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T.E. Sem. V [ETRX]

Electromagnetic Engineering
Prelim Question Paper Solutions

1. (a) Electric potential due to point charge :

F = Q E ……(1)
dW = F dl
dW = QE dl
 W =   Q' E dl E
W Q
 =   E dl A dl
Q' rA
Q rB
 VBA =   E dl ……(2)
E = .a ...…(3)
4  o r 2
dl = dr ar + r d . a + r sin d . a
VBA =   4o r 2
a r [dr . ar + r d . a + r sin  d . a]
VBA =  . dr (ar ar = 1 , ar . a = 0)
A 4o r 2
rB r
Q Q  1  B
VBA =   4o r 2
dr =
4o  r  rA
VBA =  ……(4)
4o rB 4 o rA
VBA = VB  VA ……(5)
Where VB , VA are absolute electric potential at point B, A respectively.
If the reference point (A) is at infinity,
VBA = VB = ……(6)
4o rB
 V = (monopole) ……(7)
4o r
1. (b) Maxwell’s equation in integral form :
Maxwell’s equations can be converted into integral forms by integrating them over an area and
applying stokes theorem or by integrating throughout the volume and applying Divergence
theorem. Gauss’s Law of the electric and magnetic fields in integral forms are obtained by
integrating equations  .B  0 and  .D   throughout the volume and applying divergence
B.ds  0
(2) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

or simply  B.ds  0 …(2)


 D.ds    dv  Q

or simply  D.ds    dv  Q …(4)


where Q is the total charge within the volume v. Similarly, integrating equations of Faraday and
Ampere’s law over a surface and applying stoke’s law, we get

E.dl  
t S
B.ds … (5)

or  E.dl   t .ds …(6)

D 
 H.dl    J  t  ds
and  …(7)

D D
or  H.dl   J.ds   t .ds  I   t .ds …(8)

Thus, summarizing, we have

 B.ds  0

 D.ds    dv
 E.dl   t .ds
D 
 H.dl    J  t  .ds


These four Maxwell’s equations in integral forms permit us to find the boundary conditions on B,
D, H and E which are essential to evaluate the constants in solving Maxwell’s equations in partial
differential form.

1. (c) Shielding :
The main object of shielding is to restrict radiations to a specified region to prevent it from
entering susceptible devices. The quality of shielding is expressed in the form of shielding
effectiveness of the material. Shielding of materials can be solids, screens and braids. They can be
in the form of boxes, partitions, cables and connector shields.

Grounding provides a conducting path between electronic devices and the ground.
Ground is nothing but some reference point. It is a circuit concept.

The ideal ground is characterised by zero potential and impedance.

The types of grounding techniques are :

a. Floating ground : It isolates circuits from a common ground plane. Sometimes it may be
The ground plane is in the form of a wire or a conductive rod.
Prelim Question Paper Solutions (3)

b. Singlepoint grounding : It reduces the effects of facility ground currents. This is used to
control EMP energy.
c. Multiple point grounding : It reduces ground lead lengths.

It provides a lowimpedance path between two conducting surfaces. It is a part of grounding and
represents its physical implementation.
It creates a homogeneous structure for current flow and suppresses the creation of potentials
between two metallic parts.
Bonding is useful to protect against the effects of shocks and to protect circuits from current
return paths. They reduce potential difference between the devices and carry large faulty currents.
Bonding is of two types :
Direct bonding is made by metaltometal between the connected elements. Indirect bonding is
made by contact using conductive jumpers.
Bonding quality is represented by its DC and AC resistances and also bonding effectiveness.

1. (d) Characteristic impedance of a uniform transmission line may be defined as the steadystate
vector ratio of the voltage to the current at the input of an infinite line. Alternately, it can simply
be defined as the impedance looking into an infinite length of the line. Its unit is ohms. It is also
known as source impedance.
Z0 does not involve the length of the line or the characteristic of the terminating load, but is
determined only by the characteristic of the line per unit length. It is not impedance that the line
itself possesses.

Characteristic impedance is a fine and useful concept of a transmission line. Since no part of the
power is sent down, an infinite line returns no reflection occurs. When there is no reflection, there
is no loss of power and all the power sent down the line is observed except I2R losses. Similarly,
since a line terminated by its Z0 behaves as an infinite line, will also have no reflection. When a
line is terminated in its characteristic impedance, it is said to be correctly terminated or properly
terminated or nonresonant line.

