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I had been blind since the age of 11 years.
IN A. C. VALDEZ, JR. CAMP AIGN I am 34 years old. I had been treated as a
(The article appearing below was taken verbatim from the VICTORIA TIMES and is btlt one of a number blind man, and my records are at the Uni-
of friendly articles appearing in that publication. This article was accompanied by the photo on our cover show- versity of Minnesota Hospital, where I was
ing the man casting away his leg brace. The words of the headline shown below are exactly as the newspaper operated on in 1940. The Blind Association
published them. However, none of our Evangelists lay claim to the term "Healer," since Christ is the only of Minnesota handled my case. I received
Healer.) a blind pension. On the 74th of July, I was
given the "blind" News and Candy stand
(vending stand) at the Hibbing Post Office.
Brother Tannenbaum prayed for me, and
God instantly opened my eyes, and they are
getting better all the time. I also was deaf
MIRACLE ON QUADRA ST.? in my left ear, and that is also healed. I
had skin disease, which caused much dis-
comfort, and thank God, it is now healed.
I came to Hibbing, Minnesota, to attend
THOUSANDS SEE HEALER the· revival, from the residence of my brother-
in-law, Morris West, 118 W. 7th St., Duluth,
Minnesota, and I am sure if anyone contacts
LAY .HANDS ON FAITHFUL him, he will vetify my testimony.
John Dent
2301 4th Ave.,
Hibbing, Minn.

In a tense atmosphere a young man holds The preacher moves to another patient. This had told him his ear drum was gone, he said.
in one hand a steel leg brace which had sup- time to a young Chinese girl on a stretcher. "When Mr. Valdez touched my ear I went
ported his lame limb for over a year. He touches her. The girl cries out: "Thank you through the same sensations as I did at the time
God, thank you God." Her small voice pene- I lost my ear," he related. "There was a rumb-
"My leg is healed," he gasps. "I can walk trates to the far corners of the tent. ling sound and a crashing noise. Then I heard."
normally again." That is what this reporter saw in the big Mrs. Harold 'Ker, 1744 Duchess Street,
"Glory Halleluja," exclaims a large con- claimed her two-year-old niece, Lee Anne
gregation in amazement. "A-men ... A-men There were many testimonies of cures. Walker of Leduc, Alberta, who had been un-
.. A-men." • Jean Parker, 545 Hillside Avenue, claimed able to walk, had been cured by the faith
The scene is a big tent at the corner of sight was restored to her left eye. heallir's power.
C. J. Rodway, 38, 1848 Hollywood Crescent, There were many other testimonies of cures
Quadra and Pembroke Streets where for two
weeks hundreds of sick and ailing people have reported his left leg, injured two years ago and partial ;elief from pain.
passed through in the hope of finding some in an accident, had healed. Physicians had ex·
pressed the fear that he would never again GIVEN POWERS TO HEAL
relief for their afflictions ... hopeless cases
·of medical science. have full use of his limb because the main The evangelist explained it all this way:
ligament and muscles were damaged, he said. "I was' given healing powers by God two
More than 2,000 persons are seated in the
massive tent where Evangelist A. C. Valdez, W. C. Astrope, 921 Darwin, testified that years ago. But people must have faith and
he could hear with his left ear, damaged by an must humble themselves before God. I do not
Jr., of Arizona, is conducting a faith healing heal."
service. The congregation is composed mostly exploding shell in First World War. Doctors
of Victorians, but some have come from distant
parts of British Columbia and the United States
to see the "miracles."
The young evangelist, a thick set, dark·
haired man, wearing a light-grey suit, a white NOVEMBER, 1951
shirt and bow tie, stands on a raised platform.
There is nothing striking about his outward INDEX
appearance. His speech, however, is dynamic, WHOLE NO. 44
forceful and sometimes deeply emotional. VOL. IV

. Articles Page Articles Page

Waiting in an aisle is a long line of suf- News and Notes and Names. 3 Featured Evangelists .9-14
fering humanity, young and old, some with
faces distorted with pain. Nearby are stretcher What to Do When Death Strikes Donald Gee Column ..... 15

cases, cripples in wheel chairs, old people who By Gordon Lindsay ..... 4 .16
Letters to the Editor.
need some support to stand. They are all
waiting ... waiting for a miracle to happen. Divine Healing Revival Within
5 Evangelists' Address Directory 16
The moment has arrived. All is tense. The the Local Churches.
faith healer walks to a wheel chair where a Schedules of TVH Evangelists 17
Questions and· Answers. 6
thin, pale young man sits. He is paralyzed
from ·the waist down. World-Wide Revival .. .. 20
Signs-Miracles-W onders 7
"Affliction I curse thee," says the evangelist. Prophecy Marches On . . . . 22
Demon Possession
"Stand up now, you are getting better.,"
By Oral Roberts. 8 Our Book Selection . . . . . . . 23-24
The man stands. Spectators gasp. Tears roll
down the face of a well-dressed grey-haired
business man kneeling in prayer.

2 THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951

News olld Noles
olld Nomes 'J




(See Photo on Cover)

This is to certify that we the undersigned

attended the Collett Healing meeting at Race-
land, Kentucky, and saw with our own eyes, Lucille KinhoIt
the little boy, Danny Leo Glancy, of Hitchins,
Kentucky, who was a cripple when born. We INSTANTLY DELIVERED FROM
saw the child walking perfectly after Brother NEED OF BRACE
Collett had prayed for him. The leg was 1Y2
inches shorter and the toes turned backwards, I had arthritis of the spine, which was
but God performed a perfect miracle on this rapidly spreading to my arms and legs. My
child, and today his foot is normal - a fact spine was also torn loose from the pelvis,
verified by physicians in Kentucky and Ohio. and I had to wear a brace with a piece of
steel on either side of the spine. I could only
Rev. Walter E. Pyle waik a short distance without the brace, then
Wheelersburg, Ohio. I would lose control of my legs.
Rev. William Mosley A bone specialist in Chicago told me to
So. Shore, Ky. wear the brace and return in a year; and
if the spine had not fused back together,
(TVH also has on record many other sig- they would have to graft bone, providing the
natures of persons who witnessed this mir- arthritis had quietened down. I was in much
acle.) pain the night Brother Stewart prayed for me.
Then I fel! the hand of God upon me and
• was instantly healed of arthritis. I had for-
gotten to tell Brother Stewart about the spinal
condition. The next night, he prayed for me
Photo at left shows Danny Lee' Glancy after
miraculous healing had taken place. Compare again, and I felt my spine being twisted and
Danny Lee Glancy pulled, then set down upon the pelvis.
exact length of legs as shown here with. cover
photo, which shows one leg shorter than the I thank God today that we have a living
other. Savior who loves us enough to reach down in
the filthy pit of sin, cleanse and heal our
broken twisted bodies, and pour forth His
light upon our souls. Praise God for what
Clovis, N. M.
Brother Richey has taken a leave of ab- By M. A. Jollay MINISTER PRAISES GOD FOR
sence from his church, The Evangelistic Tem- Pastor, Riverside Ta,bernacle
ple, Houston, Texas, and has re-entered the GARDNER TENT REVIVAL
evangelistic field. Good reports are coming By E. W. Raimer
in of souls being saved and bodies being . We have witnessed one of the greatest out- Pastor, Wayne, Mich., Assembly of God
healed in the Raymond T. Richey revivals. pourings of the Holy Spirit in the W. V. I am writing this Sunday night. I just took
Grant meeting to ever visit this part of the a picture of the Gardner tent with the large
For many years, Brother Richey conducted country. As near as we could ascertain, there number of cars parked along one side and
big revivals all over the country. During were between 400 and 500 who received the
Baptism of the Holy Spirit, during the five to the rear of the tent. What a glorious meet-
World War II, he used the big red, white and ing it has been. In a few hours, the meeting
blue tent in work among the Servicemen. weeks of the campaign. The prayer room was will be over and another salvation-healing
packed night after night, with members of not revival will be history. Many have found the
In 1945, God called his father, Rev. E. N. only ·our own congregation, but many who Lord Jesus as Saviour in the tent cathedral
Richey, home and Raymond T. Richey, along came from distant points to attend the servi- under the ministry of Velmer Gardner. Now
with his brother A. J. Richey, felt obligated ces.
it is coming' down, and our hearts are filled
to pastor the home church, The Evangelistic with sadness, but soon it will go up again in
Temple, in downtown Houston, an outgrowth The tarrying services were characterized by
of the first great revival the brothers con- many features witnessed in the early days. another city, and the good news will go forth
ducted in Houston. More than 5,000 people People came of all faiths-even Catholics from the lips of God's servant.
were converted in this revival and thousands and Jews-to witness and receive this promised It has been a real joy working with the.
were healed. Brother A. J. Richey is now power from on high. Gardner evangelistic party. We have found
caring for the local work, with the. aid of Brother Gardner to be a man of prayer. I
an assistant. The number of people who showed evi- doubt if you would find a night that Brother
dence of definite healing in the campaign Gardner was not on his knees in prayer in
Brother Richey's recent meetings have been was unusually high in relation to the number the prayer tent, before it was time for him to
in Laurel, Mississippi; Calvary Temple, Los prayed for. speak. One of the ministering brethren who
Angeles, .California; the City Auditorium in traveled miles to be with us in the meeting
Atlanta, Georgia, and two weeks in Junction We greatly appreciate the simplicity and said, "Brother Raimer, it's worth it all to see
City, Kansas, besides a number of one-night sincerity found in the ministry of Brother these souls here, weeping through to God."
meetings in various cities. We know all TVH Grant, and I am sure that God will continue Truly, the Full Gospel churches that coop-
readers will rejoice to hear of Brother Richey's to make him a blessing to the thousands who erated in this area will long be able to shout·
being back on the field again, and of God's throng his meetings. Ebenezer, saying, "Hitherto hath the Lord
continued rich blessing upon his ministry. helped us."

THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951 3


~, .../'*

n relating this experience, which came to me recently, I do so, trusting that it will
give help and encouragement to others who may have a desperate encounter with the
enemy. For a quarter of a century, I have enjoyed almost uninterrupted health, and on
appreciation for all those who held faith with
me, and some who visited and prayed with
me. Weare members of one Body, and the
prayers and faith of others are of great sig-
nificance and imp<;>rtance.
several occasions when sickness has attempted to secure a foothold in our home, God I asked my wife to bring me a medical
miraculously intervened and delivered us from all the works of Satan. I say this not dictionary from the office. I wanted to find
boastfully, but as one who is humbly grateful for God's grace and mercy, which He out just how bad a carbuncle was. Although
she has a good memory, each day she "forgot"
has always seen fit to extend to us. to bring it. Later, when I was back at the
A few weeks ago, I was engaged)n some important business in the East. It required office, I read what it had to say. It was as
follows: CARBUNCLE: A name applied to a
my being up 'till very late hours, and on some nights, I secured very little sleep. This very painful-and dangerous affection-the
was nothing new to me, since ordinarily, two o'clock in the morning has been the time skin gives way at several places, and through
I usually retire. these openings, the core of the carbuncle is
seen as a grayish-white slough-it is accom-
THE DEVIL STRIKES UNAWARES could convince him. He looked at me again panied by severe general disturbance, due to
and, almost with tears in his eyes, said, "If youthe absorption of poisons produced by the
About a day or two after I began this do not have the money, don't worry over that. microbes in the carbuncle-the process causes
business trip, I became aware that a boil of Your life is more· important than money." great exhaustion to the patient, and from
some kind was forming on the back of my Of course, the money was not the object, and this exhaustion, or more actual poisoning,
neck. Boils are usually inconsequential inci- I could not but appreciate the kindly solici- death often follows. It is customary-to open
dents, and I hardly gave the matter a passing tude of the. physician. the carbuncle with a cross-shaped incision---"
thought. The next day, however, I noticed When the doctor saw that I would not After I read this doleful obituary, I had a
that the swelling was not the same as that of undergo medical treatment in Memphis, he suspicion that my wife "forgot" to bring the
an ordinary boil. Had I been at home, I turned to me and said, "I'll let you go on book on purpose.
certainly would have followed my usual pat- one condition-that you will call your physi-
tern of action when any kind of sickness has cian as soon as you reach Shreveport." I THE BATTLE RAGES
seemed to threaten. I mean by this that at replied, "Doctor, I promise you that the
such times I always wait upon God until I moment I get to Shreveport I'll calion my For three days the battle raged. I could
feel that I have dominion over what may Physician." I kept that promise, even before feel the terrific impact of spiritual forces in
seem to be portending trouble. But I was at I got to Shreveport. I most earnestly called the action, in which the carbuncle seemed to be
nerve center of the battle arena. In the
the busiest part of my journey and matters on my Physician-the Great Physician, the natural, the issue seemed in doubt. But in the
I was dealing with were of such nature they Sympathizing Jesus.
were occupying all my attention and time. My spiritual realm, God gave me peace, lmd I
THE BATTLE BEGINS could feel that the Spirit of God was raising
mistake was a common one-people usually
do not get in earnest when an affliction In Shreveport, the battle began. I believe 'up a standard against this menacing power
threatens, until the thing becomes securely en- that an answer from heaven came the first that was searching for my life. The struggle
trenched. day, but due to an organized attack of the went-on for hours-sometimes in the middle
powers of hell, the result was not manifest of the night. After I had prayed for healing,
Concluding my business on Friday, I found immediately. Because of the peculiar part I ceased begging or crying. I have often seen
myself at the great Washington, D. c., air- TVH plays in these great salvation-healing this method used and it is worse than useless.
port, a little after midnight, standing by for revivals, the devil evidently believed he could I just kept praising God for the victory that
possible space on an airliner headed west. It effect a damaging blow, if he could get its I knew was surely mine.
was at this time that I realized something editor out of the way. No man is indispens-
was seriously wrong. The boil now extended able, yet each of us is given a task that is One other thing I did. I searched my life
over a space of several inches in width and peculiarly our own. carefully, and asked the Spirit of God to turn
was quite painful. the searchlight on anything that was displeas-
Having great confidence in the prayers of ing to Him. An attack by the enemy should
I was fortunate to get a plane that took others, I sent out telegrams to several of my always be a means .of drawing us closer to
me as far as Memphis. But arriving at the brethren containing the following words: "The God. A great mistake, and one alas made too
city, I was too weak to proceed further, and devil has strttck me with a serious infection.
so remained overnight in a hotel. By morning, I am convinced as with Daniel, the answer begin often, is that when Satan strikes, people
to whine and say, "I don't know why
I found that the infection had spread across has already been sent. Undoubtedly this at- this had to come on me." An attack by the
my entire neck, and was extremely hard and tack is tied ttp with the devil's attempt to enemy, may not indicate any outbroken sin,
painful when touched. frustrate the rapidly growing work of TVH. but it often indicates that we have let the
Please hold on to God with me for the mani- devil break down the hedge of Divine pro-
I LEARN THE SERIOUSNESS OF festation of complete deliverance!' tection somewhere, if only that we have failed
MY CONDITION Gordon Lindsay to obey the laws of rest, diet, health, etc.
While waiting for a plane, I determined At this point, I wish to express my deep (Continued on Page 21)
to find out just what the trouble was, and
made an inquiry of a local physician. He TWO OUTSTANDING BOOKS BY GORDON LINDSAY
took just a brief glance and his face paled.
Looking at me earnestly, he said, "Sir, I am
sorry to tell you this, but ihis is a most hadministry
serious infection-it is a carbuncle,
•• ~o. ••
,~ and
developed to the point where it is going to
I••_ ••••••has
... SERms
'._.N" •••~ •.• ,.~
JOHI.G. where
~,. John
Gordon and
ings by
fivewere to
ofa South
a asman
years.recorded Wodd Evangelization Now by
On Dominion Over Demons, Disease Healing and Miracles
give you great trouble; such thingsI ~-"'~~~f.-.F.21
often Price $1.00 These sermons were
result in - - - " his voice trailed off, and then By
continued, "the infection is near your spinal Gordon Lindsay
cord, and can result in spinal meningitis."
He spoke decisively, "You must have medical
treatment at once." A book that gives
first hand informa-
I was weak and exhausted and in no con- tion on exactly what
dition to argue. So I·said, "Doctor, I thank you its name implies.
for this information, but I will do nothing Tells all about this
until I reach Shreveport. My plane leaves ministry .that has
shortly." The physician was a kindly man, and been shaking the
he was convinced I did not realize the gravity world.
of the situation, He admonished, he urged, he
cajoled, he begged, he almost threatened. But
I was adamant. If this was a matter of life Price $1.00-Bound $2.00
and death, then I must throw myself on the Order from The Voice of Healing
mercy of Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Heal- Shreveport, La.
er; and weak as I was, I did not feel that I

