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To find the theory of your success,

You need to do the deep work,

So you can change your life around
At any age.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Success can be Boring .......................................................................................... 3

Pillar No 1: Get Up Early and Morning Routines........................................................................ 5
Pillar No 2: Drink More Water ................................................................................................. 6
Pillar No 3: Daily Meditation .................................................................................................... 7
Pillar No 4: Daily Movement ..................................................................................................... 8
Pillar No 5: Daily Learning and Reading.................................................................................... 9
Pillar No 6: Daily Journaling....................................................................................................10
Pillar No 7: Get to Bed Early and Evening Routines ..................................................................12
What about Diet?....................................................................................................................13
Habit Stacking ........................................................................................................................14
The Darker Side of the Personal Development Industry .............................................................15

Introduction: Success can be Boring
When I began my journey, to find the theory to my success, there is no real goal about creating
a business or becoming a CEO or making millions of dollars, those weren’t actual targets that I
was aiming for – I just wanted to be in more control of my life, emotions, and money.
I had a very busy social life and I spent a lot of time on the weekends hanging out with people
and filling my time with activities that didn't really improve my knowledge, skills or get me any
further forward in my life.
I started to want to become a better person. I wanted to install habits and routines that would
make me happier about myself and make me feel like I was pushing the dial forward in my life.
This meant I spent my time staying in more, going to bed early, and focussing on improving
After a few years, I came to the conclusion that, for me, choosing this kind of life has made me
pretty boring. Now, I'm not saying that I have a boring life and that my life sucks – I'm just
saying that the Stephen from before I started my journey would look at my current lifestyle and
would exclaim, “wow, you’re really boring!”
However, I feel a lot happier. I feel a lot more content with myself and with my current
lifestyle, a lifestyle that is a hell of a lot more boring than my lifestyle when I started on my
personal development journey.
If you want to develop yourself so you can get ahead in life, you might find that this means
you're going to have to find time in your calendar to actually learn new skills to create that
bigger and better future.
The side effect of this is that you have to actually sacrifice some of the things that you're
currently doing in your day-to-day life.
I have become more boring because I'm now using my time to create knowledge and growth for
myself rather than going out.
I am unrecognizable in many respects to the person that I used to be when my life revolved
around going out and being very social. Now, my life revolves around a small number of friends
and activities.
I am now using Saturday and Sunday mornings to actually do work, read books, and take online
I had to sacrifice some fun activities in my life to be able to create space for the hard work I was
choosing to do. The result has been that I'm happier with this shift and it suits who I want to be
right now.
I've put a lot of effort into to try to create a bigger better future for myself.

Learning new strategies, developing new skills, and working at something that you're
passionate about can look boring from the outside, especially if you have to become more
introverted to do so, or follow repetitive routines. However, there is fulfillment that comes from
the developing of skills through dedication to routine, through having goals and achieving them!
Being boring doesn't mean that you're not happy it just means that you're making smarter choices
for your life that have greater gains in the long run.

You will come face to face with this as you develop and install the 7 Pillars of a successful

I hope you enjoy this guide!

- Stephen, creator of Success Theory

Pillar No 1: Get Up Early and Morning Routines
“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your
success is found in your daily routine.” - John C. Maxwell
Want to do what many top CEO’s and entrepreneurs do?
They get up early everyday, many of them at 5am.
Getting up early is one of the most fundamental parts of building and compounding success
habits in your life!
Getting up early – could be anywhere between 4:30 to even 6:00am depending on your current
waking time – to give yourself 1 or 2 hours in the morning before you go to work is a great way
to set up your day right!
This allows you to plan your day and even complete some of the other pillars in this guide. This
habit is the foundation for many of the others!
By getting up early you will also experience many of the following:
• You will feel more productive – like you have a head start over the rest of the world
• You will stop staying up late doing nothing
• You will have a better chance of achieving your goals
• You will experience time in a different and more beneficial way

Action Steps
One of the best ways to do this is move your wake-up (and get-up) time back 30 minutes a week
until you have the 1-2 hours or so you need in the morning that will allow to set up day and start
living that successful life. Easing into an earlier morning routine will give you a better chance of
making this habit stick. If you are used to getting up at 8am and you suddenly start getting up at
5am, chances are this will be a harder habit to maintain.

Pillar No 2: Drink More Water
“Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle.” - Stephen Curry
If it is good enough for Stephen Curry, it is good enough for me, this Pillar is very rarely talked
about in books or courses about personal development but it is one of those key strategies that
can have a huge impact compounded over time.
6 Key (science-backed) reasons more water can help your long-term success journey:
1. It lubricates the joints. Long-term dehydration, which can happen if you only drink soda
and alcohol, can reduce the joints’ shock-absorbing ability, leading to joint pain.
2. It delivers oxygen throughout the body. Blood is more than 90 percent water, and blood
carries oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body.
3. It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues. Dehydration can affect brain
structure and function –stay hydrated to stay focused!
4. It regulates body temperature.
5. It helps maintain blood pressure.
6. It boosts performance during exercise. Dehydration during exercise hinders performance.

