 2. give me a man that we may fight together. WhenSaul and
Then Satan the Devil, the invisible head of the demon- all Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were
worshiping Philistines, sprang a surprise, a "secret weap- dismayed, and greatly afraid."--1 Sam17:8-11.
on". On this occasion it appears that the two armies were For forty days, twice a day, morning and evening, this
set in battle array on two mountain slopes, separated by lumbering bully strode up and downin the valley separat-
an intervening valley. Into this opening Satan put into ing the armies and bellowed out his arrogant challenge
the field a frightful monstrosity, before the armies had to Israel’s fighting men. Unquestionably, brave menwere
locked in battle. "And there went out a champion out of in their ranks, but here was something that caused bravery
the camp of the Philistines, namedGoliath, of Gath, whose to quail. Even King Saul, who was head and shoulders
height was six cubits and a span [some 1O or 11 feet]. And above all others in Israel, feared greatly. But one day as
he had an helmet of brass upon his head, and he was armed the Philistine giant roared out his defiance and taunts, a
with a coat of mail; and the weight of the coat was five new pair of ears in the Israelite camp heard, and their
thousand shekels of brass [more than 150 pounds]. Andhe owner had more than bravery: he had courage, that is,
had greaves of brass upon his legs, and a target of brass limitless faith in the divine power backing him up. He was
between his shoulders. Andthe staff of his spear was like a stripling, David by name, but on hearing the jeering
a weaver’s beam; and his spear’s head weighed six hundred challenge his righteous ire burned fiercely within him, and
shekels of iron [nearly 20 pounds]: and one bearing a he hotly demanded of his companions: "Whois this un-
shield went before him." (1 Sam. 17:3-7) Such a monster circumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of
would surely frighten the bravest! the living God?"--ISam.17 : 16, 20-26.
Where on this earth could such a one be found? The He was not a talker, but a fighter. His faith spurred
Nephilim of Noah’s day are spoken of as giant, but they him to immediateaction. Saul heard of his resolve to battle
were not of human stock. Furthermore, all human crea- the monster, and sought to arm him with the king’s armor.
APBIL i0, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 125
The offer was rejected. Had he not slain a lion and a bear own blade. Jehovah’s name stood vindicated over that
while guarding his father’s sheep, and that without armor? monstrosity and his demon gods.--1 Sam. 17:48-51.
"This uncircumclsed Philistine shall be as one of them," the Goliath’s death did not mark the end of the giant races.
ruddy youth declared. Visibly armed with only sling and Future clashes occurred between them and the Israelites,
stones, but invmibly protected by the unfailing power as recorded at 2 Samuel 21:15-22. The last verse states,
of the Almighty God, the lad drew near to the oversized "These four [giants] were born to the giant in Gath."
warrior of the Philistines, the Devil’s champion.--1 Sam. Whether this means the Goliath of Gath whom David slew
17 : 34-40. or another giant located in Gath is not made clear. It seems
When the eye of the monstrous, seasoned warrior lit that one of the above four was the brother of the Goliath
upon David, he scowled in disdain at the seeming pre- who fell at David’s hands. Though the words "the brother
sumptuousness of this practically unarmed youth coming of" in the Authorized VerNon are interpolated in 2 Sam-
to do battle with him. Did not his vaunted prowess merit uel 21 : 19, these words do appear in the original of I Chron-
a more worthy opponent? Such a young upstart was be- icles 20: 5, an account of the same event. The Chronicles
neath his dignity, he reasoned. First with withering scorn, record even supplies the name of Goliath’s brother, call-
then with savage fury the demon-worshiping giant spoke: ing him "Lahmi". Hence it is certain that Goliath had
"Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves? Come relative giants, and very likely had giant offspring of
to me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air, his own.
and to the beasts of the field"; this with the religious in- Goliath well cast a shadow of what was to come in these
voking of curses from his demon gods upon David. Un- "last days". That he sought to gain the dominion of the land
daunted by these venomous words, the clear-eyed lad of Canaan is clearly shown by his challenge. If. he, as the
responded: "Thou comest to me with a sword, and with champion of the Philistines, vanquished Israel’s repre-
a spear, and with a javelin: but I come to thee in the sentative, then the Israelites were to submit to the yoke
name of Jehovah of hosts, the God of the armies of of Philistine servitude. Satan the Devil is now mustering
Israel, whom thou hast defied [reproached, margin] .... all his anti-God forces to the battle of Armageddon, and
Jehovah sayeth not with sword and spear: for the bat- as a part of his preparation he is desperately trying to
tle is Jehovah’s, and he will give you into our hand." unify his visible world organizations and peoples into a
--1 Sam. 17 : 42-47 ; Am. Start. Vet. solid front against Jehovah’s rightful rulership. To this
Here, then, was posed the issue of supremacy. Had not the end he brings forth totalitarian rule. This total-state
heathen giant called upon his demon gods? Did not David monstrosity rides roughshod over opposition and bullies
declare the battle to be Jehovah’s? The issue did not wait and beats down those who rise up against it. Religionists,
long for settlement. Thousands of eyes watched from each like the faithless Israelites, fear to take issue with it on
of the mountainside encampments as the gripping drama major matters. Indeed, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
unfolded before them in the little theater of war spread has aided and abetted the dictators and makes league
out below. The fight was over before the Philistine went with them for world domination. Her doctrines are founded
in ancient demon-worship, and with her in the modern
into action. A stone rocketed from the sling of the shep-
"Goliath" combine the blessing of demon gods is sought.
herd lad crashed into the giant’s skull, dropping him dead
But it will all come to nought. The Greater David, Christ
in his tracks. David’s declaration to "take thine head from Jesus, has killed that monstrosity so far as its influence
thee" was no empty threat, for his next act was to sever over His followers is concerned, and it will be destroyed
that member from its gigantic body with the fallen one’s for ever at Armageddon.


T HEfacts show, beyond demal of the RomanCatholic Hier-

toward Jehovah God and hm ldngdom in Latin America.

Withthese m mind, and with the desire to organize these efficient-
turnedto darkness.
archy, that there are thousands of persons of good-w~ll itwasvlsibly evldent
As theplanewingednearto Mexlcocry,
thattherewasnelther black-outnor"brown-
out"there.Thecitybelowspreadoutlakea bedof myrmdsof
sparkling diamonds, laidoutorderlyupona carpetof sable
ly for God’s servme, the premdent of the Watch Tower B~ble and blackness. A safelandingwas madeat the airport, and then
Tract Society and his traveling companion, namely, N. H. Knorr camea happymeetingwith the servantof the MexmanBranch
and F. W. Franz, turned theLr attention from Cuba to Central o(~ce.
America. Bidding many loved brethren m the Lord farewell at As fliers, we weremerelyen trdns~to whileat Mexicocry.
the airport outside Havana, they took the PAAplane for Most of our time was spentat the MexicanBranchof the
Mexlco, Tuesday morning, February 20. As the plane flew out Society, goingovermatters of localconcern as to theKingdom
over the province of Pinar del Rio of Cuba, the ruggedness of service; respecting thefinefour-story additionthatis being
the country revealed itself. It madethem realize the difficulties constructed to the rearof thepresentBranchbuilding; and
and hardships that the full-time Kingdompublishers and also the makingarrangement~ for the two-dayconvention to be held
companypublishers of that province must undergo in order to April14 and 15. On arrivalat theBranchit was our specml
give a thorough witness to all the natives there. pleasure to meettwograduates of theWatchtower BibleCollege
The Right over Yucatan Channel was quickly made, and the of Gilead, whowerestopping overtherewhileen routetothelr
first landing was at Merida, on Yucatan pemnsula. Due to motor appointment downsouthat SanSalvador, eapxtaiof El Salvador.
trouble at the next stop, our arrival was late at Veracruz, the Theyweredelighted to beon theirwaythither aftera year-long
Gulf port from which the last leg of the Right was to be made hold-up in southernTexas.Theirfitness totakeup thelrposts
that day. Hence while the plane flew thenee to the Mexican in Spanish-speaking El Salvadorwas demonstrated at servme
capital, the sun set behind the distant mountains and dusk meeting Thursday nightm Mexlcocity.

Dueto the faithful efforts of the Branch servant and the will- meats there in order to get away on the plane. It got off at
ing eo-operatlon of theMexican brethren, service meeting here 7 am., that is, a half-hour late. Today we were due to fly over
is conducted in harmonyw~thorganization instructions from several Central Americancountries. There was a stop at the port
Brooklyn headquarters. Forexample, several brethren tookpart of call, San Salvador, where two Watchtower College graduates
on theprogram, twobrethren successively leading m a discussionare due to be stationed. As a center of witnessing operations in
of artmles m the monthly Informador, and another discussing that little eountry, San Salvador looked good, from its environs
the current Watchtower subscription campaign and why all should and also from a bird’s-eye view thereof. Next stop in Teguelgalpa,
take part in it. Thereafter the Branch servant presented Brother in Honduras; then Managna, in Nicaragua. After that we look
Knorr to the gathering at the Sal6~ del Reino (KingdomHall) forward to landing in San Jose, Costa Rica, where there is a
and served as his interpreter. Brother Knott gave a pointed Branch of the Society. As expected, two College graduates, the
service talk, and then took occasion to call upon the two Watch- Branch servant and his wife, are there. The twenty minutes of
tower College graduates, Brother and Sister Roscoe Stone, to stop-over there are utilized intensively in dLscussing the King’s
address the meeting briefly in Spanish, which they did very business with them. All of us are mutually refreshed at meeting.
capably. A talk by Brother Franz was called for, and then the Unfeelingly the airport bell sounds once; which means "Crew
coming convention was announced, and thus the way was cleared aboard" the plane. This is a warumgfor us to hurry. Twobells
for the evening’s Course m Theocratic Ministry. Translation of sound; meaning "Passengers aboard". We must now be leawng
thus Course entirely from Enghsh into Spanish had allowed for our brethren. The propellers begin spinning with a roar, and
thus to have been instituted m Memcocity over a year ago, and inside the plane the light flashes on in Spanish and English,
now the companythere is going over the Course a second time. "Fasten seat belts," and there are three soft tinkles of a bell to
Such association wRhthese simple-hearted, zealous Memcan remind you of this warning. The take-off and the landing are the
brethren was very refreshing to the American brethren. most dangerous parts of a plane’s flight. Again we are on our
While mMexicocity it was a speeml joy to the Society’s presi- way. In the course of an hour we are over Panama. Our clock is
dent to receive a telegram from the Society’s attorney to the moved up an hour according to Panama time; and at 4:15 p.m.
effect that the Amendmentsto the Society’s charter, as voted we are dmembarkingat Balboa, m the Panama Canal zone. But to
by the stockholders’ business meeting in Pittsburgh, Pa., last pass through the customs there takes almost two hours, and the
October 1, had been approved by the three-judge examining body brethren outside are kept waiting to meet us. At last we are
in Pittsburgh, and that these Amendmentsnow became effective through, and we greet a number of Panamanian brethren. Three
according to the Corporation Lawof the State of Pennsylvania. College graduates are also there, two of whomare now perma-
Saturday, February 24, our day of departure came; but in the nently statmned there, and a third one who was in transit for his
early hours thereof two more Watchtower College graduates ar- post at Santmgo, Chile.
rived at the Branch. they also being on their wayto a foreign as- It is now Sunday night; and the Watchtower study us due to
signment, m Costa R~ca. Shortly after noon our southbound plane be held at the g;-gdom Hall in Panama city. We arrive there
took off from the Mexican airport Four brethren were aboard. toward the close of the study, but in suffictent ttme to note the
The flight to the Mexicanborder was very unpresslve, especially method of study and to hear the closing song. All the brethren
when passing by Mexico’s famed snow-capped Mount Popo- there, together with somevisitors, are colored, with a few Spamsh-
catepetl and its suster mountain, Ixtacthuatl. Crossing the border, speaking ones among them. Brother Knorr, on being introduced
we came over the neighbor country, Guatemala. As the plane was to that gathering of forty-two, spoke m behalf of the furtherance
scheduled to fly no farther than the capital thereof for the day, of the work there in Panama. He seized the opportumty, also,
we landed at Guatemala city shortly after 5 p.m. A number of to introduce to all the assembly the new Panamaservant to the
native brethren were there to extend a welcome, among them a brethren and special pioneer publisher, a College graduate, who
colored pioneer sister who regularly endures the hardships and addressed them briefly. The local brethren were all enthusiastic,
perils of wor~ngthe interior of Guatemala m order to bring the and gave expression of their desire to co-operate according to
Kingdomtidings to semiwdd natives. She brought along a lady Theocra~.m order and mstructmns. They all looked forward to
of good-will. Brother Knorr’s return visit at Memorial time, March 28. It
Accepting the invitation to the homeof the companyservant, was good to mark that the new servant to the brethien and h~s
we, now four brethren, proceeded there for an evening meeting wife, both of whomhad arnved just a few days before, are
with a gathering of eight. There m that humble home, under a pleased with the prospect of speelal pmneer work m Panama
lone artfficial light, all twelve of us rejoiced to be together. This and are glad to he at least at theLr newposts of duty.
was the second oeeasmnof Brother Knorr’s visit to this attractive
city. The local brethren were pleased at hus brief report on the SOUTHAMERICA
eonvenhons thus far on his trip and also on the progress of Monday, February 26, and we are up at 3 a.m. m order to
Jehovah’s "strange work" m Latin-American lands. They voted clear all the foi-mahties at the airport before being admitted
him to be the bearer of their love and greetings to all the further to plane. A few minutes before 6 a.m. the plane takes off, before
conventmns and the other brethren encountered in the course of sunup. The passengers’ windows are all covered over, in com-
his journey. For the remainder of the tnne Brother Knorr spoke phance with war regulations. Whenthe covers are finally re-
to the Enghsh-speaking pioneer suster and her eompamonof movedby the steward, we are well out over the Pacific ocean,
good-will m English, m one part of the room, while the other and the fl~ght is very smooth riding. About 9 a.m. the first stop
threebrethren conversed wlththeSpanish-speaking Guatemalansis made, at Call, Colombm.At last we are m South America!
m theLrnativetongue. It wasan evening of edificatmn andex- After about fifteen minutes we are again off About 11" 10 a.m.
hortatlon, andof making prowsion forthespiritual supply of the we are flying over the equatorial line; after which feat the
localbrethren andtheiradvancement m the fieldserwee. The steward passes around and hands you a blank request-form for
houranda haLfofeompanmnshlp passed alltooquickly. Happily,a certificate to be mailed to you by the companytestifying te thus
dueto airtransport conditions, Brother andSusterStonehada aecomphahment on your part. We land at Guayaqufl, Ecuador,
week’slayover in Guatemala; so theywereleftbehindto join and are off again. Nowindeed we are flying anndst the Andes
m thefieldworkwiththosefew brethren, gwmgthempraetmal mountains, and the view beneath us and on each side of us us
demonstrations and thereby applying the training for org, ni,.ed awe-respiring. The smooth riding of the plane over such terrain
work that they had acquired at the Watchtower College. There- amazes us. Will it last?
fore, before parting that mght, they made arrangements for Landingsin Peru, at Talara, a rich oil center, and also at Chi-
a field-service assembly on the morrow(Sunday) at 9 a.m. at the clayo, do not put us in contact with any brethren. But the brethren
company servant’s home and then to go forth in group work. ahead at I.ima, Peru’s capital, have long been notified of connng
Namesof all interested persons in the city were inquired for in visitors. Someminutes before 6 p.m. the plane eomes to ground
order to makespecial visits upon such. at Lima. Marvelous witnesses to the mighty works of Jehovah
Sunday, February 25, and for oar travelers it was a case of God are the mountains round about here; but there are more
artsmg at 4 a.m. to makethe an’port and completeall the require- eloquent w~tnessesto him in the locality. As our two flying broth-
APRm15, 1945 : ieWATCHTOWER. 127

ren peered through the windows of the plane, when come to a to our left (north) it comesinto view, projecting its lofty snow-
full stop, their eyes were greeted with the mght of the colorfulcapped peak above the surrounding cordillera. It is MountAcon-
cover of La Atalaya (Spamsh edition Watchtower). Coples there- cagna, 23,500 feet high, the monarch of alI the mountains in the
of were held up by several brethren, who stuck their hands Americas. Suddenly a tinkle five times of the plane’s hell. The
through the meshes of the wire fence that barred visitors plane noses upward, and banks toward the right, lifting high its
from rushing out onto the airfield, Five Peruvian brethren in left wing. Careful there, Sefior Pilotol Weare now sealing the
all are there to welcome Americans totally unknown to them hump.Wefeel increasing cold at our ankles and knees. There is
according to the flesh, but whoare brethren in the Lord and who the ffsss sound of eecaping oxygen. Welook around, and other
study the Bible wRhthe help of the Watchtower publications. passengers are holding the plastic tip of the oxygentube to theLr
All, in common,recognize the Lord’s Theocratic organization mouths. But our lungs are good, and we do not resort to extra
under ChrLst Jesus. So, arrangements are quickly made for a oxygen. Soon we begin to lose altitude. A.hoyi there is a mountain
gathering at 8 p.m. in the homeof one of the Peruvmnbrethren. ridge ahead l But we clear it safely, and nowsail out over a broad
The meeting with eight of them there that night was very valley. But look ahead at those thick cloud masses, hovering
profitable. All the time was occupied in discussing the Lord’s about the mountains. Our plane skids along under the cloud
work as locally carried on and also in making provision to equipblanket. Increasing air-pressure on our eardrnma notifies us we
these brethren with more instruments for Jehovah’s service and are descending. A few minutes more, and we have cleared the
for holding regular meetings conducted aecording to organizationAndesand are past its slopes. Welook behind to see them recede
into the lengthening distance. Our thanks ascend to Jehovah God
instructions. Peru is a Vatican-controlled land, having concordat
relations with the pope. By a recent decree the president of the Preserver for a safe passage "over the hump". Information
Peru ruled that, with exception of the RomanCatholic sect, no duly comes to us that our easy ride along and over the Andes
was"unusual’~ l
religious organLzation shall he permitted to hold religious exer-
crees m pubhc except under pain of two to thirty days m prison Welook ahead, and, below us, stretching forward to the east
are the green-covered pampas, the famed level pampas of Argen-
and a fine of from 2 to 50 Solas, or either one of these penalties.
Nevertheless, the brethren mamfestedthe spirit of fearlessness tina. They are unbroken in their stretch, except for moantams
for the Lord God in desLrmgto go forth with his message from in M’endozaprovince, where we make our first stop east of the
house to house, as one local pmneer is already doing there. Andes, at Mendoza, Argentina. There is a companyof Jehovah’s
Plainly, the Peruvian president’s decree does not apply to theLrwitnesses here. Our next stop, at CSrdoba,brings us to the loca-
tion of the second-largest companyof witnesses out of nineteen
educational work as carried on in the private homesof the people.
such companies m Argentina. Approaching Buenos Aires, we
They are in no sense "disturbers of the peace of the population".
Next day, February 27, we are again up at 3 a.m. and off to come in sight of rainclouds; but the rain LS over and gone by
the airport. Our plane gets off the ground about 5:42 a.m., and the time we disembark from the plane at the Buenos Aires air-
soon we are soaring high above cloud and mountain, lengthwLse port, at 2:45 p.m. Branch servant Brother Mufiiz meets us.
of the Andes. First stop is at Arequipa, Peru, over 8,100 feet The next day, using the excellent subway system of Buenos
Aires, we proceed out to the Branch office for our first visit.
above sea level and yet situated at the foot of three snow-crested
mountains. At Arlca we come into Chtle. Desolate country from Every day thereafter while in Argentina’s capital we are out at
here to the next stop, Antofagasta. A special unscheduled stop the Branch for attention to the Kingdominterests m Argentina,
Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, all four countries being then
is madeat Vallenar, and then our final stop is at Chile’s capital,
Santiago, some 2100 reties or twelve hours of flying tune from under supervmion of this Branch office. Thus, then, more than
Lima, whmhwe left thts mormng.Weare charmed with Santiago’s 400 Kingdompublishers were under its care, of which some 320
appearance, and we rejoice that the College graduates coming are located in Argentina alone.
downhere will have such a city as a center from which to extend In Argentina there is general indifference to the things of God,
their educatmnal activlt~es. The Society’s local representative,and no excessive deference is observable on the part of the
and two other brethren, are at the Santmgoairport to meet us. general populace toward the RomanCatholic clergy and their
The evening is spent m companywith the Society’s representa- religious edLfiees. Cardinal Copello is the RomanCathohc pri-
tive alone, especially arranging for the convention contemplatedmate of Argentma, and about January 26 he addressed a pastoral
for the following month. letter to the parmhioners, protesting against Protestant missionary
activities throughout the country and declaring meffect that no
uOVERTHE HUMP" more Protestant missionaries were desLred by the Catholic epis-
Wednesday, February 28. Hitherto we have been flying high, copacy down there. Wehave it on reliable authority that many
hut today we are to go "over the hump", from west to east. We sincere Cathohcs, of hberal mind, were surprmed and wondered
must do so to get over into Argentina. Inside our plane the why the cardinal so expressed himself. Jehovah’s witnesses are
bell tinkles three times, and we fasten on our seat-belts for not Protestants, and they have never approved of the bloody
the take-off, which occurs at 8:30 a.m. Our contador (steward) eonthcts waged between Catholics and Protestants. Jehovah’s
reminds us we are to cross the hump. He gives us mstrueuons witnesses are sunply ChrLstlans, in the Bible sense of the word,
on how to use the oxygen supply, for we are to fly between and they are hated by all Protestant sects as well as by non-
16,000 and 18,000 feet high for safety. Some days a plane has Protestant sects. Jehovah’s w~tnesses seek to worship the Most
taken off from Santiago as manyas three tunes and been forced High God according to his msptred Wordand to serve and praise
to return to port due to dangerous conditions along the hump, htm m the same manneras did the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ,
due to clouds, ere. Upwardour plane chmbs, heachng easterly going from house to house as well as pubhely m order to preach
right toward the Andes mountains which lie transversely across the good tidings of God’s kingdom by Chrmt Jesus. The Roman
our path. Weare quickly amid these tremendous masses of rock, Catholic clergy strenuously try to hide these facts from their
long ago thrown up by the power of earth’s Creator-God. Down- parishioners, and they lyingly warn their parmhmnersthat what
ward we peerupona jumbleof mountainridges,canyonsand Jehovah’s w~tnesses are preaching is "North American propa-
chasms, all together looking likethe wrinkles of a crumpled ganda", so as to prejudice the truth-hungry Cathohcs agamst the
pieceofpaper. Yetoversuchirregularities ofearthhowsmoothlyKingdomgospel. So doing, such clergy are "fighting against
ourplanerides!Up therethisdaym thatrarefied atmosphereGod".
thealrtscrystal-clear. Nota cloudblocks ourpath;notevena But it is Thursday, March1, and at 9 p.m. is the tune for the
cloudto be seenclinging perilously to themountains as they weekly service meeting of the Buenos Aires company at the
slowlypassby ,n rewewon eithersideof our plane.GrandT KingdomHall located on the property of the Branchoffice. WhatT
The slghtis thegrandest we have.seenthusfar.ApparentlyNo Monthly Service Record chart on display here in the King-
ourplaneis following a loftypassthrough themountains; and dom HallT So Brother Knorr gave instructions for one to be
below,howfarbelow,a thinribbonof watercutsitswaytor- drawn up immediately, showing the monthly service record as
tuously throughthegorges of themountains. to publishers, hours of work, and the averages per publisher of
A half-hour’sflightoutof Santmgo, and,yes,thereafaroft the B. A. companyfrom September, 1943, down to date. Thus,

when about 200 brethren assembled for the service meeting that in answering their questions as respects field service and Watch-
night, their curiosity was aroused by this newsight of a service tower and book studies, Immediately thereafter the German-
chart. After a brief introduction by the Branch servant and speaking brethren assembled, and the newservant to the brethren
remarks by the company servant, Brother Knorr and his in- addressed them, particularly for the sake of somefew convention-
terpreter used about an hour’s time in giving a service talk ere who understood only German and who were therefore not
with the chart as a basis for illustration. The like had never getting direct benefit from the sessions in SpanLsh. These dear
occurred before in this city of 2,386,100 inhabitants. After the ones rejoiced to learn, in their own tongue, something of what
meeting the brethren generally manifested their appreciation. had been said thus far at the Assembly.
One pioneer came forward and said, "This is the first service No public meeting had been advertised for Sunday afternoon.
talk I’ve heard in twelve yearsl" At the meeting a number were Argentina is declared under a state of siege, and hence such a
present that had come from outside points for the approaching meeting is not permitted. Nevertheless, manypersons of good.
two-day convention. Next day manymore came in from all parts will showed up for the afternoon meeting, and the attendance
of the land, and were lodged either at hotels or in the private rose to 476. For two hours they sat and listened intently as
homes of brethren. Brother Knorr, through his interpreter, delivered the message on
Saturday, March 3, marked the opening of the first general "Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty Vindicated" (which has now
assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses in Argentina. Till 3 p.m. the been published in the English WatchtotDer). A wall map, specially
time was open for field activities. About 395 were present at drawn, helped them to visualize more fully the speech, which
the time of address of welcome by the Branch servant. Then was based on the prophetic picture of Wing Hezekiah at the
the American brethren were introduced, and Brother Knorr time of Seunacherib’s invasion of Hezekiah’s realm, greatly im-
stepped to the platform amid applause. The audience he faced periling Jerusalem. The eonventioners were much comforted by
was more like an American audience than any thus far met with the assurance, drawn from true-life facts of antiquity, that Je-
on his trip. They represented the fruitage to about twenty years hovahwill preserve his organization and his devoted people at the
of activity here of Jehovah’s witnesses, starting from a very time when Satan makes his final assault at the elima~ of the
small beginning indeed. It seemed most fitting to deliver to the comingpostwar period, and that Jehovah will vindicate his holy
assembly a straight service and organization talk, and this name by his King Christ Jesus, triumphing over all of Satan’s
Brother Knorr did, through his companion interpreter Brother hosts. The speech led up dramatically to the announcement of
Fraaz, almost two hours being consumed therein. Toward the the new Spanish booklet, Religion Reaps the Whsrlwsnd, and at
beginning, when he called for a show of hands as to how many this the brethren greatly rejoiced.
present had been RomanCatholics before devoting themselves Most of the brethren were privileged to remain for the Assem-
in consecration to Jehovah God, the hands of practically all bly’s closing sesemns, beginning at 7 p.m. First there was a pres-
present went up. (Incidentally, this agreed with a like show of entatmn, in Spanish, on the subject, "The King’s Marriage
hands at the above-mentionedservice meeting held in Mexicocity, Feast." This showed the need for the Lord’s "other sheep" aa
where at least 95 percent of the 225 present confessed their well as his remnant of the "little flock" to endure downto the
previous afffliatmn with the RomanCatholic sect.) This fact, said final end of this old world and also to courageously makeknown
Brother Knott, portended good wRhrespect to the rest of the to the world their identity as Jehovah’s witnesses and as his
Catholic populatmn throughout the world; many more of such earthly announcers of His kingdomby Christ Jesus. Then Broker
may be expected to come to the Lord’s Theocratic orgamzation l~norr again took the floor, with one of the young local brothers
on being reached and served with the Kangdommessage. as his interpreter. He then related to the Assembly about the
Brother Kaorr then stressed the importance of the weekly conventions and his privileges of ministry on his trip thus far,
Watchtower study in the companies, and then of the weekly serv- both along the United States eastern seaboard and through Cuba
ice meeting of at least an hour’s length, at a time convenient for as well aa through Central America and South America. It made
the majority of the brethren. Whenrequested, all the eonven- the hearts of the brethren overflow with joy when he madeknown
tioners stretched forth their hands as desiring that such a service the new arrangements for Watchtower studies weekly and hkewlse
meeting, properly arranged mad making use of a monthly service for service meetings; also that a special Argentine Informant
ehurt and of demonstrations by capable publishers and of other would begin to be published monthly and the newly-appointed
service diseussluns, be established mtheir respective companies. servant to the brethren would start serving all companies; and
They received in an apprecmtive spirit Brother Knurls admoni- also that shortly the Course m Theocratic Mtntstry, m Spamsh,
tion, repeatedly made, that the key potation in the companyis would be introduced in all companies. Incidentally, the telegram
that of being a publisher m the field, and that each and all of of greetings from the brethren at Santiago, Chde, and also bear-
them have the responsihfldy of serving as such. They were deeply ing the signature of a WatchtowerCollege graduate, just arrived
stirred by the exhortation to makeback-calls and to start book at his post there, was well received and apprecmted.
studies. They greeted the announcementof the Society’s publica- A fervent song of thanksgiving to Jehovah through Christ
tion of a new book, in Spanish, "The Truth Shall Make You Jesus, and then a prayer, closed the Assembly, well on toward
Free", with hearty applause. It us hoped that a shipment thereof 10 p.m. Truly the brethren felt it had been good for them to
soonreaches them. attend this general assembly, and they rejoiced at the spmtual
Theevening sessions wereopened withthepresentation of the promsion, especially in the wayof practical service instructmus,
subject, "SeekYe Firstthe Kingdom," in Spanishby two Ar- which Jehovah God had poured down upon hLs devoted people
gentine brethren. After this Brother Knorr and hL~ interpreter there. Many,too, were the well-wishings which they expressed to
took the floor, this time to speak particularly in behalf of the the two Ameneanbrethren in their midst. They winced their
pioneer service in this part of South America. The requirements destre for a return viszt at the earliest opportunxty. There is
of the regular pioneers and of the special publishers were plainly good basis for believing that henceforth the witness work in
net forth, and the invitation was e.~tended for all those interested Argentina will go forward with greater effectiveness, with multi-
in entering these branches of the service to meet him after the plied joys and blessings to all actively engaged therein; and
d~missal. The announcement of the special provisions made for that, should Jehovah permit another such assembly m due time,
such, including less-than-oust rates on literature, as well as the the Sal6n Teocrd;ico d~ los Tcstlgos de Jehovd will be far too
provisions for the companies as to obtaining and disposing of
literature, met with applause. It was a stn-rmg meeting, and tmall to accommodateall those attending. Also in place of 109
after the close a number of brethren applied to Brother Knorr company publishers as shown on the new service chart, the
for admission into pioneer ranks. Buenos Aires company will have expanded to a ~ requiring
Sunday, March 4, at 8 a~. a baptismal address was$iven, subdivision into two units; while at the same time there should
and thereafter eight applicants were immersed in water. Events be more than a thousand Kingdom publishers in Argentina.
then movedin steady succession. At 9 a.m. all the servants of Faithful adherence toandearryang outof organtsation instruc-
companies in attendance, namely, fifty-five, met in special se~ tionsherearecertain to receive hisblessing justas in other
stun with Brother Knorr, and he consumed more than two hours lands.
, shallknow Jehovah.
- Ezekiel 55:15.
VOL. LXVI SZ~Ix, ONT~y No, 9

MAYI, 1946

GE~Tm~S", WH-~T T .................... i31
TheGoodOliv~Tree....................... 132
............................................... 134
NoRoom for Boasting.................... 136
"Fulne~s of the Gentiles" .................... 136
TheEnemieaand the Beloved............. 138
x W0aK
IL~,~oro .................................... 140
T~ M~ oT WHo~.A.NO~ SANG ........ 140
DAvm,FRO~, Sm~Pw~-nTo O~w........ 143
F,~.nExr,mr~,~cr~ ................................... 144
Owaco-~o I.,z~orAoz B~
~o.U~rrr ..................................... 130
"WA~’H’mW~" S’r~um......................... 130
Usz Rz~L’w,,. Sv~scm~rm~Br.,~r .... 130
117 Adams

Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-will.
N. H. ]~rol~ President W.E. VAN’ A~rBU~H, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
~rea~ shall be the peace of thy children." - l:diah ,54:~r3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres atrietly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from aLl religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting
the Maker of heavenand earthand the Giverof or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to~verlasting, tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
lifeto his creatures;that the Logoswas the beginningof his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his activeagentin thecreation of all otherthings, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the LordJesusChristin glory,clothedwithall power dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
in heavenand earth,as the ChiefExecutiveO~cerof Jehovah;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyedGod’slaw and was sentencedto death;that by reason UNITgDSTATga,$1.00; all other countries, $1.50, American currency;
of Adam’swrong act all men are born sinnersand withoutthe Gag&T BRITAIN.AUETa-tAaIA, ANDSOUTHAttica. 6s American ram|t-
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THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and be made direct to the respective branch o~ces. Remittances from
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suffereddeath in order to producethe ransomor redemptive office, but by I~|er.ati~¯l Postal MoneyOrderonly.
price for obedientones of mankind;that God raisedup Jesus
divineand exaltedhim to heaven above every other creature FOR¯IONOFFICES
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power 8rit~h B4 CravenTerrace, London, W. 2, England
and authority; £~O’alm~¯s -- 7 l~r~sford Road, Strathfleid, N. S. W., Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called Heath A]rica~ Beaten House, Cape Town, South Afr~ra
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chie( Officer thereof and Is the l~iw4 ....................... 167 Lore Lane, Bombay27. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful PIemmaddre~e the Society In every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Tran~atlons of this Journal ¯Pl~r in several languages,
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear;
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord i¯1~rmity, povergytor advecelty &re unable to pay the subscrlptlo¯ price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of made may have The Wathrower free upon written application to the publishers.
¯nce each ye~-, stAUngtoe re~son for so requestl¯ E it. We
authority,has oustedSatan from heavenand is proceedingto ~lad to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each year
the establishmentof the "new earth" of the New World; ts required by the postal regulatl¯mL
THAT THE RELIEFand blessingsof the peoplesof earth can Notice to 8~bser(bers: Acknowledgment ¯f a new or ¯ renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, ser~ptlon will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) label
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will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’sorganization and the completeestablish- Journal one month before the subscription expires.
mentof righteousness in the earth,and that underthe Kingdom
Printed in the United States of America
the peopleof good-willthat survive Armageddonshall carry g~tereel o~ second.class matter at the post o~ce a# Brookl}m, N.Y.,
out the divinemandateto "allthe earth"witha righteous race. u~der the ACt O/ March~, 187~.

OVERCOMING LANGUAGE BARRIERS FOR UNITY Brazil, wherePortuguesepredominates. Personsspeakingother

When God broke up unity in a w~eked work he confused languagesshould attendthe Watchtowerand service meetings
the commonlanguage.{Gem 11:1-9) Now ~s the tune for unity conductedin Spanishor Portuguese in Latin-American countries
in a good work by Jehovah’sservants.Onenessof speechis a for theirown benefit,so as to learnthe languageand be better
greataid to that end.In Americaare foreign-speaking brethren equippedto meet the peopleof good-willof thosenationsand
speaking many languages stemmmg from the eon~usmn of witnessto them.
tongues at Babel. Such language d~erenceshould not be let
hamper the unity of orgsmzatlonand effort of His people. "WATCHTOWER" STUDIES
Foreign-languagebrethrenshould use every opportunityand
meansto acquirethe nationallanguageof America,English.Such Week of June 3: "After the rFulnessof the Gentries’, W’hatT’
wfl[greatly increase theirscopeandeffectiveness as w~tnesses of ~[ 1-22 inclusive, The Watchtower May 1, 1945.
Jehovahin this populousland.In each company, therefore, where Week of June 10: "After the ’Fulness of the Gentiles’, What,"
foreign-language Biblestudiesare held,thoseattendingshould ¶ ?3-43 inelustve, The Watchtower May 1, 1945.
also assemblewiththe brethrenat the EnglishWatchtower study
and servicemeeting,to use such as a steppingstone to learn
English. It willalsoaid themto keepin closertouchwithGod’s USa RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTION BLANK
visibleheadquarters and its localcompanyorganization in carry- The blank sent you one month before expiration of your
ing on the fieldwitnesswork.Theymay havetheirnative-languageWa#ch:ower subsoription should be filled out and returned to the
Watchtower study some other evening, but should watch that no Brooklyn offlee or to the Branch office in the country where you
person of their own tongue ambitiously seize the opportunity to
separate them from dcee co-operation with the main visible reside. Servants in the companies, and individuals, when sending
organization to draw away followers after himself like an elective- in renewals for The Wa¢chto~oer, should always use these blanks.
elder boss. To that end the Society will appoint the proper By filling in these reuewal blanks you are assured of the continua-
fore,go.language study conductor. tion of your Watchtower from the time of expiration, and with-
The same principle would hold in other eountries, such as out delay. It will also be a great help if you sign your name uni-
SouthAmericanlandswhereSpanishis the principaltongue,or formly, and note any recent change of address, on the renewal slip.
VOL. LXVI MAY1, 1945 No. 9


"Blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in."wRom. 11:25.
EHOVAH is now bringing his great mystery to
J its completion. This means that the blessing of
all the families and nations of the earth is near.
others into the royal family of God’s sons to be
associated with Christ Jesus in his kingdom.
¯ Such seed would be innumerable, or uncount-
The divine promise to that effect has waited over able, not because of being made up of so manysons
some thousands of years since Jehovah God swore of God, but because God had not declared or re-
to the faithful patriarch Abraham and said: "In vealed their number and hence no humancould tell
blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will what their number would be. Because unable to
multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as count the "seed" of the Greater Abraham, man had
the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed to wait until Godhimself sent Christ Jesus to give
shall possess the gate of his enemies; and in thy the revelation to the apostle John and therein count
seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." the number for us, fixing the number at 144,000.
(Gen. 22: 17, 18) That sacred solemn promise is gen- ~Rev.7 : 4-8; 14: 1, 3.
erally known as "tile Abrahamic covenant". Under
examination its terms will be seen to mean both war ’ Becausethese 144,000are the seed of the G reate r
Abraham by the antitypical Isaac, Christ Jesus.
and blessing, the widespread blessing following up- therefore they are spoken of symbolically as taken
on the war.
out from "all the tribes of the children of Israel",
’ The blessing foretold in the covenant applies twelve tribes being named. This does not mean.
both to God and to man. The blessing comes first therefore, that the 144,000 associated with Jesus in
to God,in that his namemust first be ,,’indicated. In the Kingdom would be from the natural Jews ex-
this covenant Abraham, the man whose faith won clusively, all Gentiles debarred. But it meant that,
him justification with God, was a type or prophetic just as the twelve tribes of natural Israel were the
picture of God himself. The name "Abraham" means chosen descendants of the patriarch Abraham, in
"father of a multitude". Before ever Abraham be- like manner the Kingdom seed associated with
came a father of a multitude of descendants he Christ Jesus would be the children or sons of Jeho-
offered Isaac, his only begotten son by his wife vah God, the antitypical Abraham.On this basis the
Sarah. for a sacrifice to Jehovah God. It was after apostle Paul writes, at Galatians 3:26-29, to the
such a demonstration of faith and of obedience to- consecrated followers of Christ Jesus: "Ye are all
ward Jehovah God that God made the above state- the children of Godby faith in Christ Jesus. For as
ment of the covenant with Abraham. Abraham’s many of you as have been baptized into Christ have
offering of Isaac was merely a typical foreshadow- put on Christ There is neither Jew nor Greek [or
ing of how Jehovah was to offer his beloved only
Gentile], there is neither bond nor free, there is nei-
begotten Son, Christ Jesus, as a sacrifice for the ther male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ
vindication of God’s nameand for the blessing of all Jesus. Andif ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s
creatures on earth that blessed Jehovah’s name. seed, and heirs according to the promise." One’s nat-
(John 3: 16) Hence God’s covenant that he would ural extraction does not count toward being a part
bless Abraham meant that Jehovah would bring of the seed now. Being a son of Godis the determin-
blessing to his own name by causing it to be ing thing.
vindicated before all creation. His covenant that
he would make Abraham’s seed like the stars and ’ God’s covenant said that Abraham’s seed should
seashore sands meant that, besides the antitypical possess the gates of his enemies. This means that
Isaac, or Christ Jesus, Jehovah God would bring In what way was the seed uncountable?
4. Whyare the 144,000 svoken of symbolically as taken out from "all ~he
1. What is Jehovah now bringing to completion? and what does this t~lbes of the children of Israel"? and what is the determining thing
mean according to his covenant 7 that counts toward being ~f such?
2. la) Howdoes the blessing foretold in the co’~enant apply, and why? ~. (a) What is meant b’¢ Abraham’s Sesd’s poasessing the gates of bl~
(b) What did making Abraham’s seed like the stars and sands meau? enemies7 (b) In whose blessing will that then result?
132 NieWATCHTOWER. B oo .Y , N. Y.
war would be waged against the organization of the ingtotheflesh, but,because of hisunbelief, he was
enemies of Christ Jesus, which enemies are there- eastoff.Theydidnotappreciate thatunbelief and
fore the enemies of his Father, Jehovah God, the disobedience couldcauseevenmembers of thechosen
Greater Abraham. In that warfare between God’s nation of Israel to be eastawayfromentering into
organization and the enemy Satan’s organization, the greatprivileges of the Abrahamic eovenant.
which warfare culminates in the battle of Armaged- Conversely, thosewhowerenotnatural Israelites,
don now approaching, Christ Jesus must win. He if theyshowedthefaithandfaithfulness of Abra-
must violently seize the wicked organization and ham,couldbe takenintothe covenant. Johnthe
utterly destroy it; the enemygates can not hold him Baptist warned the natural Israelites of this, say-
off from doing so. Thereby Christ Jesus will vindi- ing to the leading Jewish religionists : "Donot sup-
cate Jehovah’s name at Armageddon. That will re- pose that you can say to yourselves, ’Wehave Abra-
hamfor our forefather,’ for I tell you Godcan pro-
sult in the blessing of all faithful creatures that live.
Such blessing was foretold, in that God’s covenant duce descendants for Abraham right out of these
promised that in Abraham’s seed should all the na- stones !"--Matt. 3: 9, Goodspeed; Weymouth.
tions of the earth be blessed. This means the faith- ’ What John warned of was what actually came to
ful and obedient ones out of all humankind, whether pass. Beginning with the sending of the apostle
now dead or alive, outside of the 144,000 who were Peter to the Gentile centurion Cornelius to preach
joined with Christ Jesus in the Kingdom. The the Kingdom message, God began to raise up "de-
144,000 were themselves first blessed by the Greater scendants for Abraham",not, of course, for the dead
Abrahamthrough his Seed, Christ Jesus, the Great- patriarch Abraham,but for the living Greater Abra-
er Isaac. Now, after the fulness or full number of ham, Jehovah God. He there began to bring in sons
the 144,000 are brought into the royal family, fur- into His royal household under Christ Jesus from
ther blessings must go to those of good-will who among the Gentiles. Such ones he made ’qiving
will become the earthly subjects of the Kingdom stones" in the house or temple of God.The full effect
of the Seed of Abraham.--Acts 3:25, 26. of this change of procedure on God’s part is ex-
s A warning should be sounded to humancreatures plained by the apostle Paul, who was especially
who want to enjoy such blessings under the King- chosen by Christ Jesus to be an apostle to the non-
dom. Jehovah covenanted with Abraham: "I will Jews or Gentiles. Continuing from the last pre-
bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth vious issue of The Watchtower the discussion of
thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be Paul’s argument at Romans, chapter eleven, we now
blessed." Which fact puts all on notice that those take up his words at verse thirteen: "For I speak
who bless the Greater Abraham, Jehovah, will be to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the
blessed ; and those whocurse Jehovah will be cursed, Gentiles, I magnify mine office: if by any means I
that is to say, be destroyed. This is because in Jeho- may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh,
vah Godlies the ori~nal Source of all blessings for and might save some of them."--Rom. 11 : 13, 14.
earth’s families. (Gen. 12: 3) The treatment which "Paul’s flesh was Jewish flesh, so that he could
persons of all families of tile earth give to Jehovah’s say of all the other apostles of the Lamb Christ
witnesses, therefore, determines whether they are Jesus: "Are they Hebrews?so am I. Are they Israel-
blessing or cursing Jehovah. It decides whether their ites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so
destiny shall be that of blessing or that of destruc- am I.". (2 Cor. 11:22) ~Vhy, then, did Paul honor,
tion. glorify or makethe most of his office as "apostle of
the Gentiles"? It was not because he was against
the interests of the natural Jews. It was in order
’ The Israelites or Jews according to the flesh had to stir them up to the privilege and opportunity
Abrahamas their natural ancestor. Their fleshly re- which they were letting slip from their grasp. Jeho-
lationship to Abrahamwith whomthe covenant was vah God had prophesied that he would provoke the
made led them to think they were sure of being of natural Israelites to jealousy by the Gentiles, who
the promised "seed of Abraham". It just naturally had not been his chosen people in times past. (Rom.
had to be that way, so they thought. Being confident 10: 19) To help in the fulfillment of that very proph-
according to the flesh, they failed to take it to heart ecy Christ Jesus converted Saul of Tarsus to be
that Ishmael also was a son of Abraham according his follower, saying: "He is a chosen vessel unto me,
to the flesh but was rejected; and also that Esau to bear myname before the Gentiles, and kings, and
was a descendant of Abrahamthrough Isaac accord- the children of Israel." Andto the apostle himself
6. What warninle and notice should be served on all humana expeetlng 8. in) How did what John warned of actually come to pa~? (b) Who
blessings under the Kinldom? wal made aa apoarJe to the Gent-lies. and what did ne say about hls
7. Why did the Jews think themselves sure of being the promised seed "office" ? ’’
of Abraham? and what did they not appreciate, even as warned by 9. 10 (a) Of what flesh was Paul~ Ib) How and why did he "magnify
John the Baptist? his omce as apostle to the Gentiles?
the Lord said: "Make haste, and get thee quickly passes and sins" the same as the Gentiles. Further-
out of Jerusalem: for they will not receive thy testi- more, such Israelites were under a special curse
mony concerning me .... Depart: for I will send due to failing to keep the Mosaic law-covenant with
thee far hence unto the Gentiles."--Acts 9: 15; God. (Gal. 3: 10-13) The savable number of the
22 : 18-21. Jewish remnant was not yet all in at the time that
1o While sincerely interested in the salvation of Paul wrote his epistle. Hence the receiving of these
the Gentiles to the Kingdom,Paul never forgot his others of the Jewish remnant, that is, God’s accept-
fleshly relatives. Hence, wherever his missionary ance of them because of their turning from the
work carried him he taught "publicly, and from "Jews’ religion" and following in the footsteps of
house to house, testifying both to the Jews, and also Christ Jesus, would mean bringing of such Israel-
to the Greeks, to repentance toward God, and faith ites out from death in trespasses and sins and ac-
toward our Lord Jesus Christ". (Acts 20: 20,21) cursed condition and unto life as Christians. They
Bv such zealous activity Paul glorified or honored would be redeemed from the curse of the law. To
his ministry (diakonia) as an apostle to the nations, quote from the apostle elsewhere: "God, whois rich
not exaggerating it above what it was, but showing in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
full appreciation of this office of service by making even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us
the most of it. Whilethe using of this service to the together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) and
full directly benefited the Gentiles, yet Paul’s hope hath raised us up together, and made us sit to-
was that those of his own flesh and blood might be gether in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."--Eph.
provoked to imitate the Gentiles and might accept 2: 1, 4-6.
salvation through Jesus the Messiah. He looked 1*Since Paul wrote, other natural Jews have
for no conversion of the entire nation of Israel, but turned from the course of waywardIsrael and have
his desire was that he "might save some of them". been accepted of Godunto the Kingdom,but this has
1, Somereligionists will argue, But do not the been accompanied by no resurrection of the dead in
next succeeding verses of the apostle plainly say the graves. Neither is the general resurrection of
that he looked for the eventual turning of the entire the dead in God’s appointed time to be preceded by
nation of Israel to Christ, thus to becomethe lead- the general conversion of the Israelites to Christ as
ing Christian nation of the world? Anddoes not such a portentous sign. Any expectation of such a thing
conversion of all Israel mean the second coming of is based upon a misunderstanding of the Scriptures.
1, In harmonywith the foregoing, the apostle con-
Christ, the end of the world, and the resurrection
of the dead from their graves? With a background tinues: "For if the firstfruits be holy, the lump is
from many other scriptures, the answer must be no. also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branch-
After telling of his efforts that he "might save some es." (Rom.11: 16) Or: "If the first handful of dough
of them", Paul adds: "For if the casting away of is consecrated, the whole mass is, and if the root of
them be the reconciling of the world [kosmos], what a tree is consecrated, so are its branches." (Good-
shall the receiving of them be, but life from the speed; see also Numbers 15:19-21) This could not
dead?" (Rom. 11:15) Be here reminded, however, mean that, because a consecrated remnant was gath-
that not all the nation of Israel was cast away; for ered out from the nation of Israel, therefore all
a remnant selected by God’s grace or mercy was re- other Jews were holy and consecrated. Certainly not
covered from Israel, of whomPaul was one. Nei- those to whomJesus said : "Alas for you, scribes and
ther did the casting off of the rest bring reconcilia- Pharisees, hypocrites; because . . . ye bear witness
tion to all the world, or kosmos.It brought or result- against yourselves, that ye are sons of them who
ed in reconciliation to only so manyof the world as murdered the prophets. Andye, fill ye up the meas-
were necessary, to fill up the vacant places amongthe ure of your fathers ! Serpents ! broods of vipers ! how
predestined 144,000 of the Kingdom company. should ye flee from the judgment of gehenna?"
I~ If the Gentile elements of the world benefit from (Matt. 23:29-33, Rotherham) The fact, however,
the casting awayof Israel, who, then, stood to bene- that such Jewish religious leaders were fit for de-
fit by the receiving or acceptance of Jews from struction did not mean that all the rest of Israel
were. Had it been so, God could not have procured
among the nation of Israel? Why, themselves, of a faithful remnant from amongthe Jews. But if the
course; because it meant life from the dead for such Jews that already came to God by consecration
Jews. Having rejected the God-sent Messiah, Jesus through Christ were a firstfruits to God, then it was
Christ, the natural Israelites were "dead in tres- possible for still others to come from the rest of
II. (a) According 1o Paul’s succeeding word°, wlth what questionm do 13. How do we IKnow it does not mean a resurrection of the dead in
religlonists continue to argue? (b) Wu all Israel cast away, amd wv the grav~ ?
all the world reconciled thereby? 14. ~a) "If the root I~ holy." whydld that not mean that all the Jews
=2. Whobenefit by the "rece/vlng" of the Jew°? and how does It mean were holy and consecrated? (bl How. then. were "the branehu’" holy.
"life from the dead"? like the -OOt?
the nation. This was because all the Jews had been
shut up under one law-covenant arrangement with ~" Whom, then, do the olive branches picture? In
God; and no part of Israel was more holy to God another parable, that of the vine, Christ Jesus said
to his disciples : "I amthe vine, ye are the branches:
than any other part thereof. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bring-
~5 The apostle nowbegins to illustrate matters by eth forth muchfruit: for without me ye can do noth-
an olive tree that is consecrated to God. God’s law ing. If a manabide not in me, he ~s cast forth as a
to Israel was: "Whenye shall come into the land, branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and
and shall have planted all mannerof trees for food, cast them into the fire, and they are burned." (John
then ye shall count the fruit thereof as uncircum- 15:5, 6) It follows, then, that the branches in the
cised: three years shall it be as uncircumcised unto olive-tree illustration are the faithful footstep fol-
you: it shall not be eaten of. But in the fourth year lowers of the true Seed of Abraham.They are adopt-
all the fruit thereof shall be holy to praise the LORD ed by Jehovah as his royal sons by being begotten
withal. Andin the fifth year shall ye eat of the fruit of his spirit, and thereby they are brought into the
thereof, that it may yield unto you the increase household of sons under Christ Jesus the Seed. If
thereof." (Lev. 19: 23-25) The proper purpose and the root of the symbolic olive tree is Jehovah, who
expectation of an olive tree is to bear fruit. As fruit is holy, necessarily those who are branches off the
trees, which yielded income to the owner, were taxed trunk of the tree would have to be holy. As the
in Palestine, olive trees not bearing fruit would be apostle Peter says: "But as he which hath called
cut down with the ax. If in the fourth year of a you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conver-
newly planted tree the fruit thereof was holy to God sation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am
Jehovah, the root of the tree must equally be holy holy."--I Pet. 1 : 15, 16.
to him. It is the root that hallows or makes holy zs Fromthis Scriptural standpoint, let us consider
the branches of the tree. The natural Jews that re- Paul’s illustration of the fruitful olive tree: ’~If the
jected Christ Jesus looked upon the patriarch Abra- root be holy, so are the branches. And if some of
ham as the root of their nation. They looked upon
themselves as favored of Jehovah and as elected of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild
Him because of being rooted in Abraham according olive tree, wert grafted in amongthem, and with
them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive
to the flesh. Through Isaac they stemmed from tree; boast not against the branches. But if thou
Abraham and were branches off from Abraham’s boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee."
natural seed. They were the twelve tribes of Israel.
,s However,that natural view of their relationship (Rom.11 : 16-18) Howcan it be said that the natural
Jews were broken off, if the root is Jehovah God
to Abrahamis not what is pictured by the holy olive and the tree pictures the spiritual offspring of the
tree used by Paul as an illustration. The stock and Greater Abraham?
branches of the true "olive tree" picture the real "There should be no difficulty in seeing howso.
seed of Abraham meant in God’s covenant with Just rememberthat the Jews were in a unique rela-
Abraham.The natural Israelites did not understand tionship with Jehovah the Greater Abraham, a posi-
the mystery of Godand thought it was to be a nat- tion not shared by any of the Gentiles. They were
ural seed, all flesh-and-blood descendants of Abra- sustained by the root Jehovah God and received
ham on earth. But the seed that was contemplated special favors and privileges from him because of
in the statement of God’s covenant to Abrahamwas his covenant with their forefather Abraham. Jeho-
and is a spiritual seed, a heavenlyseed. It is not ab- vah’s covenant promise to AbrahamIte passed down
solutely dependent upon the fleshly relationship. by special direction to the nation of Israel; as it ~s
Therefore the real root of the Seed is Jehovah God written, at Psalm 105:8-10: "He hath remembered
himself, who is the Greater Abraham and of whom his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded
Abraham on earth was a type. Christ Jesus is the to a thousand generations. Which covenant he made
real Seed of this Abraham;in proof of which it is with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; and con-
written: "Now the promises were ~ven to Abra- firmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel
hamand to his seed. It does not say ’and to seeds’ for an everlasting covenant." The twelve tribes of
referring to many,but ’and to your seed’ referring to Israel were therefore typical of the spiritual ones
one and this is Christ." (Gal. 3:16, Weymouth; under Christ Jesus; and to them Moses said: "The
also Gem12: 7) The trunk of the olive tree which LORD your God hath multiplied you, and, behold, ye
bears the branches consequently pictures Christ Je- are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude.
sus as the true Seed. (The LORDGod of your fathers make you a thousand
15. ~a) What wo~ Ood’s law concerning a fruit tree, and what was 17. Who, then. are the "olive branches", and in what cOndition must
the proper expectation concerning it? (b) As natural branches, whom they 1>o?
did the Jews view as their root? 18, 19. (e) What wee done with some of the natura! brancbes~ {b) How
16. Who are the root and the stock of the true "olive tree", and why? could that be, if the root is Jehovah God and not Abrahsm?
1, 1945 :IttieWATCHTOWER. 135

times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he their unbelief could not bear the message of the
hath promised you!)" (Deut. 1: 10, 11) Hence, in Kingdom. To such fruitless, faithless Jews Jesus
typical sense, the natural Jews were in the great said: "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of
Root of the symbolic olive tree. God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation
2o Moreover, Jehovah bound the Jews to himself bringing forth the fruits thereof." (Matt. 21:43)
by delivering them from Egypt and making his law The privilege of being witnesses of Jehovah con-
covenant with them over the blood of the passover cerning his King and kingdom was accordingly tak-
lamb. When inaugurating the law covenant with en away from such Jews as continued in their un-
them at Mount Sinai he showed them what they belief. They were broken off from being branches in
were in line for, saying: "If ye will obey my voice the spiritual olive tree. The believing remnant that
indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a accepted Jesus and followed his steps in bearing the
peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all Kingdommessage to others, these were the Jews in
the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a king- line for the Kingdom that continued in the sym-
dora of priests, and an holy nation." (Ex. 19: 5, 6) boric olive tree. They held to their position in line
This proves they were in line, yes, first in line, for for the Kingdom with the Seed of Abraham.
the privilege of being joined as kings and priests sa It is very manifest that Jehovah God, the great
with Christ Jesus the true Seed of Abraham. Having Root of the Theocratic organization, purposed that
such prior position in line for the ldngdomof heav- there should be only a certain limited number of
en, they are properly pictured as being in the sym- branches in the tree, namely, 144,000. Otherwise,
bolic olive tree which has Jehovah as its root, the many branches being broken off, he would not have
Greater Abraham. By virtue of their descent from grafted in other branches to replace the broken-off
Abraham, and their covenant relationship with Je- branches. He would have gotten along with the Jew-
hovah God, they stood in the way of any of the ish remnant whomhe elected out from the nation,
Gentiles’ having a part in the Kingdomwith Christ "the election of grace." But the remnant not being
Jesus the Seed. However,their position in such sym- sufficient in numberto fill all in predestined places
bolic olive tree wasonly conditional. This fact is sad- in the. Kingdomand thus be like the stars and sands
ly shownin that some of the "branches" were broken for multitude, Jehovah God resorted to the unusual.
off from the "olive tree". The ’°oranches", therefore, He grafted in enough others from non-Jewish sourc-
picture those whoare in line for a place in the King- es to take the places of the broken-off branches and
domand whoare called thereto. thus completely fill up the Kingdom membership.
21 That is a sobering fact, one which should make
The religionists of "Christendom" are wrong when
all Gentile believers serious. It emphasizes the re- they unscripturally claim that, even if all natural
quirement of keeping faith and integ-rity toward branches had continued in the symbolic olive tree,
Jehovah God. And Gentiles who come into the favor Jehovah God would nonetheless have grafted on the
of God have no cause for boasting against the re- tree an indefinite number of Gentile branches, as
jected Jews. Gentiles also must first pass the test many as could be converted before the end of the
to which those Jews were subjected in order to abide world. The whole reasoning of the apostle Paul is
in the symbolic "olive tree", The Theocratic Or- contrary to such a religious view.
ga.nization. For their ownsafety, let them ask: Why ~’ Being of non-Jewish sources not llaving rela-
were those branches with a priorib, broken off from tionship with God, the Gentile believers grafted into
the Theocratic organization? Since the purpose of the Theocratic organization or "tree" were likened
the tree is to bring forth fruit holy to Godand to to shoots taken from a wild olive tree, a tree not pro-
his glory, they were broken off because of not bring- ducing fruit suitable for consumption by man. Be-
ing forth fruits suitable for the Kingdom.This fail- cause of nowcoming into God’s favor by establish-
ure was because of their lack of faith in Jehovah ing connections with him through Christ Jesus the
God, the Greater Abraham.They displayed this lack Seed, the Gentile believers have no cause for boast-
of faith by rejecting his Messiah, the true Seed of ing against the broken-off Jewish branches. Their
Abraham, in whomthe prophecies of the Word of being grafted in did not makethe tree better. They
God were fulfilled. That way, they could not draw do not support the tree, but the tree from its root’s
any spiritual sustenance, the rich sap of the olive up is what supports them. It nourishes them, making
root, from Jehovah. them partakers of the "root and fatness of the olive
"Not accepting Jehovah’s anointed King, they in tree", or sharers in the rich sap of the olive root.
20 (a) What tie with Jehovah and what priority_ of position further
show they were natural branches in the tree? Ib) Howsecure was their
This is the opposite of the process of grafting in the
position, and what do the "’branches" therefore picture?
21. What serious fact does the foregoing emphasize? and have the ac- 23. Whydid Jehovah wg~h:: on any branches after unfaithful branches
cepted Gentlle$ nc cause for boasting against the rejected Jews? were broken off? and clalm of reUglonlsts is therefore proved to
be wronz ?
22. What privileges were taken from the unbelieving Jews, and how did a 24. To what are the believinf Gen~les likened, and why have they no
remnant hold to their position? reason for boasting in re~at~d to beneflclalness?
N. Y.

case of some natural trees, for example, the olive on the creature’s part, but entirely because of the
tree. Amongmen a graft-shoot is taken from a vig- goodness and loving-kindness of God that the high
orous productive tree and grafted onto the trunk of calling to the Kingdomwas opened to the Gentiles
a tree that is wearing out and losing its productive at all. This, too, was at the expense of the Jews who
vitality. Thus the tree is benefited by the ingrafted fell through unbelief and disobedience toward the
shoot. Not so with the symbolic olive tree; for the Kingdom gospel preached by Christ Jesus. It be-
grafted branch is the one that is madefruitful with hooves those in the Theocratic "olive tree" to exam-
Kingdomfruits by receiving the rich fat supplies ine why the severity of God came upon such Jews
from the Root, Jehovah, through the stem or trunk, as to lop them off. Let them strive earnestly to
Christ Jesus. measure up to Theocratic requirements in order that
NO ROOM FOR BOASTING the same divine severity be not called for against
,5 To any Gentiles inclined to boast and to think them. 0nly so doing will they continue in this un-
more highly of themselves than they ought to think speakable goodness of God. They must endure in
the apostle then says: "Thou wilt say then, The integrity unto the end.
,, Even an ingrafted Gentile can yet lose out to a
[natural] branches were broken off, that I might be
grafted in. Well: because of unbelief they were Jew by being cut off. Howcould such a thing be?
broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not high- Paul answers concerning the broken-off natural
minded, but fear." (Rom. 11: 19,20) No Gentile Jewish branches: "And they also, if they abide not
should pride himself with the idea that any of the still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for Godis able
natural branches were broken off just to make room to graft them in again. For if thou wert cut out of
for him, as though Gentiles were superior to Jews. the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert
It was not a case of race superiority, or superior grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree:
culture. Clinging to religion and hence stumbling how much more shall these, which be the natural
over the Rock Christ Jesus and not believing God’s branches, be grafted into their own olive treeV’
Word respecting him, this was why the rejected (Rom. 11:23, 24) The natural branches that were
Jews were pruned from the symbolic olive tree. lopped off are therefore an admonitory example to
Hence the only reason why any ingrafted branch us. It is imperative that we continually bear on our
from the wild olive tree stands in the Theocratic hearts the warning: "Nowall these things happened
tree is because of exercising faith, obedience and unto them for ensamples: and they are written for
integrity, and not because of any personal merit our admonition, upon whomthe ends of the world
over the Jew. It was because of becoming high- are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he stand-
minded as to their exclusive national relationship eth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation
to Godthat the majority of the nation fell. Instead taken you but such as is commonto man: but God is
of becoming conceited, those from the Gentiles faithful, whowill not suffer you to be tempted above
should see the danger of self-admiration and should that ye are able; but will with the temptation also
fear, yes, fear lest they fall into the snare of reli- make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear
gion and lose out on faith and obedience. None it. Wherefore, mydearly beloved, flee from idolatry
should trust in that religious deception, namely, [religion]." (1 Cor. 10: 11-14) Even with A.D. 1931
"Once saved, always saved." past, let us beware!
2e "Godis no respecter of persons," said the apos- ~FULNESS OF THE GENTILES"
tle Peter at the time that God began visiting the "To be grafted back "into their own olive tree"
Gentiles with the Kingdom message and grafting does not mean that such temporarily disconnected
believers from the Gentiles upon the Theocratic branches would be inserted back into the common-
olive tree. (Acts I0: 34) Hencehe will not deal dif- wealth of natural Israel, the organization of the
ferently with Gentiles who do not maintain their natural Jews, Israel after the flesh. That typical
integrity and fruitfulness in the tree from the way organization was abolished by Christ Jesus, who
he did with the unbelieving natural Jews. "For if nailed the law covenant of that organization to the
God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest tree on which he died. With Christ Jesus the spirit-
he also spare not thee. Behold therefore the good- ual Israel began. By shedding his blood for ratify-
ness and severity of God: on them which fell, sever- ing a new covenant he became the Mediator of the
ity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in new covenant toward those who became spiritual
his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off." Israelites. Just as Abraham’s grandson Jacob (or
(Rom. 11: 21,22) It was because of no worthiness Israel) provided the foundations for the twelve
25 Why were no branch~ broken off specifically that Gentile branehes
might be grafted In? and why have such Gentiles reason to fear? 27. How ean an lng~’afted GenfllQ even lose out to a Jew? end what
26 Why will God not dell dlfferenUy with unfaithful Gentiles than with ndmon/tiou should therefore be taken to heart, even since 19317
natural branch.? and in view of divine severity and goodness what 28. Why could not the grafting back of a natural branch mean being
does it behoove Gentile believers to do? l~e,d back into the commonwealth of natural Israel?
MAY1, 1945 SeWATCHTOWER. 137

tribes of Israel in his twelve sons, so Jesus did. and made a part of spiritual Israel. The mystery
He chose and taught and trained twelve apostles was that such believing Gentiles should be grafted
(including Paul) to be the foundations for the spirit- in as branches upon the symbolic olive tree and thus
ual Israel, Christ Jesus himself being the basic, gen- be put in line for a place in the heavenly kingdom.
eral Foundation.--Gen.49 : 1, 28, 33 ; Eph. 2 : 20-22 ; "The mystery which hath been hid from ages and
Rev. 21 : 12-14. from generations, but now is made manifest to his
¯ ,it is therefore by means of the new covenant saints : to whomGod would make knownwhat is the
over Christ’s blood that any of the branches stand riches of the glory of this mystery amongthe Gen-
in this Theocratic organization; and those who are tiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."
branches in it make up the spiritual Israel. Christ (Col. 1: 26, 27) Thus at Gentile Cornelius’ being
Jesus, the "one mediator between God and men", is grafted in upon the symbolic olive tree God began
the stem or tree-trunk in which these branches are to make knownto his consecrated ones "what is the
inserted. (1 Tim. 2: 5, 6; Isa. 11: 1-5; Zech. 3 : 8; glorious wealth of this sacred secret amongthe na-
6: 12) The full numberof these spiritual Israelites, tions".mRotherham.
that is to say, all spiritual Israel, must be saved to s, Had not blindness affected a part of natural
the heavenly kingdom. The predetermined number Israel, the opportunity, for Gentiles to comein would
must be made up; and to that end Jehovah God ex- not have been afforded. In that case the royal family
tended his goodness to the Gentiles and set before of the Greater Abraham would have been made up
those of them that believe an open door of oppor- completely from amongthe natural Israelites. The
tunity. That was where God’s mystery broke open. dispelling of any ignorance concerning this point
--Eph. 3 : 3-8. should keep Gentile believers from becoming pre-
’° In agreement with the above, the apostle con- sumptuous and conceited and looking upon things as
tinues: "For I would not, brethren, that ye should running in an ordinary course. The matter is ex-
be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise traordinary. Furthermore, Israel’s blindness was to
in your ownconceits; that blindness in part is hap- continue upon the major part of the nation until the
pened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be fullness of the Gentiles came in. The expression,
comein. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is "fulness of the Gentiles," is not to be confused with
written, There shall comeout of Sion the Deliverer, Jesus’ expression, "until the times of the Gentiles
and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob." (Rom. be fulfilled." (Luke 21:24) "The times of the Gen-
11:25,26) When writing to the Corinthians Paul tries" refers to the time allowance which Godgranted
called attention to the same fact concerning the to the Gentile ruling powers to rule without inter-
Jews’ blindness, saying: "But their minds were ruption from the heavenly kingdom. They began in
blinded: for until this day remaineth the same veil 607 B.C. and ended A.D. 1914, the year World
untaken away in the reading of the old testament WarI broke out. On the other hand, "the fulness of
[old covenant] ; which veil is done away in Christ. the Gentiles" refers to the full number of Gentiles
But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the to be grafted in uponthe symbolic olive tree in order
veil is upon their heart." (2 Cor. 3: 14, 15) But such to occupy the places of all broken-off branches¯ At
blindness did not overtake all of natural Israel, for Romans11 : 12 the apostle refers to the "fulness" of
it is written: "Israel hath not obtained that which the natural Israelites brought in; but their fullness
he seeketh for; but the election [the remnant select- is not great enough to make up the 144,000 asso-
ed by God’s grace] hath obtained it, and the rest ciates of Christ the Seed of Abraham. Hence the
were bhnded. --Rom. 11: 7. fullness of the Gentiles is needed to complete the
,1 Such blindness by the larger part of natural membership of the body of Christ.
,s What, then, is the consequence of bringing in
Israel led to the opening up of the mystery. The
mystery is not that religious "doctrine of the future the fullness of the Gentiles? This: All of spiritual
restoration of the Jews, not fully knownin itself, Israel, the Kingdomclass, will be saved; and thus
and not at all knownas to the time in which it will Jehovah’s name will be vindicated and Satan will
take place". (Clarke) The mystery, or the part of be proved a liar in boasting that he could prevent
God’s purpose which was kept secret from even the such an accomplishment. Note that the apostle, after
Jews until Godpoured out the spirit upon the Ital- speaking of the fullness of the Gentiles’ comingin,
ian centurion Cornelius in the presence of Peter, does not say, "And after that all Israel shall be
was that the Gentile believers should be taken in saved." Instead, he says, "And so," that is, in such
29. (a) By what arrangement do any stand in the Theocratic organl.
a manner, "all Israel shall be saved." Jehovah God
zation, and what holy nation do they constitute? (b} How many of 32. (a) Why, then, should Oentile beilevers not be ignorant of this
them must be saved? mystery? (b) Why Ii the Gent/i° fullnees not to be confused with the
30. What blindness overtook the natural Israe/ltes? end why not all? "t/me° of the Gentiles"?
31. (a) What i8 the religious view of the mystery here spoken of~ 33. What, then. is the eoMequeneQof bringing in the Gentile fullness,
(hi What actually is the mystery, and when did it break open? and, with that. what opportunit.t paeses for natural Jewi?
138 NieWATCHTOWER. BRooz.t,Y~,N. Y.

will save the full predetermined number of the his LambChrist Jesus as his anointed King. That
spiritual Israel, though Satan the Devil fight to the means that such "other sheep" which will make up
contrary. Whenthe fullness of the Gentiles is made such "great multitude" of persons of good-will toward
secure in the "olive tree" of Jehovah’s Theocratic Jehovah and his King will also come from amongthe
organization, then the natural Jews will fail of all natural Jews as well as from other peoples. Those
further opportunity for the "so great salvation" speaking Yiddish or Sephardic or the original He-
to the heavenly kingdom. That was the salvation brew of Palestine will be given no separate and dis-
that the apostle Paul prayed they might share. tinct outstanding place, as of special reservation.
--Rom. 10 : 1. They will have to take, and some are now taking,
*’ All the facts and Scriptures are against the reli- their place amongthe ranks of the "great multitude"
gious idea that it is all natural Israel that shall yet without respect of persons and are thus unitedly
be saved at some indefinite future time to mark the with all others praising and serving Jehovah and his
nearness of Christ’s second coming. Christ Jesus enthroned King. Since 1931 these "other sheep" have
has already, in 1914, comeinto his authority as King been specially manifest, which would indicate that
in Jehovah’s Theocratic Government; and in 1918 the "fulness of the Gentiles" has comeinto the spir-
he came to the temple for judgment of the house of itual "olive tree".
God. The facts since those dates, fulfilling Scrip-
ture prophecy, prove lfis coming thus as a Spirit THE ENEMIES AND THE BELOVED

in the "express image" of his Father’s person. Yet ,, Comingback to the apostle’s words : "Andso all
no turning en masse on the part of the natural Jews Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall
unto Christ has taken place, either prior to his com- come out of Sion the Dehverer, and shall turn away
ing into the Kingdom and to the temple or since ungodliness from Jacob: for this is my covenant
such coming. This, despite the greatest proclamation unto them, whenI shall take away their sins." (Rom.
by Jehovah’s witnesses of the Kingdom gospel in 11:26, 27) These words further show it is spiritual
America and in Europe and the British Common- Israel that will all be saved. The apostle quotes from
wealth since 1914, and especially to the Jews from what is written at Isaiah 59: 20, 21 and at Isaiah
and after 1926. It is contrary to the Bible to expect 27:9 (Septuagint Greek Version). Doubtless he has
that, after the fullness of the Gentiles has comein- reference also to Jeremiah 31:33, 34. It is the new
to the Theocratic "olive tree" as spiritual Israelites, covenant that is spoken of in these prophecies. The
Jehovah God will begin showing respect to persons new covenant was made over Christ’s blood, not
and that by mysterious means he will bring about with the Jewish nation that rejected him, but with
the mass conversion of all the present-day Jews, and and in behalf of spiritual Israel. The remnant of
then nmke them the outstanding nation on earth believing Jews, by being taken into the new cove-
from then onward. nant, maintained their places in the Theocratic
~s Jesus prophesied on the end of the world and "olive tree"; but the rest of the Jewish nation was
the judgment that he would then conduct. But he broken off. By the same new covenant the believing
says nothing about separating out the natural Jews Gentiles are grafted into the "’olive tree". They are
and making them a favored nation distinct from and anointed with God’s spirit as his witnesses and
superior to the Gentile nations. Jesus’ prophecysays preachers and as joint-heirs with the King Christ
he will separate the nations as "sheep" and "goats". Jesus. But when Christ Jesus came to the temple
The "sheep", whomhe sets on his right hand for for judgment in 1918, which was amid World War I,
everlasting life on earth under the Kingdom,will be he found the Devil and his earthly agents trying to
those who show good-will toward him as King by bring about the destruction of these consecrated fol-
doing good unto the least of his brethren, to wit, the lowers spiritually and physically. By the judgments
spiritual Israelites, associated with him as the Seed of divine truth and service, and by the spirit from
of Abraham. (Matt. 25:31-46) After the 144,000 God, Christ Jesus the Deliverer drove out the un-
his associates have been sea.led for membershipin godliness of any traces of religion from amongthem.
the Kingdom,that is, after the "fulness of the Gen- He freed them from the power of the religious polit-
tiles" have come in, then, as Revelation 7:1-10 ical enemies. He cleansed them from doing the sins
shows, the Lord’s "other sheep" come out from all of religion, and turned them to the pure worship of
nations, kindreds, people, and tongues and take their God the Father.
stand for Jehovah as Universal Sovereign and for *’ Thus the Deliverer came out from Zion, Jeho-
~ What facts now prove that it is not all natural Israel that is to be vah’s royal capital organization, and did this purify-
saved to mark the second coming of the MeSsiah Chrl*t
35. (e) What parable aa to the world’s end further shows the J’ewish 36 (a) As to saving all Israel, what prophecies does Paul quote and to
nation will not be thus distinguished? (b) What do4m the prophecy con- what covenant do these appear to refer? (b) When did the ~)¢llverer
cerning the "great multitude" show concerning anj distinct position come. and how did he turn away u~godlines*?
for the Jew*? and what would indicate that the ueutile fullness has 37. (a) Who, then, is the Jacob from whomungodliness Is turned away?
come iu (b) What obligation is henceforth *upon such
MA~1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 139

ing, liberating worktoward Jacob, that is, the spirit- had an opportunity to partake of the same mercy
ual Israelites, who, like Jacob of old, inherit the as the Gentiles. The Gentiles had been disobeying
promise. At his coming to the temple Christ Jesus Godall along and yet some of them repented, turned
recovers only a remnant of such spiritual Israelites, to Jehovah on hearing of his mercy through Christ,
like the Jewish remnant in the days of the apostle and were shown His mercy in being grafted in upon
Paul. The Deliverer Christ Jesus having come out the Theocratic "olive tree". This came as a result
of Zion and unto the temple for judgment, now is no of the disobedient course of the Jewish nation.
time for the spiritual Israelites and the "other s, Since the Jews had comeinto a state of disobe-
sheep" to have anything further to do with religion. dience and hence were broken off from the "olive
The obligation upon them that is of immediate, pres- tree", God’s precedent in showing mercy to the Gen-
ent importance is to preach the Kingdomgospel. tiles, whowere never attached to the tree, makes it
ss Continues the apostle: "As concerning the gos- proper for him to show to those disconnected Jew-
pel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touch- ish "branches" the same kind of mercy as he showed
ing the election, they are beloved for the fathers’ you. The installed Gentiles are not the ones that
sakes. For the ~fts and calling’of God are without showmercy to the Jews broken off, but it is Godthat
repentance." (Rom. 11: 28,29) Certainly, today, shows such Jews the same mercy as he now does to
Gentile believer has no hard feelings against the the Gentiles, through Christ Jesus. He can justly
natural Jews because these turned enemies against do so, because he had concluded or shut up both
the Kingdom gospel. Whynot? Because such Gen- Jews and Gentiles on the same level of disobedience.
tile believer seesthattheirsadmisstep resulted in Since he no longer showed respect of persons toward
goodfortheGentiles to whomthegospel wasthence-the natural Jews, likewise he should show no preju-
forthpreac]led andwhoaccepted andacteduponit. dice against them as in favor of the Gentiles. All
ThusGod’streating suchunbelieving natural Jews alike now need his mercy through Christ; and all,
asenemies because of theircontrariness against tile Jews no less than Gentiles, can have God’s mercy
gospelhasbeenwithbenefit to thenon-Jewish be- shown to them if they do not stay in their disobe-
lievers. dience.
so Butwhataboutthatbelieving Jewishremnant, "Who can complain about this divine arrange-
whomtheapostle callsa "remnant according to the ment? Whocan say it is a case of favoritism or of
election of grace", thatis,the"election" thatob- prejudice? Whocan dictate to God on the subject
tainedtheKingdomprivileges? Suchselected rem- or find anything to correct in him? Viewing it all
nantarebeloved forthesakeof theirforefathers clearly with the eye of understanding, no wonder
Abraham, IsaacandJacob.Theirbeingof theJew- the apostle burst out with the exclamation of awe
ishnation thatturned enemyto tilegospel didnot and admiration: "O the depth of the riches both of
prejudice the case of such remnant. Because such the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearch-
remnant displayed the faith and obedience of those able are his judgments, and his ways past finding
forefathers and thus proved themselves to be true out! for who hath known the mind of the Lord
descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, God [Jehovah God] ? or who hath been his counsellor?
showed his love toward them bv fulfilling the Abra- Or whohath first given to him, and it shall be recom-
hamic covenant toward them. Thus God did not re- pensed unto him again? For of him, and through
pent of having called Abraham, nor of lmving be- him, and to him, are all things: to whombe glow-
stowed his gifts and blessings upon Abraham’snat- for ever. Amen."--Rom. 11:33-36.
ural descendants through Isaac and through Jacob. ,, In all the afore-described outworking of God’s
,s Because God’s gracious gifts and calling are purpose as to the Abrahamic covenant, no creature
not things to be repented of by him, the apostle m heaven or on earth directed Him or gave any
illuminates how this fact works, saying: "Besides, counsel to Him. What wisdom and knowledge he
as you once disobeyed God, but now obtained mercy displayed of how to deal with the situation as it
by their disobedience; so also, now, these disobeyed, developed, in order that he might vindicate his pur-
so that they may obtain mercy by your mercy. For pose with success! Whocould have searched out in
God shut up together alI for disobedience, that he advance andtraced outbeforehand thewaythatthe
might have mercy on all." (Rom.11: 30-32, Diaglott) all-wise God wouldtakeor the judgments andde-
That is to say, those individuals who went along cisions he wouldrender ? Throughoutit all,he owed
with the unbelieving, disobedient Jewish nation yet nobody anything, so thatno onehasa claimon him
3~. Why has a Gentile believer no bard feelings against Jews because
for anything whatsoever. Everything proceeds forth
their natron turned enemle~ against the gospel ~ 41. Why can C,,cd show such mercy to the broken-off natural branches~
39 {a) In what way are they "beloved for the fathers’ sakes", (b) Why 42. Viewing the whole matter with the eye of understanding, with what
are there no grounds for repentance by God as to his gifts and callings exclamation doeq the apostle Paul burst out?
in this r~speet? 43. What ob~rvations do we out--elves makerespecting the afore-describt~l
40. Wb mercy had been shown to the Gentiles In thht matter? and is outworkinf of God’s purpose? and In wha, final expression do we Join
sucb mercy yet open to the at present disbelieving Jews? the apestle ?

from him to creatures needing mercy. Everything is of his goodness and mercy, to become heady, con-
executed through him and by his only begotten Son, ceited or haughty. But confessing our utter depend-
the Seed of Abraham. Everything is done for his ence upon Him through his King Christ Jesus, we
name’s sake and for his glory and vindication for join with the apostle in heartily saying: "Glory to
all time. No room is left for creatures, the recipients him for ever! Amen."

ATCHTOWER readers now appreciate the fact
W that The THEOCRATIC GOVZRNMr~,~T is functioning
The Watchtower you address a post card to the Society
and keep a copy thereof as a reminder to yourself as to the
in the earth in so far as those who are conse- amountyou have promised and post the card to the Society
crated to Jehovah are concerned. Both the anointed rem- imraediately. Write nothing upon the card except the
nant and the Jonadabs have the privilege, by the Lord’s following:
grace, of participating in bearing the legitimate expenses By theLord’s graceI hopeto beabletocontribute tothe
for carrying forward the Wingdomwork. Their contribu- workofannouncing thekingdom of Jehovah during theensuing
tions made direct to the Watch Tower Bible & Tract yearthe
of$.............................. , which I wallremit insuch
Society, at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn 2, N.Y., will amounts andat suchtimeasI canfinditconvenient as the
Lordprospers me.
be assurance to them that the moneywill be used to the [Signed]
best advantage in advancing the Kingdominterests.
Address your card to
This notice is not a solicitation of money, but a re- Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society
minder to all who have a desire to support Jehovah’s Treasurer’s Office
kingdomthat it is well to make advance provision to par-
124 Columbia Heights
ticipate in the work and do so by laying aside a specific Brooklyn 2, NewYork.
sum each week according to the manner in which the Lord
prospers them financially. The work of the Watch Tower Those residing outside of the United States and who
Bible & Tract Society is to use the moneycontributed in desire to participate in contributing to the necessary ex-
the mosteconomical way to makeknownJehovah’s name pense, please address letters or cards to the Society’s office
andhiskingdom. Information in advance as to theprob- in the respective country in which you live.
ableamountthatwillbe contributed duringtheyearby Have in mind our need for guidance by the Lord and
thosewhoareinterested makesitpossible forusto outlinepresent the matter before the throne of heavenly grace
theworkandtheexpense connected therewith accordingly. that the money contributed may be used to the best ad-
It istherefore suggested thatuponreceipt ofthisissue of vantage to announce the Kingdom.


O YOUremember the time when the Lord God sent
D his commissionedangel to the vicinity of earth, who
there announced in the hearing of men the birth
good-will toward all men on earth, as religionists have
often explained the text; but it means peace amongthose
men on earth who .are of good-wilt toward Jehovah God
of Jesus, the Savior of humankind? There accompanied and Christ Jesus. It is for the benefit of such that the great
that messenger from heaven a "multitude of the heavenly ransom sacrifice is provided by Jehovah God through his
host". Immediately following the angelic announcementof beloved LambJesus Christ.
the birth of Jesus, that multitude sang a marvelous anthem Todaythe earth is filled with strife, and amongall the
that has resounded through the earth from then until now. nations there is no peace. In every land extreme selfishness
As they sang the praises of Almighty God, that host was prevails, and crime and gross wickedness are rampant.
heard saying: "Glory in the highest, unto God’ and on All worldly organizations are selfish and indulge in un-
earth peace, amongmen of good-will." That is according righteousness, and this includes every religious organiza-
to Rotherham’strAn-~lation of Luke2 : 14. Other translators tion, sect or cult on earth. FromGod’s sure word of proph-
render this text aa follows: "Glory to Godin the highest, ecy, and from the undisputed physical facts, we know
and on earth peace amongmenin whomhe is well pleased." that extremely selfish and wickedorganizations control the
(Am. Stan. Ver.) "Glory be to Godin the highest heavens, earth and soon these wicked organizations shall cease for
and on earth peace among men who please him !" (Wey- ever during a time of great tribulation such as mankind
mouth) "Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace never before have seen or even imagined. Such tribulatmn
to menof good will."--Douay Catholic. will be brought upon the wicked and selfish organizations
That divine message proclaimed from on high proves be- by Jehovah GOdhimself, in order to rid the universe of
yond all doubt that Godwill have on earth a class of hu- all unrighteousness.
man creatures who are of good-will toward God and his The Scriptures and facts also show beyond all doubt
Christ, and that such humancreatures will have everlast- that from the midst of that great tribulation will come
ing peace and prosperity. It does not mean that God is of forth a multitude of "men of good will", and that such

multitude of good-will toward God and his Kingdomhas and until the end of the reign of King Zedekiah at Jeru-
already become apparent and is coming forward singing salem, in the year 607 B.C., the Israelites were God’s pecu.
the praise of Jehovah God and saying: "Salvation [be liar people, chosen for a purpose. With that people God
ascribed] to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and made a covenant; and had they been faithful covenant-
unto the Lamb." (Rev. 7: 9, 10) Such multitude is made keepers, he would have taken out from Israel entirely the
up of the ones that recognize Jehovah aa the true and al- "kingdomof heaven" class that will reign with Christ Jesus
mighty God, and Christ Jesus as His anointed King and in God’s kingdom.Becomingunfaithful, the Israelites were
the only hope of the peoples and nations of the earth. A cast away as a nation. During the time that the Israelites
knowledgeof Jehovah’s purpose toward those of good-will were in the favor of God he used them to make many pro-
is nowof most vital importance. Diligence in gaining that phetic pictures, foretelling greater things to cometo pass
knowledge should now be exercised by all men of good- in the future, things pertaining to his kingdom under
will, because nowit is the privilege of such to learn of Christ and to the blessings that menof good-will are to re-
God’s purposes. Those who do so wiU in due time fill the ceive by and through that kingdom. By the hand of Moses
earth with the praise of Jehovah and his kingdomand will as the mediator Jehovah God gave to the Israelites his
enter into fullness of peace, prosperity and riches beyond written law; and the inspired Scriptures record the fact
the fondest dream of natural man. that ’the law was a shadowof good things to come’. (Heb.
In God’s infallible word there are recorded these ringing 10: 1) The manythings which the Israelites did when un-
truths. "For if by one man’s [Adam’s] offence death der the favor of Godand the things that others did in con-
reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance nection with the Israelites foreshadowedthings to cometo
of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life pass at the end of the world, our present location. (1 Cor.
by one, Jesus Christ. Therefore as by the offence of one 10: 11) The end of the world havLug come, and those pro-
[Adam] judgment came upon all men to condemnation; phetic pictures or dramas being made clear by the grace
even so by the righteousness of one [Jesus Christ] the free of God, those who are devoted to God may see and under-
gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as stand the meaningthereof and thus ascertain God’s purpose
by one man’s [Adam’s] disobedience many were made sin- As set out in previous issues of The Watchtower, among
hers, so by the obedience of one [Christ Jesus] shall many the manyprophetic pictures of the Bible is that one con-
be maderighteous." (Rom. 5 : 17-19) "’Jesus . . . was made cerning Jehu, the anointed king of the kingdomof Israel
a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, In several of the scenes of that prophetic drama the man
¯ . . that he by the grace of God should taste death for named "Jonadab" appeared, and which Jonadab was in-
every man."--Heb. 2:9. vited by Jehu to join him m his chariot. That prophetic
Those scriptures showthat the value of the sacrifice of drama aids those who now have faith in God and m his
Christ Jesus is made available to every manwho will gain Wordto locate the "menof good will" whoare on the earth
a knowledge of Jehovah’s gracious purpose and who wilt at the present time and to whomthe message delivered by
then obey the will of God. Otherwise stated, the death of the angelic host at the birth of Jesus now applies The
Jesus as the ransom price would be available for every scene we now watch is that after Jonadab had taken the
human creature provided that he would believe on the chariot ride with King Jehu as his companion.
Lord Jesus Christ and his Father Jehovah and would serve Accompaniedby Jonadab, Jehu went to the capital city,
God faithfully¯ Those who spurn the Wordof God cannot, Samaria, "And when he came to Samaria, he slew all that
of course, receive the benefit of the ransom sacrifice. It remained unto Ahab in Samaria, till he had destroyed him.
wouldbe wholly inconsistent for GOdto extend the benefits according to the saying of the LORD,which he spake to
of the ransom sacrifice to the willfully wicked. Those who Elijah." (2 Ki. 10: 17) Then Jehu prepared for a cleanup
have been such, and who have therefore refused to avail of all the leaders of devil-worship throughout the kingdom
themselves of a knowledge of God’s Wordand obey him, of Israel. The fact that Jonadab was with Jehu on this
Jehovah specifically declares, he will destroy. "The LORD commi.~ion from God shows that Jonadab was thereby giv-
preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will ing testimony against the Devil and for Jehovah, and this
he destroy¯" (Ps. 145: 20) It at once becomesapparent fact illustrates that the Jonadabs of this day do by their
all reasonable creatures that, if they would receive the bold and courageous course of action bear testimony to
riches that God has in store for humankind, they must the name of Jehovah God and to his kingdom at this day
know Jehovah, must know Christ Jesus, and must know It is that kingdomwhich brings "glory to Godin the high-
the Wordof God, and then must prove their love for God est" by vindicating his name at the battle of Armageddon
and Christ by obedience. God created the earth for men King Jehu employed strategy that he might gather all
to inhabit, and he madeit not in vain; and such is conclu- the priests of Baal or devil-worshipers at one place, and
sive proof that the place of everlasting abode for menwho there dispose of them. To quote the record: "And Jehu
obey the Lord will be uponthe earth. (Isa. 45: 12, 18) The gathered all the people together, and said unto them, Ahab
time is nowhere whenall persons of good-will on the earth served Baal a little; but Jehu shall serve him muc]~. Now
may gain the desired knowledge of the purpose of Jeho- therefore call unto me all the prophets of Baal, all his
vah to bestow upon them, through the Kingdom,the riches servants, and all his priests; let none be wanting: for I
that proceed from heaven. have a great sacriflee to do to Baal; whosoever shall be
For manycenturies the nation of Israel exclusively en- wanting, he shall not live. But Jehu did it in subtilty, to
joyed the riches of Jehovah’s goodness. Fromthe day that the intent that he might destroy the worshippers of Baal.
he led the Israelites by the hand of Mosesout of Egypt And Jehu said, Proclaim a solemn assembly for Baal. And

they proclaimed it. AndJehu sent through all Israel: and did by wearing certain garments. A vestment or garment
all the worshippers of Baal came, so that there was not a is symbolic of identification. For the purpose of making
man left that came not. And they came into the house of those men identify themselves Jehu said: "Bring forth
Baal; and the house of Baal was full from one end to an- vestments for all the worshippers of Baal." All others were
other. And he said unto him that was over the vestry, excluded from the Baal temple. This symbolically says
Bring forth vestments for all the worshippers of Baal. And that there must be a division amongthe people so that all
he brought them forth vestments."--2 Ki. 10: 18-22. maybe identified as on one side or the other, that is, either
Pay particular attention now as to who accompanies on the side of the Devil or on the side of Jehovah Godand
King Jehu in pursuing this line of strategy, as the record his kingdom. Jehovah’s servants are now commandedby
continues: "And Jehu went, and Jehonadab the son of him to publish the truth and to call uponall whoare against
Rechab, into the house of Baal; and he said unto the wor- the Kingdommessage to put on the vestments or garments
shippers of Baal, Search, and look that there be here with identifying themselves and thus declaring themselves
you none of the servants of Jehovah, but the worshippers against the kingdom of God. Those who, like Jonadab who
of Baal only. And they went in to offer sacrifices and joined King Jehu, join with the anointed remnant of the
burnt-offerings. NowJehu had appointed him fourscore Lord in bearing testimony to his name indicate where they
men without, and said, If any of the men whomI bring stand, by separating themselves from the hypocritical re-
into your hands escape, he that letteth him go, his life shall ligionists.
be for the life of him. Andit cameto pass, as soon as he On another occasion, when the prophet Elijah was caus-
had made an end of offering the burnt-offering, that Jehu ing the devil-worshipers to identify themselves at Mount
said to the guard and to the captains, Go in, and slay them; Carmel, he said to the people: ’If Jehovah be Almighty
let none come forth. And they smote them with the edge God, follow him; but if the Devil, as symbolized by Baal,
of the sword; and the guard and the captains cast them be god, then follow him.’ Then Elijah immediately put the
out, and went to the city of the house of Baal. And they matter to the test as to who actually is the true and
brought forth the pillars that were in the house of Baal, almighty God. (1 Ki. 18: 21) That corresponds exactly with
and burned them. A.nd they brake down the pillar of what Jehu did. It showsthat at the present time Godbrings
Baal, and brake down the house of Baat, and made it a about conditions causing the people to take their stand
draught-house, unto this day [the day this record was either on the side of the Devil or on the side of the Lord,
written]. Thus Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel."--2 Ki. and thus to identify themselves. God causes knowledgeto
10: 23-2S, Am. Start. Vet be brought to the attentmn of the people, thereby affording
The commissiongiven by God to Jehu to destroy Baalism them an opportunity to choose voluntarily whomthey will
shows that religion, which is demonism,is an abomination serve.
in the sight of Jehovah God. It makes plain that hypocrisy Let it be kept clearly in mind that Jehovah God is not
in the name of the Lord, as practiced by the RomanCath- trying to save men. He has not commissionedany company
olic Hierarchyand the other religionists, is a great abomina- or people on the earth to try to save men. God does not
tion in the sight of Jehovah. WhenKing Jehu went into try to do anything, but accomplishes his purpose according
the house of Baal, accompanied by Jonadab, it proved to to his will. He has provided boundless blessings for those
be a testimony on the part of Jonadab that he was against who do serve him, and he causes a knowledgeof the truth
religion or devil-worship and was on the side of Jehovah. to be presented to men that they may without compulsion
Likewise at the present time, when the men of good-will select whether to serve Godand receive his blessmg or to
disregard their previous religious associations and do now serve selfish men whoare dominated and controlled by the
openly associate themseh’es with Jehovah’s anointed rem- Devil. It is the menwhoexercise faith in Godand in Christ
nant and give aid and support to them in their witness Jesus as the Redeemer of men and who then prove their
work, the Jonadabs of good-will do thereby give testimony faithfulness by boldly making knownthis fact to others,
before the people that they are against the hypocritical that receive the blessings of the Lord God. Such men de-
system, "organized rehgmn" of "Clmstendom", and that light to declare the truth of God’s Wordand his kingdom
they are on the side of Jehovah God and his kingdom. to others. To that end Godsends the truth to the people.
Jehovah and his King, the Greater Jehu, Christ Jesus, This he does by sending throughout the land his anointed
now afford to the Jonadab class the opportunity to prove witnesses under the Greater Jehu, Christ Jesus, to declare
their love for the kingdomof righteousness by joining with God’s name and kingdom. By this means he affords an
Jehovah’s witnesses in the giving of testimony and in sup- opportunity and privilege to menof good-will to join with
porting such work financially, morally, and by activity in his anointed witnesses in declaring his message of truth
the preparation and publication of the Kingdommessage. to others, that such mayintelligently act and choose whom
This gospel or good news of the Kingdom must now bc they wish to serve.
told to the people in obedience to the commandment of the
Lord, and it is the privilege and duty of the Jonadab class The prophetic drama of Jehu and Jonadab, therefore,
to have part in the delivering of this glorious messageto clearly illustrates howthe people of good-will nowon the
all nations. earth take their stand on the side of Jehovah GOdand his
Markthat King Jehu called upon all the religionists, the kingdom and then serve with his anointed witnesses in
Baal-worshipers, to clearly identify themselves. This they makingknownthe Kingdomtruth to others in all the earth.
Myson, be wise, and makemy heart glad, that I mayanswer
himthat reproachethme.~Proverbs 27: II.
AVID was the first human king of the typical
D The mighty act is one of the best-known stories of the
Theocracyof Israel. The trouble-filled reign of back- Bible, and certainly one of the first to come to mind with
sliding and un-Theocratic Saul could hardly typify the mention of David. The dramatic scene has its setting a
the Theocracy to come. Before David’s actual enthrone- few miles to the south and west of Jerusalem, in the val-
ment, however, he passed through varied experiences and ley of Elah. On one mountainside is encamped the armies
testings. IIe is first revealed in the role of a shepherd boy, of Israel. Set in battle array across the valley and on an-
then as a skilled player of the harp, later his unmatched other mountainside is a Philistine fighting force. Up and
fighting courage comesto the fore, and finally his life as downin this valley, morning and evening, for forty days,
an outlaw unfolds before the reader’s eyes. It is from this that horrible monstrosity Goliath had tramped and bellowed
latter station in life that he is exalted to kingship over out his defiance of Israel and its God, Jehovah. Then David
Israel, with God’s approval. Strange, you say, that an out- camefrom tending his father’s flocks to bring refreshment
law should have divine approval and be lifted up as king to his brothers, who were in Saul’s army. He heard the
of Jehovah’s typical Theocracy? Examination of the facts blaspheming heathen giant, and a burning indignation rose
of the ease dissolves all doubts as to the propriety of within him, and he expressed it openly. Eliab, his eldest
David’s enthronement. brother, who was cowed by the demon-inspired Goliath,
David was of the tribe of Judah, being the youngest of took issue with the young brother he had seen anointed as
the eight sons of Jesse. Oneof the sons, apparently, is not Jehovah’s king-elect. He slurred his occupation as a shep-
named in the record appearing at 1 Chronicles 2: 13-16. herd, belittling that as menial service and that such should
(1 Sam. 16: 8-12) Early in his life an event of utmost im- not meddle in matters of war. David turned his back upon
portance occurred. King Saul had been rejected by the his brother. The account of how he eventually, after re-
Lord, and Samuel was instructed to go and anoint one of jecting the offer of armor and battle equipment, went forth
the sons of Jesse king. Seven passed before Samuel, but the and slew the lumbering bully in the valley with one deadly
Lord gave him no sign to anoint any of them. Uponques- throw of his sling has been rehearsed thousands of times.
tioning Jesse, Samuel learned of the existence of yet an- --1 Samuel, chapter 17.
other son, the youngest, who was out watching over his As a shepherd he had slain a lion and a bear in defense
father’s flocks With the appearance of the ruddy, good- of the sheep under his care; but nowhis life as a shepherd
looking youth came the commandof the Lord to his proph- drew to a close, and his activity in warfare now reached
et: "Arise, anoint him: for this is he." There, within the beyond defending grazing flocks. His military missmnsun-
family circle, David was anointed as Jehovah’s king-elect der King Saul were invariably blessed with victory by
of Israel. Jehovah God, and his fame as a fighter spread rapidly, and
This event led to developments disclosing David as an was even put to song. Strange though it may sound, it was
accomplished musician. Jehovah made valid this anointing his success, and the song-praising recognition thereof, that
by putting his spirit upon David from that day forward, plunged David into the life of a hunted outlaw in Israel
and, further strengthening the position of the shepherd lad, "It canoe to pass as they came, when David was returned
withdrew His spirit from Imfaithful King Saul. Saul be- from the slaughter of the Philistines [margin], that the
came a prey to the demons, and fell victim to moroseness womencameout of all cities of Israel, singing and dancing,
and dark moods and tantrums. His counselors advised: to meet king Saul, with tabrets, with joy, and with instru-
"Seek out a man, who is a cunning player on an harp: ments of musick. And the womenanswered one another as
and it shall cometo pass, whenthe evil spirit from Godis they played, and said, Saul hath slain his thousands, and
upon thee, that he shall play with his hand. and thou shalt David his ten thousands. And Saul was very wroth, and
be well." Saul acquiesced. Apparently Davil’s skill on the the saying displeased him ; and he said, They have aser,bed
harp was well known, for one of Saul’s servants immedi- unto David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed
ately suggested him. He was brought, and when Saul was but thousands: and what can he have more but the king-
plunged into depressing spells of moodiness, "David took dora? And Saul eyed David from that day and for~’ard "
an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, --1 Sam. 18:5-9.
and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him." The very next day Saul sought to slay David as he
--1 Sam. 16:13-23. played his harp for the king. Thereafter he maneuvered
This development,in its turn, brought to light that David David into positions of greatest danger, hoping to hear
was not only a shepherd and musician, but also a valiant tidings of his death at the hands of the Philistines He
man of war, though yet young in years. WhenSaul’s serv- used his daughter as bait on one occasion to lure the ever-
ant recommended the son of Jesse he revealed that in addi- victorious warrior to his doom, but only disappointment
tion to David’s being "cunning in playing" he was also met Saul’s efforts. But as galling as David’s growing repu-
a "mighty valiant man, and a man of war". Apparently tation for wisdomand fighting prowess was to Saul, yet
King Saul recognized these qualities, too, because he made in his heart he knew that Jehovah Godwas with the son of
David his armor-bearer. After this it seems that David Jesse and that he himself had lost the Lord’s spirit and
divided lris time between shepherding and service under favor. Notwithstanding, the hot flames of resentment
King Saul. But he was soon to perform an exploit of de- burned ever more fiercely in the jealous bosom of King
liverance that was to throw him into the limelight before Saul.~l Sam. 18:10-30.
all Israel, establish him as the foremost warrior of that na- The time came when Saul abandoned all attempt to slay
tion, and cause Saul to permanentlyretain him in the king’s David on the sly. He openly sent messengers to David’s
service.--1 Sam.18 : 2. house to slay him. The killers were eluded and David
N. Y.
escaped intothedarkness of night.Fromthistimeonward showinghis law-abidingness so far as Jehovah’s Theocratic
tillthedeathof SaulDavidwasan outlawin the land ordinances are concerned, David wrote these words: "The
ofIsrael. Tryashe did,theIsraelite kingwasneverable mouth of a righteous man softly uttereth wisdom, and his
to traptheoutdoors-wise Bethlehemite. Doubtless David tongue speaketh justice: the law of his Godis in his heart,
profited muchby hisearlytraining in theopenspaces as his stops shall not swerve. The lawless man lieth in wait
a shepherd, andnowhe drewuponthisexperience in the for the just, and seeketh to put him to death: . . . there
preservation of hislife.He wasnotwithout friends, even is a hereafter for the manof peace; but transgressors are
in hisoutlawed state.TherewasJonathan, theking’sown to be destroyed together, the hereafter of lawless menis
sen, his staunchest friend. (1 Sam. 18:1; 20:16,17; to be cut off. But the deliverance of the righteous is from
23: 16-18) Also, men by the hundreds rallied to his side Jehovah .... he will deliver them from the lawless and
at the cave Adullam, and on occasion he was befriended will save them."mPs. 37:30-40, Roth.; 2 Sam. 22:21-25.
by the prophet Samuel and the priest Sam. Saul was the lawless one, and he will have no hereafter.
19:18; 22:1,2; 21:1-6. But David is mentioned with approval manytimes in God’s
Though an outlaw in wicked King Saul’s sight, David Word, and his name appears in the eleventh chapter of
did not live outside God’s law. He did not wildly let go Hebrews. His hereafter is assured as one of the princes
Godly restraint and become a law unto himself. Twice he of Jehovah’s "new earth". Hence it must be that David
had opportunity to slay Saul, but Theocratically he re- ’had the law of God in his heart’ and was no outlaw in
fused to touch the one Jehovah had at one time anointed the sight of the great Law-giver, Jehovah God. It was only
as king over Israel. David, whohad suffered grievous wrong Saul’s unrighteous and lawless persecution that drove
at Saul’s hand, and not just he alone but his parents’ David into what appeared to be outlawry. With this clear
safety being also endangered (1 Sam. 22: 3), was content view of matters, then, it is understandable how Jehovah
to abide lawfully by Jehovah’s rule: "To me [Jehovah] could with propriety cause David to succeed Saul on the
belongeth vengeance, and reeompence." (Deut. 32 : 35) Also throne of the nation of Israel.

A QUOTA WORKER (BR1TALN) asked again. She is then able to answer every question.
"One of our companypublisher-s, a sister whoconducts Wishingto do more in the way of study, she has copied out
a large number of book studies and works about 100 hours a part of the study in Braille, and has inwted a numberof
a month (she set a quota for herself of 1,000 hours for friends to study with her. There were eight in attendance
the year, and has an opposed husband and a home and last week. The girl conducted the study herself, allotting
daughter to look after), has been conducting a study in the scriptures to be read, and reading each paragraph of
the book Children for some time with a lady. This lady’s the study herself aloud from her Braille copy."--Pioneer.
husband did not take any interest, but said: "Mywife is
not going to be a Jehovah’s witness v, Anyway,the sister THEOCRATIC TACTFULNESS (SOUTHAFRICA)
continued with the weekly studies, and one Mondaytook "The lady having read the Testimony card, I began to
along a phonograph and recordings. The man was in and witness to her and was invited in. Goodinterest was created,
suggested that he ’swap’ records with her, evidently think- but as soon as she saw the name’Rutherford’ she said, ’Oh,
ing our records were variety or jazz! That night he put no! I cannot have these. Weare forever warned against
one on for curiosity, and found it of interest. He wanted these books.’ I immediately put the books awayand added,
to know more, so the sister arranged a New World book ’Of course, you believe the Bible, don’t you ?’ ’Indeed I do.’
study with him for Thursdays after the service meeting. To forestall further prejudice I did not take out myBible,
The result is that the gentleman and his wife came to the but called for hers. Myquestion as to whether she believed
Watchtower studies and he started answering questions. in ’immortality of the soul’ having been answered affirma-
Then they went out on the pavement and placed several tively, I asked her to look up varmus scriptures. Very
booklets, more than the rest of us did, put together. Then soon she was asking to makea note of them. ’Trinity’ and
out on house-to-house work; and did he enjoy it! Jehovah ’baptism’ were touched on. Nowcame the request: ’Bring
blessed him, too. Well, he gave his first Theocratic ministryout those books, please.’ She took Kinders [Children] and
talk on ’Elijah’, and it was fine; and, today, after his several booklets. By arrangementI went back after a week.
twelfth study with the sister, he says they are going to A book study was begun then and there. Since then, three
sell their house and, at such time as he knowssufficiently, months ago, she has been studying diligently and has in-
intends to take up pioneer work." creased amazingly in knowledge. She~-qksmostintelligent
questions. ShehastakenherstandforTheTheocracy and
"A FEWMONTHS AGO(WESTERN AUSTRALIA) witnesses to all and sundry, distributing a number of
a blind girl cameto live next door. She proved to be quite
Kind~rs, so much so that a numberof her children are quite
interested, so I used to invite her in, and we went through
a model study together. Wehave since made considerable again,t her. One of the ’principal of the flock’ has made
progress in "The Truth Shall Make You Free’. Owing to Herculean efforts to get her back into the church, but each
the girl’s inability to read ordinary print, we adopted a time this ’elder’ had a very hot reception. I expect she will
modified system of study. The question is asked first, after be out in the field service soon and she wants to be immersed
which the paragraph is read, and then the question is at the next A~embly."
thatI am

MAY15, 1945


"YourRI~SON~tBL~ S~.azv;c’~"................ 147

Appeal by God’s Compassmns .......... 148
ALivingSacrifice................................. 149
............................................ 151
...................................... 152
Faith withOrganLzation .................... 154
BzLow~EEqvAvoR ............................... 156
Ey~man~cr_~................................... 160
"Tins GOsPu~T."Tms~o~YPmuoD....... 146
’T~ M.r.EK I~zsxr v]z~ EAs.r~’............ 146
Uss Rr~EW~LL SUBSCV.WrIO~ B~K...... 146
’cW4~’I~TOWI~"STUDIES .......................... 146
117 Adams Street
- - Brooklyn
1, N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-will.
N. H. Ksoz~, President W.S. VAN AMBURGH, ~ecretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shMl be fauf~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." -3. Ijatah .f4:z
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker cf heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginn/ng of his King. It is not dognmtie, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power
dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Oflleer of Jehovah;
THAT GODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully YIAItL! 8UBiClII~IONPllen
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNZ~8Ta~cs, $1.00; aU other countries, $1.50, American currency;
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the GREATBRITAIN, ~kUa~Pwtt-teI£. ann SOUTH a~J*nlCa, 68. American remit-
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THAT THE LOGES was made human as the man Jesus and COuntries other than thoce mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive o~ee, but by lstteywafiosteJ Poetal Money Order only.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus Fonjt IoN OrFlcna
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power Br4ttsh 34 Craven’J~rraee, London, W. 2, England
and authority; Auctrala~an T BeresfordRoad,Strathfleld. N. S. W.. Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONIs a Theocracy called 80uth Afl4can BomtonHouse, Cape Town. South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the Iltd/a~ 167 Love Lane. Bombay2T, India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Plemmaddren the 8ociety In ever,/ ra~
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Translations Of this Journal appear to cevecal languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruzts of the Kingdom before all who will hear; Ar.L SINCERle STUDENT8 OF THE BIBLE who by tenon of
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity. ~overty or advetltty are unable to pay the subscrtptLon prJc~
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THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can Notre to Bubc~bere: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
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"THIS GOSPEL" TESTIMONY PERIOD oppressors and land-grabbers will be removedfrom this earthly
"This Gospel" Testimony Perzod is scheduled to occupy the balland its landareaswillbe equitably distributed amongthe
enttre month of June. We are blessed of the Lord to have just survivingmeek of the earth,to be beautified and populatedby
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lishment, and the arrangement is to offer such gospel in print theme of ’The Meek Inherit ths EarSh’ is well captured and
during the Testmaony, namely, "The Kingdom Is at Hand" to- artmtically portrayed by the booklet’e front-cover des~gu. Wein-
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Every one engaging m this work, whether many hours or few, By filling in theserenewalblanksyouare assured of thecontinua-
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Strange seems that proclamation of Christ Jesus in the light
of present-day world events, when many nations war over con- "WATCHTOWER"STUDIES
trol of the earth’s surface. Nevertheless, the new 32-page booklet Week of June 17: "Your Reasonable Service,"
of that name shows convincingly how that very thing is in proc- 1-21 inclusive, The Watchtower May 15, 1945.
ess of accomplishment. As the absorbing theme unfolds the Week of June 24: "Your Reasonable Service,"
meek ones are identified, and Scripture proof shows how cruel ~] 22-42 incluszve, The Watehlotoer May 15, 1945.
VoL. LXVI NAY15, 1945 No. I0


"’I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service."wRom. 12:1, Am. Stan. Vet.
EHOVAHtakes a course different from what
J this world does. He has never conformed him-
self to this world; and the fact that the end of
pity ; for mere pity may be combined with scorn and
contempt toward the pitied ones as being weak or
inferior. It is compassion; for compassion combines
the world is at hand is evidence that he never will. tenderness that takes hold, as it were, of the bowels
The world has chosen to differ from him and his and causes them to quiver with emotion. Only such
ways. Rather than force it to configure itself to his tenderness could move the Most High God to give
way, he destroys it as his willful, unreformable op- his Son to the death in behalf of humankind. The
poser. The ruling powers of this world strive for a gift of the Son expressed the tender regard of the
uniformity of the citizens and try by systems of SupremeGiver, because it was his only begotten and
regimentation to compel all to conform to the man- most beloved Son.
made standards and patterns. Jehovah God, whose ’ Amidgreat national suffering a manof the na-
ways are heaven-high above those of men, has al- tion of Israel said: "It is of Jehovah’s lovingkind-
mighty power and is the rightful Sovereign over nesses that we are not consumed, because his com-
all things, and yet he does not force or coerce any passions fail not. They are new every morning;
creature to take up and carry on His service. Know- great is thy faithfulness." (Lam. 3 : 22, 23, Am. Stan.
ing that those whoare forced can not be held with Vet.) The Lord God displayed loving-kindness to
integrity in an unwilling service, he looks for volun- the limit toward the nation of Israel, particularly
tary obedience and service. He rouses the spirit of because of their faithful and devoted forefathers,
willingness within those who undertake to serve Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (or Israel). And as these
him. No selfish bribes are held out to induce crea- men of old were servants and witnesses of Jeho-
tures to any unrighteousness, but he draws willing vah God, his loving-kindness in such an extreme
ones into his righteous service by expressing love measure to natural Israel was primarily for his own
toward them. As it is written regarding Him: "Je- name’s sake. His name can not be held as tarnished
hovah appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have by any act of unfaithfulness toward his covenant
loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with with these loyal forefathers of the nation of Israel.
lovingkindness have I drawn thee."---Jer. 31:3, His covenant as stated and restated to these patri-
Am. Stan. Ver. archs was: "In thee and in thy seed shall all the fam-
’ From first to last Jehovah God has shown his ilies of the earth be blessed." (Gen. 28: 14) Out
loving-kindness in order to recover sincere men his loving-kindness he will not let that expressed
from the service of unrighteousness which leads to covenant to them fail because of the national fail-
destruction. "For scarcely for a righteous man will ure of Israel, Abraham’s natural descendants. God
one die: yet peradventure for a good man some keeps the covenant intact by a marvelous provision
would even dare to die. But God commendeth his which shows his mercies and the depth of the riches
love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, both of his wisdom and knowledge.
Christ died for us." (Rom. 5: 7, 8) All facts con- ’ After the nation of Israel rejected God’s beloved
sidered, all men, of whatever race, nationality or Son and delivered the Son over to death on the tree
color, are sinners; and since God’s loving-kindness Jehovah God broke the natural Israelites off from
is in all cases extended toward sinners against him, relationship with him, just as dead, unfruitful
his loving-kindness toward such is a great pouring branches are broken off from an olive tree in Pales-
out of compassion upon them. It is more than mere tine. But his tender mercy was manifested toward
1. How does Jehovah differ from the world in procuring the i~rvice of 3. What did Jehovah display to the limit to the nation of Israel, and
others, and why? because of what covenant?
2. What. therefore, has Jehovah ever shown to recover men from un- 4. Howand why did Jehovah 8how fiches of Irace upon an ele~.t rem-
righteous service? and why is it more than mere pity? nant of Israel?
N. Y.
such individuals of the nation as pleased him by hold of faith" as Paul was, and were ’%ranches"
showing the faith of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. in the Theocratic "olive tree", just as Paul himself
This remnant of faithful ones he left remain in Theo- was. Some were like "natural branches", because
cratic relationship with him, as branches in the sym- drawn from among Jews; and others were like
bolic olive tree, to partake of the rich sap of the branches grafted on from a wild olive tree, because
olive root. This select remnant from natural Israel drawn from among the Gentiles. But all were now
were therefore properly called an "election of brethren in Christ, in whomno racial or national
grace", as an elect few upon whom Jehovah ex- distinctions exist. And because Paul was a special
pressed his favor and mercy despite what the na- apostle of Christ to the Gentiles, therefore he felt
tion did. Upon these, in fact, he showed the all- it all the more his responsibility to write to this
surpassing riches of grace in that he made them congregation at the Gentile city of Rome, capital
joint-heirs with the true Seed of Abraham, Christ of the Caesars.
Jesus his beloved Son. ’All such consecrated servants and brethren in
s Furthermore, in order to vindicate his word that Christ have received of God’s tender compassions;
the seed of Abraham should be as the stars of and these should be stirred to proper action because
heaven and as the sands of the seashore for multi- thereof. Paul being one of the twelve apostles of
tude, Jehovah added to that remnant of Jewish be- the Lamb, and hence one of the visible governing
lievers by engrafting consecrated believers from body of all of God’s congregations on earth, he was
amongthe non-Jews, or Gentiles, into the Theocratic one qualified to give this exhortation and appeal. It
organization, the sjnnbolic olive tree. This makesup was the same as God spealdng through his Theo-
for the vacancy created by the failure of natural cratic organization to those on earth receiving his
Israel and fills up Jehovah’s royal family of heav- mercy.
en to the complete number that only God could count ’ Elsewhere in his epistle the apostle appeals to
and predestinate. Such action toward Gentiles, who his brethren beseeching them unto a desired course
were not the natural seed of Abrahamand hence not of conduct. (Rom. 15: 30; 16: 17) But here his ap-
in covenant relation with Jehovah, was a most un- peal is based upon the tender mercies of Jehovah, as
usual and unexpected display of God’s mercy. His Paul has just described them in such a revealing
compassion as expressed in this latter way was so manner. God’s all-excelling mercy having been ex-
surpassing all humanconception that it especially tended to them, they should take advantage of the
caused the self-righteous natural Israelites to be- opportunity and privilege it opened up to them.
come offended. Though desiring mercy themselves Hence out of the fullness of his heart Paul says to
from God, their religious self-righteousness did not his brethren in the Theocratic organization: "I be-
let them be merciful to others ; and they pushed back seech you therefore, brethren, through the compas-
even God’s mercy to themselves. But those who were sions of God." (Rotherham) If the unmerited good-
merciful obtained God’s mercy and continued therein. ness of God could not stir up a creature to due and
fitting action in return, then such creature must be
APPEAL BY GOD’S COMPASSIONS callous and hardened indeed.
s The apostle Paul called attention to this merciful s There is here no threatening, nor pressure of co-
dealing of God toward both natural Jews and Gen- ercion or forcing, but only the power of drawing by
tiles, in chapter eleven of his letter to the Romans. means of the expressed compassions of God, com-
Then he used it as the foundation for a mightily passion first to the natural Jews and compassion
moving appeal to God’s consecrated people for some thereafter to the Gentiles. Unless these compassions
action by them in response. "I beseech you there- enkindled love in the one toward whomexpressed,
fore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye pre- and he felt movedto show his appreciation to God,
sent your bodies a hying sacrifice, holy, acceptable then he would not be a willing servant of God and
unto God, which is your reasonable service." (Rom. be bound to him with unbreakable ties. He would be
12 : 1) This is no appeal to unbelieving Jews and Gen- doing despite to the grace and mercy of God; and,
tiles to makea consecration of themselves to Godto as far as the creature is concerned, the divine mercy
do His will. It is an exhortation to Paul’s brethren would have failed of its proper effect. It would be
in the Lord, that is, brethren by relationship to God in vain, wasted. The appeal not to do this was im-
through Christ Jesus. It is therefore to those who plicit in Paul’s words here; just as he actually ex-
were consecrated to God as fully as Paul was: "to pressed it to his brethren at Corinth, saying: ’%Ve
all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be then, as workers together with him, beseech you also
saints." (Rein. 1:7) They were of the same "house- that ye receive not the grace of Godin vain"; that
5 Howdid Jehovah then cause the ~ seed of Abraham to become like the
stars and sands? and how dtd this mercy affect the Israelites for7 Whlt ~ was a reeponse proper? and why wu Paul qualified to appeal
6. As a basi~ for what did Paul use such mercies of God? and to whom 8,9. Why did the apostle appeal by the compassions of God? and in
Is Romans 12:1 really addressed? what lnstaxtce$ would the divine mercy be wasted?
MAy15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER, 149

is, "not to accept the favor of Godand then waste Also God, by his spirit or active force, testified to
it."--2 Cor. 6:1; Goodspeed. them that they were in line for the Kingdom as
~ONocreature should presume upon God’s com- heirs of Godand joint-heirs with Christ Jesus. As
passion and mercies. True, the psalmist does say: membersof his body, they were ’°oranches" in the
"The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow trunk or stem of the Theocratic "olive tree". (Rom.
to anger, and of great mercy. The LORDis good to 5 : 1, 9; 8 : 1, 16, 17) HencePaul warns them : "Be-
all: and his tender mercies are over all his works." hold therefore the goodness and severity of God:
But the psalmist shows the proper effect of such on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, good-
tender mercies to God’s works when he adds: "All ness, IF THOU CONTINUE IN HIS GOODNESS : OTHERWISE
thy works slmll praise thee, O Lonn; and thy saints THOU ALSO SI~ALT RE CUT OFF." The divine mercy will
[thy menof loving-ldndness] shall bless thee. They be discontinued to the unfruitful ones. (Rom.11: 22)
shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of Whatthe apostle here appeals for, then, must be for
thy power." (Ps. 145: 8-11) It is the faithful ones his brethren to carry out their consecration to God,
to whomGod’s mercies are continued, for the faith- and to do so in a practical, active way. Howshall
ful are the ones that showappreciation of the divine this be done? By presenting their bodies a living
mercies by living up to their privileges and striving sacrifice that will be holy and acceptable.
to walk worthy of God’s loving-kindness to them. ~ This means that one’s body must be considered
Those who forget God’s consideration for them over as alive to God. The body has certain members, such
and above what his perfect justice requires, and who as hands, feet, ears, eyes, lips and tongue; and all
grow indifferent and careless and without any urge these should be put to use in God’s active work.
to serve and please him, will not be kept in his mercy. The body is also possessed of certain faculties, such
11 No better example is there of this than in the as the mind for gathering information; and reason
nation of Israel itself. Since the days of their exo- for studying over the information thus gathered
dus from the land of Egypt they had repeatedly for- from the Wordof God and coming to right conclu-
saken Jehovah and his worship and had acted with sions as to it and its meaning; and memory, to re-
despite toward his graciousness. By the exercise of member the Word of God and all his dealings and
great mercy and longsuffering he had shown them acts in fulfillment of his Word;and a heart, to ap-
compassion and restored them to freedom from preciate God and all that he is and does and to be
their enemies and back into his divine favor. Finally, movedthereby to worship, obey and serve him; and
however, they committed their most serious offense, strength or power, with which to do God’s will joy-
against the very Son of God himself; and the spe- fully and heartily. A dead sacrifice would be in-
cial mercy of Jehovah God to their nation ceased. capable of using such faculties and powers and mem-
It was continued only to the remnant of them that bers of the body to the praise of God. The present-
appreciated God’s mercy and truth through his Son ing of such a sacrifice alive to Godis very different
and whodeclined to conform themselves to the diso- from the course of those who think to hold off from
bedient nation of Israel. Therefore the goodness of consecrating themselves to God until they are old
Godturned to the Gentiles, "which in time past were and the body is half dead and they have little or
not a people, but are now the people of God: which nothing that they can use energetically in bearing
had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained the fruits of God’s kingdom.
mercy." (1 Pet. 2 : 10) Let us therefore attend closely "The thought in the apostle’s word is not to pre-
to what the apostle exhorts us to do by his appeal sent or deliver ourselves over to the enemies’ hands
to us by the tender compassions of Jehovah God. to be slaughtered as so-called "martyrs" and there-
by be put out of action on the earth. It is true
x LIVI.~(:SACRIFICE that, in chapter eight of Romans,the apostle says:
1, What is it that this memberof the governing "Whoshall separate us from the love of Christ?
body of God’s congregation beseeches his brethren shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or fam-
to do1 This: "That ye present your bodies a living ine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is writ-
sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your ten, For thy sake weare "killed all the day long; we
reasonable service." These brethren had already are accounted as sheep for the slaughter." (Rom.
dedicated themselves to God in full consecration 8: 35, 36) However,our sacrifice is not accomplished
and had been justified through Christ’s blood. by what God permits the enemies to do to us. The
There was now no condemnation to them, because hardships, persecutions and sufferings are merely
they were in Christ Jesus as membersof ’~his body". incidental to our presenting our bodies as a living
10. Who are and who are not continued In God’s mercy, and why? sacrifice. These things merely put a test on our in-
11 In what nation can we find a good example of the foregoing, and
why so? 13.What distinguishes a "livinE" sacrifice from a dead one?
12 in consideration
~ of those to whom he wrote, for what. then, does 14. To whomis the sacrifice presented? why are hardships permitted
the apostle Pau at)peal. In effect? In connection therewith? and who supervises the sacrificing?
N. Y.

tegrity toward God and prove our faithfulness to God; and such service of sacrifice must continue as
him in carrying out our consecration to do his will. long as those making the presentation are alive in
Death, whether by violence at the enemies’ hands or the flesh on earth. The word that Paul wrote in his
peacefully in God’s service, brings, of course, the epistle and which is translated "reasonable" is the
living sacrifice to a close. But in no case is the enemy Greek word logikds, it being drawn from the root
the sacrificing priest to offer the sacrifice, either liv- word ldgos. Aside from its basic meaning, word,
ing or dead, up to God. Christ Jesus, God’s great this Greek word logos came to have a variety of
High Priest, is the divinely appointed One that meanings, namely,a saying, speech, an account,
supervises the living sacrifice, directing howit shall reason, etc. It is the term used at John 1:1, which
spend and be spent in the service of God. AndJesus’ says : "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
exhortation to those who are the "branches" in the was with God."
symbolic olive tree is: "Be thou faithful unto death, 1, Hence the word logik6s is variously translated
and I will give thee a crown of life."--Rev. 2:10. in English. Peter, also writing in Greek, used logikSs
,5 Paul’s exhortation makesit very plain that sim- at 1 Peter 2: 2; and there it has been translated by
ply making a consecration to Godis not all there is the expression "of the word". The verse reads: "As
to it; but that after one consecrates such one must newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word
set himself to do God’s will and must busy himself [loglk6s], that ye maygrow thereby." Those spirit-
about doing it. The living sacrifice must be holy and ual babes would, of course, thrive on the simple,
acceptable to God, who has shown mercy for this easily-grasped truths of God’s Word as nourish-
very purpose. That means that the body which is ment. Hence one translator speaks of it as "pure
presented for God’s use must be set apart or conse- spiritual milk". (Goodspeed) The term could also
crated, and all its members, faculties and powers mean "according to reason". Hence in Paul’s ex-
must accordingly be put to work doing the good hortation at Romans 12:1 the King James Version
pleasure of God. It must do the things that are ac- and Douay Version speak of the service as "your
ceptable to God, and all this must be done through reasonable service". Other translators render it as
the High Priest Christ Jesus, by whose blood comes "your spiritual worship" (Am. Stan. Vet., margin)
our justification with God. Christ’s humansacrifice "your rational divine service" (Rotherlmm);
accomplishes the ransoming and redeeming of those spiritual mode of worship" (Weymouth) ; and, "your
whobelieve in him; but the sacrifice of his footstep rational worship."--2oth Century.
followers does not accomplish an3" such redemption. "Rightfully God’s service would be reasonable,
The purpose of their living sacrifice is to showforth for God is reasonable; and his service is performed
God’s praise in their mortal bodies by telling others by intelligent, reasoning creatures. It is written:
of his name and by proclaiming his Kingdom, which "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of
shall rule for mankind’s blessing, and by helping the power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Tim.
brethren and others of good-will to do what is pleas- 1:7) Such service must also be according to the
ing to the Lord God. The doing of these things is Word of God; and God’s Word is reasonable. It
spiritual activity; and this is the "spiritual sacrifice" must include a serving or holding forth of God’s
of which the apostle Peter speaks, saying to the Wordof life to others. Therefore it could not mean
"branches" in Christ Jesus: ’~Ye also, as lively a trying to serve Godaccording to religion; for re-
stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priest- ligion is not according to his Wordand it confuses
hood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to and annuls his Word. Religion is according to the
God by Jesus Christ .... ye are a chosen genera- philosophies, traditions, and precepts of men under
tion, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar the influence of unclean demons. Religion is most
people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him unreasonable. That fact hardly needs to be shown
whohath called you out of darkness into his marvel- by any discussion of its unscriptural doctrines of a
lous light."--I Pet. 2:5, 9.
"triune God"; a fiery "purgatory" and "bell-fire";
~’ The apostle Paul backs up this understanding the "immortality of the humansoul"; the literal de-
of howthe living sacrifice is presented and carried struction of our earthly globe and all the starry
out, by adding some special, explanatory words. He heavens in literal fire; the offering of prayers and
says: "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable serv. sacrifices for dead ones, supposedly in "purgatory"
ice." Markthat the presenting of the living sacrifice torments, by makingmoneycontributions ; the trans-
is the "reasonable service", that is, the service of forming of a wafer of bread and a goblet of wine
15. (a) How. then, is the body presented as a llvln~ sacriflem, holy, ac-
into literal flesh and blood of Christ; etc. Any
ceptable to God? (b) What is the purpose of such, and what kind of
sacrltice is such called? 17. Howdoes Peter use that word "logtkOs’? and how do various trans-
16. What does Paul call such presentation of sacrifice? and from what lators render it?
is the adjective which he uses drawn? 18, Whyand how is God’s service "reuonable" or "rational"?
MAy15, 1945 eWATCHTOWER. 151

living sacrifice presented according to religion could angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou
never be acceptable to God. comfortest me .... And in that day shall ye say,
,o Religion has disguised itself as Christianity and Give thanks unto Jehovah, call upon his name, de-
has brought great reproach upon God’s nameand has clare his doings amongthe peoples, make mention
hindered his reasonable service. To clear out all re- that his nameis exalted. Sing unto Jehovah; for he
ligion from among his consecrated people, Christ hath done excellent things: let this be knownin all
Jesus came to the spiritual temple of God in 1918 the earth. Cry aloud and shout, thou inhabitant of
and began judgment at the house of God. And the Zion."--Arn. Stan. Vet.
prophecy which Paul had just quoted said: "There "It is clear from this prophecy that those render-
shall comeout of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn ing God’s reasonable service must be witnesses of
away ungodliness from Jacob." (Rom. 11:26) The Jehovah in all the earth. And now, at this time of
prophet Malachi foretold of Christ’s coming to the restoration of them to his favor and of the recon-
temple in 1918 and of the purification work among struction of his worship in the earth, the privilege
God’s people that would follow such coming; and of being one of Jehovah’s witnesses is especially
Malachi’s prophecy also foretells the result of such enriched. Why?Because Jehovah took to himself his
cleansing of God’s devoted people from religion and great power in 1914 and began to reign, despite the
its sins, saying: "Then shall the offering of Judah anger of the nations of earth who became embroiled
and Jerusalem be pleasant unto Jehovah, as in the in World War I. That meant that he began to reign
days of old, and as in ancient years."--Mal. 3: 4, as Universal Sovereign. The time had come for him
Am. Stan. Ver. to vindicate his own universal domination by bring-
ing the Gentile times of domination on earth to a
close and beginning to exercise his invincible power
,o Since then, Jehovah’s consecrated servants have toward this earth. In expression of his universal
endeavored to render their reasonable service to domination he put his Son Christ Jesus upon the
God. Such service is worship of God, and is accord- throne alongside Him. Jehovah conferred authority
ing to his inspired, infallible Word. Clearing away as co-regent upon him and sent the rod of his power
religious doctrines and traditions, Jehovah by his out of Zion and commandedChrist Jesus to rule in
King at the temple has made his Word reasonable the midst of his enemies. The first authoritative act
and understandable to his faithful worshipers and of Jehovah’s newly installed King was to cast Satan
servants. He has unlocked the meaning of the proph- the Devil and all his demonhosts downfrom heaven
ecies concerning this day of Jehovah as such proph- to earth. In full accord with the facts, therefore, the
ecies have cometo fulfillment. Such fulfilled proph- shout rang throughout the ranks of the holy angels
ecies cast light upon the service that his servants of heaven : "Nowis comethe salvation, and the pow-
must render at this momentoustime, in order to be er, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority
an acceptable living sacrifice unto Him. of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast
,1 For a time, due to the pressures of religious-
down."--Rev. 12:i-i0,Am. Stan. Ver.
political authorities who used World War I as a ,s The remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses had these
pretext for interfering with them, Jehovah’s serv- facts revealed to them through the interpretations
ants slacked their hand in his service and came un- by Jehovah’s King at the temple, and they caught
der his displeasure. But by the judgments revealed up the Kingdommessage of the heavenly hosts. The
by the Lord at his temple, the faithful remnant had King at the temple revealed to them that his long-
their eyes opened to the cause of his displeasure. quiescent prophecy concerning the end of the world
So they looked to him and prayed to him to revive was undergoing fulfillment since 1914. Hence his
them in his service. He did so; and as they renewed prophetic commandat Matthew 24:14 indicated to
their efforts to present their living sacrifce to Jeho- them now their course of "reasonable service" to
vah God in service according to his Wordthey ex- God thenceforth, namely, "This gospel of the king-
perienced the passing of his anger and their rein- domshall be preached in all the world for a witness
statement in his Kingdom service. They saw that unto all nations; and then shall the end come." This
the prophecy of Isaiah 12:1-6 had been fulfilled to proclamation of the Kingdom as having come and
them, which prophecy indicated to them also an im- been established must therefore be fearlessly and
portant part of their "reasonable service" to God, vigorously conducted in all nations downto the vio-
namely: "And in that day thou shalt say, I will give lent end of this world organization at the battle of
tbani<s unto thee, 0 Jehovah; for though thou wast Armageddon. The faithful remnant were deeply
19 What action was taken to clear out religion from among the con. moved by Jehovah’s great mercy displayed to them
secreted? and what does the prophecy say as to the result thereof7
20. Since then. what have God’s consecrated servants rendered to him? 22, What, therefore, must thoee rendering reasonable service bey and
and how has he positively helped their lntelUgence to that end? by what events a4nce 1914 has thil service been enriched?
21. How was the remnant revived in God’s serv/ce? and what fulfilled 23. What foretold witness did Jehovah reveal must now be accomplished ?
prophecy thereon showed them an important part of such service? end how did the remnant respond in harmony with Romans 12 : 1 ?
N. Y.
in such richness to makethem the ambassadors of the the consecrated brethren at Philippi, whowere pre-
established Kingdomof Jehovah by his Christ, and senting their bodies a living sacrifice: "Be blameless
they responded. They presented their bodies unit- and inoffensive, irreproachable children of God, in
edly as a living sacrifice. They did so by putting to the midst of a crooked and misguided generation,
active use all their bodily members and all their amongwhomyou appear as luminaries in the world ;
physical and mental faculties in order to perform exhibiting the Wordof life ; for myexultation in the
tlle reasonable service of preaching "this gospel of day of Christ, that I did not run in vain, nor labored
the kingdom" to all the inhabited earth: They con- in vain. But even if I be poured a libation on the
tinue proceeding to do so according to organization sacrifice and public service [leitourgia] of your
instructions, because, to render this united Kingdom faith, I am glad, and rejoice with you all." (Phil.
witness as an organized body, they must have or- 2:15-17, Emphatic Diaglott) Paul here called to
ganization instructions. mind the pouring of a libation or drink offering of
" These instructions must be according to Jeho- wine upon the sacrifices at God’s temple at Jerusa-
vah’s Theocratic Word. This agrees with the fact lem according to His law through Moses. (2 Chron.
that the exhortation and appeal at Romans 12:1 29 : 35 ; Num.15 : 5, 7, 10; Lev. 23: 18; Ex. 29: 40, 41)
came through the apostle Paul, who was one of the For the benefit of what it might impart to the offer-
visible governing body of Jehovah’s Theocratic or- ing up of his fellow sacrificers to God, tile apostle
ganization. His words are therefore organization in- was gladly willing to expend himself, just as a drink
structions. Paul’s endeavor in giving such instruc- offering of wine is poured out over the sacrifice to
tions concerning "reasonable service" was to co- be burned on the altar. Said he to Timothy: "I am
operate with the brethren and help them to make a drink-offering already being poured out; and the
an acceptable sacrificial offering to God. WhatPaul time for my departure is close at hand."--2 Tim.
could add thereto in the way of counsel, instruction 4: 6, Weymouth;Diaglott.
and active aid would serve to complete this living "In his unselfish course of spending himself in
sacrificial offering of all Gentile believers. The order to help his brethren to present their bodies a
apostle thus expresses himself later on in his epistle, living sacrifice in God’sservice, this faithful imitator
at Romans15: 14-16, saying: ’~I am convinced that of Christ Jesus is an example to the remnant of
you are already full of goodness of heart, endowed Jehovah’s witnesses now. These should likewise lov-
with perfect knowledge,and well qualified to instruct ingly help their brethren to carry out their conse-
one another. But, just to refresh your memories, I cration to God. And as for our earthly companions,
have written you pretty boldly on some points, be- "the men of good will," who are the Lord’s "other
cause of the favor God has shown me in making me sheep", while these are not called to this same sacri-
a minister [leitourgds, or a public servant] of Christ ficial course, nevertheless they have consecrated
Jesus among the heathen [Gentiles], to act as a themselves wholly to God. Hence it is the privilege
priest of God’s good news, to see that the heathen and obligation of the remnant to aid these beloved
[Gentiles] are an acceptable sacrifice, consecrated "other sheep" to render their proper service to God
by the holy spirit."--Goodspeed. according to his Word.
=~ In preaching as an apostle to the Gentiles in
man.v nations Paul was fulfilling his commissionas
a "public servant" of Jesus Christ. In preaching to "In order that a "reasonable service" or "rational
them the good news about the Kingdomand showing worship" may be rendered to God, the apostle next
them tile door open into it, he was serving as a priest writes what is absolutely necessary during "this
(hierourgein), or performing a sacred office, or do- present evil world". We read: "And be not con-
ing a holy work, in order that there might be an formed to this world [aion, Greek] : but be ve trans-
offering of a living sacrifice to Godfrom amongthe formed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may
Gentiles. Thus such believing, consecrated Gentiles, prove what is that good, and acceptable, and per-
partakers of the holy spirit, came in line with the fect will of God." (Rom. 12: 2) In referring to the
apostle Paul to be of the "holy priesthood, to offer world Paul used the word aion. Here again is a
up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to Godby Jesus usage of this word where it could not mean simply a
Christ".--1 Pet. 2 : 5, 9. "period of time", such as an age is; for persons can-
=s The apostle Paul considered this aid to his not conform or configure themselves to a period of
brethren a joyful privilege. To quote his words to time. While living in a period of time, we cannot be
delivered or taken out of that period of time before
24. (a) What kind of instructions are the words at Romans 12:1, and
v, hy~ (b) %Vhat ~as Paul’s endeavor in so instructing, aa stated by it ends, but we can be delivered from an organization
hhnself at Romans 15:14-167
25. Ho~" ~as Paul actin~ as a public servant and aa a priest? and 27. To whom is Paul thus an example 5 and in whose behaif~
~itb ~hat erect to his brethren? 28. (a) To what does Paul tell us not to be conformed, and what Is the
26 Az expresaed moaning of the word he there uses? (b) Why cannot those receiving
~ to the
such a Joyful service
Philipplans and to Timothy, hOWdid Paul view
in behalf of the brethren. God’s compaulo~ be part thereof?
15, 1945 fffieWATCHTOWER. 153

existent during that time and we can be made free "Many were the opportunities for amusements
from the customs, traditions, practices, and obliga- and pleasure. There was the great Circus Maximus
tions of that organization. (Gal. 1:4) Weare living and other circuses in town. Aquatic events were run
in the same world as the apostle Paul did, that is, in the naumachla(sea-spectacle exhibition place).
in the midst of the same organization of things, be- And there was the Amphitheater, where events more
cause the "god of this world" is still Satan the Devil. exciting and violent than the athletic sports of the
(2 Cor. 4:4) However, the ones to whomGod has circus were run off. There were also the theaters
shown his compassions, redeeming them by the blood where tragedies and comedies were put on by the
of Christ and bringing them into his reasonable most famous of actors, besides musical entertain-
service, cannot be of this world; for this world ments with voice and instruments. Rome, too, had
serves its god, Satan the Devil, and not Jehovah its "night life", during which many indulged in
God. Neither can both masters be served at the same carousing, "rioting and drunkenness," in "chamber-
time, compromisingly: "Ye cannot serve God and ing and wantonness", immorality and indecency,
mammon." (Matt. 6:24) God wants only whole and in eating flesh that had been "sanctified" by first
service. being offered to the demongods. (Rom. 13:12, 13;
,e To be "conformed to this world" means to serve 14: 20-23; 1 Cor. 10: 25-28) And there were the Ro-
it and to copy its ways, its ambitious, its pride and man festivals and holidays in honor of the various
self-righteousness, its objectives, its ease or pur- deities; particularly the Saturnalia, or feast of Sat-
suit of excitement and pleasure, and its religion. urn, December17 to 23, inclusive, it being cele-
Consider, momentarily, the world in which the Chris- brated with dancing, the exchanging of gifts, the
tians lived at close range there in ancient Rome,and burning of candles, great boisterousness on the part
to which the apostle exhorted them not to configmre of servants and slaves, tile schools and the law
themselves. The Latin historian Tacitus, born in courts being closed, and no wars being commenced.
Emperor Nero’s day, refers to Romeas "the city of Over all this worldliness politics presided, being
Rome, the commonsink into which everything in- marked by great corruption. Romeruled as mis-
famous and abominable flows like a torrent from all tress over the greatest of empires till then, being
quarters of the world". enlarged and maintained by hard military might, for
’° At the time of Paul’s epistle to the RomansNero the commercialbenefits and self-enrichment that re-
was emperor of the vast Roman Empire. A form sulted therefrom.
of worship of the Romanstate was enforced by the *= The world, of which Romewas then a part, con-
deification of the emperor, to whose statue incense tinues till this day. It is still the same, even if more
was required to be burned. Nero’s immediate prede- modernized in certain outward respects. Since the
cessor, Emperor Claudius, was thus deified and wor- Lord’s Word sounds the warning that in the last
shiped. But Rometolerated all religions, except the days perilous times would come, the organization
Jews’, at that time : and hence all mannerof religions instructions of the apostle Paul, not to be conformed
were imported into the city and were practiced to this world, are as applicaifle today as whenPaul
by many devotees high and low for the novelty of first wrote them. The attractions of this world, and
the thing. They bowedto images of corruptible man, inducements to worldliness, have been multiplied.
and of birds, and of four-footed beasts, and creeping And the Devil and his demons are on the alert to
things, thus worshiping the creature instead of the use them to the fullest extent, to turn tile servant
Creator. In connection with such practice of religion of Godaside from his reasonable service or to lessen
they delivered themselves over to all manner of or interfere with our time for the spiritual service
and worship. Howcan we escape being conformed to
uncleanness; womenturning themselves over to the
temples of religion in order for their bodies to be this world which is all round about us? The Lord’s
used to bring hire to the priests; men and women servant tells how.
practicing gross fornication ; and menand boys com- ""Bb ye transformed by the renewing of your
mitting sexual abuses and sodomyamongthemselves. mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and ac-
(Rom. 1:23-27) The philosophies of men ran rife ceptable, and perfect will of God." This is suitable
throughout Rome, and there were the philosophic organization-instruction for both the remnant and
sects of the Epicureans, the Stoics, and the Cynics, their earthly companions, the "other sheep". Wecan-
and also of Pythagoras, who believed in the immor- not transform ourselves to becomeother creatures,
tality of the humansoul and also of the transmigra- but we can be transformed so that we do not conduct
ourselves as this world does. To this end the mind
tion of souls.--Col. 2: 8 ; Acts 17 : 18. 31. What were the city’s opportun|tiea for amusements and pleasure:
and what waa the political condlt|on ?
29 re) What does it mean to be conformed to this world? (b) What 2. Whyare these organization instructious of Paul ItS epplicable today
does the historian Tacltus refer to Romeas being in that day? In his own day?
30 As to+ worship and phil6sophy, what wee the state of Rome at Paul’s 33. How can we be transformed? and how is the renovation rarrle<l
time of .writing out by us?
N. Y.

must be renewed or renovated. The mind is that gion’s leaders and by searching into the Wordof
faculty of the person with which we gather informa- Godand then following its instructions and enlight-
tion and cometo an understanding. It is the faculty enment do we ascertain and prove the divine will.
by which our disposition is set in a certain course, Jehovah God, by Christ Jesus at the temple, inter-
and our affections are guided, our intentions are di- prets to his consecrated servants the sacred Scrip-
rected, and our ambitions are fixed. Fundamentally, tures and discloses to their mind and understanding
then, the mind of one that consecrates himself to the good, acceptable and perfect things which God
God is renewed or renovated by fixing itself upon has willed for them to do, and especially nowat the
God’s written Word and getting information from end of the world.
it and then seeking to understand such information. ,6 The results to us of doing such divine will cer-
"To have mental affection for God, his King and tify or prove to us all the more that it is the right
the Kingdom, we must gain knowledge, truthful will of God. He has madehis will plain to our minds
testimony from God’s Word, and not from religion, through his Word, which shines daily with increas-
which is of this old world. By increasing our knowl- ing brilliancy upon our understanding. His "good"
edge and understanding concerning God and his will is for us to be no part of this old world in which
Theocratic Government, our love and affection for we are, but to be undividedly for the kingdom of
such increase. This transforms our ambitions, our God. His "perfect" will is that his consecrated ones
aims and purposes, and our disposition. Webecome should bear witness to his name and preach "pub-
more Godlike and are conformed to the Son of God. licly and from house to house" the good news of his
This process is according to the commandgiven at Theocratic Government, the Kingdom, to the end of
Colossians 3:9, 10 to those who are new creatures this world. His "acceptable" will is that we keep our
in Christ, namely: "Put off the old man with his consecration vows, and hold fast our integrity to-
deeds; and . . . put on the new man, which is re- ward him under the increasing opposition and per-
newed in knowledge after the image of him that secution from Satan’s world and thus be for a
created him." It is with the mind that we must serve vindication of God’s name.
God and his law, regardless of how imperfect be
our flesh. (Rom. 7: 25) To win, we must have the
"mind of Christ". Wemust be fully persuaded in our s, Having madecertain what the divine will is, we
ownmind concerning what God’s will is, and then fol- must do it, with renewed mind. We must set our-
low out our disposition to do it. (1 Cor. 2: 16; Rom. selves to doing it, seeing our proper place in God’s
14: 5) To this end, continual and prayerful study of arrangement, and having faith that God will back
the IIoly Scriptures is necessary, using all the helps us up in doing it. Wemust unitedly do God’s will,
that God provides through his organization to aid for it is the same for all his people, namely, to bear
us to understand and apply these inspired Scrip- testimony to his name and universal domination.
tures. Those whoneglect study and instruction as to In this united work each consecrated one must do
God’s Wordleave their minds open to be filled with his part, each rendering the special assignment of
the propaganda, religious ideas, and things of this service given to him. Hence the apostle adds: "For
world. What follows is a warping of their mind and I say, through the grace given unto me, to every.
its disposition, intents and affections. manthat is amongyou, not to think of himself more
s~ By the renewing of the mind we may "prove highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly
what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will [reasonably], according as God hath dealt [dis-
of God". That is, we come to a discernment and ap- tributed, allotted] to every man the measure of
preciation of what the reasonable service is that God faith. For as we have many members in one body,
requires of his devoted servants. "Christendom" has and all members have not the same office: so we,
existed nowfrom at least Constantine’s time, sixteen being many, are one body in Christ, and every one
hundred years ago; and in spite of all her religion members one of another." (Rom. 12: 3-5) The in-
taught since that time she has not transformed the spired apostle thus uses the most perfect organiza-
people of "Christendom" from being configured to tion knownto man, namely, the humanbody, to illus-
this old world. Their minds are filled with religion trate the working of the Theocratic organization
old and hoary, and in all those sixteen centuries they under Christ the Head.
have not proved to themselves or to others what is "The Theocratic organization is made up of the
God’s good, acceptable and perfect will. Solely by Head Christ Jesus and his body, the congregation.
letting go the traditions and philosophies of Fell- The earthly companions thereof, namely, his "other
34. (el How are our love and a~ection for God and hls Theocracy In-
creased, and with what resultant transformation ? (b) With what faculty
36. What Is his good, acceptable and perfect will toward us?
37. How must we do the divine will? and what illustration does the
must we Berve God, and to that end what is netwuary? apoetie use in that regard?
35 Howmay we "pro~’e what Is the good, and acceptable, and perfect 38. How, therefore, will the members of the Theocratic organlLation
will of God"? work? and how will the companlonl or "other sheep" work now?
15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWEP 155
sheep", are under that Theocratic organization. The horteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it
humanbody with a sane, God-instructed mind, does with simplicity [generosity, liberality] ; he that rul-
not work against itself. Neither do its memberswork eth [he that presides or takes the lead], with dili-
at cross-purposes, frustrating the action of one an- gence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness."
other. But all the members, guided by the one mind --Rom. 12: 6-8.
of the head, work together for the accomplishment " There, then, is Theocratic instruction setting out
of the purpose of the body, which is, to do the will for the consideration of all persons just how the
of God. It is even so as respects the "body of Christ". "reasonable service" of God should be carried out
Accordingly, the "other sheep", who are under the by all whowant to do His will. This is the day when
Theocratic body, will not work at odds with that all these forms of serving God by his grace and
body, but will see their proper place and will work favor are being carried on. It was foretold that
in co-operation with the Head of that body, who is "your sons and your daughters shall prophesy".
Christ Jesus. In that way the remnant of that Theo- (Joel 2:28) And in this day the public declaration
cratic body and their "other sheep" companionswork of God’s prophetic Wordis being made from house
together, all doing God’s will for the present. to house by consecrated men and women,young and
~’ No one whois a part of that body, and no one old. In the ministry of the gospel or the practical
whois a good-will associate of that body, will think field service all the faithful witnesses of Jehovahare
unreasonably and above what he ought to think of engaging, spreading the glad tidings of his kingdom
himself. His estimate of himself will be sober, ac- by Christ. In the homesof friendly, teachable per-
cording to the facts, and according to the Wordof sons they are carrying on private Bible studies,
God, which tells us honestly what we are. It takes making plain to them the teachings of God’s Word.
faith to keep humbleand not think we ought to get a As God grants them the needed opportunity they
promotion, or that we ought to be in this or that exhort one another and exhort the newly interested
other job or position. God’s Wordis the basis for ones as to the day in which we live and its wonder-
our faith; and it takes faith to do our part of the ful Christian opportunities and responsibilities, and
work within the body of Christ or in association also its dangers. Withthe simplicity of unselfishness
with it. It requires faith to perform such part, wheth- and of genuineness they give out the Lord’s gracious
er it be passing out handbills, or standing on a street invitation to the waters of life, using both their vocal
corner with magazines to offer to passers-by, or to powers and also distributing the message on printed
go from house to house with literature, or to make page or recordings. Those who are appointed to pre-
return visits and open up homeBible studies, or to side or to take the lead at meetingsor in field activity
get on a platform and deliver a public address or do so with devotion and zeal, seeking earnestly to
serve a congregation. It requires faith to do these measure up to their God-given responsibilities.
or other parts of the organizational work in deliver- "All these, realizing they have received and con-
ing this world-wide testimony to God’s name and tinue to receive of the tender mercies of God, extend
kingdom.It calls for faith, yea, increased faith, to mercy cheerfully to others by making knownto all
keep on in doing this part. But having this faith, it alike, whether foe or friend, the way of escape from
will help us to view ourselves soberly in harmony the Armageddonof God’s wrath. All this they will
with the facts, and to abide in the proper reasonable persist in doing by faith in God and with undying
service where Godhas put us. A sober view will show faithfulness to Him through Christ. And thus all
us that, whatever be the place of service, it is a operates Theocratically, and hence unitedly under
blessed favor from God. God and Christ, for the greatest Kingdomwitness
’° Hence the apostle draws a practical conclusion of history before Armageddon.The glad day awaits
from his foregoing appeal and argument, saying: near-by when Jehovah God himself will prove to
"Having then gifts differing according to the grace all that live that this has been his good and accept-
[of God] that is given to us, whether prophecy, let able and perfect will, and that this has been his
us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; reasonable service and rational worship performed
or ministry [diakoMa], let us wait on our minister- with unbreakable integrity by his approved conse-
Lag: or he that teacheth, on teaching; or he that ex- crated people.
39. How wilt the body members and also the "other sheep" think? and
what quality does it require to do the various parts of the organiza. 41. Howare thcee vat/sue forms of serYiee mentioned by the apostle
tional work? ~rried ~u today?
40. What conclusion does the apostle draw from the foregoing argu- 42. (a) Hence, how do all things operate, and to what purpose? (b) Io
meal as to the various forms of service~ near-by day what pertinent facts will Jehovah himself provo to all?

