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Propagation of Chromium(III) Acetate

Solutions Through Dolomite Rock

H. Jin, C.S. McCool, SPE, G.P. Willhite, SPE, D.W. Green, SPE, and M.J. Michnick, SPE, U. of Kansas

Summary placed by the carboxyl group to form a chromium acetate-polymer

Chromium(III)–polymer gel systems are often used in permeabil- bond, and (2) precipitation of chromium from solution caused by
ity modification treatments for flow control. In-depth treatment of the hydrolysis of chromium acetate when acetate ligands are dis-
the carbonate rock matrix by these systems is of concern because placed by hydroxide groups, decreasing the solubility of the chro-
rock-fluid interactions can lead to loss of chromium and may limit mium acetate complex. The hydrolysis of chromium acetate is
the penetration of a gel treatment. This paper describes a study of affected by the pH of the solution. In dolomite rocks, the pH of the
chromium retention in dolomite cores in the absence of polymer solution is determined by the chemical composition of the aqueous
and demonstrates that precipitation of chromium is the principal solution. Aqueous solutions that are not highly buffered by dis-
retention mechanism. Displacement experiments were conducted solved salts have values of pH on the order of 9 to 10 when
in which chromium(III) acetate solutions were continuously dis- displaced through the dolomite porous matrix.
placed at different flow rates through Baker dolomite cores with Chromium may also be retained by ion exchange or adsorption.
permeabilities from 19 to 25 md. In some experiments, the cores Since the loss of chromium in previous studies in porous rocks
were shut in and the resident fluid displaced and analyzed to de- exceeded the estimated ion exchange capacity of the rocks, the pri-
termine chromium retention during the shut-in period. mary mechanism for loss of chromium is believed to be precipitation.
There was significant retention of chromium in the core in both Further reaction of the chromium acetate-polymer complex
continuous and shut-in experiments. In the continuous displace- leads to the formation of the gel structure. The importance of
ments, effluent concentration profiles were a function of flow rate, precipitation in this process depends upon the relative rate of chro-
indicating that the retention was a rate-dependent process. In the mium uptake by the polymer to the rate that chromium precipitates
range of concentrations studied, 0 to 1% by weight, the presence of from solution in the porous matrix when exposed to the pH envi-
KCl increased the retention rate. At the lowest flow rate used, ronment within the pore space. The kinetics of the chromium acetate-
effluent chromium concentration approached a steady-state value polymer reaction is not known. Consequently, it is not possible to
that was much smaller than the injected concentration. The reten- determine at this time which reaction controls the transport of chro-
tion capacity of the rock appeared to be infinite. mium acetate in a porous matrix during the gelation process.
Chromium concentrations at various residence times were com- A number of research groups have investigated the transport of
pared to values predicted from a kinetic model developed for pre- chromium(III) and chromium(III)-crosslinked gel systems in po-
cipitation from bulk solutions. The kinetic model fit the precipi- rous cores containing carbonate minerals and in carbonate rocks.
tation rate data well and is consistent with the conclusion that Garver et al.1 measured the retention in Berea sandstone cores of
precipitation is the principal retention mechanism. However, the chromium(III) from chromium chloride solutions, with and with-
induction period observed in bulk solutions was not present in the out xanthan polymer, during displacement experiments conducted
