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It is anticipated that Student Teachers studying the Guidance and Counselling course will hold a
number of misconceptions about guidance and counselling. Course Instructors need to be aware
of such misconceptions, which are commonly shared by the public, so that they can help Student
Teachers confront and critique these misconceptions. Some of the important misconceptions are
listed below: • Guidance and counselling deal only with severe psychological problems and,
hence, are not required for schoolchildren. • When dealing with schoolchildren, there is not much
relationship between the theory and practical aspects of guidance and counselling. • Guidance is
always provided in group form, as many students have more or less similar issues on which they
need guidance. • Counselling is always counselee-centred, and the counselee plays a proactive
role. • There is a single theory of guidance and counselling that can be applied to all scenarios. •
Counselling is a complex process that can only be facilitated by professional experts. A teacher
cannot be a counsellor. • Every teacher can be a counsellor without undergoing any counselling
training, as it does not require specific skills. • Counselling cannot be given in a classroom
situation because it involves the utilization of various resources. • Counselling for personal,
emotional, and social problems is the responsibility of the parents, not the teacher. • Counselling
is only for children who are experiencing problems, and not for children who are bright and
happy at school. • A counsellor can provide a readymade solution to all problems. • Guidance is
a service or process that should be employed to address an emergency situation. Counselling is
for developed countries. • Guidance programmes do not work in Pakistani society and schools. •
Counselling is concerned only with educational issues. • No ethical issues are involved in
counselling. • Counselling is a one-meeting problem-solving strategy.
As a prerequisite to study this module you need to have some background knowledge to human
growth and development and the different stages that a child goes through whilst growing up.
These stages are infancy, early childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. The knowledge
about these areas make it possible for you to see the relevancy and application of Guidance and
Counseling to help children overcome life challenges and associated problems that face them
both inside and outside the school environment. You also need some background knowledge
about the Social, Moral, and Personality development and the general socialization processes that
influence young people as they interact with their environment. This interaction between the
child and the environment can impact positively or negatively. You may also need to be
conversant with the processes that go in education, issues connected with quality education, the
education of the girl-child, factors that make children drop-out of schools, and those connected
with high or low performance, emotional issues or development or career aspirations and visions
of children. This means that you as their teacher and counselor have a lot to contribute to the
wellness of these learners and their future successes. The knowledge and skills of guidance and
counseling are useful in helping them. You may at this opportune moment be thinking how
inadequate you are as far as guidance and counseling is concerned. You may imagine that you
neither have the knowledge nor the skills to do so; you need not worry because this module has
been written to help you out. It is going to equip you with all the knowledge and skills to become
a good and effective guidance and counseling teacher in the school. As you go through this
module, it is very clear that you are becoming ‘an agent of change’. Guidance and Counseling is
‘all about change.’ In school, there are young people of different ages, sex, interests and life
orientations. They all need some kind of proper guidance so that they can change without any
pressure exerted on them. Since they are young, lack real life experience about life in general,
are unaware of themselves, hey do not in any way know how to bring about changes nor
understand their implications on their lives. Among them are those who may resist change
because they are already tuned to particular approach to life, or are accustomed to what life
means to them, and therefore would not like to change at all. This is the core of what you are
about to begin doing, when you have completed the course. You are going to work with them
and endeavor to cause desirable adjustments in them. These changes that are anticipated will be a
