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4. anterior surface of heart is formed by

5. heart valve is made of

6. MEN II b comprises of

7. medullary carcinoma presnts as

8. 1st web is supplied by which nerve

9. distribution of supf peroneal nerve

10. level of bifurcation of aorta

11. level of hilum of kidney

12. level of inf mesenteric artery

13. level of ext iliac artery

14. distribution of genitor femoral nerve

15. definition of hypoxia

16. tissue development in # atrophy

17. tissue development in spina bifida hypoplasia

18. post gastrectomy deficiency of

19. pt with persistent vomiting biochem abnormality

20. passive rectal incontinence sphinter envolved

21. presentation of long standing catheter

22. tubercular cystitis

23. nerve supply of ant aspect of knee jt

24. relation of str at popliteal fossa

25. muscle attach to lat side of popliteal

26. nes of adductor of thigh a urologist is doing some intravesical procedure alll of sudden patient kicks which nerve may

have involved ?

27. flexion at distal ip jt at ring finger

28. flexion at distal ip jt at thumb

29. relation of ulnar nerve with ulnar artery

30. ulnar injury at elbow

31. foment sign test for

32. nerve for adduction of thumb

33. deep br of ulnar nerve supply

34. function of cortisol in stress

35. ecg changes in pulm embolism

36. nerve supply at angle of mouth

37. lateral border of tongue is supplied by

38. gastric lymphoma are mc of which type

39. cut injury at side of face will cut

40. epydymorchitis in sexually active male without uti

41. cause of swelling scrotum with sec neck

42. multiple swelling all over neck/axill /inguinal malignant lymphoma

43. follicular tumour thyroid IOC

44. sesation over deltoid muscle

45. injury medial to deltopectoral groove

46. head of radius articulate with

47. Head of radius is kept in place by which ligament

48. cereberal perfusion pressure

49. central chemo receptors

50. baroreceptors

51. foramina for transmission of mandibular nerve

52. foramina for transmission of vagus/ hypoglossal

53. foramina for transmission of middle meningeal artery

54. nucleus of 6th and 7th cr. Nerve is at which part of brain

55. surface marking of heart valve

56. cardiac tamponade can cuase sudden death

57. peptic acid secretion is stimulated by

58. bee sting with bp 80/60 and p.rate 122/mt TtOC

59. dorsum of foot supplied by which nerve

60. ligation of varicocele ultimately vein leadin to gonadal vn

61. relation of vein at renal hilum

62. COPD

63. blood gas analysis

64. blood gas analysis

65. blood gas analysis

66. difficulty in smiling nerve for it

67. pain in inf molar nerve responsible

68. ganglion for lacrimal dut

69. nerve involved in submandibular gland excision

70. type of reaction rhinorrhea with rashes after two hrs

71. intrinsic factor absorption

72. anemia in gastrctomy

73. iron deficiency anaemia

74. granulomatous intestinal dis crohn.

75. biopsy of gastric antrum

76. causative agent for gastric ulcer and bladder carcinoma

77. virus implicated for cervical cancer

78. virus implicated for anal cancer

79. virus implicated for Kaposi sarcoma

80. pus in diabetic cholycystitis e. g. of

81. injury at third intercostals space at sternum

82. third ventricle to fourth cereberal duct of aqueduct

83. SOL lt in parital causes herniation of

84. vertebral artey supplies which cortex

85. pituitary tumour causing pressure at optic chiasma

86. erosion at lateral angle of eye by swell in three years

87. position of ampulla of vater opening

88. SVR/CO/HR in crdiogenic shock

89. SVR/CO/HR in hemmorrafgicc

90. SVR/CO/HR in septic

91. child with ear discharge fever convulsion high grade fever

92. best criteria fo acute pancreatitis

93. diagnostic marker of carcinoid

94. in aneurysm defect in arterial wall is

95. popliteal aneurysm size 2.5 cnm

96. nodule in rheumatoid arthritis

97. wrist drop wekness at elbow

98. sensation of middle finger root value

99. sensation at lat calf disc protrusion

98 sensation loss at great toe spinal levet

100. lspinal level in uretric pain

101. passage of small stone cause

102. ns of lateral part of arm

103 parasympathetic causes arterial vaso constriction /dilatation

104 sa node is inervated by

105 adrenaline causes st of which receptors

106 role of adrenaline

107 role of dobutamine

108 role of ephedrtine

109 changes in lung capacity in emphysema

110 FEV1/FCV is reduced in

111 Ist to reponse to haemmorrage

112 Patent ductus arteriosus develop fromn which arch

113 Trauma to medial third of clavicle will injure

114 Bendrofluadizide acts at

115 Inrease urine osmolalty in

116 Stroidal pt on surgery post op adissonian crisis\

117 Left femoral hernia op for small bowel obstruction lead to chest pain?

118 Factor controlling bp from kidney

119 Post operative hypocalcemia in thyroid ectomy

120 Mode of action in pth in ca metabolism

121 Ca breast role of in osteoporotic Calcitonin

122 Cuases of hypercalcemia burn?

123 b/l swelling in 60% burn pt due to hypoprotienemia

124 insulin is increased with c peptide

125 partail gastrectomy result in dumping syndrome

126 multiple neurological envolvement in diabetes

127 insulin given in hyper glycemic will

128 effect of cortisol on various hormone a patient presented with h/o trauma cortisol released will have primary effect

on a) growth hormone b )thyroxine c)ACTH d)insulin

129 barret’ esophagus > 5cm pathology envolved

130 para neoplastic syndrome see in small cell tumour

131 in fetal circulation blood passes from rt atrium to left atrium

132 intermittent positive pressure incr/decreases venous return

133 basic mechanism in pulm embolism

134 post splenectomy diffuse opacity lung caused by pneumoccocal pneumonia

135 ca brest operation nerve envolved in winging of scapula

136 upper arm injury with swelling and pain fasciotomy

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