My word.., shall not return unto ms void, but it s~6arl

accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper i~ gi4s
thing whereto I se~ it.--Isaush 55:11.
HE lastaccount of theLatin-American business tripof in allowing for an appeal from the above judicial ruling against
T the president
of the WatchTowerBibleand TractSo- the Society. So steps were taken promptly to push the appeal
withthe BuenosAires(Argentina) con- and to renew the Society’s application for registration under
vention of Jehovah’s witnesses. One resultof thatTheocratm Brazilian law. Such an appeal, according to advice from other
assembly wasthateightwitnesses signed upforfull-tlme service Brazilian legal counsel, put the Society on the same footing
as pioneers. legally as it was before the last petition was denied. DLstmeUon
For the president, N. H. Knorr, and his traveling companion, must necessarily be made between the Watch Tower Society and
F. W. Franz, Wednesday, ~arch 7, meant ’flying up to Rio’. Jehovah’s witnesses. The Society is merely the legal instrument
But word received from Rio on the first of the month concern- used by the witnesses in lands where the ruling authorRies give
ing the Society’s work m Brawl had been disquieting. The cause it legal recognition. Thedissolving of the Society or the refusal
that the Society represents is not that of any political govern- to grant it registration does not dissolve Jehovah’s witnesses
ment or creed on earth, but is the eause of the kingdomof heaven. any more than such action dissolves God’s organization. His or-
ChristJesus,theSonof Jehovah God,longagosaid:"Myking- ganization is Theocratic. Henceit is above man and is not run
dom is not of thinworld,. . . now is my hngdomnot from by any man as leader, and hence it is above the power or au-
hence[thatis,notfromthisworldly source]." Because of fear- thority to dissolve or stop functioning. It is to that Theocratic
lesslyproclalming thekingdom of heavenChristJesuswasac- organization that Jehovah’s witnesses are attached, unbreakably,
cusedby therehglous clergy of thelandas a political agitator and they are serving God, not man, and serving according to
andas a sedltiomst anda menaceto thepolitical state.Under God’s instructions, through his infallible Word.No man, there-
sucha chargehewasputto death, liewarnedhisfollowers that fore, not even one from amongtheir own number, has any God-
theymustexpectto sufferandbe persecuted because of like given right or authority to tell Jehovah’s witnesses to stop serving
false charges againstthem. ItIsnotstrange, therefore,thatsuch God; neither would they obey such a presumptuous man if he did
falsecharges shouldbe laidby rehglous enemies against the tell themto stop.
WatchTowerBibleandTractSociety, ~hichis.thelegalinstru- Hence despite the state of affairs regarding the Society’s
mentusedby Jehovah’s wltnesses in carryi’ng on thepreaching registration, Jehovah’s witnesses kept on serving God and preach-
of God’skingdom m alllandsof the earth.As Brothers Knott ing that "the kingdomof heaven LS at hand". Those in Rio con-
andFranzwereflyingnorthward to Riode Janelro theyappre- tinued to assemble in their regular KingdomHall, to study God’s
elatedthatanydlf~culty in Brazilmustbe dueto a misunder- Word and to pray and discuss the best ways of showing forth
standing onthepartof Brazilian o~clals andalsoduetoa mis- His praises. As fellow Christians, Brothers Knott and Franz
representation by thereligious clergy respecting thechartered attended the regular Thursday night service meeting there. In
purposesand workof the WatchTowerSociety. response to a courtesy request, Brother Knorr addressed the
It Is justaboutnineanda halfhoursof planetravelfrom gathering of about 40, and stressed the best ways of carrying on
Buenos AirestotheBrazilian capital, withshortstopsatMonte- their educational work as regards the Theocratic Government
olden,Uruguay, andat PortoAJegroandSanPaulo,Brazil. San of Jehovah God by Christ Jesus.
Paulolookedveryattractive fromairyhelghts,but Rio de Meantime, others of Jehovah’s witnesses were on the move
Janelro, withitsland-locked harborand itsrockyislesand toward the San Paulo convention, some traveling as muchas 21
mountains, including its notedPan de A~car(Sugarloaf), days by river boat, and train, to get there. From Rio it is onty
superbto viewfromtheplaneas wellas on the ground. There an overnight train ride, or a twelve-hour day-tram nde up to
is nothing elselikeit onearth, anditIsa pleasure to beamid San Paulo. Would, now, Jehovah let his devoted witnesses arrive
suchimpresmve surroundings. Thecity’s airport isrighton the and come together at that city, only to be informed that the
harbor, andthe runwayextends rightto thewater’s edge.We convention could not be held~ Faith in Himwas certain that
arenotlongin clearing thecustoms, andthenwe meetup with he wouldmakesomeprovision for their spiritual edification there,
a hearty welcome bytheSociety’s Branchservant andthreeoth- even if it was not at the leased convention hall. Whenthe presi-
ersof theBranch personnel. dent and his party boarded the Cruzeiro do SUl, Brazil’s crack
Soonwe areinformed ofthedi~cultles confronting theBranch tram, for San Panic, on Friday night, the status of the conven-
and itsservant. TheWatchTowerSociety wasonceregisteredtion wasvery uncertain. However,at San Panic itself the arrange-
wlththeBrazilian government underthe oldlaw,but,dueto ments had gone forward. By distnbutlon of handbills and by
modificatlons m thelaw,it becamenecessary to applyanewm information walking on the sidewalks w*th placards canned on
1941forregistratmn of theSociety. Theauthorities tooknoac- their persons, the local brethren had commencedadvertising
tiononsuchnewapplication forregistration until MarchI,1945, Brother Knorr’s public lecture of March11, on the subject "’Urn
whentheMmlstry of Justice denied theapplication andordered 8o Mundo, UmSo Governo". Furthermore, on arraying at San
theSociety tosuspend operations. Investigation intomatters dis- Paulo shortly before noon, Brother Knott was ~dvlsed that the
closedthatit was because theSociety had beenmmrepresentedconvention had already opened, at 8 o’clock that morning, and
andmisunderstood as ifitwerea political organization, whereas at the leased convention hail. After a service assembly there, the
infactItm a Christian organizatlon,withnopolitlcal tiesormo- conventioners had gone forth into the field service. The con-
tives. Henceit comesunderthegenerous provision ofBrazil for venUunhall was leased by the city of San Panic, and there had
freedomof worshipand otherguarantees and immunities ex- been neither concellation nor any police interference.
tended to religious organlzatlons. TheSociety’s Branchservant Prompt contact w~th our local legal counsel led us to the
was orderedto stop the Chrmhanwork carriedon underhis information that the San Pauto police had authorumd the con-
supervxsion; buthe honestly replied thathe couldnotstopthis vention as long as a month ago and were now standing by their
workbecause it was theworkof the LordGod.Thlsreplywas agreement. Besides that, the appeal for the Society’s registra-
inagreement withthatoftheapostles of Jesus Christ, asrecord- tion madeit proper for the convention, together with its public
ed at Acts4:19,20; 5:29. lecture, to proceed. The outcome of matters showed this was
Undertheclreumstances it appeared as thoughit wouldbe God’swill.
impossible to carryouttheconvention scheduled forthecityof The convention site was m the Paeaembdsection of the c,ty,
SacPanicthatcomingweekend. Ourlegal~ounsel, rightthere in the city’s gymnasium building seating about 3,000 persons. This
in Rio,wasagainst suchan assembly. ButBrazilian lawis fair building is located between a tremendous stadium accommodating
M~Y15, 1945 eWATCHTOWER. 157

80,000 spectators and a large, splendid swimmingpool, with and his interpreter, groups of truth-seekers kept coming m,
tiers of seats for spectators at aquatic events. Whenthe formal until finally the audience reached a maximumof 765 persons
opening of the eonvenhontook place, at 15 o’clock (3 p.m.), the While yelling and whistling from the adjoining stadium could
250 present seemedquite lost in so large an auditorium, but the be heard as the Brazilian team was beating the rival team, this
blessings the Lord began pouring out were by no means small. audience gave earnest attention to the Kingdommessage, and
The chairman introduced Brother Knorr, who expressed pleasure doubtless their applauses could be heard out in the stadium.
at being there and conveyed the love and greetings from the At the conclusion of the lecture, about 4:35 p.m., as the audi-
Brooklyn Bethel family. Then the convention proceeded along ence disbanded, free copies of the booldet Peace--CanIt Za.¢t?
according to program. There was song and prayer, and then the (in Portuguese) were handed out to all desinng it. The speech
first Brazilian speaker used as his subject "The Power of the "One World, One Government" should have proved to all the
Resurrection Hope". The next Brazilian speaker treated the public present that the Watch Tower Society, whose president
subject "The Return of a Friend", meaning, of course, Christ’s delivered the speech, is not a political-propaganda or political-
second coming at the time for establishing God’s hngdom. This action society, but is a Christian orgamzation, wholly devoted to
closed the afternoon sessions, and m the intermission the breth- the ministry of the Kingdomgospel. It was quite in order, there-
ren engagedm further field activities or refreshed themselves at fore, that no police interference developedduring any part of the
the cafeteria conducted by brethren and serving excellent food, speech, even as there had been no police action during the many
including cba (yerba mat~), caf6, and lemonade. At 19 o’clock days of boldly advertising the speech. Hencenervous tension on
the reassembled eonventioners, now some 292 strong, sang, in our part was greatly reduced.
Portuguese, "Take Sides with Jehovah." Then came the discus- At 19 o’clock the convention resumed with a brief speech by
sion, by Brothers Knorr and Franz, of the subject "Jehovah’s Uni- Brother Franz, after which Brother Knorr’s report on his trip,
versal Sovereignty Vindicated". interspersed with service information and exhortations, brought
As neither of these brethren speaks Portuguese, a young broth- the convention to a happy close. A special letter, from the Sao
er drawn from the Bethel family at Rio served as their inter- Paulo company,was submitted and read to the convention, trans-
preter both then and through all the convention. Brother E’norr lated as follows:
followed up his part (the final part) of the discussion with "The Sao Paulo companyfor a long time has desired to know
extended remarks about the wRnesswork In Brazil and the need our beloved Brother Knorr personally, our joy being complete
for more pubhshers and pioneers and also for more time in the with your presence, through an invitatmn we made a long time
field by all. Consideringthat Brazil has a population of 45,000,000, ago.
and such a large territory, and at present only 22 organized com- "We confess unanimously that your presence has comfolted
pames, nothing was or could be more obvious The eonvenhoners us still more, and we promise to co-operate shoulder to shoulder
loudly applauded the hope extended them of having graduates for Jehovah’s cause.
from the Watchtower Bible College of Gilead brought into the "This convention will be engraved in our mind, being grate-
country, to help them in organizing the work Theocratically and ful that Jehovah conceded that we should be here assembled, to
in effectmg the tremendous witness work needed. hear the message pronounced personally by Brother Knorr.
Sunday, March 11, was another day of glorious weather, here "And also we will not forget that you said that this will not
at this so-called "Chieago of South America", and which is situ- be the last time that you will visit us. However,we look to Jeho-
ated about 3,000 feet above sea level and mgbt on the tropic of vah, who~ privilege us stillfurther wztbyourpresence, and
Capricorn. At the 8 a.m. baptismal talk there were 32 candidates alsowiththepresence of ourbeloved Brother Franz"
for baptism. These were immersed in the one corner of the
swlmm,ngpool just outside the eastern wall of the gymnasium. Sundaynighta verygrateful andjoyfulpartyentrained for
During this testimony to the faith of these consecrated ones, thereturntripto Rio.Backm Riowe againenjoyed thepmv-
worldly persons disporting themselves in the waters ceased swim- ilegeto meetwiththeBethelfamily. Theiractw~tles wereput
ming and the attention of all was concentrated upon this unusual on a moreefficient basis,morein accordwlthBrooklyn head-
event for the municipal swimmingpool. quarters. The family rejoiced, also, that one brother from among
them was designated to attend the next term of the Watchtower
The baptism was followed by an assembly for field service. Bible College of Gilead in the United States, all expenses pa,d
Then, while hundreds went out into the field activities the pio-
neers remained behind for a special meeting with Brother K.norr. The following Tuesday night, from and after 7 p m., many
persons came to the Associa~ao dos Empregadosno Com~rclo m
Out of a total then of 68 pioneers in Brazil, there were 47 m Rio de Janeiro. Theywere not admitted into the hall, but 65 copras
attendance here. After hearing an explanation of the purposes
of the following letter, together with a free booklet, were banded
and requirements of the special pioneer sermce, there were 18 outtoindividuals andfamilygroups:
that felt qualified and that volunteered to take it up. (Ten of
these have since been appointed to the special publisher work, "Riode Janeiro, Brazil, 13 March,1945
w~th the prospect of more pioneers being added to the hst later.) "DearBrethren m the Lord:
The Branch servant, N. A. Ymlle, formerly a pioneer in the "Jehovah’s witnesses inBrazil arelaw-abiding cRizcns Invlew
United States but now downin Brazil since 1936, madehis debut of thewell-known conditions thepolice authorlties ofthisclty
on the programat 14 o’clock. Wh,le he was makinga brief state- refuse tograntpermission forholding thecontemplated meeting
ment regarding the witness work throughout Brazil, the prehm- of Christians at theAssociagao dosEmpregados no Com~rclo at
mary football game was going on m the immense stadium on the 19o’clock tonight.
other side of the gymnasium.There the attendance was increasing "Kindly accept thisnotice, whichis theearliest we couldget
almost to the seating capacity of the stadium, for an interna- to you, of the cancellation of the meeting. In place of the Bible
tional championship soccer football game between the Brazilian discourses which were to be given, please rece,ve the accompany-
team and the vmiting Argentmian team. However, those persons ing copy of the Bible treatise on ’Peace--Can It LastT’
seeking the truth concerning Jehovah’s Theocratic Government "The hand of Jehovah God is not shortened, and we "know that
of the NewWorld of righteousness came through Entrada 33 nothing can happen to his earthly w:tnesses without his portaLs-
and found a seat in the gymnazmm’sarena, to hear the lecture sign and for His wise reasons. We can therefore accept this
at 15 o’clock on "One World, One Government". For more than present experience without murmuring and with complete trust
aa hour after this Bible lecture was in progress by Brother Knorr in Almighty God. During the past several days we have had a
N. Y.
rich spiritual feast at his table, at Sao Paulo, and nowin the time in another room a discourse on baptism was dehvered to
strength thereof we can 3oyfully return to our posts of duty m two candidates, after which they were immersed at a municipal
His serrate, announcingthe glad tidings of hLs kingdomby Christ bathing beach along the Rio de la Plata. At the same tune m
Jesus unto all persons of good-will. another room a battery of translators were busy producing a
"May you continue to hold fast your integrity to Him and written Spsni.~h tranalation of Brother Knorr’s speech on "One
finally receive his complete deliverance and eternal blessing. World, One Government"; and in a few hours it was 021 ready
"Your fellow servants, for delivery at the 3 p.m. pubhc meeting at the Ateneo. During
JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES." the actual delivery of this speech it was again Brother K_norr’s
URUGUAY pleasure to see the auditorium fill up. Excellent attentmn was
A happy surprise was awaiting the brethren in connection with paid by all during the two-hour delivery in both English and
the convention at Montevideo, Uruguay, a few days later. Uru- Spanish.
guay is reportedly the most progressive country in all South At 6 p.m. a demonstration was put on. SomeSouth American
Amcrma,and with this agrees the fact that in this little country study conductors had been of the opinion that a Spanish Watch.
there exists separation of church and state, the same as in Ameri- tower lesson could not be covered in so short a time as one hour.
ca. Of course, the RomanCathohc clerg 7 howl that Uruguayan So a group of thirteen selected brethren sat before the conven-
schools are conducted contrary to the ereed of the Vatican-con- tion to serve as the model study-group, and Brother Franz con-
trolled rehgmussystem; but the public in general do not concern ducted the study, assisted by one brother to read the questions
themselves over such clergy charges. Montemdeo, capital of and another to read the paragraphs. The twenty-one paragraphs,
Urng’uay, was reached by our two brethren m the late after- or nine columns, of Watch$ower lesson material were covered
noon of Wednesday, March 14, by plane from Rio de Janeiro. in less than an hour, besides prayer at the opening and brief
The following morning they were treated ~ntb the unexpected service announcementsat the close. The participation by the group
pleasure of meeting a Watchtower College graduate, Russell in answering the questions was very lively, and specialLzed on the
Cornehus, assigned to work in the Socmty’s Branch in ~[onte- outstanding or the essential thoughts of each paragraph; only
video and just arrived here from the UmtedStates. one failed to take part. The conductor kept the study moving
In all Uruguaythere were then just three organized companies along, gauging his time by the time-allotment marked at the
of Jehovah’s witnesses, and just about twenty pubhshers report- bottom of each column of La Atalaya, and none of the commen-
ing, besides a few pmneers. A very large attendance was there- tators indulging in overlong answers to the questions
fore not expected at the Montevideo convention, although last Thus, at 7 p.m., the way was cleared for Brother Knorr to
year, at Paysandfi, Uruguay, there was a gathering of about 86. speak on "Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty Vindicated" His
Saturday, March 17, the Montevideo conventmn got under way, final remarks on the prospects for Jehovah’s "strange work" in
with a service assembly at the premises of the Society’s Branch Uruguay, and expressing his pleasure at this edifying convention
office. It preyed to be an international convention, nine Argen- and at the unexpected attendances thereat brought the program
timans being present, besides the three Americans and also the to its end. The joy and appreciation shownby the brethren gave
native Uruguayans. Upward of 23 brethren went out into the proof that this was indeed "the best convention yet" mUruguay,
field service during the day. but they hope for yet larger and better ones in years to come,
Thereafter the regular sessions of the convention were held by God’s grace. That night, at 10 o’clock, as the Ciudad de
m the Ateneo de Montevideo, which fronts on Plaza Lihertad. Montevideo pulled away from shore and headed upstream for
A medium-size hall m the Atheneum (Ateneo) was furnished Buenos Aires, manygrateful brethren were at the dock to wave
free by the city, because it ma mumcipalbuilding and its audl- their departing brethren good-bye.
tortures are open for events and gatherings of pubhc interest. Our air-travel schedule allowed for a few days’ stopover at
At 3 p.m. the former Branch servant, Adolfo Voss, formally Buenos Aires. Here it was a special pleasure to see the new
opened the conventmnand shortly introduced the Society’s presi- arrangements for the Branch and for the local company being
dent and his interpreter Brother Franz. At first Brother Knorr put into effect. The new A_rgentinian Informant, its initial num-
set out on a strict service talk. But as the tune wore on, the 65 ber being for the month of March and ealTying on its first page
there at the beginning eontmuedto be added to until at last the a special letter by Brother Knott to the KingdompuhlLshers,
enttre hall was filled and to the rear a number were standing, was already composed and hundreds of copies mimeographed
or about 132 m all. It was ewdent that many newly-interested ready for mailing. The new servant to the brethren had already
persons of good-will were present, and Brother Knorr accordingly served the Buenos Aires company, and the seven newly appointed
modffied his talk from simply organLzatmnal matters. He intro- servants of this companywere applying themselves to their as-
duced also Brother Cornehus, who briefly addressed the assem- signed tasks as company servant, a~smtant company servant,
bly, his effort to do so m Spamshbeing apprecmted by all there. back-call servant, temtory servant, etc. The formahtles, also,
At 6:15 p.m. the Argentina Branch servant, Juan Mufi~z, and to bring to the Watchtower Bible College of Gilead two Argen-
Brother Voss dLscussed the text, "Seek Ye Fvrst the Kangdom," tiulaas, one a sister from the Branchoffice and the other a pmneer
after which Brother Knorr regaled the convention with a de- brother from the field, had progressed; and the t~me of their
tailed account of his journey thus far, interspersing the same leaving by plane for the United States was fixed for April 12.
with pointed field-service suggestions. Tuesday night permitted of a final visit by Brother Knorr with
No public meeting had been planned for Montevideo on this the Buenos Aires company at Kingdom Hall, to attend their
trip; but the turn-out of persons of good-will was so beyond all companystudy of the book Religs6n. The study conductor, the
expectations during the afternoon that it was decided to put on newly appointed asaistant coml~anyservant, confined the study
such a public event next day at 3 p.m. No printed advertising to 15 minutes, but he pursued the study method suggested by
to that effect was available for distribution or display. Hence Brother Knott several weeks previous. It was found that by
the invitatmn necessarily had to be extended by personal visits this method more of the book material was covered in the tmae
upon persons of good-will by the active Kingdompublishers. allotted, and the brethren really discussed the material in the
Sunday, $Iarch 18, there was another assembly for service at book’s paragraphs. After ~ brief but profitable study, Brother
8 am. at the Branch office, some 40 attending. After the dis- Knorr was requested to addre~ this gathering of 140 brethren.
missal for field serwce, Brother Knott addressed a group of 12 It was now 9 p.m., but the matters Brother Knorr dealt with
pioneers, answering their questions and arranging for four were urgent and the answering of questions and giving of coun-
Uruguayansto engage in the special pioneer service. At the same sel kept up till 10:35 p.m. He exhorted the brethren to patience
m trying to conform to the new service arrangements, remind- evening speech presenting an account of Brother Knorr’s trip
mg them that being unable to read and wrote should discourage thus far, emphasizing here and there certain fietd-serwce methods.
none of them but that all should bear in mind that the chief Sunday, March 25, at 8:30 a.m., the baptismal discourse at
thing is to be actually a pubhshcr m the field, putting out the KingdomHall was followed by immersion of 5 m a tank there on
message. He also exhorted the newly appointed servants of the the premises. But the convention proper had moved to the EstadLo
Buenos Aires company to accept and act upon their new duties Chile (the Chile Stadmm)off O’H~ggins Avenue This had a seat-
as an added privilege of service from Jehovah and to go ahead ing capacity for several thousand persons. At one end of its
confidently, trusting m Item to help them to master thmr duhes arena was erected a regular theatmcal stage with all the propb
and to perform their respeehve offices capably according to The entire amphitheater was under canvas topping It was the
orgamzatmn instructions. The new servant to the brethren was only meeting-place adequate for the public meeting advertised
al,o exhmtcd to patient deahng with the brethren as these tried for 4 p.m. The subject, advertised by 300 placards in streetcars
painstakingly to meet thmr service obligations. After meeting and store windows, and on the persons of mformatmn w-dkers,
there was a great sense of rehef on the part of all present, and as well as by 80,000 handbills d~stnbuted, was "Freedom m the
the brethren went homefeeling greatly edified and hence grateful New World". But when the pubhc meeting opened, Joseph
Ferran, the chairman, announced that, ’as thts speech was now
CHILE pubhshed m booklet form and was on hand for &stmbutlon to the
Next morning, March 21, farewell was taken of many brethren audience at close of the meeting, Mr. N. H. t~mrr had decided
gathered at the mrport, and our plane got off shortly after 9 to favor the audience with his latest speech on "One Wolld, Om’
a m., with Santmgo, Chile, as its destlnatmn. This time when Government".’ The exposure which this speech makes of the
our plane made its regular stop at Cordoba, it was a pleasure ambltmus designs of the Roman Catholic Hmrarchy for world-
to meet fmends at the airport, namely, two newly enlisted pio- domination caused some thlrty persons to get up and leave, but
neers, who had ridden out on their bicycles. Tlns city the pope others kept coming in clear toward the close of the speech, and
has called "the httle Romeof Argentine", but these prancers are the peak audience was 340. Appreciative attentmn was paid by
pushing ahead courageously m witnessing there. The 15-minute this vast majority that stayed through to the end, and there-
stopover, spent m company with them, seemed all too short, but after manycopies of the booklet were given to the pubhc.
was nmtually refreshing. While the above was going on, Brother Franz was at the
Our next stop, under the shadow of the Andes mountains, was studios of the radm statmn "La Americana", dehvermg m Span-
at Mendoza, at 2:15 p.m. Here many brethren were at the air- ish the speech "Freedom m the New World". This was of an
port expecting only a bmef wslt with us But the meteorological hour’s length and was broadcast over a chain of four statmn,,
statmns m the Andes sent out word that weather condltmns were two m Santiago and one m Rancagua and another at Concepc~dn,
forlnddmg across the cordillera. "The pass is closed!" So no some 500 nnles distant. Brother Traub acted as announcer. Thl~
fl~gl~t "over the hump" was possible that day, and we must pass speech also exposes rehgion, particularly that of the Hierarchy,
the night at Mendoza. This allowed for a mght meeting with our and during the course of the radmcast three or four complaints
Mendoza brethren At 8 p.m., as many of them as could be nob- were telephoned in by religionists. But the radio station stuck
fled assembled at the KingdomHall, and the 28 present hstened to its contract and refused either to censor out the "hot" spots
with joy and appreciatmn to speeches by their American brethren or to discontinue the radiocast. Separation of church and state
so unexpectedly lodged m thmr mMst. Next day, March 22, there exists in Chile, and the government is not altogether favorable
were hours of uncertain waiting at the mrport, but at noon word to the Hierarchy. At the close of the speech one of the office
came from the Andes favoring an attempt at passage. So we force at the station came out and asked for the Branch addres~
boarded plane. for more mformatmn. He was given the booklet form of the
Th:s time we encountered many clouds as our plane entered speech at Qnce.
and droned through the pass. The ride was qmte wolent, and a Some of the people of good-will attended tile closing of the
number of the passengers who d~d not trust in Jehovah were assembly at Estadm Chile, and the closing attendance was S0
m manifest fear The storms of the preceding weeks had caused Brother Knorr served on the platform, and the brethren joyfully
tile mountains to be adorned with more snow than on our west- voted him to bear their fraternal love and greetings to their
east flight during February, and the scenic effect was far grandcr brethren all along his journey. That was a small convention there
than on that occasion. When the "crism" was past, our plane m Santlago, but the Lord’s spirit abounded among the blethren,
circled m three great spirals in order to lose altitude and come and meeting with them was a refreshment and pleasure that will
down through the clouds and then headed for Santmgo. It was not be forgotten. Those few brethren, hke a first-frmts of Chile
good to come to earth at the airport about 1:30 p.m. Not many unto the Lord God, give promlse of a multitude that will yet
hours later we got introduced to the Society’s depot and the take their stand for the Kingdomas a consequence of the faithful
KingdomHall m Santmgo. The service meeting there that night, activities of the Chileans in following up the latest orgamzatmn
conducted by the depot servant, Rlcardo Traub, was mainly de- instructions. Moreover, during Brother Knorr’s visit a Branch
voted to the conventmn preparations, but Brother Knorr ad- office of the Society was estabhsbed m Santiago and was put
dressed a few words to the brethren before the gathering dismissed. under supervismn of the Watchtower College graduate Joseph
Conventmn here was scheduled for three days. Most of the Ferrari.
first day, Friday, March 23, was spent in field achwtms, 29 pub- Thus Chile is now independent of the Argentine Branch office.
hsher, reporting work done. At 7:45 pm. Brother Knorr for- The Chilean brethren, together with the former depot servant,
mally opened the conventmn at the Kingdom Hall, 68 being m have done well and commendably m God’s service m past years,
attendance. Then three brethren gave a symposium on the sub- but there was room for organizatmn on more efficient hnes, and
ject "Freedom m the NewWorld". Next day the conventmn attend- th~s reorganLzation is now under way throughout the land. Two
ance rose to 75, a small number comparatively, but hawng come specml prancers were also appointed, and the early arrival of
from many points m this narrow land which is over 2,500 miles another Watchtower College graduate was expected. Establish-
long, which fact showed their great apprecmtmnof th~s precmus ment of another Kingdom Hall m another section of the mty,
pmvflegc of attending a spiritual feast of doctrine and serwce. near the American quarter, was also projected. Thus we rejoice
The afternoon and evening of this day were featured by speeches at the bright prospects for the increase of the Lord’s work m
by Brother Knorr, the afternoon speech considering the organiz- Chile and other South American lands, and are grateful to Jeho-
ing of Jehovah’s people according to Theocratic rule, and the vah for the t~mely visit of the Soctety’s president msuch countmc...
A UNIQUE BOOK STUDY (AUSTRALIA) and nothing to offer them in return These tambourine-
"We have a study with Mrs G She enjoys ’The shakers were frequent callers in this section of town, too,
Truth Shall Make You Free’, and has shared with us m the and many of the good-will people confided to us that they
service work About a month ago her twelve-year-old son had asked them how it was that they never had anything
Harold refused to attend rehgious classes at school. The to give them for their contributions as Jehovah’s ~xitnesses
teacher asked why Harold explained that his mother was do with their magazines and books
one of Jehovah’s witnesses, did not beheve in religion, and "We carried the Watdltower and Consolahun magazines
neither did he To further questioning, he rephed that his in Spamsh, and The Watchtower additionally m Itahan,
mother had been a Baptist until she learned the truth. The Greek. Portuguese, and Russian. During the last twelve-
tea(,h(,r th(q~ forced IIarold to go to the room where month period the two of us a~ eraacd around 700 m~mazmes
13aI)tl~t mm~erwas holding his serwce Whenhe returned a month; many subscriptions were taken, and an axera~e
to Ins class his teacher mdieuled him Then she told him of eight or ten books and 60 or 70 booklets mghtly These
he would have to work while the others were having reli- averages were attained by Jehovah’s grace, and by diligent
gious mstruetmn and consistent effort each Saturday evenina, ram or shine,
"Mrs (I now got busy She wrote the headteacher, warmor cold. In fact, this regularity was commentedupon
stating that Harold would not do this extra work, but that frequently by many, and one lady in particular stated,
h,r children wouh] have their own study, and worship God after consistently turning down the magazine for a ye~lr
m the way they were entitled to do. IIarold arranged for ’Well, I’m going to take one of these just to see what ~t is
three other children to study with him. Thursday morning, all about. You’ve come in here every Saturday night, ram
when religious lessons came due, they assembled in the or shine, early and late, and I’ve never taken one, but now
play-shed with Bibles and Children books, and Harold acted I want to see just what it is you have.’ The next x~eek she
as study conductor for one hour. After a few minutes the took the ’Truth St~all Make You Free" book, and on many
headteacher looked m. I-fe took the study booklet, exam- future calls encouraged others to take the magazines also.
reed it carefully, returned it, and walked away. During "We were able to start studies with some whomwe met
the stud), each of the other teachers took a turn at investi- in this work, one of whomis now a publisher for The
gating, but no comments were passed. Three studies have Theocracy. Whenasked by some at first as to why we con-
been conducted to date, and the attendance has increased tacted the people in the bars we were glad to be able to tell
to e~ght. This is now reported to the companyas a perma- them that we found many more people of good-will here
nent book study."--From a company in N. S.W. than in the churehes."--From two special pioneers.


"Consistently and regularly we took The Watchtower in the town of Richmond, Utah, with towering mountain
and Consolatwn into every store and shop in our rather peaks of over 9,000 feet elevation covered with snow and
large business assignment, taverns and bars included. It the sun shining brightly on them, what a privilege it was
is especially regarding our work in these latter places that to carry the Kingdommessage to those hungering for it in
we write Whenwe first started witnessing with the mag- the midst of such surroundings! We were told that we
azines in these business places we found very few knew just would not be able to make any placements in Richmond,
what The Watchtower and Consolation were; and many but mywife a~nd I went right ahead, with the Lord’s help
wonderful expemenees were had in explaining. It wasn’t In the forenoon I placed six books; after lunch I witnessed
long until ’Watchtower’ and ’Consolation’ were well known at a few more houses, placing two more books Then I
~ords m thts sectmn, for we ~ere placing hundreds every called at a home and told them of the Kingdom and its
Saturday In thes(, places we found many listening ears, blessings. They took two books, and as I was going through
people who were ’fed up’ with religmn and ~ts hypocrisy. the gate the lady of the house called to me, saying, ’There
"We approached every person in the restaurants, not is another lady here that wants those books’ I had not
just the manager Wefirst approached this party, and, seen this lady, as she was in another room. At the next
then getting his permission to see his customers, would go house they also took books; the next place I called had
from table to table, and from chair to chair at the lunch plenty of their own church books. I thought that I u as
counter Th~s also applied in the bars: not only did we doing well, but it was at the next house that I called on
speak with the bartender, but everyone seated at the that I experienced a real thrill. There were three lad~es
counter, or at the tables, and even to the card tables in the there, two visitors and the lady of the house. After hearmg
rear, and each person was approached in order that none the Kingdommessage one of the visitors said, ’Those are
be missed with this all-important message. good books and I will take them.’ Then the lady of the
"Wefound evenings the best time to do this store-to-store house said that she would take them also. At that, the other
work, that ~s, Saturday evemngs; and we worked from visitor decided that she would hke to have them I had to
7 ¯ 00 p m to midnight, and manytimes until 1 : 00 am. We go to the car for more books, and in the meantime a mar-
found it necessary to carry a regular witnessing ease be- ried daughter of the lady of the house arrived. She took
sides the magazine bag, in order to supply the bound boolcs two also. Eight books at one house! I gave them a study
to those who many times contributed to our work and question booklet and showed them how to use it. In five
~ished no change. In this way these good-will people bad days my wife and I have placed 75 bound books and 99
double proof that we were not religionists, or even like booklets in a town where we were told that we would not
them, out shaking a tambourine in their faces for money be able to make any placements."
thatI amJehovah:’
"Zz.e~e| $5:15.

.~JNE I, 1945

APEOPLEl~ORTHE:ISSUE ..........................
Assembly .............................................168
MyWitnesses, MyServant .................. 168
PresentEvidence ...................................
I~TEm~A~O.~ REWS~VS .......................... 172
EXPF.XlEN C~S....................................176
W~" STUDIES .......................... 162
’THE M~.KINHEEITTHE E~TH’........... 162
117 Adams Street
- - Brooklyn
1, N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes aa expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of goed-wiU.
N. H. KNORR, President W.E. V~u~r AuBv~, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Soemty
"And all thy children shall be f~ueht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
great shall be the peace of thy children." - Isat,lh
3. 54:r of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible aa authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, partif.s, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logoe was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power
dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah;
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNITF.D ST£TISa, $I.00; nD other countries. $1.50.
American currency;
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the GREAT BRITAIN, ~US~MI£, AND SOUTH AFRICa, ~.
American remit.
lances should be made by Postal or Express MoneyOrder or by Bank
right to life; Draft. British, South African and Art¯train|an remittances should
be made direct to the respective branch ot~ee& Remittances from
THAT THE LOGO5 was made human as the man Jesus and countries other than those mentioned may be made to the ° Brooklyn
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive ol~ce, but by Dtternatlo~al Postal MoneyOrderonly.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature Foaalo~ OswlCnS
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power Brl#~A 34 Craven Terrace, London. W. 2, England
and authority; Aasfra~t ...... T BeresfordRoad,Strathfleld, N S. W., Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called 8outh Afr~coft Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the India% 187 Love Lane, Bombay27. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are hxs witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Translations of this Journal appear in several language.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear; ALL SINCERE S~n,2DENTS OF Tz~E BIBLE who by reason of
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord Infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of mar have ~The Wutehtou~r free upon written application to the pubhsners.
made once each year, ¯taring the reason for so requesting It We ¯re
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to glad to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each ~ear
is required by the postal regulatlonL
the establishment of the "new earth" of the New World;
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can Not~cs to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or ¯ renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, seriptlon will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, maybe expected to appear on address label within one month.
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s orgamzation and the complete establish- Journal one monthbefore the subscription explre~
ment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the Kingdom Printed in the United States of America
the people of good-willthat survive Armageddonshall carry Entered as second-class matter at the post o~re at B, ooklvn, 2q. Y,
out the divinemandateto "fillthe earth"wltha righteous race. under the ACt O~ Ji[arcA 8, 1879.

"THIS GOSPEL" TESTIMONY PERIOD oppressors and land-grabbers will be removed from this earthly
"This Gospel" Testimony Period is scheduled to occupy the ball and its land areas will be equitably dmtributed among the
entire month of June We are blessed of the Lord to have just sur~vmg meek of the earth, to be beautified and populated by
the literature that sets out "this gospel" of the Kingdom’s estab- them under Jehovah’s direction. This thrflhng and heart-wurmmg
lishment, and the arrangement is to offer such gospel m print theme of ’The Meek Inheri~ the Earth’ LS well captured and
durmg the Testimony. namely, "The Kingdom ls at ttand" to- arhst~cally portrayed by the booklet’s front-cover demgn, We m-
gether with the new booklet ’The Meek Inherit the Earth’. The rite you to get your personal copy of this newly released booklet
contribution to be accepted for this combmatlon ts 25c. The now and to study it carefully. It ts evadable on a 5c contribution
advantage of having this hterature for distribution frmn house
to house makes it easy for any W’atchtou, er reader to engage with USE RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTION BLANK
all Kmgdomannouncers m the preaehmg of "this gospel of the The blank sent you one month before expiration of your
Kangdom" in obedience to Christ’s command. (Matthew 24: 14) Watchtower subscription should be filled out and returned to the
Wetherefore invite all those des,rous to notify us and we shall Brooklyn office or to the Branch office in the eoantry where you
refer them to the most convenient organLzed group wRh whom reside. Servants in the companies, and individuals, when sendmg
theycan enjoythe thr~land blessing of proclaiming thisgospel. in renewals for The Watchtower, should always use these blanks.
Every one engagingin this work, whethermany hours or few, By filling m these renewal blanks you are assured of the continua-
shouldmake reportthereofon the reg-ularprovlded form. tion of your Watchtower from the time of expiration, and w~th-
out delay. It will also be a great help if you s~gn your name um-
’THE MEEK INHERIT THE EARTH’ formly, and note any recent change of address, on the renewal slip
Strange seems that proclamatlon of Christ Jesus in the light "WATCHTOWER"STUDIES
of present-day world events, when many nations war over con-
trol of the earth’s surface. ~’evertheless, the new 32-page booklet Week of July 1: "A People for the Issue,"
of that name showsconvincingly how that very thingm in proc- ~" 1-19 inclustve, The Watchtower June I, 1945.
ess of accomplishment.As the absorbingtheme unfolds the Week of July 8: "A People for the Issue,"
meek ones are identified, and Scriptureproofshows how cruel ¶ 20-40 reclusive, Th~ Watchtot~er June I, 1945.
Vou LX~q Ju~.i, 1945 No.II


"This people hare I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise."--Isa. 43: 21.
EHOVAH stands directly at the center of the to as manyas thou hast given him. Andthis is life
J issue. He is the One upon whomcreation, animate eternal, that they might know thee the only true
and inanimate, depends, and hence the contention God, and Jesus Christ whomthou hast sent." (John
or controversy swirls around him and all men must 17 : 1-3) It is just as vital to knowthe true God, who
finally take their stand either for or against him. Men sent the Son, as it is to knowthe Son; if not more
once atheists do not find Himin a "foxhole" under the vital, because the Son said: "My Father is greater
enemy’s fire! Jehovah God is found in his written than I." (John 14: 28) And in the matter of know-
Word, the Holy Scriptures. For that reason it is ing the Father, whois God,it is well to get acquaint-
written in those Scriptures concerning faith in Jeho- ed with him in a favorable way, because that means
vah God: "So then faith cometh by hearing, and everlasting life. The time is close upon us when
hearing by the word of God." (Rom. 10: 17) In or- those on unfavorable terms with him will have ful-
der for those who find Jehovah God to hear about filled uponthemthe prayer of Psalm83 : 17, 18 : "Let
him, there must be a distributing and preaching of them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let
the written Wordwhich he has provided concerning them be put to shame, and perish: that men may
himself. To meet that urgent need. he has raised up know that thou, whose name alone is JEIIOVAtt,
in this day a "people for his name", a people for art the most high over all the earth."
the issue, particularly because within this genera- s Having read these verses of Psalm 83, make no
tion the issue must be settled and it will be settled mistake about it: Whenthe time comes to prove
without any room for further controversy. TILe con- before all men that the God who alone bears the
troversy is unavoidable; and Jehovah’s people are nameof Jehovah is the Most High over all the earth
in the thick of it, not dodgingit at all. Their coura- it will be at the cost of the lives of manymen and
geous activity for His side of the issue is with the women of all nationalities, all such being his enemies.
highest benefit and the most lasting good to the That means that many will not get the eternal life
people. which comes from rightly knowing Jehovah God and
’ Menfrom the foxholes; womenrescued from the the Son whomHe sent." But the lives of such ene-
havoc and debris wrought by the fiendish buzz- mies are easily expendable in order for the great
bombs; and men and women from the luxurious issue to come to permanent settlement. Why,so im-
cathedrals and religious assembly-houses, will ask, portant is it to the peace, harmonyand prosperity
"Whyshould Jehovah be ¢he heart of the issue be- of all the universe to prove before all creatures that
fore humankind today? I have heard about Jesus Jehovah God is the Most High over all things that
Christ, and whyisn’t he enough for salvation ? Why the whole world, this old world, must die. Worldde-
must this Jehovah be dragged in on the matter?" struction is ahead of us and not possible to be turned
Very relevant questions these are, and very proper aside. The Bible long ago foretold of its coming.
to be answered now for those who ask in honesty. At the same time the Bible held out the hope that
However, this very Jesus Christ, who the many men having good-will toward Jehovah God and Je-
think is all-sufficient, got in ahead of their ownques- sus Christ his Son would survive the world’s end.
tion by saying in his prayer to Jehovah God: "’Fa- T]lcy are to inherit eternal life on a purged earth
ther, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy in a new world; not simply a ’%etter world", but a
Son also may glorify thee: as thou hast given him perfect world of unending righteousness. Are such
powerover all flesh, that he should give eternal life facts serious enough? Are they reason enough to
1. (a) Where is Jehovah with relation to the issue, and where is faith in
him to he found by men? (b) Why has he raised up a people for the show why men must know Jehovah as well as Jesus,
issue, and with what benefit "~
to others
2. (a) What question concerning Jehovah’s essentialness do religious 3. (a) Proving that Jehovah is the Most High God is so important that
people ask, and how did Jesus answer it in advance? (b) In what way what must eventually occur? tb) However, what hope does his ~,ord
is *t best to know him, and why now? hold out for men of good-will?
through whommen may come into relationship with Godputs his people for the issue into the field and
Jehovah God? brings them conspicuously before all the nations.
’Some still unconvinced may ask: "But why Does that mean the Jews, to whomthe attention of
should the world die, be destroyed?" Franldy, it is the world has been drawn by the devilish Nazi-
because this is not God’s world. It is a reproach to Fascist-Vatican effort to exterminate them from the
the name of Jehovah God to ascribe this world to earth? No; even though such natural Israelites are
him and to make him responsible for its existence demonstrating remarkable fortitude under that wick-
and operation. His Holy Wordplainly says that the ed persecution. Prior to the time of Christ the name
"god of this world" is a mimic god, Jehovah’s ene- of Jehovah was called upon the nation of Israel.
my, namely, Satan the Devil. This false god has But already some time before Christ the Israelites
made this a blind world: "in whomthe god of this had ceased pronouncing the name of Jehovah out
world hath blinded the minds of them which believe of an improper fear of violating the Third Com-
not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, mandment, namely: "Thou shalt not take the name
who is the image of God [Jehovah], should shine of Jehovah thy God in vain; for Jehovah will not
unto them." (2 Cor. 4:4) This world will continue hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
thus blind, and willingly so, until its end; at which (Ex. 20: 7, Am. Stan. Ver.) Outside of possibly a
time Jehovah will forcibly open the eyes of all the few of their priests, they had forgotten howto pro-
unbelieving enemies and compel them to know that nounce God’s name as represented by the four let-
He is the Most High God. That time of destruction ters (ran,) which stood for his name in the Hebrew
of the Devil’s world is the battle of Armageddon, Bible; and they substituted for his name the term
not so far ahead now, and there Jehovah will vindi- Adonai, meaning Lord. So the question, to be proved
cate his name and place as the Supreme One. Con- by Jewish history down till Christ’s time, was
cerning that battle against the combined enemy in whether they would prove themselves worthy to
their final line-up, tile Lord Godhas prophesied in bear and be associated with Jehovah’s name. Such
these words: "I will call for a swordagainst him unto worthiness could not be for ever based simply upon
all my mountains, saith the Lord Jehovah: every the fact that they were the descendants of the faith-
man’s sword shall be against his brother. And with ful forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
pestilence and with blood will I enter into judgment ’ Because of being descended from Jacob, the Jew-
with him; and I will rain upon him, and upon ish nation was sometimes addressed as "Jacob". But
his hordes, and upon the many peoples that are because the patriarch Jacob’s name was changed by
with him, an overflowing shower, and great hail- Jehovah God to Israel, the nation was also spoken
stones, fire, and brimstone. And I will magnify my- of as "the children of Israel", or just "Israel". The
self, and sanctify myself, and I will make myself time came when natural Israel’s favored position
knownin the eyes of many nations; and they shall gave wayto that of spiritual Israel ; and consequent-
know that I am Jehovah."--Ezek. 38: 21-23, Am. ly the honor and privilege of bearing the name of
Start. Ver. Jelmvah was transferred. This fact was specially in-
’ In this decisive way" the issue will be settled. dicated about three and a half years after the death
Thereby will be shown that Jehovah is the almighty and resurrection of Christ Jesus. It was whenSimon
and most high God, the only One who wields univer- Peter preached the good news of God’s kingdom to
sal domination, which means, his sovereignty over an assembly of non-Jews, or Gentiles, in the home
this earth and all creation visible and invisible. And of the Italian centurion Cornelius, at the city of
that is the answer to those who ask why, besides Caesarea. Referring to this, the disciple Jalues said
Jesus Christ, Jehovah must be dragged into the to the congregation at Jerusalem: "Simeon [Peter]
matter. At the oncoming battle of Armageddon hath declared howGodat the first did visit the Gen-
Christ Jesus the Son will fight to victory over Sa- tiles, to take out of them a people for his name. And
tan’s world, for the vindication of Jehovah’s name. to this agree the wordsof the prophets; as it is writ-
Those who now turn a deaf ear and refuse to hear ten, After this I will return, . . . that the residue
and heed this proclamation of the day of God’s of menmight seek after the Lord [Jehovah], and all
vengeance will have to bear the consequences of such the Gentiles, upon whommy name is called, saith
religious prejudice against the nameand supremacy the Lord, whodoeth all these things."-Acts 15 : 14-17.
of Jehovah. s Throughthe preaching of the gospel up till then
, Nowat last the issue is pressing for its settle-
sent once and for all time. Therefore the Most High only a residue, or small remnant, had been selected
4,~ Why Is it necesaary for this world to be destroyed~ and, as proph- 7. (a) By what two names was the Jewish nation addressed? {b) To
esied b) Jehovah for what purpoe~e will he fight the battle at that time? whomwas the favored POsition as to God’s name transferred, and when
6. (a) Does the people for the Issue mean the persecuted lews’~ and how was this markedly shown?
does their attitude toward his name bear this out? Ib) On what fact 8, Did the taklng out of Gentiles after the Jewish remnant mean God
alone could not relationship to His namebe based ? was creating and having two peoples? and why?

out from the Jews to bear the name of Jehovah be- eign power, to control and regulate the organization
cause of their new relationship to Him through by the power of voting and democratic elections. The
Christ Jesus. Such being the case, the Lord Godthen organization abides by the absolute rule that Jeho-
visited or began showing favor to the Gentiles, to vah God is the supreme One, the universal Sover-
take out from amongthem also a people to bear the eign, and that therefore the organization he created
responsibilities and privileges connected with Jeho- is.~ubject to His ,~i1[ in all things. He tops the or-
vah’s name. This did not mean that thenceforth he ganization and administers it, and thus it is Theo-
had two peoples on earth, but that the remnant out cratic. It pays full submission to His dominion or
from the Jews and all those thereafter taken out Theocracy, and observes the divine will as revealed
from the Gentiles would be combined to make up one through his written Word, the Bible.
people for the nameof Jehovah. They constitute one " Since Christ Jesus is Jehovah’s Chief Servant
people in Christ Jesus their Head, because, as stated and is most closely at one with his Father, therefore
by the apostle, "there is neither Jew nor Greek [Gen- the great Theocrat Jehovah has madehis Son Christ
tile], there is neither bond nor free, there is neither Jesus the invisible or heavenly Head over the Theo-
male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. cratic organization of spiritual Israel. To state it in
Andif ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’sseed, the apostle’s words, Jehovah "subjected all things
and heirs according to the promise."--Gal. 3:28, 29. under his feet; and constituted him a head over all
s Thus Jehovah God was the Creator of a new peo- things for that congregation, which is his body, the
ple for his name, that is to say, spiritual Israel. in full developmentof him whois filling all things with
this respect they are a "newcreation"; as it is writ- all". (Eph. 1: 22, 23, Emphatic Diaglott) The con-
ten: "For neither circumcision nor the want of it is gregation of spiritual Israel is accordingly the "body
of any importance, but only a new creation. Peace of Christ", and they must be subject to him the Head,
and mercy be on alt whowill follow this rule, and on as he takes the lead in doing the Theocratic will of
the true Israel of God." (Gal. 6: 15, 16, Goodspeed) Jehovah. (Eph. 5: 23, 24) In this way the structure
"Therefore if any manbe in Christ, he is a new crea- of the people for Jehovah’s name does not conform
ture: old things are passed away; behold, all things to anything in this world of Satan "the prince of
are becomenew." (2 Cor. 5: 17) It is in accord with the demons". Satan’s organization is a demonocracy,
this fact that the old taw covenant madewith natural opposed to Jehovah’s Theocracy. Today, after nine-
Israel does not apply to them, but Jehovah has teen hundred years of talcing out from Jews and
brought spiritual Israel into relationship with him Gentiles the people for Jehovah’s name, a mere rem-
by a new covenant ratified over the blood of Jesus, nant of this spiritual Israel of Godis to be found yet
"the Lambof God, which taketh away the sin of the on earth. These of the remnant must now serve as
world." Christ Jesus is the one Mediator between Jehovah’s people for the issue. But with them he is
God and the humancreatures in this new covenant. now associating a multitude of consecrated persons
(1 Tim. 2:5,6; Heb. 9: 14-22) Being a "people for of good-will. They are, as it were, throwing them-
his name", they must of necessity, be Jehovah’s wit- selves into the breach due to the small numberof the
nesses. remnant, most noticeably so since 1931. They are
’° Such spirituai Israel, or "people for his name", rendering valiant service on many fronts through-
the Creator did not form according to the political out the earth amid this controversy that rages over
pattern of any nation of this world. He followed no Je]lovah’s nalne.
democratic pattern as provided in the democracies FEAR NOT
of pa~an Greece centuries before Christ. He did not ’~ Owingto the activities publicly and also from
imitate the republican model which Romeprovided house to house by Jehovah’s witnesses, millions of
early in its history. IIe did not copythe later authori- people in manynations are aware of the controversy
tarian style or design of the R~Inan Empire. God that is going on between Christianity and religmn.
formed his people according to his ownperfect will Many more than are known to us are sympathetic
and purpose; that is, he madeit a Theocratic organi- toward Jehovah’s witnesses, but they have observed
zation. Its structure and operation are different, the persecution to which the witnesses are subjected
therefore, from anything the political, religious and and they are fearful of coming out openly and join-
commercial"organizations of this world have to offer. ing the companyof Jehovah’s people. They are thus
No autocratic human head, nor any hierarchy or playing into the hands of the "god of this world".
ruling body of priests, runs spiritual Israel. The The death-dealing purpose of Satan is to put every-
consecrated Christians composing the whole body or body on earth in fear and hold them there, and thus
congregation of spiritual Israel are not the sover- 11. (a) Whohas been appointed head over spiritual Israel, and what does
9 Instead. ot ~hat was Sehovah then the Creator? and by what covenant the congregation~ thereof constitute? (b) Who are now Jehovah’s people
did he bring such into relationship wtth himsetf~ for the i.~.~ue and who are assuciated with them?
10 In creating spiritual lbrael, how did Jehovah make it distinctive 12 What keeps many observers from coming over onto the side of Jeho-
from orgamzations of this world? vah’s witnesses ¯ and what is there to help them out of the difficulty?
keep them under his demonoeracy and away from nant are a people for His name. He has called them
The Theocracy. But if anybody had real reason to by a name, and all the names that the enemy call
fear, it wouldbe the ones whoare the very targets of them to vilify them before the world do not count.
the persecution, namely, the remnant of spiritual In the long ago Jehovah called the patriarch Jacob
Israel on earth. Something keeps them from being by a change of name, to wit, "Israel," meaning, "rul-
fearful. What is it? and what is there to help all ing with God." Thereby Jehovah put his own name
these lcindly-disposed persons all over the earth to upon Jacob; and now Jehovah’s remnant on earth
subdue their mental fears and comeout in open com- bear the nameof ’~Israel" in a spiritual sense. Be-
panionship with the remnant ? It is God’s Wordad- ing created and formed by God, and being redeemed
dressed to the remnant of spiritual Israel or spirit- from enemy tyranny by him, and being called by
ual Jacob; and that Word was purposely reserved the name which he has bestowed, the remnant are
for this terrifying time. Listen to it: His. It is further written to them: "Knowye not
""But now thus saith Jehovah that created thee, that your bodies are the membersof Christ? . . .
O Jacob, and he that formed thee, 0 Israel: Fear and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a
not, for I have redeemed thee; I have called thee price: . . . be not ye the servants of men." (1 Cor.
by thy name, thou art mine. When thou passest 6 : 15-20 ; 7 : 23) God’snewcreation was not madefor
through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the service of menof this world.
the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: whenthou ~, The remnant of spiritual Israel and their good-
walkest through tile fire, thou shalt not be burned, will companions are on the march to the new world
neither shall the flame kindle upon thee." (Isa. of righteousness. Nothing can deflect or turn them
43 : 1, 2, Am. Start. Ver.) This is the word of no man, aside from that goat or stop them dead from reach-
such as the prophet Isaiah. It is the word of Al- ing it. By the time they shall have pushed through,
mighty God, the Creator, whocreated his people for they will be able to say in gratitude to God: ’%Ve
a distinct purpose and whose creation the massed, went through fire and through water: but thou
all-out assault of the entire Devil’s world can never broughtest us out into a wealthy place." (Ps. 66: 12)
destroy. Rather than destroy what God has created, As long as they are assured of God’s presence with
be that ever so small and weak and unpopular in them by Christ Jesus, they are filled with good
appearance, the Devil’s world will run into its own courage and are willing to push onward, whitherso-
destruction. The new world, made up of new heav- ever the Lamb of God leads them. Satan the Devil
ens and a new earth which Jehovah God creates, puts up barriers in their way, the biggest barrier
will tread under foot the ashes of the destroyed old of which is yet to come, namely, the world organi-
world: for the mouth of the Lord God has spoken zation for international peace and security under
it. If he assures the remnant of Jacob or Israel that religion’s supervision. The Devil has already turned
they have no need to fear, and therefore if they do the valve and opened the floodgates of violence and
not fear, then let the multitude of persons whosemis- let loose a torrent of destructive forces to over-
givings of nfind have held them back thus far be whelm and sweep the remnant and their compan-
sure that they have no reason to fear if they be- ions into nonentity. Wesee nowhow, at Revelation
comepublicly the associates of the fearless renmant. 12: 13-16, the Lord God foretold that the Devil’s
"~qmt Jehovah’s witnesses are going through organization would persecute Jehovah’s "woman"or
nowis like what the)" experienced during the World organization, from and after 1918. It was there fore-
War of 1914-1918. Then they were greatly harassed, told how the "dragon" organization would impound
but they were not permitted to be destroyed. Foil- and organize within itself hosts of violent, Nazi-
ing the enemy’s murderous designs, Jehovah brought Fascist-religious elements and that it would release
his remnant forth to greater activity and accom- these in great force against Jehovah’s witnesses on
plishment in his serwce, and formed them into a uni- earth who represent God’s woman"Zion", his or-
fied organization more thoroughly in harmony with ganization. The remnant and their companions now
Theocratic rule. Hence Jehovah says to them, as see howthe dragon organization did vomit out this
respects the future: "Fear not, for I have redeemed great stream or river of violent hordes against them,
thee." He has delivered them from the bondage of especially from and after 1933, with the malicious
fear and doubt, and from abject subservience to intent of carrying them into destruction.
the religious and political organization of this world. "The undiminished activity of the remnant and
~ Since 1918 Jehovah has revealed that the rein- their companionsto this day testifies that Jehovah
13. Since it is Jehovah that is creator of spiritual Israel, then what is
certain as to the attempts of this hostile old world+. and why have favor-
has been with them as they forged ahead through
ably inclinedpeopleno reasonto fear? the rivers. He has brought them through alive for
14. Looking back to what came to the remnant following the exPeri.
ences of 1918. why is Jehovah’s exhortation to fear not proper as respects 18. Whither are the remnant and companions marching, and what bar-
tile future’, rier~ does Satan’s organization put in their way~
15. By what name has Jehovah called his covenant people? and why
are they His? 17. What todaT’ proves that Jehovah has been with them as promised
: fieWATCHTOWEtL 167
his glorious service and purposes both today and vah’s witnesses who are rendering true worship
henceforth. to him.
1, The peoples of this earth have been like great RANSOM
waters, alienated from Jehovah God. They have been ¯ o All this is evidence that the Most High is not
pouring downthe river-bed that the Devil has carved ashamed to confess himself to be the God of those
out for them toward the sea of death and destruc- whoso faithfully worship him and follow his Theo-
tion at the battle of Armageddon. As the children cratic leadings. He is not ashamedto prove it before
of Israel under Captain Joshua long ago marched all the universe. Says he to the remnant of spirit-
between the Jordan river waters and across its ual Israel: "For I am Jehovah thy God, the Holy
open river-bed into the Promised Land, so have One of Israel, thy Saviour; I have given Eg~’pt as
Jehovah’s witnesses of this twentieth century been thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in thy stead. Since
passing, for years since 1918, through the vast thou hast been precious in my sight, and honorable,
waters of hundreds of millions of people. But in- and I have loved thee; therefore will I give menin
stead of being dissolved into a conformity with the thy stead, and peoples instead of thy life." (Isa.
peoples of this world, Jehovah’s faithful servants 43:3, 4, Am. Stan. Vet.) According to this declara-
have kept their Theocratic form and unity and have tion, God will not spare world powers in order to
left a stupendous testimony to God’s name and set his consecrated people free for His service and
kingdom as they have been passing through. No worship.
onrush of waters can sweep away the world-wide ~ In the remote past Egypt was the leading world
witness they have given to His name and universal power and she, together with her allies Ethiopia
domination; but many sincere persons have thereby and Seba, dominated the earth. But Jehovah made
been halted from drifting down to destruction with them all pay for their opposition to him. E~’pt in
tile worldly peoples. They have been turned aside particular was guilty of holding the children of
to safety and deliverance with Jehovah’s Theocratic Israel and refusing to let them go to the mountain
organization. Godhas not forsaken his devoted peo- of God to worship Jehovah. She enslaved and over-
ple, but he will continue to be with them and will not worked fllem as cheap labor and an inferior race.
let the waters of this world overwhelmthem in de- Therefore Jehovah held Egypt, her firstborn ones
1o So as to reinforce us against fear of the enemy, and her wealth as a ransom or security for as long
as she held his chosen people in bondage. When
Jehovah caused the record to be made of how he Egypt refused to release them, Jehovah made her
once permitted the emperor of great Babylon to cast pay the expense of costly plagues, until finally the
three of the faithful Hebrews into a super-heated firstborn of manand animals were slain as the price
furnace for refusing to salute the emperor’s idola- demanded unless she let his people go. And when
trous image. Then Jehovah caused the Son of God Egypt and her allies tried to drag the fugitive Is-
to appear in the midst of the fiery furnace with those raelites back to slavery, then Jehovah exacted a
faithful Israelites, after whict~ lie brought them further national ransom of Egypt, Ethiopia and
forth whole, without singe, scorch, or smell even of Seba, namely, the ignoble death of the flower of their
fire, thus completely vindicating them as true serv- armies, charioteers and horsemen in the depths of
ants of the true and living God. To correspond with the Red sea. Those whoplotted trouble, loss and de-
that, the Almighty God haa permitted his present- struction for God’schosen people got the like them-
day witnesses to be cast into the fiery furnace of selves, and that at God’s hands. The proverb truth-
unjust affliction, persecution and intense trial of in- fully says: "The righteous is delivered out of trou-
tegrity at the hands of Satan’s henchmenwho idol- ble, and tile wickedcomethin his stead." "The wicked
ize the political-religious state and other man-made shall be a ransom for the righteous, and the trans-
creations. In the midst of this "furnace", whoseheat gressor for the upright."~Prov. 11:8; 21: 18.
and flame increase, Jehovah’s witnesses are assured ~ Likewise, now the unjust effort is male by the
of having his presence with them as represented by visible organization of the "god of this world" to
his Son, Christ Jesus. And as the amazed world hold Jehovah’s consecrated people downand to deny
outside lo6ks on they behold that Jehovah is mak- them the freedom to obey his commandmentsand to
ing his promise true to his witnesses; for such fire serve and worship him. This is bound to result only
of persecution does not burn them to ashes or de- in tormenting plagues from God upon this world.
stroy their integrity toward God. The flame does not God’s judgments as declared by his witnesses upon
kindle upon them and devour their identity as Jeho- 20. As to confessions by Jehovah, of what is all the foregoing an open
evidence ?
18. Through what "waters" have ,Iehovah’s witnenses been passing, and 2L How did Jehovah give Egypt as a ransom for the nation of Israel.
what shows whether these have overflowed them or not? and Ethiopia and Seba in their stetd~
¯19 How have they been passing throul~h the "fire", and what are the
facts as to whether they are burned or the flamss kindle upon them
22. Howdo the eorrssponding things apply to Jehovah’s consecrated peo-
ple now?

the earth have been torturing to "Christendom" and in Jehovah’s favor is certified. His declaration is
all the rest of the world, like plagues. But there will that all those called by his nameas his ~p.irnual
be the final ransom toll to pay for further persecut- Israel he has created for His glory. Since not one
ing and pursuing after Jehovah’s remnant and their jot or tittle of God’swritten Wordshall fail till all
companions to drag ti~em back into enforced service be fulfilled, nothing else could be expected at this
of this world. That iinal toll will be destruction at crisis in world history than that Jehovah would as-
th~ battle of Armageddon. Whereas the world may semble the remnant of his name-people. Thereafter
despise and hate Jehovah’s witnesses, yet Jehovah he would form them into a Theocratic body under
loves his persecuted people, and he has honored his King Christ Jesus, who came into his kingdom
them to make them the people for his name. Hence in 1914. The assembling of these into an organized
it is either the freedom of these whomGodloves and unity of action and service has been done under the
honors or the death of the men and peoples who direction of the holy angels who accompanyChrist
fight against Jehovah God and whotry to debar his the King. None of the demons under Satan has been
l:eople from serving and worshiping him. Since such able to interfere successfully therewith. Although we
men and peoples persist in their oppressions upon are fourteen years past 1931, the gathering of Jeho-
the remnant and their companions, they must die at vah’s dedicated servants is not all ended. True it is
Armageddon.They will not be let stand in the way that the membership of the remnant of spiritual
of the establishment of Jehovah’s new world. Let Israel is practically madeup; but let this be remem-
such ones be warned: Jehovah has not spoken in bered: In the days of typical Israel of old there was
vain to his own new creation, saying: "Therefore a multitude of strangers or sojourners mingled in
will I give menfor thee, and people for thy life." with the natural Israelites and dwelling within their
gates, worshiping Jehovah with them. WhenJeho-
ASSEMBLY vah brought forth Israel out of Egyptian bond-
’~ Again the Holy One and Savior of Israel calms age, a multitude of these fellow worshipers came
and comforts us with a declaration of his good pur- along out of Egypt and witnessed Jehovah’s strange
pose toward his people for the issue. Says he : "Fear act over Egypt’s hosts at the Red sea. A thousand
not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from years later, when Jehovah wrought a like deliv-
the east, and gather thee from the west ; "I will say to erance and released his exiled people from mighty
the north, Give up; and to the south, Keepnot back: Babylon, a multitude of these good-will sojourners
bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the or strangers came along and returned to Jerusalem
ends of the earth; even every one that is called by and Judah.
my name: for I have created him for my glory, I ’~ Certainly, then, the gathering of the remnant of
have formed him; yea, I have made him." (Isa. spiritual Israel in these latter days connotes or
43: 5-7) In view of this statement of divine pur- means along with that the gathering together also
pose, it is impossible for combinedreligion, politics of the "stranger" or "sojourner" class from the east
and com,nerce of this world to keep Jehovah’s peo- and west and the north and south, and estabhshing
ple, upon whomhis nameis called, from being gath- them within the "gates" of the remnant’s organiza-
vred out and brought into a oneness and unity, fully tion. It is exactly so, particularly from and after
organized. That their gathering marks the end of 1931. Nowthe gathering of these earthly persons of
the Devil’s world, Christ Jesus madecertain in his good-will continues, and the distances from which
prophecy on the end of the world by saying: "And they are gathered continue to lengthen out, fartimr
then shall they see the Son of man coming in the to the south, and to the north, and to the east and to
clouds with great power and glory. And then shall the west. In every direction Jehovah Godis calling
lie send his angels, and shall gather together his out: ’Give up! Keep not back! Bring ttlem from far,
elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part yes, from the ends of the earth !’ His call for the de-
of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven." (Mark livery is irresistible. Persons disposed to interfere
13: °6, 27) The elect are the anointed ones chosen as should call to mind E~’pt’s fate, and Babylon’s.
a people for Jehovah’s name. The gathering of them Men and peoples and nations are of little conse-
on earth has progressed from A.D. 1919 onward, quence wheninterfering with the fulfillment of Je-
reaching a high point in 1931, whenthey announced hovah’s declared purposes.
to the world their God-given name, "Jehovah’s wit- MY WITNESSES, MY SERVANT
s, Those of good-will, whowant to co-operate with
2° Thattheyarethepeople
the remnant of spiritual Israel, should keep in mind
23 Why has it been impossible for this world to pre~ent the gather/tag
of Jehovah’s people? and what does their being gathered mark*. 25 In proof of that what has been progreasmR since that date~ atad ~hat
24, {a) For what has Jehovah created those called by his name? and should ~hose disposed to interfere call to mlnd*
into what were they due to be formed~ (h) According to Israel’s ease of 26. In order to co-operate with Israel whom Jehovah has made, what
old, wh} was not the gathering of Jehovah’s servants completed In 1931 ? should those of good-will ueertalta*.
JUTE1, 1945 169

God’s words concerning the remnant, namely, "Yea, world is lost and the peoples are doomedto a hope-
I have made him." In order to co-operate with the less future. But their very choice of this counterfeit
divine purpose, they must ascertain whythe Creator and makeshift for God’s kingdom will mark them as
madethe organization of his remnant for this time. deserving of destruction and will hasten their deso-
Just why He did so, the Creator states in his next lation. Therefore this glorified thing, produced by
words, which we consider: men’s hands misguided by the demons, is an "abom-
*’ "Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and ination of desolation" before the Most High God.
the deaf that have ears. Let all the nations be gath- It is the old League of Nations under a new plastic
ered together, and let the peoples be assembled: who face. That old League ended up with fiasco in 1939.
among them can declare this, and show us former It accomplished no deliverance of the peoples. Dur-
things ? let them bring their witnesses, that they may ing alI the long term that Satan has been the "god
be justified; or let them hear, and say, It is truth. of this world" there has been no deliverance of the
Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and my servant people whoput their trust in his organization. The
whomI have chosen; that ye may know and believe promises and predictions made by religious clergy,
me, and understand that I am tie: before me there politicians, big business menand social reformers
was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. that deliverance was around the corner to crown
I, even I, am Jehovah; and besides me there is no their schemes have always failed. The "god of this
saviour. I have declared, and [ have saved, and I world" has failed all of his worshipers. He is a
have showed; and there was no strange god among "strange god" and cannot deliver.
you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, ~° The people of this world have eyes of under-
and I am God. Yea, since the day was I am he; and standing, but the god or mighty one of this world
there is none that can deliver out of myhand: I will has blinded them to all visible proofs that Jehovah
work, and who can hinder it?"--Isa. 43:8-13, Am. is God. The proofs to that effect are found hoth in
Start. Ver. the written Bible and also in the outworldng of its
*’ Thus a defiance is hurled by Jehovah at the en- prophecies in well-knownhistory. The people of this
tire visible organization of the Devil. The opposing world have ears of attentiveness, but they hear not
claims of both sides involved in the controversy must with any faith the message that God’s written Word
now be put to the test, and Jehovah calls for the speaks to them. That same message God has caused
test. Satan the mimicclaims to be god and the right- to be proclaimed in their ears by his commissioned
ful one to rule the earth and all the universe. Bythe servants on earth, the remnant of spiritual Israel.
worship of money or mammon and by the deceptions It is a time to face the facts. It is a time to be real-
of religion Satan has gotten all the self-seeldng and istic by honestly acknowledging what such facts
self-righteous and fear-struck people of this world mean and then acting in harmony with one’s best
to worship him as god. To the largest degree that it and lasting interests. The cry of the politicians and
will ever be possible, he is nowwhat the Scriptures their clergy allies is for "one world" under an inter-
call him, "the god of this world." He is de~ermined national arrangement. This being so, let all these
to hold on to that egotistical position. To that end blind and deaf people of the world be brouglit forth,
he plans a big strategic move for the period that and let all the nations and peoples be assembled to-
must follow the global war. His scheme is not hid gether. Let the entire earth be converted into a great
froln the foreknowledge of the true and living God, courtroom for determination of the issue. Since the
and Jehovah God has forewarned his people what end of World WarI, in 1918, Jehovah God has given
Satan’s scheme will be, namely, a system of inter- the nations and peoples the opportunity for tins, and
national collaboration backed by military force for he will extend the opportunity into the peace period
the maintenance of unity, safety and tranquillity of to follow World War II. By all the swift means of
the nations of the earth. communication today the nations have the agencies
" Satan the Devil has turned the desires of the re- and the opportunity to set their joint case before
ligious clergy away from the kingdom of God and the whole world, in favor of the god of this world
has made them turn frantically toward this sub- whomthey serve.
stitute for_God’s ldngdom and to pray, work and ~’ In the great Court Jehovah Godis the Supreme
preach for it. They claim the global war will have Judge. Letting those who have brought complaints
been fought in vain unless out of it comesthis asso- against his people and whohave falsely charged Him
ciation of nations. It is either this, say they, or the and reproached His name be heard first, he calls
27 At I~aiah 4~, Just how does Jehovah state the public purpose for which upon the interrelated world of today to put all its
be has made and trained his people for his name~ 30. (a) Who are the sightless people having eye1, and the deaf people
28 .~ to the controversy, * for what is Jehovah there calling, and tn havln$ ears, and how so? lb) Unto what must these be brought forth,
~tew of what future scheme of the great opposer and the nations and peoples be gathered?
29 (a) In what direction has Satan turned the rellvious clergy? and 31. In the great Court proceedings, on what questlous have their wit.
imw does God’s Word designate the object of their choice* {hi What neases been called to t~stlfy? and what has been the content of their
promised thing has Satan’s orgamzatlon failed to bring to his worshipers? test|nlony ¯
witnesses on the stand. The questions are put! to which Jehovah God has commissioned his serv-
Where, in favor of the god of this world, can they ant people, namely, "My witnesses," that is to say,
point to any deliverance by him in all the long course ’Jehovah’s witnesses.’ Andthis is the name, divinely
of human history? Where have they ever come out indicated, which the remnant adopted in 1931 by an
in favor of waiting for deliverance upon Jehovah’s expressed and published Resolution, thereby to de-
Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus, and when clare their God-appointed position before all this
have they advocated for it? Where have they ever world plainly and unmistakably. And notably since
predicted any deliverance and salvation for Jeho- that action the Lord’s "other sheep", the "stranger"
vah’s worshipers and for those who faithfully take class, have flocked to the side of God’s renmant and
their stand alongside of the people whomhe has have caught up the testimony which these deliver
created and formed? Wewait to hear the answer of world-wide to the glory of Jehovah as the God of
their witnesses to Jehovah’s challenging question: deliverance according to promise.
"Yet who amongthem tould foretell this, could an- "The remnant, together with their earthly com-
nounce it to us beforehand? Let them bring their panions, are the followers of Christ Jesus, whoset
witnesses to prove them in tile right, to hear their the example as the Chief Servant of Jehovah in the
plea, and say, ’It is true.’" (Isa. 43:9, Smith-Good- contest over the primary issue. Jesus never lagged
speed) The testimony of their witnesses in the reli- about bearing witness that Jehovah is God, both pub-
gious pulpits, in the newspapers and magazines, in licly and in the homesof the people. Before the high-
tile judicial courts, in the parochial and public est authoriW of the territory in which he witnessed,
schools, in the popular forums of discussion, has all the religious Jewish Council or Sanhedrin and the
been to the contrary of anything good and practical secular court of the Romangovernor Pontius Pi-
to come from the side of Jehovah and his Theocracy. late, he did not fear to give true testimony on the
Hence they predict and boast of a terrible end for issue. It is recorded of Jesus Christ that he ’¢before
Jehovah’s remnant and their companions. Stay Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession". (1 Tim.
away from Jehovah’s witnesses or else you will get 6 : 13) It was before Pilate that Jesus declared what
what they get! Such is the dire warning from those was the main mission for which he came to this
testifying for this world. earth as a man, sa~ng: "Thou sayest that I am a
" NowJehovah God shows the honorable purpose king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came
for which he made or commissioned the people whom I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the
he created and formed. He has made them to fit in truth." (John 18: 37) He acted as Chief Witness
this present conspicuous place in the great contro- the truth that Jehovah is the Deliverer and Savior
versy over the issue, Whois Godand hence the Uni- and "from everlasting to everlasting" The God. (Ps.
versal Sovereign? It. stands to reason that the one 90:2) So firmly did he stick by this testimony that
whois Godis he whocan deliver, delivering his peo- he did not resist being handedover to the execution-
ple contrary to all humanpredictions and expecta- ers to be nailed to the tree. On the tree he submitted
tions, and in the face of opposition by the organiza- to being reviled by Satan’s witnesses, the religious
tion on the other side of the controversy. Is there priests and their dupes, who jeered: "If he be the
such a God? As this question is repeated, the wit- King of Israel, let him now come down from the
nesses for this world stutter, and stammer, and fail [stake; stauros], and we wiIl believe him. Ite trusted
to produce any convincing proof to cause others to in God; let him deliver him now,if he will have him :
shout out, "It is truth!" Then Jehovah God turns for he said, I am the Son of God."--Matt. 27:41-43.
to the remnant who worship and serve him, and he
~ Although dying apparently forsaken of God,
cries out to themby his Word: "Ye are Myu’itnesses, Jesus’ witness concerning Jehovah his Father was
an affirmation of Jehovah, and Myservant whomI
have chosen, so that ye know and give credence to true; for on the third day after his death Jehovah
raised this ICing of spiritual Israel from the dead,
Me, a~d understand that I am He, before Me there delivering him from hell or the grave. It was thus
was no Godformed, and after Me there is none. I--
I am Jehovah, and besides Methere is no saviour. I-- proved that Jehovah is God and that Satan is a
mimic god. Resurrecting Jesus was Jehovah’s might-
I declared, and saved, and proclaimed, and there is iest act of deliverance; and for Jesus’ courageous
no stranger [god] with you, and ve are My wit- and unswerving testimony in behalf of Jehovah the
nesses, an affirmation of Jehovah, and I am God."~ Scriptures call Jesus "the Amen, the faithful and
Isa. 43: 10-12, Young.
true witness". (Rev. 3:14; 19: 11) He is the One
"In that affirmation is found the nameof the office whomJehovah has made the Head and Chief over
~2. What questions set forth the issue over which the controversy ragem~
and how does Jehovah now state the purpose for which he commissioned 34 Who set us the example as chief witness concerning Jehovah’s being
his created people’~ the God of deliverance, and how did such one do so?
33. How did 3ehovah thus name his people ~ when was this specifically 35. In his own ease, bow did Jesus’ testimony prove trae? and what
adopted? and what gathering has progressedsince? tlUe has therefore been given to him~
Ju~ 1, 1945 SeWATCHTOWER. 171

his remnant of witnesses today at the height of the the desert. The beasts [that drink at such miraculous
controversy over the paramount issue. Jesus gives rivers] of the field shall honor me, the jackals and
commandto the remnant in this day, saying: "This the ostriches; because I give waters in the wilder-
gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the ness, and rivers in the desert, to ~ve drink t~ my
world for a witness unto all nations."--Matt. 24: 14. people, my chosen, the people which I formed for
3s The remnant accept the responsibility which Je- myself, that they might set forth my praise."--
hovah lays upon them when he says to them: "Ye Isa. 43:14-21, Am. Stan. Ver.
are my witnesses,.., my servant whom I have s, Jehovahsays he speaks to the remnant of spirit-
chosen." The remnant are ably seconded by their ual Israel as "YOUR Kz~G". This is because he took
good-will companionsin meeting this responsibility. his power and began reigning A.D. 1914, by putting
Before the mentally blind and deaf people, and be- his King Christ Jesus on the throne. Since that
fore all the gathered nations and the assembled peo- time and event "this gospel of the kingdom" must
ples, the remnant act as God’s servant under Christ be preached to all nations of the earth for a witness
Jesus and bear witness to Jehovah as God. Savior before Satan’s world ends up in destruction. It is a
and Deliverer. They do not fail Jehovah’s purpose kingdom of salvation and deliverance, for its King
in making them a "people for his name" and hence Christ Jesus is the One who died as a ransom for
his witnesses. They point steadfastly to the record men whobelieve. The remnant and their companions,
in the Scriptures where Jehovah has again and again who preach and give this Kingdom witness to the
made a name for himself by delivering his faithful nations, do not need to point to the distant past long
servants in past times. Using all the means for before their day to produce an example of deliver-
preaching "this gospel of the kingdom", they show ance by Jehovah God. The proof of His power to
He is the only true and eternal God, without begin- deliver as God does not lie wholly in the ancient
ning and without end, the ahnighty. They show that days when he smote Egypt and brought the Israel-
by his nowestablished Kingdomhe will work in vin- ites through the Red sea and lured the Egyptian
dication of his name and his universal domination, army and mighty men and horses to their destruc-
and that Satan and all his world will not be able to tion in the sea. The proof of Jehovah’s Godship is
hinder Jehovah God or to deliver the wicked from not limited to the time when he caused the mighty
destruction at Jehovah’s hands at the battle of Ar- world-power, Babylon, to fall and turned the Eu-
mageddom phrates river aside and spoiled the traffic of the
PRESENT EVIDENCE ships of the shouting Chaldeans on its waters. All
3, Moreover, in themselves the faithful remnant those things he did in order to deliver his people of
and their fellow witnesses, their good-will compan- Israel from captivity in Satan’s Babylonish organi-
ions, have present evidence that Jehovah is the Sav- zation and bring them back to his holy city again
ior and Deliverer. There is amongthem no "stranger" and its worship of Jehovah. That deliverance from
or foreign god to whomto attribute salvation and de- Babylon was a new thing in Israel’s history when
liverance. The Lord God calls attention to their compared with Israel’s ancient deliverance from
present salvation and deliverance which he exe- Egypt.
cuted before the eyes of all the enemy world, by ’*No, Jehovah’s remnant and their companions
next saying to the remnant of spiritual Israel : "Thus today are not obliged to remember and cite merely
saith Jehovah, your Redeemer, the Holy One of such former things of old. Jehovah has wrought a
Israel: For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and "newthing" in their case, since 1918, in proof that lie
I will bring downall of them as fugitives, even the is the only true and living God, and has thereby made
Chaldeans, in the ships of their rejmcing. I am Jeho- them his witnesses. Babylon is the Devil’s organiza-
vah, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, vovR tion which rides upon all peoples of the earth and
KI~’G. Thus saith Jehovah, who maketh a way in the holds them in bondage to Satan. Fromthis Babylon-
sea, and a path in the mighty waters; who bringeth ish organization of oppression Jehovah by his King
forth the chariot and horse, the army and the Christ Jesus has made the remnant and their com-
mighty man (they lie downtogether, they shall not panions free. Such deliverance by God’s spirit and
rise; they are extinct, they are quenchedas a wick): truth and worship has madethese the only free peo-
Rememberye not the former things, neither con- ple on earth. They must yet travel in the wilderness
sider the things of old. Behold, I will do a newthing: of this world before reaching the newworld of right-
nowshall it spring forth ; shall ye not lmowit ! I will eousness, and they would faint and die of thirst
even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in 38. (a) Why does Jehovah expreF~ himself to the remnant as "ymlr
King"? and to what ancient event~ could the remnant refer to prove him
36. How do the remnant pro~e they accept the responsibility Jehevab to be the God of deliverance? .(h) What was the "new thing" which
lays upon them? and who second them ably in this course~ Jehovah did for Israel of old? ’
37 Why is no outside proof necessary for them that Jehovah is God and 39 (a) What "new thing" has Jehovah performed for the remnant of
Deliverer? and how does Jehovah’s next statcment call attention to this? this day? {b) Who may drink of that which he now provides?

were it not for Jehovah’s demonstratingto themthat Armageddon’s universal battle. That is whenhe will
he is God. For their refreshmentand reviving he has performhis "strange act", an act far mightier than
caused a river of pure water of Kingdomtruth to that at the Redsea, destroying all the wickedhosts
flow forth from the throne of Godand of his King. of Satan and for ever delivering the people whom
Happily, the way in which Jehovah leads them runs he created, formed and madefor his purpose, and
along with this continually deepeningriver of life- their devoted companions with them. Oh, then, ye
sustaining waters. Whosoeverwill, be they like th.e favored remnant, do not miss your calling! Do not
dragons and owls, or the jackals and ostriches, of fail of your divine commission. Act always in obe-
the wilderness, maycomeand drink thereat and then dience to the fact that you are, as Jehovahyour God
give honor to the great Fountain of life-giving wa- says, "the people which I formed for myself, that
ters, Jehovah God.--Rev. 22: 17. they might set forth mypraise." Likewise, ye "other
’°The "new thing" that proves Jehovah’s God- sheep" of the Lord, their companions,join ye with
ship and universal sovereignty will take on its most this faithful remnant.Join ye in showingforth Jeho-
convincing testimonial form in the near future, at vah’s praises by Christ Jesus, taking up the new
40 la} Whenv,i|l this "’new thing" take on its strongest convincing song whichye will continue, without interruption, to
form~ {b) Whatexhortation, therefore, is now due to the remnantand
to their~ompamons’~ sing on this earth "world without end"!

T IS a happy privilege to be able to make revisits, or "back-
I calls", upon groups of faithful friends, especially upon those
m foreign lands, and to see how they have gotten along since
last met with. Such a privilege fell to the lot of the president
the bleak coast against which the waves of the Pacific pound
ceaselessly, and past the isolated seaport of Iquique, on to our
final Chilean stop, Ariea. Here we go through requtred formal-
ities with our passports, because we are near the northern border
of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Soctety, N. H. Knorr, ae- of this long land,and our next stop is to be m Peru.It is a
compamed by one of the Soctety’s directors, F. W. Franz, during pleasureto drop down upon the airportat Areqmpa,Peru,with
the spring of this year. Readers of thts magazine will recall the Its gorgeoussurroundings, most prominentof all threeawesome
recent account in these columns of the mrplane flights of these mountainsalongsideone another all hooded wlth snow. From
travehng representatives of the Society down through Mexico there,exceptfor an emergencylandingwhich we made,~t ts a
and Central America and on down the west coast of South Amer- strmghtthree-hour flightto "thecity of the kings",foundedby
ica to Chile. With the conventions of Jehovah’s wltnessss m Ptzarro in 1535, namely, Lima, Peru. Here a surprise Is await-
Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, 5Iontevtdeo, and Santiago de Chile ing us!
successfully accomphshed, as reported in prewous tssues of The It is about 6:45 p.m. when we dtsembark, to spend the mght
Watchtower, thetr travel schedule called for back-tracking over at Lima. As we mount the steps of the mrport bmldmg we arc
this air route. hailed by two young men with beaming faces, namely, Albert
The new Branch servant, also the former depot servant, and Mann and Jack Powers, both graduates of the Watchtower
several other Chilean brethren, braved the early morning hours College of Gilead and now on their way to posts of duty south
of Monday, March 26, to see Brothers Knorr and Franz off from of here. Customs cleared, we meet, and they tell of being held
the Santiago mrport. The day was beginning to dawn when the over m L, ma since last Saturday; and when space will be avail-
wa~-amg bell rang, and all these brethren qmckly expressed their able for them on a plane southbound from here is conjectural.
last well-wishings one to another, and our two departing travelers The days have been somewhat lonely for them, and they are
boarded the northbound plane. The plane propellers whirr around surprised to learn there are brethren m Lima and are dehghted
with a roar, the plane then wheels into positron for its dash to be reformed that we are to have a meetmg wtth them that
down the long runway, and then as It speeds past the mrport mght at 8 o’clock, according to prearrangement made on passing
building we wave at the windows to our brethren who are watch- through last February 26. A pleasant supper together at our
mg for their last ghmpse of us At 6-36 a.m. our plane lifts hotel, and then we take a taxt for a humble home on the .~Ialecon
off the runway, and we are ascending to cloudy heights, with Rtmac, along the Rlmac aver. It is "Chnstendom’s" Santa
mountains to east and west of us To our nght the day is bright- Semana (or "Holy Week"), and a rellgmus parade with ~dola-
ening above the saw-tooth range of the Andes mountains; and a trous images followed by Cathohc devotees prevents our tax1
golden glow mdmates where the orb of day may make its appear- from crossing a badge and reqmres our taking a long round-
ance. Soon the sun is peepmg up above the cordillera It is not about route to the home, and we are some minutes late m arriv-
very long before Its entire glormus circle, for a time playing hide- ing. But brethren are at the gate to receive us, and when we four
and-seek behind the peaks, is full up m the heavens and chasing enter the court and pass several family apartments to Interior
the shadows from the westel~ slopes of the Andes mountains. No 9, we are delighted to find, not merely the e~ght of our pre-
Length~lse of the cordillera we continue to fly, feasting our eyes vmus meeting, but also six others. So there are new mtroductmns
upon snowcapped giants projecting their heads above the gen- to be made, from both sides, but m no tune we are all acquainted
eral range. and comfortably seated, some on the bed and others on chmrs,
In Im~e we glide over a vast ~ea of clouds, obscunng our vi- and ready for Brother Knorr’s address. Instead of wattmg out-
sion of the land below. The cloudy expanse stretches on and on side for an hour, our taxi driver wa~ts almost two, while I~ng-
for more than two hours of our flight, but the jagged summits dora matters are transacted w~thm Intenor No. 9.
of many mountains pierce thmr way up through the cloudy mass, From the first Brother Knorr endeavored to turn our httle
appearing like rocky islands m the m~dst of a billowy sea of gathenng of eighteen to practical effect. He ctted the Scriptures
white. Finally, after almost four hours of flying, we find our- to show the need of sending forth preachers of the Kangdom
selves to be winging our way over the Pacific ocean, along the gospel, and then magmfied thepnv~lege each consecrated one has
prempitous coastline of Chile, not permtttmg of any seaports of being a publisher of the Kingdom m these days preceding
and where, according to the report, it has not rained for forty the battle of Armageddon. The publmhmg wink includes not
years. At 10:50 a.m we land at Antofagasta, Chile, where we merely the placing of literature for persons to read, hut also the
change planes. Then we negotmte two more hours of flying along calling back upon those who obtain the pnnted message and stxr-
JuNs 1, 1945 ~ieWATCHTOWER. 173

ring them up to read it and starting book studies with them m lecture was a womanwho the day before had been selling lottery.
their homes. Thus, in places where a shortage of Kmgdomlit- tickets on the streets of Panama city. A publisher, decked with
erature exists, as here in Peru, the consecrated ones can carry announcement placards about the pubhc lecture on "The Meek
forward their educational work among the interested people of Inherit the Earth", came along. The lottery saleswoman stopped
good-will and thereby put their ume and energies to good use her, read the placard, and, on receiving an invitation, rephed’
in God’s service. "I’ll be there." She enjoyed the Spanmh lecture very much and
Our Peruvian friends saw their prlvtleges, and when Brother handed in her name for a back-call or revisit.
Knorr laid the matter before them they voted for group orgam- The public lecture, at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 28, re-
zation as the Lima company of Jehovah’s witnesses. After a dis- sulted m the greatest turnout of the public yet experienced by
eussion of personal qualifications, Brother Knorr then appointed Jehovah’s witnesses in Panama. Incidentally, over in the adla-
our host, in whose home we were guests, as the Lima company cent American Canal Zone a dLstinctmn of races is observed, as
servant. He also made arrangements and gave instructions m the southern United States; and the whites are designated as
for the proper relations of tins first company to be estab- "gold", and the colored are designated as "silver". Except for
hshed in Peru with the headquarters at Brooklyn. The Lima Brother Harvey and his wife, both being special-pioneer grad-
brethren were highly pleased. A number of them desired to be uates from the Watchtower Bible College, the Panama company
immersed in water in symbol of consecration to Jehovah God is all "silver". But at the public lecture a number of "gold" came
by Christ Jesus, and they also wanted to observe the Memorial in and sat among the "silver" to hear this grand message. Two
celebration of Christ’s death on Nisan 14, just two nights thence. were sturdy young men m U.S. Government service, and one
In view of the indefinite stay of Mann and Powers m Lima, an isolated sister from Texas, who, at Cocoli, happened to see the
Brother Knorr instructed these two College graduates to meet lecture ad in the West Indies section of the newspaper. The
with the Lima friends at this same home next night, to help them public kept on coming m until the total attendance mounted up
in further organization, and also to celebrate the Memorial w~th to 384. This was the first x)ecasion of Brother Knorr’s dehvery.
them the following night, if possible. of the lecture "The Meek Inherit the Earth". The entire audi-
At 3 o’clock next morning we are up, for an early departure ence listened with the best of attentmn and expressed great ap-
from Lima. and we drive out m the Pan-American bus to the preciation thereafter. In the closing remarks the chamnan, Broth-
airport through the darkness. The paschal moon is seep hasten- er Harvey, announced that, at 9 p.m., the annual celebratmn tn
mg to its descent m the west. With words of mutual encourage- memoriam of Christ’s death would be heht in the aud~torv, im,
ment we part from Brothers Mann and Powers, and climb into and he invited all persons of good-will able to do so to remain
our plane At 5:15 a.m. our mechanical bird of the air gets More than a hundred of the public did so, inasmuch as the Panama
safely off the ground and soars skyward. Lima Is still cloaked m publishers number somewhat over fifty, whereas the attendance
darkness, but its many streets and highway hghts set out a pat- at the celebration numbered 235.
tern of the city for us against the darkness. Day comes on, A tropmal moon, the full paschal moon, was visible through
Tuesday, March 27, and we make the regular stops at Chiclayo the windows of the Hall as Brother Frauz gave a brief Memonat
and then at TaIara, the site where the first American otl wells talk. Thereafter fifty who profess to be of the anointed remnant
on this continent were dug and where are now miles of od who are baptized into Christ’s death partook of the Memorial
derricks. Then we pass the bolder, flying toward Guayaqml, emblems of unleavened bread and wine. All the rest sat by re-
Ecuador. As we enter over the area of the estuary upon which spectfully as observers. After the celebration Brother Knott, as
Guayaqufl lies, we encounter many clouds; for it is m the six- chairman, mindful of the fact that Jesus discussed the Kangdom
months-long rainy season, from December to May. The many servme on earth after instituting the first 3femorial, addressed
watercourses and the luxurious foliage of the country testtfy to it the audience for fifteen minutes on the work m Panama. He re-
Leaving this principal seaport of Ecuador (without buying any jmced their hearts also by announcing that advice had been re-
Panama hats there on display), we fly over many more ram- ceived just that evening that the ban on the Society’s representa-
eloud~. Below us are the selvas tropwales, seeming impenetrable tives and literature had been lifted both in New Zealand and in
by man Somettme during the noon hour we pass over the equa- Barbados, West Indies.
torial line, and are again in the northern hemisphere. We took It was a season of rich heart-blessing, and joy was over-
do~rn upon verdure-covered mountains and plains, and the rzeh-
flowing because of the good things enjoyed that evcmng The
ness of the green is almost intoxlcatmg. We eome now over an- unusual attendances at both the sessions gave tangible proof that
other republic, Colombm, and land at Cah. After but a brief
there is a large multitude of persons of good-wit’, in Panama
stop we are once more on our way, this time on to the Panama who must yet be helped unto Jehovah’s Theocratic orgamzatmn
Canal Zone Considerably m advance of our approach to it our under Christ Jesus the King.
plane windows are covered with blinders, for reasons of military
preeautmns; and when we land. shortly after 5 p.m., we find
we are m Balboa, C.Z. It has been a twelve-hour journey for the COSTA RICA
day. Brother Roy W. Harvey, servant to the brethren for Pana- Thursday, March 29, sees us again on our way, to new bh’s.~mg~
ma, is at the airport to meet us after we emerge from the routine of gladness. With blinds over the passenger windows, our plane
of customs took to the air at 7:41 a.m., made its regular stop at Da~d,
R P., and then continued on to San Jose, Costa Rwa, where
PANAMA it came to earth at 10:08 a.m. The Costa Rman Branch faintly
For our meetings of tonight and tomorrow m Panama city, are at the atrport to meet us, namely, the Branch servan:,
Republic of Panama, the Latmo Onente Hall, on Central Avenue, Ted H. Slehenlist, and Ins wife, and Charles Palmer and wife,
had been engaged. It is on the second story of a noisy corner, and, all Watchtower Bible College graduates. After an early droner
all window apertures being open for that tropical chmate, the at the Branch quarters in the Bamo Mexico, we strike out for
norse floated up from below into our hall; but present arrange- the railway station of the Ferrocarrlles de Costa Rica. There
ments did not allow for using the loud-speaker equipment, that ts to be a convention at Port Limon this week-end, and thither
is, on Tuesc]ay-night. Owing to the presence this night of Spamsh- we must go. The regular morning tram had already left at
speaking brethren, unable to understand Enghsh, it was decided 10 o’clock, and we must therefore take the afternoon excursion
to conduct lectures stmultaneously m Enghsh and Spanish m the train. Although we arrive at 12 noon, an hour before train’s
same auditormm. The mectmg opened with song at 8 p.m., and departure, the six coaches thereof are crowded out with Co,ta
then our assembly divided up. The Spamsh-speakmg group iso- Rmans, all m high spirits. A freight-tram caboose ts standing
lated themselves in the forward part of the hall, where Brother detached ahead of these coaches, and finally by special arrange-
Franz addressed the small band of 16 in language they under- ment thts caboose is opened up, and twenty passengers scramble
stood. In the other section of the hall Brother Knorr addressed aboard, meluding a Costa Rlcan pioneer, and Brother and Sister
109 m English, recounting his business trip through South Amer- Siebenlist and ourselves. The five of us sit up front on a length-
ica and calling attention to local matters of Kingdomservice also wase box-bench, opposite the conning tower of the caboose Our
Thus all present were well served. Among those at the Spamsh little caboose m then httcbed on to the tender of an ml-burnmg

locomotora, and thus takesthe premierpositionin the trainof despiteglobalwar and repressive governmental measures.These
Sevencars. sessions, all in English, wereheldm the U.N.I.A. Hall(Universal
Our tramgetsoff to a goodstart;but climbingthe gradefrom NegroImprovement AssociationHall),just over the New Harlem
San Jose(3,816feet abovesea level)to the Continental Divlde, Bar and Restaurant.
5,137feetabovesea level,justbeyondCart~go(4,930feetabove Sundaymorning,AprilI, at the samehall,the baptismal talk
sea level),provedtoo muchfor our hard-puffang engine.Giving openedup the day’ssessions, and fourteeneandldates presented
a finaldeath gasp,it came to a dead stop some dmtancebelow themselves.Thesemarchedout, crossedthe town on foot, and
Cart~goand the Divide.So the last threecoachesweredetached went over the hill to the palm-fringed shoresof the Caribbean
and left standingon the track,whileour locomotora hauledus Sea, and wereimmersedfar out in the waters-of a shallowbeach,
up over the steepestgrade.Then it forsookus and went back shieldedfrom the breakers.Meantimethe other conventioners
to the three strandedcoaches,hauledthem up over the hump, tookup all the PortLimonterritories, and all the placardsfor
and finally,aftera lossof fortyminutes,we wereall one happy informationmarchingwere given their final showing,and so
trainagainand reachedCart~goand the Divideand then started the town got a thoroughcoverageduringthe convention.The
the descenttowardour finaldestmatlon, PortLimon.At Peralta, service reportfor the two days showed108 publishersout m
about halfway along the journey,we were obliged to change the field,besidessix pioneers,and four graduatesfrom the
cabooses.So, on throughreal jungle countryour tram went, WatchtowerCollege.Twelvesubscriptionsfor The Watchtower
hugging the steep southern slopes of the mountains, rumbling weresecured, besldeamuchotherliterature placed.
at times through cuts barely broad enough for our narrow-gauge Sundayafternoonwas markedby songs and field experiences
railway to get through. Wego through tunnels, and past beauti- at 2 o’clock,followedby talkson "A Peoplefor the Issue"and
ful waterfalls and mountain torrents, past banana groves and "Ye Are My Witnesses",by BrothersPalmerand Slebenhst,re-
coffee plantations. Just beyond Peralta, at Tunnel Camp we spectlvely. The publictalk at 4 p.m.,by BrotherKnorr,on the
skirt the heap of a destrucnve landslide of last year, which subject "The Meek Inherit the Earth", drew an audienceof
buried the regular railroad tracks, and around which our train 382.thanksto the finepublicity by the Lord’slivingwitnesses.
goes on an emergency wooden trestle bmlt out over the banks The Hall was practicallyfilled. The Impressmnmade by this
of the rushing Re~entazdn aver. Our train creeps over it at a speechwas very good,for, in responseto the inv~tatmnat the
snaWs pace as if fearful by excess vibration to unloose another close of the publicaddress,an audienceof 338 came back to
thundering landshde. Then along the scenic Reventazdn we con- hear the evening speech by Brother Franz on "The Kingdom
tinue. Sabbathand Its Lord".Interestin this subjectwas keen,due
Night fell, as our train stopped at practmally every one of to the activityand influence of seventh-day sabbatarmnsthere
the many stations between San Jose and Port Llmon. inclusive. in Port Limon; and the address was much appreciated.Imme-
Our engine headlight ht up the scenery ahead, and fireflies flashed diatelythereafterBrotherKnorr’swordsof admomtmn,conso-
in the darkness outside our window, while we sat in the dark- latmn and encouragementbrought the conventionto a heart-
ness of the caboose. Some ten miles from Port Lunon we come warming close. The Port Limon brethren were very grateful
m sight of the Caribbean sea, ]it up by the moon, and the palm that his promiseof the previousyear at the San Joseconventmn
trees stand out m silhouette against this background. We arrive to comeand visitthemthinyearwas fulfilled.
at Port Limon at 7 : 45 p.m., thus having taken about seven hours
to cover the 10S-mile distance It is still Santa Sernaua, with Mondaymorningmany of the brethrenwere down at the rml-
so-called "Good Friday" due tomorrow, and at Port Llmon we roadstatmnto see us off on the regularmorningtram.To their
find all hotels occupied, and even our own hotel reservations good wmhes they added their further expressmnsof hberahty
given away to others. Then the hberahtv of the Lord’s people to us m the way of 25 coconuts,36 oranges,36 bananas,and
mamfestcd itself, as a fannly opened up Its home, of three rooms some edibletuberousroots.At variousstatmnsalongthe road
and kitchen, and let us have two of its rooms and a double and we dropped off varmushome-boundbrethren,to whom we waved
two single beds. and also furmshed us food. The Port Limon farewell. Again wRh great exhausting efforts our engine pulled
company is all "silver", figuratively speaking, but the true peo- us over the Continental Divide, barely making the grade. Arriv-
ple of the Lord thereto have hearts of gold. Incidentally, the ing m San Jose after SLX hours’ journey, we were dehghted to
next day a vacant guests’ house m the American Zone along the be housed at the Branch quarters for our stay m the city.
seaside was made available for us; and the following two mghts In San Jose, capital of Costa Rica, the advertmmg of the
we were able to get rooms at a hotel. We rejmced at the Lord’s public feature of the coming conventmn began the prewous Satur-
provismn for his servants day. Here too on this occasion reformation marching wzth plac-
Friday mght, at 7 p.m. blought our first contact with the ards was introduced for the first time. Thin amazed the cry,
Port Llmon company at thmr Kingdom Itall. It was very re- and also roused up Hierarchical anger. One Roman Cathohc
freshm~ to hear these song-lo~mg brethren make joyful melody priest became so brave as to assault innocent women, sm~tm~
to the Lord. The attendance of ~nmtors for the conventton lifted a young pmneer" gtrl and also staking an elderly woman and
the attendance up to 131. After a well-conducted service meeting, frightening her daughter at her side. He angrily snarled at
including a demonstration, and followed by the Course m Theo- her: "You have no right to do that in thin country. This is a
eratm Mimstry, Brothers Knorr and Franz briefly addressed the Roman Cathohc country, and you ought to respect that fact "
gathering. This was, m effect, the start of the Port L~mon con- The lady came back with "And you clmm to be a Chrmtmn~"
ventmn. Here now m th~s seaport was the first tune that mfor- at whmh stinging query the priest walked away Persons of the
matron marching vnth placards fore and aft of the marchers onlooking pubhc said: "That priest is mad, going about and
took place. Only about 25 marchers were needed to cover the striking harmless women." The elderly mformatmn marcher
town, the rest of the 200 placards being placed m show windows, explained that it was a Chnstmn pnwlege to suffer thus for
and the other publishers engaging m magazine and house-to- rlghteousness’ sake.
house work. The informatmn marching was m staking contrast The San Jose company of Jehovah’s wltnesses is Spamsh-
with-the "Holy Week" religmus parades with images Ten thou- speaking, and the conventmnthere,with the exceptmnof Brother
sand handbills were distributed, announcing the pubhc lecture Knorr’s talks, was conductedin Spanish.The conventmnwas
for Sunday on "The Meek Inherit the Earth". Port Lunon sat held m the smallupstalrsquartersof the localKingdomHall,
up and took notice. w~th the exceptmnof the publicaddressat the TeatroCapltoho
The afternoon of Saturday, March 31, was featured by Broth- (CapltolTheater).The "Model Servlce Meeting",of Friday
er Knorr’s talk on "The ’Commander to the Peoples’ ", followed night,Aprd 6, set the conventionm motmn,the Branchservant
by dmeourses on "The Theoeratm Ohve Tree" and "After the acting as chairman.This was featuredby two demonstratmns
’Fulncss of the Gentiles J, WhatT" One hundred were m attend- m Spanmhpresentedby two specialpmneers,SistersSiebenhst
ante. The attendance rose to 192 for the evening sessions, listen- and Palmer,graduatedfrom the WatchtowerCollege.The first
ing to discourses on "A Living Sacrifice" and "Your Reasonable dcmonstratmn was on "House-to-housewitnessing",and the
Service", and then to Brother Knorr’s remarks on Romans, chap- secondwas on "Makinga back-call". At the closeof the service
ter ten, and on the growth of the Lord’s work in various lands meeting Brother Knorr addressed the company, using as hm
Ju~’EI, 1945 175
interpreter Brother Palmer, and also calling upon Brother Franz FROM NICARAGUA TO GUATEMALA
to address the company, of 107. Owing to Pan-American’s cancellation of the plane flight for
The real keynote speech was delivered by Brother Knorr on which we were scheduled several days later, it was necessary for
Saturday afternoon, April 7, on the subject "Your Reasonable us to take advantage of a special plane passing through San Jose
Service". Saturday evening was filled full of spmtual nourish- for Mexmo, Monday morning, April 9. The Branch family accom-
panied us to the airport, but a number of Costa Riean brethren
meat with songs and field experiences, and addresses on "Unity
for the New World", "Free Education for Men of Good-Wall," were there also to see us off. At 11:23 a.m. our plane got rote
and "Organized for the Final Work". Attendance for the eve- the air and off to a rather bumpy fllght. In a short tune we
ning was 98, and 56 publLshers reported time spent in field activ- were flying over Lake Nicaragua, which is nearly 100 miles long
ity that day. In the midst of the evening Brother Knorr an- by 40 miles broad. Active volcano ahead! The time is just about
nounced the new book in Spanish, "The Truth Shall Make You 12 noon, and there, obliquely to our left is ]~fount Ometepec, on
Free", and also the Society’s provisions to get literature supphes an island in the midst of the lake. It is erupting aa we approach
for the Costa Rlcans, which cheered the conventloner~ greatly. and belching out a big interweaving, billowy, dark-gray mass
Obhgmgly, our plane pilot steers us m a grand circle completely
There was little time for general field activity on Sunday, around Ometepec, giving it a wide berth but giwng us a full
April 8. The number who presented themselves for immersion view of Rs perfect cone-shape, whose sides slope down almost
after the 8 a.m. baptismal talk by Brother Siebenhst was notable, to the water’s edge. As we circle the steaming monster the wind
to wit, 29. These were transported in a hired bus to the San disperses the immense cloud puff. Ometepee erupts every fifteen
Juan de Tlvfis river and baptized. ~ Of these, there were eight that minutes; and as our plane now stakes out on a tangent north-
had been interested and helped rote the truth by the Branch ward and we look back Ometepec puffs out another cloud
servant’s wife as a special pioneer. After the 9 a.m. service as- Shortly we land at Managna, Nicaragua’s capRal, and then are
sembly at Kingdom HalI, the brethren &d information marching off again over Lake Managua, which is nearly 50 nnles long and
and handbill distribution on their way from there to the Teatro 25 mffes broad. Tegueigalpa, Honduras, is our next stop. But
Capxtolio. The public address, advertised for 10:30 a.m., was on It is the stop after that to which we are looking for~vard, namely,
"Un Solo Mundo, Un Solo Goblerno" {"One World, One Govern- at San Salvador, capital of E1 Salvador, where the Society’s
meat"), and was delivered by F. W. Franz as a director of the representative, Roscoe Stone, and his wife have been nctffied by
Watch Tower Sectary. The hm~tcd ta-ne granted us in this the wire of our unexpected arrival there today. On ahghtmg from
only available, statable audxtormm did not allow for an address the plane some few minutes after 3 p.m. we find them there to
by Brother K.norr m a double-barreled English-Spanish presenta- meet us, but eight other brethren are there besides them Since
tmn The public appearance at thls address was very. gratifying, Brother and Sister Stone’s recent arrival in San Salxador. a
467 heanng the lecture through, with great attentiveness. At the company has been organized, of about twenty, but due to finam’ml
close a follow-up lecture for the coming Sunday was announced,
condltmns not all of these could come out to the airport A priest,
to wit, "Can Man Succeed as a World Budder?" to be dehvered garbed m somber black robe with pants underneath, hung
m Spanish by Charles Palmer; and handbills were distributed around the fringe of our group. In Enghsh, not intended to be
as the crowd went out and also 201 free booklets. Brother Knorr understood by this "black bird", one of the recently interested
enjoyed putting out 100 of these. San Salvador brethren said: "We need your help down here
At the afternoon sessions in Kingdom Hall the attendance was The people can’t get ahead, for they are oppressed by such as
118, including brethren from many parts of Costa Rica. Speeches that," nodding his head in the direction of the black-robed figure
on "The King’s Marriage Feast" and "Increasing Your Privileges" Fifteen minutes of stopover allowed for only a brief rater-
were effectively served to them. But with the evening there came change of a few items of interest between us, but, before we
the chmax, and the best audience yet at the Kingdom Hall was boarded our plane, Brother Stone gave us a fairly comprehen~l~ e
present to benefit by it, that is, 135. The place was quite crowded. report, from which we quote to reform our readers somexxhat
Brother Knorr began by dehvermg the speech on "Jehovah’s on the progress of the work in E1 Salvador:
Umversal Sovereignty Vindicated". Then, as farewell counsel "Our experiences in the field indicate that the people of San
to the convention, he turned his attention to discussing Romans Salvador are eager to learn and have a great desire for cduc.t-
13 : 11-14 and Galatmns 5 : 16-21. None of the Lord’s consecrated tmn. This, despite the fact that they are greatly oppressed and
people m Costa Rlca, so he solemnly warned, can conform them- discouraged by the Hierarchy and its dupes. The majority of
selves to the moral principles of the world about them and ex- the people here have never seen a Bible, much less read one
pect to continue under God’s approval and with his Theocrahc Many, however, have expressed to us their desire to read the
organLzatlon. None should think that by devoting some tune to Bible. One day I stopped m a refresqueria for a fresco, and
active service in the field they are free at other tunes to conduct one of the girls (a worker there) remembered me from the first
hidden lives in dissoluteness, fulfilling the lusts of the flesh which tlme I was there shortly after our amval. She expressed sur-
are condemned in God’s Word. Such ones may put on a false prise that we were still here and asked if we would be here long
front for a long tune, but unavoidably m God’s due time his I told her we hoped to be here for some time, that we were
spirit, or his active force, and his holy angels, will cast them missionaries, and it was our desire to help the people m obtain-
out from among the Lord’s orgamzed people and cut them off ing a knowledge of the Bible. She said she had always wanred
from Ihs service. The Watch Tower Society refuses to recogmze to study the Bible, but never had the opportumty I arranged
and use as its representatives any who copy the wanton course for a study w~th her and have had two good studms. She com(,~
of this world and live according to Rs loose, double moral standard. to our house one morning each week, as she will not let me come
The conventioners were most grateful for such a courageous to hers. I dad not press her to let me come, as It embarrassed
and tunely admonition. They gladly voted Brother Knorr to be her. Perhaps she has no home; however, she is clean and neat
bearer of their Christian love and greetings to all further con- and intelligent. And now, by Jehovah’s grace, we have twelve
ventlons and assemblies along the way. Finally, let it be said, the book studies between us, even though we have no books for
San Jose convention and that at Port Limon, taken together, door-to-door w~tnessing. We have orders for a goodly number
brought out the largest conventmn attendances yet reported in of books, and look forward to starting many new studies m the
Costa Rica. The public attendances, totahng up to 849, set up a near future. We have placed no books m the homes where we
have studies, and the people seem to be almost as eager as we
new high level indicative of the mcrea~mg good-will interest in
are for our literature to arrive. We have found most of the
the Kingdom tidings. With four College graduates now down people here to be intelligent. They 1Lke to study, and grasp
there, and with two special pioneers, natwe Costa Rtcans, being thoughts quickly. They are very aware of their extremely poor
appointed, and with all pioneers and company pubhshers giving element of people, and are ashamed and hurt by the poverty
more attention to the work of revisiting the interested people in theLr midst. However, they do not know what ~s the cause
and establishing home book studies, there is reason to believe of their oppression.
Jehovah’s "strange work" will move ahead m this fine country "Things are high here and it is hard for the people to hve.
as never before. They all remark ’Muy barato (Very cheap)’, when we show them
the book and explain that it is placed on a eontr,bution of too, and mysister who lives two blocks from here is Jehovah’s
65 centavos. We played some records for some womenin the witness too.’ I thought she had probably read some of the htera-
flower market, and m answer to their query we said that the ture, and arranged for a study with her and her sister. I found
book is placed on a eontmbution of sesenta y e, nco (65). I no- out at the first study that she and her smter were immersedabout
ticed one womanlooked very drsappomted and sad. A few mo- a year ago at a San Francisco [California] assembly. Wehave
ments later she asked me again how muchthe book Is. I replied: a good study with them with from six to ten in attendance each
’Sesenta y eineo centavos.’ Her face beamed wUhjoy as she week. They have some knowledge and have confidence m the
ordered a book, explaining that she had at first thought it was Society."
65 eol6nes (----6,500 centavos). Our hearts went out to her as Refreshed by our brief visit with Jehovah’s people in San
we reahzed more and more how hard everything comes to them. Salvador, we hop on to Guatemala, arriving at 4 : 26 p.m. At the
"Whde witnessing with the phonograph from door to door city airport we learn that two College graduates, M. C Barger
we played some records for the head of a private school. He and wife, arrived in townby a southbound planejustan hour
readily granted us permissmn to play the records for the stu- earlier. Thoughwe do notmeetthem.we aregladtheyareon
dents. Whenwe arrived at the school the following morning, theirway and are dueto reachtheirpostof dutywiththe
our newly-made friend received us gladly and we played the Stonesin San Salvador on themorrow.Ourantielpated stop-
records to more than one hundred listeners. The head of the overof fifteen minutes turnsintoa delayof an hourandten
school ordered five Hi3os [Children] for the students to have minutes, as theplaneis readied for a longjump,fromhere
in the library.
"While house-hunting, I stopped into a beauty shop to in- (Guatemala cry)directto Mexicocity,a flightof morethan
qun’e direehons. The owner asked me If we were here for long. fivehourswithout stopovers. At 5:34p.m.,we taketothes~r,
I informed her that we were missionaries and that we expected andareonourwaytoourlaststop.Butdetails ofourrev~slt
to be here for a while. She asked our religion, and I told her withthebrethren of Mexicoat theeapRalcitywe reserve for
we were Jehovah’s witnesses. She said: ’I am Jehovah’s witness a later account.

TIME! (NOGALES,ARIZ.) the preacher. A lively book study is being held at the
"Among many interesting experiences one concerning home where fifteen previous trips had netted nothing."
the necessity of seeing that every home is called upon is "MYFIRST STUDY"(NEW YORK)
outstanding. This particular place is located at the top of
"I am a summer vacation pioneer thirteen veal~ of age.
a very steep hill. No one was ever home. Neighbors gave the While witnessing from door to door with the Watchtower
informalion that both members of the family worked long and Consolation magazines I had an experience that will
hours. The special publisher climbed back to that place not be of interest to all brethren who find it hard to start a
once or twice, but fifteen hmes, at different hours and days, book study. While witnessing with the magazines in
~ith no success Because that one house had not had a wit- a large apartment house I knocked on a door, which a
ness the territory remained unfinished. One Sunday after- woman opened. I introduced myself and the magazines.
noon the publisher dec~ded to try again, the mxteenth She replied that she wouldn’t be interested. I asked her if
time ! she ever read any of the Watchtower publications. She then
"Nearing the house the publisher was stopped by a man inquired if this was the Watchtower, to which I rephed,
desirm~ the latest copy of Cousoh, tion and a year’s sub- ’It is.’ She invited me in, took both magazines, and con-
scm!)tion for the magazine. While the pioneer was filling tributed fifty cents. I explained that the contribution for
out the blank, a man came out of the house where prewous- the magazines was ten cents, but she insisted that I accept
ly no one was ever home. He started toward the gate, her contribution. I had the book "The Truth Shall Make
stopped short, stared intently, and then shouted, ’Hold You Free’ with me, presented it to her, told her what it
that womanright there! I’ll be right back ~" The publisher contained, and ~sked her to read iL as I would call back
wondered if this man was friend or foe, but was very glad to see how she liked it. So she invited me to come the fol-
that at last she was going to meet someone at that address. lowing day, so that I could help her study ~t. The following
"In a few seconds the man came back, holding the book day I called back with the question booklet and the ’sword
Ch,}dren and some money. ’You are one of Jehovah’s wlt- of the spirit’ Bible. WhenI inquired whether she possessed
ne~-,es, I see,’ he said. ’\Veil, I want the latest publications a Bible she said that she d~dn’t. I immediately took out the
you have since Children, both in English and Spamsh, and Watchtower edition Bible, explained the concordance and
a year’s subscription for The Watchtower in Spanish for marginal reference, and told her how it was obtainable on
my wife and the Consolation in English for myself.’ While a dollar contribution. She was overjoyed, and sa~d that
this was being attended to, a third man came up. He was she would like to have it the next time I visited her. She
evidently acquainted with the other two, who introduced wanted to know whether she could subscribe for The Watch-
him as a preacher from another part of the state. Both tower and Consolation not only for herself but for her
men began telling him how good and important these pub- niece as well. I informed her that she could; again she was
lications are. The publisher was astonished to hear the filled with satisfaction. We went on with the study, which
preacher (Baptist) agree that the Watch Tower Society she enjoyed tremendously. The study was soon over, when
did print the truth, and more astonished that he took a she said that she could hardly walt till next week to con-
copy of each of the magazines and the latest booklets, in- tinue to study the Bible and the book. By Jehovah’s grace
eluding Religion Reaps the Whirlu~nd. Back-calls were and to the honor and glory of his name, I thus started my
arranged with both of these subscribers in the presence of first study with a meek and teachable person of good-will."
VoL. LXVI SzuxKo~’r~’f No. 12

JUNE15, 1945


Slre.l~ ~3UI~I)ATIO~FOR~ NEwWORLD 179

"TheEndof the Law" .......................... 181
RxOHTex)umr~ss A~vSxLvA~xo.~ ............. 182
"TheWordof Faith".......................... 184
"HowThenShall They,"................... 186
Wz~r~z D~’v~S~’ZLL Lr~s.................... ]89
Fn~uF, xPze.~s
c~.................................. 191
"T~IsGosPzI," T~o~rzPm~ov........ 178
STUDImS ...................... 178
"TmL " ..............................
W.~-~a~wzR 178
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to knowJehovah Godand his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
W.E. VANAMBURO~, Secretary desiffned to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-will.
N. H. K~’ORR,Pres:dent It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
f~reat shall be the peace of thy children." - llat~h
3. 54:t of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
lifeto hiscreatures; thattheLogeswasthebeginning ofhis King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation,andhisactive agentinthecreation ofallother things,tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
andisnowtheLordJesusChrist inglory, clothedwithallpower dulge in controvex~y,and its columnsare not open to personalities.
inheavenandearth,astheChiefExecutive Officer of Jehovah;
THATGOD createdthe earthfor man, createdperfectman
for the earthand placedhim upon it; that man willfully YI~RLY SUSSCn]I,’rlON PRtCII
disobeyed God’slawandwassentenced to death;thatby reason UNITZO S~’A~s,$1.00;aU other countries. $’1.50. Americancurrency;
of Adam’swrongactall menarebornstoners andwithout the (]REAr BRITAIN. ALUTaALAel£. ANI~tSOUTH AFaIC£.6s Americanreml’t-
tances should be madeby Postal or Express MoneyOrder or by Bank
right tolife; Draft. British. South African and Australasian remittances should
be madedirect to the respective branch emcee. Remittances from
THAT THE LOGES was made human as the man Jesus and countries other titan those mentionedmaybe madeto the Brooklyn
suffered deathin orderto produce the ransomor redemptiveoffice, but by International Postal MoneyOrderonly.
pricefor obedient onesof mankind; thatGod raisedup Jesus
divineand exalted him to heavenaboveeveryothercreature
and aboveevery creature’s nameand clothed him with all power 8rtt@h 34 Cra,en Terrace, London,W.2, England
and authority; Aaet,olastan. 7 Beresford Road,Strnthfleld,N.S. W.,Australia
THATGOD’SCAPITALORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called 80uth Afrlcun BostonHouse,CapeTown.SouthAfrica
Zion, andthat Christ Jesusis the Chief Officer thereof andis the I~ltan 167 LoveLane,Bombay 27, India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Pleaseaddressthe Societyin everycase.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacyof Jehovah, declare his Translationsof this Journalappearin several laugusges.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdombefore all who will hear;
THATTHE OLD WORLD ended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
may have The Watchtower free upon written application to the publishers.
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of made once each year, etatinf the reason for so requesting it. We are
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to ~glad to thus aid the needy, but the written application oncn each year
ts required by the postal regulationL
the establishment of the "new earth" of the NewWorld;
THATTHERELIEFand blessings of the peoples of earthcan Notice to 8ubscv~b~ve: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub.
come only .by and throughJehovah’s kingdomunderChrist, scriptlon
will be sent only when requested.
may be expected to appear on address
Change of address,
label within one month
whichhas now begun;thatthe Lord’snextgreatact is the A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s organization andthecomplete establish-Journal one month before the subeeriptton explr~.
mentof righteousness in theearth,andthatundertheKingdom Printed in the United States of America
thepeopleof good-will thatsurvive Armageddon shallcarry Bntered ae second-clues matter at the poet o~cd at BrooklFn, N. Y,
outthedivine mandate to"filltheearth" witha righteous race. under the Act o! March 3, 187J.


"This Gospel" Testimony Period ts scheduled to occupy the The Watchtoweris a magazine without equal in the earth, and
entlre month of June. Weare blessed of the Lord to have just is concededthis rank by all that have been faithful readers thereof
the literature that sets out "this gospel" of the Kingdom’sestab- during its more than SLaty years of publication. Ths Wuteh|ower
lishment, and the arrangement ts to offer such gospel m print has increased m importance with the progress of the years, and
during the Testimony, namely, "The Kingdom Is at Hand" to- never has it been more valuable than today, at this world ensm,
gether with the new booklet ’The Meek Inherit the Earth’. The whenthe destroy of each intelligent humancreature is being de-
contribution to be accepted for this combination is 25c. The cided. The getting of correct reformation and instruction, just
advantage of having tbLs literature for d]stnbutlon from house such as is required for the times, to decide your course wisely to
to house makesit easy for any Watchtowerreader to engage with a happy destiny, was never more vital than now, for "where there
all Kingdomannouncers in the preaching of "this gospel of the is no vmion, the people perish". Informed persons well acquainted
Kingdom"in obedience to Christ’s command.(Matthew 24: 14) with the consistent contents of The Watchtoweragree that those
Wetherefore inwte all those desirous to notify us and we shall who want to gain life m peace and happiness without end should
refer them to the most convenient organized group w~th whom read and study it together ruth the Bible and in companyruth
they can enjoy the thrill and blessing of proclaiming thin gospel. other readers. This is not giving any credit to the magasme’s
Every one engaging in this work, whether many hours or few, publishers, but is due to the great Author of the Bible with its
should makereport thereof on the regular provided form. truths and prophecies, and who nowinterprets its prophecies. He
it is that makes pmsible the material that is published in the
STUDIES column* of this magazine and who gives promise that it shah
Weekof July 15: "Sure Foundation for the NewWorld," continue to publish the advancing truths as long as it continues
¶ 1-13 inclusive, The Watchtower June 15, 1945. to exist for the servios of the interests of his Theocratic Govern-
Weekof July 22: "Righteousness and Salvation," ment. Carefully and prayerfully read this issue of The Watch-
1-14 inclusive, The WatcMowerJune 15, 1945. tower. Then do not delay to mail in your subscription, that
Weekof July 29: "Righteousness and Salvation," you may receive it regularly, twice a month, twenty-four copies
¶ 15-32 inclusive, The Watchto~ver June 15, 1945. the year. It is $1.00 fn the United States; $1.50 elsewhere.
Vo-, LXVI J~NE 15, 1945 No. 12


"’Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, l lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a pre-
cious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste."--Isa. 28:16.
EHOVAHhas laid a Foundation Stone in his
J capital of the universe, Zion. Despite the history-
making events on earth since A.D. 1914, and de-
Jehovah’s Foundation Stone in Zion by many, there
would also be an acceptance of him by others. Paul
devoted his efforts to helping those who were in-
spite the disregard and inattention of the postwar- fluenced by prejudice, misinformation and lack of
world planners and their preoccupation with mun- knowledge to overcome their alfficulty and to see
dane things, that Foundation Stone is still there. that Jehovah’s Foundation Stone is the only hope
Says Jehovah, who laid it there to stay forever: for humanity’s salvation to an enduring NewWorld
"Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion." of truth and righteousness. In view of the perplex-
(Ps. 2:6) The Foundation Stone in God’s capital ing state of the world today and the need for individ-
organization Zion is not the fisherman-apostle Peter, ual action in the right direction, an examination of
but is Jehovah’s King, Christ Jesus, upon whomHe the tenth chapter of Romans is now most timely;
has laid all power in heaven and earth. Since the and with such examlnation we now proceed.
end of the Gentile Times, in 1914, Jehovah’s King ’ After referring to the above-quoted prophecy of
reigns in Zion, actively extending out his power to Isaiah, the converted Jew Paul says, with personal
this trouble zone, the earth, while yet his enemies feeling, to his Christian brethren at Rome:"Breth-
are still active on this globe. All whoput their trust ren, myheart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel
in those religious, political, commercialand social is, that they might be saved." (Rom. 10:1) Paul
enemies of Jehovah’s King in Zion are sure to be still had good-will toward the natural Jews, or Is-
disappointed and suffer crushing defeat and execu- raelites, whichfact is better borne out in the better
tion by the Stone at the battle of Armageddon. rendering of his words by a modern translator:
Those who put their confidence in Jehovah’s King "Brothers, myheart is full of good will toward them ;
and build up their hopes on him for an everlasting myprayer to Godis that they maybe saved." ( Good-
NewWorld of righteousness will never be ashamed, speed) Of course, the apostle did not have good-will
worried or disappointed. In full assurance of this toward the rulers whowere responsible for the mur-
Jehovah God says (Isa. 28: 16): "Therefore thus der of Christ Jesus. His good-will was toward the
saith the Lord Jehovah, Behold, I lay in Zion for a commonfolk who had misplaced their confidence in
foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner- outwardly righteous religious leaders and who were
stone of sure foundation: he that believeth shall not being led by those blind guides in religious ways
be in hasteS--Am. Stan. Ver. that led to the ditch of national destruction and
’ Menwho since A.D. 1914 ignore and reject the personal destruction. In proof of his good-will Paul
Foundation Stone in Zion and turn to humanworld- preached to the Jews at every opportunity. At
builders are imitating the Jewish religious leaders Corinth, Greece, from which he wrote his letter to
and the Romanpoliticians, Pontius Pilate and King the Romans, "he reasoned in the synagogue every
Herod, who rejected the "man Christ Jesus" and sabbath, and persuaded Jews and Greeks, . . . testi-
turned him over to the executioners. In a special fying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ ....
letter to the Christians at Romethe apostle Paul And Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed
draws some strong conclusions from that antichrist in the Lord with all his house; and many of the
action by those religionists and politicians. But in Corinthians hearing believed, and were baptized."
the tenth chapter of this letter Paul goes on to show Thereafter Paul bore witness to Christ Jesus in many
that, whereas there was to be expected a refusal of other Jewish synagogues. (Acts 18:4-8,19, Am.
Stan. Fer.; 19: 8) And as Paul thus displayed good-
1. What has Jehovah isld in Zion. and what was foretold concerning
those who put their trust in It? 3. Whydid Paul etlli have llOOd-wUl toward hie ISraelite brethren, anti
2. What, In general, makes it so timely now to etudy Romans I01 how did he display It?
will toward the teachable ones of his people, he also "They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the
prayed to Jehovah God that God might use him to- time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think
ward the salvation of those Jews who sincerely that he doet.h Godservice. Andthese things will they
sought to know and worship Jehovah. do unto you, because they have not known the Fa-
’ The like attitude is true of the remnant of Jeho- ther [Jehovah], nor me [Jesus Christ]."--John
vah’s witnesses on earth today. The political, com- 16: 1-3.
mercial and religious rulers and dictators of "Chris- s Nowadays,with the future security of the world
tendom" have rejected Jehovah’s King on Zion, and in grave doubt, the political, religious leaders lift
they have sought to hinder and blot out the witness up the cry for "more religion !" The people, thinking
work that calls attention to the Foundation Stone this to be a cry God-ward, follow along and appear
which Jehovah has laid in his capital organization to showzeal for God.Yes, as in the case of those who
Zion. However, the commonpeople, who lie help- practiced the "Jews’ religion" in Paul’s day, the peo-
lessly under such anti-Jehovah rulers, are not in all ple of "Christendom" express a zeal for God, but it
cases in agreement with the action of their rulers. is not according to the accurate knowledge (ep~-
They are largely blinded by their blind guides. Often gn6sis) of the Wordof God. It is a zeal according
the people are tricked into violent action against to the man-made, demon-inspired traditions of re-
Jehovah’s witnesses by the evil-designing religious ligion; and it even causes the people to fight against
priests and leaders. Consciousof this fact, Jehovah’s the true knowledge of Jehovah God as this knowl-
witnesses harbor no ill-will against individuals of edge is being carried to the people by His witnesses.
the commonpeople of "Christendom" and "heathen- The fact that religionists are sincere in their zeal
dom"; they manifest good-will in calling upon the does not excuse them nor save them. Their zeal be-
private homes of the people, high and low, to let ing not according to knowledgeof God’s Word, it is
each and all makean individual choice respecting the not of faith; for the knowledgeof God’s Wordis the
Kingdom message. And as they thus prgclaim the true basis or foundation for faith. Their zeal simply
message to the commonpeople, they pray. They springs from credulity which accepts the traditions,
pray to be used of Jehovah God in behalf of the precepts and commandmentsof religious clergymen
meek ones, that these might be saved from execu- without question or without investigation. Such zeal,
tion in this day of judgment of the nations and might unless it is turned into channels which run accord-
be saved to life in the coming righteous "world ing to the revealed knowledge of God’s written
without end". Whatever the national organizations Word,finally leads the zealots into gross crimes and
and their ruling officials do does not prejudice Jeho- fatal opposition against Jehovah God and his Foun-
vah’s witnesses against the individuals whoare in or dation Stone laid in Zion.
under such organizations. Their effort is to do Chris- ’ Zealots like to believe and try to convince them-
tian work in behalf of the sah’ation of all of God’s selves that they are right and that their religious
"other sbeep", the "men of good will". The)’ know standards and formalities are righteous. But listen
that the national, commercial and religious organi. to what Paul says of the zealous Jewish religion-
zations will be destroyed in the world’s end at Arma- ists: "For they being ignorant of God’s righteous-
geddon, but that individuals whonow seek unto Jeho- ness, and going about to establish their own right-
vah and his kingdom may be hidden and saved from eousness, have .not submitted themselves unto the
that destruction of worldly organizations. righteousness of God." (Rom. 10:3) Christ Jesus,
Concerning the misguided natural Israelites or the Righteous One, condemned their traditions of
Jews Paul says: "For I bear them record that they men and exposed their practice of the "Jews’ reli-
have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge gion" as being unrighteous. He also showed that the
[epign6sis]." (Rom. 10: 2; Greek) There is no deny- Jews could not attain to real righteousness with God
ing that the Jews had some knowledge (gn6s~s) of by their imperfect works, even in trying to keep
the sacred Scriptures, but it was not accurate, pre- the laws and commandsof the covenant or compact
cise knowledge(eplgn~sis), the fuller, clearer, more which God had made with their nation through the
thorough knowledge of the Scriptures according to prophet Moses. To be justified or given a righteous
God’s revelation by his spirit or active force. The standing with God, they must exercise faith in the
Jews had a fanatical zeal, misguided by the reli- righteous Redeemer, Christ Jesus, whose ransom
gious traditions of men which contradicted and sacrifice cancels the sins of those whorepent and be-
transgressed the Word and commandments of God lieve. However,the Jewish zealots for religion, in
and which made such of no effect. Hence Jesus fore- the proud purpose to develop their ownself-right-
warnedhis disciples against the religionists, saying:
eousness and to take the credit for it, did not sub-
4 Why do Jehovah’s witnesses have good-wili toward the commonpeople
"Christendom", and how do they show it? 6. How ia ¯ Like doing d)Jplayed in "’Christendom" today?
5. In what way did the Jews have a seal, but not according to knowledse~ ?, Why (lid tho~ sealotm Jews never attain real righteousness of God~
Ju~z15,1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 18I

ject themselves to God’s way of gaining righteous- "THE END OF THE LAW"
ness through the knowledge of and faith in Christ ~o "Christendom" claims belief in the law of God:
Jesus. They stubbornly persisted in trying to be but, under examination, she is found to follow the
righteous independently of Christ Jesus and what Roman law, as codified by Emperor Justinian,
he could do for them. So they kept on being religious rather than the supreme law of the Most High God.
and observing religious rites, and never did attain "Christendom" goes through a great deal of out-
real righteousness with God. ward formalities and makes loud mouthings about
s Satan the Devil has steered "Christendom" into God’s law, but she ignores the real purpose or in-
this same useless endeavor. With all her parochial tent of His law. She grasps not the purpose of the
schools, and her so-called "churches", and her theo- law of Godnor sees the direction in which it points,
logical seminaries and sectarian colleges, and her particularly the law which he gave through the
secular educational system, yet she is without knowl- prophet Moses. She overlooks the same thing that
edge. That is, she is ignorant of howthe righteous- the Jews under the Mosaic law covenant overlooked.
ness of Godis gained. All her hundreds of religions God did not provide the Jews with his wonderful
claim to be right and to teach right, but they are system of law with any idea that mencould nowkeep
ignorant of what is right in the sight of God. They his law perfectly and thereby prove themselves right-
follow the worldly standards and traditions of men eous and thus worthy of everlasting life due to their
and excuse themselves in one way or another from own righteousness.
strictly following God’s Word. Respectability and "Some persons of "Christendom" are frequently
outward morality they look upon as righteousness. heard to say" "Oh, I do not need that message of
° Their self-appointed or popularly elected leaders God’s kingdom in those WATCHTOWER books. I try to
and guides for the postwar "neworder" speak loftily keep the Ten Commandments,and that’s enough. I
about creating a better, finer world crowned with do not try to do any wrong, and it will be all right
everlasting peace. They gravely talk of setting up with me in the end. I do not have to knowwhat is in
an international organization and a charter of hu- those books." At the same time these persons refuse
manrights that wilt "stand the test of centuries", to follow the steps and instructions of Christ Jesus.
and they receive the applause of the people as In so doing, these would-be keepers of the Ten Com-
standard-bearers of righteousness. Yet by this ve~- mandmentsdo just like the rich young Jewish ruler.
attempt to set up their own world according to hu- This young man said he kept all the comnmndments
man ideals they are committing abomination in of Godfrom his youth up, but he refused Jesus’ in-
God’s sight. Howso ? Because they are rejecting His vitation to dispose of all his wealth for the sake of
righteous King in Zion and are not subjecting them- the Lord’s poor and to comeand follow Christ Jesus
selves to his righteous Kingdom.They blind the peo- in preaching the kingdomof God. (Matt. 19: 16-22)
ple to the fact that only Godcan establish a right- If persisting in that course, that Jewish ruler failed
eous new world and that he will destroy this self- of real righteousness and eternal life. The entire
righteous old world. Those planners for the postwar Jewish nation professed to keep the Ten Command-
world try to regiment the people into line with their ments and the law of Moses, but they failed to
human schemes and institutions. They go farther acquire righteousness and eternal life by their self-
ifi expecting the Most High God to abandon his own conceited course.
Kingdom purpose and to conform himself to their " Explaining the situation respecting Jehovah’s
standards and to bless them with success, in answer law given through Moses, the apostle Paul ~ays:
to prayers by Catholic, Protestant and Jewish "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness
clergTmen. But God will not bless their unrighteous to every one that believeth." (Rom. 10:4) Paul’s
zeal in opposition to Him. The end of their proposed words may be understood in two ways. A modern
postwar world bill come from his hand at Arma- translator renders Paul’s words thus in English:
geddon. They have refused to learn the knowledge "For Christ marks the termination of law, so that
of Jehovah God which his witnesses have promoted now anyone who has faith may attain uprightness."
and spread among the people. Hence God says of (Goodspeed) That is to say, by Jesus’ death on the
his professed people in "Christendom": "Mypeople tree, Jehovah Godabolished the old covenant of the
are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou Mosaic law and provided a new covenant. Hence
hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee."
(Hos. 4: 6) There is no salvation by ignorance, and Christ Jesus is spoken of as "having abolished in
most certainly not by willful ignorance which re- his flesh the enmity [between Jew and Gentile], even
jects the Scriptural knowledge of Jehovah God. I0 Why tl "Christendom’s" claimed belief concerning God’s law false?
11 How is it shown that those who profess to try to keep the Ten Com-
8. Howis "Christendom" likewise ignorant? mandments are sure to come short of attgininl| rlghteousness?
9. How have the leaders of "Christendom" set up their own ri,hteousneu 12. How Ls Christ the "end of the law" In the sen~ of marldng the
and rejected God’s? aM with what sure result to follow? termination of the law?

the law of commandmentscontained in ordinances; of the law covenant merely foreshadowed and point-
for to makein himself of twain [both Jew and Gen- ed forward to the comingsacrifice of the Redeemer,
tile] one new man, so making peace: and that he Christ Jesus. Hence the end to which the law cove-
might reconcile both unto God in one body by the nant was guiding those who were bound by that
cross, having slain the enmity [the law of com- covenant was their identifying and accepting of
mandmentscontained in ordinances] thereby." (Eph. Christ Jesus. Paul so states, at Galatians 3:23-26,
2: 15, 16) "Blotting out the handwriting of ordi- saying: "But before faith came, we were kept under
nances that was against us, which was contrary to the law, shut up unto the faith which should after-
us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross." wards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our
(Col. 2: 14) In this way Christ Jesus was the termi- schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ [or, the law
nation of the Mosaic law or of the law covenant with has been our attendant on our way to Christ (Good-
the Jews. He became the Mediator of a better cove- speed) ], that we might be justified by faith." Then,
nant, the new covenant, toward all his footstep fol- to show that the law covenant came to an end with
lowers who make up the spiritual Israel. By this Christ’s death and resurrection, Paul adds: "But
covenant they becomea people for his Father’s name, after that faith is come, we are no longer under a
Jehovah’sname.--Heb.7 : 22 ; 8 : 6-13 ; 9 : 15. schoolmaster [the law]. For ye are all the children
,3 However,Paul’s expression "the end of the law" of Godby faith in Christ Jesus." This proves, there-
may also mean the objective aimed at by the law. fore, that humanhopes of gaining righteousness with
The end purposed by Jehovah in giving the Jews God by keeping the old law covenant made with the
the law covenant was not to fix attention upon them- Jews are in vain. Furthermore, justification does not
selves as able to justify themselves by works of law, comeautomatically to men, either dead or alive, by
but was to point them to Christ Jesus and lead them virtue of Christ’s death. Justification or righteous-
to him. The law was to safeguard them against the ness with God comes only to those who exercise be-
religious sins of the heathen round about them. It lief in Christ. "Christ is the end of the law for right-
was also meant to show them that they were sin- eousness to every one believing.’" (Rom. 10: 4, The
ners and in need of the sacrifice of a Righteous One Emphatic Diaglott) Their faith must bring them to
who could really remove sin and give them a right- Christ Jesus as the Greater Moses, the Great Media-
eous rating with Jehovah God. The animal sacrifices tor, the precious Foundation Stone whomJehovah
13. (a) ’’~
In what other sense did Paul explain Christ to be the "end of has laid in Zion in behalf of the NewWorldof right-
the law (b) Why does Justification
by lirtue of Christ’s death?
not come automatically to men eousness.


"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto sah,a-
tion."---Rom. I0:10.
IGHTEOUSNESS is not of this old world. It Devil. Christ Jesus is the Rock Foundation Stone
R is not by the respectable works according to whomJehovah has laid in the heavenly Zion, and he
the standards of this world. It is from Jehovah was never laid in earthly capitals, such as Rome,
God and by Christ Jesus. That is to say, it is by Berlin, St. Petersburg, Washington, which capitals
believing in what Christ is and does and then acting are not of the NewWorld of righteousness. Jesus’
accordingly. Wherefore, in rejecting Christ Jesus in title Christ means Anointed, that is, anointed by
his capacity of Foundation Stone of the NewWorld the Most High God; and he was placed as the foun-
of righteousness, "Christendom" as well as the Jews dation of Jehovah’s new creation, his capital organi-
has not submitted herself to God’s righteousness. zation Zion. Whoever believes those Scriptural
’ Following Christ Jesus in faith does not permit truths and acts in harmonytherewith is right. For
the Christian’s following humanleadership by either this reason justification by faith has been granted to
pope, d~we, fuehrer, caudillo, or other religious and Christ’s followers who become members of his
worldly guide. Acknowledging Christ Jesus as Lord "body" and joint-heirs with him in Zion. Faith is
does not agree with Cardinal Innitzer of Vienna’s needed to take that stand toward Christ Jesus, be-
favorable letter to the Nazi fuehrer just before his cause this stand is so opposite to the material, vis-
grab of Austria, and which letter the cardinal closed ible political and religious arrangementof this pres-
with "Heil Hitler!" Christ Jesus does not share ent evil world and its propaganda for the postwar
leadership with worldly dictators, and has nothing setup.
in commonwith this world and its god, Satan the ’ Discussing the difference between righteousness
1. Howhas "Chrisl;endom" not submitted herself to God’s righteonsnees?
2 Why cannot true Christians follow human leadership? and why is 3. What are we to understand b~’ Moses’ assurance, "That the man which
their position in this regard right? doeth those things shall live by them"?
JU~E15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWEP,. 183

by faith and righteousness by one’s own works of thine heart, Whoshall ascend into heaven? (that is,
self-righteousness, the apostle Paul says: "For to bring Christ down from above:), or, Whoshall
Mosesdescribeth the righteousness which is of the descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ
law, That the man which doeth those things shall again from the dead.)" (Rom. 10:6,7) Paul
live by them." (Rom. 10: 5) The prophet Moses there quoting from what Moses said to the Jews
described such righteousness at Leviticus 18:5. about a month before they crossed the Jordan river
God’s statement through Moses was not a decep- into the Promised Land, namely: "This command-
tion, to make the Jews think they could properly ment which I commandthee this day, it is not hidden
keep the law and gain life by their law observance. from thee, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven,
By the law covenant Jehovah God was not setting that thou shouldest say, ~qao shall go up for us to
aside his promise of Christ and making Christ un- heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it,
necessary by holding out to the Jews the hope of and do it? Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou
life through keeping the law. To the contrary, Jeho- shouldest say, Whoshall go over the sea for us,
vah by that very law covenant was directing and and bring it unto us, that wemayhear it, and do it
guiding those under it unto Christ Jesus, "the man." But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth,
Moses was typical of Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. See, I have
is "tile man" that perfectly kept the law of Godon set before thee this day life and good, and death
earth. Hence by the above statement Jehovah was and evil."~Deut. 30: 11-15.
saying through Moses that tile man who does this ¯ Thus, according to Paul, those words of Moses
law proves he is perfect and lives, and that he is are prophetic in meaning. Moses’ words show that
alive and has the right to eternal life. one who is justified and whohas the righteousness
’ In view, then, of the divine promise of the coming of faith does not ask doubtful questions; that is, he
of Christ the law covenant was not made with the does not ask questions showing doubt regarding the
Jews for their self-development by it to humanper- already accomplished acts of God. One with faith
feetion: neither could the law covenant nor did it does not doubt for an instant that God has already
lift from the Jews the condemnation of death in- sent downhis beloved, only begotten Son from heav-
herited from the sinner Adam. Christ Jesus, al- en to be madea manin order to vindicate Jehovah’s
though "’made of a woman,made under the law", did name by his faithfulness on earth under test and
not gain life by keeping the law covenant. But by also to provide the ransom sacrifice by his death
keeping the law as a Jew he proved he was alive in on the tree. Hence the one who is righteous through
a perfect sense and that in him there was perfect faith does not look for anyone to ascend from earth
human life with power and value to redeem those to heaven in order to bring downChrist from above.
believers for whomthis life should be laid down in He does not stumble over the fact that Christ Jesus
death. Jesus’ righteousness was not by keeping the is the heavenly Son of God, and so he refuses to look
law covenant, but it descended with him from heav- for humanleaders and commandersto arise and ful-
en. He fulfilled the law and the prophets. Hence he fill the role of Christ. Neither does he question just
became a High Priest, higher than the chief priest howChrist could fulfill the prophecies and die and
that was set up by the law covenant with its sub- then be raised up from the depths of death. He does
humanor animal sacrifices. Jesus proved that per- not doubt the almighty power of Godto rinse Christ
feet man can keep God’s law and hold integrity from the dead in vindication of divine prophecy; nor
toward God and can thus prove himself worthy of does he doubt that Godhas already raised him from
eternal life. Jesus’ humansacrifice therefore counts the dead and laid him as the "precious corner stone
for righteousness for all believers in him. of sure foundation" in Zion above. Height and depth
It is plain, then, that imperfect humanscan never are no obstacles to the Omnipotent Godin providing
prove themselves righteous by trying to keep God’s the true and rightful "Commanderto the peoples"
law and commandmentsperfectly. How, then, have wholeads mento eternal life. If Godcould send such
those who become members of Christ’s "body" and Commanderdown from heaven by transferring his
his joint-heirs in the kingdomof heaven been justi- life to humanflesh on earth, this same God could
fied with God? Jehovah has provided for writing raise the Commanderup from the abyss of death to
righteousness to their account because of their faith life in heaven. Hencethe one whohas the righteous-
in Christ Jesus, the Foundation Stone in Zion. The ness which is by faith does not swallow the Jewish
apostle Paul calls attention to howtheir righteous- clergy’s religious lie that Jesus’ disciples cameby
ness is attained, saying: "But the righteousness night and stole his body and that Almighty. God did
which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in not bring him up alive from the abyss of death. He
4 Whence wa6 Jesus’ rI~hteousne~? and what benefits tome from hls does not reject the inspired Christian Scriptures
keepIDg the Io~ and the prophets?
5. How, then, have the members of Christ’s ’~oody" been ~ustlfled? and 6. What do th~ wordJ of Mooe~ show that the one wttb the rlgbteou~
what does Paul quote in discussing how they get rlghteousuees? ne~ of faith do~ not question or doubt?

written by Jesus’ apostles and disciples and look for but we today are at the entry into the NewWorld
a gospel yet to be produced. What, then, does the under Jehovah’s Theocratic Government by Christ
,, ¯
rlghteousness of faith" say or confess? Jesus. Back there not only were the twelve tribes of
’ Paul asks the same question and locates the an- Israel gathered before Moses, but also a mixed mul-
swer, saying: "But what saith it? The word is nigh titude of strangers. (Deut. 31: 12,13; 29: 10-15)
thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart." (Rom. However, today not only are the remnant of spirit-
10:8) Werecognize that Paul is quoting Moses. In ual Israelites gathered unto Christ Jesus at the tem-
those words Moses said that the matter was not ple, but a great flock of "other sheep" also, the
something yet to come and to be acted upon in the "stranger" class, the "men of good will", whoexpect
remote and indefinite future ; but it was a matter for to gain eternal life on earth in the NewWorld. (John
immediate action: "’that thou mayest do it. See I 10: 16; Luke 2: 14) A vast multitude of this "stran-
have set before thee TInS DAYlife and good, and ger" class have yet to be gathered. To all these,
death and evil." But if righteousness did not come therefore, the Greater Mosesis saying that the word
by the Mosaic law, howcould Mosesrightly say that ? of faith is not far off in the future hut is nownigh
Because Moses spoke in a prophetic way. He was a them. So the great Commandersends forth his word
prophetic figure, foreshadowing the Greater Moses, through his preachers or proclaimers, and it is a
Christ Jesus, whomJehovah God was to raise up as word or gospel at hand, yes, nigh this "stranger"
Prophet and Commander. Hence Moses pictured class, and thus they can fix their hearts upon it and
Christ Jesus as providing the word and putting it take it up in their mouths. This they must do in
right into the mouthand into the heart of Christians. order to escape destruction with the old world at
(Deut. 18:15-18) And at the time that Paul wrote, Armageddon and in order to enter into the New
Jehovah God had already sent down his beloved Son World of abundance of life.
from heaven and let him descend into the abyss of
death and then raised him up from the dead and thus
God had provided the immortal Commander,to obey s Whatis that "word of faith", which is preached
whommeans life eternal. To that fact the apostle so as to put it within reach of the Lord’s "’other
Peter testified at the temple in Jerusalem, saying: sheep"? Hear the answer of Paul, who preached the
"For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet word: "That if thou shalt confess ~vith thy mouth
shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your the Lord Jesus [or, confess the word with thy mouth,
brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things that Jesus is Lord], and shalt believe in thine heart
whatsoever he shall say unto you. Andit shall come that Godhath raised him from the dead, thou shalt
to pass, that ever5" soul, which will not hear that be saved." (I~m. 10:9; Am. Stan. Ver., margin)
prophet, shall be destroyed from amongthe people. The "word of faith" has been enlarged upon by more
Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, facts of history since Paul’s day, and particularly
sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of since A.D. 1914, which facts fulfill the inspired
you from his iniquities." (Acts 3: 22, 23,26) Thus prophecies concerning the end of this world and the
that information was a present gospel to be at once presence of the Lord Jesus in the established king-
acted upon. Hence in commentingupon the word that dora of God. Hence Jehovah’s witnesses, in preach-
is nigh to us, even in the mouthand in the heart, the ing the Kingdommessage, must call the notice of all
apostle Paul added: "That is, the word of faith, to those long-predicted facts and their present mean-
which we preach." Yea, the word or message which ing. Therefore in now confessing Christ Jesus as
calls for the exercise of faith nowis being preached. Lord we must confess him as our Leader, our Com-
’ This "word of faith" is a gospel of glorious facts mander, and our reigning King, the only Founda-
already accomplished, and it is at hand for our ac- tion Stone laid in that exalted position in Zion, and
ceptance with the heart and for our confession by the One upon whomthe capital government of the
the mouth. It is a gospel word and commandto be be- universe is built by Jehovah God. Unless these fun-
lieved and obeyed by us ~ow. In days of old the Jews damental facts in the outworking of Jehovah God’s
stood before the prophet Mosesto hear the word and purpose are believed on and confessed by one who
commandof Jehovah God; but we today are before claims to be a Christian, there is no salvation for
the antitypical Moses, Christ Jesus, the great Com- such one in either heaven or earth. But just why is
mander whom Jehovah has exalted in Zion. Back this so? Again we listen for the apostolic reply:
there the Jews were on the plains of Moaband could ~°"For with the heart man believeth unto right-
see across the Jordan river to the Promised Land, eousness; and with the mouth confession is made
Y. How could Moses rightly say that "the word Is nigh thee, even in 9. What is the "word of faith" al preached by Paul and due to be
thy mouth and in thy heart"? and how did Peter C.onflrm it? preached since A.D 19147 and hence what must Christ a~ confessed
8. Why Is such "word of faith" momethlng to be believed and obeyed u being?
now? and by whom? 10. How and why mtmt man believe with the heart unto rtghteouone~
JU~E15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 185

unto salvation." (Rom. 10: 10) This means that the of a heart that has the truth and believes it. The con-
gospel word must first get into the heart of man. fession must follow belief. Hence, whenthe apostle
Manmust mentally grasp the facts and must get a Paul told the inquiring prison-keeper, "Believe on
heart belief and conviction that God sent his Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and
and resurrected him from the dead and that God thy house," he did not meanthat mere mental belief
exalted him as Lord and Commander to His own is sufficient to salvation. (Acts 16:30,31) Paul’s
right hand on the throne of the universe. Manmust words, as later penned in Romans10: 10, show that,
next prove his belief by surrendering himself to God after believing, the believer must use his powers of
in full consecration. Manmust do this, because, be- expression to bear witness to his belief before others
ing purchased by the sacrifice of the One whomGod and must thus be one of Jehovah’s witnesses. Then
raised from the dead, manis no longer his own, but Christ Jesus will confess such one for salvation.
owesall his prospects and provisions for eternal life ,s Onewhotruly believes will not refrain from con-
unto God. fessing because of fear or shame. In proof of that,
~t But this is not all. Besides such consecration, the apostle now quotes Scripture supVort, saying:
man must make a confession before others of what "For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on
God Almighty has done by and through Christ Jesus. him shall not be ashamed." (Rom. 10: 11) The scrip-
It is true, of course, that by believing in their hearts ture which Paul quotes is Isaiah 28: 16, which tells
and then making a consecration the result is right- of Jehovah’s purpose to lay the Tried Stone, the
eousness by faith for the membersof Christ’s body; Precious Corner Stone of sure foundation, in His
yet, one’s final salvation is not permanentlyfixed by capital organization Zion. This scripture proves that
mere heart belief. After man consecrates to God in the confession that is madewith the mouth unto sal-
faith, then manmust makeconfession with lfis mouth vation must be that Jehovah God sent his Son to
and persist in doing so until salvation is attained. earth as a manto be tried and tested as to his obe-
The necessity of thus confessing or bearing witness dience, integrity and faithfulness even unto death;
before menin order to gain salvation, either in tleav- and that Jehovah God raised him up from the dead
en or in earth, is madecertain by Jesus’ ownwords: and exalted him to the capital position as the worthy
"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, corner stone, the sure foundation upon which to
him will I confess also before m.v Father which is in build his Theocratic Government of the righteous
heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men New World.
[either by a stated denial or by a refusal to testify " Call to mind, again, that since Paul’s day other
openly and faithfully for Christ], him will I also facts have developed in the purpose of God, and
deny before my Father which is in heaven." (Matt. hence since A.D. 1918 the things to be confessed by
10:32, 33) "~osoever therefore shall be ashamed the believer have been added to. They must include
of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful the truth that, whereas the religious, political and
generation; of him also shall the Son of man be commercial rulers of "Christendom" rejected Christ
ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father Jesus as the NewWorld’s King in 1918 and turned
with the holy angels."--Mark 8 : 38; Luke 12 : 8, 9. to a League of Nations or a man-made system of
" The confessing is not a mere lip service, an un- international collaboration, yet Jehovah God ex-
intelligent formality, for mere outward pretense and alted the rejected Foundation Stone in Zion and has
to make a wrong impression upon others concerning madeall his enemiesto be his footstool. Christ Jesus
oneself. The true confessing is not like the Roman therefore remains the actively reigning Lord whom
Catholic practice or the general religious practice of the believer must now confess, and he will not be
tacking Christian names taken from the Bible upon ashamed to do so. Since 1918 Jehovah has poured out
heathen idols, rites, paraphernalia, and doctrines his spirit uponhis faithful remnant, in final fulfill-
and imagining that thereby the things of demonism ment of the prophecy of Joel 2: 28, 29. The remnant
are sanctified for God’s holy use and that by merely go forward therefore without shame and with the
lipping Christian words and names the practicer of courage and boldness of Elisha and preach the glad
demonismcan be saved. Such lip service brings re- tidings of the established kingdomof Godto all na-
proach upon God’s name and upon the things which tions of the inhabited earth for a witness. By this
pertain to Him. The confession which is made unto the opportunity is opened up for the Lord’s "other
salvation must be intelligent, that is, it must be with sheep" to believe on and accept Jehovah’s Founda-
an understanding of the truth and with a firm be- tion Stone in Zion and then to confess him with
lief therein. The confession that pleases Godmust be their mouth by taking part in proclaiming the gospel
that God’s kingdom is now in operation.
speaking forth and testifying out of the abundance 13 What scripture does Paul quote as to the believer, and what does this
show as to what the believer confe~uNm?
11. What must man thereafter do with his mouth, and why? 14. Since 1918 what physical facts are to be confessed~ and how have
12. Flow is the confeuion with the mouth that is pleasing to God made? the remnant been enabled to thus confe~s without shame or fear?
N. Y.

~ The prophetic expression "whosoever believeth sheep" as well as over spiritual Israel and is rich
on him" now embraces the "other sheep" or the in goodness and mercy toward all that call upon Him
"stranger" class who have good-will toward Jehovah in public confession. Jehovahis no tribal or national
and his Foundation Stone laid in Zion. The apostle God, for Jews only, but was the God of Noah and
Paul’s further argument bears on this point in say- his household from whomall of us descended.
ing: "For there is no difference between the Jew ~’ Paul’s use of the expression ’~hosoever" does
and the Greek [or Gentile] : for the same Lord over not differentiate between natural Jew and natural
all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever Gentile, and it likewise does not differentiate be-
shaUcall upon the nameof the Lord shall be saved.’" tween spiritual Israelite or inward Jew and those
(Rom. 10:12,13) The truth of those words was not such. Paul was quoting part of Joel 2:32, and
manifest from the time that Jehovah God sent the the whole verse of Joel 2:32 reads: "And it shall
apostle Peter to preach to the centurion Cornelius cometo pass, that whosoever shall call on the name
and his household, all of whombelieved the message of Jehovah shall be delivered; for in mount Zion
and became’the first Gentile converts. (Acts 10) So, and in Jerusalem there shall be those that escape, as
at the time that Paul quoted those words of Joel Jehovah hath said, and among the remnant those
2 : 32, God was making no distinction between Jews whomJehovah doth call."--Am. Stun. Ver.
and Gentiles. God was making them the members of ~’The expression "whosoever" shows, therefore,
the "body of Christ" and joint-heirs with Christ in that it is not only the remnant of spiritual Israel-
the Kingdom. All the believers, whether natural ites that will be delivered and saved in this "day of
Jews or natural Gentiles, became Jews inwardly or Jehovah". By calling on Jehovah’s name in faith
spiritual Israelites, and they madeup "the Israel of and open confession, the "stranger" class or "other
God". (Rom. 2:28,29; Gal. 6:16) Since there is sheep" from all nations also have an opportunity of
difference between believing Jews and Gentiles, we being delivered from execution in the time of H~s
have an interesting point of view from which to look wrath against the worldly nations, "the great and
at certain facts today; as follows: terrible day of Jehovah." In this connection we must
~s In Revelation 7:4-8 the 144,000 members of not overlook that Joel 2: 32, quoted above, follows
Christ’s kingdom body are spoken of as tl~e twelve immediately after his prophecy that Jehovah would
tribes of Israel, that is-to say, as spiritual Israel. pour out his holy spirit upon all his remnant of
Hencethe "great multitude", which is described right spiritual Israel alive on earth in the flesh, "after-
afterwards and said to be unnumbered, must be ward," or "in the last days", as the apostle Peter
viewedas Gentiles. It is even so, for they are spoken quoted it. (Joel 2:28,29; Acts 2: 16-21) The facts
of as being taken out of all nations, kindreds, people prove that the final outpouring of the spirit upon
and tongues. (Rev. 7: 9-17) The ones who will make all such consecrated flesh began A.D. 1919. Hence
up that "great multitude" are Christ’s "other sheep", the words which Paul quoted at Romans10:13 both
whomhe is gathering today. Therefore, as distinct applied to his day when he quoted them and also
from the 144,000 spiritual Israelites, the "other apply to this day. Andso the prophecy, ’qVhosoever
sheep" are "Gentiles", as it were. They are the shall call on the nameof Jehovah shall be delivered,"
"stranger" class who are found within the "gates" includes nowthe great flock of "other sheep".
of spiritual Israel. Although they maynot be of the ~
same "fold" as the spiritual Israelites, nevertheless ,o Since the final and completefulfillment of Joel’s
the Good Shepherd, Christ Jesus, now brings them
together in touch with the remnant of his Kingdom prophecy from which Paul quoted takes place in
sheep or spiritual Israelites, and in such manner these last days of Satan’s world organization, it
they "becomeone flock, one shepherd".~John 10 : 16, stands out clearly that Jehovah’s rich loving-kind-
Am. Stun. Vet. ness is for "whosoever shall call" upon His name to
~ These "other sheep" now acknowledge Jehovah nowhave an opportunity for deliverance and salva-
God as Universal Sovereign or as "Lord" over all tion. Joel’s prophecy raised urgent questions in
his universal organization and hence the Supreme Paul’s day; it raises mightily moving questions be-
One to whomthey ought of right to submit them- fore Jehovah’s consecrated people in these last days.
selves. Jehovah’s Good Shepherd leads them in the With inspired reasoning upon the meaning of Joel
way that leads to life in the endless NewWorld. 2:32, the apostle sets downthis series of questions
Thus the Lord Jehovah God is Lord over the "other for us, saying: "Howthen shall they [whosoever
they be] call on him in whomthey have not believed~
1~ Whom does th~. expresslou "whoBoever belleveth on him" ~ow era.
brace ~ and what argument of Paul bears on this pulut? 18. Between whom, then, lu thls day does Paul’s quotation of "whosoever"
A, distinct not differentiate ?
~e from the 144,000 members of Christ’s "body", how
"other sheep" to be viewed and how do they become "one flock, one 19. Who, then. specifically is to be delivered in Lhe day
how does the coDtext of Joel ~ 2:32 prove that
of Jehovah~ and
17. How then Is Jehovah the "same Lord over all" and rich toward 20. What questions doea Paul build up In view of Joel’s prophecy? and
ai! ~alhng on him! what would Jehovah do therefore toward fulfilling that propbe~y?
Jux~. 15, 1945 eWATCHTOWER. zsT
and how shall they believe in him of whomthey have esied .... they are prophets of the deceit of their
not heard ? and howshall they hear without a preach- ownheart; which think to cause my people to forget
er? and howshall they preach except they be sent?" my name by their dreams which they tell every man
(Rom. 10: 14, 15) For a certainty, Jehovah would to his neighbour."--Jer. 23: 21-27.
not prophesy of a deliverance and salvation for "who- ,s However, that Jehovah God would meet the need
soever" might be willing to accept such and then and would send his genuine representatives with
leave the way thereto blocked. In such a case the the true and reliable message, the apostle goes on to
prophecy would fail of fulfillment, and the deliver- prove from God’s own prophecy. He says : "And how
ance and salvation would not be so broad as to in- shall they preach, except they be sent? even as it is
clude "whosoever", of whatever nationality or race. written, Howbeautiful are the feet of them that
But if Jehovah, whodoes not lie, specified that first bring glad tidings of good things!" (Rom. 10: 15,
there must be a believing upon Him and his provi- Am. Stan. Vet.) That is, "Howwelcomeis the com-
sions through Zion and that then there must be a ing of those who bring good news!" (Goodspeed)
confessing or calling on his name by public testi- The greatest preacher whomJehovah God sent, and
monythereto, then what follows ? To be consistent, who was the first to be sent by Him with the won-
Jehovah would also provide the arrangements drous message of the Kingdom, was and is his Chief
whereby whosoever was willing might be able to be- Servant, Christ Jesus. Testifying to being sent on
lieve and might then confess and call upon his name. this preaching mission, Christ Jesus quoted the
’~ Jehovah was perfectly aware that, to call on his prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-3 and applied it to himself
name in open confession, whosoever wills must be- and said: "The spirit of the Lord [Jehovah] is
lieve upon him; and that, to believe on him, whoso- upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the
ever wills must hear about him and his name. Belief gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the
or faith is founded upon truthful information and broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the cap-
knowledge, and, to believe, whosoever wills must tives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at
have information given to him and must heed it or liberty them that are bruised, to preach the accept-
hear it. Since it was not Jehovah’s will or purpose able year of the Lord." (Luke 4:17-19) In turn,
to send direct revelations to whosoever wanted the Christ Jesus, as Jehovah’s fully empoweredServ-
information, then it was necessary for him to send ant, sent.forth other preachers to proclaim the ldag-
forth those to bear the information and to proclaim dom of God. Paul was one of the preachers whom
it. Whatthen .~ This; namely, it rested with Godto Jesus sent and whose coming with good news was
do the sending of preachers or proclaimers. There- so welcome.
fore his prophecy that "whosoever shall call on the ’* The prophecy of Isaiah 52:7, from which Paul
name of Jehovah" foretold or presupposed and im- quoted, reads in full : "Howbeautiful upon the moun-
plied a great publicity, campaign, a world-wlde tains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings,
preaching concerning Jehovah and what his "name" that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of
signifies. The prophecy also indicated that Jehovah good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion,
would be the One responsible to send the preachers. Thy Godreigneth !" Paul madea partial application
He would ordain them to make the proclamation of the prophecy back there. But manifestly the
and would give them genuine authorization and back- prophecy applies in completeness at the time that
ing. To them alone he would entrust his message or Jehovah God has taken his great power and reigns,
word. by conferring authority to rule upon Christ Jesus,
"Properly, then, the question is raised: "How whomhe lays as the "precious corner stone of sure
shall they preach, except they be senti" In other foundation" in Zion. (Rev. 11: 15-].7) That time be-
words, Whohas the authority to preach and repre- gan A.D. 1914; and so the prophecy applies now, but
sent himself as a minister of the gospel, except one particularly since 1918. Why?Because the facts show
who is sent by God, being ordained by Him and that then Christ Jesus was laid in a complete sense
equipped with His true message? It is to Jehovah as the Foundation Stone in Zion, and that then he
God to whomhe must apply in order to be ordained came to the temple for the judgment of his follow-
or appointed to preach his Word, and not to some ers, the church, and also for the judgment of the
theological seminary or religious organization and nations of this world. In that momentous year of
its clergy governing-body. Hence God’s words fit the World War I the worship of Jehovah God was great-
religious priests and clergymen of "Christendom", ly desolated in the earth by enemy action. Hence
when He says: "I have not sent these prophets, yet Christ Jesus came to the temple to do a great re-
they ran : I have not spoken to them, yet they proph- constructive work with respect to Jehovah’s pure
21. How woula "whosoever shall call" be put In position to call? and ~
23. What scripture does Paul quote to show preachers would be sent
what therefore did the prophecy about It foretell or presuppoJe? and who were the early ones of these to be sent?
22. If there were to be preachers, how, then. were they to be sent? 24 When does the prophecy which Paul here quoted apply? and wh~
188 fftieWATCI-ITOWER. BRoorm~, N. Y.

worship by creatures on earth. His first reconstruc- is exactly what the facts show that Jehovah Godhas
tive activities were toward the faithful remnant of been and is doing; and that is exactly what the
his body members on earth. These he raised up to prophecies foretold he would do.
activity, in Jehovah’s practical worship and service, "Look at Revelation 22: 17, which is a prophecy
pouring out upon them the reviving, invigorating that applies whenthe truth of life is flowing forth
spirit or active force from Godto energize them in from the established Kingdomof God by his Christ,
God’s service. and when the Bridegroom has come for his "bride",
=5 However, the reconstructive work as regards the church. There it is written: "’Come,’ say the
Jehovah’s worship on earth must be widened out Spirit and the bride. Let everyone who hears this
beyond the remnant. It must be extended to whoso- say, ’Come!’ Let everyone whois thirsty come." Let
ever wilI choose to call on Jehovah’s name in pure anyone whowants it comeand take without cost liv-
worship and service, that is to say, to others besides ing water." (Goodspeed) The meek "other sheep"
the remnant of spiritual Israel, namely, to the are hearing the invitation of Christ Jesus, whois in
"stranger" etass, the "other sheep", the "men of good spirit at the temple, and which invitation the rem-
will". But how were these to hear, and believe, and nant of his %ride" yet on earth ~oin in announcing.
call, unless preachers were sent to them ? Wherefore The meek ones hearing are therefore under obliga-
the prophecy foretold the sending of preachers of tion and commandto say likewise, "Come!" This
good things to them. Facing that fact, a great obli- obligation is laid upon them by the Bridegroom,
gation as well as a grand privilege loomed up before Jehovah’s great Anointed Preacher. And rightly so;
the spiritual remnant of Christ’s "body" on earth. because the rule is that, to be saved, one must not
Since Jehovah’s foretold purpose was to send only hear and believe with the heart unto righteous-
preachers, and since his King Christ Jesus was on aess but also confess with the mouth in the presence
the throne at his temple, therefore the same ques- of others. Therefore the "other sheep", as they are
tions challenged the remnant as once challenged gathered to the "one fold", must make a confession,
Isaiah the prophet, namely : ’%Vhom shall ~ send, and the same as the anointed spiritual remnant are
who will go for us?" Like Isaiah, the remnant of obliged to do. There is no difference in this regard
spiritual Israel have volunteered for the preaching between spiritual Israelites and the "stranger" class
mission and have answered as a body: "Here am I; whocomeout from all nations, kindreds, people, and
send me !" Then Jehovah sent this renmant forth as tongues. For this reason the prophecy emphasizes
his witnesses, with the command:"Go and tell this that "whosoever shall call on the nameof Jehovah"
people." (Isa. 6: i-9) The result has been the most shall be delivered and saved.
marvelous publicity, campaign of all humanhistory, ,s Calling on Jehovah’s name is not done merely
namely, ’the preaching of this gospel of the King- in prayer. Calling on his name manifestly means
domin all the world for a witness unto all nations, bearing testimony to his name and to the universal
because the end of this world is fast coming on.’ domination for which his namestands. It means be-
Thereby Jesus’ own prophecy, at Matthew 24: 14, ing a witness for Jehovah and faithfully fulfilling
has been undergoing fulfillment under his direction that position of service until He vindicates his name
from the temple. at the battle of Armageddon and thus brings the
=s Nevertheless, the preaching work is nownot lim- great period of witnessing to a close.
ited to the remnant of spiritual Israelites. The field ,, Let those "other sheep" that are already gath-
is the world; the labor is great, and the remnant are ered in follow the lead of their Good Shepherd and
too few in number to do all the work required and fulfill their commissionfrom him to preach, in order
to reach all the meek ones whomay become the Good for other meek ones to hear, that such may believe
Shepherd’s "other sheep". How,then, shall these yet on Jehovah Godand call on his name, openly confess-
unreached ones hear, and believe, and call on Jeho- ing him before Armageddon. What if the majority
vah’s name? How, except by the sending of preach- of "Christendom",and particularly the official ruling
ers to them, and that before the end comes at Ar- element thereof, do not hear the message and obey ?
mageddon? And whom would Jehovah God send That is nothing unforeseen or unpredicted. The apos-
but those whoare fully consecrated to him and to the tle writes: "But they did not all hearken to the glad
doing of his will? Andcould he not use these "other tidings. For Isaiah saith, Lord [Jehovah], whohath
sheep" as they are brought into the "one flock" to believed our report? So belief cometh of hearing,
be the companions and fellow workers of the rem- andhearing by the word of Christ" ~Rom.10: 16,17,
nant of the "little flock" or ’~bride" of Christ? That Am. Start. Vet.) Or, reading from The Emphatic
25. (a) To whommust the reconstructive work be widened out? (b) What 27, (a) Flow does Reve.ation oo:17 show Fie would do so? (b) How
obligation and privilege therefore fa¢~l the remnant, and how (lid they does that scripture agree with Joel’s prophecy on ’calling7
respond, and with what result? 28. What do~ caUing on Jehovah’s name mean?
26. Why could not the preaching work be now limited to the re~laant? 29. In what way, therefore, should the "other sheep’ follow their Good
an(l what do the facts show about this? Shepherd and regardles, of what developmentl?
JUNE 15, 1945 -SeWATCHTOWER. 189

Diaglott’s rendering: "But all did not obey the glad allow that, when Armageddon falls with destruction
tidings; for Isaiah says, "Lord, who believed our re- upon this world, it should be said that his Kingdom
port?’ So then faith comes from a report, and the message of salvation was not proclaimed far enough
report through the word of [Christ]."--Marginal nor given a sufficient hearing. Rather it will then be
reading. said, in the language of the apostle Paul: "But I
so The fact that some did not believe the "report" say, Did they not hear? Yea, verily, their sound went
does not mean that all will refuse to believe, for the out into all the earth, and their words unto the ends
facts are that the meek "other sheep" are believing of the world [the inhabited earth]." (Rom. 10: 18,
the "report". The prophet’s using the word "be- Am. Stan. Vet., margin) The sound of the gospel of
lieved" in connection with "report" shows that faith the established Kingdom is now going out with
or believing in Jehovah God comes from and de- greater volume than ever before and will increase
pends upon the report that is made. Tile report is in the postwar period down to the end. That estab-
made in order to create and build up faith or belief lished Kingdom constitutes the "new heavens" that
and obedience. Another important thing is that the will rule the "new earth" and the "new world".
report is through the word of Christ. This fact "Now, as the Kingdom message goes forth by day
proves the claim of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and by night, how fitting are the prophetic words of
to be false and misleading, namely, that their priest- Psalm 19: 1-4: "The heavens declare the glory of
hood is a magisterium or teaching body which is God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day
more important than the Word of God and that man- unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night show-
kind does not need the written Word of God but can eth knowledge. There is no speech nor lang’uage;
gain salvation through the spoken teachings of the their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out
priesthood or clergT. Contrary to this, the apostle through all the earth, and their words to the end
Paul declares that the preachers who make the re- of the world." (Am. Stan. Vet.) The invisible "new
port could not do so without the "word of Christ"; heavens" are not heard, but the remnant on earth
the report is "through the word of Christ". Now we who are called to the "kingdom of heaven" are acting
know that Christ Jesus also used, quoted and ex- as representatives thereof. Happy is their portion
plained God’s Word as written in the Hebrew Scrip- to be declaring the glory of Jehovah God and letting
tures, and he fulfilled them. It is absolutely neces- the sound of his Kingdom gospel be heard to the
sary, therefore, for the true preachers whom God ends of the habitable earth. Happy, too, is the lot
sends to study and use and declare the written Word of the remnant’s companions, the "other sheep", in
of God, just as Christ Jesus and his apostles did. joining with the remnant in preaching the Theo-
Otherwise, no real, saving faith can be produced cratic gospel to all the nations and thus calling on
in others by what is preached. the name of Jehovah for salvation. How beautiful
are the feet of all these preachers who bear glad ti-
~’ This is the day for the gospel message of the
dings of God’s good things through his Theocratic
Word of God and of Christ to be sounded to the Government! To the meek ones of earth who seek
limits of the habitable earth. God Almighty will not salvation the coming of these faithful bringers of
30. How, then. Is it true that "faith comes from a report, and the report good tidings is most welcome.
through the word of Christ"?
31. What is now due to be sounded to the ends of the earth? and what 32 How is the prophecy from which Paul quoted being fulhlled~ and
scr*pture does Paul quote *n proof? who are happy in having a’Jotnt part in its fulfillment?


