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Plant Soil


Alleviation of salinity stress in plants by endophytic

plant-fungal symbiosis: Current knowledge, perspectives
and future directions
Sneha Gupta & Martino Schillaci & Robert Walker &
Penelope M. C. Smith & Michelle Watt & Ute Roessner

Received: 11 February 2020 / Accepted: 22 June 2020

# The Author(s) 2020

Abstract Salinization of soil with sodium chloride ions phytohormones. Future research requires further atten-
inhibits plant functions, causing reduction of yield of tion on the biochemical, molecular and genetic mecha-
crops. Salt tolerant microorganisms have been studied to nisms crucial for salt stress resistance requires further
enhance crop growth under salinity. This review de- attention for future research. Furthermore, to design
scribes the performance of endophytic fungi applied to strategies for sustained plant health with endophytic
crops as a supplement to plant genetics or soil manage- fungi, a new wave of exploration of plant-endophyte
ment to alleviate salt stress in crops. This is achieved via responses to combinations of stresses is mandatory.
inducing systemic resistance, increasing the levels of
beneficial metabolites, activating antioxidant systems Keywords Endophytic fungi . Biochemical changes .
to scavenge ROS, and modulating plant growth phyto- Ionic homeostasis . Osmoregulation . Hormones .
hormones. Colonization by endophytic fungi improves Salinity . Roots . Soil . Inoculants . Microorganisms
nutrient uptake and maintains ionic homeostasis by
modulating ion accumulation, thereby restricting the
transport of Na+ to leaves and ensuring a low cytosolic
Soil salinity affects agriculture globally
Na+:K+ ratio in plants. Participating endophytic fungi
enhance transcripts of genes encoding the high Affinity
The beginning of the 21st century has been marked by
Potassium Transporter 1 (HKT1) and the inward-
global scarcity of water resources, increased environ-
rectifying K+ channels KAT1 and KAT2, which play
mental pollution and salinization of soil and fresh water.
key roles in regulating Na+ and K+ homeostasis.
Two major threats for agricultural sustainability are
Endophytic-induced interplay of strigolactones play
increased human population and reduction in arable
regulatory roles in salt tolerance by interacting with
land available for crop cultivation (Shahbaz and
Ashraf 2013). Several environmental stresses such as
Responsible Editor: Boris Rewald high winds, extreme temperatures, drought, salinity and
flood have impacted on the production and cultivation
S. Gupta (*) : M. Schillaci : R. Walker : M. Watt : of agricultural crops. Among these, soil salinity is one of
U. Roessner
School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, the most significant environmental stresses resulting in
Australia major reductions in cultivatable land area, and decreased
e-mail: crop productivity and quality. It is estimated that 50% of
all arable land will be impacted by salinity by 2050
P. M. C. Smith
Centre for AgriBiosciences, Department of Animal, Plant and Soil (Shrivastava and Kumar 2015) and that globally, soil
Sciences, School of Life Sciences, La Trobe University, salinity results in more than US$12 billion in annual
Bundoora, VIC, Australia losses due to reduced crop productivity (Jägermeyr and
Plant Soil

Frieler 2018). Salinity is recognized as the main threat to including research and development of strategies to
environmental resources in several countries, affecting improve salt tolerance in crops and improve mecha-
almost 1 billion ha worldwide, which represents about nisms to mitigate its consequences (Rengasamy 2002,
7% of the earth’s continental area (Shrivastava and 2006).
Kumar 2015). Consequently, it is important to under-
stand the crop responses to this major soil and plant
stress to minimize economic loss and improve food Effects of salt stress on above-ground
security. and below-ground organs of plants
Soil is defined as being saline when the electrical
conductivity (EC) of the saturation extract (ECe) in the Plants have two major systems, the above-ground or-
root zone exceeds 4 dSm− 1 at 25oC and has an ex- gans (shoots) and below-ground organs (roots). Each
changeable sodium of 15% (w/v). Salinization also in- system has morphological, physiological and anatomi-
cludes excessive accumulation of ions such as calcium cal differences that affect plant performance differently
(Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), sodium (Na+), sulphates (Gregory 2007). However, while these two systems
(SO42−), and chlorides (Cl−) in the soil, inhibiting plant grow and function as a separate site for the uptake of
growth and cellular functions. The most abundant ion in nutrients and other resources, they are coupled, and their
most salt-affected soils is Na+ and hence the exchange functions need to form an integrated system. The above-
phase is dominated by Na+. A secondary process often ground system is highly dependent on the development
associated with saline soils is alkalinisation, creating a of below-ground organs and without a sufficiently de-
condition known as sodicity. This results in the degra- veloped root system, the above-ground system cannot
dation of soil physical properties and porosity, leading fully mature (de Willigen and van Noordwijk 1987).
to reduced water and air flow and increased soil hard- Salinity limits vegetative and reproductive develop-
ness and crusting. ment by inducing physiological dysfunctions, and this
Apart from affecting soil physical properties, high has profound implications on different harvested organs
soil salinity directly and adversely affects plants- both such as leaf, stem, root, shoot, fruit or grain. The com-
native vegetation and introduced crops, severely affect- plex phenomenon of tolerance and response to salt stress
ing seed germination, root growth, and the physiological involves dynamic changes in growth, physiology, met-
functions of crops (Oster and Jayawardane 1998). It has abolic pathways and gene expressions (Atkinson and
been estimated that worldwide 20% of total cultivated Urwin 2012; Munns and Tester 2008). Strategies used
and 33% of irrigated agricultural land is affected by high to mitigate against salt stress include proline accumula-
salinity. This is mainly due to the toxicity of the salt ions tion within cells (Matysik et al. 2002), modulation of
directly on the plant cells but also through general hormones and accumulation of glycine betaine and
osmotic effects of the soil around the roots of the plant. polyols (Gupta and Huang 2014). They also involve
High osmotic potentials at the soil-root interface reduce generation of nitric oxide (NO) and compounds to com-
the ability of the plant to absorb water from the soil bat formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). NO
(Machado and Serralheiro 2017). directly or indirectly triggers expression of several
Native plants have evolved mechanisms to tolerate redox-regulated genes. NO also reacts with lipid radicals
low rainfall and high salinity over hundreds of thou- thus preventing lipid oxidation, exerting a protective
sands of years (Steffen et al. 2009). However, in the past effect by scavenging superoxide radicals and formation
200 years, human activities have intensely disrupted the of peroxynitrite that can be neutralised by other cellular
natural hydrological balance in many regions of the processes. NO also helps in the activation of many
globe. This has resulted in significant consequences antioxidant enzymes including catalase (CAT), ascor-
for the distribution of salt in all landscapes leading to bate or thiol-dependent peroxidases (APX), glutathione
severe degradation of both natural and agricultural en- reductases (GR) and superoxide dismutase (SOD).
vironments. It is predicted that the total area of land The effect of salinity on leaf growth, biomass pro-
affected by salinity will increase drastically over the duction and grain yield on several crops are well docu-
next few decades if effective solutions are not imple- mented (Hasanuzzaman et al. 2013; Munns et al. 2011;
mented. These solutions would involve significant Munns and Tester 2008; Sun et al. 2014). The extent to
changes to our present systems of management which plants are damaged by salinity depends on several
Plant Soil