Input Impedance:
Input impedance of transmission line is defined as the impedance measured across the input
terminals of the transmission line. It is normally denoted by the letter ZIN. In other words input
impedance of a transmission line is the impedance seen looking into the sending end or input
terminals. It is the impedance into which the source must work when the line is connected.
Thus, ZIN  s

2. (a) The power flow per unit area at the point P will be given by the Poynting vector at that point. The
instantaneous Poynting vector is given by E  H  and it will have both  and r components.
Replacing v by c  3  10 for free space propagation, the  component of the instantaneous

Poynting vector will be

P = ErH
I2 dl2 sin 2  sin 2 t cos 2 t sin t cos t  sin t cos t 
=     
16 2   r 4 c r4c r 5 r 3c 2 
I2 dl2 sin 2   cos 2t sin 2t  sin 2t 
=     …(1)
162   r4c 2r 5 2r 3 c2 
(4) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

The average value of sin 2t or cos 2t’ over a complete cycle is zero. Therefore, for any value
of r, the average of P over a complete cycle is zero. P represents only a surging back and forth
of power in the  direction without any net or average flow. The radial Poynting vector is given
Pr = EH
I2 dl2 sin 2   sin t cos t cos 2 t  sin t cos t
=   
162   r 5 r 4c r3c2
sin 2 t  sin t cos t 2 sin 2 t 
 4   
r c r 3 c2 r 2 c3 
I dl sin   sin 2t cos 2t  sin 2t  (1  cos 2t) 
2 2 2 2
=      …(2)
162   2r 5 r 4c r 3c 2 2r 2 c3 
The average value of radial Poynting vector over a cycle will be due to part of the final term only
and is
2 I 2 dl 2 sin 2 
Pr(av) =
322 r 2 c3 
  I dlsin  
=   watts/ sq m …(3)
2  4rc 
None of the terms in the expressions for the Poynting vector represents an average power flow
except that of equation (3).
The amplitudes of the radiation fields of an electric current element I dl are
Idlsin 
E =
4v 2 r
dlsin 
2 r
60I dlsin 
= …(4)
 I dlsin 
H =
Fig. 4 : Element of area on a Idl sin 
= …(5)
spherical surface 2 r

The radiation terms of E and H are in time phase and are related by
=  …(6)
The total power radiated by the current element can be computed by integrating the radial
Poynting vector over a spherical surface centered at the element. P is independent of the
azimuthal angle , so the element of area on the spherical shell will be taken as the strip da where
da = 2r2sind
Then the total power radiated is
 2
  I dlsin  
 surface Pr (av) da = 0 2  4rc  2r sin d
Power =

2 I2 dl2
16c2 0
= sin 3 d

2 I 2 dl 2   cos  
 3 (sin   2) 
16c2 0

2 I 2 dl 2
= watts …(7)
12c 2
Prelim Question Paper Solutions (5)

In this expression I is maximum or peak current. In terms of effective current the power radiated
2 Ieff
dl 2
Power =
6c 2
 dl 
= 802   I 2eff
The coefficient of I eff has the dimensions of resistance and is called the radiation resistance of the
current element. Then, for a current element,
 dl 
Rrad = 802   …(8)

2. (b) Polarization
Polarization indicates the direction of electric vector when it is incident on a boundary separating
two media. It is vertical or horizontal polarization if the electric vector is normal or parallel to the
boundary surface. A vertical antenna radiates vertically polarized wave and a horizontal antenna
radiates horizontally polarized wave when it strikes the boundary.

1. Linear Polarization :
E  E y cos(t  x)a y  E z cos(t  x  )a z
If both vectors are present and in phase, then it will make an angle  with the x-direction of
propagation given by
Ey E y cos(t  x)
tan    and will be in phase when  = 0
E z E z cos(t  x  )
and its magnitude will be E 2y  E z2 . This resultant vector will be constant with time in linear
polarization also called plane polarization.

2. Elliptic polarization :
If Ez and E y are not in phase, then the direction of resultant vector will vary with time. Then
the locus of E will be an ellipse and the wave is elliptically polarized. Not in phase means the
waves reach their peak amplitude at different times.
E = Ey cos (t  x) a y  E z cos(t   x  )a z , (E y  E z )
Put t  x = T, y = Ey cos T, z = Ez cos (T + )
Eliminating T,
 cos T cos   sin  1  cos 2 T
y y2
= cos   1  2 sin 
Ey Ey
y 2 z 2 2cos 
  yz  sin 2 
E 2y E 2z E y E z
This is the equation of an ellipse. It may be left (+ ) or right ( ) polarized.
(6) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

3. Circular Polarization :
If Ey = Ez and Ey differs in phase from Ez by 90, then the wave is circularly polarized.
E  E y cos(t  x)a y  E z cos(t  x  90)a z ,   90
E z sin(t  x)
E(x, t) = 
E y cos(t  x)
= tan (t  x) = tan 
 = t  x
The tip of the vector rotating at constant angular velocity  traces out a circle. It is right circular
polarization because as the fingers are placed along the circle the thumb points in the + x direction of

