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Basically take BF2 and add this LONG LONG LONG LONG list of shit i have been thinking

ever since bf2 came out.

1-graphics + destructible terrain from BC2, huge maps,64 vs 64 battles.

2-environmental hazards/dynamic terrain, ability to trigger avalanches, flood dams, operate

bridges, trains, etc.., possibly wildlife that attacks you.

3-lots of air/ground vehicles, however no vehicle should respawn by itself. Light vehicles such as
jeeps and possibly light armor, should be air-dropable, heavier vehicles should be delivered via a
heavy lift AI helicopter that can get shot down. If a side controls/main spawns at an airstrip, they
can get multiple deliveries via a cargo plane, along with helicopter deliveries. This would be the
only way to respawn helicopters on the field. Helicopter and tank ressuply would invovle a
sequence of a cargo plane landing, the vehicles being rolled out of the back, ready for you to go.
Jets would be respawnable VERY rarely, and would only be respawnable if your spawn is an
aircraft carrier, at which point your helicopters would be respawned the same way. The animation
would be them being raised on lifts from the inside of the carrier. If there is no carrier, only
arifields, then the jets that are there are available sit in a hanger, and the doors open up when the
team controls the airfield, and they do not respawn. Certain maps should include a special plane
that does not respawn.

4-A team is divided into squads, there should be unlimited number of squads, however the 1-
person squads do not have access to the same assets as the multi person squads, all depending
on the requirements for that asset. The unlimited squads encourage friends to play together, and
leave the bad people to play for themseleves-if your squad leader is doing a horrible job, start
your own squad. For each squad there is a squad leader that has access to request for
equipement drops, vehicle drops uav, artillery. The requests are handled by a commander AI,
and prioritized based on a system. For example, if a squad spots a tank, and request an artillery
strike, that squad has greater priority then another squad who has spotted a lone sniper. Same
works with special equipement too. If for example you want to snipe, your best bet would be to
get a squad of 2 with both of you having a ghillie suit equipped (more on equipement in 11), you
would get the barret semi-auto 50 cal sniper and a spotter kit with tools to calculate bullet
trajectories due to wind and gravity. There are also limits on how much special equipement can
be at play at one time, and if you die with your equipement, it stays on the map so somebody has
to get it to avoid wasting a kit. The limits are there to prevent an entire team of snipers, but are
high enough to where if you have a good hit to miss ratio (more on that in 6), you will eventually
get the kit since you are in a que.

5-along with the last sentence from above, long range sniping is available through kit request
only, and is realistic. The ghillie suits would be airdropable separately, so if you want to snipe,
your best bet would be to have a ghillie suit pre equipped. However there are marksman kits you
can spawn with, which provide sniping except at a closer range, and those are unlimited.

6-the equipement request would require you to request certain kits to drive heavy armor vehicles,
special vehicles, and pilot helicopters and jets. The game would keep track of your ability with
those vehicles, and give priority to those with the best history. There are offline/online training
missions that you can complete that count towards your rating, but most of the points come from
mutiplayer gameplay. However, you can score high in training missions and get a good number of
points from the start as well. You can only request vehicles if you are squad leader. Once the
request is approved, the vehicle is delivered or already sitting on the runway, it is yours, no one
else can get into it except your squadmates. Prioirty is given to squads that are READY for the
vehicle,meaning they have enough people to man all the poisionts, as well as have a HIGH
combined ranking for the vehicle. New players will just have to wait in que for their vehicle and
since the vehicles are delivered via heavy lift helicopter, you can be fighting on the front lines,
then retreat to put a marker down for vehicle drop (or retreat back to airbase for a safer drop)
when you are next in que and delivery timer is almost there. If you are manning a position within
the vehicle other then passenger, you equip a crewman kit that leaves you with only a sidearm,
and you retain that untill you respawn. Getting in and out of vehicles takes time as well.

7-All airdrops and cargo planes are able to be shot down (cargo planes not easily), as well as
smoke from the marker, however, special ir strobes are also purchasable (see 11) that are
invisible, but are detectable by UAV's and ifrared gunsights, binocs, scopes, etc...

8-Auto defenses are auto dropped at the flags, take some time to auto deply, and they can
detect enemies in a certain radius and take them out with turrents and rockets. However those
defenses could be neutralized by heavy armor, 50 cal snipers, artillery, etc...

9-You respawn by air-dropping on any surviving member of your squad, a respawn maker placed
by one of your squadmates that has it equiped that lasts even if your squad is dead, or a team
controlled flag. During the descent, you can shoot, but you are vulnerable as well as your shute,
however the descent rate is pretty fast, and your shoot has to get shot up multiple times for you to
take fall damage. So its risky respawning on the front lines, and much safer respawning at
defended team controlled points. The default shoot is not controllable, however you can purchase
a high altitude insertion kit, where you can drop in any friendly controlled area, then either skydive
or glide from high altitude into enemy territory.