data taken in the cores. Precipitation occurred faster in the cores with continuous flow and with shut-in periods. Significant reten-
than in the batch experiments. The experimental results indicate tion was observed in all cases. Effluent chromium concentration
that chromium is precipitated at a relatively high rate when chro- and pH profiles were simulated with the UTChem simulator using
mium acetate solution is in contact with dolomite core material.
a cation-exchange mechanism for chromium retention. The results
This loss of chromium may inhibit gelation and limit the depth of
indicated that cation exchange was not sufficient to describe the
penetration of a gel system in dolomite matrix rock.
entire loss of chromium during its transport through the cores. The
authors concluded that the “loss” of chromium to clays is detri-
Introduction mental to the in-depth placement of gelants that use chromium
Poor sweep efficiency is a problem in oil reservoirs because of the chloride for the crosslinker.
heterogeneous flow properties of reservoir rocks. Preferential fluid McCool et al.2 studied the interaction between dolomite rocks
movements during oil-recovery processes result in bypassed oil. and a xanthan-chromium(III) gel system. Transport of both chro-
Application of gelled polymer treatments is one method to modify mium(III) chloride and chromium(III) acetate solutions was stud-
and/or reduce the permeability in zones of the reservoir in order to ied at 35°C. At the injected chromium(III) concentration of 50 ppm
redirect injected fluids to flow through previously unswept por- (by weight), only 50% was recovered in the effluent after 4 pore
tions of the reservoir. volume (PV) of chromium acetate injection, while essentially no
Aqueous polymer systems composed of high molecular weight, chromium was recovered when the same amount of chromium
partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM), and xanthan poly- chloride was injected. Chromium was retained faster when chlo-
mers that are crosslinked by chromium(III) have been used for ride was the counter-ion. The authors suggested that chromium
treatments. However, in-depth treatment of matrix rock using these was removed from solution by precipitation.
systems may be limited by the poor propagation of the chromium Bryant et al.3 studied chromium(III) retention in Berea sand-
crosslinker, particularly in reservoirs containing carbonate. stone cores. The cores were shut in for 24 hours after injecting 4
When a solution containing chromium acetate and partially PV of chromium solution. Chromium retention was a function of
hydrolyzed polyacrylamide is injected into a porous matrix, two the injected pH, temperature, core lithology, and the chromium
competitive reactions occur. These are: (1) the reaction between ligand. Bryant et al. pointed out that chromium retention was
chromium acetate and polymer in which an acetate ligand is dis- mainly caused by a precipitation process, but reversible adsorption
and ion exchange processes might be involved as well.
Stavland et al.4 studied chromium retention in Berea and Brent
sandstone. They concluded that irreversible chemical adsorption is
Copyright © 2003 Society of Petroleum Engineers
not the mechanism for chromium retention in the sandstone cores.
This paper (SPE 84941) was revised for publication from paper SPE 75159, first presented They also observed that, given long periods of chromium injection,
at the 2002 SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 13–17 April. Original
manuscript received for review 29 May 2002. Revised manuscript received 20 March 2003.
long-term retention occurred, so that the effluent chromium con-
Manuscript peer approved 24 March 2003. centration at steady state continued to be lower than the injected

