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Hello Rock Star! Tanya Aliza here.

I'm pumped and excited for you to get your

hands on this resource for you and your

Obviously if you have a business, you know how

important it is to get out there and get exposure
for you and your business on social media.

The problem that I see most people have is they have no idea what
to post to get engagement that relates to a sale.

So my goal in this resource, is to give you some awesome ideas to

implement into your social media marketing strategy.

Here are 25 content and post ideas that will help you increase
your engagement, interest and sales for your business:

1 Your Story

Share your personal story with your product or business, without

saying the name of the company or products. Leave curiosity and
ask people to reach out to you to learn more.

2 The Big Reveal

Share a video or image post of you using your product or service.

Share why you're excited without mentioning the name of the
company or products, I'm focusing on the benefits you're excited
about. Tell people to reach out to you personally to learn more.

3 Your Results
Share your personal results with your product or service, without
sharing the name of your company or product and ask people to
reach out to you to learn more.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
4 Lifestyle

If your products or services

improve peoples lifestyle
(most do), make sure to share
lifestyle post.... This lets people
in your world and gets them
building a better stronger
relationship with you.

5 3rd Party Product Post

Share a result from somebody else using your product or service.

Don't mention the name of the company, but ask people to reach
out if they want to learn more.

6 3rd Party Income Post

Share an income testimonial from someone in your company.

You might not be able to mention the amount of money that's

being made due to compliance, but you can share the benefits of
what the money has allowed them to do. For example, quit their
job, stay at home with their kids, retire their spouse, go on
vacations they would've never been able to before etc.

Don't mention the name of the company, ask people to reach out
to you if they'd like to learn more.

7 Team Recognition Post

Give recognition to somebody that you enrolled or worked with if
they've accomplished something amazing. Share what they've
been able to accomplish and congratulate them. Don't mention
the name of the company or products, ask people to reach out if
they want to learn more.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
8 Benefit Post

Think of some major benefits that your product or service can

provide to people. Create a post that talks about these problems
and how you're partnered with the company that has the solution
to these problems. You can also share a little story in this post if
you have one. Don't mention the name of the company and ask
people to share this with anybody they think this post would help.

People who have a problem that your product can solve well reach
out and ask you for more information.

9 Accomplishment Post

If you've accomplished a milestone in your company with the

product or the business talk about it in a post. People are
watching you, them something good to watch that they want to be
a part of.

10 Encouragement Post
People like to be aligned with people that
uplift them and encourage them. Create
a post that encourages people that might
see it. Lift them up, make them feel
amazing and prove your leadership.

11 Commitment Post
From time to time, I'll post a personal commitment post on my
social media with regards to a business launch, event, or my team
that I'm committed to. People like to join people that are
committed to what they are doing and do what they say they're
going to do.

If they see your commitment, they're more likely to commit to the

vision of working with you.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
12 Before and After Post
If you're working with the product that can give people a good
before and after... these make for great Posts. Share the before
and after without mentioning the name of your company or
products, and ask people to reach out if they'd like to learn more.

13 Excitement Post

Every day you should be excited about something right? People

want to join things that are exciting and they want to be around
people that are excited. Share the things that you're excited about
and why... this makes for great curiosity that people will want to
know more about.

14 Event Post

If you're attending an event with your company, whether it's big or

small, online or off-line... Post about it on social media. Share why
you're excited about the event, what you're going to learn, and
how it's going to help you. This will create buzz around what it is
you're doing, and it'll also show people that you're committed to
your business.

15 Be Funny & Quirky

Don't always want to be pitching

business, show people that
you're a real person, you're funny
and you're fun to be around.
This energy is contagious and if
you want to build the team and
make sales it's essential.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
16 Answer Questions
If someone asked you a question through chat, email or
messenger and you think this question would be helpful take
answer publicly... do a post of you answering that question. This
can be very helpful, and I can show your leadership in being a
good resourceful entrepreneur. All of these qualities are what
people look for when making a buying decision.

17 Go Live
Going live on Facebook,
Instagram or YouTube are big
exposure points for your
business that can bring you a lot
of new eyeballs and sales.

18 Helpful Tips & Value That Relate To Your Products

About related content that you can post that would attract
someone who's interested in the benefits that your product or
service provides.

For example: If you're in a health and wellness company, you

might post fitness tips, diet hacks, healthy recipes.

The people who are in health and wellness will really like this type
of content and if they like or comment you can connect with them
and talk to them more about your products and services.

When you connect with them you might say something like:

“Hey John, thanks for your comment on my fitness tips post today. Do
you have a workout plan that you implement daily?”