factors including species, genotype, plant growth phase, The root system architecture is greatly influenced by
ionic strength, duration of salinity exposure, composi- soil conditions (Rich and Watt 2013), including nutrient
tion of salinizing solution and, most importantly, which gradients and concentrations of nitrate and phosphorus
plant organ is exposed (Robin et al. 2016). (Ho et al. 2005; Paterson et al. 2006). Roots also affect
Munns (2005) hypothesized that salinity damage in the surrounding nutrient composition by the release of
plants occurs in two temporal phases. The first phase of organic compounds that play a vital role in mineralizing
growth reduction occurs rapidly after exposure and is nutrients. The compounds released from the roots into
due to an osmotic effect, while the second phase, which the surrounding soil are generally part of rhizodeposits
is a slower process, is due to the accumulation of salt (Jones et al. 2009), which include a range of substances
ions, mainly in older leaves. Early symptoms of the from sloughed-off root cells and tissues, mucilages,
second phase of growth reduction include damage to volatiles, and soluble lysates and exudates from dam-
old leaves and a reduced photosynthetic capacity aged and intact cells (Curl and Truelove 1986; Dakora
(Munns et al. 2006). At the plant organ level, shoots and Phillips 2002; Watt 2009). Abiotic factors influence
have been demonstrated to be more sensitive to salinity the root system (Bekkara et al. 1998; Brimecombe et al.
than roots (Munns and Tester 2008). However, roots are 2000; Groleau-Renaud et al. 1998; Watt and Evans
exposed to salinity stress before leaves and can respond 1999) with roots responding by secreting a different
rapidly through changes in elongation (Rahnama et al. combination of compounds to protect against negative
2011) and function (Shelden et al. 2016). The roots are effects and encourage positive microbial interactions
crucial for a myriad of physiological processes includ- (Badri and Vivanco 2009). These secreted compounds
ing water and nutrient uptake, preventing toxic sub- usually induce an interactive metabolic cross-talk in-
stances from reaching photosynthetic tissue, signal ex- volving diverse biosynthetic networks and pathways.
change with shoots, anchoring of plants, and providing Root exudates include both secretions (including
mechanical support to the above-ground organs. mucilage) that are actively released from the root and
diffusates which are passively released because of os-
motic differences between soil solution and the root
The root-soil interface/ The rhizosphere cells (McNear 2013). Inorganic root exudates include
ions, water, ubiquitous H+ and electrons. Although the
Roots and their growing substrate are intrinsically con- concentration of inorganic compounds make up far less
nected, and they mutually influence each other at all of the root exudate composition compared to organic
stages of plant life (Gregory 2006). The interface be- compounds but their role is still significant (Khorassani
tween roots and the soil is a complex and often ill- 2008; Uren 2000). Organic compounds can be classified
defined zone. Compounds are released from roots into into high molecular weight compounds, such as com-
the surrounding soil matrix resulting in changes to its plex molecules including polysaccharides secreted by
chemical and physical properties. The narrow zone of root cap cells and epidermal cells at the apical zone, and
soil that surrounds and is influenced by plant roots is low molecular weight compounds that include arabi-
known as the rhizosphere. The term rhizosphere was nose, fructose, glucose, amino acids, organic acids,
first defined over a century ago by Hiltner (1904) and plant hormones and phenolic compounds (Bertin et al.
recently, redefined by Pinton et al. (2007) as the most 2003). Due to the richness of inorganic and organic
dynamic interface on earth that includes soil influenced compounds in rhizodeposits, the rhizosphere is home
by the root, along with the root tissues. The rhizosphere to specialised microbes that are able to utilise these
is home to a vast number of microorganisms (Morgan compounds as an energy source.
et al. 2005; Pinton et al. 2007), and consists of three Several recent and comprehensive reviews have been
distinct zones: (a) the endorhizosphere, which includes written covering the diversity and activity of microor-
part of the cortex and endodermis in which microbes ganisms at within roots and in the rhizosphere, as well as
occupy the apoplastic space; (b) the rhizoplane, which is the functions and effects of microorganisms in nutrient
the medial zone immediately next to the root consisting turnover and supply to the plant (Garcia et al. 2016;
of the root surface and mucilages; and (c) the Jacoby et al. 2017; Smith and Smith 2011; Udvardi and
ectorhizosphere, which extends from the rhizoplane Poole 2013). In the following section, the use of micro-
out into the bulk soil (Lynch 1990). organisms as one of the key approaches used to alleviate
Plant Soil

abiotic stresses, with the focus on using fungi as a major hydrophobins- (Viterbo et al. 2004) and expansin-like
beneficial microbe will be discussed. proteins (Brotman et al. 2008) present in the outermost
cell wall layer that coats the fungal cell surface. Other
rhizosphere-competent Trichoderma spp. colonize en-
Alleviating salt stress by association with endophytic tire root surfaces for long periods of time (Harman 2000;
fungi Thrane et al. 1997) or penetrate the epidermis and the
cortex (Yedidia et al. 1999). Once hyphae penetrate
Diverse metabolic and genetic strategies used by plant- roots, a series of fungal bioactive compounds can be
associated microbes can reduce the impact of salt stress produced inducing plant biochemical mechanisms
and other abiotic stresses arising from extreme environ- (Harman 2006). The callose-enriched wall appositions
mental conditions (Gopalakrishnan et al. 2015; Singh in the root cell limit the growth of the Trichoderma spp.
2014). Induced Systemic Tolerance (IST) is the term to a small area (epidermis and cortex), preventing the
used to describe microbe-mediated induction of abiotic entry of Trichoderma spp. into the vascular stele
stress responses (Meena et al. 2017). In these beneficial (Hermosa et al. 2012; Yedidia et al. 1999). Arbuscular
situations, rhizosphere microorganisms not only per- mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) are another group of endo-
ceive and respond to signal molecules secreted by plant phytic fungi. Their hyphae penetrate plant cells, produc-
roots, they also release diverse signalling molecules that ing structures that are either balloon-like (vesicles) or
influence plants, resulting in increased biotic and abiotic dichotomously branching invaginations (arbuscules) as
stress resistance or tolerance, as well as root develop- a means of nutrient exchange. The fungal hyphae do not
ment and plant growth (Zhang et al. 2017a). Microbial in fact penetrate the protoplast (i.e. the interior of the
interactions with plants induce several local and system- cell), but invaginate the cell membrane. Dark septate
ic responses that improve the metabolic capacity of endophytic (DSE) fungi are also root endophytes, char-
plants to respond to salt stress (Nguyen et al. 2016). acterized by intense dark pigmentation and the forma-
This microorganisms-based plant biotechnology has tion of septate and melanized hyphae and occasionally
proven to be more efficient in many cases than plant microsclerotia (Knapp et al. 2015; Yuan et al. 2016).
breeding and genetic modification approaches (Smith They can be found in plant cortical cells inter- and
2014). intracellularly and are present in several environments
(Li et al. 2019; Santos et al. 2017). In contrast to the vast
Beneficial effects due to plant root interactions information on AMF, information on the role of DSE
with endophytic fungi fungi in the ecosystem is limited.
Colonization of several crops with endophytic fungi
In recent years the ability of mycorrhizal fungi to induce has been reported to induce systemic resistance to path-
tolerance against salt stress in crops has been documented ogens, mitigate stress by increasing the levels of protec-
(Gangwar and Singh 2018) (Fig. 1). In a mycorrhizal tive metabolites and osmoprotectants, activate antioxi-
association, the fungus colonizes the host plant’s root dant systems to prevent damage caused by ROS, de-
tissues, either intracellularly as in arbuscular mycorrhizal creasing salt induced root respiration and modulate the
fungi (AMF), or forms extracellular exchange mechanisms phytohormone profile to minimize salt effects on growth
outside of the root cells, as in ectomycorrhizal fungi. Thus, of plants (Ghaffari et al. 2016; Jogawat et al. 2013; Li
mycorrhiza fungi can be categorised as endo- inside plant et al. 2017; Nia et al. 2012; Rewald et al. 2015; Zhang
tissue, or ecto- associated with the external rhizosphere or et al. 2019a). These effects are in coordinated to im-
not penetrating root cells. For the purpose of clarity, this prove plant growth and resilience to salinity stress.
review will only focus on endomycorrhizal (termed as These ameliorative effects can be evaluated in terms of
endophytic for this review) fungi. improved plant growth exhibited by endophyte colo-
Penetration and colonisation of plant roots appears to nized (ENC) plants in comparison to non-endophytic
be essential for some endophytic fungal strains that are (NENC) colonized plants.
reported to promote plant growth and provide protection Salinity triggers a decrease in stomatal conductance,
against pathogens. For example, some species belong- thus decreasing the CO2:O2 ratio and increasing photo-
ing to the genus Trichoderma can colonize local sites respiration (Kangasjärvi et al. 2012). This causes an
(Metcalf and Wilson 2001) on roots, mediated by increase in stomatal resistance to transpiration and an
Plant Soil