June 2003 SPE Journal 107

values. Retention of chromium exceeded the ion exchange capac- solution from the core. This procedure was repeated for selected
ity of the cores. Further study revealed that the retention rate of time intervals between the injections. The shut-in experiments re-
chromium(III) was lower when less carbonate was present in the sembled chromium precipitation in bottle tests except that the re-
cores. The authors suggested that precipitation is the major factor action occurred in porous dolomite cores. All experiments were
for chromium retention in the cores, which was likely caused by conducted at room temperature.
the elevated pH caused by dissolution of the carbonates.
Seright5 studied the transport of chromium chloride in Berea Materials. The rock material used was Baker dolomite from Mill-
and Indiana limestone cores. Chromium propagated more effec- ersville, Ohio. Two cylindrical cores were cut from the same
tively when acetate was added as a counter-ion. Solutions contain- block, washed with water and dried in an oven at about 100°C.
ing chromium acetate with and without polymer were propagated Plastic endplates that allowed for distribution of fluids across the
through Berea sandstone. Propagation of chromium was faster in face were attached to both ends of the cores, and the core was
Berea sandstone than in Indiana limestone. encapsulated with an epoxy coating. The cores were saturated with
The work reported in this paper is a continuation of previous water, and the porosities and permeabilities were determined. Core
research by Zou et al.,6,7 who studied precipitation of chromium properties are listed in Table 1. Two virgin cores were used in
from chromium acetate solutions as a function of pH, temperature, displacement experiments. A small core, with 1.9 cm diameter and
salinity, and acetate concentration in the absence of dolomite.6 Fig. 4.8 cm length, was used in most runs. A larger core, with 3.7 cm
1 (from Zou et al.6) shows the effect of pH on chromium concen- diameter and 11.7 cm length, was used in one experiment.
tration as a function of time. In bulk solutions, an induction period Chromium solutions were prepared by dissolving chro-
occurred before precipitation of chromium began. Increase in pH, mium(III) acetate into potassium chloride solutions, degassing
temperature, and salinity decreased the induction period and in- with vacuum for about 15 minutes, and aging for 7 days before
creased the precipitation rate. Increase in acetate concentration usage. The chromium(III) acetate was obtained from Alfa Chemi-
moderately reduced the chromium precipitation rate over the con- cals in the form of a dark green powder with an empirical formula
centration range studied. Cr(OAc)3.H2O. Concentration of chromium(III) was 200 ppm by
An empirical kinetic model was developed by Zou et al.6 to weight. Concentrations of potassium chloride were 0, 0.5, and
describe the rate of chromium precipitation from solutions at 25°C 1.0% by weight. The pH of aged chromium solutions was around
with 1% KCl. Parameters include initial pH, chromium concen- 4.5, and the pH of potassium chloride solutions was about 6.5.
tration, and OAc/Cr mole ratio. The model simulates the induction Tracer tests were conducted prior to chromium injections in
period and the chromium concentration in batch experiments as a each run to characterize the cores. The tracer was a 0.1 mole/liter
function of time. The model also predicted the pH and chromium potassium nitrate solution and was selected because of its chemical
concentration as a function of time for experiments in which inertness with the dolomite cores.
ground dolomite was added to the chromium acetate solution.
The objectives of this work were to determine chromium re- Displacement Experiments. A schematic of the experimental ap-
tention when chromium acetate solutions were injected into dolo- paratus used for the displacement experiments is presented in Fig.
mite cores in the absence of polymer and to compare retention with 2. Solutions were pumped through the cores with two ConstaMet-
results predicted from the study of Zou et al.6 Results of these ric 2000 pumps. A four-way valve was used to switch between
studies provide insight into the transport of chromium in a porous injected fluids. An in-line UV-Visible spectrophotometer was used
matrix in which flow occurs either from direct injection or by to monitor chromium(III) and tracer concentrations in the effluent
leakoff from a fracture treatment. In field applications, chromium at wavelengths of 414 nm (Vis) and 301 nm (UV), respectively.
acetate is injected simultaneously with polymer. Consequently, Effluent pH was monitored in-line. A pressure transducer mea-
these results are not directly applicable to field situations with- sured pressure drop across the core. An automated collector col-
out considering the effect of chromium-polymer reactions that oc- lected effluent fractions. Chromium concentrations in the effluent
cur simultanteously. samples were determined using an atomic absorption (AA) spec-
trophotometer. A six-way valve and a bypass loop were used to
Experimental Details divert injected fluids past the core for calibrations.
Two types of displacement experiments, continuous-flow and Continuous-flow experiments were conducted by injecting a
shut-in, were conducted. In continuous-flow experiments, chro- chromium(III) acetate solution into the dolomite core at constant
mium(III) acetate solutions were injected into dolomite cores at rate. Three different injection rates, 0.02, 0.10, and 1.00 mL/min,
selected flow rates and potassium chloride concentrations to de- and two potassium chloride concentrations, 0.5 and 1% by weight,
termine chromium retention. In shut-in experiments, a chro- were tested in the smaller Core 1. A flow rate of 0.02 mL/min and
mium(III) acetate solution was injected into a dolomite core at a a chromium acetate solution containing no potassium chloride
high rate until the effluent concentration was equal to the injected were used in Core 2, followed by the injection of brine to displace
concentration, after which the core was shut in for a selected time the resident solution from the core.
period. This was followed by a second high-rate injection of the Shut-in experiments were conducted using the same experi-
chromium solution to displace the resident chromium(III) acetate mental set-up as for the continuous-flow runs. In these experi-
ments, chromium acetate solutions that contained 200 ppm chro-
mium(III) were flowed through a core at a high rate so that the
residence time was too short (less than 3 min for Core 1) for
significant loss to occur. The effluent chromium concentration was
at its injected value when the core was shut in. The chromium