reflection that you will have imbued them with skills of coping and/or what they can do on their
own, to make changes in their lives. We live in a world full of rapid changes. These changes are
coming about because of the technological developments taking place every now and then.
Traditional cultures, beliefs, values and social relations in the traditional societies are being
eroded very quickly by foreign cultures, through television, internet, magazines, music and other
toxic influences. All these rapid changes are living young people confused, uncertain, and
alienated. This state of affairs can be very devastating emotionally. These rapid changes leave us
all confused to extent that we do not know what to do, or the next step to take. This is when your
knowledge and skills in counseling become very handy to all of us. How all of us, including your
students will change will depend on your ability to conduct guidance and counseling,
notwithstanding our differences in terms of interest, personality, cultural background and life
circumstances. So you as a teacher-counselor, you have embarked on another journey—a journey
to help people, especially the learners to deal with changes that come suddenly and unexpectedly
into their lives. Your positive and prompt contributions will in the end make them live
independent, happy and effective life. Before you can do that, you need to acquire the
knowledge, skills and mental set of a committed guidance and counselor in the school where you
will be working. The Module Four: An Introduction to Guidance and Counseling has been
written to make you become a good and effective and a prolific Guidance and Counselor in the
school as well in the community.
Need for guidance, and the nature and aims of guidance are based on certain principles and
assumptions. The principles of guidance generally accepted are the ones given by Crow and
Crow. They are:
1. Principle of all-round development of the individual. Guidance must take into account the
all-round development of the individual when bringing about desirable adjustment in any
particular area of his personality.
2. The principle of human uniqueness. No two individuals are alike. Individuals differ in their
physical, mental, social and emotional development. Guidance service must recognise these
differences and guide each individual according to their specific need.
3. Principle of holistic development. Guidance has to be imparted in the context of total
development of personality. The child grows as a whole and even if one aspect of personality is
in focus, the other areas of development which are indirectly influencing the personality have
also to be kept in mind.
4. The principle of cooperation. No individual can be forced into guidance. The consent and
cooperation of the individual is a pre-requisite for providing guidance.
5. The principle of continuity. Guidance should be regarded as a continuous process of service
to an individual in different stages of his life.
6. The principle of extension. Guidance service should not be limited to a few persons, who
give observable evidence of its need, but it should be extended to all persons of all ages, who can
benefit from it directly or indirectly.
7. The principle of elaboration. Curriculum materials and teaching procedures should be
elaborated according to the view point of guidance.
8. The principle of adjustment. While it is true that guidance touches every aspect of an
individual’s life, it is chiefly concerned with an individual’s physical or mental health, with his
adjustment at home, school, society and vocation.
9. Principle of individual needs. The individual and his needs are of utmost significance.
Recognition of individual freedom, worth, respect and dignity is the hallmark of guidance.
Freedom to make a choice and take a decision needs to be respected and encouraged.
10. The principle of expert opinion. Specific and serious guidance problems should be referred
to persons who are trained to deal with particular area of adjustment for their expert opinion.
11. The principle of evaluation. The guidance programme should be evaluated in terms of its
effectiveness and improvement. Evaluation is essential for the formulation of new goals or re-
drafting the existing goals.
12. The principle of responsibility. Parents and teachers have great responsibility in the
execution of the work of guidance. The responsibility for guidance should be centred on a
qualified and trained person, who is the head the guidance centre.
13. The principle of periodic appraisal. Periodic appraisal should be made of the existing
guidance programme so that requisite changes, if any can be carried out for its improvement.