Fig. 1 Potential beneficial effects of root colonisation of plants by resulting in cellular dehydration (3) (left). Endophytic fungi negate
endophytic, symbiotic fungi in saline soil conditions, summarised this effect by mediating accumulation of osmolytes consequently
from the literature. Salinity results in reduced root biomass due to improving plant’s water status (3a) (right). Increasing salinity
salt-induced inhibition of cell division and affect the total biomass causes oxidative stress due to imbalance in reactive oxygen spe-
yield (1) (left). Plant colonized with endophytic fungi improves cies generation and quenching activities of antioxidants (4) (left).
biomass accumulation by modifying root architecture and in- Endophytic fungi improve the antioxidant systems of plants re-
creased nutrient absorption (1a) (right). Salt accumulation creates ducing oxidative stress under salt stress (4a) (right). Salt stress
competition for nutrient uptake and transport. This results in hinders photosynthesis by reducing uptake of magnesium and
imbalance of the ionic composition of plant, affecting plant’s decreasing chlorophyll concentration which eventually reduces
physiological traits (2) (left). Endophytic fungi improve expres- carbon dioxide supply to RuBisCo (5) (left). Endophytes have a
sion of genes and upregulate several cation transporters, resulting positive effect on photosynthesis under salt stress (5a) (right). See
in improved nutrient uptake and maintenance of ionic homeostasis text for relevant references and further details
(2a) (right). Increase of salt in soil lowers soil water potential

increase in the rate of tissue respiration. Under these Endophytic fungi are effective against several root
conditions, photosynthetic capacity is limited, and the diseases (Azcón-Aguilar and Barea 1997; Borowicz
plant uses its own photo-assimilates, resulting in de- 2001) and impart stress tolerance to plants (Duc et al.
creased growth. Rewald et al. (2015) showed that in 2018; Evelin et al. 2019; Yasmeen et al. 2019),but can
NENC Ulmus glabra seedlings there was a significant also enhance susceptibility to biotrophic leaf pathogens
increase in fine root respiration under salt stress as (Gernns et al. 2001; Waller et al. 2005). These endo-
compared to their ENC counterparts. This suggested phytes have been frequently reported to not only protect
that colonization by endophytic fungi can prevent a against plant pathogens and pests but also impart strong
major increase of root respiration under moderate NaCl tolerance against several abiotic stresses in crops
stress, enabling trees to deploy more assimilated C for (Gangwar and Singh 2018).
growth and, theoretically, improve defence mechanisms In the past decade, significant progress has been made
against other stress factors occurring in urban to understand several mechanisms of salt tolerance
environments. imparted by endophytic fungi. In the following sections,
Plant Soil

current understanding of biochemical and physiological translocation are crucial for enhancing plant resistance
changes that occur in salt stressed plants inoculated with to salt stress (Jung and McCouch 2013). Barley plants
endophytic fungi will be covered. This will include ad- experienced a decline in primary root growth under
vances made recently toward better understanding of the saline conditions due to salt-induced inhibition of cell
mechanisms that contribute to salt stress alleviation in division and elongation of root epidermal cells, while
ENC plants. Finally, gaps in our understanding of the simultaneously stimulating lateral root development
mechanisms will be identified and research challenges to (Rahnama et al. 2011). Endophytic fungi can modulate
be met in future studies will be discussed. the plant’s ability to modify root architecture (Salope-
Sondi et al. 2015; Vahabi et al. 2016). Yun et al. (2018)
observed that the length and volume of roots were
Mechanisms of salt tolerance in ENC plants greater in ENC than in NENC maize plants under saline
conditions and similar observations have been reported
Increase in total biomass in Hordeum vulgare (Waller et al. 2005) and Oryza
sativa L. (Kord et al. 2019). Improved root systems
Total biomass is usually evaluated as an indicator of the enable the plant to utilize water and minerals from
plant’s ability to tolerate salinity. Several studies have non-saline areas until exploitation of areas affected by
highlighted that endophytic fungi impart salinity tolerance salt cannot be avoided (Jogawat et al. 2013). Though
in host plants by virtue of higher biomass as compared to few studies have shown the ability of endophytic fungi
NENC plants. Endophytic fungus colonization has been to alter root architecture under saline conditions for
demonstrated to increase biomass in Zea mays L. (Rho beneficial purposes, much remains to be investigated
et al. 2018), soybean (Hamayun et al. 2017), Vochysia on endophytic fungi influenced root architecture for
divergens Pohl (Farias et al. 2019), Solanum lycopersicum better water and nutrient uptake in saline conditions.
(Azad and Kaminskyj 2016), Brassica juncea (Ahmad
et al. 2015), Oryza sativa L. (Saddique et al. 2018) and, Osmoregulation
Triticum aestivum L. (Zhang et al. 2019b).
The total biomass can also be assessed by measuring Upon exposure to saline environments, plants undergo a
plant relative growth rate (plant weight increment per reduction in water absorbing capacity from the soil,
plant weight unit). This includes measurement of the net disrupting cell water relations and inhibiting cell expan-
assimilation rate (NAR) (the increase in plant weight per sion. In order to negate these effects, plants employ
leaf area unit), the leaf area ratio (LAR) and root relative osmoregulation as a mechanism to tolerate salt stress
growth rate (RGRplant). Balliu et al. (2015) investigated (Munns and Tester 2008). This is achieved by accumu-
the effects of commercially available AMF inoculant lation of osmolytes in the form of proline, glycine beta-
(Glomus sp. mixture) on growth and nutrient acquisition ine, sugars, organic acids, polyamines and amino acids
in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants grown in contributing to osmotic adjustment (Hasegawa et al.
media with different levels of salinity. Salinity stress 2000). These osmolytes, often termed as compatible
immediately and significantly reduced the LAR, NAR solutes, are organic compounds of low molecular weight
and RGRplant in NENC as compared to ENC plants. that are water soluble and non-toxic at high concentra-
Similarly, Sallaku et al. (2019) showed that AMF alle- tions (Chen and Murata 2011).
viates the salinity stress in cucumber plants by extending Under salt stress, ENC plants have been shown to
their root length and root surface area and even more possess higher osmotic potential than NENC plants
through enhancing their photosynthetic rate (NAR) as (Contreras-Cornejo et al. 2014) due to accumulation of
compared to NENC plants. osmolytes (Ahmad et al. 2015; Song et al. 2015) (Fig.
2). Osmolytes are also involved in quenching reactive
Alteration of root architecture oxygen species (ROS), maintaining membrane integri-
ty, and stabilizing enzymes. Osmolytes are also de-
Root branching and root system architecture play a scribed as osmoprotectants (Azad and Kaminskyj
significant role in determining the composition of exu- 2016; Li et al. 2017). Endophytic symbiosis can influ-
dates (Badri and Vivanco 2009). Changes in the root ence the concentration and profile of polyamines and
system architecture for regulating salt acquisition and organic acids in plants (Chen et al. 2019; Zhao et al.
Plant Soil

Fig. 2 Salinity stress induced osmotic stress tolerance mecha- fungi alleviate osmotic stress by influencing the expression of
nisms in plants. Increase in salt in soil lowers the soil water specific genes, P5CS, pyroline-5-carboxylate synthase (1a) (right),
potential of plant cells. This reduces water uptake by plants and involved in the biosynthesis of the osmolyte proline, activation of
consequently causes cellular dehydration (1) (left). To combat this starch degrading enzyme, glucan-water dikinase (1b) (right) and
issue, plants accumulate osmolytes, such as proline, sugars and forming tripartite symbiosis with roots and rhizobia (1c) (right) to
polyamines in higher concentration. Osmolyte accumulation re- elevate the accumulation of sugars and by increasing the biosyn-
sults in lowering of cellular water potential and maintains a thesis of polyamines such as spermidine and spermine (1D) (right).
favourable gradient for water uptake from soil to roots. Endophytic See text for relevant references and further details