4 THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951

The second in a series of articles on
Divine Healing Revivals Within the Local Churches


(ltl case of a National Emergency, great mass meetings might be curbed, as in World War II. It is extremely important that the healing
revival will get its roots down within the local church. To encourage this, TVH is featuring articles each month describing remarkable
healing revivals occu1'ring in local churches.) ,

has never been the same since. The people is made for the sick in all our services and
By U. S. Grant, Pastor began to come forward for prayer. The first people come for healing because that fact
Full Gospel Tabernacle was a little lady, Mrs. Charles Owsley, who is known. Just two nights ago two ladies
was suffering from pernicious anemia, double came from out of the city for prayer. One of
curvature of the spine, and spots on her them had an extreme nervous disorder and
A bout four years ago word came to us that lungs, which the doctors feared was tubercu- had not been able to sleep. She called in
a man by the name of William Branham was
losis. As I laid hands on her, I felt as though yesterday and said she had a wonderful sleep
ministering in different places with real Apos-
I had hold of an electric charger. When the the night before.
tolic power. The gifts being manifest through
him were phenomenal-not having been wit- "charge" ceased, I knew she was healed. The results of this revival' in the local
Medical examination less than a week later church could be nothing but good. Since
nessed in our generation. We began immedi-
ately to try and get Brother Branham to gave her a clean slate. She was. well! Later, this visitation in the church of the ministry
this same woman contracted cancer of the of deliverance, we have added about. one
come to Kansas City, Kansas. In April, 1948,
throat and tongue. She had an ugly mass on hundred and fifty members to our rolls
he came for five short days. What we wit-
her tongue and a large lump in her throat (though this is not our prime objective. 'Our
nessed (together with those who gathered from that laboratory tests proved positive. In one
almost every state in the Union) we shall week from the offering of prayer, she was aim is to be a blessing to all people who need
never forget. Diseases were detached and pronounced cured. The doctors could not even us); we have constructed a new edifice hoping
expelled by ,the power of the Name of Jesus. find the place where they had removed it would take care of local healing meetings.
tissue from the throat for tests. Weare afraid. this building will prove too
Miracles had become normal rather than the small. Balconies can, and will, be added later.
rarity as before. We could multiply this testimony by many The ultimate seating capacity will be about
times if space permitted. We have positive twelve to fourteen hundred ..
For many years I have prayed for the sick testimony of healings in our local church
in my ministry and have seen some unusual covering the field of cancer, arthritis, sugar Rev. Branham came back last fall in one
deliverances, but never was my heart so diabetes, skin ulcers (open sores for fifteen of the greatest meetings we had seen to that
stirred as when I saw what God could do and (15) years), gall bladder infection, heart dis- time. This spring we were privileged to have
was beginning to do in this day. I got alone order, etc. I can say of a truth, that when Clifton Erickson in our church for a month.
with God and prayed: "Dear Lord, it looks prayer is offered for the sick in the church We saw one hundred saved, about fifty fiUe4
to me that you are doing a new thing in the today, the people expect to see results. We with the Spirit, and miracles of healing every
earth. This looks like a revival for these used to pray and hope the law of averages night. Others, including Jack Coe, have min~
last days. I don't know if you can use me or would give us some who would be healed. istered in our city. We thank God for what
not. But if you don't want me, you will have We no longer pray, invoking the law of has been done, not only in our church, but
to push me out of the path; because I am averages. We pray, invoking the law of faith, in the churches in this entire area. ·.some have
placing myself, as best I know, at your dis- which is a perfect law working every time. been revived that were struggling for exis-
posaL" I have thanked Him more than once Our people are no longer surprised if some tence. The end is not yet. This ministry should
that He did not entirely put me aside, but has one is healed. They are honestly surprised if be in every church. I believe it will .be,ere
given me and my church some part in this the person. prayed for is not healed. Prayer Jesus comes.
Two burdens were placed upon my heart as FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE, Kansas' City, Kansas, where' a con-
I prayed. First, to see the full-orbed opera- tinuous "revival" has been the result (due in a large part) to the ministry
tions of the sign-gift ministry in the local of healing within the church.
church. Though we are in full accord with
union meetings and have promoted them here,
we felt the ultimate in God's plan is to have
the gifts in operation in all local churches.
I mentioned this to some, including Brother
Branham, and was assured I was on the right
track. The second burden placed on ,.my heart

was to have a ministry in a radius of my
church-in smaller communities where union
meetings would never reach. As I read the
Word of God, this burden was confirmed
I began to preach faith to my local church
and to tell them what I had felt the will of
• •
God to be for us. It began to "take" and it
was not long until things began to happen.
One Wednesday night, in our mid-week ser-
vice, the presence of the Spirit was very
mighty. Soon a deacon arose and gave a
rather strange utterance-no doubt a pro-
phetic utterance. He said, "People, we are • •
about to get lost in God. Something is about
to happen." Then it seemed that the Power
of God moved into that room as it did in
the upper room at Pentecost. The visitation
was so real that The Full Gospel Tabernacle


'.,. f-


" ,,/if'f'
deemed us from the curse of the law:' Notice
that the curse of the law included every kind
of sickness. Deut. 28:15-47. Some people seem
to think that under Grace we lose all the
blessings of the law and keep all the curses.
Just the opposite is true. Under Grace, we
escape the curses and keep the blessings. Un-
der the Law, God said that He would take
sickness from our midst. (Exodus 23:25.) It
QUESTION: our sicknesses." Notice that the same Hebrew would be strange indeed if we got less under
Became of the great numbers of miracles word "nasa" is used. Therefore as Christ bore Grace than under Law!
and healings that are taking place, I think (nasa) our sins, so He has borne (nasa) our
sicknesses. Nothing could be clearer. This is Again we repeat that every good thing
that the majority of people believe that God'
heals today. However, while some teach that not a private interpretation, but the conclusion comes to us through the Atonement of Christ
God heals on the basis of His sovereignty, of the great commentators. Take for example, and not through our merits. The only pos·
they deny that Divine healing is through Young's translation (p. 452) which reads: sible question that could arise, would be
Chrisf'.s Atonement. What is your view of "Surely our sicknesses He hath borne, and our whether the time has yet come for us to enjoy
this teaching? (This question has appeared pains He hath carried them:' Divine healing. Could it be for a future age?
in a number of letters coming to our office.) Would it be possible that like the promise of
But Matthew's comment on Isa. 53:4 is the resu'rrection, secured through the Atone-
ANSWER: final and utterly conclusive. That inspired ment, the time of the enjoyment of Divine
TVH takes a most serious view of such writer interprets Isaiah's prophecy in the fol- healing has not yet come?
teaching, for it is fundamentally false, and is lowing words: "When even was come, they
indeed a dangerous error. When Modernism brought unto Him many that were possessed Ten thousand reasons cry in chorus that
first crept into the church, its advocates pro- of devils; and He cast out the spirits with His now is the time when the promise is in effect!
fessed to believe in salvation, but declared it Word, and healed all that were sick; that it Foremost is the fact that if the promise is
was not necessary to believe that it came might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias ever fulfilled, it must be now. In Heaven, we
through the Atonement. It is unnecessary to the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirm- won't need healing. There are no sick there.
be reminded of the appalling disaster and ities and bore our sickness." Matt. 8:14-17. After the resurrection, we won't need healing,
apostasy that has come to the churches which because sickness cannot touch us. Now is the
temporized with, and permitted this teaching Some, in an effort to oppose Divine healing, only time that Divine healing will do us any
to gain ascendency in their midst. assert that the words that Matthew uses, "that good.
Now some would arise and declare that it might be fulfilled," indicate that it was all 1. Furthermore: God has revealed Himself
they believe in healing, but that there is no fulfilled that evening in Capernaum when
Jesus healed the sick, and the prophecy has to us as Jehovah-Rapha-God our Healer.
need to believe that it comes through Christ's no further fulfillment. Notice that the same Exodus. 15:26.
Atonement. May every Christian ever keep this 2. The psalmist admonishes us not to forget
thought in his mind-no man receives any words, "that it might be fulfilled," are used
blessing from God except that it has come by Matthew in Matt. 12:17. In this prophecy, all of God's benefits, one of which is, "Who
Christ was to show salvation to the Gentiles. healeth all thy diseases."
through the Atonement!
If there is anything that the Scriptures make Was that all fulfilled when Jesus was on 3. Christ always encouraged those who ex-
clear, it is that Divine healing is in the Atone- earth? Any Sunday School child knows that ercised faith for healing. (Luke 8:48.) He
ment. Isa. 53:4 declares, "Surely He hath borne Christ has been saving Gentiles all during reproached those who didn't have faith. (Luke
this age, and will continue to do so until He 4:27.)
our griefs (kholee-sicknesses) and carried our comes in glory. Likewise healing of the sick,
sorrows (makob-pains). Notice that the word 4. He declared that one of the signs of
wherever there has been faith, has been con- true believers was that they should lay hands
"griefs" is translated from "kholee." It is the tinued by Christ through the church,' all
same word used in Deut. 7:15, where God on tge sick and they should recover. Mark
through this age, and even to this present day. 16:15-18..
says, "The Lord will take away from thee all
sickness (kholee). Then Isa. 53:4 literally We do not have space to record the vast 5. The Gospel was not to change in anywise
reads, "Surely He hath borne our sicknesses." array of evidence concerning the fact that Di- during the church age. Matt. 28:20.
In Isa. 53:12, we read of Christ's vicarious vine healing is in the Atonement, but it is 6. Gifts of healing were to be given to the
Atonement for sin. "And He bore (nasa) the interesting to notice that Isa. 53:5 backs up church. I Cor. 12:9.
sin of many:' How did Christ bear our sins? the great truth of the 4th verse with the words. 7. The church was instructed and com-
Vicariously as our substitute. Now notice the "And with His stripes we are healed." Paul 'manded to pray for the sick, and the Lord
4th verse again. "Surely He hath borne (nasa) tells us in Galatians 3:13, "Christ hath re- would raise them up. James 5:14-16.


A monthly inter-evangelical publication of the
Last-Day Sign-Gift Ministries, published by The

iana, founded by William Branham, Gordon Lind-

of God's people on earth.
Subscription Rate-lO Months hh nm.$1.00
Voice of Healing, Inc., a non-profit corporation
Canada and Foreign-lO Months__
incorporated under the laws of the State of Louis- u__
Single Copy (Current Issue) hmmm_mmm
say and Jack Moore for the purpose of unification
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umm $1.50
$ .15
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Gordon Lindsay h . .h_h._.m_h.Editor-in-Chief Single Back Copies m_m_mm_m m__
m $ .25
Jack Moore _m m.mnnnn m m_nn n_mCo-Editor Entered as second-class matter January 6, 1949, DIVINE HEALING
at Shreveport, Louisiana
Anna Jeanne Moore mnn__
m_m Assistant Editor CONVENTION
Donald J. Lowem m__
nnm_m_mBusinessManager November, 1951 Volume 4, No.8 December 11-12-13
Raymond T. Richey.m__
nn m.International Editor Please notify us of change of address, giv- ALL SERVICES ARE OPEN TO
ing both old and new addresses. Address all THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND
mail to: WILL BE HELD AT
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H. E.Osborn
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Grant 105 West Brady
Tulsa, Oklahoma

In order to bring THE VOICE OF HEALING

This is your opportunity to hear and
into existence and subsequently maintain it as a sub- to meet men God is using in this
stantial business, the editor and co-editor agreed to World-Wide Revival.
give freely of their time and substance, for which they
would accept no remuneration. This condition still For Reservations write:
exists, and will continue to be the policy of the Rev. J. R. Keith, 707 N. Wheeling,
corporation. Neither receives payment in any form for Tulsa, Okla.
Richard Vinyard services rendered to this cause.



W. V. Grant- Vernon Griggs -

I had an operation at Memphis for my For more than twenty years, I had arthritis •
right eye. The trouble was caused by arsenic or rheumatism in my hands and feet. In 1933,
lead, which caused pus pockets to form behind I had an operation for the removal of a
the eyeballs. The doctors said my eyesight tumorous cancer. A short time thereafter, a
was gone, and there was nothing they could growth, about the size of a lemon, developed
do to help me. For on the back of my right leg and doctors who
'eight years, I was to- examined it said it could not be removed, for it
tally blind in that enveloped and encased the main blood vessels
eye. to the lower part of my leg.
In May, 1951, I
was prayed for in the On February 17th, I attended a meeting at
. Grant Revival in Riv- Fort Hall, Idaho, and when Rev. Griggs pray-
erside Tabernacle, in ed for me, I received instant healing. I could
Flint, Michigan, and use my hands freely, and when we got home
received instant heal- from church the lump on my leg was gone,
ing. I was,able to see too. I'm thankful for the healing power of
the congregation after
I was prayed for. I Mrs. M. A. Lewis
now see to read, and Ft. Hall, Idaho
do not need my glasses. Witnessed by: Nellie Grimes (sister)
James Hammonds
4022 'Fenton Rd.,
Flint, Michigan Velmer Gardner-
Confirmation: VISION PERFECT AFTER PRAYER Theresa Jones
This man was totally blind in both eyes Knowing my eyes were not as they should
at one time; but later he could see some out of be, (especially the left one), I decided to con- Clifton Erickson -
the one eye. His vision is clearer now than sult a doctor. After the examination, the doc- TOTAL DEAF-MUTE HEALED
before he got his eyes burned out with acid. tor told me I was afflicted with myo-optic
M. A. Jollay, Pastor astigmatism. The vision in my right eye was My dau$hter, Theresa Jones, was born deaf,
20-30, and the vision in my left eye was 20-35, twenty-seven years ago. During these years, I
have taken her to many specialists, including
Rev. Gardner prayer for me on Monday some at Barnes Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri,
Richard Jeffery- evening, August 27th, in Wayne, Michigan. On Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, and other
Friday, August 31st, I took my physical ex- specialists in Little Rock, Arkansas, Memphis,
SOLDIER MIRACULOUSLY HEALED amination for West Point at Selfridge Field Tennessee, imd Springfield, Missouri-but she
OF CRIPPLED ARM Air Force Base. The Army doctors pronounced was never helped in any way.
I was inducted into the United States Army ~y vision perfect-20-20 vision in each eye. She graduated from Central Institute, St.
August 15, 1944, and while at Luzon, on April Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, touched Louis, Missouri, and during the years she at-
24, 1945, I was shot while in active combat. my eyes, and made them every whit whole. tended, she never heard one sound.
After arriving in the United States, I was sent. Praise His mighty and wonderful name!
to McCaw General Hospital, Walla Walla, On August 1, 1951, Rev. Clifton O. Erick-
Washington. Due to the injury in my left Ronald C. Hudgens son prayed for her at Eureka Springs, Arkan-
shoulder, where the bullet entered and shat- 1055 Earl Blvd., sas and, for the first time in her life, she was
tered the socket bone, my left arm gradually Ferndale, 20, Michigan able to' hear. Also, she is learning to talk
became approximately two inches shorter than much better as she hears.
the right one. I definitely believe if we will walk by faith,
On August 2, 1950, I was prayed for in William Branham - this healing is everything it is represented
Brother Jeffery's Healing Campaign in Butte, to be.
Montana. Before prayer, I showed the congre- Fred W. Jones
gation my shortened arm by stretching both One day I noticed a lump in my left breast. Mayor, Harrison, Ark.
arms out directly in front of me, and all could It was quite large and very painful. A week
see that my left arm was approximately two after I discovered it, I went to the doctor Confirmation:
inches shorter than my right. and he told me that
there would have to As pastor of the Assembly of God, of Har-
Immediately after prayer, I stretched forth rison, Arkansas, I would like to testify to the
be an operation. A fact of the marvelous healing of Theresa Jones,
my arm and they were the same length- couple of days after
Praise the Lord! All the congregation saw the I had been to the doc- the daughter of the mayor of our city, who
miracle take place. For this I wish to thank was a tO,tal deaf-mute, who had never heard
Him Who doeth all things well. One year tor, I wrote Brother sound in her life, not even thunder. I was
Branham for an
has passed since my healing took place. present the night she was prayed for, and be-
anointed cloth. I put fore she left the platform she was able to
William D. O'Brien the cloth on my body hear the tick of a watch. A number of times
1306 E. Park PI., and followed the in-
Butte, Montana structions he sent. she has been tested by the evangelist, and each
time her hearing was perfect, to the extent tha't
Two days after this, she could hear the ticking of a watch. Her
CONFIRMATION: I became sick, and speech is also coming to her.
poison started to leave Basil Edwards, Pastor
In July, 1950, William O'Brien was prayed my body in a natural way. By that night, the
for by Richard Jeffery, that he might have lump was over half gone, and in less than a
more use of the arm which was injured week it was all gone. There was not even any (ED. NOTE: It must be remembered that the
while in the U. S. Army. Immediately after soreness there. ' deliverance of all deaf-mutes consists in his
prayer, I saw the miracle take place, as he or her ability to hear.
stretched forth his arms, and both arms be- I do praise the Lord for the miracle He The process of beginning to learn the sig-
came the same length. A whole year has passed wrought! nificance of sounds and becoming a normal
and the miracle of healing is absolutely sound. Mrs. Paul Fisher person in this respect, requires time, patience,
For all this, we praise God. Mount Brydges kindness 'and encouragement from all con-
Elmer M. Trygg, Pastor Ontario, Canada cerned.)

THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951 7

'''The Fourth Man" is
TVH's Book-of-the-month.

Vivid Experiences in the casting
out of Demon spirits.
Condensed from "The Fou1·th Man" and other famous sermons Oral Roberts
by Oral Roberts the demons take complete control and look
from their eyes and speak with their tongue
All my life I have been afraid of demons. My oldest sister was tormented by these strange and use their mind, soul and body. Demons
powers. From the age of five until she was nineteen she had convulsions. When she was have personalities. They are evil spirits. They
nineteen, God, in mercy, took her soul to a better world than this. are as much a personality as a human being
is a personality. They can speak and their
My father has been a minister all my life. He is a minister now, and he has always warned language is intelligible one to the other in
me against demons. He said, "Oral, when you come to cast out demons, unless you have their own special way, but they can speak as a
the power of God over demons you're in great danger of being attacked yourself." Prior human speaks, by using the tongue of a human
to my special call from God in May, 1947, I was called upon to cast out demon spirits only being.
Paul and Silas came into town preaching
a few times. Each time I faced people possessed with demons, I had a great fear and trem- a mighty revival with signs and wonders, and
bling; I was fearful that they would attack me. a young girl, who was possessed of many
Therefore, I never had much success cast- demons, saw them and began to follow them.
ing out demons. But when Jesus spoke to me THE FOURTH MAN Demons know'God, they know Jesus and they
in an audible voice and said, "From this hour know the servants of Jesus; the demons used
you will heal the sick and cast out demons by and other famous sermons her voice, saying, "Paul, Silas! Thou servants
My power," I believed His word unto me; the of the most High God, we know thee who
awful fear was lifted from me like you take thou aft." Day after day she followed them
a wet blanket off somebody. I was able to face and these demons screamed out their names
the demons in those people possessed with • Thrilling and that they were the servants of the most
them, with no fear whatever but with great High God. Paul's spirit was stirred within
faith in God and power in my life. I shall • Dynamic him and he turned one day and said to these
never forget the first experience I had shortly demons, "I adjure thee by Jesus, come out
afterward. I had a long healing line facing me • Faithbuilding 'of her and enter no more into her!" The
in Oklahoma. A woman came before me who • Beautifully demons came out of her; she was free; she
was possessed with many demons, When I bound could not tell fortunes any more and her
started to pray for her, the demons violently owners who possessed her, body and soul,
seized her body and threw her on the ground were mad and infuriated at Paul and Silas
It my feet. Her head struck the floor and it Price $1.50 and had them thrown into jail.
seemed that it would pop open. She lay there This world loves sin. This world loves the
Order from The Voice of Healing demon-world. This world does not care about
writhing and kicking and gnawing her tongue,
foaming at the mouth, her hands turned in the work of Bible Deliverance.
toward her body. I did not know what to do; and their names. God gives me their names so What does the world care about healing
I had never seen anyone cast out demons and that I know what kind each demon is. As I of the sick or the casting out of demon spirits?
had no successful experience myself up till pray, the strong pressure of the demons comes We are in an unfriendly, cold, wicked world
that time. I faced her, not knowing where to against me, like a strong man is pushing me tonight! There are thousands of people who
turn; suddenly the Spirit of God came upon back. Then as God's power comes in my are losing their souls. They are turning from
me and I trembled with God's presence. I hand against the demon-pressure, the demons God and going to fortune-tellers, all of whom
reached down, took her hand in my right give way. God's power increases until there is having real psychic powers are possessed with
hand and said, "Thou foul tormenting demons, nothing left reacting against l;Iis presence in demon spirits. They have turned away from
I adjure thee in the name of Jesus Christ of me. A great joy wells up within me and the knowledge of the Lord God. God can
Nazareth, come out of this woman! Loose her pretty soon I am shouting. "There they go! tell a man or woman more in five minutes
and let her go free!" Instantly her body shook There they go!" And they are cast out by the than he or she would ever learn in a life-
from head to toe; she raised up her head and power of Jesus Christ, the Son of God! time by dealing with demon-possessed people;
looked at me. I did not know what was going This is one of the signs that Jesus is coming but people love sin; they love darkness. There
to happen. I did not even know that she was soon, and that we are in the last days: The is a curse upon such people: the curse of God
healed because I had had no previous ex- nearer we get to the end-time-preachers will is upon every man and woman who turns to
perience. When the Lord's power came upon tell you this-the nearer we get to the Lord's someone with a familiar spirit. Unless you
me, I took His command over the demons. coming the more demons are going to work, repent and get right with God, you will go
Suddenly she looked up at me. I saw her and possess people and torment them; and the straight to heIl!
countenance change. I said, "In Jesus' Name, more God is going to give His servants power These are the last days' and anything you
rise!" She sprang to her feet like some invisi- to cast them out. "For where sin doth abound, have been doing outside the will of God-
ble force had lifted her, threw up her hands grace doth much more. abound!" stop it now! If you want the peace of God in
and began crying, "Jesus Christ has healed me THE POWER OF DEMONS this world and in the world to come, make a
and has made me free!" That was my first The power of demons is simply appalling. break with anything that would destroy your
time to cast out demons through God's power I never knew the frightful power ,of demons soul.
and I won the victory in Jesus' Name over until God revealed Himself to me concerning MEN SHOULD BE REVERENT
the first demons I faced! my present ministry. Of course, I heard them
RECOGNIZING DEMONS whisper that my, sister had demons. All my I have, seen the demons twist people's
bodies. One night I was praying for people in
, Many times I know there are demon-pos- life I have heard Papa and Mama talk of the healing line. Several were present to be
sessed people in the healing line before they how Velma was afflicted. I remember seeing delivered from demons. I always ask people
ever get to me, because I can feel them Velma only a few times since I was a child to be reverent, to remain seated with heads
thcough God's power of discernment in me. when she died. But during the brief years I bowed. A man over on my right would not
When I lay my hand upon their head or I have been in this ministry, I have begun to bow his head; he was making fun and sitting
take their hand in my right hand, and the realize the awesome power of demon spirits. there saying, "There's nothing to all this." I
spirit of God comes in my hand, then I feel I know the Bible teaches their power and warned him, as I warn everybody when I
this sensation in my hand.' Demons have I have Seen that power with my own eyes. I come to cast out demons. I know that you
power too. Their power is challenged by God's have brought God's deliverance to thousands might make fun of some things but don't
power in my hand. I discern them by name of the demon-possessed. Those who have un- ever make fun of the real power of God. You
and number just like you take the pages of a clean demons have what I call, "snake eyes." are digging your own grave when you do
book and count the pages as you turn them Their eyes look exactly like the eyes of a that; besides you are getting' mighty close
one by one. Pressure of the demons comes serpent. I am not talking about those have to blaspheming the Holy Spirit when you
against God's power in my hand like that epileptic spirits or who have a deaf and dumb make fun of the works of the Holy Ghost.
and I count the number of the demons by the spirit or a spirit of fear. I am not talking I warned him,. I warned the crowd, urging
strange pressure they make. I count them- about that. I refer only to the unclean demons
everyone to be reverent. But the man sat
one, two, three, four, five, six or seven and I referred to in the Bible. When they seize a (Continued on Page 23)
know exactly how many demons are there person, he becomes exactly 'what the demon is;

8 THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951


--...--:,.-:..::.-j.-.-.- .. -
,~ ..

By W. F. Howes, Pastor Praise the Lord for saving our souls and
Four Square Church, Staunton, Va. healing our bodies in the McKay campaign in
Winchester, Virginia.
The McKay revival was no doubt the great- Mrs. Wichelhaus and I drove the 400 miles
est meeting the city of Staunton, Virginia, from Charlotte to Winchester to attend the
has ever experienced. The impact of the Gos- meetings, and were saved on the very first
pel of deliverance, as preached by Evangelist night. Later, we were in the healing line, and
Mrs. Wichelhaus regained her hearing. Since
W. B. McKay, under the anointing and power then she has not had to use her hearing aid.
of the Holy Spirit, brought deep convi~tion I was cured of stiffness in my limbs afld
to the hearts of the thousands attending. Over shoulders, caused by arthritis. Now, I am able
one thousand (by actual count) came down to freely use my arms and legs again. We can-
not praise the Lord enough for His blessing.
the "sawdust trail," to accept Christ as their
Paul Wichelhaus
Savior. The sponsoring pastors report many
new converts won to Christ from their section, 3107 Wilkinson Blvd.,
Charlotte, N. C.
and all are accepting new members into their
churches. -------------- .... James Whalen

Brother McKay and his faithful wife prayed Photo above shows James Whalen of 16 Tranary Street, Staunton, Virginia. James was a
for many hundreds of sick and afflicted in deaf mute, prior to prayer for his heaUng in the jHcKay revival. (Note sweater worn in picture
with initials of School for Deaf which this young man had attended.) More details of this out-
their prayer line, and God gave many out- standing miracle are given in pastor's report of Staunton campaign elsewhere on this page.
standing miracles of healing. A high point of
the meeting was the Sunday afternoon James
Whalen, Jr., 16 Tanary Street, Staunton, Vir-
ginia, was brought in for prayer. He had VINYARD MEETING AT NEW YORK
never heard, and could not speak. Immediately
after Brother and Sister McKay laid hands on
this fine young man of 17 years, the Lord de-
livered him. The crowds inside and .outside
the tent stood and praised God. Some cried Mountainview Gospel Camp of Sherburne, prayed for them en masse. One young lady,
New York, had the greatest visitation from Ruth Greenfield of Cortland, New York, was
with joy, others shouted the praises of their healed of a thyroid gland condition during a
heavenly Father. Heaven in its history. Again and again people mass prayer. The first night, six inches dis-
said, "This is the greatest camp meeting I have appeared from her waistline; the next night,
In many of the services, it was not unusual ever attended," and "This is the best camp three more inches; the following night, three
to hear people give testimony to the healing yet." Praise the Lord! more inches, making a total of twelve inches
power of God. One young lady testified that in three nights. She testified that during that
The camp meeting prospects this year were short time, she lost forty-eight pounds.
the Lord gave her a new eardrum. She told dark, due to a severe wind storm last fall
how she had become deaf in one of her ears which had b1cwn down cur Tabernacle. One night, three marvelous mrracles took
Brother Vinyard came to the rescue, how- place, one right after the other. A little girl,
when a bug got in her ear. She had been deaf a deaf mute, could hear and speak as Brother
in this ear for years, but could hear after she ever, by graciously offering the use of both Vinyard spoke to her after prayer. We have
his large gospel tent, prayer tent, and his learned since then that she is calling her play-
was prayed for. equipm~nt.
The churches sponsoring this great meeting mates by name. A little boy, who had never
The attendance more than doubled as peo- walked, was able to walk unaided to his
were impressed by the excellent equipment of ple came from nine different states and mother. Another boy, who had never spoken
our brother and sister.
Canada. Over two hundred ,responded to the plainly, was able to speak distinctly after
The Full Gospel ministers and churches call for salvation and over sixty received the God's healing touch. These are but a few of
Baptism of the Holy Ghost. the many healings that took place under the
here have worked together with the most ministry of Brother Vinyard.
beautiful harmony and cooperation in this The gift of discernment was in operation
in Brother Vinyard's ministry, as he called out Brother Walter H. Beuttler was the Bible
great effort to bring Bible deliverance to this the ones the Lord was healing. One of these, • Teacher in the morning services, and his min-
section. The ministers have been drawn closer Parmalee Edwards of South Norfolk, Virginia, istry blended beautifully with that of the
together and plans are now under way to was instantly healed of curvature of the spine. evangelist's.
organize a Pentecostal fellowship among them. After her healing, she was able to run and Rev. John Kellner, Camp Pastor
play ball with the young people on the camp Gen. Presbyter, New York-New
Weare looking for the McKays to return grounds. Jersey District of the
to Staunton next Spring, the Lord willing. People were healed as Brother Vinyard Assemblies of God

THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951 9

REVIVAL DECLARED (See Photo on Cover) (See Photo Above)
CITY'S GREATEST Ruther Rasson, Route 2, Armuchee, Georgia, Mrs. Bell Dukes, 1012 Avenue B., Rome,
BUSINESS MEN PLAN FOR came through the prayer line in the Ogilvie Georgia, came on the platform in the Ogilvie
GREATER RETURN CAMPAIGN campaign in R0me, Georgia, dragging his left Campaign at Rome, Georgia, with a hideous
The picture above shows part of the crowd foot and leg. Brother Ogilvie asked him what cancer on the right side of her face. She was
was the matter. He replied that he had been in great pain and not able to stand the light
in Brother Ogilvie's new tent. The Rome, paralyzed in his left side for the past 21 years. in her eyes. The cancer was also eating into
Georgia, meeting was the first campaign in Brother Ogilvie then asked if anyone in the and around the eye. A number of people
the new tent, which has a seating capacity of congregation knew this man. Several raised said they knew she was healed, for there was
1,000. There was hardly a night that all the their hands. One lady stood and said that he such a strong witness of the Spirit. There has
people who came could be seated. Hundreds was her neighbor and that she knew he had been no pain at all since she was prayed for.
been in this condition for a long time. Before prayer, the pain was so great she had
crowded around on the outside night after
As soon as he was prayed for, he began to not slept for several -nights. Mrs. Dukes had
night. All manner of sickness was healed in
swing his left arm over his head, and kick his been under the care of four doctors, and had
this meeting. left foot. He put his left hand high in the air, undergone two operations for this cancer, and
Plans are already under way for the Ogilvie stretching it as though nothing had ever been was due for another operation. Eight days
party to return in the spring, with a larger wrong with it. He then began walking around passed, and the date came for her operation.
on the platform. Brother Ogilvie told him She went on back to her family doctor, and
tent for a great meeting. These plans are being to take a run down the aisle. The man ran after a thorough examination, he said there
made by a number of Rome, Georgia, busi- like a little boy. He was filled with great joy. was no trace of cancer. This lady was on the
ness men. The crowd praised the Lord to see this great platform a number of times in the Rome,
The Ogilvie party was invited to Rome, manifestation of God's power. Georgia, meeting. Thousands of people around
by Mrs. Vera Flanders, pastor of the Assembly This man testified on the radio program and that area know of her healing. She will be glad
,of God Church, who said this was the greatest told people everywhere what great things God to give her personal testimony to those in-
meeting ever to come to that city. had done for him. terested.

Australian Minister Gives Im- who had had one leg lengthened two inches. The great number of souls won for the
Neither shall I forget seeing a small boy wear- Kingdom of God gave the Christians of Al-
pressions of T. L. Osborn ing a cast come forward to be prayed for. toona true cause for rejoicing. I was im-
After prayer, he was taken to one of the pressed by the absence of undue emotion, but
Meeting in Altoona, prayer tents and the cast was removed. He re- noticed that the sinners in need of Christ
turned to the platform carrying the cast in his would respond to the altar call with tear-filled
Pennsylvania hand! eyes and a solemnity that was evidence they
B" Harold W. Groves* Another small boy was brought to the meet- had been brought face to face with eternal
ing from an orphanage in Johnstown. His eyes realities. Brother Osborn preached the Word
While in India, I had longed for the privi- in such a logical manner, presenting scrip-
lege of witnessing the great Divine Healing were so badly crossed it was difficult to tell
what color they were. The Lord healed him tural basis, that it seemed God was delighted
Revivals that are sweeping America. The Lord in confirming His own Word in such a way
opened the way for me to come to America before he reached Brother Osborn. The lady that made the message irresistible to even the
and four weeks ago I had the opportunity of who brought him was utterly amazed. hardened hearts.
attending the Osborn revival in Altoona, Pa. I was very impressed by the large number Harold W. Groves
I was thrilled to sit under the ministry of 237-Jasper Road
Evangelist Osborn and listen to the unfolding of deaf who were immediately healed. There
was a case where an ear drum had been re- Melbourne, Vie. Australia
of the Word with such simplicity, and yet
such anointing. Night after night the Word moved by surgery. But, the wonderful, creative *Brother Osborn and Brother Groves first met in
was confirmed with mighty signs and wonders. power of the Word of God performed a Calcutta, India, where Brother Groves spent over 16
miracle. years trail-blazitlg the English work in larze cities in
Never shall I forget seeing a sister healed, Northern India.