(i) Educational Information Service:
Educational information service plays a significant role in the process of educational guidance. It
is highly needed by students in taking right decision in case of planning educational career and to
provide information regarding educational opportunities which are to be available by the
According to Norris and others “Educational information is valid and usable data about all types
of probable future educational or training opportunities and requirements, including curricular
and co-curricular offerings, requirements for entrance and condition and problem of student life.
Educational information service is not only useful for students but also it is essential for teachers,
parents and counsellors to guide the students in this regard properly.
Educational information service provides following data such as:
(i) Rules and regulations of school, college and university in regards to admission procedure,
duration of the course, terms and conditions for option and selection of a particular subject or
(ii) Content of subjects and courses of studies for a particular course or class.
(iii) Study habits, skills and other capacities.
(iv) Scholarships, stipends, loans meant for students and its procedure to get it.
(v) Information’s regarding different educational and learning oriented programmes.
(vi) Examination methods, procedures and other rules regarding it.
(vii) Student’s social life and cultural opportunities meant for the progress and pleasure of the
Various useful educational information’s are obtained from following different sources
such as:
(i) Prospectuses of different schools, colleges, universities and special technical and professional
(ii) Directories of different educational institutions.
(iii) Books, pamphlets, leaflets, brochures which are designed to develop study skills, to prepare
for examinations, to prepare notes published by different guidance bureaux and other
(iv) Prospectuses and brochures written for the purpose of scholarships, loans, stipends offered
by ministry of education, Government of India, Department of Education of State and other
social agencies.
(v) Various illustrative material such as film strips, posters and charts based on different
educational opportunities and arrangement.
One thing should be kept in the mind that the educational information should be collected and
compiled by the adequate trained teacher and guidance oriented personnel as a result of which
the goal of educational information service would be achieved.
(i) To demonstrate their competence in skills basic to the chosen occupations.
(ii) To develop an appreciation for all occupations and importance they have in the society.
(iii) To develop in the individuals the recognition of the relationship between personal values and
the influence of others on the choice of their occupations.
(iv) To learn to reduce the discrepancy between where they are and where they want to be.
(v) To learn to apply decision-making process in their personal and vocational lives.
(vi) To develop means for helping them to study intensively a few selected occupations or
educational or training facilities.
(vii) To become fully aware of and acquainted with all kinds of occupational and vocational
(viii) To develop tentative educational and occupational plan based on through self-study.
(ix) To present specific techniques to meet the immediate needs and employment facilities.
(ii) Occupational Information Service:
One of the important aims of education as well as life of man is to earn bread and butter to
survive in the world. To satisfy the same aim one has to find out a suitable place in the world of
work. So that to have a better choice in occupational world one needs several information’s
regarding job, nature of job, emoluments and other financial benefits, working condition,
promotion facilities, qualifications and other aspects etc.
After getting all the available related information’s about job, a student thinks to choose better
one for his own sake. Otherwise the entire efforts will go in vain if a student does not get
relevant and up-to-date information’s regarding various occupations.
Due to reliable and relevant up-to-date information about different jobs at least a student gets
privilege to select a suitable occupation, according to his own abilities, interests, skills, aptitudes,
attitudes including present family conditions and social situations.
According to Norris and her colleagues “Occupational information is valid and usable data
about positions of jobs and occupations including duties, requirements for entrance,
conditions of work, rewards offered, advancement pattern, existing and predicted supply of
and demand for workers and sources for further information.”
Really the importance of occupational information service is highly felt in the present complex
and competitive world for the youngsters of the nation.
Occupational information is highly needed by the students due to the following reasons:
(i) Occupational information service makes vocational guidance more informative:
For successful vocational guidance, occupational information service is highly needed. Because
occupational information service provides various useful information’s regarding name or title of
job, nature of work and information about training, financial benefits and future prospectus and
so on. It is not possible to find out a better choice in the context of job without the knowledge of
various adequate information’s of different occupations of the world.
(ii) Occupational information service enables students to know clear picture of
occupational world in the context of dynamic society:
In course of time occupational pattern is changing rapidly in both private and public sector. In
past, agriculture was only major occupation of the majority of the people. Then occupational
pattern became industrially dominated and it is giving much emphasis on white collared job. The
same occupational pattern may not exist in future.
So that occupational information service provides information’s regarding previous pattern and
status of occupations and present status and pattern of the occupations which are helpful in
predicting future occupational pattern of the country or world. According to the situations, the
occupational choice can be made properly by the students which are generally possible due to the
occupational information service.
(iii) Occupational information service helps students in educational and vocational
The guidance worker or teacher gets much scope to suggest students properly about his
educational career and as well as his occupational career. The students are provided maximum
opportunity to plan well for their educational and vocational career. In this way occupational
information service helps students and guidance worker for the betterment of the student in
concerning fields.
(iv) Occupational information service helps students in changing the old courses and in
accepting new one:
To challenge with rapidly changing world of work one has to decide subjects, courses in relation
to future occupation. Otherwise he will not adjust properly in the present occupational world.
Keeping this in the mind a student should change the old courses and accept new one if situation
compels to change so far his occupational choice is concerned.
(v) Occupational information service provides maximum benefits to the student in case of
occupational career:
A student easily comes to know about different aspects of job and its prospects through
occupational information service within a short span of time. Here student avails opportunity to
choose a suitable occupation for life spending less time as information’s regarding vocations are
previously collected. At the time a better choice of student for his job gives utmost satisfaction to
him and it also becomes more beneficial for student.
Occupational information service provides information on the basis of following facts
which should be collected before-hand sincerely with proper care:
(i) Name of various vocational courses and higher vocational trainings.
(ii) Name of the various available institutions of higher training.
(iii) Scholarships, any financial assistance or stipends available for undergoing trainings.
(iv) Various job title and available job opportunities.
(v) Descriptions of the job and its requirements such as age, sex, qualifications, training,
experience, fitness, nature of work, hours of work, other equipment and materials used etc.
(vi) Emoluments and other financial benefits of job.
(vii) Working conditions, incentives and hazards involved in job.
(viii) Promotion prospects and transfer possibilities, appointment places.
(ix) Methods of recruitments, qualification either general or professional and cues for interviews
and number of posts and so on.
(x) Any special information about the job.