Action Steps
You should do this every morning as soon as you get up, walk straight into your kitchen pour out
a pint/16oz of water and drink that right away. Carry a water bottle with you to drink throughout
the day. Anywhere between 2-4 pints of water a day has been shown to keep you hydrated and

Pillar No 3: Daily Meditation
“Slow your busy mind, give up the idea of problems, and seek peace from mind by watching your
mind all day long.” - Naval
If I am being 100% honest, this probably should be Pillar No. 1, as I think it's one of the most
important habits I've ever started. I put it at number 3 because it's the 3rd activity that I do most
days after getting up early and drinking some water.
Here are 4 key reasons meditation is an important part of a success journey:
1) Meditation makes you happier:
People who meditate generally lead happier lives than those who don’t. Meditation is
known to enhance your flow of constructive thoughts and positive emotions

2) Meditation helps you manage (mild) anxiety, stress, and depression:

University studies have shown that meditation has physiological effects on the brain.
Researchers found that the part of the brain that regulates stress and anxiety shrinks when
meditation is practiced consistently.
3) Meditation bene fits can be immediate:
A sense of calm and peace of mind are common experiences – even if fleeting or subtle –
can often be felt right away. Meditation isn’t about completely clearing your mind or
trying to become a ‘blank slate,’ it’s about being mindful of what appears in your
4) Meditation sharpens your mind and memory:
Along with enhancing mood and improving an overall sense of well-being, meditation
also helps your mind and memory stay sharp. By meditating, you are training yourself to
remain aware of the present moment and distractions are less and less likely to sweep you

Action Steps
Meditation is best done just after you wake up, before you check your phone or start your other
daily tasks. If you are new to meditation, it can be as easy as doing nothing for 10 minutes, just
sitting on chair comfortably and breathing.
I typically meditate for 10 -30 minutes ever morning and try to go a full hour after waking before
I look at my devices. Being with yourself, aware of the present moment, helps you create a more
focused mind and is a great way start to your day.

Pillar No 4: Daily Movement
“Without exercise, a good diet alone is not sufficient and eventually medical treatment will be
needed.” - Hippocrates
A key part of a successful life is making sure that you're moving your body or working out every
day, if not every other day. Just getting a gym membership is not the same as having a workout
routine. Making movement a habit is key before joining a gym. Jumping into a new fitness
routine can be daunting so let’s start off with the basics of movement. Framing your physical
activity in this way can help get you started!
Our bodies are designed to move, not just in a straight line but in all directions. Bending,
twisting, jumping, carrying, and reaching are all movements that our bodies are designed to do.
The old saying “use it or lose it” is very true! Reduced movement will result in your muscles
reducing in strength, size and function over time.
Daily movement can help with:
• Boosting your mood
• Improving your sleep
• Sharpening your focus
• Reducing your stress
Some movement is better than no movement! Give yourself a few moments to stretch, stand up,
and walk around: the key is to get started!
Fitness experts say that as little as ten continuous minutes of movement can benefit your health.
So you can start small and over time your minutes of movement will build up.

Action Steps
I do a 10 to 30 minute home workout routine almost daily and also supplement this throughout
the week with games of soccer and going for walks with my dog. I am not big fan of gyms when
1st starting out and I have found body weight workouts easier to maintain at home.
You can build more movement into your daily and weekly with these tips:
• Get up and move every hour
• Build in a small stretching routine
• On your commute get off the bus or train a stop early and walk the remaining distance
• Take the stairs instead of using the elevator
• Park your car a further distance away from your destination and walk
• Walk or cycle instead of driving
• Make movement social: go for a walk or jog with your friends, play a game of
soccer/baseball etc.

Pillar No 5: Daily Learning and Reading
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more
places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss
Leaders are Readers: if you want to be successful and learn new skills this is a key habit to build:
this pillar will allow you to grow and develop.
Here are 5 key reason to learn each day:

1) Your brain chemistry changes:

The more you practice a new skills you are learning, the more active your brain becomes,
which helps you learn even better.
2) Your learning speed increases:
Learning a new skill helps you learn things faster.