10 THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951

·Photo shows abQ~t one-
half of crowd Cit meeting in.
Downto",n Theatr~,
Sao . Paulo, Brazil
Above photo shows C. E. Stubbs, center, with missionary T.
Stohr and Past01'Paulo Macclao of Buenos Aires.
C. E. STUBBS IN BRAZIL night, in the salvation of souls and the healing her daughter, a cane on the other. She was
By F. Paul Peterson of many sick and afflicted. I was going to prayed for, and at first nothing seemed to
write that I would mention some of the out- happen. However, she wasn't discouraged, but
Director, Brazilian Christian Mission standing cases which I saw with my own eyes, kept on trying to walk, and one could see she
Sao Paulo, Brazil
I shall never forget nor cease to praise the
Lord for the blessings He sent to us in Brazil,
but when I come to think of it, there were so
many outstanding cases that I hardly know
which to write about, since it would be impos-
was believing God too. Soon a light shown
in her eyes. She walke& faster and faster, then
put down her cane and walked without any
through the ministry of our Brother C. E. sible for me to write concerning them all. aid, except that which the Lord gave. The
Stubbs. One case concerned a young lady who had daughter stood gaping at her mother unable
As we would hear of the wonderful revivals been a deaf mute for many years-if not all to really believe the truth, then finally they
her life. At first, she did not respond to prayer, ran into each other's arms. They are now
in America, and other lands, our hearts would staunch members of the church.
ask, "Why is it that Brazil is not being blessed and after the second or third time, she came
in the same manner?" Oh, yes, there have been forward for prayer, I must confess I had very Another lady who had tuberculosis, was
many souls saved in Brazil, especially in the little faith for her, but a month and a half prayed for. Several days later, she returned
last 25 years, but no marked outpouring of later, she wrote her testimony. She could hear to the doctor, and was given a thorough exami-
God's blessing. One day without notice, Broth- perfectly and was rapidly learning to talk. nation. He gave her a card stating that there
er Stubbs called on the local native pastor. Through her testimony, she was the means was now no trace of the tuberculosis.
From then on, for nearly three months, the of bringing many, with whom she had worked, Our brother often said the main object of
Lord used our brother with signs following. to the Lord-since they had known her state the meetings was to win souls for Christ. In a
Doors were open everywhere. For the short before she was healed.
congregation of over 2,000, I saw, in one night,
period of his stay, many doors which were In a town called Santa Andre, a pastor was at least 500 people raise their hands for sal-
open could not be accepted, but many are healed of three large ruptures. A doctor friend vation. They were asked to repeat the simple,
praying that the Lord will make it possible of his, knowing of his state before, and then yet sufficient, prayer of our brother. You may
that our brother, together with his wife and seeing that God had healed him, came to the be sure they were saved immediately, if they
son, will return soon. meeting. He went away a firm believer in the earnestly repeated the prayer in faith believing.
Having interpreted a good deal for our power of God to heal. I am sure at least 10,000 people raised their
Brother Stubbs, I was in a position to see the A lady in a town called Taubate, came to hands for salvation in all these meetings. To
hand of God move in our midst, night after the meeting. She was supported on one side by God be all the glory.


Full of Pictures and Details of His


... in CUBA and PUERTO RICO ...

Orders Pouring in ... 2,000 topies Sent to Africa

BOTH NEW Order From:
The Voice of Healing
Only .SOc Shreveport, La.

THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951 11

Many Testify of
Healing In
Coe Revivals
The day before
Christmas, 195 0, the
- doctor told me my
son, Larry, had Rheu-
matic Fever. He took
an x-ray of Larry's
ABOVE: Architect's chest which showed
drawing of Chil- the left side of his
dren's Home as it heart very much en·
will appear upon larged. An electro-
completion. All but cardiogram was also
one unit of above is made which revealed
finished. a very bad heart mur-
Larry constantly
ran a fever. The doctor said it might be a
year or even two before the fever left. Even
then he couldn't promise me that Larry
wouldn't be an invalid for life.
Complete bed rest was necessary to prevent
LEFT: Photograph his heart from becoming even' worse. He
of typical room pro- was also put on a very strict diet.
vided for children.
I took Larry to the Jack Coe revival in
May and asked Bro. Coe to pray for him.
When Bro. Coe anointed him with oil and
prayed for him, God touched and healed him
Larry has been running and playing every
day since. He wasn't even weak from the six
months he spent in bed. He gained six pounds
the first week after God healed him.
STORY OF Brother C. W. Shumway. of the Orchard
Park Assembly can verify this testimony.
Mrs. L. H. Palmer
Wichita 12, Kansas
myard the end of the revival meeting in
Texas, a poor little ragged looking
mightily present and it was obvious to all who
attended that the blessing of God was richly
upon the enterprise. Approximately five thou-
boy came up to me and said, "Please, preacher, sand dollars was given during the three days I had a cancer on my nose for 1Y2 years.
give me a home:' Those words seemed to for the building of an additional unit. Appli- When I was prayed for by Bro. Jack Coe in
stay with me, and then some woman who cations for the admission of children to the Wichita, Kansas, the cancer fell off my nose
looked to be half Spanish and half Amer- home have already exceeded the number that
ican came up and jerked the little boy from while he prayed.
can be taken care of, so the new unit is be- Praise God for deliverance.
me and said, "Come on, we're going home!" ing added. Ministers joined in a ground-
I inquired who the child was, and someone breaking ceremony for the beginning of its Walter L. Meeks.
told me that his mother and father had gone construction. Bother Coe mentioned that the 226Y2 North Broadway
off and left him, and this woman was taking Catholics had offered $75,000 for grounds and Wichita, Kansas
care of him - no love, no words of kindness buildings, but the offer was refused. Min-
for this child. isters who spoke expressed their belief that
I went home that night and tried to sleep, such an enterprise was sorely needed by the RIGHT.SIDE PARALYZED-
but those words kept ringingjn my ears, Full Gospel movement. In many cases, chil- HEALED IN COE REVIVAL
"Please, preacher, give me a home:' At the dren who lost their parents have been taken Three years ago,
dose of the meeting, the Lord gave me a by people or institutions who had no evangel- I suffered cerebral
$500 love-offering. I went back to the City ical background. Added to the misfortune of thrombosis, which
of Dallas, Texas, and picked out 10 acres of losing their parents, the children suffered the paralyzed my entire
land, overlooking the city. I put a down-pay- fate 9f being reared under influences which right side. My voice
ment on it, and bpught the ten acres for often resulted 'in their living a life without was also affected and
$5,000. Just thirtyt minutes after I had Christ. I was unable to lift
bought it, some man came by and wanted to my head, nor could I
buy that same piece of land for $10,000. The see to read. Yet, I
devil said, "There's your chance to make TVH MAKES AN EXCEPTION was allowed to live.
$5,000:' I answered, ''I'm not interested in Dr. Morgan and Dr.
making $5,000. God told me to make a Ordinarily TVH makes no ap}:>ealfor Kirby attended me at
home for children:' So I began to build a donations, except for help in sending out St. Joseph Hospital
home. TVH to missionaries and the poor. We in Wichita, Kansas.
The above is the story from Jack Cae's lips are certain, however, that everyone will be There was no hope
of how the plan for the Herald of Healing glad to r('spond to this appeal Jor the ,for Ulyvoice, nor my arm. It was thought
Children's Home was born, Perhaps the fact orphan children in the Children's Home V,,:,ould never walk again.
that he, himself, spent eight years in an or-
phanage, where there he longed for Christian
just opened by Jack Coe.
Would every reader who is interested, i turned to God for help. I attended the
please send a box of canned" Coe. Revival in Wichita. I got in the prayer
love, had a bearing on this remarkable step line and God did in a few minutes what I had
of faith. At any rate, just one year after God this Children's Home? (Please send' only'_
gave him this vision, a large part of the con- canned goods purchased in a stOre,'and been trying to do by treatments.
templated structure has been completed and do not send to TVH,) Send canned goods Praise God I am well. Jesus has delivered
furnished. - to- me from all medicines. Previously I was
GREAT 3-DAY RALLY Jack Coe spending fifteen dollars a month for medi-
HERALD OF HEALING CHILDREN'S cines. My desire now is to tell others about
On Oct~ber 3-4-5, minister and other friends HOME "life insurance" from God.
from far and wide gathered for a/ great Gos- Box 8596 Ruby Wright
pel rally under a tent, (kindly loaned by Mil- Dallas, Texas 455 Riverview
dred Wicks) pitched on the grounds of the Wichita, Kansas
Children's home. The power of God was

12 THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951

Idaho Pastors Enthusiastic-
ally Report Allen Meeting
at Nampa
By Charles A. Slaughter
Presbyter; Assembly of God,
Meridian, Idaho
The great tent revival conducted by
the A. A. Allen Evangelistic party em-
phasizing salvation, healing and the
Baptism of the Holy Ghost, was the
first of its kind to be conducted in the
Boise Valley.
Sponsored by the Nampa Assembly
of God, with the pastor, Rev. Doug-
las Snyder, serving as Chairman, this
revival stirred not only all of the Boise
Valley, but extended over into the
Payette Valley and won people for God.
It was observed that numbers of people
came from even greater distances to be
in this meeting. There were approxi-
mately a dozen Assembly of God
churches cooperating in this meeting
HEALED OF T.B. IN COE REVIVAL along with the Foursquare, and the
REPORT ON JACK COE MEET- I had T. B. for 30 years. I was in Johnson Church of God in Christ.
Hospital at Longmont, Colorado, for three
ING AT FORT SMITH, ARK. years. Dr. Johnson sent me home. Said he A number of outstanding healings
could do nothing for me.
B. Owen Oslin, pastor of the FIRST I went to the meeting in the Big Tent at were reported in the meetings. One
ASSEMBLY OF GOD, at Ft. Smith, Ar- Wichita, Kansas. Bro. Coe prayed for me' young lady, wpo was wearing a back
and God healed me of T. B. and delivered me brace ~due to injuries sustained in an
kansas, sends us the following flash on of the cigarette habit of 30 years. Praise His
the Jack Coe campaign in that city: Name. automobile accident, left the service im-
Lee Adkins
421 Lula Street mediately after being prayed for, to re-
"Crowds on several nights reached move the brace and returned to tell us
Wichita, Kansas .•.
approximately 11,000 people. This
how wonderfully God had healed her.
was the gre~test religio'tts gathering-
A baby was instantly healed of a bad
in the history of Ft. Smith. Some 32
churches in the area cooperated in rupture.
this effort. Approximately 600 pro- The Meridian Assembly of God
fessed conversion. At the close of Church, of which I am pastor, was
the camjlaign 251 were baptized in greatly stirred to believe God for great-
water." er things. I have been able to make a
number of new contacts as a result of
the meeting~ Other pastors report that
• • • new families have come inFO their
churches after being saved in this great
tent revival. A number were baptized
HEALED OF DOUBLE HERNIA in the Holy Ghost, while even a greater
AND MALIGNANT TUMOR number were gloriously refilled with the
I praise God for de- An Ideal Christmas Gift for Servicemen
livering me of a tu- Spirit.
mor of the chest, and THE STORY· OF JACK COE The high point of the meeting came
also double hernia. I
had been wearing a By GORDON LINDSAY in collaboration the last Sunday afternoon, when over
truss for years. Dr. with JACK COE a hundred people were baptized by the
Wedris had given me cooperating pastors in a: portable bap-
no hope ... said no tistry in the tent.
more could be done. Amazing-Dr.amatic
I went to the Coe Because this type of meeting is some-
revival in Wichita, what new to the people, some were
and there Brother Coe MANY PHOTO-
prayed for me and critical. However, there were those
told me to go into the GRAPHS whose hearts were hungry and open to
, prayer room and re- God for the greater movings of His
move my truss. God healed me and I have Price $1.00 Spirit. They immediately recognized he
been going ever since. I have never seen
the truss again. I had Dr. Foust and Dr. Order from sanction of the Holy Ghost upon this
Wedine, chest specialists, make x-rays. They great ministry, geared to meet the spirit-
said there is no sign of tumor. THE VOICE OF HEALlN.G ual and physical needs of this closing
Ray Penrod SHREVEPORT, LA. age.
1331 South Fern
Wichita, Kansas

THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951 13-

t H.A~SO~·,.RE~fVALf.t\t.BAL
. ., ....•.......•••. TIM-ORE}
",. M~t:! "'> ...•...•

Above photograph shows but a few of the hundreds who were Daughter of Mrs. W. T. Myers smiles as she holds braces in her
hands, no longer needed to strengthen her limbs. (See testimony
healed of all manner of diseases and afflictions in the Hanson below.) Sister Hanson'is at right. Doctors predicted her death
Revival in Baltimore. from terrible accident. She has recovered sufficiently to be in
the services.

(See Photo on Cover) AFTER PRAYER
My baby was a "seven-month premature,"
I had seven operations at the Veterans Ad- and weighed three pounds. At thirteen months, (See Photo on Cover)
ministration Hospital. My kneecap was re- she tried to walk, and we noticed that she
walked on her toes on the left foot. We took
moved in a surgical fusion which made my For six years, my arm was paralyzed and I
right leg one and five-eighths inches shorter her to an orthopedic doctor. He tried a plastic had been unable to speak a word. Dr. Frank
than my left. I suffered great pain in my hip cast first and later a brace, but there was little. Williams, who hlld been attending me, said
due to this shortened condition. Doctors if any, improvement from them. We found medical science could do nothing more for
she had a complete weakness on the left side me. The arm of flesh may fail, but Jesus never
could do nothing further to help me. I left fails!
the hospital in April in this condition, and involving her mind, speech and arm, as well Friends took me to Brother Dale Hanson's
as her leg. Then, when she was five years Clarksburg, W. Va., meeting one night early
suffered until September. One Friday night, I old, she developed pneumonia. At this time,
attended the Dale Hanson tent revival, and saw we consulted another doctor, and he also ad- in July, and Brother Hanson prayed for me,
vised day and night braces. After a year, the commanding me to raise my arm - and I was
people completely healed and delivered and able to do it! He then encouraged me to speak,
decided, "That's for me!" day braces were removed and high shoes were and I was able to say a whqle sentence, praise
used, still using the night braces. the Lord! My relatives and friends who ac-
On Sunday afternoon, Evangelist Dale Han- We took her to the Dale Hanson Campaign
son prayed for me. The pain left instantly, companied me rejoiced to see this miracle of
in Baltimore, Maryland, where Brother Han- God's love and power. The enclosed photo,
and as I started to walk away from the tent, I son prayed for her. Two days later, she began taken some weeks after I was prayed for.
noticed the shortage of my right leg had dis- wearing low shoes, (they would not stay on shows me with my once paralyzed arm raised,
appeared - I was not limping - I went to the before) and we noticed her hand was stronger praising the Lord.
and that she walked with her feet flat most Praise God for His wonderful healing
Veterans Administration doctor for an exam- of-the time. Toe walking had become a habit
ination, and he verified that the shortage in power.
and must be broken. Muscles on the leg had Doris Kiddy
my leg had completely disappeared. My legs' been spastic, and are now stronger. She is so 153 Camden St.,
were now the same length! Praise God, I am happs and testifies of what Jesus has done for Clarksburg, W. Va.
.completely healed from being a cripple. Pre- Mrs. W. T. Myers (Ed Note: THE VOICE OF HEALING bas on record
tbenames and addresses of eleven individuals wbo
viously I could not walk without my cane, 2554 W. Lombard St., signed tbeir name as a witness to tbe above mentioned
but as soon as I was prayed for, I found I Baltimore, Maryland bealing.)
<lid not need it.
I can now work six days a week, ten hours DALE HANSON'S BALTIMORE, to His people in these last days. To be used
a day, without pain. The Lord also delivered MARYLAND, CAMPAIGN as Brother Hanson is, could only be the re-
me from the tobacco habit. I had tried to give sult of a cons~crated life of prayer.
up smoking for 22 years but, until I was By Evangelist C. S. Fowler
prayed for in this meeting, was unable to stop. The messages of prophecy have caused
I was saved, healed and received the Baptism The saints of God in Baltimore, Maryland, many to be$in thinking on what is about
cf the Holy Spirit all in the same week. to happen and to be prepared, that they
are praising the Lord for Brother Dale Han-
I am glorying in my wonderful deliverance might stand true when it comes to pass.
and wish to encourage others to put their en- son, a man who dares to preach God's Word
·tire faith and trust in Christ. God's promises without fear, or favor. The city has been Others are realizing that playing church will
are true. stirred as never. before. Great have been the not get them to heaven. Our souls were
Proof of the above mentioned disability be- results and we are looking forward to still being fed and our hearts encouraged with
fore and after may be had through the Vet- greater. the deeper things of the Word.
<erans Administration, through Claims # C 6-
473044 or through U. S. Army Serial #337- Hundreds have attended the services to People seem amazed when Brother Han-
52546. see what God is doing for suffering human- son tells them their afflictions, where they
Arthur J. Parker . ity, both in soul and body. Brother Hanson's are and the reactions of them, because he
453 Barrison Point Rd., messages have been dynamic. The anointing feels their infirmities in his own body. Hun-
Island View -Beach in quoting the Scriptures has aroused the dreds have been prayed- for. Healings were
Baltimore 21, Md. people to realize that it is a gift from God too numerous to mention them all.