Behavioral Approach- This is an approach to psychology that focuses on how one's environment
and how external stimuli affect a person's mental states and development and how these factors
specifically "train" a person for the behaviors they will be exhibiting later on. Some who support
this approach do not believe that the concept of free will exists and that all behaviors are simply
learned, based upon each individual's personal experiences, through trial and error by receiving
punishments and consequences for certain thoughts and actions and reinforcement and positive
benefits from others. Behaviorism rejects internal concepts such as one's thoughts and their
emotions and, as the name implies, focuses strictly on observable behaviors. Those who support
this approach do not deny the existence of a person using their mind and feeling or processing
the stimuli around them, but it is seen as irrelevant to their primary concerns in studying
psychology since these internal factors cannot be outwardly observed aside from relying on a
person's own personal interpretations and expressions of these factors. When trying to keep their
field as objective and scientific as possible, this does not allow for the admission of data that may
be skewed by a person's opinions or unique perspectives regarding what they may be feeling or
doing and why. This approach strongly supports the ideas of reductionism (reducing the whole of
human behavior into smaller components to simplify and understand it more easily) and
a nomothetic approach (establishing generalizations applicable to all individuals) to psychology
as well.

Unlike those who prefer the humanistic approach to psychology, those who believe in
behaviorism strongly support controlled experimentation using other living organisms, such as
pigeons and lab rats, in studying cause and effect in regards to behavior because of how strictly
the environments and conditions can be regulated and studied. Behaviorists often see
no difference between the behavioral patterns that can be learned or conditioned in both humans
and animals, so experimentation regarding subjects that are not human is a great starting point
when it comes to testing out behavior-related hypotheses in a more controlled situation compared
to working strictly with other people, whose emotions and subjective perceptions may affect the
final results of testing.

Lastly, the root of a behavioristic approach to psychology can be boiled down to the belief that
all behavior, regardless of complexity, can be conditioned and predicted based upon a "stimulus-
and-response association." This means that the reaction can be predicted in response to a specific
stimulus, as well as the potential stimulus being determined based upon the predicted and
expected responses one might observe in an individual.