3) You make connections between skill areas:

Part of learning a new skill is connecting that skill to information and skills you already
know. This makes it easier to compound your skills and learning.
4) You become a more interesting person (hopefully):
Well-rounded individuals have an easier time relating to others. They can find more
things in common and can hold conversations on a wide variety of topics. Being a more
interesting person will draw others to you and improve the quality of your life as your
relationships improve and deepen.
5) You adapt better to change:
When you learn something new, your mind and your world view can change. This, in
turn, makes it easier to adapt to the changes that life will throw your way. Adapting to
change is a skill in itself: the more change you go through, the easier it is to adapt to

Action Steps
I look to learn something new every day. Learning can come in many different forms. I like to
listen to podcasts and read nonfiction books (generally on business, marketing, or personal
development). Your learning or reading habits may look different, of course.
A pro-tip I would recommend is to read and learn about subjects that are actionable for you. For
example, if you are already learning about something (at work or as a hobby), take the initiative
to dive in and learn more – when you have an outlet to take action, you have the opportunity to
actually practice your learning. Having an outlet to apply your knowledge makes learning feel
more productive and you have a base to continue to compound your knowledge and grow.

Pillar No 6: Daily Journaling

“I examine my entire day and go back over what I’ve done and said, hiding nothing from myself,
passing nothing by.” - Seneca
Life is a journey and each day starts a new chapter in your life. Are you keeping track of your
life and the successes and challenges that each chapter brings?
There are many reasons to journal, here are 5 key reasons journaling can help you grow and

1) Establish Goals:
Journal writing allows you to write down your thoughts and use them to identify your
goals and areas of focus. Writing down everyday experiences, your wins, losses, and
even your random thoughts, can help you clarify your future course of action.

2) Solve Problems:
Journal writing can help you solve your problems more easily. Writing in a journal helps
identify issues in your own mind and allows you to concentrate on finding a solution.

3) Self-Dialogue:
Writing a journal is meditation for the hand and mind. You can take some time to listen
to your inner voice and engage in self-dialogue. This allows you to connect to your inner
thoughts, feelings, and motivations.
4) A Tool For Review:
Life changes rapidly and writing in a journal will allow you to keep track of events,
thoughts, and ideas. The journals can serve to be a valuable tool when you want to review
your progress and revisit ideas you my not have implemented. In this way your journal
may serve as a means of accountability and motivation in your success journey.
5) More Creativity:
Writing a journal can be very relaxing. Journaling can be a great opportunity to just let
your thoughts flow. Writing about the ideas that flow through your mind can allow you to
tap into deeper layers of your creativity and will also be helpful in identify your true
passions and interests.

Action Steps
I typically use this success habit after I meditate to write down my thoughts. I do this as part of
my morning routine and I have found this to be a good time to build in this habit. I also have a
journal beside my bed, so at nighttime, as I relax at the end of the day I can write down anything
pops into my mind. The best time to journal may be different for you – but I have found that

combining it with my other pillars, usually at the beginning and end of the day, works well for
Another time when journaling is important is when it can be used tactically: keep track of the
new things you learn. It could be something you read or heard – an insightful conversation or
maybe a great quote – you want to make sure that it is secured not only in a book but also the act
of journaling on it can help lock it into your mind.

Pillar No 7: Get to Bed Early and Evening Routines
“There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.” - Homer, the Odyssey
When is the last time you did anything innovative and productive, something that really pushed
the needle forward in your life, after about 9 or 10pm in the evening?
You might be able to pull up one or two examples but generally 99% of the time you are sitting
on the sofa maybe watching a TV show or cruising through your phone.
Creating a consistent evening routine can be very beneficial and will set you up for your next day
of success.
Here are 3 benefits of having a solid nighttime routine:
1) You’ll have a more restful and higher-quality sleep.
2) You’ll be able to start the morning in a smoother and more productive way.
3) Your brain will be sharper throughout the next day.

Action steps
1) Get rid of caffeine after 1:00pm:
Caffeine stays in your system for up to six hours, this can effect the quality of your sleep.
2) Stay hydrated:
Dehydration can make you feel sluggish and tired when you want to be awake.
3) Have a set end of work day time :
It’s easy to lose track of time and stay stuck at your laptop or phone. Establish a cut off
time for work-related emails and phone calls.
4) Avoid alcohol:
Alcohol may make you drowsy, but the sleep you get won’t be restful. Skip drinking
alcohol in the evening or stop 2-4 hrs before sleep.

5) Have a healthy dinner:

Aim to have your dinner a few hours before you go to bed. When you need a snack closer
to bedtime, reach for something light and healthy.

6) Screens off:
Remember to turn off screens and go to bed early so you'll wake up the next day
refreshed and ready to hit these seven key pillars of success every single day.

What about Diet?

Glad you asked!

This is not my area of expertise and there are plenty of awesome people that can help you with
this, if you looking to get fit or use diet to build muscle.
I do think diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and personal development journey.
Below are some of the basic rules I follow daily for my diet – this works for me but of course,
everyone is different, something else may work better for you!
1) Use greens and healthy protein powders.
2) Eat grass-fed beef and grass-fed butter.
3) Limit alcohol consumption.
4) Eat within a 6-8 hour window. I usually aim to eat between 12-6pm.
5) Prioritize home-made meals – eating out is a treat and I try not to do it too often.
6) I don’t buy ready made meals.
I do have a weakness for chocolate and that is my vice and my struggle, you may also have a
food “weakness” as well. However, I don’t think life is all about having no fun, treats are ok
every once in a while, but when the fun gets in the way of your goals then its time to stop.