2014). Polyamines help retain ion homeostasis in plant ameliorating the negative effects of salinity. Proline
cells by enhancing the uptake of nutrients and water has been observed to protect cell walls under osmotic
(Pang et al. 2007). Organic acids may increase the stress, protect protein integrity and to increase enzymat-
availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N, ic activity by acting as a molecular chaperone. Proline
P and K) in soil (Samolski et al. 2012). The role of also has a role in scavenging ROS and shows singlet
specific osmolytes in improving salt tolerance is ENC oxygen quenching ability (Kaur and Asthir 2015). De-
plants are discussed below. spite these benefits, there are conflicting reports on the
role of endophytic fungi in proline accumulation in salt
Proline stressed plants. Several studies reported increases in
proline contents in ENC plants compared to NENC
Proline is one of the most common osmoprotectants that plants, while others have reported lower proline contents
accumulates in plants during salt stress, thereby in ENC plants (Table 1). Higher proline content in ENC
Table 1 Examples of studies on effects of salt stress and endophytic fungi on osmotic regulation in plants

S. No. Salt level Plant Fungus Parameters assessed Effects of References

(mM NaCl)
Salinity Endophytic fungi on salt
stressed plants

1 0, 100 Zea mays Yarrowia Shoot proline content, total Increased Controlled the production Jan et al. (2019)
lipolytica flavonoid, total phenolics, of proline
phytohormone analysis
2 0, 100, Hordeum vulgare Epichloë Free, soluble conjugated and Increased proline Proline, Spermidine, total Chen et al. (2019)
200, 300 bromicola insoluble bound forms of spermine- increased under
polyamine (proline), higher stress conditions,
putrescine, spermidine and Putrescine, free form of
spermine content spermine- significantly
decreased at higher salt
3 0, 50 Solanum Piriformospora Shoot proline content Highly increased Significantly reduced Abdelaziz et al. (2019)
lycopersicum indica
4 40, 100, Medicago Piriformospora Shoot proline content Continually enhanced in Significantly increased than Li et al. (2017)
175, 250 truncatula indica line with the increased un-colonized plants
salt concentration
5 0, 100, 200 Brassica juncea Trichoderma Oil and proline content, Increased with maximum Further increase to 70.37% (Ahmad et al. 2015)
harzianum pigments, enzymatic assay accumulation of 59.12%
at 200 mM NaCl
6 0, 150 Triticum aestivum Trichoderma Water content in leaves and Increased Highest increase win plants Zhang et al. (2016)
longibrachiatu- roots, chlorophyll content, pretreated with fungus
m shoot proline content under 150 mM NaCl stress
7 0, 70, Oryza sativa Five isolates of Leaf water content, Increased Further increased Rawat et al. (2016)
150, 240 Trichoderma chlorophyll content, proline
sp. content, membrane
stability, lipid peroxidation
and expression of stress
related genes
8 0, 100, 200, Triticum aestivum Piriformospora Total biomass, photosynthetic Increased Further increased Zarea et al. (2012)
300, 400, indica pigments, compatible
500 solutes
Plant Soil
Plant Soil

plants has been attributed to – (i) favouring a decline in the fungus to form tripartite symbiotic associations with
ionic influx inside cellular masses thus helping plants to peanut roots and rhizobia. This tripartite association
maintain their osmotic balance; (ii) increasing the ex- significantly enhanced peanut nodulation (Zhang et al.
pression of the gene encoding Pyrroline-5-carboxylate 2017b). Here, sucrose derived from photosynthesis was
synthase (P5CS) enzyme which is involved in proline transported to bacterial inoculated root nodules and was
biosynthesis; and (iii) increasing activity of the P5CS hydrolysed by sucrose synthase into UDP-glucose and
enzyme (Rawat et al. 2016). Besides its role as an fructose. This was due to the allocation of more carbon
osmolyte proline can act as a stress marker. In ENC by the endophyte toward peanut and rhizobia symbionts
tomato plants, proline accumulation was reduced when by increased soluble sugar content, leading to more
the toxic effects of salinity were reduced following active nodule carbon metabolism in ENC plants.
colonization of an endophytic fungus, Piriformospora Furthermore, Sherameti et al. (2005) also suggested
indica (Abdelaziz et al. 2019). that one of the major starch-degrading enzymes, glucan-
water dikinase, activated by the fungus in colonized
Sugars roots, is responsible for the increase in soluble sugars
in ENC plants. Similar results were obtained by
In salt stressed plants, the accumulation of total soluble Ghabooli (2014) with Piriformospora indica increasing
sugars, such as glucose, sucrose, dextrins and maltose, the level of soluble sugars, including glucose, fructose,
serves as an osmoprotection as they can stabilize the cell and sucrose, in inoculated plants under salt stress
membrane and protoplast. These sugars also protect conditions. Recently, Zhang et al. (2019a) demonstrated
water soluble enzymes from high intracellular concen- that T. harzianum improved salt tolerance of cucumber
trations of inorganic ions (Liang et al. 2018). The syn- seedlings by enhancing accumulation of sugars. This
thesis of soluble sugars from starch and sucrose in plants results in adjustment of the osmotic potential for cellular
is upregulated by the activities of sucrose anabolizing water retention and turgor maintenance, thereby mini-
enzymes such as α- and β-amylase, which convert mizing the adverse effects of salt stress by balancing the
starch into dextrins and maltose, respectively (Preiss solute potential (Bai et al. 2019).
2018). Sucrose phosphate synthase and sucrose syn-
thase catalyse the synthesis of sucrose, while β- Organic acids
fructofuranosidase catalyses the breakdown of sucrose
to glucose and fructose (Peng et al. 2016). In plants Other important osmolytes in plants are organic acids
grown under saline conditions, sucrose undergoes de- such as citric acid and malic acid. They are found in
composition in order to meet the requirements for glu- plant vacuoles and the regulation of their metabolism
cose (Munns and Tester 2008). plays a crucial role in providing tolerance to salt stress
There have been reports that show the role of endo- (Guo et al. 2010). Fungal endophytes have been report-
phytic fungi in enhancing accumulation of soluble ed to induce the release of organic compounds by the
sugars in salt stressed plants (Qi and Zhao 2013; Uma roots (Yang et al. 2015; Zhang et al. 2014), thus
Shaanker 2014; Zhang et al. 2019b). These sugars act as influencing the concentrations and profile of organic
chemoattractant signals to soil rhizobia (el Zahar acids in plants. One of the major plant nutritional disor-
Haichar et al. 2014). These chemoattractants can direct ders associated with increased salinity in soil is iron (Fe)
movement to microorganisms in response to chemical deficiency. Endophytes can enhance Fe acquisition by
gradients- a behaviour known as chemotaxis. This che- their host through their ability to secrete organic acids
motactic response of microorganisms to root exudates which chelate and solubilise iron in the soil (Chen et al.
play key role in initiating communication between plant 1998; Khan et al. 2006). A study by Zhao et al. (2014)
roots and microbes. Yang et al. (2015) reported that the demonstrated that the release of organic acids from
colonization by Phomopsis liquidambari could stimu- endophytes, resulted in ferric solubilization to form
late sugar secretion from the rhizodeposition of organic ferric salts that can be assimilated directly by
sloughed off cells and root debris of rice, thereby pro- plants under saline conditions. It has also been shown
viding carbon to the endophytic fungi. Another study of that ENC plants have better nutrient uptake capacity and
P. liquidambari on peanut showed increased soluble distribution within plant tissues due to modulation of the
sugar contents in leaves. This was due to the ability of root architecture and nutrient availability in the soil.
Plant Soil