ATAN the De~fil still lives, but not because he is im-
S mortal and indestructible. He is under an unrevokable
sentence of death, but for His ownall-wise reason Jeho-
Jacob, also cMledIsrael, were organized into a nation and
put under the leadership of God’s prophet Moses. It was
after these Israehtes had been delivered miraculously from
vah Godhas suspended the execution of that sentence until the Devil’s realm in Egypt and while they were encamped
the battle of Armageddon,now not far distant. Then the at the base of MountSinai that God gave them his funda-
Lord God Jehovah will sharply rebuke Satan the Devil be- mental law and his statutes by the hand of Moses. God’s
fore all the living universe. Henceit is written: "The arch- fundamental law to the Israelites was contained in the
angel Michael himself, when he had the dispute with the "ten commandments",ten being a symbolic number denot-
devil about Moses’ body, did not venture to condemnhim for ing completeness.His statutes to the Israelites specifically
blasphemy; he only said, ’May the Lord rebuke you!’" defined their duty to be performed in harmony with the
(Jude 9, Goodspeed) All along Satan the Devil has had a fundamental law. Thus the nation of Israel was in direct
certain malicious interest in particular men; and why in contrast to all other nations and peoples, because Israel was
Mosesand also in Moses’ contemporary, Job? the people chosen by the Lord Godfor himself, and by and
The descendants of another target of the Devil, namely, through that people he was about to make and did make
prophetic pictures fol,shadowing greater things to come killed him and not given him the chance to t~’ to prove
to pass in the future.--1 Cor. 10:11. his boast, what would have been the result? It could have
Mosesdied in a mountain, where doubtless the dispute easily been said then that the Devil had not been given
between Michael and the Devil took place. But in another the opportunity to prove who is suprememorally. The ques-
mountain, Sinai, about forty years previously, Mosesre- tion of supremacy and domination as of worthiness and
ceived the fundamental law and the statutes from Godfor moral right would not have been settled in the minds of
the Israelites. The fundamental law which he communicated other creatures. If one creature could defeat God, then
to Moses was inscribed upon stone. "And he gave unto the foundation for faith in and obedience to God would
Moses, when he had made an end of communingwith him be for ever shaken. Hence the Lord God gave the Devil a
upon mountSinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, full opportunity to prove his challenge before settling the
written with the finger of God." (Ex. 31:18) The un- question for ever.
limited power of the Almighty God enables him to write In Egypt Pharaoh was the Devil’s representative on the
upon stone as well as upon the sand. Every person who throne, and defied Jehovah with this brazen question to
believes that the .klmighty Godexists, and that He is the Moses: "Whois Jehovah, that I should hearken unto his
Rewarder of them that serve him, can readily see how voice to let Israel go? I knownot Jehovah, and moreoverI
God made provision for the Bible to be written and kept will not let Israel go." (Ex. 5:2, Am. IStan. Vet.) The
securely through all the centuries. No one has ever been Devil himself openly defied Jehovah. In the answer that
able to destroy the Bible, although repeated attempts have Jehovah God then gave to Pharaoh and his invisible over-
been made to do so. It is certain that the Devil has made lord the Devil he caused to be expressed through Moses
every possible effort to destroy the Bible; and in modern the reason why Jehovah God permitted the Devil and his
times particularly he has used religionists, called "higher angels to carry on their wickedness and whyhe has not yet
critics", to discredit the Bible and cause the people to destroyed them. That declarative answer, which He caused
refuse to believe it. Their work is parallel to that of the Mosesto write downin HIS sacred Book, is this: "But for
RomanCatholic Hierarchy, who give precedence to tradi- this cause have I allowed thee to remain, in order to show
tion over the Bible. thee my power; and in order that they may proclaim my
In the long period of time from man’s fall in the garden name throughout all the earth." (Ex. 9:16, Leeser) The
of Eden down to Mount Sinai, when the Israelites under declaration applied to the Devil specifically and to his then
Moses gathered there at God’s command, the Devil and visible representative on the earth, Pharaoh, the ruler of
his demons opposed God and oppressed and afflicted all the Egyptian world power.
men who tried to do right and serve Jehovah God. By then To state it in commonphrase: The Almighty God de-
the Devil had succeeded in turning most of the humanrace clared he would permit Satan and his associated devils to
vway from God. Even Moses and Aaron found themselves have all the rope possible and a free hand to put forth
in a jam because of the influencc exercised over the people their very strenuous efforts against Him. In His owndue
by Satan and his angels, and for tiffs reason Mosesdied time he would show all his adversaries his supreme power
in a mountain from which he could only view the Promised by destroying them and all their supporters and their works
Land of Canaan, not enter it. The Devil had inflicted great of wickedness. Before destroying them he would cause his
puuishment upon the Israelites when in Egypt; and now own name and his universal domination to be declared
God had delivered them, and they stood at the foot of throughout the earth, to the end that the enemies might
MountSinai to receive the law from God’s hand, that they have full warning and notice of their coming destructmn,
might be shielded from the Devil’s attack. While Moseswas and in order that the people of good-will toward God
in the mountain reeeiwng the law at the hands of God, might be warned and flee from Satan and take their stand
the Devil overreached the Israelites and caused them to on the side of Jehovah Godand find protection and safety
turn to idolatry or religious worship. Manyhave asked, That question at issue must be fully and completely de-
and still ask: ’Whydid not Godkill the Devil then or be- termined for ever in favor of Jehovah God, in order that
fore that time, and spare men from his oppressive hand his position, name and word may be vindicated. Such is
and wicked deception? The Devil and his wicked angels the reason whyGodpermitted the wicked ones to continue,
continue to operate even to this very day, filling the earth and He gives his sure word that in due time he will com-
with violence, and filling the people with dread. Whydoes pletely destroy all of them. Nowthe time has come for
the just and loving God [)emit the Devil to remain alive his nameto be declared throughout all the earth. For that
and carry on hmwickedness?’ reason these great truths are now being brought to the
Let answer be given in brief at this point, as to why. attention of the people, by the Lord’s grace.
It is because the Devil ehallengcd Jehovah’s universal sov- Still, why has God permitted the Devil to oppress and
ereignty and also declared his ownability to turn all men afflict those persons on earth whohave agreed to serve
away from God’s sovereignty; and he challenged God to HimTWhyhas he not safeguarded these faithful ones from
put a man on the earth who would remain true and faith- all assaults of the Devil? The answer is, that if Godshould
ful to Jehovah when put to the test by the Devil. That do so, then the Devil would not be having a free hand in
challenge put at issue the domination, name and word of his effort to prove his wickedchallenge. Furthermore, those
the AlmightyGod. The effect of the challenge was to declare whohave agreed to serve Godcould prove their integrity
that Jehovah God is not supreme, he is not all-powerful. and faithfulness to Godby resisting the assaults of the
Then and there Jehovah could have killed the Devil, for Devil and by continuing under all conditions of persecution
no immortal soul is the Devil. But suppose that God had to maintain their integrity toward God. For that reason
JUNE 15, 1945 191

God has repeatedly stated to those who serve him his great Flood had stood by Jehovah; that most of them
promise to preserve them and give them everlasting life had gone with the Devil, and that if the Devil had a chance
and that he will destroy all the wicked. To quote Psalm he could make them all forsake God. That was a defiant
145:20: "The LORDpreserveth all them that love him: challenge to Jehovah God, and he accepted the challenge.
but all the wickedwill he destroy." Also Revelation 2 : 10 : So on with Job’s test! Job was rich in earthly goods and
"Fear not the things whichthou art about to suffer: behold, was surrounded by a happy family and enjoyed good
the devil is about to cast someof you into prison, that ye health, peace and quietness. Before the Devil’s above-
maybe tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days. Be described appearance in God’s presence he had declared
thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown that if those things were taken away from Job, he would
of life."--Am. Stan. Vet. curse GOdto his face. In answer to that challenge Jehovah
The Scriptures specifically name some ancient men who God said to Satan: "Behold, all that he hath is in thy
were faithful and true to Jehovah and who withstood the power"; that is, ’you are at liberty to makehim curse me,
Devil to the death. These men as named include Abel, if youcan !’ Onhis first test, that of taking awaythe above-
Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Job and Moses. God used faithful namedpossessions of Job, Satan failed to coerce Job into
menin times of old as ensamples or types of greater things cursing God. Instead, Job blessed Jehovah. Next, after this
to come to pass. Amongthose so used was that example of second appearance before GOd,Satan the Devil afflicted
patience, Job. In the days of Job Satan the Devil had not Job with a loathsome disease, from which he suffered so
been barred from heaven but had the privilege of appear- terribly that his ownwife said to him: "Dost thou still
ing from time to time before the Almighty God. It appears retain thine integrity? curse God, and die." (Job 2 : 9) But
that from time to time the faithful sons of God presented amidst all this test Job stood firm and maintained his in-
themselves before Jehovah, and in keeping with this it is tegrity toward God. Then the Devil further afflicted Job by
written: "Again there was a day when the sons of God causing certain pious-faced religionists to torment him, and
came to present themselves before the LORD,and Satan also through all this Job maintained his integrity and re-
came also amongthem to present himself before the LORD." mained firm and true to the Most High.
---Job 2 : 1. That which is recorded concerning the experiences of
To be sure, Jehovah knew whence Satan came, but he Job is an exampleof those whoendure suffering for right-
held communicationwith Satan manifestly for the purpose eousness’ sake and whoin the face of all mannerof perse-
of makinga picture foretelling how faithful menare tried cution and punishment maintain their integrity toward
and tested by the Devil. "And the LORD said unto Satan, God. Just whyGod would permit the Devil to proceed with
From whence comest thou? And Satan answered the LoRu, a free hand in opposition to Himand in persecution of
From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up those whoserve GOdwas not revealed at the time to any-
and down in it. And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou one, not even to the angels. That Godhad a fixed time in
considered myservant Job, that there is none like him in which to make lmownthe reason is certain, however: and
the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth exactly on time Godwill bring the entire issue to a climax
God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his in- to His ownglory. What has followed since Job’s day shows
tegrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy that Godhas permitted the Devil to live and tempt menfor
him without cause. And Satan answered the LORD,and centuries, and particularly through the operation of reli-
said, Skin for skin; yea, all that a manhath will he give gion, using it as an instrument to ensnare and to carry out
for his life. But put forth thine hand now, and touch his his wickedchallenge. The day of reckoning is at hand, when
bone and his flesh, and he wiUcurse thee to thy face. And the issue must be settled, and therefore it is God’sdue time
the Load said unto Satan. Behold, he is in thine hand; but to make knownthe reason to all those whoare diligent to
save his life. So went Satan forth from the presence of have a proper understanding. Once the issue has been
decisively settled at the approaching battle of Armageddon,
the LORD, and smote Job with sore boris from the sole of his
Jehovah God will cause the Devil to be bound in death.
foot unto his crown." (Job 2: 2-7) The circumstances serve Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s glorious Vindicator, will do the
to show that this occurred about the time of Moses’ birth. binding and will thereafter reign for the blessing of men
Doubtless Satan taunted Jehovah by calling his atten- on earth whomaintain their integrity to God.--Heb. 2: 14,
tion to the fact that only a few mensince the time of the Rev. 20 : 1-4.

RF.~CHINGOTHER LANDS(NEWYORK) I played ’Fighters for the NewWorld’. They all seemed
"I made a back-call upon a person of good-will a few overjoyed to hear it. I was able to place a numberof the
weeks ago, playing her the recordings of ’Peace--Can It late publications with them. I was also invited by them
Last?’ She enjoyed it so much she asked me to return to visit their camp so others of their country could hear
Sunday night and play it to her family. This I did; but this message. Myhnsbaad (who is also a special pioneer)
instead of finding just her family I found company.There madethis call for me, since it was all men. Whenhe went
were several men, whose homeis in Barbados, West Indies, into the camp he asked permi.~qion of those in charge to
and who were then working in this country under govern- play the phonograph and present the Kingdommessage.
mentsupervision. Instead of playing ’Peace---CanIt Last ?’ This was given him. Whenthe men saw the phonograph
theyshutofftheirradio, stopped playing pool, andgatheredzineworkon thestreet. I wouldliketo readit to you.’
aroundto hearthe message.One youngmanrecognized He proceeded todo so.’I seeitstates thattheydidthat
himas oneof Jehovah’s witnesses, by thephonograph. He workwithout anypersonal gain.Is thatright? Italsosays
explained totheothers thattherewereJehovah’s witnessestheyareordained ministers. Howcanthatbe whenit takes
in Barbados too,andthattheyhadgoodbooks.As soon fromfourto eightyearsto graduate froma college and
as the recording was finished theyclamored forbooks. mostofthese areyoung people ?’I wasverygladtoexplain,
You’dhavethought it wasa smallconvention to seethem and thenhe asked,’Howlonghaveyoubeenengagedin
grasping forthemfasterthantheycouldbe handedout. thiswork?’WhenI replied ’52years’he wasamazed, and
Theywereallinvited to attenda bookstudyat thegood- said,’Youmeana ladylikeyouhasbeendoingthiswork
willperson’s homethefollowing Sunday night. allthoseyearsforno personal gain?’ He wasastonished.
"WhenSundaycame I was eagerlyanticipating this ’I havenevermetor talked withoneofJehovah’s witnesses
study. Certainly itwasall,yes,evenmorethanI hadhoped before. I willtakeallyourbooks, booklets andmagazines,
for.A numberof the men werethere.We had an hour as it is justwhatI wantandneed,andI willstudythem.
study, andallactively participated init.Afterthestudy I expect tobe in thelegislature myself in thefallandI
theyrequested moreliterature. I placedeverything from will doubtless be called upon to act in some of yourcases.
Theocratic Ministry booklets to "The KingdomIs at Hand’. Now,don’tforgetyouhavejustas muchrightto come
One man said, ’I have a friend in Barbados who is one of intothisoffice oranyhomeasanyminister, priestorrabbi,
Jehovah’s witnesses and he told mewhenI got to the States andno onecanrightfully hinderor stopyou.’ThoughI
to be sure and get him a Theocratic Ministry booklet.’ He knewthat,I waspleased to hearhimsayit.He thanked
took two, one for himself also. All together I placed forty me for calling and invited me to comeagainany time."
boundbooks with them. But that isn’t all. After the study --Pioneer.
someone suggested we have music. They asked me to play
some hymns, thinking I was religious. I played a few of
the new Kingdomsongs. They loved them! I passed some "I am holding a book study with a lady and her mother.
songbooks around and soon all were joining in singing The lady’s husband is in the army. She wrote him telling
them (harmonizing each part). Several then wanted of the joy she gets out of these studies and, of course,
obtain songbooks. They came back to the study next week, quoted scriptures, etc. His reaction was not entirely fa-
and then they were moved. Most of them have now re- vorable; in fact, he wrote and said he hoped he was not
turned to Barbados, taking the Kingdommessage with comingback to a family of religious maniacs. In due course
them." he came homeon a month’s leave, and was confronted by a
wife who had made up her mind as to where she stood,
WITNESSL-NG IN BUSINESS DISTRICT(MASS.) that is, ’Kingdominterests first.’ After being told that she
"I called ata prominent lawyer’s officein thefinancialwas even prepared to give him up rather than lose her
district of Boston, andwhenhe foundI wasoneof Jeho- opportunity of entering Jehovah’s new world, he decided
vah’switnesses he said,’I haveyourbooksandknowabout that if it was so important he had better look into the mat-
yourwork.Justsitdownandrelaxthishotdayandlet ter himself. He thereafter attended some studies and even-
me do thetalking. Tellyourpeopleneverto getdiscour-tually returned to Egypt, taking a supply of books with
aged,foryouaredoingthegreatest workthathasever him. He now writes from Italy to say that he reads noth-
beendoneon thisearth. Theworldis fullof trouble and ing but these books because they are the only source, to-
sorrow, andwhenyouentera business officeor homewith gether with the Bible, of hopeful information of the fu-
yourhappy,smiling facesyouhaveleftan influence for ture. He has also expressed the desire to be immersedas
good there. Why,your very presence in this office does me soon as he returns home."
more good than a sermon any minister could preach.’ I re-
markedhere, ’We probably have more friends than we real- REDEEMING TIME (AUSTRALIA)
ize.’ He gave a chuckle, and replied, ’Friends ? Youhavethou- "While waiting at the public telephone for a call I was
sands upon thousands of friends. I knowwhat I am talk- approached by a lady, who said, ’If only I had brought a
ing about and I knowthat to be true. The people are watch- paper to read; mycall won’t come through for another
ing you. They see your courage and sacrifice and persistence hour.’ I began speaking to her about world conditions and
under great opposition and persecution. They see you are suggested shemightliketo read theConsolation magazine,
actually laying downyour very lives for the people and whichshegladly aecepted andbeganreading. Halfan hour
they admire you greatly for it, though you do not knowit laterhersonarrived, andI noticed herearnestly pointing
Tell your people they are an example to every one of us. outto himdifferent partsin themagazine. Thenhe came
Weneed you and your message of hope and comfort; so up to me andsaid,’Excuse me,butyouhaven’t anymore
keep right on and don’t let anything or anybody dis- of thesemagazines, haveyou?’I assured himI had,and
coinage you. I am very glad you called, and come in again afterplacing sixdifferent copies withhimI wasableto
any time and I will be glad to see you.’
explain a number of points to him about ourwork.Despite
"I next called in another lawyer’s office, whowas read-
ing a pamphlet as I entered. As soon as he saw my books the fact that our calls did not come through fornearly
he remarked, ’Nowisn’t that strange ? Here I am reading twohours, thetimewasspentveryeffectively inTheocratic
the court report that I just received of a ease of Jehovah’s service, andnooneseemed to mindhaving to wait.A back-
witnesses who were arrested in this state for doing maga- callwasarranged for."--Special publisher.
thatI amJehov&"


JULY1, 1945

PsalmSixteen,Miehtam ..................... 196
of Blood ................................. 198
............................................... 200
OurPort-ton.......................................... 201
................................................ 206
Ex£’~’cz ................................... 208
"S~o,~’s RmHT" TRs’nxoNY PZRIOD 194
’¢WA~a’~,wr.W’ STVVmS .......................... 194
"Tm~’Co-*t*~v,~ TO ~E PZOPLmS’" .... 194
USE Rrmmv,,. Svms~oN BLJLS’~ ... 194

HISjournal is published forthepurpose of enabling the
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn I, N.Y., U.S.A. T peopletoknowJehovah
It publishes Bibleinstruction
as expressed
N. Ft. KNORR,President designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-wall.
W.E. VAN"AMBURGII, Secreta~d It arTange.s systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes
~reat shah be the peace of thy children." - ha,ah 54:23. suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH is theonlytrueGod and is fromeverlastingIt is entirely free and separate from nil religion, partif.s, sects
to everlasting, theMakerof heavenandearthandthe Giverof or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
lifeto h/screatures; thattheLogeswasthebeginning of his tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
creation, andhisactive agent inthecreation ofallother things,King. It is not dogmatic,but invites careful and critical examina-
andis nowtheLordJesusChrist inglory, clothed withallpower tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
in heaven andearth, as theChiefExecutive Officer of Jehovah;dulge in controversy, and its colurans are not open to personahtms.
THATGOD createdthe earthfor man,createdperfectman
for the earthand placedhim upon it; that man willfully YFdLILTSUBSCaIPTIONPRIes
disobeyed God’slawandwassentenced to death; thatby reason UNITF+D 8T£TR8. $1.00; all other countries, $L50, American currency;
of Adam’swrongactall menare bornsinners and without the GREAT ~ITAIN, AUeTaALAS]A, AND SOUTHAFRICA, 6S American remit-
tances should be made by Poltai or Express Money Order or by BanR
right tolife; Draft. British. South African and AnatcalasJan remittances should
THAT THE LOGES was made human as the man Jesus mad be made direct
to the respective branch omce~ RemittanCes
other than tholm mentioned may be made to the Brooglyn
suffered deathin orderto producetheransomor redemptiveomee, but by /nJer~a~naJ Postal Money Order only.
pricefor obedient onesof mankmd; thatGod raisedup Jesus
divineand exalted him to heavenaboveeveryothercreature FOgigloM OIrFlcna
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power RrltlaA 34 Craven Terrace. London, W. 2. England
and authority; A.~t~f/a~ ,, , T Bersoford Road, Strathflsld, N. S. W., Australia
THATGOD’SCAPITALORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called 8o~tA alricmt Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the fndi~ 1ST Love Lane, Bombay 27, India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Ples~ address the Society in every
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privihge it is to testify to the supremacyof Jehovah, declare his TranelaUous of this Journal appear in several languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdombefore all who will hear;
THATTHE OLD WORLD ended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord Infirmity, ~gverty or adversity are unable to Day the subscription pritw
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of may have ~s Watchtower free upOn written application to the publishers,
made once each year, sta~inl the reason for so requesting it. We are
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to ~lad to thus aid.the needy, but the written application once cacJ5 year
the establishment of the "new earth" of the NewWorld; ta required by ~ne posrJmiregulationL
THATTHERELIEFand blessings of the peophs of earth can Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kmgdomunder Christ, serlpUon will be sent only when requested, Change of addre~, when
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the requested, may be expected to appear on addreie label within one month
A renewal blank {carryins notice of expiration) will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s organization and the complete establish- Journal one month before the subecr|ption exptreL
ment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the Kingdom
the people of good-will that survive Armageddonshall carry Printed In the United States of America
Enteewd o~ lecond-cfaes matter at the poet o~ce at Brooklyn, N.Y.,
out the divine mandate to "flU the earth" with a righteous race. glider the Act o~ Morch 8, 18"19.


August is the month of the "Stranger’s Right" Testunony Pe- The totahtarian-ruh fiascos and the global war have focused
riod. DurmgthLs month all lovers of right and truth will be the world’s attention upon commandersfor humankind. But all
diligent to accord to the "stranger" class the mght to hear the official appointments and popular selections of commandershave
Word of God and to have help m understandmg it, by brmgang ignored and by-passed the mdispeneable one. You will be grate-
to them the Kmgdommessage. They will speemhze on the com- fu], therefore, whenyou see this Oneidentffied and championed,
b;natron of the book "The KingdomIs at Hand"and the booklet by reachng the new WATCHTOWER publieatmn, The "Commander
released for this permd, The "Commander to the Peoples", offer- to the Peoples". This is a 32-page booklet, with attractive paper
mg this on a contribution of 25c. Manyof our Watchtower read- cover. Before its general distribution in a comingspecml Period,
ers may view themselves as "strangers" and yet want to join you may procure your personal copy by remitting a contribution
in taking part m the spread of thin wonderful message. Let such of 5c to this ofl~oe.
be infol~aed that it is their God-given right to have a part
thereto. So let all such write us for mformatmn,and we will link USE RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONBLANK
them up wath a group of veteran pubhshers aehve m the work
for companionshlp. As a fin;shag touchto yourefforts during The blanksent you one monthbeforeexpiration of your
August, pleasesubmitus a reportof whatyoudo. Watchtower subscription should be filled outandreturned to.the
Brooklyn officeor totheBranch office in thecountry whereyou
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES reside. Servants in thecompanies, andindividuals, whensendmg
Weekof Aug’ant 5 : "Immovable for the Right Worship," in renewals for The Watchtower,should always use these blanks.
¶ 1-20inclusive, Ths Ware.MowerJulyI, 1945. By filling in these renewal blanks you are assured of the continua-
tion of your Watchtower from the time of exp~ratmn, and w~th-
Weekof August12: "Immovable for the RightWorship," out delay. It will also be a great help if you sign your nameuni-
¶ 21-40 ine~, ~e Watehto~,r July I, 1945. formly, and note any recent change of address, on the renewal shp.
VOL. LXVI JUL~1, 1945 No. 13


"’So then, my beloved brethren, become ye steadfast, immovable, superabounding in the work of the Lord
at all times, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord."---1 Cor. 15: 58, Rotherham.
EHOVAH is the great refuge in the time of dan- and bless him with absolute peace, security and
J ger. The original Life-giver, he is also the Pre- pleasures for evermore.
server of life and, in a miraculous way, the Re- , The question of the right worship has always
storer of life. Every sensible person wants life, and been a matter of controversy since the day that man
especially so if he has a set purpose and a mission and womanwere driven out of the garden of Eden.
in life to fulfill. When,therefore, his life is en- This creation, the earth, is properly the place for
dangered by bloodthirsty enemies that oppose his humancreatures to worship the Creator. The wicked
mission, and when his own means of defense seem adversary, Satan the Devil, would try to obliterate
unequal to the situation, it is most reasonable for Jehovah’s worship from the earth and to keep it out
him to flee for refuge to the mighty Life-giver, who and thus defeat the purpose for which the earth
has sent him on his mission. This does not mean a was created. On the other hand, the Creator would
bodily flight to any location, because, when hemmed most assuredly see to it that his purpose in making
in by enemies, he may be unable to remove himself this earth is realized by keeping alive his true wor-
from the danger zone. But fleeing to the great Pre- ship among those men that feared him and came to
server of life is accomplished by looking to Himun- him as the true and almighty God. Naturally Satan
der the circumstances, appealing to Him for help would try to move such men away from worshiping
and preservation, and putting the keeping of our- Jehovah and into the practice of religion. By prac-
selves entirely in His hands and ascribing all deliver- ticing religion they could imagine they were wor-
ance to Him. Such taking of refuge in Him must shiping the true God, but would in reality be wor-
be accompanied by our refusal to compromise with shiping the Devil and bringing reproach on God’s
the enemies. Instead, we must faithfully keep our name. If the outward allurements of religion are not
integrity toward Jehovah God and hold fast to our strong enough to pull the worshiper of Jehovah
mission from Him. aside, then the adversary could stir up persecution
= Tile enemyeffort, and particularly the effort of by the religionists, to put him in fear and to make
the adversary, Satan the Devil, behind the scenes, him violate his ownconscience by ceasing from Jeho-
is to move tile persecuted and pursued one away vah’s worship for the sake of relief from persecu-
from faith and devotion to the true God. But the tion and death at the enemies’ hands. But in Satan’s
one who makes Jehovah his refuge continues to wor- continuous endeavors in all centuries to make all
ship and serve him, and remains immovable for human creatures go in the way of Adam and Eve
Jehovah’s side of the paramount issue, Whois the by stepping aside from Jehovah’s worship, he has
God whomall the universe must obey? Regardless failed, beginning with martyred Abel. Modernex-
of immediate consequences, the one abiding in Je- amples in lands which have lately been liberated
hovah will not move over into the enemies’ camp from Nazi-Fascist totalitarian control have demon-
and worship their gods. By God’s permission, the strated very forcefully that the adversary continues
to fail in this day.
enemies may take away such one’s present life. But
the faithful worshiper of the true God knows that ¯ The greatest example of all time of immovable-
the Almighty Godis his refuge and that in Him the ness for the pure worship of Jehovah was that of
right to future life in the NewWorld may rest be- "the man Christ Jesus", the beloved Son of Jeho-
yond the power of the enemies. In due time the great vah God. He left this example for his followers, be-
cause they were due to suffer as he did on this earth.
Restorer of life can bring him forth from the dead
3. Why ha~ the right w~rshlD been a eontrovertial question since ~
1. Whyshould we flee to Jehovah for refuge, and how? and in what way have Satan’s endeavors failed ?
2. Whst is the adversary’s real effort, and. knowing what, should we 4. Whowas the greateet example for lmmovabten~s for right worst~lD~
and why is Psalm sixteen of present interest to us?
The failure of the adversary to turn faithful men priest standing before a man-madealtar and chant-
away from the worship of Jehovah, even under reli- ing these words as a ritual, but is an immovable
gious persecution and martyrdom, was exemplified worshiper of Jehovah God, who is threatened with
in the case of David, the shepherd-warrior. David destruction by those who religiously worship other
prophetically foreshadowed Christ Jesus and his gods than Jehovah. For a long time David ~’as
followers on earth. David’s decision for all time for placed under circumstances that caused him thus to
right worship, which decision pictured that of Christ cry out. However, it was not merely these circum-
Jesus and his followers to worship and serve no oth- stances that movedhim to utter this golden psalm;
er God than Jehovah, was firmly expressed in one of it was the spirit of Godacting upon him that guided
his songs, Psalm sixteen. This psalm becomes of him to this utterance amid such circumstances. Con-
present interest to us, chiefly because of the adver- cerning this, David himself confessed, saying: "The
sary’s efforts to destroy Jehovah’s worship from the spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in
face of the earth by means of Nazi-Fascist-Vatican- my tongue." (2 Sam. 23: 2) David’s words thereby
totalitarian means. Such efforts are due to cometo became a prophecy, that could stand being carved
their flower in the postwar international "new or- upon a monument,to let the test of time prove their
der". A study of Psalm sixteen will help us not only prophetic truthfulness.
to see its marvelous fulfillment proving that Jeho- ’ David was anointed with oil by Jehovah’s proph-
vah God’s Wordis true but also to put us on guard et Samuel to be king over Israel; and the spirit of
against the wily design of the Devil and to resist God came upon him to prepare him for his mission
him and remain true to the right side. as king of Jehovah’s typical Theocracy. But this
did not make David immune from enemy assaults.
PSALM SIXTEEn, MICHTAM Rather it made him the special target of the Devil
’ Even the old extant manuscripts of’the Hebrew and of all the enemies of Jehovah and his Theocratic
Bible show Psalm sixteen with the heading, namely, Government. King Saul, who believed in religious
"Michtam relating to David." The earliest Bible sacrifices rather than obedience to God, becamejeal-
translation, the Greek translation found in the Sep- ous of David’s military exploits, lie yielded to the
tuagint (LXX), translates that heading, "An in- demoniac impulse to pursue David to destroy him
scription for a pillar. By Daxid." This heading and thus prevent his becoming king over Saul’s peo-
serves to remind us of the importance of the psahn ple, the nation of Israel. Under pursuit, and being
as being something that should be carved or en- practically in the hand of his persecutors, Da’,’id
graved on a monumentso as not to be rubbed out, called upon his Godfor preservation. He put no re-
hut always ready for reference by the worshiper of liance upon humanleaders or symbols for protectmn.
Jehovah God. The Son of God descended according David made God his hiding-place, because he knew
to the flesh from David, being born in David’s own that God is Almighty, the title God meaning m~ghty
birthplace, Bethlehem. In Psalm 110:1 David pro- 0~,e.
phetically spoke of Christ Jesus as his "Lord", call- s Completely matching the Davidic pattern, Jesus,
ing him "my Lord". Christ Jesus was called also whowas Christ because of being anointed with God’s
"the Son of David", a son not merely as to the flesh spirit, was in line for the kingdom of God. He
but primarily as to being the Heir of the Kingdom preached: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." At
covenant which Jehovah God made with King David. the same time, in his day, there were those religious
These facts stamp the psahu as being prophecy re- leaders who thought themselves to be the "children
lating to the Greater David, Christ Jesus, and also of the kingdom" and the ones, therefore, who were
to his followers. If there is any question on the mat- charged with building the kingdomas God’s instru-
ter, it is settled for us by the inspired apostles Peter ments. But they refused to recognize that Jehovah’s
and Paul, both of whomquoted from this psalm anointed King was in their midst, because he came
and applied it to Christ Jesus. (Acts 2:25-36 and not with outward show and did not exalt them and
13: 35-37) Thus we are enabled to "rightly divide" approve their religious practices. They persecuted
or rightly apply the Wordof God, making compari- him by all manner of means, seeking not only the
son of the correct facts of history with the prophecy ruining of his good reputation but also the destruc-
in order to get the truth. tion of his person, thus to prevent his becoming
’ With a suddenness the psalm begins with aa ap- King. Christ Jesus cried out to God Jehovah, not
peal: "Preserve me, 0 God; for in thee do I take simply for the preservation of his person until his
refuge." (Ps. 16: 1, Am. Stun. Vet.) The one that is anointed mission should be finished, but mainly for
represented as thus crying out is not some religious divine grace to maintain his integrity toward God
~. What is the purpose of the h~dlnlt of ~hbs psalm ~. a~d how do we 7. How did David become the target of demoniac assaults? and why
know to whomit applles? did he fly to God for preser~ation?
a6n appeal
With whose
to ~ appeal does this psalm open up? and what caused such
expressed? 8. in thLs respect, how did Jesus match David’s pattern?
JULY1, 1945 heWATCHTOWER. 197

in vindication of God’s name. As it is written: ’hVho that is, God." (Matt. 19: 17) Hence Christ Jesus
in the days of his flesh, whenhe had offered up pray- and his disciples acknowledge that they have no
ers and supplications with strong crying and tears good, no goodness, no well-being, except in Jehovah
unto him that was able to save him from death, and alone. There is nothing, therefore, that we can con-
was heard in that he feared; though he were a Son, tribute to God; but it is a great privilege for us to
yet learned he obedience by the things which he be given the opportunity to share in the vindication
suffered; and being made perfect, he became the of his name. To whomelse, then, can we fly for ref-
author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey uge and well-being save to Jehovah God, the inex-
him."--Heb. 5 : 7-9. haustible Source of every good and perfect thing?
True followers undergo, like’Jesus, the experi- ~’ The real worshiper of the one true Godfinds no
ences of David under religious persecution. They pleasure in the religionists of this world, but in those
have been begotten of the spirit of God and been consecrated to Godand whoare excelling in praising
anointed with His spirit to preach the good news of him. Hence the psalmist under religious persecu-
His kingdom. They are in line for the Kingdom as tion says: "As for the saints that are in the earth,
joint-heirs with Jesus. Their mission upon earth is they are the excellent in whomis all mydelight."
to represent the Kingdom faithfully. Hence they (Ps. 16 : 3, Am. Start. Vet.) Likewise, today, the King
must uphold Jehovah’s side of the issue of univer- Christ Jesus at the temple judges the professed peo-
sal domination by holding true to His sovereignty ple of Godand finds pleasure only in the faithful
and obeying Him rather than men. But the religion- remnant of his "body" members and their compan-
ists, who wrongfully claim the promises of God and ions of good-will. All these seek to render holiness
the inheritance of his kingdom, yield themselves as unto Jehovah Godby fulfilling their consecrations to
instruments of the demonsto persecute these faith- him. Now,in expression of his delight in them, Jesus
ful witnesses of Jehovah and followers of Christ bestows upon them the privilege of possessing the
Jesus. They threaten these continually with destruc- gospel of the Kingdomand l~roclaiming it to the ends
tion, and subject them to opposition, injustices and of the earth. And he surrounds them with the pro-
oppression. The only refuge of these is in Jehovah, tection of his holy angels, who accompany him at
the God of Jesus Christ; and to God they cry for the temple. He withholds no good thing from them;
preservation. but the glorious light of the glory of God which he
~° "0 my soul, thou hast said unto Jehovah, Thou receives from on high he reflects upon them that
art myLord : I have no good beyondthee." (Ps. 16 : 2, they may arise and shine for the enlightenment of
Am. Stan. Vet.) In such words the psalmist de- the bedarkened people.
scribes what he says to Jehovah God. In the version ~’ Next the psalmist, picturing the anointed serv-
quoted, the words "0 my soul" are added to help out ants of God, shows his attitude toward the religion-
the sense of the words, "thou bast said unto Jeho- ists, whodraw near to Godwith their lips but their
vah"; but in some ancient manuscripts in Hebrew hearts are far from him and who teach the doctrines
the reading is: "I have said to Jehovah." The Sep- of demons and the traditions and precepts of men.
tuagint, the Syriac and the Vulgate Versions of the He says: "Their sorrows shall be multiplied that
Scriptures read that way also. But what is it that hasten after another god [(margin’s reading) that
David says to Jehovah and represents Christ Jesus give gifts to another] : their drink offerings of blood
and his followers as saying under persecution ? This : will I not offer, nor take up their names into my
that Jehovah God is their Sovereign Lord, the One lips." (Ps. 16:4) By this stated resolve David un-
who owns them and is their Master and whomthey covers the real intent behind the devilish persecu-
must and will obey. Even amid persecution they say, tion leveled at the worshipers of Jehovah, namely,
out of their own personal choice: "Thou art my to drive them away from Him in bitterness and lack
Lord." Here the words "’my Lord" are one of the 134 of faith and to turn them to the religious worship
cases of where the ancient Hebrew sopherim or of the Devil’s organization and its gods or mighty
scribes changed the text from its original reading: ones. David pointed out this covert purpose of the
"Thou art my Jehovah"; evidently to avoid the idea Devil in these straight words to his persecutor, King
of being too familiar with the Most High God. Saul, saying: "Nowtherefore, I pray thee, let my
:’ However,Christ Jesus and his followers are not lord the king hear the words of his servant. If the
ashamed to have Jehovah’s name called upon them. LORD have stirred thee up against me, let him accept
Jesus on earth always confessed: "I am come in my an offering; but if they be the children of men[that
Father’s name." (John 5:43) He refused to be en- have stirred thee up against me], cursed be they
titled d6~ood
O, ~, saying: "There is none good but one,
12. In whomdo~ the antitYptcal plalmiit find delight, and how does
9. Howdo Jesus’ followers likewise undergo David’s experiences? he show it?
10. in verse 2 what does David represent Jesus and his followers
~ u 13. (a) What did David next say concm’ning the rell~ioni.sts,, and what
baying was his resolve? (b) What did he thus expose to be t~e Dewi’s purpose
II In what way is it true. "I have no good beyond thee"? tn persecution, and how did David defeat it
198 fflieWATCHTOWER.
before the LORD; for they have driven me out this posed as a deliberate violator of Jehovah’s "ever-
day from abiding in the inheritance of the LORD lasting covenant", and for such reason site mayex-
[Jehovah], saying, Go, SERVEOTHER GODS."(1 Sam. pect Jehovah’s vengeance to be executed upon her
26: 19) But David defeated the persecution of the by his Executioner at the battle of Armageddon.
Devil through his religious dupes. Never did he re- (Isa. 24:5, 6) Mark this, that "more religion"
nounce Jehovah God to go and serve the gods or the postwar period will not furnish "Christendom" a
mighty ones of Satan’s world organization. refuge and hiding-place from God’s great "Avenger
1, Likewise Christ Jesus, both in the mount of of blood", Christ Jesus.--Isa. 28 : 17, 18.
temptation and also during the years of persecution
that followed, refused to fall downand worship Satan SANCTITY OF BLOOD

and thereby hasten after another god besides Jeho- t, Jehovah’s worshipers are cautious to avoid all
vah, to give to such false god the gift of his devotion blood-guilt. As long ago as December15, 1927, an
and service. Great persecutions were foretold by Je- article appeared in this magazine entitled "OneRea-
sus to comeupon his faithful followers at the end of son for God’s Vengeance", and it called attention to
this world. But these worshipers and witnesses of the gross violation by the nations of Jehovah’s "ever-
Jehovah have foiled the malicious purpose of Satan lasting covenant". That covenant was made by him
the Devil to move them away from the right wor- with Noah after coming out of the ark, and it was
ship and to make them hasten after another god, to symbolized by the rainbow which God caused to ap-
wit, Satan, "the prince of the demons." Wesay this pear. In paragraphs 6, 7, 18, that article said:
because the ulterior purpose behind.the conspiracy "... God entered into a covenant with Noah,
of the totalitarian powers, the Nazis, the Fascists, which covenant included every living creature; and
and the RomanCatholic Hierarchy and fellow reli- that covenant is designated by the Lord ’the ever-
gionists, was not primarily to destroy only democ- lasting covenant’. It was on that occasion that God
racy. Their ultimate goal was to wipe out the wor- declared his law concerning life. It is manifest from
ship of Jehovah from the earth by destroying his the record that Noah and his offspring have ever
witnesses and silencing their loudly proclaimed mes- since claimed some of the benefits of the covenant
sage of the Kingdom. But now the coming forth of made on that occasion, and therefore Noah and all
Jehovah’s witnesses from the furnace of persecu- his offspring are bound by all the terms of the cove-
tion heated during the years of Nazi-Fascist-Vatican nant.
domination of the earth, and the emergence of many "God told Noah that every living creature should
of Jehovah’s witnesses from concentration camps in be meat unto him; but that he must not eat the blood,
Europe and in the Orient, with their faith and devo- because the life is in the blood. ’And the fear of you,
tion to Godunbroken, proves that the wicked aim of and the dread of" you, shall be upon every beast of
the adversary has missed the mark and come to the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all
nought. Jehovah’s side of the issue has been valiant- that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes
ly upheld ! of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. Every
1~ Such faithful worshipers ]lave not been driven movingthing that liveth shall be meat for you; even
by the heat of fiery persecution up till now, neither as the green herb have I given you all things. But
will they be driven by that in the postwar period, flesh with the life thereof, whichis the blood thereof,
to offer the "drink offerings of blood" of the reli- shall ye not eat. Andsurely your blood of your lives
gionists or to take up the names of their gods will I require; at the hand of every beast will I re-
(mighty ones) upon their lips and to heil these and quire it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of
to ascribe glory, protection and sah’ation to these. every man’s brother will I require the life of man.
Their unchangeable and unbreakable determination Whososheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood
is to serve, worship and praise Jehovah God alone, be shed: for in the image of God made he man.’
as is positively stated in Psalm 16:4. In that verse --Genesis 9 : 2-6.
there maybe some reference to the pagan religions, ’qt is manifest that God intended that when man
including that of the Phoenicians, which appointed looks uponthe rainbowhe shall call to mindthat life
the eating and drinking of blood, mixed with wine, proceeds from Jehovah, that life is a sacred thing,
as a rite of idolatrous worship and also as part of and that it cannot be taken with impunity. This is an
the ceremonial of swearing. While such bloody prac- everlasting covenant because Godcalls it the ever-
tice may not be carried on by the rehgionists of lasting covenant and because it must stand for ever.
"Christendom" today, yet "Christendom" stands ex-
Godwill never change his expressed rule concerning
14 How d,d Jesus also defeat the Devil’s p~Lrpoae, and how llkewiX sanctity of life."
Jehovah’s wttneues at this end of the world?
15. {a) By persecution now and in the future what are Jehovah’s faith-
ful worshipers not driven to do? (b~ WhywiLl "Christendom" not eeeape 16, What did paragraphs 6, 7. 18 of "One Reason for God’s Vengeance"
execution by Jehovah’s "Avenger blood"? say concerning God’s "everiasting covenant"?
JULY1, 1945 5gfieWATCHTOWEI 199
1, A more recent issue of this magazine, in an ar- to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these
ticle regarding "The Stranger’s Right Maintained", necessary things : that ye abstain from meats offered
pointed out that the terms of that everlasting cove- to idols, and m~oM BLOOD, A~D~n~o~T~rLnGSSTRA~na~D
nant were incorporated or restated in the law cove- [not drained of their blood at slaughter], and from
nant which Jehovah God made with the Jewish na- fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye
tion through Moses. That article made reference to shall do well." (Acts 15: 22-29) They wrote such in-
God’s commandto his consecrated people not to eat struction concerning blood and carcasses not drained
or drink blood. In commentingthereon, some Watch- of blood, not because Christians were under the
tower readers have said that such prohibition against Mosaic law covenant, but because they were under the
eating and drinking blood applied only to the Jews covenant made after the flood with Noah and which
under the Mosaic law covenant but not to Christians embracedall mankind, Gentile and Jew alike; for all
who are under the new covenant. are Noah’s descendants and hence under Jehovah’s
"One person thus arguing referred to the vision everlasting covenant concerning sanctity of blood.
given to the apostle Peter on the housetop in Joppa. ,o That the Christians stuck to that decision is
Then Peter saw a vessel descending from heaven in manifest from the Bible. Almost ten years after the
which were all manner of four-footed beasts of the above conference the apostle Paul returned to Jeru-
earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and salem and conferred with James and other elder
fowls of the air, and Peter was commanded,"Rise, brethren of the congregation at Jerusalem. Among
Peter; kill, and eat." (Acts 10:9-13; 11:5-7) How- other things they said to Paul was this: "As touch-
ever, this was no conunandto Peter to kill and eat ing the Gentiles which believe, we have written and
such animals with the blood, in violation of the ever- concluded that they observe no such thing, save only
lasting covenant that God made with Noah and his that they keep themselves from things offered to
descendants. Suppose Peter, in vision, had risen up idols, and lrRo~ BLOOD, ~a~DFROM STRANGLED, and from
and killed and eaten; even then he would not have fornication."--Acts 21 : 25.
partaken of them with the blood, because he was a "The principle of God’s everlasting covenant the
Christian and was also under the everlasting cove- psalmist David refused to violate or to endanger.
nant made with Noah. That such would have been One instance showing this is: "And David longed,
the right way, in harmony with the holy spirit of and said, Oh that one would give me drink of the
God, is clear from what both Peter and the other water of the well of Beth-lehem, that is at the gate!
apostles and disciples did and wrote on the subject And the three [captains] brake through the host of
on a muchlater occasion. Years after Peter’s vision the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of
Jewish believers stirred up the question about what Beth-lehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and
to require of the non-Jewish or Gentile Christians brought it to David: but David would not drink of
as a proper expression of their faith and obedience it, but poured it out [like blood which must be poured
toward God. Should it include the circtuncision of out upon the ground] to the LOI~D, and said, MyGod
the flesh? Therefore an assembly of the apostles and forbid it me, that I should do this thing: shall I DraNK
elders of the congregation in Jerusalem was called THEBLOOD OF THESEMENthat have put their lives in
together to consider this matter. After due con- jeopardy? for with the jeopardy of their lives they
sideration the apostle James rose and called atten- brought it. Therefore he would not drink it."
tion to the fulfillment of prophecy and then sub- (1 Chron. 11: 17-19) David did not argue and per-
mitted this conclusion as to the requirements for suade himself that these three mighty men were thus
the Gentiles: "Wherefore my sentence is, that we laying downtheir lives for a friend, in order to pro-
trouble not them, which from amongthe Gentiles are vide him with something reviving and refreshing.
turned to God: but that we write unto them that they "On the occasion when Jonathan, David’s friend,
abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornica- gained a miraculous victory over the Philistines, the
tion, and from things strangled, and rRO~BLOOD." Israelites who were distressed with hunger slew
--Acts 15 : 6-20. auimnis on the ground; "and the people did eat
1° Then that conference of apostles and elder dis- them with the blood. Then they told Saul, sa)ing,
ciples framed a letter to the Gentiles. Besides tell- Behold, the people sin against the LORD,in that they
ing the Gentiles they were not under the Mosaic law eat with the blood .... And Saul said, Disperse
covenant, they inserted this organization instruc- yourselves among the people, and say unto them,
tion: "For it seemed good to the holy [spirit], and Bring me hither every man his ox, and every man
17. What prohibition did God therefore incorporate in his law covenant 20, In connection with Paul how do we know thoee earhr Christians stuck
with Israel ¯ and what have dome said aa to the appllca~on of such to that decision?
prohlbitlon ? 2.1, Howt tn the .ease of three of his captains, did David refuse even to
18. How has Peter’s vision on the housetop been used as an argument? violate Tile principle of the everla~ting eovenant?
and how did th~ conference at Jerusalem disprove such argument~ 22. F/0w did Kln~ Saul once stop the Israelites from breaking the ever
19. What appropriate instruction, therefore, did that conference write? luting covenant~~ ~md does partaking of animal blood s~r’ve to susLItln
and why was it proper for the Gentiles? num&nttIe or not
N. Y.

his sheep, and slay them here, and eat; and sin not in Germany, England and France were especially
against the LORDin eating with the blood." (1 Sam. active in the work of blood transfusion after this
14 : 32-34) This order was in harmonywith the words discovery. They reasoned that as the blood is the
of God’s everlasting covenant with Noah: "But flesh principal mediumby which the body is nourished,
with the life thereof, whichis the blood thereof, shall transfusion, therefore, is a quicker and shorter road
ye not eat." (Gen. 9: 4) Of course, the flesh of the to feed an ill-nourished body than eating food which
animal creatures might be eaten for sustenance of turns to blood after several changes. So transfusion
life and without violating the sacredness of the life was thought of not only as a cure, but also as a re-
which is in the blood. Yet if the blood was eaten or juvenator. Attempts were then madeto cure various
drunk in conjunction with the flesh, then the one diseases, such as fevers, leprosy, insanity and hydro-
partaking of the blood was judged by God to be phobia. Lamb’s blood was used for transfusions into
guilty of the wantonslaying of the life of such crea- humanbeings with varying success. Curious to re-
tures and was a breaker of the covenant. God’s regu- late, the Faculty of Medicine of Paris refused to
lation clearly showed that one’s partaking of the recognize Harvey’s discovery and also oppoeed any
blood was not necessary to sustain human life and progress made in the art of transfusion. They per-
that it was not in the same classification as the secuted those who were active in the research work
partaking of the flesh as food. of transfusion. It was in the end of the 18th and in
*" It cannot be said that such regulation applies to the beginning of the 19th century that the most ac-
the blood of animals lower than man but not to hu- tive work in establishing transfusion as a surgical
manblood. If the blood of the lower animal creatures procedure after h~emorrhage was done."
was considered so precious, it representing life from ATONEMENT
the Creator, then certainly the blood of the higher
creature, man, was to be considered not less precious. "The Bible sets out another reason which makes
wholly improper the drinking of animal blood. The
For that reason, if an animal killed a man, the blood Bible calls it to our notice in the typical sacrifices of
of such humanlife taken was required of the killer
beast; it must be killed. As Godsaid to Noah: "And animal victims offered in worship to Jehovah Godby
surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the Jews. At Leviticus 3 : 16, 17 God’s law says con-
the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the cerning special parts of the sacrilice: "The pmest
hand of man [a man slayer]; at the hand of every shall burn them upon the altar: it is the food of ti~e
man’s brother will I require the life of man." (Gen. offering madeby fire for a sweet savour : all the fat
9: 5) This decree therefore brands as criminal the is the LoaD’S.It shall be a perpetual statute for )’our
heathen practice according to which bloodthirsty generations throughout all your dwellings, that .ye
warriors, after killing a mighty man of their ene- eat neither fat nor blood." On the same bas~s that
mies, would drink his blood in the belief that by the fat was the Lord’s the blood was also the Lord’s,
thus absorbing such humanblood they would at the because the life of the flesh is in the blood and the
same time appropriate the mightly qualities of the Lord God Jehovah is the Life-giver. Hence the
penalty, as next stated: "For whosoever eateth the
slain one. Amongthe barbarous and fierce, savage
nations, such as the Scythians, Tartars, desert fat of the beast, of which menoffer an offering made
by fire unto the LORD,even the soul [the cleature]
Arabs, Scandinavians, etc., who lived most on ani- that eateth it shall be cut off from his people. More-
mal blood, there were some even who drank the
blood of their enemies after making cups of their over ye shah eat no manner of blood, whether it be
skulls. Andquite interestingly, in our consultation of fowl or of beast, in any of your dwelhngs. What-
of various works on the subject of blood, this re- soever soul it be that eateth an?" manner of blood,
lated item came to light on page 113, column one, of even that soul shall be cut off from his people."
Volume 4 of The Encyclopedia Americana, Revised --Lev. 7 : 25-27.
Edition of 1929: ~ The prohibition against eating or drinking the
blood applied not alone to animals offered in sacri-
"Transfusion of blood dates as far back as the time fice upon the altar, but to all animals consumedfor
of the ancient EgTptians. The earliest reported case food. "Only be sure that thou eat not the blood: for
is that practiced on Pope Innocent VIII in 1492. The the blood is the life [nephesh; soul] ; and thou mav-
operation cost the lives of three youths and the est not eat the life [nephesh; soul] with the flesh.
Pontiff’s life was not saved. Great strides in the re- Thou shalt not eat it; thou shalt pour it upon the
search and practice of transfusion on animals were earth as water. Thou shalt not eat it; that it may
made after Harvey’s discovery of the circulation of go well with thee, and with thy children after thee,
blood in the middle of the 17th century. Physicians 24, BOWwas the prohibition against blood called to our attention in
23. Is) Howdo we know ~hether such regulation applies to man’s blood, connection with the typical sacrifices of the Jews?
and how have pagans violated it? Ib) What does the Awse~Jcar.a say re. 25. Did the prohibition against blood apply only to animals for sacrifice
gardmg medical experlments with blood} or also to others? and why*.
JULY1, 1945 201

whenthou shalt do that which is right in the sight whowere in need of everlasting life and seeking it.
of the LORD.Andthou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, For the same reason, those who consumed the blood
the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy of creatures were held accountable to the great Life-
God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured giver Jehovah Godfor the life of such creatures and
out [not anywhere upon the ground, but] upon the cameunder the penalties of the everlasting covenant
altar of the LORDthy God, and thou shalt eat the madewith Noah. So precious is the measure of life
flesh."--Deut. 12 : 16, 22-25, 27 ; Rotl~erham,margin. that is in the blood of even imperfect, sinner human-
"But applying the blood to the horns of the altar kind, that should anyone in the land of Israel acci-
or pouring it at the base of the altar of sacrifice dentally cause the death of a man or woman, that
was not the most important way of disposing of the unwitting manslayer was not held guiltless. It was
blood of the sacrificial offerings. The most signifi- with good reason that the one who was authorized to
cant use of the blood, and which showed its sanc- execute death upon the manslayer was called "the
tity, was made on the yearly day of atonement. On revenger of blood", because the life is in the blood.
that day the Jewish high priest entered into the "The revenger of blood himself shall slay the mur-
innermost sanctuary, which symbolized the very derer: when he meeteth him, he shall slay him."
presence of God, and there he sprinkled the blood (Num. 35: 19) The avenger of blood thus acted
of the atonement-day sacrifices before the sacred Jehovah’s executioner for settling accounts.
mercy seat in that most holy place. This in particu- "Out of mercy, and for a picture of hope in be-
lar is what is referred to in Jehovah’s statement at half of unwitting blood-shedders in this day, Jeho-
Leviticus i7: 10-14, namely: "Whatsoever man there vah Godprovided cities of refuge for the uninten-
be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that tional manslayer. "And the congregation shall de-
sojourn amongyou, that eateth any manner of blood; liver the slayer out of the hand of the revenger of
I will even set myface against that soul that eateth blood, and the congregation shall restore him to the
blood, and will cut him off from amonghis people. city of his refuge, whither he was fled: and he shall
For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have abide in it unto the death of the high priest, which
given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement was anointed with the holy oil." (Num.35: 25) Cluist
for your souls: for it is THZBLOOD THATI~IAKETH AN Jesus is Jehovah’s Executioner or Avenger of blood
ATO~F-3IE.~T FOgTHESOUL.Tl+erefore I said unto the at the battle of Armageddon,against all violators of
children of Israel, No soul shall eat blood, the everlasting covenant governing the sanctity of
neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among life and its blood-stream. He will execute all who
you eat blood..~md whatsoever man there be of the have not fled to the antitypical city of refuge, the
children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn Theocratic organization under Christ the Itigh
among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beast Priest, whose blood can "cleanse us from all un-
or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out righteousness".-1 John1 : 7, 9 ; 2 : 1, 2.
the blood thereof, and cover it with dust. For it is ’° Seeing, then, that the ~Iost High and ttoly God
the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life gave plain instructions as to the disposition of blood,
thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, in harmony with his everlasting covenant made with
Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh [cer- Noah and all his descendants; and seeing that the
tainly, then, not of humanflesh~ : for the life of all only use of blood that he authorized in order to fur-
flesh is the blood thereof: whosoevereateth it shall nish life to humankindwas the use of it as a propi-
be cut off." tiation or atonement for sin; and seeing that it was
" The sacred use of the blood in those typical to be done upon his holy altar or at his mercy seat,
atonement-day sacrifices foreshadowed things of and not by taking such blood directly into the hu-
greater importance. Referring to this, the apostle man body; therefore it behooves all worshipers ~f
Paul was inspired to write: "For the bodies of those Jehovah who seek eternal life in his new world of
beasts, whose BLOOD IS BROUGHT I~TO THESANCTUARY righteousness to respect the sanctity of blood and to
BY THE HIGH PRIEST FOR SIN, are burned without the conform themselves to God’s righteous rulings con-
camp. ]Vherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify cerning this vital matter.
the people WITHHISOW+-~BLOOD, suffered without the OUR PORTION
gate." (Heb. 13 : 11, 12) In harmonywith the divinely so Those like David whofirmly refuse to offer the
stated fact that the life is in the blood, Godreserved religionists’ "drink offerings of blood" are obliged
the blood of sacrifices to be used in makingpropitia- to agree with David that sorrows are multiplied up-
tion or atonementfor sinner souls; that is, for those
28. (a) What provision was made for unwlt~ng manslayers? (b) When
and against whomwill the antttyplcal avenger of blood take action ~
26. What was [he most sllnlfleant use of ~he blood to ~how its saneUty?
and how did God’s law call attention to this? 29. In view of what facts, then, should Jehovah’s worshipers respect the
27 (a) How did Paul show the more important use of blood, and for sanctity of b|ood?
what purpose, therefore, did Godreserve the blood of saeriflees~ (b) How 30. How, in modern times. 12ave sorrows been multiplied and will they
did Godfurther Illustrate with the Jews the preciousness of man’s blood7 yet be multiplied upon ~oee huten/ng after another god~
on those whoare deceived into hastening after other have nests, and the foxes have holes, but he laid
gods than Jehovah. The sorrows of those who fol- claim to no place where to lay his head. He sub-
lowed the gods of Nazism and Fascism are too well mitted to being ostracized by the pious religionists.
known to need comment. The sorrows of those who He let the conspiracy hatched by them to get him
worship the triple-crowned god of Vatican City are and kill him carry through to its end, only saying to
tied in with those who saluted Mussolini and heiled them: "But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath
Hitler. But what about all "Christendom", which has told you the truth, which I have heard of God."
rejected the knowledge of Jehovah and persecuted (John 8 : 40) But, notwithstanding Christ Jesus" ap-
His witnesses and has hastened after the "god of parent poverty and homelessness, he was content,
this world"? Such "god of this world", Satan, has because Jehovah God is his inheritance. Jesus is
been cast from heaven down to the earth since the Jehovah’s "Heir of all things", and none of the ene-
birth of the heavenly kingdomin 1914; and the Bible mies could deprive him of that favored position
shows him to be blamable for all the woes and tribu- with God.
lations that have come upon mankind since then, ,a Likewise with Jehovah’s remnant and their com-
saying: "Woeto the inhabiters of the earth and of panions during "this present evil world". They claim
the sea! for the devil is comedownunto you, having no permanent dwelling-place in this world, but look
great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a forward to the "world to come", the new world of
short time." (Rev. 12: 1-12) Satan the Devil lmows righteousness with its "new heavens and a’ new
well he has but a very limited time till the battle of earth". When, since 1918, they were harassed by
Armageddon is fought, and he has been employing clergy-inspired mobs and by the brutal aggressions
every device to force all mento his side of the great of the Nazi-Fascist hordes, they "took joyfully the
issue and prevent them from turning to Jehovah spoiling of [their] goods", willing to part with such
God for refuge. Besides the woes which Satan has rather than with Jehovah as God. Salvation by Jeho-
multiplied upon the peoples, the worshipers of other vah through Christ Jesus is the ’portion of their
gods than Jehovah will have their sorrows multi- cup’ which they drink for refreshment.
plied at the battle of Armageddon, by a time of a’Ali of Jehovah’s witnesses, the remnant and
tribulation such as never will have been, whenChrist their companions, who have turned their backs upon
Jesus executes Jehovah’s vengeance against all such. the selfish advantages of this world, rejoice to have
3, In olden time King Saul forsook Jehovah and
the Most High Godas their all in all. They are per-
hastened into demonismor witchcraft, and his trou- suaded that, if they abide faithful to him, he will
bles continued to multiply till he fell upon his own maintain the lot or assignment that he has ordained
sword at the battle of MountGilboa. But in spite of for them, whether to be with Christ on the heavenly
Saul’s persecution, and separation from the home- throne or to be upon this earth after Armageddon
land due to Saul’s unrighteous decree outlawing him, during the thousand-year rei~n of Christ. They need
David shunned religion and said: "Jehovah is the not worry about that. Meantime, if Jehovah God
portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou grants them the privilege, the opportunity, the
maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in means and the territory to engage in his worship
pleasant places ; yea, I have a goodly heritage. I will and service as his witnesses, then they agree with
bless Jehovah, who hath given me counsel; yea, my David that the measuring lines of God’s will have
heart [myreins] instructeth me in the night seasons." fallen and marked off for them a pleasing field of
(Ps. 16: 5-7, A~n. Stal~. Vet.) Wecan be sure that activity and of present living for them. Hence they
in the days when he hid from King Saul as an out- fight for their freedom wherewith Christ has made
law and as a menaceto Saul’s royal estate none gath- them free to worship God in this favored condition
ered to David’s side but those who worshiped Jeho- on earth. They bless Jehovah’s name publicly and
vah. For the time being these outlawed men were from house to house, what though the hostile world
like the Levites of the nation of Israel, whoserved curses that holy name. They take counsel from Jeho-
Jehovah at lfis temple and who had no inheritance
in the land of Israel. But Jehovah God was their vah God through his Theocratic organization under
portion; and with him and with his service they Christ Jesus. Thus, in seasons benighted by perse-
were fully satisfied.~Deut. 10: 9 ; 14 : 27 ; 18 : 1, 2 ; cution upon them, or amid the darkness of wicked-
Num.18 : 20; Ezek. 44: 28. ness and ignorance that covers the peoples, they have
ss Did Christ Jesus have it any better whenhe was the divine instructions in their inward parts, in their
on earth, preaching the gospel of the Kingdomand hearts and minds; and they can meditate upon such
declaring God’s name to the people? No; the birds 33. How have the remnant and their companions shown that Jehovah
is the chosen ’lot of their inheritance and of their cup’?
31. Unlike Kinm: Saul, what decision as to worship did David declare?
and Imwwere he and his persecuted followers like Lev/tes in Israel? 34. (a) How do~ Jehovah maintain their lot and make the lines fall in
32 How did Jesus’ earthly sltuation compare with David’s, and yet how
was his a favored position? ~ns
iemmnt places for them? (b) Howdo they bless him, and their reins
truer them in the night Nalooa?
JULY1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 203

instructions and knowthe way to go for His blessing now clothed upon with immortality., incorruptible-
and protection. ness, the express image of his Father’s person. "Be-
" The world wonders why these are not budged ing put to death in the flesh, but madealive in the
and turned aside into the ways of religion which spirit." (1 Pet. 3: 18, Am. Stan. Vet.) By the resur-
lead to destruction. It is because their position is rection Jehovah Godshowed his faithful worshiper,
that of David, who said: "~I have set Jehovah al- Christ Jesus, the path of life immortal in the hea~,-
ways before me: because he is at my right hand, I ens; and Christ Jesus ascended to heaven, where
shall not be moved."(Ps. 16 : 8, Am. Stan. Ver.) They flesh and blood cannot come. He entered into the
set no other gods before them, not even an image or literal presence of God, upon whose face no manof
representation of such. They fix their affections up- flesh can look and live, and sat down on the right
on Jehovah and bow in worship only to him. Thus hand of God, there to enjoy delightful pleasures
keeping him always before their mental eye they are forevermore as Jehovah’s Vindicator.
enabled to behold his glory due to the revelations se Foreknowing all this before his death on the
of his truth. His truth is presented in his Word,and tree, Jesus could be glad within, at heart. His
this they study ahvays in order to acquaint them- "glory", which was the precious treasure of serving
selves more and more with their God and his maj- Jehovah as his Elect Servant, Witness and Vindi-
esty, supremacy, almightiness, universal sovereign- cator, could rejoice or be a joyful service, not a
ty, and undefeatable purposes. Because of their un- grevious one. Also his flesh, in whichhe served Jeho-
wavering devotion and loving adoration for him, vah Godfor the time being, could "rest in hope", or
Jehovah is at their right hand, to hold them up from dwell securely, confidently, in safety. His enemies
falling, and to protect them and vindicate them as could never hang his flesh on the tree until God’s
having taken the right course. He takes them by time for this. Said Jesus : "The bread that I will give
their right hand and leads them in the righteous is myflesh, whichI will give for the fife of the world"
way; and thus they are never moved from his side (John 6:51); and he knew that, by reason of his
of the great issue. integrity toward God, nothing that the enemies couhl
s6 Jehovah will never leave nor forsake his faith- do would mar the perfect value of his flesh as "bread"
ful worshipers and servants, not even in death; for for the life of those of the world who believed on
he holds the faithful dead in memoryfor future him. Fortified with such knowledge and assurance,
good. Knowingthis, and knowing the certain out- the Holy One never deviated from Jehovah’s wor-
come to one’s being immovable for Jehovah’s wor- ship and service one iota. In his faithful death he
ship, the psalmist David says: "Therefore my heart vindicated his Father’s universal sovereignty as
is glad, and myglory rejoiceth: myflesh also shall something to be confessed, upheld, and submitted to
rest in hope. For thou wilt not leave mysoul in hell even to the death. Therefore Jehovah fulfilled to him
[in Sheol (Hebrew)] ; neither wilt thou suffer thine all the good promise of Psalm sixteen.
tIoly One to see corruption. Thou wilt shew me the so For closely related reasons, Jehovah’s anointed
path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at remnant yet on earth may be ’stedfast, immovable,
thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." always abounding in the work of the Lord’, foras-
(Ps. 16: 9-11) David did not die at enemyhands for much as they know that by their being resurrected
his unswerving worship of Jehovah; he died in the from Sheol, hell, or the grave, the labor they ren-
glory of the kingdomand his soul went to hell, or dered on earth in the Lord’s namewill not have been
Sheol, or the grave, and is still there. Hence David in vain. It will have reaped its reward to the vindi-
has seen corruption; and he must wait upon Jeho- cation of his name, and will have been merely the
vah’s due time to re-create his soul and restore him beginning of an eternity of worship and service to
to life as one of the "princes in all the earth" in the God in conjunction with Christ Jesus. They wilt
NewWorld.--Ps. 45: 16. thenceforth enjoy an eternal life of ministry in God’s
s~ Here, therefore, David, as affirmed by the apos- very presence or face, and will enjoy heavenly de-
tles Peter and Paul, spoke prophetically of Jesus hghtfulness forevermore. As for their present lov-
Christ. Jesus knew that the triumph of the enemy ing companions, Christ’s "other sheep", these also
over him by killing him would be only seeming; be- may know that, when any of them die faithful be-
cause on the third day God would bring him forth fore Armageddonclears out all the Lord’s enemies,
from the death condition (Sheol, hell, or the grave) their immovableness for Jehovah’s worship will win
by re-creating him, not as a man, but as he was be- his favor for them. It will be rewarded with a resur-
fore comingto earth, namely, a spirit person, only rection to life forevermoreon earth in the delightful
3~ (a) How have they set Jehovah alwayl before them? (b) How and NewWorld of righteousness.
¯ vlly are they not moved?
36 (aJ Knowing what. can the servant be immovable for Jehovah’s 38 How. theo. could Jesus on earth be glad, and his glory rejoice, and
worship ~ (b) How do we know that the further words of the psalm his flesh r~t?
were not fulfilled In David? 39. For what closely related reasons ma Jehovah’s remnant be immova-
37 In ~hc, m, then, were those words fulfilled, and how? ble and abound in the Lord’s work? an~ likewise their companions7
,o Blessed with knowing these things, Jehovah’s bodies will be blessed with the calm and healthful-
consecrated servants will defy all enemies and abide ness of the peace of Godthat passeth all under-
immovablein Jehovah’s worship and service. Out- standing. Andtheir "glory", namely, their glorious
treasure of serving as witnesses for Himand his
ward conditions may be hard and oppressive, yet King and kingdom, will rejoice and exult, because
their hearts within them will be glad. The fleshly it will be always a joyful and honorableservice for
40. Howcan they likewi~e be glad and rest and their glory reJoice~ them in vindication of Jehovah’s blessed name.


UR last account, on "International Revisits", saw our
O Pan-Amemcan passenger
city, on the afternoon
plane grounded at Guatemala
of Monday, April 9, and with
Mexico city yet in prospect. While here at the airport, it was not
vital facts of humanhistory. Their desire is to be real i,.~tructores
to all the people there.
Amongthe noteworthy arrivals in the ctty on the afternoon
of Wednesday is the train from Monterrey, Mexico, bearing two
convement for N. H Knoll, president of the Watch Tower Bible coaches solid of Jehovah’s witnesses, two hundred or more of
and Tract Society, to meet w~th any of Jehovah’s witnesses m them all together. On one of these coaches there was stretched
Guatemala. But the speetal attention required by the plane for up over the windows a long white banner bearing in large letters
its long hop direct to Mexico city lengthened its regular stop at in Castella,o the words: "We are going to the Reconstructors
Guatemala city to more than an hour; and it was first 5:34 p.m. Convention, April 13, 14, 15, Mexico, D. F." On the opposite side
before the plane lifted off the ground and soared northward. of the next coach was stretched a like banner announcing: "Theo-
For some minutes a fine bird’s-eye view of the pretty city of cratic Convention in Mexmo, D.F. -- Public Lecture: One
Guatemala presented itself, and also of the terrain beyond, and World, One Government -- Sunday April 15." Thus, all along
then we came over a broad blanket of clouds 3ust when the sun the route from Monterrey to Mexico city, the people of villages
was descending. As the sun. gleaming hke burnLshed brass, dipped and towns that viewed the passing train received notice of a
below the clouds, it caused the rLm thereof, as far as the eye coming event that had more than Pan-American slgmficance As
could see, to glow with reddish color. For a short while thLs rare the tram made Its various stops along the road, from 2:30 o’clock
sight lmgered, and then gloom gathered and the darkness of Tuesday morning till Wednesday afternoon, the convenUoners
mght settled down. Weflew on into the darkness, trusting to the did some witnessing concerning God’s kingdom to the venders
accuracy of our airplane control-board instruments to guide us that came alongside the train with foodstuffs and other sales
safely to our destinatmn. The stars of mght appeared, being goods or that gathered at the railroad statmns for the excite-
vlslb!e up here with unusual clearness; and, since we were flying ment of a passing train. Not only Mexicans were aboard this
at such a high altitude, our feehng was like that of flying right train, but also many conventmners from across the Rxo Grande,
amidst the stars themselves, as if on a rocket plane headed for from such places as Mercedes, Texas, and among these being five
a landing on some one of these heavenly bodies. graduates from Watchtower College who have been doing spe-
The first watch of the mght passed, and then, about the middle cial pmneer work in Texas. Four of these young ladies could be
of the second watch, or about 10 : 30 p.m, we knew we had flown entertained at the headquarters of La Torte del Vlgla, and all
the family there en3oyed the several days’ assocmtion ~nth these
a true course, for the lights of the suburbs of Mexico city began
to come into v~ew. Not many minutes more, and the whole fas- zealous pioneer puhlLshers of God’s Theocratic Government.
cinating sight was to view below us; the entire street-and-avenue Provision for other conventioners arriving in town was made in
plan of the capital eLty is marked out for us by the thousands the homes of their Christian brethren or m the city hotels. Even
upon thousands of hghts that line its thoroughfares. Till this the space of Jehovah’s w, tnesses’ Kingdom Hall on San Jerdnano
moment there are not that many creatures m Mexico city who street was turned over for occupancy by night by the conven-
are illuminated wtth the truth of God’s radiant kingdom and tioners who brought along their serapes or other bedding and
who are ’shining as lights m the midst of a crooked and perverse who slept on the floor, the same as is done m innumerable homes
generation and holding forth God’s Word of life’. (Phil. 2: 15, 16) in Mexico. Some fifty were thus accommodated, and great was
However, through the darkness of that same mght there are their gratitude.
hundreds of such hght-bearers traveling by railroad or by bus By the time of Thursday mght the number of Jehovah’s ,nt-
or also on foot and converging upon Mexico city for the gen- nesses m Mexico c~ty had increased to many hundreds. All these
eral convention of Jehovah’s witnesses there the coming week- came at the,r own expense. Various were the leg~ttmate ways to
end Nor did any of these furl to arrive there for the exhilarating which they resorted m order to lay up money for convention ex-
days of April I3, 14, and 15. We are the only ones coming by penses. Many handicrafts were plied m tbelr homes; and things
plane. Our plane lands at 10:46 p.m. Then, m good time, we that could be dispensed with m the homes were sold. According
clear the formahtles at the airport, and before mldmght we to the statement of the conventmners, if the Theocratic assembly
are at a hotel on the noted Paseo de la Reforma, not so far had been announced farther in advance more would have been
from the site of a recent international or Pan-Amemcangathenng able to lay aside the means to attend. But, as tt was, only about
of statesmen, Chapultepec Palace. one-fourth of such as might have attended were financially able
Next day, Tuesday, ,t ts our pleasure to take dinner at the to do so, owing to the shortness of the txme for preparation.
headquarters of La Torre del Vigm, a Mexman educational or- How many might have attended is calculable from the fact that
gamzatmn which ,s affiliated with the Watch Tower Bible and at the Memorial eelebratmn of Christ’s death, on Wednesday.
Tract Society of America. O~ thLs occamon our pleasure LS added March 28 of this year, there were 5,065 that met for the cole-
brat,on, of whomonly 27 partook of the emblems of bread and
to at meeting two graduates of the Watchtower Bible College of
Gilead, New York. They are Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Anderson, wine in symbol of their membership in Christ’s body.
temporarily stepping at the Mexican headquarters. The firmly Besides the financml burdens involved, those that came to the
entrenched Roman Catholic Hierarchy has to an appalling de- Mexmocity convention of Theocratic reconstructors had to endure
gree retarded the advancement of Me~ueo’s populatmn in the the inconveniences of travel in that country. One famdy group,
elements of bamc educatmn, but the natmnal government is with a baby, walked from thelr home m Chthuahua for seven
strenuously pushing an educatmnal campaign throughout the days to reach Torreon to the south, there to board the tram for
land; and the afore-mentioned Andersons are interested also in Mexico city. Another group with whom we talked, made up of
the educatmn of Mexico’s oppressed classes, even to the extent pioneers, walked four days, before taking the train. None came
of teaching the ilhterate to read and write and to learn the most to Mexico city by their personally-owned automobile. The entire
JuLy i, 1945 :gfieWATCHTOWE
R. 205
episode reminded one of how, in obedience to Jehovah God, his libre, or wrestling matches. Outside the arena tiers of seats run
chosen people of old streamed from all parts of the Holy Land, back and up, and there is also a balcony above with tiers of
whether by vehicle, beast of burden or afoot, to their national backless seats. According to packing, the Arena Mexico seats
capital, Jerusalem, to celebrate the annual feast of dehverance, between three and four thousand spectators. Just the mght be-
the Passover. So today, from wathin and from outside of Mexico’s fore, a political meeting hgd been held m the Arena, and so
borders, Jehovah’s witnesses poured m upon the national capital. the first day of the convention we used the wooden structure
They were united in one "premeditated purpose", namely, to serve which they had built and left standing at the western end of the
and glorify Jehovah God at one location and with benefit to all Arena. Two microphones on the platform fed into a loud-speaker
persons of good-will round about. Of course, the religious racket- system. Gifts of large bunches of brightly-colored flowers from
eers and gangsters viewed such "premeditated purpose (or end)" various companies and indiwduals were placed to adorn the
of Jehovah’s faithful servants w~th suspicion or alarm. plato platform. Our orchestra conststed at first of a pmno and a
Thursday night is the regular weekly service-meeting mght of psaltery, but was enlarged by a piano accordion and a xylophone
the ~fexleo city company of Jehovah’s witnesses. Downtall that later on. Songslips with the translations in Spanish of the latest
pre-convention mght the Mexico city company was just one songs pubhshed by the Watch Tower Society were passed out
umt and so it carried on its funchons in just the one Salon del to the eonventioners. How they did enjoy getting familiar with
Reino (or Kingdom Hall) on Calle San Jerdnimo, and which those songs and learning to sing them!
hall m located upstaLrs. Entering through a hallway on the ground, Promptly at the appointed hour of 9 a.m. the convention
one ascends by a set of four short staircases that wind around an opened with the song "Give Praise to Jehovah". The day’s text
interior court and then steps upon a lanchng-plaee to the hall’s and printed comment were next presented, and there were also
doorway and a window that looks into the hall. After the close comments thereon from the audience. Experiences were then re-
of the service meeting there that Thursday night, Brother Knorr lated by two pioneers, which experiences were told with enjoy-
said on commencing his address to those there gathered: "It ment to all hearers and served as an inducement to field service
seems that tonight ts really the beginning of the Theooratie Instructions as to the Convention’s field activities then followed,
Assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses in 3Iexieo city." The vigorous and, after a prayer upon the day’s aetivihes and the singing of
applause that answered to this remark indicated that all others "iTrabajadl I Traba3adl" ("To the Work! To the Work!"), the
thought likewise. For the Kangdom Hall was jammed to over- conventioners streamed forth to the field work in united strength
flowing, well before the serwee meeting was scheduled to begin. The turn-out for thin lmtiul morning service-assembly was enough
The crowd simply overflowed clear down the stairs and onto to make onffs eyes bulge, the attendance running up into many
San Jer6mmo street. Brother Knorr and his party had to edge hundreds; and the day’s report of field activity finally showed
their way through the pack, and up the stairs and through those that 717 had taken part in one form or another in advertLsmg
that crowded up to and around the speakers’ stand. In the one the Kingdom message throughout this great city of some two
aLsle which runs lengthwise the center of I~ugdom Hall the mflhon inhabitants.
convention-minded brethren were standing close together, every The book-supply counters, the magazine counters, and the m-
avatlahle seat being occup:ed; and others crowded at the land- formation-marching and territory-assignment counters were al’.
ing window to look in Mothers stood with babes in their arms, set up m the courtyard, and this was a busy place, with throngs
uneomplammgly, and with patience and endurance. All the mLlling about preparing for departure into the field. Much field
standees, however, took the experience congemally, grateful to be work needed to be done, with about a half-million handbills to be
there and to catch something of the good things that were said. dLstributed, to advertise the public feature, Brother Knorr’s
It is estimated there was easily a crowd of 600 present, all speech on "One World, One Government", for 12 noon on Sun-
together. day, April 15, with seats free and no collection to be taken
Thrilled at the sight, the various speakers of the evening ad- Nothing provocative about such an announcement, is ther~.q..More-
dressed this dense throng. Doubtless the loud-speaker equipment over, there were 1,000 placards making the same announcement.
made it possible for those on the pavement below and on the and all these for reformation marchers. With a placald on front
sta~rwa)s to hear portions of the speeches. In hvely fashion and back of each marcher, this meant eqmpment for 500 such
the visitors participated in the serrate meeting; in response to re.formation marchers. Then, too, there was sidewalk witnessing
questions asked on the Informant hands went up everywhere, with the Watchtower and Consolation magazines; and the con-
and the answers given were spirited and intelligent. The entire ventioners had brought along theLr magazine bags. Also regular
evening was indeed an appetizing foretaste of the real eonven- door-to-door vntnessmg with the Society’s other printed htera-
tuon as set out on the printed program. Whenthe Society’s presi- ture was in order, besides the making of back-calls to invite all
dent expressed his pleasure to them that the Mexican witnesses recipients of literature to attend the eonventmn, and particularly
had now for two months straxght reported more than 3.000 active the public address.
Kingdom publishers m the field, it excited joyful applause. They So forth into the day’s campaign the con~entloners pouled,
resoieed that Jehovah God was answering the prayer of his peo- and delivered a witness that stunned the Roman Catholic ttier-
ple to send forth more laborers into a field where the laborers archy and their rehgious dupes. The Kingdom pubhshers did
are relatively few but where the harvest to be gathered m is not take seriously the signs m the windows of many homes, read-
large. And as respects laborers, the service gathenng at the very lng: "Tins m a Catholic home. We reject all Protestant propa-
opening of the convention next day, and the field service report ganda." Jehovah’s wltneases "know they are no more a part of
that was worked out, provide an example for all Kingdom pub- the so-called "Protestant" organizations than they are a part of
hshers through the earth to contemplate. the various Catholic ~eets. Jehovah’s witnesses arc not rchgmmsts
According to program, the Theocratic Assembly of the Recon- of any kind, but are Chmstlan educators, fulfilling Jehovah
structors opened at 9 a.m., Friday, April 13. Besides Brother God’s mandate to them at Isaiah 43 : 10, 12. They are not putting
Knorr, the speakers for the convention, m alphabetic order, were out "Protestant propaganda" at all, but are publL~hmg God’s
Brothers Crispin Amaya; F. A. Anderson; John Bourgeois, the kingdom to all nations, peoples and tongues. They are under His
Branch servant; F. W. Franz. a dn-ector of the Watch Tower commandto tell his message to aU, whether they hear or forbear
Society; J. Fnas; Alfonso Garcia; Samuel Garcla; and Paul to hear. The report for this first day showed that the 717 pub-
Perez, a Watchtower College graduate and servant to the lishers placed 35 bound books, 1j18 booklets and 175 magazines,
brethren. All sessions of the convention were held in the Arena and obtained 3 magazine subscriptions and ran recorded Bible
Mexico, m the Tercera Calle de Dr. Rio de la Loza (that is, the lectures to 69 hearers. All thin activity, reclusive of the informa-
third block of Dr. Rio de la Loza Street), at No. 94, which is tion marching and handbill distributing, occupied a total of 2,078
m the middle of the block. By a passageway leading from the hours, or an average of almost 3 hours for each publmher.
sidewalk one walks into a large rectangular inner court, covered Each information marcher was accompanied by a distributor
with roofs that sloped inward and leaving a rectangular open of leafleta, near at hand m case of attempts by irate rehglomsts.
space that a4untted light and air. From here one entered into The religlomsta expressed rage by tcarmg up the leaflets they
the budding proper, a large oetangular auditorium, with a center reached for. Others hurled at the information marchers such
arena where a square platform, the "ring", m set up for lucha cutting remarks aa "iMalditol" "lStn vergaenzal" ("Accursed!"
N. Y.

"Shameless!"); and, "Why don’t you earn a living in a more then and all through the convention the permanent chairman,
honorable way?" and others snooped up and asked who was Brother Bourgeois. Having finished with his prepared copy,
backing this tremendous movement. Some religionists ganged up Brother Knorr continued on with extemporaneous remarks and
and assaulted marchers and tore off their placards. Yet, all this introduced the Mexmanbrethren to a new thrill. This came at
failed to halt the publicity work. In expression of their me, 9:30 p.m., when Brother Bourgeois interpreted Brother K.norfs
the Cathohe-pampermg newspaper La Prensa, m its Sunday words announcing the publication and release by the Watchtower
(April 15) issue, printed a picture of an elderly womanarrayed Society of the new book in Spanmh"The Truth Shall Make You
with the placards, and inserted this commentunderneath: "Be- Free", and Brother Knott held up a copy to the view of the
hold one of the women ~mEDto do propaganda work for an 1,107 conventtoners then present. He rejoiced their hearts by
event to be realized today, and which the Catholics of Mexmo disclosing that plentiful stocks of this newbook were right there
conmder contrary to thmr ideas and provocative." This was ac- on hand, enough for them to take copies out into field service
companied by a second-page article headed "Foreign Propaganda on the morrow and thereafter and also for them to take home
Provokes Indignation Amongthe Catholics", and reading, mpart, for use in their local territories after convention; and that a
as follows: free copy was to be gaven to everyone present, five years of age
" ... There has been advertmed for today a lecture in the and upward, who could read and who would use the book m
Arena Mexico, and it has been given great publictty m the hu- starting book studies in homes of persons wanting education in
man advertisements which all of us have been seeing on the that whichis most vital to everlasting life.
streets of the metropolis, but meantimemanypeople have inter- In prospect of more book studies thus establLshed in all Mexico,
preted said advertisements as Protestant propaganda and have Brother Knorr set before the convention the hope that soon two
torn off or tried to tear off the placards which men and women units of Jehovah’s witnesses would be established in the natmnal
carry on their back and breast, and for this reason someincidents capital and that there would be a general increase of member-
have been reported, because the Catholics consider that such ad- ship in all companies throughout the land. Furthermore, the way
vertisements are a defiance and they are not dLsposedto tolerate it.
seemed opening for the locating of specially trained educators
"AI~’D N, H. KNORR? WHOIS HE~ or t~tructores as permanentresidents in Mexico, to wit, College
"Bemdes the disturbance which these human advertisements graduates.
have awakenedm our city, there LS agitation about this propa- Prayer closed the day’s sessions, and then the conventloners
ganda concerning whmhit is not knownfor certain what it m, a filed out orderly two abreast through the several erJts to get their
curiosity that has gone on mounting up and which is centered precious gift. In nine minutes they had cleared the Arena. There
about N. H. Knott, who will deliver the lecture ’One World for were 1,064 copies of "The Truth Shall Make :You Free" thus
one government’, l~Ieanwhile Catholics, according to what they given away free. Thereafter the patronage at the book counter
commumcateto us by divers means, are preparing a very st~ff was very heavy for extra copies to be used thenceforth m the
critlmsm and condemnation of thLs propaganda, which they know field service. Tins was the first time that such a thing occurred
~s for the purpose of destroying m Mexico the Cathohcism that in all Latin America, that a new bound book was released by the
they inherited from their elders. For sometime it has been said WatchtowerSociety and a gift copy was presented to each of the
that a Protestant crusade was under prcparatmn in our country conventionere. Imagine the sensation among these dear Mcxman
and that m thin behalf mighty sums of moneywere being handled. brethren I
¯ . . It Is not knownwith certainty if the Protestants are disguis- Saturday morning, April 14, witnessed another heavy turn-
ing themselves as Communists or if, m effect, the propaganda out for the 9 o’clock service assembly. All were given a good
whichhas attracted attention so greatly and which advertises the send-off for the day by songs, the day’s text and commentand
speech of N. H. Knorr is outright communism." discussion, the relating of experiences by two zealous pubhshers,
and service instructions and prayer. The new book was promi-
SURPRISES nently m evidence as the vahant Kingdompubhshers ~ssued forth
Official opening of the convention by the permanent chairman, from the Arena and trooped to theLr territories of servme. After
John Bourgeois, came at 3 p.m, when he extended a welcome to this morning feature the temporary platform at the western end
all the conventmners and explained the meaning of the term "Re- of the Arena was dismantled and the regular wrestling-bout ring
constructors" and how it apphed to them. HLSwelcomingrefer- was set up m the center and the chairs on the ground floor ar-
ence to Brother iC~uorr’s presence among them drew warm ap- ranged about it. Thenceforth all features of the conventmnwere
plause. At 3:55 p.m. the regular speeches began, with more enacted on this wrestlers’ ring, but only by those who ’wrestle
than 1,000 hearers at hand The first two speeches by native not with flesh and blood, but with principalities, powers, rulers
~[exmans, to wit, "The Theocratic Ohve Tree," and, "After the of the darkness of thts world, and wicked sprats m heavenly
’Fulness of the Gentiles,’ What?" have alrcady appeared m The places’, as stated at Ephesiaus6: 12.
Watchtower. The third speech was upon the sttrrmg subject, The initial afternoon speech was a fifteen-minute presenta-
"This Gospel Shall Be Preached." tion on "The Theocratic College of Gilead". This was by a na-
The evening’s program was started off with a half-hour talk tive Mexican, a memberof the fourth class to graduate from the
on "Expermnces of the Servant to the Brethren", being gtven, College, in February of tlns year, and whoreceLved a &plomaof
approprmtely enough, by Paut Perez, a Watchtower College merit. Due to Ins specml training, thin graduate, C. Amaya,has
graduate, and who has performed such duties of servant to the now been assigned to do constructive work as servant to ’,he
brethren. His account of experiences, beszdes interesting, was brethren amongall orgamzed companies m ~Iexlco. After Brother
very revealing, and showed the difference between conditions en- Amaya, two able speakers handled the themes "A People for the
countered m hfexmo and those m its netghbor country across the Issue" and "Ye Are My Witnesses". Both speeches, based on
Rio Grande. Such things were touched upon as the servant’s be- Isaiah’s prophecy, chapter forty-three, have since appeared m
ing obliged to travel aback a burro and hawag to hunt for three The Watchtower and can there be consulted for mfollnatmn.
days at a time to locate the molated companyof Jehovah’s wit- A short feature then followed. This was the reading by Brother
nesses, and also finding quite backward conditions amongsome Franz of specially prepared copy on the subject "Overcoming
newly established groups that demre to be organLzedfor the wit- Fear of What Is Comingon the Earth". Having finished reading
ness work. However, everywhere these consecrated souls are glad this, he announcedthat this was the contents of a new SpanLsh
to have the servant reach them; and hmvisit seems so short that issue of "Nuevas de la Teocracla" (corresponding to the English
he appears hardly to have arrived before he is gone again. It KingdomNew~). As he held aloft a copy of this ~seue (No: 14},
is good to knownow that the servant m allowed to spend more it roused a good round of applause. The announcementthat five
tune with companies according as local needs require. eop~e~thereof were to be given free to each conventioner for his
The foregoing servant’s account was succeeded by two speeches, use was met with more hand clapping.
namely, "A I~vmg Sacrifice," by F. W. Franz; and, "Your Rea- Despite rain, the night sessions were attended by about 1,300.
sonable Service," by Brother Knorr. Both these speeches have First cameAppreciation , a fifteen-minute expression by Samuel
lately appeared in the columns of The Watchtower, and comment Garela of the La Torre del V~gia headquarters family, and voicing
thereon is superfluous. Brother Knorr used as his interpreter gratitude for the new Spamsh pubheataon "The Truth Shall Make
JuLY 1, 1945 fieWATCHTOWER. 207
You Free", and describing its outstanding features and showing took their positions behind the microphones, a tall, young be-
how the book could be used. A twenty-mLuute speech on "Provok- spectacled manrose from amid the audience in the tier of seats
Lug the Showdown"by Brother Franz then followed. Just as to the speaker’s left. With religious brazenness and effrontery
Brother Franz was stepping out of the "rLug", rocks flew through such as are cultivated by the Hierarchy in disdam for the rights
the air, flung through windows high up. One struck the plat- and privileges of those not believing as they do, this youngleader
form ahead of him. Another hit the left shoulder of Brother of the ACJM(Catholic Action of Mexican Juveniles) got
Knorr, who was standing below near the ring. (Police caught the ahead of the first sentence of the public address and began talking
Cathohc Action youths whothrew the missiles and severely repri- loudly from his place. Brother Bourgeois, the interpreter who
manded them.} But without delay there came next Brother caught his words, turned and said "No !" to hls demandto speak.
Knorr’s dehvery of "Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty Vindicated". Yet this Catholic Actionist persisted in talking, Lu wolation of
Those who have read that article in The Watchtower will recall all rules of decencyand eneroaehLugupon the limited time for the
how it dealt with Jerusalem’s king, Hezekiah, and his purging of advertised public speech and conceitedly thinking that this great
the kingdom of Judah from the ruinous practices of rehgaon; audience preferred to hear him talk instead of the Watchtower
and that, in order to bring Hezekiah’s realm again under bond- president.
age to the organLzed powers of religion, the Devil sent the As- To drownout this interloper the audience burst forth into clap-
syrian aggressor, King Sennacherib, against the kingdom of ping and a chorus of voices arose toward Brother Knott, "iQue
Judah and threatened the Theocratic independence of that na- hablel iQue hablet" ("Speakl Speak!") The Catholic Actmmst,
tion; but Jehovah’s angel smote 185,000 of Sennacherib’s reli- vaingloriously assuming that this was all intended for hun,
gtous hosts with death and sent him reeling back to his own thereupon took a low bowto the audience. Disillusionment quickly
homebase and to hts vmlent death in a temple of religion. followed, for two federal officers leaped forward, followed by a
Now,as an excellent tm-m with and culmination to this rous- uniformed policeman. They grabbed hold of this disorderly per-
ing speech, Brother Knorr suddenly released another new Span- son, whohad a pistol concealed on his left side under his coat,
ish publication, the 64-page booklet RebgwnReaps the Whsrl- and out they dragged him from the Arena. In high indlgnatmn
wind. The Arena resounded wath joyful noise, which did not lessen the officers sternly reproved him, saying: "Public meetings are
whenhe predicted that, as a result of distributing thLs booklet m conducted peacefully here in Mexico, and we are going to keep
conjunction with their other acttvxties, manyof those Mexmans them sol" Some Catholic would-be disturbers followed their
who now have the sign in their windows"I am a Catholic" will worsted championout of the Arena, and those of them who stayed
spontaneously take it out. The time was now about 8:45 p.m., inside kept quiet thenceforth in fear of like handhng.
but, as he had promised the convention, Brother Knorr con- While as yet the disturbance had not subsided Brother Knorr
tinued on and related to them concerning his trip from the tune launched off into his speech, and his first several sentences may
of departing from NewYork last January through to this con- have been lost to many ears. Thereafter the speech proceeded
ventlon. The convention was pleased to receive the love and greet- steadily onward to a successful close. Before him was a mixed
Lugs of the BrooklynBethel faLully and of all the gatherings and audience of varied educational privileges and ltvmg standards
conventions throughout the trip; and the ~fexlcan brethren eagerly Did they fail to mentally grasp what he was saying? Did they
voted to throw m their full burden of love and greetings for think he indulged in so-called "metaphors" which baffled their
Brother I~.norr to carry on the remainder of his trip across the understanding and left them uninterested and disappomted~ Not
Umted States and through Canada. It was well on toward ten if all close observers are to judge from the alert and absorbed
o’clock whenprayer closed the day’s assembly. The brethren filed mterest that this audience displayed and the 36 applauses that
out orderly from the Arena and 1,326 free copies of Religion rent the air throughout the progress of the speech. And at
Reaps the lFT~rlwind were distributed free to them. 1:35 p.m., when Brother Knorr concluded with the comforting
Sunday, April 15, brought a fitting climax to the convention. declaration that those who heeded the l~ngdom message would
Owing to the fact that the conventmn must vacate the Arena by be blessed with llfe eternal in the righteous NewWorld under
2 p.m., to allow for wrestling matches to begin thereto at 3 p.m., Jehovah’s one government by mankind’s Redeemer, Christ Jesus
the day’s program did not leave room for much morning field the Messiah, there was a final sustained applause. It was a}l too
servxce. The pubhc address by the Society’s president was slated clear that the audience understood the hour-and-a-half speech far
to begin at 12 noon sharp. At 8:30 a.m. a bapttsmal discourse too well for La Prensa, whose reporters were present, to hke ~t;
was delivered to 103 candidates for unmersion; but the conven- and, instead of their Mondayedatlon’s reporting what the Watch
tmners m general came out to witness this occasion and hear the Tower president had said, they identified the Catholic Actmmst
subject of baptism discussed, more than 1,.100 being present. and reported at length what he attempted and intended to say.
A brief service-assembly programthen followed, and at 9:40 a.Lu.
the Theocratic reconstructors proceeded to the field for a short As the public lecture ended, the chairman sprang another sur-
prise upon the conventmnby announcing the release of the pubhc
but effective two hours of witnessing. SomeCatholic religlonLsts. address Lu Spamsh in booklet form and that a free copy would
Luwardlyboiling, provoked themselves Luto a numberof incidents be bestowed upon each one there desiring it. The eagerness w~th
against the witnesses. Their efforts came to noughtp leaving them which the audience accepted the booklet from the ushers, and
muchchagrined. also swarmedaround the book counters outside for further htera-
At 11:30 a.Lu. the publishers returned to the Arena for the ture upon the subject, belied stRl more La Pre~a’s sneenng
g’rand finale of theLr conventmn,the public address on "OneWorld, false report.
One Government". Manyof the pubhe acted upon the invitation
to come, and continued to come until almost the conclusion of Fromstart to finish, therefore, the Mexicocity conventmnxx as,
the address, and the total attendance increased to more than to use one Mexican eonventioner’s words, a "resounding trmmph
1,900. Th~s audience spread itself m the seats round about the for Jehovah"; and all the brethren departed and went their
ring, except m the balcony above. In view of the opposition of ways in joyfulness, feeling well repaid for all thew effol’ts and
Catholic Action and the unfavorable publicity in La Prensa it ex.penditures to attend. They were delighted too with all the sur-
was a gratifying attendance. Prior to thts, Jehovah’s witnesses prise gifts the Lord had conferred upon them through his orgam-
in Mexicoetty have held public lectures without the questmn of zation, and were filled wath greater zeal, appreciation and deter-
license therefor being Luterjected. But nowCatholic Action saw ruination to press the great educational reconstructxve work Lu
to it that the issue of a license was raised and they pressed it Mexico. Immediately after the public lecture the 103 baptismal
good and hard. Policemen in uniform and also federal officers eandidatce were transported to the popular Ba~os del Chopo
m plum clothes were present when the stroke of twelve marked (Baths of the Black-poplar Tree) to be immersed m symbol
the hour for the pubhe event to began. By an apparent prow- their death to self-will and their complete consecration to Jeho-
dence, before the federal representatives from the Department vah God to do his will. A La Prensa photographer contrived to
of Control could make contact with or identify the advertised intrude into this private baptism and take pictures. Next day
speaker, the chaxrmanof the meeting was announcing the subject La Prensa, which takes seriously the Hierarchical sprinkling of
and the speaker for the occasion. But as the speaker, Brother a few drops of water upon a baby’s head as a bona fide baptism,
Knorr, and his interpreter, Brother Bourgeots, amid applause, described the Scriptural baptmm of total submersion under

waterof adultcandidates as funny,and said:"An Amusing house to hear addresses by Brothers Covington and Knorr. Si-
Baptism: . . . Thebaptism was enactedby directoral members multaneously, 13,5 Spanish-speaking brethren met m the San
of ’TheWatchtower’, and theceremony conslsted in stopping Antonio KangdomHall for an address by Brother Franz.
the mouthof thosewhoare to be baptmed, and givingthema Fridayafternoon Brothers Knott,Covington and Franzwere
ducking m the water,beingprevlously relieved of clothing."on theirwayforservice at a two-day assembly withtheDallas
Undertwo baptismalpicturesLa Prensacommented:"Some company of Jehovah’s witnesses. To accommodate all earingto
womenpresented themselves for a strange baptismin thenot attend, thebeautiful FairParkAuditorium wasengaged forthe
very cleanwatersof the Chopopool."Whichmakesus wonder twodays,April21 and22. Besides the abovethreebrethren,
whether theJordan riverwasrunning filtered "holywater"when W. A. Wallace, who is a servant to the brethren, andseveral
Johnbaptized Jesusin theaver. localbrethren served on theprogram. Theget-together wasvery
Theincomplete conventionfield servicereport forthethree days refreshing and invigorating for the brethren there.And the
Is asfollows: 760publishers; 184houndbooks;2,935booklets;brethren wereveryapprecmtive of the visitof theSociety’s
8 magazine subscriptions; 350individual magazines; 659attend- president andhiscompanions.
mg at recorded lectures; 11 back-calls;and5,368hours.Sunday Notwithstanding rainallday,theattendance on Saturday was
afternoon theexodus fromMexlco cityforwidely scattered homes 800,at the evening address by Brother Kaorr.Theassembly’s
began,but many conventmners attendedthe afternoon Watch- greatest attendance wasrecorded at theSundayafternoon public
~o~oerstudyat the eompany’s KingdomHall.Mondayevening address at threeo’clock, on thewell-advertised subject, "The
the specialgroupfromMonterrey entrained and got on their ’Commander to thePeoples’." The1,606present forthatevent
way at 8:25p.m.,smgmgand w~tnessmg to thestrangers among listened withengrossed attention whileBrother Knorrmagnified
theminthethreeanda halfcoaches theyoccupied, andwiththeir ChristJesus,the greatCommander whom the Most High God
two banners exposed on the sidesof the coaches. On Tuesday, hasappointed forallto followandobeywhoseekeverlasting
timewasdrawing toa closeforBrother Knorr’s visiten transi¢olifein theNew Worldof Righteousness. Afterthelecture 534
inMexico, butat thelastCatholic Action triedto workthrough freecopiesof thebooklet O~ World,One Government weredis-
officml channels ofgovernment to detainhimsouthoftheborder.tributed tothepublic inattendance. Manyofthepublic renamed
Desplte theirmalicious intent,everything wassuitably ad3nstedduringthebriefintermission thatfollowed andthenhearda
wlth~’esponslble Mexican officials; andon Wednesday morning, stirring address by Brother Covington, andtheconcluding ad-
exactly according to hmschedule, BrotherKnorrtraveled safely dressby Brother Knorr.
by planeto NuevoLaredo. In due timewe crossedthe inter- Thatsameday,in themorning, eleven wereunmersed in water.
national bridgeover the Rio Grandeand droveintoLaredo, The fieldservice report forthetwodayswasasfollows: Books,
Texas.Onceagain,aftermorethantwomonthsof absence, we 337; booklets, 1,188; subscriptions, 47; individual magazines,364;
wereon UnitedStates soil;andit wasa rehefto knowthatthe sound attendance, 25; back-calls, 38; hours. 1,156; and publish-
strata ofextensive airtravel, over00,000 miles, wasoverwlth. era, 476; at whichreport we sincerely rejoice.
UmtedStatescustomsand bordermspectlons weresoondis- From Dallas, Texas, the Society’s president proceeded next
posed of. and then American radroad faci.[ities got us to San day to St. Louis, Mo., for a spectal three-day sessmn with 23
Antonio. Texas, before sundown. On alighting from the train
servants to the brethren called in from their areas of operatmn.
it was a pleasure to be greeted by the Soctety’s vine-president
and attorney, H. C. Cowngtcn, together with many Watchtower Finally, Thursday evening, April 26, before entraining for Kan-
College graduates engaged m special pioneer work m and about eas City, Mo., for the April 27-29 meeting, Brother Knorr ad-
San Antonio and also brethren from the local company. The dressed an enthusiastic gathering of 1,270 brethren and persons
following mght 750 brethren gathered m the San Pedro Play- of good-will at the MountMoriah Temple, St. Louts.

IN THERURAL$(FLORIDA} without waiting for the record to end, he said, ’I want you
"After traveling down a logging or turpentine trail for to send me that Watchtower for a year.’
five or six miles without finding a house, we finally came "After writing up his subscription, I gave the other three
across two men who were cutting ties. I stopped with them men a little witness. The result was that instead of getting
for about ten minutes and gave them a good witness and just the one subscription I wrote up four in all. Then I
showed them The Watchtower. I told them the value of told them how our work was carried on by making regular
this magazine and how it published up-to-date truths con- back-calls on all people who showed interest m God’s king-
cerning Jehovah and his Theocratic Government. Finally dom, but on account of the gasoline ratmning and the dis-
one stud, ’I’d be glad to take that ma~azme from you but tance we had to travel very frequent visits on them were
I don’t have any money with me and I won’t be going home hardly possible. However, when working this part of the
until late Saturday" night. If you could come to my home county I would drop in to see them. To this they heartily
on Sunday I’d give you my subscriptmn.’ He told me how agreed and thanked me for coming, and said they enjoyed
I could find his home. This was about thirty miles from the explanation of present conditions and the fulfillment
where we were staying, but as we had some territory we of prophecy very much. ~o, get more Wafchtower subscrip-
had not yet worked in that vicinity I told him I would be tions, especially in the far corners of your territory where
there. So the next Sunday morning we started out early you are not able to mal~e regular back-calls. Do not forget
on this thirty-mite ride, and went first to try to locate my that the best magazine on earth, The Watchtower, has been
prospective Watchtower subscriber. I found my man sitting a light-bearer and a beacon light for more than sixty years,
on the porch chatting with three other men. He seemed and, by Jehovah’s grace, will continue to shine brighter
glad to see me, and all said they would like to hear the and brighter and light the pathway of all lovers of right-
phonograph recording I mentioned. I played the ’Instruc- eousnees. The Watchtower will make twenty-four back-
tion’ record for them. While this was playing I noticed my calls in one year to our far-away territory, rurals and
man reach into his pocket and get out a dollar bill, and, isolated sections."~Pioneer.
. - ..... i

i - - ii --I i]" I I l If" --- -,-- ......

~, ".... -~.’.:-~~.~. " .~=-2~,, ¯ ~. " .-~


thatI amJehovah:’

"Jvs’rn~ca~o~e~ I.a:~" . ......................... 211
First in Importance.............................. 212
i A Much Disputed Matter ................. 214
:For HowMa.y? ...................... 216
Mercy and Grace ....... 217
1 T~. Swrso Tm~ovo~r
~o&~’a~ I.~-r~u v&s ............... 219
°I /! Fr~Ex.r~a~c~s
,, "B~ot-~’sRmmF’Tr.sTn~o.,r~,
r" /
STrumS.......................... 2:10
t~rH~ ~Co~v~e~ To ~EI~ PICOPL~’’~ .... 210
Ua~ ~ Swsca~o~r B~a~ .... 210

s T.5."=
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
peopleto knowJehovah
is published

in theBible.It publishes
of enabling
as expressed

designed to aidJehovah’s witnesses andallpeople ofgood-will.

N. H. KNORR, Preslde,t W.E. VaN AKBWRGH, Secretary Itarranges systematic Bible study foritsreaders andtheSociety
"And all thy children shall be taucht of dehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
crest shMl be the pe~ce of thy children." - Isaiah 54:z3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic,but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of ull other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
andisnowtheLordJesusChrist in glory, clothed withallpower dulge in controversy, and its columnsare not open to personalities.
inheavenandearth, as theChiefExecutive OfiScer ofJehovah;
THATGOD createdthe earthfor man, createdperfectman ylg.~tLr SUBSClUPTIO~ PlXCJ
for the earthand placedhim upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’slawandwassentenced to death;thatby reason UNITF.D ST£TlgS, $1.00; all other countries, $1.50, American currency ;
of Adam’swrongact allmen arebornsinners and without the GItEAT
lances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
right tolife; DrafL British, South African and Australasian remittances should
I~ made direct to the respective branch omce~ Remittances from
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and countries other than thoos mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn
suffered deathin orderto produce the ransomor redemptiveoffice, but by InternaSmnal Postal Money Order only.
pricefor obedient onesof mankind; thatGodraisedup Jesus FORIZOIf OFFICES
divineand exalted him to heavenaboveeveryothercreature
andaboveeverycreature’s nameandclothed himwithallpower 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England
and authority; Av#tralc~lan __ T Beresford Road, Strathfleld. N S. W., Australia
THATGOD’SCAPITALORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called i~o~th Alrteun Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
Zion, and that Chrlst Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the Isdia~t 16T Love Lane, Bombay 27. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every ca~e.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privalege it is to testify to the supremacyof Jehovah, declare his Translations of this journal appear in several languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdombefore all who will hear; ALL SINCERE STUDENTS OF THK BIBLE who by reason of
THATTHE OLD WORLD ended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, pove~y or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of made once each year, stating tim reason for so requesting
may have The Watchtower free upon written apPltcation to the publishers.
it. We are
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to glad to thus hid the Reedy, but the written application once each year
required by the postal regulations.
the establishment of the "new earth" of the NewWorld;
THATTHERELIEFand blessings of the peoples of earth can 2entice to 8ubocribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, scription
will be sent
may be expected
only when requested.
to appear on address
Change of address,
label within
one mouth
which has now begun; Chat the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blanlc learrying notice ot expiration) w~ll be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s organization and the complete establish- Journal one month before the entmcrlptlon expires.
ment of righteousness m the earth, and that under the Kingdom Printed in the United States of America
the people of good-will that survive Armageddonshall carry gtttered as errand-clan# matter at the poJt o~ce at Brooklyn, N. Y,
out the divine mandateto "fill the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act of Ma~ch S, IS79


Augustis themonthof the"Stranger’s Right"Testimony Pe- The totalitarian-rule fiascos and the global war have focused
riod.Duringthismonthallloversof r~ghtand truthwallbe the world’s attention upon commandersfor humankind. But all
diligent toaccord to the"stranger" classtherlghtto hearthe official appointments and popular selectmns of commandershave
Wordof Godand to havehelpm understanding it, by bringing ignored and by-passed the mdispensabie one. You wLll be grate-
to themtheKingdom inessage. Theywillspeclalize on thecom- ful, therefore, whenyou see thin One ldenhfied and championed,
bination of the book "The KtngdomIs at Hand" and the booklet by reading the new WA’rCHVOW~ publication, The "Commander
released for this permd, The "Commanderto the Peoples", offer- to the Peoples". This tsa 32-page booklet, with attractive paper
ing this on a contribution of 25e. Manyof our Watchtower read- cover. Before its general distribution in a comingspecial Permd,
ers may wewthemselves as "strangers" and yet want to join you may procure your personal copy by rermttmg a coutnbutmn
in taking part in the spread of this wonderful message. Let such of 5¢ to this office.
be informed that it is their God-given right to have a part
therein. So let all such write us for reformation, and we will link USE RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONBLANK
them up with a group of veteran publishers active in the work
for eompanmnship.Aa a finishing touch to your efforts during The blank sent you one month before expiration of your
August, pleasesubmitus a report of whatyou do. Watchtower subscription should be filled out and returned to the
Brooklyn office or to the Branch office in the country where you
"WATCHTOWER"STUDIES reside. Servants in the companies, and individuals, whensending
in xenewals for The Watchtower, should always use these blanks.
Weekof August 19: "Justification of Life," By filling in these renewal blanks you are assured of the continua-
¶ 1-21 inclus,ve, The Watchtower July 15, 1945. tion of your Watchtower from the time of exptratlon, and with-
Weekof August 26: "Justification of I.Me," out delay. It will also be a great help Lf you sign your nameum-
¶ 22-40 inclusive, The Wa$chtowerJuly 15, 1945. formly, and note any recent change of address, on the renewal shp.
VOL. LXVI JULY15, 1945 No. 14

"’So then as through one trespass the judgment came unto all men to condemnation; even so through one
act of righteousness the free gift came unto all men to justification of life."--Rom. 5:18, Am. Stan. Per.
EHOVAH is the only One who can justify crea-
J who have faith in Jesus upright also."--Rom.
tures and whose justification leads to life ever- 3 : 25, 26, Goodspeed.
lasting for such creatures. In other words, justi- ’ The continual attempts of mento justify them-
fication by him is the only "kind that counts. The act selves are vain. Their attempts to do so are for the
of justifying means to show, prove, pronounce or de- purpose of saving face, that is, for making them-
c]are a person to be right, just, holy, or devoted to selves look decent and righteous in the people’s eyes.
righteousness. If a person has justification from Jeho- And so they defend themselves and their actions,
vah God, he need not care howany other creatures or so as to make themselves appear pleasing to men.
even all this present world looks upon him and judg- They are out to please creatures. Nowadays, when
es him. Let the world condemnall it wants to; yet the world is suffering from the sorrowful effects of
he can take the position of the Christian writer mistakes and misconduct, there are great efforts be-
Paul, whosaid : "If Godis for us, whocan be against ing madeon all sides at self-justification. Wehave
us? Will not he who did not spare his own Son, but seen nations of peoples, or the leaders of such na-
gave him up for us all, with that gift give us every- tions, trying to absolve themselves from the guilt
thing? Whocan bring any accusation against those of starting the global war. The commonpeople who
whom God has chosen~ God pronounces them up- belled Hitler put forth arguments to clear them-
right [or, It is Godthat justifies] ; whocan condemn selves from all responsibility for the atrocities which
them?"--Rom. 8: 31-34, Goodspeed; Auth. Ver. the totalitarian regime over them committed; and
God is not guided by the world’s condemnation membersof the Nazi party strive to shift the blame
of those with whomhe deals; but those whomhe off onto the higher officials of their political organi-
justifies have a righteous standing with him and are zation. Do not overlook, either, the RomanCatholic
counted worthy of his favors and dealings. Note, Hierarchy, who aided and backed up the aggressive
then, this fact: His justification is not for the pur- rulers of the Nazi and Fascist empires and blessed
pose of acquitting or absolving them from the false their armies on the march. Nowthey try to justify
charges of the world; for such false charges do not themselves by clever religious dodges, to turn the
influence God. God justifies those who please him attention of the people away from their un-Christian
from the charges or penalties which his own justice collaboration with bloodguilty dictators in over-
has held against such creatures. He does so with- turning the constitutional Spanish republic, invad-
out violating his ownperfect justice; that is to say, ing Ethiopia and Albania, violating treaties, over-
he does so upon a righteous foundation in absolute running most of Europe with fire, blood, destruc-
agreement with justice. In such a manner he is both tion and robbery, and penning up thousands of Je-
just to himself and the Justifier of his servants. hovah’s witnesses and others in most horrible con-
Justify has also the meaning of vindicate; and in centration camps.
all the steps that he takes Jehovah God vindicates ’ The delegates of the fifty nations at the recent
himself. His steps downtii1 nowvindicate him. That San Francisco Security Conference were trying to
mighty argumentator Paul so states, saying: "Tlfis justify themselves before the eyes of the postwar
was to vindicate his own justice (for in his for- generation by producing a world charter so framed
bearance, God passed over men’s former sins)--to as not to meet so quickly the fate of the late League
vindicate his justice at the present time, and show of Nations charter at the hands of Nazi-Fascist-
that he is upright himself, and that he makes those Vatican schemers. At the same time, to please the
1. Whose Justification only is it that ¢otmts? and why need the Justified 3. Why do me,n ¢?ntlnmLlly try tO Justify themselves? and what great
one not care about condemnation from the world? efforts at sel[-~ucuncatlon are being made in these da)s?
4. Howand way did the delegates at the recent Kan ]~’ranctsco Security
.2. Whyis it not the world’s charges from which God Justifies his serv- Conference seek to Justify themselves? amd how may ws know whether
ants? and how does God vindicate himself in all this? they Justify themselves before God7
world of which they are a part, the representatives can’s version of religion. In all these malicious
of the three leading reli~ous communities, Catholic, charges and misrepresentations of Jehovah God the
Protestant and Jewish, intermeddled with the San wicked adversary’s aim is to turn all humankind
Francisco Conference by laying before its delegates away from the universal sovereignty or domination
their proposals arguing for reduction of armaments of Jehovah. It is to prove Goda liar. In the garden
and other measures demandedby the "religious con- of Eden Satan set out to do this, when he tempted
science" of this world. The worries and hopes of unsuspecting Eve into disobedience of Godby deny-
this world were bound up with that security con- ing God’s warning and saying to her: ’’Ye shall not
ference; and hence for a time there is need for it to surely die."--Gen. 3 : 4.
justify itself before menand on the pages of secular ’ The outcome of Adamand Eve’s chosen course
history by means of the documents and the inter- proves the truth of God’s word and the lie in Satan’s
national organization which resulted from it. But word. Yet Satan by means of religious doctrines of
does it justify itself before God?Whether it does humanimmortality, eternal torment, purgatory, etc.,
so or proves itself to be in His sight an abomination has continued to charge God and his Word with
that brings desolation upon this world, this is a falsehood. He has given all religionists a twisted
matter which mere human opinion cannot settle but view of Jehovah. Henceall religionists argue pious-
which must be settled by the plain and unmistakable ly in justification of themselves for teaching and be-
written Word of God. lieving doctrines, commandments,precepts and tra-
Concerning those who thought they could serve ditions of men which contradict God’s Word and
the two masters God and Mammon at the same time, which make his commandments of no force and
the Son of God said: "Ye are they which justify effect. (Matt. 15: 1-9) They thus bring reproach
yourselves before men; but God knoweth your upon Jehovah’s name. But such base charges and
hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among reproach will continue to circulate only till the time
men is abomination in the sight of God." (Luke limit that He has appointed. At the impendingbattle
16 : 13-15) The religionists whoclaim to serve Christ of ArmageddonJehovah will justify himself or vin-
but who strive to gain favor of this world need to dicate himself and his universal domination by de-
study and to get the drift of Paul’s words when he stroying all those whodo not hold to it. Self-iusti-
said: "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do fication by politicians, commercialists, and religion-
I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I ists and their onhangers will not count with Him
should not be the servant of Christ." (Gal. 1: 10) nor bring about their salvation to life.
Nothing should be clearer to us than that the afore- s Concerning that time when Jehovah’s Execu-
mentioned endeavors of men to justify themselves tioner will destroy religious hypocrisy, Christ Jesus
before their fellow men and the world are fruitless. said : "Manywill say to me on that day, ’Lord ! Lord !
Such endeavors do not bring justification from God Was it not in your name that we prophesied, and by
and hence do not bring everlasting life to any human your name that we drove out demons, and by your
creatures, neither preservation of world security, name that we did many mighty acts?’ Then I will
peace and prosperity. Sensible persons of today are say to them plainly, ’I never knew you! Go away
therefore interested in the worth-while justification, from me, you who do wrong!’" And why! Because,
whichbrings life, everlasting life in God’s favor. as Jesus said, "it is not everyone who says to me
’ In all ages of human history Jehovah God has ’Lord! Lord!’ who will get into the Kingdom of
been the object of false charges. All such unjustified Heaven, but only those who do the will of my Fa-
charges have been launched by his great adversary., ther in heaven."~Matt. 7:21-23, Goodspeed.
Satan the Devil, who has put such things into the
minds of men. It is no new thing that men should FIRST IN IMPORTANCE

be char~ng God with the responsibility for this ’ In the controversy between the Bible and the re-
world’s condition. Menhave at all times thrown into hgions of men God’s Word has always prevailed
His face the fact that he has permitted the Devil to over religious doctrines. Jehovah God has always
exist and wickedness to prevail on earth. And if been vindicated. Therefore, when we discuss any-
those whoread the religious effusions from Vatican thing of this kind we should always give the truth
City will stir up their memories, they will remember to God’s Word, and our purpose and effort should
that pope Pins XII charged Godwith responsibility be to vindicate his name and Word. ~rhat if the
for the global war by saying it was a punishment world does not believe? That does not prove God
from Him upon the peoples for not submitting to is not true to his Word. Paul the apostle says:
the pope and coming into harmony with the Vati- 7. How does the self-Justtficat|on of the rellglonlsts bring reproach upon
God’s name? and how wiU he vindicate him~|f?
~. Whyare the efforts to please and Just|fy oneself before men frultl~, 8. How did se~ he will then deal with religious hypocrites who
and in what justification should we interest ourselvea? try to Justify toel~lves7
6. Howhas Jehovah been the object of false charg~ in all ages of hu- 9:. In a discuuion of this subject what first should be our purpose and
man history? and what has been the arm behind all thts? effort, even tnouga the world does not believe God’a Word?
JULY15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 213

"What if some were without faith ? shall their want none like him in the earth, a perfect and upright
of faith makeof none effect the faithfulness of God? man, who fears Godand shuns wickedness ? He still
God forbid: yea, let God be found true, but every holds fast to his integrity, though you incited me
man a liar; as it is written, "That thou [0 God] against him, to ruin him without cause."--Job 2:3,
mightest be justified in thy words, and mightest pre- An American Translation.
vail when thou comest into judgment.’"--Rom. ~’ ~VhenJob’s troubles at Satan’s hands had come
3:3, 4, Am. Stan. Ver.; Goodspeed. more heavily upon him, Satan sent three supposed
~° Christ Jesus told the religionists of his day: friends to Job, presumably to comfort him in his
"By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy sufferings, but really to torment Job by accusing
words thou shalt be condemned." (Matt. 12: 36, 37) him of being a hypocritical sinner who was receiv-
In this day of judg’ment, whenreligionists are giv- ing punishment at God’s hands, but not even as
ing an account for their teachings, the religionists much as he deserved. They therefore urged Job to
are condemnedand God’s Wordof truth is justified. repent and to turn to religion’s practices and tradi-
The religionists are proved to be very unwise. Look tions of men. Under such false accusations at the
at the results of their teachings, the effects of them lips of so-called "friends" Job naturally tried to
upon the world, and the failure of the clergy’s pre- justify himself, arguing that he was suffering with-
dictions for world conversion and spiritual revival out cause. His efforts at justification, however, all
of the nations of "Christendom". All these prove centered upon himself, and left God in the back:
that none of these religionists are justified in calling ground. Fixing his attention upon the creature, Job
themselves "Christians". God, whose wisdomis per- left out of consideration the supremacy of Jehovah
fect and who gives wisdom liberally to those who God and God’s right to do with his creatures what
worship him in spirit and in truth, is justified by he wills, even to permitting them to suffer unjustly
all his works, strange though his works may seem at enemybands for a vindication of His name. Hence
to religious unbelievers. Christ Jesus declared: God was not altogether pleased with Job. Concern-
"Wisdomis justified by her works"; or, "wisdom is ing this it is written: "So these three menceased to
justified of all her children." (Matt. 11: 19, Am. Stan. answer Job, because he was righteous in his own
Ver.; Luke 7: 35) The faithful observer of God’s eyes. Then was kindled the wrath of Elihu the son
works says: "O LORD[Jehovah], how manifold are of Barachel the Buzite, of the kindred of Ram:
thy works! in wisdomhast thou made them all: the against Job was his wrath kindled, because he justi-
earth is full of thy riches."--Ps. 104:24; Jas. 1:5. fied himself rather than God. Also against his three
~ First, therefore, as of all importance comesthe friends was his wrath kindled, because they had
justification of God, that is to say, His vindication. found no answer, and yet had condemned Job."
He does not need us to vindicate him. He will vin- --Job 32 : 1-3.
dicate his name completely at the battle of Arma- "Not only did Jehovah God let his young prophet
geddon, beyond denial by anyone in all creation. Elihu speak in support of God’s righteousness of
While he does not depend upon us for vindication, action, but also God spoke to Job in vindication of
he is pleased to let us do something toward vindica- His own permission of Job’s sufferings. "Moreover
tion of his name. What?Standing up for his justice, the Load answered Job, and said, Shall he that con-
his righteousness, his name, and his universal dom- tendeth with the Almighty instruct him? he that re-
ination, and faithfully living in accordance there- proveth God, let him answer it. Then Job answered
with, although it bring suffering at tim hands of the LOAD, and said, Behold, I am vile; what shall I
this world under Satan the Devil. answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my month.
~2 In this regard, let us not forget the case of that Once have I spoken; but I will not answer: Yea,
man of patient endurance, Job. This Job, wholived twice; but I will proceed no further. Then answered
fifteen centuries ahead of Christ, was a manof in- the Lol~Dunto Job out of the whirlwind, and said,
tegrity toward Jehovah God. That is to say, neither Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demandof
prosperity nor adversity could cause Job to lose thee, and declare thou unto me. Wilt thou also dis-
faith in Jehovah and to den)’ Him and quit serving annul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that
Him. His faith and devotion to God remained intact, thou mayest be righteous?" (Job 40: 1-8) Then the
or untouched, in spite of all that the De~il was per- Lord reproved Job’s three false friends, saying:
mitted to bring against him. After the test of Job ’~For ye have not spoken of me the thing that is
had begun, at Satan’s hands, Jehovah said to Satan : right, as myservant Job hath." Having first vindi-
"Have you noticed my servant Job, that there is cated himself, Jehovah then vindicates his servant
I0. In this day of Judgment how are the rellglonlsta condemned and 13. HOWdid Job’s "three friends" accuse him? and why was Job not
proved unwise, but how is wisdom Justified of her children? altogether pi~uling to Jehovah in hi- controversy with them?
11. Are we necessary to God’s vindication? and how may we have a 14. Howdid Jehovah then deal with Job In vindication of Himself~ and
part thereto ? what lhould our sTare, nation of Jt~ttflcation of hfs primarily seek to
12. How was Job a man of integrity? and declared so by whom? pro~e?
N. Y.

Job. "And the LORDturned the captivity of Job, ter of circumcision and other matters of the Mosaic
when he prayed for his friends: also the LORDgave law. Hence, not wanting to be criticized by these cir-
Job twice as muchas he had before." (Job 42 : 7, 10) cumcised Jewish Christians, Peter quits associating
Keeping, now, those important points of instruction with those Gentries so intimately. Others are im-
in mind, let us go on with our examination of "jus- pressed by Peter’s avoidance of the Gentile believ-
tification of life", with a view to proving one pri- ers and follow suit, and Barnabas among them.
mary thing, namely, God’s righteousness in his jus- This gives the impression that, to have a righteous
tifying of creatures to everlasting life: "to declare, standing with Jehovah God, it was necessary for
I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might Gentiles to be circumcised and to conform to other
be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in things of Moses’ law.
Jesus."--Rom. 3 : 26. ~’ Bear in mind that this was after Peter, or
Cephas, had been sent to Cornelius’ home, a Gen-
A MUCH DISPUTED MATTER tile home, by God’s angel and had preached the
~5 Nonecan afford to say, ’Well, I try to be decent gospel to uncircumcised Gentiles there and they had
and respectable, and to do what is right; and so I believed in Christ and received the holy spirit and
do not need to worry about the future. Everything its gift of spealdng with tongues. (Acts 10) Remem-
should turn out all right with me in the end.’ That ber also that it was after that first general confer-
is a case of leaning to one’s ownunderstanding. It ence of apostles and elders in Jerusalem, where the
is a case of justifying oneself according to one’s own conference, under guidance of God’s holy spirit, de-
or other men’s standards of uprightness, without cided that, to be saved as believers in Christ, it was
regard to the standards of God. It is a case of igno- not necessary for Gentiles to be circumcised or be
rance of God’s plainly written Word. This matter of otherwise subject to Moses’law. (Acts 15 : 13-29) And
justification is a question of life and death. It does yet now, Peter, Barnabas and other Jewish believers
not deserve to be dismissed or waved aside with at Antioch act contrary to their better knowledge.
such a slight self-righteous remark or self-confident They hold aloof from the Christians converted from
air. "Justification of life" was a question that rocked amongthe heathen, out of fear of the circumcised
the early Christian church, shaking out the reli- messengers from James. All this casts doubt and
gionists and alerting the Christian congregation uncertainty upon what is the proper basis for jus-
against sly inroads of religious errors. Let us go tification with God. Paul now tells what he did to
back to that time, to about A.D. 52. We find our- straighten out the situation for the sake of truth
selves in the city of Antioch, Syria, about 200 miles and justice and in vindication of God’s way:
north of Damascus. The apostle Paul and his com- ,,,,But when I saw that they were not straight-
panion worker Barnabas are there, "teaching and forward about the truth of the good news, I said
preaching the word of the Lord." (Acts 15: 35) Not to Cephas[the apostle Peter], right before them all,
only are there Jewish believers in Christ at Antioch, ’If you live like a heathen and not like a Jew, though
but also many believers are there from among the you are a Jew yourself, why should you try to make
Gentiles or non-Jews. Shortly Cephas, or Peter, the heathen live like Jews T’ Wewho are Jews by
comes up from Jerusalem and gets acquainted with birth, and not sinful heathen, but who know that
the Christians at Antioch. He accepts invitations a man is not made upright by doing what the Law
from Gentiles, persons never circumcised but who commands, but by faith in Christ Jesus--even we
were believers and followers of Christ Jesus, and believed in Christ Jesus, so as to be made upright
eats with them. [be justified] by faith in Christ and not by doing
1, Back in Jerusalem the apostle James, brother what the Law commands--for by doing what the
of John, had long been dead, killed as a martyr; Law commands no one can be made upright [be
but another apostle James, the son of Alphaeus, justified]. If through our efforts to be madeupright
was taking a leading part. He had even presided at [justified] through Christ, we have ourselves been
the conference of apostles and elder brethren at proved as much’sinners’ as the heathen, does that
Jerusalem not so long previous, which Paul and make Christ encourage sin? By no means. I really
Barnabas had attended. This James sends up cer- convict myself of wrongdoing when I start to re-
tain brethren from Jerusalem to Antioch. As soon build what I tore down [as Peter, Barnabas and
as Peter, or Cephas, hears of their arrival, he others were doing by building up again a respect
changes his course of conduct. He well knows that for circumcision and other Mosaic law requirements
these messengers from James were, some of them, as a basis for justification]. For it is through the
converted Jews but not altogether clear on the mat- Law that I have become dead to the Law, so that
15. With what saying do some show ignorance of God’s standards? and 17, Whywere Peter. and Ms fellows acting contrary to better knowledge?
why does Justification of llfe not de~erve to be lightly brushed aside? and what matter rid it bring in doubt~
16. Hownow dld Peter’s course at AntAoch le~d up to a discussion of 18. What did Paul then do to straighten out the situation? and what
how to have a righteous standing before God? did he say about himself as to living henceforth?
JULY15, 1945 eWATCHTOWER. 215

I maylive for God. I have been crucified with Christ, But Paul no longer claimed to be alive to the old
and it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives law. Christ Jesus having abolished that law cove-
in me. The life I am now living in the body I am nant by his cursed death on the tree, Paul died to
living by faith in the Son of Godwho loved me and that law in Christ or by reason of Christ’s death.
gave himself for me. I refuse to nullify the mercy He did not choose to die as a covenant-breaker, like
of God [by going back to the works of the Mosaic those Jews whorefused Christ and tried to stay liv-
law covenant]. For if uprightness could be secured ing under the law. Hence he said: "I have been cru-
through law, then Christ died for nothing !"--Gal. cified with Christ."
2 : 14-21, Gooclspeed. s~ Henceforth Paul was living, but not as a Jew
,s In saying that through the law he died to the under the old Mosaic law. He was now living as a
law, Paul apparently meant this: Moses’ law, which Christian, as a follower of Christ, as one whorecog-
Paul had once thought to be a meansto justification nized that Christ is "the way, and the truth, and the
of life, he found to be unto death, in that it showed life". (John 14: 6) Accordingly Paul said: "I live;
him up to be a sinner unable to keep God’s perfect yet not I [as a Jew, trying to justify myself to life
law, and hence a covenant-breaker. That Mosaic by works of the law], but Christ liveth in me: and
law plainly said: "Cursed is every one that con- the life whichI nowlive in the flesh [as a Christian]
tinueth not in all things which are written in the I live by the faith of the Son of God, wholoved me,
book of the law to do them." (Gal. 3:10; Deut. and gave himself for me."~Gal. 2 : 20.
27: 26; Jer. 11: 3-5) So Paul, being convicted as "Everlasting life is not by the works of the
covenant-breaker against God’s law, was pronounced Mosaic law, but by God’s grace or mercy through
dead by it. His hope of getting life by it died. Thus Christ. Hence Paul said he was not trying to frus-
by that very pronouncement of the law he died to trate the mercy of God by going back to the works
the law; for one who is dead is not under the law. of the law for justification. To do that would mean
As Paul further explains : "Wherefore, my brethren, he looked on Christ’s death as of no benefit and of
ye also were made dead to the law through the body no power to liberate Jews from the law. "For if
of Christ: that ye should be joined to another, even righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead
to him whowas raised from the dead, that we might in vain." (Gal. 2:21) All the world tries to justify
bring forth fruit unto God .... now we have been itself by works of law, including the natural Jews
discharged from the law, having died to that wherein who boast and glory in being circumcised accord-
we were held; so that we serve in newness of the ing to Moses’ law. But Paul sets the proper course
spirit [of God], and not in oldness of the letter [of for true Christians, saying: "God forbid that I
the written law]." (Rom. 7:4-6, Am. Stan. Vet.) should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus
Hence, having become dead to the law through its Christ, by whomthe world is crucified unto me, and
very pronouncements and having turned to Christ I auto the world. For in Christ Jesus neither cir-
for life, Paul and fellow Jewish believers could live cumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumeision,
for God, with his spirit in them as a moving force but a new creature." (Gal. 6:14, 15) Yes, Paul was
and not under the urge of having to keep the old law. dead to the world, being viewed by the world as a
:OThat same Mosaic law prescribed: "Cursed is crucified cursed creature, a criminal slave. At the
every one that hangeth on a tree." (Gal. 3:13; Deut. same time the world was under God’s curse of de-
21:23) Nowthe Jewish people, due to their failure struction and was a crucified dead thing to Paul.
to keep the law covenant, were under its curse. HencePaul did not care to tlve to the world. He did
Henceto relieve them of this curse, it was necessary not consider himself bound to live according to the
for Christ Jesus to be made a curse for them. and world by conforming to its way and taking part in
this he could do by being hanged on a tree. Seeing its works. He sought not to be justified by living up
that he was nailed, he was not hung from a limb of to its standards, but followed Christ faithfully unto
a tree, but was hung by nails on a tree stake (stauros the death.
--Greek). He was "crucified" (to use the common SSBeing appointed by Christ specially as the
word). His death on the tree, therefore, made the "apostle of the Gentiles", Paul was outstandingly a
old law a dead letter as to the Jews. Nevertheless, contender for justification by faith. Of the twelve
many Jews in ignorance tried to keep on living un- apostles of the Lambhe had the most to say about
der it or to it. Theystill looked up to its obligations justification of life by faith; and this marvelous
and let themselves be bound by it, and let the Jew- feature of God’s arrangement is made clear mainly
ish priests and scribes and doctors of the law still through Paul. Gentiles to whomhe was sent would
dictate to them, instead of following the Messiah.
21. How, then, wall Paul living?
19. How through the law did Paul become dead to the law? and for 22. In what way did Paul not try to frustrate
*was he God’s mercy? and how
whom did he h~e henceforth? "eruetfied" to the world, and it to him
20 What was the effect of Christ’s death as regards the law. t and why 23. To what extent and why was Paul a contender for Justification by
did Paul say he was "’crucified with Christ"? faith? and why should we down here be interested ta it?
N. Y.

be particularly interested in the truth of justifica- of one, unto all mento condemnation; so also bv the
tion by faith. (Rom. 11:13) Now, if the doctrine justice of one, unto all mento justification of life."
justification was taken so seriously back there, and (Rom.5: 18) Certain students, lifting this verse out
if it was the grounds for such warm discussion in of its context and using it as the all-determining
the apostolic days of Christianity, then indeed it rule to measure howfar this "justification of life"
should be just as mucha matter of intense interest reaches and to whom, earnestly argue that Romans
for all seekers of life downhere. 5:18 of itself proves that this justification of life
=’ It should be more so. For we are at the end of extends to every man that has been born on earth,
the so-called "Christian era", in reality at the end excepting, of course, Jesus Christ. They argue that
of the world with all its political, commercial,social "all men" in the first part of the verse means ex-
and religious institutions. Weare, therefore, in a actly that many, and so "all men" in the second part
great period of change, the time of crossing over of the verse means the equal number of men; and
from the old Satan-controlled world to the new that, therefore, the only conclusion is that such justi-
Christ-controlled world. The justified followers of fication comes to each and every manborn into this
Christ Jesus whoare called to the kingdomof heav- world regardless of his own will or wish. That is
en are nowgradually passing off the visible scene. to say, it comesautomatically to him, the justifica-
The nucleus of that class of human creatures who tion being a blanket arrangement that is entirely
will live on earth forever is being formed. At arbitrary on God’s part, a unilateral or one-sided
the same time there are the billions of humansthat action by God.
sleep in the tombs or graves, with no possibilities =’Although they may not realize it, their ar~-
for future life except by Jehovah’s provision. What merit is that of the religionists whoteach so-called
connection has justification with those not in the "universal salvation". To show this, we quote from
’qdngdom of heaven" class? As for those humans a universalist publication on Romans5:18, as fol-
now on earth who have prospects of living through lows, using its italicized words: "The parallel here
this transition period and reaching the new world, is perfect. Adam’sone offense is counteracted by
do they possess the justification by faith which has Christ’s one just award. The act of Adamactually
distinguished the Kingdomclass alone down to this affects all mankind. So Christ’s work, eventually,
end of the world? Do those billions of human dead must also actually justify all mankind .... If
in the graves have credited to them a justification Adam’s offense only gave each one an opportunity
of which they are not as yet aware .~ and does their to sin, so that some becomesinners and others not,
being awakened from the dead depend upon such a then we might say that Christ’s work brings justi-
justification? Such questions cannot be held down, fication to all subject to their acceptance. But we
but force themselves upon our attention. They de- must aclmowledge that man has no choice in becom-
serve an answer, that thereby the subject of justi- ing a sinner, thus also will it be through the work
fication maybe settled in our minds in harmonywith of Christ. Both are actual and universal." (Revised
God’s Word. edition, 1930) Before accepting such a conclusion we
must ask, Was that the conclusion of the apostle
Paul’s argument? Was that the direction in which
" ~\qlen examining just whomjustification of life he was guiding our minds down to the end of his
takes in, some Bible readers seize upon the Scrip- argument? Do the verses surrounding Romans 5:18
ture text quoted at the be~nning of this article and support such a universal-justification argument? It
make it the absolute measuring rod for their minds is left to each one to be persuaded in his ownmind;
by which everything else must be measured in order but this article and succeeding ones are set out to
to settle this question. The text quoted above (ac- show that the answer is No; and to show the reasons
cording to the American Sta~utard Version transla- according to the Bible for such negative answer.
tion) reads in the popular King James Version as =’ Man’s helplessness to justify himself before
follows: "Therefore as by the offence of one judg- Godfor everlasting life is admitted by all reason-
ment came upon all men to condemnation; even so able persons, especially those honest persons who
by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon have God’s viewpoint by means of his Word. And
all menunto justification of life." (Rom.5: 18) The so the psalmist David, when under condemnation
italicized words were added by the King James Ver- by religious men, cried out: "Hear my prayer, O
sion as needed to complete the thought of the verse. LORD,give ear to mysupplications: in thy faithful-
The RomanCatholic Douay Version is consequently ness answer me, and in thy righteousness. Andenter
more literal in reading: "Therefore, as by the offence
28. According to what religious argument are such ones proceeding?
25. a~s sshould
24. Why to how many Justification
Justification of more
be an even Ufe embraces, what text do
intensely intere~ting some
subject a~d before accepting such a conclusion, what question should we have
to us? and what questions now arising thereon deserve answer? answered 7
27. Howdid David, in the Psalms, acknowledge man’s inability to Justify
use the absolute measuring rule, and with what arguments? himself? add why?
JULY15, 1945 cWATCHTOWEI 217
not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight ther law that applied to them. Before Eve’s crea-
shall no man living be justified." (Ps. 143: 1,2) tion Jehovah God expressed that law: "Jehovah God
David was not saying, neither were his words pre- commandedthe man, saying, Of every tree of the
served in the Bible to say, that Godwouldnot justify garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the
many from among men in His own time and way. knowledgeof good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:
Why, then, did David thus speak? Because he knew for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt
his ownimperfections and sinfulness, with which he surely die."--Gen. 2 : 16, 17, Am. Stun. Ver.
was born. To quote him from another psalm ad- 8o Had Adamremained just, righteous, or upright
dressed to God: "Against thee, thee only, have I by perfect obedience to his Creator Jehovah, he
sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou would have been justified to everlasting life. It
mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be would have meant "justification of life". The right
clear when thou judgest. Behold, I was shapen in to life, which he had only conditionally in the gar-
iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me." den of Eden until his obedience should be proved,
(Ps. 51 : 4, 5) "So in guilt was I begotten, and in sin would have become a permanent right to life. The
did my mother conceive me." (Amer. Trans.) This entire arrangement was a just one on God’s part,
bespeaks the condition of the entire human fam- and he was justified in making such an arrangement.
fly, not excluding Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus. Adam’sjustification would have been, not a justifi-
,e David was not thereby excusing himself, argu- cation by faith, but a justification by virtue of his
ing that Godhad done him an injustice to let him be perfection coupled with his tested and proved per-
born thus and that therefore God owed it to him to fect obedience. He had human perfection and per-
justify him and all the rest of manldnd in order to fect righteousness, not by faith in the Son of God,
balance matters justly. David was asking, not for but actually, hence needing nothing to be credited to
justice, but for mercy from God. Sin is sin; and him in that respect. Andas such justified creature
David had committed sin, even if predisposed to it of flesh, he was a son of God: "Adam,which was the
by birth; and it brought a righteous penalty. Hence son of God."---Luke 3: 38.
it was now up to the great Judge Jehovah to show ~’ When Adam, under the temptation by Satan
mercy, according to His pleasure. David’s words through Eve, sinned by breaking God’s law, Satan
agree with the same fact mentioned by the apostle introduced sin into the world by Adam. Therel)y
Paul in his ar~ment on justification, namely: Adamlost his justification before God and was con-
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into tile demned and sentenced to death. Being unworthy of
world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon living anywhere, he must be returned to the state
all men, for that all have sinned." (Rom. 5:12) of non-existence. "Return unto the ground; for out
medical board, nor board of health, nor any post- of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto
war world organization can do anything about this, dust shalt thou return." (Gen. 3 : 17-19) In imposing
but they are themselves all subject to this death- such a sentence God was righteous; and when exe-
dealing process. cuting it he was righteous, in driving man, together
~* Adamdid not suffer injustice when God sen- with his wife, out of Eden: "lest he put forth his
tenced him to death. Adamand his wife Eve were hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and
both created perfect, hence sinless. It lay with them live for ever." "So he drove out the man; and he
whether they were to stay sinless and perfect. If placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubinis,
they did so, that would please God; and the)-, by and a flaming sword which turned every way, to
reason of their maintained perfection and sinless- keep the wayof the tree of life."--Gen. 3 : 22, 24.
ness or righteousness, would be justified to ever-
lasting life on earth. That is, the)’ would be pro- MERCY AND GRACE

nounced right by God as being worth)" of everlast- ,2 Adamwas no longer justified to life, and hence
ing life according to God’s ownlaw of righteousness. none of his offspring could of themselves be justi-
Adamand Eve both knew God’s law to them in the fied. Was an injustice done to Adam’sdescendants
garden. God said to them: "Be fruitful, and multi- because of that result to them? Certainly not on
ply, and replenish [fill] the earth, and subdue it: God’s part, but on Adam’s part. Adamwas the one
and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over that wronged his own offspring. But as for God, it
the fowl of the air, and over ever), living thing that was a mercy that any of Adam’soffspring were born
moveth upon the earth." (Gen. 1:28) Besides that at all. Even their imperfect existence on earth is a
divine mandate, which their justification would have mercy from God, and not a right. God could have
enabled and entitled them to fulfill, there was a fur- 30 What was God’s Just arrangement respecting the perfect Adam? and
was his to be a Justification by faith?
28. Wlth what words of Paul do David’s words agree? and was not 31. How was sin introduced into the world? and how did God act
David therefore demanding justification? righteously in the matter?
29, Why was Adamdone no inJus~Ice in being sentenced to death? and 32 Who was the one that did injustice to Adam’s offspring? and how
to what would Adam and Eve’s Justification have eutltled them? b~ts mercy been shown them?
N. Y.

executed Adamand Eve at once after driving them in order that Satan might horn in on Jehovah’s
out of the garden of Eden, and thus none of Adam’s universal sovereignty and bring universal reproach
offspring would have come into existence. upon His name. Because such religionists overlook
"Let all of us reflect that the divine mandate to the vindication of God’s nameand universal domina-
Adamand Eve to "multiply and fill the earth" was tion, they mistakenly argue for universal justifica-
given to the perfect man and woman,and not to un- tion from such condemnation. Because they overlook
righteous sinners. Hence, since Adam and Eve that God’s purpose to justify many from among
sinned before begetting the human family, we can- humankind is a matter of his mercy and loving-
not lay the blame to God. He remained justified. kindness, such religionists contend that God’s
Our present condition of imperfection and sin is equally-balanced justice must bring about the justi-
attributable to Adam,and, in back of him, to Satan fication of life of each and all of humankind.
the Devil. Weinherited sin and imperfection from ~’ The vindication of Jehovah’s name and univer-
Adam; and it was a mercy of God that he permitted sal sovereignty does not require the supposed "uni-
such creatures to be born on earth, which earth he versal justification", arbitrarily, unilaterally, on
had created for the purpose of being inhabited by His part. The question of integrity, as in Job’s case,
perfect men and womenfaithfully worshiping him. is linked up with the issue of Jehovah’s universal
If God had cut straight across to this purpose, he domination. Integrity is not a matter of God’s forc-
would have blotted out Adamand Eve instantly, ing men to show devotion to His universal sover-
never have permitted the birth of unrighteous hu- eignty, but means rather the Devil’s attempting to
man creatures, and created a new perfect human force mento forsake God’s side under stress of per-
pair to give the human family a righteous start. secution or temptation. Jehovah God, instead of
Therefore Godowes nothing to us. Absolute justice forcing submission and obedience, permits his men
does not require of him to justify any of us or all of integrity to be subjected to the Devil’s assaults.
of us to everlasting life as an offset for the undone He thus lets them voluntarily choose to stay with
condition in which we were born. He has shown us God’s side, even at the cost of the great suffering.
imperfect creatures mercy; and this mercy he has Their refusal to give in to the Devil’s pressure and
shownfor his o,~"n name’s sake, in order that his their willingly holding fast their integrity toward
name might be vindicated from the reproach that Jehovah God, this is what proves the Devil a liar
Satan heaped upon it by causing mankind’s fall. and vindicates the name and universal domination
Absolute justice demands, not our justification, but of the Supreme One, Jehovah. Arbitrary compelling
the justification of God’s name. of his creatures, either any or all of them, would
" God’s law is, "The wages of sin is death." (Rom. never justify Godand vindicate him before all crea-
6: 23) Since all of Adam’sposterity were born sin- tion. It would never answer the challenging false
ners, without right to life and unjustified, death charge of the Devil that Godcould not hold his uni-
passed upon all of us. Wehave all sinned; all of us versal sovereignty if he let his devoted creatures
should be honest enough to admit that we are sin- be exposed to the Devil’s temptations and persecu-
ners. Thus out of that "one transgression" in Eden tions. (Job 2: 1-6) This fact, of itself, rules out any
there arose "many offences" or "many trespasses". arbitrary, unilateral action of Godto justify all men
Who, then, can rightfully claim that Adam’s par- collectively in an automatic manner.
taldng of tile forbidden fruit was a small tiling, not " The Bible strongly stresses the fact that it is of
deserving of the penalt3" of death? But all of us God’s mercy that justification of life comes to many
being born unrighteous and hence under condemna- men. It is to such undeserved kindness that the
tion, the apostle Paul correctly sums it up, saying: apostle Paul refers under the term "grace", which
"Therefore, as by the offence of one, unto all mento grace is granted "freely" or without cost to the re-
condemnation." (Douay Version) Or: ’%Vell, then, ceiver. Writing to menwho were justified by faith,
just as the result of a single transgression is con- the apostle says: "But after that the kindness and
demnation for all mankind."--Weymouth. love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, not
~ There are some religionists who think that by works of righteousness which we have done, but
therefore absolute justice requires all mankind, according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing
downto the last individual, to be justified, willingly of regeneration, and renewing of the holy [spirit] ;
or not. Their reasoning would make it appear that which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus
Godwas the one that plunged all men into condemna- Christ our Saviour ; that being justified by his grace,
tion ; whereas it was Satan the Devil through Adam, we should be made heirs according to the hope of
33 Taking the divine mandate into consideration, why doe* God not eternal fife." (Titus 3:4-7) "Being justified freely
owe us anything, and certainly not Justification?
34. What after-effects show Adam’s eating of forbidden fruit wtm not 86. Does vindication of God’s name and sovereignty require "univer~al
a small thing? and how does Paul sum it up?
35. What therefore do some rellglonists argue that absolute Justice re-
~ustlflcation"? and why so?
7. To what, then, is Justification
doel the apostle Paul so state?
really to be attributed? and how
qmres? but what facts do they o~erlook?
J~Y 15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 219

by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ transgressed God’s law and lost his justification be-
Jesus : whomGodhath set forth to be a propitiation fore God and became an imperfect sinner under sen-
through faith in his blood, to declare his righteous- tence of God’s broken law. That is what Adamlost
ness for the remission [the passing over] of sins for all his offspring, so that all were born unjust in
that are past, through the forbearance of God; to the sight of God, and without any right to life. Our
declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that appreciating this point will help us to see the posi-
he might be just, and the justifier of him which be- tion of those who are now granted justification of
lieveth in Jesus."--Rom. 3: 24-26. life by God’s grace and mercy. Ah, but someonewill
"Note in those scriptures that God’s mercy and say, how can such be? The Bible shows that some
favor are put in play at the same time with his jus- are justified now and have been since the time of
tice. There is no disagreement or contradiction be- Jesus Christ, and yet did any of such justified Chris-
tween God’s attributes or qualities because of this. tians have human perfection? Were any of them
His mercy is toward the creatures in not requiring actually perfect in the flesh ? If they had the right to
from them that which justice could rightly exact or everlasting life in humanperfection on earth, why,
demand,but, instead, providing justification of life then, have they died, leaving only a remnant of such
for those who receive it. But by such mercy to hu- ones on earth today? Wereply to this, that here is
mans, his justice is not set aside. He does not re- where what the Bible speaks of as "being justified
voke his law as if it had never been broken or had by faith" comes in. An understanding of this helps
never existed and applied to creatures. The one to- us to understand the Christian’s position before God
ward whomjustice is exercised is Jehovah, to see during the centuries past, and why it has been pe-
to it that the demands of his law are fully met so culiar to Christians whoare called to the Kingdom
that he can legally and righteously show mercy to and still is peculiar to them at this end of the world.
sinful creatures. His justice does not require that ’° To such Christians in line for the Kingdomit is
justification be bestowed obligatorily upon all hu- written: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have
man creatures without respect of their wills. His peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
justice does require that, in order for justification (Rom. 5: 1) Also: "The law was our schoolmaster
to come to any lnunans, be they many or few, the to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by
demands of his violated law must first be met. In faith." (Gal. 3:24) One whoclaims to be a Christian
that way he can both continue to be just or righteous with the expectation of going to heaven should un-
and also be the Justifier. His perfect wisdomand derstand this subject of being justified by faith,
his all-power enabled him to be so, as our further seeing that the Bible has so much to say about it.
examination will show. His wisdom, justice, love and Devoted men and women of good-will today, who
power are thus all in action. entertain the hope of surviving Armageddon and
3, From our consideration of Adam’scase and how gaining life on earth in the NewWorld, should also
he lost justification and brought condemnation upon understand this subject, to ascertain if they too are
all his offspring, we can appreciate that "justifica- now"justified by faith" or what their justification
tion of life" must involve humancreatures. It must will meanto them. Besides which, the question still
involve the bringing of those whogain justification remains to be fully answered in these columns on
of life to the standing that Adamhad before he that part of Romans5:18 which says: "So also by
sinned, which was a righteous human standing on the justice of one, -unto all mento justification of
earth before Jehovah God. It must mean, therefore, life." (Douay) Are you, as a seeker of everlasting
the condition of humanperfection, free of any con- life, interested in all this ? Then, friend reader, you
demnation from God, and with eternal life on earth will be glad to await with patience articles in fur-
before one. That is what Adamlost in Eden whenhe ther treatment of the subject of justification in fol-
38. In this, why is there no disagreement or contradiction between lowing issues of The Watchtower.
God’s mercy and Justice?
39. is) What kind of creatures must "Justification of life" involve? 40 On this point what does the apostle Paul write to Christlans~ and
and what therefore does it mean?(b) What questions may someone now why shouk~ heavenward-boundChristians and also men of good-will be
raise, and ~hat help8 us to understandthe answer? interested to pursuethis study of J~tlflcatton?