3. (a) Gauss’s law :

Statement (1) : It states that the total displacement or electric flux through any closed surface
surrounding the charge is equal to the amount of charge enclosed.
Explanation : Let a positive point charge Q be placed at the centre of an imaginary sphere of
radius r. The infinitesimal amount of electric flux (d) through the surface element (ds) is
d  Dds …(1)
If this is integrated over the sphere of radius r then total electric flux () through the sphere is
i.e  d   Dds
or    Dds …(2)
It may be noted that D is normal to the sphere at all points, so that
D.ds  Dds
Now from Eqn. (2)
Q Q 2   r 2 sin dd Q
   D 
4   0
ds  and ds = (rd) (rsind)
4r r2 4r 2
Q  2 Q  Q
 sin d  0 
4 0
 sin d2  can be taken out, being constant
4 0 4
Q  Q
   cos 0    1  1   2  2 
Q …(3)
Hence total displacement or total electric flux over the sphere (obtained by integrating the
normal component of the Electric flux density D over the sphere) is equal to the charge enclosed by the
Alternatively Eqn.(3) can be arrived at for a sphere simply by multiplying Eqn.(2) by area of
sphere 4r2 e.g.
   ds   ds  4r 2 for a sphere
4 r 2
Prelim Question Paper Solutions (7)

However a general procedure has been applied above so that it can be applied when D is not
constant. Now the statement above is statement for the Gauss’s Law for a special case. A general
statement of Gauss’s Law which can be applied for electric field is as below.

Statement (2) : The surface integral of the normal component of the electric flux density D over
any closed surface equals are charge enclosed. Or Symbolically,

s Dds  s D cos ds  Q …(4)

where Q = Total (or net) charge enclosed.
If the charge is continuously distributed throughout volume with a charge density () then the
total displacement through the surface is
   dv  Q …by Eqn. (2)

Q   dv …(5)

On combining Eqn.(4) and (5), we get

s Dds  v dv  Q …(6)(a)

Or in alternative notation
 Dds   dv  Q
s v

where  s  double or surfaceintegral over closed surface and

 s  Tripleor volumeintegral throught the region enclosed
The eqn.(6) can be stated in words as “ The total outward displacement through a closed surface is equal
to the charge contained in the volume enclosed by the surface.” This is the vector statement of Gauss’s
Statement (3) : Still another alternative statement of Gauss’s Law which is more useful, states that “At
every point in a medium the divergence of electric flux density D is equal to the charge density ().”
DivD  D   … (7)
Eqn. (7) is easily obtained by applying the divergence theorem to eqn. (6)
 Dds   dv
s v
or   D dv   dv
v v
… (8)

or D   … (9)
This is an important relation and it is one of the Maxwell’s equation set.

Applications :
1. Electric flux density and electric field intensity due to point charge by application of Gauss law :
Consider a charge Q and construct a Gaussian surface around it.
 =   D ds ……(1)
According to Gauss law,
 = Q =   D . r sin  d d ar

 Q dS
Q = D 2 r2   cos 0 ar
D 2 r2 [2] ar = D . 4r2 ar
= 
D. ar = ……(2)
4r 2
Dotting both sides by ar.
(8) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

D = . ar ……(3)
4r 2
D = 0 E
E =
E = . ar ……(4)
4o r 2

2. Flux density and field intensity due to infinite straight line charge by application of Gauss
Consider an infinite straight line charge of uniform
line charge density L placed along z axis. Construct a
Gaussian surface around the charge,
Consider a cylinder of length L and charge Q.
 =   D dS ……(1) Q
According to Gauss Law,
 = Q =   D . ds

Q =  D . r d dz . ar
Q = D
 r d . dz . ar ……(2)

D 2  z 0 r. ar = D 2r L. ar
Q =
2r L
Dotting both sides by ar.
D = .ar ……(3)
2r L
Q 1
=   . .ar
 L  2r
 D = .a r ……(4)
D = 0E
 E = D/0
 E = .ar ……(5)
2o r

3. (b) E.M.W. equation for lossy dielectric medium (conducting medium) :

Lossy Dielectric Medium : The medium in which electromagnetic wave loses its power due to
poor conduction is called as Lossy Dielectric medium. It is not perfect dielectric i.e.   0 and it
is not a perfect conductor i.e.   . It is partially conductor and partially dielectric medium.