1. VOCATION is a career or calling that is derived from the word VOCARE, which means “to
2. Famous Proverbs: “For round holes there should be round pegs, and for square holes there
should be square pegs”
3. Frank Parsons Founding Father of Vocational Guidance  In 1908 Parson opened the
Vocational Bureau of Boston with the purpose of helping people learn of careers Wrote book
called Choosing a Vocation. First published 1990
4. Vocational Guidance
5. the process of assisting an individual to choose an occupation, prepare for it, and progress in
it. -National Vocational Guidance Association- a facilitative process, a service rendered to the
individual to aid him in choosing and adjusting to an occupation. -John D. Crites-
6. What are the Purposes of Vocational Guidance?
7. 1. To help adapt the schools to the needs of the students and the community. 2. To assist the
students in choosing, preparing and training for, entering and making progress in their chosen
career or occupation. 3. To disseminate knowledge of competitive and other problems of the
business and occupational world as well as their characteristics.
8. 4. To help workers understand their relationship with other workers, and society as a whole. 5.
To secure greater cooperation between the school and various commercial, industrial, and
professional pursuits. 6. To encourage the establishment of courses of study in educational
institutions that will harmoniously combine both cultural and practical studies.
9. 1. The Occupational Information Service The following is an outline for the study of an
occupation: a. Importance of an occupation b. Nature of the work c. Work conditions d. Personal
Qualities needed e. Preparations needed f. Opportunities for advancement g. Compensation
10. Methods of Teaching an Occupational Information 1. Each Learner is required to gather
information about occupations. Pamphlets, books, magazines, news papers, and workers can be
sources of information. 2. Class debates are held on the merits of different occupations 3.
Dramatizations 4. Oral reports to the class 5. Written reports
11. 2. The Self-Inventory Service Means of Providing High School Youth with Vocational
Exploration Experience 1. Exploration by means of school subjects 2. Exploration for
agricultural occupations 3. Exploration for business occupation 4. Explorations through
household art courses 5. Explorations for industrial occupations
12. 3. The Personal Data Collecting Service Kinds of Personal Data needed 1. General Data –
information that will be helpful in locating the individual and in making contacts. 2. Physical
Data- information concerning the individual’s health and physical characteristics. 3.
Psychological Data- information concerning the individual’s mental characteristics.
13. 4. Social environment- information concerning home and social environment conditions. 5.
Achievement Data- information concerning what the individual has done both in school and
outside of it. 6. Data concerning the individual’s educational and vocational plans.
14. Personality traits, some of which are hereditary and some are results of training and
experience, have significance in vocational planning. Personality factors :  Drive  Emotional
Stability  Initiative  Ambition  Personal Disposition
15. Example of Personality Tests: 1. The Downey tests of will-temperament a. Speed and fluidity
of action b. Forcefulness and decisiveness of reaction c. Carefulness and persistence of reaction
2. Tests of trustworthiness 3. The Allport Ascendance-Submission Reaction Study 4. Benreuter
Personality Inventory 5. Bell Adjustment Inventory
16. Social Environment Data a. Data concerning the home and familial background b. Data
concerning the pupil’s association outside the home c. Data concerning: - achievements -
entrance to college - degree program desired - particular occupation desired - necessary
17. 4. The Vocational Counseling Service Vocational counseling is not giving vocational advice.
It is not telling individuals what occupation they should follow. Vocational counseling leaves
decisions to the counseled individuals. Its DUTY is performed when it helps these individuals to
follow a procedure in arriving at their own decision, not when it tries to make decisions for them.
18. 5. The Vocational Preparatory Service Types of Vocational Preparation 1. Preparation before
employment begins 2. Preparation in connection with employment 3. Preparation for change of
19. Preparation before employment begins for a. Business pursuits b. Homemaking c.
Agricultural pursuits d. Industrial pursuits Preparation in connection with employment a. The
learners are under the supervision of the school b. A worker and the school aid them in preparing
better for the work. c. The learner acquires skill and knowledge on the job without spending any
time in school.
20. Preparation for change of employment Conditions at work are not satisfying, detrimental to
the worker’s physical and mental health; salary is low and not commensurate to the job.
21. 6. The Placement Service The school placement service aids the graduates in finding jobs
through: 1. Establishing linkages or consultations with agencies, firms, industry and business,
etc. 2. Helping the individuals find suitable occupations and helping them find an opportunity for
their continued development
“The role of vocational counsellor is to facilitate the aspiring youngsters and this is something
which brought tremendous change in my way of dealing when I got the required training and
subsequently the international certification,” says a confident Ms. Zubair. She is one of the 31
experts from across Pakistan, whohas recently been awarded international certification for
vocational counselling and job placement services.
With 31 participants, who passed the international certification process of the German Chamber
of Commerce and Industry (CCI) the number of internationally certified experts, offering
vocational counselling and job placement services has reached to 49.The examination for the
international certification was supported by the TVET Reform Support Programme, which is
funded by the European Union, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Federal
Republic of Germany and the Royal Norwegian Embassy. This Programme, which supports the
Government of Pakistan in reforming the TVET system, has been commissioned by the German
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development (BMZ) and is being implemented
by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fürInternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The preparatory course, she thinks,has improved her confidence because personality was also
being judged throughout the process. She remarked that she would continue to extend the
training to upcoming youth so it doesn’t stop with only certified VC & JP officers.
International recognition through certification will be a value addition for the trained officers,as
well as respective provincial and federal authorities and private sector for identifying right and
most suitable candidates for jobs.
These initiatives will not only support the government but will also play a significant role in the
lives of the jobless young population through early vocational and career counselling in order to
select the best possible options for themselves.
The preparatory course, she thinks,has improved her confidence because personality was also
being judged throughout the process. She remarked that she would continue to extend the
training to upcoming youth so it doesn’t stop with only certified VC & JP officers.
International recognition through certification will be a value addition for the trained officers,as
well as respective provincial and federal authorities and private sector for identifying right and
most suitable candidates for jobs.
These initiatives will not only support the government but will also play a significant role in the
lives of the jobless young population through early vocational and career counselling in order to
select the best possible options for themselves.