10-Distinction between incapactiation and death. Muliple degrees of incapacitation too, ranging
from being able to crawl and fire a pistol to being blacked out. The degree depends on where you
have been shot and the armor you are wearing. Enemies can also finish you off, but they wont be
able to tell the difference between blacked out and dead at all, and if you are concious but you
cant move, they would have to be close to you to notice, or view you through a scope.

11-Equipement. Every single weapon/equipement is unolcked from the start, a new player is
given enough in-game currency to buy any weapon he wants at the start, but more expensive
weapons would leave him with little choice for remainder equipement/armor. The loadout would
include armor slots for head, body, legs, and arms, and a set number of slots for remainder of
equipement, where heavy/larger weapons would take up more slots then a pistol. The selectable
equipement would range from a wide range of stuff mentioned above, but the more the soldier
carries the slower his regular speed and sprint speed would be. Each gun will also have slots for
attachement, but those would increase the weight as well depending on the attachement. Red dot
sights would not weigh much at all, but underbarrel grenade launchers sure would. You can
select your hot key weapons, so you can for example stab somebody without selecting your knife,
stabbing, and then selecting your weapon. You will also be able to melee from any weapon,
however if you have a gun out, you will hit the guy with your stock, if you have empty hands, you
will kick and punch, if you have a bayonette attachement, you will stab. Every equipement will
have drawbacks and benefits, meaning you can leathal stab faster if you have a bayonette then a
knife, but you loose the ability to have a greade launcher. You can also buy gag stuff like katana
swords, paragliders (that you have to take time to repack),

Equipement can be picked up from fallen enemies and soldiers, however, you would not
automatically grab all, you would have to do a drag and drop.

There will be no super light AND super strong armor. Every armor you can buy has a balance
between mobility and protection. You can get hit in your legs, body or head.

-Light Body armor will provide little protection but a lot of mobility, and heavy armor vice versa.

-Light Arm armor will either provide faster aim down sights, faster weapon switch, and faster
reload (within reason, not as fast as the quick scope in COD) at the expense of your recoil
increasing with the more damage you take.

-Light Leg armor will allow you to have faster sprint and movement (negated if you have a lot of
equipement on you) with faster entry and recovery to and from sprint at the expense of your
movement being severely hampered if you get shot in the leg.

-Heavy head armor will make a difference between a headshot from ANY gun being instant death
and incapacitation. The heaviest helmet will not stop a 50 cal headshot at any range, but will
decrease the effect of an assault rifle or pistol fire. Lighter armor will provide enhanced visibility,
due to heavier full face helmets having a visor that is outlined on your screen, so you loose some
visibility. Head armor will also include functioning gas masks, scuba gear (that allows you to dive
underwater for extended periods at the expense of heavy weight), and goggles that reduce the
effect of smoke.

Camo can be applied to the armor before battle and you can change it depending on the terrain
you are fighting. Camo also includes ghillie suit, full body hazmat suit (to survive bio weapons),
scuba suit(alowing for better blending in water) or an exoskeleton that reduces your mobility way
down but makes you able to cary ammo and supplies for your squad.

If your overall weight is less then a certain value, you are able to perform movements such as
swimming, jumping up and mantling onto something, vaulting objects, combat slides, combat
dives. If you can perform these, and your current weapon out is less then a certain weight, you
can hip fire the weapon at different times during those movements-during the entire time of the
combat slide or at the end of the mantle, or while you are scaling a ladder (which is possible with
any weight, but the speed is decreased and the ability to fire is nonexistant if you are heavy)

12-The points for purchasing stuff will be assigned in 2 ways. You will get a small number of
points for killing enemies, spotting, etc... The majority of the points will come from AI assigned
objectives that the squad leader can choose, and those objectives are based on the equipement
that this squad has and the number of people in it. Yes, very like Brink. The objectives come only
from what is the current knowledge of the map. For example, a lone soldier in his own squad can
have an objective to investigate an area, 2 soldier squad can have an objective to take out a
sniper previously spotted by someone else, 6 person squad with anti-tank can have the objective
to take out a spotted tank, to defend a certain area for 5 mins, or to take a point. The objectives
will range from easy, small paying, stuff such as scouting, to hard well paying things, all
dependant on the who and what is in the squad. For small objectives, such as scouting, the
points are given to everybody in the squad, for attacking and defending objectives, everybody
gets a base value, plus more for the damage they did, which is more then if they were just simply
killing enemies alone. This eliminates freeloading. There will be penalties too, such as tking,
leaving a squad in which you got a requestable kit, etc..

13-Any other things to balance this gameplay

Overall this will allow not only for developement of your own playstyles, but also for the maps to
differ vastly in terrain. You can have a map with street fighting thats hectic, or a huge open
terrain map with transport choppers and such. Either way, you can play as a regular soldier, or a
fast dude running around with 2 smg's and a katana, jumping from building to building.

TLDR: No way to summarize this. Sorry. Read if you care enough about what I have to say. I
took a lot of inspiration from Brink, Arma 2, COD, BC2, and Project Reality.

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