Consider homogenous isotropic charge free conducting medium (Lossy Dielectric medium).
Maxwell equation for lossy medium in phasor form are
 . Ds = 0 (  medium is charge free v = 0)
  . Es = 0 ………(1)
 . Bs = 0
 . Hs = 0 ………(2)
  Es = jwBs
Prelim Question Paper Solutions (9)

  Es = jwHs ………(3)
  Hs = Js + jwDs
  Hs = Es + jwEs (  J = E)
  Hs = ( + jw) Es ………(4)
    Es =   (jwHs)
= jw  Hs ………(5)
    Es = jw( + jw)Es
= 2Es
where  = jw ( + jw)
  = jw(  jw) ………(6)
 is propagation constant of medium unit 1/m.
But     Es =  . Es  2 Es
But  . Es = 0
     Es = 2 Es ………(7)
2Es = 2Es ………(8)
2 Es  2 Es = 0 ………(9)
Similarly for magnetic field
2Hs  2 Hs = 0 ………(10)
Equation (9) & (10) are called Helmholtz vector wave equation or vector wave equation.
 = jw  w 2
 = w 2  jw ………(11)
 = jw(  jw) Let  =  + j ………(12)
  Attenuation constant of medium Nap/m
  Phase shift constant of medium rad/m

Consider electromagnetic wave travelling in z direction. Eq. (9) and (10) becomes second order
homogenous differential equation which is function of only 1 variable i.e. z. If we solve equation
(9) and (10), we will get solution for electric and magnetic field as
E(z, t) = E0 . ez cos(t  z) . ax ………(13)
H(z, t) = H0 ez cos (wt  z) . ay ………(14)

  
 
where  = w  1     1 ………(15)
2   w  

  
 
 = w  1     1 ………(16)
2   w  
H0 =

  is a complex quantity which is intrinsic impedance of medium. Its unit is .
 = || n

|| =  ………(18)
1/ 4
   2 
1    
  w  
1   
n = tan 1   ………(19)
2  w 
0  n  45
(10) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

n  loss angle of medium.

H(z, t) = 0 ez cos(wt   z  n ) . a y ………(20)
| |
Equation (13) and (20) are general equation of EMW.
It shows that E leads H by an angle n or H & E are out of phase by (n).
aE  aH = ak
Here therefore wave propagation in z direction,
ak = az
 to get az, aE must be ax
& aH must be ay (  ax ay = az).
E.M.W for Lossless dielectric i.e. perfect dielectric :
(For dielectric there is no r always  = 0).
Start from equation (13) & (20). Write formula of , , , n i.e. equation (15), (16), (18), (19).
For lossless dielectric,
 = 0,  = 0 r,  = 0
(Conductivity) (Put in equation 15, 16, 18, 19), = 0

  = 0,  = w  , || = , n = 0

 E(z, t) = E0 . cos (wt  z) . ax ………(1)
H(z, t) = cos (wt  z) . ay ………(2)
| |
These are EMW equation for lossless dielectric. For lossless dielectric E & H are in phase.
4. (a) Reflection of A Plane Wave At Oblique Incidence x
a) Parallel Polarization
Following figure, where the E field Er kt
lies in the xz  plane, the plane of kr Ht
incidence, illustrates the case of Hr
parallel polarization. In medium 1, we
have both incident and reflected fields r t
given by z
Medium 1 z=0 Medium 2
(1, 1) (2, 2)
Oblique incidence with E parallel to the plane of incidence
Incident Wave
E is  E io (cos i a x  sin i a z )e  j1 (x sin i z cos i )
His  io e j 1(x sin i  z cos i )a y
Reflected Wave
E rs  E ro (cos r a x  sin r a z )e  j1 (x sin r z cos r )
H rs   ro e j1 (x sin r  z cos r )a y
where 1   11 .

Notice carefully how we arrive at each field component. The trick in deriving the components.
Prelim Question Paper Solutions (11)

Transmitted wave
The transmitted fields exist in medium 2 and are given by
E ts  E to (cos  t a x  sin  t a z )e  j2 (x sin t  z cos t )
H ts  to e j2 (x sin t  z cos t ) a y
where 2    2 2 .

Requiring that r = i and that the tangential components of E and H be continuous at the
z = 0, we obtain
(E io  E ro ) cos i  E to cos t
1 1
(Eio  E ro )  E to
1 2

Expressing Ero and Eto in terms of Eio , we obtain

Ero 2 cos t  1 cos i
   …(1)
Eio 2 cos t  1 cos i
E ro  E io
Eto 22 cos i
   …(2)
Eio 2 cos t  1 cos i
E to   E io
Equation (1) and (2) are called Fresnel’s equation.

 cos t 
1      
 cos i 

From equation (1), it is evident that it is possible that   0 because the numerator is the
difference of two terms. Under this condition, there is no reflection (Ero=0), and the incident angle
at which this takes place is called the Brewster angle B .