The analysis of a counselling session requires you to analyse and evaluate a counsellor's skills
based on a video of his or her work. It often focuses on the impact of the counsellor's counselling
skills on the client, an evaluation of the counselling skills or modality used, and suggestions for
improvements, if appropriate. In your assignment you might be asked to analyse general
counselling skills, or to focus on a specific modality, such as existential therapy or narrative
The content of the analysis will be based on the specific guidelines or questions given with the
assessment information. For example, you may be asked to identify and evaluate the

 communication skills, e.g. opening a session and building rapport

 adherence to professional requirements, e.g. explaining their position on confidentiality
and record keeping to the client
 application of certain techniques, e.g. the use of counselling therapies discussed in the
unit you are studying
You might also be asked to reflect on areas for improvement and future development. You might
also need to transcribe parts of the dialogue to give as 'verbatim' examples. In all cases, you must
use the theory from the unit you are studying as the basis of your discussion and analysis of the
counsellor's skills. Each assignment has unique requirements, so always check the assignment
instructions and marking criteria.
The analysis of a counselling session should have an introduction, a series of body paragraphs,
a conclusion, and a reference list. Each body paragraph should explore one main idea and have a
good balance of description, analysis and links to literature and theory. More information about
writing essays can be found here.
Try to avoid writing in an overly emotive or subjective way. Even though you are expressing
your own analysis, you must convey this information in a professional style. Here are some
examples of sentences that have been rewritten more professionally.

 The client complained that her kids were really naughty --> the client stated that her
children were not well behaved.
 Even though the counsellor seemed unsure about digging deeper, her questioning was
good. --> Even though the counsellor seemed apprehensive about probing, her
questioning was effective.

Individual counseling is a personal opportunity to receive support and experience growth during
challenging times in life. Individual counseling can help one deal with many personal topics in
life such as anger, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, marriage and relationship challenges,
parenting problems, school difficulties, career changes, etc.
Individual counseling (sometimes called psychotherapy, talk therapy, or treatment) is a process
through which clients work one-on-one with a trained mental health clinician in a safe, caring,
and confidential environment. Counseling allows individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs,
and behaviors, work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of their lives
that they would like to change, better understand themselves and others, set personal goals, and
work toward desired change.
Individual counseling is counseling focused on the individual's immediate or near future
concerns. Individual counseling may encompass career counseling and planning, grief after a
loved one dies or dealing with problems at a job before they become big. Individual counseling
is a one-on-one discussion between the counselor and the client, who is the person seeking
treatment. The two form an alliance, relationship or bond that enables trust and personal growth.
In general, the goal of psychotherapy is to talk through mental health concerns and help clients
heal, grow, and move toward more productive, psychologically healthy lives. Good therapy is
client-driven, and specific goals for therapy will be determined by you and your therapist.
Individual psychotherapy sessions typically last between 45 and 50 minutes. The frequency and
duration of therapy will depend largely on your needs, treatment goals, and progress. Many
concerns are readily resolved with short-term therapy, and other chronic or more complex
concerns require long-term commitment before improvement is realized.
Research has shown that psychotherapy results in fewer relapses of common conditions such as
moderate depression and anxiety, and that the positive effects of good therapy extend well
beyond treatment. In fact, many clients report improved conditions long after therapy has ended.
In general, psychotherapy is often more effective than psychotropic drugs or medical treatments
alone, which may cause harmful side effects. In addition, many therapeutic modalities are
evidence-based, meaning they have been subject to research studies and clinical observations,
and they have been analyzed for effectiveness.
Group counseling is a form of counseling where a small group of people meet regularly to
discuss, interact, and explore problems with each other and the group leader. Group counseling
seeks to give students a safe and comfortable place on campus where they can work out
problems and emotional concerns. Members gain insight into their own thoughts and behavior,
and offer suggestions and support to others.
In addition, people who have a difficult time with interpersonal relationships can benefit from
the social interactions that are a basic part of the group counseling experience.
Most groups composed of students of differing ages, backgrounds and experiences. This helps to
provide additional perspectives.
People who participate in counseling groups benefit in many ways. We believe that groups are
uniquely suited to help students.
 Give and receive support
 Gain understanding of problems and explore possible solutions
 Practice interpersonal skills in a safe group setting
 Learn more about how you come across to others
 Increase observation and feedback skills
 Enhance problem-solving skills
 Improve emotional expressiveness
 Decrease social isolation
 Develop good communication skills


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