S T. LOUIS, Mo., marked the parting

two representatives
of the ways for the
of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract
whose travels we have been following in these
columns for several issues past. While F. W. Franz, a director
on the same theme, "The Meek Inherit
with the world-wide public-speaking
the Earth." In harmony
campa,gn which began m
January of this year, the Soc,ety provided printed copies of this
particular speech so that, in the United States alone, 280 com-
of the Society, turned eastward toward Chicago for a specml panies of Jehovah’s witnesses could put on this speech sunul-
public meeting there on Sunday, April 29, N. H. Knorr, the raucously, namely, on AprLl 29. At Kansas City, where our Brother
president of the Society, turned westward, making his first stop Knott addressed the pubhc in the City Audltormm, there was an
at Kansas City, Mo., for a public meeting on the same date, and attendance of 2,600, and at the close of the address the booklet
N. Y.

containing the speech just delivered, ’The Meek Inherit the Earth; petitioncampaignby Jehovah’s witnessesin Canada.The entlre
was released and copies were given free to all attenders. The monthof May had beenset asidefor them to obtainat leastone
attendanees at the othersof the 280 pubhcmeetingsrun it up to millionsignaturesof Canadiansto a petitionto be servedon the
a totalfigureof 101,554.Preliminary to suchpublicmeetings, DominionGovernmentrequestingthe removalof the two Watch
specialmeetingsof the companieswere heldSaturdaynight,and TowerSocietiesfrom under the unwarranted restnctlonImposed
thesewere featuredby the simultaneous releaseof a most valu- by the 1940 bans. With the petitionwork being pushed from
ableaid to the generalpublic-speaking campaignand witnessing houseto houseand by otherapproaches to the people,the poli-
work,namely,the Society’snew publication, the 384-pagebook ticians of Canada were soon aware of what was going on, and
Theocratic A,d to Kingdom Publishers. All stocks of the new book theeffectsthereofon thepolitical
available at the company meetings were almost instantly depleted
by the enthusiastic Kingdom publishers in attendance. BRITISH COLUMBIA
Following the public meeting, Brother K_uorr was joined at The two eagerly-awaited travelers safelyarrivedin Vancouver,
Kansas City by two other members of the Brooklyn headquarters British Columbia,and were met and warmly welcomed by the
operating force, T. J. Sullivan of the office personnel and George
IBSA servantfor Canada, Percy Chapman,and other brethren.
Hannah of the factory, personnel, and together they proceeded A three-day assemblywas arranged for thisbeautiful slxty-year-
on to Salt Lake City, Utah, the central stronghold of Mormonism.
old cityof Vancouver. On this occasionthe cloudsand rain ob-
Here a special three-day session was held ~th ten of the So- scuredfrom view the beautifulsurroundings of the city.But,
cmty’s servants to the brethren who are carrying on special min- by the inclementweather,the localbrethrenhad gone
isterial work in the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast areas. The
forwardwith zeal in the preparations for the assembly,to be
local brethren right there in the heart of the majestic Rocky held in the Fox’urn,at Exhibition Park.Amld continual showers
mountains also came in for some attention, the advertising
and Brother Knott wentaheadthroughout the city and suburbs,mak-
spoke to a gathering of 359 of them Saturday, May 5, on service
ing knownto all citizens that the speech"The ’Commander to the
matters. Sunday a well-advertised Peoples’"was to be deliveredby the presidentof the IBSA on
public meeting on the subject
"The ’Commander to the Peoples’" drew an attendance of 519. Sunday, May 13. This was the first visit of a president of thzs
From now on Brothers Knorr and Hannah were to be com-Associataon in the western provinces of the Domimonof Canada
panions in travel in a great swing through northern latitudes in more than twenty years, and it was certainly with great joy
and anticipation
carrying them to the Pacific Coast and up into Canada almost to that all the brethren and persons of good-u’t~
the parallel of 54 ° and then eastward to the shores of Lake
planned on coming to see and hear him.
Ontario, and then southward to the great Atlantic Hundreds shared in one phase or another of the pubhclty cam-
seaport o£
paign, not dropping altogether,
NewYork city. All this was aecomphshed by rail travel, beginning either, the petition work. Large
with a scenic ride northwestward to Spokane, Washington. At sixteen-foot signs were mounted on the ears and erected on veran-
das and vacant lots and on highways. A thousand window cards
this city the time permitted for our traveling brethren to get out
decorated the downtown district.
into the house-to-house field work with their fellow publishers. Two thousand poster cards were
The territory, displayed.
being worked was on this occasion being gone over Many auto bumper signs were in ewdenee And the
the ninth time m as many weeks. Nevertheless, publishers utilized 1,500 reformation placards and 250,000 hand-
the group of five
bills in the greatest advertising effort Vancouver has yet seen.
in which our brethren found themselves encountered considerable
interest among the people called upon and placed 12 bound books persons to the number of 3,000 received a personal
and 45 booklets. Meetings held here on this day, Tuesday, had invitation by letter; whale the traveling public .were continually
their greatest attendance, namely, 750, when Brother Knorr ad-greeted by the special signs carried on every streetcar for the
whole week, In every part of the city. Ads were stenciled on 250
dressed the brethren that night. An all-day train trip then brought
our brethren to Seattle, automobiles, and bicycles were fitted
Washington, just an hour ahead of the up with signs and were
routed m six different
meeting for the brethren, at 8 : 30 p.m. This was attended by 1,314. directmns. The radm station also earned
spot announcements, and most of the pubhshers had the small
Thereafter, at 10 : 15 p.m., Brother Irdxorr interviewed the pioneer
publishers present for three-quarters handbill pinned on the coat lapel. At 7 a.m. of the day o£ Brother
of an hour. The hour, of
Knorr’s arnval tn town more than 50 pioneer publishers braved
course, was late, but the time of stopover in Seattle was short,
the rain and presented themselves for ser~ace and worked with
and so all tmae available was put to use for the edification of the
brethren and the advancement of the R’mgdom interest the placards and handbills downtown, meeting the people as they
m the
great Northwest. alighted from the streetcars and railway trains. In wew of the
fact that this section of Vancouver is very much alive until mld-
CANADA AT THE TIME mght, an invitation was served to the brethren to engage in infor-
mation walking and handbdl distrlbutmn after the Assembly’s
Next day, May 10, the Doimmon of Canada beckoned to our Saturday evening session. In response 126 brethren took on an
travelingbrethren.Now it would not be legallypossiblefor assignment, and some continued on serving to as late as mxdmght
BrotherK.norrto travelIn his capacityof presidentof the Watch
TowerSociety,but solelyas one of Jehovah’switnessesand as The day of the pubhc lecture being only five days after "V-E
premdentof the International Bible StudentsAssociation,or Day" (May 8), military parades had been arranged by the people
IBSA.In explanationof thls mtuatlona littlehistorywill be of Vancouver as well as various religious serrates, and these had
fittingfor many of our readers,especially amongour hundreds been widely advertised in the newspapers; also this day, May 13,
of thousandsof new subscribers.On America’sIndependence Day, was set aside as "Mother’s Day" for the rehgmmsts. Regardless
July 4, 1940, the Canadiangovernment3aeldedto what is now of such counter attractions, the attendance at the Forum to hear
knownand aAunttedto be religious pressurefrompowerfulclergy "The ’Commander to the Peoples’" turned out to be most gratify-
groupsand imposeda ban on Jehovah’switnessesin Canada,to ing, namely, 4,500. The pubhc as well as the brethren appreciated
be followedshortlyafterwardswith a ban on the International Brother Knurls masterly presentation of this subject, and the
Bible Students Assoclatmn of Canada and the Watch Tower pubhc accepted more than 2,000 copies of the booklet "The 9- Ksn
Bible and TractSoclety(our Pennsylvanm corporation),and the dora o/ God Is Nigh" distributed free at the close of the lecture.
WatchtowerBibleand TractSociety,Inc. (ourNew York corpora- Calculations show there must have been about 2,500 total ~trangers
tmn). Such bans on Christianorgantzatlon and activityrested and persons of good-will in attendance. It was a great day for the
heavilyupon the servantsof the Lord God in Canadafor years 2,000 brethren present.
but provedthem to be Christians of integritytowardHim under During the three-day assembly other speeches were delivered
persecution. Then, by God’s grace,first the ban on Jehovah’s by Brother Knorr and his traveling companion, the Branch serv-
witnesseswas lifted,m October,1943,and then the ban on the ant, and four of the servants to the brethren. Besides addresses
International BibleStudentsAssociation, in June, 1944.Under on three other occasions, Brother Knorr arranged to meet all the
thisstateof affairsBrothers K.norrandHannahcrossedthe inter- pioneers whowere eager and eligible to take the course of training
nationalborderlineon Thursday, May 10, and movedintoCanada. at the Watchtower Bible College of Gilead, so as to be equipped
Theyarrivedthereon the tenthday,however,of a Do;minion-widefor servicein forelgnmissionary work.Therewas alsoa speeial
JULY 15, 1945 : /eWATCHTOWEtL 221

meeting with the four servants to the brethren, two of whomare effect of the speech is that of a Mormonlady. She had come to
graduates from the College. His last speech on Sunday evening distribute the leaflets of her sect to the audience, and she stayed
constituted a fitting and splendid chmaxto three days of godly to hear the speech. Afterwards her expression to one of the ushers
fellowship. He then conveyed to the assembly the love of the was: "Take these, leaflets and do what you hke with them. I can-
Bethel family at Brooklyn and that of the brethren at the other not put them out"
meetings all along hm extended tour of the prewous three months.
ALBERTA Late that Sunday evening our party journeyed on to the prov-
lh’ow, accompanied by Brothers Chapmanand Hannan, Brother ince of Saskatchewan, our next stopping place being Prince
Knott turned eastward, the next assembly point in his itinerary Albert, of about 12,000 population. The trip was made, traveling
being Calgary, Alberta, a city of about 90,000 population. The from Edmontonto Saskatoon, Sask., by train, and then droving
640-mile 3ourney thither is completed in 24 hours, during whmh from there to Prince Albert by auto for a distance of about 90
time the train carries its living load to a peak of 5,050 feet at miles northeast. At this one-day assembly Brother Knorr and
Lake LouLse, Alta. By the time we reached Banff, 80 miles from his companions all spoke in the afternoon, Brother Knott again
Calgary, we could see that at least eight inches of snowhad fallen addressing the brethren in the evening. The attendance of 753
in the storm we were traveling through. As the tram pulled in at brethren was surprising. Manyof these had traveled long dm-
Calgary we were still 3,438 feet above sea level. This city is the tances through the bush country of northern Saskatchewan, for
hub of a vast ranch country and is convemently located for the this the first visit of a president of the Association to Prince
scattered brethren throughout southern Alberta. Of these there Albert. Whenhe broke the news of restrictions off the WA~’CHTOWE
were 319 that greeted the Society’s presldent and party at the publications, the brethren, throwing off self-restraint, whistled
auditorium for the assembly. Thts was a day never to be forgotten and stamped their feet and yelled out "Hooray I" This was amidst
by them. A number of these brethren declded to travel to Edmon- thunderous applause. Let our readers bear in mind that the great
ton, which was next on the itinerary, with a two-day assembly. majority of these brethren had taken their stand with Jehovah’s
Edmontonis 200 miles north of Calgary, and is thus knownas Theocratic organizatmn during the past five years of government
"the gateway to the north". It has one of the largest an.ports in ban upon the Watchtower and its publications. Though not ac-
the Dommmn and served as the center of operation in the con- quainted with the dmtribntion of Watchtower publicatmns that
struetion of the now famous Alcan Highway,the final link in the preceded the ban, they quickly grasped the good news that once
American route to Alaska. Over 2,000 feet above sea level, this again the Society’s literature could have free circulation in thin
northern c~ty at thin tmae of the year enjoys daylight until very country.
late mthe evening. In fact, one evening while our party was there, Tuesday, May 22, our party returned to Saskatoon by car
it was possible to read outdoors at 1{}:30 p.m. At this stage of through the bush and praLrie lands of northern Saskatchewan.
our 3oul~ey the clouds, snow and ram gave place to clear, bright The one-day assembly at Saskatoon was held at the leading hotel,
weather, a most acceptable item. the Bessborough, in its Ball Room.This was packed out at the
Ou our arrival, the advertising for the pubhc lecture was in public meeting at 8 p.m., and it was necessary to use the local
full progress. Brethren from all parts of northern Alberta and company’s Kingdom Hall to accommodate the overflow, both
the Peace River district were unitedly engaging m the many then and also at the afternoon meeting of 800. The brethren were
features of the pubhc~ty campaign. Someof these had traveled obliged to quickly search the town for more chairs for the Ball
500 miles to enjoy this special gathering of Kingdompublishers. Roomand the l~ingdom Hall. At 7 p.m. the Ball Roomwas packed
No porhon of Edmontonwas left untouched by the 605 brethren and the KingdomHall was rapidly filled. This was a most re-
taking part in the field activity those two days of May19 and 20. markable experience for the brethren at Saskatoon, to see 1.300
Saturday evening the gathering was addressed by Brother Chap- persons gathered in their city to hear the president of the IBSA
man on the subject "Ye Axe My Witnesses", and by Brother deliver a speech of world importancel A final meeting with 550
Hannah on "The Kingdom’s Increase". Then followed a discourse of the brethren at the local KingdomHall topped off the season
by Brother K.uorr. Preliminary to this, as Brother Kaorr and of gathering at Saskatoon.
party were partaking of the evening meal a telegraph message Next on to Regina, the capital city of this province, for an-
arnved that filled then. hearts with joy and gratitude. It arrived other one-day assembly. It is a Dominion hohday, May 24. At
from the Toronto office of the IBSA, and read: "Under date the afternoon meeting, with discourses by Brothers Knorr and
Mayfifteen all customs officers officially adwsedthat following Hannan,the assembly hall, the City Hall, was practically filled.
prohlbtted pubhcations now allowed entry into Canada, namely, Little wonder that at the evening pubhc meeting every available
all publications of Watch Tower SocLety and Watchtower Society space in the hallways and at the rear of the auditormm was
Inc. Surely Jehovah and His Commandergive the wctory." So utilized, bringing to 900 the numberable to hear the president’s
at this evening meeting Brother Knorr made known the joyful important message. The number turned away, namely, 200, were
news to the assembly. The conventioners clapped their hands with each given a free copy of the recently pubhshed booklet One
an energy that indmated the greatness of then" dehght and thank- World, One Governmen$.
fuiness to Jehovah for thin another victory for HLSname-people.
Sunday morning, May 20, the brethren sLmply went forward MANITOBA
with increased zeal and enthusiasm to pubhcize that the president Leaving late that evening, we arrive on the foHow~ngmorning
of the IBSAwas to speak on "The ’Commanderto the Peoples’ ". in Winmpeg,the capital of the province of Mamtoba.Being the
Be it said that the managementof the Empire Theater engaged first large city west of the Great Lakes, Wmmpeg m commonly
for the occasion was very skeptical of our filling it. Why,wasn’t known as "the gateway to the west". A large arena known as
there a Chrmtiun Science meeting being widely adverttsed to be "The Amphitheater" has been engaged for the three-day assembly
held in another theater the same afternoon? Wasn’t there also a here. It accommodatesabout 7,000 and is considered to be very
mihtary-rehgious parade to be held in town with 4,000 people large mrelation to this city and its envLrousof 290,000 persons.
taking part T And, what’s more! didn’t a pohtical leader recently The brethren attending here were drawn chiefly from Manitoba,
engage the Empire Theater and draw only an attendance of 400 T although some came from northwestern Ontario and from Sas-
So how could Jehovah’s witnesses pack the theater? The manage- katchewan. Six of the servants to the brethren were present to
ment does not knowhow, but, at any rate, the people kept com- share on the program with Brother Knott and his two traveling
ing until every seat was occupied; and still the people came. The companions.
overflow hall next door that had been engaged was also quickly The first meeting for discourses was Friday evening, May25,
filled. Next morning the EdmontonJournal reported that "1,800 and was attended by 1,263 brethren. Brother Hannan opened up
with a spn’ited half-hour discourse, following which Brother
peToenSrea~re~tderdent, he~ ee~g"be~oppr~t~elygO0bO:e t th~mnn~l£ Knorr spoke on "The Sure Foundation for the NewWorld". Of
such a gathering of the "strangers within thy gates" to exercise course, his announcementof the lifting of the Canadian ban on
their ’~’ight" to hear the Kingdomtruth. One illustration of the Watchtower literature was met with most enthuslastm applause.
But hardly had this applause died down when Brother Knorr trip in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico,etc. Followingthis meet-
released further mfoI~natmn, which had just been received by ing he met with manypioneers who were indicating thezr demre
telephone from the Toronto office, that an Order m Council had to attend the WatchtowerBible College for forelgn-sernce tram-
been passed on May 22, and which Order read: "His Excellency ing. But lights were switched out at MasseyHall at 11 p.m., and
the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the so all had to leave very reluctantly.
Mmxsterof Justice, and under the authority of the War Measures
Act, Chapter 206 of the Revised Statutes of Canada 1927, is NEWYORKASSEMBLIES
pleased to amend sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (1) of Next day Brothers Knorr and Hannan entrained for the United
ulatmn 39C of the Defence of Canada Regulations (Consolida- States, with the WatchtowerBible College of Gilead as their first
tmn) 1942 and it is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the objective. This proved to be their first meetingwith the assembled
names of the following organizations,- fifth student class of the College. The president lost no time in
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, giving the College the benefit of his presence, and his addresses
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Incorporated." to them marked Saturday, Sunday and Monday. It was a tLme
As soon as the audience realized the full import of this latest of mutual refreshment, both to him and also to the College, to-
news flash, joy knew no bounds. Applause thundered! For nearly gether with the Kingdom Farm. family. Sunday marked the
five years the Canadian brethren specially had longed and prayed second tune that a public meeting was held m the College audi-
that tins day m~ghtcome.Exult, brethren, it is here! All banning torium, although this one was not extensively advemsed. The
restrictions and stigma are now lifted from Jehovah’s witnesses students of the fifth class and the Farmfamily rounded up their
and their Chnstian publication organizations! Exult! good-will interest for the occasion, and an attendance of 228
For the pubhc meeting of Sunday, May 27, on "The ’Com- was bad.
mander to the Peoples’", Brother Knorr was being advertLsed Monday mght, late, June 4, found Brother Knorr arrzvlng
at Wmmpeg the same as at other public meetings just held in safely at the Brooklyn Bethel home, after an absence of since
Canada, namely, as the president of the IBSA. But now here, at January 26. During that interim Jehovah’s witnesses left behind
Wmmpeg,when Brother Knorr was introduced to the public in America’s largest metropolis had followed his travels as far
gathering of 4,125, for the first tune in Canadahe was introduced as published till then in the columns of The Watchtower. Their
by the convention chairman as president of the IBSA of Canada appetites were whetted for more. Hence the NewYork company
and also president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. of Jehovah’s witnesses invited him to cap has tour with a meeting
Commentby his companions was that on this occasion Brother here at the homebase. The invitation having been accepted, as
Knorr was outstandingly at his best, by the Lord’s grace and announced throughout the units of the NewYork company on
sprat. About 2,000 of his great pubhc audience were total stran- May 31, an afternoon program was outlined for June 10, to in-
gers More than 1,000 free booklets were taken by the interested clude a public lecture and a personal report to the brethren on
persons on leaving the Amphitheater. his business travels. Manhattan Center audltormm, with its over-
During this most uplifting conventmn Brother Knorr also had flow halls, was engaged for the occasion.
a specml meeting with the SLXservants to the brethren to exhort The publishers of NewYork city would not half fill the 5,700
and counsel them, and also a speeml session wRhthe pioneers in available seats. Theocratmadvertising must proclaim the coming
attendance. At the close of the Wmmpeg assembly this expression event to NewYorkers of good-will, that their numbersmight be
was read to them: "In these momentoustimes as Jehovah’s people drawn upon to pack out the facilities. It started a week m ad-
movefrom victory to victory under the dLrectmn of our great vance of the scheduled public lecture, "The ’Commanderto the
Commander,and in wewof the fact that at this Winnipeg con- Peoples’." By mall and personal delivery 18,000 good-will letters
ventlon, the greatest victory yet won in Canada was announced of invitation were sent out; 1,600 placards graced the pe~ons
by our beloved president Brother K.norr, we conventioners here of Kingdompublishers as they streamed along the recently re-
desire to express our gratitude to Jehovah and HLs King Christ vived "Great White Way" of Manhattan. Throughout thLs elon-
Jesus for this marvelous manffestatmn of His love to H~speople gated island, with its stacked-up populatmn of milhons of modern
and this victory over the enemy. Further, we desire to express "el£ff-dwellers", the Theocratic advertLsers swarmed,dtstnbutmg
our thanks for your wsit here, for the feast of fat things, and somemillion and a quarter leaflets of inwtatmn. Like locusts the
the report on your visit to manyof our fellow fighters m other publLshers worked out from six bases of operation to blanket
parts of North and South America. Wetrust that the great Jeho- NewYorkZs leading borough for a week. Well over 2,000 King-
vah through his Theocratic organtzatmn will arrange for another domadvertisers participated in the blitz-like eampmgu.Recep-
visit sometune m the near future of our president Brother K.uorr tion by NewYorkers was very friendly and gracious. Armspoked
of the WatchtowerBible and Tract Society. Wehave been greatly out of the sides of buses to grasp the announcementslips; and
strengthened by the VLSlt of you and your companions. Weare even the madly dashing taxis of NewYork city curbed themseh’es
determined to continue to press the battle against the enemy long enough to find out what it was all about. One newsdealer,
under the great Commander,unttl full victory is won. Werequest after watching the placarded publLshel~s file by for hours, turned
that you greet our compamonfighters m Europe and in other and commentedlaeomcally to a bystander: "If all the people
parts of the earth as Jehovah directs you there." In endorsement wearing those placards attend, there’U not be any roomfor any-
of thxs letter, all the conventmnstood up. one else."
The trapression could not help being built up that seating room
ONTARIO would be m demand. By the tune Sunday noon, June 10, had
Next day Brother Knorr and his companions entrained for a rolled around a waiting line had begun forming m front of
journey of two mghts and one day, arriwng in Toronto, Ontarm, Manhattan Center, three hours before lecture tmae. Whenthe
on Wednesday,May30. There it afforded the brethren real pleas- doors were openedaheadof time, at 1 : 45 p.m., the line of several
ure to welcome hun to the renovated and Socmty-ownedpremmes abreast stretched far back. Thestream of seat-seekers that spilled
of the Branch office at 38-40 Irwin Avenue, and there, at the into the main auchtormmdid not slacken until it was filled. Over-
Bethel home, Brothers Knott and Hannah stayed for two days, flow halls were themselves overflowed. More than a thousand did
this makingIt eonvementto take up matters with the local Branch not gain entry at all. The fortunate early-comers sat expectantly
bearing on the further organization and increase of the Kingdom m the main auditorium. For an hour they waited patmntly, some
service throughout Canada. According to Brother Knorr’s pleas- silent, others chatting with neighbors. But a hush settled over the
ure, a meeting was had vnth the Toronto company before his auditorium ~s the president’s secretary told the visible audmnce
departure for the Umted States. The mectmgwas arranged for of 5,700 and an invimble audience of unnumbered thousands
the evening of May 30 at the Ma~yHall, which has a seating (that is, the radio audience of station WBBR) that they were
capacity of 2,800. All near-by companies had been advised, but now to hear N. H. Knorr present the discourse, "The ’Commander
the news traveled far and wide, and, to the delight of all attend- to the Peoples’," as the climax of his Western Hemispheretour.
ing, the Hall was packed. They were greatly refreshed with a For sometime thereafter the silence was unbroken save by the
personal rewew of Brother Knorr’s special Kingdombusiness speaker’s voice as he laid foundation for his climactic argument
JULY15,1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 223
and built it up, by narrating the need for an over-all commander he said, there had been added to the Watchtowersubscription list
of the globe, the futlhty of the hybrid combine of polltms and during the recent four-month campaign new subscribers to the
rehglon to bring forth a unified, peaceful rule, and then the fact number of 207,000. Six thousand of these were m the Spanish
that Jehovah has appointed Christ Jesus as Commanderto the language, manyof them comingin from the countries he recently
peoples. But at the halfway point a crash of applause burst from visited.
the audience as the speaker declared: "All this talk about in- The audience’s attention was next turned from the North
corporating so-called ’moral law’ into the international organiza- Americansad South Americancontinents over to the Philippines,
tion to give it stability and permanenceis just the pious palaver and thence in swift glances to Egypt, Greece, Spare, Barbados,
of religious leaders whoclaim to be the guardians of ’moral law’ England, Belgium, France, Holland, and Germany. In the face
and who want to capitalize upon that claim by acting as the of fiercest demonic persecution the work m these countries had
spiritual advmersto the organLzation." Another outburst followed boomedahead, under the direction of Jehovah’s irresistible Com-
the next sentence: "While cla~mmgto be most moral and self- mander. WhylBecause the witnesses had kept on doing just the
righteous men, they are hypocritical breakers of the command- one smaple thing, talk. Persecution and global war could not stop
meats of God and are the persecutors of the humble Christians them. They must talk the Kingdom,and they did. Whyso ? That
who strove to keep God’s law." "whosoever will" could hear.
Thence onwardthe speech so dynamically delivered was punctu-
ated by repeated hand-clapping. The divinely appointed Com- EUROPEANREPORTS
mander is described as enthroned. He now faces up to the com- Nowthat war in Europe is ended, reports are trickling out of
mander of this old world, Satan the Devil. The hour of decision the land emerging from the darkness of Nazi-Fascmt-Vatlcan
is near. The hour of opportumty to choose is ticking out. The tyranny. It amazedthe audience, whonevertheless sat overjoyed,
zero hour of Armageddon’s battle undelayably comes on. And to hear how the work had forged ahead in European countries.
now the commandsof Jehovah’s Commander,as pointed out by In 1940 France had 400 publishers; now there are 1,100 that talk
the speaker, comeup for attentmn, which the life-seeking peoples the Kingdom. In 1940 the 400 had 1,200 persons of good-will
must obey. The speaker’s closing remarks stirred up his audience attending book studies; nowthe book-study attendance has soared
to action and advised them to say "Come!"to others, inviting to 5,000! These studies---and this information was greeted with
them to drink of the Kingdom-truth waters and to place them- happy applause and laughter--were organized right under the
selves under Jehovah’s invmclble Commander.Those interested noses of the Nazis l Paris alone jumpedin pubhshers from 80 to
in the speech were invited by the assembly chairman to hand in 500. In 1940 Holland had 800 publishers. Four hundred of them
their names m request for a copy thereof which is to be printed were whisked off to concentratmn camps in Germany. Those left
shortly m booklet form. behind talked the I~ingdom. The resultT In that land there are
Through a twenty-minute intermission the audience marked now 2,000 Kingdompublishers.
time till the afternoon’s second feature, the two-hour talk by There was news direct from Germany, though meager news.
Brother Knorr in narration of his 25,000-mile trip throughout A United States army sergeant had written to the Society He
the Western Hemisphere. Up till then the readers of The Watch- had been sent to a Germanconcentration camp after the Germans
tower had by its printed columnstraveled with the Society’s presi- had been routed, to makea check-up. Incarcerated there were 50
dent; but nowthis audience were to hear firsthand, from his lips, of Jehovah’s witnesses. Someof them had been there eight years,
the thrllhng account. More favored than other audiences along others ten. They related how they were given a sheet to sign (a
the way, they were to hear the journey right up to its finis; for copy of which was sent here). First on it appeared a lengthy
now the trip was over and no further trip-material would ac- statement renouncing all future affiliation with Jehovah’s wR-
cumulate thereafter to enlarge the account. nesses and all belief in Jehovah God,and a place to sign. Beneath
that, one brief sentence stated that service as one of Jehovah’s
Brother Knorr did not deliver a formal lecture from manu- witnesses would never be abandoned; and following it was a place
script thin Pine; he was conversing with his brethren. Speaking to sign. Sign the first statement of renouncementand you go free;
extemporaneously, m fine conversational style, his words went sign the second and you remain and suffer more of the indescrib-
right to the hearts of hm hearers. The keynoted theme was united- able brutahtles of the Nazi sadists. Those 50 had stood fast, like
ness of all Jehovah’s people, regardless of their locatmn or the thousands of others of Jehovah’s witnesses in Germany. They
extent of local organization. In all lands they were movedby the asked the investigating sergeant to write the Society and "let
one activating force, Jehovah’s holy spirit. All were letting their the whole world know we are O.K.I"
hght shine, the light of truth which God had given them. To descmbethe feelings stirred up there at Manhattan Center
In the last half-hour of the speech, Brother K.norr struck out by that news from Europe words fad utterly. They defy expres-
on portions of Matthew, chapters 5 and 6. He caught up the texts sion, and can be read only within the recesses of the heart, read
on letting the Kingdomtruth shine before all menand on keeping only by the Lord and those servants who experience the same
the eye single, fixed singly on the Kingdom.and not looking amde beart-tuggmgs. At the conclusion the Society’s president dmmlssed
to Satan’s organmatmn. In forceful smaphcity the requirement the meeting m prayer that expressed the desire that all of God’s
upon Christians was set forth, namely, to talk, talk, talk about people faithfully do the simple thing reqmred of them--T~LK
the Kingdom.Becausethe Lord’s people talked, used their tongues, THE ~’INGDOM l

IN AN APARTMF~NT HOUSEOF 300 FAMILIES(NEWYORK) yah’s?’ I replied that I was an ordained minister of the
"Promptly at 10 a.m. Francis and I entered the huge gospel, and asked who he was. He said he was the superin-
apartment house. I went to the fifth floor while he started tendent of the building, adding that he was watching the
to work on the fourth. Soon I heard voices from the floor young fellow so he could not run away and that soon the
below and recognized his voice saying something about free- police would be there. I asked Francis what happened and
dom of worship and constitutional rights. I finished my he said the man had ordered him out of the building and,
section and waned downstairs en route to the third floor. when he refused to go, the man jumped at him and struck
On the fourth I looked down the long hallway and saw a him in the side of his face and the man’s daughter came
man leaning against the wall with his back to me. Beyond and took his phonograph and bag away. I turned to the
the man was Francis. I walked over and spoke to Francis. man and said: ’May I have your name, sir?’ He asked:
The man came up and asked: ’Are you one of these Jeho- ’What do you want my name for?’ I replied: ’It will be

necessary to have your name when you are brought before she started. I help her with her back-calls, but this after-
the court. An assault case is a serious matter, and ]~Ir. noon she went to a book study alone arranged as a result
E is a minister.’ Somefear showedin his face, but he of her contact Friday night."
refused to give his name. His wife joined him, bringing two
pictures of her sons in the army. They both began to insult DOWN n~ AI)gL.a~F~ SOUTH AUSTaAL~
us because we were not in the service. The elevator stopped, "Saturday morning fifteen publishers engaged in street
and a big police officer stepped into the hall. His first words witnessing, placing about 200 pieces of literature. Secular
were to us: ’Get into that elevator--and out !’ I asked if work prevented some of the regular street publishers from
we were under arrest. He said: ’No !’ I said: ’Then we are joining in this pleasant feature of the preaching work. It
not going. Weare ministers of the gospel and have a con- is interesting to note at this juncture three incidents in
stitutional right to workthis building.’ The superintendent recent street-witnessing engagements. A pioneer, who, in-
said: ’All the people in this building are against them and cidentally, places an average of between 40 and 50 pieces
don’t want them around.’ I interrupted: ’The people do of literature each weekon the street, approached a young
want us, for we are their friends. Because some object to lady. After the pioneer announcedshe is one of Jehovah’s
our work does not mean they are all against us. Howmany witnesses, the lady stated she was really pleased to have at
complained?’ The answer was ’Two’. I asked for their last met the witnesses again, as she had been interested for
namesso the officer could take them down,because, if these a long time but had lost all contact with them. She was in-
people complained, they would no doubt be willing to vited to the KingdomHall and is now enjoying a regular
sign charges against us. They all looked at one another. book study. Another publisher approached a lady similarly,
Again the officer ordered us to get out. Then he asked where who expressed a desire to learn more of the Bible, which
he could find a telephone, and left. Soonthe superintendent she had not been able to do in religaous organizations,
was wanted in his office, and immediately Francis and I This lady also has attended at KingdomHall and is having
started to work. One lady whoanswered the door said that a book study in her home. A third incident: An Air Force
a young man had just been there but was ordered out man, observing a young publisher going about the King’s
and held his ground. I told her that the young man was business on the street, approached and asked her what she
still at workthere and mentionedthe police officer and how was doing. Of course, she eagerly explained. He stated that
we refused to leave the building. She was glad we did not what excited his interest was the enthusiastic manner m
go and hoped we would be blessed for our stand. Then the which this young lady was going about her work, not fear-
superintendent returned, and started shaking my hand. ing what people might think of her, but having strong
Whenasked, he said: ’I see you boys arc sincere and be- faith and confidence in the One in whomshe trusted. He
lieve in what you are doing. If I have you arrested I will was invited to the Watchtower study at KingdomHall,
have to press charges, and that I will not do. You can and attended the following week. Nowhe is making good
come in any time and work the building. I admire your progress in learning of the purposes of Jehovah."
courage, but I can’t understand you. Youare both intelli-
gent boys doing a work like this.’ For twenty minutes he ATHEISTBECOMES A WITNESS (SOUTHAFRICA)
listened to the outline of God’s purposes. He accepted and
promised to read the booklet Freedomin the New World. "I Washolding a study with a lady whohas since taken
On our leaving he said he was sorry all this had happened. her stand for Jehovah and symbolized her consecration by
baptism. Her mother attended for some time, then turned
Francis’ bag and phonograph were returned to him. We
placed nine bound books and some hundred booklets in completely against the truth. However,a short time later
the apartment house with those ’sheep’ desiring to learn of her soldier son, whoprofessed to be an atheist, was con-
God’s purpose." tacted and becameinterested. The mother then of her own
free will returned to the study and has since taken her
A FAMILY IN LONDON, ENGLAND stand wholly for the Kingdom, has been immersed, and
"WhenI arrived homelast night at 10: 15, myhusband has shared in the witness work. The son became very in-
told me he had had a thrilling time. A family with whom terested, and when movedup north (Italy) he took all the
we have had book studies since ’Christmas’ had seen his volumes and booklets he could get with him. He is now
bicycle outside a house and waited for over an hour (he holding studies with his fellow soldiers."
was conducting a book study) to ask him to come to their
home and sit by the fire while the wife went with me on "THIS IS A GOOD-WILL LETTER (CALIFORNIA)
some back-calls. He went in for a short time and, while from an obtainer of the book "The Truth Shall MakeYou
there, was told that the daughter, aged 13, had gone to take Free’. The letter was written in response to reading pages
her Girl Guides’ outfit back. She was to tell them she no in back of the book entitled ’Howto Study This Book’.
longer needed them, as she is now a witness of Jehovah, This lady did not wait to be called back on within a month:
and if they wanted any further explanation to come and "’Dear Mrs.- : Would you be free to conduct a
see her mother. This young girl has been on pavementwit-
nessing the last three Saturdays and on the door-to-door study with me any weekday evening, if I came to your
work with me two Sunday mornings. Also the husband house? Of course, I would as soon have you come here,
asked if he could go along on the work. Arrangementswere" but thought it probably would inconvemence you if you
made for Thursday afternoon. The wife started about a had no ear at hand. I’ve wanted to see you for sometime,
month ago and, after a fortnight, wanted her own private but haven’t had the time to look you up. Please write me
territory. She has worked12 or more hours each weeksince or call me at noon or after 5 p.m. Sincerely, Mrs. -- .’"


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Jehovah’s -: :; .-

I, 1945

T~r~JUSTZFrKRAND HISWAYS ............... 227
How .......................................
Achieved 228
byFaith" ................................
WhyNot........................... 231
Reckoning, Credit ............
WhyonImputation~ ............................ 235
.............................................. 236
~’*=,-ExPzmm_wcz..................................... 240
"W~"HTOW]~" STUDIZ8 ..................... 226
"Tm~.aTio .Am To Eu~oDo-
P~aI,I~" ........................ 226
117 Adams Street

1, N.Y., U.S~ T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of ~d-will.
N. H. E.NORR, President W. E. V~ ~r, ~ecretar~ It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all flay children shall be ~aut~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes
statable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
~reat shall be flee peace of flay children." - lsa,~h£4:z3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres st~cfly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserve-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic, but in~tes careful and critical examine-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of aH other things, lion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power dulge in controversy, and it= columns are not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Oeacer of Jehovah;
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason U~1=ImSTA~.S, $I.00; aH other countries. $1.50. American currency;
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the GaEATBUITAIN,AUSTaAL~BIA, ANDSOUTH AffRICA, ~. American remit-
tane~ should be made by Pc4tal or Express Money Order or by Bank
right to life; Draft. British, South African s~d Australasian remittances should
be made direct to the respective branch o~ces. Remittances from
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and countries other than those mentioned may be made to the B~ooklyn
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive office, but by lnterno~6o~l Pcatal MoneyOrder only.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus Fo~.t mq OTrxcge
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power Br~t~h 34 Craven T~.n’ae~ London, W. 2, England
and authority; £~tra~n . ~ 7 BeresfordRoad.Strathfleld. N. S. W.. Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called 8oath Atr~os~ . Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and Is the lsd~¢~ 167 Love Lane. Bombay27. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful P|muueaddress the Society in every
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Translatlon: of this Journal appear In several languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed m the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear; ALL SINCERE STUDENTS OF THE BIBLE who by reason of
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord Infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription prlc~
Jesus Chrlst has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of mayhave The War.towerfree upon written application to the publishers,
made once ~mchy~ar, stating the reason for so r~questing it. Wear~
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to glad to thus aid the needy, but the writte~ application once each yea~
required by the postal regnlutlo~u~
the establishment of the "new earth" of the New World;
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgmentof a new or a r~newal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, scriptlon will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
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out the divine mandate to "fill the earth" with a righteous race. ~der the Act o~ Moreh $. 1879


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VoL LXVI A~G~s~I, 1945 No. 15


"It is Godthat justifieth."--Rom. 8:33.
EHOVAH God is the Justifier. Because of this
J fact he becomesthe Source of everlasting life to
menwho are favored with a share in the gladsome
national reproaches. In view of such course of that
nation, the apostle Paul discussed the question of
justification at great length and said concerning
NewWorld of righteousness. Out of mercy, and for Israel: "For they being ignorant of God’s righteous-
his own name’s sake, he provides the righteous way ness, and going about to establish their ownright-
for the wrongdoer’s guilt to be removed and for eousness, have not submitted themselves unto the
"justification of life" to cometo whoevertakes the righteousness of God." (Rom. 10: 3) The "righteous-
path of God’s righteousness. ness of God"is the only meansto everlasting life in
s Says Jehovah: ’~I, even I, am he that blotteth the New World.
out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will ’ Let all righteously disposed persons interested
not remember thy sins. Put me in remembrance: in gaining everlasting life take note of one essential
let us plead together: declare thou, that thou truth that the experience of Israel demonstrates. It
mayest be justified. Thy first father hath sinned, is this: That no nation nor any human creature
and thy teachers have transgressed against me." can justify self to life eternal by works at trying
(Isa. 43: 25-27) Those words show who is the justi- to keep the law. Try as hard as a person might, in
fier. They were directed to the nation of Israel, the order to develop himself to perfection, he cannot
descendants of Jacob, and which nation strove to relieve himself of the sin and imperfection that he
justify itself before Godby works of self-righteous- inherited from mankind’s first father, Adamthe
ness. They forgot or minimized the fact that their sinner. He cannot blot out his transgressions and
first father and our first father, Adam,had sinned; sins nor lift from himself the condemnation of God
and that they as well as all non-Israelites descended which descended upon him with his inheritance of
from a sinner and could not of themselves overcome sin and imperfection from Adam. The I~raelites,
the imperfection and sinfulness which they inherited with the law of God given to them through Moses,
from him. Furthermore, the men that undertook to could not do it. Their inability to keep God’s law
teach the Israelites were transgressing against God perfectly simply proved them to be covenant-
by following the practices of religion instead of the breakers before God, and it made their sinfulness
commandments of God, and were thus increasing all the more outstanding. The failure of the Israel-
all the more the sinfulness of the nation of Israel. ites under the law covenant proved that there is
’ Under such circumstances howcould such Israel- absolutely none of mankind that is righteous in
ites, even with God’swritten law in their possession, himself, but that all whogain life through righteous-
plead not guilty and justify themselves? In trying ness must do so by the righteousness of God, the
to do so by keeping on in religious practices they righteousness or justification which He provides.
continued under the wrath of God. "Therefore," says Whether the Jews of today get a Jewish State set
Jehovah God, ’~I have profaned the princes of the up in Palestine or not, it does not change this funda-
sanctuary, and have given Jacob to the curse, and mental fact as to their standing with God.
Israel to reproaches." (Isa. 43 : 28) Jacob, or Israel, , Writing to Jewish Christians who knew the law
did not seek justification from God, who blots out of Moses, Paul, himself once a Jew, says: "What
transgressions for his own sake and then remembers then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for
sins no more. So Jehovah God gave the nation of we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that
Israel over to the curse of destruction and to inter- they are all under sin; as it is written, There is
none righteous, no, not one: there is none that under-
1. As the Justifier, what does Jehovah God become to men? and
for what causes?
2. With what words to Israel did Jehovah show who Is the Justifier? 4. What one essential truth does Israel’s ezperleuce demonstrate.
and how were his words true of Israel? that we should take note of?
3. How were they unsuccessfully trying to Justify themselves7 and 5. At Romans 3:9-18, what did Paul ask the Sewieh Christian?
therefore to what did Jehovah give them over? Lnd what does hts quoting from several of the PsaLms prove?
N. Y.
standeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They which the religious clergy fastened upon the Jews.
are all gone out of the way, they are together Such traditions and precepts got around God’s law
become unprofitable: there is none that doeth and madeit as if it did not exist.--Matt. 15: 1-9.
good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepul- ’Thus, year after year, those Jews remained
chre; with their tongues they have used deceit; guilty and unjustified before God. Their animal
the poison of asps is under their lips: whose mouth sacrifices for themselves as individuals or for the
is full of cursing and bitterness: their feet are whole nation collectively did not really makepropi-
swift to shed blood: destruction and misery are tiation for them with God. Howcould such sacrifices,
in their ways: and the way of peace have they not being lower in value than a perfect man, ever satisfy
known: there is no fear of God before their eyes." the justice of Godand give the Jews a clean bill with
(Rom. 3: 9-18) Of course, we can well agree that Him?Not all the blood of animal sacrifices offered
those wordsclosely fit the condition of all the world. for 1,500 years could equal in value the life of human
But the apostle Paul quoted those words from perfection which Adamforfeited by sin. That is
several psalms, such as Psalm 14: 1-3, Psalm 55: 1-3, why, year after year, the Jewish high priest had to
Psalm 5:9, Psalm 140: 3, and Psalm 36: 1; and in go into the Most Holy of the temple at Jerusalem
them the psalmist was not speaking about the Gentile and sprinkle the blood of animal sacrifices there
heathen, but about Jews, about Israelites who were before God’s propitiatory or "mercy seat". (Heb.
under the law covenant with God. Interesting! you 10: 1-4; 9: 6, 7; 13: 11) However,the time camewhen
say, but what of it? This: The words that the apostle those sacrifices needed no more to be offered. Also,
Paul quoted were a condemnation of’the law-bound seeing that the law covenant was not accomplishing
Jews. This proves that the law covenant had not actual justification with His covenant people, Jeho-
lifted the Jews out from under God’s condemnation, vah at that same time set aside the law covenant
and that they are found to be no better than the as having served its temporary usefulness and
Gentile heathen. purpose.
"This is not our interpretation of such matters. HOW ACHIEVED
It is the apostle Paul’s inspired conclusion. For, ’ If, now, self-righteousness, or righteousness by
after quoting from the Psalms, he writes down this their own deeds, was impossible for the Jews under
Scriptural conclusion: "Now we know that what
that law covenant, it was equally impossible for the
things soever the law saith, it saith to them whoare Gentiles not under God’s law. If righteousness and
under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, hence justification before Goddoes not arise from
and all the world [meaning Jews as well as Gentiles] ourselves, its only source could be God, and that by
may become guilty before God. Therefore by the his mercy. How, then, did righteousness from God
deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in
come to humans, since it could not come by giving
his sight: for by the law is the knowledgeof sin." the righteous Law of Moses with its sacrifices of
--Rom. 3: 19, 20. propitiation? Our question is answered by the
r Being guilty before God the same as were the
apostle Paul, in these words of his argument on
Gentiles, the Jews were for certain not justified justification: "For God has done what the Law,
before God. They were not able to develop them- weakenedhere by the flesh, could not do; by sending
selves to humanperfection by trying to do the deeds his ownSon in the guise of sinful flesh, to deal with
of the law covenant. No matter how sincerely they sin, he condemnedsin in the flesh, in order to secure
tried, they could not do so, because their inheritance the fulfilment of the Law’srequirements in our lives,
of sin and of mental and physical defects was as we live and move, not by the flesh but by the
against them. The law, by specifying the particular Spirit." (Rom. 8: 3, 4, Mo]att) In other words: "For
forms of sin, made the honest-hearted ones keenly what was impossible to the Law--thwarted as it was
aware of the many ways in which they came short of by human frailty~God effected. Sending His own
absolute righteousness and sinned against God. Son in the form of sinful humanity to deal with sin,
Moreover, the sacrifices which their priesthood God pronounced sentence upon sin in humannature;
offered up year by year only served to remind them in order that in our case the requirements of the
they were sinners and needing atonement in order Law might be fully met."--Weymouth’s translation.
to have continued relationship with God. Besides ,o Christ Jesus, the Son of God, was not thwarted
that, many of the Jews sinned unwittingly against by humanfrailty. He was not weakenedin the flesh
God’s law covenant and its commandments and
8. Why did not their animal sacrifices bring about propitiation for
ordinances by following the traditions and precepts their sins? and what at lust happened to those sacrifices?
9. Since not by God’s g/ring the law through Mose~. how does
6. In proot that this Is not our interpretation, what conclusion did righteousness come to human crtmtures, as explained by Paul at
Paul himself write down? Romaus 8:3. 4?
7. Why could the Jews not Jaitffy themselves? and how was the 10. Why was Jesus not thwarted like Moses as mediator? and what
knowledge of sin by the law} testifies to Jesus’ being Just before God?
1, 1945 ~ieWATCHTOWER. 229
by sin. He was not like Moses, the mediator of the this earth as a perfect humancreature was that he
old law covenant with the Jews. Moses, although might provide a perfect humansacrifice that could
he was a man of faith, was an imperfect man and pave the way for mankind’s justification with God.
subject to sin. But the inspired testimony concerning His sacrifice was not for the purpose of exonerating
Jesus as a manon earth is that he was "holy, harm- or lifting the guilt off Adam.No; Adamwas a willful
less, undefiled, separate from sinners". (Heb. 7: 26) wrongdoer against God and disrespected his own
He did not derive his life from Adam, even though human perfection. God’s sentence upon Adamis
he was born of a virgin female, descended from something that cannot be withdrawn. God’s law
Adam, because Jesus’ life was transferred down applies against Adamthe same as in the case of
from heaven. Hence the death that entered the a willful manslayer who fled to one of the Jewish
world by Adam’s sin did not pass down through cities of refuge for mercy through the high priest;
Jesus’ human mother upon him, and he was not which law reads: "Moreover ye shall take no satis-
born a sinner. Hence when the grown-up man Jesus faction for the life of a murderer, which is guilty
came to John the Baptist, who was baptizing the of death: but he shall be surely put to death. And
Jews in water for the remitting of their sins, John ye shall take no satisfaction for [an accidental man-
objected to baptizing Jesus. But Jesus overruled slayer] that is fled to the city of his refuge, that
John’s objection, saying: "Suffer it to be so now: he should comeagain to dwell in the land, until the
for thus it becomethus to fulfil all righteousness." death of the priest." (Num. 35:31, 32) Hence the
(Matt. 3: 13-15) Jesus as a man was absolutely sacrifice of the perfect man Jesus was offered to
righteous in the flesh. He was justified before God, provide satisfaction unto divine justice for Adam’s
and could say to the self-righteous Pharisees who offspring, who had been wrongedby their father and
plotted to kill him: "Which of you convinceth me been helplessly born in sin and imperfection and
of sin?" (John 8: 46) By Jesus’ resistance against under condemnation. (Rom. 5: 12) Thus Jesus,
sin even under persecution and temptation he main- the sacrifice of his righteous humanity or justified
tained his justification before God, and thereby God humanity, provided a way according to the will of
through his Son in the flesh condemnedsin in the God for membersof Adam’soffspring to gain justi-
flesh. "And without controversy great is the mystery fication from God.
of godliness; He who was manifested in the flesh, :~ WhatJesus redeemedby the sacrifice of his own
justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached perfect humanlife was not the sinner Adam,but the
amongthe nations, believed on in the world, received perfect human life which Adamhad willfully for-
up in glory."--i Tim. 3: 16, Am. Stan. Ver. feited by sin and which he had failed to pass on
1: Jesus, in his righteousness, was the equal of to his offspring. ’%ife shall go for life." (Deut.
the perfect man Adamin Eden. Jesus, abiding in 19: 21) AndGod, in accepting the perfect sacrifice
his justification, could have lived on earth forever, of Christ Jesus, was showing forth his own right-
in which case he would have remained a fleshly eousness. That is, by so doing, Godwas not setting
creature, visible to humaneyes. But Jesus did not aside his own sentence against Adamnor by-passing
receive from God the mandate which Adamand Eve His own perfect, inviolable justice; but he was
received in the garden of Eden ; nor did Godprovide receiving the sacrifice of Jesus in order to provide
a perfect humanbride for Jesus. Jesus’ purpose in a righteous basis for settling the claims of justice
being put on earth was different. His fleshly presence against the members of Adam’s offspring and for
on our planet was only temporary. God’s will con- justifying them. That was God’s righteous way of
cerning him as a man was different from that of providing righteousness for humankind; not for
the divine mandate given to the perfect Adam. fallen angels, mark you, but for humankind, because
Jesus’ primary purpose on earth was to vindicate his Jesus’ sacrifice was one of justified humanity.
Father’s name, which name Adamin an Eden of per- " Thus, without doing despite to justice, Jehovah
fection had failed to vindicate because of willfully God was showing mercy and loving-kindness toward
sinning against Jehovah God’s universal sovereignty mankind. While it was his Son that died, it was
and its law. This primary purpose of Jesus, there- Jehovah Godthat provided the sacrifice, in that he
fore, included his being a witness for Jehovah. Said willed for Jesus to thus die. Also, he performed the
Jesus: "To this end was I born, and for this cause miracle by which Jesus’ life could be transferred
came I into the world, that I should bear witness from heavenly glory to the wombof the Jewish
unto the truth."~John 18: 37. virgin. Note how well this is stated through the
:’ Jesus’ secondary purpose in being born into inspired apostle. After stating that the Jews did not
II. Why ~
did not Jesus receive the same mandate as Adam and Eve 13. What, then, did Jesus’ sacrifice redeem. ~ and how did it serve
and what therefore was Jesus’ primary purpose sn becoming man? for Just/ ?
12 What was Jesus’ secondary purpose in being born? and why dkl 14. What wu Jehovah thus showing to mankind? and why was he
it not include relieving Adamof his Penalty? the Provider of the sacrifice?
230 : ieWATCttTOWER.
succeed in gaining righteousness from God through "No informed student will dispute the declaration
the law covenant, Paul says: that the members of the "church of God" who are
~S,~But now God’s way of uprightness has been in line for the ’~kingdomof heaven" are justified now.
disclosed without any reference to law, though the Paul, writing his first letter to the Corinthians, says
Lawand the Prophets bear witness to it. It is God’s at the opening: ’~Unto the church of God which is
way of uprightness and comes through having faith at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ
in Jesus Christ, and it is for all whohave faith, with- Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every
out distinction [between Jew and Gentile]. For all place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,
men sin and come short of the glory of God, but by both theirs and ours. God is faithful, by whomye
his mercy they are madeupright for nothing, by the were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus
deliverance secured through Christ Jesus. For God Christ our Lord. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus,
showed him publicly dying as a sacrifice of recon- who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteous-
ciliation to be taken advantage of through faith. ness [uprightness], and sanctification, and redemp-
This was to vindicate his own justice (for in his tion." (1 Cor. 1: 2, 9, 30) Later, at chapter 6, verses
forbearance, God passed over men’s former sins} 9-11, Paul says to these sanctified, called and
--to vindicate his justice at the present time, and redeemed ones: "Knowye not that the unrighteous
show that he is upright himself, and that he makes shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not
those who have faith in Jesus upright also. Then deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
what becomes of our boasting? It is shut out. On adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of them-
what principle? What a man does? No, but whether selves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor
a man has faith. For we hold that a man is made drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall
upright by faith; the observance of the Law has inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of
nothing to do with it. Does God belong to the Jews you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but
alone? Does he not belong to the heathen too? Of ye are justified in the nameof the Lord Jesus, and
course he belongs to the heathen too; there is but by the spirit of our God." Seeing that unrighteous
one God, and he will make the circumcised [Jews] persons will never inherit God’s ldngdom, none such
upright on the ground of their faith and the uncir- could ever be of the "church of God" unless they
cumcised [heathen] upright because of theirs." were first justified.
(Rom. 3: 21-30, Goodspeed) The expression trans- ~, Someonewill nowobject: ’Granting that all the
lated "made upright" and "makes upright" (verses true members of the "church of God" down through
24, 26, 28, 30) in the above translation from the the Christian era were justified, howis it that they
Greekis rendered "justified" and "justifier" in other all died? If they had justification of life, howis it
English translations, such as the King James and that they were not actually perfect in the flesh, like
American Standard Versions. Jesus Christ their Head and Leader? And why did
they not keep on living, seeing that they were free
from God’s condemnation of death?’ The answer is,
is In the previous issue of The Watchtower we Because they were justified by having righteousness
suggested that our readers of good-will today ought imputed to them or reckoned or accounted to them.
to understand this subject. They entertain the hope ~° To help us to understand these questions, the
of surviving Armageddonand gaining life on earth apostle Paul draws on the patriarch Abraham for
in the NewWorld, and they ought to make certain an illustration. The Bible speaks of Abrahamas
if they are now"justified by faith" or what their having been justified; and the question arises over
justification will meanto them, howeverit comesto him, Did he receive back there the "justification of
them. In this time of crossing over from the unright- Life"? The Bible replies, No. James 2:21-24 refers
eous old world into the righteous new world it is to Abraham’s works and deeds which were a prac-
important for all of us to knowthe Scriptural facts. tical evidence of his faith, and says: "Was not
The loss of Adam’s justification with God meant Abrahamour father justified by works when he had
death and loss of humanperfection and of earthly offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou
life-rights for him and also for his posterity. Justi- howfaith wrought with his works, and by works was
fication "through the redemption [or, deliverance] faith madeperfect? Andthe scripture was fulfilled
that is in Christ Jesus" means life and the gaining which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was
of humanperfection and earthly life-rights. Thus imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was
this is a "justification of life", and this is the justi- called the Friend of God. Ye see then how that by
fication which we are here discussing.--Rom. 5: 18. 1~’. Is the "church of God" now Justified? and what scMpture is
15 At Romans 3 : 21-30, how does Paul disclose how Justification is submitted on this point?
accomplished, and for what primary purpose? 18.
~ Am to the fact of the church’s Justification, what questions are
16 Why" should Watchtower readers of today understand this subject raised in objection? and what, In brief, is the answer
of JustiflcaUon ? 19. How wall A.braham justified, and what was he therefore called?
1, 1945 f eWATCHTOWER. 231

works a man is justified, and not by faith only." question, and it is this: To what was Abraham
Whyso ? "’For as the body without the spirit is dead, justified? In reply somewill argue that ’justification
so faith without works is dead also." (Jas. 2 : 26) is justification’; by which they meanthat the term
this quotation from James the word "imputed" is signifies one and the same thing throughout all the
translated from logidzomai (Greek), which is also Bible, and that therefore Abraham had the same
elsewhere translated reckon, count, account, esteem. "justification of life" that the "church of God" has
These words have all the same sense, so that it had since the days of Christ. In support of such
would be equally right to say: ’Abraham believed argument they will further say that God credited
God, and it was reckoned, counted, or accounted in advance to Abrahamthe justification which the
unto him for righteousness, and he was esteemed as Christians get by faith in Christ Jesus. Well, then,
righteous.’ according to such an argument, all the men of
’° The Bible statement that Abraham’s faith or faith before Christ, all the way back to Abel, had
believing was put to his account as righteousness the Christian’s justification, and that would then be
occurs muchearlier than in connection with his offer- the meaning of Hebrews11: 7, which says: "By faith
ing up of his son Isaac. (Gen. 22: 1-19) WhenAbra- Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as
ham (or Abram as he was then called) was still yet, movedwith fear, prepared an ark to the saving
childless, being then about 85 years old, Jehovah of his house; by the which he condemnedthe world,
God brought him forth from his tents out under a and became heir of the righteousness which is by
starry sky and, referring to the stars, said to faith." However, the Scriptures do not agree with
Abram: "So shall thy seed be." Even years before the argument that Noah and the other faithful men
that, God had said to Abram, "Unto thy seed will and womenof old had the justification which is
I give this land." We ask, Had Abram by now lost peculiar to the "church of God". Whynot?
hope of being father to a seed (offspring)? Could
he now believe that his seed would become multi-
tudinous hke the stars? ** The things of faith in which the Christian must
" As to whether the attitude Abram now struck believe for "justification of life" are fuller and
toward God’s promise credited or discredited him farther in advance of what Abraham believed. Of
in God’s eyes, the Bible says: "And he believed in course, Abraham had God’s promise: "In thy seed
the LORD[JehovahJ ; and he counted it to him for shall all the nations of the earth be blessed" (Gen.
righteousness." (Gen. 15: 1-6; 12: 7) Or, otherwise 22: 18) ; and Abrahambelieved that such Seed would
said: "And he trusted the Lord, who counted it to come. Christ Jesus, who is that Seed of Abraham,
his credit." (Amer. Trans.) This fact the apostle confirmed that fact, saying: "Abraham rejoiced to
Paul repeatedly harps on in his writings, saying: see my day: and he saw it, and was glad." (John
"What does the Scripture say? ’Abraham had faith 8: 56) Abrahambelieved that there would be a Seed
in God, and it was credited to him as uprightness.’ to bless all the nations of the earth. But Abraham
Nowpaying a worklnan is not considered a favor, could not identify specifically whothat Seed would
but an obligation, but a man who has no work to be, whether it would be his son Isaac, or his grand-
offer, but has faith in him whocan makethe ungodly son Jacob, or his great-grandchildren the twelve
upright, has his faith credited to him as upright- tribes of natural Israel. Christians, on the contrary,
ness .... What we say is, Abraham’s faith was have that Seed definitely identified for them to
credited to him as uprightness .... and he was after- believe on. It is written to them: ’~Nowto Abraham
ward given the mark of circumcision as the stamp and his seed were the promises made. He saith not,
of God’s acknowledgment of the uprightness based And to seeds, as of many [seeds]; but as of one,
on faith that was his before he was circumcised .... And to thy seed, which is Christ."--Gal. 3: 16.
He did not incredulously question God’s promise, but "Furthermore, Abraham did not appreciate that
his faith gave him power and he praised God in such Seed would die in vindication of Jehovah’s
the full assurance that God was able to do what namebefore the blessing to the nations would come.
he had promised. That was why it was credited to Abraham, when he was offering up his beloved son
him as uprightness." (Rom.4: 3-5, 9, 11, 20, 21, 22, Isaac, did not l~ow or realize that he was picturing
Amer. Trans.) "Just as Abraham had faith in God God in offering up His only begotten Son, Christ
and it was credited to him as uprightness."--Gal. Jesus, in death. The Jewish descendants of Abra-
3: 6, Amer. Trans. ham did not know or appreciate that fact either;
"The above Scripture quotations provoke a and even when Jesus told his Jewish apostles that
he must die and be raised again from the dead, the).
20, 21, Under what clrcumstanee8 <lid the statement concerning Abra-
ham’s justification first occur? and what does Paul say about Abraham’s 23. Aa to the promlJed Seed, how is the {~hrtsthtn’s faith fuller and
Justification ? more advanced than that of Abr-h~,~?
22. What question does this provoke concerning Abraham? and how 24. What other vital faets did Abraham not have aa part of his
do some argue thereon? faith? and when did the faith for JueUfieatlon of llfe come?

did not then believe him. The apostle Peter rebuked which Moses mediated; and so were the high priest
Jesus and said: "Be it far from thee, Lord: this Aaron, the architect Bezaleel, the prophet Samuel,
shall not be unto thee." (Matt. 16: 21-23) But these the judges Barak and Gideon, the shepherd-king
vital facts are part of the faith or belief of the David, and the prophet Isaiah, all of whomwere
justified Christian. It is evident, therefore, that used as types or prefigurements of Christ Jesus.
neither Abrahamnor his Jewish descendants under Andyet "justification of life" was not advanced to
the law covenant had such articles of faith. The them on that account before Christ Jesus had
faith that resulted in the "justification of life" actually died.
came with Christ Jesus. In support of this, Paul "Furthermore, if "justification of life" had been
speaks to the Jewish Christians who were once advanced to Abraham in anticipation of Christ’s
under the law covenant and says: "But before faith death, and if it had been the same justification as
came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the that bestowed upon the church of God, why, then,
faith which should afterwards be revealed. Where- was not Abraham a member of the church of God?
fore tile law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Moreover, seeing that Abraham was faithful unto
Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after death, whydoes not his resurrection from the dead
that faith is come, we are no longer under a school- usher him into heaven, into the church’s glorious
master. For ye are all the children of Godby fAITH reward in the "kingdom of heaven"? But the Scrip-
IN CHRIST JEs~s."--Gal. 3:23-26. tures exclude Abraham from heaven; and Jesus
,5 Hence"justification of life" by faith was almost declared that the least in the kingdom of heaven
two thousand years later than Abraham’s day, and should be greater than Abrahamand his descendant
it came only through the actual arrival of the John the Baptist. (Matt. 11 : 11) All the actual proof
promised Seed of Abraham, Christ Jesus. In is, therefore, that Abrahamdid not have "justi-
harmony with this we must conclude that to Abra- fication of life" reckonedto him because of his faith.
ham,even with all his faith, no "justification of life" Let persons of good-will who some day expect
could be given in advanceof or in anticipation of the to see Abrahamon earth mark that fact well.
bringing forth of this Seed. That was not God’s ,s Hencewe must conclude with the Scriptures that
arrangement for Abraham; and God does not run what Abraham’s faith resulted in was justification
ahead of himself,, whenhis purposes are fixed. How to friendship with God. His justification opened up
do we lmowthat Abraham’s justification by works to him the privilege to serve as a type of Jehovah
of faith, or his imputed righteousness, was not the God and to have God’s promises made to him and
"justification of life" that is reckoned or credited to be the earthly forefather of Him who should
to the Christian "church of God"? Because if it had become the Seed, Christ Jesus. "And so the Scrip-
been such, then Abraham would not have died and ture came true that says, ’Abraham had faith in
been buried with his fathers. He would have been God, and it was credited to him as uprightness, and
given humanperfection as an earthly son of God, tie was called God’sfriend.’" (Jas. 2: 23, Goodspeed)
such as Adamhad in Eden ; and Abraham’scontinual The faithful Abrahamis called God’s "friend" at
faithfulness to God would not have allowed for his Isaiah 41:8 and 2 Chronicles 20:7.
dying at 175 years of age.
2SBut supposing that Abraham had been thus IMPUTATION, RECKONING, CREDIT

justified, and supposing that his descendants, the ,s The special point to note in this connection is
Jewish twelve tribes, had inherited Abraham’s this: That righteousness or uprightness was im-
justification, what then? Would God then put the puted, reckoned, accounted or credited to Abraham
Jews under the law covenant through Moses? Why by reason of his faith in God and His word. That
should God then put those chosen descendants of is, Abrahamwas not actually made righteous in the
faithful Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob under the law flesh, for his body continued imperfect as before and
covenant in order to demonstrate that "by the deeds also the death which descended from the sinner
of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his Adamfinally overtook Abraham.But during his life
sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin"? his justification by faith gave him a privileged stand-
Certainly Godwould not have done so, if Abraham’s ing with God, a righteous standing, so that he could
justification has been a "justification of life" enjoy the privileges of a friend of God. Nowwhat
bestowed in anticipation of the death of Abraham’s was possible for God to do with or toward Abraham
Seed Christ Jesus. Remember that Joshua, the was also possible for him to do toward others. What?
successor of Moses, was under the law covenant 2T. Wqaa~ other consequence* following upon "Justification of life’"
show that Abraham did not have the same Justification as that of
25. What, then, do we conclude as to Abraham’s JusUfleaUon? and the Christian church?
how doee Abraham’s death back up that conclusion? 28. Hence, to what must we conclude that Abraham wu Ju~tlfied?
26 If Abraham’s Justification had been that of life, why would 29. What is the special point that should be noted in thls connection?
Jehovah have dealt differently with the Israelites? and hence in what way wu Abraham’s Justification typical?
1, 1945 ffSeWATCHTOWER. 233
Justify them by faith; reckon, impute, account or in paragraph 18, namely: Why,if it nowhas "justi-
credit righteousness to others on the basis of their fication of life", does not the church of Godon earth
faith. Abraham’sjustification was that type of justi- have actual perfection in the flesh, as Adamhad it?
fication and hence may be said to be typical. That The matter of imputation or crediting explains it.
is, it was of the kind of justification that Godwould Actual righteousness or perfection in the flesh is
follow toward others in the future. Such is the not literally given to them, but it is imputed,
argument upon which the apostle Paul dwells in reckoned, accounted or credited to them. And by
chapter four of Romans, verses 20-25, sa34ng: reason of this righteousness which is credited to
~°"[Abraham] did not incredulously question their account they have justification with God. Prior
God’s promise, but his faith gave him power and thereto, due to their birth in sin, they were under
he praised God in the full assurance that God was condemnation before God. Sin and imperfection were
able to do what he had promised. That was why it charged to their account and stood against them. But
was credited to him as uprightness. It was not on now God’s mercy made a righteous way whereby this
his account alone that these words, ’it was credited bad account, this debit, could be canceled, and they
to him,’ were written, but also on ours, for it is to could have a clean bill with him and something to
be credited also to us who have faith in him who their credit.
raised from the dead our Lord Jesus, who was given "This may be illustrated by Paul’s treatment of
up to death to makeup for our offenses, and raised Onesimus, a slave who ran away from his master
to life to makeus upright." (Goodspeed) That is to Philemon and met up with Paul and became a
say: "Whowas delivered for our offences, and was Christian. Writing to Philemon, Paul asked of him
raised again for our justification."--Authorized this favor concerning Onesimus: "If he hath wronged
Version. thee, or oweth thee ought, put that on mine account."
~1 The ones to whomthe apostle is thus writing That is to say: "If he has caused you any loss
are not "all men" or "the mass of mankind", but are or owes you anything, charge it to my account."
the "church of God". His introductory words show (Philem. 18; Goodspeed) Paul adjusted Onesimus’
this: "To all that be in Rome,beloved of God, called account with his debtee, Philemon; and thus Paul
to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our justified Onesimus with Philemon, but without
Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ." (Rom. i:7) actually giving any literal moneyto Onesimus. Paul
Uponsuch ones in his favor God bestows the imputa- could make such an arrangement, because what
tion of righteousness due to their faith. Such impu- service he had rendered to Philemon was more than
tation of righteousness brings them peace with him moneycould buy, worth far more than what financial
and results in a justification which could not be damages Onesimus had caused his master Philemon.
had prior to Christ’s being raised from the dead. ~’ So Jehovah God credits to the membersof the
Therefore Paul, when he preached at Antioch in church of God what Adamhad, or the equivalent of
Pisidia, said to the Jews concerning Jesus: "He, what Adamhad, in the garden of Eden before his
whomGod raised again, saw no corruption. Be it sin, to wit, righteousness and human perfection,
known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that with humanlife-rights in Paradise, including human
through this man is preached unto you the forgive- sonship of God. Of the perfect Adamit is written:
ness of sins: and by him all that believe are justified "Adam, which was the son of God." (Luke 3: 38)
from all things, from which ye could not be justified Do you ask, Howcan God justly extend such credit
by the law of Moses." (Acts 13:37-39) This is to the church, and why does he? It is because he
justification to which Abraham could not attain raised Jesus from the dead; and Jesus ascended to
away back there, because the necessary conditions heaven and appeared in God’s presence. Concerning
had not then been provided. Hence, the likeness this it is written, at Hebrews9: 24-26: "Christ is
between God’s treatment of Abrahamand his treat- not entered into the holy places made with hands,
ment of the Christian church is not as to the degree which are the figures of the true; but into heaven
of justification, but is as to the imputation of right- itself, nowto appear in the presence of Godfor us:
eousness. The likeness is as to the use of imputation, nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the
of reckoning, accounting, or crediting. The justifica- [Jewish] high priest entereth into the holy place
tion which the church of Godenjoys, however, ushers every year with the blood of others; for then must
them into privileges of greater degree than those he often have suffered since the foundation of the
enjoyed by Abraham back there. world: but now once in the end of the world hath he
"Turning our minds again to that question raised appeared to put awaysin by the sacrifice of himself."
30. With what ~orde doe~ Paul dwell on thls point at Romans 4:20-25?
31 To whom dzd Paul address those words? and in what way is there 33. How may th~ bQ inustrated by Paul’o deallng wlth Onesimus
a likeness between God’s dealing with them and dealing with Abraham~ and Philemon?
32 Why, then, does the church of God, if Justified, not have actual 34. What doeo God credit to members of the church? and how can
perfectlon in the flesh? he justly do ~?
234 ~t~ieWATCHTOWEtL B~ooI~L~-,N. Y.
~8 Christ Jesus having laid downhis perfect human through the faith; for an exhibition of his righteous-
life and its privileges in death and then being ness in passing by the sins formerly committed.
resurrected as a spirit person, he could present the during the forbearance of God."--Rom. 3: 24, 25.
value of his humansacrifice in God’s holy presence The Emphatic Diaglott.
to be used there to the account of God’s debtors. ** Thus it was possible for the apostle Paul to say,
Menof the world may say, Whocould put any stock as quoted above (paragraph 17), that some of the
in that arrangement? Whocould believe all that? Christian church had been fornicators, idolaters,
Well, we reply, that is where the element of faith adulterers, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers,
comesin, and that is where the believers benefit. Of extortioners, etc., but nowthey were washed, sancti-
course, the angels would not draw on that credit fied, and "justified in the nameof the Lord Jesus,
account. It was not presented to Godon their behalf; and by the spirit of our God". (1 Cot. 6: 9-11) "In
and the holy angels do not need it. Moreover, they the name of the Lord Jesus" means by the power
would not want humanperfection and its life-rights and office of Redeemer which the Lord Jesus
in Eden credited to them, because perfect man is occupies. In that name the Christians believing in
’made a little lower than the angels’. (Ps. 8: 5) him had their sinful estate canceled out from the
is menin debt to Godthrough birth in sin that need sight of God; and then their justification by faith
to draw on such an account. put them on the same footing as Adam, the perfect
’0 Now, then, how do those who become members son of God in Eden. Because of this, they had died
of the "church of God" draw on. this merciful to sin; and therefore they should no longer willingly
provision made for them? On what grounds will indulge in any sin, nor do so for the perverted
Jehovah God absolve them from the sin and imper- pleasure that the imperfect flesh has in sinning.
fection to which they are subject by inheritance at They should no longer be the servants of sin. "How
birth? Howwill Godcredit to them the value of the shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer
perfect man and his sonly privileges in Eden? It therein? For he that is dead is freed [justified]
is because of their faith. If they did not believe in from sin." (Rom. 6: 2, 7; margin) "For he who
God and his provision through Christ, they would died has been justified from sin."--The Emphatic
not apply to him for this benefit. They must have Diaglott; Rotherham.
faith in order to do so ; and that is God’srequirement "Therefore, if the Christian tries to live con-
of them. Hence their justification is one by faith; sistently with his justification, he will try not to
and it results from having righteousness in its per- yield himself to sin. Not that he can henceforth live
feetion imputed, reckoned, accounted or credited to perfectly in the flesh, because that he cannot do, he
them with God. being still in the imperfect flesh; but that he has no
"What a gracious, merciful arrangement! Yes; pleasure in or sympathy with sin. Whenthe Chris-
and that is why the members of God’s church are tian commits sin due to the inherited condition of
reminded that they are "justified by his grace". his flesh, then he still has available for his benefit
(Tit. 3: 7) Without his grace or favor their being the basis for his justification with God, namely, the
made right with God would not have been possible. blood of Jesus Christ. He still may exercise faith
It is free of cost to them, inasmuch as their faith in that sacrificed life of Jesus and its benefits. So
in God does not enrich him in any way or pay in doing, he obtains from God forgiveness of his sins,
anything to him. The words of Elihu to patient Job and maintains a clean, righteous standing with God.
are very fitting to them: "If thou be righteous, what The Scripture proof for this is at 1 John 1:9, 10:
givest thou him? or what receiveth he of thine hand?" 2: 1, 2: "If we acknowledgeour sins, he is upright
(Job 35: 7) "Or who hath first given to him, and and can be depended on to forgive our sins and
shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, cleanse us from everything wrong. If we say, "We
and through him, and to him, are all things : to whom have not sinned,’ we are making him a liar, and his
be glory for ever. Amen." (Rom. 11: 35, 36) For
such reason, and also for the reason that the justi- message is not in our hearts. Mydear children, I
fication is accomplished through our being delivered am writing you this so that you may not sin; yet if
from sinful debt by Jesus’ presentation of his sacri- anyone does sin, we have in Jesus Christ one who
fice to God, it is said to the Christian church: is upright and will intercede for us with the Father.
"Being justified freely by his favor, through that He is himself an atoning sacrifice for our sins, and
redemption which is by Christ Jesus; whomGod not only for ours but also for the whole world."
has set forth to be a mercy-seat, by his ownblood, ~Goodspeed.
35. Who benefits from this arrangement? and how? SS. In what name, and bow thereby, were they Justified? and what
38 Bow do members of the church draw on this provision? and hence is their relation henceforth to sin?
what kind of justification is theirs called? 39. Can the Juetlfled Cbristlan llve perfectly in the flesh? and of
37, Whyare they said to be "~ustifled by his ~race"? what can he avail himself as needed?
AuousT 1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWEI 235

WHY ON IMPUTATION~ of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and
,o Having had the foregoing explanation of how glory."--i Thess. 2: 12.
righteousness is imputed or credited to the church "Andso, in spite of their justification by faith,
of God, some minds may still be troubled with the Jehovah God has not restated the divine mandate to
proper question, namely, Whyis righteousness given such Christians, namely, to "multiply and fill the
to the church of God now on imputation? What is earth". (Gem1: 28, Roth.) Goddid not restate such
the sense of such an arrangement, the real objective divine mandate to their Head, the perfect ’~man
of it? Whygive them the "justification of life" on Christ Jesus". That indicated that, in justifying them,
an imputation basis ? Upon our examination of the he had no earthly, fleshly destiny in store for them.
Scriptures the answer appears. Bear in mind, also, that the apostle declares: ’,’Now
"You will notice that the apostle’s argument on this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot
justification, as it applies to the church of God, inherit the kingdomof God; neither doth corruption
occurs in conjunction with such things as sanctifica- inherit ineorruption." (1 Cor. 15: 50) Nowjustifica-
tion, glory of God, heirs of God, kingdom of God, tion by faith such as the church has at present
etc. For example, Titus 3:7 reads: "That being applies to the flesh, their humanbodies; and so even
justified by his grace, we should be madeheirs [of if one had justification as to the flesh, even with
God] according to the hope of eternal life." Also righteousness according to the flesh imputed to one,
I Corinthians 6: 10, 11, 19, 20: "Nor thieves, nor such one on earth could not get to heaven on that
covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extor- basis alone, for flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s
tioners, shall inherit the "kingdomof God. Andsuch kingdom. The perfect man Adam, a creature of
were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are flesh and blood, was not madefor heaven. The per-
sanctified, but ye are justified in the nameof the fect man Jesus, therefore, before he returned to
Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of our God. What? heaven, laid downhis humanlife and gave his perfect
know ye not that your body is the temple of the flesh as bread for the life of the world, and was
holy [spirit] which is in you, which ye have of God, raised from the dead a spirit creature. He left an
and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with example for his footstep followers. Andhence those
a price: therefore glorify God in your body." Also who are members of his body may not forever
Galatians 3:24, 26, 27, 29: ’~gherefore the law was remain living as creatures of flesh and blood, but
our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we must likewise die faithful. Rather"than remain for-
might be justified by faith. For ye are all the children ever on the earth, they must for ever forsake the
of Godby faith in Christ Jesus. For as manyof you things of the flesh, that is, this earthly humanexist-
as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. ence. They must be presented in sacrifice to God
And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, for a vindication of His name, as their Leader
and heirs according to the promise." Also Romans Christ Jesus was.
5: 1, 2: "Therefore being justified by faith, we have "Before ever such followers of Christ could be
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: by presented in acceptable sacrifice to God, they must
whomalso we have access by faith into this grace necessarily be first justified by God’s mercy through
wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory Christ Jesus. Otherwise, their natural condition,
of God." with inborn sin and imperfection and under God’s
"Justification occurring in connection with such just condemnation, would bar them from his accept-
other things as apply to Christians, this fact shows ing them as a pleasing sacrifice. Fromthis stand-
that justification by faith is not an end in itself. It point the all-essential need of justification becomes
is a steppingstone to something else. Otherwise, the clear, if they are to inherit the heavenly kingdom.
justification of the Christian church would stop at This justification comesto them by faith. This faith
making them actually perfect and righteous in the or belief in Godand in his provision through Christ
flesh with the expectancy that they would live on they must show or prove by making a full consecra-
earth forever in a terrestrial paradise or garden of tion of themselves to Godthrough Christ. They must
Eden. But that is not the destiny for which God is trust that they will be receivable through Christ
dealing with the church, which is the "body of Jesus, or "accepted in the Beloved". (Eph. 1:6)
Christ". God has called Christians who are of the Thus they ’deny themselves’. (Matt. 16 : 24) In order
body of Christ unto a heavenly calling, to be joined that his High Priest, Christ Jesus, may present
with Christ Jesus in the ldngdomof heaven. To them these believers as an acceptable sacrifice, Jehovah
the apostle Paul writes : "That ye would walk worthy Godjustifies the consecrated believers and imputes
43. What facts further show that the church’s destiny Is not earthly
40. On what feature of Justification is question now properly rahmd? and that Justification is only a steppingstone to something else?
41. In connection with what other things does Paul’s discussion as 44. (a) In connection with such sacrifice how does the need of
to the church’s JusUficatlon occur, as shown by Scripture texts? Justification become clear7 (b) Howdo the believers prove thetr fatth.
42. What does that fact show? and what would be the case otherwise? and how ooes God deal with thooe accepted for sacrifice?
LY., N.Y.
to them perfect righteousness. Then, accepting these human life on earth. Thus, too, Jehovahcan now
as sacrificed through Christ, Jehovah God begets begetthemby his spiritof lifeand set beforethem
them by his life-giving spirit to a new life, hence the hope of life immortalin the heavenly"kingdom
to a new destiny, the heavenly destiny in the King- of his dearSon.He doesnot haveto wait untilthe
dom with Christ Jesus. And by his spirit God end of the thousand-yearreign of his dear Son
sanctifies them to his service as his witnesses and in order to have perfecthuman sons who would be
servants.--1 Pet. 1 : 2-4; John 3 : 3, 5 ; Rom.8 : 16-18. in conditionto go throughthissacrificialprocess.
’~ Now we can see the economical dealing of Jeho- The imputation or crediting of righteousness
vah God in giving justification by faith to those of throughfaithin ChristJesusprovidesfor him the
the "church of God" and doing so by the imputation justway to accomplishall thisnow duringthe reign
of righteousness. Foreknowing that these Christians of sin and deathof humankind.
are to be sacrificed after they have made their con- ,CAll the foregoingfacts open our eyes to see
secration to him, Jehovah does not give them actual the distinctionbetweenthe justification of the
perfection in the flesh. He imputes or credits it to membersof the "churchof God"and the justification
them because of their faith and obedience and by whichcomesto "men of good will"in the glorious
virtue of the value of Jesus’ perfect human sacrifice. worldto come.Concerning which,please,see leading
Thus these can be sacrificed as human sons, fore- articlesin our issueof August15, whichconclude
going for ever their right to everlasting perfect thisseriesof discussions.
45. How. then. is such dealing of God with his church seen to be 46 What are our eyes now opened to ~, and where shall we look
economical? for discussion of it?


R ELIGION’S purpose always Is to close the mouths of God’s

witnesses. She has ever sought to silence Kingdom tesh-
,nony And to gain her end she has always made alliances
unto him vmd. They were more easily said than fulfilled.
vah’s witnesses in Germany did not "dissolve".
How hke the mortified Haman must Hitler have felt! Haman,

with the political powers of this world. Outstanding m her career you recall, was that cursed Amalekite who was advanced pohtl-
of ’soiling her skirts with the blood of the souls of the poor inno- eally above all the princes of Persia. He was next to the king
cents’ was the foul murder of Christ Jesus, "the faithful and himself. By government command the subjects of the empire
true witness." (Jet. 2:34; Rev. 3:14) That she engineered reverenced and bowed before him. But Jehovah’s witness
through Roman pohtical tools. She has not changed. Ravenous, Mordecai refused to ’HeLl Haman!’ As a result he and all the
leopard-hke rehgmn Is still spotted and spattered with the blood Jews, God’s w~tnesses at that time, were declared to be se&-
of Christmas. (Jer. 13:23; Roy. 17:6) During this twentieth tmus and the decree went forth that they should be dissolved.
century rehglon’s venom against Jehovah’s witnesses has found But Haman’s decree likewise returned unto h~m void, unfulfilled;
its freest outlet m the late German Third Reich. The pohtmal and in contemplating his promotmns and victories he once wailed.
tool has been the never-excommunicated Cathohc, Adolf Hitler. "Yet all this availeth me nothing, so long as I see Mordecai the
The religious power wleldmg thLs latest "Church sword" has Jew sitting at the king’s gate¯" Shortly thereafter Haman and
been the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. his political party were destroyed; whereas Jehovah’s witnesses
Let the Catholic chorus of denials of this be quashed by just of that time remained victorious upon the field to sing God’s
one histormal fact. During H~tler’s heyday a Catholic priest of pratses.--Esther 3 : 1-13 ; 5 : 13 ; 7 : 10; 9 : 5,17-22.
Berlin gloated: "There is now one country, on earth where the In Germany the Nazi-Vatican forces fought bitterly to hqm-
so-called ’Earnest Bible Students’ [Jehovah’s witnesses] are for- date Jehovah’s witnesses. They turned back the hands of t, me
bidden. That is Germany! The dlssolutmn of the sect which, at some five centuries to resurrect from the dark Middle Ages thetr
that time, had found a strong foothold m Germany, d~d not favorite weapon--the InquLsltlon. This t,me it burst into full
come to pass under Brunmg [chancellor before Hitler], although bloom in the form of the Nazi concentration camp But the
the Cathohc Church m Brunmg’s tLme urged to have this done¯ weapon failed relibnon; it did not prosper¯ It did not close the
¯ . . When Adolf Hitler had come to power and the German mouths of God’s witnesses: they continued to talk the Kingdom.
episcopate repealed their request, Hitler said: ’These so-called It did not silence R~ingdom proclamations: they spread abroad
"Earnest Bible Students" are trouble-makers; they disturb the in the land. It did not break the integrity of Jehovah’s people:
harmomous life amongst the Germans; I consider them quacks; they fought on m faithfulness. Rehgmn’s purpose, which IS Sa-
I do not tolerate that the German Cathohcs be besmirched in tan’s purpose, was turned back, voided by the unbreakable in-
such a manner by this American "Judge" Rutherford; I dissolve tegrity of Kingdom witnesses. Indeed, why should the concen-
the "Earnest Bible Students" m Germany; their property I dedi- tration camp prevail over them~ Had not their Almighty Jeho-
cate to the people’s welfare; I will have all "their literature con- vah foretold, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall pro6-
fiscated.’ BraveI"~The German Way, May 29, 1938. per"?~Isa. 54:17; Jer. 1: 19.
With deadly efficiency papal rehgmn and her "crusading sword" The lifting of the veil over Hitler’s fortress Europe chscioses
and concordat partner collaborated. The conspLrators soaked the many modern "Jobs". Job of long millenmums past answered
soil of Europe with the blood of millions. The Nazi hordes cru- the Devil’s challenge to Jehovah’s honor; thousands of sma~lar
saded eastward even to the banks of the Volga, and blitzed answers now arise with increasing volume from all corners of
their way westward to the Channel coast. From the frozen north Europe. (Job 1: 8-12; 2: 1-10) Consider with sobriety the search-
parts of Scandinavia to the burning sands of Africa the goose- ing tests of integrity endured by Jehovah’s witnesses m the Nazi
stepping legions tramped in triumph, atded always by an effi- ooneeatratiou camps, note the fortitude with which they met
cient rehgious fifth column. As the years from 1933 on to the
middle of World War II rolled by the vaunted invincibility of them all, and see whether you do not agree that Fasctst rehgmn-
Nazldom suffered no setbacks; that is, no setbacks but one, and ists failed utterly to break them. See how theLr attitude matches
that on the home front. The pompous words of the Nazi fuehrer, Job’s: "Till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me."
"I dissolve the ’Earnest Bible Students’ in Germany," returned ----Job 27:5.
1, 1945 :R-tieWATCHTOWEK 237
Shortly after Catholic Hitler came into power the work of used in trilling. Strict neutrality, even under threat of being shot,
Jehovah’s witnesses was banned. Undaunted by legal decree, the was their watchword. Most of the prisoners that did work m
witnesses gave the apostohc reply: "We must obey God rather the armament factory were killed m a bombing raid. It was
than men." (Acts 5: 29, Am. S:an. fret.) The Devil’s reply to revealed that with the Bible Students in Buchenwald were two
thiswas tbe eoncentratlon camp.Jehovah’s wltnesses wereherded or more men who had been S.S. guards in the camp, but who
into thesetortureholesby the thousands. They were held iso- had renounced their Nazi oath and declared thetr behef m
latedm specialbarracks. They were forbidden to speakwith the Jehovah. They were forthwith imprisoned with the witnesses.
otherinmates,and any otherpmsonertalkingto the BibleStu- And here is an interesting fact this noted journalist revealed
dentsdrew twenty-five lashesand solitaryconfinement. How the in the interview: Of the Christian prisoners, 450 were Jehovah’s
religioustormentorsfearedthe spreadof the Kingdomwitness! witnesses and 50 were representahves o£ such sects as Adventist,
The Blb|eStudentswere glventhe hardestjobsand made to work Salvation Army, etc. In view of the Hierarchy propaganda
the longesthours;they were vilelyabused;they were cruelly about their supposed opposition to Hitler and their sufferings
floggedand put throughrlgorous pumtlveexercises; theirperse- at his hands, is it not most strange that this cult of millions was
cutorseven sank to the sub-bestlallevelof makingthem con- not represented ha the camp~ Yet one of the smallest groups
sume theirown bodilywastesat tunes.Sincethisworldhas now generally classed "religious" was the one so overwhelmingly rep-
for selfishreasonschosento see and denouncethe base treat- resented in the concentration camps of Germany! Europe now
ment meted out m the Nazi coneentrahoncamps,a detailedre- knows the truth of the Nazi-Vatican collaboration; America still
viewof theserepugnant thingswillnot be necessary here.Just gullibly gobbles up the Hierarchy propaganda dtshed out by
rememberthat the atrocitiesrecentlypubhcizedhave been m- a toadying, servile press.
t]zeted on Jehovah’switnessesm Germany for more than ten Having heard of the Nazi treatment of Jehovah’s witnesses,
iongyears. a Protestant minister said in 1938, when seven years of blackest
SinceV-E day the followingreporthas filteredthroughfrom persecutmn still stretched ahead: "These unknown witnesses of
twenty-elght Bible Studentsm the Belsenconcentration camp, Jehovah as Christian martyrs are maintaining unshakable opposi-
datedMay 19, 1945: "Of 31 brothers and 52 sisters, only3 broth- tion against coercion of eonselence and heathen idolatry., and
ers and 25 sistersare stillalive(wlthmtwo months}.We have this after five years of terror m Germany. The fact that about
full gratitudeand praisetowardsour heavenlyFatherfor all 6,000 of these Christmns are withstanding courageously the Nam
the graceand goodnesswith whichhe has, in this fearfulcamp terror concentratmn camps, etc., is worthy to be noted by ever)’-
untiltoday,so wonderfully led, guidedand fed us. Sincethe one who stands for liberty m matters of faith and conscience.
Brltishcamp commanderhas taken over It is for us a time of They suffer and bleed because as Jehovah’s witnesses they refuse
joy and recoveryafter8 to 10 yearsof the mostdifficult, most the worstnp of Hitler. All in all, these pecuhar Christians are
brutaland most cruel treatmentat the hands of the Gestapo accounted worthy to suffer for His name’s sake and numbly
and S.S. Here m Bergen-Belsenthe followingnatmnahtlesare they have proved that they really know how to maintain their
represented by Jehovah’s wJtnesses: Russmn, Pohsh, Hungarian, high htle: ’Jehovah’s witnesses.’ He who permits these docu-
Austrian, Itoliandish, German, and Slovakian." ments [of persecution] to speak to him in all sincerity will see
In Aprd, 1945, s party of journalists from neutral countries the maligned Earnest Bible Students in a new hght. He wdl
visited Buchenwald concentratmn camp. Their reports, widely not again judge them quickly in his own self-righteousness, but
publicized m the public press of European countries and broad- he will desire that his own church might have a spark of their
cast over B.B.C. and American Services over European programs, simple faith as overeomers."
were most horrifying when dealing with Jehovah’s witnesses.
Concerning them the well-known Swedish jouruahst and B B.C.
broadcaster, Bjorn Hallstrom, speaking over the B.B.C. Euro- Some of the foregoing statements, and many others at hand,
show that the Catholic d~ctator and modern inqmsltor very much
pean service on Sunday, May 6, 1945, sa~d, m part: desired the signatures of Jehovah’s w~tncsses to dcciaratmns
"Amongst the prtsoners who had been locked up m Buchen- renouncing their behef in Jehovah and the Bzble truths The
wald ever since the camp had been m existence---that means Hierarchy, in all its inquisitmns, has set great store by this prac-
eight whole years--there are about 300 men who had been brought tree of grinding out confessions and renunclatmns from "heretics"
there because of the Christian faith. Most of the Chrmtmn pris- m Its torture holes. These statements seem to indicate such re-
oners are Bible Students. The hardest work was tmposed on these nouncements were the only way of escape from concentratmn
Christian prisoners They had to work m the quarry most of the camps for Jehovah’switnesses.But there was one other way
hme. and from there they were forced to pull up fully loaded of release.Read it from the hand of threewho foundJr.
wagons at the double, all the tune being all-treated w~th cudgels Froman elghteen-year-old wltness(September, 1942)
by the S.S, under whose severest guard they were kept.
"Dearparentsand brethren,
"E~ery three months the Chrtstian prtsoners were given a form "Whenyou receivethis letterI shallhave left thin world.
Io sign. It was a declaration that the prisoner in question would
I am qtutecomposed.Tomorrowmorningearly,at preclsely five
desmt from his ’false doctrine’. To sign this meant immediate minutespastfive,my lifewillbe ended.Do not sorrow.I die as
hberty. But never d~d it happen that these Chnshans sagned such
a criminal,even thoughI am only doingthat which~s rlght,
a declaration. For Hitler it seemed to mean very much to get m thatI obeyJehovah. ’He who humbleshlmselfshallbe exalted’
the signatures of the Chnstaans. Every day some of the prison-
"On Saturday I came away from Berlin. There the Cathohc
ers were called out and beaten with all kinds of instruments to priestpald me anothercarat.He mentionedamongotherthings
enforce their signature.
"Today the Nazm claim that the famine m the camp was caused that we wouldsee each otheragainm heavenlyglorywith God.
I replied, ’Oh, nol’ By means of persuasion they stall hope to
by transport dLfficulties and lack of provismns, but before the convert me, but I have made my deemion. Dear mother, I know ~t
outbreak of war, when actually no lack of food existed, the
Nazm had started a systematic starvation of the Chr~stian prLs- will be especially hard for you. Be strong and remain faRhful
to the Lord. We know that we shall see each other again in
criers. Most of them look skeletons now. But a Bible Student everlastLug peace and joy.
mmLster told me, ’Already m 1939 we were shadows. When we
marched to the quarry we ate the green from off the trees and "Dear parents, I must now close and say farewell, and thank
bushes.’" you for all your goodness to me. May the Lord give you much
This journalist was later interviewed at the Society’s Branch peace. The Lord he praised to eternity. Amen!"
office m London. He enlarged upon matters to those m charge Another last-letter from a young man:
there. B~ble Students were forbidden rights other prisoners had, "~Jy dear ones,
such as better-writing and purchasing extra food. For this latter "It i~ now 9 o’clock of the day of my trtal, but I must wait
reason they ate the greenery off bushes and trees. The youngest till 11:30. I am writing these lines in a solitary cell of the
witness m Buchenwald was 17; the oldest, 70. The witnesses state military court. I have such peace, which is really l~ardly
refused to give the Nazi salute, and would not perform work believable; but I have also committed all to the Lord, and so [
producing armaments or ,~mmunltion or any other materials can calmly wait for this hour and to the constant fetters. They
told you that I shall not be chained. Lies! Day and night: onty the spirit rejoices, the body seems also to share in this joy. Do
to dress and undress and for cell cleaning is one unchained, and you knowthat to own Jehovah is worth more than all the treas-
the latter one must also do with the shackles on as the tnne al- ures of the worldT For one who has found him has found life;
lowed is muchtoo short. But let us leave that. Four weeks later and all whohate him love death. Yes, he can claim the life, be-
the ratification of the verdict wilt come,and then off to Branden- cause this also belongs to him, even the life of those whodo not
burg, where the death sentence will be executed within about believe on him. Mylife, however, be consecrated to htm even unto
two weeks. [At Brandenburg the watnesses were not shot or death, for after the completion of the covenant by sacrifice the
hanged, but beheaded.] During these two weeks, so I have heard, resurrection will follow. I shall fight for the honor of Jehovah
one is also ehamedon the feet. and the glory of his name. And I feel the fire burning w~thin
"12 : 35. It is all over now.In view of the fact that I maintained me, to consume me. Movedby his spirit I shall cover his name
my objection, the death sentence was decreed. I listened, and with ineffaceable glory. Love---its intensity m as the burning
then after I had spoken the words ’Be thou faltlfful unto death’ fire, a flame of Jab. I will fight for him with the courage and
and a few other words of our Lord, it was all over. But never boldness of a roaring lion. Yes, I shall fall as the oak m the
mind that now. I have such peace, such tranquillity, that you storm. Sometimes I experience an overwhelming happiness, a
can’t possibly tmagme. Whenin a few short hours I return to tremendous joy in my breast, knowing that my dehverance m
the lonehness and the fetters, I can only thank and again thank near. Wemust cease to hang onto life, for only then can the
and beseech the Lord: ’Take me soon into thy glory and give inward peace fill us to the full. The hour has come when the
all my loved ones of thy peace and thy understanding. Yea, to Almighty calls his people to himself, and WHaTCA~BZ KORZ
all those who call upon thy name. May thy Kingdom come to GLORIOUS THAN TO LIVE AND TO DIE FOR HIS NAME’S 8AK.E~
thLne honor and to our lasting reunion.’ "Do NOT A.I,LOW YOURSELF TO B]~ LULLED TO SLEEP THROUGH
"My dearest ones, fulfill thLs mywish: be faithful and strong, THECARESOF THIS LIFE. Cast all your cares upon Him. And
that we may soon see each other again forever. For, see hOWl do not becomeswallowed up in sorrow. Let joy be your strength,
I still have it m my power to turn back, for there is a second and may an abundance of peace be within you. He will. help
and last hearing yet to come. But not a spark can kindle this you to overcome aU~He, the friend of the widows and orphans.
thought to life, for the Lord has truly done great things for me. Mydear Hflde and children, I have received both your letters.
In answer to my prayer I have been able to expermnce his The enclosed photos are very pretty. Ingried, however, seems
grace to the depths. Thin peace, this joy which came over me to be so tiny.
already in the courtroom, which the world can never understand, "Last Tuesday I came before the doctor. He asked me whether
suffused and overwhelmedme as I re-entered my cell; for there I wanted to hold to mydecision. I said ’Yes’. Tomorrow,Friday,
lay )-our letter, from which flows so much confidence, under- my case will come on. I shall therefore give this letter up only
standm~ and care for my well-being. Do not weep. Just think, the day after tomorrow, so that I can tell you the verdict. It
it was I who was once afraid, who worried about his earthly will come as I am expecting. I look LUto the future calm and
hfe, who once shed tears. It was really me, who, but a few hours composed. I believe I have the struggle behind me. Only for
ago, was sentenced to death. Mypainful wrists are witnesses, you and the children I am sometimes concerned.
for to wr~te m fetters and at the same time to hold the paper m "21st August, Friday. My hear Hitde, today I have been
not so easy. The struggle is now over, and the Devil will try sentenced to death. I beseech you to remain steadfast, and to
another method; but that won’t be successful either, not even believe that we shall meet again. I shall be glad whenit is all
if I am day and night m chains. over. Do not excite the little one; ~t wouldnot be good for him,
"But I will not boast here m my sufferings; be it far from even if he could comprehend it all. HowI miss my Bible! I
me, for ff God’s hand were not over us we would fall into de- must rack my memory-- ’How am I straitened [somebmes] till
spair. But I only want to tell you, and all those who call upon it be accomplished.’
the Lord, that the Lord gives peace, strength and joy when we "Mydear Hilde, short was our happiness; the Almighty per-
trust h~rn absolutely. All this have I been privileged to experi- mRted it. Wedo not want to murmur and to complain, but to
ence. I only regret that I cannot be free and stay with you all think that we have not given our lives to ourselves. We must
for a little while, that I m~ght tell it more emphatmally. But be grateful to have had even a short span of life, while the
what I write here with flayed wr~sts on which the chains are lower forms of life are not even conscious that they hve. I am
clasped, m a house of abject mhumamty,must replace this. a little absent-minded, as you can see from my writing. Dear
THESE LINES SHOULD~ HOWEVER, CAUSE THOSE WHO LIVE THEIR Hilde, I embrace you and mydear children, and consider myself
LIVES IN A STATE OF INDIPFF_.R~NT SLUMBER TO AWAKEN AND BESTIR. happy to possess you and I want to keep you for ever. Even
"VChen the news reaches you that my life has been extm- death itself will not be able to cut this band asunder whmh
gmshedmay these lines, although I regret so clumsily expressed unites us. I close now and think of you all m spirit. Heartfelt
m comparison to my feelings, always remain wuh you as a re- greetings to all, my parents, your parents; and may my love
minder that you may never sorrow or despair, with your eyes embrace and encompass you and the children for ever and ever.
joyfully turn’ed toward our Redeemer and his Kingdom. Thts "Thinking constantly of you,
is the best that I can give you, and all beloved brethren today, Papa"
the last Sunday before my executmn (beheading), on which day Touching beyond words are those letters. They fairly breathe
I am unfettered. the strength and courage born only of Jehovah’s holy sprat.
Your B " But those are only three. Multiply them many hundredfold, Lf
Lastly, a partial quotation of a letter from husband to wife: yOUcan comprehend it, and you will begin to have some con-
"Dear Hildegard, ception of what has occurred m Oerm,~n concentratmn camps.
"WhenI he on my bed alone in my cell, pictures of the past In the interview with the Swedish journalLst prevmusly men-
and of the future float before my mind. I must endure until my tioned the estimate was given that 1,500 integrity-keepers sealed
hour be come. I will not look back, so that I cannot see any- their testimony with their lifeblood. "Blessed are ye, when men
thing that would draw me from my resolve. ’No man having shall revde you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evd
put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the against you falsely, for my sake"; "beloved, think it not strange
kingdom of God,’ said the Lord. And you too, my dear Hflde, concerningthe fiery trial whichis to try you,.., rejoice, inasmuch
look not behind, but think of Lot’s wife. as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings"; "m the world ye shall
"My dear Hlldegard, up to thLs hour I have never had to have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the
regret that I married you. We have spent many a happy hour world"; "in all these things we are more than conquerors"; "he
together. Well that our God pernntted that we should be united; that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved"; "be
so let us not murmurand complain that we shall be separated m thou fsathful unto death"; "beheaded for the witness of Jesus";
the flesh for a little while. all these and oh so many other inspired words leap the gap of
"Do you know, Hildegard, what causes one to stand or to nineteen centuries to fit perfectly into the unselfishly spent lives
fallT It is the spirit, the thoughts. As fire it can illunnnate the of these present-day integnty-maintainersl And with God’s serv-
weary body. Whenthe spirit suffers, the body suffers too; when ants astheyarebuffeted andbounced alongtheturbulent stream
1, 1945 heWATCHTOWER. 239

of trials and tribulations, how strong and sure flows the sus- those in charge in Belgium received a communication from a
taining current of "the peace of God, which passeth all under- concentration camp asking the Society to choose from namespro-
standing" I posed a brother to be companyservant. Thereafter monthly re-
"NEITHER MALE NOR FEMALE" ports came from this concentration camp, and the companybe-
came known as Concentration Camp Company! For two months
But let us moveon swiftly in this stn-rmg drama of integrity. they had the following report: 29 publLshers; 302 hours; 104
"There m neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ visits; 2 modelstudies; 2 immersed:all this under the very noses
Jesus." (Gal. 3: 28) Thin held true in Germanyand the occu- of the Nazi guards!
pied countries, so far as persecution was concerned. Both ’male But listen to these miraculous tidings: Recently somerefugees
and female’ came off "more than conquerors", and left rehgmn from Germany were brought to Sweden through the Red Cross.
vanqmshedon the battlefield. Twoletters are at hand from sis- A number were witnesses. From them comes a thrilling report,
ters written at the time of their incarceration in a Nazi concen- dated June 9, 1945. In the concentration camp at Neuengamme,
tration camp. They were traed and tested, and triumphed. Their near Hamburg, a well-planned secret offensive was launched m
work was of "the hardest drudgery: shoveling sand, carrying 1943. Literature was produced, testimony cards were printed in
stones, carting earth, excavation work, etc., severe treatment; various languages, and special "shock troops" spearheaded the
by far insufficient nourishment: potato peelings, weeds, bunches drive of witnessing to the campinternees. Others then movedinto
of flowers, even woodshavings and anything else found its way the fight by malnngback-calls, conducting book studies, and even
into our stomachs to benumbthe horrible feeling of hunger. We holding lectures, some of which were given through interpreters
becameas thin as skeletons. Twice such a starvation chet lasting for the benefit of Russians and Poles. Heretofore the witnesses
for months! Weoften thought it was our end". had been isolated m one group; now the Nazm attempted to
But thrill to their Theocratic victories! After being cut off break up this organized work by scattering them throughout all
from commumcation wRhGod’s organization, their "mother", the barracks. The maneuver backfired; it only spread the wit-
for six long years, they cry out: "Can you imagine our over- ness. (Acts 8: 1, 4) In this camp a regular newspaper, News
whelmmgjoy when after nearly six years we again came m con- About God’s Kingdom, was published by Jehovah’s witnesses.
tact with ’mother’S" At last Watchtower articles were finding In another camp 300 accepted the truth, 227 of which were Rus-
theLr way through to them! They burn wath strength and renewed sian youths [
zeal to fight on: "We have devoured ’Darnel 11’. Howclear it
has made our vision! Nowwe are armed. Weare burning with a THEOCRATIC VICTORYFLASHES
desire to have an active share in connection with the ’tidings Onward, invincible Theocraey l While hundreds and thousands
out of the east and out of the north’. Oh, you loved ones! FOR were maintaining integrity in concentration camps and defeat-
rEARS EVERYTHING HAS BEEN STORED UP IN US AND LONGS ing religion’s purpose on that torturous front, other like num-
BURST ITS BOUNDS AND FIND EXPRESSIONS" This the burning de- hers outside the Inquisition camps were pushing forward in the
sire after morethan SLXlong years of the worst the concentration witness work. A few brief flashes will show the surge ahead of
camp could mete out! Howcomplete religion’s failure! God’svisible hosts in the Europeantheater of Theocratic warfare.
Through a maracle of the Lord they were able to hold a three- Onward, Theocracy, in Holland! With the entry of the
day assembly m December of 1942, with 300 of the 400 camp religions-totalitarian forces in 1940 the Kingdomwork was
inmates attending. The guarded language of "their letter mch- banned..But it did not "dissolve". All during the occupation,
cated 36 were immersed. Then there was the time they celebrated from ban-time to early 1945, some 1,000,000 pieces of hterature
the Memomalfeast. Emblems were smuggled in, and "everyone were printed and distributed. Such zealous activity brought down
was told to be m the laundry at 11 p.m. The assembling began upon the Kingdompublishers’ heads heavy Nazi wrath. Raids
at 10:30. Some of the sLsters awakened the others and some continually landed many in the dreaded concentration camps.
assured proper order, so that everything might proceed noise- But Jehovah’s w~tnesses had counted the cost, and ptmhed on
lessly and without disturbance. Exactly at 11 p.m. we were as- unfalteringly. They launched intensive campaigns, blitzes, to
sembled, 105 m number. We stood closely together m a circle, borrow a phrase, slapping stickers on telegraph poles and any
m the midst a footstool with a white cloth bearing the emblems. public places, which earned succinct but striking exposures of
A candle lit the room, as electric light might have betrayed us. the Nazi trespassers. They usually quoted an apt Scripture text,
Wefelt like the primitive Christians in the catacombs. It was a and were always signed "Jehovah’s witnesses" Scores of wit-
solemn feast. We expressed anew our fervent vows to our Fa- nesses continued pioneering through the perilous tnnes. An offi-
ther to use all our strength for the vmdlcatlon of his holy name". cial of the Germanoccupation police, who had presumptuously
Also the sisters were able to pass to the 120 brothers m the camp taken on the task of exterminating Jehovah’s witnesses m Hol-
enough emblems for them, and 37 of them partook m another land, wailed before others that ’the more Jehovah’s witnesses were
seetmn of the camp. To then- sLsters m Christ they commum- arrested, the more audaciously they worked’.
coted back their gratitude, and declared: "It is our fervent Theocratic orgamzation was streamlined for battle. The com-
prayer: ’LORD, MAKE US FREE FOR THE SERVICE.’ We are looking panies were reorganLzed, divided up into small study and service
forward with great zeal for Jehovah to the trine when he shall groups. To combat the activity of betraying "evil servants" the
open to his people the gates of liberty, m order that we might ten-pubhsher groups did not know those occupying key posi-
take up the fight again and serve htm." tions, but only their own study servant. The dreamers and
Near the close of one of their letters these faithful sisters hangers-on qmt, and into their places movedyoung and zealous
state: "The admires,ration of the tsland seems sometimes al- fighters. Why,m the first thirteen months following the ban
most to lose the mastery of the situation. They can trust nobody 500 symbolized their consecration to Jehovah God! Not only
and have begun to place us in confidential positions. Weare not ,herr time and energy, but their substance did they bring to sup-
a bit thrilled about it, for we have not the least ambition m port God’s side of the issue. Account of this reminds one of the
this direction. Whenwe are asked what we can do and even time the Israelites gave so wdlingly for the temple service, and
what we would like to do, our answer is: ’Where we are put we also how in the days of the apostles the witnesses pooled their
shall work.’ Our indifference as regards the so-called ’fine posts’ resources for the commoncause. (1 Chron. 29: 9; Acts 4: 34, 35;
often n-rltates our ’masters ~. But we remain caLm,for our inter- Prov. 3:9) About half of the 800 publishers in Holland at the
ests are those of the Kingdom." Quotations could be greatly start of persecution m 1940 were imprisoned; but the remaining
multiplied from these sisters and from others in other camps 400 witnessed and the Lord gave the increase---an increase tha~
to drive homethe fact that they as well as the brothers endured by 1945 had swelledthe r~nl~R of Hollandish Kingdompub-
brutal physical beatings and torture, but that through it all fishers to2,0001
they held fast to then" integrity to Jehovah’s honor and vindi- Onwardin Belgium!The reportsfrom hererun in similar
cation. vein.TheNazasinvaded, theworkwasbanned, andtheconflict
The work of The Theocracy moves ever onward. Yes, even in started. Thewitnesses wentfromhousetohousewlththeBtble~
concentration camps the witness to Theocracy swept forward wheninterest wasfoundback-calls wlthl~ingdom hterature fol-
like a mighty tidal wave. The truth-seed was sown and watered; lowed."During allthetuneof occupatmn," thereportstates,
it sprouted and grew and blossomed and bore fruit. One day "we haverecelved ’meatm dueseason’. Our studies havebeen

held without interruption. The life-giving sap of the true Vine the North, the Stadion, which was built for the Olympic games
has reached us m ways closely resembling the natural vine; that to be held there in 1940, had not war intervened. FromthLs good
LS why, dunng all the tune of the Naz, domination, Kingdom start the witnesses turned to the sole broadcasting corporation
frtuts were brought forth without interruption." Most nuracu- in the country. It controls all radio stations. To the request that
lous of all, however, and showing Jehovah’s loving shepherding the speech "The Meek Inherit the Earth" be broadcast over the
and feeding of h,s "sheep" and spreading a table for them in system the first answer was: "There is no human power which
the midst of their vLlest enemms(Ps. 23: 5), was the report from can movethe big stone which bars the way for you."
Brussels that they had been visited by a Polish brother just re- Humanpower did not moveit, but shortly thereafter the arm
cently delivered from Buchenwaldwho displayed copies of The of the Lord removed the stone. The Finnish broadcasting com-
Watchtower produced in camp despite the strict surveillance l pany took the lecture in the end. All Finnish stations beamed
The servant in charge in Belgium, who stated that he had the Kingdommessage forth, and it radio-waved its way into the
"been wandering about like an animal that is tracked since homes of the meekof the land. Also noteworthy is it that there
September, 1940", reported the victorious increase of King- was absolutely no charge for the broadcasting facihtles! The
dom announcers as follows: Just before the war, 240; in daily newspapers advertmed the public lecture. Theocratm ad-
March, 1945, 686] vertisers put on a real campaign; their information marchers
Onward m France! In this country the powerful Hierarchy were headed by announcers with megaphones who attracted the
fifth columnthat caused her fall at invasion time pulled strings notice of all to the placarded publmhers and theLr invitatmn
in October, 1939, and caused at that time the proh,biUon of the The response was magnificent. Six hundred witnesses m the
Watchtower Society and the witness work. The invasion in Stadion were joined by 12,000 strangers of good-will. In the
May, 1940, separated and scattered Jehovah’s servants. But re- eighteen cities 16514 public attended with 2,089 witnesses. Total
orgamzation m httle groups of 8 to 12 publishers enabled the literature distributed was 30,436 pieces. Forty symbolLzedtheir
work to go ahead, much in the same way as m Holland and consecration; the list of pioneers was increased 40 percent. What
Belgium. With manynarrow escapes they printed and distributed joy and gladness after years of oppression!
Bible literature. Concerning the Watchtower magazine the re- Onward,Theocracy, everywhere/Religion fights a losing fight!
port reads: "The Watchtower could not be printed regularly Her purpose has been turned back and smashed in her mlghhest
during these years. We made copies w~th typewriter and each stronghold. The loyalty and faithfulness and integrity of Jeho-
companyreceived one copy and had to make copies for the room- vah’s witnesses towers up out of the ruins of continental Europe
meetings. Isolated readers madea chain and sent the copy along as an unbudgeable monumentto the everlasting honor and vindi-
one to the other. In Novemberof last year [1944] we began again cation of Jehovah’s name. Out from this dark land of concentra-
to have it printed." Does this not remind one of the way the tion camps booms the reply to Satan’s challenge: "Yes r me.
early Christians made copies by hand of the books of the Greek can mainta:n integrity toward Jehovah under a,y Satanic tests/"
Scriptures and passed them along to the various congregations~ The Devilish concentration camps of the modemrehgmus Inqm-
The persecution was very intense in France, especially in sitioners have failed. Homeswere broken up. Those witnesses out-
Alsace. As in Germany, there were instances of children taken side the camps were hunted downlike wild beasts; those within
from parents, and other hke extreme trials. But in this land, were flogged, starved, tortured, theLr bodies battered and broken.
too, rehgmn failed in her purpose. The suffering her "Church Manywere shot; others were beheaded. Still their ranks swell
swords" mfl:cted only proved the integrity of Christians under in number l Even in the camps themselves other inmates behove
test; the continued activity of gospel-preachers prospered glori- and are immersed; assemblies are held; companies are formed;
ously. Rejoice in the report of increase: "We began with 400 Memormlfeasts are celebrated; Watchtower magazines are pro-
pubhshers [1940]; today we are 1,100. In 1940 we had in the duced; and, alas for poor religmn, even some of her ownhench-
whole land 1,200 associated in studies; today 5,000 in 85 or- men set as guards over the prisoners turn from their w~ckedness
ganized companies. In different towns we have new compames and come under Theocracy’s truth-banner! Surely only the blind-
with 100 to 200 associated where m 1940 we had 4 to 6. Com- ness of concertedness keeps Satan from seeing that he ~s whipped,
panies with 30 to 60 number today 200 to 300. In Pans we had completely, decisively, beyondrecovery.
80 in 1940; today we are 500 in 11 organized companies and As for Jehovah’s witnesses everywhere, they rejoice and glory
meet together m 50 httle room-meetings. The number ~mmersed greatly in the Lord, never in themselves. They knowthe Source
was 2,000. Muchwork has been done without being reported." of strength to hold fast to integrity, the Powerthat directs and
Again we say, Rejoice/ prospers Kingdomproclamatmns.Bolstered by past victories, they
Onwardin Finland! It has not been so long since this land look to the future with strong courage and hope. He will do
emerged from the blighting dommmnof Nazldom. Obedient yet greater things for his people in vmdicatmn of hLs name,
always to Hierarchy wishes, the deluded "master racers" clamped thts great Jehovah God who ’keeps Israel and neither slumbers
down on Theocratic interests. But look now at the marvelous nor sleeps’. HIS watcbeare ts sure as his people advance against
vmtory Jehovah effected on April 29, 1945. Eighteen pubhc rehgmn Future defeats of religion’s purpose will come as they
meetings were held, strategically spotted throughout the country. have in the past: "not by might, nor by power, but by my sprat,
The mumone, in Helsinki, used the biggest meeting-place in saith Jehovah cf hosts."--Zech. 4: 6, Am. Stun. Vet.

COMPOUND POLICE DISCOMFITED (AFRICA) The manager wanted to know who authorized me to preach
"It was in May that I held a back-call book study with and where do I get it that the kingdom of God has to
an attendance of 65 people in the native compound at a be established here. I pointed to Isaiah 61: 1, 2 and
place called ’Lawly’. Amongthose that attended this study Matthew 6: 9, 10. Fortunately I had an English Bible,
I noticed the compound police, who cross-questioned me. which I handed to him to look at. Having looked at it,
he turned round and looked at my accusers, whomhe asked
All their questions were answered Scripturally. On my
to show in the Bible where it says the kingdom of God
way back home after the study I was stopped by these is to be established in heaven only. Not one of them uttered
police with their Induna [army leader], who demanded a word in answer. Now the summary judgment followed-
to open my case to see what it contained, only two Bibles ’I am sorry I have no power to endorse your pass; but I
and some Watchtower publications. They took me to the say to you verbally now, Teach these that have accused
compound manager on a charge of ’the establishment of you, together with those in my compound, about that
the kingdom of God in this world instead of in heaven’. Kingdom to be established.’ "---J. C., Johannesburg.
AUGUST 15, 1945

I.,~r~.Grvrmj Ac~ur~rAL D1~n~O
T~sWORLD..................................... 243
Righteousness Imputed Now................ 245
LoveAnticipates.................................. 246
Comparisonand Contrast ................. 248
"Upon3J] Men"............................... 249
As Concerns Menon Earth................ 251
AsConcernstheDead......................... 253
Fn~,n F...T~P~z~
~ C~................................ 256
"WA~xTOW~" S~.~ 242

K~ODOM P~mms" ..... 242

117 Adams Street -
- Brooklyn i, N.Y., U.S.A.
y HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
peopleto knowJehovah.God
in theBible.Itpublishes
as expressed
N. H. KNORR,President W.E. VANAMBURGH, SecretaMJ designed toaidJehovah’s witnesses andallpeople ofgood-will.
Itarranges systematic Biblestudy foritsreaders andtheSociety
"And ,all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
Crest shall be the peace of thy children." - 1sarah 54:I3. suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in theScriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH Itadheres strictly totheBible aaauthority foritsutterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God and is from everlasting Itisentirely freeandseparate fromallreligion, parties, sects
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of orotherworldly organizations. It iswholly andwithout reserva-
life to his creatures; that the Loges was the beginning of his t-ionforthekingdom of Jehovah GodunderChrlsthisbeloved
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, King. It isnotdogmatic, butinvites careful andcrltlcal examma-
and 2s nowthe Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power tionofitscontents inthelight oftheScriptures. Itdoesnotin-
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah; dulge incontroversy, anditscolumns arenotopentopersonalitms.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully YEAaL,Y SUBSCRIPTION Palca
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason OHIT~ STATZS, $1.00: all other countries, $1.50, Americancurrency:
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the GREAT BRiTAiN, AUBTKALAalA, AND SOeTH AIr~Icx. 6s Americanremit-
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pricefor obedient onesof mankmd;thatGod raisedup Jesus
divineand exalted him to heavenaboveeveryothercreature FORSelGN Or].ics.a
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and authority; Xt~tral~#i~n __ 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
THATGOD’SCAPITALORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Boston Houas, CapeTown.South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the l,Jdtam 167 Love Lane. Bombay27, India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please addressthe Societyin averycase.
followers of ChristJesusare childrenof Zion,membersof
Jehovah’s organization, andare hiswitnesses whosedutyand
privilege itistotestify tothesupremacy ofJehovah, declare his Translationsof this Journalappearin several languages.
purposes towardmankind as expressed in theBible,andto bear
the fruitsof theKingdombeforeallwho willhear;
THAT THE OLD WORLD ended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, povertyor adversityare unableto paythe subscriptionprice
JesusChristhas beenplacedby Jehovahuponhis throneof mayhaveTheWatchtower free uponwrittenapplicationto the publishers.
authority, hasoustedSatanfromheavenandis proceeding to made once each year. slating the reason for so requestingit. Weare
~lad tothus aid the needy,but the writtenapplicationonceeach~ear
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i THATTHERELIEFandblessings of the peoplesof earthcan NOtiCetO Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a newor a renewalsub-
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to "fill
theearth" race. Enteredas second-clams
witha righteous matter at the post off/ce at Brooklyn.N.F.,
~nderthe Act oI MarchS, /S7S.


August is the month of the "Stranger’s R~ght" Testzmony Pe- The proper purpose of gaining any knowledge at all of the
riod. During this month all lovers of right and truth w~ll be truths aboutGod’s kingdom should be topassthebenefit thatwe
diligent to accord to the "stranger" class the right to hear the ourselves gastherefrom alongto others. HenceallWatchtower
Word of God and to have help m understandmg it, by brmgmg readers deserve noticeofthisnew384-page book,Theocratzc Aid
to them the Kingdommessage. They will specmhze on the com- re Kingdom Pubhsh~rs. Whether forprlvate studyandmstructmn,
binatmn of the book "The h%ngdomls at Hand" and the booklet or forstudyinclasses at Kmgdom Halls, or foruseas a ready-
released for this period, The "Commander to the Peeples", offer- reference handbook to be earnedwithus as a companion whenwe
mg this on a contribution of 25c. Manyof our Watchtower read- engage m proclaimmgthe R:ingdommessage afield, all Watchtower
el~ may view themselves as "strangers" and yet want to join readers will find good use for a copy of Theocrattc Aid to K,ng-
m taking part LUthe spread of this wonderful message. Let such don Pubhshers. Besides two introductory chapters calling attention
be informed that it is their God-glven right to have a part to the reason for the bookand outlining Its efficient usage m class-
thereto. So let all such wrReus for reformation, and we will hnk room study, this Aid sets out 90 lessons, aceompamedby Review
them up with a group of veteran publishers active in the work questions. These mstruct us on howto get informatmn direct from
for companmnship. As a finishmg touch to your efforts during the Bible and from Bible helps, howto formulate such gathered
August, please submit us a report of what you do. information for presenting It to audiences of one or more, under
varied conditions and circumstances, how to meet and overcome
"WATCHTOWER"STUDIES the arguments of opposers, how to avoid the eonfuston of reli-
Weekof September16 : "Life-gaving Acquittal During This World," gious; in short, howto be a confident, well-equippedand effective
1-17 inclusive, The Watchtower August 15, 1945. publisher of God’skingdom.It is a real aid to this end, and, bemg
Theocratic, is non-religious. The book is bound in brown cloth,
Weekof September23: "Life-givmg Acquittal During This World," wlthgvld-stamped titleandcover-embossing, andisindexed. The
18-34 inclusive, The Watchtower August 15, 1945. edition andit8circulation being limited, itissupplied ona con-
tribution of50ca copy,mailed toyoupostpaid. Servants of com-
Week of September 30: "Justification in the NewWorld," paniesorof groups shouldcombine ordersto allowforshipment
1-18 inclusive,TheWatehtotoer August 15, 194.5. to one address.
VOL. LX~q A~GUST15, 1945 No. 16


"Well then, lust as the result of a single transgression is condemnationfor all mankind, so also the result
of a single deed of righteousness is a life-giving acquittal for all mankind."--Rom. 5:18, Weymouth.
’EIIOVAH God has promised a new world, in
J which all creatures that live will be absolutely
’ The particular writer whogives us most informa-
tion upon the subject is the one knownas "Paul, a
just. Menwhochoose to believe his promises are servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle,
greatly encouraged by looking ahead to that right- separated unto the gospel of God", to quote his own
eous world to come. We today do not have to look words at Romans1" 1. In this letter to the congrega-
so far ahead as the sacred writer did, who wrote tion of Christians at Romehe develops the argument
for our benefit these words: "But we look for new to show that all the world is guilty before God, not
heavens and a new earth according to his promises, excepting e.ven the Jewish religionists of the world.
in which justice dwelleth." (2 Pet. 3 : 13, DouayVet. (Rom.3: 19) All attempts of sincere Jews to develop
sion) The heavens are higher than the earth; and the perfect righteousness in themselves and thus justify
"new heavens" will rule the righteous new world. themselves before God ended up in failure and left
The Creator thereof has seen to it that those ruling them still in their undone natural condition and in
powers shall be just and righteous. This is the first need of an effective atoning sacrifice for their sinful
requirement in order for perfect justice and right- and condemnedcondition before God. The attempt of
eousness to prevail all over this earth. Noneshall leading Jewish religionists to justify themselves
gain life eternal on this earth whowill not measure with Godand thus put in claims for his special favor
up to God’s perfect standard of righteousness. By was illustrated by Jesus Christ in a parable concern-
means of the present or future hunmn govermnents ing a self-righteous Pharisee and a commonly
set up by men it would be impossible to lift human- despised Jewish publican or tax-gatherer. At Luke
kind up to such a high standard; but by Jehovah’s 18 : 9-14 weread :
righteous "newheavens" it will be possible to do so. ¯ "To some who were confident of their own up-
Men of good-will now on earth may take courage, rightness, and thought nothing of others, he used
therefore, and mayfix their hopes upon the promised this illustration : ’Twomenwent up to the Templeto
"new heavens", namely, the kingdom of Jehovah God pray; one was a Pharisee and the other a tax-
by his King Christ Jesus. collector. The Pharisee stood up and uttered this
’ God’s way of building up the "new heavens" and prayer to himself : "O God, I thank you that I am not
filling this earth with just inhabitants, all engagedin like other men, greedy, dishonest, or adulterous, like
doing righteousness in its perfection, includes Itis that tax-collector. I fast two days in the week; I pay
gracious action knownas "justification". This subject tithes on everything I get." But the tax-collector
has been under discussion in the last two previous stood at a distance and would not even rinse his eyes
issues of The Watchtower, the reading of which will to heaven, but struck his breast, and said, "0 God,
aid you in the quicker understanding and fuller have mercy on a sinner like me!" I tell you, it was
appreciation of this article. Till now we have dwelt he who went back to his house with God’s approval,
nminly upon the "justification of life" which is and not the other. For everyone who exalts himself
granted to the Christian "church of God", which will be humbled, but the man who humbles himself
justificatio_n_is by crediting righteousness to them. will be exalted.’ "--Goodspeed.
Nowwe propose to bring this study of justification
or "life-giving acquittal" to a climax by showinghow ° Whydid Jesus judge that "this manwent downto
human creatures not members of the church of God his house justified rather than the other"? It was
may gain justification with Godand the eternal good action on God’s part? and what will our further study show thereon?
3 Who writes us the most Information on the subject? and whet speelal
it means to them. fact concernlnl~ the Jews does hie argument stre~s?
4. What was the parable Jesus told by way of illustration?
1. What has Jehovah God promised for the near future? and how will 5. Why did Jesus judge that the tax-collector went home Justified
men gain eternal life then on this earth? rather than the Pharisee? and why would it be unreasonable to say
2 The producing of the righteous new world includes what gracious God would force Justification upon suchlike?
244 : eWATCHTOWEP,.,
because the despised tax-collector was honest and ’ Paul was therefore eminently qualified to speak
confessed he was a sinner before God. But the reli- and write on the subject of justification, also because
~ous Pharisee was self-righteous and proud of his he was made an "apostle of the Gentiles", which
partial keeping of the lesser things of God’s law. Gentiles never madeany efforts to justify themselves
Hence he praised himself to God and minimized the by the works of the law as Paul had once tried to do.
fact that he was a sinner. He was a religious hypo- Paul never claimed that, before he laid hold upon
crite. Unlike the tax-collector, he would therefore the righteousness which comes through Christ, he
feel no need of accepting righteousness by God’s had a justification reckoned or accounted to him
merciful arrangement through the sacrifice of his arbitrarily by God. To the contrary, Paul says that
Son. Rather, it was Pharisees of this type that re- back there he was trusting to the righteousness by
jected the "Lambof God" and clamored for him to be the works of the law of Moses. The apostle speaks
nailed to the tree. And speaking of men who con- nowhere of any justification which comes automati-
tinued in such a frame of heart and mind, it would cally upon all men, living and dead, because of the
be um-easonable and unscriptural for anyone to say death of Christ, "the Lamb of God which taketh
that God would arbitrarily, by-unilateral action, away the sin of the world." No statement of the
force justification upon them that he might save apostle may be Scripturally interpreted to mean a
them. Such religionists as that Pharisee accused "universal justification", automatically. Because
Jesus of being in leag-tle with Beelzebub the Devil, what he says at Romans5:18 has been interpreted
when Jesus was doing miracles by means of the holy that way by some, it seems in place to examine the
spirit of God;and Jesus said: "’Therefore, I tell you, context and see how Paul leads up to the statement
men will be forgiven for any sin or abusive speech, of Romans 5: 18, and what conclusion he draws
but abusive speech about the spirit cannot be for- therefrom.
given. And whoever speaks against the Son of Man ’ His opening up Romans,chapter 5, with the word
will be forgiven for it, but whoever speaks against "Therefore" throws our attention back on what he
the holy spirit cannot be forgiven for it, either in has just said, namely: "Andtherefore it was imputed
this world or in the world to come."--Matt. 12:31, to him [that is, to Abraham]for righteousness. Now
32, Goodspeed. it was not written [at Genesis 15: 6] for his sake
s A man who speaks abusively about the plain alone, that it was imputedto him ; but for us also, to
operation of God’s active force or holy spirit would whomit shall be imputed, if we believe on him that
not be inclined to seek the justification which comes raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; who was
from God accompanied by the forgiveness of sins. delivered for our offences, and was raised again for
He would abusively call righteousness iniquity, and our justification." (Ram. 4: 22-25) Does anything
iniquity righteousness ; goodevil and evil good; light those words argue that an arbitrarily assigned,
darkness and darkness light; sweet bitter and bitter automatic justification comes upon any humancrea-
sweet. (Isa. 5: 20, 21) The apostle Paul was a reli- ture? No! Of course, it was of Jehovah God’s own
gious Pharisee, but it was his honest)’ of heart that decision and personal will to deliver up his Son as
led him to seek and accept justification from God a manto atone for humanoffenses; but justice does
through Christ. Note his sincerity as he says : "If any not require that he arbitrarily force and thrust justi-
other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might fication upon each and ever)" one of mankindbecause
trust in the flesh, I more: circumcised the eighth day, of Christ’s sacrifice. He of his ownrighteous will
of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an provided the meansfor justification, it being a mercy
Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a and a favor on his part. Then also of his ownperfect
Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church will he can set the terms or conditions by whichjusti-
[of God] ; touching the righteousness which is in the fication comesto those whobenefit by it. To Chris-
law, blameless. But what things were gain to me, tians whohad justification with Godin Paul’s day he
those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and explains that it was because they believed in God
I count all things but loss for the excellency of the Jehovah and believed that he raised up his Son Jesus
knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whomI Christ from the dead to appear in God’s presence
have-suffered the loss of all things, and do count
them but dung, that I may win Christ, and be found and offer to God the precious value of his human
in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is sacrifice. Therefore their faith or believing was im-
of the law, but that which is through the faith of puted or credited to them for righteousness. That
Christ, the righteousness which is of Godby faith." means that God justified them, not arbitrarily or
--Phil. 3 ; 4-9. 7. On what subject was Paul therefore qualified to speak? and why
does special attention now fasten upon his words at Romans 5. 187
6. Why would abrasive spmlkera against the holy aptrit not be forgiven? 8. To what does the introductory word ’"Therefore" (Ram 5.1) call
and how did Paul come to break o~ from Pharlsalam 7 attention? and why does this not favor an arbitrary )ustitlcatlon?
15, 1945 245

automatically, but because they met God’s righteous as to their flesh. Thereafter they can continue to
terms for justification. serve Godon earth the best they can in their imper-
fect humanbodies, faithfully until death.
’* Suchcredit of righteousness put to their account
"Tile apostle was a member of the Christian is by reason of Christ’s perfect humansacrifice, in
"church of God", and was writing directly to other which they believe and which they accept on their
members of the church who were at Rome. It was behalf. Of course, after God’s act of justifying them
for this reason that he used the pronominal expres- by faith they maysin in the flesh due to their inborn
sions "we" and "our" and "us". In doing so, he was imperfections and bad traits; yet they have that
putting a limitation or fence around the things he credit of righteousness with God and can confess
was writing, restricting them to himself and those to their sins to him and can have the sacrificial blood of
whomhe was writing. His whole argument is em- Christ wash away such sins. That is, they can have
beddedin this letter addressed to all children of God the value of Christ’s perfect humansacrifice makeup
who have been begotten of the spirit of God and for their imperfect deeds and errors and sins com-
called to the "kingdom of heaven". Keeping this in mitted in the flesh. That credit of righteousness as to
mind helps us to apply rightly the things he says. the flesh stands on God’s records in their behalf as
t0 Note nowhowPaul excludes the world in general long as they are in the flesh. (1 John 1:7-10; 2: 1, 2)
from the condition he describes as he says: "There- Therefore it is not a perfect humanbody that they
fore being justified by faith, we have peace with God lay downin death, as Jesus did, because they do not
through our Lord Jesus Cllrist: by whomalso we need to do so, for they have no part in the ransom
have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, work. Christ’s perfect sacrifice alone accomplishes
and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." (Rom. the ransom work. (1 Tim. 2:5, 6) To prove their
5: 1, 2) The hope which Paul and his fellow justified faithfulness to God and to maintain their integrity
ones had of the "glory of God" could be realized only to him until death it is not necessary for them to be
by their going to heaven. To those Paul later writes, first madeperfect in the flesh. Hencetheir "justifica-
at chapter 8, verses 15-18: ’~Ye have received the tion of life" or life-giving acquittal Godaccomplishes
spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. by taldng of Christ’s merit and crediting it to them
The spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that for righteousness because of their faith. Behold,
we are the children of God: and if children, then t}len, the wisely administered economyof Jehovah
heirs ; heirs of God,and joint-heirs with Christ ; if so God, "the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus."
be that we suffer with him, that we maybe also glori- --Rom. 3 : 26.
fied together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this "Justification by faith serves a very necessary
present time are not worthy to be compared with the purpose for the "church of God". It is by this, says
glory which shall be revealed in us." the apostle, that those of the church have access "into
,1 It is these that the apostle speaks of as being this grace wherein we nowstand, and rejoice in hope
justified by faith now during this "present evil of the glory of God". If the membersof the church,
world" and hence before the battle of Armageddon. "the body of Christ," did not exercise faith in Christ
By reason of this justification or life-giving acquittal and then make a consecration to God through him,
these have set before them the heavenly hope of the and then receive the imputation of righteousness to
"glory of God". Hence we can see the reason why justify or acquit them, they could not be accepted of
their justification by faith cameto them through hav- Godto be sacrificed with Jesus. There would be noth-
ing righteousness imputed, reckoned, accounted, or ing that they could lay down, seeing that they were
credited to them. It is because their hope is not that already under condemnation to death and hence had
of living evermore on earth in the NewWorld of no right to life. Humanperfection as sons of God
righteousness. They expect to die in faithfulness, worthy of eternat life on earth in the new world
depending upon God to raise them from the dead as would not have been credited to them. God’s law of
immortal and incorruptible spirit creatures in the sacrifice is: "It shall be perfect to be accepted; there
"new heavens". So they do not need that their justi- shall be no blemish therein." (Lev. 22:21) That
fication now with God actually make them perfect whythey needed justification first. Andunless they
and righteous in the flesh. One day they must cease consecrated themselves unconditionally to God, say-
for ever to exist as humans, by dying sacrificially ing, "Not mywill, but thine, be done," Godwould not
with Christ, in vindication of God’s name. Hence it arbitrarily justify them for sacrifice with Christ.
is only needful to give them a credit of righteousness Also he would not then have his High Priest Christ
9. 13v uszng what pronouns does Paul put restriction on ~hat he writes
in the letter to ~he Romans? 12. What if they sin after having been Justified? and why Is it not
I0 At Romans 5. i, 2 how does Paul show he does not mean the world? necessary for them to lay down per~eet human bodies in death?
and how is the hope there mentioned to be realized 13. What very neee~mary purpose, therefore, does Justification Berne
11. What is the reason for thelr Justification by faith through the toward them? and why, therefore, could Juetlflcatlon net be arMtrartly
imputing of righteousness? toward them ?
.~. Y.

Jesus to offer them in sacrifice to him. Hence, first, that our tribulation worketh out endurance, and our
God by his grace justifies them and so makes them endurance a testing [or approval, from God], and
"accepted in the beloved".--Eph. 1: 6. our testing hope, and our hope putteth not to
1, Jehovah acts only upon the believers’ denial of shame."--Rom. 5: 3-5, Roth.
themselves to follow Christ. After causing the sacri- "In place of growing discouraged because of their
fice of their future possibilities of perfect humanlife own sufferings or the sufferings of Jehovah’s wit-
in the new world which justification brought to the nesses undergone in Japan, Germany, Italy, and
believers, Jehovah begets them to be his spiritual other lands, the remnant of the church of Godhave
children. This begettal of them is "not of blood, nor reason to rejoice that they are "counted worthy to
of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man,but of suffer shamefor his name". (Acts 5 : 41) If to be
God". And by his Wordof truth he sets the hope of Jehovah’s side of the great controversy over the
heavenly glory before them, and assures them that domination of the universe means to suffer for his
the promises of such glory apply to them, if they stay name’s sake, then they are glad to be the targets of
faithful. As it is written to them: "Of his ownwill such tribulation from the world, which is on the other
begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be side of the controversy, the wrongside. Such tribula-
a kind of firstfruits of his creatures." (Jas. 1: 18) tions put a test upon their integrity toward Almighty
Instead of being accounted as humansons of God by God, and call for their endurance without making
reason of their justification by faith, they are thence- any compromise with the opposers. But they know
forth spiritual sons of God. As such they are his that if they endure such without letting their devo-
heirs and the joint-heirs of his heavenly Son Christ tion to Godbe spoiled, it will workout for them God’s
Jesus. Andthey will inherit with Christ the actual approval. And if they have his approval, then it
heavenly glory, provided they suffer with him for makes their hope burn all the more brightly. They
righteousness" sake and keep their integrity toward know that putting one’s hope in Almighty God and
Godin the face of muchtribulation, for a vindication in his King Christ Jesus will never bring disappoint-
of Jehovah’s name. The scripture says to them: ment. Having such hope, they are without shame or
"True is the word; For if we died with him, we shall fear before men, but are "ready always to give an
also live with him; if we endure patiently, we shall answer to every man that asketh [them] a reason of
also reig~n with him."--2 Tim. 2: 11, 12, The Em- the hope that is in [them] with meekness and fear
pl~tic Diaglott. [of God]".--1 Pet. 3:15.
1, Wesee, then, that God’s act of justifying them " Such rejoicing in tribulation, and the enduring of
for their faith has been the way of access or intro- it, all the time hoping in God, denotes that they love
duction into a favored position with him, namely, Him. Furthermore, such tribulation is no mark of
that of sons of God. They are no longer under the God’s disfavor and disapproval concerning them, but
condemnation inherited from Adam, and are no is a proof that he loves them. "For whomthe Lord
longer alienated and enemies in their mind by wicked loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom
works. Nowthey have peace with God and rejoice in he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, Goddealeth
glorious heavenly hopes. (Col. 1: 20, 21) However, with you as with sons; for what son is he whom
the realization of such hopes is not to be wonin an the father chasteneth not?" (Heb. 12:6, 7) Fromthis
easy way, but at the cost of resistance to the extreme standpoint, therefore, the apostle Paul pursues his
pressure of this world, the Devil’s organization. Yet exhortation farther, saying: "And hope will not dis-
they have cause to rejoice, knowing that the reason appoint us. For, through the holy spirit that has been
for holding true to God under affliction from the given us, God’s love has flooded our hearts." (Rom.
world is that they mayhave part in vindicating Jeho- 5: 5, Goodspeed)God’s spirit or active force is holy,
vah’s name and proving worthy of his heavenly and is hence no spirit of shameor fear of men. It is
glory. They know that the troubles from the world a spirit "of power, and of love, and of a sound mind".
can never destroy their peace with God, nor can the (2 Tim. 1: 7) It floods the heart with love for God,
condemnations of this world injure or affect their and makes them appreciate more the love which God
justification with God. So, instead of seeldng the showered upon them. Hence Satan’s attempts to cool
path of least resistance, they have reason to glory in off their love to Godby tribulation and reproach fail
the rough path in which they must follow Christ LowA.,enC,e.,,T~
Jesus. Hence, besides boasting in the hope of God’s
glory, they say like the apostle: "And not only so. ~’ In proof of God’slove to his church, the members
thereof are called upon to consider certain unusual
But let us boast also in our tribulations; knowing 16. What do they know regarding tribulation, endurance, approval and
14 When and how, therefore, are they begotten of God? and what 17. Howin the tribulation is mutual love shown between God and them?
kind of sons are they thenceforth? and how is hie love shed abroad in their hearts?
15. into what favored position had they therefore had access? and 18. What unusual facts does Paul then lay before the church? and
~by do they rejoice in hope of glory despite the hard way thlther~ whommust the expression "for us’ properly exclude?
15, 1945 NieWATCttTOWER. 947
facts. Writing to such members of the "body of rantly in unbelief. Andthe grace [favor] of our Lord
Christ", the apostle lays the facts before them, say- was exceeding abundant with faith [on my part]
ing : "For whenwewere still helpless, at the decisive and love which is in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful
momentChrist died for us godless men. ~Vhy, a man saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ
will hardly give his life for an upright person, Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom
though perhaps for a really good man some may be I am chief. Howbeitfor this cause I obtained mercy,
brave enough to die. But God proves his love for that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all
us by the fact that Christ died for us whenwe were longsuffering, for a pattern [to whom?to the irre-
still sinners." (Rom. 5:6-8, Goodspeed) The ex- formably wicked? No; but] to them which should
pression "for us" cannot be stretched so broadly as hereafter believe on him to life everlasting." (1 Tim.
to be interpreted to mean all the world, including 1 : 13-16) In harmonywith the facts the apostle could
Adam, Cain, Nimrod, and the wicked murderers to well say to men who had taken advantage of the
whomJesus said : "Ye are the children of them which death of Christ Jesus: "God commendeth his love
killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of toward us, in that, while WEwere yet sinners, Christ
your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, died for vs."--Rom. 5:8.
how can ye escape the danmation of hell [Gehenna; " Still speaking to those whoare justified like him-
destruction as by an all-consuming fire]?"mMatt. self, Paul says : "Muchmore then, being nowjustified
23: 31-33. by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through
,9 No one can truthfully say that God loved any
him. For if, when we were enemies, we were recon-
men because the)’ were sinners. Before the Son of ciled to God by the death of his Son, much more.
God died, there was no way for any men to have being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And
"justification of life" or get "life-giving acquittal". not only so, but we also joy in Godthrough our Lord
Nevertheless, before Christ Jesus died, there was a Jesus Christ, by whomwe have now received the
long line of faithful men and women, from Abel atonement [the reconciliation]." (Rom. 5 : 9-11; and
down to and including John the Baptist, who exer- marginal reading) God’s wrath continues on those
cised faith in Godand were waiting upon his "justi- whodo not accept the atonement sacrifice of his Son
fication of life". Did Godlove such ones even before Jesus Christ. But those who through faith are "now
his Son died and laid the real foundation for the justified by his blood" are saved from God’s wrath,
forgiveness of sins? Yes, God loved such men and and this salvation is through Christ. While the mem-
womenof faith and devotion. He loved also the bers of the church of God were yet enemies of his,
apostles and disciples who followed Jesus even Jehovah God provided the foundation for their
before his death occurred. Those were men and reconciliation to him by the death of his Son as a
womenwho God knew would avail themselves of the sacrifice of atonement. Christ Jesus the Son, being
loving sacrifice of his Son after it was finished at raised to life in the spirit, ascended to heaven into
Calvary and its merit was presented to him in God’s presence to offer there the value of his human
heaven. Whenthey availed themselves thereof, they sacrifice in behalf of all believers.
were no longer sinners and ungodly. ~=Paul and fellow members of the church, by
~° God’s love is not toward those who helplessly believing on Jesus’ sacrifice for them and accepting
drown themselves in sin and harden themselves in it it, were reconciled to Godor brought into peaceful
and who abide under his condemnation and wrath. relationship with hiin as his children. They were
(John 3: 18, 36) Those who will take advantage justified, but not for the mere purpose of enjoying
of his loving provision that God makes for their life on earth. Since Christ Jesus entered through the
redemption are the ones toward whomhis love turns. vail into the heavenly presence of God as the fore-
The apostle Paul, who once practiced the Jews’ re- runner of his church, he opened up for his church the
ligion and persecuted the church of God, was one of way for salvation to life with him in heaven. Hence
such sinners and ungodly men for whomChrist Jesus Paul and the rest of the church, after having been
died in proof of his Father’s love. Christ’s death was reconciled to Godthrough faith in Christ’s death on
for Paul or .with effect toward Paul because Paul earth, are to be saved to heavenly life, because there
accepted the ransom sacrifice of Christ when his is where their Headand Savior lives, interceding for
eyes of understanding were opened to it. Paul wrote them. (John 3: 36; Heb. 6: 19, 20; 9: 3, 7-12, 24) And
to Timothy, saying concerning himself: "Who was so their joy is not only in Jesus Christ, but also in
before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and inju- God, because from him the atonement or reconcilia-
rious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it igno- tion comes through Christ Jesus.
19. Whomdid God love on earth before Christ died, so that his Son 21. How, then, are the lu*tifled "saved from wrath" and "laved by
should die for such ones? hi., l~e"?
~ Toward whom. then, is God’s lore in connection with redemption? 22. To what, then, are they saved by Christ’s llfe? and in whomdo
and ~hy was Paul one of such they now joy?

COMPARISON AND CONTRAST through the One whomAdam foreshadowed. Along

,3 You may now be asking, ’There was just one this train of thought the apostle Paul continues writ-
sacrifice, was there not? How, then, could benefit ing and says: "But not as the offence, so also is the
come to so many from just one sacrifice?’ Here is free gift. [Or, to quote a modern translation: But
howthe apostle explains it: "It is just like the way there is no comparison between God’s gift and that
in which through one man [Adam] sin came into the offense.] For if through the offence of one [Adam]
world, and death followed sin, and so death spread many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the
to all men, because all mensinned. It is true sin was gift by grace, whichis by one man, Jesus Christ, hath
in the world before the Law was given [through abounded unto many." (Rom. 5:15) That is to say,
Moses], and men are not charged with sin where God’s favor and the gift which his favor madein the
there is no law. Still death reigned from Adamto sacrifice of his Son the "man Jesus Christ" were
Moses, even over those who had not sinned as Adam more than able to offset the damage which Adam’s
had, in the face of an express command. So Adam offense wrought upon his offspring. Why?Because
foreshadowed the one who was to come."mRom. God’s gracious gift was able to do more than cancel
5: 12-14, Goodspeed. the condemnation of death and free them from the
" God’s law given to the Jews through Moses some mere charges of sin. It was also able to bring them
twenty-five hundred years after Adam sinned actually up to perfection in the flesh, actual right-
declared plainly what sin was and informed the Jews eousness. Thus it not only canceled the debt, but also
about sin. But just because down till Moses’ time undoes the physical, mental and moral effects of
there was no law covenant for men to sin against, Adam’s offense which made all humans debtors to
that does not mean they were not sinners or were God.
not sinning. They were, even though the non-Jewish ~T Next the apostle draws a contrast, saying: "’And
peoples were never under the Mosaic law covenant not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift." Or,
to knowits definitions of sin. That fact is shownin to quote again the moderntranslation : "Nor is there
that "the wages of sin is death" and they were all any comparison between the gift and the effects of
dying. They did not have to sin "after the similitude that one man’s sin." (Goodspeed) "For the judgment
of Adam’s transgression", namely, against God’s was by on~ to condemnation, but the free gift is of
express command, in order to be sinners. No; for manyoffences unto justification." (Rom. 5: 16) The
they all inherited sin from Adam; and so death expression "by one to condemnation" is set off in
passed over them all. Before the Mosaic law was contrast with the expression "of manyoffences unto
given Abraham lived, and hence he was not con- justification". On the one hand, God’s judgment came
demned by it or under its curse against covenant- by just one man and by one act of sin, and God’s
breakers. And yet &brahamneeded justification by judgment brought condemnation. On the other hand,
faith in order to enjoy friendship with God; and then God’s free gift comes when there have been many
at length Abrahamdied, showing he also was subject offenses committed, offenses colnmitted by many
to inherited sin.--Jas. 2: 23; Gen. 15: 6; Rom.6: 23. more than one man. Besides that, God’s free gift is
~ Adam,in being a "figure" of another that was to for the opposite of condemnation; it is unto acquittal
come, was not a figure prophetic of another sinner or justification. So from the purely legal standpoint
to come. But in being father to a whole race of sin- there is a difference between the two ways of pro-
ners he foreshadowed that, if any of his offspring cedure. All this indicates that manyare to be justi-
were ~o be relieved of inherited sin or acquitted, a fied by God’s grace.
perfect one such as Adamhad been in Eden must ~s Nowlisten to the further contrast drawn by the
come and must act as their Redeemer or Deliverer. apostle: "For if by one man’s offence death reigned
’Like must go for like.’--Deut. 19: 21. by one [or: if by one offence death reigned by one] ;
~ Thus sin is no respecter of persons among much more they which receive abundance of grace
Adam’s descendants. All of them, whether Jew or and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by
Gentile, whether under Moses’ law or not, died as one, Jesus Christ." (Rom. 5: 17; margin) Adam’s
sinners by inheritance. And God did not owe them conduct in Eden did not work for the justification of
any redemption. So, if he did acquit them and absolve his children to life. Instead, by the offense that he
themfrom sin and its penalty, that is, if he did justi- committed he brought the train of sin upon his off-
fy themto life, then it must be a free gift on his part spring. Thus by reason of this one mandeath reigned
23. ]low did sin come upon all men? and how was Adam’s sin different over all his offspring. Paul and the membersof the
from theirs?
24 VChy did death reign oser all men even before the law of Moses "church of God" are among those who were once
was given? and why does the Mosaic law represent a marked point?
25. How was Adam a figure or foreshadowing of one to come? 27. Howdoes the apostle then draw a contrast between God’s Judgment
26. in)How was sin no respecter of persons, and aa what, therefore, and Hi* free gift?
must acquittal come~ (b)How did the grace of God and his gift by 28. How did death reign b~eOne? and who are those recelvln~ the
grace abound much more unto many? "’abundant~ of grace" and "Lift of righteousneu"7
15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 249

under that reign of death as Adam’s descendants. from Adamby reason of his one offense in Eden.
But Paul and all other membersof the church of God Does this, then, meanthat justification of life must
are the ones that receive the abundance of God’s come automatically upon each and every one of
grace in addition to the gift of righteousness through Adam’soffspring through the righteous act of the
their faith, or justification of life. one man, Jesus Christ, in offering a perfect, right-
’° In consequence of all such superabundant, over- eous sacrifice to God?
flowing grace and mercy from God they eventually ,, To answer Yes to such questions would be un-
gain life in heaven and sit on the throne up there reasonable and unscriptural. It would be saying that
with Christ Jesus. They reign over those who once, Christ Jesus becomes and must become the "Ever-
like themselves, were reigned over by death. As it is lasting Father" of all of Adam’soffspring, both the
written : "They lived and reigned with Christ a thou- willfully wicked and the ones disposed to righteous-
sand years .... This is the first resurrection. Blessed ness. (Isa. 9: 6) True, at the time of Adam’soffense
and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection : his offspring were unborn and had no say about
on such the second death hath no power, but they becomingthe children of an imperfect, sinful father
shall be priests of Godand of Christ, and shall reign under God’s condemnation. However, those who get
with him a thousand years." (Rev. 20:4-6) As justification of life through Christ’s "justice" or
means to that end, the "gift of righteousness" was "righteous act" are not unborn, but have had or do
made to the church by a credit arrangement or impu- have conscious existence upon this earth. There is no
tation, and this through the one "man, Jesus Christ". scripture to show that all of Adam’scondemnedoff-
spring will willingly becomethe children of Christ
Jesus, accepting life through him, "the Everlasting
’° The next words of the apostle Paul have been Father." Christ Jesus will not, by an indiscriminate
isolated by some Bible students from their context justification of life, makeall humancreatures, be
and }lave then been made a basis for wrong conclu- they dead or alive, wicked or righteously disposed,
sions unsupported by the rest of the Bible. In the his children. Those whoreceive and benefit by God’s
following quotation of Romans5:18 from the King free gift of "justification of life" Hewill let and does
James Version the words in italics show what words let have a say. Nobodywill be forced into it by any
were inserted by the translators: "Therefore as by one-sided action on God’s part; and Romans 5:17
the offence of one judme~t came upon all mento con- just discussed shows this. It is in this sense that
detonation; even so by the righteousness of one the there is no comparison between the two processes:
free gift cameupon all menunto justification of life." "There is no comparison between God’s gift and that
The Douay Version of this verse is more literal: offense .... Nor is there any comparison between the
"Therefore, as by the offence of one, unto all mento gift and the effects of that one man’s sin."~Rom.
condemnation; so also by the justice of one, unto all 5:15, 16, Goodspeed.
mento justification of life." Or, as the modernCath-
olic version reads : "Therefore as from the offense of ~ Thus the apostle Paul himself places a limitation
upon the scope of his expression "upon all men to
the one man the result was unto condemnation to all justification of life". All along his argumenthas been
men, so from the justice of the one the result is unto
justification of life to all men." that men, not Jews merely, but Gentiles also, and
hence all, mayavail themselves of justification by
~’ The A~nerican Translation reads: "So as one faith in Godand his Christ. There is no partiality
offense meant condemnation for all men, just so one
on God’s part, but persons of all" races, kindreds,
righteous act means acquittal and life for all men." peoples, and tongues, may take advantage of justi-
(Goodspeed) We now ask, Are those who use this fication through the one individual, Christ Jesus. In
text to argue for "universal justification" Scriptural ? this sense note Jesus’ use of the expression "all men",
Are they right in saying that there must be a balance
at John 12: 31-33: "Nowis the judgment of this
in numbers between the two expressions "all men"? world : nowshall the prince of this world be cast out.
and that therefore justification of life must come AndI, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw
upon each and every descendant of Adamby the arbi- ,~Le~ unto me. This he said, signifying what death he
trary, unilateral action of God? and that all of should die." The facts are against arguing that "all
Adam’soffspring are helpless about the matter and men" here means that every human creature will
cannot resist the enforcement of God’s provision? eventually be drawn to Christ Jesus. After his death
Wemust all admit that Adam’s children had no say on the tree only a remnant of the Jews were drawn
~bout being born sinners, but inherited condemnation
32 To answer Yes would mean what reb’arding "the EverlaJtlng Father"
29. How do such ones reign In llfe? and his children? and tn what way Is there no comparison between
~0 IIow has the verse, Romans 5. 18, been dealt with by some studenti? God’s g/ft and the effects of Adam’s sln?
md how do the Catholic versions thereoz re~d? 33. What limitation, therefore, does Paul himself place on his expression
ft. How does the American Tronmlatton read ¯ and what questions now "upon all men"? and how does Jeans’ prophery of drawing "all men"
come up for treatment ns to the expression "all men"? unto him agree therew/th?
to Christ; and the religious leaders of the remainder that thy Son also may glorify thee: as thou hast
showed themselves irreformable in their opposition given him power over ~ FLESH,that he should give
to Christ. However, besides the remnant of Jews, eternal life [to how many?All flesh? Listen] to as
men from all other races, nations, kindreds and manyas thou hast given him. Andthis is life eternal,
tong-ues have been drawn to Jesus Christ, and will- that they might know thee the only true God, and
ingly so. Jesus Christ whomthou hast sent." (John 17:1-3)
"Just so, too, the expression "all flesh" in Jesus’ Regardless of what nationality, race or color, human
prayer below does not mean each and every human creatures are "all flesh" and of one blood; and any
creature has eternal life forced upon him: "These of such who come to know God and Christ Jesus
words spake Jesus, and lifted up Ins eyes to heaven, and to believe on them and to obey them receive tile
and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, "justification of life", or ’qife-giving acquittal". The
church whomGod gives unto Jesus receive it now
34 How does Jesus use of the expression "all flesh", in John 17 : 1-3,
agreetherewith? during this world.


Gt;][") EHOLD the Lamb of God, which taketh away they which are of faith, the same are the children of
the sin of the world." This announcement Abraham. And the scripture, foreseeing that God
of John the Baptist respecting Jesus, at would justify the heathen [Howl arbitrarily, auto-
John 1 : 29, lends no support to the idea of "universal matically, unilaterally? Not that way, but] through
justification". This present world Christ Jesus will faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham.say-
not justify, but will destroy it for its wickedness ing, In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they
against God. The world for which he gave his life which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham."
as tile Lambof Godis the new world. The sins which ¯ We have seen how justification by faith comes
he takes away are of those who gain life in the new without works of the law to earn it. But that fact
world; and upon such ones he bestows "justification cannot be argued to meanalso that justification of
of life". life comesupon each and ever)" humancreature auto-
’ That such righteous world is the one meant is matically. Let no one, therefore, quote Paul’s words
shown by the apostle Paul’s statement at Romans at Romans4: 6, 7, where he says: "Even as David
4:13 concerning Abraham and the Seed in whomall also describeth the blessedness of the manunto whom
families of the earth are to be blessed. Weread : "For God imputeth righteousness without works, saying,
the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and
was not to Abraham,or to his seed, through the law, whose sins are covered." Such blessedness did not
but through the righteousness of faith." Abraham come upon David, and it does not come upon men
was, of course, not madethe heir of this wicked old whomDavid here describes, without confessing such
world. That fact is illustrated in that he wandered iniquities and sins to God and applying to him for
about and dwelt in tents and was not given a free his means of forgiving and covering such. David’.,-.
foot of ground by any gift of God. (Acts 7:2-5) statement, which Paul quotes only partially, proves
Abrahamwas a type of Jehovah God the Father ; and this, when David says: "Blessed is he whose trans-
the true Seed of Abraham is therefore the Son of gression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed
God, that is, Jesus Christ. Hence the "world" of is the man unto whomthe LORD imputeth not iniqmty,
which Abrahamwas promised to be the heir was and and in whose spirit there is no guile. WhenI kept
is the new world of righteousness; and for the sins silence [from confessing], my bones waxed old
of those who will compose that new world Christ through my roaring all the day long. For day and
Jesus died as the Lambof God. That world is blessed night thy hand was heavy upon me [not for arbitrary
in him, the Seed. justification, however]: mymoisture is turned into
s,,Justification of life" which comes to those who the drought of summer. Selah. I aclmowledged my’
gain life in the new world is not automatically sin unto thee, and mineiniquity have I not hid. I said,
bestowed, but comes by exercising faith in God’s I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and
provision through his Seed Christ Jesus. To this [then first] thou forgavest the iniquity of mysin.
effect Galatians 3: 7-9, speaking of God under the Selah. For this shall every one that is godly pray
type of Abraham, says: "Know ye therefore that unto thee in a time whenthou mayest be found." (Ps.
I. What is the "sin of the world’ which the Lamb of God takes away?
and does that support "universal Justification"?
32: 1-6) Here again the willing action on the part of
2 llow is that proved by what Paul says concerning Abraham at the sinner while God may be found is emphasized
Romans 4:137
3 As against any automatic Justification,
Galatians 3 : 7-9?
what does Paul say at
l~Why does not Paul’s quoting
automatic Justification?
of David, st Romans 4:6, 7, pro~’e
15, 1945 :gtieWATCHTOWER. 251

before any justification can result to him from God provide justification through him. Justification with
by cleansing away his sins. God is by righteousness through Christ; and right-
s Tile sum of all the foregoing argument is, there- eousness is the opposite of sin and is the antidote for
fore, that Paul’s expression at Romans5 : 18, namely, it. The righteousness by Christ cancels and does
"upon all menunto justification of life," means all away with the sin inherited from Adam.Such right-
such of Adam’soffspring, whether Jew or Gentile, as eousness is unto eternal fife. Thus since Christ’s
accept God’s terms and act upon them for life-giving death and resurrection Jehovah God’s grace and
acquittal. That such ones will be many, although not mercy have reigned over those whoreceive justifica-
every human creature, the apostle declares in the tion by the righteousness which is through Christ
next verse (Romans 5:19): "For as by one man’s Jesus. Andsuch reign of divine grace and mercy by
disobedience many were made sinners, so by the the righteousness which he bestows through Christ
obedience of one shall manybe maderighteous." Con- Jesus our Lord is unto eternal life of the justified
cerning this one by whose obedience many are to ones whocontinue faithful in their integrity to God
gain righteousness with justification of life, it is the Justifier.
written: "Though he were a Son, yet learned he AS CONCERNS MEN ON EARTH
obedience by the things which he suffered; and being ’ Today many men of good-will are being gathered
madeperfect, he becamethe author of eternal salva- to the Lord God, and their faith in him holds before
tion unto all themthat obey him." (Heb. 5 : 8, 9) This them the destiny of eternal life on earth. They are
further disproves any such thing as "universal justi- otherwise spoken of as his "other sheep"; and the
fication" applied arbitrarily and without regard to Good Shepherd Jesus Christ gathers them into the
the sinner’s attitude and desire. There must be faith companionship with the remnant of the Christian
with obedience. "church of God" yet alive on earth. Such remnant of
s Abraham,the forefather of Moses, had faith. God
the church are justified by faith and by God’s grace
did not later introduce the law covenant to the Jews and by Christ’s blood; the Scriptures are definite on
through Mosesin order to do away with such faith as that point. But what of those "menof good will", the
Abraham had. Rather, God provided the law cove- "other sheep"? Are they justified now? The answer
nant in order to safeguard the faith of the Israelites is No. Justification is nowrestricted to the church,
against the inroads of religion. In that way God the heirs of the heavenly kingdom. In view of the
would in due time bring the obedient unto Christ fact that those of the church are sacrificed with
Jesus in faith. Whenever the Jews under that law Christ that they may reign with him in the "new
covenant lost faith in God, they always ran into sin. heavens" of the world to come, they are justified by
Even the faithful Israelites could not perfectly keep the crediting or imputing of Jesus’ humanrighteous-
the laws of God, but the law convicted them as being hess to them. For such reason there is no need for
sinners the same as all other men. The law, with its them to be actually perfect and sinless in their human
defining of what sin is, demonstratedall the more the bodies in order for them to be justified to God.
evil effects of Adam’ssin, whichinfected all his off- s The Lord’s "other sheep", however, are not called
spring. But did that bar out the Jews from God’s to the sacrifice of the humannature in order to in-
grace ? Did this multiplying of sin by the law’s defini- herit the kingdomof God. (1 Cor. 15: 50) Therefore
tions of sin’s various forms lessen God’sgrace, favor no present need exists for God to impute or credit
and mercy? The apostle answers No, saying: "And righteousness unto them through Christ Jesus. Their
the law came in besides, that the trespass [the hope is to become perfect humansons and daughters
offense] might abound; but where sin abounded, of Godin the flesh on earth, and to live everlastingly
grace did abound more exceedingly: that, as sin here on earth under the "new heavens". Itence the
reigned in death, even so might grace reign through justification by the reckoning of righteousness such
righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ as the remnant of the church have does not apply to
our Lord." (Rom.5 : 20, 21, Am. Stan. Vet.) The sting the "other sheep". The justification which the "other
of death, or that which induces to death, is sin; and sheep" seek is absolute justification in the flesh,
for-a long time sin has reigned by stinging all of which comes by the attainment of humanperfection
Adam’sdescendants to death.--1 Cor. 15: 56. through Christ’s reign for a thousand years. They
T However, at the right time God stepped in and must, of course, exercise faith in Christ’s sacrifice in
showed his grace or favor through Jesus Christ, to order to attain that. In other words, they must grate-
5 What, then. is the Scriptural understanding of "upon all men to fully accept from Godthe benefits of the sacrifice of
Justification", at Romans 5:187 and how does the next versa bear
that out? his Son, and then they must obey the King, their
6 {a) Was the law covenant wltb its ~orks introduced to do away
with faith such aa Abraham had7 and what did that law cause to 8. Whoelse are now inter~ted in "Justification"? and why is Justification
abound? lb)Did that bar out the law covenanters from God’s grare? of life restricted now to the church of God?
and how did sin reign? 9. Why does no need exiSt to impute ~ee~eouln~ to the "other sheep"
7, flow, then, has grace reigned through righteousness unto eternal life? now? and what Justification do they
N. Y.