The Brewster angle is obtained by

 n
tan B||  2  2
1 n1
showing that there is a Brewster angle for any combination of 1 and 2.

b) Perpendicular Polarization
When the E field is perpendicular to the plane of incidence (the xz-plane) as shown in figure
below, we have perpendicular polarization.
(12) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME
Et kt
kr Ht

r t

Medium 1 z=0 Medium 2
(1, 1) (2, 2)
Oblique incidence with E perpendicular to the plane of incidence

The incident and reflected fields in medium 1 are given by

Incident Wave
E is  E io e j1 (x sin i  z cos i )a y
E io
His  ( cos i a x  sin i a z )e  j1(x sin i  z cos i )

Reflected Wave
E rs  E ro e j1 (x sin r z cos r ) a y
E ro
H rs  (cos r a x  sin r a z )e  j1 (x sin r  z cos r )
Transmitted Wave
while the transmitted fields in medium 2 are given by
E ts  E to e j2 (x sin t  z cos t ) a y
E to
H ts  ( cos  t a x  sin t a z )e  j2 (x sin t  z cos t )
Again, requiring that the tangential components of E and H be continuous at z = 0 and setting r
equal to i, we get
E io  E ro  E to
1 1
(Eio  E ro ) cos i  E to cos t
1 2
Expressing Ero and Eto in terms of Eio leads to
Ero 2 cos i  1 cos t
   …(3)
Eio 2 cos i  1 cos t
E ro   Eio
Eto 22 cos i
   …(4)
Eio 2 cos i  1 cos t
E to    Eio
Prelim Question Paper Solutions (13)

which are the Fresnel’s equations for perpendicular polarization. From equation (3) and (4), it is
easy to show that
1     
Brewster angle B given by
tan B 

4. (b) (i) Poynting Theorem :

Statement : The power flowing out of the closed surface is equal to rate of decrease of
energy in electric and magnetic field minus conduction losses.

From 4th Maxwell equation (Ampere circuit law).

  H = Jc + ………(1)
  H = E + ………(2)

Taking dot product by E on both sides

E .   H = E2 + E ………(3)
 . (A  B)  B .   A  A .  B
  . (E  H)  H .   E  E .  H ………(4)
 E .  H = H .   E   . (E  H)

Substituting in (3),
H . (  E )   . (E  H) = E2 +
B H
We know E=   (B = H)
t t
H E
H   . (E  H)  E 2  E (multiply by 1)
t t
EE HH 2
 . (E  H) =    E ………(5)
t t

If E, H are functions of t, then

E 2 2EE H 2 H
 and  2H
t t t t
EE 1 E 2 HH 1 H 2
  ,  ………(6)
t 2 t t 2 t
1 E 2 1 H 2
  . (E  H)     E 2
2 t 2 t
  E 2 H 2  2
 . (E  H)      E ………(7)
t  2 2 
Taking volume integral on both sides
  E 2  H  
   E  H  dv   
  
 dv  E dv
v v
 t  2 2  v
(14) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

d  E 2  H 2 
 .(E  H)dv   dt   
  dv  E dv ……(8)
v v
2 2  v

Applying Divergence theorem to LHS

d  E 2 H 2 
(E  H)ds  
dt v  2

2 
 dv  E dv ……(9) This is the eq. of Poynting thm.

Total power Rate of decrease Conduction losses

flowing out of energy in or Ohmic power losess
of closed Elec. & Mag.
surface field

4. (b) (ii) Applications :

Poynting vector has several applications :
(i) Evaluation of energy transmitted through a waveguide at microwave frequencies.
(ii) Energy radiated by an antenna. We integrate E  H over the surface enclosing the transmitting
(iii) Power developed per unit volume in a conducting wire. Poynting vector will be directed
radially into the wire.
The current can be DC or AC.
If it is AC, electric and the consequent magnetic vectors vary with time. Hence, Poynting
vector also will vary with time. If it is DC, there will be constant values of E and H; E within
the conductor and H normal to the length of the wire.
In AC, Poynting vector will have real and complex components. Complex Poynting vector
will require interpretation especially because it is an energy vector.

5. (a) Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equation

Poisson’s and Laplace equations are used when charge distribution is not given but electrostatic
conditions (or boundary conditions) (V, E) are given.

