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Autoneum - Straightforward Upper Intermediate

Unit 3-5 test

Name ___________
Score _____/_____

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
(1) Don’t worry, there’s no _______________ (risky) involved. (2) I wish you’d stop
being so _______________ (reason), just sit down and listen to me before you make your
decision. (3) He feels very _______________ (anxiety) when he has to fly. (4) OK, just be
_______________ (bravery) for me. It really won’t hurt. (5) I think ___________(free)
of speech is very important. You should be allowed to say what you think. (6) My great-
great-grandfather was a _______________ (slavery) in Alabama in the 1850s. (7) There’s
no need to be frightened of snakes as most of them are ____________ (harm). (8) You’ve
got to be joking! I think you need to be very _______________ (caution).

2. Match a word from the box to the definitions

bare / bear / coarse / course / hole / whole / pray / prey /principal / principle / tail / tale

(9) I think freedom of speech is a basic _______________. (10) I’m sure he was hiding
in that _______________ over there. (11) He told us a _______________ about an
enormous snake. (12) Spiders usually catch their _______________ in a web. (13) I can’t
believe you’re going to pick that up with your _______________ hands, you’re so brave.

4. Complete the compound nouns 5. Explain the joke

6. Complete the sentences using a relative pronoun
(which, who, where, whose, why)

That’ s the city____I was born in. I remember the times ______ it snowed so much that
the road to our town was blocked for days. My cousin Sammy, _____ graduated last year, is
married now. The dog, ____ bit me last week, belongs to my neighbor. The reason ____
the new manager was fired is his punctuality problem. Madonna, _____ most recent
recording has become so popular, is touring around the world now. Crossing Death Valley,
_____ temperatures reach well above 40 degrees centigrade, was a difficult task for the
early pioneers. The 18th century was the time ____ political changes began that would lead
to the modern nation state. People ____ hadn’t seen each other for a long time came
together thanks to the reunion party of our school. Most of the questions _____were raised
in the class were left unanswered.

7. Translate the following sentences

Časopisy nabízející svým čtenářům seriozní články jsou velmi oblíbené

Hollywoodské filmy točené v Americe si obvykle vybírají mladé, hubené herečky.

Je velmi obtížné redukovat reklamy umístěné na internetu.

8. Translate the dialog bellow and focus on correct use of tenses:

A: Už jsi byl někdy v Římě?

B: Jojo, zrovna jsem se vrátil z dov.
A: To jsi tam byl poprvé?
B: To ne, byl jsem tam už nekolikrát. Proč?
A: No, víš, já jsem tam byl před pár týdny,
potkal jsem tam úžasnou ženu a zamiloval
se. Tak krásnou ženu jsem nikdy předtím
neviděl. Telefonujeme si každý den od té doby
co jsem se vrátil. Včera mi volala, když jsem
zrovna dával fotky do počítače.
B: To je super. Už jsi to řekl mámě?
A: Ano, smála se, když jsem jí řekl,
že jsme se seznámili na veřejném, WC.

9. Complete the sentences with past simple, past continuous or past perfect

11. Reading – choose the correct option:

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