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Unit 1: Advertising (part A)

1. What is advertising?
Nowadays, advertising is playing a role in product promotion strategy.
Entrepreneurs pay a fee and use it to bring their products to the public. Advertising
can help consumers understand the value of the product easily. Therefore,
advertising is a form of paid notification that draws the public attention to
The word “advertise” derived from Latin, which means “to attract people’s
American marketing advertising (AMA) defines advertising as “the non-personal
communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature
about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various
2. Types of advertising in modern world
Advertising is a tool that businesses have long used in reaching potential
customers to buy their products or services, as well as reinforcing confidence in
the business of existing customers. In modern advertising, the ads themselves are
selected and served by automated systems based on the user's identity and content.
There are many media to advertise:
Print advertisement - Newspaper/ magazines
Print advertisement. Print advertising means advertisements that are printed in
hard copy in publications (newspapers, magazines, journals) likely to be read by
your target audience.
Advertising in newspapers and magazines can bring your business's products to a
large number of customers. Through the press, the item is written on paper and
presented according to each topic. This is the advertising method that has been
used and developed for a long time.
Magazine advertising is more expensive than newspapers. Today, readers are more
interested in reading magazines than newspapers, they feel comfortable reading
and keep it longer. Therefore, the advertising on it will have many opportunities to
get noticed. Magazines often cater to consumer groups (mostly women, ...) and
trade (for businesses of all kinds).
Broadcast advertisement - Television/ radio
With the progress of time, the form of advertising also changes. Radio advertising
is a great way to promote regular products. However, it also has many limitations.
It may cost more if the business wants to promote the product repeatedly.
moreover, it is difficult for the listener to remember all the information heard from
the radio.
With television, it has a wider range. This form has advantages in terms of sound,
color, configuration, and diversity to convince customers. However. The downside
of this form is quite expensive. This method depends on the show time frame and
the frequency of the show to charge.

Outdoor advertisement - Direct mail/ catalogues/ leaflets

Direct mail means writing to customers directly. Businesses will select specific
audiences and approach customers more directly. catalogs and leaflets are a
popular form of advertising for certain areas to recruit and promote products
Digital advertisement (Online)
This is a convenient, quick, easy, and widely used form of advertising today.
Web banner advertising
A web banner is an advertisement displayed on a web page. The
advertisement consists of an image or of a multimedia object created.
Thus banner ads can be static or animated, depending on what
technology has been used to make them. Some banner design
inspirations are Adobe, Amazon, and DELL.
Digital advertising
Digital advertising or online advertising is a form of marketing and
modern-day advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional
marketing messages to consumers. The best examples of successful
digital advertising are American Express and Mastercard.
Blog advertising
Corporate blogs are an extremely excellent way for companies to reach
out to their customer base on the Internet. Advertising blogs usually
make use of Search Engine Marketing techniques, which ensure better
results on the web.
3. Elements of a good advertisement
A clear objective
Clearly, a good advertisement is one that generates a lot of sales. But it requires
creativity, experience and experimentation many times. The advertiser must
analyze and understand the target audience of the advertising campaigns he is
targeting to determine the appropriate message. Drawing a picture of potential
customers, think about their most important needs, their feelings for them, how
they feel ...
Vivid images
The most special impression of the advertisement is the image. Advertisers must
insert realistic, flexible images that attract the attention of the viewers. There are
many cases where viewers only look at images to judge information, not read what
is on the description ads. Especially for online advertising, when the video is
shown without attractive images and sound, the ad will not be received.

A compelling massage
Marketing campaigns, especially e-mail marketing, need a headline that attracts
attention and persuades readers to open emails or connect with ads. Should declare
something new or ask curious questions to readers.
A compelling offer
Copywriters who want to attract customers should include attractive incentives.
Special services such as receipt or delivery, money-back guarantee when products
and services are not desired, attractive promotions or additional services are
always of interest to readers. Make different commitments, which entices you to
attract different types of customers.

4. Characteristics of language for advertisement

In order to advertise effectively, besides ideas and images that are unique to
reading, language is a very important part to attract customers interested in
advertising. Advertising language is often combined with languages in everyday
communication: words are often simple and have an informal tone. This
increasesing the proximity of advertising to customers, making customers feel
comfortable and easy to understand what businesses want to convey about the
Slogan. A slogan is crucial if an advertising campaign is to succeed, because it is
the slogan that will stick in people’s minds. Different structures can use a noun
phrase, a simple sentence or a complex sentence (no more than 10 words).
Normally, sentences are questions and imperatives.
Vocubulary. The language of advertising is often combined with the language of
conversation but differs in word usage. Thus lexical choice is not to be taken
- Familiar language use second person pronouns to address an audience and
suggest a friendly attitude.
- Present tense is used most commonly
- In advertising, copywriter often avoids using a word “buy”, instead of, they
frequently used 20 verbs and phrasal verbs are: try, ask, get, take, let, send for,
use, call , make, come, hurry, see, give, remember, discover, serve, introduce,
choose and look for.
- A limited range of evaluative adjectives includes: new, clean, white, real, fresh,
right, natural, big, great, slim, soft, wholesome, improved.
Sentence. Sentences in ads are usually simpler sentences than complex sentences.
- Short sentences for impact on the reader. This impact is especially clear at the
beginning of a text, often using bold or large type for the "Headline" or
"slogan" to capture the attention of the reader.
- Long noun phrases frequently use of pre and post modifiers for descriptions.

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