14 THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951

"Each morning a
small group of us
went to the Werner-
Seelenbinder Hall, a
great ,Communist
meeting place, deep
in the Soviet sector of
Berlin, to attend the
Bible Study led by
Professor Dr. Rent-
dorf of Kiel. At 9:30
in the morning, eight
to ten thousand peo-
ple filled the hall,
while many more, unable to get in, listened to
the lottdspeakers outside. The earnestness and
devotion of the congregation,. many of them
simple peasant people. and youths. had to be
experienced to believed. And that hall was in prison, 30 of which were in solitary con-
only one, and not the largest, of four." HARVEY McALISTER CONDUCTS
finement. He was sentenced to death, but was
That is the testimony of a British delegate HEALING REVIVAL IN later reprieved by Emperor Hirohito. He is
to the recent Congress of the German Evan- HIROSHIMA now one of the best-known missionaries to
gelical Church in Berlin. The solemn final Japan, and is much beloved by the Japanese
ceremony in the Olympic stadium was attend- By M. 'Mabel Francis people. (His story has been told in a recent
ed by 100,000 people, who sang Luther's great issue of Reader's Digest.)
hyinn, "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott." It must Aug. 6, 1945, 8:15 A. M.-At that moment
of that fatal day, a huge bluish light flashed De Shazer ordered a projector for showing
have been tremendous, as an affirmation of in the skies. Hiroshima, sixth largest city in Gospel pictures to attract crowds, but upon
faith. "We beseech you to p,ay for us," said Japan, with its 400,000 souls, was deprived of witnessing the power of the Holy Ghost in
these German Christians from' the East to the operation in healing, and the mighty impact
its heart and reduced to a barren desert. People
witness quoted above, "that we preserve our in outlying districts just gazed at the mush· healing was making on the Japanese, the
strength and our knowledge that we are one room-shaped cloud that shot up into the air order was cancelled.
of an all-powerful, universal church." several thousand feet, while tens of thousands De Shazer says: "I shall never forget the
Over against all that is the unpleasant fact in the city instantly died, cremated by devour- joy that was mine when, under Brother
that the Soviets have closed all the Pentecostal ing flames. McAlister's ministry, I realized healing be-
churches in the Eastern Zone; and my friends Hi'roshima was again visited, June 28 to longs to Christ's Church. I immediately be-
living there ask me not to send "Pentecost" July 6, 1951-not by an atomic bomb explo- gan to offer prayers for the healing of, the
directly to their homes because the authorities sion, nor destruction, nor death, nor sufferings, sick. One day, the students of the Free
are suspicious of periodicals received from the but by a mighty moving of God's Spirit, by Methodist Seminary and I prayed for a lame
West. forgiveness, by life, by healing. Victims of the person who couldn't go upstairs without
Tremendous spiritual forces are clashing bomb explosion, very many of them, were using crutches-but who, when prayed for,
among the throngs ministered unto for healing ran upstairs without crutches or even hav-
in the very heart of Europe. No thinking per- ing to put hands on the stair rail-Hallelu-
son underestimates the menace of official and during a nine-night healing mission, sponsored
by Hiroshima's churches-Episcopal, Method- jah!"
militant godlessness. But I am greatly heart-
ened by the strength and fervor of the Evan- ist, Lutheran, Baptist, Japan Alliance, Nazarene Writes Sutoi<;hi Cyo, Japanese pastor of
gelical Church in Germany. To me, personally, -with Harvey McAlister, of New York City, Japan Alliance Church: "Having a Christian
the best thing of all is that nearly' 100,000 as guest speaker. Missionary Alliance background, I naturally
people will turn out for a Bible Study at 9:30 Miracles of Healing of Those Injured in Blast believed in Divine healing, but I confess that
a. m.-therein is true strength. Other aspects (Related by Akiel Ito, Japanese interpreter.) I was too fearful to put it into practice in a
of evangelical activity have their true place- public manner, lest the sick should not be
a place given to them by Christ Himself. But "A cross-eyed man-a bomb explosion vic· healed. These meetings have created within me
always ultimately it is the Word that makes tim-who had lost his hearing, upon laying a faith and courage I never before possessed.
disciples. "Go ye... teaching" (Matt. 28:19- on of hands, received perfect hearing, and is I am determined by God's grace to be true to
20) was the final command of our Lord. now without his earphones. my convictions regarding this precious prac-
"A woman suffering with tumor in the tice of healing."
Is strength to strength opposed now in Ger-
many, not in weapons of carnal warfare, but right eye, indirect result of explosion, who
in the things of the Spirit? My own recent was being treated each day by the physician, Totally Blind Girl Healed
visits have all impressed me deeply. It is easy examined by the physician the next day after
being prayed for, was told that the tumor (Related by Kanoa Oda, superintendent of
now to preach the Word in Germany; it is Free Methodist Churches.) "Girl 22 years old,
easy to conduct successful evangelism, especial- was gone. The explosion burns, rai,sed up a
full half-inch normal level, softened totally blind from childhood heard of Mr. Mc·
ly in contrast with England. One has a sense Alister's coming to our church, but thought
of a field "white unto harvest," and my friends almost immediately, and by morning skin had
all seem to feel the same. A letter from a gone down to normal level. 'there is no hope for a poor blind girl like
me,' so she did not attend. Hearing of miracles
young Indian friend who has just been preach- "A woman whose house tumbled upon her of healing wrought in many persons whom
ing in Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Kiel, Neu- in explosion suffered intense pains in her spine she personally knew, she came to the camp
minster, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart, reached me since August 6, 1945. When hands were placed with great expectancy and faith. She was
this morning. He says, "I found the Gennan on her back, all pains ceased immediately, prayed for on three different nights. The first
people thirsty for the Word of God-My and her face lit up as it were with a light. night, she was able to see the faces of the
stay in Germany has been a wonderful ex- people. The second night there was mlli:h
perience." Another friend writes of a repeti- "Returning to my home church, having wit-
nessed such outstanding miracles, and my faith clearer vision, and on the third night, she
tion of Pentecost in Hamburg. could read the print in the Bible. She came to
having been greatly built up thereby, I started
Keep your eyes on religion in Germany. in praying for the healing of the sick, and camp with her white cane, led by others, but
Things are happening in the land of Luther, healing took place in each instance. Time is she left without guide or cane."
that may hav~ much deeper import than the short, harvest is great, workers are few in
politicians envisage. What exciting days these In conclusion, I must add a word about a
number in Japan. Can not God send a heaven- vision the Lord gave me some years ago con-
are! born revival, with signs following, even to
our beloved land of Japan?" cerning the last days, the time just before our
(DONALD GEE is Editor of a quarterly Lord's return. He revealed to me by means of
magazine PENTECOST which gives a review Effect of the Revival on Sergeant this vision that there would be a great turning
of world-wide missionary and revival news. Jacob de Shazer to the Lord, and that even as in the days when
Subscription rate $1.00 for two years. Send Christ was upon earth, very many would be
orders to PENTECOST, Victory Press, Clap- De Shazer was one of Doolittle's flyers. healed. During those days when Mr. McAlister
ham Crescent, London, S.W. 4, England.) His plane was forced down in occupied China. was with us in Maysuyama, I was reminded
He became a prisoner of war, spent 40 months over and over again of that vision.

THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951 15

LETTERS We list in this directory the names of those
who we believe have a proven Divine Heal-
ing ministry, and who are laboring in har-
To The Editor mony with the policy of THE VOICE OF
HEALING to unite in spirit the members of
the 'body of Christ, and whose lives are above
Permanent Address of Evangelists Whose Sched·
ules Have Been Listed in The Voice of Healing.
All Correspondenceto Them Should Be Sent to
REPORTS VALUE OF TVH Dear Brother Lindsay: A. A. Allen, 1004 S. 14th St., Lamar, Colo.
Dear Editor: Gt'eetings in Christ! G. O. Baker, Box 386, Medford, Ore.
I was pastoring a Wesleyan Methodist I have received the bundles of TVH and am William Branham, Box 325, Jeffersonville, Ind.
F. F. Bosworth, Box 678, Miami Beach, 39, Fla.
Church here in Michigan, until about two planning to distl-ibute them to our native Paul Cain, 516 Park Avenue, Garland, Texas.
years ago, when' I received the first issue of pastors. The Voice of Heating is certaitJly Oscar Capers, 709 Hood St., Waco, Texas.
your magazine. I believed and taught holiness, impirational in its accounts of heatings, but Rudy Cerullo, 1848 E. Orleans, Philadelphia, Pa.
and had experienced victory over sin-what it also contains a lot of names and addresses Jack Coe, Box 8596, Dallas, Texas.
God has for those who will make an absolute I
that am afraid interest many Africans more P. T. Collett, 33-26th St., Huntington, W. Va.
James W. Drush, Box 11157, Houston, Texas.
·surrender. God was using me, and I exper- tban the accounts of healing. Many of them David J. du Plessis, 355 Hope St., Stamford, Conn.
ienced anointings on my life in the ministry have discovered the American people are soft· Clifton Erickson, 302 N. Emerson, Wenatchee,
of His Word, yet there was a definite lacking hearted. They can write moving appeals (that Wash.
of power that I felt should be present, not do not cotJtain a word of truth). They find Velmer Gardner, 302 N. Emerson, Wenatchee,
only in the Pastor, but his people also. It was they can get Bibles, books and other things W. V. Grant, 711 N. Main, Malvern, Ark.
right at this time that a good brother ar- just by writing. The habit has become so bad, Philip N. Green, Box 471, Port Tampa City, Fla.
ranged for TVH to be sent to our home. It we are doing all we can to stop it. The Bibles Vernim Griggs, Box 205, Hami,lton, Mont.
carried the messages that clinched the matter, L. D. Hall, Box 697, Grants Pass, Oregon.
they receive, instead of being used to increase Dale Hanson, Box 795, Tacoma, Washington.
and I "set myself to seek God" for an outpour- their knowledge in God, are sold to cigarette' H. E. Hardt, 467 Penn Ave., York, Penna.
ing. of His Spirit. I prayed, and then fasted makers, wbo use the nice thin paper for their Wilbur A. Henry, Box 3656 N. W. Sta., Oklahoma
and prayed. One day, I was earnestly seeking trade. Often the paper is used for even worse City, Okla.
God in the basement of the Wesleyan Method- purposes. Tommy Hicks, Lancaster, Calif.
R. W. Holmes, Box 3213, Temple, Texas.
ist Church, and God baptized me with the Anyone at home receiving letters from the Harold Horton, 18910 Wormer, Detroit, Mich.
Holy Ghost. My ministry was transformed. Africans should not be too quick to betieve Gayle Jackson, 802 S. Kings Highway, Sikeston,
Doctrinally, I preached much the same, but what they read, no matter how heart-moving Missouri. -
now there were "rivers of living water" flow- U. S. Jaeger, Box 511, Mirror Lake, Wash.
it may sound. Ferdie C. Jay, Route 4, Wenatchee, Wash.
ing from my innermost being. In His service, Richafd Jeffery, 6590 Hessel Road, Sebastopal,
Rex Jackson (Missionary) Calif.
My people rejoiced 3;nd, needless to say, they (Ed. No'te: The above letter from Brother Jackson is Thea F. Jones, Box 451, Cleveland, Tenn.
self-explanatory. Such lettets as he mentioned should
took on new spiritual life as the Lord mani- be sent to a missionary of your acquaintance. or to Louis Kaplan, Box 707, Los Angeles, Calif.
the headquarters of one of the organizations affiliated S. W. Karol, Box 61, Linden, N. J.
fested Himself and confirmed the Word with with the North American Pentecostal Fellowship.) Orrin Kingsriter, Paynesville, Minn.
signs following. ••• Gordon Lindsay, c/o Voice of Healing, Shreve-
port, La.
Hungry souls from other churches began to VISIT TO HOLLAND REVEALS ROYAL Warren L. Litzman, 1540 Lyle Ave., Waco, Texas.
show up in our services. The church began to FAMILY VITALLY INTERESTED IN Harvey McAlister, 380 Riverside Dr., 4-Dy, New
grow and the District' President remarked SPIRITUAL NEEDS OF NATION York City 25, N. Y.
about the growth and spirituality of the W. B. McKay, Box 1546, Orlando, Fla.
Dear Editor: S. K. Mabry, 309 Brooks, Wichita Falls, Texas.
people- Stanley MacPherson, 5009 Hope Ave., Ashtabula,
I was privileged, by the grace of God, to
revisit Holland, my native country, after an Ohio.
I am now pastor at Faith Tabernacle in Michael Mastro, 6056 N. Norwood St., Philadel-
absence of many years, for the chief purpose
Clio, Michigan. of getting acquainted with some of the leaders phia, Penna.
Rev. Ralph Hughes in the Protestant Church there today, in order W. D. Metzgar, 711 Alabama, Beaumont, Texas.
404 New Street to make known to them how mightily God is Owen Murphy, 403 W. 118th, Hawthorne, Calif.
Clio, Michigan working among His people in the United Lester D. Myers, 30 Summer St., Hagerstown, Md.
States. Louise Nankivell, 900 N. Karlov Ave., Chicago,
(Ed. Note: The above letter goes on to de- I cannot forget that Holland, alone with Thomas H. Neal, .711 Alaba:ina, Beaumont, Texas.
scribe opposition that arose, but states that England, withstood the might of the Medieval Wilbur Ogilvie, Rt. 4, Box 190a, Turlock, Calif.
God blessed and opened the way for a fruitful church, and of Spain, and that the Pilgrim Raymond Osborn, 448 West M. Street, Springfield,
Fathers found refuge 'in the country where I Oregon. ",
ministry. We praise God that TVH has been was born, before they set sail for America.
a blessing to this brother.) T. L. Osborn, Box 4231, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The present royal House of Orange is mark-'
••• ed by true devotion to the Savior as true
Lord and King. 'The Queen-Mother, Wilhel-
Horner Peterson, 2844 Oleander Ave., Ft. Myers,
Fla .
TVH READER TELLS OF CONVERSION Raymond T. Richey, Box 2115, Houston, Texas.
mina, abdicated her throne to her daughter, Oral Roberts, Box 2187, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
IN UPSHAW CAMPAIGN 26 YEARS AGO Juliana, a few years ago in order to be able Howard Rusthoi, Box 647-M, Pasadena, Cal.
Dear Editor: to devote herself, during the remaining years A. M. Selness, Revere, N. D.
of her life, to the cause of God among her E. L. Slavens, Box 435, N. W. Station, Kansas
I want to thank you for sending TVH to people, attending evangelistic tent meetings, City, Kan.
me. I would not have missed that issue telling and participating in every Christian religious Roy Stewart, 6th and Mitchell, Clovis, New Mex-
about Brother Upshaw's healing for all the activity. ico.
world. Oh, how I rejoiced! I could have I firmly believe that she would be keenly J. E. Stiles, Box 3147, Burbank, Calif.
interested in what "The Voice of Healing" is C. E. Stubbs, 6560 Hessell Road, Sebastopol, Calif.
shouted all over the place. You see, I was Abraham Tannenbaum, Box 81, Mt. Joy, Penna.
bringing to God's people. She is constantly
saved under his preaching (or rather, reclaim- seeking to help bring about a great revival Glenn Thompson, Box 447, Paragould, Ark.
ed) 26' years ago. At that time, he preached on among her own people. I am therefore head- William D. Upshaw, 2524 14th St., Santa Monica,
crutches. What great things God hath wrought! ing up the following list of gift subscribers Calif.
with her name. A. C. Valdez, Jr., 3817 N. Central, Phoenix, Ariz.
Gratefully, Richard R. Vinyard, 7817 W. 81st St., Overland
Mrs. Louise Gonzalez Sincerely yours,
David Birnie Park, Kansas. '
,186 St. Marks Ave., 3109 Waverly Drive William A. Ward, Box 675, Tulsa, Okla.
Brooklyn, New York Los Angeles, California Doyle Zachary, Box 333, Greenville, S. C.

