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Philosophy of Education 2013

Written for EDU 100 course before any actual teaching experience.

Education is the foundation that our nations built on and without it our society will crumble. I
believe it is our duty as educators to instill in today’s youth everything they need to be successful in life
and do so in a way that is fun and enjoyable. I believe that all students if given every tool and resource
they require as well as a safe and nurturing environment to work in will become everything they strive
to be. We as teachers are more their guides than instructors and to successfully guide them we must
always be furthering our own knowledge so we can best aid our students. Schools today must guide our
students by allowing them to choose what they desire to learn as well as informing them of all
contemporary topics that will affect their lives. It is every schools job to instill morals and values that
help promote equality and respect for everyone in our diverse society.
My role as the teacher is to help guide every student in achieving his or her greatest potential.
Every student has the potential to become the next Einstein and it is my job to see everyone is given
everything that chance. I want to guide my students in bettering society and teach them always to be
open-minded and ready for change. I also believe they need to develop a sense of self and become their
own individual. From my personal experiences as a student, the best teachers knew both their material
and were always bursting with enthusiasm everyday when they taught and I need to bring that same
disposition to all my classes. I also need to be there for my students whether for educational problems
or personal problems. I want to provide my students the opportunity to choose some of the material we
learn because they will be more open to learning and retain that knowledge easier if they had a voice in
choosing it.
In my classroom, I want students to have freedom that allows for expression and creativity.
Students should be able to experiment and determine their strengths and weaknesses and to see what
topics they enjoy learning. Every student has potential and I want to teach in the way that unlocks the
greatest in each and every one of my students. After lessons are determined I like to create a very
detailed plan for the year so my students know what work I expect to be completed and the exact date
it is due. This allows students who like to work ahead do so and those who might forget something to
have a reminder. I want to teach students in a way that has some straightforward instruction, but that
also gives students room to grow and expand on their own. Starting out it is understandable me to lead
class discussions, but as we progress I want my students to take the helm posing their own questions
and attempting to answer them independently or with each other. It is more beneficial for students to
work for the answer rather than given it right away, as it expands their knowledge and teaches them to
think critically and problem solve. It is also important that the students help each other and work
together to solve problems, so they can learn how to work with others in a group.
The curriculum should focus more on what the individual students want to learn than a common
core system. Students still need some basic knowledge but more so how to use that knowledge in real
life situations and how to problem solve. Students also need to learn about contemporary topics and
things that will concern them when they finish school. As a Social Studies teacher, learning the past is
essential but current events are even more important, and how they both relate to each other. Many of
my teachers allowed us to choose which topics we would cover and the differences compared to
teachers that did not was astounding, the whole class was much more engaged in each lesson. Students
will be more engrossed in learning topics that interest them and it is my job as a teacher to teach those
topics. I also believe we do need to teach students the importance of respect and the impact it has on
your character.
Today’s schools shape our future and they must do so with morals and values all Americans
Philosophy of Education 2013
Written for EDU 100 course before any actual teaching experience.

should share. Our society is always in a state of change and schools need to adapt and prepare our
students for it. My school had its flaws but I learned a lot about treating others with respect and it made
me want to pursue teaching as my profession. The schools need to be our nation’s pillars in building a
better tomorrow. An effective school produces students that are eager and ready to move our society in
a better direction and fix many of the inequalities that still exist today. Schools need to instill in students
a respect for all the diverse races, ethnicities, religions, etc. that our nation is made of to a point where
we do not even see these things anymore.
As a future educator, I believe it is critical to remember to enjoy students and everything they
have to offer. Every student is likely to teach you something new, as I am to teach him or her.
Sometimes it can be a struggle but overcoming those struggles is just part of the job and it keeps you on
your toes. If something is not working, there is always a way to fix it and better yourself with the
experience. No matter what, there is always the power to change and improve myself so I can provide
the best education for my students. I honestly hope that I can help every student I have to succeed in
life but even if just one remembers me and tells me that I helped them in some way shape or form,
whether educationally or as a person I will feel I succeeded in my goals as a teacher.

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