Redeemer and Ransom Sacrifice, Christ Jesus, to him from his manslaughter guilt, but. merely kept
prove they accept what he has done for them. Hence him out of reach of the "avenger of blood". However,
the "other sheep" are now on the way to absolute inside the city of refuge ihe stranger had the privi-
justification, which comes at their attainment of lege of enga~ngin the city’s activities and to associ-
human perfection in the new world. Suppose that, ate with the Levites and to receive instruction from
because of their faith and obedience now before them. AndIsrael’s high priest, whooffered sacrifice
Armageddon,they had justification by faith through at Jerusalem’s temple, acted as a propitiatory shield
the imputation of righteousness. Then that would over the bloodguilty stranger; which was why the
mean they could not die before Armageddon,as some unwitting manslayer could return home at the high
are nowdoing through old age or otherwise. It would priest’s death. Likewise, the "other sheep" class, in
also mean that, surviving Armageddon, they would the Theocratic "city of refuge", maytake part in the
lose such justification in the new world and would activities of the visible organization and mayassoci-
gain instead justification actually in the flesh. That ate with the remnant of the antitypical Levites. And
is not God’s arrangement for them.--Compare they have the High Priest Christ Jesus as a covering
Galatians 3: 3. for them from the execution of Jehovah’s righteous
10 Wereit not for the sacrifice of Christ which is wrath against the world at Armageddon. They wash
able to lift from them the disability due to inheriting their "robes" in the High Priest’s blood, the ’%lood
sin and condemnation from Adam, the way to such of the Lamb",and thus maketheir robes of identifi-
absolute justification in the flesh would be for ever cation white, showing that they have no sympathy
barred to the "other sheep". By their ownworks they with sin and worldliness, and that they trust in
could never rise to humanperfection ; but by the help Christ’s blood for the removal of their sins that they
of the kingdomof Christ all the willing, obedient and may gain everlasting life in the new world. (Rev.
faithful ones will be able to do so. That is what this 7:14) Under the Theocratic organization they are
earthh" class of good-will persons want, and not a engaged in righteous works.
mere imputation of righteousness now by faith. ’~ That these "other sheep" are not justified by
~’ The present condition of the "other sheep" is faith nowis further shownby the sacrifices of the
illustrated by the condition of the "stranger" whoun- yearly atonement day of the nation of Israel. On that
wittingly killed a manin the land of Israel and who day the high priest first presented the blood of the
fled for refuge to the nearest one of the six Levite sacrificial bullock before God’s mercy seat in the
cities of refuge. (Numbers35) Despite the accidental- Most Holy of the temple. This presentation of the
ness of the killing, the "stranger" was bloodguilty bullock’s blood, whose blood back there was for the
and under condemnation. To elude the "avenger of sins of the tribe of Levi, pictured that Christ Jesus
blood" he must stay within the boundaries of his city first brings about the atonement for the sins of the
of refuge continually, until the death of the high antitypical Levites, the "church of God". Next, the
priest in Israel. Thenfirst could the accidental slayer Jewish high priest presented the blood of the "Lord’s
return to his native city or home. Likewise, today, goat" before God’s mercy seat in the Most Holy. This
the "other sheep" are not membersof Christ’s "little he did in behalf of the other tribes of Israel, which
flock" and hence are not spiritual Israelites. But they tribes had an inheritance of landed property" in the
become"strangers" within the gates of the organiza- God-given Promised Land. This pictured that after
tion of spiritual Israel. All the world today is blood- Christ Jesus brings about atonement for the "church
guilty; and to escape the guilt of the world and the of God" by justification through the imputation of
penalty therefor at Armageddon, the "stranger" his righteousness, then he brings about the atone-
class must flee to the antitypical city of refuge, God’s ment for the willing and obedient ones of the re-
Theocratic organization under the High Priest mainder of mankind. This he does during tile thou-
Christ Jesus. There these "strangers" must abide sand years of his reign.~Leviticus, chapter 16.
continually by faithfully keeping their integrity "Thus their justification must come after Arma-
toward God. geddon, and it must be by the perfecting of them in
~’ Nevertheless, that does not bring about their the flesh to be the children of Jehovah God, the same
justification before the battle of Armageddon.It does as the perfect Adamwas in Eden. Christ’s reign over
not effect in themsuch a justification as the spiritual them will not be a so-called "mediatorial reign". In
Israelites, the remnant, have now. No more than the Bible "mediator" presupposes a covenant be-
the stranger’s fleeing to the city of refuge justified tween God and imperfect men. For instance, Moses
10. Why would the way to absolute Justification be barred to them was the mediator of the law covenant between God
exceptfor Christ’s sacrifice?
II. What ~as tile provmlonfor the accidentalmansla~erin Israel?aud 13. How’is their not beln~ now Jnstifled further shown by the atonement-
how mu~t the "other sheep" now take a course like I~ls? day sacrifices and offerings ?
12 What was the stranger’sposition and privilegeInside the elty 14 Whenand how doe~ their ~ustifleation come? and why may they no~
of refuge* and what like standing and prlvilege~ do the "other sheep" ’’~.
address Jehovah Re "Our Father
15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 253

and natural Israel. Just so, Christ Jesus nowmedi- to Christ nowcome under consideration. It is writ-
ates the new covenant between Jehovah God and ten that they endured all mannerof trials of faith,
spiritual Israel. (Gal. 3: 19, 20; Heb. 9: 14-24) When endurance and integrity, some of them being tor-
Christ reig-ns together with these spiritual Israelites tured at enemyhands, but not accepting deliverance
of that newcovenant, he reigns over his obedient sub- by a compromise. Whynot ? "That they might obtain
jects on the earth, and will do so as a "priest upon a better resurrection." (Heb. 11 : 35) The Scriptures
his throne", a "priest for ever after the order of Mel- indicate that they will be resurrected in humanper-
chizedelC. (Ps. 110:4; Zech. 6:13; Rev. 20:4, 6) fection toward the beginning of Christ’s thousand-
Christ Jesus as the Greater Moses now mediates the year reign, in order that they maybe the "newearth",
new covenant toward his remnant of spiritual Israel, the righteous visible earthly organization, to repre-
but he is not yet begetting earthly children. That is, sent the kingdom of heaven.~Heb. 11:39, 40.
he is not yet giving the "other sheep" the standing "Their being brought forth in human perfection
of sons of his, sons of "The everlasting Father". (Isa. is not an automatic justification, nor an arbitrary
9: 6) But these faithful ones will becomesuch during affair, effected unilaterally by God. They are not
his thousand-year reign after Armageddon; and able to get this resurrection before the church of God
now, by virtue of the prospect of eventually becom- has been rewarded with "some better thing", the
ing Jehovah’s perfect sons, they address him pro- heavenly resurrection to be with Christ Jesus in the
spectively as "Our Father". temple. (Heb. 11: 39, 40) Furthermore, they under-
went great provings of their faith at muchprivation
AS CONCERNS THE DEAD and suffering, in order that they might obtain a
15 Concerning the dead in the graves, Christ Jesus resurrection better than that to be obtained by
said that the hour would come in which they would the rest of mankind. Whenthey awake from death’s
hear his voice, and would comeforth from the tombs. sleep to life on earth under the Kingdom,they will
Those that have done evil coming forth "unto the still have the faith and integrity with which they
resurrection of judgment", they will come forth on died. Andon seeing then the realization of the things
earth as humans. (John 5:28, 29, Am. Slan. Ver.) to which they once looked forward according to God’s
An automatic justification of them in advance while promises and prophecies, they will at once vow and
they are still in the graves is not possible for them, render allegiance to the reigning King Christ Jesus
neither is such a thing necessary for them, before and will accept life at his hands. This will qualify
they can be awakenedfrom the sleep of death. (Note them, so that the King will makethem "princes in all
The Watchtower, November1, 1904, page 334.) Such theI, earth".--Ps. 45: 16.
At the end of Christ’s millennial reign all then
a thing is no more necessary for them in order to
bring them forth than it is necessary in order for living on earth will be perfect, by the uplifting power
Satan the Devil to be brought forth from the abyss of the Kingdom.But will they all be justified ! That
at the end of the thousand-year reign of Christ. Now all depends upon God, whois the One that justifies.
you will note that these humans whohave done evil Hence, by God’s permission, they will be tested by
are brought unto the "resurrection of judgment", Satan the Devil, whowill be loosed for just a short
which shows they are not yet justified. They are time before his everlasting, uninterrupted destruc-
brought forth that they mayavail themselves of the tion takes place. Those who yield to Satan will be
benefits of their King’s ransom sacrifice and attain destroyed. Those of perfect humankind who keep
to justification by receiving life through him as "The their integrity toward God and his King and uni-
everlasting Father". The death, which is due to versal sovereignty will be the ones that Jehovah God
inheritance from Adam, is to be wiped out during will then justify to everlasting life as humansons
the millennial reign of this "everlasting Father." of God, by his wondrous grace through Jesus Christ
~Rev. 21 : 4. their King. Then right to eternal life on the Paradise
"The faithful men and womenof old time prior earth will be theirs, on a permanentbasis. Justifica-
tion will be complete.
15 Are those dead in the graves that have done evil automatically
Justified before being brought forth? and unto what opportunlty do 17 Why will this nOt be an automatic Justlflca0oa of them In a one-
they come foeth~ sided action by God?
16. When and how will the faithful ones of old come forth? 18. Howwill Justification of the earth’s lnhabitanta finally be completed


SHEPHERD boy was the first one to be named the conditionof the flocks whichJoseph’sten half-brothers
A ¯ ’Joseph",dutifully giving attcntion to his father’s
flocks. Jacob, his father, whodwelt in tents in the
were attending. In the prophetic dramawhichhere begins
Joseph pictures another good shepherd, namely, Christ
land of Canaan,sent Josephto a distant townto ascertain Jesus, the Sonof JehovahGod, and whomJehovahsent to
the earth to look after the interest of the flock of humanity the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning Joseph and his
that had strayed away from Him. But Joseph’s half- brethren is now taking place, and the understanding of
brothers hated him, because his father favored him; and this is nowmadeclear for the benefit of "menof good will"
whenthey saw him coming across the fields they conspired who will make up the "great multitude" of Armageddon
together to kill Joseph. Not strange, then, that whenJesus survivors. Behold the Greater Joseph, the King Christ
came to earth and began his ministry, Satan the Devil put Jesus, as he feeds those persons whoseek him in good-will!
it into the minds of the religious leaders of Jesus’ ownna- His faithful servants carry the spiritual food to the hungry.
tion to get rid of him, and therefore these too conspired people who become his "other sheep". (John 10: 16) But
together to kill Jesus. Joseph’s half-brethren then con- in the religious organizations the people of good-will toward
spired among themselves to dispose of Joseph instead of God find no spiritual food whatsoever. Being hungry and
by death, and they sold him as a slave. He was carried thirsty for righteousness, they seek Christ Jesus, the Great-
south into Egypt, where he became the slave of Potiphar, er Joseph, and are fed by him. He sends them the truth
an officer of the king. from his Father’s table by the hand of the remnant of
In the new scene in Egypt Joseph played parts in the Christ’s body-membersin the earth today.
great prophetic drama, first in the role representing Christ People from ~ll over the earth cameto Joseph to be fed,
Jesus, and then the role representing Christ’s body-mem- because his organization was the only place to find food.
bers, his faithful followers, including the remnant thereof In this picture we see exhibited the impartiality of Jehovah
nowupon the earth. The lustful wife of Potiphar attempted God toward the "other sheep", because, at Revelation
to seduce Joseph, but, failing in this, she charged him with 7: 9-17, it is declared that these comeout from all nations,
an attempt at criminal assault against her. In her we see kindreds, peoples and tongues and that they stand before
pictured Satan’s organization of religion that tries to se- Jehovah’s throne and cry: "Salvation to our God which
duce the faithful followers of Christ Jesus and to induce sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb[Christ Je-
them to join in un-Christlike relationship with the Devil’s sus]." As to these "other sheep" whodiligently seek and
organization, which relationship is spiritual fornication or serve Jehovah the account goes on to say: "They shall
idolatry, within the meaningof the Scriptures.--See James hunger no more, neither thirst any more; . . . For the
4:4. Lamb[the Greater Joseph], which is in the midst of the
Charged with this crime, Joseph was imprisoned. His throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living
~mprisonment had continued two years, with no parole in fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears
sight, when Pharaoh the king had a dream. In the emer- from their eyes."
gency it was reported to the king that Joseph the prisoner The scene shifts back to Canaan. Jacob, because hit by
could interpret his ominous dream. Joseph was brought the faminethere, sends his sons, Joseph’s ten half-brothers,
from prison and interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams satisfac- down into Egypt to buy food. (Gen. 42:1-5) They are
torily. Greatly impressed, Pharaoh made Joseph the in- brought before Joseph, but they do not recognize him. Yes,
cumbent of the new natmnal office, that of Food Adminis- over twenty years had elapsed since they had sold him into
tration, and he held the position of authority next to the Egypt and they believed Joseph was dead. The food ad-
king. Thus in a local sense Pharaoh and Joseph were the ministrator holds Simeon their brother as hostage until
earthly "higher powers"; and at this point of the prophetic they return. Again they go down to Egypt for food, at
drama they pictured Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, the the instance of their father. On this occasion the free
actual "Higher Powers" of all the universe. nine half-brothers took Benjaminwith them, that youngest
Now a great famine came upon the inhabited earth. boy, the full-brother of Joseph. Whenthey arrived with
"Andthe famine was over all the face of the earth." "But Benjamin, Simeon was released and they stood before the
in all the land of Egypt there was bread," which supply of food administrator, but none of them suspected his iden-
bread was due to Joseph’s having provided beforehand tity. At the commandof the administrator they were again
by buying and storing up the corn for a prosperous period laden with food and they started away for Canaan. Pur-
of seven years. Scanning the modern setting for a corre- posely Joseph’s silver cup had been concealed in the sack
spondencyto this. the dramatic fulfillment began particu- of one ; so he sent his officer and intercepted them, charging
larly after World Year I, whenthe religious institutions them with stealing the valued cup. Upon search the cup
abandoned the Lord God Jehovah and openly took the side was found in Benjamin’s sack; and what a test overtook
of Satan’s political organization. Hencethere was no divine all of Joseph’s brethren! Benjamin, Joseph’s full-brother,
truth amongthem. Onto the relig,ous land of "Christen- here pictured Chmst’s spiritual brethren, particularly the
dom" came the fulfillment of Amos8: 11: "Behold, the younger part of the remnant thereof who in recent years
days come, saith the Lord GoD,that I will send a famine in have been charged with crimes of which they were entirely
the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but innocent. Godpermitted such to come upon them as a test
of hearing the words of the LOSD[Jehovah]." that they might prove their integrity. The false charges
That famine for lack of illumination upon God’s Word and arrest of such witnesses of Jehovah have also tested
was due to the unfaithfulness of the religious organiza- the "other sheep" of good-will, who, seeing Jehovah’s wit-
tions and it has now spread over all the earth. But with nesses wrongfully charged due to rehgion’s grudges, will-
Jehovah’s organization, namely, amonghis faithful wit- ingly become the companions of Jehovah’s witnesses and
nesses on earth, there is an abundanceof spiritual food and suffer with them.
Jehovah God continually adds supplies of this "meat in Joseph, still unidentified, then rendered decision in the
due season". This is absolute proof from Sacred Writ that case, holding that Benjamin should becomehrs slave and
AuOUST15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER, 255

that he must therefore remain with him in Egypt. That tinue thus to suffer. Godhas permitted this suffering as a
decision of Joseph brought great grief upon his ten half- test upon his people. At the same time he permits those
brothers. Joseph’s half-brother, Judah, acting as spokes- "other sheep" to see Jehovah’s witnesses suffer and to
man, made an impassioned speech, pleading for his young share with them therein in order that their good-will to-
brother Benjamin and in behalf of their old father Jacob, ward God maybe demonstrated. That is necessary in order
who would greatly suffer in Benjamin’s absence. Here in to test the faith and obedience of all who love Jehovah
all sincerity the ten half-brothers showedthey had under- and Christ Jesus. Aa the severity of the persecution upon
gone a change of heart toward Joseph and toward their Jehovah’s witnesses has increased in these days, the Lord’s
father. Rememberthat Judah had been the one that had "other sheep" have showntheir willingness to becomecom-
proposed the selling of Joseph into Egypt, the sale of whom, panions of those who suffer for righteousness’ sake. By
followed by his deportation, pictured the enmity that the this means they have shown their faith in God and m
religionists harbored against the Lord Jesus and toward his Christ Jesus and a willingness to faithfully obey the Lord
true followers. GodJehovah regardless of opposition.
Judah, having asked for permission to speak and doubt- In the prophetic drama of old the time had come for
less acting as mouthpiece for all. recounted somepertinent Joseph to make himself knownto his brethren, and hence
facts before the unknownfood administrator, the unrecog- he caused everyone else to withdraw from his presence,
nized Joseph. Judah told that a son had been taken away except his brethren. "And there stood no man with him,
from their father and was supposed to be dead, and that while Joseph made Mm.qelf known unto his brethren."
the father had since bestowed his love upon the younger (Gen. 45:1) Can we not see in this that onIy those
son Benjamin; and that if Benjamin did not return, his good-will toward Jehovah, and who give a hearing car to
father would die of grief. He made an eloquent and touch- the message of the Kingdomand hence recognize and ac-
ing plea that Benjamin should be returned and that he, cept Christ Jesus as the Savior of the world and turn to
Judah, might becomethe slave in Egypt in place of Ben- him, will be saved, and that all others will go downin
jamin. The fervor with which Judah presented the case the cataclysm of Armageddon? No doubt Joseph’s brethren
before Joseph proved that those ten men were of good- exhibited great fear when they recognized the brother whom
will toward the father Jacob and also toward the father’s they had sold into Egypt. Joseph, seeing this, said to them:
loved son Benjamin. Not yet discerning that they stood "Nowtherefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves,
before Joseph himself, doubtlessly supposing him actually that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you
dead, they manifested that they had great sorrow for the to preserve life."--Vs. 5.
wrong they had done him. The great test now upon them In so saying, Joseph showed no resentment. No priding
disclosed a complete change of heart. While, no doubt, they himself by reason of the humiliation of his brethren. No
suffered inwardly great remorse because of their treat- shamefor calling them his brethren. Nohatred or ill-will
ment of Joseph years ago, they were willing to make any because of what they had done to him. On the contrary,
amends posmble. In this test they bravely met the search- Joseph showeda loving consideration for their welfare, and
ing examination and demonstrated that they had good- he acknowledgedthat he had suffered at the hands of h~s
will.--Gen. 44 : 14-34. misguided brethren, but it was for their good. He ac-
What did this test in the prophetic drama foretell? knowledgedGod’s goodness and all-powerful hand for good
Plainly it identified and foretold a class of persons whoat in all that had cometo pass. At this time of disclosing his
one time were antagonistic to the consecrated spiritual identity Joseph’s young full-brother Benjaminstood with
ch:idren of God, Christ’s brethren; and who, upon becom- him. So Joseph revealed himself to all of them at the same
ing acquainted with the sore conditions of their ownsitua- time. Thus ,s shown that all whoare on the Lord’s side,
tion, showa deep contrition of heart and a real desire to whether of the heavenly class, Christ’s spiritual brethren,
do good toward all who love Jehovah God. Take a quick or of the earthly class, all stand together.
glance at the facts: Bitter persecution came upon Christ’s In effect Joseph then disclosed that all this was directed
brethren, Jehovah’s witnesses, particularly A.D. 1918. This by Jehovah as a prophetic drama, that the people m~ght
persecution was at the instance and instigation of the reli- in due time be enlightened concerning HIS provision made
gionists, Catholic and Protestant. That stirred the hearts for them to get life everlasting. Said Joseph: "So nowit
of manyto enmity against the Lord’s servants, that is, those was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath
of the original faithful remnant of that time. But later made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house,
on, when such persons came to understand more clearly and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt. ttaste ye,
their own situation and the purpose of God toward them, and go up to myfather, and say unto him, Thus saith thy
they had.a change of heart and showed themselves in a son Joseph, God hath made me lord of all Egypt: come
proper hea{t condition to be gathered by the Lord as his downunto me, tarry not."--Gen. 45 : 8, 9.
"other sheep" into the fold of Jehovah. Thus he showsthat
all the "other sheep" class must be of good-will toward the Likewise Jehovah sent Christ Jesus to earth on a m~s-
Father Jehovah, pictured by Jacob, and toward the Son sion of salvation. He has madeChrist Jesus "the Everlasting
Christ Jesus, pictured by Joseph, and toward the rem- Father" in behalf of all subjects of the Kingdom,and has
nant, pictured by Joseph and Benjamin, before they can made him Lord and Head over His royal house, and right-
be gathered as "sheep" into the Lord’s fold. ful Ruler of the new world. (Isa. 9: 6, 7) H,s kingdom
The faithful remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses have suf- the hope of the world, and in Christ Jesus’ name and m
fered muchat the hands of religious leaders, and they con- his kingdomshall the nations hope. There is no other hope,
BaOOKL£~, N.Y.
because this is God’s provision and it is entirely adequate A.D. 1931 there was disclosed to Christ’s faithful rem-
and complete.--Matt. 12 : 21; Isa. 42 : 1-4. nant an earthly class to whom~ood must be ministered,
Nowwe clearly discern the application of Joseph’s but not yet recognized as being the ones foreseen at Reve-
prophetic words as these are fulfilled upon the Greater lation 7:9-17. Joseph’s sending for Jacob’s entire house-
hold, including the families of his half-brothers, showed
Joseph, namely: "Tell . . . of all myglory in Egypt, and that after 1931 the remnant must continue to minister to
of all that ye have seen ; and ye shall haste and bring down the "other sheep" class, the famine-stricken ones. Hence
myfather hither." To all with faith nowappears the glory from and after 1931 the remnant have appreciated that
of Christ Jesus as reigning King since 1914. Hence the ob- they must go throughout "Christendom" and give informa-
ligation is laid upon the remnant and their companion tion to those whodesire righteousness. It interests us here
"other sheep" whohear, to "haste" and tell all, as oppor- to note that not until May31, 1935, at the Washington
tunity presents, that they may learn of God’s gracious (D.C.) convention of Jehovah’s witnesses, was the "great
provision for the eternal salvation of obedient humankind. multitude" of Revelation 7 : 9-17 identified to the anointed
mGen.45 : 13. brethren of the Greater Joseph. From that time onward a
As there were yet five years of famine due, Joseph said great and specially organized effort has been made by
that all of them, his father and his household, should come the remnant and their companions; and it continues with
to Egypt and be near Joseph, the food administrator, "lest increased zeal, in behalf of the "other sheep" whoare in
thou, and thy household, and all that thou hast, come to line for the "great multitude" privileges. Thus they have
poverty." (Gen. 45: 8-11) Nowat this time of identification brought to the attention of these the truths of God’s Word.
of the Greater-than-Joseph, there is still muchmore work This they do while the Great Food Administrator, Christ
to be done by the Lord Jesus through his earthly remnant Jesus, gathers all his "other sheep" into the fold, where
in behalf of those whowill ever live on the earth. they are certain to receive fullness of spiritual bread.

AMONGTHE FRENCH-SPEAKING IN LOUISIANA "One of our young publishers enrolled as a vacation
"Engaging in the Lord’s ’strange work’, I am privileged pioneer during his school holidays. As a result of the work
to have studies with a ’Church of Christ’ preacher. This he did he has arranged a book study at which he has an
study is in the book ’The KingdomIs at Hand’. As some in attendance of three of good-will. He is 12. The three of
attendance cannot understand English, we have this study good-will are ladies aged respectively five, eight and nine.
in French. The preacher asks the questions in French. We This came to my notice when he asked whether it was in
answer in French. Then he reads the scriptures in French, order for him to take his sister, aged nine, to help him with
as he is the only one who can read French. Then the para-
his study. He said: ’The girls find The New World too
graph is read in English; but all comments are made in
French. On our third study with them there were seven hard, so we are going to start a Chz~drenstudy.’ Whosaid
attendants. I placed three books, five booklets. After the the work of these youngpublishers was valueless ?"
study the preacher said the study was better than hearing
a sermonfrom a preacher; and all attending agreed. He also
promised that, next study, there would be more attending." "A pioneer publisher, witnessing at Manly, N.S.W.,
Australia, met a German refugee Jew, who told him the
BEFORE "V-E-DAY" (ENGLAND) following: ’I was in custody at BuchenwaldConcentration
"I had called on this homefive times, but had no answer. Campfrom September, 1938, to May, 1939. There I met
I was determined that I should not miss a single home the Bibelforscher [Jehovah’s witnesses]. They constantly
without giving a witness to it. The sixth time I called there testified to their beliefs. In fact, nothing wouldstop them
was a womanin the window. An explanation was given speaking about their God. They were very helpful to
as to why I had not received an answer: she was deaf. other prisoners. Whenthe pogrom sent a mass influx of
Weboth had a pencil and paper and proceeded with our Jews to the camp on November10, 1938, the "’Jehovah’s
conversation. This is what she wrote: ’I opposed you in schwein", as the guards termed them, went round with a
the D paper a year ago because of my ignorance of bread ration to the aged and famished Jews, going without
the true facts; but since I read of you in the papers, of food themselves for up to four days. The Bibelforscher
the stand that you made, I have changed my opinion. I were lined up morning and evening at roll call and told
think it is wonderful howyou have stood firm and loyal.’ they could go free menif they renounced their faith. Out
I left her a Theocracy booklet and promised to call the of many hundreds I saw only one recant; and he suffered
following week. WhenI called she had marked the booklet badly later. A Bibelforscker was foreman in the gang of
well and had questions to ask; she also asked for the book 25 men in which I worked. He was at a loss to understand
The New World. She truly appreciated the message of fellow prisoners’ risking a smoke during working hours;
comfort we carry to the people. Today I called again, but gave the concession at risk of punishment to himself
and this time she said she must get The Watchtower. I for condoning it. Unlike the Jews, the Bibelforscher were
have nowarranged a book study for next week. This proved not allowed the two brief letters a month, nor moneyfrom
to me that we have to search hard for these lost sheep and their friends. They were identified from other prisoners
no home should be overlooked." by a violet triangle over the heart.’"
1, 1945

Who Divorced
Herr.............................. 260
Deliverer’s Hand
Not Shortened Today............... 262
TheTongueof the Servant ............... 263
PerseeuhonNot Side-stepped.............. 265
Fire-Kindlers Duefor Sorrow........... 267
I~¢T~mTY OWrLr¢~
Co~cm¢~o~C~P................... 268
................................... 272
"J~J~OWL~ R~OIcs" T~a’rIMo~r Pz~ov .. 258
"W,~’tcR’row~"S~1y,s ....................... 258
NoczczoT k.,~r~,,. Mxz’rnca............... 258
117 Adams Street
- - Broot4yn
1, N.Y., U.S.A. T
HIS 3ourual is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
N. H. KNORR, Prsside,t W. E. VA~ AMSURUH, Secretary designed to aid Jehovah’s Witnesses and all people of good-wilL
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
¢reat shaU be the peace of thy chddren." o IJatah 54:I3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly ¢o the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, partif.s, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah;
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully Ya~tLYSUBSCRIPTION PRICII
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UKITILD STAT~, $1.00; all other countries. $1.50, American currency:
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price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus wi
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and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power Br(t~k 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England
and authority; A~tralgi4~n .... T BerosfoedRoad,Strathfleld. N. S. W., Auetralla
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called E/o~th Al~can Boston House. Cape Town. South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesusts the Chief Officer thereof and is the I~liam 16T Love Lane. Bombay27. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Plea~ addrm8 the Society in every
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Translation- of this Journal appear in several langua~.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear;
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, povecty or adversity are unableto pay the subscription price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of mayhave The Watchtowerfree uponwritten application to the pubhshera.
madeonce each year, stating rue reason for so requesting It. Weare
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to $1ad to thus aid the needy, but the written application onca each year
the establishment of the "new earth" of the New World; la required by the postal regulationL
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can ?i’otice to 8Hbscribc~r#: Acknowledgmentof a newor a renewal sub.
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, ecrlptlon will be sent only whenrequested. Changeof address, when
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which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) wlU be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s organizatJon and the complete establish- Journal ona monthbefore the eubscriptJon expires.
ment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the Kingdom
Printed In the United States of America
the people of good-wlU that survive Armageddon shall carry Entered as #eco~d-clals matter at the poJt o~ca at Brooklyn, N.F.,
out the divine mandate to "fill the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act o1’ March3, 1879.


If you will read, on their appearance, the mumarticles in our The annual business meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and
issues of October 1 and 15, you w~]l appreemte how appropriately ¯ raet Society will be held Monday, October 1, 1945, at 10 : 00 a.m.,
the Testimony Pemod dunng October LS designated "Jehovah
m the regLstered office of the Society located m the Wabash
Reigns". Those who value properly the unique privilege of now
making announcement of Jehovah’s reign w~l gladly serve as His Budding, 410 L~berty Avenue, Pittsburgh 10, Pennsylvania.
subjects in the pubhcity work durmg the equable month of New members have been selected to take the place of the thou-
October. A larger o~er of literature ~ mark thin period of
world-wide testimony, namely, two bound books and two booklets, sands of shareholder-voters, pursuant to the resolutions adopted
the latest m every possible case, on a contribution of 50e. Instead by the shareholder-voters of the Society on October 2, 1944, and
of decreasing placements, we beheve, your report at the month’s in harmony with the order of the court approving the articles of
close will show an even larger disposal of literature and a more
amendment. Notices and proxy forms will be mailed to the new
widespread wRnees accomplished. Of course, many of our readers,
wanting to take a hand in this October Testimony Period, will members. Any member who for any reason cannot attend in person
appreciate instructions and compan:onship. All such should feel should mail his proxy to the office of the secretary and treasurer
free to write us for information and for references to the most of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 124 Columbia
convenient group of field publishers.
Height~, Brooklyn 2, NewYork, on or before September 20, 1945.
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES Becammof travel restr/etions, there wiLl be no service convention
Week of October 7: "Vindication of Jehovah’s Servant,"
or assembly in connection with the business meeting as in 1944.
¶ 1-20 inclusive, The Watchtower September 1, 1945.
Week of October 14: "Vindication of Jehovah’s Servant," 0nly regular business of the Society, election of ot~cers, and
P.l-dO inclusive, The Watchtower September 1, 1945. the report o£ the president will be considered at the meeting.
VOL.LXVI SEPrm, I~ER 1, 1945 No. 17


"’Near is my Vindicator; who will take issue with me? Let us stand up together! Whowill challenge my
rights? Let him draw near to meI"--lsa. 50:8, The American Translation.
EHOVAH has stood for a lot of abuse, for about no pleasure in them. It merely tolerates them and
J six thousand years. But he will not forever take wonders whyit has never been able to rid itself of
it ! The long-predicted day for vindicating himself their obnoxiouspresence. Donot be surprised at this.
and for vindicating his abused servant has broken The Leader of these witnesses of Jehovah God once
over the world. The time for which there was good said to them: "If the world hate you, ye know that
reason to permit such abuse as a great test upon it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the
worshipers of God has reached its limit. Nowmen world, the world would love his own: but because ye
who challenge his universal sovereigntY" and who are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the
defame his name must be silenced and brought down world, therefore the world hateth you. Rememberthe
to nothing. His power and right to rule over all word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater
creatures that live in all the universe must no longer than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will
be left in dispute. His nameand all the glory that it also persecute you ; if they have kept mysaying, they
stands for must be cleared of every false charge and will keep yours also. But all these things will they
reproach that wagging tongues have plastered upon do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know
it. That means, too, that soon his servants on earth not him that sent me [namely, Jehovah]."---John
will no longer appear to this world to be foolishly 15 : 18-21.
and fanatically serving a deity whocannot help, pro- ’ The self-righteous religious organization keeps
tect and deliver them. For their unbroken integrity itself high in the respect of the world, because it
toward Jehovah under abuse he will exhibit them as piously goes through impressive religious cere-
the chosen ministers of the only true and living God. monies and it claims to have connections with God.
Shame shall then cover all those who follow false It claims to be weddedto God, and therefore its like-
gods and bright-shining religious leaders. ness to a womanmarried to a husband is plain.
2From appearances, the odds seem to be all Under the same figure of speech the RomanCatholic
against such an outcome. Why! Because, opposed religious sect calls itself "the mother church". More-
to the relatively few servants of the .Most High God over, the so-called "National Conference of Chris-
on earth, there stands an imposing religious organi- tians and Jews", whose lecture representatives tour
zation. It boasts of a membership of hundreds of the United States putting Catholic, Protestant and
millions, Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish. It woos Jewish clergymen on the platform together, tries to
the favor of this world, and the world holds it in high create the idea that Jehovah Godrecognizes and has
esteem and looks upon it as an integral part of itself connections with the Christless Jews as well as with
and as a trusted guardian of "moral law". the Catholic and Protestant systems. Many Jews
’ The world depends upon the religious organiza- simple-mindedly claim that the pope of Vatican City,
tion to keep it in the good graces of GodAhnighty. who professes to be Godon earth, is their greatest
The world hires it to pray for its worldly programs friend. However, the real state of matters is dis-
and activities, and to win God’s blessings upon such. closed whenwe consider that, throughout all lands,
But as for those witnesses of Jehovah, whorefuse to the Catholic religionists speak of the Jews as Christ-
mix in with the schemes and arrangements of this killers and carry on a subtle campaign of anti-
world and who hold themselves aloof as dedicated Semitism. Nowthat the RomanCatholic dictators of
entirely to the kingdomof God, well, the world finds central Europe are out of the way, such Catholic
1. What does the da~ of vindication mean both for Jehovah and for religionists are again becomingactive to stir up a
his servants ?
2. Whydo the odds appear to be against such an outoame for Jehovah’s
servants ? 4. How is the appearance put on that the religious organizations have
3. What is the world’s attitude toward the religiouS organl~ation amd ~onnect:lons with God, but how is the RomanCatholic relik’ioniats’ real
Jehovah’s witnesses, re6pecttvely, and wh$? attitude toward the Jews dhmlomJd?
N. Y.

world-sweeping wave of anti-Semitism, because now Isaiah’s prophecy, chapter fifty, which we nowcon-
it could not be accused of having any connection sider together for our mutual profit.
with the dethroned political heads of Nazism and
Fascism. Destroying such political heads does not de- WHO DIVORCED RER?
stroy the spirit of Fascism. As long as Vatican City T,,Thus saith Jehovah, Whereis the bill of your
and its Hierarchy exist, the spirit of Fascism will mother’s divorcement, wherewith I have put her
continue to be a living danger to liberal democracy. away? or which of my creditors is it to whomI have
5 The actual religious condition of "Christendom" sold you? Behold, for your iniquities were ye sold,
denies that she has relationship with God and pos- and for your transgressions was your mother put
sesses the spirit of his Son Jesus Christ. Her being away." (Isa. 50: 1, Am. Stan. Ver.) By his witness,
internally divided up into hundreds of sects and Isaiah, Jehovah Godhere addresses firstly the Jews.
cults, embroiled in all manner of political contro- He asks why their religious organization has no
versies and commercial rivalries, could not be the union and relationship with God. He likens their
condition of an organization tlmt God would ownas organization to a womandivorced; and the Jews, as
his "woman".Showingthat such is a carnal, worldly members of the organization, are spoken of as her
condition, one of God’s inspired writers says: "You children. In such ominous words of Jehovah we hear
are still worldly. For whenthere are still jealousy a prophecy of the time when the Jewish national
and quarrels among you, are you not worldly and organization, as a system, would be entirely dis-
living on a merely human level? For when one man owned and rejected of Him, although individual
says, ’I am a follower of Paul,’ and another, ’I am Jews, by disengaging themselves from the organiza-
a follower of Apotlos,’ are you not simply human? tion, might come into harmony with Jehovah God
¯.. I could not treat you as spiritual persons; I had and escape the fate of the organization.
to treat you just as creatures of flesh and blood." ’ That the Jewish national organization would be
(1 Cor. 3: 2-4, 1, Goodspeed)Divided "Christendom" cast off from God was foreshadowed by the very
has never responded to the prayer of the One she action of Abraham, their forefather. Abrahamhad
claims to follow as His "bride", namely: "That they received God’s promise that he would have a seed or
all maybe one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in offspring in whomall the families of the earth would
thee, that they also maybe one in us : that the world be blessed. (Gen. 12:1-7; 13: 14-16; 15:4-6) Abra-
may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory ham’s 75-year-old wife Sarah was thought to be too
which thou gavest me I have given [my disciples]; old to becomethe mother of this promised Seed. So
that they maybe one, even as we are one: I in them, Sarah’s maidservant, an Egyptian maid named
and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in Hagar, was suggested to take Sarah’s place in pre-
one; and that the world may "know tha~ thou hast senting Abrahamwith a child. Hagar tried to serve
sent me."--John 17: 21-23. as wife to Abraham; but the son Ishmael which she
° Instead of being one in Christ, and also instead brought forth was not the one meant by Jehovah God
of being one with Godthrough his Christ, "Christen- to be the seed through whomblessings would flow to
dom" is in the same position toward Jehovah God as all nations. Fourteen years later a miracle of God
are the Jews, whomshe has persecuted for more than caused the 90-year-old Sarah to bring forth a son,
a thousand )-ears. She is in a worse position, because Isaac, the child of God’s acceptance.
she professes to follow Christ and to be called by his Would Hagar and her boy Ishmael recognize
name. She is rejected of Jehovah God, as much so God’s appointment of Sarah’s son Isaac ? and would
as the Jewish religious organization. With good they serve him and look to him as God’s channel of
reason, therefore, Jehovah’s witnesses decline to blessings? Their decision was brought out into the
have any connections with "Christendom" or to be open when Isaac was weaned, at four or five years
party to her controversies, her political and religious of age. Ishmael, then near twenty years of age,
crimes, and her confusing jangle of religions. Tak- persecuted the young Isaac and became a threat to
ing their stand with Jehovah’s greatest witness,
Christ Jesus, and with all other faithful witnesses of his existence. Sarah, seeing the danger to Isaac,
Jehovah of olden time, they courageously declare asked Abrahamfor the dismissal of the slave-girl
His Word against "Christendom". They warn the Hagar and her slave-child Ishmael. At Jehovah’s
people that she is cast off from God. The message instructions Abrahamcomplied with Sarah’s request
of these witnesses, and the stand they take as and sent Hagar and Ishmael away, releasing them
regards "Christendom", are strikingly mirrored in from his service. Henceforth they could live inde-
5. How does "Christendom’s" condition al to unity deny she has any 7. With what questions does Jehovah first ad, dress the Jewish religious
relationship with God and has the spirit of Christ? organisation? and whst do his words foretell:
6. What. then, is "Christendom’s" actual position with God? and what 8, 9, What action cf Abraham foreshadowed that God ~ould cast off
stand, therefore, do Jehovah’s witnesses take? the Jewish national organtzation?
i, 1945 NieWATCI-ITOWER, 261

pendently from him and serve whomsoever they ’" Whosefault, then, was it that the Jewish organ-
chose.--Genesis, chapters 16 and 21. ization and her children were divorced from Godand
1o Jehovah Godinspired his servant, the apostle his service? Was it merely a whimsical, arbitrary
Paul, to put the meaningupon such facts and to show action on God’s part without justified grounds ? Was
that they were a laving prophecy. Queer though it He in debt to the Gentile nations so that he had to
seem to some, the Bible speaks of God as having a sell the Jews to all the heathen nations to become
"woman". At Galatians, chapter four, the apostle their despised underlings and slaves? Did Jehovah
explains that Jehovah’s "woman"is a holy organi- God do the Jews an injustice by permitti~zg them
zation wedded to Him, as Sarah was to Abraham. to be slaughtered unjustly by the millions in Europe
Jehovah’s "woman" is his universal organization by the RomanCatholic Nazi fuehrer and his political
made up of his devoted creatures in the heavens gangsters of like religious stripe? Not this maga-
above. This "woman", this organization above, was zine, but Jehovah God through his servant Isaiah
the woman whomJehovah meant in the garden of answers: "Behold, for your iniquities were ye sold,
Eden, when he told that old serpent the Devil that and for your transgressions was your mother sent
the Serpent would bruise the heel of her Seed, but away." (Isa. 50:1, Leeser’s translation) Therefore,
that in the end the woman’sSeed would bruise the let individual Jews who seek God’s favor turn from
Serpent’s head. (Gen. 3:15) God’s "woman" that rejected national organization and turn to God’s
organization was not pictured by religious Jerusa- true "woman" and to her Seed, Christ Jesus the
lem on earth in Palestine. Hence the apostle speaks Messiah!--Isa. 51 : 1-3.
of God’s "woman"as the "Jerusalem which is above". ’~ By such an exhortation The Watchtower does
She was pictured by Abraham’s wife Sarah. Hence not mean that such life-seeMng Jews should turn to
the seed of God’s "woman"is the antitypical Isaac, the religious organizations of "Christendom". "Chris-
that is to say, Christ Jesus : "which[seed] is Christ." tendom" has taken the same course as her Jewish
(Gal. 3: 16) Jehovah God adopts certain others prototype; and there is no more salvation and deliv-
become part of the seed of his "woman". They are erance to be found in her than in the rejected Hagar
tho~e whodeny themselves to follow Christ Jesus as organization. Therefore only with bitter disillusion-
their Head and become the members of the "body of ment in store for them do the Jews of today look to
CI,rist". Therefore the apostle sa.vs to such ones: the pope and the RomanCatholic Hierarchy as a
"Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the shield against anti-Semitism. "Christendom" insists
mother of us all."--Gal. 4: 26. that she is in covenant relationship with the Lord
" But as for Jerusalem which was down below on God, as Israel of old was in covenant relation-
earth, she was destroyed by the Roman armies ship with Him by the law of Moses. Taken at her
A.D. 70 and saw her adherents or children either own claims, then "Christendom" is found to be a
killed by Romanswords, or taken captive for slavery, covenant-breaker; and God’s Word says covenant-
or scattered amongall the Gentile nations of the breakers are worthy of death. (Rom. 1:31, 32) She
earth. This earthly religious Jerusalem must neces- is guilty of committing spiritual fornication with
sarily picture the "woman"whomGod rejected. She this world and its politicians and merchandisers, the
is the one that was foreshadowed by the slave-maid same as the Hagar organization whose religious
Hagar; and the children of the Jewish national leaders finally cried out as they rejected the Messiall,
organization are the ones that were pictured by the Abraham’s Seed: "We have no king but C~esar."
slave-son Ishmael. The Jewish national organization "Christendom" was founded by men who fell away
took the attitude of Hagar. It thought that it was from the Theocratic organization of God’s people
producing the promised seed of Abraham in whom and who compromised with the religions of this
all families and nations should be blessed. But as world. She was never God’s organization nor a part
Ishmael persecuted Isaac, so that Jewish organiza- of it; and none of her children were begotten of Him.
tion through its official religious representatives " In ancient times in Israel parents sold their
persecuted Jesus and his followers, even to ldlling children to the ones to whomthey were in debt; or
them, and refused to be madefree from its religious their creditors taid claim upon the children for their
bondage. Then God showed it was not the true, service as payment of the parents’ debt. (Lev.
original organization for producing the promised 25: 39-42; 2 K.i. 4: 1-7 ; Neh.5 : 4, 5, 8; Jer. 34 : 10, 11 ;
Seed. He cast it and its Jewish adherents off and Matt. 18: 24, 25) Howtrue that is of "Christendom"
thenceforth dealt solely with his "Jerusalem which She is in bondage to this world and yields her chiI-
is above" and with her "seed", Christ Jesus the Head 12. What Justification was there for the divorcing of the Jewish organ-
isatAon and its children? and what should individual Jews now do to
and the church his "body".--Gal. 4: 22-31. seek Jehovah’s favor?
13. Why does this not mean that life-seeking Jews should Join "Chris-
10. Whomdoes the apostle Paul identify Sarah and her son as fore- tendom’s" religious organizations for relationship with God~
shadowing? 14 How and why is "Christendom" like Israelites of old wbo were in
Ii. What, then, did Abrahams castzng out Hagar and her son foreshadow~ debt and sold their children to their creditors?
N. Y.

dren to the service of its crooked politics and its ~’ Similarly, Jehovah called to "Christendom" by
commercial exploitation and its bloody militarism. His witnesses, who bid the people to accept Jeho-
Why? Is it because she ever belonged to Jehovah vah’s Theocratic Government and to flee from the
God and he came into debt to this world and was day of his vengeance at the battle of Armageddon.
obliged to sell her and her children to pay worldly Again the official element of "Christendom" turns
creditors? Has Jehovah for no moral reasons at all down Jehovah and does not answer to his call to
disowned her and put her away from his spiritual come over onto the side of his anointed King. In
favor and protection and surrendered her up to total place of heeding the gracious message, "Christen-
wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, interreli- dom" and Jewry shut their ears and turn away and
gious disunity and persecution, and international look to the negotiations of the San Francisco Secu-
distress and perplexity? To "Christendom’s" Cath- rity Conference of the United Nations and to its
olic and Protestant children or adherents Jehovah’s proposed international organization and to the pope
answer comes ringing through his prophet Isaiah: and his hierarchy. Whyshould such a thing occur on
"Behold, you are sold for your iniquities, and for the part of world leaders and religionists whenthey
your wicked deeds have I put your mother away profess to believe in Almighty God and his Word?
[even as Hagar and Ishmael were put away]."--Isa. Is it because he comesshort as a Deliverer? Has his
50: 1, Catholic Douay Version. hand of power become smaller through the centu-
ries? Has it grown weak and incapable, so that it
DELIVERER’S HAND NOT SHORTENED TODAY cannot deliver peoples and lift them or pull them out
~’ Jews are still clinging clannishly to the Hagar of the political, commercial and religious bog into
organization. Likewise, the religious peoples of whichthey are steadily sinking downto destruction ?
"Christendom" are still cleaving superstitiously to No; it is not that. It is because "Christendom" and
the clergy and their systems for salvation. But what her nations have sold themselves to do wickedness
attention do they give to Jehovah God? None; and and have no love of God or faith in Him.
,, By the message which He sends through his wit-
hence the next words of Jehovah God fit them all:
"Why, then, was there no man, when I came, to greet nesses Jehovah reminds the peoples of "Christen-
me, none, when I called, to answer? Is my hand too dom" that he has demonstrated his power to clear
short to redeem, or have I no strength to save? Lo! awaythe difficulties and to bring those whotrust him
by myrebuke I dry up the sea, I turn rivers into a through to safety. Take the case when the Egyptian
desert; their fish are in distress for want of water, chariots and horsemen were rapidly bearing down
and die of thirst. I clothe the heavens in mourning, upon the fleeing Israelites and the fugitives seemed
and sackcloth I maketheir covering."--Isa. 50:2, 3, to be trapped on the shores of the Red sea. There
Amer. Trans. God, whose name is Jehovah, rebuked the sea. He
"WhenJehovah God said he "came", it means no parted its waters to let his redeemed people cross
coming personally, visibly, but a coming by His over to safety under Moses’ leadership. The chariot-
accredited servants and witnesses. In 1914 (A.D.) eers and horses of Egypt he overwhelmed in the
his Son Christ Jesus came into the Kingdom, with depths of the sea. Take another case forty years
authority to rule in the midst of his enemies and to later. This time the torrential flood of the Jordan
dash the nations to pieces like a potter’s vessel. In river blocked the passage of his chosen people into
191S Jehovah God sent this reigning ICing to the the Promised Land. There this same ever-living
temple to judge the "house of God" and to bring all Jehovah God cut off the swift-descending waters
the nations of earth into judgment before him to from above. This made the riverbed like a desert
seal their fate at the battle of Armageddon.Since before them, till the six hundred thousand Israelite
1918 in particular Jehovah has sent forth with the footmen and their womenand children, besides a
Kingdom message the remnant of the seed of his great mixed multitude of strangers, passed over to
woman,"Jerusalem which is above." In such manner, the shores of Canaan]and. (Ex. 12:37, 38) Tim fish
by His approved servants, Jehovah has come to that were left stranded on the riverbottom during
"Christendom" and Jewry. (Rev. 12: 1-13, 17) But the passage died of thirst and stank.
not a manof their official element, political, com- ~°Those cases go to show that not only can no
mercial, or religious, has comeforward to greet His forces on earth resist the power Jehovah exercises
for the salvation of his chosen people, but he has
representatives, thus to receive Jehovah as God. As
control over powers and forces that are higher than
Christ said to his disciples: ’~te that receiveth you
IT. How haj $..t, avah ealltd, a~d no one answered? and is It because
receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him his hand is shortened that it cannot save?
18. To what cases does Jehovah point demonstrating his power to bring
[Jehovah] that sent me."--Matt. 10: 40. through difficulties to eatery?
19. What two eases have we of where Jehovah clothed the heavens with
15, lfl. Howhas Jehovah ’come" and there has been no manto greet him? mourning and made sackcloth their covet’InS?
i, 1945 NieWATCHTOWEI 263

manand this earth. He has control over the heavens, THE TONGUE OF THE SERVANT
that is to say, over the superhuman demons under "Jehovah having spoken, at Isaiah 50 : 1-3, in con-
Satan. These have hung over all humankind as a demnation of the worldly religious organization and
wicked heavenly power to influence earth’s inhab- having testified of his own power to redeem and
itants into wickedness and to bring woe and tribula- deliver, then his servant speaks next in the Bible
tions upon them in order to accuse God for it and record. This spokesmanfor Jehovah stands in clear-
to drive men away from Jehovah God in bitterness cut contrast with "Christendom", who refuses to
and over to religious superstition. (Job 1 and 2 ; Rev. greet Jehovah’s kingdomand hear his call. This serv-
12: 12) There is one prominent case on record of ant is not an individual, although he is primarily
where Jehovah made the devilish heavens to mourn, Jehovah’s Chief Servant, Christ Jesus, whomJeho-
as with sackcloth. That was when, by the flood of vah has elected and in whomhis soul delights. Christ
Noah’s day, Jehovah utterly destroyed the world Jesus is the Head of a servant body, a group which
that then was and put an end to its demon-inspired finally in its completeness numbers 144,000. (Isa.
violence on earth. Today there is great violence on 42: 1; Rev. 7: 4-8; 14: 1, 3) All this bodyof servants
earth, and distress of nations with perplexity and serves the same God, Jehovah, as does the Head of
with heart-failure of men for fear. Christ Jesus the ’%ody". At this end of Satan’s world Jehovah’s
testified that such is due to the fact that the powers Elect Servant, Christ Jesus, comesto the temple for
of heaven have been shaken. (Luke 21:25, 26) The the judgment of such servants of God. The faithfu]
Scriptures reveal to us that at the birth of God’s remnant that he finds on the earth Christ Jesus
kingdom, A.D. 1914, a "war in heaven" began and appoints as the "faithful and wise servant" class
Satan the Devil and his demonangels were brought under himself their Head. (Matt. 24:45-47)
to grief. They were cast down out of the heights to entrusts to their care all his "goods", or Kingdom
the vicinity of our earth. interests on earth. Hence he commandsthe "faithful
’°At the battle of Armageddon Jehovah will and wise servant" class, saying: "This gospel of the
further vindicate his almighty power by draping kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a
those demonic heavens with the mourning and sack- witness unto all nations." (Matt. 24: 14, 45-47) They
cloth of death and destruction. Those wicked heavens are therefore Jehovah’s witnesses, because they bear
will first mournto see the earthly organization which witness to the Kingdom for which his Son taught
they built up and controlled for thousands of years them to pray to God, saying: "Our Father which
consumed completely by God’s ire. Then their art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom
mourning for their own impending destruction will come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."
end in their own blacking out in annihilation. --Matt. 6:9, 10.
(2 Pet. 3:7-12; Rev. 20:11; 21:1) In the face "The religious leaders of "Christendom" and of
these facts is there not every reason for mento turn Jewry have lashed out with their tongues at the
away from this world’s institutions and leaders of preaching of these witnesses "publicly and from
the postwar era and to appeal to the all-powerful house to house" and have denied that such ones are
hand of Jehovah God for redemption and deliver- Jehovah’s witnesses. They ask sarcastically, W~’here
ance? Though the Devil’s world may seem to have did these self-styled "Jehovah’s witnesses" get the
built up in power, there has been no diminution of tongue to be genuine witnesses of the Lord Godthat
Jehovah’s supreme power. 0nly men without faith people should hear them instead of us clergymen?’
in Jehovah Godwill yet stand in fear of the religious By that they mean that these witnesses did not get
organization rejected by God and will depend upon the nameand the commission going with it from the
the world of which it is a part. The honest-hearted religious clergymen. They are right about that!
Those clergy are not witnesses of Jehovah but are
persons who really hunger and thirst after right- blasphemers of His name; so how could they either
eousness will turn from "Christendom" and wilt wel- educate or ordain anyone to be Jehovah’s witness?
come Jehovah, who comes by his kingdom under Jehovah God has repudiated their religious organi-
Christ Jesus. They will rejoice at the call which he zation. He transmits no ordination through it. He
sends in the Kingdom message proclaimed by his does not use it as an educational, training school for
witnesses to all nations of the earth. They will his witnesses. He is the Teacher of his witnesses, and
answer Jehovah’s call, by devoting themselves to the so states, saying: "Ye are mywitnesses, saith Jeho-
service of his Kingdomby Christ Jesus. All such vah, and my servant whomI have chosen; that ye
will experience the saving power of Jehovah’s hand may know and believe me, and understand that I am
at Armageddon. 9-1. Who Is the servant that next speaks in lulah 50? and what is
the present o~ce and responsibility of this servant?
20 How will Jehovah finally drape the heavens with mourntn$ and 22. What does the clergy’s dispute with Jehovah’s witnesses show as to
sackcloth? and what, therefore, will those seeking righteousness now do? ordaining them~ and how are they ordained and equipped?
he ¯... therefore ye are mywitnesses, saith Jehovah, and put the words in his mouth: and I will be with
and I am God." (Isa. 43: 10-12, Am.Start. Ver.) Jeho- thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you
vah goes right over the heads of the clergy-ridden what ye shall do.. And he shall be thy spokesman
religious systems and he himself appoints this serv- unto the people; and it shall cometo pass, that he
ant body to be His witnesses. He teaches them what shall be to thee a mouth, and thou shalt be to him as
to say and gives them the tongue or powers of God."--Ex. 4 : 10-16, Am. Start. Vet.
expression to say it. ’~ Satan’s world was foreshadowed by ancient
"Jehovah thus ordains them by Christ Jesus. Egypt, and at this end of it Jehovah sends his
Even Jesus on earth was not ordained by the reli- Greater Moses, Christ Jesus, to deliver his message.
gious leaders and schools. Nevertheless it was said He sends him to reveal Jehovah’s nameto his conse-
of him by henchmen of those religious leaders: crated people and to declare his vengeance against
"Never man spake like this man." (John 7 : 46) And the mighty organization of antitypical Pharaoh,
when Christ Jesus taught in the temple which those Satan the Devil. Christ Jesus being invisibly in the
religious leaders supervised, "the Jews marvelled, spirit at the temple and not speaking directly to
saying, Howknoweth this manletters, having never creatures on earth, Jehovah God has given Christ
learned?" (John 7: 15) This explains the secret Jesus the remnant of his brethren on earth to speak
which the servant class under their Head Christ the divine message for him. They serve as his
Jesus can now say: "The Lord Jehovah hath given spokesmen unto the people and as a mouth for him.
me the tongue of them that are taught [or, tile Jehovah God is with the mouth of his servant class,
tongue of disciples], that I mayknowhowto sustain that is to say, both the mouth of Christ Jesus the
with words him that is weary: he wakeneth morning Head of the servant class and also the mouth of the
by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as they remnant today on earth of that servant class. The
that are taught [or, as disciples]." (Isa. 50: 4, Am. words which Jehovah gives to his Greater Moses,
Stan. Ver., margin) Having the ability to speak these Christ Jesus transmits to the remnant by
intelligently concerning the things of God does not revealing the truth through the Bible. As he said to
depend upon worldly schooling. Jehovah God, who God: "The words which thou gavest me I have given
conversed with the newly created Adamin Eden, is unto them; and they received them, and knew of a
the Creator of the human tongue, and He can give truth that I cameforth from thee, and they believed
to his servants a "tongue" or ability to speak his that thou didst send me."---John 17 : 8, Am. Stan. Ver.
message. ¯ s Confidently, therefore, the remnantof Jehovah’s
~’ Those of the servant class may feel backward witnesses go forth, not with the tongue of those
about spea~ng and think they lack the gift of learned in the wisdomof this world, nor taught in
effective spealdng because of lack of worldly train- the religious creeds and traditions of those rejected
ing. But let these remember Jehovah’s words to the religious organizations, but with the tongue of those
man Moses, whomHe selected for Iris prophet. By who are disciples of Christ and taught of God.
his angel at the burning bush near Mount Horeb the Regardingthis, Jesus testified, saying: "It is writ-
Lord God appeared to Moses, after this man had ten in the prophets, Andthey shall be all taught of
been away from the highly educated courts of Pha- God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath
raoh’s palace forty ?-ears. "And Moses said unto learned of the Father, cometh unto me." (John 6 : 45)
Jehovah, Oh, Lord, I am not eloquent, neither hereto- The Father is Jehovah, and Jehovall says to his
fore, nor since thou hast spokenunto thy servant ; for beloved "woman"or organization Zion: "And all thy
I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. AndJeho- children shall be taught of Jehovah; and great shall
vah said unto him, Whohath made man’s mouth ? or be the peace of thy children." (Isa. 54: 13, Am. Stan.
whomaketh a mandumb,or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Vet.) Jesus, by quoting those words, confirmed this
is it not I, Jehovah? Nowtherefore go, and I will promise unto his followers, whoare children of the
be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt "Jerusalem which is above". These never could be
speak. And he said, Oh, Lord, send, I pray thee, by taught of Jehovah by Christ Jesus if they did not
the hand of him whomthou wilt send. And the anger turn from the religious traditions of menand then
of Jehovah was kindled against Moses, and he said, study Jehovah’s written Wordthe Bible and accept
Is there not Aaron thy brother the Levite? I know its revealed teachings. Andso the servant class says :
that he can speak well. Andalso, behold, he cometh "My tongue shall speak of thy word : for all thy com-
forth to meet thee: and whenhe seeth thee, he will mandmentsare righteousness."--Ps. 119: 172.
be glad in his heart. And thou shalt speak unto him, "Jehovah has given his servant class the learned
23. What was the comment made concerning Jesus’ tongue when on 25. What is the antJtypo of God’a thus den/lag with ~loses and his
each? and upon what does ability to speak intelligently on the things brother ?
of God depend? 26. How is the tongue of the rmanant that of the learned or taught?
24 Those backward about speaktnl due to lack of worldly training 27 Why ~ this learned tongue been ffl~en ~hem? and what do the
should remember whose case and how God dealt with it? Scriptures declare ms to such tongue?
SErrE~BER1, 1945 fffieWATCHTOWER. 265

tongue or the learned power of expression, and that awakens them to action, spurring them on daily in
for a purpose, namely, for the good use of testifying His service. Their ordination from God they hear
to him as the Creator. Note how his Word teaches from his Word. The religious clergy disputes this
that they should use the tongue: "There is that ordination and argues that they are not sufficiently
speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the learned for the work of the gospel ministry, but
tongue of the wise is health. The lip of truth shall Jehovah’s servants say: "Each morning he wakens,
be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for he wakensmyear to hear as disciples do." (Isa. 50 : 4,
a moment." (Prov. 12: 18, 19) "The tongue of the Amer. Trans.) By keeping their ear tuned to His
wise useth knowledgearight: but the mouth of fools Wordto hear regularly, they increase in learning.
poureth out foolishness. A wholesome tongue is a so Jehovah commandshis servants to speak to the
tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in worldly religious organization which he has repudi-
the spirit." (Prov. 15: 2, 4) "The mouthof the right- ated: "Go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but
eous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not.
judgment."(Ps. 37:30) Blessed is the servant class Makethe heart of this people fat, and make their
of whomit is true: "The preparations of the heart ears heavy, and shut their eyes, lest they see with
in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand
LORD."(Prov. 16: 1) With the heart these servants with their heart, and convert, and be healed." (Isa.
of God believe his Word, and thereafter with the 6: 9, 10; John 12: 37-41) The religious organization
mouth and tongue they make confession of his name is beyond healing, and Jehovah’s Word does not
and kingdom unto salvation.--Rom. 10: 10. waken "Christendom’s" ear to hear with faith and
’~ The faithful servants must use their tongue or obedience. Jehovah’s witnesses are not like such reli-
power of expression in the same wise, wholesome, gionists. The hearing of God’s Wordis their delight,
truthful manner as their Head Christ Jesus did when even though it brings a responsibility. It calls for
on earth. Those whoare weary of the service of sin their obedience. It calls for all hearers to forsake
and of this world he addressed, saying: "Comeunto this world and its religion and to align themselves
me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will with Jehovah’s Theocratic organization, which is not
give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of of this world. It calls for them to proclaim the Word
me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall heard to others. It commands:"Be ye doers of the
find rest unto your souls. For myyoke is easy, and word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own
my burden is light." (Matt. 11: 28-30) Howweary selves."----Jas. 1: 22.
all the honest-hearted are of religion’s burdens and
hypocrisies, and weary of serving Satan’s world ! All PERSECUTION NOT SIDE-STEPPED
the expensive costs of religion and its clergy and all 8~ The religionists of "Christendom"rebel against
its traditions and rites and ceremonies have brought the requirements of God’s Wordand turn away from
no rest to them nor peace to the world nor peace to its counsel. Jehovah’s servants, as foretold by
the people’s hearts. Nowis the opportune time for Isaiah’s prophecy,do not imitate the religionists, but
the servant class to use their instructed tongues to imitate their Leader and Head, concerning whomin
succor such ones, to sustain them, and to speak a particular it was prophesied: "The Lord Jehovah
word in season to them. The "word" with which to hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious,
do so is the revealed Wordof God, the Bible. Being neither turned away backward. I gave my back to the
themselves instructed by Jehovah through his Word, smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the
they know how to do this work. They must therefore hair; I hid not my face from shame and spitting."
be vocal, outspoken, as his witnesses. They must be (Isa. 50: 5, 6, Am. Stun. Vet.) Jesus on earth knew
His preachers of the Kingdom gospel, for by his that for him to preach the straight Wordof truth
kingdomonly will the people find rest and an ever- which he heard from his Father it would mean such
lasting peace. persecution and maltreatment for him from the reli-
2~ To carry, on in this work, and to be able to meet gious clergy and their blinded dupes. Nevertheless,
the changing conditions, and to deal with the chal- Jesus did not shrink back from such an experience
lenging situations that arise, the servant class need and did not rebel against doing his Father’s will by
instruction daily from Jehovah God. Full?- aware of preaching his Word and exposing the falsities of
their need, Jehovah faithfully gives instruction to religion. He lmewthat such persecution upon him for
them. He has given to them the "hearing of faith", bearing witness to Jehovah and his truth was from
and they hear and heed his Wordin faith. (Gal. 3: 2) the Devil’s side and was permitted merely for a test
They rejoice to have his Wordfall upon their ear. It 30. What does Jehovah command them with respect to the worldly
religious organization? and how are his witnesses unlike that organization
28 To whom must the remnant speak with their learned tongue? and
~ith what "word"? ~. to hearlngY
When Jehovah opened Jesus’ ear to hear. what course dld Jesus
29 How does Jehovah ’waken their ears’, and how often, and why? take, despite the certainty of persecution? and why?
N. Y.
of his integrity toward God and his allegiance to as His witnesses. Forward they have marched, pro-
God’s universal domination. He knew that by moving claiming the divine Word"publicly, and from }louse
forward obediently in God’s service and faithfully to house". AJ] "Christendom" knowsthat these per-
enduring such opposition and persecution to the very sistent witnesses of Jehovah have suffered reproach-
death he would thereby be privileged to vindicate es, beatings, lynching and mobbings, despoiling of
Jehovah’s name and universal domination. Hence their property, jailings and concentration camps,
Jesus did not rebel against Jehovah’s universal and beheadings, shootings, and other violent deaths.
domination, but submitted to it for the honor of *° Do they now feel they have had enough? No.
Jehovah’s name, praying : "Not mywill, but thine, be Jehovah’s witnesses are still determined to go on.
,s Spitting upon a person was an expression of They are going on, to the very ends of the earth.
Why?Because this is the course of obedience and of
contempt and it heaped shame upon the one spit on. faithfulness even unto death. They know that the
(Num. 12: 14; Deut. 25:9) When God’s appointed Supreme One, whom they devotedly serve, will
time came for his Son to die, Jesus submitted with- always back them up in this course. His not yet hav-
out protest to this shameful treatment and also to ing vindicated them beyond cavil and dispute in the
being buffeted and scourged and to having a wreath eyes of the world does not grieve and weaken them.
of thorns put upon his head, before being spiked to That they yet have a ways to go before they are
a tree at Calvary. (Matt. 26: 67, 68; 27: 27-31; Mark vindicated at the battle of Armageddonby Jehovah’s
10 : 33, 34 ; 14 : 65 ; 15 : 15-20; Luke18 : 32, 33 ; John victory there, does not makethem faint or slack the
19: 1-5) All such outward disgrace and abuse Jesus hand in his service. "For," say they as did their
endured with a faithful spirit toward his Sovereign, Captain and Exemplar Christ Jesus, "the Lord Jeho-
Jehovah God. This was not in order to provide a vah will help me; therefore have I not been con-
ransom sacrifice for humankind, but in order to show founded: therefore have I set my face like a flint,
up the Devil as a liar and to prove Jehovah to be and I knowthat I shall not be put to shame." (Isa.
true and thus to vindicate his Father before all the 50:7, Am. ,_qtan. Vet.) They have not been con-
universe. The redemption of humanldnd was accom- founded by what sufferings and world-wide disrepute
plished by his death and resurrection. The religion- have come upon them. They know that more such
ists’ persecution of Jesus did not represent Jeho- things, or worse things, await them in the postwar
vah’s attitude toward him at all and did not signify period, whenthe beastly "abomination of desolation"
that Jesus was a fraud and forsaken of God. To ascends up out of the abyss to dominate the earth in
prove that fact Jehovah raised up his faithful Elect unholy defiance of Jehovah’s Theocratic Government
Servant Christ Jesus to spirit life immortal in the by his Son Jesus Christ. But they know that the
highest heavens. By this action, whichhas been testi- Almighty God helped them in the past and has
fied to before angels and men, Jehovah vindicated his helped them hitherto, and will not fail them in the
Chief Servant. He cleared hiln of all the unjustified, climax of sufferings ahead. Their sole desire and
malicious charges laid against him by Satan’s world. purpose is to hold fast their integrity to Him and
~s The "faithful and wise servant" class today on
fulfill their ordination from him to be His witnesses,
earth knowthat to be obedient doers of God’s Word and in that way to share in the vindication of His
means for them to suffer like treatment at the name.
hands of this world and its religionists. Jesus has ,s For that reason they do not rebel against the
forewarned them that it would be so. (Matt. 10: 24, addition of further service that is laid uponthem, to
25) They are no more immune or exempt from such succor and sustain the weary people of good-will with
mistreatment than was he. They too, like him, must His life-giving Wordin the oncomingpostwar years.
preserve their integrity toward God under keen They do not draw backward from the enlargement
trials and provings in order to share with Christ in of their service. Theylook on it as an increased privi-
vindicating Jehovah as Universal Sovereign, the One lege, even with the self-expenditure, the hardship
whose will it is always proper to obey, even at cost and the persecutions that such means. "Looking unto
of great suffering and reproach. Hence, although Jesus the author and finisher of our faith," they are
knowing that to undertake to be obedient proclaim- strong, because they see that he endured such things
ers of his Word means shame, antagonism, violent in the extreme degree. Andso, as they "consider him
treatment, and misrepresentation by all the religious that endured such contradiction of sinners against
sects and cults, Jehovah’s witnesses have not rebelled himself", they are kept from fainting and growing
against discharging their duties and responsibilities weary in their minds. (Heb. 12: 2, 3) They admire
32. (a)How was Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the persecut/on fulfilled
u.pon Jesus. ~ and. wh~ dtd he endure it? (b} Howdid Jehovah God then 34.
~Vby have they not been confounded by their sufferings thus far?
why are they determined to go on in faithfulneu?
vindicate h:s ~me~ ~er~ant?
33, Why has the "faithful and wise servant" class on earth not rebelled 36. Why do they not rebel against the addition of further service?
agazn~t being doers of God’s Word? and what facts prove it! and why have they set their face llke a flint?
how, notwithstanding the contradictions, the perse- gloriously vindicated for ever by his preservation
cutions, and the cruel death that awaited their of themI
Leader at the religious stronghold of Jerusalem, yet,
"when the time was come that he should be received FIRE-KINDLERS DUE FOR SORROW

up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem." ’~ Since A.D. 1918 Jehovah has been speaking by
(Luke 9:51) So Jehovah’s servants today set their his "faithful and wise servant" class under Christ
faces hard like flint to cut through the hostility of the Jesus. The controversy between them and "Christen-
opposers and to forge ahead with the witness work. dom"increases. The judgment of the nations is on,
The3" lmowthe outcomewill be glorious, and not one and the dividing of the "sheep" from the "goats" is
of shame and confused embarrassment. Not con- in progress. The necessity for decision is being
cerned at tile glowering faces of the religious and forced upon the peoples. Through his "servant"
political foes, the)" makebold to deliver God’s Word organization Jehovah’s good counsel and solemn
without dismay or compromise. They do not quail warning sound out to the perplexed people, saying:
before the multitude and pomposity of their enemies. "Whois amongyou that feareth Jehovah, that obey-
If they did, then Jehovah would confound them eth the voice of his servant? he that walketh in dark-
before such enemies, because fear of man entangles ness, and hath no light, let him trust in the nameof
a person in a snare.--Jer. 1:8, 17: Prov. 29: 25. Jehovah, and rely upon his God. Behold, all ye that
~’ Our readers need not be told that the religious kindle a fire, that gird yourselves about with fire-
frauds and their worldly friends condemnJehovah’s brands; walk ye in the flame of your fire, and among
servants with all the judicial, pulpitarian, newspaper the brands that ye have kindled. This shall ye have
and radio facilities at their disposal. But the serv- of my hand; ye shall lie down in sorrow."--Isa.
ants are concerned only with what Jehovah thinks of 50: 10, 11, Am. Start. Ver.; also LXXand Lowtl~.
them. Conscious that He is at their side as their ’~ In this time of gross darkness tipon the earth and
heavenly Vindicator, they challenge the combined its peoples the "goats" turn for light to others than
opposition and say: "He is near that justifieth me; to Jehovah. They build the fires of hatred and perse-
whowill contend with me? let us stand up together: cution against Jehovah’s witnesses and shoot out
who is mine adversary? let him come near to me. fiery darts against them, darts which only a shield
Behold, the Lord Jehovah will help me; who is he of faith in Jehovah can stop cold. They build the
that shall condemnme? behold, they all shall wax old great beaconfire of a world organization for peace
as a garment; the moth shall eat them up." (Isa. and security to act as the guiding light of this world.
50: 8, 9, Am. Sian. Vet.) Having their Vindicator Forth from this burning leap many firebrands and
with them to back them up, they are willing for the sparks, namely,political, religious and social leaders,
controversy over universal sovereignty to go on, who sparkle and who brighten up the eyes of the
with themselves on Jehovah’s side, regardless of bedarkened people and capture their imagination.
whether.the whole world is on the opposite side con- Deceptive lights these are! Already the Nazis and
tending as mighty, violent adversaries against them. Fascists whokindled the fires of a world revolution
Jehovah, whois with us, is mightier than all that can to makeall people slaves to a religious organization
be against us. and its political dictators for a thousand years are
" Gorgeous religious toggery such as adorns the meetingwith bitter disillusionment ; and their rabble-
popes, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests and rousing firebrands and sparks, such as fuehrer, duce,
knights and legionnaires does not determine who is and caudillo, do not sparkle so famously any more,
on the right side and who will survive the coming but all are doomedto die out in the increasing world
settlement of the controversy. It is the serving and blackness. The dupes of politics and religion will
being a witness for the Godof truth and right that continue to walk on in the blaze of other man-made
determines one’s being on the right side. At the fires and to be captivated by the bright-shining
settlement of the bitter controversy by the final worldly-wise lights that leap forth from the burning.
battle at ArmageddonJehovah will fight and prove But let all such peoples knowthat this spells their
that fact. In that battle all those richly decked con- doomfrom the powerful hand of Jehovah God. They
demnersand persecutors of his faithful servants will shall lie downin a sorrowful death at the battle of
be removed from the limelight, just as old, worn-out Armageddon;for then this world shall end.
garments are removed and cast aside. In comparison ,o Ho, then, to the sheep class! Do you choose to
with Jehovah’s power they will be so weak as if they fear Jehovah God instead of those bright-shining
could be consumed by a garment-eating moth. But 38. Whyis the necoulty for decision being forced upon the peoples ~ end
the apparently weak servants of Jehovah will be through his servants what eoun~l and warning does Jehovah give them ¯
39. ta) How have many kindled a fire and girded themaelves about with
36 Why do they not fear to challenge the combined opposition crowd? ~rebrands~ (b)What e~d will tho4e have who continue to do so?
37. How will the condemners ’wax oldu garments and be moth-eaten’? 40. What admon/tion is therefore given to the "other sheep" cla~s
and how will Jehovah Justify his servants? that has walked In darkne~ but would fear Jehovah?
N. Y.

religious, political, economic lights of this world? If ness or keep it from thickening. Put, then, your trust
so, then obey the voice of Jehovah’s Elect Servant, in the name of Jehovah and rely on him as God
Christ Jesus, as he speaks now through his "faithful Almighty. Do so now, in honor to His name. Then
and wise servant" class on earth. Have you walked in you will be blessed when the vindication of the name
the darkness of the wickedness of this world and had of 3"our God and the vindication of iris Servant Jesus
no light from its religious systems and their political Christ and his fellow servants occur. Then you will
and social allies ? By now you must realize that the walk in everlasting life in the light of His kingdom,
artificial fires built by worldly leaders who promise which is the light of the NewWorld of righteousness.
to build a finer world cannot remove the world dark- --Rev. 21:23, 24.


’ITNESSESof integrity have lived since nearly
W six thousand years ago. They have ever been the
targets of the Devil’s "fiery darts". (Eph. 6:16)
through the last stormy days of that camp’sexistence. They
have submitted a lengthy report of its death thloes. For
news value alone it constitutes what newspaper parlance
But against the "shield of faith" of Jehovah’s witnesses labels a "scoop", but it is passed on to Watchtowerreaders
the darts have only blunted themselves and have left un- for the loftier purpose of showing that the integrity of
damaged the Godly integrity they sought to pierce. The Jehovah’s witnesses will always outlive concentration camps
first witness, Abel, was murdered by an envious religion- or any other onslaughts this demon-ruled old world can
ist; but his integrity remained unbroken, and "by it he muster against it.
being dead yet speaketh". So the apostle Paul declared "When Jehovah brought back those that returned to
four thousand years later, and downto this day the main- Zion, we were like unto them that dream. Then was our
tained integrity of Abe] yet speaks in answer to and in mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with staging:
flat contradiction of Satan’s challenge. (Heb. 11:4) With then said they amongthe nations, Jehovah hath done great
the passing of years and centuries and millenniums that things for them. Jehovah hath done great things for us,
first answer of inte~ity has been caught up by hundreds whereof we are glad." With these inspiring words of Psalm
and thousands of other throats and by our day has swelled 126:1-3 (Am. Stan. Ver.) the witnesses open their report.
to a tremendous chorus that drowns out the protesting and, while acknowledging that its application is to the
cry of the challenger of God. divine deliverance from bondage to Satan’s organization
Since his ouster from heaven the Devil has specially following World War I, they strongly aver that it fitly
hardened his heart agai~mt Jehovah’s witnesses, and in expresses the heart-feelings of themselves as they emerged
desperation has done his worst to still their voices of from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. And none
integrity. But how dismally has he failed! To prove this who read their report can deny that "Jehovah hath done
we could turn to no better place than what was once Nazi great things for them". Listen to the dramatic story it tells.
Germany. Probably at no other time or place, excepting Preparations were made to evacuate the Sachsenhausen
Jesus’ special case, has the test on integrity been more camp, in view of the unstoppable Russian offensive. Then
searching. To bring death to Godly integrity the old Ser- the Russian drive halted of its own accord, and tension
pent brought to life the Nazi eoneentratmn camp. For a relaxed, so far as immediateflight was concerned. But un-
dozen dark years it glutted ~tsclf on floggings, torture, rest increased. Prisoners from other camps were assembled
starvatmn, bloodshed, and viole~tt death. Nowit has run at Sachsenhausen, so that when the time to flee did come
its infamous course; it has reaped as it sowed. It brought all could move in one large body. Dirty, lousy, under-
death, not to Godly integrity, but upon its own head The nourished, looking like skeletons and completely apathetic,
faithfulness and integrity toward God of Jehovah’s wit- the miserable transferees poured into the camp. Blocks
nesses has outlived the concentratmn camp. built to accommodate150 to 170 were packed with 800 to
The truthfulness of the folegomgwill be shownby focus- 900. Manywere forced to eat standing, and two and three
mg attention on one camp General but skimpy news of had to sleep in one small bunk, the bunks being as many
concentration campbreakups has truckled through from the as four high. Windowswere kept closed and darkened, and
pens of worldly correspondents. Howcould thelr reports the lack of ventilation was made more unbearable by the
be otherwise, since they are not on the scene whenthe death- terrible odor of the daily dish of Sachsenhausen, turmps,
blow is struck? Andeven if in their belated reports they and the perspiration from so manylaboring bodies Toilet
penned a true picture of what they observed concerning facilities did not begin to be adequate. Then it was that
Jehovah’s witnesses in those camps, what public press the course of war dictated that the Sachsenhausen camp
would dare incur the wrath of papal religionists by pub- must take flight.
hshmg them? But Jehovah’s witnesses do not fear to pub- Jehovah’s witnesses imprisoned there were prepared. As
lish the truth, neither do they fear any religious repercus- early as January, 1945, they had laid plans that would en-
sions that truth maytouch off. Furthermore, they have the able them to stick together. April 21 was set as evacuation
facts at hand, which is the first essential. Twohundredand day. But the night before, wild disorder and chaos reigned.
thirty of Jehovah’s witnesses spent from five to nine years The SS guards had robbed the Jews, and now men and
at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, and they lived womenprisoners robbed those robbers. They themselves

were in turn robbed by other marauding prisoners; and so ment of Sachsenhausen and Oranienburg. They were hard-
it continued. The demonized block leaders and guards pressed by the Russians, and this caused excitement border-
sought desperately to quell the rioters, and manythat night ing on panic to seize the SS guards. Anyprisoners that fe!l
were whipped to death and some were shot. The dawning exhausted were brutally shot. In a short distance 300 bodies
light revealed muchconfusion still, but previous planning had "stopped lead" and lay on the road. Before the east-to-
and preparation had prevented the scattering of the wit- west flight ended at the Americanlines thousands littered
nesses. They, had spent the evening and early morninghours the long line of march. But Jehovah was with his people
in the tailor shop, safe from violence and harm. of integrity. Listen:
With the coming of morning the camp exodus started. "Fromour troop of about 230 brothers and sisters none,
The guarded prisoners left in columns of 600, and accord- not even the weakest, was lying on the road ; in spite of the
ing to nationalities. First went the Czechs, next the Poles, fact that we had some brothers from 65 to 72 years of age.
then other nationalities, and finally the Germans.In some They were all standing faithfully. Youcould again see the
of these columns there were some of Jehovah’s witnesses, Theocratic spirit and arrangement and how the Lord’s
and all but two were able to extricate themselves from angel protected us. Howwonderfully on this day the prom-
these groups and join the main body of witnesses at the ises were fulfilled by Jehovah from Isaiah 40: 29-31: ’He
tailor shop. The witnesses had been ordered to remain till giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might
the last; they were to leave only on special order. And he inereaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be
while they waited amidst the confusion of moving out in weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: but they
columns from 25,000 to 30,000 prisoners, what did Jeho- that wait upon the Lognshall renew their strength.’"
vah’s witnesses do? Let their report answer direct: The first day and night they walked 51 kilometers with-
"In the meantime, we tried to bring sick brethren from out anything to eat, except some meagerleftovers. For the
other sections to the tailor shop. Wedid not leave a thing first two days and nights there was much marching but
there. Weplanned on taking everything along with us. little eating and resting. Weaknessmade manysee black.
Somehad Watchtowers, some had Bibles, and some other The straggling eoIumns reached the heavily bombardedcity
literature. And then we had our first Kingdomassembly, of Neu Ruppin, where a rest was seheduled. But where to
something we had not had for many years r The quietness rest? The people of the vicinity were afraid to let the
and peace of our meeting was interrupted only by the shoot- prisoners use even their barns for stopovers. Why?Be-
ing of those prisoners whowere caught plundering. Other- cause the prisoners generally plundered unchecked any-
wise, our assembly was very blessed and strengthened all thing and everything at hand. But note how Jehovah
of us in view of our comingdelivery. worked for his witnesses. One of the witnesses had lived
"Then the signal came, ’All Jehovah’s witnesses, ready in the neighborhood, when arrested nine years before. He
to go!’ So we packed everything together. Weput a sick knew somesisters wholived outside the city and near the
sister on a wagon and slowly we marched each column in little town of Beehlin. They, too, had been whisked off to
groups of five out through the door. For tile first time we a concentration camp, but they had a house and barn which
walked through the door which we entered from five to was still in the possession of the consecrated. To that place
nine years ago, the place which we never believed we trudged the witnesses. Here let the report take over the
would leave alive. So the Devil and his henchmenthought narration :
and so remindedus frequently. But the Lord had a different "Here we had an experience that cannot be described.
thought on the matter. Sachsenhauscn was now behind us. Surely those dear friends did not hope to ever see that
The joy that entered our hearts can never be expressed brother again. Nowhe was again before them after nine
in words." years. With tears in their eyes, they cried, ’0 Lord, our
Even in flight Jehovah’s witnesses were isolated from the God, he is alive!’ The joyful emotion was simply heart-
others. Why?Was it for the same reason that had kept rending. Whenthey were told that we were over 200 Jeho-
them separated from the other prisoners during the years vah’s witnesses to stay there overnight, they said they
spent within the concentration camp, the fear that they were willing to put 100 in their barn and that the rest
would testify to others concerning God’s kingdom~No, would be in some neighboring barns. At first it was qmte
the personal selfishness of the SS guards dictated this lat- difficult, but after the people heard that we were all m
est policy of isolation. In flight the SS guards were taking the column of Jehovah’s witnesses all fear was gone, and
along some stolen booty; they put it in a wagon in the regardless of what the SS could do the Lord gave us a
column of 230 witnesses; they knew the witnesses would blessing. These events amazed our group leaders.
not violate God’s commandmentagainst stealing just as "In two barns there were over 100 brethren in each.
well as they knew none of the other prisoners would be They prepared to rest, happy to have a roof over thmr
curbed by it. The report makes the interesting comment: heads and to lay down their tired, worn-out bodies. In
"Our isolation in the past eattsed no difficulty, because no spite of the exhaustion of the brethren they still gave a
one wished to join the Bible students, because they were witness and opened the hearts of manyof the people there,
ill-treated; but noweverything was changed, because they who beeame more and more friendly. The next morning
saw the Lord was with us. Wehad much difficulty in they prepared somevietuals and cooked somestuff for us,
hindering those foreign elements’ joining us." and the Lord is sure to reward them aeeordnig to his
Next in the report unfolds the lurid tale of flight. One promise in Matthew25:31-40. The little town of Bechlin
hour out on the road, and they could look back and see and had certainly never seen so manyof Jehovah’s witnesses
hear the thunderous explosions of the Russian bombard- singing the praises of Jehovah, and surely this gave a more
excellent witness than the brother who was there nine Then we saw homes destroyed by the aviators, and saw
3"ears before." airplanes burning, and saw dead horses, and over the
INTEGRITY MAINTAINED BY GOSPEL-PREACHING cadaver we saw the Russian and Ukrainian prisoners go-
At this point a new note enters the report, and that is, ing out of their groups like wild beasts and with knives
Kingdomwitnessing! It never departs thereafter. The and fingers tore out pieces of meat from the dead horses,
witnesses had been flung into the Sachsenhausenconcentra- and some ate it cooked and some ate it raw. Their hands
tion campfor the express purpose of cracking their integ- and faces were covered with blood. The same goes for the
rity. For nine yearn they endured the worst the camp sacks of potatoes. They tried to rob them, and then the
could mete out, hut they did not sign the declaration re- guards would shoot them, and often you could see the dead
nouncing faith in Jehovah God that was repeatedly put be- bodies over the sacks of potatoes."
fore them. Nowthat campwas fleeing for its life, dying on On April 26, the sixth day out from Sachsenhausen, a
its feet; but the integrity of Jehoval~’s witnesses was still four-day stop was made at a large Buchenwald (beech
strong and living, and makingitself felt daily in gospel- forest). The campstill numberedover 24,000, despite the
preaching. As a result, the people trusted the trekking large toss of life the past hectic days. Great confusion
witnesses. They not only housed them, but also fed them. marked the main camp, such as when the thirst-driven
The people of good-will along the line of march appre- prisoners broke wildly for a small muddybrook and were
ciated the Scriptural rule, "The labourer is worthy of his driven back with clubs and rifle shots. As was their cus-
hire." (Luke 10 : 7) Not only at stopovers did the witnesses tom, Jehovah’s witnesses camped off to themselves. They
preach, but even as the columns plodded along some of dug a small well that yielded clear water, enough to get
them would stop at houses along the way and witness to by on. Order and organization reigned amongthe witnesses.
the people, and in return were showered with food and "Every man in his place round about the camp," was the
provisions. Then they rushed to catch up with the moving Scriptural principle followed. While somedug the well and
columns. Just listen to these field-witnessing experiences: performed other service, other witnesses were builders.
"In the little village of Rfigelin [the stop after Bechlin] The report reads:
I came to a house where there were twelve army men, and "Other brethren built somecottages of foliage, and many
I gave them a witness concerning the "kingdom of God and of themdevelopeda really fabulous ability and it looked just
our experiences in the concentration camp. They all lis- like the feast of tabernacles of the Jews in Israel Wecould
tened very attentively, and then said, ’You shouldn’t speak not help thinking about the words of our camp leader Kolb,
so loud, because in the next room there are some of the whomwe saw just before we entered Behlow [the beech
guards called SS.’ I said that we wouldtalk all the louder forest]. He said: ’Nowgo there and build your tabernacle
and that they also had to know that we are now in the like the children of Israel and see if you get some manna
time of the fulfillment of the announcementmade on Octo- from heaven.’ By this he meant that we would get nothing
ber 7, 1934, in which we proclaimed that Jehovah is against from them to eat. Nevertheless, the Lord had made provi-
the Nazi regime. Wedid not stop talking then and we will sion for his people for everything necessary, mannaspirit-
not do any ’soft-pedaling" now. The result was that those ually as well as physically."
Germanarmy men did everything to help us, and we left On April 29 they break camp. The next few days pass as
with rich provisions for our holy- brethren with great re- did the others: Jehovah’s witnesses starting the day with
joicing. prayer and Kingdomsongs, then witnessing to the people
"In another case there were somesoldiers and they col- along the way and in return being blessed with food, the
lected moneyfor us and one of the sergeants gave 20 marks main body of prisoners plundering and many being shot.
and encouraged us, saying, ’Keep your heads up, boys, it The report describes the horrible hunger that stalked
is only a short while and you will be delivered.’ through the camp at large, grass, herbs, bark and cooked
"From some farmers we received bread and milk, flour, roots being eaten and from 100 to 110 dying daily. But
potatoes, and even somebuttered bread. In manycases the the Lord sustairied his witnesses, whomaintained integrity
hearts of the people were so openedup to us after we gave by preaching from house to house. The report proves it,
them a testimony concerning the Kingdom: one farmer saying: "Our sisters were again assigned to a barn in the
divided his last bread with us. Everywhere we realized little village Crivitz [the brothers campedin a forest].
that it was a great fulfillment of Jehovah’s prophecy as They took occasion to give a witness from house to house
foretold at Amos8:11: ’Behold, the days come, saith the concerning God’s kingdom and they were received with
Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a fam- open hearts. In the evening they came to our forest camp
ine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the full of joy to give us the report. They had also received
words of the LORD.’" plenty of potatoes, flour, and bread for us, so that we
But a famine for bread as well as for spiritual food could start to cook." Throughoutthe journey the witnesses
doggedthe heels of the other prisoners, despite their tactics had a common’qarder" ; all things were used to the benefit
of pillaging and plundering. What a contrast their meth- of all. Howdifferent from the rest of the camp, where
ods of getting food disclose, as evidenced on the march everything was controlled by selfishness!
from Bechlin to Riigetin! The account graphically de- The stirring account out of Germanynow reaches its
scribes: climax. This one-time mighty Sachsenhausen concentration
"Troops could be seen and troop movements[of German camp dies in a final violent and horrible death-spasm The
forces] showed that we were close to the front. On both trudging columns reached the forest of Schwerm. The
sides of the road we saw the dead bodies of prisoners. Americans were only six or seven kilometers ahead, the
Russians hard on their heels. The Nazi "heroes" trembled; their chosen mass-murder government; and so to leaxe
they called their prisoners "comrades". The tempoof battle them with horror and shame.
raging on all sides increased The leading camp officials "What would have happened if we had remained only
fled, and manyof the SS guards left behind later slipped two hours longer in that forest? Wewould have been
silently away and were swallowed up by the night’s black- amongthe dead. ’Howgreat is thy goodness, 0 Lord, and
ness. Let the report give the final death throes of the the children of men take refuge under the shadow of thy
Sachsenhausen concentration camp: wings.’"
"In the evening greater activity of aviation air attacks Thereafter the witnesses’ report detailed the entry into
started in from both sides, and the cannonadebecame more the American lines. They had much praise for the quiet
and more lively. It clattered and crashed and you could and dignified conduct of the American troops. Their re-
hear the rattling of the machineguns. It promised to be a port closes:
vivid night. Through the leading major of the camp we "For the first time after manyyears the Lord’s people
had received the news that the Russian armies were march- felt themselves free from their oppressors and hangznen
ing on. Wehad to make a decision. The only way through who had for such a long time blasphemed and slandered
to the American section was about six kilometers. In the the name of Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. With joyfuI
forest camp there started a great confusion. The night hearts we sang the song ’Give Praise to Jehovah’. Tins
was dark and everybody ran to and fro, and we heard the spirit of hearty thankfulness was well expressed in a Reso-
rattling of guns that came closer and closer. Even among lution which was unanimously accepted and which fol-
the brothers and sisters there was a certain unrest. lows now :
"In a commonprayer we expressed our confidence and ’~CRESOLUTION MADE IN A FOREST NEAR SCHWERIN
trust in Jehovah. Then we lay downagain to rest, waiting IN I~CKLENBURO BY 230 OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES
the coming morning, in spite of the chaos around us. The FROM 10 DIFFERENT NATIONS
angel of the Lord kept watch over us and protected us "’We,Jehovah’s witnesses here,sendourheartygreet-
from all evil. These actions proved to be the right way, ingsto thefaithful unitedpeopleof Jehovahandthmr
as we realized the next day. The order to begin marching companions allovertheworldwithPsalm124.May2t be
that we had received from the Nazi major on the preceding knownto youthatour God,whosenameis Jehovah,ha~
night was given with the purpose m mind of having many madetruehiswordtoward hispeople andespecially in the
of the prisoners shot in the darkness. Manyprisoners re- countriesofthe’kingof thenorth’. A long,hardtlmeof
turned and told that they had been shot at by SS, and trialis behindus andwe havebeenbroughtforthfrom
when day came we saw many of the prisoners on the road thefieryfurnace without a scentof
killed and wounded. mentioned in Daniel3:27.On the contrary, we are full
"About 11 o’clock on the morning of the first of May of powerandstrength in Jehovah andwe waitwholeheart-
we started for Schwerin, the first time under our own edlyfor newordersfromthe Kingandto takecareof
direction without SS. The highways were indescribable. theinterests of TheTheocracy. Ourdecision of willingnes~
Endless rows of cars and all kinds of vehicles, people ofserviceisexpressed atIsaiah 6 : 8 andJeremiah 20:9-11.
walking toward the Americans. Weadvanced only meter " ’Itwastheintention of theenemytoleadGod’sfaith-
by meter, and in six hours we reached our resting place, fulpeople inthiscountry todisloyalty by employingdewl-
about ten kilometers from our starting place. Vehicles of ishforceandviolence; manythousands of waysof Middle
the army, cars, fleeing old menand women,soldiers, men Ages,Jesuitic,Inquisitional methods, physical andspirit-
and womenand children, all fleeing from the Russians ual,manywaysofflattery anddeception by thedemoniacs,
toward the Americans. The highways and the fields along hatersof TheTheocracy; buttheyallwerefrustrated by
the road were littered with all kinds of guns. ammunition the greatand merciful helpof the Lord.All themani-
and all kinds of equipment, paper, books, ears and wagons foldexperiences, whichwouldrequirevolumes to write
of every kind, destroyed automobiles, corpses of persons down,arewelldescribed in thewordsof theapostle Paul
--a terrible mess. On the faces of the restless men were at 2 Corinthians 6:4-10and11:25,27.Satanandhisde-
mirrored the desperation, the misery and horrors of the monizedtoolshaveagainbeenmarkedas liars.(John
terrible experienee and the bitter deception of the last 8 : 44)Thegreatquestion atissuehasagainbeenanswered
days. So we witnessed here the end of a Godless-world in favorof andto thegloryofJehovah God.--Job1 : 9-11.
conception of crazy and demonized men--a brilliant soap "’Toour andyourjoy,we shouldliketo informyou
bubble, after being held aloft for twelve years, exploded thatJehovah Godhasgivenus a richblessing because 36
into nothingness. personsof good-will joined withusin leaving theSachsen-
"As we heard later on, our departure [from the forest] hausencamp.Outof theirown freewilltheydeclared,
was also watched over at the right time, because two hours "Wewantto go withyou,because we haveseenthatthe
after the departure from the camp the SS men surrounded Lordis withyou."Heretheprophecy of Zechariah 8:23
the forest like a chain and shot everybodyleft in the forest wasfnlfllled. Becauseof the hastyexodusmanyof our
[rememberthat those wholeft earlier, at the major’s sly friendsof TheTheocracy werenotableto joinus,butno
command,were also shot]. All together there were about doubtJehovah willdirect thattheywillfindtheirwayto
360 to 400 prisoners shot. They were collected by the us againin duetime.
Americans and the whole population of Schwerin was "’We,Jehovah’s witnesses, declare againourunswerving
forced to review the dead bodies there on exhibit. They devotionto Jehovah andourwholedevotion to TheTheoc-
should be forced to see the ruthless, murderous result of racy.
N. Y.

"’We have only one desire after the long chain of in- ning for its life, they clung to integrity and preached;
numerable proofs of the Lord’s most marvelous protection after its violent death, their Godly integrity lived on!
and salvation out of thousands of troubles, struggles for Their inspiring Resolution shows them still "strong in
life, and afflictions during the stay in the "lions’ den". Out the Lord, and in the power of his might", awaiting further
of deepest thankfulness to Jehovah and his King Christ orders from the King. The devilish camp that sought to
Jesus, willingly and with joyful hearts we will serve Him kill their integrity is nowitself dead, and its purpose re-
throughout eternity. This would be our most precious turns void to the religious serpents whohatched it. Never
reward. did it at any time makethe 230 witnesses fall short in obe-
" ’Weclose our resolution with Psalm 48 and with a joy- diently ’presenting their bodies a living sacrifice’. Their
ful expectation to meet again. integrity lives and speaks out in a powerful rebuke to the
YOURCo-FIGHTERSFOR JEHOVAH’S HOLYNxam.’" false challenger, Satan, and joins the thunderous chorus
"Deepest thankfulness to Jehovah and his King Christ of integrity answers first started by Abel nearly six thou-
Jesus" not only is felt by those 230 faithful overcomers, sand years ago. Their God-given triumph over rehgion
but is offered up in a hush of humility and unutterable and Satan imparts strengthening joy to Jehovah’s wit-
gratitude by Jehovah’s witnesses ever~nvhere to the great ne~ses earth-wide. So, Forward,Jehovah’s witnesses, every-
Higher Powers making this victory possible. While the where! With full confidence in Jehovah of hosts, knowthat
Saehsenhausen concentration camp lived ruthlessly, the by His grace Godly integrity will outlive all Satanic op-
witnesses there held fast their integrity; while it was run- position.

IN WINTRY ONTARIO (CANADA) inquired about baptism. Wehave another study with a
"I was standing on the street corner last Friday evening married couple whoare taking their first step to attend the
in 12-below-zero weather, when a young girl 17 years old Watchtower studies. They have progressed wonderfully,
asked me how much were those papers. I explained they particularly since they were thrown out of their lodgings
were placed on a contribution of 10c. So she took one. I on account of having the studies there. Wehope to have
talked with her a few momentsand found out she was board- three more ’sheep’ tied in with the companystudies soon.
ing in the Y.W.C.A.,as her homeis not here. She said she That will be four new Kingdomannouncers, if it be God’s
would read it and let me "knowhowshe liked it. Saturday will."

afternoon she came to me again and said she would like

another one. I had the same issue (as I explained to her) FROM A SPECIAL PIONEER PUBLISHER IN BRAZIL
but produced the Truth book, and she took that with a smile "While witnessing the other day I approached a ma-
and said : ’If it is like the magazineI will certainly enjoy it.’ ternity hospital, and, noting that everybody was quite
I arranged to go downon Mondayto have a study with her busy, I hesitated a bit wondering whether to witness
at 7 p.m. She was waiting for me, but said she would have anyway or pass on waiting for another opportunity more
to look on myBible, as she did not have one. I placed the favorable. However,I decided to witness; so presented the
No. 10 Bible with her and also a magazine subscription for messageto a nurse in the office. After a little tact, she
one year. She came to our book study the next night and consented to read the testimony card. After she had read
met all the friends and expressed her wish to take part in it, she stated that her time was extremelylimited, to which
this work. Wednesday night she came out on two book I agreed, pointing out to her, however, the importance of
studies with me, and Friday night in the street-corner work. what I was presenting. She then very graciously called
She is already giving testimony to Jehovah to all ~ith whom several nurses into the office; but no one seemedto be in-
she comesm contact, and says she does not care if they do terested. Finally, a nurse madethe commentthat her life
put her out on the street, those religionists in the Y.W.C.A.; was taken up helping bring children into the world. ’Why,’
that she will never quit this work. This all happened in I spoke up, ’you have a noble work to do; not only mater-
one week." nity duties here in the hospital, but also transmitting valu-
able information to the mothers of these babies ~vho will
become children in the near future, and, what is more,
"It is with joy that we report that another book study of possibly children of the King.’ I held up the book Filhos
ours has becomea regular publisher reporting each week ’This book gives necessary instruction on howto bring up
and attending company studies. Weare also having an a child.’ Opening the book on page 206 I read aloud the
interesting time with a returned soldier of the last war, who third paragraph, on whento begin to teach the children.
handed his name in at the United Announcers’ convention. ’I’ll take that book,’ she spoke up. Thenanother wantedone,
He waited up three nights for us to call on him, and when and then a third. Wewere interrupted when the pleasant
we arrived he was overjoyed. Imagine our surprise when he voice of the head nurse just entering said: "Fithos, what
took us inside, and everything was found ready for a study, a wonderful book! I have Inimigos, Riquezas, Salva~ao and
even to his having a copy of ’The Truth Shall MakeYou Jeova; Religiao also. Youare one of Jehovah’s x~itnesses,
Free’. He had borrowed this from his sister and had marked are you not? Comeand visit us at our homesometime, will
all the pages Tight to the end of the book. He told us he you not ?’ Will I not! AndI almost passed this up because
realized now was the time to do something about it, and everybody was busy."
15, 1945

Dr, rmcs~T~rRo~o~r K.~owLr.z~z ........... 275
FalseKnowledge ................................... 277
Sourceof Knowledge ........................... 278
Knowledge ThroughReproof............... 281
Use............................................ 282
T~ Hv~ D~ ~v JUSTI~C~TzO~¢ .... 284
DAv~~azKilo.................................... 285
Oa~UU*TZS ITS ........... 287
Fr,~.. ExPzam~cz
...................................... 288
"Jgsov~m RmaNs" Tr~oNr PgRIOD .. 274
"W*~"mtOw ~-.," S:~mms .................... 274
No~ oP A~r~,~M~u¢o................ 274
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn I, N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to knowJehovah God and his purposes aa expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
N. H. ~oaa, President designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-wilL
W.E. Vx~ AMs~, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And aH thy children shall be taucht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid tn such studies. It publishes
~reat shah be the peace of thy children." - IJatah 54:t suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
3. of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God and is from everlasting It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
to everlasting, theMakerof heavenandearthandtheGiverof or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
life to his creatures; that the Loges was the beginning of his tion for the kingdomof Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical ~Yamlna-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other thinks,
and is nowthe Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power du]KS of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in.
in controversy, and its columnsare not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah;
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully ~’~taLz SunscRxt~Jno~¢
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason U~tTr~STATXa, $1.00; all other countries, $1.50, Americancurrency:
of Adam’swrong act all men are born sinners and without the (]agaT BRITAIN,AUallt£L£elA.ANDSOUTH AFUlC£,68. Americanremit-
tanees should b~ madeby Postal or Express MoneyOrder or by Bank
right to life; DrafL British. South African and Australasian remittances should
THATTHE LOGOSwas made human as the man Jesus and be made direct to thn r~pectivu branch omco~gRemittances from
counrxies other than those mentioned maybe made tO the BrookJyn
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive omco,but by l~|er~*om~/ Postal MoneyOrder only.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature FORg|ON OFFICES
and above every creature’s nameand clothed him with all power Brit/ah 34 CravenTerrace, London,W.2, England
and authority; A~tral~an __ T Reresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
THATGOD’SCAPITALORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Ho~thA/r~an Boston House. Cape Town,South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and i$ the IndloM. 167 LoveLane, Bombay 2T. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address thn SocietyIn every
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members"af
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacyof Jehovah, declare his Translations of this Journal appmarin several language.s.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bxble, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdombefore all who will hear; ALLSINCERESTutJENTSOF THEBIBLE who by reason of
THATTHE OLD WORLD ended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity,povertyor adversityare unableto paythe subscriptionprice
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of may haveTheWatchtowefree uponwrittenapplicationto the publishers.
madeonce each year,Tstating the resin for so requesting iL Weart
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to ~iad to thus aid the needy,but the writtenapplicationonceeach year
the establishment of the "new earth" of the NewWorld; Is requiredby the postal regulations.
THATTHERELIEFand blessings of the peoples of earth can Notre to 8abstz~bers: Acknowled~nent of a newor a renewalsub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, scription will be sent only whenrequested. Changeof addrem,when
requested, maybe expected to appear
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the k renewalblank(carryingnotice of expiration) on address label withinone month.
will bo sent with the
destructmn of Satan’s organizatmn and the complete establish- Journalone monthbefore the subscriptionexpire@.
ment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the Kingdom Printedin the UnitedStates of America
the people of good-wdl that surwve Armageddonshall carry gstered ~ matter at the port o~ce at Brooklyn, N.Y.,
out the divine mandateto "fill the earth" with a r~ghteous race. trader the Act o] March3, 1879.


If youwillread,ontheLrappearance, themainarticles inour The annualbnsmess meetingof the WatchTowerBibleand
msuesof October 1 and15,youwallapprecmte howapproprmtely Tract Society will be held Monday,Octoberi, 1945, at 10 : O0a.m.,
the Testimony PermdduringOctoberis demgnated"Jehovah
Relgns". Thosewho valueproperly the umquepnvl]ege of now m the registered office of the Society located in the Wabash
makingannouncement of Jehovah’srelgnwallgladlyserveas His Building, 410 L~berty Avenue, P~ttsburgh 10, Pennsylvama.
subjectsm the pubhcttywork duringthe equablemonthof Newmembershave been selected to take the place of the thou-
October. A largerofferof hterature willmarkthispermdof
worll-wlde testlmony, namely,twoboundbooksandtwobooklets, sands of shareholder-voters, pursuant to the resolutions adopted
thelatest m every posmblecase,ona contribution of50c.Insteadby the shareholder-voters of the Society on October 2, 1944, and
of decreasing placements,we beheve, yourreport at themonth’sm harmonywith the order of the court approving the articles of
closewillshowanevenlarger disposalof literature anda more
widespread w~tness aecomphshed.Ofcourse, manyof ourreaders,amendment. Notices and proxyforms will be mailed to the new
wanting to takea handin thisOctober Testimony Permd,will members. Any memberwho for any reason cannot attend in person
appreciate instructions andcompanmnship. Allsuchshouldfeel should mail his proxy to the office of the secretary and treasurer
freeto writeus forinformation andforreferences to themost of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 124 Columbia
eonvementgroupof fieldpublishers.
Heights, Brooklyn 2, NewYork, on or before September 20, 1945.
Becauseof travel restrictions, there will be no service convention
Week of October 21: "Defense Through Knowledge,"
1-18 inclusive, The Watchtower" September 15, 1945. or assembly in connection with the business meeting as in 1944.
Week of October 28: "Defense Through Knowledge," Only regular business of the Society, election of officers, and
~" 19-40 incinsxve, The WatcMowerSeptember 15, 1945. the report of the president will be considered at the meeting.
VOL. LXVI S~.m~BER15, 1945 No. 18


"’For wisdom is a defenee, money is a defence, and the advantage of the knowledge of wisdom is, she
reviveth her possessors."--Eccl. 7:12, Young.
’EHOVAH supplies the only practical defense for
J the crucial days ahead. None knows better than
He the present international condition and what
either singly or all of them put together, have the
proper knowledge. True knowledge is not insepara-
bly connected with high positions in this present
yet faces the nations and peoples in the future. With world. Nineteen centuries ago the greatest crime in
his foreknowledge thereof, he sees ahead what the the criminal calendar was committed due to official
nations cannot see or refuse to see by not heeding his ignorance. Testimony to this effect we hear in the
warning. His foreseeing the course the nations would words of an eyewitness, who said: "Ye denied the
take caused him to tell long in advance the outbreak Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer
of total war in 1914 and its terrible aftermath of to be granted unto you, and killed the Prince of life ;
’distress of nations, with perplexity, men’s hearts whomGod raised from the dead; whereof we are wit-
failing them for fear, and for looking after those nesses .... And now, brethren, I knowthat in igno-
things which are comingon the earth’. (Luke 21: 10, vance ye did it, as did also your rulers. But the things
11, 25, 26) It is certain that Jehovah Goddoes not which Godforeshowed by the mouth of all the proph-
have an international situation on his hands which he ets, that his Christ should suffer, he thus fulfilled."
did not expect or was not prepared to meet and with (Acts 3: 14-18, Am. Stan. Vet.) Another writer, who
which he does not know how to deal. saw the Victim of the crime, says: ’~Wespeak the
2 Having prescience of just howthe nations would wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wis-
act under the present turbulent circumstances and on dom, which God ordained before the world unto our
what course of action they will embark for the glory: which none of the princes of this world knew:
future, Jehovah for a certainty knows the outcome. for had they knownit, they would not have crucified
Weare not mistaken on that fact, for He has fore- the Lord of glory." (1 Cor. 2: 7, 8) The common
told this outcome, for our warning. He is perfectly people blindly followed their blind leaders and
aware of what he will do when the expected climax shared in the blasphemous crime with the political
comes in future world affairs. Who, then, under- and religious leaders. What a defense K~OWLEDGr.
stands better than he what is the best safeguard would have been to them against being carried away
against the grim certainties of the future? Being in a disastrous course of action!
such a provident God, and being so considerate of all ¯ Mindful of Christ’s warning that, "if the blind
humankind, Jehovah could be expected to furnish lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch," it is wise
the effective defense for us against permanent harm for us to make certain one thing: Are the bright-
from the things he knows are due to come upon the shining world leaders themselves blind to the real
earth and its nations. Jehovah has done so, by mak- facts and to the real issue of this twentieth century?
ing knowledgeavailable. Let us see, then, howknowl- If they are, then they are incapable of leading the
edge from Him is a sure defense. people in the safe path of knowledge.So, look at how
By whomshall we seek to gain this knowledge? they visualize the future and howthey suggest and
Not by the highly respected religious clergymen, the plan meeting it. Accordingto all their proposals and
world statesmen and their international conferences, recommendations, the greatest threat to mankind in
the social planners and economic wizards of the future generations is the repeating of global war,
world. While these have a reputation for great and the direst need of men is security against it.
knowledge,it is still proper to question whether they, While the prospects of victory of the Allied Nations
1, 2. (a) Why does not Jehovah have on hand an International situation were looming up in Europe, the representatives of
he is not prepared to meet? {b)Why could he be expected to provide
a defense for us? and what is it? 4. (a)What one thing, then. should we be wise In making certain
3. WhYshould we not seek to gain such knowledge by means of those before following worldly leaders? Ib) How did ~he Dumbarton Oaks
in high positions of this world ? and what great hlltorte example, war~tng Proposats and thereafter the recommendations of the American Catho|ie
against this, do we have? btahoi)a vieuallae the fut~’e7
the ’~Big Four" nations assembled at Dumbarton betray a woeful ignorance, a dangerous lack of
Oaks, Washington, D.C., from August 21 to Octo- knowledge. Where can the bishops show from the
ber 7, 1944, to frame certain proposals in behalf of Bible that the Godwhomthey claim to represent has
an international organization for bringing in an put it nowwithin man’s power to introduce the era
"everlasting peace". After publication of such pro- for which people have always longed, in which
posals the then American secretary of state invited nations will live together in justice and charity? The
commentthereon from the religious organizations of "Christian hope" which the bishops say they want to
the land. Accordingly, prominent members of the realize, howcan it be the hope of the apostle Peter,
RomanCatholic Hierarchy, being met together in who told of how God would wipe out this present
Washington, D.C., issue a statement. It was signed world and create a new righteous world, sa34ng: ’%Ve
by seven Catholic archbishops and three bishops and look for new heavens and a new earth according to
was given nation-wide publicity and has since become his promises, in which justice dwelleth"? (2 Pet.
propaganda material. After making their recom- 3: 13, Douay Version) Those bishops say they hope
mendations and talking weightily about "moral law", to see established an international order "in which
the hierarchs concluded their statement with thi~ the spirit of Christ shall rule". But howdo they know
which we quote: that it will not prove to be in actuality the antichris-
Wehave it within our powerto introduce a newera, the tian "abomination of desolation" which Christ fore-
era for whichpeoples have been longing through the cen- told would arise at this time of human history?
turies, the era in whichnationswill live together in justice --Matt. 24 : 15.
and charity. It is a Christian hopewewantto realize, the ’ Furthermore, where does the prayer of Plus XII
hope of a world at peace, a world of sovereignstates co- show that he takes knowledge of Psalm 45:8-10,
operating in assuring all menthe full enjoymentof their which ascribes to Jehovah God the everlasting
rights, a worldof free menandfree nations with their free-
domsecured under law. Warmaycome, but if our hope ia removal of wars? which psahn says: "The God of
reahzedit wilt be a war of punishmentmetedout to outlaw Jacob is our protector. Come and behold ye the
nations. Through all the sufferingsandsacrifices of’this war works of the Lord [Jehovah] : what wonders he hath
wehave rememberedand werecall today the wordsof our done upon earth, making wars to cease even to the
Chief Executive, written at its beginning: "Weshall win end of the earth. He shall destroy the bow, and break
this warand in victory weshall seek not vengeancebut the the weapons: and the shield he shall burn in the fire."
establishmentof an international order in whichthe spirit (Douay) The pope’s words about a "reborn world"
of Christ shall rule the hearts of menand of nations." of true, stable, universal brotherhood and with a
Such statement of the hierarchs was circulated in "peace guaranteed by Christ even on earth" are
pamphlet form under the title "The Path to Lasting catchy. But where do they agree with the words of
Peace". Christ Jesus when he foretold that this world would
s On May8 this year peace was declared in Europe, end in a time of tribulation such as humankindhas
and the next day the Vatican chief of those hierarchs never known?(Matt. 24: 14-22) in no ways do they
prayed openly, by radio for the ears of all the world agree, but the words of this self-styled "vicar of
to hear, for peace in Europe. He quoted the prophecy Christ" are helping to lay the international ground-
of Ezekiel 36 : 26-28, whichapplies, not to the nations work for the fulfillment of the prophecy, at 1 Thessa-
of this world, but to Jehovah’s consecrated people, Ionians 5 : 3, which reads: "For whenthey shall say,
His spiritual Israel. But ignoring that fact, Plus XII peace and security; then shall sudden destruction
applied it to the worldly nations whenhe concluded come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with
with these words: child, and they shall not escape."--Douay.
s The above statements of both pope and bishops
Maythe Lord Goddeign to create this newspirit, His were widely acclaimed by politicians, Protestant
spirit, in peoples,andparticularly in the hearts of those to
whom he has entrusted the responsibility of establishing the preachers, and magazine and newspaper editors and
future peace. Then and only then will the reborn world writers. All this reveals the general ignorance all
avoid the return of the thunderousscourgeof war and there over "Christendom", in ranks high and low, of what
will reign a true, stable anduniversal brotherhood,and that really imperils the nations and peoples. The great
peace guaranteedby Christ even on earth to those whoare peril to all nations is not the outbreak anewof global
willmgto believe and trust in His law of love. [NewYork war between the nations of earth. It is the outbreak
Times, May10, 1945] of the universal war of Armageddon, between God’s
’ In spite of the sanctimonious tone of both the organization and the Devil’s organization, with all
above Hierarchical statements, both statements nations of the earth on the Devil’s side and against
~. Next day after peace in Europe, how did the Yatiean’s head in a 7, What proper questions do we uk on the pope’s statement? and for
radio broadcast visualize the future~ what is the pope helping to lay the foundation?
8. (a) What reveais the general ignorance all over "Christendom"? and
6, Whs¢ do both those Hierarchical statements betrayT amt what proper what now is the real Peril to all nations? (b) What is our defense
questions do we ask oil the bishops" statement~ against being swept along to destruction?

God’s kingdom. The world events since A.D. 1914 of the mass", and the religious ritual and ceremonies
agree with sacred prophecy that we have reached the which the clergymen carry on, actually count with
windup of this world organization. The world God and will screen them from Armageddon. The
catastrophe of Armageddonis whither the nations straight-thinking, inspired wise man said: "To do
are now marching, even under banners and slogans righteousness and justice is more acceptable to Jeho-
of peace. There Jehovah God by Christ Jesus the vah than sacrifice." (Prov. 21: 3, Am. Stun. Vet.)
King of His new world will destroy all the backers Some readers may think that the foregoing com-
and upholders of this old world and its institutions. ments backed up by quotations from prophecy are
Then, after such destruction, they will establish, slaying words against the idolized clerg~men. But
without human hands, the promised new world, that it is nowhigh time to be outspoken, let them
wherein righteousness dwells with peace forever- consider other words of prophecy wherein God
more. Only knowledge from God’s Word, the Bible, declares what he desires of true worshipers of His:
is a defense against being swept along with the poli- "Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I
ticians, financiers, and religious clergy in their will- have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy
ful march to destruction at Armageddon. j~dgments are as the light that goeth forth. For I
D The people of today have a right to knowthat the desire goodness, and not sacrifice; and the knowl-
condition of religious "Christendom" is the modern edge of God more than burnt-offerings." (Hos. 6: 5,
counterpart of that of ancient Israel, and that 6, Am. Stun. Ver.) Christ Jesus himself once quoted
Israel’s fate is due upon "Christendom" at Armaged- those words to the religionists of his day, to empha-
don. Concerning the causes for this Jehovah’s size that Godhas not changed in what he desires and
prophet said: "The harp, and the lyre, and the tim- requires. God’s requirement of knowledge, especially
brel, and the pipe, and wine are in your feasts: and on the part of those who profess to serve as His
the work of the Lord [Jehovah] you regard not, nor priesthood, is again stated, at Malachi 2: 7, 8: "For
do you consider the works of his hands. Therefore is t]ae priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they
my [professed] people led away captive." Why? should seek the law at his mouth; for he is the
"Because they had not knowledge, and their nobles messenger of Jehovah of hosts. But ye are turned
have perished with famine, and their multitude were aside out of the way ; ye have caused manyto stumble
dried up with thirst. Therefore hath hell [the grave] in the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi,
enlarged her soul, and opened her mouth without any saith Jehovah of hosts."~Am. Stun. Vet.
bounds, and their strong ones, and their people, and ~ The covenant of Levi was concerning the priest-
their high and glorious ones shall go do~-n into it." hood, and first began with Moses’ brother Aaron, the
(Isa. 5: 12-14, Douay) Tile same lack of defense grandson of Levi. According to titles conferred upon
through the "knowledge of God’s purposes is shown him, the pope of Vatican City and all his hierarchy
to be calamitous in God’s further words, saying: cannot escape being hit by those words of Jehovah’s
"Hear the word of Jehovah, ye children of Israel; prophet Malachi, because in H50 (A.D.) these words
for Jehovah hath a controversy with the inhabitants were written to the pope by Bernard, Abbott of
of the land, because there is no truth, nor goodness, Clairvaux: ’TCho art thou?--The High Priest, the
nor knowledge of God in the land. My people are Supreme Bishop. Thou art the Prince of Bishops,
destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast thou art the Heir of the Apostles. Thou art Abel in
rejected knowledge,I will also reject thee, that thou primacy, Noah in government, Abrahamin the patri-
shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten archal rank, in order Metchizedek, x~ Vm~IWY Axao.~’,
the law of thy God, I also will forget thy children." in authority Moses," etc. From the pope on down-
(Hos. 4: 1, 6. Am. Stun. Vet.) Such prophetic words ward, the clergymen have, by religious creeds, tradi-
show forcefully that the peoples cannot look to the tions and mummery,kept the people ignorant of the
Catholic clergT and the Protestant clergy as their law of Jehovah Godand out of harmonywith it ; and
priesthood to teach them concerning Godand to keep to such clergymen whose lips have not kept knowl-
them in line for eternal salvation in the NewWorld edge Jesus’ words apply: "Alas for you experts in
of righteousness. the Law! For you have taken the key to the door of
knowledge, but you have not entered it yourselves,
~o Religiously inclined people are deceiving them- and you have kept out those who tried to enter."
(Luke 11: 52, Goodspeed) Certainly the people who
selves whenthey think that their sacrificial offerings
seek true security and protection cannot look to such
of moneyto priests and preachers, and the "sacrifice
clergy and their political allies for defense against
9 What have all people a right to know concerning "Christendom" and Armageddon. What the people need is the right
her fate? and what prophecies show the causes for thln~
10. How are the people deceiving themselves in connection with the
operations of the clergy? and ~hat does God’s Word show to be hie 11. Howdo those words of Malachi strike at the pope and all the other
requirements of such clergy? and what do the people need go fortify them against deception?
278 ~ieWATCHTOWER. BRoomr
, N. Y.
knowledgewhich will expose such religions and polit- do? What is their protection against going along
ical leaders to them and thus immunizethem against with the captivating religious "strange woman"and
the deceptive display of knowledgewhich those world falling into the deep pit into whichshe is leading the
leaders put on. nations at Armageddon? Take defense!
1, The people should know that religion is the "The defense of the lovers of righteousness is
enemyof Jehovah God, although the religious organ- knowledge of God’s Word, which informs us: "My
izations will not admit that. But from the way all son, attend unto mywisdom, and bow thine ear to my
these intermeddle in worldly political, social and understanding: that thou mayest regard discretion,
commercial affairs, and from the friendly relation- and that thy lips may keep knowledge. For the lips
ship which they all keep up with this old world for of a strange womandrop as an honeycomb, and her
respectful appearances, it is plain that such religious mouthis smoother than oil: but her end is bitter as
organizations do not know what James 4:4 means wormwood,sharp as a twoedged sword. Her feet go
in saying: "Adulterers, knowyou not that the friend- down to death; her steps take hold on hell [the
ship of this world is the enemy of God? Whosoever grave]. Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of her
therefore will be a friend of this world, becomethan life, her ways are moveable [changeable, between
enemyof God." (Douay) Hence it is a defense to the Nazi-Fascism and democracy], that thou canst not
people to knowthat such spiritual adultery and for- know them." (Pron. 5: 1-6) "The mouth of a strange
nication with this world were foretold at Revelation, woman[Douay] is a deep pit: he that is abhorred of
chapter 17, wherethe entire religious organization of the Lord [Jehovah] shall fall therein." (Pron. 22:14)
this world is pictured as "the great harlot", whose The worldly rulers make Jehovah God abhor them
name is Babylon the mother of fornications and who by traveling along arm in arm with the "strange
has indulged in spiritual fornication with the polit- woman"of organized religion. Anyone anxious to
ical rulers and profiteers and commercialmenof this escape being abhorred by the Lord God and falling
world. (Apoc. 17: 1-5, Do~ay) Furthermore, Jeho- into destruction at Armageddonwill forsake reli-
vah’s prophecy, at Isaiah 23: 15-18, forewarned that gion, and will seek knowledge and be guided by it.
this religious harlot would be neglected during That is the God-given defense against pious-mouthed
World WarI by the Allied Nations, just as the reli- religious hypocrites: "An hypocrite with his mouth
gious-commercial city of Tyre had been neglected destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge
and forgotten long centuries previous. The prophecy shall the just be delivered." (Pron. 11:9) The
shows that, after this religious "harlot" recovered worldly religious and political leaders are educated
from World War I, she would again try to put on in theology, political science and diplomacy, interna-
her most winsome appearance and to broadcast the tional law, etc. What they say to the people may
sweetest-sounding propaganda in order to win the sound like knowledge, yet it is false knowledge.
political ears of all "Christendom",including all the "Those who would grasp life in the NewWorld
democratic, liberal countries, such as America. of righteousness are warned against such so-called
~ "Take a harp, go about the city, thou harlot that "knowledge", which is a part of this world. As the
hast been forgotten: sing well, sing many a song, apostle Paul said to a young man whom he was
that thou mayest be remembered." (Isa. 23:16, instructing: "Timothy, guard what has been intrust-
Douay) Since the downfall of Nazi and Fascist ed to you. Keep away from the worldly, empty
political dictators, the harlot religious organization phrases and contradictions of what they falsely call
is heard singing the most soulful and enticing knowledge, through professing which some people
songs about democracy, moral law, the spirit of have madea failure of the faith."--1 Tim. 6: 20, 21,
forgiveness, the four freedoms, natural rights of Goodspeed.
man, sovereignty of the nations, the Atlantic Charter,
democratic world organization with resources to SOURCE oF KNOWLEVG~.
coerce outlaw nations by military measures, etc., etc. ,4 Knowledge,as the word is used in sacred Scrip-
See howthe political, social, judicial and literary ture, means, therefore, information or testimony
leaders of the democratic world are falling for the received from a truthful source. It means not merely
pleasant-sounding mouth of this "strange woman" the information itself, but also the knowingof it or
and are praising her religious beauty and are agree- having it as a part of our mental storehouse and
ing that what the postwar world needs is more of equipment. From the foregoing paragraphs it is
her harlotry, disguised innocently as "morereligion". manifest that this twentieth-century world with its
What, now, shall the people that love righteousness "brain age" is not the fountain of life-giving knowI-
12. For defense, what should the people know about religion and its 14. What is the defense against her as stated in God’s Word7 and how
organization? and what deceptive course did prophecy foretell rellgton shall we escape being abhorred by the Lord God7
would take after World War I? 15. What warning do the Scriptures give concerning the false know|edge?
13, What is the ’forgotten harlot’ now doing, and with what succor? 16. What is the meaning of "knowledge"? and how do we begin to gain it?

edge. The wise man, who advises us that the knowl- directed the spirit of the LOaD[Jehovah], or being
edge of wisdomis a defense, tells us: "The fear of his counsellor hath taught him? With whomtool; he
Jehovah is the beginning [or, the chief part] of counsel, and who instructed him, and taught hhn in
knowledge; but the foolish despise wisdom and the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge,
instruction." (Prov. 1:7, Am. Stan. Ver.) Mancan- and shewed to him the way of understanding?" (Isa.
not begin to get knowledgeif he does not fear Jeho- 40: 13, 14) Those religious precepts and traditions
vah God. And why not? Because Jehovah is that are not a part of the written Wordof God, because
Truthful Source from which knowledge descends. He did not inspire them and they are no part of the
Concerning godly fear as a requirement for knowl- knowledge which He gives.
edge it is written: "The fear of Jehovah is clean, 1’ The thoughtful, reasonable person whoscans the
enduring for ever." (Ps. 19 : 9, Am. Stan. Vet.) That marvelous works of Godin creation feels possessed
means there will always be the fear of Jehovah, of a fear of their Creator, without knowingthat the
because he is the immortal Supreme One, the only Creator’s name is Jehovah. But the nations called
true and living God. Those who would live forever ’~heathen" also survey the ~vonders of nature and do
must fear him. not fear Jehovah God, but worship the manifesta-
~’ Being clean, the fear of Jehovah has therefore tions and forces of nature as gods and thus worship
no connection with the superstitious fear ahd rever- demons, including the "prince of the demons", Satan
ence paid to highly titled and gorgeously dressed the Devil. Therefore, to begin to take on knowledge,
clergymen and other prominent personages of this the humancreature must have an intelligent fear of
old world. The fear of such creatures interferes with Jehovah. A mere contemplation of the creative
the fear of the Creator and finally crowds it out. worksof Godis not enoughfor us to gain the enlight-
Hencefear of manleads meninto a snare, as captives ened knowledge that protects us against man’s great
of those whoare against man’s best interests. (Prov. adversary, who misinterprets even the meaning of
29: 25) It causes men to become servants of such the wonderfulworks of God’s creation. It is true that
highly esteemed ones of this world and to take part Psalm19 : 1, 2 declares : "The heavensare telling the
in carrying out all the selfish, unclean things which glory of God, and the sky shows forth the work of
the), think up. The fear of Jehovah safeguards us his hands. Day unto day pours forth speech, and
against such misguided, falsely informed world night unto night declares knowledge." (Amer.
rulers. The knowledge that has the advantage over Trans.) But the language that such inanimate works
moneyas a protective power does not come from or of creation speak, and the knowledgethat they con-
through such unclean men who try to put other men vey to us, are not sufficient. Their language does not
in fear and awe and reverence of them. It comes inform us on whoGodis, what his name is, what his
from the Creator, who knows all things and from purposes toward distressed mankind are, how his
whomnone of the rulers defiled with this world can kingdomin the hands of his only begotten Son Christ
hide their improper deeds. ’q=Ie that teacheth man Jesus will vindicate his name and confirm his uni-
knowledge, shall not he know?"--Ps. 94: 10. versal sovereignty. Even an honest study of our own
is Since Godteaches man"knowledge, no clergyman human bodies and how they were born may impress
or other educated man or scientist can add anything us deeply" that the "evolution theory" is a false
to God’sfund of lmowledge.It is foolish for religious science and that there is an intelligent Designer and
priests and monksto tack on humantraditions to the Maker. But that impression does not of itself impart
written Wordof God. It is disrespectful to God for to us the knowledge concerning the mystery of the
them to say that the knowledge of God as contained "body of Christ", of which Jesus is the Head and the
in the pages of The Bible is incomplete without these church is his body, nor concerning how Jehovah will
man-madetraditions and precepts. Such traditions yet use His Christ.
~o It is clear, therefore, that besides such worksof
simply prove to be lies. "Every word of Godis pure :
he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Jehovah God we need knowledge from Him by his
Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, express revelation, either by spoken word or by
and thou be found a liar." (Prov. 30:5, 6) To gain written word. Such revealed knowledge he has given
true knowledge, one must lay aside these traditions us by his written Word,namely, The Bible. It is com-
of menas being a hindrance rather than a contribu- plete in our day. It is by that recorded Wordof God
tion to the knowledge of God. In proof that such that we acquire the enlightening information and
religious traditions are not only not necessary but testimony concerning our Creator, Jehovah.
,1 Those who reject the Bible cannot know God,
presumptuous, Jehovah’s prophet asks: "Whohath
5own Why is not the contemplation of the works of creation and of our
1T. It being clean, with what does the fesr of Aehovah have no human bodies enouKh to give us the defensive knowledge
connection? and from where, then, does knowledge come? 20. What knowled~e, therefore, do we neQd? and where is it available~
18. Why are the precepts and traditions of men presumptuous? and 21. Why is so.ailed "higher crlUci-,m"not knowledge? and what is
why must we lay them aside to gain knowledge? the d|vine advice for our defemse a~alast ttY
N. Y.

neither can those who rank human traditions as defense we must judge everything according to the
being of equal authority with the Bible, or whocon- standard of the Wordof God, having faith that God’s
sider a humanreligious priesthood as more vital and Wordis true and right. In order to have faith we
important than it, or who study it from the stand- must be familiar with that Word; and if we have
point of "higher criticism", so called. "Higher Criti- faith we will use the Bible to protect ourselves. This
cism" is not knowledge. It is simply a religious is what the apostle means when saying: "Above all,
schemeof Satan the Devil to hide knowledgeand con- taking the shield of faith, wherewithye shall be able
fuse men’s mind and keep men in darkness. It puts to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." (Eph.
the "critic" in the conceited position of being superiox 6: 16) Faith is no woodenshield which the wicked
in intelligence to the Creator of the Bible and having one’s darts can stick in and set on fire and burn up,
more and better information than the Bible’s Author, leaving one defenseless; but with faith we can ward
so as to be able to criticize it and pass upon its off the Devil’s poisoned arrows which are meant to
accuracy, genuineness and dependability. "Higher poison the mind and heart against Godby an inward-
critics" are scoffers at Godand are foolish; and the burning doubt, suspicion and faultfinding. Do not
divine advice for our defense against such is: "A therefore neglect or ignore the testimony of the
scoffer seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not [because Bible. Its testimony is sure and reliable: "Thy word
not having fear of God] ; but knowledgeis easy unto is truth," said Jesus, who came down from God and
him that hath understanding [of his relationship to knew him personally.~John 17: 17.
God]. Go from the presence of a foolish man, for. s, Godis the source of the Bible’s testimony; and
thou shalt not perceive in him the lips of knowledge." that it has saving power, one of the deepest students
--Prov. 14:6, 7, Am. Stan. Ver., margin. of the Bible said to a young man: "From a child
Rather than try to find flaws and seeming contra- thou hast knownthe holy scriptures, which are able
dictions in the Bible so as to discredit it in our own to makethee wise unto salvation through faith which
eyes, we should approach it as Christ Jesus and his is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspira-
apostles did, namely, as being the written Wordof tion of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
God. Weshould lift up our voice in prayer to its reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteous-
Author to help us to discern its truths and to under- hess: that the manof Godmay be perfect, throughly
stand its depths of learning. Weshould accept it as furnished unto all good works." (2 Tim. 3: 15-17)
the Book containing his Word and commandments. Knowingthe Holy Scriptures is the foundation for
Then, with a love for learning, we should dig into it wisdomwhich leads to salvation, because the Scrip-
and search through it, not to uncover doubtful things tures teach the fear of 3ehovah. Wisdomis in using
and stumblingblocks, but to discover precious truths the knowledge we have according to God’s Word.
and disclosures of vital information and instruction. "Every prudent man worketh with -knowledge [using
These are the directions which God’s own Word it as his guide]; but a fool flaunteth his folly."
gives to us, saying: ’~iy son, if thou wilt receive my --Prov. 13: 16, Am. Stan. Vet.
words, and lay up my commandmentswith thee; sa "Our having knowledge of God through his
as to incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thy inspired Bookis indispensable for salvation. Tins
heart to understanding; yea, if thou cry after fact is stressed by these words of Jesus to Jehovah
discernment, and lift up thy voice for understand- God: "Thou hast given him power over all flesh, that
ing; if thou seek her as silver, and search for her as he should give eternal life to as manyas thou hast
for hid treasures: then shalt thou understand the given him. Andthis is life eternal, that they might
fear of Jehovah, and find the knowledgeof God. For know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom
Jeilovah giveth wisdom; out of his mouth cometh thou hast sent. Sanctify them through thy truth : thy
knowledge and understanding: he layeth up sound word is truth." (John 17: 2, 3, 17) Eternal life is
wisdomfor the upright; he is a shield to them that gift of God through Christ Jesus. To be able to
walk in integrity; that he may guard the paths of accept that gift we must become acquainted with
justice, and preserve the way of his saints."--Prov. God and be able to acknowledge him and to -know
2:1-8, Am. Stan. Ver. what favors he extends to us. Christ Jesus is God’s
’~ The gaining of such truthful information is a channel or agent by which he offers everlasting life
defense to one whowould abide in God’s safekeeping. to fallen humankind. Christ Jesus is thus used
It is written: "He shall cover thee with his feathers, because he is Jehovah’s righteous Chief Servant.
and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall The necessity of knowing Christ Jesus is therefore
be thy shield and buckler." (Ps. 91: 4) To enjoy this inseparable from that of knowing Jehovah God.
94. Why are the Scriptures the foundation for wisdom? and what is
22. Howshould we approach the Bible? and what dlrectiona does God’| wisdom ?
own Ward giv~ us as to our search for knowledge?
~ 25. Why is knowledge of God and of hla Christ through hta Word
23. How may we enjoy the defense of the truth. indispensable to humansalvation?
15, 1945 ffSeWATCHTOWER. 281

" To emphasize the necessi~ of knowing Christ instruction that Jehovah Godgives is at first pleas-
Jesus in order for condemnedhumancreatures to be ant to take. If, however, it is meekly received and
justified to eternal life, Jehovah’s prophecy long ago acted upon, it brings grateful results. This is because
declared concerning his Servant Christ Jesus: "He some of God’s instruction comes in the form of
shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satis- reproofs and corrections, and wisely so. Such
fied: by the knowledgeof himself shall myrighteous reproofs and corrections are very timely and neces-
servant justify many [or, make many righteous]; sary to keep His servants at doing the right thing
and he shall bear their iniquities." (Isa. 53: 11, Am. and walking in the safe way amid this misguided
Stan. Vet.) That is, by knowing Jehovah’s righteous world. The Bible reveals that all of Jehovah’s wit-
servant Christ Jesus and howhe suffered affliction nesses in the past, aside from Christ Jesus himself,
in order to prove worthy to bear awayour iniquities ; made mistakes and needed correction. On this ac-
and then by exercising faith in such knowledge of count Jehovah God reproved them by his word,
Christ Jesus, he becomes God’s means of justifying either written or expressed verbally by his prophets.
the believers to eternal life. Not all will accept and Likewise in modern times Jehovah’s witnesses have
gain such knowledgeof him and have faith in it, but made mistakes in view of their own imperfections
as manyas do so will receive "justification of life". and their being surrounded by a religious world. By
--Rom. 5: 18. the reproofs of his WordGodhas mercifully enlight-
2, Whena self-sufficient, self-reliant, self-righteous ened them and brought them to their senses. The "evil
man turns down the instruction contained in the servant" class has taken offense at such reproofs and
Bible concerning God and Ms Christ, such man is corrective measures; hut the meek and prudent serv-
acting against his life interests. His willful ignorance ants of Jehovah have submitted to them gratefully
opens him up to the wily approaches of those who and have learned thereby. Thus the proverb is
seek his hurt. It doomshim to destruction. "He shall proved: ’~Whosoloveth instruction [or correction]
die for lack of instruction; and in the greatness of loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brut-
his folly he shall go astray." (Prov. 5: 23, Am. Stan. ish [stupid]."~Prov. 12:1.
Ver.) But the honest person that has really gotten "Receiving the reproof in the right way, the
acquainted with the Creator and has experienced his "faithful and wise servant" class do not become
good dealings wants to know more about him, to spiritually poor, but are honored of Godwith further
serve him better. He says : "Thouhast dealt well with privileges of serving him: "Poverty and shame shall
thy servant, 0 Jehovah, according unto thy word. be to him that refuseth instruction [correction] : but
Teach me good judgment and knowledge; for I have he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured."
believed in thy commandments." (Ps. 119: 65, 66, ~Prov. 13 : 18.
Am. Stan. Vet.) Since God is the central source of ,o Because those who scoff at Jehovah and at his
information and knowledge, then the man that organization do not enjoy taking instruction by way
pleases him is the one that grows mentally and does of reproof, they shy away from God’s Word and
not at last suffer from the vanities of this world. from his faithful witnesses, and thus turn aside to
"For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight
wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner the unwise world. But whosodesires to learn is not
he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he afraid to face reproof and to take it with benefit to
may give [it] to him that is good before God. This himself. "A scorner loveth not one that reproveth
also is vanity and vexation of spirit [for the sinner] ." him: neither will he go unto the wise. The heart of
(Eccl. 2: 26) Because the religionists are not good him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge : but
in God’s sight, they are "ever learning, and never the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness [and thus
able to come to the lmowledge of the truth". They talks foolishly and ignorantly]" (Prov. 15: 12, 14)
makethe mistake of looking to the religious clergy Jehovah does not hesitate to correct his people,
for guidance and instruction, because the clergy are because he is faithful to them and he knowsit will
those "having a form of godliness, but denying the benefit them. He inspired the proverb, knowingthat
power thereof".~2 Tim. 3: 1-7. it is true, namely: "Smite a scoffer, and the simple
KNOWLEDGE THROUGH REPROOF [by observing this] will learn prudence; and re-
’° Someof the foregoing paragraphs may be hard prove one that hath understanding [of his imper-
things for some persons to take. But not all the fect, sinful condition before God], and he will under-
stand knowledge." (Prov. 19:25, Am. Stan. Ver.)
26 How is the need of knowin~ Christ Jesus in order to be Ju|tiflLhd to
life foretoid by Isaiah? and what do his words mean?
2T, la)For what does the foolish die, and what does one acquainted 29. Why. therefore, have the "faithful and wl~ servant" clans not
with God seek.~ {b)~ to growing mentally, what lz the difference become spiritually poor?
between one that pleases God and the sinner? 30. (a)What is the course of the scoffer and of the learner u to
28, Whyis not aLl true |nstruction at first pleasant to take? and how Instructive reproof? (b)Why does Jehovah not h~ltate to correct hie
have lovers of knowledge received it, add how the stupid one? people, a~cordtng to the proverbs?

’qTChenthe scoffer is punished, the simple is made tectedourselves

againstsucha resultby seeking
wise; and when the wise is instructed, he receiveth beforehand
on God’swill.
knowledge." (Prov. 21 : 11, Am. Stan. Ver.) For such
reason the apostle Paul instructed one of the govern- PRACTICAL USE

ing body of the "church of God" to put a public *’ Without proper instruction man’s feet are hasty
reproof upon an openly committed wrong in order to run into sin, and it is therefore not good for souls
to benefit the observing Christians. He said: "Them to be without knowledge. Only with knowledge can
that sin reprove in the sight of all, that the rest also we perceive the general ignorance in which many
may be in fear."--1 Tim. 5: 20, Am. Stan. Vet. righteously disposed persons in the world find them-
al Hence, when anyone is reproved through Jeho- selves, and we appreciate that it is not good for them
vah’s Theocratic organization by its representatives, in view of what is coming. The wicked do not do any-
we do the reproved one a mistaken kindness if we thing about it, to help these into the light of truth,
try to show him sympathy by helping him to justify but rather they scheme to keep them in mental dark-
himself and make him feel he has been injured by ness. Thoughthe wicked recognize it not, those poor
reproof. Contrariwise, we ourselves should search people, regardless of race, nationality, or color, and
to see the justice of the reproof and help the one religious connections, have a right to come to a
reproved to see that point. Then we ourselves should knowledge of the truth. If we desire to do what is
try to learn from such observation how to make righteous, we will recognize the people’s absolute
straight paths for our ownfeet, walking in the fear lack of defense against what is impending over the
of Jehovah lest we displease him. It is the course of world at Armageddon,and we will be diligent to give
wisdomnot to rebel against correction from the Holy such endangered ones what is due them, by inform-
One Jehovah through his Theocratic organization. ing them of the danger and pointing out the way of
The proverb shows who is the wise and righteous escape. "The righteous taketh knowledgeof the cause
man by saying: "Give instruction to a wise man, and of the poor; the wicked hath not understanding to
he will be yet wiser: teach a righteous man, and he knowit."--Prov. 29 : 7, Am. Stan. Vet.
will increase in learning. The fear of Jehovah is the "Howcould we show respect for the right or the
beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the Holy cause of the poor except by giving to them the "knowl-
One is understanding." (Prov. 9:9, 10, Am. Start. edge of Jehovah and his kingdom by Christ Jesus?
Vet.) The appreciation of one’s proper relationship This is of greater value than money, and it is a
to the Holy One Jehovah is understanding, and it greater defense. The worldly-wise are vainly heap-
leads one to the wholesome fear of Him. ing up treasures of wealth and of selfish things for
3’"Christendom" has no such knowledge and these ’qast days". At Armageddonthey will throw
understanding, and she rebels against the reproofs their silver and gold and material wealth into the
which Godsends against her through the message of streets, but neither their silver nor their gold will be
His witnesses. For her willful ignorance she will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah’s anger
destroyed at the battle of Armageddon. Those who and to buy a way for their lives to be spared. (Ezek.
want to avoid her fate will not resist the information 7: 19; Zeph. 1: 18) Whereas moneymay be a tempo-
and the reproofs which she refuses. Without first rary defense now, our knowing Jehovah and his pur-
knowing what is the will of God, they would be pose is a permanent defense against disaster at
hastening down the same path of sin in which she Armageddon. Thus it has the advantage of money
hurries toward Armageddon, and would show them- and is more excellent than it. "For wisdom is a
selves foolish. The end would not be a good one. defence, and moneyis a defence: but the excellency
Hence knowledge is their defense, to be without of knowledgeis, that wisdomgiveth life to them that
which it is not good for us. God’s Wordsays: "Also, have it."--Eccl. 7:12.
,5 God therefore favors us with the information
that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good;
and testimony concerning himself and his Theocratic
and he that hasteth with his feet [without stopping
Governmentin order that we may make practical use
first to ascertain God’swill], sinneth. The foolishness of it, for the benefit of others as well as of ourselves.
of man subverteth his way; and his heart fretteth Knowledgeis not for our own defense merely, but is
against the LoaD." (Prov. 19: 2, 3; Am. Stan. Ver.) given us that we may also impart it to others who
If our business fails because of our ownfoolishness have as much right to receive it as we had. The
and we fret against Jehovah God and blame him knowledge we have we must use aright, not just tc
therefor, it will do us no good. Wecould have pro- 33. In what condition do we find the righteously dispo~d people in the
world to be? and what Ls the righteous think to do about it?
31, Whynot help a reproved one to Justify himself? and why not rebel 34. How do we show respect for the cause of the poor? and why not
against correction through God’s organization? give them money?
32. For what will °°Christendom", therefore, be destroyed at Arma~.-ddon? 35. Why, therefore. 1." k~owled~e L’lven to us? and how does the wile
and why is it not good now to be without knowled~,-e? tongue use It arlsht?
15, 1945 NIeWATCHTOWER. 283

show off with it and to engage in controversies and utterance, and in all knowledge." Or, put in other
to provoke wrath in others, but to speak tactfully in phrase: "I am always thanking God about you, for
love, seeking the welfare of others thereby. "A soft the blessing Godhas given you through Christ Jesus.
answer turneth away wrath : but grievous words stir For you have grown rich in everything through
up anger. The tongue of the wise useth knowledge union with him in power of expression and in ca-
aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolish- pacity for knowledge."--1 Cor. 1 : 4, 5 ; Goodspeed.
ness." (Prov. 15: 1, 2) It is the truth spoken in love u The utterance of the truth to others stirs up our
that edifies and constructs; and it is the loving own minds and thus impresses the truth more deeply
method that the Scriptures recommendfor those who and clear-cut upon ourselves. Thus we increase our
endeavor to be educators of others in God’s Wordof own capacity for knowledge. By utterance or by use
truth. (Eph. 4: 15) The wise do not seek contro- of the power of expression we enjoy the rich privi-
versies. Yet, if to give out the knowledgeof the Lord lege of spreading knowledgeto the poor, whose right
to others means to rouse up persecution and opposi- to hear it we respect. Such knowledge is cheering,
tion from this world and its institutions, then we being likened to light falling upon eyes that have
suffer it, but do not slack our hand in our educational knownonly darkness before : "the light of the knowl-
work. edge of the glory of Godin the face of Jesus Christ."
s, Whata precious privilege it is to be bearers of
(2 Cor. 4: 6) Those whohave this light shining into
the Lord’s knowledge to others! Just to think how their hearts from on high must, out of pure hearts,
priceless is the instruction with which we are en- reflect that light upon others.
trusted makes us appreciate the more how rare and ,, The knowledge concerning the presence of Jeho-
honored a privilege it is for us to transmit it to vah’s King and the establishment of his kingdomof
others. Glittering gold, purified silver, and sparkling truth and life is also likened to the fragrance of
jewels, are not comparable with it. The enrichment incense burned at a triumphal procession. Howfra-
we experience by receiving it is described by one grant indeed is the knowledge of Jehovah God and
wiser than Solomon, namely, Christ Jesus, who says his kingdom by Christ Jesus! Howthankful we all
to us: "Receive myinstruction, and not silver; and should be to possess this knowledge that we migtit
knowledge rather than choice gold. For wisdom is follow along after our triumphant Leader Christ
better than rubies; and all the things that may be Jesus in disseminating the knowledge of God to
desired are not to be compared unto it. I wisdom those who want life in harmony with him! "Thanks
have made prudence my dwelling, and find out knowl- be unto God, who always leadeth us in triumph in
edge and discretion." (Prov. 8:10-12, Am. Sta~z. Christ, and maketh manifest through us the savor
Ver.) Such spiritual treasure is rare and costly and [the perfume] of his knowledge in every place. For
beyond compare, and not everywhere to be found. So we are a sweet savor of Christ unto God, in them that
are those from whose lips fall such preciousness. are saved, and in them that perish; to the one a
"There is gold, and abundanceof rubies: but the lips savor from death unto death; to the other a savor
of knowledge are a precious jewel." (Prov. 20: 15, :from life unto life."--2 Cor. 2 : 14-16, Am. Stan. Ver.
A. S. V.) Those possessed of such lips of knowledge ’° Those whoare destined to perish think that the
are as rare as a precious, much-sought-after jewel.
savor of our message is death-dealing. Shall we be
Their lips are pure lips, graced with the pure influenced by their.opinion? No; but, knowing that
message of God’s glorious purpose by his -kingdom. the knowledge of Godis a defense against death by
"Those who have such lips, which show forth execution in the day of his wrath at Armageddon,
God’s praises, have Him as their Friend. They are let us cast up this defense more strongly. Let us do
rich, more so than if they gained all this world, so in behalf of as manypeople as possible by repeat-
because they have God’s friendship and the friend- edly, persistently and intensively makingknown
ship of his King Christ Jesus. They have the knowl- everywhere theknowledge of Him,costus whatit
edge of both the Father and the Son which gives life, mayin hardships. In thatmanner we shallproveour-
and they are commissioned by the Father through selvestrueservants of God:"in everything com-
his Son to impart such life-giving knowledge to the
meekones of the earth. For being enriched with this mendingourselves, as ministers of God, in much
service they can give thanks, as the apostle Paul did, patience, inafflictions, in necessities, indistresses,
saying: "I thank myGod always on your behalf, for ¯ pureness, in knowledge."~2 Cor.6: 4-6,Am.
the grace of Godwhich is given you by Jesus Christ; Stan. Ver.
that in every thing ye are enriched by him, in all 38. How do we by utterance increase our capacity for knowledge? and
to what thing of cheer i~ such knowledge comparod?
36 How does such knowledge and the privilege of speaking it forth 39. To what else do~ the apostle liken such knowledge? and for what
compare with the mineral treasures of this earth? privilege in that connection can we be thankful?
37 Why are those with such lins of knowledge so rich? and for what 40. l~nowtng that knowledge of God is ¯ defense, what shall we do and
does the apostle show they should thank God? thus prove ourselves his true servants?
N THEAugust 15 issue of The Watchtower it was said, and that none of themwouldfail to obtain it. But the Scrip-
I on page 253, ~ 15, that for the dead people in the grave tures show that such will not be the case. Not all the
for whomthere is a future opportunity to gain eternal human dead in the graves will be "accounted worthy to
life on earth in the NewWorld of righteousness no auto- obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead".
matic justification in advanceis possible. Nor is it required (Luke 20:35; Rev. 20:12-15) Always remember that
for them in order that they maybe brought forth from the Abram’s change of name to "Abraham" was based on his
graves. This statement was made in connection with a dis- faith in God; whereas none of the human dead that have
cussion of Romans5 : 18, which reads : "Therefore as by the "done evil" have exercised faith in God like Abraham’s
offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemna- faith.
tion; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came It is written: "As the body without the spirit is dead, so
uponall menunto justification of life." faith without works is dead also. Was not Abrahamour
From a certain quarter it has been suggested that such father justified by works, whenhe had offered Isaac his son
a justification of the dead to life should be possible, seeing upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his
that the Bible says that Godcalls the things which be not works, and by works was faith madeperfect ? Andthe scrip-
as though they were; and that therefore he could call the ture was fulfilled which saith, Abrahambelieved God, and
dead people just, although they were yet non-existent in it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was
death and were not actually just. However, a Scriptural called the Friend of God. Ye see then how that by works a
study of the matter will show the fallacy of such a sug- manis justified, and not by faith only." (Jas. 2:26, 21-24)
gestion. As against Abraham’sfaith and works, the Bible states that
The question involves Abraham, whose name means "fa- the dead are incapable of faith and incapable of works,
ther of a multitude". It is in connection with the patriarch because "the dead knownot any thing .... for there is no
by this name that the Bible says that God called things work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom,in the grave,
which were not as though they were. Here is the scripture whither thou goest". (Eccl. 9: 5, 10) Such a state of the
thereon, at Romans4: 16, 17, namely: "The faith of Abra- dead in the graves does not operate to their being justified
ham; whois the father of us all, (as it is written, I have before being brought forth from the tombs. Such a state
made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom of the dead is no basis for God to deal with them as he
[Abraham] believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, did with Abrahamby calling them as being something that
and ealleth those things which be not as though they were." they were not as yet.
At the time that Jehovah God called Abram by the The works that are required are worksof faith. It is true
name of "Abraham", Abramwas no father of a multitude that God’s imputing of righteousness ~o men without the
nor a father of manynations. He was ninety-nine years old, works of the Mosaic law is described by the psalmist, at
and had no son by his aged wife Sarah. They were both as Psalm 32:1, 2, which reads: "Blessed is he whose trans-
good as dead, as far as it concerns the bringing forth of gression is forgiven, whosesin is covered. Blessedis the man
children. (See Hebrews11: 11, 12 and Romans4: 18-21.) unto whomthe LoRDimputeth not iniquity, and in whose
But God, by his spirit or active force, made their repro- spirit there is no guile." (Rom. 4: 6-8) But the psalmist’s
ductive powers alive again, as though they had been next words show that such imputation of righteousness or
restored to the days of their youth. By this miracle they such justification did not come to him automatically. As
becameparents to their only son Isaac. Abraham’sdescend- long as he failed to take the right action in the matter, his
ants through this son Isaac becamea multitude like the stars transgression and sin rested upon him, and heavily so. As
and sands in number, but that was centuries later in com- he says: "WhenI kept silence, mybones waxedold through
ing true. So, then, in calling that patriarch by the new myroaring all the day long. For day and night thy hand
name "Abraham" (meaning "father of a multitude") and was heavy upon me : mymoisture is turned into the drought
in then making the name come true, Jehovah God was of summer. Selah." (Ps. 32: 3, 4) The mercy of God
assuredly giving life to the dead and was calling things as imputing no iniquity to him and thus canceling out his sin
being something that they were not as yet. did not come to the psalmist until after he had confessed
Nevertheless, this procedure does not warrant us in apply- to Godand appealed for divine mercy. In proof of this he
ing Romans4 : 17 (quoted above) to the dead people in the says: "I acknowledgedmysin unto thee, and mine iniquity
graves in support of their being automatically justified in have I not hid. I said, I will confess mytransgressions unto
order to makethem worthy to be called forth out of death. the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of mysin. Selah.
Do not overlook the fact that what God called Abraham For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a
actually becametrue of Abraham.God quickened or enliv- time when thou mayest be found."--Ps. 32:5, 6.
ened both Abraham’sand Sarah’s physical powers in order However,as for the dead who are in the silence of the
that it should come to pass. Whydid God do so? and did grave, they cannot make confession of sin nor appeal for
he do so arbitrarily? No; it was because Abraham was mercypreliminary to gaining justification. "For hell shall
believing and was faithful to Godthat Jehovah Goddid so. not confess to thee, neither shall death praise thee : nor shall
There is nothing parallel to those circumstances in connec- they that go down into the pit, look for thy truth. The
tion with the humandead in the graves. If God were to living, the living, he shall give praise to thee, as I do this
arbitrarily call the humandead justified to life, although day: the father shall make thy truth knownto the chil-
they were not, it would meanthat he thereby predestinated dren." (Isa. 38: 18, 19, Douay Version) The RomanCath-
all the thus justified deadto be obtainers of everlasting life olic doctrine of "purgatory", which provides for the dead
to be justified by the substitutionary works on the part of unjust." (Acts 24: 15) If all the humandead were auto-
their living friends, is absolutely contrary to the Holy matically justified while in the graves, howcould there be
Scriptures. "unjust" ones to resurrect? But that a prior justification
Take, now, the case of the peoples of the world: they are is not necessary in order for them to rise from the graves,
Scripturally pronouncedto be "dead in trespasses and sins", and that there will be unjustified ones to resurrect, Jesus
because they have not been justified before God, even since verifies, saying: "The hour is coming, in the which all that
Christ Jesus died. Only by reason of faith in Christ and are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall comeforth;
obedience toward Godhave the Christians comeout of that they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and
dead condition and been justified by faith. To such Chris- they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation
tians of faith it is written: "Andyou hath he quickened, [or, judgment]." (John 5: 28, 29; Am. Stan. Fer.) These,
whowere dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in time past therefore, that comeforth unto the resurrection of judg-
ye walked according to the course of this world." (Eph. ment come forth unto a period of trial and testing, to be
2:1, 2) The other humans who are actually laid away in followed by the rendering of the divine judgment through
the graves are in a complete sense "dead in trespasses and Christ Jesus the King of the NewWorld of righteousness.
sins". Now, why should anyone deduce from Romans5:18 If their worksthen while on trial are in obedience to the
or any other Bible text that all the dead in the graves have King and hence in harmonywith righteousness, the King’s
justification thrust upon them automatically by Christ’s power will gradually lift them to humanperfection and to
death and by the arbitrary, unilateral act of God, whereas actual righteousness in the flesh. Then, whenSatan is loosed
sinners and trespassers whoare not yet in the graves cannot at the close of the thousand-year reign of Jesus Chrmtthey
gain justification except by exercising faith? If faith is will be able to resist him with integrity, in perfect right-
required of those who are pronounced "dead in trespasses eousness. If they so do, then Jehovah God, whoIs the ulu-
and sins" (hence not justified) this side of the grave, then mate Justifier, will pronouncethemjust and right, and that
reasonably faith must likewise be required of those already meansthat he will grant to them through Christ Jesus their
in the gTaves, if they are to be justified. Weknowthat the Redeemerthe right to everlasting life on earth as the human
Jews, acting without faith, could not gain justification with sons and daughters of God.Thustheir "justification of life"
Godby their wor’ks. How,then, could the dead gain justi- will be complete, and it will be a free gift of God, all due
fication, having neither worksnor faith ? It is therefore un- to the righteous act of Christ Jesus in accomphshingthe
reasonable and unscriptural to refer to God’s procedure in redemption of obedient creatures on earth.
calling things that were not yet true of Abrahamas though The entire discussion above, therefore, agrees with the
they were, and then to say that in such a manner Romans Scriptural explanation of Romans5: 18, as submitted to
5 : 18 is fulfilled towardthe dead and that thus justification our readers in the August 15 issue of The Watchtower, to
to life has automatically reached the dead people in the wit, that the expression "upon all menunto justification of
graves. life" means upon all such men as exercme faith and come
Finally, the Scripture truth which definitely proves that into harmonywith God’s provision through Christ for justi-
all the humandead in the graves are not automatically fication, regardless of whether they be Jews or Gentries.
justified or not automatically accounted as just is stated by Rather than being automatically justified by the arbitrary,
the apostle Paul and by Christ Jesus. Paul states. "There one-sided action of God, men must "szm¢ to be ~ustified
shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and by Christ".~Galatmns 2 : 17.


ITH the death of King Saul, it was no more a case
W of David the outlaw. Nowit was to be David the
king. "Andit came to pass after this, that David
oyer Judah seven years and six months: and in Jerusalem
he reigned thirty and three years over all Israel and
Judah."~2 Sam. 3:1; 5:1-5; 1 Chron. 11:1-9.
enquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up into any of the David’s reign was one of many wars. Toward the end
cities of Judah ? Andthe LORD said unto him, Go up. And thereof he said to his son Solomon: "Myson, as for me,
David said, Whither shall I go up? And he said, Unto it was in mymind to build an house unto the name of the
Hebron. So David went up thither, and his two wives also, LOaDmyGod: but the word of the LOaDcameto me, saying,
Ahinoamthe Jezreelitess, and Abigail, Nabal’s wife, the Thou hast shed blood abundantly, and hast made great
Carmelite. Andhis menthat were with him did David bring wars: thou shalt not build an house unto myname, because
up, every man with his household: and they dwelt in the thou hast shed much blood upon the earth in my s~ght."
cities of Hebron. And the men of Judah came, and there (1 Chron. 22: 7, 8) This does not meanto say that David’s
they anointed David king over the house of Judah." (2 Sam. wars were without divine approval. On the contrary, this
2: 1-4) After a bloody war between the house of Saul and Theocratic king madehis military movesonly after ascer-
the house of David, "all the elders of Israel came to the taining Jehovah’s will in matters, and his campaignswere
king to Hebron; and king David made a league with them blessed to the extent of bringing within the control of the
in Hebron before the LORD:and they anointed David king typical Theocracyall the territory ordained for it by the
over Israel. David was thirty years old when he began great Theocrat, Jehovah God. Note, for instance, the two
to reign, and he reigned forty years. In Hebronhe reigned engagements immediately following his enthronement:
N. Y.

Hearing of the establishment of David as king over all and its seven monthsof captivity, the ark had remained in
Israel, the Philistines determined to smash him before he Kirjath-jearim. (1 Sam. 7:2) David took steps to have
became organized and strengthened. David movedhis army brought up to Jerusalem. Disaster markedthe first effort,
into rugged, easily defended country, and "enquired of due to improper handling of the sacred ark, and it got
the LoaD,saying, Shall I go up to the Philistines ? wilt thou no farther than the house of Obed-edom,where it remained
deliver them into mine hand? And the Load said unto for three months. (1 Chron. 13 : 1-14) Later understanding
David, Go up: for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines his error and that only Levites should be en-
into thine hand". Jehovah broke forth against the enemy trusted with the charge of carrying the ark of the covenant,
like a mighty flood of waters. But they returned yet again, he thereafter caused the holy object to be properly con-
and David enquired again of the Lord, and gained another veyed to Jerusalem, amid great singing and rejoicing.
victory by following the battle instructions of Jehovah of --1 Chron. 15: 1-5, 12-15, 25-28.
hosts.--2 Sam. 5: 17-25. He was not content to allow the ark to abide only in a
So it was throughout the wars of David. He inquired of tabernacle, but desired to build a glorious house as a more
the Lord, the Lord gave the instructions, and victory fol- fitting abiding place for it. He refrained from so doing
lowed. The Philistines, Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, only by the intervention of Jehovah himself, through the
Syrians, all fell under the onslaughts of the first king of prophet Nathan. (1 Chron. 17:1-15) The divine will was
the typical Theocracy. It mattered not whether the heathen that the house or temple should be built by Solomon, whose
nations came singly or in confederacies; the result was reign was characterized by peace. Nevertheless, David did
always the same: victory, for King David. (2 Sam. 8: 1-15; have a share in the glorious work. He said: "Solomon my
10: 6-19; 1 Chron. 20: 1-8) David made no secret of his son, whomalone Godhath chosen, is yet young and tender,
success as a warrior, but in songs of praise acknowledged and the work is great; for the palace is not for man, but
Jehovah as the Giver of victory: "Jehovah is myrock, and for Jehovah God. NowI have prepared with all my might
myfortress, and my deliverer, even mine; God, myrock, for the house of myGod the gold for the things of gold,
in him will I take refuge; my shield, and the horn of my and the silver for the things of silver, and the brass for
salvation, my high tower, and my refuge; my saviour, the things of brass, the iron for the things of iron, and
thou savest me from ~iolence. I will call upon Jehovah, woodfor the things of wood;onyx stones, and stones to be
whois worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine set, stones for inlaid work, and of divers colors, and all
enemies." Also, "Blessed be Jehovah myrock, whoteacheth manner of precious stones, and marble stones in abun-
myhands to war, and myfingers to fight."--2 Sam.22 : 2-4 ; dance."--I Chron. 29:1, 2, Am. Stun. Vet.
Ps. 144: 1; Am. Stun. Vet. David’s part in the temple-building did not end with the
One of David’s victories brought to him mourning. It was assembling of building materials. Through him Jehovah
a civil war, fomented by one of his own sons, Absalom. God supplied patterns, or what would today be called
After worminghimself into the good graces of large num- "blueprints". (1 Chron. 28: 11-19) All man-powerneeds,
bers of Israelites by hypocrisies and flatteries, this son including skilled laborers, were provided for. (1 Chron.
made a treasonable bid for the throne. So great was his 22:15-19; 28:21) Thus all that Wing Solomon had to do
initial success that David had to flee Jerusalem and be. was see to it that the work was carried out, and that in ac-
yond the Jordan, but when the kings forces finally locked cord with the patterns shownhim by his father David. He
in battle with the hosts under Absalom, that one’s grab only needed to supervise. All the people of Israel, from King
for power ended in defeat for his army and death for him- David down, had given willingly of their possessions for
self. David mourned greatly for his comely son.--2 Sam. the temple work. (1 Chron. 29:3-19) But even m this
15 : 1-14;16 : 11 ; 18 : 1-15, 32, 33. King David’s depth of understanding caused him to give
There is one other conspiracy to grab the throne during the credit to whomit was due: "But who am I, and what
Davld’s reign. This was headed by Adomjah, who aspired is mypeople, that we should be able to offer so willingly
to be set upon the throne at a time when David was old. after this sort? for all things come of thee, and of thine
He was aided in his plot by the general of David’s army, ownhave we given thee. For we are strangers before thee,
Joab, and by the priest Abiathar. The plotters were frus- and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on the
trated. Had not Jehovah promised David that his son earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding. O LOaD
Solomon should reign in his stead? On hearing of Ado- our God, all this store that we have prepared to build thee
nijah’s scheme David acted quickly. He instructed Zadok an house for thine holy name cometh of thine hand, and
the priest and Nathan the prophet to take Solomon to is all thine own."--I Chron.29 : 14-16 ; Ps. 24 : 1.
Gihon and there anoint him as king of Israel. So it was David was not without sin; he was an imperfect human
done; and upon the blowing of the trumpet at the time creature. Twoof his transgressions stand out in the Bibli-
of anointing the people shouted joyously, "God save king cal record. "Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked
Solomon." Adonijah and his co-conspirators heard the David to numberIsrael." After the king had done this, he
earth-ringing cries, learned the cause thereof, and scattered realized his error, and repented. He was given a choice of
in terror.--1 KL1 : 5-49. one of three things to come as punishment: three years’
But one should not conclude that David was zealous for famine; three months to be destroyed before his foes; or
God’s cause only in battle. He was muchconcerned with the three days’ pestilence from the Lord. David did not hesi.
proper observance of worship of Jehovah, as outlined in rate: "Let me fall nowinto the hand of the LORD; for very
the law of Moses. Since the time of the capture of the ark great are his mercies: but let menot fall into the hand of
of God by the Philistines in the days of high priest Eli, man." (1 Chron. 21 : 1-14) The other instance of transgres-

sion was concerning Uriah and his wife, Bath-sheba. God’s But for the same reason, how well did he typify the meek
prophet, Nathan, said: "By this deed thou hast given and lowly Christ Jesus, the King now enthroned in the
great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme." heavenly and eternal Theocracy! Jesus as a perfect man
To this day religionists, enemies of the Lord, heap abuse on earth was, by natural descent, from King David, and
upon King David for his fleshly weaknesson that occasion. was spoken of both as "David" and as the "Son of David".
But the great Judge Jehovah fixed the penalty and exe- That ~arne means ’%cloyed", and it befitted the One of
cuted it, and the matter was settled back there by the one whomJehovah said: "This is my beloved Son, in whomI
to whomDavid was accountable. King David was no priv- am well pleased." Someof David’s inspired psalms pointed
ileged character; he was not beyond the reach of the forward particularly to Christ Jesus when He was on
divine law.--2 Sam.12 : 11-19; 16 : 22. earth. (Pss. 22; 40; 2 Sam. 23:2) That David, the son
David was used by the Lord to write manypsalms. Some Jesse, did picture Christ Jesus is shownat Isaiah 11 : 1-5.
of them he wrote during the time that he was harassed and As humble King David subdued in battle all God’s enemies
hunted as an outlaw by jealous King Saul. All of his writ- in the typical Theocracy, so at Armageddon’sfight the
ing reflects on his part a remarkable understanding of his Greater David, Christ Jesus, will clear out all anti-Theo-
relationship to the Most High God, Jehovah, and displays cratic forces and will extend and cause to be recognized
always a spirit of utmost humility. Howunlike rulers of throughout the universe, including this earthly ball, Jeho-
today was this first king of Jehovah’s typical Theocracy! vah’s dominion.