16 THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951

y ,~
Chowchilla, Calif.n.. ....nnn . .n n Nov. 11
Fourth and Orange Streets
A. A. ALLEN H. E. HARDT Philadelphia, Pa.. .__
.n .. hh hhnNov. 6-18
Contact Rev. F. Fortunato, 4337 Bleigh Ave.
Memphis, Tenn m Oct. 19-Nov. 11 Woodstock, Ont., Can ..u.Oct. 25-Nov: 11 OSCAR CAPERS
Contact Rev. R. R. Fairchild, Chairman Calvary Church, Light St. Houston, Texas .hmmu •••••• h. •••••• mnn ••••••••••••• October
1338 Merton . Contact Rev. R. N. Andrews
Contact Rev. E. Clemens PHILIP N. GREEN
WILLIAM BRANHAM Elmira, N. Y.mmhm __.Dec. 30-Jan. 20 Bedford, Indiana. hh. ..__
n. ... .. October 4-28
115 E. Henry St. Contact Rev. D. Messner
South Africa ..... n...Oct.' I-Dec. 18 R. W. HOLMES
Los Angeles, Calif.. h. hh.hhh Oct.-Nov.
PAUL CAIN WILBUR A. HENRY 1st Hebrew Christian Synagogue
Los Angeles, CaliL n October Mt. Shasta, CaliLm.uh ...n ..Oct. 28"Nov. 3 Beloit, Wise. . n n.n . .. .h.... hhh.Oct. 23-28
Calvary' Temple, 123 Lake St. Dunsmuir, Calif. u __um ..__.... 4-10 Worcester, Mass.n .n ' " hnhhOct. 30-Nov. 11
Cresco, Pa.. n.h .h.hnn n.hhhhhh.h..h.h..Nov. 13-25
Dallas, Texas n hmmnmmnnOct. 23 Weed, Calif. nummm ov. 11-17 U. S. JAEGER
Oak Cliff Assembly of God Los Angeles, CaliLm .. h.uu ..Nov. 25-Dec. 9 Spokane, Wash. nhnhh hh.. .hh'hn"hh .Nov. 4
ConJact Rev. H. C. Noah Revival Tabernacle
2209 Michigan Ave. Indiana Avenue
Ft. Worth, Texasn hh mnm Nov. FERDIE C. JAY
GAYLE JACKSON Meridian, Idaho nn .hh n. h .hh h .hhNov. 6
RUDY CERULLO Fergus Falls. Minn.nh.h.hh.n.h.h
..hnh.. h h Nov. 27
San Diego, CaliLmm.:.m.Oct. 29-Nov. 18 RICHARD JEFFERY
Kansas City, MO.mmmnn .. n..... hh.Nov. 4 Assembly of God Tabernacle Ajo, Arizona ..h..hhn__
n . h.. nhh.Oct. 17-28
Sheffield Assembly of God ,6th Avenue and Fir Los Angeles, Calif..hh._._h hhhh hn nnnnNov. 7-18
2209 Michigan Ave.
JACK COE Contact Rev. Gene Martin THEA F. JONES
Huntsville, Alabama hh hhhh.h Oct. 14-Nov. 4
Joplin, Mo h.m.m .. n m ·..Oct. 10 Tent Revival
20th and Maiden Lane STANLEY W. KAROL Gadsen, Alabama nnhhh .h.h.hnn.h.nNOv.7-21
Contact S. K. Biffle Auditorium Campaign
Chicago, Ill. .. mh.uunmm ..mmOct. 23-Nov. Winston-Salem, N. Co.hh .h.h. h ..nhhNov. 25-27
Hutchinson, Kansas"'h'''h ..... n.. n.'..Nov. 11 Full Gospel Church Central Tabernacle
- City Auditorium 1347 N. Damen Erie, Pa. . n. .nh'h'h' hhh . hhhhn' 'hhDec. 2-16
Dorn Auditorium'
Sponsored by Assembly of God LOUIS KAPLAN
P. T. COLLETT WARREN LITZMAN Cleveland Ohio n '0..0.0.0. h hhnhnn .n.Oct. 14
Public Auditorium (Little Theater)
Evansville, Indiana.uu. nmnnnN ovember 6th and St. Clair
Huntington, W. Va .... m..uOct. 11-Nov. 11 Flint, Michigan.hhn .n . 0..0.. 0.. nnNov. 4
Tent meeting, corner of 16th St. and Glad Tidings Tabernacle.
Highway 60 HARVEY McALISTER 1020 Begole St.
Cedar Rapids, Iowamhhh. .n .hh n h. .hNQv.25
CLIFTON ERICKSON Japan uumm m..h ..nnmnn November Coliseum, Contact Rev. I. Kramer, 1338 J. Avenue
Boston, Mass ..... mn 14-28 LOUISE N ANKIVELL Hallock, Mb~~t~~t--R~~:--R~lph-D;;~R~~ 18-Nov. 4
Contact W. C. Nelson Mineapolis, Minn. _..._. ..._..._._.._. .. Nov. 8-18
370 Broadway, Everett, Mass. Portland, Oregonm. .mm ..... Oct. 7-21
Contact Rev. N. D. Davidson Bloomington Hts. Assembly of God
Columbus, NebraskamhnmNovember 4-16 Contact Rev. Douglas Henderson
City Auditorium Salem, Oregon ...__...nmnmuOct. 28-N ov. 11 Scottsbluff, Nebr. _..Nov. 22-Dec. 9
Contact Rev. Walter Frederick MICHAEL MASTRO
York, N ebraska ..m .... ...h.N ov. 18-25 Naples, Florida . __ . . ._. u.m_n n uuu_November
City Auditorium Yakima, Wash u ..Nov. 18-Dec. 2 Orotana, Florida mn.n.__nu.._... ..__ h.... . uDec. 18
Ainsworth, N'ebraskau .. h.Nov. 27-Dec. 6 Contact. Rev. B. V. Jones METZGAR-NEAL
Beaumont, Port Arthur, Texas ._ n..October
San Jose, Calif.. hu.._h u_nn un..Oct. 16-Nov. 4
Oklahoma City, Okla.nmnnm.m.u ...uOct. 7 7th & E. Santa Clara
Moline, IlL ..u.muu .. .uuuuOct. 14-N ov. 4 Bakersfield, Calif...n . .uuuunmm_nnNov.ll-Dec. 2
Tent meeting, contact Rev. J. E. Wray Moline Gospel Temple
P. O. Box 5177, Oklahoma City FulJ Gospel Tabernacle
Kansas City, MO.m...m.. m. .mNov. 11-25 LESTER D. MYERS
W. V.GRANT First Assembly of God Greencastle, Pa __ m_ •• n m._n •••••••• November
Foursquare (jospel Church, Rev. E. Shryock, Pastor
Breckenridge, Texas.uh.h.unmnm __.uOct. 22 W. B. McKAY
City Hall Auditorium ABRAHAM TANNENBAUM Minneapolis, Minn h _ hh Oct. 21
Full Gospel Church
Contact Rev. W. H. Magee Philadelphia, Pa .... u mmm.u.m ....October Leesburg, Florida _ Nov. 11
Plainview, Texas huhm.m .. :mm ... Nov. 11 Church of God, 40th and Fairmont STANLEY McPHERSON
Contact Rev. Louie Schultz No. HolJywood, Calif.m.. mun'.'_""'h.._..No\'. 4-18
Jersey City, N. J ..u nn.uu u .Nov. 15· Contact Rev. E. J. Robinson
511 W. 12th St. Sharon Baptist Church, Ocean Ave. W. Los Angeles, Calif._ .._.._..... nNov.. 20-Dec. 2
Contact Rev. T. Cunningham
A. C. VALDEZ, JR. Myrtle Point, Oregon u um un nun__ u_.October
Fort Worth, Texas.uh.mnnn 21 Santa Cruz, '_hu. . mNovember
2nd and Jackson Streets Calgary, Alta., Can.u ...uuOct. 28-Nov. 11 HOMER PETERSON
London, Ont., Can.m ...unm.m.uN ov. 11-25 Musick, Pa u.. __h_ Oct. 30-Nov. 18
1st Assembly of God
h__ hm. Nov. 23-Dec. 9
Grants Pass, Oregon .... m.mummOctober RICHARD VINYARD Tent meeting: Contact Rev. C. S. Brown
Contact L. D. Hall, Box 697 Jersey City, N. J ..,.m um.hnnuu ...October ORAL ROBERTS
Fresno, Calif. n . nn n Nov. 2-18
Ashland, Oregon.nh .. nn.h ...mT ..N ovember Elmira, N. Y .....uu.m .... uu m.mNovember A. M. SELNESS
Contact Rev. Leo Wine 115 East Henry St. La Crosse, Wisc. . n . .n ._.m. . . .....October
Contact Rev. G. Brown. 329 So. 5th
Shawano, Wisc..n n..m__ .. _ Oct. 30
Contact Rev. N. L. Shotwell
Fond du Lac. Wisc. hm ..h.Nov. 13
Contact Rev. E. F. Erdman
Popular Bluff, Mo.... _.u muum__m.... m....Nov. 6-16
Radio EvangelisLn mn.n.mumKBOAKennett, Mo.
TVH lists all information available concerning' meeting schedules. If we 2 P. M. Sundays
show only one date regarding a campaign, that is the beginning date- Rochester, N. y nh
Bethel Full Gospel Church
n.Oct. 15-17
most campaigns run at least two weeks, or longer. further information WILLIAM A. WARD
Hobbs. N. M. uu .... uu n.n.u._..Oct. 5-21
-. concerning date and location should be secured by writing local pastors, E. Main and Houston Streets
or evangelists listed in our directory. St. Joseph, 14-28
Contact Rev. C. B. Roberts
Toronto. Ont., Can. m.hUh _._h_UUU __Nov. 18-Dec. 2
Evangelistic Centre, Rev. R.. L. Rex

THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951 17


TVH has received many fine reports of salvation-healing revivals conducted bv H. E. HARDT. The teaching ministry of Brother Hardt
adds much to the services. Above photos show (left) Hardt tent during afternoon service, (right) view of audience. Brother Hardt is
seated in front row wearing dark suit.
were carried on in the cooperating churches had smoked so long she couldn't remember
Fairmont, West Virginia Pastor and in homes of Christians living in outlying when she started, was delivered from the
States H. E. Hardt Revival communities. cigarette habit.
Greatest Since 1928 One morning, while attending prayer meet- Brother Hardt claiined no particular gift,
ing in my church, a Methodist woman felt but preached the Gospel of Deliverance to
the Lord working on her spine and putting a all who would believe. He urged the people
vertebra back into place. She had suffered to base their faith on God's Word, and not in
IN September, Fairmont, W. Virginia, ex- from Parkinson's disease for several years. him. Consequently, a real foundation was laid,
perienced one of its greatest revivals with The night previous, while she was sitting in which resulted in such remarkable healings
Evangelist H. E. Hardt and his capable co- the meeting, God had loosened the muscles of and deliverances.
workers. It was believed by many to be the her neck so that she was able to move it in a We thank God for this very unusual visita-
most outstanding revival since the year 1928, normal manner. This is only one of the many tion of the supernatural manifestation of His
when, this city was stirred in a similar meet- wonderful miracles wrought by the power of power to save and heal all who will believe.
ing. God. Many testified to being healed of heart
The night services were conducted in the trouble. Quite a number of men and women 1. A. Hubbard, Pastor
large canvas tabernacle capable of seating over were delivered from smoking and snuff dip- Trinity Tabernacle
a thousand people. Morning prayer meetings ping. One elderly woman of 69 years, who Fairmont, W. Va.


I lost the use of my right lung on May S, Last May 23rd, my thirteen-year old son, I had retinal hemorrhages from my right
1946. I was told that if I lived three days, Gary, was shot in the right eye with a B. B. eye, which caused me to lose my sight in
it would be a miracle. This injury was caused that eye. My physician sent me to an eye
from steel dust while I was working in a sun. He was taken to Wyandotte General specialist, who said nothing could be done,
factory. The other lung had a spot on it the Hospital, where a delicate operation was per- and I would always be blind. I was totally
size of a quarter. I could not breathe well, formed. The doctor said the chance of saving blind in that eye for six years. I had been
and had to walk and talk very slowly. Three his eye was hopeless, and recommended that totally deaf in my left ear for 18 years, caused
X-rays were taken-one each week for three froin a bursted eardrum. I also had arthritis,
it be removed. Another doctor was called heart trouble, and high blood pressure for
weeks. They showed me the pictures and
pronounced me incurable. in, and finally a third eye specialist examined ten years. These afflictions caused me intense
The night when Brother Grant prayed the eye. All of these had the same answer-no pain.
for me, (June 20, 1951) it seemed like a hope. When Brother Grant prayed for me in
plaster was put over each lung. I immediately We were informed of Rev. W. V. Grant's June, 1951, my ear opened. I can now hear
began to breathe normally, and can now sing the clock tick, and I'm able to read large
and talk, and feel good in soul and body. healing campaign, then in progress in Flint, print with the eye that was totally blind. I
J. M. Roy Michigan. Rev. Grant was contacted by tele- am free from the arthritis pain and swellings.
6317 Flint Road phone and on May 30, visited Gary in the Lucy Pruett
Flushing, Michigan hospital and prayed for him. The very next 1379 N. Cornell
morning, when the doctors removed the Flint, Michigan
GOITER DISAPPEARS' bandage from the eye, they were amazed that FULL USE OF ARM RESTORED
INSTANTLY Gary could see. He improved daily and was AFTER PRAYER
soon home again with us. Now he can read the I could not lift my arm, in fact, I could
For 35 years, 'J had a goiter that choked
and strangled me. I had a hard lump in my Bible with the eye that was injured. hardly move my wrist or fingers. When
neck. Brother Grant opened the Scriptures to Dr. Hewitt told me that it was only God Brother Grant prayed, I felt the power go up
a verse and asked me to read it. He asked my arm, and I knew the work was done. Im-
that restored the eye. As his "father, I am mediately I tried, and could move my fingers,
me if I believed it, and then asked me to feel
for the growth-I did-It was gone! God had willing to answer any inquiries concerning then my hand, and then I could lift my arm.
healed me. this healing. It is now normal. I had been crippled by fall-
J. W. Baldwin Francis R. Hitchcock ing head-first down a stairway while carrying
1545 Montana 1086 23rd St., . a load. Mrs. Margaret Hicks
Flint 6, Michigan Wyandotte, Michigan Howell} Michigan

18 THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951

:;'; ~; , :: ;