These benefits are imparted by increases in organic underrepresented and many questions remain unan-
acids produced by ENC plants (Samolski et al. 2012; swered. For example, most plant polyamine research
Zhao et al. 2014). Limited research has been done on relates to changes in free polyamines, and where poly-
understanding the mechanisms underlying the changes amine conjugates have been measured, substantial
in organic acids in ENC plants, thus this topic calls for changes have been detected. The precise role of poly-
further investigation. amines, free or conjugated, in ENC plants remains un-
clear. Further investigations, focusing on understanding
Polyamines endophyte-facilitated modulation of polyamines, in-
cluding the intracellular localization of free polyamines
Polyamines (PA) are low molecular weight nitrogenous and conjugates associated with salt tolerance in plants, is
aliphatic molecules that participate in physiological pro- needed. Already some of the key genes involved in the
cesses such as activation of antioxidant systems, cell biosynthetic pathways have been cloned making it pos-
growth and development, and in cellular osmoregula- sible to manipulate polyamine metabolism using molec-
tion in plants under salt stress (Singh et al. 2018). PA ular genetic approaches (Malmberg et al. 1998). Hence,
also regulate ion channels, either by direct binding or via genetic manipulation of polyamine levels in ENC plants
PA-induced signalling molecules (ROS and NO). PAs may allow valuable insights into the role of these com-
also regulate the activity of ion channels indirectly by pounds especially in studies of plant tolerance to salt
membrane depolarization. The hyperpolarization- stress.
activated Ca2+ influx and the NO-induced release of
intracellular Ca2+ result in a higher cytoplasmic Ca2+
concentration, which is a major component in general Nutrient acquisition and ionic homeostasis
stress responses such as stomatal movements (Wani
2018; Williams 1997). They are either present in free, High salt (Na+ and Cl−) in the soil disturbs nutrient
soluble conjugated (covalently conjugated with small availability by imposing competition during uptake,
molecules such as phenolic acids) or insoluble (bound translocation or distribution within the plant. This may
with macromolecules such as proteins, DNA and RNA) suppress nutrient associated activities resulting in unde-
forms. These compatible solutes accumulate under salt sired ratios of Na+:K+, Na+:Ca2+, and Ca2+:Mg2+
stress and include putrescine (Put, diamine), spermidine (Munns et al. 2011). This in turn results in imbalance
(Spd, triamine) and spermine (Spm, tetramine) among ionic composition of the plant subsequently
(Minocha et al. 2014; Todorova et al. 2013). affecting plants physiological traits (Hasegawa et al.
Differences in PA (Put, Spd, Spm) responses under 2000; Munns et al. 2006). However, endophytic symbi-
salt-stress have been reported in several species (Singh osis has been shown to improve assimilation of nutrients
et al. 2018) and it remains unclear which polyamine and assist in maintenance of ionic homeostasis in host
plays the major role in imparting salt tolerance. Chen plants grown in saline conditions (Table 2).
et al. (2019) demonstrated that the putrescine content Although the effects of AM fungi on plant nutrient
was significantly reduced in ENC plants compared to acquisition are commonly discussed based on the dif-
NENC plants in high stress conditions whereas ferences of nutrient concentration in plant tissues, the
spermidine and spermine content showed the opposite relative uptake rate of nutrient elements (RUR) has
pattern. It was suggested that salinity stress tolerance recently been suggested as a better tool to distinguish
induced by endophytic fungus Epichloë bromicola cor- the differences among treatments over a short period, as
related with enhanced conversion of putrescine to the nutrient concentration could be largely influenced
spermidine and spermine. The fungus also converted by the dilution effect of fast growth in young plants.
the free forms and soluble conjugated forms of poly- Balliu et al. (2015) found that RUR values of ENC
amines to insoluble bound forms of polyamines. tomato plants grown in both non-saline and moderate
Modulation of the polyamine pool to help tolerate saline conditions were higher than in non-inoculated
salt stress by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is seedlings. Similarly, another study showed the en-
well explored (Evelin et al. 2009). However, research hancement effect of AMF inoculation on the nutrient
on polyamine metabolism during the interactions be- uptake capacity of cucumber seedlings after salt stress
tween endophytic fungi and plants under salt stress is (Sallaku et al. 2019).
Table 2 Examples of studies on the effects of salinity and endophytic fungi on nutrient concentration and ionic ratios in plants
Plant Soil

S. Salt level (mM Plant Fungus Parameters assessed Effects of References

No. NaCl)
Salinity Endophytic fungi on salt
stressed plants

1 0, 140 Cucumis sativus Phoma glomerata Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg content Significant increases in Na+ and Significantly higher levels of Waqas et al. (2012)
LWL2 and decreases in K+, Mg2+ and K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions,
Penicillium sp. Ca2+ levels particularly in case of
LWL3 Penicillium sp. and
P. glomerata and inhibit the
uptake of Na+
2 0, 100, 200 Zea mays Piriformospora indica Na+, K+ content Increased Na+ in roots and Significant decreased levels of Yun et al. (2018)
shoots, K+ in shoots and Na+ and K+ in roots and
decreased K+ in roots increase in shoots
3 0, 75, 100 Arabidopsis Piriformospora indica Transcript levels of several Increased- expression of the Decreased- expression of the Abdelaziz et al.
thaliana genes known to encode stress marker gene, RD29a, stress marker gene, RD29a, (2017)
+ +
proteins involved in Na and expression level of AtHKT1, further decrease in Na
K+ homeostasis and the K+ content in roots and content, Further increased
abiotic stress marker gene shoots, Decreased Na+ expression level of AtHKT1,
relative to Desiccation A content in roots and shoots and K+ content
4 0, 100 Arabidopsis Trichoderma virens Na+ content Decreased Na+ content in roots Further decreased NA+ content Contreras-Cornejo
thaliana and Trichoderma in roots et al. (2014)
5 0, 150, 300, 450, Hordeum vulgare Epichloe Na+, C, P, N, K+ content, C:N, Increased Na+, N, P and K+ Further increased N, P and K+ Song et al. (2015)
+ +
600 C:P, Na :K , N:P ratios contents, ionic ratios, no contents, N:P ratios;
significant effect on C content Decreased C:N, C:P, Na+:K+
6 0, 100, 300 Hordeum vulgare Piriformospora indica Na+, K+, Ca2+, ionic ratios Increased Na+, Ca2+, Decreased Increased K+, K+:Na+, Ghabooli (2014)
K+:Na+, Ca2+:Na+ ratios Ca2+:Na+, Decreased Na+
7 0, 50, 100, 150 Lolium Neotyphodium Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ At lower salt concentration- in At lower salt concentration- in Yin et al. (2014)
arundinaceum coenophialum content in leaves, roots and leaves, decreased K+, similar leaves, increased K+, similar
+ 2+
sheath Na , Ca unaffected; in Na+, Ca2+unaffected; in
sheath, decreased K+, similar sheath, increased K+, similar
Na+and Ca2 + Na+and Ca2 +
At higher salt concentration- in At higher salt concentration- in
leaves, decreased Na+, similar leaves, increased Na+, similar
K+, Mg2+unaffected K+,
Mg2+increased at all
Plant Soil