Fig. 1—Chromium concentration remaining in a chromium(III)

acetate solution after precipitation at various pH values.6

108 June 2003 SPE Journal

Fig. 2—Schematic of equipment used for displacement experiments.

solution in the inlet and outlet tubing was removed immediately mium was retained at the front of the chromium solution bank as
after injection was completed. After selected time periods, ranging it flowed through the core with insignificant retention thereafter.
from 0.5 to 48 hours, the core was flushed with the same chro- Much greater amounts of chromium were retained in Run 2 at a
mium acetate solution at the same flow rate. Chromium concen- flow rate of 0.02 mL/min and a residence time of 143 minutes.
trations and pH in the effluent were measured before and after the Retention of chromium also occurred at the front of the chromium
shut-in periods. Effect of salt content was tested using two parallel solution bank in Run 2. The chromium concentration then ap-
runs conducted with and without the presence of potassium chloride. proached a steady value after about 4 PV injected, which indicated
that chromium would be retained indefinitely. These data are con-
Results and Discussion sistent with previous work2–4 and show that chromium retention
Continuous-Flow Experiments. Five continuous-flow displace- was a kinetic process.
ments were conducted. Flow rates, steady-state effluent pH, residence Similar results were observed for the injection of the chro-
time, and potassium chloride concentrations in the chromium(III) mium(III) acetate solutions with 0.5% KCl at injection rates of
acetate solutions (200 ppm chromium) are given in Table 2. 0.10 and 0.02 mL/min (Runs 3 and 4).
Normalized concentrations of chromium and tracer in the ef- The potassium chloride concentration in the injected chromium
fluent for Runs 1 and 2 of Table 2 are shown in Fig. 3 as a function solution affected the retention of chromium in the dolomite core.
of pore volumes of fluid injected. The injected chromium solutions Normalized chromium concentrations in the effluent are shown in
contained 1.0% potassium chloride, and the flow rates were 1.00 Fig. 4 for Runs 2 and 4, which were conducted at the same flow
and 0.02 mL/min for Runs 1 and 2, respectively. rate (0.02 mL/min) and at potassium chloride concentration in the
The difference between the normalized concentration curves of injected solutions of 1.0 and 0.5%, respectively. More chro-
chromium(III) and tracer is a measure of the amount of chromium mium(III) was retained at the higher salt concentration. This trend
retained. A material balance was calculated at four pore volumes is consistent with previous research by Zou et al.6 on the precipi-
of chromium solution injected with the assumption that the chro- tation of chromium from bulk chromium(III) acetate solutions. The
mium solution at that time saturated the pore space and was at a mechanism responsible for this effect is not understood.
concentration that was an average of the injected concentration and Run 5 was conducted to determine chromium retention in the
the effluent concentration at 4 PV injection. Estimates of chro- dolomite core at a long residence time of about 23 hours. About 6
mium retention are given in Table 2 and range from 2.6 to 52 ␮g/g PV of chromium(III) acetate solution (0.0% potassium chloride)
of rock. was injected into the larger Core 2 at 0.02 mL/min. Experimental
The chromium front in Run 1 was slightly delayed with respect data are shown in Fig. 5. Effluent pH stabilized at about 6.6 after
to the tracer curve. Thereafter, the chromium concentration in the 3 PV injected. A substantial amount of chromium retention was ob-
effluent approached the injected concentration of 200 ppm due to served. After 4 PV of injection of chromium solution, around 35% of
the short residence time of around 3 min. This showed that chro- the injected 200 ppm chromium(III) concentration was detected in the