From Gauss Law, in point form :

.D = V …(1)
D = E
 . E =  V …(2)
But E =  V
 . (V) = V
 .  (V) =  V …(3)
.V =  …(4)

Equation (3) is called Poisson’s equation for nonhomogeneous medium.
Equation (4) is called Poisson’s equation for homogeneous medium ( constant).
V V V
V = ax  ay  az …(5)
x y z
  V    V    V  V
 . V =        =
x  x  y  y  z  z  
 2V  2V  2V V
2 V =  2  2  …(6)
x 2
y z 
2 V =  …(7)

Prelim Question Paper Solutions (15)

Eq.(7) is
Poisson’s equation in operator form :
 2V  2V  2V V
  =  …(8)
x 2 y 2 z 2 
Eq.(8) is Poisson’s equation in expanded form :
If V = 0
 V =0 …(9)
This is Laplace equation in operator form :
 2V  2V  2V
  =0 …(10)
x 2 y 2 z 2
is Laplace equation in expanded form.
1   V  1  2 V  2 V V
Cylindrical, 2V =     2  2 
       2
z 
1   2 V  1   V  1  2V V
Spherical, 2 V = r  sin . + =  .
r 2 r  r  r 2 sin      r 2 sin 2   2 

5. (b) Given : Z0 = 50, ZL = 130 + j90,  = 0.3

Step 1 : Compute normalized load impedance (ZL ) and mark it on a chart as point ‘A’.
ZL 130  j90
 ZL = =
Z0 50
 ZL = 2.6 + 1.8j

Step 2 : Draw a VSWR circle, with radius = l (OA)

 VSWR = 4.2

Step 3 : In order to calculate magnitude of reflection coefficient, mark off a point on a radially
scaled voltage reflection coefficient parameter with distance equal to radius of VSWR
|   | = 0.6
 L = 0.6  22º …(From Smith Chart)

Step 4 :
d = 0.3 + 0.22
 d = 0.52 

Step 5 :
Zin = 0.26 + j 0.13 …(From Smith Chart)

Actual input impedance [Zin] = Zin  Z0

= (0.26 + j 0.13)  50
 Zin = 13 + j 6.5
Step 6 : Zmax (normalized max. imp.) = 4.2
 Zmax = Zmax   

= 4.2  50
(16) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

 Zmax = 210
Zmin = Zmin  
= 0.26  50
 Zmin = 13
Step 7 :
Return loss in dB = 4.5 dB …(from Smith Chart)

Smith Chart
We have the reflection coefficient for voltage is defined as
Z  Z0
v  R
Z R  Z0
when ZR is complex and Z0 is real, v will be the a complex number defined as (x + jy).
Prelim Question Paper Solutions (17)

Let the line be lossless i.e. Z0 is resistive and the load impedance connected be RL + jXL. Then we
can write ZL / Z0 as
R L  jX L R L X
  j L  R n  jX n  Zn
Z0 Z0 Z0
where Rn is the nominalised load resistance defined as RL / Z0.
and Xn is the nominalised load resistance defined as XL/ X0.
Z R  Z 0  ZR Z0   1 Zn  1
We know that v   
ZR  Z0  ZR Z0   1 Zn  1
1  v
or Zn 
1  v
1  x  jy
 R n  jX n 
1  x  jy
Rationalizing the right hand side we get

R n  jX n 
1  x  jy 1  x  jy   1  x 2  y 2  2 jy
1  x 2  y2 1  x 2  y2
Comparing real and imaginary parts,
1  x 2  y2
Rn  … (R)
1  x  2  y2
and Xn  … (S)
1  x 2  y 2
Equations (R) and (S) represent family of circles separately. Equation (R) represents Rn circles
and equation (S) represents Xn circle.

Circle parameters :
(i) Rn  circles :
From equation (R)
Rn [1 + x2  2x + y2 ] = 1  x2  y2
i.e. x2 (Rn + 1) + y2 (Rn + 1)  2x Rn = 1  Rn.
Dividing by (Rn + 1)
2xR n 1  R n
x 2  y2  
1 Rn 1 Rn
R 2n
Adding to both sides
1  R n 2
 xR n R n2 1  Rn R n2
x 2  y2    
1  R n 1  R n 2 1  R n 1  R n  2
 Rn  2 1
or x   y 
 1  R n 
 1  R n 2
The above equation gives family of circles with
 Rn 
centre :  ,0  … (T)
 1 Rn 
 1 
and radius :   … (U)
1 Rn 
(18) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

These circles have their centre on positive xaxis,

since y coordinate of centre is zero and a circle
corresponding to (0, 0) will form the periphery of
Smith chart. Every circle of this family touches the
point (1, 0). In figure different circles are drawn for
different values of R n.