Phosphorus which the fungus preferentially recruits ammonium

rather than nitrate from the soil (Boukcim and Plassard
Phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) are two of the most 2003; Gage 2004). Song et al. (2015) showed that in
important and essential elements for plant growth with ENC plants, N content increased in both the shoots and
crucial roles in cell function and metabolism (Uchida roots with increasing salt concentrations. The fungus
2000). Increased salt in soil occludes P to plants due to was suggested to be involved in the cell’s antioxidant
its precipitation with other cations (de Aguilar et al. and ROS-scavenging enzymes where N is an essential
1979), thereby creating soil-induced P deficiency in component (Cabot et al. 2014; Khan et al. 2014). An-
plants. This affects the normal growth of the plant and other study by Sherameti et al. (2005) showed a signif-
causes older leaves to die prematurely (Niu et al. 2012). icant increase in growth of ENC plants that was pro-
Increased P acquisition in ENC plants under saline posed to be associated with a stimulation of the NADH-
conditions is attributed to (i) increased availability of dependent NR, the key enzyme of nitrate assimilation in
phosphates in soil due to the conversion of insoluble plants.
phosphates into soluble forms through the process of
acidification, chelation and exchange reactions; (ii) abil- Na+:K+ ratio
ity of endophytic fungi to absorb P at lower thresholds
owing to the expression of a high affinity Pi transporter, Increased levels of Na+ in cells impairs important bio-
PiPT, and (iii) ability of endophytic fungi to interact chemical mechanisms required for plant growth and
with diverse rhizobacteria which have inorganic survival. Sodium accumulation alters cellular Na+:K+
phosphate-solubilizing capabilities by virtue of produc- ratios thereby reducing the availability of K+ that is
tion of a variety of organic acids and acid phosphatases required for activity of various enzymes and for the
(Johri et al. 2015; Meena et al. 2010; Ngwene et al. regulation of osmotic pressure and stomatal closure.
2016; Singh et al. 2009; Srividya et al. 2009; Swetha Increased Na+ also competes with K+, disrupting cellu-
and Padmavathi 2016). This effective P uptake in ENC lar metabolism in roots and leaf tissues (Abdelaziz et al.
plants aids in transporting absorbed phosphorus to 2017). This eventually increases the Na+:K+ ratios in the
leaves, prompting plant growth; increasing absorption cytosol, and subsequently disrupts enzyme activity, pro-
of nutrients and biomass accumulation (Wu et al. 2019), tein synthesis, turgor maintenance, photosynthesis and
consequently alleviating the adverse effects of salinity. stomatal movement (Evelin et al. 2019).
High Na+:K+ ratios in plants indicate higher levels of
Nitrogen stress. Hence, plants must maintain low levels of Na+ to
be able to resist the deleterious effects of salinity. ENC
Nitrogen plays a crucial role in cell function and metab- plants consistently have lower Na+:K+ ratios than
olism (Chokshi et al. 2017). Plants absorb N as nitrate NENC plants under saline conditions. Reza Sabzalian
(NO3−), ammonium (NH4+) ions, and also as organic and Mirlohi (2010) demonstrated that the toxic effect of
compounds such as amino acids and peptides (Rentsch Na+ was mitigated in grasses inoculated with endophyt-
et al. 2007; Tegeder and Rentsch 2010) but absorption is ic fungi by increasing K+ concentration and thus main-
compromised by salinity due to N immobilisation. Ni- taining the Na+:K+ ratio in plants. Similar results were
trate reductase (NR, E.C. catalyses reduction of found by Song et al. (2015) and Alikhani et al. (2013)
NO3− to NO2− and its activity is nitrate-inducible. The where endophytic fungi modulated ion accumulation in
NR activity is the limiting step in the conversion of colonized barley plants by decreasing the foliar Na+:K+
NO3− to amino acids (Campbell 1999). Nitrate reductase ratio. Restricting the transport of Na+ to leaves and
activity in leaves is largely dependent on nitrate flux ensuring a low cytosolic Na+:K+ ratio are important
from roots (Ferrario-Méry et al. 1998) and is severely ways plants can increase their tolerance to high salt
affected by osmotic stress induced by NaCl (Baki et al. levels (Berthomieu et al. 2003; Cuin et al. 2003). In-
2000). A number of reports have shown that endophytic crease of K+ concentration is also related to mechanisms
fungal colonization assists in N uptake under stress that control turgor pressure (Beckett and Hoddinott
conditions (Khan et al. 2011a; Sherameti et al. 2005; 1997). Song et al. (2015) also showed that the lower
Song et al. 2015). Recruitment of N in endophytic Na+:K+ ratios observed in ENC plants decreased the
interactions differs from mycorrhizal interactions in level of toxic ions and osmotic influence on plants under
Plant Soil

salt stress. Another study on barley plants inoculated Plants have two ways to counteract the adverse con-
with endophytic fungi showed a decreased Na+:K+ ratio sequences of ROS, mainly enzymatic and non-
compared to uninoculated plants, indicating that this enzymatic antioxidative systems. The enzymatic system
ratio is a reliable indicator of the severity of salt stress, includes catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX),
or for screening plant genotypes for high Na+ tolerance superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione reductase
(Ghabooli 2014) (Table 2). (GR), dehydroascorbate reductases (DHAR) and
Plants control Na+ homeostasis through a variety of monodehydroascorbate reductases (MDHAR). The
membrane proteins, antiporters, nonspecific cation non-enzymatic antioxidant system consists of ascorbic
channels, Na+ and K+ transporters, vacuolar ATPases acid (AsA), glutathione (GSH), carotenoids and
and aquaporins, and the plasma membrane (PM) osmoprotectants that play roles in quenching toxic by-
(Grabov 2007). Recently, Abdelaziz et al. (2017) pos- products of ROS.
tulated a molecular basis of establishing a balanced ion Baltruschat et al. (2008) reported increased activity
homeostasis of Na+:K+ ratio in ENC plants. Inoculated of CAT, APX, GR and DHAR in the root tissues of
Arabidopsis plants had enhanced transcript levels of the barley under saline conditions. Increased activity of
genes encoding the high Affinity Potassium Transporter DHAR was seen in P. indica colonized barley leading
1 (HKT1) and the inward-rectifying K+ channels KAT1 to detoxification of ROS and an enhanced ratio of
and KAT2, which play key roles in regulating Na+ and ascorbic acid to neutralize oxygen free radicals (Foryer
K+ homeostasis. Subsequently, lower Na+:K+ ratios and Noctor 2000). Azad and Kaminskyj (2016) used
were confirmed in the Arabidopsis line gl1- H2O2 localization as a proxy to assess accumulation of
HKT:AtHKT1;1 that expresses an additional ROS and showed that ENC plants had lower H2O2
AtHKT1;1 copy driven by the native promoter. This levels in their leaves following NaCl-stress, confirming
study demonstrated that endophytic colonization pro- the role of endophytes to reduce stress-induced ROS
motes plant growth under saline conditions by modulat- generation.
ing the expression level of the major Na+ and K+ ion Also, Zhang et al. (2016) reported that ENC plants
channels, which helps in the establishment of a balanced had higher SOD, peroxidase (POD) and CAT activity
ion homeostasis of Na+ and K+ under salt stress condi- suggesting that the coordination of POD and CAT ac-
tions (Abdelaziz et al. 2017). tivity along with SOD activity played a central protec-
tive role in the O2− and H2O2 scavenging process in
ENC plants (Ahmad et al. 2015). Increased activity was
Oxidative stress a result of increased expression of the genes encoding
the enzymes (Zhang et al. 2016). Under saline condi-
Salt stress (osmotic and ionic stress) also interferes with tions, endophytic colonization also increases the con-
proper cellular functions of plants due to enhanced centrations of non-enzymatic antioxidant molecules
production of ROS, which can lead to oxidative damage such as AsA, GSH and carotenoids in plants as shown
in several cellular components such as lipids, proteins by several studies (Jan et al. 2019; Jogawat et al. 2013;
and DNA (Gupta and Huang 2014). ROS consist of a Prasad et al. 2013; Waller et al. 2005).
group of chemically reactive oxygen molecules such as Salinity increases the level of lipid peroxidation
hydroxyl radical (OH-), H2O2, O2− and O2− and are (Hernández 2019; Yu et al. 2020) which results in
produced as a result of interrupted pathways in plant higher membrane permeability and loss of ions from
metabolism that cause transfer of high energy electrons the cells (Gupta and Huang 2014). NaCl treatment of
to molecular oxygen (Gill and Tuteja 2010). Broad host ENC plants resulted in higher rates of lipid peroxidation
range endophytic fungi can confer effective tolerance to in salt-sensitive plants than in salt-tolerant plants sug-
ROS under abiotic stress conditions such as salinity gesting that the rate of lipid peroxidation can be used as
(Mastouri et al. 2010; Rodriguez et al. 2008). (Redman an indicator to measure how effectively ENC plants
et al. 2011); Singh et al. (2011) reported that exposure to cope with salt stress (Baltruschat et al. 2008). Another
high salt conditions caused ROS accumulation in toma- study showed that ENC plants contained higher ascor-
to, rice, panic grass, and dunegrass without endophytic bate concentrations in roots compared with NENC
associations, whereas the ENC plants had decreased plants, while the ratio of ascorbate to dehydroascorbate
ROS accumulation through various pathways (Fig. 3). was not significantly altered and CAT, APX, GR,
Plant Soil