EFENSEthrough knowledge is the essence of the
D training given at the Watchtower Bible College of
Gilead to those who qualify to attend this 21-week
the timein variouspartsof NorthAmericaand South
America. Although theywerenotableto be present
theirmindsandheartswereturnedtowardGileadon this
in body

course. Recently the fifth class of such ministers to be another greatday.Oneof thedirectors of theWatchTower
equipped with this special knowledgefinished their course, Bible& TractSociety thengavethestudent bodya warm
and graduation day, Monday,July 30, 1945, proved to be wordof counsel. He assured themthatinasmuch as they
a momentous one. weresoontobescattered overthefaceoftheinhabited earth
On Sunday, the day before, as a sort of prelude to the totakeuptheir assignments, still theirproblems andinter-
great and final day, an immersion service was held in the estswerethoseoftheSociety andtheycouldbe surethat
outdoor stone-walled pool to the north of Gilead. Prayer- SheSociety wouldbe everreadyto helpandassistthem
fully, nine sisters and seven brothers were lowered into the as needed.
water to symbolize the burial of their ownwill, and then Themainfeature of thewholeprogram, of course, was
were raised up therefrom to henceforth undertake the faith- theaddress by theSociety’s president, N. H. Knorr. His
ful performing of Jehovah God’s will. These sixteen men subjectwas "DefenseThroughKnowledge". "Jehovah
and womenwere newly interested ones, living in the local supplies theonlypractical defense forthecrucial days
territory, whohad been helped and nurtured to a knowledge ahead,"werehis openingwords.Continuing he said:
of the truth by this and former classes of Gilead graduates "’Knowledge,as the word is used in sacred Scripture, means
as well as by the Farm family. They were "strangers" who information or testimony received from a truthful source.
had not been denied their right.--Mal. 3: 5. ¯.. It is manifest that this twentieth-century world with its
No announcement concerning graduation had been made q~rain age’ is not the fountain of life-giving knowledge....
ahead of time in any of the Society’s publications, but by Mancannot begin to get knowledge if he does not fear
eight o’clock Monday morning 500 happy people were Jehovah God. Andwhy not ? Because Jehovah 2s that Truth-
patiently waiting outside the closed doors of Gilead. Shortly ful Source from which knowledgedescends."
thereafter over 800 packed themselves into the small audi- Brother Knorr pointed out that ’merely observing the
torium, and an additional 500 whocameafter 8 : 30 expect- visible creation gives us a fear of the Creator, even without
ing to get in were disappointed and had to listen outside to knowingHIS name. But the heathen, seeing that creation
the programthrough a loud-speaker. To the astonishment of and having that fear, worship the creation itself instead of
all, over 1,380 friends, relatives and former students had the Creator. So intelligent fear is neededfor the beginning
here assembled! They had come from all over the eastern of knowledge.The silent language of creation is not enough
United States and Canada to see and hear a simple, yet to give the enlightened knowledgenecessary as a protection
most impressive, program, and it proved to be a day that agMn.~tthe Devil. The spoken or written word is necessary,
will live long in their memory. and this Jehovah has provided through the pages of the
Promptly at nine o’clock the program began with a song Bible.
of praise to Jehovah, followed by a united prayer and ’All people of good-will, regardless of race, nationality,
petition for His guidance and blessing. Brother Knorr first color, or religion, have the right to this knowledgefor their
introduced the several membersof the faculty and the Farm defense against impendingdisaster. Moneyis only a tempo-
servant, whoeach in turn spoke to the student body. There- rary defense to be east aside as worthless in a time of crisis,
after followed the reading of manytelegrams and congratu- while the knowledge of Jehovah is the only permanent
latory messages from former Gilead graduates who were at defense against the wrath of Armageddon.This knowledge,
N. Y.

then, is not for our defense alone, but must be imparted to "WHF.REAS the facts reveal that the Society, as the ’faith-
others for their defense also. So our work before us is to ful and wise servant’, for twenty-five years has preached
cast up as strong a defense as possible by repeatedly, per- ’this gospel of the kingdom’and now, the time having come
sistently, and intensively making knowneveryavhere the to finish the assigned work, its privileges have been greatly
knowledgeof Jehovah, cost what it mayin hardships.’ enlarged, making necessary the training of special pub-
He then continued to show how knowledge was used as llshers, for which purpose the WatchtowerBible College of
a defense by Jehovah’s witnesses in Germany.Their knowl- Gilead was founded, and from whose portals many gradu-
edge of God’s Wordstood as their defense and carried them ates have gone to foreign lands where the people whosit
through manyyears of the most indescribable and horrify- in darkness mayhave the opportunity to walk in the light
ing conditions ever created by insane men and devils. of truth; and
At the conclusion of this illuminating talk the graduating "WHERm.S we, the fifth class of Gilead, realizing our
students felt that the getting of a diploma did not mean privileges of service to The Theocracy have been likewise
so much after all. They had come to Gilead to gain that greatly enlarged, and being mindful of the call to ’go and
knowledgeso muchneeded for defense in the comingcrisis, disciple all nations’ despite frantic opposition from Satan’s
and this was now in their possession. That was the impor. organization, do desire to express before Jehovah God, His
tant thing. It was, nevertheless, an added thrill when, out Royal Son, Christ Jesus, and assembled witnesses our
of the 101 graduates, 94 received a diploma testifying to mental disposition toward such responsibilities; therefore
the fact that they had completed the course with merit. be it
The hearts of these graduates were filled with thanks- "RmoLv~,on this thirtieth day of July, 1945, that we
giving and praise for the privileges that had been theirs, will, by a moreefficient fulfillment of our consecration, lay
and they desired to make someoutward expression of such. hold of all our faculties, make the most of the greater
One of them, therefore, offered the following Resolution, opportunities that have been placed before us through the
which was unanimously adopted. clearer knowledgeof the truth that nowshines so brilliantly
"RESOLUTION from the Palace of the Theocrat, and press forward with
"WHzRE.~S,Jehovah, the Universal Sovereign, has en- joy to the end that the ’word of faith’ maygo to the ends
throned his beloved Son, Christ Jesus, as the King of the of the earth, that men of faith, by following the ’Com-
NewWorld and sent him forth as Commander to the peoples manderto the peoples’, may maintain their integrity, and
to lead menof good-will into the way of life everlasting in thushavesomepartin thevindication of thegreatand
these last days of Satan’s domination of the earth; and eternal name of JEHOVAH."
’%VH~RF~S, in 1914, the Kingdomof the NewWorld was A closing prayer addressed to the great King of Eternity,
for ever established in heaven, resulting in the casting down and expressing in a small way the heart-felt gratitude and
of Satan to the earth, where the issue of universal domina-
tion will be settled for all time by the destruction of Satan joy of each one in attendance, brought the assembly to a
and all his organization, invisible and visible, including the conclusion. Thus another contingent of witnesses have gone
’abomination of desolation’ which nowseeks to perpetuate through the WatchtowerBible College of Gilead to join the
the enslavement of the people and denies the right of the growing band of those who will heap up a strong defense
’stranger’ to freely worship Jehovah God in spirit and in even to the ends of the earth through their knowledgeof
truth; and Jehovah.

AFTERLONG.HARDWORK (F~NGLAND) drop his study; but I did not. That was nearly a year ago.
"The story of the progress of these five people is not one Nowthis manhas entered into the work with zeal and his
of quick response to the truth and soon out on the work, first weekon the work got a book study to take himself.
but one of long, persistent hard work. All of them have had Whenthis man recently told me that all he lived for now
book studies lasting from one to two years ; which has meant was the truth and the studies we have together and that
going week after weekin rain, wind or sunshine, and some he had lost all other interests and wantedonly to serve the
of themlive over ten miles away. But to see the joy of these Lord, I felt that Jehovahhad been very gracious to me and
people now that they have made the truth their own and rewarded me well. Wehave been able to group together
begunto give it out, one feels it has been worth while. One four of our book study interests. These too have been having
man with whomI have been taking a study for nearly two bookstudies for a long time, but nowthat we have got them
years did not seem to grasp where the dead arc. So instead together they are full of joy, not only of the truth but to
of having the study one night, I decided to go over the find others whohave a similar interest in it as themselves;
scriptures on where are the dead. For an hour I showed and it is a delight to see them studying together. Another
him the scriptures until he said he quite understood it. blessing is our daughter. She seems to have madea big step
After the study he referred to somefriends that had died forward this month. Although only 4½ years, she is quite
and said: ’But nowthey are in heaven and I shall see them keen on presenting the booklets at the doors. This last week-
when I get there.’ You can imagine howI felt; mywhole end she worked9 hours and placed 11 booklets. She is also
evening appearedto have been wasted. I almost felt I should keen on the meetings and the street work."
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OCTOBER 1, 1945

-.*n~’, CONTENTS
T~E"NzwSONG" . ..................................... 291
TypicalBackground .............................. 29l
PsalmNinety-s~x .................................. 293
Developingthe SongTheme................ 294
TheSingers......................................... 295
Reigning for the NewWorld.............. 298
Everything NewRejoicing ................... 299
-.._’..::, t L~zz-Svoazs ~oa MEN o~’ Ooo~-Wz~.~. .... 300
JOAB,AMBITIOUS MILITARIST ................. 302
F~oExP~m~xc~ .................................... 304
"WATCHTOWER~ STUDIES .........................
]~,.INODOM ...................... 290
117 Adams Street
- Brooklyn
1, N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journal is punished for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bibh instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all peeple of good-wiU.
N. H. KNORR, President W.E. VAN AMBURGH,Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all fhy children shall be faucht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
auitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
creat shaU be the peace of Lhy children." - l.fd:ah 54:.r3. of public instruetion in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Loges was the beginmng of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its eontents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalit:es.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah;
THAT GODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNIT~ STATES. $1,00; all other countries, $I.50, American currency ;
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the GREAT BRITAIN, AUBTIJtI~SlA, AND ~OUTH As’aICA, 6e. American remit-
tances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Bank
right to life; Draft. British, South African and Atmtralulan remittances should
[m made direct to the respecrive branch offices. Remittances from
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive office, but by lnferstotlomal Postal Money Order only.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
FonloN OIMrlcas
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature
and alcove every creature’s name and clothed him with all power Br/tlak 34 Craven Terrace. London, W. 2, England
and authority; A~ttrala#ian ’/ Beresford Road, Strathfleld. N S. W., Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONIs a Theocracy called South d/r~¢a~t Boston House. Cape Town. South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the Dtdio~t 167 Love Lane. Bombay 27. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every ease.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Tranalat/ou of this Journal appear In several languages.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear; ALL SINCERE STUDENTS OF THE BIBLE who by reason of
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of may have The Watchtower free upon written application to the publlsne~.
made once each year. stating tile reason for so requesting it. We are
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to glad to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each year
required by the postal regulation&
the establishment of the "new earth" of the New World;
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can 2Coffee to Subscriber*: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
leriptlon will be sent only when requested Change of address, when
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, requested, may be expected to appear on nddress label within one month
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank (carrying notice of explretlonl will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s organizatmn and the complete establish- Journal ona month before the subscription exptre~.
ment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the Kingdom Printed In the United States of America
the people of geod-will that survive Armageddon shall carry B~ttered o~ seo~nd-cla~s matter at the po*t o~ce at Brooklvn. If. Y.,
out the divine mandate to "fill the earth" with a righteous race. aader the Aft O] March 8, 187S.


If you will read, on their appearance, the mare articles in our The proper purpose of gaming any knowledge at all of the
issues of October 1 and 15, you will apprecmte how appropriately truths about God’s langdom should be to pass the benefit that we
the Testimony Period during October is designated "Jehovah ourselves gain therefrom along to others. Hence all Watchtower
readers deserve notice of thin new 384-page book, Theocratic Asd
Reigns". Those who value properly the unique pnwlege of now to Ksngdom Publishers. Whether for private study and mstruchon,
making announcement of Jehovah’s rmgn will gladly serve as His or for study m classes at Kingdom Hails, or for use as a ready-
subjects m the publicRy work during the equable month of reference handbook to be earned wath us as a compamon when we
October. A larger offer of literature will mark this period of engage m proclaiming the Kingdom message afield, all Watchtower
world-wide testunony, namely, two bound books and two booklets, readers will find good use for a copy of Theocratic Aid to King-
the latest in every possible case, on a contribution of 50c. Instead dom Publishers. Besides two mtroductery chapters calling attentmn
of decreasing placements, we believe, your report at the month’s to the reason for the book and outlining Its efl~cmnt usage m class-
close will show an even larger disposal of literature and a more room study, this Aid sets out 90 lessons, accompanied by Review
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appreciate instructions and companionship. All such should feel varied conditions and circumstances, how to meet and overcome
free to write us for information and for references to the most the arguments of opposers, how to avoid the confusmn of reli-
convenient group of field publishers. gions; in short, how to be a confident, well-eqmpped and effective
publisher of God’s kingdom. It m a real md to thLs end, and, being
"WATCHTOWER" STUDIES Theocratic, is non-religious. The book is bound in brown cloth,
Week of November 4: "The ’New Song’," with gold-stamped title and eover-embossing, and is indexed. The
~] 1-22 inclusive, The Watchtower October 1, 194,5. edition and its circulation being limited, it is supplied on a con-
tribution of 50e a copy, marled to you postpaid. Servants of com-
Week of November 11: "The ’New Song’," panies or of groups should combine orders to allow for shipment
~] 23-44inclusive, The Watehto,oer October i, 1945. to one address.
1, 1945 No. 19


"Oh sing unto Jehovah a new song: sing unto Jehovah, all the earth."mPs. 96:1, Am. Stan. Ver.
’EHOVAH deserves a new song! This is His day,
J the day so often mentioned in Sacred Writ as "the
day of the Lord" or "the day of Jehovah". The
joy, freedom from all bondage, and the fullest
desires of the righteous humanheart, and will wipe
away the tears from every humaneye.
world facts since A.D. 1914 prove that His day is ¯ Hence that which provides the theme for the new
here. Whathe has already done on this day is worthy song is the inauguration of the benevolent rule of the
of being sung in joyful tunes, for his deeds are a Almighty God Jehovah toward our earth and its
reason for heartfelt singing. His deeds are some- inhabitants. It is the establishment of the everlast-
thing distinctively new in the chronicles of human- ing kingdom of Jehovah God toward our earth that
kind. Therefore they supply a new theme for song. calls for the singing of the newsong. It is therefore
Unless this "new song" were sung far and wide over since A.D. 1914 that the new song can be sung and
the earth, men would not know what magnificent must be sung, for it was in that epochal year Jeho-
things the great Jehovah God has done. Menwould vah’s kingdom by his beloved Son was established.
not know that these things are but the prelude to 5 Fittingly, then, the Ninety-sixth Psalm comes
things of the greatest importance to both God and under our study, the first verse of which reads : "Oh
man. sing unto Jehovah a new song: sing unto Jehovah,
2 The "new song" is being sung. It is no cheap, all the earth." (Am. Stan. Vet.) Somethingstirring,
man-madesong, nor is it heard in the popular reli- something great and unusual, must have taken place
gious circles of the world, for it is not religious. The in order for a call to a song, a newsong, to be due.
song is being sung at Jehovah’s own command. He Such a thing did take place. The very reasons which
supplies the truths and the facts which go to makeup made the psalmist back there in his day call for a
the inspiring theme that is nowdelighting the hearts new song show us the corresponding reasons which
of more and more "men of good-will". Happy are should make us sing the grander "new song" today
those persons whodo not let religious prejudice close throughout the length and the breadth of the earth.
their ears to the song, but wholisten and then catch Hence the Ninety-sixth Psalm, in both its words and
up the song and join in the swelling chorus out of its background,is but a prophecy whichfinds its ful-
good-will toward Jehovah Godand his glorious ldng- fillment in this marvelous day. Although without a
dom. regular title, this psalm is, in the Hebrew,almost a
’ To selfish menthe winning of the global war and word-for-word repeating of the words of King David
the setting up of a global organization for interna- recorded at 1 Chronicles 16: 23-33. So, without any
tional co-operation mayseem marvelous and of out- guessing, we look back to the occasion of David’s
standing importance. But tile fact that the Creator words, and there we find the typical background
of the universe has taken his sovereign power and against which to examine the fulfillment of the
now reigns with respect to our earth is of far- Ninety-sixth Psalm since A.D. 1914.
surpassing importance. He has established his Theo-
cratic Government, his Kingdom, and the earth has
comeunder it. This fact is of greater interest than a * King David had the best of reasons to sing a new
new experiment by men in the art of international song unto his God, Jehovah. The time was about the
collaboration for self-preservation. God-rule is more sixth year of David’s having placed his throne in the
important than man-rule. Man-rule has occasioned, city of Jerusalem as king over all the twelve tribes
of Israel. The tabernacle which the prophet Moses
and will yet occasion, only sorrow, disappointment
had built for the worship of Jehovah was not at
and oppression to humankind. God-rule will bring
4. SinCe when must the new song be sung, and why?
1. why does Jehovah deserve a "new song"? and why is It new? 5. Why, then, does Psalm Ninety-six come under our study? and how do
2. Why il the song sung? and who are the ones made happy? we find the background for this psalm ?
3. What is more important today than man’s attempts at self-rule, 6, 7. What was the ark of the covenant? and how was it that the ark
and why? was not in its tabernacle prior to Davld’s wr|tlng the new psahn~

Jerusalem, but at a high place called "Gibeon". declared to sit "on the throne of Jehovah as ldng
(1 Chron. 16:39; 2 Chron. 1:3) The most sacred instead of David his father". (1 Chron. 29:23, Am.
part of the worship of Jehovah was the golden ark of Stan. Vet.) Knowingthese facts respecting the king-
the covenant, but just then it was not in the Most dom, David said to God: ’~hine, 0 Jehovah, is the
Holy or innermost compartmentof the tabernacle. It greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the
was in the home of a Levite named Obed-edom, a victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the
short distance outside Jerusalem. For three months heavens and in the earth is thine; thine is the ldng-
it was left within the house of Obed-edom,and pre- dom, 0 Jehovah, and thou art exalted as head over
vious thereto it had been for a time at the homeof all."~l Chron. 29:11, Am. Stun. Vet.
another Levite, Abinadab. (1 Chron. 13 : 6-14; 2 Sam. ’ Being an unswerving worshiper of Jehovah God,
6 : 1-11 ; 1 Sam.6 : 21 ; 7 : 1, 2) For morethan seventy and also recognizing the universal sovereignty of
years it had been a blessing in the homeof Abinadab. Him, Davidwas not satisfied for the ark of Jehovah’s
It had found lodgment in his home after the wicked covenant to be shoved into a corner. David did not
demon-worshiping Philistines captured the ark from think it right that he should enjoy all the glory alone
the Israelites in battle, but found it to be a plague upon Mount Zion. The ark was the place at which
in their midst and sent it back to the Israelites. questions should be asked. Consultation should be
’ All the while that the sacred ark of the covenant had there with the Lord God, concerning the impor-
was sojourning in the homes of the two Levites, tant matters of the kingdomof Israel, out of respect
Abinadab and Obed-edom, the ark was, of course, for His sovereignty over Israel. Therefore David
covered over from the colmnon gaze of the people. felt that Mount Zion, where he himself reigned on
Seventy of the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh had been the throne of Jehovah, should be the place to have the
smitten with death because of profanely looking at ark of Jehovah with its cherubim stationed in a royal
the ark whenthe Philistines sent it back uncovered. tent. So David said to the Israelites his subjects:
(1 Sam. 6: 19, Am. Trans.) Whywas this? Because "Let us bring again the ark of our Godto us : for we
the ark was a s}mabol of the throne of Jehovah God, enquired not at it in the days of Saul." (1 Chron.
and hence a symbol of the presence of Jehovah as 13: 3) The due time came; and in harmon.v with the
King and Universal Sovereign. The ark was sur- laws of God’s covenant with Israel, and in full keep-
mounted by a golden lid. On the lid were carved out ing with the beauty, glory, majesD" and strength
of one piece two golden cherubim with outspread represented by the ark of the covenant, it was carried
wings overshadowing the lid or mercy-seat. Jehovah in a triumphal procession up into the city of David,
was said to dwell between these cherubim, because whichis Zion. It was"set in the midst of the tent that
there between them he was accustomed to manifest David had pitched for it" near to his palace.
his presence; as it is written: "Thou that dwellest ~°With this elevating of the holy ark upon the
between the cherubims, shine forth."--Ps. 80: i. royal hill and inside the capital city whereJehovah’s
’ Jehovah’s servant, David, was not like the kings anointed king reigned, the reign of Jehovah Godwas
and rulers of "Christendom". These are interested declared to be begun, in a typical sense, of course.
only in themselves having the place and power of For this reason David composed a new psalm, from
ruling. The kingdomand rulership of the Universal which the Ninety-sixth Psalm is taken. This psalm
Sovereign, Jehovah God, does not interest them. of David reaohed its apex of joy in saying: "Let the
David, of course, sat upon the throne of the kingdom heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let
of Israel, at the capital city, the city of Zion, the men say among the nations, The LoRDreigneth."
citadel of Jerusalem. But David knew that he was (1 Chron. 16: 1-31) Unquestionably, therefore, this
not the real ruler and king of Israel, and that he was occasion was directed of the Almighty God to pre-
not the real lawgiver for the nation. David realized figure the establishment of Jehovah’s Theocratic
that Jehovah, the God whomhe worshiped, was the Government, the kingdom of God. Whyso? Because
true and actual Ruler and King; and that the ldng- there, in a type, Jehovah Godwas reigning on Mount
dora of Israel’s twelve tribes was therefore a Theo- Zion, with his anointed king beside him ruling in the
cratic government. Wenow knowthat it was a typi- name and the fear of Jehovah. The typical picture
cal Theocracy, that is, a governmentunder the direct was complete in its details. That was whythe reign
supervision and administration of God, a govern- of Jehovah was joyfully proclaimed. In Psalm
ment in which God was represented by his anointed Ninety-six those facts were said to call for the sing-
king on Mount Zion, in this case King David. David ing of a new song unto Jehovah on the part of all
was therefore said to sit upon the throne of Jehovah; the earth. Let us nowconsider this psalm.
and hence David’s son and successor, Solomon, was 9 Why was David not satisfied with the location of the ark? end where
did he have It brought?
8. As to rulership, why was David different from "Christendom’s" kings 10. With this locating of the ark on Zion. what was declared belun~
and rulers? and what facts made his rule a typical Theocracy? end why
1, 1945 -tieWATCHTOWER. 293
PSAL.~I NINETY-SIX Jehovah alone was the God that was worshiped ; and
""Oh sing unto Jehovah a new song: sing unto his will alone was done on earth as it is done in
Jehovah, all the earth. Sing unto Jehovah, bless his heaven, without question or dispute. Man was
name; show forth his salvation from day to day." created in the image of God the Creator; which
(Ps. 96: 1, 2, Am. Stan. Vet.) Sing! Sing! Sing! cries means that man was a shadow or representation of
the psalmist, making the commandmost emphatic by his heavenly Commander Jehovah God toward the
this threefold expression. Jehovah’s anointed king, lower animal creation. That is to say, as Jehovah
David, was the composer of the psalm, and there- God exercised the universal sovereignty toward all
fore in this day the threefold commandis issued by creation, including our earth, just so manwas both
the great Son of David, Christ Jesus the King. The made and commandedto ’qlave dominion over tim
time that the commandgoes forth is the year 1914. fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over
Therefore the commandapplies at present although the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
we are more than thirty years removed from 1914. creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth". (Gen.
Just as did David, so the King Christ Jesus on 1:26, 28) The proper fear of man was placed upon
beginning his reign called for a song to his God these lower animal creatures, and they did man no
Jehovah, but did not call for a song to his ownpraise. harm.--Compare Genesis 9: 1, 2.
It was because Jehovah is responsible for the King- ,5 Manserved the Universal Sovereign, Jehovah.
dom, he is the Universal Ruler, and he has in fact and had communion with Him. Thus man worshiped
becomeKing, and Christ Jesus is his beloved consort the Supreme Power, and to Him man was responsi-
in the Kingdom. Christ Jesus is his Anointed One ble. "God made man upright" (Eccl. 7: 29, Am. Slam
whomHe puts on the throne on Mount Zion, that is Vet.) ; and the perfect manand his wifely helpmeet
to say, on his capital organization of all the universe. walked in the fear of Jehovah Godand cared for His
"The Bible does not leave us in doubt and un- earthly creation and observed His commandmentnot
certainty as to the )’ear whenJehovah thus asserted to eat of the "tree of the knowledgeof good and evil".
his universal sovereignty and enthroned his King on That madeit a righteous earth, and this earth was
Zion. It was A.D. 1914, the year of the beginning of the footstool of the Universal Sovereign, whose
World War I; for in that year the "seven times" of throne is the heavens. "Thus saith Jehovah, Heaven
the Gentiles came to an end. Those "times", of 2,520 is mythrone, and the earth is myfootstool." (Isa.
years, began on typical Zion in 607 B.C., at the first 66 : 1, Am. Stan. Vet.) Jehovah was man’s King and
destruction of Jerusalem, when the temple of Jeru- man worshiped him at his footstool without need of
salem was destroyed and the golden ark of the cove- any sacred tabernacle or ark of the covenant. Jeho-
nant disappeared, no man lmows where. Since there vah was man’s Law-giver and was hence the Inter-
is no variableness with God nor shadow of turning, preter of his own law to man and was the Supreme
those Gentile times must end A.D. 1914; which they Judge. As long as manperfectly kept Jehovah’s law
did.--See the book "’The KingdomIs at Hand", chap- and was obedient to him as his humanson, the great
ter 12; and "The Truth Shall ]lake You Free", Supreme Judge pronounced man right and right-
chapter 18. eous. This meant that man was justified with God.
’~ You ask, Has not Jehovah God been King of the No condemnation rested upon man, and he enjoyed
universe all along? Whymust there be a special life as a son of God in perfect happiness in the
expression and assertion of his universal sovereignty earthly Paradise. By continuing in this righteous,
in 1914! It is for his namessake. It is for the vindi- obedient condition this human son of God would
cation of his universal domination, and all this with receive from his great Judge and Life-giver the right
special reference to our earth. Here on this earth to everlasting life and would be justified to life
men and devils ignore, belie, belittle and defy the eternal.
universal domination of Jehovah God and seek to ,s Jehovah’s concerns and interests are universal,
run the planet for themselves. This was not the state and are not confined to just this earthly globe. At the
of affairs whenmanwas first created and put in the creation of this earth "the morning stars sang
garden of Eden. "’.
together, and all the sons of Godshouted for jo)
"At that time the world in which man lived was a (Job 38: 7) Jehovah God, the Universal Sovereign,
Theocratic world. It was a righteous world, and all took one of such morning stars and madeboth earth
things making up that world were in their right and man to be the immediate concern and charge of
relationship to Godthe Supreme One. In that world that morning star, to represent Jehovah God as
11. Why is the command to sing threefold ? and why should the singing respects the earthly creation. That morning star was
be unto Jehovah?
12. How do we determine ~ben Jehovah asserted his sovereignty and named Heylel or Lucifer, which means "bright-
enthroned his King’.*
13. Why was therea sl~ecialexpression of Jehovah’s
sovereignty in ~
1914 15In what way was it ¯ r/ghteous earth then?
14. What kind of world ~ae it in ~b|ch the first man lived? and bow 16. How was a righteous heavens constituted over man? and what made
was thls fact shown? up the original world of righteousness ?
N. Y.

shining one"; and he was called the "son of the x, The womanEve yielded to the deception. Her
dawn". Heylel or Lucifer was in position to lead man husband Adamdid not reprove her, but willfully
in the path of the just and to makeit a path of light. followed her in breaking God’s law. They became
Under the morning star Lucifer Jehovah God placed rebels and sinners against God and were as those
man), of the heavenly sons of God that had watched whocommit witchcraft. "For rebellion is as the sin
earth’s and man’s creation with joy, and this heaven- of witchcraft." (1 Sam. 15: 23) They became wor-
ly band formed an organization under Lucifer to shipers of the great rebel Satan the Devil, whose
co-operate with him in his oversight of human lying word they had followed instead of following
affairs. Being higher than manand invisible to man, the pure and true word of Jehovah God. With both
Lucifer and his fellow sons of God were like a the heavens and the earth in rebellion against the
heavenly canopy over mankind. Thus this angelic Universal Sovereign, that world became an unright-
organization madeup a heavens, a righteous heavens, eous, rebellious world, subject to Satan the Devil.
whose special charge under Jehovah God was the The Bible shows that Satan was not long in turning
earth and man upon it. Righteous humankind con- many sons of God of his organization into rebels
stituted the earth as God’s visible representatives; against God. Thus the Lord God no longer reigned
and Lucifer and lfis angelic organization of sons of as regards this earth. The Theocracy passed away
Godconstituted the heavens as God’s invisible repre- from the earth. Manand womanwere cast off from
sentatives. Together, this righteous "earth" and being subjects of the Universal Sovereign and were
righteous ’%eavens" constituted the original world turned out of Eden, the garden of life. With manno
of righteousness in which mankindlived. At the same longer in the garden to dress it and to keep it as he
time this righteous world was a part of Jehovah’s had been appointed and accustomed to do, we can
universal organization, and it recognized Jehovah’s imagine that the garden took on a mournful appear-
universal sovereignty. Hence it was a Theocratic ance. The fields did not seem to be joyful, nor did the
world, and Jehovah reigned there. trees of the woodseem to rejoice, nor the hills to be
1, As long as Jehovah God thus reigned, there was glad together, for the one whowas madein the image
peace on earth. Paradise flourished, and aIl the and likeness of God was no longer among them.
things therein rejoiced. Manwas happy, free, and Nature seemed sad.
prosperous. All well and good for so long a time, and
then the question of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty
was raised. Lucifer, growing heady with this grant x’ Back there in Eden, on that day of judging the
of power over the world of which man was a part, rebellious earth as well as the Satanic heavens, Jeho-
coveted the world for his own. He purposed to steal vah God gave the beginning of the theme of the new
it for himself and to set himself up as a totalitarian song, to be sung by His "woman". Jehovah’s woman?
ruler, completely independent of God. If he captured Yes, his holy universal organization of faithful crea-
this world for himself, it could be the stepping-stone tures. When Satan and Adam and Eve rebelled
to conquer other worlds, and he would ascend in his against Jehovah’s universal sovereignty, Jehovah
heavenly rank and be a universal ruler like Jehovah dismissed them from his universal organization.
God. So, first, in his heart Lucifer rebelled against Noneof these rebels were any longer God’s children
God, and next he struck at the weakest part of that by his "woman", and hence were sentenced to death.
world of righteousness, namely, at humanldnd, to Aiming his words at the serpent-like Satan, Jehovah
turn it into rebellion against God. Lucifer’s conduct God pronounced sentence upon that old Serpent,
made him Satan, wlfich means Jehovah’s opposer or saying : ’~Becausethou hast done this, thou art cursed
adversary. Still trying to represent himself as an ¯ . . and I will put enmity between thee and the
angel of light, Satan set himself up as a judge of woman[Jehovah’s ’woman’], and between thy seed
Jehovah God. He created the impression in the mind and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
of Adam’swife that Godhad told them a lie to keep bruise his heel."--Gen. 3: 14, 15.
,o The producing of that victorious Seed from
them from getting their eyes opened and from
becoming gods like Him and able to judge for them- God’s holy universal organization would be no
selves right and wrong, good and evil. By making sorrow. It would be a cause for singing, because that
out God as a liar and eating the fruit he forbade, Seed of God’s "woman"is his beloved only begotten
they could become a moral law to themselves, to Son, the Christ, the uncompromising enemy of that
legislate or rule what is good and evil. Freedom, old Serpent, Satan the Devil, and all of his brood.
independence would be theirs t Ah, it would be a 18. How did that world become unrighteous? and with what effect upon
the garden of Eden?
better and finer world, created by man’s ownhands I 19. How did Jehovah then give the beginning of the theme of the
new song?
17. How wu the question of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty raised? 20. Whywould the production of the woman’s seed be no Borrow? and
and how was it first suggested to humankind? what did Jehovah’s promise concern*ng It mean in its broad sense~
1, 1945 eWATCHTOWEI 295

Jehovah’s promise concerning his woman’s Seed appears so frequently in the titles of the Psalms.
meant that God would destroy the old devilish And at 1 Chronicles 16:7 we read concerning that
heavens and also the earthly organization subject to day of exalting Jehovah’s ark on MountZion : "Then
such heavens ; and that Godwould bring in a victori- on that day David delivered first this psalm, to thank
ous new righteous heavens and would build up a new the LORD,into the hand of Asaph and his brethren."
righteous earthly organization. God’s promise meant (Auth. Vet.) Or: "Then on that day David for the
the creation of a new world by means of His Seed. first time entrusted to Asaph and his kinsmen the
It meant the regeneration of the world of righteous- giving of thanks to the LORD."(Amer. Trans.) After
ness. (Matt. 19 : 28) It meantthat the reign of Jeho- that statement follows the psalm of David which con-
vah God toward this earth would be restored or tains in it the words of Psalm Ninety-six.
resumed. His Theocratic government would be set 2s Concerningthe ark in its tent on MountZion and
up anew over this earth. His universal sovereignty which symbolized the throne of the reigning King
would be made tmown and enforced once again Jehovah, it is written: "So [David] left there before
toward this earthly footstool and would be gladly the ark of the covenant of the LORDAsaph and his
recognized and complied with by all humans that brethren, to minister before the ark continually, as
live. The bringing of such things to actuality would every day’s work required." (1 Chron. 16: 37) This
indeed be cause for a new song whose strains should Asaph is the Levite to whomDavid delivered the new
fill all the earth at that time. psalm, to celebrate the reign of Jehovah God in his
¯ 1 Through the millenniums of time Jehovah God typical Theocracy over Israel. Without question,
caused further prophecies to be madeconcerning this therefore, "all the earth" which is emphatically com-
wonderful turning point in human history, and all manded to sing the "new song" to Jehovah as King
such prophecies were to serve as part of the theme of since A.D. 1914 means persons upon this globe who
the joyous "new song". It is the national anthem of are wholly devoted to Him and his Theocratic Gov-
God’s "holy nation", the kingdomof heaven. (1 Pet. ernment. In David’s day the "earth" was the terri-
2: 9) Amidjubilant song and music Jehovah’s ark of tory of the typical Theocratic government. All the
the covenant was brought up into the tent which inhabitants thereof were under the leadership of
King David pitched for it near his palace on Mount Asaph and the other Levite musicians in the land of
Zion, and this was just a pictorial drama staged by Israel. In our day, when Jehovah God has laid
Jehovah’s typical Theocracy to foreshadow the authority upon his anointed King, Christ Jesus, "all
bringing in of his true Theocratic Government the earth" meansfirst all the antitypical Levites, the
accompanied by the singing of the "new song" on remnant of his footstep followers, whoare in line for
earth. the kingdomof heaven. They are the remnant yet on
THE SINGERS earth of the 144,000, whoare seen with Christ Jesus
’2Jehovah’s threefold command to "sing", as on Zion, the capital organization, and before the
recorded in Psalm Ninety-six, is directed to certain throne of the reigning King Jehovah.
ones. "Sing unto Jehovah, all the earth." The ex- " Concerning them it is written by the apostle
pression "all the earth" does not meanthe political, John: "I looked, and, lo, a Lambstood on the mount
financial, religious "earth", whichis the creation of Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thou-
Satan, "the god of this world." (2 Cor. 4: 4) The very. sand, having his Father’s namewritten in their fore-
fact that the divine colmnand to sing is not being heads. AndI heard a voice from heaven, as the voice
fulfilled by such earth is proof that the worldly earth of manywaters, and as the voice of a great thunder :
is not the one addressed; for all the membersof the and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their
United Nations are singing their national anthems, harps: and they sung as it were a ~Ewso.~G before
together now with a new verse about the United the throne [of the Father, Jehovah], and before the
Nations Organization for peace and security. Call to four beasts, and the elders: and no mancould learn
mind that when King David, under Jehovah’s leader- that song but the hundred and forty and four thou-
ship, caused the ark to be brought up onto Mount sand, which were redeemed from the earth." The new
Zion, he appointed the wholly consecrated Levites to song also refers to the Lamb Christ Jesus: "And
serve as singers and musicians. The names of the they sing a ~.w so~o, saying, Worthy art thou to
leaders in song and instrumental music are given at take the book, and to open the seals thereof : for thou
1 Chronicles 15: 16-24. Amongthe three leading wast slain, and didst purchase unto God with thy
musicians appointed was Asaph, whose name blood menof every tribe, and tongue, and people and
21. How were additions made to the theme of the new song? and how
nation, and madest them to be unto our God a king-
was the occasion for singing it foreshadowed?
22. (a)What could the "earth" that is commanded to slng not be. 23. What, then, do~ the "earth" that is to "sing" mean?
and why? (b)In connection with the ark’s transfer, whom did David 24. How does the apostle John describe the singers of the new song~
appoint to be singers and muslclaas? and tO whomalso doe~ the song refer?

dom and priests; and they reign upon the earth." his salvation from day to day." (Ps. 96 : 2) Or, more
--Rev. 14: 1-3; 5: 8-10, Am. Stan. Vet. literally translated from the Hebrew:"Sing to Jeho-
~ The remnant yet on earth of the 144,000 are vah, bless ye his name, proclaim the glad-tidings
therefore commandedto sing the "new song". The from day to day of his victory." (Rotl~erham Psalms)
prophecy as to this commandconcerning them must Under such command from on high, how can the
have fulfillment. Otherwise, the very stones of the Theocratic remnant and their good-will companions
ground would sing out! However, other persons of be silent any day? Sunday, or Saturday, or any other
good-will are invited to catch up the joyous song and day of the week, they cannot be quiet from publish-
to swell the new Kingdomrefrain. In olden time, ing to others the glad-tidings concerning Jehovah’s
whenDavid brought up the ark to its place on Mount past victories and coming victories over the Devil’s
Zion, all the other tribes of Israel besides the Levites organization. The message about the deliverance and
joined in singing and shouting, men and womenalike, salvation of all those whotake their stand for His
under their musical leadership. As it is written: "So kingdomis good news. It is gospel. It must be pro-
David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark claimed daily by Jehovah’s united announcers on
of the Load with shouting, and with the sound of the earth.
trumpet." (2 Sam. 6: 15) Hence the expression "all "All those feeling the urgency of the di,dne com-
the earth" would include these present-day people of mand and also appreciating their privileges are
good-will who become companions of the antitypical doing what Jehovah’s King, Christ Jesus, commands
Levites, the remnant of the 144,000. Andthe facts of "all the earth" to do. Their sweet voices laden with
the day bear out that conclusion. Tile song which the most wondrousmessage of all time are a delight
such good-wilI persons hear from the remnant they for all lovers of righteousness and life to hear. They
are taking up. With all their vocal powers and other are not singing to the great heroes of the day, who
powers of expression they are joining in singing it are being acclaimed in the newspapers and religious
forth by joyful publicity service to Jehovah God. pulpits and in national and international pohtical
,s Unitedly, therefore, in one harmonious chorus, assemblies. They are singing to Jehovah, who has
of men and women, of boys and girls, the remnant revealed his name to them. They bless his name,
and their good-will companions are fulfilling the whichthe religionists curse. They joyfully accept the
divine commandto sing the "newsong". Thus "all the name which He has indicated for them in his Word,
earth" which acknowledges Jehovah’s Theocracy namely, "my witnesses," that is to say, Jehovah’s wit-
sings. Its inhabitants sing of how he assumed his nesses. In keeping with this name upon them they
great power A.D. 1914 and began to reign in ex- daily strive to honor His name. They bless it by
pression of his universal domination. They sing of speaking well of his name, telling what it means, and
how Jehovah then put his capital organization of keeping their integrity toward Jehovah in order to
Zion in operation by enthroning its heavenly King have a part in vindicating his holy name. They
Christ Jesus, and extending the scepter of his power rejoice that he will makea namefor himself by his
out of Zion and toward the earth, and so bidding him victory at the battle of Armageddon.
to reign in the midst of his enemies. (Ps. 110:2) ""Declare his glory among tile nations, his
They sing of how the anointed King at once went marvellous works amongall the peoples." (Ps. 96 : 3,
into action as Jehovah’s royal Consort and Execu- Am. Stan. Ver.) In the face of this royal conmmnd
tive; how he immediately began "war in heaven"; by the Greater David, Christ Jesus, the proclamation
howhe fought successfully against that old Serpent of the good news of Jehovah’s glory and wondrous
Satan and all his demonseed and cast them out of worksis not to be confined to inside the visible organ-
heaven and downto the earth, to be reserved here a ization of His people on earth. It must be told among
"short time" before the head of tile Serpent is all the nations and peoples, that these may choose
crushed at the battle of Armageddon. They sing whether to glorify and worship the only true and
forth that God’s kingdom is here, at the doors, living God or to worship the popular heroes and
according to all the visible signs in evidence on earth celebrities of the day.
since 1914; and that such kingdom by Christ Jesus so Whyis obedience to this commandproper? The
will comeagainst all of Satan’s abased organization inspired answer is: "For the LORDis great, and
and will wipe it from the face of the universe for greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all
ever, at Armageddon. What a new song! gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but
""Sing unto the LOAD,bless his name; shew forth the LoRDmade the heavens." (Ps. 96:4, 5) Or,
25. Who on earth are therefore commanded to sing? and how was It
foreshadowed that others be~ldel th.~m would Join in the singing?
translate the Hebrewtext more literally: "For great
26. How is "all the earth" now singing? and of what new things do 28. To whom are they singing? and how are they blessing his name~
the} sing?
27. According ¢o Psalm 96:2, why may not Sehovah’. witnt~mes be quiet 29 To ~hom must his glory and marvelous ~orka be declared~ and why~
or silent any day? 30. Why, according to Psalm 96:4, is obedience to this commandproper?
i, 1945 ieWATCHTOWER. 297

is Jehovah, and to be highly praised, fear-inspiring one of the wondrous works of Jehovah God since
is he above all messengersdivine; for all the gods of A.D. 1914 which must be declared amongall peoples.
the peoples are nothings, but Jehovah made the ~Isa. 65 : 17.
heavens." (Roth. Pss.) This being so, howcan anyone *’ In contrast with all the gaudy, artificial orna-
whoclaims to be a Christian either seek to draw the ment with which religious creature-worshipers try
praise of mento himself or indulge in praising other to surround their idolatrous images and memorials,
men for their worldly achievements ? Jehovah is the the King Christ Jesus says concerning Jehovah God :
One to be highly praised above all creatures. He is "Honour and majesty are before him: strength and
the SupremeOne, and hence is above all the mighty beauty are in his sanctuary." (Ps. 96 : 6) In the typi-
ones (Hebrew: eloldm, angels, as at Psalm 8:5). He cal nation of Israel the sanctuary or temple was built
is to be feared above all such divine messengers. One at God’s command and according to the pattern
of such mighty angels or messengers said, whenthe which he provided for the builders. Inside, the
apostle John fell at his feet to worship: "See thou sanctuary with all its furnishings was a gorgeous
do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, . . . worship place, symbolic of greater realities in the heavens
God." (Rev. 22:8, 9) Jehovah God and his Chief where Jehovah has his majestic throne. (Heb. 9 : 23,
Messenger, Christ Jesus, are the Higher Powers; 24) Besides such material glory, a supernatural
and all men should be subject to them in fear. glory filled the Most Holy of the sanctuary, because
--Rom.13 : 1-5. God caused a wondrous light to dwell between the
sl The pope of Vatican City canonizes certain reli- golden cherubim that surmounted the sacred ark of
gious heroes and heroines and thus enrolls them in the covenant. To enter into the presence of that glory
the religious calendar for worship by RomanCath- light without authorization or appointment meant
olics. The creature-worshipers amongall the peoples death to the intruder. "For I will appear in the cloud
of whatever religion erect statues and memorials to upon the mercy seat," said Jehovah to the prophet
honor prominent personages. Nevertheless, Jeho- Moses. (Lev. 16: 2) The glory, the dignity, the orna-
vah’s King Christ Jesus declares that all such mental beauty and the appearance of strength seen
mighty ones or gods of the peoples outside of the in the courts of earthly ldngs and popes are not to
Theocratic organization are mere idols, nothing- be compared with the actual honor, majesty, beauty
nesses. The images which they set up for worship are and strength which adorn the heavenly courts of the
in themselves nothing more than the perisimble Universal Sovereign, the Almighty God. That of the
materials of which they are made. and they turn humancourts is quickly to pass away, at the battle
aside the people’s worship from Jehovah God to of Armageddon; that of Jehovah’s holy courts is
Satan and to all the demons of which Satan is the never-fading.
prince. s, Therefore the psalmist cries out: "Ascribe unto
~ This is the day for the peoples and nations to Jehovah, ye kindreds of the peoples, ascribe unto
know that Jehovah is the true and living God, be- Jehovah glory and strength. Ascribe unto Jehovah
cause "the Loan [Jehovah] made the heavens". He is the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and
the Creator, not only of man, but also of things far come into his courts. Oh worship Jehovah in holy
higher than man. He has framed not only the sun, array : tremble befere him, all the earth." ( Ps. 96 : 7-9,
moon,and the stars and planets which are visible to Am. Stan. Ver.) By such words the foremost issue,
our sight, but since 1914 he has framed "newt~eavens" that of universal domination or sovereignty, is
by making Christ Jesus the reigning King of the New squarely put before us. In the oncoming postwar
World of righteousness and by casting Satan the period of the nations, to whomwill humancreatures
Devil down to the earth. The peoples and nations ascribe glory and praise and the power of salvation :
must now be informed that God’s promise has begun Whomwill they worship? To whomwill they offer
fulfillment concerning which the apostle Peter their allegiance and submission and consecrations.~
penned these words: "We, according to his promise, In the highest interests of the people the inspired
look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein psalmist calls upon the kindreds and families of the
dwelleth righteousness" (2 Pet. 3:13) The 144,000, peoples to give to Jehovah God the glory. Give him
including the faithful remnant of them yet on earth, the glory due for taking hold of his universal
are to be associated in with Christ Jesus in those sovereignty and setting up his Theocratic Govern-
"new heavens". These "new heavens" show forth no ment toward the earth, preparatory to creating an
man’s glory, but only Jehovah’s glory; and the estab- entirely new world of righteousness. Jehovah’s wit-
lishment of these new heavens of God’s creation is nesses, that is, the remnant, and also their good-will
31. To whomdo the religlontsts erect images? and what does the King 33. How Is Psalm 96:6 true, both u to typical Israel and in the
Christ Jesus declare their gods to be? reality today ?
32. Who. then. made ~be heavens? and what wondrous works must 34. How does psalm 96 then Dut the foremost t~ue squarely before us?
therefore be declared among the peoples? and how do Jehovah’e witnesses meet it in beautiful hollnees?
companions whocomeout from all nations, kindreds, ringing truth that "Jehovah hath become king!"
people and tongues, will obey and ascribe glory to (Roth. Pss.) In 1914 he interrupted the rule of Satan
Jehovah and glorify his name. (Rev. 7 : 9-12) Regard- as "the god of this world". He took to himself his
less of what "Christendom" and all the United great power as Lord God Almighty as he began
Nations do, they will bring their wholehearted offer- reigning by means of his newly created capital
ings of service to Jehovah and his kingdom. They organization Zion. This Jehovah did by enthroning
will not worship any international creation of men, Christ Jesus, who is the Head and Chief Memberof
but will worship Jehovah God, identifying them- that capital organization, "the Lord of lords and
selves as being consecrated and holy to Him. In such ICing of kings." It is by this acting King that Jeho-
beautiful holiness they will always say: "We ought vah God reigns while his enemies are yet alive and
to obey Godrather than men."--Acts 5: 29. are most active and highly organized. By having
85 Taking such a course, those whotake their stand Satan and his demonic heavens cast down to the
for Jehovah as Godand Universal Sovereign will not vicinity of this earth, Jehovah has madeall enemies
be tormented and agonized by the woes now coming the footstool of his anointed King Christ Jesus; and
upon the earth. The Hebrew word which means to Christ Jesus is commandedto wield the scepter of
twist oneself, to writhe as in pain, to be in birth- his power in the midst of such enemiestill he finally
pangs, is the word the psalmist uses in addressing dashes them to pieces like a potter’s vessel at Arma-
the "earth" at Psahn 96:9. For this reason he geddon.
appears to be directing his speech to the visible, s, Therefore it is commandedupon Jehovah’s wit-
earthly part of Satan’s organization. He foretells nesses to announce amongthe worldly nations Jeho-
their inescapable experience at the time that Jeho- vah’s reign begun. This good news is "this gospel"
vah puts his Theocratic Government in operation which Christ Jesus predicted would be proclaimed
toward menon earth. "Be in birth-throes at his pres- by his followers at the close of WorldWarI, saying :
ence, all the earth," is the way Rotherhaln’s Psalms "This gospel of the kingdomshall be preached in all
renders Psahn 96: 9. Due to the world war of 1914 the world for a witness unto all nations; and then
and the recent global war. and due to the accom- shall the end come." (Matt. 24: 14) This, as well
panying famines, earthquakes, pestilences, and dis- PsalmNinety-six, is their divine authorization to act
tress of nations, the "earth" of Satan’s organization as ministers of the gospel or gospel-preachers. The
has writhed in pain. Jesus foretold more sorrows worldly nations interfere with their carrTing out of
for this "earth" and its nations and kingdoms, say- this divine authorization as Jehovah’s witnesses only
ing: "But all these things are a beginning of birth- at peril to themselves from His hands.
pangs." (Matt. 24: 8, Roth.) At Armageddon, how- *SThe gospel-preachers are ordained to make
ever, when the leaders of this "earth" are sa3dng, known among all nations that "the world also is
"Peace and security !" will comethe climax of death- established that it cannot be moved. He judges the
dealing pain: "then suddenly upon them cometh peoples in equity." (Ps. 96: 10, Amer. Trans.) The
destruction, just as the birth-throe unto her that world that is immovablyestablished is, of course, the
is with child, and in nowise shall they escape." new world composed of new heavens and a new
--1 Thess. 5:3, Roth. earth. The "new heavens", or Zion, which is Jeho-
vah’s capital organization under Christ Jesus, is the
REIGNING FOR THE NEW WORLD foundation of the new world. Henceit is the founda-
8SWhereas sorrow, like sudden piercing birth- tion for the "new earth". Bible prophecy makes the
pangs, makes this "earth" writhe because of the vio- evidence positive that in 1918 Jehovah laid his King
lent end of Satan’s world organization in this day of Christ Jesus as the Foundation Stone in the heav-
Jehovah, the opposite is the blessed portion of those enly Zion. This King is a "sure foundation", and
who make Jehovah and his Theocracy their choice. whatsoever is founded upon him will never be moved
The royal psalmist, who pictures Christ Jesus the or cause disappointment and shame and confusion.
King, supplies us the main theme of the joyful "new (Isa. 28 : 16) It is true that, in the Hebrewtext, the
song" and tells us howwe must sing it. He says : "Say word translated world is the word tehv(hl, which
amongthe nations, Jehovah reigneth : the world also means "the productive" or "that which yields", caus-
is established that it cannot be moved:he will judge ing its products to flow forth. Hencetehvdhl is under-
the peoples with equity." (Ps. 96: 10, Ant. Stan. Ver.) stood to refer to the earth, in a poetical sense. But
Yes, the keynote of the new song is the paramount out of thirty-six times’ occurrence, tehv~hl is ren-
issue of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty. It is the dered only once "habitable part" (of the earth), and
~5 According to the Hebrew of Psalm 96:9, what may the expression 37. Howdid Jesus refer to this announcement? and what does all this
"Fear before him, all the earth" mean? and how Is this being fulfilled? constitute for the announeers~
36. In what exprelmion doem Psalm 96 10 supply the keynote of the 38 How Is the world established immovably? and how Is the Hebrew
new song? and how was this theme mode poulble ~ sing? word for ’*world" used elsewhere throughout the Bible?
1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 299

ali other times "world" (in the A~dl, orized Version) destruction of all the things they hold dear do not
as, for example, at Psalm 90: 2: "Before the moun- have the spirit of this psalm. They positively cannot
tains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed sing this "new song". They are not doing so, but are
the earth and the world [tehvdM], even from ever- seeking to hinder it. Not to them, therefore, is the
lasting to everlasting, thou art God." exhortation addressed to rejoice and be joyful and
so The use of the word tehv~M at Psalm 96:10 as to roar with gladness.
applying to that which is established immovablydoes "The Bible says the holy angels of heaven rejoice,
not mean that the corresponding English word particularly those who accompany the King of the
world meansjust the visible or earthly part of God’s new heavens as he comes in his glory to judge the
new world of righteousness. Tel~vghl, as here used, nations of earth. Hence the apostle John writes:
means an earth organized under and hence made "I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Nowis come
productive by the new heavens. If a new earth is to salvation, and strength, and the kingdomof our God,
be stabilized beyond being moved, then it presup- and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our
poses and requires a stable, immovablenew heavens. brethren [Satan] is cast down, which accused them
Hence the word tehv~ld embraces the entire new before our Godday and night .... Therefore rejoice,
world and is here properly translated "world", mean- ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them." (Rev.
ing the new world. 12: 10-12) Therefore the rejoicing of God’s faithful
’° Whatcontributes to the stability of the world is remnant, who are called to the kingdom of heaven,
righteousness, the righteousness of its Ruler. As is irrepressible. Yes, too, his "other sheep", the
it is written: "A king that sitteth in the throne of people of good-will on earth, are glad. Understand-
judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes." ing what is nowtaking place, all these are by faith
"The king by judgment establisheth the land: living as it were in an earth that is apart from this
. . . The king that faithfully judgeth the poor, his wicked world and in which everything is jubilating.
throne shall be established for ever." (Prov. 20: 8; In bass tones the sea is roaring out its deep appreci-
29: 4, 14) Such a one is Jehovah’s anointed King ation of Jehovah’s reign begun, to rid its waters of
Christ Jesus; and by trim the judgment of the all commercialcraft and vessels of war. (Isa. 33 : 21-
nations is nowon, as foretold at Matthew25:31-16. 23) The broad fields are smiling, being decked with
He judges the peoples righteously, and with equity, soft verdure and spangled with flowers. The trees are
according to their reception of the "new song" or luxuriant with various shades of foliage and are
"this gospel of the kingdom". Those who hear and richly laden with fruitage. All visible nature takes on
help Jehovah’s witnesses in singing the new song the a glad appearance, as a prophetic indication of what
King Christ Jesus judges to be his "other sheep". He our physical earth will actually be like during the
puts them on his right side as inheritors of life in NewWorld of righteousness. This is nature’s way
the new world. Those who shut their ears and make of singing the new song. And if Jehovah’s conse-
a wry face at the "new song" of Jehovah’s reign and crated and commissioned witnesses should fail to
whofail to help his witnesses in singing it to all sing it, all nature itself would sing out in its own
nations, such ones the King drives to his left side, way of giving glory to the Creator.
as "goats", for whomdestruction with Satan is ¯ s But whyall this? It is because Jehovah comes;
reserved. that is, he directs his universal sovereignty once
more toward this terrestrial globe. He establishes his
Theocratic Government to bring earth within the
’~ Exalted in spirit by the gIorious prospect, far realm of his universal organization. This is a blessed
distant in his day but undergoing fulfillment in our occasion, for it means that righteous judgment at
day, the psahnist bubbles over with joy, saying : "Let last comesto the lovers of truth and right. Jehovah’s
the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the judgment begins at the house of God, with the rem-
sea roar, and the fulness thereof. Let the field be nant whoare in line for the new heavens of the New
joyful, and all that is therein : then shall all the trees
World. (1 Pet. 4: 17) By his King at the temple
of the wood rejoice before the Load [Jehovah] : for Jehovah judges the remnant to be faithful and
he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth [~retz
appoints them to be his "faithful and wise servant"
(Hebrew) ] : he shall judge the world [tehvdhl] with to preach this Kingdomgospel to all nations. By the
righteousness, and the people with his truth." (Ps. truth which he sends out through this "servant" class
96: 11-13) Therefore the religionists who look upon he judges the peoples. He separates out the right-
the end of this world as something bringing the eously disposed people of good-will as those counted
39, What, then, is the full scope of the Hebrew word "tehv~hl"?
40. What contributes to the stability of the world? and how Js the 42, (a)Who in heaven and who on earth are rejoicing? (b) EIo~.
divine judging of the people in equity going on? figuratively speaking, is all nature also rejoicing?
41. In what language does the psalmist then express his Joy ~ and why 43. What reason does Psalm 96 assign for all this rejoicing ~ and ho~
is his exhortation not addressed to the religtonls~? is such reason in effect now?
worthy to be hid in the day of executing his judg- *’ Jehovah’s anointed King, who represents Him
ment against all of Satan’s wicked organization. upon the bench of judgment, bids "all the earth" to
Judgment, therefore, by the righteous, faithful hft up its voice and to sing the new song to Jehovah.
Judge Jehovah means the vindication of His serv- The answer to this call or commandwe shall study in
ants and their deliverance from all affliction and the next succeeding issue of The Watchtower.
oppression by the Devil’s organization. 44 What do~ Jehovah’s
answer ?
King command? and where do we study the


N THEAugust 15, 1945, issue of The Watchtower was
I given the account of the reuniting on friendly terms of
Joseph and his eleven brothers at his palace in Egypt.
remnant, share in this work, in this, that the)" bear the
messageof the gracious invitation to the scattered "other
sheep"; and when these latter ones hear the message it is
Joseph’s ten half-brothers were seen to be the ancient proto- also their privilege and duty to say, as Joseph instructed:
types of the Lord’s "other sheep" of today, the "men of "Come. . . tarry not." Whynot tarry? Because the great
good will"; while Joseph’s young full brother, Benjamin, death-dealing spiritual famine is on in "Christendom" and
was seen to represent those who are brethren of Christ will continue until the battle of Armageddonbreaks over
spiritually, being membersof his body, and particularly "Christendom"and all the rest of Satan’s organization and
those of such as have been added to Christ’s "body" since destroys all such. This is further proof that the "other
his coming to the temple A.D. 1918. Nowfomvard to the sheep", who make up the "great multitude", must partici-
rest of the prophetic story. pate in the work of bearing testimony about God’s kingdom
The news soon spread throughout the land of Egypt that before other persons of the world, that the latter may"flee
"Joseph’s brethren are come"; and this good news reached to the place of safety, wherethey maybe fed by the Greater
Pharaoh, and it pleased him. As Pharaoh nowappears upon Joseph, Christ Jesus.--Rev. 7 : 16.
the stage of prophetic drama, in his role of king of Egypt, The subsequent dealings of Joseph with the Egyptians
he represents the great "King of Eternity", Jehovah God. disclose the great responsibilities and requirements that are
"And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto thy brethren, now laid upon those who composethe "other sheep" of the
This do ye: lade your beasts, and go, get you unto the land present time. To be truly "menof good will" they must be
of Canaan; and take your father and your households, and fully and wholly consecrated to the Lord and must render
comeunto me: and I will give you the good of the land of themselves in full obedience to his commandments and must
Egypt, and ye shall eat the fat of the land. Nowthou art joyfully engage in his service. Those whoare of the "other
commanded,this do ye; take you wagons out of the land sheep" already gathered to the fold must, together ~xith the
of Egypt for your little ones, and for your wives, and bring remnant, joyfully take up the message of life, which God
your father, and come. Also regard not your stuff; for the has provided. Then they must bear that messagebefore the
good of all the land of Egypt is yours."--Gen. 45:17-20. people of the famine-stricken world, to the end that those
In like manner Jehovah God was pleased with the work who are now in the world and who do so desire may learn
of Christ Jesus, who is the Greater Joseph. At the temple, the way of life and flee to the place of refuge. There are
to which he camein 1918, he had disclosed his identity and manyothers, like scattered sheep, that the Lord will yet
his true relationship to the remnant of "his body" and to gather into the fold before Armageddon.
the "other sheep", their companions. This particular dis- As the famine continued sore upon Egypt and the
closure came in May,1935, as the events show, from which countries round about, so now the spiritual famine con-
time forward the effort to bring the Kingdommessage to tinues sore upon the world. "Andthere was no bread in all
the Lord’s "other sheep" was intensified Hence Pharaoh’s the land; for the famine was very sore, so that the land of
instructions to Joseph picture Jehovah’s confirming Egypt and all the land of Canaanfainted by reason of the
through Christ of his gracious invitation to the people of famine." (Gen. 47: 13) The famine had been upon EIzvpt
good-will by saying to them: ’Come,and drink of the water for two years whenJacob and his household reached Egypt
of life freely.’--Rev. 22 : 17. Assuming that some of the Eg3"ptmns had given heed to
Joseph, picturing Christ Jesus in particular, then in- Joseph’s interpretatmn of Pharaoh’s dream foretelling the
strueted Benjaminand his ten half-brothers to extend the seven-year famine, and assuming that they had therefore
gracious invitation to others of the family relationship, and taken heed to his advice to conserve food and had conserved
these were all invited to 3ourney to Eg3"pt. In the modern considerable of such, such provided stock of grain would,
counterpart it is Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-Joseph, who at the end of the two years, doubtless be used up, and the
causes the truth to be held forth and whois gathering unto Egyptians would then have to apply to the governmentfor
the fold the "other sheep" who will make up the "great food. This they were compelledto do in order to live. Like-
multitude" of Armageddonsurvivors. They are the ones he
meant when saying: "And other sheep I have, which are wise nowthose of the "other sheep", whoare in the world,
not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall are obliged to come to Jehovah’s vmible orgamzation, the
hear myvoice; and there shall be one fold, and one shep- Theocratic organization of His witnesses under Christ
herd."--John 10 : 16. Jesus, and then to learn the way to life by obtaining and
The Benjamin class, the new and younger part of the feeding upon the life-stores which the Lord has prepared
1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 301

and stored up for such. This they must do before the battle systemthat wouldbring all to poverty, but he sold the life-
of Armageddonchmaxes the great famine. sustaining grain to the Egyptians, first for their money;
In view of that ancient case of food conservation and which moneyJoseph brought into Pharaoh’s treasury. He
administration, one cannot help marking the striking con- did not permit private and greedy money-changersto profit
trast in the action of Joseph the food administrator and the by the distress of the people. Whentheir moneywas gone,
action of the "Democratic NewDeal" schemers of the then he sold corn to the Egyptians for their cattle and
present governmentadministration. Those modern worldly- herds. Then Joseph bought all their lands and paid for them
wise men, instead of conserving the food supply whenthere in corn or food. Finally the people said to him: "Buy us
was plenty, curtailed the food supply by restricting crops . . . for bread." And this Joseph did. (Gen. 47:14-20)
that should have been planted and harvested, and by ruth- Pharaoh the king thereby became the rightful owner of
lessly destroying animals; and this they did in order to everything in Egypt, and the people became the "servants
increase the price of food. Andnothing effective was ever unto Pharaoh". This was according to the wish of the
done about the "black market" which was further reducing people, whoasked for it, "that we maylive, and not die."
food supplies and keeping prices exorbitant. The fallacy of Life is the gift of God through Jesus Christ. Hence
their conduct is now being experienced by the American Joseph’s transactions with the people do not meanthat man
people. Joseph was not interested in pegging up higher and can buy his life from GOd.It does meanthat, in order for
higher the price of food, but was interested in taking care the great flock of "other sheep" to survive Armageddon
of the people. Whenthe famine increased upon the land and to get life from Godthrough Christ Jesus, these must
Joseph did not raise the price of food and permit anyone fully comply with God’s terms, which terms are that men
to profiteer and conduct a gangster ’’black market" at the shall fully, unreservedly and completely consecrate them-
expense of the people. selves to Godand his faithful service, and shall acknowledge
American "new dealers", once headed by one whomthe and serve his King, Christ Jesus. There is nothing that they
Press once designated as "Franklin Deficit", proceed with maywithhold. Yet, nothing that they can give can compen-
their bureaucratic theories and they all together participate sate for the free gift of life and all its attending blessings,
in speculation and continuously juggle with the food supply because all that menhave, to begin with, belongs to the
and continue to fax the price thereof at the cost and to Lord. "The earth is the LORD’S,and the fulness thereof."
the distress of the people. It seems strange that the masses (Ps. 24: 1) So they must show their full willingness
of the people are so very listless and foolish as to refuse to become the servants of God and Christ Jesus, and must
hear or to give heed to what God’s Wordsays and, on the serve day and night, that is, all the time. (Rev. 7:15)
contrary, continue to listen to the world-schemes brought Christ Jesus, as the great official Agent of the "King of
forth by selfish men, which schemes can never bring them Eternity", has bought the entire humanrace; and life will
any relief. In this distress upon the people the commercial be given to those only who comply with the terms Jehovah
religionists harangue the Catholics, Protestants and Jews has provided. To such ones life is a free gift through Christ
and others whowill listen to them and tell such that the Jesus.
food scarcity, the dust storms that devastate their lands, For the people’s further welfare Joseph is reported as
the burning heat that destroys their crops, and the pests bringing themtogether in the cities : "Andas for the people,
that add to such destruction, have all comeupon the people he removedthem to cities from one end of the borders of
as a judgment from Godbecause the people have been negli- Egypt even to the other end thereof." (Gen. 47: 21) In
gent in the support of the religious organizations. The similar way Christ Jesus now brings the "other sheep"
charging of Jehovah God with responsibility for these together, under the Theocratic organization of Jehovah,
calamities that have befallen the peoples in addition to pictured by a city; and there they find refuge, and nowhere
global war is a malicious lie and a defamation of His holy else. This’corresponds exactly with the cities of refuge
name. which Jehovahprovided for the people in the land of Israel
The Scriptures declare that the Devil, kicked out of according to His law through Moses. (Deut. 19:1-6) But
heavensince A.D. 1914. is the one that brings these present- as for the priests of Egypt, their land was not sold to
day woes upon the people, and he is doing this for the very Joseph. "Only the land of the priests bought he not, for the
purpose of defaming God’s name and turning the people priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did
away from him. (Rev. 12: 12) This is further and strong eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them : wherefore they
proof that the religious clergy, whofor sectarian purposes sold not their lands." (Gen. 47 : 22) That was not an act
resort to such harangue of the people and charging of God discrimination against the people and in favor of the clergy,
with bringing the calamities upon them, are agents of the as somecritics would try to makeit appear.
Devil and do not represent God, for whomthey profess to Even before the famine the priests of Egypt received
speak. Great therefore is the privilege and the responsibility government support; and this provision continued un-
laid upon those whohave received the truth, to make known altered during the period of the famine. The priests were
that life-giving and life-sustaining spiritual food to other under no necessity to sell their land. It was a pre~ious
hungry souls desiring to knowthe way to life. The truth arrangement that they should receive their food from the
is the only thing that will bring consolation and help to king. Those priests or princes of Egypt, together with
the people. Joseph, were servants of the king; and in the drama they
The ancient Egyptians had many cattle, money, and appear to picture Jehovah’s "servant" class, under his great
lands, and they enjoyed economicfreedom. Either before or Elect Servant, Christ Jesus the Head, and also including
during the famine Joseph did not set up a starvation-dole the remnantof his body on the earth today. Theseare joint-
302 9-fieWATCHTOWER. .N’. Y.

heirs with Christ Jesus and belong to the "meek" who your food, and for them of your households, and for food
"inherit the earth" with Christ Jesus. (Matt. 5:5; Rom. for your little ones." (Gem47 : 24) Since the land was not
8-16, 17) They are therefore in a different position from then their own, that was a very generous arrangement for
that of those of his "other sheep", although all must and them. A like requirement is laid upon the Lord’s "other
do receive life from Jehovah God and by Christ Jesus. sheep", as prophetically shownat Zechariah 14 : 16-18. Such
It has always been and always will be that men must requirement upon them is just, reasonable, and "not griev-
work. "If [a man] would not work, neither should he eat." ous". (1 John 5: 3) According to the will of Jehovah God,
(2 Thess. 3: 10) The idler is an abomination in the sight Christ Jesus puts them all on an equal footing before God
of God, and is classed as a waster. (Prov. 19:15; 31:27; and requires all of them to render faithful service to God,
Ezek. 16:49) In behalf of the "other sheep" and their and that not beyond measure. This arrangement the people
future life, the Lord provides that they must not be idle, of Egypt appreciated. "And they said, Thou hast saved
but must serve him continuously. (Rev. 7:15) Joseph did our lives: let us find grace in the sight of mylord, and we
not arrange for a dole to be set up and that the people will be Pharaoh’s servants." (Gem 47: 25) The "other
receive a dole from the governmentand continue idle. (Gen. sheep" surviving Armageddonwill likewise recognize the
47:23) On the contrary, the people must be diligent and arrangement which the King Christ Jesus makes for them
work, and must not become a public charge in idleness. according to the will of God,and they will be glad therefor.
Hence Joseph provided work for them. He gave them seed, God, in his foreknowledge from the beginning of what
and they were commandedand must sow the seed given to would come to pass in our day, made the above prophetic
them, sowing it upon the land and trusting to God for the picture to aid his "other sheep", whoat this time of great
increase. stress are being gathered to the Good Shepherd, Christ
In that connection a liberal arrangement was made for Jesus. Tl/is prophetic picture sets before those of good-will
the people. Joseph said: "It shall come to pass, in the a pattern showingthem what course they must take in order
increase, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and to receive the protection and salvation that Jehovah God
four parts shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for has provided for those that love and serve him.


HE pages of profane history are dominated by men
T of war. With the passing of each day new leaves are
added to that book, and in these day-~)y-day additions
Thus Joab not only slaked his thirst for vengeance, but also
removedone who might have been a rival for the general-
ship of the armies of Israel. King David disapproved, and
it is noted that once again military menare the history- declared guiltlessness for himself and his kingdomas to the
makers. Newnames are entered into the records by the blood of Abner, saying, "Let it rest on the head of Joab."
chroniclers of events, and with each namegoes certain facts --2 Sam.3: 28, 29, 34, 37-39.
and assertions that stamp its bearer as either a defender of Joab’s ambition was later realized at the time of the tab
right and freedom or an ambitious tyrant lusting after ing of the stronghold on MountZion from the Jebusites. To
power and world dominion. Human-like, the record is un- spur his fighters to the mightydeeds required if the heathen
avoidably colored by the national and personal leanings were to be dislodged from their seemingly impregnableposi-
and prejudices of the historian, as can be readily seen in tion, David said: "Whosoevergetteth up to the gutter, and
the differences in histories prepared in different countries smiteth the Jebusites, and the lame and the blind, that are
and by different groups. But the true and unbiased history hated of David’s soul, he shall be chief and captain."
of times long past, as well as forecasts of things yet future, (2 Sam. 5: 6-8) There is muchdispute as to the meaning
is found in God’s infallible Word, the Bible. And even in of these verses. Manyscholars hold that the Jebusites, cock-
its holy record menof war are often found to play promi- sure in their powerful fort, insulted and taunted David by
nent parts therein; and accompanying facts also stamp manningits battlements with the lame and blind. As to the
them as good or bad. The one now claiming attention is word "gutter", it is variously rendered as a "watercourse"
Joab, the general of the Israelite armyin the time of David. (Am. Stan. Ver.; Young’s), "aqueduct" (Roth.), and
He was a nephewof David, being the son of David’s roster "water shaft" (Amer. Trans.). Somecontend this was some
Zeruiah. His first entry into the Divine Recordis as a mili- kind of defensive work, others that it was a channel, sub-
tarist. HIS uncle had been enthroned by the men of Judah, terranean or otherwise, by which an entrance into the
but Israel had followed after one of the sons of Saul, stronghold could be gained. In this connection, please see
Ishbosheth. Abnerwas the captain of the latter’s forces, and "The Kingdom Is at Hand", page 135, paragraph 1, and
flung a challenge at Joab and his men. The upshot of it all The Watchtower April 1, 1945, page 103, paragraph 6.
was a pitched battle of some magnitude, ending in victory Regardlessof the actual local circumstances, the fact is that
for Joab and his men. In the course of battle, however,seed the objective was an extremely difficult one. Joab undertook
was sown for a future clash of the two men: Abner slew the hazardous mission and executed it successfully. He thus
Asahel, the brother of Joab. Later Abner made peace with became "chief and captain" of David’s armies.--1 Chron.
David. Notwithstanding this, revengeful Joab took Abner 11:6.
aside as though to speak with him in confidence and peace, That Joab was bold and resolute in fight none will gain-
and "smote him there under the fifth rib, that he died, for say. But neither can any truthfully deny that he was ambi-
the blood of Asahelhis brother". (2 Sam. 2: 12-32; 3: 8-27) tious and crafty, cruel and merciless, jealous and revenge-
Oc-ros~.R 1, 1945 NieWATCI-ITOWER. 303

ful, without check or control. Even the decrees of King of Absalom. This was a flagrant violation of King David’s
David did not always hold him in restraint. He did not feel command,and there is some question whether Joab’s cold-
bound by the Theocratic order. His personal desires and blooded slaying of the utterly helpless Absalomwas not
ambitions dictated his course. All this stands out con- motivated by more than indignant wrath against a conspira-
spicuously, and with little relief, in his conduct as "captain tor. Somebelieve that 2 Samuel1"/: 25 indicates Joab may
of the host" in the successive waves of warfare that swept have been willing to join the revolutionists, but was rejected
over the land of Canaan during David’s reign. by Absalomin favor of Amass as "captain of the host";
The struggle against Ammon shows the resourcefulness hence it may be that Joab was wreaking some personal
of Joab, "the general of the king’s army." (1 Chron. 27 : 34) vengeance against the rebel, Absalom. However, 1 Kings
Hanun, new king of Ammon,had treated with great indig- 2:28 seems to discount this view somewhat. Be that as it
nity some of David’s messengers, and the ire of the Israel- may, Joab’s disregard for the king’s commandrelative to
ite king was aroused. Whenthe men of Ammonrealized the young manAbsalomdoubtless was instrumental in that
this, they hired mercenaries from Syria. David got wind of ambitious general’s loss of his command.--2Sam. 18: 5, 14;
the assembling of troops against him, and dispatched his 19: 13.
armies under Joab to meet the threat. The Israelite general Strangely, though possibly it was a move designed to
soon found himself the object of a pincers movementby the unite Israel, Davidput in Joab’s place the head of the rebel
enemy. "The children of Ammoncame out, and put the forces, Amass. Thus the stage was set for the chafing
battle in array at the entering in of the gate: and the Joab’s second murder of a rival. That opportunist seized
Syrians of Zoba, and of Rehob, and Ish-tob, and Maacah, upon a time of emergencyand internal strife to liquidate
were by themselves in the field WhenJoab saw that the his successor. Sheba, a Benjamite, incited a rebellion against
front of the battle was against him before and behind, he David. In the pursuit of this traitor Joab came across
chose of all the choice menof Israel, and put themin array Amasa, and "Joab said to Amass, Art thou in health, my
against the Syrians : and the rest of the people he delivered brother? AndJoab took Amasaby the beard with the right
into the hand of Abishai his brother, that he might put them hand to kiss him. But Amasatook no heed to the sword
in array against the children of Ammon.And he said, If that was in Joab’s hand: so he smote him therewith in the
the Syrians be too strong for me, then thou shalt help me: fifth rib, and shed out his bowels to the ground, and struck
but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee, then him not again; and he died". (2 Sam. 20: 9, 10) Though
I will comeand help thee. Be of good courage, and let us Amass was Joab’s cousin, Joab foully murdered him to
play the menfor our people, and for the cities of our God: advance his own personal career. "NowJoab was over all
and the LORDdo that which seemeth him good."--2 Sam. the host of Israel."--2 Sam. 20:23.
10: 8-12. Throughouthis life Joab showedheadstrongness and self-
Joab wagedwar on two fronts, and it seemedgood to the will in his relations with King David, and his personal
Lord to give the victory on both. The Syrians fled wildly, ambition always had first demandupon his loyalty. At the
then regathered and brought up reinforcements Their end of his unele’s reign Joab was found guilty of open
second attempt was moredisastrous than the first, and they treason. He joined forces with David’s son Adonijah, who
made a separate peace with Israel. The war with Ammon sought to steal the throne from young Solomon, the one
dragged on into the following year, when, at the season whomJehovah had indicated was to rule in David’s stead.
considered favorable for military operations, Josh pressed In trying to supplant this rightful heir, therefore, Joab was
the campaign to final victory. The general summonedhis rebelling not only against King David but also against
king for the final victory push, that credit might becomingly Jehovah’s will. The ambitious general doubtless reasoned
go to the visible head of the nahon.--2 Sam. 10: 13-19; that with the vain Adonijah ruling he could be the real
11: 1; 12: 26-31. power behind the throne. But the plot was foiled by the
As this great campaign showed Joab’s capabilities as a quick moveof Da~id in anointing Solomonking before the
general, others showhis lust for power, and the depths to conspiracy could bear fruit. On hearing of this coup by
which he would stoop to gain it. His killing of Abner in David the frustrated plotters scattered.--1 Ki. 1: 5, 7,
cold blood has been mentioned, and the reason given as one 32-49.
of revenge for the death of his brother Asahel. It is very
likely that he was also movedagainst Abner by reasonm~ Joab’s Joab’s end soon followed. Remindinghis son Solomonof
insubordination and slaughter of Abner and Amasa,
more crafty than emotional. Abner might well have been a David charged : "Let not his hoar head go downto the grave
candidate for general of the army, which post Joab did not in peace." (1 Ki. 2: 5, 6) So it was. To escape retributive
hold at that time. There is yet another occasion where Joab
justice Joab fled to the tabernacle and caught hold of the
through disarming cunning effected the murder of a rival
for power. In fact, Joab had been relieved of his command horns of the altar. Uponhis refusal to obey the king’s com-
as general, and this other one elevated to that position. The mand to come forth, even as he held to the altar "Benaiah
the son of Jehoiada went up, and fell upon him, and slew
brief account of events is as follows:
David’s son Absalomhad conspired against the throne of him: and he was buried in his ownhouse in the wilderness".
his father. The revolt he led prospered even to the extent (1 Ki. 2:28-34) In his ambitious lust for power he set
of forcing David to flee Jerusalem, and Absalom’sestablish- aside all scruples and principle, flouted the Theocratic
ing of himself there as king. Subsequently, however, the order, and shed innocent blood to forward his career as a
usurper’s forces were sorely defeated in a major engage- militarist. HIS wicked deeds justly returned upon his own
ment, and the entire affair was climaxed by Joab’s slaying head in final settlement.
"KINGDOM NEWS" THE ENTERING WEDGE (ILLINOIS) of this community.’ Silently I followed him out. On our
"Before starting work here our decision was that we way a military officer approached, seeming to be an
follow more carefully the instructions sent out by the organ- acquaintance of the policeman. He briefly made mention of
ization. Wereread how the KingdomNews should be dis- my ’propaganda’ to him. The soldier eyed me curiously.
tributed, and proceeded to put them out about a weekahead I then addressed the policeman: ’This is not propaganda.
of our call with the phonographand the books. I am sure It is the will of Almighty God that this message of his
that at least twenty-five percent of the folks made some kingdom be preached to every creature; and there is na
remark about the paper. On myfirst call no one answered authority on earth that can stop it.’ I handed him the
the door, although I was very sure there was someonethere. Kingdom News and asked him to read it for his own
On picking up the not-at-homes I was going to this home. benefit. He took it, somewhat still annoyed. Then he
However,before I could turn in at this house, the lady was demanded:’Tell me, who are the true followers of Christ
at the door calling to me. She had the Kingdom News in ---los curas [the priests] ?’ Answer:’No. The true followers
her hand and wanted to know if I was the man who left of Christ are not ambitious for worldly gain nor are they
it at her house and if I had the book which was announced hypocrites. They do not commit injustice nor delight in
on the book folder. (I had enclosed a book folder announc- wickedness. Jehovah’s witnesses are the true Christians.
ing ’The Tm~th ShalZ Make You Free’.) I placed that and The name they carry denotes their mission. They witness
the new book "The Kingdom Is at Hand’. She brought out to the name and supremacy of the Almighty God, Jehovah.’
all the books she had, and she had nine, but not any of the There was a radical change in the policeman’s facial
latest books. She told me her husband likes to read them expression. ’I iike what you say. Tell me, how did you
also, and I amlooking forward to mynext visit with them. gain such knowledge?Youalso express yourself very well’
At another of the not-at-homes I called on a Sundaymorn- Then, with new life, he began to express his sincere views
ing. She wanted to knowif I had any Catholic literature. about the ’whore’ and her whoredoms; and then shortly
Receiving a negative reply, she appeared disappointed. I he said: ’Sefiorita, los edificios are all yours. Continuethe
then proceededto tell her this is for all sincere people and good work. There [pointing to one of the apartment
we are sure there are somein ever}." organization whoare windows]lives el due~o. I don’t think he’s going to like
trying to follow the ~laster. Before I left I had placed two it, but go. He needs it. And next door to him lives el
booklets and the latest book. I madearrangements to call cdnsul de~. He too needs it. I am going around
on the next Tuesdaynight and bring a Catholic Bible with the block, so that they will not bother me with their bad
me. I did this and had a very pleasant and profitable eve- reports. Go to it!’ With that he left, and the soldier with
ning. I showed her howPeter did not permit Cornelius to him. I dare say that the owner of the building and the
worship him; also that Jesus said: "Call no man your consul both took literature from me. Uponmyleaving the
father.’ I placed a Bible, "The Truth Shall MakeYou Free," premises the policeman had not returned, giving me full
a Watcl~owersubscription and the booklet Uncorered, and opportunity to fulfill mycommission without hindrance."
I expect to call again next Tuesdaynight. It appears both FOLLOWING UP A GOOD-WILL REFERENCE FROM HQ
she and her husband are ready and will accept the truth.
At the edge of the bnsiness section mywife placed a book "Wearrived at our new assignment to Hydecounty, N.C.,
very anxious to find a good-will person, whose name had
with the owner, whosaid she would not leave her church,
which is the Catholic. I was workingthe block opposite this been supplied on a back-call slip from the Society which
stated she desired to get into the service. She received us
a day or so later. A mancalled from the tavern, asking me
to comeover, as he wantedto talk ~gth me. I went, and sat with outstretched arms and a big Kingdomsmile. She im-
on a stool by the bar. He told me the tavern owner had mediately gave us permi~qion to park our trailers in her
back yard. The following night we started a book study in
showed him the book she had obtained, and he wanted to
knowmore about it. He had read some of it and it sounded "The KingdomIs a~ Hand’. There was great interest shown
by her and her 14-year-old son. At her request we have had
good to him. A manseated in the tavern asked me to play
the phonograph, as he had heard it and liked the message some kind of study almost every night since we arrived,
either a bookstudy, Watchtowerstudy, recorded lecture, or
on it. The manwho called me has two boys m the war zones
and is very much disturbed. The reason the tavern owner just answering questions. Fearing to overfeed this sheep,
we planned to skip one night, That evening she came out
showedhim the book was she felt it wouldg,ve him comfort. to our trailer and asked us to go over the Watchtower
I look forward to myback-call with him today."
article with her, as she did not understand it. Wedid so,
"WHILEWITNESSING IN A RITZY APARTMENT HOUSE and she was well pleased. As a result of her zeal she had
in E1 Vedadosection of Havana, a feeling of being followed aroused sufficient interest with her sister to have a study
at her home.At the first study there were 13 of new interest
possessed me. Undisturbed, however, I continued my wit- in attendance. She has withdrawnfrom all church organiza-
nessing from door to door until I reached the top floor. tions and requested her nameto be removedfrom the Ladies
Finally, my eyes glanced clear down the hall and saw a Aid Society. She has expressed her desire to he immersed.
man in uniform, standing in a menacing position. With She is already witnessing to her friends, and we plan to
a loud, harsh tone he ordered me to go along with him. I invite her to go with us from door to door soon. Working
told him I could not go without knowing where he was in this isolated territory, we endure some hardships. But
taking me. ’To the police station,’ he bellowed. ’Youcannot the joys and blessings from Jehovah far exceed and over-
continue bringing that seditious propaganda to the people come these."
know thatI amJehovohT!
- ~,ekle! ,35:15.

15, 1945

"JE~oV~HAVH BECOME KI~OI" ........... 307
................................ 308
Causefor Gladness
................................ 309
Exposure ........................ 311
Shameto the Image-Worshipers .......... 312
Visible Theocratic Orgamzatlon......... 313
Exhortation for Lovers of Jehovah...... 315
¯ A, BSA.bOMP8 BEAUTYBUT SKIIq-DEEP .......... 318
................................... 320
"JzHoWm RF, IONS" TEs~xo~r~PERIOD.. 306
S~D~,S....................... 306
....................................... 306
117 Adams Street
Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
HIS journal Is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to knowJehovah Godand his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
N. H. KNORa,President W. E. VAN AMBUROH,Secretary designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-will.
It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It pubhshes
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." - lsetah 54:z3. suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God and is from everlasting It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
to everlasting, the Makerof heaven and earth and the Giver of or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, King. It is not dogmatic,but invites careful and critical examina-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ mglory, clothed with all power tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah; dulge in controversy, and its columnsare not open to personalit,es.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully YE~LT SUBSCe[PTION Pstcm
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNt’rlr~ STATES.$1.00 ; all other countries. $1 50, American currency:
of Adam’s wrong act aU men are born sinners and without the {]HEAT BRITAIN, AUSTRALASIA,AND SOUTH AFRICA, 6q Amerlcau remit-
tances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by Dank
right to life; Draft. British. South African and Australasian remittances should
THATTHE LOGOSwas made human aa the man Jesus and be made direct to the respective branch ofllc~. Remittance~ from
countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive ofnce, but by lntera~mma/ Poatal Money Order only.
prme for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature ~ORelOMOFFICES
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power British 34 Craven Terrace, London. W. 2. England
and authority; Austrolaslen .... -: "/ Beresford Road. Strathfleld. N S.W.. Australia
THATGOD’SCAPITALORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called South A]rtcart Boitou House. Cape Town. South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the Indian 167 Love Lane, Bombay 27, India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society lu every ease,
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacyof Jehovah, declare his Translations of this Journal appear in several language~.
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdombefore all who will hear;
THATTHE OLD WORLD ended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, poverty or adrersity are unable tO pay the subscription price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of may have The Watchtower frt.e upon written application tO the publtshe,s,
made once each year. statlag tile reason for so requesting it. We are
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to glad to thus aid the needy, but the written appllcauou once each ~ear
the establishment of the "new earth" of the NewWorld; xs required by the postal regulations,
THATTHERELIEFand blessings of the peoples of earth can Notice to Subsortbers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one month.
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the & renewal blank (carrying notice of expirarion} will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s organizatmn and the complete establish- Journal one month before the subscription expires.
ment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the Kingdom
Printed in the United States of America
the people of good-will that survive Armageddonshall carry Entered a* second-clgse matter at the post o~ce at B, ooklyn, N.Y.,
out the divine mandateto "fill the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act of Masch $, ItJTg.


If you wtll read now the maLn articles appearing in our Do you find enlightenment and joy in reading The Watchtower?
issues of October 1 and 15, you x~all appreemte howappropriately Then you are certain to find enjoyment and profit m reading
the TestLmony Permd during October xs designated "Jehovah its companion magazine, Consolatwn, put out by the same pub-
Reigns". Those who value properly the umqueprivilege of now hshers. With many thousands Consolatwn serves a vital hnd
makingannouncementof Jehovah’s reign wtll gladly serve as His important need in buLldmgthem up in fazth, hope and courage
subjects in the pubhelty work during the equable month of in these days of spreading mfldehty, hopelessness and fear, and
October. A larger offer of hterature will mark this period of thus brings its readers solid comfort. It does not, of course, take
the place of The Watchtower, which m devoted exclusively to
world-wide testxmony, namely, two bound books and two booklets, Bible study and instructmn. Consolatwn actually complements
the latest m every posmblecase, on a contribution of 50e. Instead thts magazine by pubhshing true-to-fact, uncensored news con-
of decreasing placements, we believe, your report at the month’s cerning world conditions and happenings which the commercml
close ~ show aa even larger dL~posal of hterature and a more pubhcatlons fear and refuse to print but which the trusting pubhc
widespread witness accomplished. Of course, manyof our readers, should learn so as to be warned of the operatmns and purposes
wanting to take a hand in this October Testtmony Period, will of deadly enemies, and so be able to free themselves from these
appreemte instructions and companmnship.All such should feel enemies’ power and influence and thus avoid dtsaster. Consolat,on
free to write us for information and for references to the most further publishes in its msues several pages of unusual reports
convenient group of field pubhshers. on the strange work and experiences of those throughout the world
who are announeing to men of good-will the ideal government
aWATCHTOWER" STUDIES which the great "God of all comfort" is now setting up for the
relief and blessing of all faithful and obedient humankind.Conso-
Week of November 18: "Jehovah Hath Become KingW lation is a 32-page magazine, published every other Wednesday.A
~] 1-21 reclusive, The WatchtowerOctober 15, 1945. year’s subscription, of 26 issues, mjust $1.00 in the United States,
Week of November 25: "Jehovah Hath Become Kingl" or $1.25 abroad. Forward your subscription to WATC]XTOW~,
22-41 inclusive, The WatchtowerOctober 15, 1945. 117 AdamsSt., Brooklyn 1, N. Y.
15, 1945 No. 20


"’We give tl~anks ~mto tl~ee, 0 Lord God, the Almighty, Whois, and Whowas; because thou hast taken thy
great power, and hast become king."--Rev. 11: 17, Rotherham.
EHOVAH has become king since A.D. 1914. Can established over his chosen people of Israel in Pales-
J you take that statement? Can you too be thankful tine was overthrown. Gentile domination over all
and rejoice because Jehovah Godhas at last taken the earth then went into effect. In a reverse way,
up his reign? It was long ago foretold, by his own when the 2,520 years of the Gentile times ran out,
Word, that at some time he would become King with A.D. 1914, Jehovah’s Theocracy asserted itself again
reference to this earth. Youdid not think, did you? toward this earth. This time it was not the typicaI
that wickedness and oppression of humankind were Theocracy in Israel, but the new and everlasting
going to continue on earth forever, without letup. Theocracy of Jehovah by means of his capital organ-
The permission of wickedness in any part of God’s ization Zion. There Jehovah’s beloved Son, Christ
universe is only for a limited time, until the supreme Jesus, came, and Jehovah gave him the authority of
issue of His universal sovereignty is settled. The the Kingdom, to reign as Jehovah’s Consort and
beginning of Jehovah’s reign means that the end of Chief Executive in The Theocracy. (Ezek. 21:27)
the free activity of wickednessis nowin sight. Hence it may rightly be announced now that "Jeho-
= Never in all the passage of time from everlasting vah hath become king!" The not distant outcome of
to everlasting has there been a period like ours. This this event will be Jehovah God’s visitation upon all
is because Jehovah has begun reigning by the instru- Gentile nations of what they visited upon ancient
mentality of a new creation. Such creation was never Jerusalem, namely, destruction. They will never
before in existence, and nowhe makesit his capital tread Jehovah’s Theocracy under foot, but it will
organization of the universe. His sacred Wordcalls tread them down in destruction.~Isa. 26: 4-6; Mah
that capital organization "Zion"; and the chief one 4 : 1-3 ; Mic.7 : 8-10.
in it is his first-begotten Son. By exalting his only ’ In this time, whenpoliticians, financiers, and reli-
begotten Son to be the principal member of the gious clergymen are campaigning for the setting up
capital organization Jehovah has exalted him far of the United Nations Organization for world peace,
above all angels and all other created heavenly security and collaboration, The Watct~tower makes
powers. Jehovah has nowbrought his first-born Son no apology for promoting the publicity campaign to
to the beginning of a new world which will cause announce that "Jehovah hath become king" and
righteousness to spring up ever)~vhere on earth. "Jehovah reigns". The Watchtower, as the publicity
Jehovah’s reign, therefore, brings in that NewWorld organ of Jehovah’s witnesses, is Theocratic and is
of righteousness. under divine commandmentto publish to the ends of
At his appointed time Jehovah empowered his the earth Jehovah’s reign begun. In our October 1
dear Son to reign with him as his Consort for the issue this magazine treated Psalm Ninety-six as
vindication of the divine cause of righteousness. having its application nowsince 1914. It especially
That appointed time was A.D. 1914, in the autumn emphasized verse ten, which expresses Jehovah’s
of which year the "times of the Gentiles" came to commandment: "Say among the nations~’Jehovah
an end. At that expiration of the Gentile times Jeho- hath becomeking: surely he hath adjusted the world,
vah’s Theocratic Government was due to arise and it shall not be shaken, he wiI1 minister judgment unto
assert itself. Whenthose Gentile times or "times of the peoples with equity.’" (Rotherham Psalms) This
the nations" began, in the autumn of the year unique announcement of Jehovah’s reign is part of
607 B.C., the typical Theocracy which Jehovah had the theme of the "new song" which Psalm Ninety-six
calls for to be sung nowto Jehovah. Psalm Ninety-
1 Since when has Jehovah become king? and what does this mean
regarding ~
~ickednes~ seven, which follows, is without any title in the
2. Whyin all the passage of time has there never been a Period like ours?
3 What are the time-facts which prove that "Jehovah hath become 4. Why does The Watchtower make no apology for the publicity campaign
king"? and what does this mean for the Gentile~? announcing this? and what do we now take under detailed consideration?
3O8 ~ieWATCHTOWER. B oo Y, N. Y.
Hebrew text, and, in some old Hebrewmanuscripts, reigning toward no part of the earth, the Gentile
Psalm Ninety-seven is written as a part of Psalm nations being allowed to hold the domination of all
Ninety-six. Hence the answer to the call in the parts of the earth. But their period of uninterrupted
Ninety-sixth Psalm to sing the "new song" seems to domination was defined by Jehovah God to be for
be the Ninety-seventh Psalm. It appears to be the seven symbolic "times", or 2,520 years actually; and
full theme of the new song which Jehovah’s witnesses hence their "times" ran out A.D. 1914. Jehovah’s
must sing throughout the coming postwar epoch. So ousting of them by his Co-regent Christ Jesus must
we now take it under detailed consideration. nowbe under way, for "’JEHOVAHHATH BECO~,IE KING!"
s During the years 29-33 (A.D.), whenChrist Jesus
announced to the Jews in Palestine "The kingdom of
The usual renderings of Psahn 97, verse 1, are
weak and do not properly express the present mean- heaven is at hand", he did not mean that Jehovah
had then become king and was beginning to reign.
ing and setting of the announcement when they say: Although Christ Jesus at that time received the right
"Jehovah reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the to become the Consort and Co-regent with Jehovah
multitude of isles be glad." (Am. Stan. Ver.) "The in the coming Theocratic Government,yet neither he
LORDreigns; let the earth rejoice! Let the many nor Jehovah God then began to reign. Jesus refused
coast-lands be glad l" lamer. Trans.) "The Lord hath to let the people make him king by force (John
reigned, let the earth rejoice: let man?" islands be 6: 15); and his proclamation that the kingdom of
glad." (Douay; and Young) Hence Bible commenta- heaven is at hand and that "the kingdom of God is
tors have interpreted this verse as referring to Jeho- amongyou" meant merely that he, as God’s anointed
vah’s reigning from the time of creation and as hav- King, was in the midst of them. To his enemy,
ing always exercised his universal sovereignty. Pontius Pilate, Jesus said: "Thousayest that I am a
It would be nothing unusual to announce Jeho- king," and, "My kingdomis not of this world." (Matt.
vah’s reigning over the universe as having been in 4117; Luke 17121, margin; John 18:37, 36) He in-
operation from creation onward. But in the Hebrew structed his disciples to pray for God’s kingdomto
text of the Psalm the expression used regarding His come, and informed them that the Kingdom was yet
reign means not a continuous reigning from time a long way off and its comingwould be signalized by
past, but means that his reign has begun and that he remarkable visible signs or physical facts on earth.
has become King! "’Jehovah hath become king--let Those signs began to cometrue in 1914, exactly 2,520
the earth exult, let the multitude of coastlands years to the day from the time that Jerusalem was
rejoice." (Ps. 971 1, Roth. Pss.) The identical Hebrew destroyed by the Gentile king, Nebuchadnezzar,
expression is used concerning others to denote their namely, July 27. On that day, in 1914, Germany
becoming "king; as, for example, "Adonijah hath rejected the British proposal for a conference. This
become king!" (1 Ki. 1:18, Roth.); "NowJehosha- broke down all barriers for World War I to begin.
phat son of Asa began to rezg,l over Judah" (1 Ki. Next day, July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on
221 41, Roth.) ; "Hezeldah began to reign when he Serbia; and on August 1, Germanydeclared war on
was five and twenty years old." (2 Chron. 29: 1) So, Russia. Other declarations of war quickly followed
too, the announcement at Psalm 96:10 and at Psalm as total nation rose against nation, and total "king-
97:1 refers to Jehovah’s assumption of power as dom rose against kingdom. By the ending of the
King over the whole earthly globe. Gentile times in October, nine European and Far-
’ Since the rebellion of manin Eden, Jehovah has Eastern nations were embroiled in war, and on Octo-
not reigned over all this earth. This fact is shownin ber 30 the tenth nation, Turkey, went into the war.
the historic words of 1 Chronicles 29:23 (Am. Stan. ’Over what were the nations angry with one
Ver.), that "Solomon sat on the throne of Jehovah another? Over the domination of the earth, and that
as king instead of David his father, and prospered; without regard for Jehovah God. No clearer proof
and all Israel obeyed him". Hence Jehovah God, by could there be than this, that the "times of the
his anointed king, Solomon, reigned only over the Gentiles" had ended, exactly on time, and that the
land of Israel ; and whenthat typical Theocratic gov- uninterrupted rule of Satan’s kingdom had ended,
ernment was overturned by the Gentile nations in and that Christ Jesus was nowpresent in God’s king-
607 B.C., at which time Jerusalem and its temple dom with power to act against all the enemies of
were destroyed and the king and his surviving people Jehovah’s Theocracy. As the years marched onward
were carried away captive to Babylon, then Jehovah from 1914 the details of the sign began to appear
God ceased to reign in Israel. He was therefore more and more clearly to show to Jehovah’s wit-
5. What are the usual renderings of Psalm 97:1, and why are these 8. ia) What did Jesus’ proclamation "The kingdom of heaven Is at hand"
weak in expres.’ston? mean as to Jehovah’s reign? Ib)When did the signs of the ending of
6. What is the real meaning of the Hebrew word regarding Jehovah’s the Gentile times begin? and In what order?
re,gnlng as shown by the usage of the word elsewhere? 9. Over what were the nations angry~ and what leers concerning rulershlp
7. binca when had Jehovah ceased to teign~ and for how long? did their expressed anger prove~
Oc~oBEn15, 1945 fieWATCHTOWER. 309

nesses that the comingof Christ Jesus into the King- "newsong". Christ Jesus predicted that at tile begin-
dom had taken place. Yes, he was present in the ning of Jehovah’s reign there should be "’upon the
established Kingdom to rule in the midst of his earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea
enemies until he finally destroys them at the coming and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them
battle of Armageddon.--Matt. 24: 1-22. for fear, and for looking after those things whichare
lo The kingdoms of this world, even though they coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall
muzzle the snarling dogs of war during the postwar be shaken". (Luke 21:25, 26) Such earth of Satan’s
organization of the world, will never become a part visible organization could never be the earth that is
of Jehovah’s kingdom by Christ Jesus. Jehovah’s called upon to exult over Jehovah’s becoming king.
kingdom is the ldngdom of the NewWorld of right- In the day of the royal psalmist whocomposed this
eousness. It will be no new patch upon the old gar- song under inspiration the earth that exulted at hav-
ment of this threadbare international organization ing Jehovah reign over it by his anointed king at
of politicians, commerce,and religion. Jehovah will Jerusalem was the little land of Israel, the land of
makeall things new. He will not adopt, reform, and Jehovah’s typical Theocracy. All lands outside were
take over any of the corrupt old things. Before the Gentile lands under Satan the Devil, "the god of this
throne of God in the heavens the holy angels are world." Accordingly in this day of Jehovah, which
sounding out tile message of the hour, as shownto begins with his talcing power as King, the earth that
us in advance at Revelation 11: 15-18: "’Tile seventh is called upon to rejoice and exult is the visible
messenger sounded ; and there came to be loud voices earthly organization of his consecrated people,
in heaven, saying--The kingdom of the world [the particularly the remnant of those whoare Israelites
new world] hath become [the kingdom] of our Lord after the spirit, "the Israel of God." The Israelites
and of his Christ, and he shall reign unto the ages of after the flesh are being repatriated in the land of
ages. And the twenty-four elders who before God Palestine, but everybody knows that such Jews are
do sit upon their thrones fell downupon their faces, not exulting over Jehovah’s having become King.
and rendered homage unto God, saying--We give They are putting their confidence in the United
thanks unto thee, O Lord God, the Almighty, Whois, Nations Organization and its "trusteeship" section.
and Whowas; because thou hast taken thy great But the spiritual Israelites, whohave chosen to be
power, and ~ASTBECO-~E KX~G.And the nations were known as "Jehovah’s witnesses", are rejoicing at
angered; and thine anger came."--Roth.; Moffatt. Jehovah’s reign begun and are not ashamed to let
" It is therefore no time to be silent about these their exultation be knownby singing the "new song"
facts. As regards Jehovah’s witnesses, that is to say, unto Himin the hearing of all the nations of the earth.
the remnant of the heirs of the kingdom of heaven n Since these are not selfishly keeping their joy
and also their earthly companions of good-will, for and exultation to themselves, but are preaching
these to be silent about such all-important facts in God’s kingdomby Christ Jesus to all the nations for
fear of the angry nations of this world would mean a witness, therefore the "coastlands" are helped to
to have unclean lips before God, his Kingdom- rejoice. Howcould such coastlands rejoice unless the
message being the only clean message. It would mean earthly organization of the remnant of spiritual
obeying man rather than God, and would spell Israelites let the reason for their ownjoy be lcnown
rehellion against the reigning Sovereign of the uni- along all the coasts of the continents and isles of the
verse, Jehovah God. The course of obedience as con- sea? The "multitude-of coastlands" that are bidden
cerns Jehovah’s witnesses lies in no way but to sing to be glad with the remnant must therefore represent
out the "newsong" unto Jehovah. This they are faith- tim numberless throng of persons having good-will
fully doing, since 1919. Nothinglike it is being heard toward God and his Theocracy. These come out from
elsewhere on the earth, not even in religious circles, all nations, kindreds, people, and tongues. They are
Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, or heathen. Howdiffer- not spiritual Israelites called to union with Christ
ent the "new song" in the mouths of Jehovah’s wit- Jesus in the kingdomof heaven. So they are pictured
nesses is from the religious-political song of the by the Gentile strangers within the gates of Israel
clert,~" of "’Christ~.ndom"showsup clearly as we pro- worshiping the same Godas the Israelites did, Jeho-
gress further in our stud.-," of Psahn Ninety-seven. vah. After describing the company of spiritual
Israelites as sealed for the heavenly kingdom, the
CAUSE FOR GLADNESS apostle John describes his vision of rids great crowd
""Jehovah hath becomeking--let the earth exult, of good-willstrangers, saying, at Revelation7 : 9, 10 :
let the multitude of coastlands rejoice." So begins the "After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which
10 Why will not the nations, even by postwar methods, become the no mancould number, of all nations, and kindreds,
kingdom or a part of the kingdom of our Lord God Almighty?
II. VChy are ~Jehovah’s witnesses not now silent about these facts~ 13 Who are the "multitude of coastlands’ that are hidden to ~
12 What is the earth that is exhorted to exult and that doeq so and how are they bidden?
and people, and tongues, stood before the throne [of darkness of iniquity and does the works of darkness,
God], and before the Lamb[God’s dear Son], clothed the clouds and darkness about him are a manifesta-
with white robes, and palms in their hands; and cried tion of Jehovah’s awesomepower and glory, creating
with a loud voice, saying, Salvation [be ascribed] to a due fear in the hearts of men.
our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the :’ WhenJehovah God by his holy angel descended
Lamb[Christ Jesus]." And then, showing that this upon Mount Sinai in Arabia to give the law and
multitude sincerely rejoice and are glad over Jeho- commandments of his covenant to the Israelites
vah’s beginningto reign, it is written, at verse seven- by Moses, he manifested his power and glory by
teen : "And Godshall wipe away all tears from their thunders, trumpet sounds, lightnings, fire, clouds,
eyes." and thick darkness. (Ex. 19: 16-19) Said Moses
1, The religionists of "Christendom" may think the Israelites: "Ye came near and stood under the
that Jehovah’s witnesses are foolish freaks and mountain; and the mountain burned with fire unto
deceiving themselves. It is just because the religion- the midst of heaven, with darkness, clouds, and thick
ists cannot see with their natural eyes in the skies darkness. And the LORDspake unto you out of the
that Jehovah has taken the throne of universal midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but
sovereignty and has put Christ Jesus at his side to saw no similitude; only ye heard a voice. And he
extend his scepter out of Zion and to rule amidst his declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded
enemies. But the doubting religionists are the foolish you to perform, even ten commandments; and he
ones, because no man has ever seen Jehovah Godand wrote them upon two tables of stone." "And ye said,
no mancan ever see him and live. Bence it would be Behold, the LORDour God hath shewed us his glory
impossible for humancreatures to behold literally and his greatness."~Deut. 4: 11-13; 5 : 4, 22-26.
these mighty events taking place in the heavens. And "Likewise, when King Solomon dedicated the
it would be foolish for humancreatures to demand newly built temple at Jerusalem and the priests had
to see such events with their actual eyes in order to placed the sacred ark of the covenant inside the Most
believe that they have taken place. "Blessed are they Holy of the temple. Then, as recounted at 2 Chroni-
that have not seen [with natural eyes], and yet have cles 5: 13, 14; 6: 1, "the house was filled with a cloud,
believed." (John 20 : 29) So, in order to believe, it re- even the house of the LORD; SO that the priests could
quires Jehovah God to reveal such marvelous heaven- not stand to minister by reason of the cloud : for the
ly events to his witnesses by making clear to them glory of the LORDhad filled the house of God. Then
the meaning of his written Word and showing to said Solomon, The LORDhath said that he would
them the fulfi]hnent of the prophecies which foretold dwell in the thick darlmess." Thereupon Solomon
the beginning of Jehovah’s reign by his Son. Hence offered a prayer and earnest entreaty to Jehovah.
belief in the establishment of Jehovah’s Theocratic "Now when Solomon had made an end of praying,
Government by Christ in 1914 is built upon a firm the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the
and unshakable foundation. It is no deceptive dream. burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of
Testifying to the fact that Jehovah’s witnesses would the LORD filled the house. Andthe priests could not
not see with natural vision His enthronement in The enter into the house of the LORD,because the glory
Theocracy in 1914, Psalm 97:2 next says: "Clouds of the LORDhad filled the LORD’S house." (2 Chron.
and darkness are round about him: righteousness 7: 1, 2) According to Eliphaz the Temanite, some
and justice are the foundation of his throne."~Am. religionists will say: "What does Godknow ? Can he
Stan. Vet.; Roth. Pss.; Amer. Trans. judge through deep darkness? Thick clouds conceal
:~ Faith in God’s Wordand in his fulfilled proph- him so that he cannot see, and he walks upon the
ecies can pierce those clouds and darkness to see the vault of the heavens." (Job 22: 1, 13, 14, ,4raer.
great enthroned Theocrat with his anointed King at Trans.) But to the contrary of denoting God’s not
his side. So, too, the modern device of radar when knowing, the clouds and darkness round about him
installed in airplanes, ships and ground airport denote that he is inscrutable to man and that his
stations can detect approaching aircraft or surface wisdomis beyond being penetrated by man. He lifts
vessels-m the black darkness of night or in fog, far the darkness concerning his secret purposes only to
beyond the capabilities of humansight, and auto- those who draw nigh to him in faith and with fear.
matically aims weapons of war to hit enemytargets ~Ps. 25: 9, 14.
although miles away. The clouds and darkness are " In these days of devilish deceptions to makemen
meant to hide God’s purposes from the unbelievers unconcerned and undesirous of the reign of Jehovah
and opposers. Instead of meaning that he loves the God, the politicians and the religionists chew many
16. How was this manlfested at Mount SlnsJ7
14. As to seeing Jehovah begin to rel~n and enthrone his Sou. why are 17. in) How was it atso manifested at the temple~ Solomon bultts
the rel~glonists, aud not Jehovah’s v.itne~.s~, the foolish ones? (b) Do clouds and darkness prevent God’s knowing or otherwlse~
15, Why are the clouds end darknems round about hlm? and of what 18. How are lovers of righteousness In danger of being decelved ~ and
are they a man*testauon? of what does the new song give such ones a sure promise?
15, 1945 ffJeWATCI-tTOWER. 311
words about "social justice", and they draw up and are still active up in the heavens and committing
arrange to enforce a statute for an international wickedness in high places. But as liquid fire and
court of justice. Howthey do flatter themselves that flame-throwers are used in modern warfare to dis-
they can bring in a world organization of righteous- lodge the enemy from entrenched positions and to
hess! At the same time they forget the great Judge burn him out, so Jehovah by his Warrior-King
of all and do not believe that he will put in force a Christ Jesus ordered "war in heaven" to begin. He
government that will bring in absolute justice and turned the fire of his wrath against Satan and his
righteousness. In fact, they do not want such abso- wicked angels and forced them down from their
luteness of justice to be applied to this earth, includ- heavenly position to the vicinity of our earth. (Rev.
ing themselves, lest there should be no way to justify 12: 1-12) Nowall Jehovah’s enemies are bottled up
themselves and keep on with their selfish schemes. at the earth, and the battle of Armageddoncomes
For the safe guidance of lovers of equal justice and on apace.
of more than a superficial righteousness, the new s~ There all God’s enemies, human and demonic,
song unto Jehovah says : "Righteousness and justice will feel the force of his words to his people: "Jeho-
are the foundation of his throne." (Ps. 97: 2, A.S.V.) vah thy God is a devouring fire, a jealous God."
That fact gives sure promise of a just and righteous (Deut. 4: 24, A.S.V.) The political governments of
rule over mankind. God’s incorruptible throne will men may not realize why they are being maneuvered
never justify the wicked for bribes and rewards, but irresistibly into a united assembly of nations opposed
will uphold the right and enforce the right out of pure to Jehovah’s Theocratic Government, but the Lord
love of it and in vindication of God’s righteousness. Jehovah declares they have to wait but a little longer
The effect of that will be a durable peace on earth: to learn the consequences of their course of action.
"and the work of righteousness shall be peace; and "Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LoaD,until the
the effect of righteousness [shall be] quietness and day that I rise up to the prey: for mydetermination
assurance for ever."--Isa. 32: 1, 17. is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the
,s But before such enduring peace and quietness kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even
settle downupon the earth, the throne of righteous- all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be
ness and justice has a score to settle with the dis- devoured with the fire of my jealousy." (Zeph. 3: 8)
turbers of the peace of the earth. Such ones are those Jehovah is jealous for his universal sovereignty. At
whoare opposed to the kingdomof Jehovah’s "Prince the battle of Armageddon he will settle the issue and
of Peace". They want to take to themselves the glory vindicate his right to universal sovereignty by wiping
of enforcing a man-madepeace over the globe. They out all his united organized enemies, visible and
make war upon Jehovah’s witnesses who sing the invisible, as completely as if by destruction in fire.
"new song" and who tell of the Kingdomwhich alone Over the ashes of the old world his righteous new
will bring "peace on earth to menof good will". Tile world will enter.
builders of the postwar organization assume the role FEAR-INSPIRING EXPOSURE
of peacemakers and religiously pray God that they
might be blessed as such. But the inspired prophecy ’~ By extending theeffect-producing power of his
universal sovereignty toward our earthly sphere,
is plain, that they will think they have healed the Jehovah God becomespresent at our earth. His being
world situation and they will be "saying, Peace, peace ;
bodily present here, away from his throne in the
when there is no peace". (Jer. 6: 14) Whenthey are highest heavens, is not necessary. The further evi-
crying "Peace and safety !" then sudden destruction dences that betoken his invisible presence here
shall overtake them and permit none of them nor
amidst his enemies are next narrated in the new
of the deceived ones to escape.--1 Thess. 5: 3. song: "His lightnings lightened the world: the earth
2o Hence Psalm 97:3 says concerning Jehovah on
saw, and trembled. The mountains melted like wax at
his throne of justice and righteousness : "A fire goeth the presence of Jehovah, at the presence of the Lord
before him, and burneth up his enemies round of the whole earth. The heavens declare his right-
about." This proves that he begins reigning while his eousness, and all the peoples have seen his glory."
enemies in heaven and earth are still alive and --Ps. 97 : 4-6, Am. Stan. Ver.
actively disputing the universal domination of Jeho- "" Contending for his universal sovereignty, Jeho-
vah. Conscious of his owninalienable right, Jehovah vah Godasks (and let the scientists of this so-called
sets up his Theocratic Government and puts his "atomic age" note his questions) : "Can you lift your
capital organization Zion in power under Christ voice up to the clouds, that a flood of waters maycov-
Jesus while the adversary Satan and all his demons er you? Can you send forth the lightnings that they
19. But before such peace and quietness settle down, with whom does 21. How are all ~ Sehovah’s enemies being maneuvered to feel the full
Jehovah have a score to settle, and how? force of his fire and where?
20 What does Psalm 97:3 show regarding Jehovah’s enemies? and 22 How does Jehovah become present at the earth?
toward which ones did this begin fulfllhng? 23. Howhave "his lightnlngs lightened the world"?

maygo and say to you, ’Here we are’?" (Job 38: 34, war "earth" will not worship Jehovah as Universal
35, Amer. Trans.) Literal lightnings brighten up the Sovereign, but will defy his lordship. Nevertheless,
physical earth during the darkness of storm. Jeho- Jehovah is "the Lord of the whole earth"; that is,
vah’s lightnings whichlighten the world are the flash- he is Lord of all this terrestrial globe. At the battle
ings of truth, which shoot forth from him and which of Armageddonhe will vindicate his lordship and
showup the long-held religious errors and which dis- his right to rule all the earth by melting downthe
close the wicked deeds of darkness. The old world is mountainlike backbone of the postwar organization
still with us. Demonsand menwould like to renovate of men in the fire of his jealousy against all the
it into a "better and finer world". Catholics and Prot- enemyorganization. Their loftiness will be brought
estants say they must Christianize it and make it low. The?" will not be able to hold together at the
Christ’s "kingdom. But the lightnings of Jehovah’s presence of this rightful "Lord of all the earth".
truth concerning his Theocratic Governmentand the Religion is sure to fail to be a binding tie and a
issue of universal domination flash upon this old stiffening source of strength to the nations.
world. His lightnings subject this world to exposure "Jehovah has declared that all the inhabitants of
as being Satan the Deval’s world, filled with the the earth shall yet be obliged to see his glory and to
errors of religion and completely opposed to Jeho- know that He alone is God. His prophet Habakkuk
vah’s kingdom by Christ Jesus. spoke of this "day of Jehovah", saying: "Are not
" Worldrulers, particularly the religious clergy, these things from the LORDof hosts, that peoples
would like to prevent the lightning flashes by sup- exhaust themselves for the fire, and nations wear
pressing and destroying Jehovah’s witnesses who let themselves out for nought? But the earth shall be
the light shine. But the religious clergy, backed by filled with the knowledgeof the glory of the LORD,as
the political and conunereial powers and the demons, the waters cover the sea." (Hab. 2: 13, 14, Amer.
can no more prevent this exposure by the light of Trans.) The peoples wear down their strength to
revealed and proclaimed truth than they can neutral- back up the nations in their vain effort to run the
ize the electrically charged clouds and stop the earth satisfactorily. Thus the peoples back up the
lightnings at tiLeir source. Henceas the great Theo- worn-out nations in their dispute against the right-
cratic Ruler’s Iightnings continue to crash through eousness of Jehovah in claiming the right to govern
the darkness of tiffs world, revealing it as a doomed, the earth as His own creation. But all peoples will
hopeless organization, all that Satan’s earthly organ- be forced to see the glory of Jehovah’s vindication at
ization can do is to shake with rage at Jehovah’s wit- the fiery battle of Armageddon.The very }leavens,
nesses and also to tremble in fear at the import of God’s creation, proclaim the rightness of Jehovah’~
their bold message. Refusing to conformitself to the claim and title to sovereignty over the universe,
light of God’s flashing truths, tln~ symbolic "earth" including our earth. But Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s
continues to writhe and twist as if in birth-pangs, King in the "new heavens", declares the justness of
suffering from the sorrows which began in 1914 and Jehovah’s universal domination. Here below among
which will reach their worst at her death at Arma- men, also, the faithful followers of Christ who are
geddon. IIappy are all those whosee in these light- called to a place with him in the "new heavens" are
ning flashe~ of Kingdomtruth the evidences that serving as Jehovah’s witnesses and are thus pro-
accolnpany the beginning of Jehovah’s reign, and claiming and declaring to all the nations the right-
who then walk in sueh light and turn to his kingdom eousness of Jehovah as "the Lord of tile whole
for salvation. earth". Whereas the peoples on earth refuse to
~ Men’s postwar organization and reconstruction receive the testimony of the "heavens", Armageddon’s
efforts will not be able to cover up this old world and stern realities will makethem see Jehovah’s glory.
make it appear to be God’s promised new world. It
stands exposed as the wicked world of God’s archfoe SHAME TO THE IMAGE-WORSHIPERS
Satan and as beyond converting or stabilizing. Noth- ~’ Therefore no personal question should strike us
ing can give the postwar international structure harder now than this: Whomshall I serve and wor-
pertrmt~ent stability. The "Big Five" of the United ship? Merely assuming pious-looking poses, singing
Nations Organization by virtue of their territorial, hymns, and reciting printed prayer-forms in a reli-
political, financial, and military greatness and power gious building is not the worship of God. To worship
may rear themselves up like huge mountains in an Godmeans to serve him, to obey him and to work in
unl;roken chain to provide an unbreakable backbone the interests of his nameand sovereignty. There will
for the postwar "earth"; but their strength of stabil- be no everlasting life for any creatures except for
nt.v will be that of waxbefore a blazing fire. Thepost-
26 How do the "heavens’ declare Jehovah’s righteousness and all the
24 At -ueh hghtnitm~, what has "the earth" dotle? peoples see Ilts glory, as foretold at ~
Psalm 97 6
25 llo~ ~lll the "’mountaln~" melt at the presence of the "Lord of 27. What does it mean to worship God? and what are the images that
the u hole ettrth"? men worship?
Oc’roBEn15, 1945 ~ieWATCHTOWER. 313

those who worship Him in spirit and in truth. The Jesus, to the throne in 1914, preparatory to the begin-
rank and file of religious "Christendom"as weI1 as of ning of the NewWorld of righteousness. Quoting the
"heathendom’" are worshiping images, the creations words above, the apostle Paul says, at Hebrews1 : 6 :
of men’s bands. These images are not confined to "And whenhe again bringeth in the firstborn into the
Catholic religious edifices and heathen temples and world he saith, Andlet all the a~gels of Godworship
shrines. The images that are idolized include also the him." (A.S.V.) "But of the time when he is to bring
systems, the organizations, and the leagues that men his firstborn Son back to the world he says, ’And let
build up of a political, commercial,social, and reli- all God’s angels bow before him."--Amer. Trans.
gious kind. Such things stand as symbols of concen- 8o WhenGod’s only begotten, firstborn Son was
trated power, rulerships, looney-making agencies, made a man on earth, Jehovah God saw good to
and organized clergy and eeclesiasticism. "makehim but little less than messengersdivine", or
~8 The various religious denominations, sects, and less than godly angels, elohim. (Ps. 8: 5, Roth. Pss.)
cults, by which men go through different forms of Now,at Christ’s comingto reign as king in Jehovah’s
worshiping according to creeds, are man-made capital organization Zion, to bring in a righteous new
images. To the peoples such religious organizations world, Jehovah makeshim infinitely higher than the
stand for Godand his means of salvation. Likewise. godly angels or messengers and accordingly com-
the postwar international organization for peace and nmndsthem to worship him. This does not mean that
security, to whichpoliticians, cler~.nnen and peoples Christ Jesus is Jehovah, a "Jehovah-Christ", as
ascribe the powers which belong only to Jehovah certain religionists say; but it simply fulfills what
God, is an "image". It is death-dealing foolishness Jesus said on earth: "The Father judgeth no man,
now to follow the popular trend toward worshiping but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: that
these symbolic images. They are nothings when it all men should honour the Son, even as they honour
comes to bringing eternal salvation and a better the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth
world and lasting peace. Their worshipers are not the Father which hath sent him." (John 5: 22, 23)
doomed to ultimate disappointment, shame, and Since Jehovah God now reigns as King by means of
bitter chagrin. Their boastings about the things they his capital organization Zion, then whosoever wouht
idolize will die out. The Wordof the true and living worship Him must also worship and bow down to
God, who does not seek worship by means of any Jehovah’s Chief One in that capital organization,
images whatsoever, says: "Let all them be put to namely, Christ Jesus, his Co-regent on the throne of
shame that serve graven inmges, that boast them- The Theocracy. The holy angels gladly obeyed the
selves of idols : worshiphim, all ye gods." ( Ps. 97 : 7, divine commandand they proved their worship of
Am. Stan. Ver.) Or, according to another version: Jehovah’s new King and their subjection to him by
"Put to shame are all they who were serving an joining in his "war in heaven" against Satan and his
image, who were boasting themselves in nothings: wicked angels. Thereafter, when Christ Jesus came
all messengers divine, bow ye down to him." (Both. to the temple of God in 1918, to begin judgment at
Pss.) By our answer to the question. Whom shall we the house of God, many of such angels came along
serve and worship? we must now determine whether as his loyal, obedient servants. (Rev. 12 : 7-12 ; Matt.
we shall harvest eventual shame for ourselves with 25: 31; Isa. 6: 1-8; Matt. 24: 31, 32) At Armageddon
failure to gain salvation, or shall reap everlasting they will fight under him to the utter destrucuon of
life in a batisfying relationship with the true God. Satan’s entire organization.
~’ Now that Jehovah God has put his capital
organization in power, even the angels of heaven are VISIBLE THEOCRATIC ORGANIZATION
faced with the need to decide as to whomthey will " Satan’s visible organization, the present symbolic.
worship. Those mighty angels who would abide earth, now suffers the pains of the ending of this
within Jehovah’s universal organization nmst suhject present evil world and also feels plagued by the
themselves to His capital orgamzatmnunder Christ declaration of God’s judgments against this world.
Jesus and must obey Jehovah’s commandment: To her this is the worst of times. Satan the Devil has
"Worship him, all ye gods." Or: "All messengers come down, having great wrath because of being
divine, bowye" downto him." The apostle Paul quotes ousted from heaven and also because of knowing he
from this verse (Ps. 97:7) according to the Greek has but a short time until the showdownfight at
Septuagint Version (LXX) and shows that this com- Armageddon; and so he brings great woes upon his
mand applies to the angels or heavenl.v messengers. earthly organization, to regiment everybody to his
He also shows that this comnmndapplies to the time side of the controversy. But to those who have
when Jehovah brings his only begotten Son, Christ turned their backs upon the idolatrous images of thc
2~ Why Iq It death-deahng fooliahne’~s now ~a war*hir~ ’~ueh Irna~e$~ 30 ~ hy do such "god~" obey ~ such command~ and how
29 To ~hom does the command apply. "’Worship him, all ye gods"? and 31 On earth, to ~hom Is it the wo~t of times? and to whom Is It
’.,, the beat of times?
N. Y.
day and taken their stand for Jehovah’s Theocratic Hence they represented the local companies on earth
Governmentit is the very best of times. Their joy of the remnantof Christ’s joint-heirs.
and exultation is described next in the new song: "As in the case of the typical "daughters of
"Zion heard and was glad; and the daughters Judah", which had many a "stranger that is within
of Judah rejoiced because of thy judgments, O thy gates", so these companies of the anointed rem-
LORD."(Ps. 97:8) About three thousand years ago, nant have now manyantitypical "strangers" or con-
whenJehovah’s holy ark of the covenant was brought secrated persons of good-will within their gates.
up to its tent on Mount Zion at Jerusalem, the one These too rejoiced with Zion and with the "daughters
on earth who rejoiced the most greatly was David of Judah" on hearing that Jehovah’s reign as Uni-
himself, the ldng on Mount Zion. According to the versal Sovereign had begun toward the earth. They
record of that occasion, "David danced before the rejoiced on learning of His judgment which brought
LORDwith all his might; and David was girded with the Gentile times to their end in 1914; and also of
a linen ephod .... leaping and dancing before the his judgment which was executed since then in oust-
LonD." (2 Sam. 6: 14-16) And then King David gave ing Satan and all his demon hosts from heaven.
to his chief musician a newly composed psalm, a Zion, and the "daughters of Judah", and all these
"new song", to be sung with accompaniment to Jeho- "strangers" rejoiced exceedingly because His right-
vah, Zion’s true King. (1 Chron. 16: 7) V~rhat was eous judgment has begun at the house of God since
true of that typical Zion then finds its true counter- his King came to the temple in 1918; and because
part now. How? Jehovah’s righteous judgments have cleared out the
s~ Whenthe Gentile times ended and the thrilling religious doctrines and practitioners from amonghis
announcement went forth through the heavens, visible organization on earth. They rejoice that his
"Jehovah hath becomeking," the one to rejoice most righteous judgments have delivered his organized
was Zion’s Chief Corner Stone, Christ Jesus. He people from under the political-religious rod of the
rejoiced that Jehovah’s Theocracy had now come, worldly powers and made them bold and free to
and with it the time for the vindication of Jehovah’s serve the great Theocrat, Jehovah. Year in and year
name and sovereignty. He rejoiced to be brought out since 1919 they have followed his judgments or
forth by Jehovah to be the royal Consort of Jehovah righteous decisions to bring his visible organization
in The Theocracy, and the Chief One in the newly more and more in line with the Theocratic rule, that
established capital organization Zion. "The king it might be ruled from Jehovah God on top down-
shall joy in thy strength, O Jehovah; and in thy ward through Christ Jesus, and not from the congre-
salvhtion how greatly shall he rejoice! . . . Thou gations of the visible organization upward.
settest a crownof fine gold on his }lead." (Ps. 21: 1-3, s~ So with joy last year, October 2, 1944, Jehovah’s
Am. Stun. Vet.) "Therefore God, thy God, hath consecrated witnesses assembled in business meeting
anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy at Pittsburgh, Pa., i~ compliancewith the old charter
fellows." (Ps. 45: 7) WhenZion’s Royal Chief came of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. About
to the temple in 1918 and raised to life those follow- 500 shareholders of the Society were personally
ers of his that had been faithful unto death, he made present there, besides manyother shareholders being
them joint-heirs with lnm in the capital organiza- present by proxy; and, amid applause from others
tion; and thus Zion rejoined still more. of Jehovah’s witnesses as spectators, they passed
" Shortly, by God’s Word and by the fulfilling with practical unanimity six resolutions proposing
Bible prophecies, the glorious news of Jehovah’s Theocratic changes in the Society’s charter. These
Theocracy begun broke through to the children of proposed amendments to the charter put Jehovah’s
Zion on earth, those who were faithful followers of namein it and took the membershipprivilege in the
Christ Jesus and who were called to be his joint- Society off a moneybasis. They brought the charter
heirs in Zion. Great was their rejoicing and exulta- and the operation of the Society as far in line with
tion, particularly since A.D. 1918, to learn that Jeho- Theocratic rule as is now possible by Pennsylvania
vah has become King and that his Theocratic Gov- State law. By the grace of the great Theocrat, these
ernnlent has begun. They rejoiced like the "daughters Charter amendments were decreed by special court
of Judah", that is to say, like the cities of the tribe to be approved and due to be recorded as part of the
of Judah which acknowledged Zion or Jerusalem as Society’s orignnal charter. Twelve days later they
their capital city and as the city of the Supreme were recorded and thus became legal Charter provi-
King, Jehovah God. These "daughters of Judah" sions, on February 27, 1945. In harmony with this
were all of the royal tribe, from whomthe "Lion of amendedcharter, the first annual business meeting
the tribe of Juda" was taken. (Matt. 5: 35; Rev. 5: 5) 34. Whoon earth have rejoiced with these "daughters of Judah"? and
because of what Judgments?
32. How was it that "Zlon heard and was glad"~ 35. At what recent change~ and developments concerning the Watch
33. How was it that "the daughters of Judah rejoiced"? Tower Bible and Tract Society do they rejoice? and v.hy?
15, 1945 $SeWATCHTOWER. 315

thereunder was held in Pittsburgh on Monday, people did not love 5ehovah, seeing how he has pre-
October 1, 1945. Thus this legal servant-body of served their souls or lives down to this date and
Jehovah’s witnesses movedforward in action in true promises to do so clear through the catastrophe of
Theocratic order. At this all the children of Zion and Armageddon. He has preserved them by delivering
all their good-will companionsrejoice exceedingly. them from the religious-political enemies in 1919,
It is to them another noteworthy proof that "Jeho- but, more recently, by delivering them from the rabid
vah hath become king" and that The Theocracy and violent hordes of totalitarian Fascism, Vatican-
rules, with righteous judgments! ism, and Nazism, which burst forth like a flood in
,s At all the multiplied proofs of Jehovah’s Theo- 1939 and menaced the existence of Jehovah’s wit-
cratic Government in action toward this earthly nesses. As long as these continue to love him, and
sphere, Jehovah’s rejoicing witnesses say, in the prove it by keeping his commandmentsrather than
psalmist’s words : "For thou, Jehovah, art most high man’s commandments,he will continue to be their
above all the earth: thou art exalted far above all never-failing Preserver, their victorious Deliverer
gods." Ah, yes, "thou, Jehovah, art Most High over from the power of the wicked.
all the earth, greatly hast thou exalted thyself above ’° So the outlook for Jehovah’s lovers is a bright
all messengers divine [elohim, angels]."--Ps. 97:9, and glad one. As surely as they try with upright
Am. Stan. Vet. and Roth. Pss. hearts to conform to the righteous standards of his
Theocratic kingdom, he will strew light and gladness
all along their pathway. They will walk in the path
~’ Do we discern that Jehovah’s everlasting reign of light and gladness. Such things he has sown for
has definitely begun? and do we love Him and His them, and such must spring forth to fruitage all
kingdom?Then there is but one course of action for along their course of faithfulness. That signifies not
us now and during all the" postwar period of inter- merely that light will flash forth upon the pages of
national global rule. That course of righteousness is His Word, together with the gladness that such
marked out in the new song thus: "0 ye that love brings. It means also that he will give the light of
Jehovah, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his deliverance from the enemy’s power, together with
saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the the gladness that such deliverance brings. "Unto the
wicked. Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness upright there ariseth light in the darkness." (Ps.
for the upright in heart. Be glad in Jehovah, ye 112: 4) Hence we may say: "Rejoice not against me,
righteous; and give thanks to his holy memorial O mine enemy: whenI fall [into your power], I shall
name."--Ps. 97 : 10-12, Am. Stun. Ver. arise; whenI sit in darkness, Jehovah will be a light
" Those wholove Jehovah, who is God, cannot love unto me .... he will bring me forth to the light, and
what he hates. If they loved this world and the polit- I shall behold his righteousness [his vindication]."
ical, commercial, religious things in it, the love of (Mic. 7:8, 9, Am. Stun. Vet.) Therefore, at Arma-
Jehovah the Father could not be in them. (1 John geddon, the brilliant light of everlasting deliverance
2: 15, 16) No matter howrighteous and religious the and gladness will crown all of Jehovah’s lovers.
appearance that the worldly-wise postwar builders
try to give the world, it will not entice God’slovers to ’: To be on the side of righteousness, we must find
turn their affections awayfrom him to it. Instead of our gladness in Jehovah. Wemust rejoice in serving
being the political expression of God’s will, they know his Theocracy under Zion’s King Christ Jesus. Noth-
that the postwar international organization which ar- ing could, of itself, bring greater gladness and rejoic-
rogates to itself the holy place of God’s Theocracy ing than the fact that Jehovah has begun to reign
over earth is an abomination of desolation ; and they and that his Theocratic Governmentwill vindicate
cannot love the evil thing any more than God does. his name by fighting out to a righteous victory the
Theycall uponall persons of good-will to flee from it issue of universal domination. Oh, then, maywe keep
to Jehovah’s kingdom by Christ Jesus.--Matt. on giving thanks to his "holy memorial", his name
24: 15-20. Jehovah, by continuing to praise his name! So doing,
~s It would be very ungrateful if his consecrated we shall have a joyous part in singing the "new
36. In the psalmisI’s’words what do they say at such proofs of Theocracy?
song" unto Jehovah.
37. Z8. What must lovers of Jehovah hate? and what may they not
love us to the postwar period? 40. How has light bee- sown for the rlgbteous~ and how Is it resped~
39 How has Jehovah preserved the soul of his saints? and delivered 41. How do the upright reap gladness? and give thanks at the "remem-
them from the wicked’s handl brance of his holinemt"?

How excellent is thy lov:ngklndness, 0 God! therefore the children

of men put the;r trust under the shadow ofthy w,nge. They shall
be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house; and thou
ehalt make them drink of the river of thy pleasures. For with
thee ~ the founta,n of life: in thy hght shall we see light.
--Psalm 36 : 7-9.

A DAM, the perfect man, had no written law in the

garden of Eden. If every creature were perfect and
obedient to Jehovah God there would be no need for
out the way to everlasting life. No creature will ever be
given life everlasting who willfully, that is, intentionally,
violates God’s law. If man chooses another for his god, Jeho-
a written law prescribing what is right and commanding vah will not grant to that man life. For a man to violate
the people to refrain from what is wrong. Perfect creatures the fundamental law of God means that that man puts him-
are moved by unselfishness to do that which is right. The serf on the side of the Devil, who first violated God’s law
human race was imperfect only from the time of the and who therefore leads the man to destruction. For the
expulsion of Adam and his wife from Eden. benefit of man, then, God provided in his law that man
Some 2,500 years after Adam’s violation of God’s spoken should have no other god before Him, because God alone is
law, and by whieh time the Israelites were delivered from the source of life.
slavery in Egypt, humankind was much depraved because Within a short time after the giving of the law to Israel,
of its fall into sm and the continued influence exercised and while Moses was away in the mountain, the Israelites
upon mankind by Satan the Devil. Laws are therefore violated the Ten Commandments. They made a golden calf
necessary for imperfect men to have as a sure guide, that as an image for worship. In punishment for their sin God
they may go the right way. The laws are made and written caused 3,000 of the Israelites to be killed in one day. He’did
for just such; as the apostle Paul says: "Knowingthis, that so by plaguing the people, beeause they made the golden
the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless calf. (Ex. 32:28-35) Such worshiping by the Israelites
and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for un- before the golden calf was the practice of religion, and they
holy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers were therefore yielding to the influenee of the Devil. For
of mothers, for manslayers, for whoremongers, for them God to permit the people, whomhe had set aside for him-
that defile themselves with mankind [sodomites], for men- self, to indulge in religion would, to be sure, mean that he
stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any would permit them to align themselves with his enemy the
other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine." (1 Tim. Devil; for religion is of the Devil. The making of an image
1:9, 10) Paul was there speaking about the law given in of anything in heaven, such as an image of the Lord hlmself,
writing to the Israelites at the hand of the prophet Moses. and the bowing down or worshiping before that image, is
Love, which is the perfect expression of unselfishness, is a violation of God’s fundamental law. To safeguard men
the complete fulfillment of the law, therefore making the from the Devil they are commanded to worship the Lord
enforcement of such law unnecessary. (Rom. 13: 10) The God and refrain from worshiping before images. The use
very essence of the law is written in the heart of every of any kind of image in connection with worshiping the
creature that is in full harmony with God and delights to Lord is a sin, because it violates the principle stated in the
do his will. At the time the Israelites under Moses were Seeond Commandment.
assembled at Mount Sinai in the third month after leaving God gave his law to the Israelites, therefore, to safeguard
l~gypt, the Devil had almost all the people on earth in his them from the influence and power of the Devil, who, by
service; and therefore all were in the way of destruction. operating ehiefly through religion, endeavors to turn all
The Israelites God would now safeguard from that destruc- people away from Almighty God. About four hundred and
tive influence. The law which he gave to them was not for thirty ),ears prior to this Jehovah God gave his word of
God’s benefit, of course, but entirely for the benefit of man. promise to Abraham,the forefather of the Israelites, stating
If a man walks with the Devil he is certain to die; but if that He would raise up a seed to Abraham and that in that
he maintains his integrity toward God he will live. There- seed the opportunity for blessings should come to all the
fore God gave his law through Moses to the Israelites, and peoples of the earth. (Gal. 3: 8-17) Abraham typi.fied
it applied to all who wanted to do right, whether Israelites pictured God himself; and Abraham’s son or natural seed,
or strangers sojourning among them. Isaae, pictured Christ Jesus, God’s beloved Son. NowGod’s
The first in order and the first in importance of His law to the Israelites looked for~vard to the coming of that
commandments of that fundamental law is this: "And God promised Seed, Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of mankind.
spake all these words, saying, I am Jehovah thy God, who Hence he gave the law because of sin, to safeguard his
brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of chosen people of Israel that they might be in a proper condi-
bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me." The tion to receive his promised Seed Christ Jesus when he
second commandment m order is: "Thou shalt not make did eome.
unto thee a graven image, nor any likeness of any thing The situation was this: Adamhad sinned, and, by inherit-
that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or ance from him, all mankind came under the effect of that
that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow sin and condemnation. In due time all men must perish by
down thyself unto them, nor serve them; for I Jehovah thy reason thereof, unless they be saved by and through God’s
God-am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers provision for them. "By one man sin enlered into the world,
upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for
generation of them that hate me, and showing lovingkind- that all have sinned: therefore as by the offence of one
ness unto thousands of them that love me and keep my judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by
eommandments."--Ex. 20 : 1-6, An~. Stan. Per. the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men
The law of God never changes, because God never changes. unto justification of life." (Rom. 5 : 12, 18) "For the wages
(Mal. 3:6) The lifting of a law in his due time is never of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through
contrary to righteousness. (Eph, 2: 14-16) His law points Jesus Christ our Lord."--Rom. 6 : 23.
15, 1945 97ieWATCHTOWER. 317

Jehovah Godis the Giver of life, and his provision is to and that was all around them from the very time they began
give life through his beloved Son, Christ Jesus. God’s gift their journey? The answer clearly shown by all their
of life is to those whohave and exercise faith in God and experiences, as recorded for us in the Scriptures, is this:
in Christ Jesus, the promised Seed, and who therefore Religion and formalism, invented by Satan the Devil, and
faithfully resist the Devil. Godhad selected the Israelites which humankind were induced to practice to turn them
from amongall the peoples of earth and would now give away from the Almighty God. Religion has ever been the
them an opportunity to maintain their integrity toward him Devil’s chief instrument by which he has beguiled the
by showing their faith in him and their obedience to his people and blinded them to the truth. For Israel religion
law. In order to safeguard them he put his law about them was a besetting sin, and it has been the besetting sin for
as a hedge or fence to keep them from serving the Devil. those whohave professed to follow Christ’s footsteps.
With the coming of Christ Jesus as the Seed those who had Manyyears after that journey of Israel in the wilderness
then maintained their integrity toward God by obeying his began the apostle Paul,.himself of Hebrewstock, wrote the
law to the best of their ability, and who possessed and epistle to the Hebrews, and therein he lists a number of
exercised faith in Christ Jesus, wouldbe in line to be saved faithful men, from Abel to John the Baptist, who had
and to receive the gift of life. Thus conecrning God’s law maintained their integrity unto God. Therein he showsthat
to Israel it is written: "It was added [to the Abrahamic it was their staying clear of religion and their never swerv-
covenant] because of transgressions [to which the Israelites ing from devotion and faithfulness to the commandments of
were prone], till the seed should come to whomthe promise Almighty God that had gained for them God’s approval.
was made; . . . Wherefore the taw was our schoolmaster Then, as an admonition to all those whohave agreed to do
to bring us [God’s law-instructed people] unto Christ, that God’swill and to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, he writes
we might be justified by faith." (Gal. 3: 19, 24) Lawkeep- that they should have in mind those faithful witnesses who
ing wouldhelp them to Christ, but not so transgression, for went before them and that the)" should follow a similar
transgression of God’s law is sin. "Whosoevercommitteth course. "Whereforeseeing we also are compassedabout with
sin transgrcsseth also the law: for sin is the transgression so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside ever?- weight,
of the law." (1 John 3: 4) Fromall such testimony it there- and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run
fore appears that God commandedthe Israelites to serve with patience the race that is set before us."~Heb. 12: 1.
him as the only Godand that it was solely for their benefit, Man’s besetting sin, from the time of Eden till now, has
that they might be safeguarded from the religious assaults been and is tack of faith, or religion. It has been the means
of Satan the Devil. by which Satan has deceived man, and he has kept it around
The Israelites were about to begin a forty years’ journey man and turned him away from God. It was the instrument
through the wilderness land, Canaan-bound. They ~ould that the Devil used to cause the Israelites to fall awayfrom
eventually come in contact wlth other nations and peoples God. It is so easy to fall under the seductive influence of
practicing religion or demonism.From such religion the)’ religion and thereby lose faith in God’s Wordand thereby
must be safeguarded, and the)" must remain faithful and violate God’s law; and the Devil has seen to it that rehgmn
true to the Almighty God and thereby hold fast their has ever been kept before man to cause him to fall.
integrity toward him. All whothus did would be permitted The making of images, beads, crosses, and other things
to enter the land of promise, and the violators of that law of that kind, and the using of them in what is supposed to
would die and not be permitted in the land of promise. The be worship of God, is a direct violation of God’s law and
Israelites, under Jehovah’s direction, wouldthereafter be showsthat those whothus practice are unwittingly falling
making living pictures of God’s purpose toward all who to the Devil. The saluting of emblemsor menor other hke
wouldfaithfully serve him. Itence the experiences through objects, or bowingdownto them, is an attributing of pro-
which Israel passed foreshadowed greater things to come tection and salvation to creatures or things, and that is a
at the end of the world, where we are at present. Moses religious formalism and m in open violation of God’s law
then led the Israelites on that long journey, during which No creature can divide his affections or devotion between
time he wrote the five booksof the Bible, which Goddictated God and anything. Jehovah God is the creature’s only
to him, that is, the books from Genesis to Deuteronomy protector and is the Life-giver, and he is therefore a
reclusive. Thereafter in the course of Israel’s history other "jealous God", or a Godzealous for righteousness. Ite wall
inspired servants of Godwrote downthe things that came not permit his nameor his Wordto be sullied by any part
to pass upon the Israelites and which God caused them to of the Devil’s operations or schemes, and therefore he will
write, not just as historical facts, but to record shadowsof not give life to those who indulge in things invented and
far greater things to cometo pass thereafter.--1 Cor. 10 : 11 ; used by the Devil to defame Jehovah’s name. The law of
Heb.10 : 1. Godwhich provides that menshall have no other god before
Visualize now that army of more than 600,000 men, from him and shall make no image of anything in heaven or in
twenty years of age upward, besides womenand children, earth and bowdownto it is solely for the purpose of safe-
marching through the desert on their way to the land of guarding men from the Devil’s wickedness, "the sin which
promise, taking with them their food and their animals, a doth so easily beset" all creatures.
people which God had separated from other peoples of In reference to the apostle’s words, "Let us lay aside
earth. They were marching in obedience to God’s command- every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us," as
ment. How many of those men would maintain their addressed to God’s covenant people, it is clearly seen that
integrity toward Godand reach the land of promise ? What no person can faithfully and truly serve Godand let any-
was the great sin that was certain to beset them so easily, thing divide his affections between God and any creature
or creation; that he cannot practice religion, and at the this specific commandment:"Turn ye not unto idols, nor
sametime serve Godfaithfully; that he must lay aside these make to yourselves molten gods: I am the LORD your God."
weights, and do as the apostle Paul did and said: "This one "Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither
thing I do"; and that is, to follow in the footsteps of Jesus rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up an)"
and obey God’s commandments.(Phil. 3: 13) Religion image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I
plainly in opposition to the commandmentsof Almighty am the LORDyour God." "And I will destroy your high
God. places [if ye build them], and cut clown your images, and
God’s law is plain ; and stubbornness on the part of any- east your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my
one toward obeying that law is idolatry. (1 Sam. 15: 23) soul shall abhor you." (Lev. 19 : 4; 26 : 1, 30) "All the gods
Every religious practice under the sun means that the of the people are idols."--1 Chron. 16:26.
practitioners are indulging in idolatry. The use of images Jehovah God’s law to the Christians, as stated to them
in worshiping is idolatry; and all idolatry is abominablein through His apostles, is: "Wherefore, my dearly beloved,
the sight of God. As Godpermitted Job to be subjected to flee from idolatry." (1 Cor. 10: 14) "Little children, keep
great trials, so he permitted the Devil to temptthe Israelites, yourselves from idols." (1 John 5:21) Religion, therefore,
and to tempt Christians since, that they might prove their is clearly exposed as one of man’s great enemies, which the
choice between Godand the Devil. Knowingthat the Israel- chief enemy,Satan the Devil, has invented to lead meninto
ites back there would comein contact with those whoprac- destruction. The choice is therefore left to us of either
ticed the various forms of religion, Godtherefore gave them religion or God’s law.


HRISTJESUSleveled scathing words at the religion-
C ists when he was on earth, saying: "Woeunto you,
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto
despite her protests. Then his love turned to hate, and he
bade the hapless girl be gone. WhenAbsalomheard of the
vileness of Amnon,he was filled with a cold and implacable
whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, hatred for his half-brother. He did not flare up, but spoke
but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all unclean- neither good nor bad to Amnon. He bided his time. He
ness." (Matt. 23:27) The scribes and Pharisees loved struck two full years later. At a sheep-shearing entertain-
appear sweet and pious before the people, but their appear- ment, when Amnonwas under the influence of wine, the
ances were deceiving. They furthered the deception and previously instructed servants of Absalomsmote the vio-
’served their o~-a belly by good words and fair speeches lator of Tamar.--2 Sam. 13 : 1-29.
to deceive the hearts of the simple’. (Rom.16 : 18) Actually, Absalomfled to the place of his grandfather, in Geshur.
those pious frauds were against true piety and rebelled There he remained for three years. It seems that David had
against having "the son of David" reign over them. The a particularly strong parental love for this third son, and
hypocritical clergy of today and their allies occupya similar during this time of separation longed exceedingly to go to
position. The course of such compareswith that of Absalom, Absalom. Joab, David’s nephew and army general, sensed
wholived during the eleventh century before Christ. this, and by means of an artifice prevailed upon David to
Of him it is written: "In all Israel there was none to be recall the outcast. "Andthe king said, Let him turn to his
so muchpraised as Absalomfor his beauty: from the sole own house, and let him not see my face. So Absalom
of his foot even to the crown of his head there was no returned to his own house, and saw not the king’s face."
blemish in him." (2 Sam14.25) But so far as the case Twoyears thus pass, then: ’%Vherefore am I come from
Absalomis concerned, the well-worn sa3ing certainly holds Geshur~it had been good for me to have been there still:
true, namely, "Beauty is but skin-deep." Apparently the nowtherefore let mesee the king’s face ; and if there be any
praise and attention drawn by his comeliness went to his iniquity in me, let him kill me." These words from Absalom
head, and Absalom’s growing self-esteem and self-adm,ra- to Joab, whowas to convey the messageto the king. A full
tion led him to think more highly of himself than he ought. reconciliation followed.--2Sam.14 : 24, 28, 32, 33; 13 : 37, 38.
(Rom. 12: 3) Lucifer made the same fatal error: "Thine It was Jehovah God who elevated David to kingship in
heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast Israel, and it was Jehovah’s decree that David should be
corrupted thy wisdomby reason of thy brightness." (Ezek. succeeded in the throne by Solomon. (1 Sam. 16: 12, 13;
28 : 17) Both Lucifer and Absalomended up as rebels. 1 Chron. 22: 8, 9) But vain Absalomwas not content with
Absalom was the third son of David, and the only son this Theocratic purpose. He wanted to be ruled neither by
born to him by Maacah, the daughter of Talmai, king of David nor by that son of David. He aspired to rule. And
Geshur. (2 Sam. 3:3) By this Geshurite princess it seems he followed out a subtle schemeto that end, too. Note the
that David also had a beautiful daughter, named Tamar. sly tactics used: "Absalomrose up early, and stood beside
She is involved in the first incident related concerning the way of the gate: and it was so, that whenany manthat
Absalom. Her rare beauty had so captivated the heart of had a controversy came to the king for judgment, then
her half-brother Arnnon that he was literally pining away Absalomcared unto him, and said, Of what city art thou ?
for her. Not wishing to ask King David for her, yet un- Andhe said, Thy servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.
willing to deny himself, by subtlety he maneuveredthings AndAbsalomsaid unto him, See, thy matters are good and
so that he was alone with her and proceeded to force her, right; but there is no mandeputed of the king to hear thee.
R. 319
Absalomsaid moreover, Oh that I were made judge in the Absalom crossed over Jordan after King David. David
land, that every man which hath any suit or cause might reviewed his armies, organized them, set the commands over
come unto me, and I would do him justice! And it was so, hundreds and thousands, and divided the whole into three
timt when any man came nigh to him to do him obeisance, big divisions. In charge of these large bodies he placed Joab,
he put forth his hand, and took him, and kissed him. And Abishai and Ittai, and instructed: "Deal gently for mysake
on this manner did Absalomto all Israel that cameto the with the young man, even with Absalom." Shortly there-
king for judgment: so Absalomstole the hearts of the men after the battle began: "Then the people took the field
of Israel."--2 Sam.15 : 2-6. against Israel; and the battle was in the forest of Ephraim.
Thus did Absalomsow discord amongthe Israelite breth- The people of Israel were defeated there by the servants of
ren. He encouraged pettiness and peevishness, sowed the David; and the slaughter on that day was great--twenty
seeds of suspicion and discontent, and cultivated grudges. thousand men. Also the battle was there spread out over
He threw reflections upon the justice of David’s administra- the whole landscape; and the forest devoured more people
tion, and cast himself in the role of a righter of wrongs. that day than the sword." (2 Sam. 18: 6-8, Amer. Trans.)
In short, he criticized and patiently picked awayat God’s From this it is clear that the terrain was not favor-
faithful servant David, and by sly contrast elevated himself able for any disengaging maneuvers. It was rugged and
in the minds of manyIsraelites. The groundworkthus laid, heavily wooded country, and certainly not conducive to
the traitorous son launched the second phase of the uprising. flight. Thoughthe Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic renderings
Absalom asked permission of the king to go to Hebron, state that the fleeing ones were devouredby the wild beasts
ostensibly to pay a vow to the Lord. This was but a ruse. of the woods, it is more generally supposed that the heavy
It was a political mission to bring to fruit the conspiracy. forest growth so impededthe flight of the routed forces of
The Authorized Version says that all this "came to pass Absalomthat they fell easy prey to David’s men.
after forty years". The marginal reading says, "Porty years At least, the latter view fits the case of the youngman
from David’s anointing, as recorded in 1 Sam. 16:1. Or, Absalom. "Absalom rode upon a mule, and the mule went
four years from Absalom’s return [to Jerusalem from under the thick boughsof a great oak, and his head caught
Geshur]." Manyscholars believe this text corrupted, that hold of the oak, and he was taken up between the heaven
tim "forty" should be "four", as it is in the Syriac and and the earth; and the mule that was under him went
Arabic versions and in Josephus’ writings. Somemodern away." Doubtless that luxuriant crop of hair that so
translations render it "four" (Mo1~alt; Amer. Trans.). befittingly crowned the beautiful Absalomplayed a very
--2 Sam. 15:7-12. active part in entangling him in the lower boughs of the
At any rate, the conspiracy mushroomedat Hebron and oak. (2 Sam. 14: 26; 18: 9) The end was not far off. Joab
finally broke over the land of Israel in its third phase, the heard of Absalom’splight and hastened to the scene. "IIe
military push. So strong were the rebel forces that King took three darts in his hand, and thrust them through the
David was required to evacuate his capital city and flee heart of Absalom, while he was yet alive in the mldst of
beyond Jordan, there to collect and organize his surprised the oak. And ten young men that bare Joab’s armour com-
hosts. (It was at this time, also, that David composedthe passed about and smote Absalom, and stew him." (2 Sam
third Psalm.) "And Absalom, and all the people the men 18: 14, 15) His ignominious death was capped by his body’s
of Israel, came to Jerusalem." (2 Sam. 16:15) Neverthe- being tossed into a pit and stones heaped up as a marker.
less, the kingdom-usurperdid not feel overconfident in his He was survived by none of his three sons.--2 Sam. 14 : 27,
early success. He took counsel with Ahlthophel, who was 18 : 17, 18.
previously associated with David in a confidential relation- There are those today who claim to be in line for the
ship. He advised Absalomto go in unto David’s concubines, heavenly throne with Christ Jesus, but who will get no
as this would assure Israel that the break between father farther than did Absalom. They think only of themselves
and son was final and that there wouldbe no reconciliation. their ambitions, their appearance and supposed piety. By
Furthermore, it seems that such actions in themselves were their outward show and religious formalisms they impress
considered as nearly equal to taking the kingdom. (2 Sam. some as beautiful, and they further exalt themselves by
I6:20-22; 1 Ki. 2:22) Ahithophel also counseled that discrediting Jehovah’s faithful witnesses. They even go so
Absalompress his advantage in the field of battle without far as to turn others aside with them in their rejcctmn of
delay, but Hushai gave counsel to the contrary He advised the rule of the Greater David, Christ Jesus. The supcrficml
waiting, and gathering an army of overwhelmingstrength. "beauty" of such is vain. (Proverbs 31 : 30) Neither do they
His counsel was intended to mislead, and gain time for nor did their forerunner Absalompossess the deep-rooted
David. Jehovah saw to it that Hushai’s counsel was beauty of full devotion that characterizes Jehovah’s serv-
foltowed.--2 Sam. 17:1-14. ants. David praised this beauty, saying : "Worshipthe LORD
With Amas~installed as captain of the rebel hosts, in the beauty of holiness."--Pss. 29:2; 110: 3; Isa. 52:7.

Seek ye Jehovah while he may be found; call ye upon him whs’le

he ~s near: let the wicked forsake ht~ way, and the unr:ghteous
man h~s thoughts; and let h:m return unto Jehovah, and he will
have mercy upon h,m; and to our God, for he unT| abundan$1y
pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your
ways my ways, sa,th Jehovah. For as the heaven~ are higher than
the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my |houghte
than your thoughts.--Isaiah 55: 6-9, A.S.V.
SANDWICHED LN BETWEEN BUSINESS(SCOTLAND} as the phonographgave them the interesting message. Many
"As a buyer with a large firm, last Thursday I decided of them recognized the literature, and with beamingfaces
to go and buy in a district where we had a book study exclaimed delightedly: ’Oh, Jehovah’s witnesses !’ (Imagine
running. I called in at this house in the course of the morn- our joy in being received so heartily and enthusiastically !)
ing. The daughter was homeon leave from the Forces. As Manyof them knew the location of the Society’s Branch
she attends the Catholic church I started to explain about office in Kingston and they said ’muchpublic work’ is being
the Catholic doctrines. After nearly an hour, the girl done there by transcriptions, etc. One said his uncle and
admitted that the teachings did not harmonize with" the aunt were Jehovah’s witnesses and had inquired if he had
Lord’s Word. I told her that the study wouldbe continuing gotten in touch with any of them here. Another said they
on the following Tuesday and that I would have to leave, had a numberof witnesses in his district. Wemadeseveral
as I was using ’Caesar’s time’. I proceeded from there to a back-calls on the groups before they left and our ownjoy
shop that advertised furniture in the window. However, was as great as theirs as they eagerly anticipated the conclu-
when I arrived. 1 found nothing in the window.So I went sion of manypoints: often they wouldfinish the Scripture
into the shop and asked why there were no adverts. The quotation which we would start. They all made sure of
lady said she was cleaning the windowand nothing would getting question booklets with their combinationsof litera-
be put in that day. She asked what kind of furniture I ture. Weplaced with them 61 books, 8 Bibles, 99 booklets,
required. I told her. So she looked up her book and gave and 14 magazines, and were thrilled with joy in the experi-
me two addresses where I might be able to pick up some- ence. As we learned they were leaving, we called again on
thing. I went to the farthest one first. The younglady told each group and urged them to reach the witnesses in
me she was sorry, but the two pieces of furniture she had Jamaica and proceed with the study of their books. One
had now gone. I asked if she had anything else. No; but of them asked if our new president would be as good as
then she went in and asked her mother if she would sell Judge Rutherford. Weassured him it was the Lord’s work
the organ. The mother replied no. I stepped in to see the and it had gone forward with continued evidence of His
organ and asked if the daughter would play a tune. After blessing and direction. Wealso told him we had recently
she had played, I remarked that if I could play the organ heard the president in Buffalo and in Pittsburgh, and his
like that I wouldnot sell it for any price. The mothersaid talks were powerfully and ably presented, and those who
she liked it for her son to play hymnson. I asked whether heard him were thrilled, cheered and strengthened as they
they were a rehgious family. Yes! I then remarked that I realized the Lord was using him mightily to the praise of
was inclined to believe we were at the end of the world. The his name. At one of~ the places I was given the one and
mother immediately agreed. I started to mention one or two only seat, a box, while they sat on their bunks or stood
things about the ’Gentile times’ and then asked what was about. Someof them had some of the books in their homes
the name of the God they worshiped. In a tactful way I and were so glad to get more. Once I stepped back to their
requested a Bible, which they brought, and showed them door after I had gone to the car, and myheart stepped up
that my God is Jehovah and that it was from Himalone a beat or two at the sight before me: each one of them
that salvation proceeded. They kept me there for more than completely absorbed in magazine, book or booklet. In view
three hours. I arranged a study in the homefor the follow- of the situation in Jamaica, we were wondering if they
ing Mondaynight. However, the next day my manager at were able to take their books along with them and continue
the shop recexved a telephone call, asking if I would call to enjoy them in their homeland. Wehope soY"
at that house. After tea I went there with myphonograph
and somebooks. I played a record and started a book study A PAVEMENT WITNESSING EXPERIENCE (K~GLAND)
right away. (Staying late, I had to run for the last bus.) "While pavement witnessing on Saturday an army ser-
I promised to call for them on Sundayand take them to the geant cameup to me and said he wouldlike to read the book-
Watchtower study. While book study was being conducted, let we were offering, namely, Satisfied. After a wordor two
the son asked whether Jehovah’s witnesses smoked. Before he told mehe had two friends whowere Jehovah’s ~dtnesses
and at the momentthey were both serving prison sentences.
I could reply the mother spoke: ’George, let us be witnesses
for Jehovahfirst, and he will reveal what has to be done.’He said he too would have been with them had he known
I called and took them to Watchtower study, which they what he knowsnowfive years ago. He gave me a shilling for
enjoyed very much, and they are now looking forward to the booklet; so I told him I would like to give him some
the service meeting and to a share in the Kingdomwork." extra booklets, including Freedom in the New World. I
went to fetch these from my bag and he came with me.
NOTIN WESTINDIES, BUTL~ INDIANA WhenI opened the bag he caught a glimpse of the Chtldren
"Someof us may not have the privilege of going to the book and immediately said, ’Oh! Have you a copy of
WatchtowerBible College of Gilead and on to foreign lands Children to spare ? I so enjoyed reading it before and xvould
to do the work of an evangelist, but during the past few like to do so again. I have given my own copy away.’ I
weeks some from other lands have come to us, or into our told him I had, but as he had read C1LtTdrenI showed him
territory, and we have tasted of the joy that has been the a copy of the New World book and asked if he wouldn’t
lat of some of our brethren whohave been so privileged. like that. He then said, ~Wouldit be possible for meto have
The governmentbrought several thousand from Jamaica, the them both?’ I told him he could. The final result was two
Bahamasand Barbados, to help harvest the crops, and we books and question booklets and two booklets Satisfied and
have met three groups of Jamaicans. Wewere warmly wel- Freedom. The sergeant has promised to attend what meet-
comedby each group, and they listened with rapt attention ings he can."
thatI amJehovah’.’
- Ezekiel~: 15.