Brother R. E. Jeffery providentially came to us for
six nights of meeting. The Word of God was presented
Condensed from July 21, 1951 isS1te, by Dr. Every minister of the Gospel should work to us plainly showing our privileges as children of
J. H. Saayman, General Moderator of work for the perfection of the Church. We should God. Our increased fai th was not disappointed, for
in South Africa. not be competitors, striving to see who can God moved in our midst. Five testified to healing of
get the greatest following, but we must be blinded eyes. A number received healing of other
There never was a preacher who was more servants and' workmen of God. God giveth
possessed with a sectarian spirit than I. I the increase. For this is the Church that will afflictions. We felt a spiritual upsurge in the sweet
always believed that spirit that prevailed throughout the services. Above ali,
endure unto the end, and against which the souls were saved. The book, "Bible Days Are Here
next to working for gates of hell shall not prevail. It is only
God, I was only to members of this church who will hear from Again," was a real blessing, and 1 know it will do
work in the interest much for the Assembly.
their Masters: "Well done; come and inherit
and building up of the Kingdom." It is most essential that I The title, "Bible Days Are Here Again," was sug-
the church organiza- make sure that I am a member of this Church. gestive of a chorus. A sister brought us, what I believe
tion to which I be- was, an inspired poem-and Brother Jeffery wrote a
Yet, we know that the Scripture very melody for it. The chorus has been a real blessing.
longed. plainly refers to a visible church, the ecclesia,
During 1939, the Eldred Nelson
the called-out, to uphold the honour of God
Lord spoke to me to and to save the offender. What can we then Pastor, Assembly of God
work for Pentecostal expect of this visible church? In the first Bonner's Ferry, Idaho
unity among the Pen- place, we cannot expect uniformity but unity.
tecostal Churches of We cannot expect to have a church whose
like precious faith. I members are like a packet of matches. If Homer Peterson
was as sure as I was you see one match, you know how the rest
Dr. J. H. Saayman living that God had will look. Yet, we can expect a church which Our city was stirred and blessed by the big tent reo
broken this sectarian I will liken to a tree. The leaf differs from vival and healing campaign held on the County Fair
spirit that I had, and had now given me love the twig, and the twig from the branch, and Grolinds in East Fort Myers, Florida. Rev. Homer
for all his people, no matter to what group the branch from the trunk, yet it constitutes Peterson conducted the healing campaign nightly, and
they belonged. I started out with the message a complete unit-one perfect tree. We, there- many testified to a definite healing touch from the
of Pentecostal organic unity. I do not claim fore, cannot expect uniformity in the visible Lord as the prayer of faith was offered. One lady
that I followed the most desired way, but church but unity, for even. in the early testified to being healed of asthma, from which she
God knew my heart and my intentions. I do Church, they never had uniformity. They had had suffered for 40 years. One man was healed of
not profess to have the wisdom of Solomon. some who advocated circumcision as in Jeru- stomach ulcers. Many more testified to healings of
I was misunderstood by many, misinterpreted salem, yet the Pauline Church opposed cir- divers sicknesses and diseases; blind eyes were opened
and misrepresented by scores who thought I cumision. Paul says "Circumcision is nothing, and deaf ears ·un~topped. The Lord worked in a
was going to start a new church under the and uncircumcision is nothing." miraculous way.
cloak of unity, but time convinced them of Romans 14:5, "One man esteemeth one day Morning Bible studies were conducted daily by Dr.
my sincerity. Jonas E. Miller, and all who attended these services
altke. another; another esteemeth every day were blessed.
THAT CHILDREN OF GOD SHOULD In Ephesus, the church was ruled by Three Assembly of God churches, and the Church of
BE ONE bishops; in Rome, by elders; in Philippi, the God cooperated to make these meetings a success for
Yet, I knew that God had spoken to me; women held prominent positions in the the Glory of God.
that it was His expressed desire for His Holy church; in Corinth, Paul did not allow women Rev. H. T. Walker, Pastor,
Ghost people to be together, for we read in to ask anything in church. First Assembly of God
John 11:51-52, "And this He spoke not or In Matt. 18:17, we find the refr·actories Fort. Myers, Florida
himself; but being high priest that year, he had to be admonished by the disciples. In 1
prophesied that Jesus should die for that Cor. 5:3-6, Paul expelled them from the
nation; and not for that nation only, but that church. In Matt. 13:30, we are taught that the Doyle Zachary
he should gather together in one the children wheat and the weeds had to grow together. We recently closed a revival campaign with Rev.
of God that were scattered abroad." In Matthew 25, you find the wise and the Doyle Zachary, of Greenville, South Carolina. At
It is clear from ,this passage of Scripture foolish virgins together. Among the first least 100 we,nt into the prayer rooms to seek God for
that Jesus died: disciples you had an Ananias and a Sapphira. salvation in those two short weeks.
In the church at Philippi were enemies of"
1. For the sins of the people the cross. Yet they did not split up into dif- were All manner of diseases were healed. One night we
2. To gather together in one, the children ferent factions. As Christ is one, so should called to minister to a woman who lived some
that were scatteredj i.e. His body (the Church) be one. We learn two 25 miles in the country. She was unconscious upon
UNITY. lessons: our arrival, and had been for several hours. Brother
If we claim that we are preaching the full 1. To watch against'those who teach that Zachary laid hands on her, prayed for her, and she
we mlJst have perfect uniformity. began recovering. Because of this healing some 70
gospel message, we have to preach:
2. To watch that we should never be dis- people from this community attended the tent meet-
1. Salvation through the blood of Christ ing. Some were saved and some sought the Baptism
couraged, if we do not find a perfect of the Holy Ghost. We were invited to preach in this
2. Unity among God's children. church on earth. community shortly after that healing and now we have
3. Healing for the sick. It is, therefore, wrong of us not to fellow- a regular appointment--and soon a Pentecostal Church
BELONGING TO THE INVISIBLE CHURCH ship with other· Pentecostal movements. Yet, will be the result, with God's help. At least 250 people
attended this first service.
we know that it is God's will that, as there Space would nOt permit us to tell the great results
We have the visible and the invisible is an invisible Church, so there must also be that were accomplished during Brother Zachary's
Church. To belong to the invisible Church a visible church. campaign. Our church is still feeling the results of this
means to belong to God's true worshippers, The Lord knew that man will be apt to mighty moving of God's spirt. Many joined the
church. Entire families have been added to our
whose names may not appear on the records forget and that His truth must be handed church for which we praise the Lord.
of the visible church, but whose names are down from generation to generation; there- The crowds increased from the first night on, and
written in the heavenly records, the Lamb's fore, He called the visible church. Just as tent could we have gone on, we would have packed the
Book of' Life. Heb. 12:22-23. It is to this out (It has a seating capacity of 3,000.)
nature provides a pod to protect the corn Rev. Louise Copeland
Church that the apostle refers in Ephesians in the ear against -the cold and frosts, in like 507 North 5th
5:27, "That he might present it to himself manner the church, being the pod, must pro- !;,oplar Bluff, Mo.
a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, tect the truths against the onslaughts of the
or any such thing, but that it should be holy wind of hell through all the generations.
'and without blemish." You can now see that God never intended R. E. Henke
We recently closed a 15 day meeting with Evangelist
This invisible church is the one and only us to labor separately from each other, or R. E. Henke of California. The supernatural moving
true Church constituted or made up of true that everyone must go his own way, just with of God was seen as God, through the gift of the word
Christians, being the body of Christ. This the Bible in his hand. He welded His children of knowledge, revealed to our evangelist the exact
pains of individuals present in the meeting. Great
then, the bride of Christ, the household of together, to be one body on earth, that this faith was stirred up in us as we watched this mana
God, the family of God, the building of God, one and strong and fully equipped body could ifestation nightly. God helped our brother point out
the Church' of the. firstborn, is the only holy be able to spread His glorious truth from yet strangers and name their afflictions while they were
in their seats. More than 100 individuals were
Church, and the only Church where you will generation to generation, ,from land to land, pointed out, and not once did the sufferer fail to
find unanimity. This invisible Church is built from nation to nation. By being united, He make himself known. Night after night, people reo
upon the foundation of the apostles and the sends us to the world to spread the gospel, to turned to testify of healing received.
Henry E. Mock, Pastor
prophets of which Christ is the chief corner- strengthen each other, to bear the burdens Price Assembly of God
stone. of each other. Price, Utah

THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951 19

f~ d:";'
:#:}, .

WORLD-WIDE REVIVAL This meeting which began on August 5,

witnessed a great crowd the first night as peo-
Brief accounts of outstanding healing revivals here and there ple from the sponsoring churches of this area
gathered under the tent. The co-operating
pastors were A. L. Shell, Presbyter--M. J.
Johnson-and G. A. Balius, Chairman.
The first night was given over to instruc-
Louis Kaplan, the converted Jewish Evan- Things are really happening in Bangor, tion on how to receive Divine healing and
gelist, visited Toronto, and preached with since Brother Karol left. We are still receiving many responded to the /irst altar call. On the
vigor the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. testimonies of healings that we knew nothing third night, healing cards were used, and the
The church was packed to capacity on each of about. '
the three week~end services, and Brother It has been the Lord Who has helped us sick began to' come forward for prayer.
Kaplan not only taught that Divine healing in this work. We took the Bangor church 00: Many wonderful things happened nightly
is for all, but preached strongly on the need nothing but faith. The work here is nearly 20 as the sick were prayed for. One man, 72
of holiness-"for' without holiness, no man years old, but has had so much trouble that years of age, was instantly healed of spurs
shall see the Lord." there were only 6 or 8 women here when we on both heels, gristle on the back and arm,
At least six cases of deaf ears were opened came in May, 1950. On August 26th, we broke and as the power of the Lord moved on his
after Brother Kaplan had prayed for them. all existing records with 78 present. We had body, his arm, which had been bound by
One deaf mute was prayed for, her ears more adults present then than we had in our arthritis, was moved to his face for the /irst
opened, and she was able to say, "Praise the entire Sunday School, our /irst Sunday here. time in seven years. One Baptist minister's wife
Lord." There were two cases of paralyzed arms We have found it necessary to make more was instantly healed of hernia and gave testi-
being healed. Prior to being prayed for, these Sunday School rooms. Our church attendance mony of the miracle. An Assembly of God
people were not able to raise their arms above has doubled. To those who put their trust in Sunday School teacher, who had been wearing
their head, but after prayer, could do so. Him, He is gracious! glasses for 35 years, was healed. She is read-
The entire congregation was greatly revived Words can never express what Brother Karol ing ten chapters in the Bible daily without any
because of this visitation from the Holy Spirit. meant to us and our people. My life can never eye strain. A young man removed his hearing
A number also received the Baptism of the be the same. Our old dead saints were revived aid and was able to hear instantly. Actual
Holy Spirit. and revival /ires are burning in our church. tests before the audience veri/ied his healing.
H. A. Maxwell Whyte Anthony Sarbo, A man who had suffered a stroke a year before
Pastor, United Apostolic Faith Pastor, Assembly of God was led to the front, and was commanded to
Church Bangor, Penna. walk unaided-he walked out beyond the edge
214 Delaware Ave., of the tent-instantly healed. His voice has re-
Toronto, Ontario, Canada turned, and the people of the community are
SPUR, TEXAS-ROY M. STEWART stirred by his deliverance.
ODESSA, TEXAS-WILBUR A. HENRY Frisco City was moved as never before, as
Without doubt, Spur, Texas, and surround- the power of God delivered people from their
The four and one-half weeks' meeting in ing areas have experienced their greatest spirit- afflictions. We rejoice that a healing revival
Odessa, Texas, held by Brother Wilbur A. ual awakening. was held in our community for the /irst time.
We all unite in a sincere thanks to the Lord
Henry and party, was a source of blessing to From the /irst service of the Salvation-heal-
our church. ing revival, conducted by Roy Stewart and for what has been accomplished in Frisco
party, in August of this year, God's glory City.
Many were 'saved, believers were baptized G. A. Balius, Chairman
in the Holy Ghost, and many were healed. /illed the tent. Brother Stewart's /irst message
High blood pressure, arthritis, heart trouble, caused everyone's faith to increase, and en-
pyorrhea, deafness, blindness in one eye, ner- thusiasm was so great by the time he had fin-
ished preaching, that it seemed anything could
vousness and many other afflictions disap- happen - and thank God many things did POST FALLS, IDAHO-W. A. HENRY
peared, after prayer. One woman, who for happen!
several years could scarcely walk because of
arthritis, was instantly healed and able to In every service there werE! from ten to The month of March, 1951, will be remem-
walk quickly up and down the aisles-and thirty-/ive who responded to the altar invita- bered by a great many people in this section
even ascended the high platform. Brother tion.
Henry asked her to run, and to the amaze- as it was during that time, under the sign gift
The /irst healing line saw everything ful-
ment and joy of all, she did so. Another ~/illed that was promised in the advertising, ministry of Brother W. A. Henry of Oklahoma
woman who was unable to get around the past "The Lame Walk, The Deaf Hear, The Blind City, Oklahoma, that night after night we
year because of the same illness, was also See." People were literally stunned when a beheld souls coming forward for salvation.
instantly healed. A number of people were set lady in the healing line was instantly de- Some came with tears streaming down their
free from habits that bound them. livered of a large goiter. It simply melted
away under Brother Stewart's hand, and' only cheeks because the Holy Spirit had convicted
On one occasion, Brother Henry had the
sick to stand in the congregation-and appar-' the loose skin was left as evidence that she of sin, and of judgment to come. Two out-
ently they were all healed without ever form- had ever had a goiter - and by the next standing incidents of believers being filled
ing a prayer line. Several nights he did not night, even this was normal. with the Holy Spirit thru the laying on of
pray for the sick until God gave him souls B. Z. Curtis hands were witnessed.
at the altar seeking salvation.
Ted W. Kroll PLAINVIEW, TEXAS-WM. A. WARD Many were delivered and healed of various
Pastor, Faith Tabernacle ailments as our Brother Henry ministered to
Odessa, Texas. Plainview, Texas, was blessed by the min- the sick, praying the prayer of faith, and
istry of Brother Wm. A. Ward, who held a the Lord con/irmed His Word with signs fol-
tent revival here. This revival was sponsored
ASHLAND, WISC.-A. M. SELNESS by The First Assembly of God Church, The lowing. I shall mention just a few healings of
Foursquare Church, The Southside Assembly members of our own church. My sister-in-law
The ministry of Brother A. M. Selness was of God Church, and the Pentecostal Church who lost her sense of smell 20 years ago, was
a spiritual uplift to Ashland, Wisconsin. The of God. There was a wonderful spirit of fel- overjoyed to have' it restored immediately as
meetings were well attended in spite of incle- lowship manifested by the various pastors, she was prayed for. A brother who has been
ment weather. and each church was blessed of God. suffering from stomach ulcers for a long period
Several were at the altar for salvation and Large crowds attended, and God con/irmed of time, was healed instantly as he was prayed
others were healed of divers diseases. One the Word with outstanding miracles, healings for, insomuch that the doctor could /ind no
outstanding case of healing was that of a boy and conversions. There were 203 conversions trace of stomach ulcers whatever. One baby
of about nine years of age, who had been in all, and people were healed of heart boy that was old enough to be running every-
operated on over a year ago at the Madison trouble, goiters, cancers, lameness, polio, deaf- where, had never walked and seemed to be
State Hospital for brain tumor, and had been ness, blindness, eye trouble, stiff arms, and just a lifeless, helpless little human, improved
unable to walk since. He began to improve numerous other sicknesses. so noticeably after prayer that one wouldn't
immediately after Brother Selness prayed for The town was stirred, and a number of recognize him as the same child.
him, and today is walking nicely and able to the town's most prominent people attended. These services were held in the Post Falls
attend school again. The results of this revival will continue to be grade school gymnasium as the church would
H. E. Rolfe, Pastor reaped until Jesus comes. not accommodate the crowds.
Assembly of God Louie Shultz, Pastor Oren I. Hutchinson,
Ashland, Wisconsin First Assembly of God Church Post Falls, Idaho.

20 THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951

When one is in severe pain, the greatest
battle is to reject the false sense knowledge
<Jke q.uL~ (jl
Given by The Spirit to Norene C. Nicholls
that denies the promise of God. If not proper-
ly taught, one is almost certain to accept the Trust to step beyond tbe bound'ries of tbe man-made tbougbts and creeds,
verdict of the pain, rather than to praise God Dare to launch upon the [nf'nite-follow where tbe Spirit leads.
for this sure promise of healing· and deliver- Thrust thyself upon His power, rest tby case within His band,
ance. Put thine all witbin His keepi11g-tbus commit and firmly stand.
A PREMATURE VICTORY List'!-the challenge of the SPirit falls upon the list'ning ear,
God almighty, great and powerful, says, "There's nought to ever fear."
On Tuesday afternoon, I felt that victory Lo, tbe eyes of His supernal now are racing to and fro
had come. Simultaneously the great swelling Seeking those who. trust Him fully that to them His strength might show.
opened and the poison began to drain out. Hide we now behind the confines of our narrow reas'ning mind
Every hour or so, my wife would put a Daring not to prove sufficient all we in the Word can find?
fresh hot pack on the place of infection, and Hark! The clarion call is pealing from the vast domed azure sky
the draining continued without cessation. The
Challenging tbe individttal who will answer, "Here am [-
pain had ceased, and at last I could fully
relax. God had graciously prevented the af- I
Here am all yours, my Father, precious Son and Holy Ghost;
fliction from passing to any other part of None of self [ want remaining, use me to the uttermost.
my body-a remarkable exception to the Let me rest upon Thy bosom till my heart beats as Thine own,
normal and usual course of a carbuncle. Till Thy life flows all unbindered, till I'm lost in Thee alone."