Fig. Showing Rn Circles

(ii) Xncircles :
From equation (2)
Xn [1 + x2  2x + y2] = 2y or x2  2x + 1 + y2  = 0.
Adding  1  to both sides
 Xn 

2y 1 1
x 2  2x  1  y 2   2  2
Xn xn xn
 1  1
or  x  12   y    2
 Xn  Xn

This represents a family of circles with

 1 
centre :  1,  … (V)
 Xn 
 1 
and radius :   … (W)
 Xn 

Fig.: Showing Xn Circles

When these two sets of circles i.e. Rn circles and Xn circles are superimposed then the
resultant chart is called a Smith chart.
Prelim Question Paper Solutions (19)

A very important aspect of the Smith chart is

that its values are unit values. Unit values
are also called normalized values i.e. “per
unit of Z0”. Normalization, or the use of unit
values, makes the chart universal. It can be
used with transmission lines of any value of
Z0. After unit values are obtained from the
chart, they are converted to practical or
actual values for a line of a particular Z0
simply by multiplying the value by Z0.

Fig.: Smith Chart Showing different scales

To perform transmission line evaluations with the chart, it is often necessary to “enter” the chart
with a known value of impedance and identify that impedance as a point on the chart. The process
consists of converting actual impedances to unit impedances and then locating the unit values on
the coordinates. Unit (or normalized) values are obtained by dividing values by the Z0 of the line

One of the major advantages of the Smith chart is that we can determine impedance at any other
point on a transmission line once the impedance is known at a given point
On the Smith chart the scale along the outside of the outermost circle of the chart is labeled as
“Wavelengths toward generator”. The scale increases going in a clockwise direction. Its zero is at
the left end of the horizontal diameter. Starting at the same point and going counter clockwise on
the inside of the hundreds of a wavelength. They run from 0 to 0.50. Also along the outside
circle of the chart itself is a scale labeled “Angle of reflection coefficient in degrees”. This scale
runs from 0 at the right end of the horizontal diameter to +180 at the left of that diameter, around
the upper half of the chart and it runs to 180 around the lower half of the chart.
There is an important, basic reason why the chart represents a half wave length or 180 electric
degrees along a transmission line. The reason is that the impedance along a lossless transmission
line, which is not terminated in its own characteristic impedance is cyclic over a half wave length.
Or the variation of impedance values along the line repeat themselves every half wave length.

6. (b) Impedance Matching :

(i) If the terminating impedance is different from the characteristic impedance of the line (Z0)
then reflections occur along the transmission line. Because of these reflections unwanted
standing waves are produced.
(ii) These waves affect the maximum transfer of power from the generator to the load. There may
be the possibility of breakdown of insulation.
(iii) To avoid these problems matching devices are introduced along the line. Such devices
produce the required reactance for matching.
(iv) In case of transmission lines there is a feeder connection between a transmitter and an
antenna. Generally input impedance of transmission line is not equal to the characteristic
impedance of line.
(v) Many times the output impedance of transmitter may not be equal to the characteristic
impedance of line. For this the matching devices are used. These devices are used to flatten
the line. That means these devices always maintain input impedance of line equal to Z0 even
if the frequency changes. A matched transmission line is as shown in figure below.
(20) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

(vi) As shown in figure above at every point the impedance looking in opposite directions are
conjugate. Initially the matching is tried at the load end to flatten the line. Then if required the
adjustments can be done at the transmitter side to provide the maximum power transfer.
(vi) This technique is generally used at radio frequency for lossless transmission line. While at
the audio frequency an iron cored transformer is used as impedance matching device.

Impedance Matching Techniques :

Single stub Matching :
In this technique, a short circuited stub of length ‘  ’ is placed at a distance ‘d’ from the receiving
end. While designing single stub matching, the length and position of the stub required for
matching are to be found. The stub must be located at that point on the line where the real part of
admittance looking towards the load is Y0.

 Y11 = Yd  Ys = 1 ( Zs = Z0)

The stub length is adjusted so that its susceptance cancel out the susceptance of line.

 S/c Stub
Main line Z0(s)

Z0 Y11 Yd ZL

Fig.: Singe Stub Matching Technique

Double Stub Matching :

Since single stub matching is sometimes impractical because it is useful only for a fixed
frequency since any frequency change requires the location of the stub to be changed and hence
doublestub matching is needed. Double stub devices consist of two short circuited stub’s
connected in parallel with a fixed length between them. The length of the fixed section is usually
1 3 5
, or .
8 8 8
The stub that is nearest to the load is used to adjust the susceptance and is located at a fixed
wavelength from the constant conductance unity circle (g = 1) on an appropriate constant
standing wave ratio circle.
Prelim Question Paper Solutions (21)

Therefore admittance of the line at the second stub is given by

Y22  yd2  ys2  1

With the position and length of stub chosen properly, there will be no standing wave on the line to
the left of second stub from the load.
2nd Stub

