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Analysis of careers360

Careers360 is a career counseling portal that provides training and expert direction and
innovation driven Educational Products and Services Company, Careers360
consistently incorporates a huge number of understudy and institutional information that
focuses with the client created inclinations.

Some points to be included in vm website are-

1.There is a special section of ncert solutions for school going children which is not
there is the vm website.This should be incorporated in the vm website as soon as
possible so that vm becomes a one stop solution for school kids as well.

2. Students nowadays are very much interested to study abroad or do job.The site does
not mention the courses that are available to study like TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS.

3.There is a special feature called QnA in careers360 website where there is a

questionnaire and a seek a reference if one has a problem and also the previous
question mentioned might also solve some of the queries.
4.The site also shows pictures of which college forms are open so that students can
easily get that and it would be time saving as well for the students.In this way wm
website can also generate revenue also by promoting other colleges website.

5.For increasing the popularity of the site vm should also feature in famous magazines
and famous newspapers as careers360.Careers360 has tie with The economic
time,financial express,first post and live mint that is why it has a lot of users. Vm should
also incorporate such a feature so that its message reaches more people.

6.Moreover there must be a lot of presence on social media such as facebook,youtube

so as to drive a lot of customer engagement and include a lot of audience and also
remembered in the long run.

7.Vm site is not readily available on google search as is there must be
some review system of the site done at the earliest.Whenever a person wants to search
they will first google it and vm should be available at one go.

8.AI chatbots-

With growing Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots are helping us to find products, places,
food and even solving customer service issues. ​Chatbots​ can convince you of
remarkable things like the necessity of clicking a link or they are humans, not robots.
Automation using bots allows companies to minimize their costs while still maintaining a
high price point, thanks to the ease of use and quality of service.


Careers360 has special mention of college counseling webinars with experts from the
industry that would help them in selecting the college of their choice and also that would
fetch them good placements and .
Also previous webinars are available so that it can reach out to students who missed it
and can access it anywhere and anytime.

10.Careers 360 have included the best fit option to select the appropriate college of
their choice .This is also a good feature to be included in the website to attract the

The website in vm looks a little disrupted with the available options being jumbled up.t
need to be a Sorted one so the options are easy to find.The background colour chosen
is also good and looks elegant.These are some of the changes that that should be
adapted in the vm website

Some reviews from students should also be mentioned and authentic review should be
added so that it can attract more users.

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