Habit Stacking
How I Used Habit Stacking to install the 7 Pillars
Habit stacking is a technique that doesn’t get the exposure it deserves – at least in my opinion!
The general advice for adopting a new habit is to stick with it for anywhere between 21-60 days.
However, this guideline doesn’t address how to actually make the habit a part of your day-to-
If you want to give yourself the best chance of success, this is where habit stacking really comes
into play.

What is Habit Stacking?

Stack your habits: link two habits together. It may sound simple but it works! Identify one habit
that is solidly in your routine and add another habit to it – generally your new habit will, in some
way, be related or connected to your first habit. This will help solidify your new ‘stack.’
Habit stacking has changed the way that I implement new routines into my life. Every time that I
want to try to do something new I will look at my current habits and daily calendar and
strategically try to pair that new habit with another habit.
Here are a few very simple ways I have habit stacked these Pillars:
1) Every morning, I make it a habit to get up early and when I wake up, the first thing I do is
drink a pint of water – Pillars 1 and 2 done!
2) After meditating, I stacked on journaling. One habit is the cue that leads into the other.
Another 2 Pillars checked off the list!
3) As part of my nighttime routine I introduced reading – even if it is a couple of pages –
right before an early bedtime.
I have found that stacking my habits also helps keep me accountable to them. Every habit has a
‘buddy’ – I suppose you could also call habit stacking the ‘buddy system’ of building habits and
There is immense power in habit stacking and it can help you install the 7 Pillars.

The Darker Side of the Personal Development Industry
The personal development industry is made up of thousands of positive and helpful people, but
there are a small number of them selling “instant success” tricks. These shady authors,
entrepreneurs, and gurus are going to sell you the secret to success for a price!
These “gurus” will specifically tell you that your life isn't good enough, that the nine-to-five job
that you have is hell, and that they have a key to a success process or system that can get you out
of your own personal nightmare.
But only if you watch their video series, sign up for their email chain, buy their book, attend their
webinar, buy their course, or buy their monthly membership fee
This only costs $3 a day that's the price of a coffee what's more important to you every day? A
coffee or being successful? That's what they'll say to you
Sound familiar, you have seen the Instagram and YouTube ads
Then they'll use factors of influence to make you feel inadequate, to create scarcity around their
products, to boast of their authority by showing past client testimonials and the hundreds of
thousands of dollars they've been able to make in their lives, to convince you why you should
buy their products.
Most likely they'll have a little sob story in there – a rags to riches tale –about how one day they
only had one dollar in their bank account (like you!) and they were sleeping on a friend’s floor
BUT look at them now: They're selling you products because they're successful!
Well, for me this is all complete and utter bullshit because the real secrets to personal
development are not in a 400 page book, they're not in a $3,000 course, and they're certainly not
in a $60 a month membership site!
The secrets to personal development, the secrets to finding the theory to your success, are a
hundred percent completely -

Who am I to make that statement? Since 2013 I have read well over a hundred books in the
subjects of success and personal development.
I have attended courses and spent thousands of dollars on seminars online and in-person. Over
that time I came to notice that the core basics of personal development are, in fact, simple and
Everything depends on you doing the work!
This being said, there are many more real gurus, entrepreneurs, and authors that will sell you
very good technical information about certain subjects. For example: detailed information on

sales, marketing, SEO strategies, or coaching. These will be good purchases if you are invested
in learning more deeply about these subjects.
However, when somebody is selling you a shortcut that could make you a millionaire or flip your
life around in weeks – stop for a second and realize that the basics to personal development are
absolutely 100% free!
A lot of these shady gurus, authors, and entrepreneurs aren't really necessarily here to help you,
they're unethical business people here to sell you something – to sell you on a dream, aspiration,
myth – to sell you on something that you desire!
You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on books, courses, or and what the newest guru
sensation is selling you. All you need to do is do the work
Unfortunately, most of us don't do this, and this may include you, even after reading this!
If you desire to be better, richer, and ultimately happier, the 7 Pillars I discussed in this guide
will do that compounded over time. There are no instant hacks or shortcuts here, just straight
forward advice on the core activities that can make you successful.

I hope you find value in these 7 Pillars.
I hope you understand that there are no real short cuts – just systems that look like short cuts
from the outside.
Now you know, so you can start creating these so-called “short cuts” in your life by adopting
habits that, compounded over time, can change your life.

If you like this guide please give a 5 star review on Gumroad and check out my accounts and say
DM’s are open on Twitter and always looking to connect, learn, and grow with others.
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Success Theory
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