June 2003 SPE Journal 109

Fig. 3—Rate effect on the concentration profiles of chro- Fig. 4—Effect of salt concentration on the concentration pro-
mium(III) and tracer in the effluent during continuous-flow ex- files of chromium(III) and tracer in the effluent during continu-
periments; 1.0% KCl, Core 1. ous-flow experiments; flow rate = .02 mL/min, Core 1.

in Fig. 7. More chromium was retained when the chromium solu-

effluent, and the effluent concentration was stable. The retention of tion contained 1.0% KCl. Details of the two series of shut-in
chromium calculated by material balance was 52 ␮g/g of rock at 4 PV experiments are summarized in Table 3. The pH of the injected
injected. The rate of retention was constant. Thus, it appeared that chromium acetate solution was 4.5. Effluent pH remained between
retention of chromium would continue indefinitely. 6.5 and 7.3 for most of the shut-in periods, indicating that the pH
of the injected fluid was buffered by interactions with the dolomite
Shut-In Experiments. Shut-in experiments were conducted by al- core as chromium was retained.
ternating the high-rate injection of a chromium solution with shut-
in time periods to allow the chromium solution to soak in the core. Discussion
The shut-in periods ranged from 0.5 to 48 hours. The composition Chromium(III) retention data for the shut-in experiments were
of the injected chromium solution was 200 ppm chromium(III). compared with the kinetic model developed by Zou et al.,6 which
Two runs were conducted with the concentrations of potassium describes the precipitation of chromium(III) from bulk chro-
chloride in the chromium solution of 0.0 and 1.0% to study the mium(III) acetate solutions containing 1.0% KCl at 25°C. The
effect of salt concentration on chromium precipitation. model has two parts: an induction period in which no precipitation
Normalized chromium(III) concentrations in the effluent are occurs, followed by the kinetic precipitation of chromium. Both
shown in Fig. 6 as a function of the pore volume of fluid injected parts are a function of the pH value. The pH values of the initial
for each injection for a chromium solution containing 0.0% potas- effluent during the shut-in experiments with 1.0% KCl were be-
sium chloride in Core 1. The chromium concentration in the ef- tween 6.5 and 7.3, as listed in Table 3. The model was run using
fluent during the initial injection represents the concentration of a pH value of 7. Eq. 1 is the empirical expression for the rate that
chromium in the core. The chromium concentration increased to chromium concentration changes because of precipitation of chro-
the injected value after the resident solution was displaced. As mium from chromium acetate solutions after the induction period.
noted earlier, the injected concentration was measured in the ef-
fluent after the resident solutions was displaced rapidly, using a dC* ␥ ␤
= −k0C*COH−1COAc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
displacement rate that gave a residence time of about 3 min. The dt⬘
data show greater retention of chromium with longer shut-in times. Results of simulation using the model are presented along with
The first measured effluent concentration for each run after the shut-in data in Fig. 8. The model predicts an induction period of 19
shut-in period is plotted as a function of the shut-in time in Fig. 7. hours that did not occur in shut-in runs. However, when the in-
Chromium retention was rapid in the dolomite cores after shut-in. duction period of the model is neglected, the model gives a rea-
More than 20% chromium(III) was lost in the core within one-half sonable prediction of chromium retention in the core. This indi-
of an hour for the case of 1% KCl. About 80% of the chro- cates that the kinetic model developed for chromium precipitation
mium(III) was retained in the core for a 24-hour shut-in period, in bulk solution describes chromium retention during shut-in ex-
and more than 90% of the chromium was retained after a 48-hour periments in cores and suggests that precipitation might be the
shut-in period. Similar behavior was observed for the shut-in ex- principal mechanism of chromium retention in dolomite cores. The
periment conducted with a salt concentration of 0% KCl as shown reason that an induction period is observed in bulk solutions but
not in porous dolomite rocks is not understood.