A DIABOLICAL TRICK OF THE ENEMY Petty things of tramient fancy, earthly baubles made of clay,
Seem the things [ thought important in my recent yesterday.
I will admit that I ·was not prepared for Houses, lands and passing treasures all have taken second place,
the next development. Apparently Satan con- All else fades to crumbling ashes in tbe beauty of Thy face.
sidered that there was much at stake in the All of me is insufficient, He is my sufficiency;
outcome of the battle and had no intention Great the throbbings of His presence since He lives supreme in me.
of retiring from the field until he had played Struggles, strivings, weary wrestlings-all have ceased within His rest,
his last card. My father and mother were [ am happy and co~tented leaning on His gloriottS breast.
visiting us at the time. Father, who is seventy-
.And look in utter wonder for the barrier and wall
eight years of age, had never been really sick
once in his life. He has led a very temperate I
That thought would ever hamper following the Spirit's call.
But [ see in God no limits-time or space or flesb or sin-
life, and has hardly known what sickness is.
Boundless vastness stretches onward-beights and depths are all in Him.
At one o'clock on Wednesday morning, my Then my mind grasps for a botmd'ry for it's used to narrow things,
wife was applying cloths, for the poison was And my footstep falters, doubting-can my spirit freely wing
flowing out very rapidly, and every couple of Tbrough the spberes of spiritual glory in the realms of fullness blest,
hours, she would apply the cloths. I had Where the fulln·ess of the Godhead designs to dwell within my breast?
completely relaxed, and was enjoying the
rest that was stealing over my body. At Yea, ah, yea, 'tis trutb immeasurable that for stich the Godhead yearns,
that moment, my father came into the room. Yet the glory and the power quailing flesb resists and spttrns.
I thought perhaps he had come to see how But thou flesh, my. foe so bitter, was fast nailed to His cross,
I was, but one look at him, and I knew
something definitely was wrong. His face
Cease your cries! will not listen, all you've dealt is gall and loss!
Self, you, too, must cease your struggle and come down from off the throne;
grimaced with pain. He informed us that his Christ, my Lord, is King and Master, and the reim are all His own!
kidneys had locked, and I could see that he 0, my spirit, long you've waited 'neath the weights I've heaped on thee.
was in great agony. I also perceived that he How you've longed to fully worship, how, you've_cried to be set free!
was suffering so much that he would not be
able to get victory himself. Satan, frustrated, 0' Thou wondrous, glorious Godhead, like an ocean vast and wide,
had apparently lashed out against him. I
Launch forth into Tby fullness where dotb flow Thy power's tide.
I was distressed. There was my poor old Who will dare to loose the moorings and abandon all to God?
father, whose hands had soothed my brow They shall know unequaled power-they shall tread wbere none bave trod!
many a time. When, as a child, I was in need,
he had waited on me more times than I can
remember. Now there he was in pain and saw how Hezekiah had turned his face to the entire land! Calvary is a sign to every sick
suffering, begging me to pray for him. It wall, and had plead with God to spare him person that Jesus has borne his sickness.
was almost more than I could bear. -I arose and give him additional years of life. As a As I lay in bed, praising God for the heal-
from my bed, and with all my strength began result of his prayers, God sent him a message ing, it seemed that a new strength came to
rebuking the enemy. But soon my strength that he should recover, and have fifteen ad- me, and a voice seemed to say, "Do not doubt
was exhausted, and I had to fall back on my ditional years.• your healing." I fell asleep believing that
bed. Five or six times, I arose to rebuke the victory had come, and Satan was defeated.
enemy, but at last I fell back utterly ex- - told I read further. Though Hezekiah had been When I awoke in the morning, I found that
hausted. (Father recovered, for which we are of his healing, yet apparently the symp- the swelling was going down rapidly, and the
thankful-Praise God!) toms were still there-the hideous, terrible, poison was again flowing from it. That was
death-dealing carbuncle was still on his body. Thursday. By Monday, I was back at the office
HAD I LOST MY HEALING? The pain was there, and nothing apparently working, and that evening I attended a church
had changed. To stimulate his faith, he asked service. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Hezekiah
As for me, I fell into a fitful sleep of ex- God for a sign. He was given his choice of went up to the house of the Lord on the third
haustion. I would see hallucinations and time whether the shadow would go forwards or day. I believe that I could have gone on the
after time I would. wake with a sudden start. backwards ten degrees on the sundial of third day also, but friends told me I had
At length in the afternoon my wife came and Ahaz. Looking objectively at Hezekiah, we better wait another day.
looked at the carbuncle. It was red and angry, would probably think that the miracle of the
had increased in size, ~nd worse-it had com- shadow moving on the sundial would be far After Isaiah pronounced the healing, he also
pletely closed up. She had little to say. Her beyond the mere healing of a carbuncle. But recommended that a special poultice should
face was solemn, and the thought came to me, as I lay there in bed, I could understand how be placed on the boil. (11 Kings 20:7) The
"Had I, through this over-exertion, lost my that terrible, painful, nerve-wrecking boil, poultice had nothing to do with the miracle
healing?" Temptations which are nothing at loomed larger to Hezekiah than anything else. of healing, but its use demonstrates the fact
all in normal times, loom large when one's He asked that the shadow go backward ten that the Bible teaches that sympathetic care of
strength is completely exhausted. Yet, in my degrees, in order to give him faith for healing the sick is in harmony with and not opposed
extremity, God helped me. I grimly determin- of his· affliction, of which as yet he saw no to Divine healing. The external application
ed to refuse to accept anything but that God signs of abatement. of a fig poultice was applied to the swelling
had healed me. That was my decision, live or to draw the poison out. We didn't have any
die-sink or swim. Not in a moment, but gradually, I realized figs, but we obtained qualified advice as
that God had given me a greater sign than to what kind of poultice should be applied.
Having no strength to pray, I picked up He gave to Hezekiah-the sign of the Son of (Isa. 38:21).
the Bible and read the story of Hezekiah's Man, "by Whose stripes we were healed." and
sickness unto death. He too had been afflicted "Who took our ingrmities and bore our sick- My testimony is that of Hezekiah after he
with a terrible boil or carbuncle, and when nesses." And when He did this on Calvary, had been healed. "The Lord was ready to
he had inquired of the Lord, the prophet had the sun did not just retreat ten degrees, but· save me, therefore we will sing my songs to
the stringed instruments all the days of our
brought him word, "Set thy house in order, it withdrew its shining altogether! When
for thou shalt die and not live." I read on. I Jesus died, darkness came upon the face of the life in the house of the Lord." Isa. 38:20.

THE VOICE OF HEALING . November, 1951 21

roses, sweet peas, and carnations grown 1ll
Israel, specially packed and air-freighted to
Europe and the United States, have been
arriving in good condition.
Cultivation of flowers in Israel is carried
on all the year round and is expanding so
rapidly and the quality of flowers improv-
ing so much that they are expected to be
CHAPLAIN HOW· in good demand in countries such as the
nowed evangelist~ United States, Switzerland, Belgium, and
Army Chaplain and Sweden. An American florist who visited
Prophetic' analyist
will contribute the Israel recently is reported to have already
"Prophecy Marches
On" column regularly ordered about $ 50,000 worth of Israel
in TVH. flowers.
It appears we are nearing the time of
Kingdom blessing for Israel when "the
SUDDEN DESTRUCTION FAMINE wilderness ... and the desert shall rejoice,
HONG KONG, Sept 8. (UP) "A famine, and blossom as the rose"-Isa. 3 5: 1.
Global attention was focused on the Japa- officially described as 'disastrous,' is sw~ep- FANT ASTle WEAPONS
nese peace-treaty conference when the rep- ing North China ... The official New
resentatives of 52 nations poured into San China News Agency said the famine has Senator Young, North Dakota, a member of
the Senate military appropriations subcom-
Francisco in September. The few days re- affected at least 3,000,000 persons in Ping--
mittee which has received top-secret testi-
yuan and Chahar provinces ... The famine
quired for the treaty-signing conference mony about weapons, declared: "We have
was attributed to drought, floods and insect
seemed almost as if an era had been rolled made great strides in the development of
pests which ravaged crops." Famines of in-
into the storehouse of history. creasing intensity are clearly foretold by new and more terrible weapons of war than
ever have been known before. President Tru-
The passing of time will reveal how the Jesus (Luke 21: 11) as definite signs of His
second coming. man was on solid footing when he said "the
treaty will affect the Korean truce talks, weapons we have are fantastic and could
and U. S. relations with Britain and France; LOVERS OF PLEASURE
wipe out civilization."
what will be its effect on the future of While millions in C~ina are starving to "Wars and rumors of wars" shall con-
death a Mexican millionaire tossed a fabulous tinue the end of this dispensation. "Nation
Japan; and whether- or not it will bring
America closer to war with Russia. $200,000 all-night bizarre party for 660 shall rise against nation, and kingdom
guests in Venice, Italy, recently. One guest- against kingdom" until that great and aw-
, Two other major conferences were held wore a gown of lace and sequins reportedly ful battle of Armageddon when Christ re-
immediately after the San Francisco meet- costing $15,000. The 'palace warming' social turns to rule and reign upon this earth in
ing. The Big Three met in Washington, gathering followed the expenditure of an righteousness.
followed by the twelve-power North At- estimated $6,000,000 for refurnishing the ISRAEL IMMIGRATION
lantic conference in Ottawa. All of these palace on the Grand Canal.
top-level talks are supposedly for the purpose 1 0 5,000 Jews entered Israel during the
The Apostle Paul, speaking of "the last
of helping to guarantee peace in the world. first five months of this year as compared
days," says: "Men shall be lovers of their
own selves ... lovers of pleasures more than with 58,378 during the same period last
While diplomats talk and sign peace-trea-
ties the wheels of industry continue to turn lovers of God"-Tim. 3:2,4. year. Nearly 600,000 went back to the
Promised Land during the first three years
day and night in production of war equip- THE DESERT BLOSSOMS of statehood for Israel-from May 15, 1948,
ment in feverish preparation for anticipated
florists in many parts of the world may to May 15, 1951. What a striking fulfill-
global-conflict. The student of Bible pro-
soon be selling flowers grown in- the Jordan ment this is of the ~any scriptural prophe-
phecy is significantly reminded that "when
Valley, Samaria, and even the Negev as cies concerning the returning of the Jews
they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden
destruction cometh upon them"-l Thess. preparations are now being made to extend to their ancient land in the time of the
5: 3. the export of flowers from Israel. Gladioli, Lord's return.
BANANA PLANTATION NEAR JERICHO. In accordance with prophecy, the land of
DISTRESS AND PERPLEXITY Palestine Which has laid fallow for centuries is now yielding valuable harvests, a sign of
imminent coming of the Messiah. The general view in the photograph is an Arab banana
T he Department of Commerce reported plantation near Jericho. Arabs have profited by the rapid development of the country by
the Jews. The hills in the background form a part of the Mount of Temptation. WIDE-WORLD
that Americans averaged an income of $1,-
436 for each man, woman and child in 1950,-
a gain of $116 or 9 percent over 1949. How-
ever, while per capita income increased more
than 3 times in the past 12 years, the Ameri-
can living standard is 8 percent lower than
in 1944. Inflationary high prices and high
taxes have chiseled away at the living stand-
ard. The pre-war dollar of 193 5- 39 is only
worth 54 cents today.
- Retail food prices and rents led an up-
swing in the cost of living during June and
July. Food and rent make up the major
budget item for moderate income families
in large cities.
The economic dilemma of this hour, and
the apparent hopelessness of seeing a change
for the better in the future, is causing great
"distress" and "perplexity" (Luke 21:25),
and is surely a definite sign of the end-time.

SUBSCRIBp TO there and looked at me. I said, "All right,
you'll take your responsibility, I won't. If
you'll do as I say, I'll take responsibility for
THE VOICE OF HEALING you and nothing will happen to you." He
took his own responsibility. Through the
power of God, I cast the demons out of the
Subscribe for yourself and for others.
I enclose $1 for 10 month's subscription ($1.50 Canada.) If renewal check here 0 man I was praying fer. The dispossessed
demons went through the audience seeking
someone to enter. They struck this irreverent
N ame. .h. h __m __ h hhm h __h m __ h __hm hhm-_0.0. (Please Print Plainly) man a body blow and knocked him completely
out· of his chair onto the ground. The ushers
Street or Box Number mh . h ·_m --.. 0..-.---- .. -.-0.--0. .. --0.---.--.---0.----- .h m._. _ found him writhing and twisting and biting
his tongue and trying to scream out his
City an d Sta.te .. _0. .. _... 0. 0.0. .. . .m •••• _n ••• • __ 0._0. m ---- 0. 0.--0.--0.--_.0..0. misery. I told the ushers to bring him to me.
I enclose $1.00 for a gift subscription. Send to They picked him up and carried him to me
on the platform. It took me five minutes to
Name. ._n __. 0. 0. . _.. m __0. 0.0... 0. .0. ._0. ._0.__m 0._0.0.0.-0.------.. ---- -.- get him delivered by the power of God. When
he walked off that platform he was a dif-
Street or Box Number h m_. .. 0. 0. ._0._0.0.0..0.m. .__m --0._--0.__._0..-0.---0.---0.-' ferent man. He will tfever make fun again.
That has happened several times in our meet-
City and Stateh -m _.0.0.. .... - -h .. -__m. - -__.. 0.-----0._.__. . _'---. ---.. ---0._.. n_ 0.---.. -.- --
ings and people have learned to fear God and
_. _._. - __ • - -
know that God is alive in these last days. Now
Address: The Voice of Healing, Shreveport, Louisiana is the time to worship and reverence God, not
to make fun of His holy power of deliver-
I have seen demons control people, twisting
and convulsing their bodies and tormenting
their minds, making them scream out day and
LOOK night. Oh, I hate the ugly power of the devil
and his demon-world. God has put a love in
my heart for demon-possessed people and I
tell you now if you attend' our meetings
night after night you will see this power
against demons.
There are many kinds of demons. The most
De Luxe Assortments $1.00 per box powerful of all are the "unclean" demons. No
unclean demon can enter a child of God, be-
cause it cannot cross the bloodline of Christ.
The best in Christ-honoring assortments, Neighbor, I am glad I am saved tonight! I
designed especially for' those who are partic- am glad I am sanctified and filled with the
ular. Each verse card bears a carefully selected Holy Spirit. When you are baptized with
bible verse. the Holy Ghost and fire there will be no
danger of unclean spirits crossing the blood-
line and possessing your life. I know that this
An appropriate card for every name on wicked world sneers at the Holy Ghost and
your list ... the Full Gospel people and I know the mod-
ern church tries to look down on us, but we
are the safest people in the world. Weare the
Each box contains 21 cards with matching safest people because we have the Holy Spirit
envelopes. of God in us.
Now, demons work in three different ways.
They work either in the soul or the mind or
the body. At rare times, they work in all-
No. 51 simultaneously. That is, a person can have
unclean demons and be bound in soul, mind
and body at the same time. On the other hand,
there are various kinds of demons that work
in the body of a person, even in the body
of a Christian. For instance, Jesus dealt with
deaf and dumb spirits. He called them that.
So we know deaf and dumb demons do take
the hearing and speech of some people. Not
all deafness is caused by oeaf and dumb spirits;
it might be caused by heredity; it might be
caused by pneumonia or by a fall or some-
thing like that, but there is _a certain form
of deafness that will never respond to a hear-
ing aid or anything else except the healing
power of Christ calling out the deaf spirit.
Then they can hear.
The invisible demon-realm is located in the
air, is located between us and God. To reach
God, our faith must push its way through
enemy territory. This is why our prayers are
often beaten back in our faces. That is why
sometimes our sermons are beaten back in our
No. 50 faces. That is why that sometimes the atmos-
No. 71 phere is cold and chilled and we feel satanic
pressure against us, for when we pray to
YOU We have a good supply of these
three selections in stock and can fill
God these demons are there to oppose us and
to push our prayers back at us but God says,
"Resist the devil and he shall flee from you."
I believe that because I have practiced it and
your order for one or a dozen boxes
Can 'SAVE MONEY by immediately.
know it can be done. It is being done by
people allover the world in Jesus' name.
There is only one place where an unclean
ordering all 3 boxes, or 3 of demon cannot go and that is in the heart of a
Order by Number from child of God. All other people are open to
the same selection for only THE VOICE OF HEALING demon-power. I mean by that, they have no
defense against unclean spirits. The only one
3 Boxes- $2.75 - 3 Boxes Shreveport, La. defense is the name of Jesus Christ, the Son
of God!

THE VOICE OF HEALING November, 1951 23



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Price $1.50 Price $1.00


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