1. 1945
117 Adams Street
- Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A.
T HISJournal is published
peopleto knowJehovah
in theBible. It publishes
of enabling the
as expressed
N. H. ~ORR, Pres/dent designed toaidJehovah’s witnesses andallpeople of good-will.
W.E. Vx~ AMs~, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Somety
"And all thy children shall be tauf)ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid tn such studies. It publishes
@restshallbe the pe~ceof thy children." - IJa:ah54:z3, suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLYTEACH Itadheres strictly totheBible asauthority foritsutterances.
THATJEHOVAH is the only true God and is from everlasting It is entirely free and separate from all religion, partif.% sects
or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic,but invites careful and critical examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is nowthe Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah; dulge in controversy, and its columnsarenot open to personalities.
THATGODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
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disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNITZD 8TA~,$I.00; all other countries, $I.60, 4merlcan currency;
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price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus
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and authority; £uafralaa4a~t__ "/ Beresford Road. Strathfleld. N. S. W., Australia
THATGOD’SCAPITALORGANIZATION is a Theocracy called Eo~tk A~It B~ton Heroin. Cape Town.South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and Is the [~[ta0t 16TLove Lane. Bombay 2T, India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Plenum eddresothQSoeAetyin everycase.
followers of Chrzst Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
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purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear
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ALL SINCERE S~tYDENTSOF ~ BIBLE who by reason of
THATTHE OLD WORLD ended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, pow’A’ty or adversityale umlbleto pay the subscriptionprice
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authority, has oustedSatanfromheavenandis proceeding to glad to thus aid the statinlg
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Each Watchtower reader can make Decembera month of enjoy- The 1946 Yearbookreally records an epoch, namely, the work of
ing a glorious "treasure of servzee" for himself. All It needs is to the Lord’s witnesses world-wide during the year that marked the
take part wzth Jehovah’s witnesses m the "Treasure of Service" end of the meet ferocious of global wars, wzth all the release of
TestimonyPeriod, whichhas been assigned to cover the entire last news that this affoi’ded, and the resumption of aetivzttes m the
monthof this calendar year. Not every humanis privileged by the manywar-ravaged lands by God’s consecrated people nowreleased
Lord Godto participate mthis servme of bearing testimony to his from the oppressions and restraints of totahtarzan rule and all-
Kingdom, and that ts why you can apprecmte zt to be such a embracing war-regunentation. The report of the work for the 1945
treasure tosez~enowas anannouncer of thatrighteous Govern- servzce year on continental Europe, mthe Orient, in fact, for the
ment.Suchservzce willberendered duringDecember by usmgthe eastern and western hemmpheres as a whole, LS by the Watch
25c combination of "The Kingdom I~ at Hand" and the latest TowerSociety president, and his introduction to the report will
booklet, The "Commanderto the Peoples", m door-to-door wit- thrill you and get you mthe moodfor the reports to follow from
nessing. This chrect work will, of course, be supplementedby the all lands from which reformation has comethrough. The Yearbook
follow-np treasuresome service, that of back-calls and opening up also offers the president’s commenton the 1946 yeartext, ac-
book studies. Whowill avail himself of this blessed service companied by a daffy text and eomment from published Watch-
treasure~ Wetrust that your report of work at the month’s close to~er eourese for each day of the year. The posting of 50¢ a copy,
will register an "I" for you. marled postpaid, for the 1946Yearbookof Jehovah’s witnesses is
madeneceuaxyby the limited distribution and printing. All groups
"WAICHTOWER" STUDIES should pool their individual orders and send in the same aa a
Weekof December 2: "Living Under Grace, and Not the Law," nnlt, to economigetime and expense in shipment.
¶ 1-17 inclusive, The Watohto~oer November1, 1945.
Week of December O: "Living Under Greee, and Not the Law," 1~4~ SRRVIC s~ ~AL~N’DAR
¶ 18-36 inclusive, 2’be Watchtower :November1, 1945. Wh~a theme the Lord has provided through his organization
Week of December 16: for the calendar year of 19461It is, "Be glad, ye nations, with h~s
"Righteous World Without the Ten Commandments," people."~Romans 15: I0, Rotherham. This text m commented
¶ 1-18 inclusive, Th~ Watchtower N~vember1, 1945. (Co,timed o. P~ge336)
1, 1945 No. 21


"’For ye are not under the law, but under grace."--ttom. 6:14.
EHOVAH is the "God of all grace" and at the
J same time the God of law and order. It is good
for us humancreatures that it is so. While He
English: "A previous command is set aside on
account of its weakness and uselessness (for the Law
made nothing perfect), and there is introduced
upholds his perfect law, he is also wise enough better Hope, by means of which we can draw near
to work out a righteous way to show grace or to God."--Mo~att.
undeserved favor. He can bestow grace upon us ¯ To identify whose law it was that was set aside
erring humanswithout violating the exact justice of or abolished, this same law student, Paul, wrote to
his law. His grace leads to no lawlessness and it does uncircumcised Gentile Christians at Ephesus, say-
not cast any reflection upon his law, but rather con- ing: "So remember that you were once physically
firms it. Thus it creates a proper respect for his law heathen, and called uncircumcised by those who
rather than encouraging lawlessness. called themselves circumcised, though only physical-
His law is Theocratic, because it is law given by ly, by human hands. At that time you had no con-
the only true and living God and it is issued and nection with Christ, you were aliens to the common-
enforced by him for the government of his creatures. wealth of Israel, and strangers to the agreements
Necessarily, then, his law is supreme. No laws that about God’s promise; with no hope and no Godin all
any of his creatures might make and publish by His the world. But now through your union with Christ
permission could have any worth or validity except Jesus you who were once far away have through the
they are in harmony with his Theocratic law. Since blood of Christ been brought near. For he is himself
he has the right and power as the Supreme Law- our peace. He has united the two divisions, and
giver, Jehovah God has the right and power to broken down the barrier that kept us apart, and
recall or withdraw or abrogate any of his laws. This through his human nature put an end to the feud
could not be so because any of his laws are unwise, between us [Jews and Gentiles], and ABOUS~.D TH~-
imperfect, unrighteous and unproftable, but would L*wwith its rules and regulations, in order to make
be because they are made only toward certain crea- peace and create out of the two parties one new man
tures and are meant for only a time, till their by uniting them with himself, and to kill the feud [or
purpose is fufilled. But those whoare released from the enmity] between them with his cross and in one
under such laws are not then left to do just as they body reconcile them both to God with it." (Eph.
please. Their further rightdoing is safeguarded. 2: ].1-16, Goodspeed; Moffatt) This proves it was
s Certain religious interpreters of the Bible may Jehovah’s law that was annulled or abolished.
deny the last foregoing statements, but their denial Paul testifies further that it was Jehovah’s own
is wrong, as we shall see. One of the foremost stu- law that was movedout of the way by means of his
dents of Theocratic law, the apostle Paul, wrote to own Son Christ Jesus. He says to uncircumcised Gen-
the Christians at Rome: "Ye are not under the law, tile Christians at Colosse: "You, being dead by the
but under grace." (Rom. 6:14) To the Hebrew trespasses, even by the uncircumcision of your flesh,
Christians in general he wrote: "Ttmre is verily a he made alive together with [Christ Jesus], having
disannulling of the commandmentgoing before for freely pardoned all our offences; having blotted out
the weakness and unprofitableness thereof. For the what was written by hand in ordinances which was
law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a against us, and has removed it from the midst, hav-
better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto ing nailed it to the cross; having stripped the gov-
God." (Heb. 7: 18, 19) Or, put in simpler modern ernments and authorities, he made a public exhibi-
I. Why does God’s grace to us create proper reepeet for his law
tion of them, triumphing over them by it. Let no one,
rather than encourage lawlessness?
2. What kind of |aw *s His ~ and ~hy can and doee he recall, withdraw 4 What did the apostle Paul write to the Epheelann to prove whose
or abrogate an~ of his laws? law It wu that was thus eet aside or abolished?
3. What texte of the apostle Paul support the foregoing statements d5 orthodox
Why did Paul write keep
the such
Coloestans on the ume subject? and why
beyond deulal ? Jews still law paxtigtlyl
N. Y.

therefore, rule [or judge] you in food, or in drink, or Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice."
in respect of a festival, or of a new-moon, or of "And all the people saw the thunderings, and the
sabbaths, which are shadows of the future things; lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the
but the body [the substance, the reality] is Christ’s." mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they
(Col. 2 : 13-17, The Emphatic Diagtott) No mere man removed, and stood afar off. And they said unto
blotted out, annulled, or abolished the particular law Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let
of Godhere concerned. Not seeing that point, to this not Godspeak with us, lest we die."~Ex. 19: 16-19;
day mensuch as the orthodox Jews insist on keeping 20: 18, 19.
it and being governedby it, in part. ’ Besides what Moses and the people could see,
The Theocratic law that was nailed to the tree of there were invisible persons present there to deliver
Christ’s death was the Mosaic law. It is called "the that Theocratic law. For this reason it was said that
law of Moses", not because Mosesoriginated it; for the Jews "received the law by the disposition of
Moses did not do so. But it was because he was the angels". (Acts 7 : 53) "Andit was ordained by angels
go-between in handing over this law from God to in the hand of a mediator." (Gal. 3: 19) "The word
the nation of Israel. He was the instrument which spoken by angels was stedfast, and every trans-
Jehovah God used in writing out by hand the law and gression and disobedience received a just recom-
commandments,ordinances, and statutes, which God pence of reward." (Heb. 2 : 2) Underthe conditions
dictated to him. "Jehovah said unto Moses, Write m not to be wondered at that, when Mosescame down
thou these words: for after the tenor of these words from Mount Sinai with the two tables of the Ten
I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel. Commandments, his face shone with a glory. It
And he was there with Jehovah forty days and forty reflected the glory of those with whomhe was deal-
nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. ing. Until Moses returned to the mountaintop to
And he wrote upon the tables the words of the cove- God’s presence, he veiled his face from the frightened
nant, the ten commandments."(Ex. 34: 27, 28, Am. Israelites. "Andthe children of Israel saw the face of
Stan. Ver.) "For the law was given by Moses, but Moses, that the skin of Moses’face shone : and Moses
grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." (John 1: 17) put the veil upon his face again, until he went in to
"Through this man [Jesus] is preached unto you the speak with him." (Ex. 34: 29-35) The law thus given
forgiveness of sins: and by him all that believe are by Jehovah through Moses was the law code of the
justified from all things, from which ye could not be covenant or contract which Jehovah there inaugu-
justified by the law of Moses."--Acts 13: 38, 39. rated with the nation of Israel. Hence the arrange-
’ No human code of laws and statutes was ever ment is commonlycalled "the law covenant". Also,
given under the marvelous circumstances such as the simple expression "the law" is used in the Bilfle
marked the "law of Moses"; not even the law of the to refer to God’sside of the law covenantwith Israel.
Charter of the United Nations Organization and its
Statute of the International Court of Justice as WHAT WAS ABOLISHED

drawn up by the delegates of the fifty nations at San ’The ’qaw" being Theocratic and being given
Francisco, Calif. In fitting s?nnbol of the supremacy under such glorious, awe-inspiring conditions, it
of Theocratic law, the ’qaw of Moses" was given from would seem to be perpetual, everlasting, beyond
the top of MountSinai in Arabia. The entire nation recall, eternal like the Lawgiver. So it causes many
to whomit was given was assembled near the base to be amazed when informed that such law was
of the mountain and observed the inauguration pro- abolished and brought to an end by Jehovah, and
ceedings. The eyewitness record of this occasion is: that no creatures on earth, not even the Jews, are
"And it cameto pass on the third day in the morning, any longer under it. Certain religionists, in fear that
that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick such abolition of all the law covenant must produce
cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet bad moral effects, put up a peculiar argument. They
exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the claim that two laws were given to the Jews, (1)
camp trembled. And Moses brought forth the people God’s law, written by Him; and (2) Moses’ law,
out of the campto meet with God; and they stood at written by him. They claim the one was the moral
the nether part of the mount. And mount Sinai was law and the other was the ceremonial law; and that
altogether on a smoke, because the LORD[Jehovah] it was the ceremonial law that was abolished, but not
descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof the moral law as contained in the Ten Command-
ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole ments. Hence such religionists consider themselves
mount quaked greatly. And when the voice of the bound to keep the Fourth Commandmentby observ-
trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, 8. Why did Moses’ face shine? and what la the expression "the law"
somet/mes used to mean~
6. What is such abolished law generally called? amd why? 9. Why does the abolition of such law amaze some reltgtoulstm? sod
7. Under what circumstances was the "law of Moses" IOven? and why? how do they argue in favor of keeping the weekly sabbath?
1, 1945 IfheWATCHTOWER. 325
ing a weekly sabbath day on the seventh day, from 5: 21, 27) Yes, but did you examine the complete
sundown of Friday to sundown of Saturday. sermon on the mount and notice that Jesus made
’° They vigorously contend that all true Christians more references to other parts of Moses’ law than to
must keep a weekly sabbath the same as the Jews did the Decalogue or Ten Commandments? He called
of old. They claim that in sating to Christians, "Ye attention to the matter of bringing gifts for the altar,
are not under tile law, but under grace," Paul meant to granting an immoralwife a divorce certificate, to
the ceremonial law, not the Ten Commandments forswearing oneself, to "an eye for an eye, and a
including the sabbath commandment.They appeal to tooth for a tooth", and to loving one’s neighbor as
the doings of Jesus and his close disciples on the oneself. In proof compareMatthew5 : 23, 24, 31, 33,
Jewish sabbath day as a proof that Christians are 38, 43 and Deuteronomy16: 16, 17; 24: 1; Numbers
subject to both the sabbath commandmentand the 30 : 2; Exodus 21 : 23-25 ; Deuteronomy19: 21; and
rest of the Ten Commandments.Plainly, they think Leviticus 19: 18.
there is no greater force and inducement to right- 1, This proves that by the term ’qaw" Jesus meant
eous living than the Ten Commandments. Hence not merely the Ten Commandmentsbut all the rest
they are afraid of what the abolition of the Ten of the "law of Moses"; and that the Ten Command-
Commandments as an integral part of the law cove- ments did not occupy a position detached from the
nant might cause to the morals and godly living of law covenant. Instead of declaring, therefore, that
Christians. However, their fears are not the first the law covenant, including the Decalogue, was
fears of this kind to be expressed. The apostle Paul eternal as the literal heavens and earth, what was
in his ownday needed to quiet such fears on the part Jesus saying? This: that the law was typical and
of converted Jews whowere sticklers for Moses’ law. that its types and shadows of good things to come
Paul showed that their fears and misgivings were wouldall find a fulfilhnent in antitypical realities.
not properly founded. Almighty God’s arrangement Theywouldbe fulfilled downto the last jot and tittle
of grace and mercy is more powerful for righteous- before the full end would come upon the Devil’s
ness than the Ten Commandmentsand the other laws world by the destruction of its demonic ’~heavens"
of his law covenant with Israel. Shall we see? and its pohtical, commercial and religious "earth".
u Those who argue against the law covenant’s hav- Long before such wicked heavens and earth passed
ing been abolished, including the Ten Command- away, the types and shadows of the "law" would
ments, quote Jesus’ words: "Think not that I am begin fulfilling, and that would mean that the law
come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not had been abolished with its types, in order to make
cometo destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto way for the bringing in of the antitypes or realities
you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle by Christ Jesus. Weare now at the end of the world
shall in no wise pass fromthe law, till all be fulfilled. and can see that the fulfillment of the law began
Whosoevertherefore shall break one of these least nineteen centuries ago. At that time the law was
commandments,and shall teach men so, he shall be abolished by being nailed to the tree on which Christ
called the least in the kingdomof heaven: but who- Jesus died as the antitypical "Lamb of God, which
soever shall do and teach them, the same shall be taketh away the sin of the world".~John 1 : 29
called great in the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. 1, It was the second year of his preaching ministry
5: 17-19) Do these words say that the "law" will not when Jesus delivered the sermon on the mount.
be abolished before the heaven and earth (Satan’s Hence he spoke while the ’qaw" was binding upon
invisible and visible organization) pass away in the Jews. Jesus came, not to destroy the law, but to
destruction at the battle of Armageddonto be suc- bring about its fulfillment, starting off the anti-
ceeded by the new heavens and new earth which God typical realities. The scribes, the Pharisees and the
has promised? Nol Neither was Jesus saying that Sadducees, by means of traditions that transgressed
heaven and earth will pass away at the end of the God’s commandments and made them of no effect,
world only after everybody alive on earth is keeping were the ones that were destroying the law and
the Ten Commandments down to every jot and tittle. teaching men to break the commandments.Yet those
"Oh, you wiU say, surely by the term ’qaw" Jesus men pretended to be the greatest observers of the
meant the Ten Commandments, because in his law and to be righteous thereby. They claimed to be
sermon on the mount he referred to the Sixth Com- the "children of the kingdom",that is, to be in line
mandment against killing and the Seventh Com- for Messiah’s kingdom. In view of their lawbreak-
mandmentagainst adultery, two references. (Matt. ing, hypocritical course, Jesus warned his hearers:
I0, Howdo they explain, "Ye are not under the law, but under grace"? "Except your righteousness shall exceed the right-
and why are their fears improper?
11. What words do some objectors quote from Jesus’ sermon on the 13. What, then, did Jssu.’ words at Matthew 5:17, 18 mean? and
mount? and wh:y do heaven and earth’s passing away not argue aJ~ti~t how do we see that fa~.t today?
the law’s abolition? 14. A= r~pe~’.ts the law, why dld Jesus come7 and why was the rlghteous-
12. In Jesus’ sermon, to what did the expression "the law" refer? and why? oees of scribes and Phariec~ not enough to enter the Kingdom?
N. Y.
eousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no Those Ten Commandmentshad not always been in
case enter into the -kingdomof heaven." (Matt. 5 : 20) existence toward men, not even toward the Jews.
Such righteousness must be, not by keeping the law, Moses, the mediator of the law covenant with Israel,
but by a faith in Christ. As the apostle Paul said, says so plainly. In Deuteronomy 5:6-21 Moses
who was once, "as touching the law, a Pharisee;... recites the Ten Commandmentsand then, in verse
touching the righteousness which is in the law, 22, he adds: "These words the LORDspake unto all
blameless": ’~I have suffered the loss of all things, your assembly in the mount out of the midst of the
and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a
and be found in him, not having mine own righteous- great voice: and he added no more. And he wrote
ness, which is of the law, but that which is through them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto
the faith of Christ, the righteousness whichis of God me." But just before reciting the Ten Command-
by faith."mPhik 3:5-9. ments Mosessaid to the Israelites: "The LORD [Jeho-
1, Hence, while the law covenant was still in force vah] our God madea covenant with us in Horeb. The
over Israel, Jesus kept and taught the law and LORDmade not this covenant with our fathers, but
sought its fulfillment. To be little or "least in the with us, even us, whoare all of us here alive this
kingdom of heaven" as a teacher of lawbreaking day. The LORDtalked with you face to face in the
meansnot to be in the Kingdomat all. No Jew should mount out of the midst of the fire," and spoke the
think that while the law was thus in force the way Ten Commandments. (Deut. 5:1-5) Yes, the Ten
into the kingdom of heaven was by breaking and Commandments had a beginning, not with their fore-
teaching others to break the law covenant. The law fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob’s twelve
foreshadowed the Christian realities that were to sons, but with the Israelites who were alive and
come, and so, unless a person was in harmony with present at Mount Horeb (or Sinai) when Moses
that law, he could not enter the heavenly kingdom. mediated the law covenant with them. Hence the fact
Hence, if he broke the law in the smallest regard and that the Ten Commandmentshave been abolished
taught others to do the same, he would not be in the should arouse no fear and dismay in us.
Kingdomat all, because he would be practicing and 1’ Read, now, those Ten Commandments.Then you
teaching lawlessness toward God. Thus seen, Jesus’ will realize that they had their beginning with Moses
words to those Jews under the law in no wise meant and his fellow Israelites. They did not exist toward
that those of the ’qdngdomof heaven" class are still Abraham and their other forefathers. The First
under the ’flaw" since Jesus’ death on the tree. Commandmentsays: ’~I am Jehovah thy God, who
Neither is their greatness nor their littleness to be brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the
measured by their degree o[ keeping that law, house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods
Pharisee-fashion.--Acts 15 : 5. before me." (Ex. 20: 2, 3, Am. Stan. Vet.) That com-
mandment did not apply to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
PERPETUALNESS and the twelve sons of Jacob, because Jehovah God
"The religionists whoclaim that the ’qaw" was in never did bring them out of a house of bondage in
two parts say that the ceremonial law only was Egypt. Note, too, that the Commandmentis nega-
abolished but that the moral law set out in the Ten tively stated: "Thou shalt have 2o other gods before
Commandmentswas to be perpetual and for ever. me." God did not thus speak negatively to Abraham.
They refer us to Exodus 31:16, 17. These verses God spoke positively to Abraham,as it is recorded
refer to the Fourth of the Ten Commandmentsand at Genesis 17: 1, 2: "When Abramwas ninety years
say: "The children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, old and nine, Jehovah appeared to Abram, and said
to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, unto him, I am God Almighty.; walk before me, and
for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between me and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant
the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceed-
LORDmade heaven and earth, and on the seventh day ingly." (A.S.V.) This covenant was not the law cove-
he rested, and was refreshed." nant, but the Abrahamic covenant concerning the
1, However, the use of the terms perpetual and Seed in whomall families of the earth are to be
for ever as regards the weekly sabbath cannot be blessed.
interpreted to mean that the Fourth Commandment ~e As regards the Israelites under Moses, Jehovah
as well as the other nine were to continue to apply God rightly commandedthem not to worship other
forever and hence must apply to Christ’s disciples. gods than Him. Why?Because Jehovah had rescued
15. Howis the lawbreaklng teacher called the "least in the kingdom of them from slavery and death in Egypt. They
heaven"? and are Christians therefore still under that law?
16. Aa against abolition, what do sabbath-keeping rellgionlsts argue 18. Why did not the First Commandment apply to Abraham, Isaac,
about tbo Ten Commandments? and with what scripture? Jacob, and Jacob’s twelve sons~
17. Had those Ten Commandments always been in exlsten~? and how 19. Why did Jehovah have a right to command the IsraeUteg under
do Moses’ words show the answer? Moses to worship no god but Him?
Novv~_B~1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 327

belonged to him as his redeemed people, and he had thy son, ~oRthy daughter, thy man-servant, ~,’OR thy
a right to commandthem to worship no other than maid-servant, ~o,~ thy cattle, NORthy stranger that is
Him alone.--Deut. 7: 6-11. within thy gates: for in six days Jehovah made
,o The Second Commandmentis also negatively heavenand earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and
stated: "Thou shalt ~OT make unto thee a graven rested the seventh day: wherefore Jehovah blessed
image, ~OR any likeness of any thing that is in the sabbath day, and hallowed it." (Ex. 20:8-I1,
heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that A.S.V.) In this Commandment there is nothing posi-
is in the water under the earth: thou shalt ~OTbow tive stated about celebrating the sabbath day by
downthyself unto them, -~ORserve them; for I Jeho- studying God’s Wordeither in private or in public
vah thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity assembly, or by listening to sermons, or by going
of the fathers upon the children, upon the third and through various acts of worship on the seventh day.
upon the fourth generation of them that hate me, and ,a The Fifth Commandmentis without negative:
showing lovingkindness unto thousands of them that "Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may
love me and keep my commandments."(Ex. 20: 4-6, be long in the land which Jehovah thy God giveth
A.S.V.) No such commandment was given to Adam thee." (Ex. 20: 12, A.S.V.) The apostle Paul says this
in the garden of Eden against worshiping fish, birds, is the "first commandmentwith promise". (Eph.
and animals or images of them. Instead, God gave 6:2) This commandmentdid not apply to the fore-
to man the positive command: "Be fruitful, and fathers of the Jews, forasmuch as Jehovah God
multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and actually gave them no land. Abraham’s father and
HAVE DOm~IO~ owmthe fish of the sea, and[ O~mathe mother were dead when he entered Canaan. Also God
fowl of the air, and ovFmevery living thing that "gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so muchas
movethupon the earth." (Gen. 1 : 28, 26) It was when to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would
man lost dominion over the lower animal creation give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after
that he worshiped them and made images of them. him, whenas yet he had no child". (Acts 7: 5) Abra-
21The Third Commandinent is also negatively ham’s grandson Jacob, and Jacob’s twelve sons also
worded: "Thou shalt ~OT take the name of Jehovah closed their days, not in the Promised Land, but in
thy Godin vain ; for Jehovah will not hold him guilt- an alien land not theirs, Egypt.--Genesis 50.
less that taketh his namein vain." (Ex. 20: 7, A.S.V.) "The remaining five commandmentsof the Deca-
This commandmentis enlarged upon, at Leviticus logue are all put negatively: (6) "Thou shalt .~or
19: 12: "Ye shall ~oT swear by my name falsely, kill." (7) "Thou shalt ~OT commit adultery." (8)
neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I "Thou shalt SOTsteal." (9) "Thou shalt ~OT bear
am the Lol~n [Jehovah]." God had made a special false witness against thy neighbour." (10) "Thou
revelation concerning his name to the Israelites shalt ~OTcovet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt ~or
under Moses, namely, that his name Jehovah means covet thy neighbour’s wife, ~o~ his manservant, NOR
the God of purpose, the God of the covenant, the his maidservant, ~oRhis ox, :~OR his ass, ~ORany
purpose-keeping or covenant-keeping God. (Ex. thing that is thy neighbour’s." (Ex. 20: 13-17) They
3:13-18; 6:2, 3) Hence for them to enter into are not positive commandsto love one’s neighbor or
covenant with Jehovah and thus become a people for others, but are commandsagainst selfishness. They
His namewould be a serious responsibility. If they showed that such actions and forms of selfishness
did not keep their covenant with him, they would be are sin, and thus they imparted the knowledgeof sin
dishonoring his name and taking it hypocritically to those to whom the Ten Commandments were
and in vain. Therefore they would become guilty of given. Now,then, the giving of these laws to Israel
a great offense against God. Bringing reproach upon did not prove or mean that they were a just and
God’s name by false swearing and by covenant- righteous nation. "For not the hearers of the law are
breaking is a sin. It is contrary to what Jesus taught just before God, but the doers of the law shall be
his disciples to pray to Jehovah God: "Hallowed be justified." (Rom. 2: 13) Rather than show up the
thy name."~Matt.6: 9 ; Rom.2 : 23, 24. nation as righteous and just because of the right-
2, The Fourth Commandmentis also negatively eousness and justice of their laws, such laws showed
put: "Rememberthe sabbath day, to keep it holy. them up to the exact contrary. "Nowwe know that
Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who
the seventh day is a sabbath unto Jehovah thy are under the law: that every mouth maybe stopped,
God: in it thou shalt ~OTdo any work, thou, ~oR and all the world may become guilty before God.
20. How is the Second Commandmentstated? and why did it not apply
Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no
to Adam in Eden?
21, How is the TMrd Commandment stated? and why and how did it 23. How is the Fifth Commandmentstated? and why did it not apply
apply to the Israelites? ?.0 Ab~hmmdown tO him gre~mt-L~randsons?
22. How is the Fourth Commandment stated? and what is not stated 24. How are the remaining five ¢ommandmenta put7 and how did they
positively in connection with it} show up the Jewish nation?
flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the abolished, then the Fourth Commandmentwent out
knowledge of sin."wRom. 3: 19, 20. with it also.
,5 The Ten Commandmentsbeing stated in such a "Just how long, then, do the words perpetual and
negative way, it was plain that they were delivered for ever, as used in Exodus31: 16, 17 quoted above,
to a people that had sin in their members.They were mean? Not to eternity, so as to be beyond abolish-
enforced upon a people that was inclined to the ment. The same words in the Hebrew meaning per-
unrighteous things forbidden by those Command- petual (ohldhm) and for ever (’l’ohldhm) are used
ments. Hence men who try to put Christians under with regard to the Jewish priesthood, the priesthood
the Ten Commandmentsand the rest of Moses’ law that descended from Moses’ brother Aaron. For
are trying to be teachers of the law without under- example, Exodus 40: 12-16: "Thou shalt bring Aaron
standing the relationship of Christians to righteous- and his sons unto the door of the tabernacle of the
ness. So Paul remarks, saying of them: "Desiring to congregation, and wash them with water. And thou
be teachers of the law; understanding neither what shalt put upon Aaron the holy gar~mnts, and anoint
they say, nor whereof they affirm. But we knowthat him, and sanctify him ; that he mayminister unto me
the law is good, if a manuse it lawfully [or applies in the priest’s office. Andthou shalt bring his sons,
it to whomthe law fits, namely, to the Jews under it; and clothe them with coats: and thou shalt anoint
why?]; knowing this, that the law is not made for them, as thou didst anoint their father, that they may
a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, minister unto me in the priest’s office: for their
for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and pro- anointing shall surely be an everlasting [ohldhm]
fane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of priesthood throughout their generations." Also as to
mothers, for manslayers, for whoremongers, for the handling of the meal offering, the law said, at
them that defile themselves with mankind, for men- Leviticus 6: 14-23: "This is the law of the meat offer-
stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there ing:... All the males amongthe children of Aaron
be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine ; shall eat of it. It shall be a statute for ever [ohldl~m]
according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, in your generations concerning the offerings of the
which was committed to my trust." (1 Tim. 1: 7-11) LORDmade by fire: every one that toucheth them
Hence such negative laws against unrighteous shall be holy .... the priest of [Aaron’s] sons that
persons of that "kind were not delivered to Chris- is anointed in his stead shall offer it: it is a statute
tians nor applied to them. Christians are justified by for ever [ohldh,n] unto the LORn." (Num. 25:13;
having Christ’s righteousness imputed to them, and Lev. 24: 8, 9; and Lev. 25: 46, l’ohldhm) Such laws
they also have the glorious gospel of the blessed God concerning priesthood had a physical or carnal basis ;
committed to their trust. However, this is by no that is, they required that the priests and their high
means saying that the Ten Commandmentswere not priest must be descendants of Aaron according to
good and excellent for their day. "The law of Jeho- the flesh.
vah is perfect, restoring the soul."--Ps. 19: 7, A.S.V. ’* From the Bible’s use of the words perpetual,
~s The law covenant cannot be taken apart, so that everlasting, and for ever in connection with the
a part of it could be abolished, such as the cere- Aaronic priesthood and their official duties one
monial part, and a part of it remain, such as the would imagine that these would exist and continue
so-called "moral" part. James 2: 10, 11 makes this in force to all eternity. Yet today the Aaronic or
point clear, saying: "Whosoevershall keep the whole Levitical priesthood has disappeared and functions
law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. no more. Moreover, the apostle Paul explains that
For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Jehovah God, who first established the Aaronic or
Do not ldll. Nowif thou commit no adultery, yet if Levitical priesthood, abolished it and no longer
thou ldll, thou art becomea transgressor of the law." recognized it after Christ’s death and resurrection.
So then, applying this point to the question of the Christ Jesus was made God’s High Priest, not
perpetualness of the Ten Commandments and all the according to a "carnal commandment" or a law that
rest of the Mosaic law, what do we see? This: that recognized the flesh of Aaron the Levite, but accord-
if the Fourth Commandment concerning the sabbath ing to a new law of God and by the sworn oath of
day was "for a perpetual covenant" with Israel and God. His priesthood is therefore superior to Aaron’s.
for a sign "for ever", then all Ten Commandments It is after the order or rank of Melchizedek, the
and all the Mosaic law, in fact, were for a perpetual priest-king of Salem. So Paul explains, as follows:
covenant to endure as long as the Fourth Command- es "Nowif anything final had been really accom-
ment. Conversely, if the rest of the covenant was 2T. In t~nneetion with what else are the Hebrew words for "perpetual"
and "for ever" U~?
28. Because of utln| such words concerning priesthood, was the AaronJe
25. Because of being what -kind of People was the law given tO the or Levitical priesthood to continue always? and why is Christ’s priest-
Je~lsh nation? and why not to Christians? hood superior?
26. Why cannot the law covenant be taken apart and partly abol~hedy 29. What showed thst a change of the law concerning priesthood must
and how perpetual would the Fourth Commandmenttherefore be? take place }

plished through the Levitical priesthood, for even integral part of that old law covenant. The use of
the giving of the Law was based upon it, what the Hebrewword ohldhm, translated perpetual, ever-
further need would there have been of appointing a lasting, and for ever, in connection with the Fourth
different priest of the priesthood of Melchizedek, Commandment,respecting the weekly sabbath, does
instead of choosing one of the priesthood of Aaron? not argue against its abolition any more than against
For when there is a change in the priesthood, a the abolition of the Levitical priesthood. Ohldhm
change necessarily takes place in the Law as well. (from ahldm, to wrap up, hide, or conceal) simply
’° "For [our Lord Jesus] of whomall this was said means indefinite or uncertain time, whether eternity
was related to a tribe no member of which ever or a limited space of time whose limit is concealed
officiated at the altar. For it is perfectly clear that from man and unknown beforehand to man. What
our Lord sprang from the tribe of Judah, with makesthe priesthood of Christ eternal is his having
reference to which Moses said nothing at all about immortal life.
priests. The point is still more clear in view of the
fact that the appointment of the new priest resembles SPIRIT IMPARTED BY GOD’S GRACE

that of Melchizedek. for he is appointed not for "Let us not think, however, that the law covenant
possessing any legal physical qualifications [the law with its Ten Commandmentswas set aside without
of a carnal command],but by virtue of a life that anything to take its place in the lives and conduct of
cannot end. For the psalm [Psalm 110, verse 4] bears Jehovah’s consecrated people. By acting as God’s
witness, ’You are a priest forever, of the priesthood High Priest in offering up his humansacrifice for
of Melchizedek!" So an earlier regulation is abro- sins, Jesus Christ becamealso the Mediator of a new
gated because it was poor and ineffective (for there covenant, a "better covenant" as compared with the
was nothing final about the Law), and a better hope old Mosaic law covenant. That old covenant with its
begins to dawn, through which we may approach Ten Commandments written on stone tablets did not
God. And in proportion as Jesus was not appointed make the Jewish nation perfect or righteous. How-
priest without God’s making oath to it, the agree- ever, under the new covenant the Christians are
ment [the new covenant] which he guarantees is made righteous or justified through the Mediator
better than the old one, for God took no oath in Christ Jesus. His sacrifice upon which this newcove-
appointing the old priests, but he made oath to his nant is based really cancels or takes away sins in
appointment, when he said to [Jesus], ’The Lord has God’s sight. (Heb. 9: 15-17; 8: 6-13) If the Jews had
sworn it and he will not chanqe: You are a priest kept the old covenant, they would have becomeJeho-
forever!" The old [Aaronic] priests too had to be vah’s "peculiar treasure", his ’~kingdomof priests,
numerous, because death prevented their continuing and an holy nation". (Ex. 19: 6) Nowthe new cove-
in office. But He [Jesus] continues forever, and so nant is His new contract or agreement whereby he
his priesthood’is untransferable."--Heb. 7: D-24, takes out from the Gentile nations as well as the Jew-
Goodspeed. ish nation a "people for his name".--Acts 15: 14.
¯ z The ’qaw of a carnal commandment" which made " In paragraph 7 our attention was called to the
Aaron and his sons Levitical priests was not sinful; glory with which the old law covenant was inaugu-
it merely recognized the flesh of Aaron’s family. It rated by Mosesits mediator. But such glory did not
was not against the Jews nor contrary to them. Not guarantee that the covenant with its Ten Command-
at all; for this law provided for typical sacrifices for ments engraved on stone tablets would not pass away
their sins and their typical restoration to God’s at some then-unknown, indefinite time. The very
favor. This law was not weak, unprofitable, poor, glory attending that covenant was a passing glory.
ineffective, and useless in itself; but the weakness, But the new covenant has a better Mediator, a better
unprofitableness, and ineffectiveness about it lay sacrifice, and a power for righteousness which is
with the weak, imperfect, sin-stricken, dying priests stronger than the Ten Commandmentsengraved in
of the line of Aaron the Levite. Hence, whenChrist letters of stone. It has a glory that never fades. Its
offered up and presented to Godhis humansacrifice power for righteousness is God’s spirit. That active
as God’s High Priest, that former law and its force makes alive, whereas the handwriting of the
Aaronic priesthood were abolished. That means that old law covenant showed up the Israelites as cove-
the old law covenant, of which the priesthood-law nant-breakers, sinners, and assigned them to death.
was a part, was abolished. Hence it means that Theconsecrated Christians whoareunderthisnew
the Ten Commandments were abolishedtoo as an covenant are madeitsministers or servants. They
receive theirqualifications forthisservice, notfrom
30. Why was a new priesthood-arrangement nece~ary for J~ns? and
why LI he alone, instead of numerous priests, sufficient?
31. [a)Why was not the "law of a carnal commandment" a~alnst the 32. With Christians what takes the place of the old law covenant?
Jews? but wherein wu it weak and unprofitable? (b)Why, then. does and how and for what purpoee~
perpetual as regards the Fourth Commandment not argue ap/nst Rs 33. 34. How I. the gk)ry of the new eoven&nt greater than that of
abolishment ? the old law covenant? and who are its ministers?
some religious theological seminary, but from Jeho- ness under the new covenant is not the abolished Ten
vah God and by Christ Jesus. Indisputably showing Commandments but is God’s spirit which transforms
that the law covenant with stone-engraved Ten Com- them to a godly likeness. Paul says: "(’The Lord’
mandments written by God’s finger was abolished meansthe Spirit, and wherever the spirit of the Lord
and was replaced by the new covenant with its life- is, there is open freedom.) But we all mirror tile
giving spirit, Paul writes: glory of the Lord with face unveiled, and so we are
"’ "Myqualifications come from God, and he has
further qualified me to be the minister of a newcove- being transformed into the same likeness as himself,
nant--a covenant not of written law but of spirit; passing from one glory to another--for this comes
for the written law kills but the spirit makesalive. of the Lord the Spirit."--2 Cor. 3: 5-18, Moffatt; The
Nowif the administration of death which was en- Emphatic Diaglott.
graved in letters of stone was invested with glory-- ’~ From that standpoint we can appreciate the
so muchso, that the children of Israel could not gaze force of Paul’s further statement: "But if ye be led
at the face of Moseson account of the dazzling glory of the spirit, ye are not under the law." (Gal. 5: 18)
that was fading from his face; surely the adminis- The Christians are the ones being led by the spirit
tration of the spirit must be invested with still or active force of God in harmony with his holy
greater glory. If there was glory in the administra-
Word. This fact proves that they are not under the
tion that condemned, then the administration that
acquits [the ministration of righteousness] abounds old law covenant with its Ten Commandments,hut
far more in glory (indeed, in view of the tran- are under the new covenant. Under it they are being
scendent glory, what was glorious has thus no glory transformed by the spirit which God’s grace imparts
at all) ; if what faded had its glory, then what lasts in connection with that new covenant. For more on
will be invested with far greater glory." this vital matter our readers are referred to the next
,~ Then Paul shows that the power for righteous- succeeding article.
35 Ho~ does Paul then describe the Chrlstlan power for righteousness 36. By what are the Christian, led? and why are they therefore no!
under the new covenant? under the law7


2 The Jews had been nine hundred years under
C AN)-ou visualize a new world without the Ten
Commandments?The very thought of such a
thing would horrify manyself-righteous reli-
that law code when Jehovah God said by his prophet
Ezekiel: "I caused them to go forth out of the land
gionists, as if it meant that all morality would be of Egypt, and brought them into the wilderness. And
thrown to the winds. Still, you ask, howwould it be I gave them mystatutes, and showed them mine ordi-
a righteous world without the Ten Conunandments nances, which if a man do [and not merely hear],
to keep it straight? Howcould it be any better than he shall live in them. Moreoveralso I gave them m.v
"this present evil world"? Of course, this world does sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that
not observe the Ten Commandments; in fact, the they might know that I am Jehovah that sanctifieth
world in general was never under the Ten Command- them." (Ezek. 20: 10-12, A.S.V.) In place of carrying
ments. But the mere absence of the Decalogue, as out God’s righteous law code, including the Ten
those Commandments are called, is not responsible Commandments,the Jews rebelled against him and
for the world’s wickedness. The mere presence and his law and imitated the Gentile world round about
popular knowledge of the Decalogue would not keep them. God forewarned the Jews that, for breaking
the world from being sinful. Just recall that the Ten his law covenant, he woulddeliver them over into the
Commandmentswere a part of the law code which hands of their heathen enemies. But the Jews would
God gave to the Jews by Moses. The mere declara- not be warned. "Wherefore," says Jehovah God, "I
tion and publication of that law code to the Jews did gave them also statutes that were not good, and
not make them righteous or keep them from sin and judgments whereby they should not live; and I
wickedness against God. The hearing of God’s com- polluted them in their owngifts, in that they caused
mandments declared from Mount Sinai did not to pass through the fire all that openeth the womb,
removethe Jews from the sinful level of the rest of that I might make them desolate, to the end that
the world and transform them into a righteous they might know that I am the LORD[Jehovah]."
nation. "For not the hearers of ¢he law are just (Ezek. 20: 25, 26) This does not meanthat Godgave
before God, but the doers of the law shall be justi- them a ceremonial law that was not good. All of
fied."--Rom. 2: 13. God’s laws are good, and the ceremonial features of
I. How do we know Chat the mere presence and popular knowledge of 2. At’cording to Ezekiel (20 : 25, 26) why did God give the Jews "statutes
the Ten Commandments would not make this world rlghteoua? that were not good"? and why does thls not refer to the ceremonla] law?
NOVEMBER 1, 1945
his law are declared to be ’shadows of good things covenant by Christ Jesus Paul writes, saying: "For
to come’.--Heb. 10:1. sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not
But what God here meant was that, after the under the law, but under grace." (Rom. 6:14) All
Jews’ persistence in disobeying his law (not just the the world of mankind are "dead in trespasses and
Ten Commandments),he let them go their own way. sins" and traveling nowa swift pace toward destruc-
He gave them over to the statutes and judgments of tion at the battle of Armageddon. And yet these
the heathen that were not good and by keeping which Christians do not let sin have dominion over them,
they could not gain life. Psalm 81: 11, 12 declares: although they are not under the law but are under
"My people would not hearken to my voice; and God’s grace or favor through Christ. Manyreligion-
Israel would none of me. So I gave them up unto ists insist that here the expression "not under the
their ownhearts’ lust: and they walked in their own law" means not under the penalty of the law.
counsels." And the apostle Paul writes: "Wherefore ’ They argue that the law here means the Ten
God also gave them up to uncleanness through the Commandmentsor the "moral law of God", as they
lusts of their ownhearts .... Godgave them up unto call it. They say Christians are as fully subject to
vile affections: . . . Andeven as they did not like the Ten Commandmentsas were the Jews, but that
to retain God in their lmowledge, God gave them Christians come under the law when they break it
over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which and they are not under the law as long as they keep
are not convenient." (Rom. 1: 24-28) Thus the Ten it. But such an argument does not agree with the
Commandmentsdid not transform the Jews into a rest of the Scriptures. Galatians 4:4 says: "When
righteous nation, nor convert the world. The Deca- the fulness of the time was come, Godsent forth his
logue alone cannot produce a righteous world, Son, made of a woman, made V~D~.a THE LAW."
despite the righteousness of the Decalogue. According to the religionists’ argument, this would
¯ That God’s promised new world can be righteous mean that Jesus was a breaker of God’s law and was
without the reinstatement of the Ten Commandments under its penalties; whereas Jesus asserted that he
is demonstrated by Christ’s faithful footstep follow- came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it. It was
ers. "Reinstatement" of the Ten Commandments,we nothing morally against Jesus to be under the law.
say, because the Bible makes it plain that the old He was subject to it because of being born by a
law covenant with the Jews, including the Decalogue, Jewess. So he kept the law covenant, and he acted
was taken out of the way by virtue of Christ’s death and he still acts in fulfillment of the good things
on the tree. (See Ephesians 2:11-18 and Colossians which it foreshadows.
2: 13-17; and the preceding article, ¶¶ 4, 5.) Hence ’ The Christians are under God’s grace or un-
such followers of Christ are not under the law cove- deserved kindness. It is expressed toward them by
nant and its Decalogue. Nevertheless, their right- the imputing of righteousness to them, resulting in
eousness with God is a fact. They are not trying to their justification through Christ. Such righteous-
be righteous before Godby doing the works of that ness is not earned by them by the works of the old
old law covenant. They accept God’s Word, namely: law covenant, but is God’s gracious gift to them
"Knowingthat a manis not justified by the works of through faith in the sacrifice of His Son. Henceit is
the law, hut by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we said that they are not under the law, but under
have believed in Jesus Christ, that wemight be justi- grace: "that being justified by his grace, we should
fied by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of be madeheirs according to the hope of eternal life."
the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh (Titus 3: 7) The apostle Paul illustrates the freedom
be justified." "But that no man is justified by the which the Christian heirs of God’s kingdom enjoy"
law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just from the old law covenant by an illustration of a
stroll live by faith. Andthe law is not of faith: but, Jewish manand his wife. At Romans7 : 1-6 he writes :
The man that doeth them shaU live in them. Christ ° "Knowye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that
hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being
knowthe law,) howthat the law hath dominion over
madea curse for us: for it is written, Cursedis every a man as long as he liveth? For the womanwhich
one that hangeth on a tree." (Gal. 2:16; 3: 11-13) hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband
Yet, despite not being under the commandments, so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she
ordinances and statutes of the old law covenant, true
Christians do not pursue a course of sin like the is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if,
while her husband liveth, she be married to another
world and its nations.
6 To these Christians who are under God’s new man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her
3. What, then, dld God’s words by Ezekiel mean? and why would not 6. Why do~ the religionists’ argument about being "not under the law"
the Decalogue produce a righteous world? not agree wlth Galatlans 4:4?
4. How do Christians demonstrate that God*e promised new world can 7 How Is It demonstrated that Christians are under grace and not
be rtghteou.q without reinstating the Ten Commandments? the law ?
B. Although not under the law, why do Christians not let sin dominate 8. How does Paul’e Illustration of the Jewish man and his wife fit
them like the old world? the Christians ?
N. Y.

}msband be dead,sheis freefromthatlaw;so that or congregation; not to a dead Christ, of course (for
she is no adulteress, though,she be marriedto he was raised from the dead to heavenly life) ; but to
anotherman. WHEREFORE, my brethren, ye alsoare a living Christ. So they live by union with him and
become deadto thelawby thebodyof Christ [sacri-bring forth the fruits of righteousness. The law, by
ficedon thetree];thatye shouldbe marriedto its negative commandments(or Thou shalt not’s)
another, evento himwho is raisedfromthe dead against committing sin, had excited the body’s
[Christ Jesus], thatwe should bringforthfruitunto passions for sin, which sin works death. But now
God. For when we were in the flesh, the motions that the law covenant was dead and abolished, which
[passions] of sins, which were by the law, did work once held the Jews under it, all believers in Christ
in our membersto bring forth fruit unto death. But are delivered from it and serve God, not according
nowwe are delivered from the law, that [law] being to the letter of that old covenant, but according to a
dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in new spirit given to them by God.
newnessof spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter ’~ Because the law covenant did not produce right-
[of the old law covenant]." eousness in the Jewish nation, that does not mean
’ That the "law" here meant is the law covenant, that the law was sin. Rather, that law madethe Jews
including the Ten Commandments, is proved by conscious of what sin is, and the law commandments
Paul’s next words, namely: ’%Vhatshall we say then? are holy, just and good. Paul was a fleshly descend-
Is the law sin ? Godforbid. Howbeit, I had not known ant of Abraham, to whomGod said: "In thy seed
sin, except through the law: for I had not known shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." (Gen.
coveting, except the law had said, Thou shalt not 22: 18) Abrahamwas God’s friend and was justified
covet [the Tenth Commandment]:but sin, finding in God’s sight because of his faith. While yet unborn
occasion, wrought in me through the commandment in the loins of Abraham, Paul had a hope of life
all manner of coveting: for apart from the law sin through faith. But 330 years after Abrahamdied, the
is dead. And I was alive apart from the law once: law covenant was added to the divine promise made
but when the commandment came [by God’s law to Abraham. This law covenant made it plainly
covenant through Moses], sin revived, and I died; appear that Abraham’s fleshly descendants, the
and the commandment,which was unto life, this I twelve tribes of Israel, were sinners and trans-
found to be unto death: for sin, finding occasion, gressors. Paul was born under this law covenant.
through the commandmentbeguiled me, and through He being unable to justify himself to life by the
it slew me. So that the law is holy, and the command- worksof the law covenant, his hope of life by it died.
ment holy, and righteous, and good. Did then that "The Jews, not seeing the temporary purpose of
which is good become death unto me? God forbid. the law covenant, were deceived into thinking they
But sin [became death unto me], that it might be could justify themselves by its works and thus earn
shown to be sin, by working death to me through the right to life from God. The law being holy, just
that which is good ;--that through the commandment and good, sin was clearly shownup in contrast with
sin might becomeexceeding sinful. For we knowthat it. Hence the good law covenant was not the death
the law is spiritual: but I amcarnal, sold under sin." of Paul and of the rest of the Jews; it was sin that
--Rom. 7: 7-14, Am. Stun. Ver. they committed that brought the death penalty. The
’° Briefly, what the apostle is saying in the above- law, being given by the great Spirit Jehovah, was
quoted words is this: According to God’s law through spiritual, being in harmony with that great Spirit
Moses the death of a husband loosed his wife from Jehovah. But Paul was just a carnal or physical,
her union to him, so that she could marry another fleshly human,sold or delivered over to sins at that.
man without becoming an adulteress and breaking Hence how could he measure up to such good law?
the Seventh Commandment. Because of death the He could not; and so he turned to God’s mercy
husband was no longer bound to the woman. God through Christ.
nailed the law covenant to the tree on which Christ
Jesus his Son died. (Col. 2:13, 14) That law cove- NOT RELEASED TO WANTON WRONGDOING
nant had condemnedus and hence was against us by ~’ Therefore, walking in union with the living
exposing us to be sinners. But those who acted on Christ and following the active force or spirit of
God’s gracious provision through Christ for cancel-
ing sins died to such law covenant. Thus dying to it, God, the Christians are not under the condemnation
of the law covenant. They are not under the law cove-
such believers were justified from the things which nant and its Ten Commandments.Manyreligionists,
the law covenant condemned and were free to be
married or joined to Christ as membersof his body 11. How had Paul once been &llve, and then died?
12. What was it that wrought death In Paul? and why could he not
9, 10 la) In Paul’s illustration, how do we know what is meant by ~ure up to the law~
his expression "the law"? (b) How have Christians been freed from 15. Why are Chrisliamm not under the law’s condemnation? and why
that law, to "serve in newness of spirit’’? do they not give themselves over to a loose abandon to =in ?
1, 1945 IglieWATCHTOWEI 333
frightened at this stark fact, ask, Howcan Jehovah’s called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an
witnesses whobelieve this be held back from sinning occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
without the restraining cormnandsof the Decalogue ? For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this:
Are they not tempted to give themselves over to a Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself .... Walk
loose abandon to sin and wickedness? The apostle in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the
Paul answers their questions and shows that true flesh .... if ye be led of the spirit, ye are not under
Christians clare not selfishly use their liberty unto the law. Nowthe works of the flesh [the law of Moses
sin. Paul admits that the law covenant made sin was against such works] are manifest, which are
become more apparent and it disclosed the Jews these ; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lascivious-
under it to be sinners in a special manner. But God’s ness, idolatry, . . . en .vyings, murders, drunkenness,
grace was broad enough to take in even those cove- reveUings, and such like: . . . they which do such
nant-breaking Jews under that special responsi- things shall not inherit the kingdomof God. But the
bility, provided they believed in Christ’s sacrifice. fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
Notice howPaul reasons it out to makeit plain to us, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance:
that God’s grace is no occasion for anyone to freely against such there is no law." (Gal. 5:4, 6, 13-23)
yield himself over to sin. Paul writes : There are no Ten Commandmentsagainst producing
1, "Moreover the law entered [by Moses], that the such fruitage of God’sspirit. His spirit in his conse-
offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace crated people is powerful enough to produce this
did muchmore abound : that as sin hath reigned unto legal fruitage of righteousness without the Ten Com-
death, even so might grace reign through righteous- mandments.--Rom. 13: 8-10.
ness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. "Faithful Christians still study the law covenant,
What shall we say then~. Shall we continue in sin, because the features of the law "are a shadow of
that grace may abound? God forbid. Howshall we, things to come" and these coming things pertain to
that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Let not Christ and his ministry and kingdom. They recognize
sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye the law as "having a shadow of good things to come"
should obey it in the lusts [passions] thereof. For and see Christ Jesus as "being come an high priest
sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not of good things to come". (Col. 2:17; Heb. 10:1;
m~der the law, but under grace. Whatthen? shall we 9: 11) The types and shadows of the law are an
sin, because we are not under the law, but under important part of God’s Word and must be studied
grace? God forbid. Knowye not, that to whomye by Christians as correctly outlining in advance the
yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are purposes of God respecting his Christ. The entire
to whomye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of book of Hebrewsis inspired proof of this fact. For
obedience unto righteousness? But God be thanked, this reason non-flag-saluters have properly quoted
that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed the Second Commandmentas a supporting proof of
from the heart that form of doctrine which was their position.--Luke 24: 27, 44-48.
delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye !, The faithful justified Christians will be united
becamethe servants of righteousness."--Rom. 5 : 20, with Christ Jesus in the new heavens which will
21; 6 : 1, 2, 12, 14-18. govern the coming new world of righteousness. They
1~ Being free from the yoke of the law covenant
have been under no Ten Commandments,but under
and being madefree in Christ, his followers are act- the new covenant and the power of Jehovah’s spirit
ing under the "law of liberty" and are manifesting in and grace. Likewise their earthly companions now,
a positive way their love of Jehovah with all their the people of good-will, are not under the Ten Com-
mind, heart, soul and strength. This they manifest mandments; and yet these are abandoning this
by following the course of righteousness and render- world and are seeking God’s righteousness and meek-
ing to him the service that he requires of them as His ness, if it maybe that they wiil be hid in the day
witnesses. That the "law of liberty" does not mean of Jehovah’s anger. (Zeph. 2:3) Hence we may
license for unrighteousness, Paul shows, saying: sure that what God has accomplished in the case of
,s "Christ is becomeof no effect unto you, whoso-
these justified Christians and his "other sheep" of
ever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen good-will nowas regards reclaiming them for right-
from grace. For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision eousness, without the Ten Commandments,he will
availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith also without them accomplish for all obedient menin
which worketh by love. For, brethren, ye have been the new world, by His grace through Christ the
14. (a)Why did God’s grace abound~. (hi Should Christians sin because "Wonderful Counselor".
they are not under the law but under grace? and why?
15, Howare they acting under the "law of liberty"? 17. Why will faithful Christians study the old law covenant and quote
16. {a)What is the liberty to which Christians are called ~ and how the Second Commandment?
must it be used? (b) What works bar one from the kingdom? and 18. What do God’s accomplishments regarding the Justified Christians ~
against which fruits is there no taw? and their good-will companions inure us regarding men in the new world

N O PEOPLEenjoy more the assembling of them-

selves together for mutual edification and united
action to God’s glory than do Jehovah’s witnesses.
"Remembering the NewWorld’s Creator", dealing par-
ticularly with the texts Ecclesiastes 11 : 9, 10 and 12 : 1-14.
All enjoyed it immensely, not only the manyyouthful per-
The strenuousness of the times and the difficulties of get- sons present, but also the older folks, manyof whomhad
ting together do not count with them. The strengthening grown old in Jehovah’s service. As The Watchtowerexpects
and the joy derived from meeting together for the advanc- to publish this in its November15 issue, we are glad to
ing of the interests of the kingdom of God count with refer our readers thereto.
them as worthy of any effort and expense. So with inex-
pressible gladness thousands availed themselves of the CLEVELAND ASSEMBLY
assembly at Cleveland, Ohio, on the closing days of Sep- "It wouldn’t be Cleveland if it didn’t rain," someoueon
tember, 1945. the streets was heard to say. But Saturday’s rain did not
The annual business meeting of the Watch Tower Bible dampen the ardor of Jehovah’s assembled hosts for field
& Tract Society, a Pennsylvania corporation, at Pitts- service. September 29 the street magazine-work, the dis-
burgh, Pa., was due on Monday, October 1. This made it tribution of the public-meeting leaflets, the house-to-house
convenient for a preliminary local assembly to be held in witnessing and back-eall activities movedahead, because
a near-by city, to be served by the president of the Society, the limited time of the Assembly must be redeemed, rain
N. H. Knorr. Cleveland could offer the facilities for such or shine. In these Christian activities the membersof the
an assembly, and was accordingly chosen. Meant for just remnant of Christ’s anointed body-members worked in
a state convention,due to travel restrictions, the invitations unity, "shoulder to shoulder," with the manytimes more
to it by special letter were confined to the Ohio companies of the Lord’s "other sheep", the modern-day Jonadabs.
of Jehovah’s witnesses. These were sent out ten days in For the meetings of the Assembly proper, according to
advance, announcing a two-day assembly, September 29 printed program, the great gathering now movedinto the
and 30, and advising of the personal attendance of Brother vast Public Auditoriunl, whichseats 10,500. The usual facil-
Knorr and also the subject of his public address, "Be Glad, ities of an assemblyof Jehovah’switnesses were installed at
Ye Nations," at the great Cleveland Public Auditorium. the Auditorium, including a cafeteria in the basement. Here
Also special letters, giving like information, were delivered wholesomeluncheons were served free to the conventioners.
by direct visit by Cleveland companypublishers upon all Voluntary contributions to the expense of the cafeteria
persons of good-~ill listed in their files. were dropped in a numberof receptacles therefor.
Such news, however, was too good to be held within At 2:30 p.m. chairman N. Drysdale called for the song
Ohio’s boundaries, and effusive individuals spilled over the "Eternal God, Celestial King", and a well-trained orchestra
big news to their relatives and friends in other states and (which grew to 36 instrumentalists) struck up the tune,
provinces. Not surprising, then, that when the Cleveland and the formal Assembly was on! A prayer for divine
assembly took up, there were eager, excited, overjoyed blessing, and then a series of four related talks followed,
brethren present from most or all the states of the Union, all stressing the gladsome fact that Jehovah God reigns
and also the provinces of Canada. anew toward our earth since A.D. 1914. The titles and the
Ten units of Jehovah’s witnesses operate directly in speakers were, "The NewSong," by A~qembly servant
Cleveland and its adjacent suburbs, and, of course, they C. Hessler; "The Singers," by Cleveland companyservant
have their problems. The day prior to the Assembly, Fri- E. Hooper; "Jehovah Hath Become King," by J. Pierce,
day, September 28, a special afternoon meeting was ar- a traveling servant to the brethren ; and "The Visible Theo-
ranged particularly for the servants of these companyunits cratic OrgAnlzation", by Grant Suitor, one of the Societ~,’s
and the local pioneers. However, the pouring in of the directors. Attendance at these speeches was 5,880.
brethren on Friday at the Assembly Committee quarters Building up on the foregoing afternoon speeches, the
was such that the meeting was thrown open to all caring night’s program mounted to an unforgetable event. After
to attend. This was held at the KingdomHall of Unit No. "1, fifteen minutes of song and announcements, the speeches
and manyof the 428 present were obliged to stand. Be- resumed at 7:30 p.m., "The Gift of His Son" being first
ginning at 3 p.m., this was first addressed briefly by T. J. presented, by Brother Sullivan. "His Unspeakable Gift"
Sulhvan, a director of the Society and from the Brooklyn was next presented by another director of the Society,
headquarters service department. Then the president, F. W. Franz, and dealt with the method and manner with
Brother Knorr, conducted a question-and-answer meeting which the early Christian church, through its governing
pertaining to the organization and methods for carrying body, handled contributions for the poor and needy Jewish
on the publication of God’s kingdomafield. This kept up Christians at Jerusalem about the year 55 (A.D.). The
till 4:50 p.m., and proved to be very profitable and en- speech culminated with explaining what is Jehovah God’s
lightening to all. unspeakable gift mentionedat 2 Corinthians 9.. 15.
The night session, also meant originally for only the ClimRTingthe entire day came the final speech, "Jeho-
Cleveland company units, was transferred to the Music vah’s witnesses in the Crucible," by Brother Knorr. An
Hall, in the same building of the Cleveland Public Audi- audience of 6,789 felt their hearts burn within them as they
torium, on Lakeside avenue and E. Sixth street. Here the listened to this speech giving undeniable historical proof
attendance leaped to six times as high, namely, to 2,500. from the records of particularly 1933-1945 as to whoare
Brother Sullivan first delivered a half-hour speech on "Our in actuality "Jehovah’s witnesses". It was past 10 p.m.
KingdomService", after which Brother Knorr spoke on when Brother Knorr completed this world survey of proof.

In nice sequence he then disclosed the Society’s early pub- of the Society. Of this membership, 332 profess to be of
lishing of a new 48-page booklet, Organization Instructions Jehovah’s anointed remnant of Christ’s body-members,and
for the KingdomPublisher, adaptable for world-wide use 106 claim to be Jonadabs, or persons of good-will. There arc
in postwar times. His announcementof plans for a much- 19 colored members.All together, 27 nations are represent-
needed visit to the British Isles and continental Europe ed besides the 48 states and District of Columbiaof the
during the last quarter of this year evoked another round United States of America. All membersare active servants
of applause. And when he advised that the Society would of God’s kingdom,83 being of the Society’s institutions in
try to get material aid to the needy brethren of central America, and 142 being associated with American corn-
Europe and that, in due time, the Society would tell them ponies of Jehovah’s witnesses, 102 being pioneers, 70 full-
how they could all contribute their share of help, the time companyservants, 3 servants to the brethren, 3 book-
brotherly love in the hearts of the delighted thousands depot servants, and 35 representing the foreign branches
warmed them up to yet more vigorous handclapping. The of the Society. Either by proxy or by personal presence,
entire assembly, by a viva voce vote of "Aye!" charged 427 membersattended and voted.
Brother Knorr with the pleasant burden of bearing their After the acting secretary had distributed the voting
love to all the European brethren he meets abroad. Never blanks, Brother Knorr presided over the meeting. The main
were brethren more stirred, and they fervently joined their order of business was the electing of the seven members
hearts with Brother Knorr in his closing prayer. of the Society’s board of directors. Before proceeding to
All through the night more brethren continued to arrive this, Brother Knott read a letter to the gathering. Because
in Cleveland, even if to enjoy only the final day of the of its importance, at this transition time whenthe members
Assembly, Sunday, September 30; and their zeal to assem- of God’s anointed remnant of heavenly Kingdomheirs are
ble themselves with those of like precious faith was well gradually passing off the earthly stage and the multitude
repaid. The first event of the day was the baptismal talk, of His "other sheep" is increasing in numbers with hopes
at 8:30 a.m. The Kingdom Hall, on Lexington avenue, of eternal life on earth, we publish this letter. It is self-
was jammedfor this occasion. Preliminary to being im- explanatory.
mersed in the city’s pool at St. Clair Recreation Center,
98 affirmatively answered the questions, 36 men and 62 LETTER OF GENERAL INTEREST
women.For the day’s field acti~dties all the other brethren Brooklyn, NewYork,
applied to the KingdomHalls in the respective sections of September24, 1945.
the city where they resided and sallied forth from there To the Membershipof the
WatchTowerBible and Tract Society,
to the work. Of the 769 pioneers at the Assembly, 252 were Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
special publishers, and all these helped in producing the Dear fellow Servants:
fine service result that was later reported to the Assembly OnJanuary13, 1942, being a member of the board of dLrectors
covering the two days of united activity. of the WatchTowerBible &Tract Society, I was elected vice-
At 2:15 p.m. speeches at the Public Auditorium took up president of that Society to fill the of~ce madevacant by the
again. From the attendance it was evident that the Audi- election of Brother Knott as premdent.Ever since that date I
have, with diligence and the Lord’s help, striven to performthe
torium wouldbe packed out for The public address at 4 p.m. duties of that office, as well as dischargeother privileges andre-
The contingent of three of the Society’s directors, Suiter,sponsibilities of service bestoweduponmeby the Lord.
Sullivan and Franz, served up a wholesomeseries of talks At the time the boardof directors selected meas ~uce-premdent
on ’~Living Under Grace, and Not the Law", "Were Parts they knewthat I did not considermyselfto be one of the remnant
of the Law Perpetual?" and "Righteous World Without of the bodyof Christ, but that I hopedto be of the "great muhl-
the Ten Commandments".Before this series was over the tude" class, expecting to get life on earth instead of heavenly
glory. At that time the members of the boarddid not considerone
Auditorium was indeed packed out. In mighty tones the not of the "remnant"to be disqualified to hold a pomtmn as an
Assembly sang "Take Sides with Jehovah", and at 4 p.m. officer of the Society. However,since that tune, we have been
the chairman introduced the public speaker, Brother Knorr. greatly enlightened on the status of the Jonadabclass mthe
The speech that followed, "Be Glad, Ye Nations," held organLzationby revelations of the Lord’s Wordin The Watch-
towerarticles about the "stranger’s right". Alsoin that Journal
that vast audience of 13,500, and their applauses empha- we have learned moreabout the spiritual "governingbody" and
sized that they were rejoicing either as or with Jehovah’s the proper position of the WatchTowerBible &Tract Society
people; they well understood the glorious reasons for beingmrelatmn to such "governing body". These vital matters have
irrepressibly glad. A free gift of the booklet "The Kingdombecomeplainer to all of Jehovah’s~rttnesses mrecent years.
of GodIs Nigh" was offered at the close to the 4,000 or so It is clearly to be seen, as a result of this plainer understand-
ing, that each member of the boardof directors of the Society,
strangers of good-will in attendance. This public address winchthe Lord is using to direct His workin the earth, should
brought the Cleveland Assemblyto its finis. be an integral part of the spmtualgoverningbodyof Christ, as
long as there are those of the "remnant"legally admmstbleto
SOCIETY’S MEETING AT PITTSBURGH the directorate whopossess the necessaryquahfieationsto manage
the affairs of the Society. Accordingly,since there has beena
FromCleveland to Pittsburgh, Pa., is just several hours clearer appreciation of the proper qualifieatmnsof officers and
by train or auto. There, next day, Monday,October 1, 186 &rectors of the Society, mybeing not of the rem,*antclass and
gathered at the offices of the WatchTowerSociety in the at the sametLmebeing a member of the board, as well as an offi-
WabashBuilding, at 10 a.m. This was in harmony with the cer of the Society, has presented and nowpresents an oecasmn
for deliberation and aetmnin harmony~rtth the Lord’s will.
revised charter of the WatchTower Bible & Tract Society Morethan a year ago whenBrother Knorrand I were working
as amendedin business meeting last year, on October 2, together on the proposedamendments to the charter this matter
1944. Notice thereof was sent by letter to the 438 members was discussed by us. Weconsidered then whether the quahfica-
336 eWATCHTOWER. BRoomn~, N. Y.

tions of directors and officers should be presented to the share- were those of Jehu and Jonadab as they rode together in the
holder voters m the form of a reeolutlon to amendthe charter chariot to battle.--2 Ki. 10:15, 16.
fixing the qualification of directors and officers. At that time we I rejoice to stand with you as a fellow warrior for Jehovah,
did not deem it to be a matter that should be handled through marching under the undefeated Commanderto the people, de-
amendmentof the charter, because of reasons too numerous that termined that, by the spirit of Jehovah, we shall never break
time would fail me here to discuss them. At that time it was con- our serried ranks. In doing this we shall have a small part m the
sldered advisable by us to refer the matter to the board of direc- vindleatiun of Jehovah’s name, and see the enemy go down m
tors at a suitable time so that the board could fix the qualifica- the dust of defeat.
tion of directors and officers, limiting them to those of the "rem- Your brother,
nant" class, in harmonywith the Lord’s will. [Signed] HaTvz.~C. COVI~:GVO.~.
Considering that the matter should be clarified and settled by
the board of directors before the first annual meeting under the ELECTIONOF DIRECTORSAND OFFICERS
new amendmentsto the charter this matter was submitted to the
members of the board of directors recently. After prayerful Accordingly Brother Covington’s name was withdrawn
eonslderatmn and due deliberation the membersof the board, in- from the nominations, although he still continues as one
cluding me, decided that it was the Lord’s will that all officers, of the 438 membersof the Society and also as the Society’s
as well as directors, of the Society should be of the "remnant" legal attorney. Brother Knorr then read the Resolution
class as long as there are such available and qualified. The de- referred to in Brother Covington’s letter and which sets
termination was unanimous.
out the findings of the erstwhile board of directors. There-
Inasmuch as there are membersof the board of directors who
axe quahfied to be vice-president, and since there are membersof after nominations for directors proceeded, and Lyman A.
the Soc,.ety each of whomis competent to become a memberof Swingle, of the Society’s headquarters in Brooklyn, N.Y.,
the board of directors according to the Lord’s will, I do not be- was nominated as instead of Brother Covington. A unani-
lieve that it would be m harmonywith the judgment of the Lord mous vote was east for all seven nominees, namely, N. H.
that I should continue to act as vlee-presldeut of the Society and Knorr, W. E. Van Amburgh and L. A. Swingle to serve as
as a memberof the board of directors. Although my name as a
candidate for re-electron as a director has been printed on the directors for a term of three years ; H. H. Riemer and F. W.
ballots mailed to the membersof the Socaety I do not choose to Franz, for two years ; and T. J. Sullivan and Grant Suiter,
be nominated for re-electron at the annual meeting of the mem- for one year.
bers I am hereby withdrawing my name as a candidate for elec-
tron as a director It is suggested that somecompetent person of For the next forty-five minutes Brother Knorr then de-
the "remnant" class be nominatedand elected to fill myplace on livered a service speech, the material of which will be in-
the board of directors. Since myterm of office as vice-president corporated in the 1946 :Yearbook as the introduction of the
expires with myrettrement as a memberof the board by electron Society’s annual service report. Brother C. E. Stewart, Sr.,
of another person, It is not necessary for meto resign as wee-
president in order for that office to be filled by somecompetent of Pittsburgh, then moved that all those present at this
person from among the members of the board. A new vice- annual business meeting send their love and greetings to
president will have to be elected by the dLrectors after the annual their brethren in Europe by Brother Knorr; which motion
meeting of the members. Mymembership in the Society with you was readily seconded and unanimously voted. Brother
shall continue unaffected. Knorr closed the meeting with prayer. It was a glad occa-
Myaetmn in declining to serve further aa a memberof the sion, and numerous were the comments on how smoothly
board of directors and as vice-president of the Watch Tower
Bible and Tract Society, a Pennsylvama corporation, is not an and expeditiously the proceedings had moved under the
evasmnof responsibilities. Rather it is an effort to complywith Theocratically revised regulations of the Society’s charter.
what appears to be the Lord’s will, acceptable to me, and to Only four of the seven directors of the Society were in
which I delight to conform.--Rom. 12: 2; Ps. 40: 8.
attendance at the Pittsburgh annual meeting. Hence the
The brethren everywhere, including all membersof the Society election of the Society’s officers by the board of directors,
voting at the election, will no doubt be pleased to join with me
and the other membersof the board of directors on this issue. In as required by the amended charter, was deferred till all
doing so we shall comply with the counsel of the apostle Paul, could be notified and assembled together in regular meeting.
to wit, "NowI beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord This was done on Friday, October 5, 1945, the board meet-
Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there ing being called by Brother Knott at the Brooklyn head-
be no chwsmnsamong you; but that ye be perfectly joined to-
gether m the same mind and m the same judgment."--I Cot. 1 : 10. quarters for S a.m. All seven met together in the president’s
There is no question that m the days of the nation of Israel private office. After prayer for Jehovah’s guidance and
Jehovah did not permit those of the "stranger" class to do the blessing, the following were nominated and then elected by
work that belonged exclusively to the Lewtes. There ts no reason unanimous vote: N. H. Knorr, as president; F. W. Franz,
why it should be different m tbas day of Jehovah. as vice-president; W. E. Van Amburgh, as secretary-
Moreover, the actmn taken should not be considered as any treasurer, he having continued in unbroken succession in
intimation of disunity. There is no dLsumtybetween those of the this office of the Society since March 24, 1903; and Grant
"anointed" class and those of the "stranger" class at the head-
quarters of the Lord’s organlzation on earth. Indeed we rejoice Suiter and H. It. Riemer, aa assistants secretary-treasurer.
that our hands are joined together m the service of Jehovah and There being no further business, the results of the meeting
that our hearts and minds are knitted together as one, even as were commended to the Lord with prayer.

( Co.|inu~dfrompage322)
uponm the December 15, 1945, issue of The Wa¢cltto~ver,but the remindsyou of e~ of the six special TestimonyPeriods of 1946,
1946Calendarof the Society will feature it before your eyesall besidesthe special service themesfor all the interveningmonths.
the newyear round. The picture in color accompanying the text A single copyis 25¢; but five copies, whenmailedto oneaddress,
helps you to visualize just howth~ year’s text is being applied are $1. Companiesand groups should take advantageof thin and
andrealized throughoutall the nations d~w.TheCalendarpadalso combineindividual orders for one common shipment.
- ~eklel ~:15.
VOL. LXVI Szyz~oNzm.Y No. 22

NOVF..MBF.R15, 1945

Rzul~wnlml~o ’rag
NEwWOZhD’S Cazx~oa...................... 339
How to Remember
.................................. 340
Windup from Vain Youthfulness ........ 342
Aidsto Remembering ............................ 345
"The Conclusion of the Matter" ......... 347
WRYDrvz~z CaAs’rEslSOS Cogz .......... 348
cr.s ................................... 352
TzsTI~O~Plauov ......................... 338
’cWA~TOW~" STUD.S.......................... 338
1946 Y~aa~OK O~ Jz~OWn’s wrr~r, ssgs 338
1946 S~wczC~Lr~v~.......................... 338
117 Adams Street

Brooklyn i, N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS :]ourns.1 is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovali God and his purposes as expressed
in the Bible. It publishes B~le instruction specifically
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-wall.
N. H. KNORE,President W.E. V~ A.MBURGH, Secretary It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and the Society
"And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; mad supplies other literature to aid in such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for ether means
~reat shall be the peace of thy children." -3. .Ij,~:ah ..,¢4:t of public instruction in the Scripture.~
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, partir~, sects
THATJEHOVAHis the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and cr~tieal examina-
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not in-
and is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power dulge in controversy, and itscolumnsare not opento personahtms.
/n heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah;
THAT GODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by reason UNtTZD STaTeS, $1.00; all other countries, $1.50, American currency"
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the Guitar BRITAIN, AuoTn£LAalA, AND ~OUTH AFUICA, 68. American remit-
lances should be made by Postal or Express Money Order or by BanR
right to life; Draft. British. South African and Aemtralastan remittances should
be made direct to the respective branch ofiqces. Remittances from
THAT THE LOGOS was made human as the man Jesus and count/des other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive orate, but by lnternofsomal Postal Money Order only.
price for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus La~ogaloN OrFIczs
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature
and above every creature’s name and clothed hlm wRh all power 34 Craven Terrare, London, W. 2. England
and authority; gvstralam~un ____ 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W., Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONIs a Theocracy called 8o~tk Afr/ca~ Boston House. CaPe Town, South Africa
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and Is the Ind(~a~, 187 Love Lane, Bombay 27, India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please Address the Society In every cue.
foUowers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Translations of this Journal appear In several Isn~ages.
purposes toward mankind aa expressed in the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear; ALL SINCERE STUDENTS 0r "l’~ BIBLE who by reason of
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of may have Th~ Walohtower free upon written application to the publishers,
made once each year. sLatJnS t~e ream~n for so requesting it. We are
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to glad
nt to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each )-eat
[s required by the postal regulatio
the establishment of the "new earth" of the New World;
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can Notfce to ~bs~bcr$: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, scription will b~ sent only when requested. Change of nddress, when
requested, may be expected to appear on address label within one mouth.
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank (carrying notice of expzration) will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’sorgamzatmn and the completeestablish- JournAl one month before the subscription explre~
meritof righteousness in the earth,and that underthe Kingdom Printed in the United States of America
the peopleof good-willthat surviveArmageddonshall carry ~nf~red ~a seeo~d-class matter at the post o~ce at Brooklyn, ,I¢. Y.,
cut the divinemandateto "fillthe earth"wxtha righteous race. ~nd~r the Act el Mo, ch $, lS7~.


Each Watchtower reader can make December a month of enjoy- The 1946 Yearbook reallyrecordsan epoch,namely,the workof
ing a glormtts "treasure of serwce" for hh-nseLf. All ~t needs ~s to the Lord’sw~tnesses world-wide duringthe year thatmarkedthe
take part wath Jehovah’s w~tnesses m the "Treasure of Service" end of the mostferocious of globalwars,w~thall the releaseof
Teshmony Period, which has been asstgned to cover the enhre last news that this afforded, and the resumptmn of aet~at~es m the
many war-ravaged lands by God’s consecrated people now released
month of this calendar year. Not every human ts privileged by the from the oppressions and restraints of totahtarmn rule and all-
Lord God to participate m tkls servtce of bearing testunony to his embracing war-regimentation. The report of the work for the 1945
Kingdom, and that is why you can apprecmte tt to be such a service year on continental Europe, in the Orient, in fact, for the
treasure to serve now as an announcer of that r~ghteous Govern- eastern and western hemispheres as a whole, LS by the Watch
ment. Such servzce will be rendered during December by using the Tower Society president, and his introductmn to the report will
P.Sc combination of "The Kingdom Is a~ Hand" and the latest thrill you and get you m the mood for the reports to follow from
booklet, The "Commander to the Peoples"~ m door-to-door w~t- all lands from which mformatmn has come through. The Yearbook
nessing. Th~s direct work will, of course, be supplemented by the also offers the premdent’s comment on the 1946 yeartext, ac-
companied by a daily text and comment from published Watch-
t~asuresome follow-up service, that of back-calls and opening up tower sources for each day of the year. The posting of 50e a copy,
book" studms. Who will avail himself of this blessed service marled postpaid, for the 1946 Yearbook of Jehovah’s ~,tnesses is
treasure~ We trust that your report of work at the month’s close made necessary by the linnted distribution and printing. All groups
will i’e~ter an "I" ~or you. should pool their individual orders and send in the same as a
unit, to economize time and expense in shipment.
Week of December 23 : "Remembering the New World’s Creator," What a themethe Lord has providedthroughhis organization
¶ 1-24 inclusive,The Watchtower November15, 1945. forthe calendar
yearof 19461It is, "Be glad,ye nations,
Week of December 30 : "Remembering the New World’s Creator," people."--Romans15: I0, Rotherham.This text is commented
¶ 25-47 inclusive, The Watchtowee November 15, 1945. (Continue~on page 352)
15, 1945 No. 22


"’t~emember your Creator in the days of your vigor, before the evil days come, and the years approach of
which you will say, ’I have no pleasure in them.""---Eccl. 12:1, Amer. Trans.; Rotherham.
" EHOVAH has vigor and strength which never tire

J for receiving mercy or exemption, but what will be

or wear out. On earth "the glory of young menis such weshah see in this article.~Ezek. 9: 5, 6.
their strength", but the vigor of youth is nothing a Youth, of course, with its vigor and hveliness and
in comparison with that of the great Creator, Jeho- its curiosity about this realm of mankind,is eager to
vail God. (Prov. 20: 29) Those who depend upon the be active and express itself and to get somewhere.
Creator receive strength and power of endurance Youthfeels its strength and wants to apply it, for the
such as the natural strength of youth cannot match. pleasure of it. The youthful mind is inquiring and
To those who are doubtful about this fact tile is wanting to pick up information. Being so recent an
question is put: "Hast thou not known?hast thou not arrival on earth, youth wants to get a full taste of
heard? The everlasting God, Jehovah, the Creator hfe and deepen its experience. With so many means
of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is of travel at band, it wants to see the sights of the
weary; there is no searching of his understanding. world. No; the natural bent of youth, under present
He giveth power to the faint ; and to him that hath no world pressure, is not to get a fuller knowledgeof
might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall the great Giver of life and to deepen its insight into
faint and be weary, and the young menshall utterly his purpose in creating man, nor to broaden its
fall : but they that wait for Jehovahshall renewtheir experience in relation with the Creator. Even with
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; what religious instruction it gets today, the tend-
they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, ency of youth in general is to overlook the Creator
and not faint." (Isa. 40: 28-31, Am. Stun. Ver.) It is and to crowd him out of life and mind and eye. The
therefore not the wisest thing for the young to widespread increasing juvenile delinquency is a tell-
depend upon their physical youth as something to be tale proof of this, and is properly causing much
always counted upon, neither to think that strength worry.
to endure is based upon mere bodily freslmess and ¯ The word of warning at Ecclesiastes 11:9, l0
vigor. maybe centuries old, but it was never of more timely
The young today are heavily besieged from all importance than today, namely: ’~Rejoice, O young
sides for their support and contribution of service man, in 3"our youth, and let your mind be glad in the
and strength. Youth now is facing the most serious days of your vigor, and walk in the ways of your
problem in all humanhistory. This is so, not simply mind and in the sight of your eyes; but "knowthat for
because the tangles, the snarls, and the dangerous, all these things God will bring you into judgment.
touchy problems and unpredictable difficulties of the And put away worry [or cause for future worry and
postavar period of internationalism are ahead. It is vexation] from your mind, and remove evil from
so because the nations are bent on continuing their your flesh; for youth and the prime of life [or, the
march through the postwar period to the battlefield dawn of life] are vanity." (Amer. Trans.) The fore-
of Armageddon, which name Armageddon refers to going words are not said in a sarcastic way, as if to
the "war of the great day of God, the Almight3 say, Go ahead, young man, and get your fling at life,
(Rev. 16: 14, Ant. Stan. Vet.) In that universal war but remember there’ll be a judgment day l Whatthe
of Armageddona person’s having youth will be no words do meanis that, whatever the course the young
advantage to him nor a guarantee of surviving alive mantakes from his youth onward to satisfy his mind
into the new world. Youthfulness will be no grounds and heart and eyes, it will affect the outcomeof his
1. In the face of the Creator, why is it not wise for the younz to 3. What today 1| the tendency of youth, even with religious Instruction,
depend upoD youth and strength ot their own? and "ahy?
2. Why is youth now facing the most seriouA problem In all human 4. What do the words of Eccle~lasteJ 11:9, 10 mead that makes them
history, and without any adrantag~ to youth? of such timely importance today?
judgment before the Most High God, the Supreme Jehovah God is the great Spirit; and if we sow to
Judge. him and to his pleasing, then we are certain to
B Youth generally does not like to feel the weight receive from the.great Spirit Being the reward of
of responsibility. It does not like to sober itself up eternal life by Christ Jesus.
beforehand with a stud), and examination of what ’ In order not to misspend either youth or what
will be the consequences of going a certain way. All vigor we have, only to cometo a realization in after-
the same, youth becomes, with rare exceptions, years that it was a course of vanity and uselessness,
responsible for what the man turns out to be. That the inspired Scriptures give us this sound advice:
is to say, the course that a boy and girl take in youth ’~Yet remember thy Creator, in the days of thy
affects their future as a manand woman.Youth can- vigour, or ever comein the days of discomfort, and
not escape its responsibility, for it is based upon the tim )’ears arrive in which thou shalt say, I have in
laws which are ingrained in the human mind and them no pleasure." (Eccl. 12: 1, Roth.) Or, as com-
body. Hence, if the vigorous young man, glad to be monly quoted: "Remembernow thy Creator in the
alive, walks on in the wayof a selfish heart and with days of thy youth, while the evil days comenot, nor
his eyesight fixed on worldly goals, it is bound to the )’ears draw nigh, whenthou shalt say, I have no
bring a certain judgment upon him from God, an pleasure in them."--Auth. Vet.
unfavorable judgment. On the other hand, if the B This is good instruction for the young folks, of
young man or woman,in gratitude for life, walks in course, but also for the older folks. For surely that
ways of an unselfish heart and fixes the eyes of faith which is so vital and important to rememberin the
upon the righteousness of the NewWorld, it will golden time of youth is vital and important to
bring a favorable judgment that will meanlife with- rememberat all times. With the passing of our youth
out end in the righteous NewWorld. Such a young we dare not stop remembering; but remembering in
person will avoid living youth and tile dawnof life in youth should put us in the habit of remembrancein
vain by a misguided course that leads to disappoint- all later life. Not only in the time of youth, but at
ment. Such a person ~fill not worry or vex himself any time that we are feeling the vigor of physical
with the selfish things of this life nor mapout for well-being, we may be thrown off balance and be
himself a way- that is sure to bring vexation, worry inclined to forget. Bodily vigor mayset us to depend-
and disillusionment and hopelessness in the future. ing upon physical strength and then boasting in it.
He will put awayor removeevil from the flesh while Because the real source of strength and might, God,
he is young and will pursue the way that is in is unseen, it is no reason to overlook him and trust
harmony with the righteousness of the NewWorld. in the humanstrength of which we feel so conscious.
Whenthe judgment which this brings to him from "Thus saith Jehovah, Let not the wise manglory in
Godis rendered, then he will not regret howhe spent his wisdom, neither let the mighty manglory in his
his youth and dawnof life. It was for him no vanity" ! might, let not the rich manglory in his riches; but
let him that glorieth glory in this, that he hath under-
standing, and lmoweth me, that I am Jehovah who
The time of life must be redeemed. We cannot exerciseth lovingldndness, justice, and righteousness,
afford to waste an)" part of our life, using it vainly in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith
and to no good result. The time of youth is a time of Jehovah."---Jer. 9: 23, 24, Am. Stun. Ver.
opportunity. The crop we reap in later life is largely ’ Christ Jesus also gave the right viewpoint regard-
determined by what we sow in youth. God’s law ing strength to the apostle Paul under physical afflic-
applies in this matter and cannot be mocked, no
matter how scientifically: "For whatsoever a man tion; and Paul therefore wrote: "Three thnes I have
prayed to the Lord about this, begging that it might
soweth, tbat shall he also reap. For he that soweth leave me, and he said to me, ’Myfavor as enough for
to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he you, for only where there is weakness is perfect
that sowethto the spirit shall of the spirit reap life strength developed.’ So I am perfectly willing to
everlasting." (Gal. 6: 7, 8) All humanflesh, even
boast of all my weakness, so that the strength of
tile time of youth, is dying in corruption. So, if a man Christ may shelter me. That is why I am pleased
sows according to his animal passions and fleshly
desires, he will reap no more than death in corrup- with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions,
tion at the time of dissolution of the fleshly body. But and difficulties, whenthey are endured for Christ’s
if tile mancultivates his life and implants in it what sake, for it is when I am weak that I am strong."
is in favor of his spiritual growth and well-being, he --2 Cor. 12: 8-10, Goodspeed.
is sure to reap spiritual benefits unto life .everlasting. 7. Aa against misspending youth and vigor, what does Eccleslutes
12 : 1 advise?
5. {a)What Is It that youth tries to e~cape, but vainly so? (b)How, 8. Why he thla good instruction for the older folks as well aue the young?
therefore, will the )outh conduct himself who seeks a satisfactory
final Juflgment ~ 9. How did L"rnrlst $esue give Paul the proper viewpoint regerdlog
6. Why must the t~me of life be rt~leemed, especially an youth? strength? and what did Paul write therefore?
1o The admonition about remembering our Maker boys. At seventeen years of age Joseph’s mindfulness
during the vigor of our youth was addressed first of of Jehovah God was rewarded by the sending of
all to young men and womenof the Jewish nation. prophetic dreams to him, indicating God’s outstand-
This nation being dedicated to God and under cove- ing favor to him. Whenhe was sold as a young man
nant relationship with Him, these young men and downinto Egypt, this isolated him as the sole wor-
womenwere born into a special relationship with shiper of Jehovah Goddownthere. Yet, this attrac-
Him and were consecrated to Him. This makes it tive young man did not forget his Creator. His
very clear that even the children of persons whoare remembrance of Jehovah was his strength to resist
consecrated Christians must bear the Creator in the invitations to yield to passion and to reply firmly
remembrance.If the)" do exercise themselves to keep to the temptress: "Howthen can I do this great
him in remembrance, they both honor him and do wickedness, and sin against God?"
themselves a benefit. "Although wrongfully thrown into prison for his
t, Unquestionably the boy Jesus had repeated to
integrity, young Joseph did not fail to rememberhis
him by his parents the admonition to remember his Creator. Spending some years of his twenties in the
Creator in youth. At any rate, the boy Jesus was a State’s prison did not make him feel forsaken of
faithful example of remembering Jehovah God while Jehovah God and drive him to forsake God; but at
yet of tender age. Whenhe was twelve )’ears old his twenty-eight, two years before his release from
parents took him up to Jerusalem to the celebration prison, he could interpret significant dreams in the
of the passover festival. On their return journey they name of the Lord and say: "Do not interpretations
missed him and turned back to search for.him in belong to God? tell me them, I pray you." Testimony
Jerusalem. On the third day of hunting they found to his faithful remembranceof his Creator during all
him in the temple, taldng part in discussing ques- his prison hardships is found in his sincere, innocent
tions with the teachers there. In answer to his expression after his release from prison at thirty
mother’s anxious inquiry, "he said to them, ’Whydid years of age, to stand before the mighty Pharaoh of
you seek me? Did you not know that ] must be in Egypt: "It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an
the courts of my Father?’" (Luke 2:49, Empltatic answer of peace .... The dream of Pharaoh is one:
Dzaglott; Rotherham) His gaining information there God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do.
in the temple courts of his Creator was a very ¯.. it is because the thing is established by God, and
profitabie way of remembering and learning some- Godwill shortly bring it to pass."~Genesis, chapters
thing to rememberabout his Father. Hencehis fitting 37, 39, 40, 41.
question : "Howdid you cometo look for me? Did you 1~ David, the shepherd of Bethlehem, was another
not know that I must be at my Father’s house?" who, in his youth, was careful not to put Godout of
(Goodspeed; Am. Stare Ver.; Moffatt; Fenton; his thoughts and to boast of his own physical
Lamsa) From Jesus’ time onward the temple or strength. While yet in his teens he killed single-
lto~tse of his Father is the Christian congregation, of handed a bear and a lion that attacked his father’s
which Christ Jesus is the Head. And there, where sheep; and whenpreparing to go out on the battle-
membersof this congregation meet, is a good place field to fight the terrifying Philistine giant Goliath,
for the youth to he and to call to mind their Creator. David confessed his Creator before King Saul, say-
~ Samuel, son of Hannah, was another who was ing: "Jehovah that delivered me out of the paw of
mindful of his Maker in his young days; and he did the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, tie will
not object to being made a servant at God’s temple deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine." Just
from a tender age upward. Of course, as lie served so; shortly thereafter the physical giant, a "man of
at the Lord’s house, opening the doors there, etc.. he war from his youth", fell slain before the youth whom
received mental instruction as a Levite. (1 Sam. tie despised and cursed. (1 Sam. 17: 32-51, Am. Sta~.
1:22-28; 2:18; 3:1, 15) He filled his mind with l’er.) As a youth David showed the qualities of a
things to remember, and also observed the memo- man after God’s own heart. Hence God had him
rable works of Jehovah God. anointed to be Israel’s future king and then put his
~ Joseph was still another who remembered what spirit upon him. Although the Devil afterward used
was most important as a young man ; and he was well
a type of Christ Jesus. His remembranceof his Crea- King Saul to persecute David to make him forget
tor was doubtless one of the worthy reasons whyhis his Creator and turn to false gods, David remem-
father Jacob especially loved him above all tds other bered God more earnestly than ever and kept to the
right course. For this he was made king instead of
10 To whomwas the admonition of Ecclesiastes 12:1 first addreKsed ?
and xthat tloes this fact make very clear? unfaithful King Saul, at thirty years of age.
11 What was the occasion where Jesu~ ~as a faithful example o{
remealbering the Creator ~hlle yet of tender age? and what do hi8
word’, show regarding Gods house? 14 What facts later testify to ~how Joseph had faithfully remembered
12 Itow ~ was Samuel another youthful example~ in youth?
13 How was Joseph another youthful c-xampie 15 Ilow was David another faithful example, and with what reward]

,s Hezekiah, prince of Judah, was another whobe- faithful course in youth provided a strong founda-
thought himself of the Creator in his youthful days. t-ion upon which to stand up and defy emperors and
Therefore his reign, which began when he was but to be cast into the fiery furnace and the lions’ den
twenty-five years of age, was a faithful and godly rather than to forget Godand worship creature gods.
reign that foreshadowed the time of Christ’s reign- ~Daniel, chapters 1, 3, 6, Amer. Trans.
ing with his Father from A.D. 1914 down to the ,o John, son of priest Zacharias and Elizabeth, was
battle of Armageddon.m2Icings, chapters 18, 19; a further one whose youth was filled with remem-
2 Chronicles, chapters 29-32. brances of the Creator. Notwithstanding being forced
"Josiah, a royal descendant of King Solomon, was to live in wilderness haunts because of religious
another who conformed himself to Solomon’s words enemies, "the child grew up and became strong in
at Ecclesiastes 12: 1. Josiah began reigning as king the spirit, and he lived in the desert until the day
over Judah at eight years of age. Disclosing where whenhe proclaimed himself to Israel." At the age of
his thoughts had been centered during the first ten thirty he began baptizing and announced himself to
years of his reign, Josiah in remembrance of his Israel as the forer,mner of the Messiah. In his thirty-
Creator distinguished his eighteenth year of life by second year he suffered martyrdom.--Luke 1:80,
repairing Jehovah’s temple and holding the greatest Amer. Trans.; 9: 7-9.
passover celebration there ever in the history of the "~ Last of all, let us mention Timothy, son of
temple. Thereafter the youthful king cleared out reli- Eunice, to whomtwo letters preserved in the Bible
gion from the land of Judah as far as possible, that were written by the apostle Paul. Because Timothy
Jehovah God might be chiefly held in remembrance. was made a special overseer of a congregation of
--2 Chronicles, chapters 34, 35; 2 ICings 22, 23. Christians and acted as a special representative of
is Jeremiah, who began prophesying in the thir- the governing body of the apostles, Paul wrote to
teenth year of ICing Josiah’s reign, was another Timothy: "These things commandand teach. Let no
youngling who turned his mind to the Maker of man despise thy youth; but be thou an ensample to
heaven and earth. When Jehovah sent his word to themthat believe, in word, in mannerof life, in love,
Jeremiah, probably about thirteen years old, God in faith, in purity." (1 Tim. 4: 11, 12, Am. Stun. Vet.)
said: "I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." The basis for this early advancementin privileges of
Jeremiah said: "All, Lord Jellovah! behold, I know service in the apostolic church was Timothy’s remem-
not how to speak; for I am a child." "But Jehovah brance of his Maker during the freshness of his
said unto [him], Say not, I am a child; for to whom- youth. Hence Paul could write to Timothy: "Con-
soever I shall send thee thou shalt go, and whatso- tinue thou in the things which thou hast learned and
ever I shall commandthee thou shalt speak. Be not hast been assured of, knowing of whomthou hast
afraid because of them; for I am with thee to deliver learned them; and that from a child thou hast lmown
thee, saith Jehovah." (Jer. 1 : 4-8 ; Am. Stan. Vet.) As the holy scriptures, which are able to makethee wise
long as the lad Jeremiah remembered Jehovah, he unto salvation through faith which is in Christ
did not fear the imposing-looking religious opposers. Jesus."--2 Tim. 3:14, 15.
Regardless of years of religious opposition he could
not cease rememberingJelmvah : "Andif I say, I will
not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his "Theforegoing historicexamples illustratewhat
name, then there is in myheart as it were a burning it meansto remembertheCreator in thedayof man’s
fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with for- youth,andtheprofitableness of it as it appears
bearing, and I cannot contain."--Jer. 20: 9, Am. thelateryearsof life.Theyearsof youtharethe
Stun. Ver. formativeyears,whenthemanthatis to l)eisbeing
"Daniel and his three Hebrew companions were formedin a mentalandspiritual way;if notalsoin
outstanding lads who retained Godin their -knowl- a physical way.Theyare the mostimpressionable
edge as an influence for clean, Theocratic conduct in yearsof life,whenthememory is mostretentiveand
a demon-controlled land of exile. Being princely whenwhatis tucked awayin therecesses of themind
"youths who had no defect in them, but were hand- is notquickly forgotten.Moreover, youthwantsto
some in appearance", they surprised their heathen live,in happiness.
Why,then,should notthecreature
caretaker by steadfastly refusing to eat royal food rememberits Creatorand Life-giver when it is
offered to demonidols. They were abundantly blessed young!Thenlifeisaheadofit,notjustthebrief life
of the Lord Godfor their conscientiousness. Their duringthispresent evilworld, but,possibly, the
everlastinglifein theNewWorldof righteousness,
16 What kind of reign was King Hesekiah’e, and due to what earlier
course? 20. How was John the Baptist a further Youthful example? and with
17 How did King Josiah conform to Ecclealaste~ 12:17 what outcome?
18. What was Jeremiah’s experience in youth? and with what result 21, What was the basl~ for Timothy’s early advancement in service
after yesre of religious persec~tion? privileges In the church, as testified to’by Paul~
19 How were Daniel and his three Hebrew companlous exemplary in 22. Why should it be particularly In youth that the creature remember
~outh? and as a foundation for what later conduct? the Creator?
15, 1945 ieWATCHTOWER. 343

provided the creature makes the right preparation. the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh,
The Devil and his invisible and visible organization when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;
are not interested in man’s living, even if the Devil while the sun, or the light, or the moon,or the stars,
did say to Eve in Eden, ’~Ye shall not surely die," be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the
if you forget your Creator. But the Creator of man- rain." (Eccl. 12: 1, 2) Such lack of pleasure in any
kind is interested in the living of obedient, righteous longer living was not the feeling of the old man
creatures. Andsince the Devil has caused the entry Simeon, who had grown old in uprightness toward
of sin and death among men, the Creator has made the Lord God. Whenhe took up the infant Jesus in
merciful provision for the removal of death, broken- his arms at the temple in Jerusalem and realized that
down old age, and wickedness from the earth, and, this was the one by whom Jehovah God was to
more wonderful still, for the re-creation of the dead bring salvation and freedom to humankind, Simeon
in the graves. Why, then, should not buoyant youth thought life worth living. He joyfully blessed God
remember the Creator? and said: "Now, Master, you will let your slave
" It would be selfish to think of beginning to take go free in peace [by Christ the Savior], as you
time to rememberthe Creator first whenone is past promised, for my eyes have seen your salvation
his youth and, by a merciful providence, is entering which you have set before all the nations, a light of
into one’s old age. Jehovah being our Creator, every- revelation for the heathen, and a glory, to your
thing that we are we owe to him. Everything we people Israel !"--Luke 2: 25-32, Goodspeed.
enjoy we owe to him, for he is the Builder of heaven ,e Neither were old-age regrets the experience of
and earth. Jehovah is God, the Creator, and we are the eighty-four-year-old widow Anna (or Hannah),
man, the creature. The wonderful New World of a womanwhose remembrance of God from her youth
righteousness which the Bible describes as a "world up had led forward to the climactic experience of her
without end", whose new heavens and new earth will long life. "She was very old, for after her girlhood
renmin for ever, behold, He is the Creator thereof. she had been married for seven years, and she had
(Isa. 65: 17, 18; 66:22) The appreciative manshould been a widow until she was now eighty-four. She
desire, therefore, to remember the Creator of all never left the Temple, but worshipped night and day
things from the days of his youth and vigor, because with fasting and prayer. She came up just at that
the Creator is deserving of the service of all our life- time and gave thanks to God and spoke about the
time now, from the time that we have intelligence to child to all who were living in expectation of the
render some service to his cause and praise. He is liberation of Jerusalem."--Luke 2". 36-38, Goodspeed.
worthy of our present service, whenwe can serve him "Neither is a feeling of the vanity of life the
with vigor, instead of holding back until our human portion today of those witnesses of Jehovah who
body is exhausted of strength, and its elasticity of have gotten old in Jehovah’s service from their yotith
movementis dried up, and the remaining )’ears of or from their more vigorous years of life onward.
existence in an evil world are few. Today, although their bodies may be broken down by
~’ The right-minded worshiper of the adorable reason of inheritance from Adam, they do not feel
Creator fears to let him out of mind. He desires to life has been vain and that there is no pleasure in
get into the service of his great Creditor just as soon living, but they are rejoicing, finding these the most
as he can and with all the vigor, intelligence and glorious days in which they have ever lived. Why,’
means that he has, and to serve him the rest of his Beeaus_e_ they see from the Word of God and its
days. It matters not howfew years or manyyears the prophecies which they studied in youth that this is
battle of Armageddonmay be off, nowis the time to the promised "day of Jehovah". It is the time of the
remember and serve the great Creator of the New "joy of Jehovah", because he has assumed his in-
World. If we nowserve him, during this world when vincible power toward this earth and has set up his
mankind in general do not choose to give thought Theocratic Government by installing his Anointed
to Jehovah God but do instead reproach His name, King, Christ Jesus, in power, to put an end to all
we have the privilege of sharing under Christ Jesus his enemies and to vindicate his Father’s name. The
in the vindication of the Creator’s glorious name! sharing in this "joy of Jehovah" is the strength of
~ Whatat most are the earthly prospects of a life his people, whether they be physically young or old.
whose youth is spent in vanity, because not spent in As it is exhorted in Psalm 148: 12, 13: "Both young
remembrance of Jehovah God? The wise man, under men and virgins; old men and children: let them
inspired guidance by the Creator, answers: "Remem- praise the name of Jehovah; for his name alone is
ber nowthy Creator in the days of thy youth, while exalted." (Am. Stan. Vet.) All are bidden to remem-
23. Why would It be selfish to think of beginning to remember the
Creator first when getting advanced in age?
24. What is the attitude of the rlght-minded worshlper toward the 26. Whywere not old-age regrets the experience of the aged widow Anna
Creator and why is now the sp~e.ial time to serve htm? (or Hannah) at the temple?
25 What was Simeon’s experience tn old age, aa In contrast with 27. Why Is not a feeling of the vanity of life the portion of those
Ecclesiastes 12 : l, 2.* now grown old in God’s service?
N. Y.

ber their Creator, who is also the Creator of the employ of the house who peer out through its
Kingdom and of the NewWorld, and to praise his windowsare either gone or failing.
name by having a part in x4ndicating it. By being ’~ "Andthe doors shall be shut in the streets, when
vindicated against all who have reproached it, his the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise
namewill alone remain exalted. up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of
,S,,Evil,,, therefore, are the days which cometo music shall be brought low." (Eccl. 12:4) The two
those who have misspent their youth and vigor and doors of the mouth no longer open muchor at all to
who now have no memory of their Creator and no give expression of what is in the house or body, send-
understanding of his doings so glorious at present. ing it forth upon the "street" or thoroughfare of
Hence they have no pleasure in these marvelous public life. (Job 41: I4; Mic. 7: 5; Cbl. 4:3) Even
)’ears since 1914, for they have no knowledge or the sound of the ’mill’, as food is chewedwith tooth-
appreciation to counterbalance the woes that the less gums, is low and indistinct. On his bed the
Devil is nowbringing upon the earth and sea because broken-down old man does not sleep so soundly, and
of his wrath at being cast out of heaven. The sum- the bare chirp of a bird disturbs, awakensand makes
mertime of their life, when things looked bright, him rise up, even if he hears only faintly. His is not
when, as it were, the sun, moonand stars all shed the sleep of the wise and discreet man, nor the sweet
their light from cloudless skies, was not used to serve sleep of the honest laboring man. (Prov. 3: 21-24;
God and store up knowledge of the Creator. In Eccl. 5: 12) Few are the songs that he sings; and
Palestine, during its smmner,there are no clouds and his rendering of them is feeble. The "daughters of
rain from May’s beginning to September’s end. The music" or "notes of song" sound low, and his own
rest of the )-ear is the winter, and is the season of hearing of such producing of music by others is poor
clouds and rain, the early and the latter rain. So, in and defective.
life’s winter of old age, t’hings darken for those who ss IIow distressing is the further description of
have passed their youth in worldly vanity. Then, old men who have their youth to regret: "Yea, at
after the cold, dampening rain of one trouble has what is high they be in fear, and there be terrors
fallen and passed, the clouds of more afflictions and in the way, and the almond be rejected, and the
intirmities return to increase one’s difficulties. grasshopper drag itself along, and desire perish, for
,s "In the day whenthe keepers of the house shall man is going to his age-abiding home, when the
tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, wailers shall go round in the streets." (Eccl. 12:5,
and the grinders cease because they are few, and Roth.) At the top of high stairs the aged are fearful
those that look out of the windows be darkened." of falling; or even to look up at something high
(Eccl. 12: 3) The "’house" pictures the humanbody, makes them dizzy. To go out into the busy, crowded
as in Jesus’ parable at Matthew12 : 43-45 and Paul’s streets, with muchtraffic in motion, strikes themwith
description at 2 Corinthmns5: 1-8. (Isa. 38: 12; Job terrors at thought of injury or accident. The lonely
4 : 19 ; 2 Pet. 1 : 13) Thekeepers or guardians are the path conjures up thoughts of attacks by highwa)m~en.
arms and hands, which tend the body and protect it and they are not certain of the way the)- take. Not
and supply its wants. Old age causes these guardians only is a tasty almond nut refused because too hard
to tremble with pals)" and weakness and nervousness. to chew or irritating to the gums, but "the almond-
The body’s "strong men", the legs, are no longer like tree shall blossom". (Eccl. 12: 5, Am. Stun. Ver.)
sturdy pillars, or swift like the hinds, but weakenand That is, the hairy head turns gray, and then snow-
bend and can make the feet only shuffle and drag white, and the hoary hairs fall off, like tlie almond-
along. tree loaded with its snow-white blossoms. In man’s
,0And in the mouth, not cared for by modern decrepitude and weakness, not only is the grass-
dentistry, the teeth have decayed, softened and been hopper alighting upon him a burden, but as the old
lost, and few or none of them are left. The grinding man bends over, drooping at the loins with his arms
of solid food becolnes difficult or ceases altogether, either hanging downor bent to rest hands on hips,
giving way to the chewing of soft, mushyfoods with with elbows crooked upward, he looks somewhat like
the gums. Also the powers of vision which look out a grasshopper, only except that he drags along.
through the eyes, and the mental faculties which look " The old man’s desire and appetite are no longer
out through these windows of the body, become dim sharp, even though what is put before him be tasty
and hazy, if not altogether dark with blindness. and spicy like the caper berry. It is ineffectual at
Truly the ’grinding-women’ and the qadies’ in the making his mouth water. All the signs are that the
2% To what elderly persons are the da~s now "evil", with ’llghtless 31. How are the doors shuL the sound of grinding low, the voice of
skies and with clou~ls returning after rain’? the bird disturbing, and the daughters of music broughtlow?
29. In their ease, how do the house keepers tremble and the strong 32. How are such aged ones in fear of heights, of terrors In the
nlen bow themselves? day, and like the almond-tree and the grasshopper?
30. Howdo the few grinders cease, and the ’ladles’ that look out through 33 How does their desire perish and they approach their long home,
the ~in¢iowbecome darkened? and the mourners go about the streets?

man is nearing his home of an indefinite time to that our blood stream circulates. This "wheel"
come. It will be a home of a forever if his wasted broken, the human body, originally made up from
youth has hardened him in Godlessness to where no the dust of the earth, returns to the dust, d~sinte-
resurrection from the dead is in store for him grating to the condition in which it first was. The
through Christ, but he perishes like the brute beast. humansoul then dies, because the spirit or life-force
The signs of approaching death are evident from the which God gave is no longer united with the body.
mournful, wailing tones and throat rattlings and "The body without the spirit [or, breath] is dead."
groans that issue forth with complaints from the (Jas. 2: 26) It has breathed its last. The spirit, tile
door of his mouth onto the street of public knowledge. life-force that is sustained by breathing, returns to
34 "Before the silver cord is severed, and the golden God the Creator, whogave it. As for the soul of this
bowl broken, and the jar shattered at the spring, and old man who has squandered his youth away with
the wheel broken at the cistern ; and the dust returns thoughtlessness toward God, "the soul that sinneth,
to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God it shall die."--Ezek. 18:4, 20.
who gave it." (Eccl. 12: 6, 7, Amer. Trans.) The ’""’Vanity of vanities,’ says Kohgleth, ’all is
"silver cord" may mean the spinal cord of the human vanity.’" (Eccl. 12:8, Amer. Trans.) The name
body, that long white cord of nervous tissue, which "Koh~leth" (kS-hel’eth) is the Hebrew word whi(.h
serves as the vital pathway for nervous messages the wise king Solomon applied to himself and which
and impulses to the brain. To sever it means death name means "Ecclesiastes, or Preacher, or Pro-
eventually. The silver cord may mean also that cord, claimer". The inspired preacher or proclaimer
precious like purified silver, that binds us to this life. correctly pronounced as the height of vanity the
To loose, remove or sever it means that we become course of one who in youth ignores the Creator’s
surrounded with the deadly-black cords of Sheol or existence and will and who grows old in such willful
the grave, which only God’s power can break in order ignorance and has only the broken-down condition of
to restore the dead creature to life. (Pss. 18:4, 5; old age to show for his long life. All has been vanity
116:3; Acts 2: 24) The "golden bowl" may picture or emptiness in his ease, although he die a multi-
the brain contained in the bowl-like cranium and to millionaire or highly respected politician or religious
which the spinal cord is attached. Golden for pre- clergyman. Getting off in youth to a start in the com-
ciousness, and also golden in color, the brain when mercial, political, and religious things of this world,
broken down or with disintegration begun spells in disregard of the will of Jehovah God the Creator
death. The body as a whole, the Bible compares also and Promiser of the New World, leaves the man at
to a vessel or bowl, which youth should use in purity old age as empty as this old world, which is near its
and not in satisfaction of passion; and it is like a Armageddon of destruction.
golden bowl because of the invaluable possession of " Not so as to the man or womanwho from life’s
life-forces which it contains. (1 Thess. 4:4, 5; 2 Tim. threshold forward has laid up treasures in heaven,
2:20-22; Lam. 4: 2) At death this bowl breaks or the treasures which come from the heavenly Creator,
ceases to function and undergoes dissolution. and who has served Him faithfully with such treas-
~ The "jar" or "pitcher" is that which receives the ures of knowledge and understanding, as one of His
life-bearing stream of blood, namely, the heart. This witnesses. "For God is not unjust so as to be unmind-
"jar" serves the blood stream out again for circula- ful of your labour and of the love which you have
tion through the body. Although the old regretful manifested towards Himself in having rendered
manmay not die of a broken heart, at death his heart services to His people and in still rendering them.
becomes like a pitcher, shivered to pieces at the But we long for each of you to continue to manifest
springing fountain, because it can no longer receive the same earnestness, with a view to your enjoying
and contain and then pump out the blood for the fulness of hope to the very end ; so that you maynot
body’s nourishment and refreshment. The "wheel" of become half-hearted, but be imitators of those who
the circulation of the blood through the body is then through faith and patient endurance are heirs to the
like the wheel that is broken at the cistern, by means promises." (Heb. 6:10-12, Weymouth) "Your labour
of which wheel water was hoisted from the cistern to is not in vain in the Lord."--i Car. 15:58.
pour it into the pitcher or jar of the water-carrier.
The broken wheel ceases to turn. Stopped is the rev- AIDS TO REMEMBERING

olution of the blood-circulation, which fact of the ,s "And further, because the Preacher [Koh61eth]
blood’s circulation, it appears, Jehovah Godrevealed was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea,
to tim wise man Solomon many centuries before Dr. he pondered, and sought out, and set in order many
William Harvey’s discoveries demonstrated, in 1628, 36. Who is "Koheleth"? and how does he mean it that "vanity of
vanities, all is vanity"?
34. How is the silver cord severed, and the golden bowl broken? 37. To whom do such words of Koheleth not apply at old age~ and why~
35. Haw m the pitcher broken at the fountain, the wheel broken at 38. Why would it be inconsistent for Koheleth to withhold knowledge
the cistern, and the dust and spirit returned to their sources*. from the people? and since when has he been calling them to assembl:, ?
proverbs. The Preacher sought to find out acceptable ’~ Jesus, just past his twenties whenhe began to
words, and that which was written uprightly, even preach and to teach the people knowledge, sets the
words of truth." (Eccl. 12: 9, 10, Am. Stun. Vet.) It example of wisdom for the youthful persons conse-
would be out of harmony with the meaning of things crated to Jehovah God in these days. His wisdomlay
for the wise man to be named Koh3leth or Preacher not only in searching out true and right knowledge
and then to withhold knowledge from the people. but also in teaching it, whenacquired, to others. By
Says the writer of Ecclesiastes: "I the Preacher gaining the knowledgeof God, the youthful ones have
was -king over Israel in Jerusalem." (Eccl. 1:12) something with which to remember their Creator.
pictures Jehovah’s great anointed King in the New But the best way to remember and not be forgetful
Jerusalem which is above, namely, Christ Jesus. He hearers is to put the knowledgeto work by teaching
is Jehovah’s greatest Preacher or Caller. By his others. This causes the youths to stir up their minds
preaching he has called together the assembly of his continually and to revive the knowledge they have
followers, the congregation, to hear the Wordof God. gained and to frame it in their ownwords in express-
During this day of the beginning of his reign in Jeho- ing it to others. This not only makes them always
vah’s Theocracy he has begun the assembling of all mindful of the Creator but also causes the attentive
his followers to his capital organization the heavenly hearers to remember Him also. And here let Chris-
Zion, especially since his coming to the temple tian parents be reminded that they have a grave
A.D. 1918. Particularly since then he has caused to be responsibility toward their youthful sons and
fulfilled this prophecy: "This gospel of the kingdom daughters to assist them to remembertheir Creator
shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto in the days of their youth. This responsibility is in
all nations; and then shall the end come."--Matt. great degree discharged right in the home by teach-
24: 14. Lug the children knowledge from the Wordof God.
~’ In fulfillment thereof, Jehovah’s anointed wit- ,t Being closest to the children there in the home
nesses are engaged in this preaching campaign to and directly supervising them, the parents should
make known the Kingdomto all lovers of God-rule. first of all by word and example be witnesses of
By such preaching, under the guidance of his holy Jehovah to their own offspring. If the parents love
angels, the real Koh61eth or Preacher Christ Jesus the Creator and rememberhim, and if they love these
is calling and assembling not only the remnant of his nearest and dearest to them according to the flesh,
"little flock" of followers but also all his "other they will heed the typical words of Moses: "These
sheep", the "men of good will".--Matt. 24:30, 31; words, which I commandthee this day, shall be in
25 : 31 ; Luke12 : 32 ; John10 : 16; Heb.12 : 22-24. thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently
’° This great Preacher left us tile examplethat we unto thy children, and shalt talk of them whenthou
should follow his steps. His wisdomwas displayed sittest in thine house, and whenthou walkest by the
in teaching the meekpeople the knowledgeof Jello- way, and when thou liest down, and when thou
yah. To do so, he pondered over the resemblance of risest up."--Deut. 6: 6, 7.
manyearthly things to spiritual matters; and so he ’~ Many parents may wonder why the WATCH
composed, and sought out and arranged many prov- Towrat BmLr. ~aCDTRACT SOCmTa" does not publish a
erbs or parables, to convey "knowledgeto the honest child’s book, written in language suited to a child
seekers after God and to conceal it from men who and which book it could easily study by itself and
did not remember Jehovah God the Creator. The which parents could use in giving their young chil-
words that the great Preacher sought out as being dren home Bible instruction. Weanswer that none
words of acceptableness and pleasantness, written of the sixty-six books of the Bible were written in
uprightly and correctly and being hence the words of children’s language, like milk for babes. Remember,
truth, were the Holy Scriptures. Concerning these too, that there are not only children according to
writings of God’s Word Jesus said: "Thy word is physical age but also children according to knowl-
truth." (John 17: 17) He also sought to preach this edge. And yet none of the books of the Bible were
Wordof Godin the best of speech and presentation. written according to the intelligence level of those
Howwell he succeeded is proved by the testimony: who are babes or children in knowledge. It was
"Never man spake like this man." "And all bare him written for those whoare of mature age, both physi-
witness, and wondered at the gracious words which cally and mentally. (Heb. 5: 12-14; 2 Pet. 3 : 15, 16)
proceeded out of his mouth." "They all spoke well of Timothy’s mother did not teach him as a child out of
him and were astonished at the winning words that a child’s book nor provide him with a child’s tran-
fell from his lips."--John 7:46; Luke 4: 22; Good-
41, In thus ~klng out and teaching knowledge, how dld Jettm met
speed. the example of wisdom for the consecrated youths today?
42. Why are Christian parents responsible to teach their )outhful
39. In what manner Is Koheieth thus calling those to the assembly? children at home?
40. How did Koheieth ponder, seek out and set many proverbs in 43. What realons are advanced why the Wtteh Tower Society does not
order? and also seek to find acceptable words, written uprightly? publish a ehlid’a book for Bible study?
15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 347
scription of the Bible. She taught him out of the with the manybooks of this world, setting forth the
Bible itself; and Timothy’s grandmother Lois studied wisdom of this world. They will heed the
seconded her in this. (2 Tim. 1:5; 3:14-17) The warning and admonition to study God’s Book, the
"man of God" cannot be made "perfect, throughly Bible, whose wise words are "as goads" and are
furnished unto all good works", out of a child’s book. dependable "as nails well fastened".
The wisdomof God’s arrangement in this regard lies
in this fact: It imposes upon those whoare advanced ~s "THE CONCLUSION OF THE MATTER,
and mature in knowledge, whether they be parents or all having been heard: Fear God and keep his com-
well-informed Christians, to take the direct Wordof mands; for this concerns all mankind, that God
Godand explain its difficult things to those younger brings every work into judgment with regard to
in intelligence and understanding, whether these be everything concealed, whether it be good or evil."
literal children and youths or be those newly coming (Eccl. 12: 13, 14, Amer. Trans.; Roth.) This is the
to the knowledgeof the truth. This proves to be the wisest conclusion, for it takes into consideration
finest mental and spiritual practice for all conse- everything bearing upon the matter from first to last.
crated servants of God. It is stated that "the fear of the LORD [Jehovah] is
"Wise instructors have a stimulating effect. Their the beginning of wisdom"and also "the beginning of
words are dependable to hang onto if they follow the knowledge". "A good understanding have all they
Great Shepherd, Jehovah, and his Good Shepherd, that do his commandments:his praise endureth for
Christ Jesus. Concerning this the Preacher says to ever." (Ps. 111: 10; Prov. 1: 7) This is the wise con-
his son-pupil: "The words of the wise are as goads, clusion for all humankind,not alone for those Chris-
and as nails well fastened are the words of the tians who are called from amongmento inherit the
masters of assemblies, which are given from one kingdom of heaven, but now especially for "men of
shepherd. And furthermore, my son, be admonished: good will" who expect to inhabit the earth forever
of making many books there is no end; and much during the NewWorld of righteousness. Since the
study is a weariness of the flesh." (Eccl. 12:11, 12, coming of the King Christ Jesus to the temple
Am. Stan. Vet.) If the Preacher commented on the A.D. 1918 we are in the time of the judgment of the
making of many books in his day, so long before the nations, and Jehovah’s appointed Judge, Christ
invention of printing, what must be said of this time Jesus the Preacher, is upon the throne of judgment.
of greatest advance in the art of printing and of free --Matt. 25 : 31, 32.
education of the commonpeople in the art of reading, "The judgment test now is most searching, and it
writing and composition? Due to the ambition and reveals what is in the heart of men by drawing it
also due to the urge of so manyto be writing books, forth into actions by them. Youths as well as old men
the world has been loaded down with books not per- should fear God, who has promised the NewWorld
taining to remembranceof the Creator; and the end and who is about to create such righteous world,
thereof is not yet. All this study put into so many wherein they maylive forever to enjoy his works of
books, which do not issue forth through Jehovah’s creation in a condition of eternal youthfulness. If
Theocratic organization, has merely wearied the now they fear God, they will rememberhim and will
people of the world and has not at all relieved them remember to do what he now commandsin his Word.
of the weary, heavy-laden condition of mind and And, since Christ’s death and resurrection, to "fear
heart. Through these books they weary themselves God and keep his commandments" does not mean
just vainly in searching for peace, happiness and life. keeping the Ten Commandments,but means loving
’~ The great Creator of the Bible, Jehovah God, Himwith all the heart, mind, soul and strength and
limited the canon or the authorized library collection proving it by walking in faithful obedience to His
of his inspired Wordto just sixty-six little books. He Word, the Holy Scriptures. The God-fearing ones
affixed a warning and curse thereto against adding will fear lest they displease him by harboring in
to that canon of inspired books or taking away from secret anything contrary to his will, knowingthat he
them, and so deceiving the people. The study of His will bring into judgment everything secret. In the
secret place of our heart and mind let us remember
Word, by itself or with the aid of books helping to that He who creates the NewWorld destroys the
understand His Word, is not wearisome, but is present old world. Begone, then, the vanity of this
refreshing, peace-giving, comforting and strengthen- passing world! Let ours be a profitable fear, not the
ing and stirring to action in His service. Those who selfish fear of men, but the fear of Jehovah God,
remember their Creator will not weary themselves which is clean and endures forever.--Ps. 19:9.
44. (a)How are the words of the wise and of assembly masters like 46 (a) ~’hat does the Preacher say is the "conclusion of the whole
goads and well-fastened nails? {b) In ~hat way Is there no end of matter"? (b)Why is th~ the wisest conclusion, and for whom?
book-making and is much study a weariness to the flesh?
47. In view of his Judgment with regard to everything secret, why
45 How do those words (Ecc! 12:11, 12) apply as regards the Bible? and how should aU mankind fear God and keep his commandments’,
HEheavenly Father’s way of dealing with his sons is Jehovah and his King. Even now since A.D. 1914, when
T for their good. Therefore it is said of him- "Godis Jehovah put his King upon the throne of The Theocracy,
love." (1 John 4:8) This means that Jehovah God His servants on earth find themselves beset by manytrials.
entirely unselfish. He needs nothing from his creatures, To the faithful, however,such trials are not at all surpris-
because all things in heaven and earth are his. He places the ing. Those who are wholly devoted to The Theocracy and
truth before his creatures and lets them voluntarily accept whosee the great fight being put up by the enemyagainst
the same and willingly serve Himor reject his Wordand such Theocratic Government can appreciate why the
suffer the consequences. Jehovah neither begs nor compels individuals in God’s organization on earth are put to the
anyone to serve him. The religious preachers have therefore test. As that manof patience, Job, was put to the severe
grossly misrepresented Jehovah in telling the people words test and continued to hold fast his integrity, so nowone
to this effect: ’God is standing with outstretched hands who will receive the reward of Jehovah’s approval must be
beg~ng men to come and be saved. Therefore won’t you put to the test and prove himself entirely blameless before
come today?’ Such a religious statement is entirely false God.---See Job 2 : 3-10.
and is a defamation of his holy name and is entirely con- In Hebrews, chapter eleven, the apostle Paul describes
tradicted by his Word. The scripture, at Hebrews U: 6, what faith is and gives a lengthy account of how the
flatly contradicts the words of the religious preachers, "elders" or men of olden time exercised and demonstrated
because it says : "But without faith it is impossibleto please their faith in JehovahGodunder the greatest of trials and
him : for he that comethto Godmust believe that he is, and how they therefore had witness borne to them that they
that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." were pleasing to Jehovah God. Then Hebrews 12:1-11 goes
Hebrews 11:1 defines faith for us, saying: "Nowfaith on to say: "Therefore let us also, seeing we are compassed
is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not about with so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every
seen." And verse two adds: "For therein the elders had weighLand the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let
witness borne to them." (Am. Stan. Ver.) One cannot us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking
approach Godunless he first has faith, that is, believes unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, whofor
that Jehovah is the Almighty God and that the creature the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising
receives his blessings only when seeking those blessings. shame, and hath sat downat the right hand of the throne
Jehovah Godrewards only those whodiligently seek to know of God. For consider him that hath endured such gainsaying
and to do his will. He is no respecter of persons. (1 Pet. of sinners against himself, that ye wax not weary, fainting
1: 17) He is makingno effort to induce anyone to get into in your souls. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving
his umversal organization and serve him. All whodesire to against shn: and ye have forgotten the exhortation which
knowand to serve Godmust do so voluntarily, and not by reasoneth with you as with sons, Myson, regard not lightly
compulsion or undue influence. the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art
\Vhen a manreceives the Wordof Godand exercises faith reproved of him; for whomthe Lord loveth he chasteneth,
in Jehovah God and in Christ Jesus as King and Redeemer, and scourgeth every son whomhe receiveth. It is for
and then consecrates himself to do God’s will, agreeing that ch~-~teniug that ye endure; God dealeth with you as with
he will be guided by God’s Word, the situation changes for sons; for what son is there whomhis father chasteneth not ?
him thereupon. That is, having entered into a covenant to But if ye are without chastening, whereof all have been
do God’s will, he must thenceforth perform his covenant madepartakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Further-
and be obedient to the Most High. One who agrees to do more, we had the fathers of our flesh to chasten us, and we
God’s will and then willingly fails or refuses to carry out gave them reverence: shall we not muchrather be in sub-
his covenant or agreementhas, to quote from Psalm24 : 3, 4, jection unto the Father of spirits, and live ? For they indeed
"sworn deceitfully." Religious teachers or preachers have for a few days chastened us as seemedgood to them; but he
induced many persons to imagine that the only thing for our profit, that we maybe partakers of his holiness All
required of them is to say, ’I believe on the Lord,’ and that chastening seemefl~ for the present to be not joyous but
because of such declaration such persons go at death grievous; yet after~’ard it yieldeth peaceable fnfit unto
straight to heaven. The Scriptures flatly contradict such them that have been exercised thereby, even the fruit of
conclusion. David, whopictures Christ ,Jesus and his faith- righteousness."~Ara. Stan. Vet.
ful followers, described the right course of conduct in these All the demonsunder Satan "the prince of the demons"
words: "Examine me, O LoP~, and prove me; try my reins are fighting against the consecrated people of JehovahGod;
and myheart. For thy lovmgkindness is before mine eyes: and God permits his people to have such chastening in
and I have walked in thy truth."~Ps. 26: 2, 3. order that they may,under severe trials, prove their lasting
Persons who are believers and who have for years been preference for the great Theocrat Jehovah and his King
serving Jehovah Godand Christ Jesus are still subjected to
things which prove and try them. Some persons wonder Christ Jesus and their devotion to such. The manwhois in
why. It is because all whoreceive Jehovah’s approval must a covenant to do Jehovah’s will, and who hopes to receive
prove their steadfastness for His universal sovereignty, and Jehovah’s approval, must have and exercise genuine faith
particularly for The Theocratic Government, which is the and full confidence in Godand in Christ, fully determining
Kingdomof God by Christ Jesus. A person can prove his to remain steadfast for the great Theocratic Government,
steadfastness only by being put to the test and under that regardless of what trials maycometo him. At Psalm94 : 12,
test remaining immovable and continuing steadfast for 13 it is written concerning those who serve God and who
15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWE R. 349

are beset by trying experiences: "Blessed is the man whom of Jehovah’s name, and they meditate day and night as to
thou chastenest, O LORD, and teachest him out of thy law; howthey mayinterfere with the progress of the Kingdom’s
that thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, proclamation.
until the pit be diggcd for the wicked." This showsthat the Whyhas the Lord God permitted the fallen ones to try
trials upon God’s people must continue until the wicked to pull others downwith them and to turn them away from
persecutors go downinto the pit. the Theocratic organization and Government?Daniel 11:35
Since Christ Jesus came to Jehovah’s great spiritual answers: "To try them" (Auth. Vet.); "to refine them."
temple A.D. 1918 for judgment proceedings at the house of (Am. Start. Vet.) The temple judgment being on, Jehovah’s
God, Satan and his agents have desperately assaulted the Representative, Christ Jesus, lets such things cometo pa~
servants of Jehovah and Christ. This the Lord God could to make manifest who is immovableand who is steadfast
have prevented; but he has permitted it for a purpose, and for The Theocracy. As it is written: "Andhe shall sit as a
one purpose is that the covenant people of Almighty God refiner and purifier of silver : and he shall purify the sons of
may prove their unbending devotion to his Theocracy by Levi, and purge themas gold and silver, that they mayoffer
Christ Jesus. Holding fast their integrity to the end, they unto the Load an offering in righteousness." (Mal. 3: 3)
will receive God’s approval. "Blessed is the man that "And I will bring the third part [the faithful remnant]
endureth temptation; for when he hath been approved, he throughthe fire, and will refine themas silver is refined, and
shall receive the crownof life, which the Lord promised to will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on myname,
them that love him."--Jas. 1: 12, Am. Sta~. Vet. and I will hear them: I will say, It is mypeople : and they
In Damel’s prophecy the trials that would come upon shall say, The LORD is myGod." (Zech. 13: 9) "Till the time
God’s devoted people at this end of the world were foretold of the end. Manyshall be purified, and made white, and
in these words: "And some of them of understanding shall tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the
fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."
even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time --Dan. 12:9, 10.
appointed." (Dan. 11 : 35) ’And someof them that are wise The fiery trials that come as chastenlngs upon Jehovah’s
shall stumble.’ (Eng. Roy. Ver.; Young) The demons try people have the effect of purging and cleansing the visible
flattering schemesagainst Jehovah’s servants to turn them part of Jehovah’s Theocratic organization and those of
awayfrom the proper course. These flatterers are lying, un- good-will who are associated with it, even as Achan was
faithful persons, like the counselor of Dawddescribed at cleared out from Israel’s typical Theocratic orgamzationto
2 Samuel15 : 30-34. Somehave yielded to such flatteries and remove the wicked leaven of poison therefrom. (Josh.
have stumbled and fallen. Somehave stumbled, but have 7:10-26) Such cleansing or purging work continues till
recovered; while othez~ fall completely and are not recov- now. "Even to the time of the end." That means until the
ered. One’s recovery from stumbling is possible only when Lord’s "strange work" is completed, after which his
that one is put to the test and realizes that he has taken "strange act" will be made manifest at Armageddon--Isa
the wrong course and then quickly repents and diligently 28:21; Dan. 11: 35.
seeks the face of Jehovah for forgiveness. Foretelling the clearing out work, Jesus gave the parable
To resist flattery one must cometo aa appreciation of the of the wheat and tares and said: "As therefore the tares
fact that Jehovah’s Theocratic organization is ruled from are gathered and burnedin the fire; so shall it be in the end
the Head downward,and not from the bottom upward. That of this world. The Son of manshall send forth his angels.
organization serves for the vindication of God’s name, and they shall gather out of his kingdomall things that
which is the matter of paramountimportance. Somefail to offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into
see that all-important truth, and, flattering themselves, they a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of
consider themselves and their individual ease and salvatmn teeth. Thenshall the righteous shine forth as the sun in tlw
of great importance. Such persoms fall, and for them there kingdomof their Father." (Matt. 13: 40-43) Henceit is well
is no recover3’. Their rebellion against the rule of The said: "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take
Theocracyis disastrous. Those whorebel insist on their own heed lest he fall."~l Cor. 10: 12.
selfish course. They forsake the course of wisdomand under- Whenthe faithful servants of Jehovah see the unfaithful
standing and follow a selfish course, evidently because they cleared out, they are drawn even nearer to Himand he
have yielded to flatteries put upon them by the invisible causes them to shine brightly in his organization and in his
demonsand their visible agents. Any man who indulges in service by their publication of His truth. Those who are
flattery showsa lack of faith and of appreciation of God’s
Word and dealings. devoted to The Theocracy see that they are continually put
to the test, and now they are appreciating the reason for
The "fall" of such ones as forsake wisdom and under-
standing is not the end of the matter, but after their fall such test. While the Lord permits his faithful servants to
they continue in a wrong course by trying to induce others continue to have severe tests, all the faithful ones now
to follow the same course of opposition to the Theocratic appreciate that it is permitted to test their steadfastness
organization. Thus they pull others downwith them. Such or integrity. Andhowlong will these tests continue to come
falling ones endeavor to turn others away from faithful uponthe faithful? "Becauseit [the end of Satan’s organiza-
service to The Theocracy; but those whoreceive Jehovah’s tion] is yet for a time appointed." (Dan. 11: 35) Until the
approval are not turned away. Such fallen ones become final end of Satan’s organization the integrity of the fmth-
entirely blind to the paramountquestion of the vindication ful followers of Christ Jesus will certainly be put to the test.
350 NieWATCItTOWE1K BRoomn~,N. Y.
Jehovah God Almighty has permitted such for the good hour that Armageddon will begin, the "signs of the times"
of those whoare in a covenant to do his will, "that we may showthat it is very near. Therefore Jehovahbids his faith-
be partakers of his holiness." While Satan and his associate ful servants nowon earth to ’redeemthe time’, and to ’slack
demonshave been cast out of heaven and downto the earth not their hand’ in his witness work, "his strange work."
since 1914, Jehovah lets that wicked horde remain for a Regardless of all earthly persecution and opposition, they
short time in order to put the integrity of hi., faithful must remain true, steadfast and blameless before the Lord.
remnant to the test and that they may prove their im- Such blamelessness consists of their complete devotion to
movabledevotion to Him. While this test is in progress the The Kingdom, The Theocratic Government of Jehovah God
remnant and their good-will companionscontinue to declare by Christ Jesus. Their integrity is thus put to the test, but
Jehovah’s great name and his Theocratic Government to those whoreceive the Lord’s approval are the ones that will
those people on earth who will hear. Such proclamation hold fast their integrity under that test. They are being
must keep on until the beginning of the battle of Arma- disciplined by the Lord, and they are determined not to
geddon, at which time Jehovah God will show to all his yield to demoninfluence and pressure, but they will stay
supreme power. While no man yet knows the day nor the faithful to Jehovah God and his Theocracy, come what may.


HRISTJESUS said: "He that eateth bread with me
C hath lifted up his heel against me." The occasion was
the night of his betrayal, and in speaking the above
of the name, and also the other two meanings attaching to
the name, that is, "dissembler" and "brother of disguising".
The occasion of Ahithophel’s traitorous turn was the
the "son of David" had caught up the prophetic words of rebellion of David’s vain and ambitious son Absalom. By
the psalmist uttered some thousand years previous and he honeyed words this offspring "stole the hearts of the men
applied them to Judas Iscariot. (John 13: 18; Ps. 41: 9) of Israel" from the anointed king of the typical Theocracy.
But when King David said, ’~Iine own familiar friend, in As the seditious plot thickened Absalommovedfrom Jeru-
whomI trusted, which did eat of mybread, hath lifted up salem to Hebron, and by efficient use of his army of spies
his heel against me," he did not have in mind any event the numbersjoining with him increased continually and the
ten centuries thence. He was referring to a bitter e-xperience conspiracy strengthened. Chances for success glowed ever
through which he himself had passed. The "familiar friend" more brightly. Then camethe master stroke : "Absalomsent
in whomDavid placed great trust was Ahithophel. for .~hithophel the Gilonite, David’s counsellor, from his
Because of this one David was also moved to speak as city, even from Giloh." The conspirator for the throne
follows: "It was not an enemy that reproached me; then I reasoned that if he could attract to his cause one so
could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that renowned for political sagacity, then success would be
did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid assured. The prestige thus gained would be a diplomatic
myself from him: but it was thou, a man mine equal, my coup for Absalomand a stunning blow to the king. Ahitho-
guide, and mine acquaintance. We took sweet counsel phel shrewdly weighedall probabilities and madehis deci-
together, and walked unto the house of God in company." sion. WhenAbsalomlater made his triumphant entry into
"He hath put forth his hands against such as be at peace Jerusalem, Ahithophet was with him.--2 Sam. 15: 12,
with him: he hath broken his covenant. The words of his 16: 15.
mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart : That this was, as anticipated, a heavy blow to the king,
his wordswere softer than off, yet were they drawnswords." is shown by David’s reaction upon hearing the news of
--Ps. 55: 12-14, 20, 21. Ahithophel’s defection. "And one told David, saying,
Ahithophel occupied a position of importance in David’s Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom And
kingdom. As Dawd’s counselor he acted as a confidential David said, O LoaD, I pray thee, turn the counsel of
adviser and was one of the chief men of the government. Ahithophel into foolishness." He received this news after
But the course of action that he followed toward the end he had crossed the brook Kidron and was ascending the
of his life well merited the above words concerning him, Mountof Olives, to the east of Jerusalem. WhenDavid had
and well qualified him as a prototype of the despicable gained the summit, one known as "the king’s companion"
trmtor and betrayer, Judas Iscariot. Ahithophel had a son approached: "Hnshai the Arehite came to meet him with
named Eliam, and Eliam’s daughter was Bath-sheba, which his coat rent, and earth upon his head: unto whomDavid
makes the once trusted counselor related to King David by said, If thou passest on with me, then thou shalt be a burden
marriage. (2 Sam. 11:3 [compare marginal reading with unto me: but if thou return to the city, and say unto
1 Chronicles 3: 5]; 23:34) His counsel was held in such Absalom,I will be thy servant, 0 king; as I have been thy
high esteem by the Israelites that his words were considered father’s servant hitherto, so will I nowalso be thy sere’ant :
almost as the oracles of God. "The counsel of Ahithophel, then mayest thou for me defeat the counsel of Ahithophel.
which he counselled in those days, was as if a man had Andhast thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathar the
enquired at the oracle of God: so was all the counsel of priests? therefore it shall be, that what thing soever thou
Ahithophel." (2 Sam. 16: 23) Strange, then, is it that his shalt hear out of the king’s house, thou shalt tell it to
name should mean "foolish brother". However, the one Zadok and Abiathar the priests. Behold, they have there
incident of his life recorded in the Bible showsthe fitness with them their two sons, AhimaazZadok’s son, and Jona-
~’OVE~IBEII15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 351

than Abiathar’s son; and by them ye shall send unto me the ground: and of him and of all the men that are with
every thing that ye can hear. So Hushai David’s friend him there shall not be left so much as one."--2 Sam.
came into the city, and Absalom came into Jerusalem." 17 : 6-13.
--2 Sam. 15 : 31-37. Ahithophel counseled for a bold blow to bring quick
With the scene thus changed to Jerusalem once more, the victory. Hushai counseled caution, preparation, mustering
Diviite Record reveals Absalom addressing Ahithophel: of an overwhelminglylarge military force that would land
"Give counsel ,~mongyou what we shall do." The sly Gilon- upon David "as the dew falleth on the ground". Weak.
ite gave the infernal counsel that Absalomshould, in the hearted Absalomfeared his father’s prowess in battle, and
sight of all Israel, go in unto the concubinesof David left he and the men with him favored the counsel of caution
in the city, and added: "Then shall the hands of all that given by Hushai. Thus did Hushai, "the king’s companion,"
are with thee be strong." (2 Sam. 15: 16; 16:20-22) This gain time for the hard-pressed David. Actually, however,it
drastic measurewould effectually eliminate any reconcilia- was Jehovah maneuveringmatters in behalf of his faithful
tion between father and son; all following Absalomwould Theocratic ]ring David. "Jehovah had ordained to defeat
be assured that he was going to see the matter through to the good counsel of Ahithophel, to the intent that Jehovah
its end. Furthermore, the wives of a conquered king were might bring evil upon Absalom." (2 Sam. 17 : 14, Am. Stan.
always the property of the conqueror: in possessing David’s Vet.) According to plan, the results of Absalom’scouncil
concubines, then, it wouldseem that Absalomalso possessed of war reached the ears of David. Hushai admonishedin his
the kingdom. (1 Ki. 2: 22) It also shaped events to a ful- message to the ldng that David pass over Jordan quickly,
fillment of God’s judgment against David on a former which he did. David was choosing the battleground. In the
occasion. (2 Sam. 12: 11, 12) Nevertheless, for a son to take wooded wilds of Gilead beyond the Jordan, in what is
his father’s wives was the sum of abomination, and from knownas the woodor forest of Ephraim, the king’s armies
God’s Worddraws the death penalty. (Lev. 20: 11) Hence shattered the rebel forces. Absalompaid with his life.
Ahithophei’s counsel was folly for Absalom, regardless of --2 Sam.17 : 15-22; 18 : 1-15.
any temporary political advantages it might bring. But what of Ahithophel ? Did that traitorous one pay over
Ahithophel’s subsequent advice was not pointed toward his lifeblood to the avenging swords of David’s warriors?
solidifying the political entrenchment on the homefront. or did he escape just punishment for his base betrayal?
It concerned itself with counsel for war. "Let me now Neither one. Whenthat far-seeing one perceived that his
choose out tweive thousand men, and I will arise and pursue wise counsel was rejected for that of Hushai, he was con-
after David this night: and I will come upon him while he vinced that Absalom’scause was lost. So sure of it was he
is weary and weak handed, and will make him afraid: and that he did not even wait for the calamity to fall, or for the
all the people that are with him shall flee; and I will smite traitor’s cup that would surely be poured out for him to
the Mngonly: and I will bring back all the people unto drink. "And when Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not
thee: the manwhomthou seekest is as if all returned: so followed, he saddled his ass, and arose, and gat him home
all the people shall be in peace." (2 Sam.17 : 1-3) Doubtless to his house, to his city, and put his household in order,
this was the best war strategy that Absalom could have and hanged himself, and died, and was buried in the
followed. David’s forces were weak in numbers and dis- sepulchre of his father." (2 Sam. 17:23) Thus with great
organized. The enemy had had the element of surprise on deliberateness he endedit all, and finished off in fitting style
their side, and if they had pushed their advantage victory the forecast he was being used to makeof Judas Iscariot.
might have been gained, Jehovah not intervening. Ahitho- --Matt. 27 : 3-5.
phel’s schemewas to smite the king only, and, that done, But Ahithophel is prophetic of more than the arch-
it would be "as if all returned". Further resistance would betrayer who lived nineteen centuries ago. He and Judas
crumble, he reasoned. both foreshadowa class knownas the "evil servant". (Matt.
But, remember,Hushai was also present, and in the inter- 24: 48-51) In these last days this class conspire against the
ests of King David. His opinion was called for. He with- Greater David and His faithful followers. Once the close
stood the sound counsel of Ahithophel, saying, "Thou companions and familiar friends and sweet counselors of
knowest thy father and his men, that they be mighty men, the anointed remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses, these traitor-
and they be chafed in their minds, as a bear robbed of her ous ones turn to the folly of humanwisdom. In harmony
whelps." He continued on to paint a terrifying picture of with the meaning of the name of their prototype Ahitho-
howany but the strongest possible force would be set upon phel, they disguised themselves as brothers of the anointed
by war-wise David and his valiant ones from some hiding and trafficked in dissembling words. In their blind ambition
place and annihilated. Suchan initial defeat, Hushaiargued, for exaltation and positions of honor they turn to the vain
wouldmelt the heart of the boldest with Absalom. It would and foolish wisdomof this world. They do not consider the
break the fighting morale of all Israel backing Absalom. part Jehovah might play in developing events, especially
Hushai eouId see that his words were having the desired as these events relate to his Theocracy.Theyforget that tie
effect, and he pressed his advantage: "Therefore I counsel is the one whobrings to nought the understanding of the
that all Israel be generally gathered unto thee, from Dan prudent, takes the wise in their owncraftiness, and counts
even to Beer-sheba, as the sand that is by the sea for multi- their worldly wisdomfoolish. In discounting in their narrow
tude; and that thou go to battle in thine ownperson. So humanviewpoint the Almighty God, Jehovah, they act the
shall we come upon him in some place where he shall be part of a fool and die for want of wisdom.--Ps.14 : 1; Prov.
found, and we will light upon him as the dew falleth on 10:21; ~ 29:14; 1 Cor. 3:19.
PIONEERENG IN SOUTH AFRICA arrivedat hisownhometown.He hadnotbeenhomelong
"I have found that regularly doing street magazine-work when,whileoutoneday,he sawsomeof thosepeople wear-
on a fixed day and hour at a certain spot has resulted in ing whitebagsandholding books.So he wentandspoke
making many contacts. One day a man came up to me and toa pioneer sister.
to someof yourpeople
said: ’I wish I had the faith you have. Won’t you help me CapeTown,’ hesaid.Well,thehappyendingtothatis,The
to get it back ?’ An appointment was made that resulted in soldieris nowa veryactiveKingdompublisher."
a book study, his wife also attending and showing keen
interest. On another occasion I was approached by a native ON THE FOURTH TIME AROUND (AUSTRALIA}
sister, who worked at a hotel, asking me for literature. "Goinground myterritory for the fourth time I called at
Subsequently three of her friends who also work at hotels a flat. On myformer visits the people were always out. A
have comeand asked meto teach them the Bible so that they lady appeared this time. WhenI gave her Kingdom News
may become ministers of the gospel. Another book study she said she was very busy, had very little time for reading,
arranged ! On the door-to-door work I have met people who and goes out a lot. I told her it contained an important and
took magazines and booklets from me on the street. Having timely message to people of good-will toward Godand his
met thempreviously, one feels on a friendlier footing~ mak- kingdom. After two more visits 1 started a study. Last
ing it easier to introduce the study. The most encouraging week, just as we were about to begin, she remarked: ’You
experience I have had lately has been with the phonograph, are my answer to prayer. One evening I was all alone,
whichgoes to prove that this is one of the weaponsthe Lord meditating on God’s Word. I prayed for help to understand
has provided and should not be neglected. WhenI first his Word. Next morning you knocked at my door and spoke
started working the Strand I met a lady whosaid she was about Jehovah’s kingdom,and asked if I wouldlike to have
very busy, but that she wouldlike to hear the record if I a Bible study free. I said No. After you had gone I thought.
wouldcall another time. That evening I was returning from "What have I done? I asked for help, a lady comes and
a back-call with mygramophoneand happened to stop to offers a Bible study free, and I send her away." Thinking
speak to someone just outside this lady’s house. To my the matter over I said : "If it’s an answerto myprayer, the
delight a young fellow came up to me and asked me to lady will come again." Youdid.’
come inmde, as the lady had seen me from the windowand "I realize hownecessary it is to follow Organization
wondered if I would play the record to them then. Inside Instructions. If I had not gone on myfourth round I would
I found five people sitting in the lounge, ready to hear not have met that lady. I feel very grateful to Jehovah for
the record. After hearing ’Ransom’, I witnessed to the*a his guidance and help in finding and feeding his ’other
about the Kingdomand was able to make an appointment sheep’."
for a model study with the lady of the house and her
mother-in-law. The young man who called me in was a REVISITING A MAGAZL’NE OI~TAINER {ONTARIO. CAN.)
Catholic and was very interested to hear about the work "I placed a magazinein the door-to-door work on Decem-
first hand, as he had heard a lot about it from his church.
ber 10. I called back next week, as I arranged with the lady
He left for Northern Rhodesia a few days later, but not to do so, and had a very interesting talk with her, and
without first having obtained a good witness about the placed the Truth book and arranged to have a book study
Kingdom." with her on the 21st. I called as arranged and had the hour’s
study with her, and the next study was arranged for two
A HAPPYENDING(ENGLAND) weeks hence, as she was gone over the holidays. She was
"This deals with a soldier who fought in the African very teachable and said she and her husband were yet
campaign of the war. One day this soldier was helping to attending church but she had seen the difference in what
fire a huge field gun. The guns around him were blazing the clergy taught from what was in these publications. The
away into the enemies’ lines and ’it was just like ~’ clergy in her church had spoken much against Jehovah’s
Suddenly a thought came 4nto his mind : ’Whyare we doing witnesses, but she certainly thought it was so as to get the
this! Whyis the world in such a terrible mess?’ And he people to persecute us. She expressed her desire to have
went back to tell his commanding officer that he had had a four or five of these little booklets, as she wantedto do some
vision of God’s kingdom.He had never read his Bible before of this workherself, since it pointed out that if we believed
this. After a while this soldier was sent to Cape Town, this was the truth we should preach it to others. The result
South Africa. One day while he was walking through one of is that she is comingout with me on a book study Tuesday
the main streets of Cape Townhe saw a group of people night. She has not attended any meetings yet, but sees the
standing withbooksintheirhandandwithwhitebagsslung necessity of the work. I think that with a little moreinstruc-
overtheirshoulders. He wentup tooneof theseandasked tion she and her husbandwill both comeout to studies. They
who theywere.Thepublisher hada goodtalkwithhim. are middle-aged, and it was quite a surprise to see her get
Notlongafterthathe setsailforEngland andeventually the desire for service so quickly."
(Continued from page 338)
upon in the December 15, 1945, issue of TAn Watchtower, but the rf,rnlnds you of each of the six special Testimony Periods of 1946,
1946Calendarof the Soemtywtll feature it before your eyes all bemdesthe special service themesfor all the intervening mouths.
the newyear round. The picture in color accompanying the text Asingle copyis 25e; but live copies, whenmarledto one address,
helps youto visualize just howthis year’s text is being applied are $1. Companiesand groups should take advantageof this and
and realized throughoutall the natmnsnow.The Calendarpadalso combineinchvidual orders for one eommon shipment.
I, 1945

GIFt’ ...................... 355
-. Givingfor the Consecrated Poor........ 357
Careful Management of Chanty......... 359
of thePoor......................... 361
THZMARKTHATCO~TS .......................... 364
Fateof ThoseNotMarked .................. 365
SoLomon’,Sr~g.~Ror WIaDO~ ................ 366
4 /:, FZm,D
................................. 367

i;,;/ TZSTmO~
1946 Y~mOOKOF J~aov~’sWITNESSES354
........................... 354
117 Adams Street

Brooklyn 1, N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS Journalis publishedfor the purposeof enablingthe
peopleto know JehovahGod and his purposesas expressed
in the Bible.It publishes Bibleinstruction specifically
designedto aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all peopleof good-w11L
N. H. Kh’oRP, President W. E. VAN A~BUROIZ, Secretary It arranges systematic Biblestudyforits readersand the Soclety
"And all thy" children shall be f.~u~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
@rest shall be the peace of thy children."- iJeza~54:#’3.
of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
It is entirely free and separate from all religion, parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God and is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reserva-
to everlasting, the Makerof heavenand earthand the Giverof tion for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved
life to his creatures;that the Logeswas the beginning of his King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical exammao
creation, and hisactiveagentin the creation of all otherthings, tion of its contents in the light of the Scriptures, It does not in-
and is now the LordJesusChristin glory,clothedwithall power dulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalmas.
in heavenand earth,as the ChiefExecutive Officerof Jehovah;
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully yl~dtLY SUBSCaIPTION
disobeyedGod’slaw and was sentencedto death;thatby reason UNrl"~I) ST£Tn8, $1.00; aFt other countries. $1.50, Americancurrency;
of Adam’swrongact all men are born sinnersand withoutthe GREAT ~RITAIN. AUSTRALASIA, ANDSOUTH AFRICA.6S. American rem~-
tances should be made by Postal or Exprt~au MoneyOrder or by l~ank
right to life; Draft. British. South African and Atmtealaslan ~mittnoc~ should
THAT THE LOGES was made human as the man Jesus and be made direct tO the respective branch offices Remlttance~ floHt
countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn
suffereddeath in order to producethe ransomor redemptive office, but by Dtter~utional Postal MoneyOrder only.
pricefor obedientones of mankind;that God raisedup Jesus
divineand exalted him to heavenabove every other creature ffOREION OrrzcEs
and above every creature’s name and clothed him with all power Brlti.h 34 Craven Terrace, London. W. 2. England
and authority; At~trola#lan __ 7 Beresford Road. Strathfleld. N. S. W. Australia
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called 8o~th Air.or, Boston House. Cape Town. SouthAfrtc~
Zion, and that Christ Jesus is the Ch:ef Officer thereof and is the I~td/a~ 167 Love Lane. Bombay27. India
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Ples.~. addr~g the Society In every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
przvilege ~t is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his Translatio ns of this ~Journal appear In several languages,
purposes toward mankind as expressed m the Bible, and to bear
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear;
THAT THE OLD WORLDended in A.D. 1914, and the Lord infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the sub~criptlnn price
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of mayhave The Watchtowerfree upon written applacatlon to the pubh~tte.~.
made once each ~ear. stating the reLsonfor so requesting it Weare
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to glad to thus aid the needy, but the written application once each ~ear
the establishment of the "new earth" of the New World; 18 required by the postal regulations.
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can Notice to Bubsorlbers: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal ~ut~
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, scrlptlon will be sent only when requested. Chan~eof addret~, when
requested, maybe expected to appear on addr~s label ~stthln one me,lb.
which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great act is the A renewal blank ~carrylng notice of expiration) will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s orgamzatlon and the complete establish- Journal one month before the subscrlptmn exp~re~
ment of righteousness m the earth, and that under the Kingdom
Printed in the United Staresof America
the people of good-will that surwve Armageddon shall carry Entered am second-class mutter at the poll o~Ice o| Rrooklyn. N.Y..
out the divine mandate to "fi11 the earth" with a righteous race. under the Act of ~lo~ch S, 1879.


Each Watchtowerreadercan make Decembera month of enjoy- The 1946Yearbookreallyrecordsan epoch,namely,the workof
mga glormus"treasure of serwce"for hLmself.All it needs~s to the Lord’switnesses world-wide duringthe year thatmsrkedthe
take part w~th Jehovah’sw~tnessesm the "Treasureof Service" end of the mostferocmusof globalwars,withall the releaseof
Testimony Period,whmhhas beenasmgnedto coverthe entirelast news thatthls afforded,and the resumptmnof activities m the
many war-ravaged landsby God’sconsecrated peoplenow released
monthof th~scalendaryear..Not everyhuman~s privileged hy the fromthe oppressmns and restraints of totalltarmnrule and all-
LordGod to partlclpate in th~sservlceof bearingtestimonyto hLs embracing war-reg]mentatmn. The reportof the work for the 1945
Kingdom,and that ~s why you can apprecmteIt to be such a serviceyearon continental Europe,in the Orient,m fact,for the
treasureto servenow as an munouncerof that r~ghteous Govern- easternand westernhemispheresas a whole,LS by the Watch
ment.Such servicewillbe renderedduringDecemberby usingthe TowerSocietypresident, and his introduction to the reportwdl
25e combination of "The K~ngdom Is at Hand" and the latest thrillyou and get you in the moodfor the reportsto followfrom
booklet, The "Commander to the Peoples"~ in door-to-door w~t- all landsfrom whichreformation has come through.The Yearbook
also offersthe president’scommenton the 1946 yeartext,ac-
nessing. This direct work will, of course, be supplemented by the
companiedby a daily text and comment from publishedWatch-
treasuresome follow-up serxnce, that of back-calls and opening up
towersourcesfor eachday of theyear.The postingof 50c a copy,
book studies. Who will avail himself of th~s blessed service mailed postpaid, for the 1946 Yearbook of Jehovah’s wttnesse.~ is
treasure f We trust that your report of work at the month’s close made necessary by the limited distribution and printing. All groups
register an "I" for you. should pooI their incRvidual orders and send in the same as a
umt, to economize time and expense in shipment.
Week of January 6: "His Unspeakable Gift," 1546 SERVICE CALENDAR
¶ 1-18 inclusive, The Watchtower December 1, 1945. What a theme the Lord has provided through his orgsuizatmn
for the calendar year of 1946! It is, "Be glad, ye nations, with his
Week of January 13: ’’His Unspeakable Gigt," people."~Romans 15: 10, Rotherham. This text LS commented
¶ 19-41 inclusive, The Watchtower December 1, 1945. (Continued on page 368)
VoT.. LXVI DEcE~ i, 1945 No. 23


"Thanl~s be unto God for his unspeakable 9ift."w2 Cot. 9:15.