Fig. 5—Concentration profiles of chromium(III) and tracer in the Fig. 6—Concentration profiles of chromium(III) in the effluent
effluent during continuous-flow experiment No. 5; flow during injections of the shut-in experiments; 0.0% KCl, flow
rate = 0.02 mL/min, 0.0% KCl, Core 2. rate = 1.00 mL/min, Core 1.

110 June 2003 SPE Journal

Fig. 7—Concentration of chromium(III) in the core as a function Fig. 8—Comparison between the results of the shut-in experi-
of shut-in time; Core 1. ments and the chromium precipitation model6; 1.0% KCl.

The experimental data indicate that effluent chromium(III) con- These data provide further evidence that chromium retention
centrations for the continuous-flow experiments approach stable during the flow of chromium acetate through dolomite cores is a
values after 4 PV injection, and that the values appear to be a kinetic process that depends upon the residence time that a speci-
function of residence time. For example, in Core 1, the effluent fied solution remains in the core. As discussed earlier, the effect of
concentration was about 75% of the injected chromium(III) con- chromium retention on gel placement is determined by the com-
centration at a flow rate of 0.02 mL/min, or residence time of 2.38 petitive reactions between chromium and the polymer in addition
hours. The normalized chromium(III) concentration after 2-hour to precipitation. Research on the kinetics of the chromium acetate-
shut-in was 74%. Similar agreement was found for the 0%-KCl polymer reactions is needed to discriminate between these two
case. In Run 5 (Core 2), the effluent chromium concentration at mechanisms and to determine the impact of chromium retention
steady state reached 35% of the injected value for a residence time of during gelant placement in field applications.
23 hours, while the normalized effluent chromium concentration for
the 24-hour shut-in run at 0% KCl in Core 1 was 34% after shut-in.
Additional data were obtained in Run 5. Fig. 9 shows the Conclusions
normalized effluent concentration when water (0% KCl) was in- The conclusions are limited to the chromium(III) acetate retention
jected into Core 2 at 1.00 mL/min (residence time ⳱ 27.7 min) in 19- to 25-md dolomite matrix rock studied at room temperature
following the 6 PV injection of chromium acetate solution. The and in the absence of polymer with chromium(III) concentration of
effluent chromium(III) concentration increased during the first half 200 ppm and an OAc/Cr mole ratio of 3.
pore-volume of water injection, peaking at about 0.52 of the in- 1. Significant retention of chromium occurred during transport of
jected concentration. The data demonstrate that the chromium con- chromium acetate solutions through dolomite cores.
centration in the resident fluid increased with distance measured 2. The rate of chromium retention in dolomite cores is consistent
from the outlet of the core toward the inlet [i.e., there was a with a precipitation model developed from precipitation in bulk
concentration gradient of chromium(III) along the direction of solutions and demonstrates that precipitation is the principal
flow in the core during chromium solution injection]. At the mo- mechanism for chromium retention from chromium acetate so-
ment of water flush, the concentration of chromium(III) was higher lutions in dolomite rock.
inside the core than at the exit. 3. Precipitation of chromium in dolomite rock is a rate-dependent
Effluent data collected in the first 0.6 pore volumes of brine process. The amount of chromium retained varied with the in-
injection were converted to equivalent residence time and com- jection rate, or the residence time of chromium in the dolomite
pared with the retention rate represented by shut-in data from Core cores. Longer residence times resulted in larger amounts of
1 (0% KCl in the chromium solution) in Fig. 10. The first 0.6 pore chromium retention. Given enough residence time, a chromium
volumes data were selected to remove effects of dispersive mixing concentration distribution will be established along the direction
between the water and the displaced fluid on the concentration of flow in the core.
profiles. Details of the conversion are given in the Appendix. Good 4. Chromium precipitation was affected by salinity. The presence
agreement was found between these two sets of data, which es- of potassium chloride enhanced chromium retention in dolomite
tablished that there was a chromium concentration profile along rock in the range studied. The observation is consistent with that
the direction of flow during a displacement. from previous research by Zou et al.6