Fig. 3 Oxidative stress tolerance mechanisms in salt stressed reductase (GR), dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) and
plants. Increase in salinity causes oxidative stress in plants due to monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR). Ascorbate (AsA),
redox imbalance between ROS (reactive oxygen species) and glutathione (GSH) and carotenoids are non-enzymatic antioxi-
antioxidants. This results in molecular and cellular damage and dants that are produced to counteract the adverse consequences
membrane peroxidation eventually disturbing the normal function- of salt stress. In endophyte colonized (ENC) plants, the tolerance
ing of the cell. Several antioxidant enzymes are induced to combat mechanism in reinforced by activating an efficient antioxidant
salt stress including catalyse (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), system that abates the oxidative damage caused due to salt stress
superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POX), glutathione

DHAR and MDHAR activities were increased. These Zhang et al. (2016) reported that salt stressed ENC
changes were consistent with the decrease of leaf lipid plants had a 15% reduction in MDA compared to salt
peroxidation observed in these experiments (Waller stressed NENC plants. Table 3 lists some of the studies
et al. 2005). Similar results were shown by Mastouri reporting changes in lipid compositions due to endo-
et al. (2010) and Zhang et al. (2001) where ENC plants phytic symbiosis in salt stressed plants.
had significantly reduced accumulation of lipid perox-
ides than control plants under salt stress. Photosynthesis
Malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of lipid peroxida-
tion, is generally regarded as an indicator of free radical Salt stress hinders photosynthesis resulting in an enor-
damage to cell membranes caused by oxidative stress. mous loss in crop productivity (Sudhir and Murthy
Plant Soil

Table 3 Examples of studies on the effects of salinity and endophytic fungi on lipid peroxidation in plants

S. No. Salt level Plant (Family) Fungus Parameters assessed Effects of References
(mM NaCl)
Salinity Endophytic fungi on salt
stressed plants

1 0, 100, Oryza sativa Piriformospora Total soluble proteins, lipid peroxidation Increased lipid peroxidation, Increased total soluble Bagheri et al.
200, 300 indica (measured thiobarbituric acid reactive SOD, APX, CAT, GR; proteins, proline, further (2013)
substances in shoots and roots), free Decreased total soluble increase in SOD, APX,
proline content, and enzyme proteins, free proline CAT, GR; Decrease in lipid
antioxidants(catalase(CAT: content peroxidation
EC1.11.1.6), glutathione reductase(GR:
EC1.6.4.2), superoxide
dismutase(SOD: EC,
ascorbate peroxidase(APX: EC activity
2 0, 100 Glycine max Fusarium Lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzyme Increased ABA, SA, lipid Increased CAT, SOD, POD; Radhakrishnan
verticillioides analysis, gibberellins, ABA, salicylic peroxidation; Decreased Decreased lipid et al. (2013)
acid CAT, SOD, POD, SA, peroxidation, ABA, SA
ABA significantly
3 0, 100 Glycine max Fusarium Protein content, catalase activity, ABA Increased ABA, SA, lipid Significant three-fold Radhakrishnan
verticillioides content, SA content, lipid peroxidation peroxidation; Decreased reduction in MDA level, et al. (2015)
and Humicola (measured in terms of CAT, SOD, POD, SA, ABA, SA; Increased CAT,
sp malondialdehyde-MDA content) ABA, lipid peroxidation SOD, POD
4 0, 100, Medicago Piriformospora Proline, MDA, Sodium ion, Increased MDA, NA+in Highest increased in proline Li et al. (2017)
175, 250 truncatula indica antioxidant enzymes shoots, slight increase in content with increase in
proline content; Decreased POD, SOD, CAT;
POD, SOD, CAT decreased MDA, NA+ in
5 0, 200 Cucumis Trichoderma Antioxidant enzymes, K+content, Increased MDA levels, Na+ Improved activities of Zhang et al.
sativus harzianum K+/Na+ ratio, Na+ content, ethylene content, ethylene levels; antioxidant enzymes, (2019a)
levels, MDA levels as a measure of Decreased antioxidant increased K+ content,
lipid peroxidation enzymes, K+ content, K+/Na+ ratio; decreased
K+/Na+ ratio Na+ content, ethylene
levels, MDA levels
Plant Soil

2004). Salt stress has been shown to degrade D1 and D2 maintain higher chlorophyll concentration by improving
proteins of the photosystem II reaction centre. These the uptake of Mg2+ (Jogawat et al. 2013; Yin et al. 2014)
proteins play crucial roles in protein phosphorylation and this leads to maintenance of plastid integrity and
coupled with the flow of electrons (Jansen et al. 1996). enhanced photosynthetic efficiency (Johnson et al.
Salt stress also results in decreased photosynthetic pig- 2014).
ments by reducing the activity of enzymes that synthe- Another way in which endophytes induce defence
size them. Osmotic shock resulting from salt stress leads systems in plants under saline conditions is by upregu-
to reduced leaf area and decrease in stomatal and meso- lating the ascorbate-glutathione (ASH-GSH) cycle; for
phyll conductance (Chaves et al. 2009). This limits CO2 example Kumar et al. (2012) described that during salt
availability and assimilation which consequently affects stress, the endophytic fungus P. indica maintains a high
RuBisCO (Seemann and Critchley 1985). Decreasing antioxidative environment by defence system priming,
CO2 assimilation also increases the risk of the accumu- especially the ascorbate–glutathione (ASH–GSH) cycle
lation of electrons in thylakoid membranes and predis- leading to maintenance of plastid integrity and therefore
poses the photosynthetic apparatus to increased energy enhanced photosynthetic efficiency in colonised plants
dissipation. Thus, to dissipate this energy, photosystem during abiotic stress (Johnson et al. 2014). ENC plants
II loses excess electrons causing injury to photosynthet- also confer the benefit of maintaining the integrity of
ic tissues and affecting the net photosynthetic rate photosystem II by repairing salt-induced degradation of
(Redondo-Gómez et al. 2010). D1/D2/Cytb 559 complex by the accumulation of gly-
Plants can protect the photosystems from light in- cine betaine in ENC plants (Rivero et al. 2014). Glycine
duced inhibition and damage in several ways such as betaine is also known to stabilise PSII pigment-protein
minimizing harvesting of light and dispersion of excess complexes and protect the activities of RuBisCO and
energy by non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) (Lima rubisco activase enzymes responsible for fixing CO2 in
Neto et al. 2015). An increase in NPQ can limit quantum AM fungi (Talaat and Shawky 2014).
yield (Baker 2008) but ENC plants are reported to have
lower NPQ, therefore symbiosis enhances photosynthet- Hormonal regulation
ic efficiency by proficient conversion of harvested light
into chemical energy and minimizing NPQ (Pehlivan Induction of phytohormones is also one of the strategies
et al. 2017). Endophytic fungi are also known to rein- plants use to mitigate abiotic stresses that ultimately
force these mechanisms and reduce the negative effects enhance plant growth and productivity in stressful envi-
of salinity on plant photosynthetic capacity (Jogawat ronments (Ryu and Cho 2015). Phytohormones, often
et al. 2013; Molina-Montenegro et al. 2018). Table 4 regarded as plant growth regulators, are compounds that
lists some of the studies in the last decade on effect of are derived from plant biosynthetic pathways acting
salinity and endophytes on photosynthesis in plants. either locally or via transport to other sites within the
Endophytic symbiosis combats the negative effects of plant to mediate growth, development and nutrient allo-
salt stress on photosynthesis in several ways. ENC cation (Peleg and Blumwald 2011). These include
plants have shown improved water status resulting in abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellins (GA), ethylene
larger leaf area and higher stomatal conductance and (ETHY), cytokinins (CKs), brassinosteroids (BRs) and
eventually better assimilation of carbon dioxide (Zarea auxins, particularly indole acetic acid (IAA). To initiate
et al. 2012). suitable plant responses to environmental stimuli, there
Magnesium (Mg) is one of the essential macronutri- is interplay between these hormones to modulate bio-
ents for plant growth and is involved in numerous chemical and physiological processes (Saeed et al.
physiological and biochemical processes such as photo- 2017).
synthesis, enzyme activation and synthesis of nucleic It is known that some strains of endophytic fungi can
acids ad proteins (Chen et al. 2018). It is the central atom produce plant hormones, especially gibberellins (GAs),
of the tetrapyrrole ring of chlorophyll a and b molecules, to help the plant to tolerate or avoid abiotic stress
which are the major pigments for photosynthetic light (Contreras-Cornejo et al. 2009; Khan et al. 2011b; Wal-
absorption (Wilkinson et al. 1990). Salt reduces uptake ler et al. 2005). Hamayun et al. (2010) reported that
of Mg2+ thus also reducing the concentration of chloro- inoculation with the endophytic fungi Phoma herbarum
phyll in leaves (Sudhir and Murthy 2004). ENC plants showed increased plant biomass and elevated
Plant Soil