EHOVAH God was the first to give. Ever since that Christ Jesus the Son of God is the essential
J he began expending his power to start creation basis and the sole channel for God’s unspeakable
he has been giving. Good things which we may gift, but the gift is something more comprehensive.
bestow upon one another are only things which s Of all gifts, Christ Jesus is God’s greatest gift,
belong to the Creator and of which we humangivers and nothing could surpass that beloved Son as a gift.
may have possession for a time. Long ago a king of But the Son of God is, in himself, not the end or
the then best government on earth expressed the completion of God’s giving. Lookingupon God’s first-
thought in these words addressed to the Great begotten Son as a gift, Christ Jesus himself said:
Giver: "All that is in the heavens and in the earth "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
Is thine;thineis theIdngdom, 0 Jehovah, andthou begotten Son, that whosoeverbelieveth in him should
artexalted as headaboveall.Bothriches andhonor not perish, but have everlasting life. For Godsent
comeof thee,andthourulestoverall;andin thy not his Son into the world to condemn the world;
handis powerandmight;andin thy handit is to but that the world through him might be saved."
make great,and to give strengthunto all. Now (John 3: 16, 17) Most manifestly then, the world
therefore, ourGod,we thankthee,andpraisethy which God so loved as to give his only begotten Son
glorious name.Butwhoam I, andwhatis my people,could not be this wicked world. Concerning this
thatwe shouldbe ableto offerso willingly after wicked world Christ Jesus said: "Nowis the judg-
thissort?forallthings comeof thee,andof thine ment of this world: now shall the prince of this
own havewe giventhee."~l Chron.29: 11-14,Am. cast out." "The prince of this world cometh.
Stun. Ver. and hath nothing in me." {John 12:31; 14:30) The
’ The apostle Paul cries out gratefully: "Thanks reason whythose statements are so is that the prince
be unto Godfor his unspeakable gift." (2 Cor. 9 : 15) of this world is Satan the De/-il, who blinds the
Or, more forcefully said: "Thank God for his inde- minds of the vast majority of humanldnd lest they
scribable gift !" (Goodspeed)The gift for which Paul believe in the only begotten Son of God. (2 Cor. 4:4)
thanked Godin these words is quite generally under- In harmony with that fact Christ Jesus prayed to
stood to mean the beloved Son of God, namely, Godfor his disciples left on earth, saying: "I pray
Christ Jesus. During the month of December,certain for them: I pray not for the world, but for them
religionists of "Christendom" are accustomed to which thou hast given me; for they are thine. I have
indulge in a holiday orgy of interchanging gifts given them thy word ; and the world hath hated them,
between relatives and friends, and some may be because they are not of the world, even as I am not
heard to quote 2 Corinthians 9:15 as a justification of the world." These words, at John 17:9, 14, 16,
for making holiday. But their religious holiday is prove further that this present wicked world under
not a gift from God; for it is nowhere commanded or Prince Satan is not the world which aroused God’s
authorized in the Bible. It has nothing whatever to love to such an extent as to give his beloved Son
do with God’s unspeakable gift, regardless of the Christ Jesus.
nameof the holiday. According to the discussion by ’ Jehovah God does not love something that he
whichthe apostle Paul leads up to his classic expres. forbids his faithful sons and servants to love.
sion of thanksgiving, the unspeakable, indescribable Neither would he give his Son for a losing cause and
gift of Godrefers to something broader than his Son hence give him in vain. Therefore this wicked world
Jesus Christ. In Paul’s antecedent words Christ Jesus is at once stricken out from being the world which
is not directly under discussion. There is no denying God so dearly loved when the apostle John writes
1. Since when has the first giver been giving? and how should we 3. How does Christ Jesus rank as Ood’s~ gift? and ~hat words of
view our own giving? Jesus show it was not for this world that he was given by God
2 To ~hom are Paul’s words at 2 Corinthians 9" 15 generally applied7 4. According to 1 John 2:14-17, why could It not be love of this world
but what relatmn does such one have to the "unspeakable gift"? that prompted God’8 gift of hl~ Son7
N. Y.

to the Christians: "The word of Godabideth in you, life and also his right to humanlife as a ransom or
and ye have overcome the wicked one. Love not the a price of redemption for such Adamic offspring.
world, neither the things that are in the world. If Only the Creator could produce a new perfect human
any man love the world, the love of the Father is creature who had everything that Adam had in
not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of Eden. Only Almighty God could produce the man
the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of who could redeem or buy back for others what Adam
life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And lost for all his offspring by sinning before their
the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he birth. Instead of creating a new perfect man from
that doeth the will of Godabideth for ever." (1 John the dust of the earth, a man that had never been up
2: 14-17) In view of this, it is necessary, whencon- in heaven and had no right in heaven, Jehovah God
sidering Jesus’ words at John 3: 16, to vindicate chose in an indescribably wonderful way to send
Jehovah’s love of righteousness. Rightly, his extraor- down one of his sons from heaven. Such son was to
dinary love could be only for a righteous world, a lay aside his heavenly life and was to have his life
world of justice such as he would not destroy but transferred to the wombof a womanwho was pleas-
which he would preserve forever. Reasonably, for ing to God. He was thus to be born of a womanwith-
the establishment of such an enduring world of right- out inheriting sin, imperfection, condemnation and
eousness Jehovah God would, with vindication to death from Adamthrough any of Adam’s sons.
Himself, give his chief and most loved Son, Christ T Now, simply to redeem the believers among
Jesus¯ Adam’s offspring, any one of the holy angels or
s In looking at Jesus’ words, at John 3: 16, the
spirit sons of God could have served to becomethe
religionists fix their attention most strongly upon the perfect man to die as a ransom price. Manis made
latter part of the verse which says : "That whosoever a "little lower than the angels". (Ps. 8: 5; Heb. 2: 9)
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlast- Hence the use of any of such heavenly sons in this
ing life." They have the salvation of humancreatures redemptive work would have been a gracious favor
mainly in mind and look upon it as the thing of and gift from God. But, according to the actual facts,
prime importance. They put the creature ahead of Jehovah God chose his oldest and most beloved Son,
the Creator. Now, if it had been just the salvation his firstborn Son, whomGod used in creating all
of men that was involved and that God was chiefly other things. This one Hegave for the cause of right-
working to effect, then he could have sent downany eousness. This act displays an extraordinary love on
of his spirit sons from heaven and had this one God’s part. It was because far more was concerned
become a man, being born of a woman¯ How so? in the matter than just the ransoming of obedient
Because the mere salvation of human creatures by and faithful men. A world of righteousness was the
means of a ransom price would have merely required thing that was at stake, and that world had to be a
the price of a perfect humanlife equal, in value to part of Jehovah’s universal organization and had to
that of perfect Adamin Eden. God’s righteous law be immovably subject to His universal domination
demandedin the matter of balancing justice : "If any or sovereignty.
mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye s So, instead of its being the ransoming of human-
for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for kind, the foremost issue facing Jehovah Godwas the
foot, burning for burning, woundfor wound, stripe justifying or vindication of His universal sover-
for stripe"¯ (Ex. 21 : .3-,-5
o ; Deut. 19 : 21) Theperfect eignty. The settling of this righteous issue was what
Adamin Eden yielded to temptation and took the was demandedby absolute justice, whereas the ran-
course that ended in mischief, by eating the fruit of soming of men was not required by justice but was
the forbidden" tree concerning which God warned born solely from God’s mercy. The vindication of
him: "In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt Jehovah must come by the new righteous world that
surely die." (Gen. 2: 17) Thereby Adamnot only he made it his purpose to create. Therefore Jehovah
brought reproach upon his Creator’s name but also God loved that world of righteousness, and to such
caused the loss of perfect humanlife for his offspring a degree that he gave his only begotten Son. "For
whomGod told the perfect man and womanto bring Jehovah is righteous; he Ioveth righteousness: the
forth to fill this earth. Hence all of us were born upright shall behold his face." (Ps. 11: 7, Am. Stan.
imperfect, dying, and with no right to life¯ Ver.) That righteous world would have a heavenly,
s For perfect humanlife to be recovered for any
spiritual part, invisible to mankind, and an earthly,
or all of Adamand Eve’s offspring, to balance the humanpart, visible to man. God’s purpose was that
scales of justice it was necessary that some perfect such heavenly part should rule, not only over the
humancreature on earth should voluntarily offer his
7. Why. then, wns it t~at God lovingly gave his firstborn Sou rather
5, 6. (a)On what part of John 3:18 do rellglonists fix their main than any of his sons from among angels?
attention? and why would this alone not have re~lutred God’s gift to
be his "only begotten ~on"? (b)Who only could produce such cequlred 8. Rather than the ransom, what was the issue invohed? and hence
human creature? and how~ what was the world that God so loved?
1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 357

earthly organization on this globe of ours, but also his sacrifice and being actively submissive and faith-
over all the rest of God’s universal organization. ful to him. "He that hath the Son hath life; and he
’ In other words, the "new heavens" which God that hath not the Son of Godhath not life." (1 John
purposed to create was to be the capital organization 5: 12) Thus viewed, Christ Jesus was Jehovah’s
in God’s entire universe and was to be higher than greatest gift. Therefore God miraculously caused
all the rest of God’s creation. The chief one in that him to be born as a human babe, not on so-called
capital organization was to be God’s great vindi- "Christmas Day", December25, but about October 1,
cator, the one who must come down from heaven and according to the best authentic testimony from the
be born as a perfect man. He must endure all of Bible.--See the book "’The Kingdom Is at Hand",
Satan’s temptation and persecutions without sin- pages 207-212.
ning and rebelling against Jehovah God, even to the
most painful and reproachful death, that thereby he GIVING FOR THE CONSECRATED POOR
might vindicate his heavenly Father, Jehovah. This I, The discussion of the above points was not what
devoted son of God would vindicate Jehovah’s uni- led the apostle Paul to make his exclamation of
versal sovereignty not only by his unbreakable faith- thanks to Jehovah God for his unspeakable gift or
fulness to Godon earth, but also by reigning at Jeho- bounty. Paul was talking about the handling of a
vah’s right hand in heaven and destroying every- money collection that was being taken up for the
thing of Satan’s wicked world at the battle of Arma- benefit of the poor Christian brethren at Jerusalem.
geddon. Godalso purposed that the faithful follow- If we examine the manner in which that collection
ers of this son of Godshould be associated with this was taken up in the early Christian church and was
son both in his sufferings for righteousness’ sake and then distributed to the needy, it helps us to see how
also in his heavenly reign. those early Christians practiced "charity" (as it
~o God’s purpose also was that on earth, as the would be called today). Also it gives us good guid-
visible part of the l~ew World of righteousness, ance as to how like "charity" should he practiced
should be the faithful ones who lived before the nowadays by those who have received of God’s
coming of his Vindicator and who kept their integ- unspeakable gift.
rity toward God strong in the hope of his coming 1, It strongly appears that, at the time of writing
Vindicator. These Jehovah’s Vindicator would raise his letter knownas Second Corinthians, Paul was in
from the dead and then make them to be his visible the Romanprovince of Macedonia. This lies just
representatives on earth amongmen, and hence his north of the Roman province of Achaia (now
"princes in all the earth". (Ps. 45:16; Isa. 32: 1) Greece), of which the city of Corinth was then the
Under this visible organization of such faithful capital. Corinth was the city to which Paul was on
"princes" all those of humankind who turned to his way, expecting to spend the winter there and to
Jehovah’s King Christ Jesus in faith and loyalty complete the taking up of the collection there. He
would be blessed. By obeying their King and had come into Macedonia from Ephesus, the capital
Redeemer from sin and death they would finally city of the Romanprovince of Asia. He had stayed
attain to perfect righteousness.--1 John 4: 14. at Ephesus during the time of the harvest festival of
11 This is the world that Jehovah God so dearly Pentecost and for part of the summerof the year.
loved for its righteousness that he gave his only The time was about the year 54 or 55 (A.D.). From
begotten Son to be the foundation of it and also the Ephesus Paul had written ahead to the Corinthians,
heavenly capital of it. God gave him to pay the saying: "I will come unto you, when I shall have
ransom and redeem all who should gain life in that passed through Macedonia; for I pass through Mace-
NewWorldof righteousness, whether it be life in the don|a; but with you it maybe that I shall abide, or
kingdomof heaven or it be life on earth. He reserved even winter, that ye may set me forward on my
this highest honor, that of being His vindicator and journey whithersoever I go. For I do not wish to see
of occupying the chief place in the capital organiza- you nowby the way ; for I hope to tarry a while with
tion, for his beloved Firstborn Son to gain. Hence you, if the Lord permit. But I will tarry at Ephesus
he gave this only begotten Son according to his until Pentecost; for a great door and effectual is
loving purpose in behalf of this NewWorld. Whoso- opened unto me, and there are many adversaries."
ever of Adam’s offspring is saved from perishing --1 Cor. 16 : 5-9, Am. Start. Ver.
and being destroyed must believe in Jehovah’s Given "From Ephesus Paul proceeded to and through
One, Christ Jesus, which believing means accepting Macedonia and into the province of Achaia (or
9. What was the place assigned to those "new hGmvens’? and how do 12. What wits It that led up to Paul’s exclamation regarding God’s
the members thereof have part in vindlcaUng Jehovah? unspeakable gift? and why is it well to examine It~
13. From which city did Paul write 2 Corinthians? and what did he
I0. What would be the visible part of that righteous world? and how tell the Corinthians about his v2siUng th~?
would mankind fare ~tmder It? 14. {a)On this visit 1o Corinth to whom did Paul write I {b) What
11. (a)With what ends in view did Jehovahllve his Son in behalf did he write them about s cotlec~on, and what should we keep in
of that world? {b)When was God’s greatest gift born on earth? mind about the contributors and the receivers}
358 eWATCHTOWER. BRoo, N. Y.
Greece), at length reaching the city of Corinth. It need for courageously holding on in that central
was while spending the time with the Christians at stronghold of Jewish religion, despite persecution,
Corinth that he wrote his masterly letter to the prejudice, opposition, etc. On getting news of this,
Romans.In this letter also he calls our attention to the generosity of the Christians in such places as the
the charitable collection he was completing at Cor- provinces of Galatia, Macedonia, and Achaia, was
inth for the needy Christians at Jerusalem. As we stirred to cometo their material aid. Doubtless in
nowread what he wrote to the Romansabout collect- the same way the news of the plight of Jehovah’s
ing moneyat Corinth, let us keep in mind that many, witnesses on coming forth from concentration camps
if not the majority, of the Christians at Corinth had in the liberated parts of Europe is arousing their
been uncircumcised Gentiles. On the other hand, the brethren in other lands to contribute help to them.
majority, if not all, of the Christians at Jerusalem ’eThe apostle Paul actively gave the work of
for whomthey were contributing had been circum- collection his fullest support. The way he viewed it
cised Jews. Paul first tells the Romansof his pur- was that the Gentiles’ giving aid was the paying of
pose to spread the gospel to the Gentiles in more a debt of love to their fellow Christians at Jeru-
westerly parts, as far as Spain, and then says to salem. Howso? In this way: The Christian congre-
them: "At the momentI am off to Jerusalem on an gation at Jerusalem was originally all of converted
errand to the saints. For Macedonia and Achaia Jews. Fromthis congregation and its apostolic gov-
[Greece, including Corinth] have decided to make erning body the spiritual blessings of Jehovah’s
a contribution for the poor amongthe saints at Jeru- gospel-truth and service had spread out until in
salem. Such was their decision; and yet this is a God’s time it had reached the non-Jews or Gentiles,
debt they owe to these people [at Jerusalem], for if including those in Galatia, Macedonia, and Achaia
the Gentiles have shared their spiritual blessings, (or Greece). As Paul explained in his letter to the
they owe them a debt of aid in material blessings. Romans,chapter eleven, the failure of the majority
Well, once I finish this business by putting the pro- of the Jewish nation to take advantage of the glori-
ceeds of the collection safely in their hands, I will ous opportunity to gain membership in the kingdom
start for Spain and take you [Christians at Rome] of heaven with Christ had maderoom for the believ-
on the way. WhenI do come to you, I know that I ing Gentiles to comein on the privilege. Paul said:
wilI bring a full blessing from Christ."--Rom. "Nowif the fall of [the Jews] be the riches of the
15 : 25-29, Mof/att. world [of non-Jews], and the diminishing of them
’~ According to this it seems that the community [be] the riches of the Gentiles; howmu.chmore their
arrangement of the Jewish Christians at Jerusalem fulness? ... For if the casting awayof [the unbeliev-
had passed out of fashion or else that the general ing Jews] be the reconciling of the world, what shall
fund of moneyfrom which all Christians there could the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?"
draw as needed was used up. As to that Jerusalem wRom.11: 12-15.
community arrangement from A.D. 33 onward it was " Hence the membersof the Jewish Christian con-
written: "All that b.elieved were together, and had all gregation at Jerusalem, and particularly the apos-
things common; and sold their possessions and tles, had the privilege of passing the gospel message
goods, and parted them to all men, as every manhad off to the Gentiles, informing them of the wonderful
need." "Neither was there any among them that spiritual privileges of the ldngdomof heaven. Noth-
lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or ing on earth of a material kind could equal in value
houses sold them, and brought the prices of the that marvelous spiritual favor, which favor came to
things that were sold, and laid them down at the the Gentiles through the Jerusalem congregation as
apostles’ feet: and distribution was madeunto every the channel which Jehovah God used. If, now, the
man according as he had need." (Acts 2: 44, 45; Gentile Christians had received such spiritual ad-
4: 34, 35) This communalarrangement was not with- vantages by means of the Jewish Christians at Jeru-
out its difficulties; for it is recorded,at Acts6 : 1: "In salem, it only equalized matters when the needy
those days, as the number of the disciples was Christians at Jerusalem received material aid from
Godby meansof the grateful Gentile Christians out-
increasing, complaints were made by the Greek-
side Palestine.
speaking Jews against the native Jews that their "This is the viewpoint which Jehovah’s witnesses
widowswere being neglected in the daily distribution should have in their Christian activities today,
of food." (Goodspeed) Now, when Paul wrote the regardless of the religious adversaries whocall them
Romansabout twenty years later, the faithful Jew- "book-sellers", "peddlers engaged in a commercial
ish Christians at Jerusalen~ had comeinto material racket, .... doorbell-ringers," etc. As Jehovah’s wit-
15. (a)A~ol~dnl to this, what was evidently the cue am to the 16, 17. How were the contributions collected the payment of ¯ debt?
community arrangement of Christians at jirusalem? (b)What was the 18. What like Tlewpolnt do Sehcvah’s witnesses take In acceptlns con-
efZe~ outside of news concernini this7 tributions in hotme-to-hotme work?
1, 1945 359
nesses obey his commandand follow Christ’s ex- ally went to see that it was faithfully delivered to
ample and go from house to house preaching the the proper authorities at Jerusalem, lest anything
Kingdomgospel, they are conveying priceless spirit- crooked might be charged against the collection.
ual blessings to the people, as God’s agents. They ’° Note Paul’s honesty and cleanness in this regard.
place many, many pieces of literature free in the In getting this collection together Titus and other
people’s hands, and run many recorded Bible lec- men such as Luke were associated with Paul; and
tures for the people, and conduct homeBible studies Paul said to the contributors to the fund at Corinth :
free for them. So if, besides doing this, Jehovah’s "Did I make a gain of you by any of them whomI
witnesses accept small, minimumcontributions of sent unto you? I desired Titus, and with him I sent
moneyfor some books, booldets, and magazines they a brother. Did Titus makea gain of you ? walked we
place, they are not carrying on a commercial trans- not in the same spirit? walked we not in the same
action or racket, nor are they imposing upon the steps? .... Along with him I am sending that brother
people. Since Jehovalfs witnesses are bringing such [possibly Luke] whose services to the gospel are
spiritual good things to the people whotake litera- praised by all the churches; besides, he has been
ture, God’s rule is that they have a right to accept appointed by the churches to travel with me on the
material contributions in the interest of further business of administering this fund to the glory of
carrying on his service. Paul even said as respects the Lord himself. His appointment has my full con-
himself and his companion Barnabas: "It is written sent, for I want to take precautions against any risk
in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of suspicion in connection with the administration
of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth Godtake of this charity; I aim at being above reproach not
care for oxen t Or saith he it altogether for our only from God but also from men. Along with them
sakes ? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that I am also sending our brother: I have had ample
he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he proof of his keen interest on manyoccasions, and it
that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his is specially keen on this occasion, aa he has absolute
hope. If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is confidence in you. Titus is mycolleague, he shares
it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things ? my work for you, and these brothers of mine are
If others be partakers of this power over you, are apostles [or messengers, sent ones] of the church,
not we rather?" (1 Cur. 9: 6, 9-12) No, it is no great a credit to Christ. So let them have proof of how
thing to accept contributions. you can love [in connection with this charity fund
for the brethren at Jerusalem], and of my reasons
for being proud of you; it will be a proof read
I’ As a guide to true Christian activity today, we by the churches."--2 Cur. 12: 17, 18 and 8: 18-24,
do well to note that Paul did not engage in modern-
style "charities", such as running a public coffee Moffatt.
2: This course of the apostle shows that the genuine
kitcimn or a "free-soup restaurant", to feed the
world’s unfortunates as a bait to win them to a reli- Christians of today are justified in taking the great-
gious organization. The moneycollection which Paul est precautions in regard to their moneycontribu-
supervised was for membersof God’s organization. tions. Repeatedly The Watchtower has published
It was for worthy Christians, for Christians person- warnings against impostors, who turn up suddenly
ally knownto be active regularly in God’s service in certain communitiesand present themselves to the
and to be carrying out their consecration to Him local congregations and pretend to be bona fide
with integrity. Paul did not refuse any contributions Jehovah’s witnesses. They carry no credentials, but
from Christian brethren in the fear that it was use speech that shows some knowledge of the truth.
diverting money from the direct channels of the They may even accompany Kingdom publishers in
gospel preaching. Rather, Paul approved and super- a few trips into the field service. In this manner
vised the collecting of the contributions because it these unknown persons prepare the way smoothly
was helping other needy Christian brethren to enjoy to ask for financial help from as many as they can
some material relief and to thus be able to engage impress sympathetically. Or they gain entry into tbe
more freely and energetically in Jehovah’s witness- homes of brethren and there they commit as large a
work. Paul took no part of the contributions for robbery as they can get away with. The apostle Paul
himself as a rake-off for his services as supervisor spoke of the "perilous times" which should mark
and carrier of the funds to Jerusalem. In this world these ’qast days", and he warned us against those
of religious swindlers, embezzlers and impostors ’~having a form of godliness" and advised: "From
upon unsuspecting Christians, Paul accepted free.of such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep
charge the supervision of the collection. He person- 20, What did Paul wr/te in 2 Corlnthla~ eoneerning himself and his
fellow workers to show hl° hou~ty ~d cleanness u to this?
19. In connection with Paul’s charitable collection, what do we note 21. WhJtt doe~ the apostle’s courl~ |uattfy C~rlstlans today in taking?
as a grade to like activity and supervision today? and why his The Watchtower therefore l~ued warmugs~
360 2flieWATCHTOWER.. BRooz~, N. Y.

into houses, and lead captive silly womenladen with privilege of contributing voluntarily to the "Good
sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and Hopes Fund", as it has long been called. To quote
never able to cometo the knowledge of the truth." from the May1 issue’s notice concerning this Fund,
--2 Tim. 3: 1-7. under the heading "Kingdom Work":
’* In turning over their collected contributions to ’* "This notice is not a solicitation of money,but
Paul, the Corinthian brethren were entrusting them a reminder to all whohave a desire to support Jeho-
to a known, proved, and dependable servant. They vah’s kingdom that it is well to make advance pro-
also put their trust in the knownbrethren to whom vision to participate in the work and do so by laying
Paul gave credentials, as an insurance against aside a specific sum each week according to the
putting moneyinto the hands of the wrong persons. mannerin which the Lord prospers them financially.
As the supervisor of this charity Paul wrote to the The work of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society
consecrated ones at Corinth: "With regard to the is to use the moneycontributed in the most econom-
collection for the saints, you must carry out the same ical way to make known Jehovah’s name and his
arrangements as I madefor the churches of Galatia. kingdom. Information in advance as to the probable
On the first day of the week, let each of you put aside amount that will be contributed during the year by
a sum from his weekly gains, so that the moneymay those whoare interested makesit possible for us to
not have to be collected whenI come. On myarrival outline the work and the expense connected there-
I will furnish credentials for those whomyou select, with accordingly."qThe Watchtower, May 1, 1945,
and send them to convey your bounty [charity gift] page140,column i.
to Jerusalem; if the sum makes it worth my while to "TheSociety’s legalcharter doesnotallowthe
go too, they shall accompanyme." (1 Cor. 16: 1-4, Society to makegiftsof moneyto congregations and
Moffatt) Although Paul was well-loaown, tried and individuals in general for theproviding of their
proved, yet he gave every practical reason for confi- material needs. TheSociety, according to itsTheo-
dence in him. All this made the contributors sure cratic charter, is dedicated to supply thegreatest
that their moneygift would positively reach those needof allpeoples, namely, thespiritual blessings
for whosebenefit it was contributed. in theformof information, instruction, education,
" Paul was never knownto have taken up a weekly concerning thewaytheymaygaineternal salvation
collection by passing around the plate at congrega- by meansof Jehovah’skingdomby ChristJesus.
tional meetings which he addressed, to provide Accordingly theWatchTowerSocietynotonlypub-
financial support for himself or for the congrega- fishes literature andlecture recordings in e.xplana-
tion’s meeting-place. He took up no such collection- lionof theHolyBible, in manylanguages, butalso
plate offerings, even though he did not receive a sends outitsrepresentatives toallparts oftheearth
regular salary from the congregations that he estab- to bring tothespiritually starving peoplesthislife-
lished and served. Rather than burden down a con- givingChristian instruction. Already, sincethe
gregation with personal expenses, Paul arranged to founding of theWatchtower BibleCollege of Gilead
"labour, working with our own hands"; "we work in February, 1943,theWatchTowerSociety hassent
hard for our living." (1 Cot. 4: 12; Moffatt) Hence out more than one hundredof its graduatesto
Paul’s instructions to the Corinthians was: "Upon foreignlandsin this WesternHemisphere, even
the first day of the week let every one of you lay by whilethe globalwarraged.Besidesthat,it has
him in store, as God hath prospered him"; and this located theotherhundreds of graduates in strategic
has no reference to passing the plate for collections Bibleeducationcentersthroughoutthe United
at weekly gatherings or other gatherings of the con- States. ThustheWatchTowerSociety is engaged in
gregation. (1 Cor. 16: 2) Rather, it meant that each the greatest and mostneededcharitable work on
Corinthian that wanted to contribute should budget earth;and it hopesfor a vastexpansion of this
his weekly earnings. And at the beginning of each charitable service during thepostwar era.
new week he should, in his own home and away from "Fromthe Society’s recordof morethansixty
the congregation’s meeting-place, set aside what he years, since itsincorporation in 1884, thosewhohave
could for the charity fund, according to what his past contributed toitssupport inthepast-know thatit is
week’s money-intake would allow. It is in harmony a faithful anddependable supervisor of allcontribu-
tions entrusted to it in behalf of Jehovah’s kingdom-
with Paul’s instructions that the WATCH Towza work.Theyknowthatthemoneywhichtheywilling-
Bmu~ & TRACTSOCIETYuses the columns of this lycontribute totheSociety iscertain to beappliedin
magazine each year to notify our readers of their thewaytheywantittobe,tothehighest ofcharities,
22. What were Paul’s instructions am to preparing for the collection? 23. By charter, what Is the Society dedicated to supply? and how haz
and to whomwere the [unds collected to be entrnsted? it proceeded to do this thul far?
23. 24. (a)What procedure did Paul not follow aa to collections? and 26, Howdo Christian contributors know that the Society is a faithful
how were his Instructions to be ~arrted ogtT (b)How has the Watch and dependable supervisor of contributions? and what shows Jehovah’s
Tow~.rSociety~ued llke instructlonz? approval of it= service aa sueh?
with heavenly wisdom. The Almighty God has "While the apostle called attention to their privi-
blessed what limited funds have been placed at the lege of contributing, doing se in a most worthy and
Society’s use in His service to accomplish such a righteous cause, yet he left everything on a volun-
large result of Kingdomwitnessing, to the giving tary basis. He stirred them up to do their utmost in
of Christian education to millions all over the earth. the way of contributions by bringing to their notice
This is an unmistakable proof of Jehovah God’s the example of their brethren north of them in Mace-
approval. It is a cause for joy and thanksgiving to donia. The deep material poverty of the Macedo-
Godon the part of all these financial contributors. nians did not combinewith their great trial of afflic-
Wehave confidence that it will continue to be so tion to stifle their joy at giving somethingto the aid
until the Society’s work is finished. of other brethren in need, namely, those in Jerusa-
lem, likely worse off than themselves. Paul reminds
us that Christians who are advanced and who excel
sT The Lord’s cause has never depended on the in Christian knowledge, in power of utterance to
contributions of the materially rich for its mainte- express it, and in faith and in love for the govern-
nance. The all-rich Lord God has ever provided ing body of the church, should not be backward in
unfailingly for the needs of his servants in his work. rendering help to their needy brethren. While we are
The vital force behind this work for its continuance striving to preach the gospel to others, weshould not
and its increase has been His-spirit or active force, forget and neglect the material needs, and prima-
working within his consecrated people. Jehovah God rily the spiritual needs, of our brethren and the
has never called many rich. (Jas. 2" 5) As concerns "strangers" who have already come within the
financial support of his work, the materially poor "gates" of the organization. While maldngback-calls
consecrated ones have been the greatest mainstay, upon newly-interested persons of good-will, let us
because of being filled with His spirit and with an not overlook visiting our brethren who fall into
understanding and appreciation of the precious spiritual need, lest we leave the already gathered-in
truth. Their gifts from amidst their meager circum- ones in danger of falling away.
stances, and while under merciless opposition from 8°The apostle having called attention to the
the world, have been the expression of love greater example of generosity on earth of the Macedonian
than that of the wealthy who out of their plenty brethren, he then points to the gracious example of
give large gifts. Note howthe apostle calls attention the heavenly Leader of the entire church, whose
to this as true in his own day, as he writes the example is the most inspiring toward unselfish giv-
brethren at Corinth in Achaia (Greece) for their ing. Paul says: "For ye knowthe grace of our Lord
encouragement (2 Cor. 8: 1-8, Moffatt) Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your
,,,,Now, brothers, I have to tell you about the sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty
grace God has given to the churches of Macedonia. might be rich." (2 Cor. 8:9) Yes, we know how
Amida severe ordeal of trouble, their overflowing gracious the Lord Jesus Christ was in contributing
joy and their deep poverty together have poured out to Jehovah’s cause in behalf of the needy ones on
a flood of rich generosity; I can testify that up to earth. Richer in heaven than all the other sons of
their means, aye and beyond their means, they have God, Jesus emptied himself of alt this and took up
given--begging me of their own accord, most humanlife, beginning with being born in a stall for
urgently, for the favour of contributing to the cattle. After carpentering till reaching his full man-
support of the saints. They have done more than I hood, he left his homeand went forth preaching the
expected; they gave themselves [in consecration] to kingdomof heaven, all the while laying no claim to
the Lord, to begin with, and then (for so Godwilled anything material on this earth, not even to where
it) they put themselves at mydisposal. This has led to lay his head. Finally he laid downhis humanlife
me to ask Titus to complete the arrangements for the in death, in proof of his unbroken devotion to God
same gracious contribution amongyourselves, as it and also as a ransom sacrifice for men who will
was he whostarted it. Nowthen, you are to the front accept it as the brethren at Corinth did. ThoughGod
in everything, in faith, in utterance, in knowledge, raised him from the dead and restored him to
m all zeal, ~£nd inlove for us [the governing body] heaven to greater riches and power than ever before,
---do cometo the front in this gracious enterprise yet it was by first makinghimself poor to contribute
as well. I am not issuing any orders, only using the everything for the vindication of Jehovah’s name
zeal of others to prove howsterling [how sincere] that Christ’s faithful followers have been made so
~-our ownlove is." rich spiritually.
2L Upon what has the maintenance of God’s cause depended? and why 29. (a)On what basis did Paul leave the contributing, but with what
stimulating example? (b)Of what responsibility doe6 Paul remind the
~ot upon the materially rich? spiritually advanced and developed Christians In this connection?
28. In what words, at 2 Corinthians 8, does Paul call attention to 30 What was the more Inspiring example of unselfish giving to which
his fact as true in his day? Paul then referred?
N. Y.
"These spiritual riches now are the foretaste of anyone makes in behalf of Jehovah’s service and for
the wealth of everlasting life that is to be the inher- the aid of His servants is to be despised, no matter
itance of the faithful ones in the endless NewWorld how small. Jesus did not despise the widow’s mite;
of righteousness. Thinking, then, on such gracious- but gave it a proportionately high valuation. If the
ness of our Lord Jesus Christ, which cannot be valuation is according to what that person has, and
equaled by the Macedonian brethren or anyone else not according to what other persons have, the contri-
in the entire church, stirs us to like generosity bution is to be evaluated proportionately and hence
toward those for whomthe gracious Lord died. highly. Whata wealth of devotion, zeal, and loving
"Making a contribution to the Lord’s cause when consideration is shownby it! God, whois in charge
a person is himself near the verge of material need of his Theocratic organization, is sure to makeall
and is also undergoing the ordeal of persecution is things balance in the course of time, that all his
something that requires faith in God’s future pro- people may have opportunity of tendering services
vision for him. Faith in God will never let one and help to one another. The aid and assistance is
slacken or slow off from contributing loyally to His not always to be flowing, nor does it always flow, in
cause to the extent that one can. The Watch Tower only the one direction. Those who have more can, by
Society wiil continue to trust in Jehovah God to giving of their surplus, level off their circumstances
provide for its work from year to year, and will in order to render aid to those whohave little or
continue to apply the contributions it receives as whocan stand to be assisted.
fully as possible, that no funds lie idle and not put ’~ Thus, according to God’s loving pleasure, those
to work in His service. Jehovah by Christ Jesus has having more will not have too much and waste it,
not failed it till this date, and he will not do so; for while those having little will not have a deficiency
the Society must serve till God’s work by it is done. that cuts downtheir strength and ability to serve the
Writing to the Corinthians in a parallel line of Lord actively. As in the case when Jehovah God
thought, Paul said: provided manna miraculously for the Israelites in
"~ "But I will tell you what I think about it. For the wilderness, and the Israelites went forth to
this is the best way to deal with you [or, it is to gather it each day, "when they measured it with an
your interest], for you were the first not only to do omer [measure], he that gathered much had nothing
anything about this, but to want to do anything, and over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they
that was last year. Nowfinish doing it, so that your gathered every man according to his eating." (Ex.
readiness to undertake it maybe equaled by the way 16: 18, Am.Stan. Ver.) So suppose that a company
you finish it up, as well as your means permit. If a publisher is engaged in trying to work out a quota
manis willing to give, the value of his gift is in its of hours in the direct field service of the Lord God.
proportion to what he has, not to what he has not. Yet, if he tries to help any of his brethren or any
I do not mean to be easy upon others and hard upon of tbe newly interested to get into the field, he need
you [or, not that others are to be relieved and you not fear he will be hurting his quota of service to the
to suffer], but to equalize the burden, and in the Lord. In the long run, as the service continues on,
present situation to have your plenty make up for the Lord will equalize matters, whereas at the same
what they need, so that some day their plenty may time our fellow servants are being actively aided
make up for what you need, and so things may be into His witness work. Thus neither the general work
made equal--as the Scripture says, ’The man who suffers nor our individual work, but the help to the
got much did not have too much, and the man who brethren is more widespread. The temper of the
got little did not have too little."--2 Cor. 8: 10-15, general organization is also better.
Goodspeed. "’ The Lord thus provides the way of generosity
"Thus the consecrated people of Jehovah God are as an escape from laying up treasures on earth
put to the test and are given the privilege of showing where danger of loss exists. The one whocontributes
mutual consideration for one another. In order to with faith in God’s cause as carried on by Jehovah’s
equalize matters amongthem, and in order that all consecrated servants never invests in a losing enter-
mayhave as much opportunity as possible to concen- prise. The one who voluntarily gives generously is
trate on God’s witness-work, the brethren who are certain to benefit spiritually by this exercise of
better supplied can render aid to those who come generosity and devotion to the interests of God’s
into a temporary state of need. No contribution that
people and His work. The apostle reminds us of
31. Of what are such spiritual riches a foretamte? and to what aN God’s unfailing law in this respect as he goes on to
we stirred by thinking on these mntterd?
32. Contributing during conditions of need and trial call for what
quality? add how has the Society demon|tra~ed th~ quality? 35 (a) What do the results of the Isrselites’ gathering manna in the
33. With what words did Paul write in a parallel line of thought, at wilderness illustrate? (b)How does God equahze matters as regards a
2 Corinthians 8~ Kingdompublleber and his hours’ quota and assistance to other pubhshers’
34. Why are not small contributions to be refused? ~ how are the 36. What are the advantagts and benefits result/ng to the contributor?
clrcumsLances of God’s people equahzed in course of tlme~ and what law of God applies in this matler?

say: ’~Iark this: he Whosows sparingly will reap secrated people contributes to the needs of another
sparingly, and he who sows generously will reap a group of them, think of the unifying effect it has!
generous harvest. Everyone is to give what he has Howmuchkindlier and with how much less prejudice
madeup his mind to give ; there is to be no grudging the Jewish brethren at Jerusalem could feel toward
or compulsion about it, for God loves the giver who the contributing Gentiles l They sensed more deeply
gives cheerfully. Godis able to bless you with ample that God had indeed welded the Jewish and the
means, so that you may always have quite enough Gentile members into one body in Christ Jesus,
for any emergency of your own and ample besides despite nationalities. The Jewish receivers discerned
for any kind act to others; as it is written, He more clearly that the Gentile contributors were truly
scatters his gifts to the poor broadcast, his charity living up to their professions of being subject to the
lasts for ever.’--2 Cor. 9: 6-9, Moffatt; Ps. 112: 9. teachings of Christ’s gospel. The prayers that the
"Let us have confidence, then, that the conse- receivers offered to Godbound them more closely to
crated servant of God who takes advantage of his the contributors, all due to the extraordinary favor
present opportunities to contribute and to scatter which God expressed to the brethren who con-
his charitable gifts to the Lord’s poor will reap to tributed. (Rein. 15: 30, 31) Such is the wholesome
himself further joyful privileges of so doing, as long effect whenloving Christians exercise their charity
as we have the poor with us. The contributor keeps in the emergencyof their fellow Christians. It is well
his spirit of generosity alive and active, and God described by the closing words of the apostle with
will not fail to use such unselfish one in his blessed reference to this matter of collecting funds for the
service. This is because God loves the one who, needy saints, saying: "This service shows what you
ungrudgingly and without compulsion, gives cheer- are, it makes men praise God for the way you have
fully and gladly of what he has to the support of come under the gospel of Christ which you confess,
God’s organization and its witness work. Howcould and for the generosity of your contributions to
Godlet such generous one himself cometo real want? themselves and to all; they are draw’n to you and
S~Nogreater pleasure could be ours than to see pray for you, on account of the SURPASSING GRACE
those benefiting by our gifts to God’s cause recog- which God has shown to you. Thanks be to God for
nize Him as the Promoter of such true charity and his unspeakable gift!"--2 Cor. 9: 13-15, Moffatt.
then give him thanks and praise, especially by mak- ’° Paul himself was not one of the poor saints that
ing a consecration to him and going forth in his was due to get benefit from the moneycollected. Yet
service to sing his praise. Hence our gift does not Paul was so movedby the generosity of these Gentile
stop with just relieving the needy person. It goes brethren toward the Jewish Christians at Jerusalem
beyond this unto causing God to be thanked and that he unselfishly cried out: "Thanksto Godfor his
served by others. The apostle reminds us of this fact inexpressible free gift!" (The Emphatic Diaglott)
and of howGodwill lovingly take care of the cheer- It dawns upon us, therefore, that the unspeakable,
ful givers, saying: "He whofurnishes the sower with inexpressible and indescribable "free gift" for which
seed [the means to contribute] and with bread to eat Paul so warmheartedly gave thanks to God is not
will supply seed for you [for further service privi- Christ Jesus. The "free gift" is that "surpassing
leges] and multiply it; he will increase the crop of grace" which God has shown to these devoted Chris-
your charities--you will be enriched on all hands, tians. This extraordinary and surpassing grace of
so that you can be generous on all occasions, and God toward his consecrated people overflowed in
your generosity., of which I am ttle agent, will make their generosity toward the needy brethren at
mengive thanks to God; for the service rendered by Jerusalem.
this fund does more than supply the wants of the " Such grace or favor of God is so marvelous that
saints, it overflows with many a cry of thanks to it surpasses humanpower of description or expres-
God." (2 Cor. 9: 10-12, Moffatt) What, then, is the sion. Necessarily such exceeding favor includes
purpose of the generous giver, wholets not his right God’s Son by whomsuch favor comes to us. Such gift
hand know what his left does, as far as advertising of God’s exceeding grace and favor means the sum
his charities to others? It is this, namely, not to total of all his goodness and loving-kindness through
attract the-thafiks to himself, but to cause them to be Christ Jesus to his people all their days on earth. It
expressed to the Original Giver, Jehovah God, for abounds to their eternal salvation and to his glory
whomthe generous person is just the agent. and vindication. Thanks be to Godfor the bountiful
"Another thing! Whenone section of God’s con- of his surpassing favor to his devoted
37 Howis it true. then. that "his charity lasts for ever"?
people in this day l
38 What pleasurable results follow our giving to others? and what. 40. Why, if he wan not a beneficiary, was Paul moved to thank God?
therefore, is the purpose of the generous giver as regards thanks?
39. What la the general wholesome effect when Christians exercise and what therefore ia "his unspeakable gift"?
charity in the emergency of their fellow Christians? and what does 41. Whyis this "gift" unspeakable or indescribable? and what necessarily
it show? does it include?
N THENovember15 issue of this journal (¶ 2) it was would picture God’s "faithful servant" class on earth, the
I stated : "In that universal war of Armageddon a person’s visible part of God’s organization under the commandof
having youth will be no advantage to him nor a guar- the Lord Jesus Christ. The six, representing the heavenly,
antee of surviving alive into the new world. Youthfulness and the one, representing the earthly, total seven and
will be no grounds for receiving mercy or exemption, but picture the entire organization in completeness.
what will be such we shall see in this article.mEzek. 9: 5, 6." The earthly part of God’s organization is commandedto
B~ing markedin the divine eyes as a person of good-will bear testimony or publish to all nations the truth of and
is what counts for exemption from slaughter in that uni- coneer~ng the kingdom of God. At Revelation 19:8 refer-
versal Armageddon. To such person Jehovah God is ence is madeto the "wife" of the Lamb,or bride of Christ,
gracious and generous in sparing him, and to such one the of which this "faithful servant" class on earth is a part,
name "Jonadab" well applies, for this name means "Jah and concerning such the verse says: "It was given unto her
(Jehovah) is liberal". That there would be a multitude that she should array herself in fine linen, bright and pure:
such modern-day Jonadabs on earth as we approach the for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints." (Am.
new world of righteousness the Scriptures indicate. It has ¢Jtan. Vet.) So the figure of the linen-clad man,bearing an
pleased Jehovah God, by the prophecies of his Word, to inkhorn at his side, pictures the justified servants of Jeho-
identify and locate his people of good-will nowon earth. vah God, his remnant of faithful witnesses nowon earth.
So let us consider Ezekiel 9. This earthly part of Jehovah’s Theocratic organization now
Jehovah’s invisible organization, which is in heaven, and works in exact harmony with the heavenly part. The
his eonsecrated people on earth whoa~’e a part of his visible heavenly, invisible part does the violent work of execution
organization work in exact harmony. The invisible or of the wicked; while the visible, earthly part does the work
heavenly part of the organization, being higher and more of publishing God’s message of truth, to the end that in-
telligent persons may choose which side they will take
powerful, is in control. In the prophecy of Ezekiel,
chapter 9, a prophetic drama or picture appears, showing before the execution at Armageddontakes place. The pub-
the working together of the heavenly part of God’s organi- lishing work must first be done; and when that is done,
then the invisible part of Jehovah’s organization will
zation with those devoted to him on earth, and also his execute those who are on the side of Satan the Devil and
manner of instructing the people and grouping them.
Ezekiel, chapter 9, in harmonywith other prophecies, shows under his wickedorganization.
Religion is an integral part of Satan’s world organization.
a separating work conducted by him shortly preceding the From the time of the hunter King Nimrod, the Devil has
"battle of that great day of God Almighty", otherwise
called "Armageddon",and clearly identifies the people of employed religion to reproach the name of Jehovah God
and to deceive men and turn them away from Jehovah God.
good-will, or Jonadabs. (Gen. 10: 8-10) True, religious organizations are commonly
The mighty executive officer of Jehovah God is Christ understood by the people to be made up of those whowor-
Jesus, the one who leads Jehovah’s hosts of heaven at the ship God;but the fact is that those organizations of "Chris-
battle of Armageddonand who executes Jehovah’s judg- tendom" called "religious" are worldly and mundaneand
ment upon the enemyorganization of Satan the Devil. The allied with politics, and their objective is to gain and exer-
cxecutional work of his hosts we see foreshadowed in cise control over the people of the earth. Under the domi-
chapter 9 of Ezekiel, in verse 1 of whichwe read : "Hecried nating control of such religious organizations are many
also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Cause them persons inclined toward God but who have been induced by
that have charge over the city [reIigionized Jerusalem] to fear to support the unrighteous and hypocritical organiza.
draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in tions. Organized religion of "Christendom"is, as a whole,
his hand." This commanddirects the invisible army of symbolizedunder the term "city", which ci~" Godwill wipe
Jehovah to makepreparations for the final battle. For thi~ out at Armageddon.Before the destruction thereof takes
reason the invisible army of the Lord God is told to draw place then, Jehovah gives commandthat his witnesses, his
near and each one to have in his hand a slaughter weapon. publishers, or ’man with the writer’s inkhorn by his side’,
In the vision Ezekiel beheld six creatures approaching, yes, must do a certain work. To this end the Lord God gives
and a seventh one. He says: "And, behold, six men came a command,as set out at Ezekiel 9 : 4 : "Andthe LOaDsaid
from the way of the higher gate [of the temple or sanc- unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the
tuary], which [gate] lieth toward the north, and ever), man midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of
a slaughter weaponin his hand ; and one man amongthem the menthat sigh and that cry for all the abominationsthat
was clothed with linen, with a writer’s inkhorn by his side: be done in the midst thereof."
and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar." An abominationto Jehovah is hypocrisy or Devil-worship.
--Ezek. 9: 2. Under the control of the governing part of organized reli-
S/x, the number of the men with weapons, is a symbolic gion, namely, the RomanCatholic Hierarchy, there are
numberused in the Bible to denote incompleteness, whereas millions of persons disposed toward God and who see the
the numberseven symbolizes completeness. Jehovah’s organ- cruel, unjust and wickedthings done in the religions sects
ization being one and at complete unity, then in this drama and cults, being done in the name of GOdand of Christ;
the six menwouldidentify the invisible or heavenly part of and these persons are pictured as the ones that ’sigh and
God’s organization, while the seventh creature, the man cry, for all the abominationsdone in the midst of the city’.
with the writer’s inl~horn by his side, and clothed in linen, It is the will of Jehovah Godthat such persons mayhave
1, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 365

an opportunity to get a knowledgeof the truth that makes slain: go ye forth. Andthey went forth, and slew in the
manfree. They must get such knowledgein their heads and city."--Ezek. 9: 7.
hearts. The forehead of a person represents symbolically the This part of the prophecy showsa great slaying work as
seat of intelligence. Therefore to "set a mark uponthe fore- due to be done and that those who are themselves on the
heads of the menthat sigh and that cry" meansto give such side of Satan and his organization will be destroyed, and
persons an intelligent perception of the truth regarding not be spared. "And I will dash them one against another,
Jehovah’s purpose. That is the work which His witnesses even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD:I
are now commandedto do, and this work they are doing, will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them."
by His grace, by going from house to house to inform the (Jer. 13: 14) It is the Jonadab class that are spared and
people of Jehovah’s purpose. For this reason His witnesses protected by the Lord God during Armageddon because
have published books explaining the Holy Scriptures, and they are marked in the forehead and obey Him. These have
these they are daily carrying to the people who desire to God’s promise that, performing the conditions named in
receive the "mark" in their foreheads. Such ones are the HIS Word, they maybe hid in the day of Jehovah’s anger.
teachable ones that are seeking the life-giving knowledge. --Zeph.2 : 3.
It is these persons, otherwise called "Jonadabs", who The conditions are that they associate themselves with
receive the knowledgeof the truth and whoare thus marked the Lord’s Theocratic organization, where they must remain
in the forehead. They then show that they have been thus steadfastly serving Him, working in harmony with his
markedby attaching themselves to the visible part of Jeho- remnant, and refusing to compromise with the world. Any
vah’s Theocratic organization, and they go along with His attempt like that of Jonadab to get into the "chariot" or
anointed remnant and join them in giving testimony to organization of the Lord and at the same time to support
others of all nations. the Devil’s world, even with the unwisedesire of lifting tip
In God’s due time this witness work, that is to say, the the world, will meet with disaster. (2 Ki. 10: 15-25) Jeho-
work of ’setting a mark on the forehead’ of those that want vah’s organization, or "chariot", is the only place of safety,
the truth, will be done. This finish is shownby the words and one who once avails himself of that safety and then
at Ezekiel 9 : 11 : "Behold, the manclothed with linen, which voluntarily leaves the same is certain of destruction, youth
had the inkhorn by his side, reported the matter, saying, or no youth. Those who are of the Jonadab companymust
I have done as thou hast commandedme." continue faithfully to study God’s purposes as embracedin
his Word. Hence our publication of the Lord’s Wordis
FATE OF THOSE NOT MARKED for their benefit. They must show their love for God by
This marks the time designated by Jesus’ words on the being diligent in keeping his commandments. For the benefit
end of the world, that "this gospel of the kingdomshall be of His remnant, and also for the benefit of the Jonadab
preached.., for a witness unto all nations; and then shall class whojoin themselves to God’s "chariot", Jehovah has
the end come"; and that end will comein a time of tribu- nowpulled back the curtains and let his light shine in the
lation such as will never before have been knownin the faces of those whohave devoted themselves to him. He gives
world. (Matt. 24: 14, 21) When,therefore, the work of wit- them a view of things that must shortly come to pass, as
ness is done and completed by those pictured as the man well as the meaningof things that cameto pass in the past
with the writer’s inkhorn and clothed with linen, then will 5,900 years. The truth that stands out and is made to
follow the work performed in the prophecy by the "six appear before their vision as of paramount importance
men", that is to say, the heavenly part of God’s organiza- aboveall others is this:
tion. To this invisible companyGod’s Executioner, Christ Jehovah, the Almighty God, is the Giver of life, and he
Jesus, gives command,as heard by Ezekiel and recorded in will preserve those wholove and obey him and who remain
Ezekiel 9: 5, 6: "Andto the others [the six] he said in mine steadfastly faithful to his organization, at all times mam-
hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let festing an unbreakable allegiance to His universal domina-
not your eye spare, neither have ye plty: slay utterly old tion and an unfaltering love for Him. The crucial test upon
and young, both maids, and little children, and women:but all intelligent creation is here. Let all such, the youthful
come not near any man upon whomis the mark; and begin and the elders, take warning and beware. "Jehovah is in his
at mysanctuary. Then they began at the ancient menwhich holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him."
were before the house." In due time the slaughterers --Hab. 2: 20, Am. Stan. Vet.
reached the young. Those whowill learn the right way must refuse to follow
This shows, and let all the youthful ones of today note it, the teachings of men under Satan’s organization Jehovah
that God’s Rxecutioner at Armageddonslays all except Godand Christ Jesus are the true teachers of all those who
those who bear the mark in the forehead, beginning with love righteousnesa and whodesire to knowthe truth. (See
the "ancient men", that is to say, with those high in author- Isaiah 30: 20; 54: 13.) Selfish men who assume to teach
ity and whoexercise governing control over the organization doctrines pleasing to themselves have fallen under the
and lead in religion. As the executioners go downthe line, subtle and seductive influence of Satan, and thereby they
it is the mark that counts with them as to who may be are induced to substitute their owndoctrines of speculation
spared. The slaughter of the "ancient men"meansthe begin- and religious falsehood for the truth of God’s Word. By
ning or first part of Armageddon,the battle of the great this means manysincere people are deceived. Anyone who
day of God Almighty: "And he said unto them, Defile the would receive the spiritual wisdom of Jehovah God must
house [temple of religion], and fill the courts with the gain a knowledgeof HIS truth. This can be gained only by
366 2ffieWATCHTOWEI:L B~oo~,.Y~, N. Y.

a careful study of His Wordand by using the instruments, youthful and old, to whomJehovah’s witnesses come, to
including his witnesses, which He has provided to m~der- now so inform themselves and thus be marked with His
stand the same. It is the privilege and duty of all persons, mark in their foreheads unto life eternal.


rISDOMfrom above is incomparable. Wise Solomon
W realized this, saying, "All the things thou canst
desire are not to be compared unto her." Gold,
claim that the babe might live. The latter showed mother
love; the child was restored to her. All Israel reeogmzed
in this judgment the wisdomof God.--1 Ki. 3: 16-28.
silver, rubies, such material riches maygive bodily comfort But Solomon’s wisdom did not end with judglnent, with
and luxury; wisdomgives life, is a tree of life. Onlyfools shrewd insights into human nature and the workings of
despise it; in the end such folly-seekers die for want of it. men’s minds. He was a capable organizer of vast building
The misguided masses of humankind expend their lives projects. The construction of the temple at Jerusalem
seeking silver and gold, with few succeeding, manyfailing, overshadowed all his other accomplishments. Building
and none attaining thereby happiness and peace and life. patterns or "blueprints", along with much constructmn
But if they sought wisdomas diligently as they did material material and financial backing, had been provided by
treasure none wouldfail, all wouldsucceed in their quest., David; but the undertaking was still of mammothpropor-
and find lasting peace and life. So God’s Wordassures tions. Solomoncontracted v~ith Hiram, king of Tyre, for
through the wisely directed pen of King Solomon:"If thou building material, particularly timbers of aromatic cedar
criest after knowledge,and liftest up thy. voice for under- from the forests of Lebanon. Crews numbering 30,000
standing ; if thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her Israelites and 150,000 strangers were mustered to meet the
as for hid treasures; then shalt thou understand the fear man-power needs. To oversee these lumbermen and quar-
of the LORD, and find the knowledgeof God."--Prov. 2 : 3-5 ; riers were more than 3,000 foremen and superintendents.
3:13-18; 8: 10, 11 ; 1: 7, 22 ; 10:21; Eccl. 7: 12. (1 Ki. 5: 1-18; 2 Chron. 2: 17, 18) The preparanon of ma-
Solomonwrote under inspiration, but he also spoke from terial was so thorough that when the actual building work
personal experience. He cried after knowledge,lifted up his began, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign, no hammer,
voice for understanding, sought it as for silver and hid no axe, nor any other tool of iron was heard on the site
treasure; and he did understand the fear of the Lord and of construction! Amazing!Seven years and mxmonths saw
find the knowledgeof God. This third king of Israel, the the completion of the temple. With its beautiful work in
son of David and Bath-sheba, started his wisdomquest early cedar and other woods, ornamented by exqumite carvings of
in life. Anointedonce to thwart a seditious plot to usurp the flowers and trees and cherubim, all lavmhly overlaid with
throne, Solomonwas anointed later a second time, and while gold, the temple outshone by far any other architectural
yet a youth "sat on the throne of Jehovah as king instead achievements on earth. From its perch on Mount Moriah,
of David his father". (1 Ki. 1: 5-49; 1 Chron. 29: 1, 22, 23, how it must have caught and reflected in dazzling glory
Am. Stan. Vet.) After strengthening his kingship by ehm- the rays of the rising and setting sun ! Yet all this materml
inating such political malcontents as Adonijah and Joab splendor was dimmedat the time of temple dedication.
and Abiathar, Solomon journeyed to the tabernacle at After Solomon’s dedicatory prayer fire from heaven con-
Gibeon and sacrificed unto Jehovah. (1 Ki. 2:22-35; sumedthe sacrifices and the glory of Jehovah filled the
3: 1-4; 2 Chron. 1: 1-6) There it was that he raised his house with such blinding brilliancy that the prmsts could
voice in a cry for knowledge, in response to a query from not enter.--1 Ki. 6:1-38 ; 2 Chron. 6:13-42 ; 7 : 1-3.
Jehovah: "Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may During the thirteen years that followed Solomon con-
go out and come in before this people: for who can judge structed his ownpalace. Furthermore, he built a palace for
this thy people, that is so great ? AndGodsaid to Solomon, the daughter of Pharaoh that he had taken to wife, a porch
Because this was in thine heart, and thou hast not asked of pillars, a porch of judgment, and the house of the forest
riches, wealth, or honour, nor the life of thine enemies, of Lebanon. (1 Ki. 7: 1-12) Thereafter the building work
neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdomand expandedand manycities and fortifications were rained up
knowledgefor thyself, that thou mayest judge mypeople, to enhance the glory of his domain. Commerce flourished. A
over whomI have made thee king : wisdomand knowledgeis fleet of ships was constructed and put afloat to ply the seas
granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, as a merchant marine. Under wise Solomon the nation
and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have enjoyed a prosperity boom. There was freedom from fear
been befDre thee, neither shall there any after thee have and want; peace and plenty reigned.--1 ’Ki. 9:17-28;
the like."--2 Chron. 1: 7-12. 2 Chron. 8: 1-6; 9: 27.
Solomon’s motive in seeking wisdom was good, namely, Solomon’s wisdom branched into still other fields of
to enable him to judge wisely. The next incident recounted human accomplishment. He was acquainted with botany
is a striking illustration of his penetrating insight in judg- and zoology, because "he spake of trees, from the cedar
ment. Twoharlots dwelling together had a child each. One tree that is in Lebanoneven unto the hyssop that springeth
child died, and its mother was accused of switching it with out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of
the living babe. Both claimed the survivor. Solomonruled creeping things, and of fishes". (1 Ki. 4: 33) In his writings
to divide the infant and give half to each woman. One he reflects this wisdom.He draws enlightening truths from
harlot agreed, the other protested and relinquished her the industrious ant that without overseer or guide provides

its meat in summerand gathers and stores food in harvest the visit of the queen of Sheba. She came with manyhard
time, from the feeble conies that wisely make their homes questions; when she left she knew all the answers. She
in the protective rocks, from the locust bands that without viewed his lavish courts, the surpassing architecture, the
king or leader go forward in unity, from the lowly spider peerless splendor of the house of the Lord. She noted the
that by virtue of its busy "hands" dwells in kings’ palaces. peace and prosperity of the nation and the happiness and
(Prov. 6 : 5-11 ; 30: 18, 19, 24-28) The comelinessand state- joy of the people. She was captivated. Any "you-have-to-
liness of some animals excite his wonder; the destructive- show-me"spirit was gone. Of the sparkling reports that had
ness of others is noted. (Prov. 30:29-31 ; S. of S. 2: 15) previously reached her ears she exclaimed, "The half was
Full appreciation of the beauties of the animate realm of not told me: thy wisdomand prosperity exceedeth the fame
plants and birds and animals and even the inanimate glory which I heard."--I Ki. 10:1-13.
of precious stones is effusively bubbled forth in the poetic But al,, ! in the end Solomonabandoned the wisdomfrom
phrases of the "Song of Solomon". In an active way his above. He turned to experience as his teacher. (Eccl.
delight in these created glories is shownby his makingbeau- 1:16, 17; 2: 1-3) Experience teaches, but its teachings are
tiful gardens and parks, orchards and woodlands. Such not always unto edifying. God’s truth is the best teacher.
beautifying works drew on his wisdomas an agricultural It counseled against marriages with heathen women.Why?
engineer in nullifying the effects of the long dry season. That the Godly one’s worship might not be contaminated
--Eccl. 2: 4-6. by the demon worship of his heathen wives. But Solomon
Solomon possessed knowledge concerning the earth and left unheeded the warning; he must ’qearn by experience".
its permanency. Versed in meteorology, he understood the He did. Listen: "It came to pass, when Solomonwas old,
circuits of the winds and the cycles of moisture relative to that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and
clouds and rains and rivers and seas. (Eccl. h 4-7) His his heart was not perfect with the LORD his God, as was the
father David understood that the humanbody was "fear- heart of David his father. For Solomonwent after Ashto-
fully and wonderfully made"; but the son Solomon dis- reth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the
played in the figurative language of the twelfth chapter of abomination of the Ammonites.... Then did Solomonbuild
Ecclesiastes an amazing knowledgeof humananatomy, even an high place for Chemosh,the abomination of Moab,in the
of the spinal cord and its connection to the brain, and, more hill that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech,the abomina-
amazing, the pumpingaction of the heart and the circula- tion of the children of Ammon. Andlikewise did he for all
tion of the blvod through the arteries and veins, a fact not his strange wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto
"discovered" by medical science till the seventeenth century ! their gods." (1 Ki. 11:1-13; Deut. 17:17; 7:1-6, 16, 25;
Moreover, the "wisdom of Egypt" was proverbial in Heb. 12 : 1) Snared by the besetting sin of demonreligion
geometry, astronomy, and medicine; but Solomon’s out- Forgotten was past righteousness and wisdom in a final
stripped it. Arabia was the home of that sagacity that choice for iniquitous demonism.(Ezek. 33: 12, 13) Once-
clothes itself in proverbs and of that subtlety that sports wise Solomondied under divine disapproval, after reigmng
itself in riddles and testing queries; but "Solomon’swisdom forty years.--1 Ki. 11:42, 43.
excelled the wisdomof all the children of the east country". "Solomon" means "peaceful". David composed Psalm 72
And there had been wise men in his own land, but Solomon with Solomon’s reign in mind; in fullness the prayerful
was "wiser than all men". He spoke 3,000 proverbs, and his psalm points forward to Christ’s blessed reign. Then typical
songs numbered1,005. Under inspiration he composedthree glories of Solomon’s reign will increase manyfold; wisdom
books of the Bible, "Proverbs," "Ecclesiastes," and "Song once possessed by Solomonwill seem meager m comparxson
of Solomon". His spreading fame attracted to his courts with that of Jehovah’s new-world king. That is why Christ
kings and nobles and peoples from all lands to hear his Jesus is pointedly called "greater than Solomon".--Matt
God-given wisdom. (1 Ki. 4: 29-32, 34) Outstanding was 12: 42.

NO JUVENILE DELINQUENCY THIS (ILLLNOIS) thing one said: ’I amjust about sick and tired of religion.’
"After a visit from our servant to the brethren, who I replied: ’So amI ; that is whyI amstanding in the street
stressed store-to-store witnessing, an eleven-year-old pub- with the magazines and booklets which point out to the
lisher decided to put the suggestions into action. Within an people the difference between religion and Christianity.’
hour and a half she placed 21 magazines, obtaining con- She took a magazine and gave me her name and address.
tributmus for all~ and not only exhausted her ownsupply On calling I left the book CMldrenwith her and arranged
and mine too, but also obtained magazines from another for a book study to be started."
pioneer and outdid two specials and one general pioneer,
who had placed no magazines on their respective corners "UPONMYARRIVINGAT MYNEW
during the same length of time. Yes, the little girl was a assignmentin Oswego,N. Y., I started covering the business
summervacation pioneer last summerand has already made area with the Watchtower subscription offer. I spent 28
application to be one again this summer." hours in the business districts and placed during that Ume
18 subscriptions and 35 boundbooks. Calling on the district
TIRED OF RELIGION (SOUTH AFRICA) attorney of the city I discovered he had been a Watchtower
’~hile doing street work one afternoon I approached subscriber for the past several years and is quite interested,
three ladies with the magazines. Before I could say any- having read manyof the books. He wished me ’the best of
368 NieWATCI-ITOWER. BRooFa.Y~¢,N. Y.

luck’, when I was leaving. Meeting the chief of police, I She took out a subscription for The Watchtower on the
placed a subscription and had a long discussion about our strength of her friend’s letter. NowI have started a book
activities and the hypocrisy of religion. He asked me how study in the home, attended by four persons. At another
long I was staying in town. I told him perhaps as long as a homeI placed a subscription with a most sincere person.
year or more. His closing words were: ’Welcometo town! On calling back I learned that she had been taken to the
Mayyour stay be a most enjoyable one !’ I spent an entire hospital. I wrote her a note, and called again whenshe had
morning in the office of the commanderof the local coast returned home. She said she was more than delighted to
guard. He laid aside his entire morning’s work to talk with receive myletter. A study in ’The Truth Shall MakeYou
me. He is aa Episcopalian and said he had manyquestions Free" was commencedthere and then, and she took two
which no ministers or priests had ever answered. All morn- further copies of this book for her friends, whoare now
ing he and his lieutenant threw question after question on comingalong to the study. As she puts it, ’I want to help
the Bible at me. WhenI was leaving they thanked me for you find disciples.’"
extending my time to them and offered me a dollar and a
half. I offered them the subscription. The commandersaid REWARD FOROVERCOMING TIMIDITY
he did not think he wouldhave time to read it and told me "On the occasion of the visit of the servant to the
to ’just keep the money’. I told him I could not accept the brethren to our company[Suffolk, Va.] it was determined
moneyexcept for the subscription, but that I wouldtake 50c that we should work the business section, which had been
if both he and his lieutenant would accept a bound book. neglected due to unwarranted dread of facing the lawyers,
This they each gladly accepted. All through this area the bankers, doctors and other business and professional people.
lawyers usually took something, many subscriptions. I But asking and receiving the spirit of the Lord we, a group
started one morningwith a lawyer’s office. WhenI finished of six publishers, including two special publishers and the
presenting the subscription offer he asked: ’Are you one of servant to the brethren, sallied forth with boldness to the
Jehovah’s witnesses?’ I replied in the affirmative. To this task. Uponmeeting at the appointed time, about six hours
he said: ’In that case I’ll take the subscription.’ Onanotherlater, and tabulating the results we found to our surprise
occasion I spoke jointly to a lawyer and a judge. The lawyer and pleasure that 18 new subscriptions for The Watchtower,
took a subscription. He said before moving here he had each for a year, had been obtained; 31 bound books, about
listened to Watchtower Station WBBR for years. He also 65 booklets, and a dozen or more magazine copies had been
mentioned the Supreme Court decisions. The ’judge’ said
left with persons who, for the most part, manifested real
he had manyof our books. It seemedas though in all eases
the Supreme Court decisions toward us have aroused their interest. Manyasked if we were the ones holding the meet-
attention." ings that had been recently advertised, showingsomeeffect
of the public meeting series last month. Others spoke of
FROM THEBRANCH FAMILY AT $TRATHFIELD, AUSTRALIA seeing us on the streets with The Watchtower. Everyone,
’’While walking out of Central Railway station I was even the most timid of the companypublishers, thoroughly
stopped by an American marine, who asked the time. We enjoyed the day. Surely this shows that business territory
got into conversation. I produced a copy of the booklet should not be neglected, that there are ’sheep’ amongsuch
One World, One Government. The American was delighted classes of persons to whomthe Lord promised the good news
to see the booklet and told me he was halfway through shall be preached."
reading the book Salvation, but had unfortunately mislaid
it. He was most anxious to get some more of the books. I PIONEERALERTTO OPPORTUNITIES {SOUTHAFRICA)
took him to a near-by publisher’s home,and, after a further "(I)A rainymorningShowercameon again. Shelter
talk, placed 15 bound hooks with him. He said he wanted incaf4.Elderly manintroduced himself. Soonconversation
to be an active witness as soon as the war is over. He left switched to onlyworthwhile topic, TheTheocracy. Publica-
Sydney soon afterwards, but took plenty with him to aid tionsoffered. ’AretheseJudgeRutherford’s books?’ Ques-
him in his stand for the truth." tionanswered. Then:’Thatmanspeaksthetruth.’ Study
"l have two new book studies as a result of the Watch. arranged. Bothhe andhiswifenowfullyforthetruth.
tower campaign. The first of these studies was obtained in (2)On thewayto workplotsoutside thedorp,offered
peculiar circumstances. The young womanhas a friend who KingdomNews to roadmaker, who remarkedthatthose
recently married aa Americansoldier and who has gone to bookspublished bythe’Bible Students’ wereinhisopinion
live in San Francisco. The weekbefore I called she received excellent. Allthatwasleftformewastoarrange a book
a letter from this friend, stating that people whohad made study.Wholefamilytakingpartandmakingverygood
her feel most at homein Americawere Jehovah’s witnesses. progress."

(Contin,,ed frompage354)
uponin the December 15, 1945, issue of TheWatchtolver,but the r~mindsyouof each of the six special Testimony Periodsof 1946,
1946Calendarof the Societywill feature it before your eyes all besides the special service themesfor all the interveningmonths.
the newyear round. The picture in color aecompanying the text A single copyis 25c; but five copies, whenmailedto one address,
helps youto visualize just howthis year’s text is being applied are $1. Companies and groups should take advantageof thin and
and realized throughoutall the nations now.TheCalendarpad also combineinchvidual orders for one common shlpment.
thatI am
- Ezekiel 35:15.
VoL I..XVI SExrlx, ONTHLy N0. 24
lS, 1945

wrrHHzsPEOPLE" ............................ 371
Opportunityfor the Nat2ons............... 372
to All...................................... 373
Final Fnifillment upon Nations Today 375
"Rejoice,OGentries". .......................... 376
Increasein F~lfil~ment .......................... 379
..................................... 383
"THEWATCHTOWER", 1945.............. 383
"THEWATCHTOWER", 1945................ 384
PERIOD ............................. 370
~ STcrDLsS
"W,~’cFr~’OWT.a .......................... 370
117 Adams Street
. . Brooklyn
N.Y., U.S.A y
HIS Journal is published for the purpose of enabling the
people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed
In the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction specifically
N. H. KNORE,Pr~tdeft| designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people of good-wilL
W.E. VAN AMBUI~H,S~6V~t~t/ It arranges systematic Bible study for Its readers and the Society
"And all flay children shall be fasut~ht of Jehovah; and supplies other literature to aid In such studies. It publishes
suitable material for radio broadcasting and for other means
f~reat shall be hhe peace of flay children." - Isaiah 54:,r3. of public instruction In the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utterances.
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH It is entirety free and separate from all religion, parties, sects or
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God and is from everlasting other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without reservation
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver of for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ his beloved King.
life to his creatures ; that the Logos was the beginning of his It is not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical examination
creation, and his active agent in the creation of all other things, of Its contents in the light of the Serlpture~ It does not Indulge
and Is now the Lord Jesus Christ In glory, clothed with all power In controversy, and Its columns are not open to personalities.
in heaven and earth, as the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah ;
THAT GODcreated the earth for man, created perfect man YataL7 SUBaCltlPTIONPalce
for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully
UNITF, D ST,TEn, el.00" at]] other countries. $1 50. Americancurrency.
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death ; that by reason GEEaT BSIT£1~,AUeTUAZdU~IA, aNDSOUTI!Alratca, fla. Americanremittances
of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and without the should be made by Postal Note or by Postal or Exprem MoneyOrder or
right to life; ~Bank DrafL Brlt/sh. 8outh
madedirest to the respective branch African andoffices.
Australasian remittances
Remittances should
from countri¢*
THAT THE LOGOS was made human aa the man Jesus and other than those mentioned maybe made to the Brooklyn office, but by
International Postal MoneyOrder only.
suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive
prlce for obedient ones of mankind; that God raised up Jesus FORI~ION OIMrlCES
divine and exalted him to heaven above every other creature Atlstralla 1’ BereofordRd.. 8trathfield. N. S W.
and above every creature’s name and clothed hlm with all power Oe~ .......................... 40 Irwin Ave.. Toronto 5, Ontario
and authority ; Eugla~l 34 Craven Terrace, London. W2
/.d~a __ 187 Love Lane. BombayZ7
THAT GOD’S CAPITAL ORGANIZATIONis a Theocracy called New?oumdla~ ........................... P.O. BOX521. St. John’s
Zion, and that Christ Jesus Is the Chief Officer thereof and is the 1VewZealo~l ............................. 177 Danlell St.. Wellington, S 1
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful P/tl~pptne lsla*td, ........................... 1219-BOroquleta St.. Manila
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of 8oath Africa 623 Boston House, Cape Town
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and Please address the 8oclety In every ea~
privilege it Is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah. declare his
purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and to bear Translations of this Journal appear in several Isnguat~.e
the fruits of the Kingdom before all who will hear;
THAT THE OLD WORLD ended A.D. 1914, and the Lord ALL SINCERE STUDENTS OF THE BIBLE who by real,on of
Jesus Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of infirmity, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
mayhave Tha Wntchtoteer free upon written application to the publlJher~.
authority, has ousted Satan from heaven and Is proceeding to made
gtau once each
aidyear, stating butthethereason
so requesting
to thus the needy, year
the establishment of the "new earth" of the New World; is required by the posts2 regulations.
THATTHE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth can A’ot~ce go 8nbsorlbers: Acknowledgmentof a new or a renewal sub-
come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ, scrlption will be sent only when requested, Change of address, witch
which has now begun: that the Lord’s next great act is the requested, maybe expected to appear on addresa label within one month
A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will be sent with the
destruction of Satan’s organization and the complete establish- Journal one monthbefore the subscription expires.
ment of righteousness In the earth, and that under the Kingdom Printed in the United States of America
the people of good-will that survive Armageddon shall carry
out the divine mandate to "fill the earth" with a righteous race. EmtePedas second-cla*e ma~terat the po,t o~ce at Brootl~/n, N ! .
under tha Act o/ March8, 1879


Each WateMower reader can make December a month of ensoy- The 1948 Yearbook really reeorch an epoch, namely, the work oi
mg a glorious "treasure of servxce" for hxmself. All it needs is to
take part with Jehovah’s witnesses in the "Treasure of Service" the Lord’s witnesses world-wide during the year that marked the
Testimony Period, which has been assigned to cover the entire last end of the most ferecxous of global wars, with all the release of
month of this calendar year. Not every human ]s privileged by the news that this afforded, and the r~umption of activities m the
Lord God to participate m thm service of bearmg testimony to his
]~ingdom, and that ts why you can appreciate it to be such a many war-ravaged lands by God’a consecrated people now released
treasure to serve now as an announcer of that righteous Govern- from the oppressions and restraints of totahtarmn rule and all-
ment. Such service is now rendered during December by using the embracmg war-regimentation. The report of the work for the 1945
25e combinatxon of "The Ksngdorn I8 at Ha,d" and the latest service year on continental Europe, m the Orient, in fact, for the
booklet, The "Commander to ~hs Peoples", m door-to-door wit-
nessing. This direct work will, of course, be supplemented by the eastern and western hemmpheres as a whole, is by the Watch
treasures_due follow-up service, that of back-caLls and opening up Tower Society president, and his introduction to the report vnll
book studies. Who will avail himself of this blessed service thrill you and get you in the mood for the reports to follow from
treasureT We trust that your report of work at the month’s dose all lands from which information has come through. The Yearbook
will register an ’q" for you. also offers the president’s comment on the 1946 yeartext, ac-
companied by a daffy text and comment from published Watch-
rower sources for each day of the year. The posting of 50c a eopy.
Week of January 20: "Be Glad, Ye Nations, with His People," mailed postpaid, for the 1946 Yearbook of Jehovah’s wttnesse~ Is
1;21 inclusive, The Watchtower December 15, 1945. made necessary by the limited distribution and printing. ALl groups
Week of January 27: "Be Glad, Ye Nations, with His People," should pool their individual orders and send in the same as n
~] 22-46 inclusive, The Watchtower December 15, 1945. unit, te economize time and expense in shipment.
15, 1945 No. 24


"A~d again he saith, Be glad, ye nations, with his people."--Rom. I5:10, Rotherham.
EItOVAIt is no "respecter of persons". That is standing down till then, Jehovah God had sent him
J a fact over which all of us can be tremendously there. Cornelius, the Italian centurion to whosehome
glad, be we Americans, Europeans, Africans, Peter was sent, was a Gentile of good-will toward
Asiatics, Gentiles or Jews, by birth. Just howJeho- the Jewish people, a man who revered and feared
vah God’s impartiality is displaying itself in this God and who tried to do right according to the law
marvelous time of humanhistory is not appreciated which Jehovah gave to the Jews. Cornelius had
by many today, not even by the religionists of interested his family and friends in this wayof faith
"Cllristendom". Nineteen centuries before the in- toward Jehovah God, and he opened his home for
famous Hitler took power in Germany only Jews, them all to assemble to hear what Peter had to say.
together with some Samaritans, made up the Chris- Then God showed that he had no favorites. He no
tians then, and only by the help of special acts on longer held down the preaching of his message of
God’s part were these Jewish Christians enabled to salvation by God’s kingdomto the natural Jews. He
see and believe God’s impartiality. For two thousand now expressly sent it to the Gentiles to hear and
years God had exclusive dealings with their fore- believe, especially Gentiles whopleased Godby fear-
fathers and their nation, and this madeit hard for ing him and trying to do righteousness according to
those Jewish converts to adjust themselves to the God’s way. This made it clear that God’s heavenly
fact that God would have any direct dealings with kingdom under Christ Jesus was to be made up not
other nations, the Gentiles. Little wonder, then, that only of persons once Jews but also of persons once
Jews who still practice Judaism continue to believe Gentiles.
that Godhas special respect for them because they Peter’s preaching for the first time to Gentiles
are the natural, fleshly descendants of Abraham, there at Cornelius’ homewas like a key. It unlocked
Isaac, and Jacob. According to their view of proph- the door and openedit to the Gentiles to get in line
ecy God’s special regard for them will yet make for the Kingdom with Christ Jesus. That was the
them the forenmst people on earth, the nation to way in which Peter used the second one of the "keys
whomall the Gentile nations will look as God’s of the kingdomof heaven". (Matt. 16: 19) Peter did
channel of blessings. However, they overlook the not dictate to Godin the matter. Peter was subject
facts and sacred prophecies which prove that the to heaven ; and if God had not commandedhim to go
time of partiality toward one fleshly lineage has and preach to Cornelius’ Gentile household Peter
long passed. would never have used this second key. God’s
""Now I really understand that God shows no impartiality thenceforth to all believers, whether
partiality, but welcomes the man of any nation who Gentiles or Jews, was displayed in two ways: (1)
reveres him and does what is right. He has sent his in starting off his Jewish witnesses to preach the
message to Israel’s descendants, and made the good Kingdomto the Gentiles, and (2) in pouring out his
news of peaee knownto them through Jesus Christ. holy spirit or active force upon the Gentiles who
He is Lord of us all." The speaker was a natural- believed and accepted what they heard. This
born Jew, Simon Peter of Bethsaida, talking to a anointing of such believing Gentiles v, dth his holy
specially-assembled company of Gentiles inside a spirit gave evidence that Godhad begotten them as
Gentile home. (Acts 10 : 34-36, Goodspeed)About six his spiritual sons and that they were nowin the path
years before this Shnon Peter had turned from the that leads to the heavenly kingdom.
practice of Judaism and had become a Christian. ¯ Referring to Christ Jesus, Peter said to his Gen-
Nowhe was there at that Gentile home, not on his tile congregation: "Weare witnesses of everything
owninitiative, however. Contrary to Peter’s under- that he did in the country of the Jews and in Jeru-
3. Like what imltl’ument wU Peter’s preaching there? and how was God’s
impartiality shown thenceforth?
.~: Of what fact re~peetln~ Jehovah can el! nationalities be l~lad?
Howand whend/d the apostle reter cometo state the foregoing fact? 4. To what did Peter then derlare he was obliged to bear witness’~
salem. Yet they put him upon a [tree] and killed ’ That event was no mere affair of little conse-
him. But Godraised him to life on the third day and quence. It was a marker in Christian history, in the
caused him to be plainly seen, not by all the people, development of the Kingdomclass. It was the faith-
but by witnesses whomGod had designated before- ful fulfillment of Bible prophecy. That is whythe
hand, that is, by us, who ate and drank with him Bible account devotes so muchspace to it. What it
after he had risen from the dead. He also directed showed was that Almighty God can cleanse Gentile
us to announce to the people and bear solemn testi- believers to make them Kingdomheirs just as well
monythat he is the one whomGod has appointed to as He can cleanse beliex-ing Jews who once were
be the judge of the living and the dead. It is of him under the Mosaic law covenant and who could never
that all the prophets bear witness that everyone that live up to it but were covenant-breakers toward God.
believes in him will have his sins forgiven in his Cause for rejoicing, therefore, exists on both sides.
name." If Jehovah God is impartial, there is no room for
Let anyone who is prejudiced against the thought prejudice from either side against the other. Gen-
that Godhas dealings with the Gentiles whofear him tiles, bombardedas they are today with anti-Semit-
consider the next words of the record : "Before Peter ic propaganda, should keep level-headed, bearing
had finished saying these words, the holy spirit fell in mind that the people whomthe anti-Semites call
on all who were listening to his message. The Jew- "Christ-killers" were the people from whomGod
ish believers who had come with Peter were amazed took the first Christian disciples. Then God sent
because the gift of the holy spirit had been showered these Jewish Christians to share the Kingdom
upon the heathen too, for they heard them speaking message with the Gentiles, or goyim.
in foreign languages and declaring the greatness of
God. Then Peter said, ’Can anyone [meaning
natural-born Jews] refuse the use of water to bap- ’ An early Jewish believer, the apostle Paul, a
tize these people, whenthey have received the holy pupil of Gamahel,called attention to this fulfillment
spirit just as we did?’ Andhe [a Jew] directed that of prophecy concerning the Gentile nations. He did
they should be baptized in the nameof Jesus Christ." so in defense of and in support of his widespread
(Acts 10:39-48, Goodspced) Did those goyim, or gospel work amongthe Gentiles. He did so particu-
Gentiles, begin to rejoice and be glad with the rem- larly in his letter to the Romans,chapter fifteen. In
nant of Jewish believers, God’s people ? Their asking Paul’s time Romehad a population of about 6,900,-
Peter to stay some days longer showed they rejoiced. 000. There was a congregation of believing Chris-
--Vs. 48. tians in that city, from amongJews and Gentiles.
Yes, there the 9oyim, Gentiles, or heathen began Just how and by whomthe Christian congregation
to rejoice with the true people of Jehovah God. That was established there is not recorded in Scripture
does not mean rejoicing with the Jewish nation nor known.It is a sheer manufactured traditmn that
which held to the "Jews’ religion" and kept prac- Peter was the one that went to Romeand founded
ticing Judaism; for the Jewish religionists were not it there before the apostle Paul arrived. There is not
rejoicing then with Jehovah’s true people. The a shred of evidence within the unimpeachable, in-
believing Gentiles rejoiced with the Jewish remnant spired Scriptures of the Bible that Peter was ever
that had Abraham’s faith and believed in Christ inside or near the walls of ancient Rome.Paul, in
Jesus as Abraham’sSeed in whomall families of the his letter to tb.e Romans,never gives any credit to
earth are to be blessed. So the Gentile Cornelius and Peter for establishing the Christian congregation at
his household rejoiced with Peter and the Jewish Rome. Although Paul mentions thirty-five names in
believers who came with Peter. Although Cornelius his letter, and sends greetings by nameto twenty-
was a centurion in the employ of the RomanEmpire six, he neither mentions nor sends greetings to
which held the Jews’ country in subjection, he did Peter. (Romans, chapter 16) The Bible record is,
not rejoice in that vast empire and its Caesars. He however, that on the day of Pentecost whenthe holy
rejoiced at God’s kingdom as preached to him by spirit was poured out from on high upon the little
Jehovah’s witness, Peter. He put his trust in that band of Jewish believers in Jerusalem, amongthose
whoturned out to hear Peter and the other apostles
"kingdom and its anointed King Christ Jesus. Cor-
preach in various tongues were certain "strangers
nelius and his fellow Gentile believers were exceed-
ingly glad to be called and be anointed to be associ- of Rome" or "visitors from Rome". (Acts 2: 10;
ated with Christ Jesus in that kingdom. Goodspeed; Moffatt) These on returning to Rome
7 Whywas that no event of tittle consequence, but one for rejoicing
5 After Peter finished saying hi8 message, what happened? an<i did and not for anti-Semitism?
those Gentiles begin to rejoice with Jewish believers? 8. (a) Why, and In what letter, did Paul call attention to such fulfillment
6. With which particular people did those Gentiles begin rejoicing. of prophecy concerning the Gentries? (b)By whom wu the Christian
and in what? congregation at Rome founded?
15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 373

could easily have founded the first Christian church type of Jehovah God, is the "father of all them that
there. believe", whether circumcised Jews or uncircum-
¯ Religious pride should not cause anyone to hold cised Gentiles. (Rom. 4: 11, 12, 16) Paul used the
on to the foundationless tradition that Peter estab- olive tree as an illustration of Jehovah’s Theocratic
lished the church in Romeand was its first "bishop" organization in Christ. In the symbolic olive tree of
whose successors continue to this day. Christ Jesus Jehovah’s Theocratic organization the natural Jews
told Paul that Paul must go to Rome, and the Bible found themselves as "natural branches". But nowthe
plainly relates howPaul got there. (Acts 23:11) believing Gentiles are being grafted into the organ-
was Paul, and not Peter, who was so interested in ization to take the places of the unbelieving Jews
the congregation at Romethat he wrote them a letter who were broken off from the "olive tree" due to
to strengthen their faith and to safeguard them disobedience and lack of faith.--Rom. 11: 16-24.
against being entangled with a religious yoke of ~’ Believing Jews and believing Gentiles who are
bondage. It was Paul, not Peter, whofelt responsible united with the "body of Christ" should be like the
to thus write them, because, said he: "For my part, humanbody, which is one body although it has many
as far as you are concerned, mybrothers, I am con- members. They should, therefore, recognize the
vinced that you are already full of goodness of heart, various kinds of service that each memberrenders
endowed with perfect knowledge, and weUqualified in the "body of Christ" through the power of God’s
to instruct one another. But, just to refresh your holy spirit; and they should owe one another noth-
memories, I have written you pretty boldly on some ing but to love one another. (Rom.12 : 4-6 ; 13 : 8-10)
points, because of the favor Godhas showri [me] in Remembering that their brother in Christ is the
malting me a minister of Christ Jesus among the Lord’s servant and that the Lord is the judge of his
heathen, to act as a priest of God’s good news, to servants, they should not judge their brother if he is
see that the heathen are an acceptable sacrifice, con- conscientious, but should be very considerate of his
secrated by the holy spirit."--Rom. 15 : 14-16, Good- tender conscience. (Rom. 14:4, 10, 19-22) Those who
speed; Catholic Translation of 1943. are strong in faith and understanding should put up
,o Paul put up a strong Scriptural defense and with the weaknesses of those who are not fully
support of his own activity then amongthe nations grown in faith and understanding; they should not
or Gentiles. What he said is now a support and want to be always suiting and pleasing themselves
defense of the world-wide activity that Jehovah’s selfishly. Thenthey will be Christlike. (Rom.15 : 1-4)
witnesses today are carr)ing on among"men of good Having exhorted Christians to do such things, Paul
will" in all the nations. Paul’s activity was part of expresses his prayer to the congregation at Rome
the first or miniature fulfil_hnent of the prophecies that they may all follow Christ’s example unitedly
which he quoted as his support from God’s Word. and be united witnesses of Jehovah, the Father of
The activity of Jehovah’s witnesses in these recent the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul says: "May God, from
years since A.D. 1918 is the final or major fulfill- whomsteadfastness and encouragement come, give
ment of those same prophecies. Hence our proper you such harmonywith one another, in following the
understanding of these Scripture proofs helps to example of Christ Jesus, that you may praise the
bring unity, peace, and co-operation within the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with one
organization of God’s devoted people today. It helps accord and one voice."--Rom. 15: 5, 6, Goodspeed.
us to see that all the Lord’s people are one, and that
God is not playing favorites. As Paul said to the WELCOME TO ALL
congregation at Rome: "There will be glow’, honor, ~" Throughoutall of Paul’s letter to the Romanslie
and peace for everyone whodoes right, the Jew first, argues against harboring any prejudices against the
and the Greek also, for God shows no partiality." Gentiles or non-Jews. We should recognize all
--Rom. 2: 10, 11, Goodspeed; Eph. 6: 9; Col. 3: 25. nationalities as brothers in the faith if they hear the
" Accordingto Paul’s inspired letter, in the Chris- gospel preached and believe on Jehovah God and
tian congregation there should be no treatment of his Christ. God sent out the Kingdomgospel to the
one another according to whether one is a natural Gentiles who were once without Jehovah God and
Jew or a natural Gentile. God has welcomed and without hope; and so he is now welcoming the Gen-
received both into the "body of Christ", thus showing tile nationalities, giving them great cause for being
that faith like Abraham’s,and not racial distinctions, glad. Weshould rememberalso that Godjustifies the
is the determining thing with him. Abraham, as a Gentile believers, and that Christ Jesus, by receiv-
9. In contrast with religious tradition regarding Peter, what about ing these into membershipin ’‘his body", is welcom-
Paul’s relaUons with Rome and its congregaUon?
I0 Of what benefit to Jehovah’s witnesses today is the Scriptural 12. (a)How does he say ChrlsUans should recognlse and treat one
defense and support Paul put up for himself? another? (b)For what does Paul then pray respecting them?
11. According to Paul’s Letter, what Is the determining factor for God’s 13 How does Paul then argue against national prejudices ¯ and what
now receiving creatures? and what illustration does Paul use? does he exhort Christians to do as regards one another?
374 9 ieWATCHTOWER. B oo,o Y , Y.
ing and receiving them as his brethren. He is not [by God], having no hope, and without God in the
ashamedof them because of their natural or national world." But Christ’s exclusive nfinistry to the cir-
extraction. Hence he does not show partiality cumcised Israelites for the time being was in ful-
against them. This should be an example to all filhnent of the truth of God’s prophecies. It was in
membersof the Christian congregation, whether we order to fulfill God’s promises to the forefathers of
be circumcised Jews or be uncircumcised heathen the Israelites, namely, Abraham,Isaac, and Jacob or
according to the flesh. Andso, exhorting us to imi- Israel. Godhad given these fathers successively the
tate Christ Jesus in that respect, Paul writes: promise that in their seed or offspring all human-
"Therefore, treat one another like brothers, in God’s kind would be blessed: "In thee and in thy seed shall
honor, just as Christ has treated you. I hold that all the families of the earth be blessed." (Gen. 28: 14;
Christ has become an agent of circumcision [the 26: 4; 22: 18; 12: 3) "Which[seed] is Christ," says
Jews] to show God’s truthfulness in carrying out the the apostle Paul, at Galatians 3:8, 16. Inasmuch as
promises made to our forefathers [Abraham, Isaac, Christ Jesus the Seed was a fleshly descendant of
and Jacob], and causing the heathen to praise God the forefathers to whomthe promise was made, the
for his mercy; as the Scripture says, ’I will give first ones to be given the opportunity to become
thanks to you for this amongthe heathen, and sing members and joint-heirs with him as Abraham’s
in honor of your name.’" (Rom. 15: 7-9, Goodspeed) Seed must likewise be the natural descendants of
"Welcomeone another, then, as Christ has welcomed those fathers, namely, the circumcised Israelites.
yourselves, for the glory of God."--Rom. 15:7, 1, A remnant of natural Israelites accepted Christ
Moffatt. Jesus as The Seed, the Messiah, and these were
1, What a welcomeChrist Jesus gives to everyone "beloved for the fathers’ sakes". They were not cut
who has learned of God by being taught through His off from the symbolic olive tree of Jehovah’s Theo-
Word and who then comes to hfin as Jehovah’s cratic organization. They held their places as elected
anointed King! It is as Christ Jesus said: "All that or chosen branches of Christ. (Rom. 11: 28, 16-24)
the Father giveth me shall cometo me ; and him that The other Israelites did not appreciate God’s exclu-
comethto me I will in no wise cast out. It is written sive favor to them for their forefathers’ sakes in
in the prophets, A~edthey shall be all taught of God. confirmation of His promise to them, and they were
[Isaiah 54:13] Ever)" man therefore that lmth broken off the Theocratic "olive tree". Although
heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto they were membersof "Israel after the flesh", they
me." (John 6: 37, 45) However, Christ Jesus recog- did not becomemembersof the true "Israel of God",
nized God’s time order. He abode by God’s time for spiritual Israelites.--1 Cor. 10: 18; Gal. 6: 15, 16.
receiving the Gentiles. After Christ Jesus was bap- 1, From the prophecies which Jehovah his Father
tized there was an interval of seven years before lie made plain to him, Christ Jesus knew that only a
began welcomingthe Gentile believers and treating remnant of the Jews would accept him and become
them as brothers in "his body". During all those membersof the "Israel of God", the "chosen genera-
seven years he and his apostles were specializing tion, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar
upon the Jews, thus holding down the opportunities people ; that ye should shew forth the praises of him
of gaining the kingdomof heaven to the circumcision, whohath called you out of darkness into his marvel-
the Israelites. Whenon earth Jesus said to a Samari- lous light". (1 Pet. 2:9) Hence Christ Jesus knew
tan woman: "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of that not all the membershipof the Kingdom,not al!
the house of Israel." (Matt. 15: 24) Whenhe sent out the 144,000, would be made up among the natural
his twelve apostles he told them to whomto preach, Jews, but that the places left vacant in that Kingdom
saying: "Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and body would thus be left open for believers from
into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: but go amongthe Gentiles to fill. The Gentile nations were
rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." not the descendants of the fathers to whomGod’s
(Matt. 10 : 5, 6) By thus doing, Christ Jesus became promises were made, and hence the extending to
God’s servant or minister to the Israelites, the cir- these Gentile heathen the privilege of filling up the
cumcision. vacant places and thereby becoming membersof the
1~ Meantime, the nations of the Gentiles seemedto "seed of Abraham"by faith was a wholly unexpected
be left on the outside without consideration. They mercy from God. And for this exceeding great privi-
were, as described at Ephesians 2: 12, "without lege of becoming heirs of the Kingdomwith Christ
Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Jesus all the favored Gentile believers were sure to
Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise give praise and glory to God.
14. (a)What did Jesus say about welcoming comers to him? {b)How 16. How did the Jew| resPOnd to this ministry, and with what
did Christ Jesus become God’s minister or agent of the circumcision? consequenceg?
15. lin fulfillment of what wu Christ’s exclusive ministry to the clrcum. 17. From Jehovah’s prophecies, what did Jesus know regarding the
cielon, and why? filling up of the membership of the Kingdom tins0?
DECEMBER 15, 1945
: -5¢WATCHTOWEtL 375

~’ The resurrected Lord Jesus foretold all this pictured Jehovah’s anointed King, Christ Jesus.
shortly before he ascended and returned to heaven, When writing this psalm David pictured Cln~st
leaving his Jewish disciples behind trim on earth. whenresurrected and seated at Jehovah’s right hand
Weread: "Then opened he their understanding, that and thus as delivered from all his enemies. Cln-ist
they might understand the scriptures; and said unto Jesus never personally sang God’s praises among
them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ the Gentries, but bear in mind that Jesus told his
to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: disciples, whensending them out to preach the good
and that repentance and remission of sins should be news of the I~ngdom: "He that receiveth you
preached in tfis nameA~O:~GALL~TIO~’S, beginning reeeiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him
at Jerusalem. Andye are witnesses of these things." that sent me." (Matt. 10 : 40) Hencewhenthe glori-
"Ye shall receive power, after that the holy [spirit] fied Christ Jesus began sending lds Jewish disciples
is comeupon you : and ye slmll be witnesses unto me to the Gentiles, first sending Peter to Cornelius’
both in Jerusalem, and in all Ju&ca, and in Samaria, home, then Christ Jesus began fulfilling David’s
and UHTO THE UTTER.~IOST PART OF THE ~.AaTH."--Luke prophecy in the psalm. The Greater David, Christ
24 : 45-48; Acts1 : 8. Jesus, by means of his earthly representatives,
"By such instructions Christ Jesus proved him- began confessing and giving thanks to Jehovah and
self to be not just a gospel minister to the circmn- singing praise to His nameamongthe Gentiles. The
cised Israelites, but also God’s se~want in making cause for doing this was the Kingdomcause, that the
salvation open to the Gentiles, "that the Gentiles believing Gentries might be delivered from the power
might glorify God for his mercy." (Rom. 15:9) of darkness and translated into God’s kingdom of
prove that this was according to the purpose of his dear Son.~Col. 1:13.
Ahnighty God regarding Christ JesuS, Paul adds a
Scripture proof, saying: "It is written, For rids FINAL FULFILLMENT UPON NATIONS TODAY
caztse I will confess to thee aJnongthe Gelztiles, (rod ~’ Christ Jesus is Jehovah’s great High Priest.
sing ~mto thy name." This confessing or offering That Jehovah God by his High Priest would cause
praise to God, and tlfis singing to Ills name, among his praises to be sounded amongthe Gentile nations
the Gentile nations was not to be done merely to let we read, at ~[alachi 1: 11, 14: "For from t],e rising
one’s voice be heard. It was to be done with a joyful of the sun even unto the going down of the same my
effect upon the Gentiles, for Goddoes not have any- name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in
thing done purposelessly. One tlfing is certain: the every place incense shall be offered unto my name,
confessing and singing means preaching and bear- and a pure offering: for my name shall be great
ing witness to Godand his name, and it must be done amongthe Gentiles, saith Jehovah of hosts .... for
amongthe Gentiles. I am a great King, saith Jehovah of hosts, and my
2°The great Preacher and Witness whom the name is terrible amongthe Gentiles." (Am. StaJ~.
written prophecy here pictures as spealdng is Jeho- Vet.) Malachi’s prophecy makes it plain that tiffs
vah’s anointed I~Ling, Christ Jesus. Not for ahvays making the Gentile nations acquainted wifl~ Jeho-
was Jesus to be a minister to the circumcised Jews vah’s nameand worship would take place after Jeho-
exclusively, for Paul’s quotation from Psahn 18:49 vah’s great Messenger or High Priest came to 1l,e
and 2 Samuel 22:50 foretold that God’s royal Son temple for the judgment of his temple servants.
would also conduct a ministry of the Kingdomgospel (Mal. 2: 7; 3: 1-5, 12) Certainly nineteen centuries
among the uncircumcised Gentile nations. Psahn ago tile sending of the gospel message for the first
18:49 and 2 Samuel 22:50 both are written as time to the Gentries did not take place until after the
follows: "Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, 0 "man Christ Jesus" came to the temple in Je|zl~alem.
Jehovah, among the nations, and will sing praises That event back there sets the time-clock for regu-
unto thy name."~Am. Stun. Vet. lating the complete fulfillment of Malachi’s prophecy
" Just when this psalm containing this scripture down here at this end of the world, when Jehovah
was written by King David is shown at 2 Samuel God takes his almighty power and reigms as a great
22: 1, which reads: "And David spake unto Jehovall
the words of this song in the day that Jehovah deliv- King in his capital organization Zion. The twentieth-
century events in fulfillment of Bible prophecy prove
ered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out
of the hand of Saul." (Am.Sta~2. Vet.) King David that Jehovah’s high-priestly Messenger, Christ
Jesus, came to the spiritual temple of God in the
18. How did the resurrected Jesus foretell this before departing.*
19. 4a)In b~.half of whom did Jesus thus ~how himself to be God’s spring of A.D. 1918.--See the book "The Kingdoms
servant.* (b)What Scriptureproof of this does Paul quote, a~d how
must such Scripture be carried out.* Is at Hand", pages 326-330.
20 Who is the Preacher or Wit.~¢~ pictured aa sp~.klng in the
scripture Paul quot~? and what did |t foretell.* 22. (a)At~ordtnz to Malad2i’sprophecy, when would the making of
21. (a)When did David write such prophetic scripture, and whom did the Gentiles acquainted with God’s name and worship oCCur~ [b) ~,hen
he then picture? ~b)How, then, was this scripture fulfilled? did it first t&ke place.* and what doe~ this lndicste to us now?
376 NieWATCt-ITOWER, BRoom,Y-%
N. Y.

"At the time of coming to the literal temple in The witnesses to the Kingdomare very. grateful to
Jerusalem A.D. 33, Christ Jesus quoted Jehovah’s Godfor its establishment in their day, and they sing
prophecy at Isaiah 56:7, saying to the commercial for joy because that Kingdomwill act at the battle
profiteers there in that temple: "Is it not written, of Armageddonfor the full vindication of Jehovah’s
My house shall be called of all nations the house of name by bringing Satan’s world organization to its
prayer? but ye have madeit a den of thieves." (Mark end in destruction. Moreand more nations are hear-
11: 17) Now, in the final fulfillment of prophecy, ing their witness to this effect.
Christ Jesus came to the true temple A.D. 1918 and
cleansed his faithful remnant of followers from the "REJOICE, 0 GE2ffTILES"

stains and soils of "Christendom’s" commercialized n Not only is the prophecy of Psalm 18:49, as
religion. He made the condition of the spiritual quoted by Paul, undergoing present-day fulfillment
temple of God a pure place to which a "great multi- with benefit to the Gentile nations, but another
tude" of persons of good-will from all the nations prophecy, also quoted by Paul in support of his
could be invited to come and offer prayer and wor- work, is now having its final fulfillment. To quote
ship to Jehovah God. As it was foretold of these, at Paul, at Romans 15: 10: "And again he saith, Be
Revelation 7: 15: "Therefore are they before the glad, ye nations, with his people." (Rotherham) "Or
throne of God, and serve him day and night in his again, Rejoice, 0 Gentiles, with his people." (Mof-
temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell [att) Here the apostle Paul quoted from the song
anmng them." Hence tile facts show that after of Moses, at Deuteronomy 32:43, which reads, in
A.D. 1918, or beginning with 1919, Jehovah’s royal full: "’Rejoice, 0 ye nations, with his people: for he
Messenger, Christ Jesus, at the temple started the will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render
final fulfillment of the prophecy concerning himself, vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful
namely: "I will give thanks to you for this among unto his land, and to his people." You ask, With
the heathen, and sing in honor of your name." (Rom. whose people are the nations to rejoice? and what
15:9, Goodspeed) Then Christ Jesus could give does this particular people have, to make them
thanks to Jehovah God for having enthroned him as rejoice, which the nations do not have ? Other verses
Ydngin 1914 and sending forth the rod of his ldng- of Moses’song prove that it is Jehovah’s people with
dora power out of Zion against all the enemies of whomthe Gentiles or nations are called upon to
the Kingdom. rejoice. Verse 36 of Moses’ song says: "For Jehovah
" From and after 1918 Christ Jesus could also will judge his people [will vindicate his people; right
give thanks that Jehovah God had authorized tile his people’s wrongs], and repent himself for his
"war in heaven" which resulted in ousting the chief servants; when he seeth that their power is gone,
enemy, Satan the Devil, and all his demons from and there is none remaining, shut up [bound] or
heaven and down to the earth. Thus Jehovah God left at large [free]."--Am. Stan. Vet.
madeall Christ’s enemies to be his footstool at the ’~ Today the Gentiles, as the United Nations, are
earth, to be trodden down unto death in due time; not rejoicing with Jehovah’s witnesses. They are not
and thus Jehovah God delivered his anointed King rejoicing over the Kingdom testimony that these
Christ Jesus from all his enemies. Not only this, boldly deliver to the nations, but are rejoicing over
but from and after 1918 Jehovah God by his King the Charter for World Organization and the Statute
began to release his faithful servants on earth from for the International Court of Justice. The nations,
the fears of this religious-political world and to give as political organizations, hate rather than rejoice
them greater freedom and boldness for his witness with Jehovah’s people. (John 15 : 18-21) It is because
work amongall the nations. On that account, too, Jehovah’s witnesses do not rejoice at that at which
Christ Jesus could offer praise to God among the the political United Nations rejoice. Persons in sur-
Gentiles and sing to God’s holy name. Christ Jesus prise may ask, Jehovah’s witnesses are hated and
did this, not personally in the flesh, but by the faith- persecuted in all Gentile nations, and do they have
ful remnant on earth of the "body of Christ". He any cause to be glad and rejoice? Whohave the real,
sent forth this remnant to declare the Kingdom solid permanent reason for rejoicing, the United
message with thanksgiving and honor to God’s name. Nations or Jehovah’s witnesses? With whomshould
In this way Jesus’ own prophecy underwent fulfill- we rejoice?
ment after the Kingdom’s establishment in 1914, "The "nations" are called upon to be glad with
namely: "This gospel of the "kingdom shall be Jehovah’s people. The prophetic word "nations"
preached in all the world for a witness mvro 25. (a)What quotation does Paul next make, and from what propheeyS
~ATIO~S ; and then shall the end come."(Matt. 24 : 14) (b) With ~hose people does the prophecy exhort the nations to be glad?
26. Why do not the Political nations rejoice with Itis people? and
23, 24. (a) What dld Jesus say when eomlng to the temple in Jerusalem? what questions therefore ~,
(b) How is this finally fulfilled? and why could Christ Jesus then 27 In the prophecy, who are meant bar the "nations"? and why may they
gtve thanks to God among the heathen? not feel fearful about Joining in the rejoicing?
15, 1945 NieWATCHTOWER. 377

could not meanthe political organizations and their that this avenging and vindication is near, because
religious and commercial allies, but must mean the in 1914 Jehovah put his Theocratic Government in
individual persons of all nationalities, Jew and operation toward this earth, and this kingdomis His
Gentile alike. Such ones must be unselfish, leaning means or agency by which he will prove his ownuni-
away from this world and looking up above politics versal domination and will vindicate his name and
and religion to sometlfing higher. Then they can his servants. Said Jesus: "Shall not Godavenge his
discern the reason why Jehovah’s witnesses are own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though
rejoicing and then they can join with them in rejoic- he bear long with them ? I tell you that he will avenge
ing. Ordinarily such "nations" might be fearful and them speedily." (Luke 18: 7, 8) Why, then, should
might feel unworthy of having any right to join in not the nations or right-hearted people of all nation-
with the gladness of Jehovah’s people; but Jehovah alities rejoice over this together with Jehovah’s
God himself invites them to share in the joy of Itis anointed servants? Such vindication of Jehovah’s
people. Christ Jesus is the Prophet like unto Moses nameand sovereignty by his kingdom means deliver-
whom Jehovah promised to raise up; and by this ance and blessings for all whodevote themselves to
Greater Moses as his mouthpiece Jehovah sings out Himout of all the nations, as well as the deliverance
that the Gentile nations should rejoice and be glad and blessings for his remnantof spiritual Israelites.
with the remnant of his people, the spiritual Israel- However, in order that the "nations" might join in
ites.--Deut. 18 : 15-18. the rejoicing they must hear about Jehovah and his
~’ Again, in the final and complete fulfilhnent of Theocratic Government and its purpose. Then they
the prophecy today, Christ Jesus does not personally, can believe therein and joyfully consecrate them-
in flesh, visit the earthly nations and arouse them to selves to him. Awareof their need to hear, Christ
rejoicing with the faithful remnant of his body- Jesus as the Greater Moses sings forth the Kingdom
members. We remember that, from A.D. 36 forward, message to the nations. He does so by sending
Christ Jesus sent out the apostle Peter and other abroad the remnant to proclaim the all-excelling
apostles, particularly Paul, to go to the non-Jewish news of God’s kingdom now established and of the
nations. Likewise, since 1918, Christ Jesus sends day of His vengeance against all the wicked organ-
forth the faithful remnant whomhe approved at his ization of man’s great enemy, Satan the Devil.
temple judgment of them. These joyfully obey Jeho- ~o So, backed by and impelled by the irresistible
vah’s command to make their joy l~own to the expansive force of God’s spirit, Jehovah’s anointed
Gentile nations and to bid them share in it. What remnant under Christ Jesus have gone forth since
special and outstanding cause do this persecuted 1919 and continue to go forth to all nations. Their
remnant of spiritual Israelites have to makethem so Commander’ssong is on their lips, "Bw GLAD,YI;
glad to do this? The particular cause for rejoicing ~ATm.~S,WITHHIS PEOPLe,"and these words Jeho-
which they have is their possession of Jehovah as vah’s witnesses have made their yeartext for 1946.
God. True, they are shunned because of being a As His people they must make known to all the
"people for His name", and are despised, hated and nations His gladness and their rejoicing. Then the
persecuted by all this world. But they rejoice because grief-stricken lovers of righteousness may be glad
they have Jehovah God as their Judge, Avenger, with them. Then, too, all the woe and wickedncss
and Vindicator. They have his unbreakable promise that the Devil is yet permitted to bring downupon
that he will deliver them from the unjust condemna- mankind will be powerless to keep them from shar-
tions and death sentence pronounced upon them by ing in the gladness of Jehovah’s favored people. The
this world and that he will vindicate them and desire of Jehovah’s people to communicatetheir joy
avenge them upon all their persecutors and malign- to the nations is like that of the woman who
ers. "For he will avenge the blood of his servants, recovered one of the silver pieces of her wedding
and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and headpiece. As Jesus said: "What womanhaving ten
will makeexpiatiofi for his land, for his people." pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light
(Deut. 32: 43, Am. Stan. Vet.) His people "knowthat a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently
vengeance is with the Lord Jehovah; it belongs to till she find it? And when she hath found it, she
Him. caUeth her friends and her neighbours together, say-
2, Their rejoicing over his vindicating and deliver- ing, Rgzoicv. wrr~r My.; for I have found the piece
ing of them is not selfish. They knowthat his aveng- whichI had lost."---Luke 15 : 8, 9.
,z MoreBible testimony to the fact that the nations
ing of them means in particular the vindication of
his own name and universal sovereignty. They know of Gentiles or heathen must be given the chance to
hear the gospel of God’s inaugurated kingdom is
28. (a)How does Christ Jesus now visit the nations to bid them be
glad? (b) What particular cause for rejoicing do the remnant have? 30. With what desire and song have the remnant gone forth since ~
29. (a} Whyis the rejoicing of the remnant not selfish? (b)In order 31. What two further Scripture prophecies does Paul quote in behalf
lot the nations to join in rejoicing, what first is needed? of the nations?
brought forward by the apostle Paul, as he contin- Stan. Ver.) The United Nations Organization and its
ues, saying: "Andagain, "Praise the Lord, all yot~ hea. political, commercial and religious backers simply
then, and let all nations sing his praises." AgainIsa- shove themselves out of any part in the fulfillment
iah says, ’The descendant of Jesse will come, the Glee of this prophecy. They do so by their refusing the
whois to rise to rule the heathen; the heathenwill set reign of Jesse’s royal Offspring and by putting their
their hopes on him.""--Rom. 15:11, 12, Goodspeed. hope in an International Organization and an Inter-
"The first scripture which Paul quotes above to national Court of Justice.
back up his own missionary work, and also ours 3~ Paul’s quoting the prophecyback in lfis day does
today, is Psalm117 : 1. This psalm reads : "Ohpraise not meanthat the reign of this Branch out of Jesse’s
Jehovah, all ye nations; laud him, all ye peoples. root had begun when Christ ascended to heaven and
For his lovingkindiless is great toward us; and the seated himself at Jehovah God’s right hand. Paul’s
truth of Jehovah endureth for ever. Praise ye Jeho- owu statement at Hebrews 10: 12, 13 contradicts
vah." (Ps. 117: 1, 2, Am. Stan. Ver.) These nations such a thought. WhyPaul back there quoted Isaiah’s
and peoples have till now been kept in ignorance of prophecy was to show that the Gentiles as well as
the only true and living God, Jehovah, and the the Jews would rest their hope in Christ.
psahnist’s exhortation to the nations and peoples to "Once more we are confronted with the fact that
praise and laud him presupposes that they must hear for Gentiles to set their hopes in Jehovah’s royal
the actual facts about him. It would be idle words Branch, Christ Jesus, they must be taught about him
and a vain prophecy, to call nations and peoples to by Jehovah’s witnesses. On that basis the gospel
sing Jehovah’s praises, unless He sent his witnesses message could not for always be kept to the Jews
to them to declare his ever-enduring truth to them. alone, but needs to be widenedout to the Gentiles as
Hence Jehovah, by this inspired Psahn, foretold the well. Paul "knew that he had Scriptural support for
witness to all nations that he would have delivered his far-spread activities amongthe Gentiles. As a
since A.D. 191S. Jehovah’s small band of witnesses consequence of his activities to make Jehovah’s
are delivering the Kingdomtestimony and tens of anointed King known to them, they were able to
thousands of the nations and peoples are now prais- remove their hopes from all mundanethings and fix
ing and lauding Jehovah God. This fact shows that them upon the "ensign", the "signal", to whomJeho-
the psalm-prophecy was not said idly or in vain. vah Godbids all peoples to rally for deliverance and
~ The second scripture that Paul quoted above is salvation. In Jehovah’s anointed King must the
Isaiah 11 : 1, 10 : "Andthere shall comeforth a shoot nations hope.
out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch out of his ~’ Jehovah God was the Source of this hope ha
roots shall bear fruit .... the root of Jesse [that is, Christ, and hence Paul, after quoting Isaiah’s proph-
the branch out of the root of Jesse], that standeth ecy, wrote to the congregation at Romethese fitting
for an ensign of the peoples, unto him shall the words: "Nowthe God of hope fill you with all joy
nations seek; and his resting-place shall be glorious." and peace ha believing, that ye mayabound in hope,
~Am. Stan. Ver. in the power of the holy spirit." (Rom. 15: 13, Am.
"Jesse, whose nmne means "Living" or "Jehovah Stan. Vet.) Such hope brings joy and peace to the
exists", was the father of King David. Hence Jesse believers. In Paul’s day the Gentile hopers and
was a type of Jehovah God, and Jesse’s son David believers were glad and rejoiced with the remnant
was a type of Jehovah’s anointed KAngChrist Jesus. of Jehovah’s people whomHe had chosen out from
Being Jehovah’s Girly begotten Son, Christ Jesus is among the Jewish nation.
the shoot, scion or branch out of the root-stock, Jeho- ,s Back there, those Gentile believers were,
vah God. Being also the "ensign" or "signal" which together with the remnant of Jewish believers, made
Jehovah raises up to the peoples, he is the One to part of the spiritual "Israel of God". (Gal. 6: 16)
whomthe nations ought to rally. They should sink Nowwe are in the days of the remnant of this "Israel
their hopes in him and seek his counsel rather than of God" or spiritual Israelites. These are Jews ha-
that of some man-madeinternational Consultative wardly. Their circumcision is not that of the flesh,
Assembly. The apostle Paul, in making the above but of the heart, because of having a pure, clean
quotation from Isaiah’s prophecy, used the Greek spirit of full devotion to Godand his righteous king-
Septuagint Version (LXX) of the prophecy, read- dom. (Rom. 2:28,29) Scripturally, therefore, all
hag: "There shaU be the [one out of the] root of other creatures on earth outside of this remnant of
Jesse, and he that ariseth to rule over the Gentiles; 35. Did Paul quote Isaiah 11 : l, 10 to show Christ’s reign begun back
on him shall the Gentiles hope." (Rom. 15: 12, Am. tbero? or why?
36. What requirement, therefore, does this prophecy set before Jehovah’s
32. What does Paul’s quotation from PsaJm 117:1 presuppose? and witnesses?
what did it therefore foretell? 37. Who It the ~urce of such hopo in Christ? and what prayer did
33, 34. According to Paul’s quotatiou of Isaiah 11:1, 20, to whom Paul therefore next exprmm in his letter?
should and will the nations rally? but who sho~-e themselves out of 38. Back there how did the standing of Genl~ie believers differ from
the propheey’e fulfillment? that of nations now,
159 1945 : eWATCHTOWER. 379

the "Israel of God" are to be accounted as Gentiles, It means movement, action, to spread the I~ngdom
as heathen, as nations. However. the spiritual gospel. The apostle Paul, fully alive to the meaning
"Israel of God" dare not pride itself over this fact. of the prophecies concerning the Gentiles, did not
It dare not becomeself-centered and be indifferent groan at the thought of the much work entailed and
to the deliverance and salvation of humankind. It the need of him to get about with his fellow disciples
must not keep its joy and gladness to itself. What in testifying "publicly, and from house to house",
follows, then, from this conclusion? and from nation to nation, and from city to city.
,0 Like the apostle Paul, and also with the help of
"Paul considered it a great honor from God
Paul’s writings, the remnant of spiritual Israel through Christ to be made the "apostle of the Gen-
must grasp the import of the scriptures Paul quoted, tiles". With might and main he tried to make the
including the prophecyof Isaiah 11 : 1, 10. They must most of his position of service. It was after about
awake to the fact that, if the prophecy says the twenty years of field service that he wrote his letter
Gentiles are to hope in the Son of God who must to the Romans; and he was not then tired out and
arise to reign over them, then the Gentiles must ready to quit and retire on a pension. Not this close
learn about this God-appointed King. Consequently imitator of Christ Jesus! Neither did he hunt the
it falls squarely upon Jehovah’s informed people, easy end of the service. Hedid not leave it to others
"the Israel of God," to make his kingdom and Iris to do the hard, dangerous, pioneer work of opening
king kno~mto the Gentiles that these may learn of up virgin fields of operation and then himself come
the one and only hope for all manldnd. along afterwards to carry on the work on founda-
,0 Inasmuch as God is not sending down glorious
tions laid by others. Not this "apostle of the Gen-
angels from heaven to do it, by whomelse will the tiles"! Instead, he laid his plans to be right out in
Gentiles learn of this hope than by Jehovah’s wit- the forefront of the work, serving as the entering
nesses ! And now that Jehovah’s "kingdom is estab- wedgeinto virgin territories under the guidance of
lished since A.D. 1914 and tie has laid full authority God’s spirit. At the time that he wrote to the Romans
upon his "Ensign" and King, and now, too, that the he was looldng ahead to newer fields. With grateful
enemies of mankind have schemed up a false hope of appreciation of what God had helped him to do so
an enduring peace and security by a political world- far he said :
organization, it is necessary to make knownto all *~ "I can therefore glory in Christ Jesus concern-
peoples of all nationalities the living hope whom ing the work for God in which I am engaged. For
Jehovah’s prophecies foretold. The prophecy must I will not presumeto mention any of the results that
have its final fulfillment, namely, that in this day Christ has brought about by other agency than
when Jehovah’s King reigns amidst his enenfies the mine in securing the obedience of the Gentiles by
multitudes of the Gentiles should put their hope in word or deed, ~-ith power manifested in signs and
him and should serve him as King. Only by so doing marvels, and through the power of the holy spirit.
will they escape destruction with the political But--to speak simply of my own labours--begin-
nations at Armageddonand enter into life eternal ning in Jerusalem and the outlying districts, I have
on the cleansed earth in God’s righteous NewWorld. proclaimed without reserve, even as far as Illyricum,
The prophecy cannot fail of fulfilhnent in this day, the GoodNewsof the Christ ; making it myambition.
namely, that the Gentiles will rejoice and confide in however, not to tell the Good Newswhere Christ’s
the true hope. To have a share in the realization of namewas already known, for fear I should be build-
the prophecy Jehovah’s people cannot side-step their ing on another man’s foundation. But, as Scripture
obligation to service. They must share their hope says, ’THosE SHALL SEE, TO WHOM NO REPORT ABOUT
HAW NOT HEARD SHAIJ. (Isa. 52:15).
I,~CRF~SE IN FULFm,-MENT And it is really this wlfich has again and again
" Back in Paul’s time the Gentiles were far more prevented mycoming to you. But now, as there is no
numerous than the Israelites or Jews, just as the more unoccupied ground in this part of the world,
Gentiles or nations of the present day are far more and I have for years past been eager to pay you a
numerousthan the small remnant of spiritual Israel- visit, I hope, as soon as ever I extend my travels
ites, "the Israel of God." This fact denotes a vast into Spain, to see you on my way and be helped
field for work; as Jesus said, "The field is the world." forward by you on my journey, when I have first
(Matt. 13 : 38) At the same time it means muchwork. enjoyed being with you for a time."~Rom.15 : 17-24,
39. For what prophetic reasons must the remnant of spiritual Israel Weymouth.
not keep it~ Joy and gladness to itself?
40. By whom. and why particularly since A.D. 1914, must the Gentiles 42. How did Paul view a share in this work? and how did he approach
learn of this hope? and take part in it?
41 AS to numbers, how have the nations always compared with the 43- What did Paul then write the Romans about his work and plans?
"Israel of God’? and what does this fact denote therefore? and what Scripture propht~y did he then quote?
N. Y.

" Take a map and survey the territory Paul imitators of me, even as I also am of Christ," said
covered or visited, from Jerusalem, through Arabia this energetic apostle to the Gentiles.--1 Cor. 11 : 1,
and Syria, through Asia Minor, and then through Am. Stan. Vet.; 4 : 16.
Greece and up into Illyricum, the Dalmatian coast ’° Jehovah’s people and their "Gentile" companions
of the Adriatic Sea now held by Yugoslavia. Under do well to imitate Paul now. With the postwar epoch
great hardship, self-expenditure and perils he had ahead of us and the demonshurrying all the political
visited and served at least ten general provinces of nations on to Armageddon,we are living in the very
the RomanEmpire, including man), islands of the culmination of the fulfillment of the prophecy Paul
sea, and thus averaging about two years in each quoted. The "great multitude" from all nations,
province. Not satisfied with that, he wantedto extend kindreds, people, and tongues must be educated to
his ministry farther, paying only a passing visit to take a stand before God’s throne and to declare
Romeon his way to the tip of the European conti- themselves in favor of his kingdom and to rejoice
nent, namely, to Spain. It was not because Paul had in it. (Rev. 7:9-17) The situation constitutes
wanderlust nor because he did not go back to terri- challenge. The prophecy of God’s Wordechoes forth
tory twice, for Paul did makerevisits or back-calls. the Commander’s cry: "On the offensive with the
It was because he appreciated fully his privilege of Kingdomtidings to all the Gentile nations that have
service and he wanted an increasing share in the not yet heard and understood!" The remnant of
fulfilhnent of the prophecy which he quoted, namely: Jehovah’s "people for his name" dare not keep their
"That which had not been told them shall they see; Kingdomjoy to themselves and let others go without
and that which they had not heard shall they con- hearing, understanding, and rejoicing. Moreover, as
sider."--Isa. 52: 15. to those Gentiles of good-will who have already
,5 This text, as Paul quoted it from the Septuagint
heard and understood and put their hope in Jeho-
Version, expresses the same vigorous thought: vah’s King, they must likewise let their gladness and
"They shall see, to whomno tidings of him came, and rejoicing overflow in testifying to all nations about
they who have not heard shall understand." (Rom.
the Righteous Governmentof life, light and peace.
15: 21, Am. Stan. l’er.) Whether Paul got to Spain
we do not have records to show; but that he got a It is mandatoryupon us all together to join together
further share in the fulfillment of this thrilling with Jehovah’s King in saying by the united procla-
prophecy God’s Word does clearly show. "Be ye mation of the Kingdom message to all humankind:
44. What territories had Paul reached with the gospel? and why was
"Be glad, ye nations, with his people."
he wanting to extend Ins mimstry farther?
45. From what vermon did Paul quote Isaiah 52 : 157 and did he 46 Why Is it well for os to Imitate Paul’s example, especially no~
have a further share In fulfilling it? and what proclamationis mandatoryupon us all now?


N ANCIENT times the natural Israelites or Jews alone
I wereGod’scovenantpeople, ’~known of all the families
of the earth." (Amos3:2) All other peoples were
tillthen, andMoses
in giving
strangers or "aliens fromthe commonwealth of Israel, and ralment. Loveye therefore thestranger: forye were
strangcrs from the covenants of promise". (Eph. 2: 12) strangersinthe-landofEgTpt." (Deut.I0:IS,19)Onthat
Thesealien strangers are mentionedas goyimor Gentiles, veryoccasion whentheIsraelites wereassembled onthe
meaningthe nations of non-Jews, non-Israelites. But plainsofMoabto hearthefarewell addressof ,Moses,
strangers who sought him and comphedwith His law, strangersweretherealsotoreceive theadmonltion given
Jehovah Goddid not turn away, even if they were not by thatmanof Godat thecommand of Jehovah. (Deut.
in a covenant with Him through Moses. (See Exodus 29:10,11)Those strangersthatsojourned wlthtileco~c.
12: 48; 20: 10.) TakeHobabthe Kenite, whowasbrother- nantpeople ofGod,theIsraelites, worshlpedandobeyed
in-law to Moses. WhenMosesin command of the marching JehovahGod,andtheypictured those whoarcnowdevot-
Israelites movedfomvardon the journey to the Promised ingthemselvestoGodandassociating themselves
Landof Canaan,he invited Hobab,the Kenite, to go with consecratedpeople.
Iftheycontinue faithfulandobedient
him, saying: "Comethou with us, and we will do thee toHimandhisuniversal sovereignty,theywillformthe
good." Later, manyKenites sojourned with the Israelites "greatmultitude"seenatRevelation 7:9-17.
and, though strangers, received benefits indirectly from ThelandofCanaan, which those Israelites
God’scovenantwithIsrael.--Num.10 : 29; Judg.1 : 16; 4 : 11. wereabout toenter,wastheninhabited bytheenemies of
The strangers that sojournedwith the Israelites, God’s Jehovah God,mostof whomentered intoa conspiracy to
covenant nation, were required to obey God’slaw. (Lev. fightagainst Him.Theexception wasthosepeople of
16:29; 18:26; 19:33, 34) Just before the Israelites Gibeon, whoshowedthey had faith in the Godof Israel.
marchedacross Jordan into Canaanland,Mosesrecounted The combinedenemies in Canaanpictured those whoare

today religionists like the Canaanites, namely,the religion- drama pictures how the religionists of "Christendom"
ists and political and commercialallies of "Christendom", combine to destroy the "men of good will" of the present
all of whomconspire to destroy the faithful Christian wit- time because these have sought Jehovah GOdand associated
nesses of Jehovah and seek to prevent them from becoming themselves with His anointed remnant. So, learning that
God’s "holy nation" above, as foretold at Psalm 83. The the combined forces of the Canaanites were marching
Gibeonites were a people seeking life by submission to the against them, the men of Gibeon sent to Joshua and said:
God of Israel. They picture the "men of good will" today "Comeup ... quickly, and save us." Thus is foretold that
who desire righteousness and salvation. The Gibeonites had persons of good-will today, in this time of siege against
heard what Moses’ successor, Joshua, together with his Jehovah’s witnesses, appeal to Christ Jesus, the Greater
Israelite army, had done to the cities of Jericho and Ai, Joshua, to save them from the abominations committed in
and they feared Joshua and the God he worshiped. This "Christendom" and from the assaults made upon them by
shows that "the fear of the LORD [Jehovah] is the begin- the religionists, becauseall the religious systemsare against
ning of wisdom". The Gibeonites sent ahead ambassadors to such persons that seek Jehovah.
Joshua that they might enter into a treaty with Joshua for Joshua quickly responded. By night he marched his army
protection and salvation.---Joshua, chapter 9. to the city of Gibeon, then under siege. This showsthat the
The battle which Joshua later fought with the enemies rescue work in behalf of the great number of "menof good
of that treaty at Gibeon is, without a doubt, a picture of will" must now be done quickly, now when the nighttime
the "battle of that great day of God Almighty", otherwise covers the peoples of the earth whoare against Jehovah
called "Armageddon".Armageddon’slikeness to the battle God. Although the confederated enemy had laid siege to
of Gibeonis shownat Isaiah 28 : 21, which reads : "For the Gibeon when Joshua arrived on the scene, the Gibeonites
LORD [Jehovah] shall rise up as in mount Perazim, he shall had refused to surrender to the enemy. This shows that
be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his those who declare themselves for Jehovah God must stand
work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his firmly on his side regardless of all opposition. Todaythe
strange act." The act, "his strange act," here mentioned is "men of good will" are learning that they have much
the battle of Armageddon, where God’s enemies will be opposition, and this really stirs them up and strengthens
destroyed. them to follow as the Lord God directs.
The Gibeonites did not stand aloof and wait for God’s Arriving suddenly at Gibeon with his army, Joshua at
battle by Joshua to begin before taking any steps for self- once assaulted the enemy. "And the LORnsaid unto Joshua,
preservation. This shows that those today whoare disposed Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thme hand;
toward God cannot wait until Armageddonbegins, to seek there shall not a man of them stand before thee. Joshua
Jehovah God, but must act quickly upon hearing the truth therefore came unto them suddenly, and went up from [h~s
as set forth in the Scriptures and as proclaimed by Jeho- base at] Gilgal all night. And the LORDdiscomfited them
vah’s witnesses. Then they must take such steps as Jehovah before Israel, and slew them with a great slaughter at
God directs for them, that they may find protection and Gibeon, and chased them along the way that goeth up to
salvation. The ambassadors, addressing themselves to Beth-horon, and smote them to Azekah, and unto Mak-
Joshua, told him that they had come to him because of the kedah."---Josh. 10 : 8-10.
name of Jehovah God, whomhe served. "And they said unto This is further evidence that the battle of Gibeonwas a
him, Froma very far country thy servants are comebecause picture of the battle of Armageddon.Jehovah fought the
of the name of Jehovah thy God: for we have heard the battle of his covenant people and gained for them a victory
fame of him, and all that he did in Egypt." "And they to the praise of Jehovah God. "And it came to pass, as
answered Joshua, and said, Because it was certainly told they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down
thy servants, how that Jehovah thy God commandedhis to Beth-horon, that the LORDcast downgreat stones from
servant Mosesto give you all the land, and to destroy all heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were
the inhabitants of the land from before you; therefore we more which died with hailstones than they whomthe chil-
were sore afraid for our lives because of you, and have done dren of Israel slew with the sword. Then spake Joshua to
this thing. And now, behold, we are in thy hand: as it the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amor-
seemeth good and right unto thee to do unto us, do." "And ites [or Canaanites] before the children of Israel, and he
Joshua made them that day hewers of wood and drawers of said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon
water for the congregation, and for the altar of Jehovah, Gibeon; and thou, Moon,in the valley of Ajalon. And the
unto this day, in the place which he should choose [for his sun stood still, and the moonstayed, until the people had
temple]."---Josh. 9: 9, 24, 25, 27, Am. Stan. Ver. avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written
Those Gibeonites who joined with the Israelites in their in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst
service under Joshua’s commandforeshadow the "men of of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
good will" today whojoin themselves to Jehovah’s faithful Andthere was no day like that before it or after it, that
remnant and serve Himunder the commandof the Greater the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD
Joshua, Captain Christ Jesus. fought for Israel."---Josh. 10: 11-14.
Duly the kings of the various provinces of Canaan heard The Gibeonites were delivered and saved from the
that the Gibeonites had associated themselves with Joshua. destruction purposed upon them by the combined enemy,
So those Canaanites formed an anti-Jehovah combination, and this pictures that the persons of good-will who will
that all their forces might go up and fight against the form the "great multitude" of Armageddonsurvivors by
Gibeonites. (Josh. 10:2-5) This part of the prophetic first putting themselves under the commandof the Greater
N. Y.

Joshua, the Captain Christ Jesus, will be saved at the battle 6:32, 33; 1 Kings 8:41-43.) Such strangers would fore-
of Armageddonand will enter the new righteous world. shadowor prefigure the Lord’s "other sheep" of good-will
Note now how the descendants of these Gibeonites and whoare now flocking to Jehovah GOdand his service. Note
other strangers dedicated like them to Jehovah God came nowthe facts showingGod’s clearing up to his remnant the
to serve him at the temple in his holy city. Over four truths concerning the "menof goodwill", the "great multi-
hundred years later, King Solomon, at the commandof tude".
Jehovah God, built the temple at Jerusalem, "an house unto 1925 marks the "eleventh year" after 1914, or the seventh
the name of the Loan my God." (1 Ki. 5:5) Solomon’s year after the coming of the Lord Jesus as Jehovah’s
father David had been loved by King Hiram, of the allied "messenger" to the temple in 1918 and his then beginning
city of Tyre, and this king sent his servants to Solomon to rear up the temple. (Mal. 3: 1-5) In 1925 God’s conse-
to learn what he might do to aid him. Solomon directed crated people were assembled in convention at Indianapolis,
King Hiram to have his servants prepare material for the Indiana. On August 29, 1925, that assembly of Jehovah’s
temple. "So IIiram gave Solomoncedar trees and fir trees people adopted a resolution. It was entitled ’q~Iessage of
accordingto all his desire."--I Ki. 5: 10. Hope", and was the first and only one of seven successive
King Hiram furnished servants to work for his friend resolutions adopted over a period of seven years that was
K~ng Solomon. "And Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants addressed as follows: "To All People of GoodWill." Here,
unto Solomon;for he had heard that they had anointed him then, was something that corresponded well with Solomon’s
king in the room of his father: for Hiram was ever a lover prayer at the dedication of the temple in Jcru~lem for the
of David." "And the Load gave Solomon wisdom, as he strangers of good-will that should come there to worship.
promised him: and there was peace between Hiram and Interesting to note is the fact that the fourteen-day ccle~
Solomon; and they two made a league together." "And bration then by King Solomonin dedication of the temple
Solomon’s builders and Hiram’s builders did hew [stones], fell in the seventh Jewish month of the year and it took
and the stonesquarers: so they prepared timber and stones in not only the Jewish atonement day (the tenth day of
to build the house." (1 Ki. 5: 1, 12, 18; 2 Chron. 2: 3-10) the month)but also the entire seven-dayfeast of tabernacles
Other strangers, or proselytes of Israel, were brought into (the fifteenth to the twenty-first days, inclusive). This
service: "And Solomon numbered all the strangers that tabernacles feast was distinguished by special booths of the
were in the land of Israel, after the numberingwherewith celebrators and by temple gatherings, with palm branches
David his father had numbered them [showing that those being wavedby the worshiping people. This reminds us of
outside of the land of Israel were unnumbered]; and they the "great multitude" of good-will described at Revelation
were found an hundred and fifty thousand and three thou- 7 : 9, 10, whowere there pictured as joining with Jehovah’s
sand and six hundred. Andhe set threescore and ten thou- anointed remnantin celebrating the great antitypieal feast
sand [70,000] of them [these strangers or proselytes] to of ingathering or feast of tabernacles. After Jehovah’s
be bearers of burdens, and fourscore thousand [80,000] to anointed remnant and their good-will companions adopted
be hewers in the mountain, and three thousand and six the afore-mentioned "Message of Hope" addressed "To All
hundred [3,600] overseers to set the people a work." People of GoodWill", it began to be distributed by the
(2 Chron. 2: 17, 18) This temple-work program of Solo- millions of copies all over the earth on Saturday, October31,
mon corresponds with the present-day extending to the 1925, and continued into 1926. Thus the ’%Iessage of Itope"
great flock of "men of good will" a part in the publishing was taken to the "people of good will" at an appropriate
work of Jehovah’s witnesses to advertise Jehovah’s name time. Did the Lord God direct this matter? Faith replies,
and kingdom.--Rev. 22:17. Surely!
The building of the temple by Solomon began about Those serving at the temple in Jerusalem who fore-
1034 B.C., and seven years and mxmonths thereafter the shadowed the Lord’s "other sheep" of today came to be
temple was completed and then dedicated. (1 Ki. 6: 1, 37, called "Nethinim.". Solomon’s temple was destroyed in
38) Solomon was a type of the "greater than Solomon", 607 B C. and the Israelites were deported to BabylonWhen
namely, Christ Jesus, builder of the true temple of Jehovah a remnant of them came back from Babylon to Jerusalem’s
God, not made with human hands. The facts as shown site to rebmld the temple, these Nethinim, or "given ones"
elsewhere in numerous~ATCtlTO~V’F.R publications mark the as the name means, were assigned to help the remnant and
spring of A.D. 1918 as the time when the building of this serve with them. Such Nethinimwere not Israelites, but in
antitypical temple began, for then Christ Jesus came to serving with the Israelites they completely separated them-
the temple and raised his faithful followers sleeping in selves from the heathenish, non-Israelite nations and took
death to heavenlyspirit life as ’qiving stones" in the temple their stand and places with Jehovah’s covenant people. (See
of God above. Count, now, 7½ years from 1918 spring, and Ezra 2 : 1-70; 8 : 20 ; Nehemiah 10 : 1, 28, 29.) TheNethinim
it brings one to the fall of 1925. Remember now, too, that were servants who assisted the Levites at the temple by
strangers or foreigners were used to assist in the building performing menial tasks. The modern Nethinim, who will
of Solomon’s temple and that these pictured the "men of form the "great multitude", are any helpers of good-will
good will" or "other sheep" of God today. that come from any nation and devote themselves to the
At the dedication of the temple King Solomon prayed service of Jehovah God Almighty. "Therefore are they
and in his prayer he referred to the "stranger", or for- before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in
eigner, that in due time should come to Jehovah’s temple his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell
for mercy because of His great name. (See 2 Chronicles amongthem."~Rev. 7 : 15.
AMONG THE PINES OF MAINE obtained only one bound book, and that was issued many
"On a Sunday morning recently I started out on a King- years ago. She was muchpleased because I called, and very
domwitness trip through a rural district, well provided quicidy contributed for the books Chs~dren, The New
with books, booklets, etc. I have no car, so have to depend World, "The Truth 8haU Make You Fred, "The Kingdom
upon walking. Whenfive miles from home I was tired of Is at Hand’,and also several of the latest booklets. A back-
feet and weary of mind at the usual ’Not interested’ recep- call was arranged, at which I placed a WatchtowerBible
tions. I reached a farm, which I knew has been recently and over twenty of the booklets issued during the less recent
taken over" by strangers to me, expecting the usual recep- years. Another back-call is arranged, when I am to take
tion. WhenI knocked, a womancame to the door. When three of the boundbooks issued previous to Children; also
she learned mywork, she very quickly invited me into the get subscriptions for The Watchtowerand Consolation. The
living room. It seems that for a long time she has been round trip means a ten-mile walk, but, with Jehovah’s aid,
trying to get WATCHTOWER publications, but had thus far we will have a study in that home in the near future."


GENESIS 84:27.28 324 ~ JUDGES 88: 20, 21 74 DO: 9 09 [CGLkllASTES T
80:I-S3 MADAKKUK i 18:24,|5 261
1:8. ? 52 34:29-35 324I ~. 11 101 , 29 22-24 74 69: 28, 23 128 1: 1S 346 00:89 t $: 13. 14 O1SI 19. 16-22
1: 26. 28 $93 OOI 181
35:2 29:25-30 74 80:1 $93 2:80 $|1 Chap. 81 D ID: 1F 187
1:28 44. 53. 40. I1-14 33~ 1 SAMUEL 29:31-32 75 81: 11, IS 331 5. 13 $44 41:1 $, 4 ZEPDAUIAM 18.2U 205
317.235 40:13-14 $28 1:22-28 341 20:35 152 83’ 17. 18 188 ?: 18 $78. 888 Ul: L. 3 O, 10 1:18 088 21 1-5 18
I : 28, 28 32? 341 28 35, 36 1’.5 90.2 170. 298 ?: 20 303 DI: 1-3 8, 6, 7.8. S: 3 233 zi. 2J-27
I: 31 51 13~i1.
18 I5 341 i~ap. 30 U4 01:4 280 11: D. IO 338 0. 10. 22, $:0 811 31 4J 135
2:1-3 51.52 9: 18, 17 200 6’ 19 292 30. 1 84 94" 10 3?9 128 1 $39. 340. E4, 187
2.2 58. 58 Chap 4 $6, 74 , 6.21 292 30 2-4 83 95:7-11 68 343 Oil | 8 ZECNASIAU ZJ880’83’ t20
2:4 53 S: 14-23 328 T. 1, 2 292 30:0 88 PL 88 291. 203. IS: I. 2 345 01:4 lU, 25 3:8 13~’ 23. a 4
2:10-14 lOO 7:25-27 200 14. 32-34 200 30: 6-D 80 283. 293, 12: 3 $44 41:5.6 88 6:I0 137 2~:~9-33 18J
2:15-17 83 8 6-13 38 , 158 23 294 , 30:9 88 298,307. 308 12:4 344 818 7-9 |7 6:13 053 23.31-83 217
2: 16. 17 817 Chap 16 38, 252 178 32-51 341’ 30" 11. 12 88 96:1 251 12:D $44 618 10. 11 88 S: 0
356 ID ~J d4-38 2
2.17 168 $ 297 26:19 198 ’ 30:13-18 $S 96: I.2 293 18: 8, I $40 82:11 19 IS: 10-14 $8 21. 1-22 809
3.4 212 16: 4, 23, 24 38 I 30:18-20 89 96’ 3 290 13.8 $45 U5: I, S 118 258
3: 14. 15 294 21 ~
18:31 60 ’ 2 SAMUEL 30" 21, 22 90 90:3 $OU 1U: 9. 10 348 85:17 $97 MALACUi Z4 4 85, 151,
3:15 60, 261 17:10-14 201 6:1-11 292 30:23-26 90 00:4.5 286 12: lt, 10 $47 06: 12, IS $43 $75
21T 171,188,
8.17-10 18:5 36.183 6.14-16 $14 I 30:25 91 98:8 297 12: 13, 14 3¢7 08:1 SO3 ~: 11, IE $75 298. 346
3:22.21 317 18:18 56 fl: 15 296J 30:26 83 96 7-9 207 06: T, | 22 3: ?, 8 $77 3?6
4: 15, 23, 24 53 19. 12 $27 22’ 1 275 30:27 91 90.9 238 80:28 $43 2:17 ?0 24.14-22 276
7:1-10 53 10:18 325 22:50 375 31" 1 81 96: lO 298. 299. ISAIAN 3:1 21. 83 2t" 14, 43-47
6:4 53 19.2~-25 134, 23:2 190 4318 20. 21 IOl 307.3n~ 5:12-14 2TT JEREMSAH 3:1-3 TO 26~
D:1.2 243 ’ 82" 1-8 102 Ps
96 97
11-13 2~9 5 20 21 244 1:4-8 $42 3’, 1-4 89 24 15 107 2?6
9" 1. 7
2282111, 15.
24.’32 39 ¯
5611 lJ
2 KINGS 82 1-23
~nRI32 ? 8
307.-^* 88 1-8
313 1 : 8. 17
35. 188 8:14 257 8 1512 2751
2, 15-20 315
3:4 ISI i 2¢ 30. 31 346
8.28 108~23-IS IS2~;; 8 -~; ,32 30 .... lO3 o7:1 308 $]1

:!~ 16.13
I~I~!~:~3 3~ICh. 11, ~.- ..... 3,2;9? 2 ,103,1
8’ I-II
8 9.10
74 9.23, 24
285 11: 3-D
$. 0
275 24" 31, 32
3 2|- 45-4?
~.. 19 18
117 20:9 342 307 23 31 313 34G
10 - 8" 12 100125-~a..-.. ~ NEHEMIAH
,vL "~2:41 308 [ 9?:4-0
97:3 311 0’6.7 $| 48 5 $1 25’ $1.32 ~47
104 23:18-91
12 1-7 280125:40 11
3~84 " 58 4. 5 8 $13 10:28-32 85 31-46
Y 93:21-27
12.3 187 1’~8
132. 374128.2 ~0 2 KINGS 9 13. 14 97"8
56 97:9 314 11. 1-4 ECCLI~IA|TICUS !~9
12.7 134.231 315 11:I-5 137 31:3 lit 48:19 103 25" 40. 45 20
878. 31:
13 14-16 2601 4 I-7 16-13 97"I0-12 $$ 24
NUMBERS 28170~ JOE 315 11: 1, 10 28 28 6T
320 3I:
15 1 6 231 9810-14 [chars 33.34 138
16-18 IS MAI"TRk"M 26 67. 88
1~ 84 118 3-6 9911:8-12 00 102 34:10.11 261 2~
"" ¯~’~~ 280 , II"4 43 88, Cha~ 1 2 283 103.2-4 80 12:1-6 121 3:1-8 36 27 27-31 266
15.6 12 14 260 18" 104 24 213 14"28,28 35 381-12 36 2? 41-43
120"~I--- 18" 6-13
13-16 10412 1-8 218 105 8-10 134 LAMENTATIONS 170
e 2811
00 97: 23:18-10 278 3:?-12 8 28’19.2098.4)
~-&l~ ola........
01 0A1111, .8"35 958 18" 13-37 I00’2:1-2 T1
~e,15 5 ? 1O I~2 110’ 196 23 16 228 3: 28, $3 147 3:8 ]32
17 1 . ~.~ ’ ’ 18817 106 2’3 21~ I10 1.2 09 24 5 8 198 4:3 $90 3:13-15
oh ’ ~- ,o ~;15 19-21 133 18 17-25 10~ 4 19 344 110’2 229 M~IRK
~7’~8~"" ~;i18’2° 20218.19-36 1o?221 13.14 310 110, 233.329 296 26 4-8
2?’ 9
135 [ZEKIEL 3:13-17
35 1 4. 5
ST 1 8
Cba~ 18.19 342 32 1-3 213 35
22 "1-19" 231~o^’25"13. 234 111
e~328 10 347 28 16 179. 185. T: 19 $88 4:13-17 7 1 21 56
.o. ~a ~ ~lgro~-- ~-- Chav~ 18 20 68 35 7 112 4 SIS 298 S.5. 6 4:17
;; ~’~ ;~lChap 35 252 19" 1-8 107 39 4-~ 51 112 9 $20 308 2 27. 28 59
~ ~’ "~ ~ ~ 35" 19 201 363 28"1T. IS 128 ! 18:4.20 345 5:4 9~3 I 69
....... 19:1-37 100 38 7 293 3 345 29 10 5" 17
~[35.25 201 19.8-13 107 38 34 33 312 116
11781 378 32:1
122 20 10-12 330 56 , 9 2 88
229 19 14 19 lOq 40- 1 8 357 20:12 65 5: 17. ]8 38 I a 8 I]
2e 4 213 I17 1 2 3?8 32’ 1. IT 311 20: 23, 28 $20 6" I7-10 225 I 8 33
376 108 41 14 185
28 4 5 53 i 35.31.32 19 20-31 344 119 65. 60 281 33 21-23 299 21827 807 S:20 326 I 10 ~’~ 34 26~
54 DEUTERONOMY 19 32 34 10~ 42 T. lO 214
29"32 33 118 172 254 $0 1-22 1OO 36:21-38 28 5"21,27 3251 I0 38 3q 12
28 14 144, 374 1: 10. 11 133 19:35-87 109, 122 9-9 21 37"1-38 100 36 26-28 $28 5"23,24.31.
310 Cbzp~ 22 23 342’ I11[* 3?6
29’ 13 27-30 54 4"II-13 PSALMS 140 3 228 38:12 344 38:21-23 194 33. 38. 43 325~ 13 14 108
Chape 3?,39 4"13. 14 55 2 8 179 143"1 2 21? 40’13. 14 279 44 : 29 208 0:35 314 I )3 26 2?
1 CHR|N CtES 199
40 41 341 4"24 811 3.8 28 145 8-11 149 40 28,29 51 0:9 327 14 24 57
49" I, 28 33 137 5:1-5 ~29 69 5 9 228t147 19. 20 55 40"28-31 339 OAMIEL 6"9, ]0 |gq 11 85
Chap 50 327 5 1-15 55 9’2 ?5 8 5 234,29? 268
148 12.13 343 41:8 232 Cha~ I. 3. 8 342 0" I¢ 12~ 15 )5 20 2C8
6:4.22-~6 810 11’17-19 195~ 313. 35~ 42 ] 283 T: 25 8:24 153 )8"18
10S 4¢
EXODUS S" 8-21 826 13’3 292’ 11 7 359 PIOVEDIS 43 1.2 198 9:24-27 ?821-23 212
327 5"22 329 13’ 8-14 292!14 1-3 229 I 7 38. 118
3 13-18 278. 347 43’ 3, 4 187 9 : 25 D ?: 27 123 LUg[
4 10-18 284 8"8. T 346 15"28-24 795’ps 16 196 203 2 1 8 280 43"5-7 188 9.35 I1 I. 11-17
119 18"1-31 37
5" 4. 5 54 ?’ 6-3 292! 18 1 198 3 21-24 344 45’8-13 1~9 MO$[A 10 5 ~q I 1’~-17 21 "~R
6 2 3 327 7’ 9-11 327 18 ? 295.314’ 10’2 197 5 1-9 278 43:9 ]?0 10" 5 8 3T4 ]’ TO 77 37
12 1 2 70 10:8 202 16 23-3~ 291, le 3 197 5’23 281 43 10-12 170. 264 4" 1, 0 27T 10’ 0 12 ]’ 80 ~42
12-18-20 89 12 16 22-25 18 37 255 16 4 197. 196 8 10-12 283 43’ 10. 12 25 4:6 131 10 24.22 29~ 2 14 1~t
12 37 38 43 2fl2 27 $01 16"39 2q2 18 5-? 202 ,~19810 298 43:14-21 171 6: 5. 6 27~ 10:27 87 2 21.41,42 56
16- 18 88| 14"27 202 2q’ll 292 19 8 203~ " 187 43:21 la~ 10" 32. 33 I~’~ 2- 2‘5-~2 31q
16 23 541 10"I 70 29:11-14 333 16 9-11 20~ 11:9 278 43 22-27 227 JOEL 10 40 209 3Tq 2 36-38
68,2~2 ’18 4. 5 343
16 23-~0 54 18 2-8 89 ~20.23 345 112"1 281 43 28 22T 2 27-38 D 10 40-42 20 2" 49 341
19 5, 8 135 18: 18. 17 325 308’18 49 375 ~T~i12’12.19 285 Cht9 00 280 2.28 165 118!-6 8 3" 2-! 36
19’5-8 119 17"18-20 08 i19 1.2 279’ 13:10 280 50:1 260 281 2: $8, 20 12, 11"5 0 9 3"21
20~ 2 CNIOKICLES ’19.1-4 87.4~
19:8 329 18’1 2 189 13.18 291 262 185, 188 11:I1 23 2 3 21-28
19" 16-19 310 lJ; 15-18 194 98~ 18’7 828 14 8, ? 290 50" 1-3 283 2:28-32 83, 39 11" 19 21q 8 38 2I? 23
224 37~ 1:3 202 19"9 279. 847 13 1.2 293 ~0: 2, 3 262 2: 3S IEO 11 : 29-30 2~q 4 ¯ 14-22
20" 2. 3 328 19821 229 249 ~-12. |4 31fl 2I 1-3 314 15:2 4 285 50"4 294.2~5 12" 1-$ 50 4" 19 19 !
327 $25 qq~ ~a~ 5 ? ?4 22 22 15’ 12, 14 281 5o: 5. D AU~
20" 4-0 285 12" 1.0 56 4 18-22 ",?
20’7 119,1~4 21:23 215 8"1 210 23’9.14 31 18:1 295 60" 7 288 $:1. S 50 ]2:8 61 4"1~ 31
~q ~ T" 2. 2 56
$|7 24:1 310; 32’ 1-6 250 I 19 2 3 292 50:8 258 S: lS 25 12- 24-28 8 4" 17-19 It?
20" 8-11 55. 327 25" 0 244 ~ 20" T 252 , 33 12, 20.20 71 I 18" 25 2~1 50"8.9 287 ]~" ql ,~2 8 244 4" 18 27
20"12 327 27"2fl $8.21512~’1 21 ?0’ 38 1 228120:8 289 50"10. 11 287 JDDAM 12"~ 37 21"4 4" 18 1D 5 6
20"13-I7 $27 25"10-15 1841~R 2223 Yl 37:30 295120 15 283 51’ 1-3 261 Chaps. 1-4 100" 12880-41 1ha 4" 22 346
20" 18. 19 324 ~0" 11-1q 183 ’ Chap 29 ~q 40" 2, 8 87 38 t 20’ 29 2~8 82"T 187 12" 45-48 944 4" ¢2. 41 6
21 23-25 ~25 91-12. 13 184 ChaPs 29-32 I 45" 7 314i 21:3 277 52:18 8f0. q90 IEICAM 13" 38 $70 T: 35 213
$561328 21 11~ 98. q¢2145:8-10 278i21: ll 282 63:11 281 6: D 100 13:1-U 120 2’’ 9"1 ’5 ;I
2~’40 41 152 32:30 378129"1 ~3’45:18 203 255 21"18 10T 54:13 384 374 ?: 0 3¢4 229 9" ?-g 342
31 1-5 7 32:43 ~TB.3TT 2~’2 2 8~ 257122"14 278 55:4 37. 41 7: 8. S SIO 15"24 ?,3?4 Iz* 2’! I~.
51" 13-17 55 2q" 3 89 40"4, 5 10~[25’ 4 14 298 $8"7 $78 T: 8-10 $07 I~" P~ 12 80 9" 51 367
31" 18 17 52~ JNSHU4 25"4-9 ?2 51"4. 5 ~17~29:7 282 59"20.21 138 16’11) 3TI 11"13 41
q28 9"22-27 75128:10.11 ?2 55:1-8 228 2D’25 287.279 MAMUM 18’ 21-23 2’42 I I - 32 ~77
ql’lT $1 24815 941 29"12-19 f3 68:12 160 30:5.6 279 00:1.2 | 3:14 108 15"24 235 ]2 8.9 IR5
12.32 846 17: IT 280. 346 20:1-3 43 1 T. T-It 332 I 13:1-5 90. 297 I 4:4 133 194. 2:11-16 923 HEBREWS 2 PETEI
12.50 43 IT: 21-23 250 20:20.21 11. 133 ?" 35 154 I 13:8-10 333.3?3 395. 355 I 2:11-13 331 1:6 313 1"13 544
13.10 66 15- 37. 36 BOO 20 29.30 20 Chap 8 149113 12.13 153 (:l 983 I :s 13 3?4 2 3 914 3.T-12 253
13.10 59 182 37 5. 170. 229 21’ 25 199 3. 1. 16. 12 149i 14 4 123 3" 1-$ 344 ] g. 1d-13 67 3:3 133 3:13 543. 278
13" 22 11 19 1-5 266 22 15 43 I 8:3.4 218[ 14:4-6 09 2:17 O. 195 ; ~. 15. f6 133 2:9 $56 29?
15"8.9 872 20.39 RIO 22" 19-31 133 8:15-18 245 I 152 4. 10. 6:1 149 ’ ]1.3o-811 7, 137 R: 1-14 3.15.15 345
16" 13-15 212 23- 11 323 8" 16-13 236 [ 19-22 373 6:4-6 283 3~3-3 137 2: 11, 13
lf: 21 303 ACTS 24:13 44 8:31-34 2111 14:5 154 8"1-8 361 ; 4.4, 5 43 3:13-19 59 I JOHN
19 T 3 S. 377 123 RT§ 8 33 327114:30-23 153 8"R SO! 1 4:15 28~ 4:1-11 39 l:T, 9 201
13:9-14 243 2:5-10 39 ROMANS 3: 35, 36 149 ~ Chap 15 572 8:10-15 362 I 5:18 41 4:9 53 1:T-10 245
19: 32. 33 266 32 10 372 1:1 343 9 22-33 113 I 15:1-4 373 8’ 15-24 359 8: z3, $4 165 4:11 123 1’9.10
327 234
19.41-44 9 2. 14-21 1:7 178. ]133 9:31-33 121 15: 5. 4 373 9:6-9 363 3.8 6: ?-R 197 2" 1. 2 201. 234.
21’ 10. 11. 3. 16-21 189 I : 23-27 153 Chap 10 179 15:7 374 5" 10-12 393i 9: V 32J 5: 8, R 251 243
33, 26
RI: 34
325 X: 18-~1, 33.
131 2:24
23 1:31.32
$45 2: lO. il
831 10:1
301 I 10. I, 3
373 10 1-4
138. 179115:7-9
113 15’9
3I 15210
St4 9:13-15
375. 376
371.326 11:5.22 117
6215 3551
3¥0 5:12-14 846 2:14-17
::231315 313
10. 42
21233, 20 26’1. ; 2.25-36 196 3:13 83T, 330 10:3 180 15:11.12 373 + 11 : 22 132 2:13-17 152 T" 11:34 ;~+ I 2:20.27 352
3O9 t 2.3 ’~, 33 9, 3~I 2. ]13, 24 337 lO: 3 180, 227 13. 12 32| 12:8-10 $40 I 3 4-R 244 ?: 1R 19 923 4" 14 35T
22:20 57 ]1.37.41 39’2 28.29 110.1 10 4 L81. 182 IS: 13 3T3 12: 17. IS 359L 3 5. 6 117 ?: 92’ 183 I 5.12
23j, 39-43 44 2: 44. 45 $5d[ 186, 3;’31 lo 3 183 I15:16-14 152. 3:5-9 336 7" 26 38.
i 43 18" 6"13 322q1 R[V£LATI0"
2 27.44-46 57 3:14-18 275 3:3.4 213 10 6. T 183 373 ’ALATIAMS t 3:10 IDR.
31.21.. 44-48 333 3:2’l. 23.26 134 I 3:9-18 239 ~ 10:3 i
184 15"I?-24 379 150
153, 9’ 3. 7-12, 343:7"1224T 2. 10 73
24.45-48 375 3: 25, 20 132 I 3" 13 243 , lO: 9 184 15’24 3SO 1:4 ~128’,
4.34.43 353 ~ 3: 19, 20 328.1lO: lO 182. 265 15 30
193.1 15:25-23 358 1:10 212 I 1:13
118 I I: 11
3?5 9" 11 333 3:11 21
JOHM s 29 293 I 148 1213.14 lO 9 14-21 185 i 3:14 120
1:1 150 5. 41 246 ’ 3:21-30 2,t0 i 10211 185 13 30,$1 363 2214-91 215 346 8’ 14-24 153 3:5 314
381’ 1: 25, 20, 3721 132 9 IS 296
1"17 324 ~ 5.1 353 3" 22, 23 40 10:13 40 Chap 16 379,R: 16
R220 215 2"8 192 ,5’ 8-10
1:29 250. 325 7 2-S 250 i 3 22.28 321I 10’ 13. 15 186, 162 17 143, 2:21 133 9"15-17 52917’1-1 0 133
213 2"" 10-12 43 9’ 22 7" 131. 18S
1:29.36 32713:24.25 231 ’ 10" 13 1861 30 I 4-8
1.32-34 57.346 ~!.353 32413:24-26 218 10 14. IS 182 I CORINTHIANS 8:2 285 3:13-18 58 9:23.26 29? 283
1:33 35 I 82 1. 4. 3 111 3.24.26. 10:13 132[ 2:3 23
2,1 2.13.1,
333 9:R4.2o 233L!:~,12 91309 2qS
22 23 56 9. i, 5 20 28, 30 230 10. 16.17 138 122.9.30 230 3:6 334,331 10 1 8R.331..~3+t"’""
3.3.5 236 9 ]5 133 I 3 25.26 211 I 10: 11. 163 1: 4, 5 283 3: T-$ 23o+2:1, 132 1o1.4 92, ~’~12 135390
131. 356 9.19 43 3" 26 214. 245 t 10 18 189 1:13-17 422~: 8 15 324 , t. ’17 ~m’~ 252
216:, 3: 9.......
3" 16 3;. ; :
3: 18, 17 3~5 Chap lO 6.136 [4:3-3.9.11. .10:19 132 2:7.8 $23 S:lO 10 154 , I0 10 2,
12.8 13 5TS 2:13 25. 3?6
3: 13, 36 247 214 20, 21, 22 231 lO. 19-21 115 2:19 154 3:10-13 133,s.23 3731 n.s 4o ,LI: s., ^ 23
10.1.43 118,4:3-13 54, c~ 11 R60 I 3:]1-19 831 I 4" 3 S|4 I 22
3 36 3917
2 10.3-13 1994:6.7 250 11:1
115 3.2-4.
117 3216.
17 2 ’ 2:13 21S I " I 1]’35
11’ 7
231 , L,: .-s~
233 ] 11" ,.
,,: 13-17
,, 187
39 1034 136 4. 11. 12. 13 373 112 2 119 4:13 R$O 3:)6 134.2’M, I1 THE~SALSNIAOS,lt’39 40 2’;q ’"’~"° 309
4 1-3
22.23 313110234-39 321 4:13 $30 11"2.3 lit 4:16 380’ 291 ’2212 933 12"2.3 266 I1:17 507
5:7 $7.99 3:]0 324 4:4.3 52
28. 29 46. 59. 10:36.37 36 ’ 4" 20-25 233 I1:4 lit 343119"6 2 246 1221-5
253 10- 37.38 5 4- 22-25 244 11" 5 IlR 5" ?. | 90 3219.20 253 5:3 $25.298,112.22.24 346 12:1-10 131
R. 191. 372 Cl~p 5 344 11 5 121 6" 9-U 230. 234 I 3:Ig-24 120 311 L 13’ 11 12 1-12 69. 202.
3"43 10 39-49 R2R
6:15 308110"44-48 40 5:1 |19 11:6-8 121!6:10.11. 132.2’~2 I 311
233 I 3:24
S. 23-26 8T. 113 R01 12" 1-]3. 17 232
0.37.45 374110’43 372 5.1,2 235, 245 ~ 11:7 132 619.20 1 TIMOTHY 13: 1l. 12
5:45 364 i II25-7 199 5:1.9 149111:7.9 113 T" 15-20 1301 219 122-11 323 12 ?-12 5)3
203 ’ 11:26 113 ’ 5:3-5 245 I 11:7-10 122 23 136 ’ 3.24.28. 13-16 242i 1AM[$ 12" ]0 69
6" 51 233 : 5.6
T22.10 36 13:14.44 55 5:5 246 11.11.12 133 9:1 117 I 27.29 132. 163. i 1:3 R13 12 10+12 299
7215 264 13:23.24 36 5’6-8 247’11:12 137 9:6.9-12 359 3" 26-29 131 245 t 1:18 |49 12 12 253
7:39 9 13.35-37 19315 ?.8 147 11212-13 358 9219-23 56 B:27.23 42 2:11.12 12 1 22 265 12 13-16 27.189
247 11’ 13 216 1021.2 43 3:28 ]2 3:16 82911"25.2? 9? 12 13-12 103
T" 46 264. 346 13" 37-39 23315 8 165 4:1).12
8212 TI13"38 39 324
is 9-11 217 11 13.14 132 10 8 12 123 ,~’28.29 342i2 5 351 12 17 19.87
8"28.29.42 6~13 46 42 11815"12 217.229 11 15 133 10 1], 6 03 Chap 4 201 5:20 282 I 2 10, 11 328 14" 1 1R
1.q3 10:11-14 135 4:4 R31 i?OL2 2124 230 14 1-3 295
8 31.33. 34-36 8 1S. 1-29 59 I 5 12-14 248 11" 15 56 6 13
8:32 74 15’ 5 325 I 5" 15 243 11.16-18 134 10219 374 4:4.6 6:20.21 37812 23 232.248 14 1.3 131.28q
8:40 202 15:5-20 199 [ 5. 15 15 249 11 16-24 373 10:25-23 155 4:4 5,6-11 55 12.25 231 363 14 3 123
SgO 4:22-31 2#1 339
8:49 229115 7-9 40[ 5 15-20 123 11 19.20 138 11:) 2 TlieTHY ]4:4 "2;.8 le 14
8.58 231 I 15 13-29 214 ~ 5:16 248 11.21, 22 136 ]1"25 52 4"26 231 1:5 34743213 123 16 14-16 39
92 I:T
10:16 12. 28, 75. 15 14 75,329 j ~ 17 243 9dq ’ 11" 22 149 12 ?-22 4] 5:1 150.246i5"13 123 C~lp 11. 375
186. 136 13 14-17 164 .18 211. 216. 1I 23.24 136 12:12 13.27 10 ~ 5: 4. 5 13-23 33~ 2 11 13 43 246 I " 17 1-5 228
13. IT, 18 123I 219. 230 11:25 131 15229 42’5218,18 41 2"20-22 345) ¯.L P[TEil 13 2 123
12" 31 355 ~ 15 22-29 19’) 243. 244. 11" 25. 26 137 15:50 233.2511 6:18 $.~0 3:1-T 231.360i ] 19 11 120
12:31-33 249.251. 11:28 131 13 55 123 t 3:14 15 342I 12 2-4 236] 20’ 1-6 39
249115"35 2141 .11 6= 1 840
12 37-41 265118’13 56
I 231. 11226. 27 138 13 58 195.34~ 6*7,6 3:)4-12 342 1215.16 134|20 4-6 249
14" 6 40 215 1 16" 30 31 1~5 I 5 19 251 : 11 28 16 24 324 16 1-4 $60 6:R 41’3 15-12 230 2:2 150420 4 6 233
14:28 163 17:2 55~5 20.21 251.333 11 23.29 139 16:2 36016"14,13 215 4 2 1112 5,9 130,152120 11 |63
139 16 5-9 357 6:15,13 116 4.5 152 2 9 28.293.374121"1 R63
14"30 355 i 17:11 122:6 1.2.12. 111-30-32
15 5. 6 134 I 17:19 133 . 14-18 333i 11’ 33 36 139 ]85 3?4t 2 10 149] 21"4 253
15:18-21 2,’;9 11C~8~p4 18 4q 8 2. T 234 11 35. 36 23, 2 CORINTHIANS 6:16 ]96 3791 TITUS 13.21 40121 1214 132
978 36 6 3-11 42 12. I 147. 148 1 21,22 10 +3 4-Y 218~3.13 245 21214 112
162 1-3 130 [ 19" 4-8 19 179 6 11 323. 331 150. 152 2:14-10 2831 [PM[SIAMS 3:7 234. 235. I 3 13 20q ~ 21- 23.24 285
1T 1-3 163,350 [ Chip 19 40 ’ 9 16 21 12" 2 152 3 5-8 92 1" 5 233, 248 331 3 20. 21 33. 43 ! 23 3 9 2D?
17 2. 3. 17 250 i 192 1-7 40. 4~ ’ 6.23 219. 243 , 12 3-3 154 3 5-13 330 1:22.23 10.)55 /3’2I 55122 lT 22 103.
12:8 264 I 19 4 38 ? 1-6 331 12" 4-6 3731 3 14. 15 lOT i 2:1.4-6 133 PRIL[M08i 4 12 299i 115. 122 355119:8 179J7 4-6 215112-5-3 1551 3’14-15 57L2:1.5 19.3 13 33315 3 111 188


Absalom’s Beauty but Skin-deep ........... 318 International Revlslts ............................... 172 Righteousness and Salvation ............ 182
After the *’Fuiness of the Gentiles", What? )31 ¯ ’Jehovah Hath Become King’" . .............. 307 Righteous World Without the
AhJthophel, a Traitorous Counselor ........... 350 "Jehovah l{etg’n,~"To-I]morl~ Period 25’( Ten Commandmenls ................... 330
Right Kind of Good-Will, The ................... 109
Baptism--Why? ............................................. 35 Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty Vindicated 102
Josh, Ambitious MILilarisl ............ 302 Samuel. Zealous for Theocracy ................ 46
"Be Glad. Ye Nations, with His People" .... 371
Below the Equator ................................. 156 Jonathan, a Friend in T~me of Need ....... 78 Santiago de Cuba, Cienfuegos, Havana ..... 92
3us~iflcation in 1be New World ................. 250 Saul, Israel’s First King ........ (]2
Calendar, 1945.......................................... 18 "’Jnstiflcalion of Life" . ............................. 211 Scripture Index for The Wotchtowcr, 1-945 383
Carr.~lng Out the Anointing ........ 7 Justifier and ISis Ways, The ................... 227 Service Calendar, 1946 .......................... 322
Case of God’s Law v8. Religion;" The .......... 316 Solomon, Seeker of V¢iedom ............... 3~e
Commission nf the Anointed .................. Kingdom Sabbath and Its Lord, The ........ 51
South and North of the Rio Grande ........ 204
Concentration Camps Fall Relig/on’s Purpose 236 Kingdom Work .................................... 14~ "Stranger’s Right" Testimony Period ... 194
King’s Feast of Liberation, The .............. 83
David, from Shepherd to Outlaw .............. 143 King’s Purge Againsl ReUgton, The ..... 67 Sure l%.ndation for the Nev W~rld .... 179
David the King ...................................... 2~5 Swing Through Northern Latitudes, The .... 219
Defense Through Knowledge ..................... 275 Life-g/ring Acquittal During Th|8 World .... 243
300 The "Comm~nder to the Peop/e¢" . ...... 194
L~fe Stores for .~len of Good-Will ..............
Eli, Head of a Faithless House .............. 31 LL~ing Under Grace, and Not the Law ._.323 ’The Meek l~heri~ 1he Eorth" .............. 146
Evgn~ o~ Gladness at Theocratic 4td to K(nodom P=bZtshere .... 226
Cleveland and Pittsburgh ............... 334 Mark That Counts. The ......................... 3~4 "Theocratic Servants" Tes~lmouy Period .._ 2
Exemplayy Zeal ................................. 76 Memorial Celebration .................. 50 °’This Gospel" Testimony-Period .............. 146
Memorml .Notice ............................. 2 "Treasure of Service’ Testimony Period .._ 322
Fonrth C]aes Graduates .......................... 64 Men of Whom Angels Sang, The ....... 140
From Mexico to Argentina ........................ 125 "’United Kingdom Announcers"
"New Song", The ................... 291 Testimony Perlod ................. 66
From Prison to Food Administration ....... 253
One World, One Ooverament 2 Vindication of Jehovah’s 8errant ........ 259
Go]lath, the Devil’s Champion ................ 124 People for the Issue, A ____ 163 Watchtower Bible College
GoodAVil! Servan~ at the Temple .......... 380 99
Provoking the Showdown ............... Graduates Its l~fth Class ........... 287
Hannah V/eloriuns Through Prayer ......... 14 "’Publicly, and from House to House’ -~ 80 Why Divine Chastenlng~ Come ................. 348
"Hi8 Unspeakable Gift’ . ......................... 355 Questions .............................. -- 44 Whythe Devil Still LAves .......................... 189
How Faith Counts Today ....................... 60 Why the Mandate Must Yet Be Fulfilled .... 28
Raising Up the Reconstructors ............ 19
Human Dead and ~nstifleation, The ........ 284 23 Why We Quote the Dible ....................... 45
Reeonstruclion Work In Progress ............
Immereion to Date ............................ 39 Remembering the New World’s Creator ._ 339 Yearbook of Jehovoh’s ~c(1nesses, 1945 2
Immovable for the Right Worship ............ 195 Remnant for the Kingdom. A 115 Yearbook of Jehovah’s wttne.~ses, 1945 . 322
lntegrRy Outlives Concentration Camp ...... 268 Riches of the New Creation 12 "Your Reasonable Servlre" . ...................... 147

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