June 2003 SPE Journal 111

1. Garver, F.J., Sharma, M.M., and Pope, G.A.: “The Competition for
Chromium Between Xanthan Biopolymer and Resident Clays in Sand-
stones,” paper SPE 19632 presented at the 1989 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 8–11 October.
2. McCool, C.S., Green, D.W., and Willhite, G.P.: “Fluid-rock Interac-
tions Between Xanthan-Chromium(III) Gel Polymer Systems and Do-
lomite Core Materials,” SPEPF (August 2000) 159.
3. Bryant, S.L., Bartosek, M., and Lockhart, T.P.: “Propagation of Cr(III)
in porous media and its effect on polymer gelant performance,” Journal
of Petroleum Sciences and Engineering (1996) 16, 1.
4. Stavland, A. et al.: “Evaluation of xanthan-Cr(III) gels for deep em-
placement: retention of Cr(III) in north sea sandstone reservoirs,” paper
presented at the 1993 European Symposium on Improved Oil Recov-
ery, Moscow, 27–29 October.
Fig. 9—Concentration of chromium(III) and pH in the effluent 5. Seright, R.S.: “Impact of Permeability and Lithology on Gel Perfor-
during water injection for continuous-flow experiment No. 5; mance,” paper SPE/DOE 24190 presented at the 1992 SPE/DOE Sym-
flow rate = 1.00 mL/min, 0.0% KCl, Core 2. posium on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 22–24 April.
6. Zou, B. et al.: “Precipitation of Chromium Acetate Solutions,” SPEJ
5. Chromium precipitated faster in the cores than in the batch-scale (September 2000) 324.
experiments. The induction period observed in precipitation ex- 7. Zou, B. et al.: “A Study of the Chemical Interactions Between Brine
periments using bulk solutions was not observed in dolomite cores. Solutions and Dolomite,” SPEREE (June 2000) 209.
6. Effluent pH remained stable around 7 during continuous chro- 8. Rai, D., Sass, B.M., and Moore, D.A.: “Chromium(III) hydrolysis con-
mium injections, indicating that a buffer was formed in the stants and solubility of chromium(III) hydroxide,” Inorganic Chemistry
system from chromium acetate-dolomite interactions. (1987) 26, 345.

Nomenclature Appendix
A ⳱ cross-sectional area of core, cm2 Estimation of residence time from effluent concentration data
C0 ⳱ chromium concentration at time t⬘⳱0, ppm when resident fluid is displaced at a high flowrate by injecting
Ceq ⳱ calculated chromium concentration at equilibrium water into Core 2.
using solubility constants of Rai et al.,8 ppm Assume piston-like displacement of resident fluid, neglect-
COAc ⳱ total acetate concentration, M ing dispersion.
COH− ⳱ hydroxide ion concentration, M Define the following variables.
Ct⬘ ⳱ chromium concentration at time t⬘, ppm tr: Residence time of chromium(III) in the core at position X
C*t⬘ ⳱ (Ct⬘ − Ceq)/(C0 − Ceq) ⳱ dimensionless chromium before post-coreflooding with water, which is equivalent to the
concentration time for chromium(III) to travel from entrance of core to position
X when the chromium acetate injection rate is Q1.
k0 ⳱ 2.6×10−3/(min M␥+␤)−1
te: The time for chromium(III) at position X to be displaced to
L ⳱ total length of core, cm the end of the core and be detected in the effluent after post-
Q1 ⳱ chromium injection rate, 0.02 mL/min coreflooding with water. Equivalent to the time for chromium(III) to
Q2 ⳱ water injection rate, 1.00 mL/min travels from position X to the exit when the water injection rate is Q2.
t⬘ ⳱ time from onset of precipitation (after induction Applying material balance concepts, the axial distance that
period), min chromium(III) traveled in the core was expressed as follows:
V0 ⳱ pore volume of the dolomite Core 2, cm3, V0=A␸L
X = Q1tr Ⲑ 共A⌽兲 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (A-1)
␤,␥ ⳱ fitting parameters, dimensionless; 0.37 and −1.2,
respectively L − X = Q2te Ⲑ 共A⌽兲 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (A-2)
⌽ ⳱ porosity of core, fraction
Adding Eqs. A-1 and A-2 gives:
Acknowledgments A⌽L = V0 = Q1tr + Q2te. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (A-3)
This research was supported by the U.S. D.O.E. through Contract
No. DE-AC26-99BC15209 and the Tertiary Oil Recovery Project Rearranging Eq. A-3 gives:
at the U. of Kansas.
tr = 共V0 − Q2te兲 Ⲑ Q1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (A-4)
Eq. A-4 was used to estimate the residence time for chromium(III)
in the dolomite core at position X before water was injected to
displace chromium(III) acetate solution in the core.