That'll start the conversation and help you to find out if there is a
need that you can fill with your product or service.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
19 Behind The Scenes
You're trying to build a tribe on social media (your tribe is who
buys from you), it's important to build a strong bond with them.
One of the ways to do this is to let them in on your life... show
them behind-the-scenes.

For example: Post a picture of you working from home with the
family, or working from the beach, or your workspace at home...

With this picture you can include a post and talk about the
benefits of working from home and why you love it so much...

This will peak the interest of anybody that has been curious to
create that lifestyle for themselves to!

20 Interview a Customer
You can go live or post a video a view interviewing one of your
valued customers. Talk about why they love the product they're
taking and how it's helped them... don't mention the name of the
product for the company and ask people to connect with you
personally to learn more.

21 Share Other People’s Content

Time to time I'll share other people's content if it's relevant to my
product service or business... and it will help my audience with

This shows that I'm not all about just my content... and it gives my
audience diversity and information... but still related to the
benefits and topics surrounding my product service or business.

22 Highlight a Customer or Teammate of The Month

This type of the post serves two purposes... #1 your customer are
teammate is going to feel super special and awesome... #2 potential
customers or teammates are curious to see what's going on.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
23 Attention Grabbing Statistic
Find a true statistic that you can share that might lead into
curiosity from people wanting to learn more about your product
service or business.

For example: If you're in a health and wellness company and you

sell a weight loss product, you could post a statistic on obesity and
disease and then say something like:

“I'm so happy I'm aligned with a product and a company that is

helping to change this statistic.”

24 Contests or Promotions

Your company does contest for promotions, share your

excitement about the contest or promotion, without mentioning
the company name or product names... just share your
excitement and ask people to reach out to personally if they like
to learn more about joining you in the contest or promotion.

25 Shout-Outs To Influencers
The attention of influencers is a really key strategy when posting
on social media.

If you've been through a course,

read a book, or seen any training
from any influencers that helps
you... give them a shout out on
social media.

Sometimes they'll re-share your

post to their audience (if you do a
specific amazing shout out)... this
can get you some incredible
eyeballs to your brand.

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

There you have it! 25 social media posts that can help your
engagement and sales on social media!

Create a content marketing strategy for you and your business

using some or all of these in your strategy

And share your results with me because I love to hear them!

Some Resources That Will Help You Even More


If you don’t have a Facebook Fan Page yet and

you’re looking at all these rock stars with Fan Page
and you want one for yourself.

Unlimited Fan Page Profits is a training that I put

together that will walk you through the steps of
building a Profitable Facebook Page and marketing
plan to generate leads, build a big audience and
make daily sales.

Learn More:


This is my go-to checklist that I’ve been using
before, during and after my FB Live broadcasts
that have gotten me tens of thousands on
eyeballs on my products and services!

It’s no secret that doing FB Lives can bring you

a lot of exposure and business, but sometimes
it can be exhausting and intimidating to know
if you’re doing them right to get people to
actually take the next step with you...

Learn More:

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

Ray is the Bomb dot com when it comes to video

and he’s built a wildly successful business through
doing short 3 minute videos to promote he’s
Brand and Products.

Based on his success with this strategy, he’s put

together this amazing training and if you’re looking
to do video for your business, this is a much see.

Learn More:


If you are already doing videos and posting

them on YouTube and you want to learn how
to optimize these videos so that you get more
views and Rankings, this is one of the best
trainings I’ve been through that can help you
do this.

I’ve been able to rank my videos on the first

page of YouTube in 1 day with this training.

Learn More:


AKA Build Like A Boss, The B-LAB is Tanya Aliza’s FREE

Facebook Mastermind group full of awesome Networkers
and Entrepreneurs that are all on a mission to grow their
businesses Faster and easier with Online Strategies for
prospecting, recruiting and sales.

We do themed days of the week, we hold each other

accountable and we lift each other up!

Come introduce yourself and your business.

Join Us Here:

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.
Did You Get Some Value?
 I hope you did, because each week I put my heart into making sure
you get amazing tips and strategies to rock it in your business while
creating a life you love.

Wanna Share This Because You Love Sharing Valuable Info?

- OR -

Each Monday, I post a new video training

and free resource on my blog.

Each Tuesday, I do a Live Q&A training on my Facebook Page

so make sure to come Like my page and
Connect with me on Facebook using the link below:

If you have any questions or you want to connect more, please stay
connected and click one of my Social links below.

You Are Amazing!

Copyright Tanya Aliza Marketing. Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this material is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

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