2 1 1st Stub

2 1
Ys2 Ys1

Yd 2 Yd1 ZL
Z0 Y22 Y11

2 1
d d
1 3 5
,  or 
8 8 8

Fig.: Double Stub Matching Technique

7. (a) Electric Field Intensity Due To Infinite Line Charge :

Consider an infinite straight line charge having uniform line charge density L placed along z
Consider a small charge dQ of length dz.
 E at point P is given by
dE = . aR ……(1)
4o R 2
line charge density if L.
 dQ = L . dz
By  law of vectors,
R = rar  zaz
|R| = (r 2  z 2 )1/ 2
r z
a R = 2ar 2 az1/ 2 P
(r  z ) r
Sub. in (1)
 rar  zaz 
L .dz
 dE =  
4o (r  z )  (r 2  z 2 )1/ 2 
2 2

L .dz
dE = .  rar  z az  ……(2)
4o (r 2  z 2 )3 / 2
L .dz.r L .dz.z
 dE = . ar  .az
2 2 3/ 2
4o (r  z ) 4o (r 2  z 2 )3/ 2
Due to symmetry of figure the component in z direction will get cancelled.
L .dz.r
 dE = . ar
4o (r 2  z 2 )3 / 2
(22) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

 
 L . dz .r
E =  dE   4o (r 2  z 2 )3 / 2
 

 L .a r r .dz
E =
4 o  2
2 3/2
Substitute z = r cot 
 (r  z )
dz = r cosec2  . d
z = ,  = 0
z = , = 
0 0
 L .a r r(  r cos ec2  . d) L  cos  
E =
4 o  (r 2  r 2 cot 2 )3/ 2
.ar 
 r 

E = a r [1  (1)]
4o r
E = ar
2o r

To find E due to line charge, we require :

i. line charge density
ii. perpendicular distance between line charge and point of observation.

Electric field intensity due to infinite surface charge or plane charge :

Consider an infinitely spread surface charge of uniform surface charge density S as shown.
E at point P due to small charge dQ of area dS is :
dE = . aR ……(1)
4o R 2
dQ = S . dS
But dS =  d . d
or r dr d P
By  law,
R = zaz  rar
| R | = (z 2  r 2 )1/ 2 Z
z az  rar
aR = r
(z 2  r 2 )3 / 2 y

x dQ, dS

S . r . dr . d  z az  rar 
 dE =  2 2 1/ 2  ……(2)
4o (z 2  r 2 )  (z  r ) 
Due to symmetry r component will get cancelled.
S . r . dr .d . z
dE = . az
4o (z 2  r 2 )3 / 2
s r .z .dr .d
dE = .az . 2
4o (z  r 2 )3/ 2
Prelim Question Paper Solutions (23)

2 
 E =   dE
0 0
2 
S r . z . dr . d
E =
.az   (z 2  r 2 )3/ 2
0 0
Put r = z tan , dr = z . sec2  . d
r = 0,  = 0
r = ,  = /2
S z.tan  .z.z sec 2  .d
E =
. az  (z 2  z 2 tan 2 )3 / 2
E = .az
In general,
E = .a N aN  unit normal vector to surface charge.
If point of observation is above plane aN is +ve & below plane aN is ve
When we are considering aN we should compare (i.e., only see whether it is above or below for
+ve or ve respectively) only that coordinate on which surface is placed.
e.g. Surface at y = 1, point of observation (10, 3, 5).
 see y. Now point is above surface.
 Take aN as +ay.

7. (b) Solution : Given f  10MHz , P = 1W/m2;  = ?; v = ?;  = ? Erms = ?, r = 2 and r = 3.

1 1 1 3  108 3
(i) v       108 m / s
  0r 0  r 0 0  r r 2 3 6
 1 
or log v   04771   07782   108 m / s   04771  03891  108 m / s
 2 
or v  A 'log 00880  10 m / s  1225  108 m / s

(ii) v  f
v 1225  108
or    1225  10  1225m
f 10  106
E 02
E E 2 av   cos nak
(iii) P  EH  E  n
 
n = 0
  
or 2
E  P  P  P  P 0 r E 20
  0 r  av 
0 r 2 0
E 2  P  120  0   120 
0 r 3  n 
 E  120 2 120 120 E0 =…
or    and E 2rms  
 2 2 3 3 1732
or E rms 
(24) Vidyalankar : T.E. − EME

or log E rms   20792  04972  02385
E rms  A 'log11689  01475  102  1475V / m

 
2 1475
E2 2E rms E2 Em
(iv)     2 rms   E rms
P P P 1 2
  2 1475 

log   03010  2  11687  26384

   A 'log 26384  04349  10 3  4349 ohm  435 .


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