SI Metric Conversion Factor

°F (°F – 32)/1.8 ⳱ °C

Hong Jin is currently pursuing a PhD degree in chemical engi-

neering at the U. of Kansas. e-mail: Jin holds
a BS degree in chemical engineering from the Dalian U. of
Science and Technology, China, and an MS degree in chemi-
cal engineering from the U. of Kansas. Stan McCool is a re-
search engineer with the Tertiary Oil Recovery Project (TORP)
Fig. 10—Comparison between the results of the shut-in experi- at the U. of Kansas. e-mail: He has more than
ments and the data obtained during the brine injection after Run 15 years of experience conducting research on enhanced oil
5 (Fig. 9); 0% KCl. recovery. McCool holds BS, MS, and PhD degrees in chemical

112 June 2003 SPE Journal

engineering from the U. of Kansas. G. Paul Willhite is the Ross H. homa. The Distinguished Member and coauthor of the SPE
Forney Distinguished Professor of chemical and petroleum en- textbook Enhanced Oil Recovery was the 1983 recipient of the
gineering at the U. of Kansas. e-mail: He is Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering
codirector of the Tertiary Oil Recovery Project and codirector Faculty and a 1986–87 Distinguished Lecturer. Currently a
of the U. of Kansas Energy Research Center. He holds a BS member of the Publications Coordinating Committee, he has
degree in chemical engineering from Iowa State U., and a PhD also served as a member and chairman of several other Soci-
degree, also in chemical engineering, from Northwestern U. ety committees. Michael J. Michnick, Senior Scientist Emeritus,
Willhite is the author of the SPE textbook Waterflooding (1986) is associated with the Tertiary Oil Recovery Project at the U. of
and the coauthor of the SPE textbook Enhanced Oil Recovery Kansas on a part-time basis. e-mail: He
(1998). He is currently a member of the SPE Journal Editorial worked for the project for 23 years, pursuing various aspects of
Review Board and has served on several SPE program and field projects in water quality, interwell tracer tests, and the use
forum committees. Willhite received the Lester C. Uren Award of gelled polymers to control the flow of water in the produc-
in 1986 and the John Franklin Carll Award in 2001. Don W. tion of oil. Before joining the Tertiary Oil Recovery Project, he
Green is Deane E. Ackers Distinguished Professor of Chemical worked as a Research Scientist for Petrolite Corporation, where
and Petroleum Engineering and codirector of TORP at the U. of he conducted radiotracer investigation of scale and corrosion
Kansas, where he has taught since 1964. e-mail: dgreen@ku. inhibitors in the oil field. He also worked for Monsanto as a
edu. Green holds a BS degree in petroleum engineering from Research Scientist in the food phosphate group of the Inor-
the U. of Tulsa and MS and PhD degrees from the U. of Okla- ganic Chemicals Division.

June 2003 SPE Journal 113

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