Table 4 Examples of studies on the effects of salinity and endophytic fungi on photosynthesis in plants

S. No. Salt level (mM NaCl) Plant Fungus Parameters assessed Effects of References

Salinity Endophytic fungi on salt

stressed plants

1 0, 200, 300 Oryza sativa Piriformospora indica Photosynthetic pigment Decreased Increased Jogawat et al.
content [chlorophyll (2013)
(Chl) a, Chl b]
2 0, 50, 150 Lactuca sativa (lettuce Colobanthus quitensis The net photosynthesis Decreased Significantly increased
var. Romaine) (AFE001) and rate (A), and Amax, Amax, WUE
and Solanum Deschampsia transpiration rate WUE
lycopersicum (tomato antarctica (AFE002) (EC), water use
var. Moneymaker) efficiency (WUE) for
photosynthesis as the
ratio between
photosynthetic rate
and transpiration
et al. (2018)
3 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, Triticum aestivum Piriformospora indica Photosynthetic Decreased Significantly increased Zarea et al. (2012)
500 and Azospirillum spp. pigments (Chl a, b, with inoculation of
ab) both organisms
4 0, 300, 500 Solanum lycopersicum Fusarium culmorum Photosystem II (PsII) Decreased Increased Azad and
efficiency Kaminskyj
Plant Soil

production of active GAs including GA1, GA3, GA4, genetic mechanisms are largely unexplored. Therefore,
and GA7 in salt-stressed soybean. Similar results were there is a need to understand these phenomena by in-
shown by Waqas et al. (2012), where salt-stressed cu- vestigating genes encoding enzymes used for the syn-
cumber plants inoculated with Penicillium sp. had larger thesis of molecules that are crucial for salt stress resis-
shoot growth and plant biomass that was attributed to tance. Therefore, dedicated research into unravelling the
the secretion of bioactive GAs. A study on salt-stressed molecular basis of osmolyte accumulation in ENC
cucumber plants inoculated with Trichoderma plants will broaden our understanding of the mecha-
asperellum Q1 alleviated the suppression effects of salt nisms involved.
stress by altering the phytohormone levels (IAA, GA In recent years, new compounds, such as polyamines,
and ABA) and the phosphate solubilization ability (Lei and strigolactones have been implicated in improving
and Zhang 2015). Three bioactive GAs, i.e. GA4, GA9 plant tolerance to salt stress (Fahad et al. 2015).
and GA12 were more abundant in ENC plants grown Strigolactones (SL) play regulatory roles to combat
under salt stress compared to NENC plants (Khan et al. abiotic stress, including salinity, and in order to be fully
2011c), and this mitigated the adverse effects of salinity effective, they need to modulate and interact with other
and improved growth. phytohormones, especially auxin and ABA. SLs are
Endophytic symbiosis under saline conditions has a also involved in several aspects of plant development;
positive influence on the endogenous concentration of suppression of secondary branches in shoots, regulation
auxins (Contreras-Cornejo et al. 2009). Contreras- of leaf senescence, stimulation of internode length and
Cornejo et al. (2014) evaluated the expression of the induction of endophytic symbiosis (de Saint Germain
auxin-responsive marker gene DR5:uidA which was et al. 2013; Lopez-Raez et al. 2017; Yamada et al.
upregulated in ENC plants compared to their counter- 2014). This group of sesquiterpene lactones is responsi-
parts under saline conditions speculating that, by pro- ble for hyphal branching and successful colonisation
viding auxins, Trichoderma spp. could restore auxin within roots by producing 5-deoxy-strigol, followed by
homeostasis and, consequently growth and develop- the formation of a pre-penetration apparatus (Genre
ment could be normalized when grown under salt stress. et al. 2005). Recently, SL secreted by roots of
Arabidopsis thaliana was found to act as a signal mol-
Perspectives and future directions ecule for colonization of endophytic Mucor sp.
(Rozpądek et al. 2018). Studies on auxin and ABA
Evolution has led to complex interactions between a involvement with endophytes under salt stress has been
wide diversity of microorganisms and plants; many of explored, but further research is required to investigate
them resulting in the establishment of a symbiotic rela- the role of strigolactones secreted by ENC plants in
tionship between them (Hassani et al. 2018). These ameliorating salt stress.
interactions beneficially impact plant survival, biodiver- The root is the primary location in plants that senses
sity, fitness and ecosystem function (Bai et al. 2018; salt stress. The PM constitutes the interface between a
Rosier et al. 2016; Sasse et al. 2018). Growing evidence cell and its surroundings and plays an important role in
indicates that endophytic associations can also be im- cell wall biosynthesis, ion transport, endocytosis, sens-
portant for plant fitness, development of the immune ing of environmental stimuli, and cellular signal trans-
system, tolerance to abiotic stresses, nutrient acquisition duction (Mansour et al. 2015). PM lipids and proteins in
and disease suppression (Hiruma et al. 2016; Khan et al. salt tolerant plants are protected from oxidative attack
2015; Khare et al. 2018; Soliman et al. 2015; Terhonen through enhanced antioxidant systems, a mechanism
et al. 2016; Zuccaro et al. 2014). This review highlights that minimizes lipid and protein oxidation while
some of the numerous mechanisms by which endophyt- retaining PM integrity (Mansour 2013). Though lipid
ic symbiosis promotes salt tolerance in plants. However, peroxidation has been elucidated in ENC plants under
there are several challenges and issues that future re- salt stress, lipid metabolism in the PM in root tissues is
search should address for comprehensive understanding yet to be investigated. Hence future research that eval-
of these mechanisms. It is well established how osmotic uates how endophytic symbiosis influences these
adjustment in plants under salt stress via enhanced ac- changes under saline conditions is warranted.
cumulation of osmolytes is achieved using endophytic Limited studies are available to understand the role of
symbiosis. However, the biochemical, molecular and endophytic fungi in modifying the photosynthetic
Plant Soil

capacity of plants to alleviate the negative effects of Acknowledgements SG thanks the University of Melbourne for
providing the Melbourne Research Scholarship for financial
salinity as described in previous sections. Salt stress
has been shown to degrade proteins of the PSII reaction
centre. These proteins play fundamental roles in phos-
phorylation of proteins (Jansen et al. 1996). Studies in Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
the past have focused on understanding how AMF adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format,
symbiosis acts to maintain the integrity of PSII showing as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and
the upregulation of the genes encoding these proteins the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and
under salt stress (Chen et al. 2017). However, research indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party
material in this article are included in the article's Creative Com-
on maintenance of these proteins by endophytic fungi mons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the
under salt stress is a field to explore. material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Com-
Metabolomics is increasingly being utilized for gen- mons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory
erating deep insights into abiotic stress responses. Sev- regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain
permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of
eral studies have focused on exploring and discovering this licence, visit
compounds that stimulate ENC plant growth by allevi-
ating stress using various technologies (Chetia et al.
2019; Kusari and Spiteller 2012; Mazlan et al. 2019; References
Tawfike et al. 2018). However, molecular signalling
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